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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to Insert anything In the next Issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) STRATFORD. Nov. 24. Annual meeting. A good attendance. Mrs Phillips presided. The year’s work very gratifying. Election of officers for ensuing year were: Pres., Mrs J. McAlister, Broadway North; Sec., Mrs it. McCall urn, Miranda Street; Treas., Mrs Lilley, Juliet Street; Vice-Pies., Mesdames McKenzie and Lilley; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs D. Clarke, Orlando Street: Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Hann; Flower Mission Supt., Mrs McMillan. GREY MOUTH. Dec. 5. Annual meeting. Mrs James presided. Attendance fair. One member initiated. The officers for 1923 are as follows: —Pres., Mrs James; Sec., Mrs Mason; Treas., Mrs Wilson; Vice Pres., Mesdames Gaskin and Parkinson; **W.R.” Agent, Mrs Reynolds. Decided to go into recess until the end of January. CAMBRIDGE. Nov. 9. Annual meeting, Mrs Cocks (Vice-President) in chair. Good attendance. Officers elected as follows: Pres., M\> J. W. Cocks; Rec. Sec., Miss A. Duvies; Cor. Sec., Mrs E. B«e»' Treas., Mrs E. J. Eastes; Vice-Pros Mrs A. VV. Martin; “W.R.” Agent, MiCocks; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Whit house Satisfactory reports of various departments read and adopted, and votes of thanks to whom they were due. Nov. 30. Special prayer meeTlng and business in connection with election ■ lay. Mrs Cocks presided over good attendance. Call for prayers and chain prayer were responsive and sincere for faith in victory on election day. Dec. 14. Mrs J. W. Cocks presided over a fair a*tendanie. Two new members initiatede. The meeting being the hist for the year, ended with several musical and elocutionary and afternoon tea was dispensed. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Dec. 20. Meeting presided over by Miss Kirk. Good attendance. The President gave several suggestions for helping on the work in the coming year. Mrs Don gave a very interesting and encouraging address. Pleasure <\ pressed that Mrs Clarke, our Recording Secretary, had so far recovered from her severe illness as to be able to len\ e hospital. Decided that the Australian delegates who were passing through on their way from America should be nv t

and entertained on arrival of thw steamer. Mrs Johnston Wright and Miss Kirk to arrange. Letters of appreciation and thanks to be sent to several for their help in the past year. Afternoon lea served by Miss Atkinson. . December 14. Annual business meeting. All officers were re elected; Miss I.ankersley being appointed Assistant Secretary. President thanked all those members who had worked so hard and faithfully in preparation for the poll, ana also on polling day. Very deep regret was expressed that the vote had gone against Prohibition, but all resolved that greater efforts mast be made in the luture. That Masterton stid remained dry was a cause for great encouragement and thanksgiving, in view of the very determined and highly, organised attempt that had been made to secure restoration. Report was given of the highly successful meeting on December 3rd. when Dr. Mary Armor paid her long-looked for visit. The meeting was presided over by the Mayor (Mr O. N. C. Pragneil), music being supplied by the Salvation Army Band. The hall was crowded. Though we were disappointed in our hope of hearing Mrs Armor on September 10, we were more than compensated by her noble speech so very near to the poll. NELSON. Nov. 10. Monthly meeting well attended. Miss Atkinson In chair. Mrs Bridge, of Salvation Army, welcomed. Dr. Armor's visit was placed on record, it being stated that the meetings would long be remembered for the impressive and high order of the addresses. Dr. Armor was the guest of Miss Atkinson. The sum of £lO was passed for literature. Miss Earnshaw, the Union Organiser. whose work has been greatly appreciated, addressed the meeting, giving a short survey of her work In Nelson district, stating that over 500 personal interviews had been made by her. Afternoon tea was served. Dec. 12. Annual meeting. Miss Atkinson in the chair. A good attendance of members and friends. Five new members were intiated. The Rev. H. L. Blainires kindly gave us a very interesting and encouraging address on different views of the election. The following officers were elected: President Miss Atkinson; Vice-Presidents, Mesdames Field, Hursf, Hunter, Watson, and Knapp; Secretary, Mrs Brown; Treasurer, Miss Uooke; Cradle Roll, Mrs Thompson; Librarian, Mrs Edmonds; L.T.L. and Backblocks, Mrs Moyes; W. R. Agent, Mrs Wilkinson. Interesting reports were read from the various departments.

Miss Earnshaw was present, and said a few farewell words before leaving us. Miss Atkinson, on behalf of the Executive, presented her with a small token of love and esteem. Afternoon tea was 5 rved.

DUNEDIN. Dec. 1. Mrs Hiett presided. Letter of thanks for help in Children’s Demonstration prior to poll. Arrangements made for addressing girls during lunch hour at their various factories. Also arrangements for scrutineers’ meals on election day. Mrs Peart. Organiser, encouraged to work up Interest of South Dunedin Branch of Union. Dec. 5. Annual meeting. Mrs Hiei , President in the chair. Special prayers. Final arrangements for pre-elec-tion factory and other Prohibition meetings. Annual report read and adopted. Precis of report: "24 meetings held. Attendance averaged good. Full agenda paper at all meetings. Mrs Hiett conducted every meeting faithfully and well, and also addressed drawing-room meetings and other gatherings during the year. Miss Powell, Dominion, Superlntendent of Education, gave many addresses at various rneetiri's. Ihirmg this session Miss Powell was elected a life member of the W.C.T.U. Mrs Don, Dominion President, though of necessity here, there and everywhere, was ever ready with kindly help and guidance throughout th£ year. Superintendents of Departments submitted very satisfactory reports. Mrs Mathewson, “White Ribbon" Superintendent, reported 105 subscribers now on books. Mrs Allan, Treasurer, presented a record halance-sheet. She collected all monies from sides of work, American teas, sale of stationery, etc., and forwarded sums to the I>r. Mary Armor Fund, to the Organising Fund, and to the Headquarters Memorial Funds. £455 19s 8d (up-to-date) was entered in her books, of which £SO 4s has not yet been allotted. Mrs Allan reported 315 paid-up members, including 83 new members. On August Ist, 1922, Mrs Peart, President of N.E. Valley Branch, was appointed Organiser for Dunedin, and in addition to her official duties, she addressed meetings, distributed literature, and did a great amount of work in connection with the electoral roll. The thanks of the meeting were accorded to the officers for the year, more especially to the President, Mrs Hiett, anil to the Treasurer, Mrs Allan, who have proved themselves a very tower of strength to our Union. Thanks were also accorded to all who had in any way helped on the work during the year. The President, Treasurer, and Secretary were re-elected. OAMARU. Nov. 18. Reports read and confirmed, and business connected with Dr. Mary Armor’s vis.t and the Rest Room were the features of the meeting. Dec. 11. Annual meeting. Reports were read by the Secretary and Treasurer, and also by the Superintendents of Departments. Reported that over 200 names had been inscribed in the visitors’ book at the Rost Room already. The position financially is very satis-

factory, and we have been able to help the Maori work and the Willard Home. Officers were elected. Mrs Steenson, our retiring l’resident, was warml> thanked for the able work she had done. The following were elected: — Pres., Miss Milligan; Sec., Miss Smythe; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Steenson and Scott, Misses Stephenson and Wilson; Treas., Miss Day; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs Corlett; Supts.: Purity, Mrs Horsfall; Press Reporter, Mrs Hutchinson; Organist, Mrs Stenhouse; Assist. Organist, Miss Sunside. One new member. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Pec. 7. Prayer meeting. Good attendance. Dec. 14. Annual meeting. After a long time, the Union has once more a banner of its own. A vote of thanks was passed to all who helped in getting the new banner, the old one having been destroyed by fire. Secretary’s report w’as read, also reports from Departments. Election of officers was as follows: —Pres., Mrs Warlick. Y’ice-Pres., Mrs Emmett; Sec., Mrs J. Upton; Rec. Sec., Mrs Reed; Trea£., Mrs Goodey; “White Ribbon' Agent, Mrs H. Smith; L.T.L. Organiser, Mrs Bathgate; Evangelist and literature, Mrs Mara; Hospital and Sick V’isiting, Mrs Sutton; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Emmett; Press, Mrs Bathgate; Cradle Roll, Miss Rost. MOSGIEL. Nov. 28. Mrs Bedford presided. Very large attendance. Annual meeting. The Pres., Sec., Treas., and “White Ribbon” Agent were re-elected. Mr Macourt, of Australia, addressed the meeting. He enlightened each one on how to act when they entered the polling t*>oth. WAIPUXURAU. Dec. Annual report. Donations to Dr. Mary Armor Fund, £5; Dominion Fund, tl; Maori Mission Fund, £l. President and one member visit at the Ihikeora Sanatorium, doing good work here. Shop held during the year to raise money to assist with Prohibition campaign. Our Union was aide to subsidise taxis to carry passengers from Waipukurau to Waipawn to attend Dr. Mary Armor’s lecture. A parcel of new and second-hand garments was collected and forwarded to the Willard Home. Palmerston North. Very great regret was felt by all at the sudden d«ith of Mrs O. Fowler, a loved member of our Union. Ten meetings held during the year. Interest be. coming keener among members.

AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Dec. 13. Annual meeting. A large gathering present. Mrs Neal presided. Sympathy was passed to Mrs McKay and Miss Kempton in their bereavement. Mrs Lee-Cowie gave a message of cheer to the members in connection with the recent disappointing happenings. Hon. George Fowlds and Mr Wesley Spragg also addressed the meeting, thanking the W.C.T.U. for all their splendid help in the campaign. The annual reports were given by the Secretary and Treasurer. Miss Paul was heartily welcomed back, after a year's absence. The election of officers resulted as follows: —Pres., Mrs John Cook; Rec. Sec., Mrs W. J. Taylor; Cor. Sec., Miss N. Dewar; Treas., Miss Mears; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Fulljames, Knight, Garraway, Hutchinson, Pudney, Neal, Pirrett; Relegates to Convention. Mesdames Rosser, Pirrett, Kaspar. The Union goes into recess till the fourth Wednesday in February. TEMUKA. Dec. 12. First annual meeting. Nurse Cameron in chair. Officers elected as follows: —Pres., Nurse Cameron (re-elected); Sec., left open in the meantime; Treas., Miss Greaves (re-elected); “White Ribbon” Agent, Mias Cora Hnncox; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Tilbrook, Harris, Brown, and Edwards (all reelected). President reported that the Union had been organised in February, had opencJ a r<»t room in March, and a Cradle Roll had been started later. The Rest Room report stated that 922 adults and 253 children had called during the nine months the room had been opened, and that it was greatly appreciated. especially by the country people. Donation of £5 voted to Organising Fund. Mrs Harris, on behalf of members, spoke in appreciative terms of the work done by the Secretary, who, unfortunately, through illness, had found it necessary to resign. Decided to hold next meeting first Tuesday in February. OXFORD. Dec. 19 A motion of sympathy was passed to the wife and family of the late Rev. R. S. Gray. The President then gave her report of the year’s work, and thanked the officers for their help during the past year. Mrs G. Ryde occupied the chair for the election of officers for the coming year, which resulted as follows:—Pres., Mrs D. Hawke, senr.; Sec., Mrs C. Tritt; Treas., Miss Caverhill; Evangelistic. Miss Gainsford; Cradle Roll. Mrs Roi; “White Ribbon.” Mrs T. Gainsford; Notable I lays. Mrs G. Ryde; Flower Mission. Mrs Robertson and Mrs A. Cooper; Home Meetings, Mrs Corny as. Decided to give prices for cooking and woodwork at the IMstrtct High School, as usual, also to have the Union’s marquee in spected and estimate given for repairs: the matter left in President’s hands.

Decided to hold the next meeting on February 17th. PALMERSTON NORTH. Dec. 12. Annual meeting. Mrs Crabb presided over small attendance. Minutes of previous annual meeting read and confirmed, and reports adopted. As usual, our Treasurer presented an excellent balance-sheet. After ten years’ splendid service, our President (Mrs Crabb) has resigned, and Mrs Pacey voiced the regret of the meeting that she could not consent to re-nomination. Mrs Crabb has given much time, thought, and energy to W.C.T.U. work, and her successor will have a hard place to fill. Owing to the poor attendance of members, It was decided to postpone the election of President until the first meeting in New’ Year. All other officers were reelected, with the exception of “W\R.” Agent, Mrs J. T. Burrell being elected to that position. Though we had expected a complete victory at the poll, still we do noc admit a complete defeat (“tnere is no failure save in courage lost”), and we intend to keep on working. WANGANUI EAST. Dec. 14. Mrs Black (Vice-President) presided. Decided to hold over election of officers until first meeting in the New Year. Votes of thanks passed to all who have helped In any way during the year, especially those gentlemen who w;orked so hard for Us before the election. Reports on year’s work were read, then followed a musical programme. PLEASANT POINT. Dec. Annual meeting. Reported that meetings have been held regularly on the first Wednesday of each month, and have proved very helpful, and we hope profitable. The membership roll now’ stands at 55, and 5 hon. members. Miss Bishop, our President, attended the W.C.T.U. Convention, and came back full of enthusiasm and zeal for the work of the W.C.T.U., as also did Mrs Ley. who attended the Canterbury Convention in September. On April 28th we had the great pleasure of hearing Mrs Don. and her inspiring address on the origin and work of the W.C.T.U. in New Zealand was listened to wMth great interest. A branch of the L.T.L. w’as formed in Pleasant Point in July, and under the leadership of Messrs Christie and Stephens has been endeavouring to help the young people. Branches of the L.T.L. have also been formed at Sutherlands and Totara Valley. Wo have been fortunate in getting good leaders, and feel that a good w’ork is being done among the young throughout the districts. A Cradle Roll has also been formed during the year. A great deal of literature was distributed in connection with the Licensing Poll, and post-

ers put up in conspicuous places. V/o were able during the year to send some help to the Willard Home. As we look forward to the New Year, we hope to be able to do more for the great cause of the W.C.T.U. We have splendid "White Ribbon” agents. HA WEIR A. Dec. 14. Twelve members present. A plan of work was discussed for next year, work amongst young people being especially urged. Regret expressed that Mrs Scott was not standing for re-election. Several members spoke in eulogistic terms of her work in the Union The Treasurer read the bal ;inoe-sheet. The next meeting was arranged for February 22nd, and will be a Garden Party by kind invitation of Mrs Corry. Mrs Curtis kindly supplied afternoon tea. The following officers were eleeteed: —Preu, Mrs T. Tait, Waihi Road. Hawen ; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Liversedge, Hill, Rone; See., Miss Risehoff. Turn turu Road. Hawera; Treas., Mrs Chapman; C.R. Supt., Mrs Risehoff; Literature Supt., Mrs Tonks; "WR.,” Mrs Hill: Reporter. Mrs Chapman. ONEHUNGA. Dec. 14. Decided we ask for ladies’ conveniences in our town again when the new Council is elected next year, and that we keep pegging away till we get It. Recording Secretary absent on account of illness; her report left over till next meeting. Treasurer’s report read and adopted. Ralance in hand. £6 2s 7d. 27 new members, removed 1, leaving a total of 73 fully paid up members on our roll. Mrs Stacey said she would report each meeting in local papers. Officers elected. Pres., Cor. Sec., Rec. Sec., and Trer.urer — Benfell, Stacey, Hunter, and Mushet reelected; Vice-Pres., Mes•lames Parker, Logan, Gilbert. Jameson, and Carson; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Mickle; "W.R.” Agent. Mrs Colledge (reelected); Parliamentary and Legal Supt.. Mrs Jameson. Mrs Neal congratulated Mry Jameson on her election to this new office in our Union. When speaking of the L.T.L., Mrs offered to give us any help if would take up that work. Treasurer reported special donation in hand of 12/6, starting fund for L.T.L. We hope to staid next year. OPOTIKI. Dec. 14. Very large attendance. Annual report read and adopted. Mrs Thomson vacated the chair, and was reelected. Mrs Gordon was re-elected Secretary. Mrs Holman, our efficient Treasurer, who had held the position for eleven years, tendered her resignation. which was accepted with regret. Mrs Downey elected Treasurer, and Mrs Gilbert Murray was elected "White Ribbon” Reporter. Mrs Thomson proposed a Cradle Roll picnic, to be held on January the 20th. —Carried.

TAURANGA. I>ec. 4. A good attendance, I‘resident in the chair. President mention ed having received greetings from Mrs T. E. Taylor and Mrs Ruth Ikiy, and Mrs Wicks, of Christchurch. Discussed various arrangements for polling day. Decided to keep a )>ox on table for contributions. Dec. 16. A good attendance. Miss Davis became a member, making our number up again to 52. We have lost two members by removal since we restarted in September. Mrs Ttasey, our Treasurer, submitted the balance-sheet, which is in a most satisfactory condition. HAMILTON. Dec. 12. Mrs Blamires (Pres.) in the chair. Rev. Blamires spoke a few words of help and encouragement for future work. Mias Mackie and Mrs Le Pettet tastefully rendered solos. Mrs Morton read Secretary’s report for the year’s work. All other reports being duly read, officers were elected for next year: Pres.. Mrs Blamires; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Jones. Davy, and Densem; Sec., Mrs Paul; Treas., Mrs Hull; "White Ribbon” Agent. Mrs Craig; Home and Evangelistic. Mrs Jones; Reporter, Mrs Cliff; Hospital Visitors, Mesdames B. Williams and Robson; J delegate to National Council, Mrs Gilmore.

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White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 331, 18 January 1923, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 331, 18 January 1923, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 331, 18 January 1923, Page 11

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