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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to Insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) PAIR LIE. July 5. Mrs Songster presided, and read an interesting article from “Outlook.” Present 12. Decided each one to give 1/- to Organising Fund. Afternoon tea handed round. TURAKINA. July. I‘resent 9. Reported that a quantity of Prohibition literature had been distributed. Mrs Wilson read a paper upon ‘The Effects of Alcohol in Nursing.” Prayer Cards were distrihut ed. Tea dispensed by Misses Knox. RAKATA. July 17. Reported that the Band of Hope meetings had been well attended, and that last meeting the Hampstead Band of Hope had contributed a splendi.l Programme. Mesdames Judkins and Pield. Delegates to Provincial Convention. Mesdames Boag, Field. Judkins, Hunt and England to net in conjunction with Prohibition League. HASTINGS. July 28. Attendance good. Resolved to hold monthly prayer meetings. Decided to hold another Jumble Sale in about three months’ time. Afternoon tea dispensed. PA PAN PI. July 18. Fair number present. Deckled to send £8 8s to the Willard Home. Mrs Williams gave helpful and inspiring address, which was greatly appreciated. Two new members. PETONE. August 1. Votes of condolence to families of two recently deceased members. Arranged to hold Mis Rowse's birthday party on August 16th. Executive to make final arrangements for Dr Armor’s meeting. DUNEDIN DISTRICT. July t. Full attendance. Reply from Minister of Railways, re drinking oi trains; not satisfactory. Another appeal to 'l>e made. Mrs Alexander appointed Ree. Sec. Mrs Don spoke of Provincial Convention, and Dr. Armor's visit. Mrs Allan reported £BB for Fighting Fund, and £52 for Organising Fund. Decided to hold \merican Tea at Mrs Piles on August 4. Mrs Macartney and Miss Powell appointed Delegates to Dunedin Council of Sex Education, and Mrs n enrt Organiser for our Pnion. Protest to bo forwarded against proposal to license bookmakers; also resolution of appreciation to Minister of

Education of his attitude to Moderate League. HAMILTON. Aug. 8. Mrs Morton (acting-Presi-dent) occupied the chair. A considerable amount of business was dealt with. Three new memers were initiated. EDEN DALE. May 19. Meeting held to finish business m connection with a concert given that month by members and friends for the purpose of helping this brunch of the Pnion, and also the Dr. Mary Armor Fund. Mrs Pringle presided. The concert was highly successful. Report of a meeting organised by the Prohibition League at Invercargill was read by Mrs Niven. July 6. A very large meeting to hear an address by Mrs I'asley. of South Invercargill. Her subject was “Facts About the Doming Poll, and Woman's influence Ppon It." Mrs Pringle presided, and thanked Mrs I'asley for her instructive and encouraging address Afternoon tea was distributed b> four members. OPOTIKI. Aug. Between 10 and 50 ladies present. Miss Earnshaw spoke to us on the aims, objects, and work of the W.C.T.P., and impiossed upon Us the fact that we must bond ourselves together to make work effective. Her talk to us was most inspiring, and all thoroughly appreciated it. While in Opotiki, Miss Earnshaw, through her untiring energy a id rbility, succeeded ir. gaining 29 new members for our Union. Afternoon tea and songs by Mrs Armstrong and Mrs Murray. WAVERLEY. Aug. 8. Meeting presided over by the President, Mrs Brown. Four members initiated. Fifty copies of “Vanguard” divided amongst members for distribution. Votes of thanks passed to Miss Mayo (Organiser) and Mrs Scott (helper). Decided to invite Miss Baliantyne to address a meeting on September 12th. Meeting small, hut enthusiastic. TAKA PUNA. July 0. Two delegates to the recent Alliance Convention spoke, Mrs Bayes and Mrs (Sarraway. The Prohibition lines, “There is nothing too hard for Thee" were sung by request. Aug. 8. Mrs Neal, our Auckland President, gave an Inspiring address, detailing ways and means of organising for the campaign. Suggestions made for advertising Dr. Armor’s meetings. Collection for Maori Fund. Afternoon ten served. NAPIER. July. Mrs G. W. Venables presided. Mrs Pearce was appointed to act us as-sistant-Treasurer. Reference was made to the death of Mrs J. Hislop, an old member of the W.C.T.U., and a vote of sympathy to Mr Hislop was passed in

silence. A Jumble Salt at Napi« South was a success. Arrangement made for Dr. Armor's visit.

BLENHEIM. Aug. 1. Mrs Bnerley presided. ,\ fair attendance. A vote of syrrp. h> with relatives of the late Mrs arker, “W.R.” agent, was passed rn ml i standing. Secretary was instructed t,, solicit donations among members <>i money or clothing for the Willard Home. Resolved that in view of the campaign which has commenced to, Prohibition, the Diion will not hold ib t usual monthly meetings for the ensuing four months, but will meet fortnight 1> in conjunction with the Wairau No License League. Arrangements wen made for the visit of Dr. Armor. CHRISTCHURCH. July 12. Mrs Sheppard presided. A resolution forwarded from the National Council on the necessity of having tlk clause of "having reasonable cause to Ijelieve" removed from the Crimes Act this session, was passed, and the Seen tary was instructed to forward same to the Hon. E. P. Leo and Hon. W. Massey. Mrs Sheppard spoke briefh on the work of the free clinics, and asked members to attend the annual meeting of the Social Hygiene Society the following evening. July 26. T. E. Taylor Memorial J>ny. Mrs McKee presided over a crowded attendance. The following resolution was passed: “The Christchurch branch of the Women's Christian Temperance Pnion emphatically protests again ! any increase in the facilities for obtain ing permits for raffles and art unions.'' Address by the Rev. J. Paterson, who said there was no better way to eulogise the memory of their great leader than to endeavour to carry on his work. \ vote of thanks to the speaker, ind ;i word of welcome to Mrs Taylor on her recovery from her accident, brought a very interesting meeting to a cloe. N.E. VALLEY. June 29. a fair number present. Mrs Peart spoke from 1 Samuel vii. 12. “Hitherto hath the Lord helped us.” and a number of members engaged in prayer. Motions of sympathy were passed with two bereaved members. One new member enrolled. July 27. A fair attendance. A number of members engaged in prayer. Mr Corlett gave instructive address, and received a hearty vote of thanks. Mi Handers (Treasurer) read balance-sheet on concert held in May. A substantial sum added to fighting fund. She was accorded a hearty vote* of thanks. One new member. M o*l TEL. June 20. Mrs Bedford presided ovei a large gathering. Mrs Don gave a most inspiring address, and Miss Williams sang a solo, Three new members.

Jiil.v l. r >. A very large attendance. Mrs Jliett. District President, spoke on prepress of Prohibition, and was closely listener! to by all. Her motto for all was. “Praise, Pray, and Pep away.” She was heartily thanked. Mrs Long sing a solo. Three new members. TEMUKA. A up. 3. Good attendance. “Evening with the Poets,” members responding to the roll call with favourite quotation. verse, or sonp. Sami of £1 Is was voted to Willard Home. Delegates were appointed to attend Provincial Convention. Rest Room Superintendent's report showed that 157 adults and 16 children had made use of the room, and a collection of £1 4s 8d had beer taken for the month. A vote of thanks was passed to Mr Rates for pictures. Community singing was indulged in. and supper handed round. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Aug. 7. The delegate gave an inter e.sting report of the Taranaki Provincial Convention. Treasurer’s resignation, through sickness, received -with regret. Mrs Goodey elected Treasurer. A deputation from the No-License League was received Decided to help the Lea pm- by providing refreshments at a big Rally to l»e held on the 24th inst. Decided to hold a social afternoon at the next monthly meeting to raise funds for Dr. Armor’s campaign. The Secretary read an instructive paper on W.C.T.U. work. SUMNER. Aug. 1. Mrs McCombs presided over n large attendance. The address was given by Mrs Llllicrap, President at Invercargill. Her remarks were listened to with great interest. Mrs Williams eoniributed two songs. Afternoon tea. and a very hearty vote of thanks. OXFORD. July 5. Decided to send letters of sympathy to Mrs Ryde in her illness, and Mrs Carson in illness of her husband. Mrs R. Gainsford expressed pleasure at having the Secretary and Treasurer in their accustomed places once more. Decided to forward a small donation to the Willard Home Fund. Miss Gainsford forwarded a report of Kaiapoi No License Council meeting, which was read. Campaign work was discussed, and Treasurer gave a short iimmary of an address by Mr Dawson. CARTERTON. Aug. 2. Good attendance. Mrs Every presiding. Apologies were made for Mrs Peryman. unavoidably absent through sickness. Arrangements were made for the coming visit of Dr. Mary Armor. Resolved Jo send a message of welcome on the day’ of her arrival by Pont. Advertising Committee set up. The collection for the Maori Mission Fund on White Ribbon Day amounted to 17s 4d. Proposed that we should raise it to £l. Our next meeting is to bo held on the 30th August.

BLUFF. July. Celebrated T. E Taylor Day with a social afternoon; good attendance of members. Afternoon tea was served, then the delegate to Gore Con vent ion gave her report. Discussion of same, and resolutions passed regarding future work. WaRK WORTH. Early in June Miss Ear ns haw was among ns visiting and stirring u up to reorganise our Branch of the W.C. T.U. Her meeting, held in the Methodist Church Vestry, was very well attended. and a new Branch was formed. Officers elected were: Pres.. Mrs D. .1. Caron; Vice-Pros., Mrs Hamilton; Scoretary, Mrs H. I. Phillips; Treasurer. Mrs Poole; White Ribbon Agent, Mrs F. J. Grimmer. July 27. Another meeting held. Various business was attended to. Do cided to hold a Jumble Sale towards the end of August to raise funds for the No License campaign. ASHBURTON. July 21. Successful drawing-room gathering in commemoration of T. E. Taylor Day held at Mrs H. Ibliotson’s. T*arge attendance. Brief, but interesting, addresses were given by Commandant Bayliss. S.A., and Rev. A. A. Armstrong. No License Organiser. Musical and elocutionary items were rendered and much enjoyed. A dainty afternoon tea was served by Mrs and t Miss Ibbotson. Hearty votes of thanks to Hostess, speakers ;nd performers were passed. Gifts of clothing were handed in for Willard Home. August. Large attendance. Mrs Miller presiding. Decided to unite with the Mothers’ Union in arranging a meeting for Miss Baughan on August 2"tli. Mrs W. T. Lill read a very able and interesting paper on "S.T.I. and what the W.C.T.U. did to gain it.” Her remarks were endorsed by Rev. A. A. Armstrong. and followed by an earnest talk on the work before us. One new mem bf r. TIMARU. July 7. Large gathering at Sailors’ Rest. Enthusiastic meeting. Miss Pearson and Mrs Webster appointed delegates to Provincial Convention. Very interesting and inspiring reports were given on hospital visiting and entertainment of the sailors. Decided that a special prayer meeting ho he'd on the 2nd Tuesday of each month till the elec tion. The caretaker report *d 77 visitors paying a trout 308 visits. One social evening was given, and two Sunday teas and service, of which the gentleman who conducted it said he has neverhad such a spiritual uplift, and had no idea of the work that was being done among the men. PALMERSTON NORTH. August 4. Small attendance. Mis Hodder presided. Letters received from

Mr Nash, M.P., also the Minister for Railways, re better accommodation for women and children on New Plymouth train. Arrangements made for the coming visit of l)r. Mary Armor and delegates were appointed to the Wellington Provincial Convention. Mr Gordon, or ganiser for the Prohibition League, addressed the meeting, and asked for the help of the W.C.T.U. in distributing literature and also to provide refreshments for the social to ho tendered Rev. Brown by the League. SAWYER’S BAY. July. Mrs Cleghorn presided, good attendance. £5 donated to Fighting Fund; 10/- to the Willard Home; 10/to Maori Work. Organising and distrl hution of Prohibition literature in our district was arranged. Mrs Don will speak at a combined meeting of the two Churches on Sun lay evening, \ugust 6th. Mrs Perry, White Ribbon Agent, gave an interesting paper on “The Aims and Objects of the White Ribbon." Mrs Jaspar gave a recitation. One new member enrolled. INVERCARGILL. July 4. Good attendance, Mrs l.illicrap presiding. Decided to have a church parade. Letters of thanks received for payment of delegates' expenses. Districts for the distribution of the leaflets w-ere allotted to the different Unions. The President agreed to visit Balfour ;rn*l see if it were passible to open a branch there. Mr Gal loway addressed the meeting on how to interest and awaken the young to the importance of pledging themselves to total abstinence, and received a very hearty vote of thanks. Aug. t. Mrs J. Mackenzie presided. Vote of sympathy with the family of the late Mrs Lennie. one of the earliest menu rs of the W.C.T.U., and an earn est and enthusiastic worker. The Secretary reported re Dr. Armor’s itinerary for Southland, and that the South and Central Unions were each voting £."> towards beginning an advertising cam paign. £1 was voted to the Sailors’ Rest. The first lady to tie admitted a barrister to the Supreme Court at In vereargill is Miss Todd, daughter of a well-known temperance family, and it was decided to send her a congratulatory message from the Union. General pleasure was expressed at the excellent leading article in the "Southland Daily Times” re the licensing amendments suggested by the Commis sion. and it was decided to send a copy' to the “White Ribbon." GREY TOWN. July 25. Fair attendance. Resolved that social in aid of Organising Fund lie held on August 7th. Secretary in stria ted to send message of greeting to Ur. Mary Armor on her arrival at Wei lington. Aug 7. Social held to augment Organising Fund. Mr W. A. Tate occu-

pled the chair Mr* I'erynian gave m mM interectiiik address on Organising Fund and Prohibition in general. Holm* rfndfrrd bv Mrs K, llurrh, Mi«*i f’djr. Mr Contain. ami mutation* by Mim K #Fra. t add* d very niu< h to tin enjoy mm* nt of the evening. I donation of ft received «lurink rvrnlnf townid* I’nion, ami collection for h'Un«l amounted to C2 2s 7d. 4'haimtait propoatd hearty vote of thank* to speaker for able n<l draw. PIFAbANT lOINT. A iik 2. I#ttfr* received fco*n Wll laid Home An anonymous Irttfr was rinylvctl t»y HwtrUry of Pleasant Point containing do, whlrh wa* to in* w*nt to Willard Horn* a* a thankoffertng. The L.T L. la In full swing In three Ida e*v in our district The Cradle Hoi I la also In working order. Our memt**r> have been distributing literature durinK the month. \n Interesting discussion on the effect of alcohol on human tiody KAIAKX July L’t Resolved to hold next Hand of Hope meet Inc on AVffUftt 7th. Hev Hcntter to give the add*** R*|»ort< d t hat meet In** were Well attended, Mr* Stewart and Mr* Stanton appointed delegate* to l»L*trlet Convention Let ten* of *ym|»athv to mefc and bereaved one new member. TK Kt’ITI. July II Mr* Kdrar presided. I.ct ter of thank* received for donation of d I* to Maori Fund Imputation to wait upon Mayoraas re formin* a iMun ket Society. Imputation to watt upon Mayor re Soldier*’ Memorial, to suggest a el(H*k tower, with io**m at tiasc fot I’lunket nur*«-’* room. and a slab with h*n*e*’ name* InurrlM, Re|*ort*d that sewing meet In** arc well attended i/vwkh m-rr July ?.*•, Prohibition aortal, large at tendame. Hand played selection* out Mule hi*ll. rommunlt) singing inside, the Mayor presiding Itev. K*w**on gave MMiet Interesting addle** Short programme of musical and eU**ut »*n iry item* wa* mix h enjoyed. Mtipper handed round Collection. {V Aug I. Attend*noe small. Mr* Johnson Wright *|*»ke of l»r. Atmor’* visit. I<v» donated to Hand OAMAnr June 12. An inter#wting (taper on “4 It tra nship’ by Mrs Paterson, whlr» wa* min h appret iated One new mem l«er, Jul) t« Mr Steveneon preaided ft voted to Ihe Maori Fund Vote* of aympath) to bereaved ones. A paper on "White Ribbon" l»ny. Two new member*. NOAERM Anr ?. Rood attendant* 1 Feellm* iefer«n#e made to the (hath of Mi

Mnnmon one of our ptcueei in« > ml* , i' lieaolved to a*k that a separate coi ruige for women and children lie |»rc. served on Wellington New Plymouth express. lleport of Provincial Convention by the delegati l . I'rute* for temperance essay* in schmd awarded to Flo reins* Hornauf. Klleen (lllliver, Lett Harrleon, and Annie ijuarrell. IJCHIH July. Fair attendance. letter of tlutnk* for donation to Willard Home. Heading. "Shall We Carry Problts* tlon at Next hrllT' liy Mr* tlripr Col lection for Memorial Fund. Mr It. Kempt thanked foi donation of (I f«i Children’* t Nani *et It lon Fund. WAVKKLKV Ha* just been organised b> Mia* Mayo; membership II Mi* Hrott addressed the meeting, and fallowing officer* were elected:' I’re*, Mr* llrownf Vice-Tree ~ Mr* Itabourne; Sec., Ml** Muir; Treic . Mr* Johnston; W R. Agent Mis* "Walker. lUMlde'd to meet second Tuesday, and to distribute monthly M copies of "Vanguard unmtN, June. Thirty present. Address by Mrs Cole upon her work among women and girl* in our reformatory prison*. July. Mrs N. 41. Roberts gave aSo clal Hygiene to Ik. and her beautiful manner of handling a difficult subject wa* appreciated by all, aivki.\ni> imrrHHT. Jill) 12 Mr* Cowie report! (I that 2fUHMi leaflet* had been distributed at Winter Show lieclded t(» have a par* ce| afternoon in aid of Willard H« ne. I'nion acceded to re«|iie*t of Prohibit.on Council to allow Area Organiser the use of our Headquarters 4’ommittee set ill* to uriange Maty Armor’s meetings July 241 Mr llrmr B***tt gave an interesting account of Alliance Conference Mist; Fa trishaw reported a l*rum h. with .1.1 memlicr*. ornnnl**d at I 'ukekohe. HAMII.Tt »N July & Mis I Naira mat I gave a stir, ring address on our responubility to the Maori in regard to the licensing l*nll, and stressing the |H»int that the Maori has no vote on this question. AU.\M< >H<» .Inly 12. (l<ss| attendance. iv.natlon for Cradle Fund revived Cases of distr* ** eni|iilred Into. Regret ex* pressed at illnes* of our Sk k Visitor. W’elcome aftei long absence to Mrs Clarke Vote of silent sympathy to Mrs I jiuren* ** I'resident thanked for inti resting report of Provincial Conven* non Mr* Hall lead a paper on "tNird* and Jarr IVim ine ’* show ing the • ffei t of modern* «*n tli# mornls. Af tr'imon tea served.

HJCNDKHHON July lit Good attendsik v. Ike idol to pun'base “Pray for Pi*ohlh|tiun cants. Mrs puncan promised |g«p*-i f. ( next meeting. Mrs I’latt read »\ trtuts about the adyamce of I'robibit n in the Home luind, which emaiuragi-d u* all. WANUANCI K \HT July to. An interesting report on i h recent I'rovinctal Convention wa* r*-- «.t l»> our delegate, who was very heart > thanked. Aftermsm tea served. (.MTtTIKI July 13. 21 present. ITssUlent Kod sevtral articles oil Prohibition, .'.nil urged all to work for coming I’oll Two new member*. .Afternoon lea s*r\td Solo by Mr* J. Murray. I>««wie.l t., hold a stall In HeptemUi foi Pin do's Homes. WHI.IJN4m>N CKNTRAI. July 19. S<Hial aftermsm and Hale f Work. Mr* Kirk, presided, and g.iv an lntere*ting address, making nf> i ence to the ex|KH‘ted Visit of l»i \r mor. Hix new member*. Musnai item* t»> Mesdatmv Turnei and John •«*n, and Miases Ntcholl* and He|)« t HAWBRA. July 27. I2 present. Vote 'f *ym pathy with Misses Williamson R ported that Ctn 7a 3d hud ls-en raised ai a shop, in aid of Mary Armor and HeadquarteFa Fund. Ke|K>rt of l'rovin • ial Convention read Appeal of h* i* in ((dlerling for carnisiign. and in »li. trihuting "Public Opinion." •

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White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 326, 18 August 1922, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 326, 18 August 1922, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 326, 18 August 1922, Page 10

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