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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to Insert anything In the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) NO I VT H IN V ERt JARGILL. June 20. First meeting, Mrs Hopkirk presiding. Good attendance. Miss Hardy, the Treasurer, reported a gift of £2 to start the banking account of the new Union. Mrs Hopkirk spoke hopefully of the work lying before them. The new Union can congratulate itself on the four new members enrolled in the initiatory meeting, which with the transfers from other Unions give it a membership of 15. Miss Dewar, Corresponding Secretary of the Mother Union, read a report of the Hamilton Convention. It was listened to with great interest. She emphasised the need of preparation for Dr. Armor's visit, in order to make it a success. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mis.-; I >ewn r. WINCH M ORE G RK EN ST 11 E KT . May 10. Mothers' Day’. President in the chair. An exceptionally large attendance. A short intercessory service. P» ice Proclamation passed at Convention was heartily endorsed. Mrs G. Millar, District President, gave a most interesting address, which was much appreciated. Misses and Marsden contributed solos, also a recitation by Uorimer Robinson. Mesdames McTlroy and Hood provided afternoon tea. June 11. White Ribbon Pay, Mrs Robinson presiding. The resignation of Miss McKay as Secretary was receivid with regret Decided to place on record an appreciation of her services. Mrs W. Bennett was elected to the position. A very helpful paper, written by Miss Trevurza. dealing with the White Ribbon movement, its aims and objects, was read and discussed. A \ cry hearty vote of thanks was passed to Miss Trevurza. A collection, amounting to 8/2. was taken up fa the Maori Fund. HASTINGS. June 22. Eleven present. One new member received. Results of shop reported to be £9 17s 8d very satisfactory. It being White Riblsm Pay, the claims of our paper were urged, and Mrs Duxfleld’s paper was read Motions of sympathy and condolem o wer passed to member’s who were passing through sickness and bereavement. Afternoon tea was dispensed by Mrs Townsend. ARAMONO June 8 A good attendance One new mPii.Vr initiated. Resolved that the Minister for Railways he asked to provide one oi their special carriages

for tin- use of women and children on the Main Trunk Line. Decided to enquire into the case of a distressed family, and if satisfactory members asked to help to the best of their ability. Cradle Roll cards distributed. Delegates appointed to Provincial Convention. Afternoon tea served.

SOUTH INVERCARGILL. June 13. A social afternoon. Mis Paisley presided over a large attendance. Brief reports were presented by Superintendents of various departments, which showed that good work is being done. Songs and an address by the Rev. H. (I. Gilbert were much appreciated. Three new members were added. 01*0TIKI. .Tune 8. Very good attendance; 30 ladies present. Mrs Holman and Miss Grant gave piano solos. Mrs a song. Mrs Thompson read an article on unemployment, and Mrs Murray on the “Life of Dr. Mary Armor.” Afternoon tea. # NORTH EAST VALLEY. June 29. Decided that in future the first portion of each meeting be devoted to prayer. Mrs Peart then gave a most interesting account of series of meetings of Hamilton Convention and received a vote of thanks. A welcome was extended to Mrs H. E. Mortimer, from Victoria, who was present, and who briefly replied. Sale of pro<hiee was held at the close of the meeting. MATA K ANA. Ilaj Si. Tie W.C.T.U. Organ!—r, Miss Earnshaw, has been in this district for about a week, reorganising this branch of the Union, which has been defunct for more than two years. Owing to wet weather. Miss Earnshaw was not able to visit so widely as usual. Miss Earnshaw gave a very interesting and helpful address to those present on the benefits of the Union, also on the scope of women’s work of the present time. Election of officers held, most of the old members renewing their subscriptions, and four new members were gained. A vote of thanks was given to Miss Earnshaw. Afternoon tea. which was much enjoyed. CARTERTON. July 5. A most enjoyable social afternoon. at which there was a good assembly of ladies. All present heartily joined in the singing of several wellknown hymns. Rev. Black delivered a very interesting and instructive address on Temperance. A sumptuous afternoon tea. and a collection taken up in aid of the Maori Fund. One new mender joined up, and two fresh subscribers to the “White Ribbon" were gained. ON KH UNO A. .Dine 8. A splendid gathering of members and friends to a social after-

noon. llano solo, songs, and recitations were greatly appreciated by all. Report of delegates to the Prohibition Convention given. Two new members initiated. Afternoon tea. Sale of cakes brought by members realised 9s towards Mrs Armor’s Fund.

WHANGAREI. May 2. Monthly meeting, 20 members present. Mis Galpin presided. Miss Rowsell, our delegate, reported on Convention meeting at Hamilton. £1 donated to the N.Z. Fund. Delegate urged all members to read our President’s address in “W.R.” Convention number. June 6. Nineteen members present. Steps were taken to form a L.T.L., with Mrs W. Goodall as Superintendent, and a committee lady from each church of the town, meetings to be held weekly. Our Union declared its approval of the Peace and Arbitration Proclamation. Five hundred copies of the Education Department’s pamphlet were received, and taken for distribution. June 15. White Ribbon Day was celebrated at the home of Mrs F. Cliff, Princess Street, 30 ladies present. £1 10s 6d collected for Maori Work Fund. July 4. Nineteen members attended, also Miss Birch, Organising Secretary of Y.W.C.A., bringing greetings. Mrs Goodall reported progress of L.T.L. Arrangements made for T. E. Taylor Day. Twelve dozen prayer cards sold. WAITARA. June 16. The President (Mrs Andrews) in the chair. Attendance good. The Rev. W. W. Avery gave an interesting address on women’s influence to remove stumbling blocks, and the power of quiet, personal work in the home, etc. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the speaker. Decided to secure a speaker for our meetings, and to invite all the ministers to address the Union at future meetings. Literature Uominittee reported a fair amount distributed.

PALMERSTON NORTH. July 7. Fair attendance. Mis Hod der introduced Mrs Martin, who is act-ing-president while Mrs Crabb is away. Mrs Martin suitably responded. Letter was read from the Wanganui East Union, asking our Union to give their support to their request to the Minister of Railways that a separate railway carriage for the use of women and children be put on to the New Ply-mouth-Wellington express. Agreed to unanimously. Mrs Rirdsall reported that the stall at the Show in aid of Willard Home had netted £B, and also the pleasing news that the Trustees of the late Mr McCarthy had voted £IOO to the Home. Mrs Birdsall also read Mrs Judson’s interesting article on Peace and Arbitration. TIMARU. June 27. Good attendance of members. Mrs Norrie reported on social afternoon held in connection with the

Yadle Roll on White Kilibon I >;i>; Mix Webster on her visits to the hospital; and Mrs Low on the entertainment of the sailors. Decided to send £1 Is to Willard Home in I’almerston North. Arrangements made for raising money for Organising Fund and Dr. Mary Armor campaign. Mrs Norrie and Mrs Irvine appointed to represent Union on committee of the No-License League. Rasy month at Rest. Several votes of thanks. Ten new members for month.

ASHBURTON. June. A good attendance, Mrs (5. Miller in the chair. A half-hour profitably spent in prayer and supplication, led by Mrs Robinson. Report of No-License Council meeting on June Ist received. Decided to order 20 dozen "Pray for Prohibition” cards. Attention was drawn to special article on White Ribbon Day, and to (invention number for distribution. A paper on White Ribbon Day was read by Miss Trevurza, and the sentiments expressed heartily endorsed by Miss Kennedy and others. One name was added to "Scattered Members’ League.” A collection (Ins 9d) taken up for Maori Fund. July 4. A very successful ”l*ay-up” social. A record attendance. A very helpful time was spent in pmyc ” toRod's blessing on the coming poll, led by Mrs Lill. Decided to arrange a meeting for Miss Baughan month. M exdames Lill and Brown were appointed delegates to Christchurch Convention in September. One new member enrolled. An interesting programme was submitted, followed b.v a cup of tea. Votes of thanks to performers pas passed. PLEASANT I’OINT. July :>. Fair attendance. Reported that Young People’s Temperance Legion had been formed in Pleasant Point and Sutherlands, also one is about to be formed in Totara Valley. Forty-one suhscrilwirs had been obtained for "\\'hit«‘ Ribbon” by Pleasant Point Agent, and eight by Totara Valley Agent. One new member was initiated. Decided to form a "Town Beautifying CommMee.” A very interesting discussion on Prohibition in America took place. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. June 14. Good attendance. Mrs Knapp (Nelson) and Mrs Hills (Palmerston North) were welcomed. A vote of sympathy passed to Mrs Moore on the death of her husband, who was one of our honorary members. Encouraging reports received from Miss Earnshaw on the work in North Auckland. As it was White Ribbon Day. a collection was taken for Maori work. Mrs Full* jamex (Maori Pupt.) gave a most interesting address, and an excellent paper was read by Mrs Dowling, "W.R.” Agent. Decided to ask the "W.R.” Editor to print the paper in the "White Ribbon.” so that other Unioas might

have the benefit of reading it. Delegates to the Temperance Parliament < n June 3, and to the National Council of Women reported to the meeting.

KAKARAMKA. June 21. Meeting to form a VV.C. T.U. After the “Initiatory Service.” the following officers were elected: Pres., Mrs Scowan; Sec., Miss A. Carmichael; Treas., Mrs Rodgers; "White Ribbon” Agent, Miss W. Wards; VicePies., Mrs Crosbie and Mrs Long. Mrs Scott then spoke to us on the work of the Union for coming six months. Mrs Crosbie proposed a very hearty vote of thanks to Mrs S<*ott and Miss Mayo, and meeting closed with Benediction. Membership. 25. FAIRLIK. June 7. A special effort for the Maori Fund. Resignation of Miss Isitt was accepted with regret. The Proclamation by Mrs Judson was read by Mrs Norrie. and passed by the meeting. A very interesting article was read by Mrs Norrie. also an address by Mrs Don was read. Tea was handed round, and Miss Cruickshanks sang two songs for us. Collection, lbs. MATAURA. June. During the month of April, our Union was called upon to part with one of its members, Mrs Howden. who cited suddenly. Rhe was beloved by all who knew her. We miss her greatly. Mrs Don (Dominion President) delivered an able address to n large audience on the subject of "Prohibition in America,” dealing also with some of the problems of our Dominion. Musical items were rendered during the evening. July. As Mrs Donald, our President. is leaving for Gore, Mrs Galt was elected President. SUMNER. July 4. An “American Tea.” Meml>ers were invited to earn some money, and when handing it in. for Union funds, to say how they earned it. Ways were various, from hair-cutting to cleaning up a motor shed. Amount realised thus, £3 4s lid. The attendance was good. Mrs Mogridge sang a solo, and afternoon tea was dispensed. WINCH MORE. June. A very pleasant afternoon was spent in the Winchmnre Hall, Mrs Robinson presiding. The function was arranged by members of the Winch - more-Greenstreet Branch W.C.T.CJ, to honour Miss L. McKay, and took the form of a kitchen gift afternoon. Many and varied were the articles brought, ranging from the aluminium kettle and saucepan to the useful and indispensable potato masher. Musical and elorutionary items were given. Com petitions indulged in. a cup of tea was handed round, and the assembly dis-

persed after the singing of "God l>« with you till we meet again.” LONGER HI TT. May 17. Special meeting to receive Mrs Hollard’s interesting report on Convention. Discussion, afternoon tea, collection. June 6. President in chair; nine members, one visitor. Confirmation of Peace and Arbitration Department Proclamation. Decided to order one gross prayer cards. Invitation t > members to attend Prohibition meeting same evening. July 4. President in chair. 18 members. one visitor. Deputation from Prohibition League, asking us to undertake a social, to open the ball in this district. Arrangements made for July 251 h. TEMUKA. June 1. Nurse Cameron presided over good attendance. Decided to open Rest Room on Wednesday and Friday afternoons, as well as Tuesdays and Saturdays. Muss Gladys Hancox was appointed Rest Room Superintendent. A vote of thanks was passed to Mrs Edwards for her donation of £l. also to Ensign Pratt for painting and erecting finger post at the door of the room. The resolution in connection with the Peace and Arbitration Department passed by Convention was ratified. Mrs Norrie, Timaru. gave a very interesting address on Convention. July 4. Good attendance, Nurse Cameron presiding. Rest Room ( ommittee. also Trustees, appointed to deal with matters in connection with room. Letter of thanks to be sent to Mr Trumper for wood. Nurse (umeron gave a very interesting and helpful address on “Womanhood.” MASTERTON. June 22. An “At Home” social. A good attendance. A very intern ting and stimulating address was given by the Rev. B. F. Rothwell; also recitation and solos contributed by Mrs Iveson. Miss Bennington, and Miss E. Jones. Afternoon tea was handed round, and a collection taken. Initiation of two new members. July 6. Mis Rutter presided, and an interesting discussion took place ori various phases of our work. £3 wax voted towards the “Mrs Atkinson Memorial Fund,” and £2 towards the expenses of Mrs Mary Armor’s Gsit. which is arousing a great deal of interest. £1 was voted to the Willard Children’s Home at Palmerston North. Rjaohed to send for 12 dozen “Pray for Prohibition” ranis. At a recent meeting delegate’s report of Convention was read, and much enjoyed, and Mrs Judson’s Peace and Arbitration Proclamation ratified. WANGANUI DISTRICT. July. Suggested that a parer of some educational character be read at

the meetings* Decided to help the League with their forthcoming rally. A .superintendent was appointed through the Union for Peace and Arbitration Act, until next election of officers.

PETONE. July 4. Fair attendance. At the last meeting it was decided to ask the Borough Douncil for permission to hold meetings at street corners for the spread of Temperance principles. This permission was granted, and a Committee was appointed to arrange the meetings. The two women members of the retone District High School Committee brought before the notice of the meeting the very urgent necessity of a Rest Boom for the women teachers at the school. Decided to send a request to the Education Board that this matter be considered. Decided to give an afternoon in August for Willard Home. Paragraph from “White Ribton" read asking help for Organising Fund. WE LLI NOTON I > ISTRICT. June 15. White Ribbon Day celebrated. A good attendance of members. honorary members, and ministers of the district. Mrs Evans, M.A.. spoke on the “White Ribbon,” and gave reasons why all should subscribe to it. eulogising Mrs Peryman for the trouble she took in securing educative reading. Peace and Arbitration were also spoken of. after which Rev. E. Drake bespoke the sympathy of the members for the “League of Nat ‘oils Union.” which a"u to join. One new member was initiated, and six new subscribers were gained »'or th« “White F.ibl)on.“ Two songs weiv rendered by Mrs Fauvel. and recitailrns hv Mesdames Keene and Miller OXFORD. June 7. Motions of sympathy passed with several si<k members and pleasure expressed at President’s recovery from recent illness. Decided to hold fortnightly cottage prayer meetings until the electior. Miss Oamsford elected to represent Union at meetings of Prohibition Four ell. One new member initiated. Pas.or Robertson addressed the meeting on the urgency of constant prayer. A hearty vote of thanks passed, an 1 expressions of welcome tendered to Pastor Robertson and his wife. A collection was taken up for the Maori 'hind. INVBROAROILL DISTRICT. June. Secretary reported visits paid to Rivorsdale a’id Wendon, where temperance committ *es wore appointed, and W.C’.T.U. members enrolled, and to Gore, which consented to entertain District Convention A new Union ft Invercargill North. Officers: Ures. Mrs Hopklrf” Sec., Mrs Kennedy Treas Mh-« Hnrdie; Vice 1 'res.. Mesdames Co!h'\ J. A Hannn, InglK

and Orulckshank. Two new members initiated. Reports of National Convention read, and delegates appointed for District Convention. £lO voted to Mary Armor Fund, and £2 2s to N. Invercargill Union. Decided to offer to defray expenses of delegates to Convention from Bluff. Riverton, Otautau, Orepuki, and Ryal Bash. Union’s deep sympathy expressed with our President, Mrs Lillicrap, in the loss of her husband, who had always been a valued helper in temperance cause. MANAIA. June 13. Good attendance. M<sdames Bennett ind Petch appointed delegates to Provincial Convention. Four now names added to Cradle Roll. Letter of thanks for use of shop sent to Miss Summers, and one of appreciation to Mrs Patterson. An address by Mr Marr on “Drink, the Devil’s Best Friend,” for which he received a hearty vote of thanks. WAIPUKURAU. May. Mrs Venables spoke upon the coming poll and the need for a fighting fund. Decided to hold a shop to raise funds Jirie 2. Most successful shop held, the response to canvassers being most generous. Several new members were ga ned, and all were much encouraged. June 9. I)c»cided to focm a Band of Lope, and two members appointed to arrange for same. Members promised to provide refreshments for fiist meeting. CHRISTCHURCH DISTRICT. June 14. White Ribbon Day celebrated. Miss Henderson presided, Mrs Taylor having fallen and broken her wrist as .>he was starting for the meeting. In reply to request for street collection for Dr. Barnardo’s Homes, derided that all energies l>e spent in working for the poll this year. In response to requests, Mrs W. J. Williams to speak at Addington Band of Hope, and Mrs McKee at Durham Sire.'t Ladies’ Guild. Decided to sen I esolution to the Christchurch Hospital and Charitable Aid Board heartily supporting the Board’s efforts in trying to get legislation on the question of persistent defaulters in maintenance cases, and wishing the Board every success in its endeavours. Muss Henderson spoke briefly upon the “White Ribbon.” and the great importance of all members taking it and circulating it as much as possible. Afternoon ten. Collection in aid of Maori Fund. Vote of sympathy to Mrs Taylor. RICCARTON June 15. A well attended meeting, under auspices of Christchurch W.C. T.U.. held at Rioonrton. Miss Henderson gave a v'ry interesting address explaining aims and objects of the Union, and emphasised *he necessity of

spreading its activities. A branch w;,j formed, with a membership of 16. C. Harrell, Free ; Mrs Newth, Sec.; Musgmve, Treas. Decided to hold first meeting on second Thursday in July.

GISBORNE. June 27. White Ribbon Day. Only a small attendance. Local agent nun tioned her endrxivours to get our “White Ribbon” into the loca* book sellers, with some success. Decided to take the Oid Red Cross for a Saturday later on, and have a sale to get in some funds for the coming campaign. Af ternoon tea was served, and a collection taken up for Maori Fund. PLEASANT POINT. June 7. Eighteen ladies present. The “White Ribbon” Agent reported .six new subscribers. Reported that all arrangements had been made to start a L.T.L. in the township, to meet every alternate Tuesday evening. Arrangements are being made to form two others in the country districts. Decided to divide the district into sections for the purpose of distributing literature 1 and working for the coming poll. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. June 28. I’ay-up social. attendance. Rev R. B. S. Hammond, of Sydney, gave a soul-stirring address, and urged upon all present to make the supreme sacrifice, both in time and money, and with God’s help to do the impossible in order to gain Prohibition. A vote of sympathy was passed to the family of the late Mrs Davies, one of our pioneer members. A comprehen sive report of the Hostel was given by Mrs Taylor. A programme of sour* and recitation, and afternoon tea. brought a pleasant social time to a close. HAWERA. June 29. Special meeting to welcome the 83 new members who joined our Union during Miss Mayo’s visit. An initiatory service was held. A hearty welcome to Mrs Boucher, transferred from Greytown. Decided to feyvard copies of the following resolution to the member for the district, anil also to the Minister of Railways:—“As it has been brought under the notice of this Union that mothers with children are subjected to much inconvenience when travelling on the New Ply mouth-Wel-lington railway line, it is decided that an appeal be made to the Minister of Railways, asking him to place a separate carriage on the mail trains for the exclusive use of mothers and children, as is provided on the Main Trunk line.” The members agreed to raise money and collect new' or second-hand clothing for the Willard Children’s Home at Palmerston North. Resolved that all candidates standing for Parliament at the coming election be ask°d the five questions sent by the N.Z. Fo-

•lety for the Protection of Women anJ 'nildren. Votes of sympathy were Mssed to Mrs Williamson and Mrs H. 3 Gray. Vote of thanks was passed o Hon. Parr for the firm stand which , e took when the Moderate League proested against Report No. 13. Mrs J. • Young was appointed Vice President. NGAERE. May 23. Our Organiser (Miss Mayo) has visited our district, and secured niany new members. A most successful American Tea was held at Mrs K. Taint's, proceeds going to Organising Fund. New members w f ere in itiated. and opportunity was taken to wish Mrs W. A. Brown God speed to tier new home at Waverley. Mrs ftrown has been a most enthusiastic member of our Union, and general regret was expressed at her departure. June 23. Home meeting at Mrs Gilliver’s, Bird Road. Our and Recording Secretary attended, and an excellent paper was rerd, entitled •The W.C.T.U.: Its Aims and Objects” (hy Miss Powell). Several new' members were initiated. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. May 21. Miss Kirk occupied the chair. Letters and resolutions were read and discussed from Palmerston and Wanganui Unions, also from National Council of Women. Mrs Port, Agent for ‘‘White Ribbon.” gave the report. Sister Maud Coleman, who is leaving for England, gave a short address, and was fare welled by the members Decided our next meeting take the form of a social afternoon. SAWYER’S BAY. June 27. Poor attendance, owing to very bad weather. Mr Stephens, District Organiser for Prohibition Campaign. spoke on the need of organising and canvassing our district for votes, and distributing literature. Committee formed for same. Details left over till next meeting. Two dozen “Pray for Prohibition” cards sent for. The Proclamation passed by Conference in connection with Peace and Arbit.aL'm Department was confirmed br our Union at May meeting. Solo by Mi's Hudson. Decided to hold next meeting as Willard Pay. LEIGH. June 6. Good attendance. Miss Eamshaw addressed the meeting, and spoke of the work done by the W.C. TU. and of Prohibition conditions in America. Miss Barnshnw' is a very brilliant and forceful speaker, and kept her audience deeply interested from start to and was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Misses Isabelle and Ella Mntheson and Mrs Gozer gave items. Afternoon tea brought a mast edifying and enjoyable afternoon to a close. June 22. A "Kitchen Tea” in honour of Miss A. Matheson, one of our members, who Is to be married shortly. A

large gathering, and Miss Matheson received a large collection of valuable and useful presents, which, after a very nice musical programme, were opened. Afternoon tea was handed around. ‘Till we meet again” was sung by all before dispersing. June 29. Fair attendance. Decided to take up a collection for Willard Home, Palmerston North. Decided to ;»sk the ladies of I‘akiri to link up with the Leigh Union, as there is no Union in Pakiri. Resolution passed that tin* Union fall in with the Peace and Arbitration movement. LOWER HU IT. July 5. Mrs Ballantyne presided, 17 present. Revs. Rowe and Cairns, a delegation from local l eague, waited upon us and asked our help in working ui a big social under the auspices of the W.C.T.U., inviting all denominations to join and work for our great Prohibition .ause. GREYTOWN. June 27. Mrs Costain (President) occupied the chair. Resolved: “That the Secretary procure Prohibition Prayer Cards, these to be bought by members and distributed.” Decided that £1 11s 6d, collected for Mary Armor Fund, b« forwarded by Treasurer. Ways and means of raising money for Organising Fund were discussed. Resolved that a social be held in August. Secretary to ascertain when schoolroom would be available. Advertising left ovei until next meeting. Afternoon tea was dispensed.

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White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 325, 18 July 1922, Page 10

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 325, 18 July 1922, Page 10

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 28, Issue 325, 18 July 1922, Page 10

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