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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports us concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) N.E. VALLEY. Feb. 20. President (Mrs I tart) in tlie chair. Good attendaree. Helpful address. Secretary’s and T . edsurer’a reports must satisfactory. Membership 149, credit balance £43 8s I*l. Evangelistic*, Band of Hope, and "Whit* Ribbon" Superintendents repented on year’s work. Decided to hold concert in May, proceeds to be de vote d to Fighting Fund. Mrs I’eart chosen del* gale* for Convention. Miss Benfell gave humorous recitation. The following Vice- Presidents and Superintendents were elected: -Vice-Presidents, Mesclain* s Begg, His I op, W. Coombs, W. Roberts, and Poison, with Me.*-dames Evans and Morris (ex-officio). Superin tendents: Evangelistic, Miss Lowe; Band of Hope, the Misses ‘ Bailey, M. Pratt ley. and Mass; "White Ribbon." Misses Pratt ley and Hancock. Motion.of sympathy passed with two memb. rs on account of ill health. Sale of flowers and vegetables resulted in nice sum of money being added to Fighting Fund. FEATHEUSTON. A meeting to form a branch of W.C.T.U, was held on Thursday afternoon. 23rd February, in Anglican Sun- • lay School. 13 present. Mrs Peryman. of Carterton, gave a very interesting address on our woik. The following officers were elected:—Pres., Mis H Clark. Fitzherbert Street; Vice-Prea., Mrs Aitk«*n. The Manse; Sec.. Miss Rose 1 Good rick; Treas.. Mrs Holdcroft, Hick son Street. Miss* Mayo, who luus been working In this district for the past week, reported 43 members for this Union. The meeting closed with .-Ingingr of Temperance Doxology. INVERCARGILL DISTRICT. Feb. Mrs Baird occupied the chair. The Secretary reported that arrangements for the Jumble Sale, to be held in the Sylvan Bank on Thursday, February 16th, were well in hand, and all members were asked to do their utmost to mak* the Sale a success. The Treasurer reported that the whole of the year’s membership fees had been transimitted to headquarters for: (a) Orgunitser’s Fund, (h) capitation. (.*) special I F donation to Atkinson Memorial Headquarters Fund, thus necessitating other efforts to be made to aid the finances of the Union Mrs Matheson and Miss Dewar delegates to Convention. A paper on France** Willard, whose day falls on February 17th. was rend by

Mrs J. Mackenzie, and those present felt that this woman, whose life has been a world inspiration, w*hose loving deeds w* re for humanity’s sake, should every year be fittingly remembered TEMUKA. Feb. 14. Inaigural meeting held. Good attendance, over which Mrs Norrie, District President of Tlmaru, and Miss Earnsliaw presidfd Mrs Norrie gave a very interesting address on the work of the W.C.T.U., and urged the women to link up and help fight the drink traffic, and make Ihe 1922 campaign victorious. Decide*! to form a branch of the Union, 37 memb. rs joining. Election of officers: Pres., Nurse Cameron; Sec., Mrs Han cox; Treas., Miss Greaves; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Tilbrook. Brown, and Harris; "White Ribbon” Agent, Miss Palmer. After tinsinging of a hymn and a prayer, afternoon tea was served. DUNEDIN. Feb. 7. First meeting In 1922. Mrs Hiett in chair. rs Don reported having received portraits of the late Countess of Carlisle; introduced a leaflet by Commandant Evangeline Booth dealing with Prohibition in America, the best thing she had seen on the subject; stated that Auckland Union was doing wonders for the Campaign Fund, and Dunedin must not be behindhand, and closed by urging all pres* nt to Ik* insistent in prayer for success nt the poll. Resolved that 500 copies of aforesaid leaflet In* procured from the Alliance, and handed to members for distribution. Final arrang* ments made for American Tea at Cosy Dell (Mih Broad’s re.sidonee) on 14th. Mrs Hislop reported upon her visi! *o Auckland, and Mrs Clark having attended a Union meeting in the Tima i n Sailors’ Rest. Treasurei produced lists of members not ntt< nding meetings. Several districts were taken up by those present, who undertook to visit, distribui. „• literature, collect subs., etc. Arranged to hold a Jumble Sale and a “Sing, Say. or Pay" social in aid of campaign funds. Mrs Macartney and Miss Powell appointed delegates to Dominion Convention. Mesdames Mac artney and 1). L. Adamson appointed to represent us on the United Temperanc* Reform Council; Mesdames Downing and Matthewson on the N.C.W.; and Mesdames Anderson, Dick, and Miss Nicol on the Band of Hope Union. Departmental Sup* rinlrndenfs elected: Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Downing; Maori. Mrs Romeril; Evangelistic and Sabbath Observance, Mrs Bennett; Juvenile Work. Mrs Gain; Seamen. Mis.; Nicol; Cradle Roll. Mrs Marcella; Press and "W.R." Correspondent. Mrs Matthewson. Mrs Clark to take charg of musical functions. TAKA PUNA. Feb. 4. A successful Cradle Roll picnic and Sale of Work was held in

Kitchener Park, Milford. The weather was good. and there was a fair attendance of mothers and babies, etc. A few words by our late President, Mis Fulljames. Afternoon tea was served. The Sale realised £lB. March 2. Our new President, Mrs Pennine, assumed her duties. She spoke on her late visit to England, and told of new’ methods there in Temperance work, including rallies and cycle meetings into the country, societies joining up together; also of the widt-spread effects for good, ashore and afloat, con nected with Miss Agnes Westons work for the sailors. Owing to showery w’cather, we had a small attendance of 14. Members urged to work in cause. SUMNER. Feb. 17. Good attendance, Mrs McCombs presiding. One of our veteran workers gave the address, Mrs David McKee. Mrs McKee spoke in her usual energetic manner, and dealt with women’s part in the question of voting. She spoke, too, of the havoc the war has wrought io the health and willpower of many men, and urged the women to work with as much enthusiasm as they did during the war. for the welfare of these men. Two solas from Mrs Wilfred Peers were much « njoyed.AUCKLAND DISTRICT. March 8. Presentation made to Mrs Cook, retiring President, who has filled the office of President for eight years very efficiently, and her work was much eulogised. During her term of office the membership has largely increased, and it was mainly due to her great faith and zeal that the W.C.T.U. Hostel was opened. She has used her influence in every way to advance the cause of the Union, and her time and talents have ever been freely given at all times in the interests of the work. On behalf of the Union, Mrs Neal made the presentation, consisting of a gold badge studded with pearls, and a purse. Mrs Cook feelingly responded, and thanked the members. Mrs Fulljames gave an interesting and graphic account of her recent visit to the Maori gathering in the North, at which the good influence of Ratana’s work was very noticeable. Mrs Cook spoke of the splendid work of Mrs Foraumati among her own Maori people. Mesdames Cook, Lee-Cowle, and Neal were appointed delegates to the National Council of Women. Afternoon tea was dispensed. DUNEDIN. Feb. 14. Clase on a hundred mem and friend a .*f ■ ml >l< American Tea In the beautiful grounds of Cosey Dell. Every member was sup posed to bring at least a shilling, which must neither be given nor begged, bu‘ enrned. and much amusement was cn ated as one after another rose and re lated the method employed. Among

others were the following:—Killed weeds on neighbour’s palhs; pressed husband's trousers; sold eggs and vegetables; minded grandchildren; painted doors; did the washing for ma; painted little pictures; made sweets for friend’s party; cleaned husband's car; thinned grapes; did without charwoman; saved tram fares; did half-day’s wash. Others made handkerchiefs, umbrella frills, pillow cases, children’s clothing, soap, shortbread. cakes, etc., etc, while our musical director conceived the happy idea of inviting her friends to a musical even ing and charging sixpence admission. Contributions varied fiom one shilling to two pounds, and a hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Broad, who had herself made all the delicious cakes, etc., which were dispensed. The sum of £lO 7s was obtained for the Campaign Fund. March 7. Splendid attendance. Seven new members received. Arranged to hold a Jumble Sale for the Campaign Fund on May 4th, arid tliut the next ordinary meeting take the form of a Gift Afternoon. The Katkoroi Branch invited the Union to their campaign effort —a lecture by Rev. Pybus. Miss McKenzie undertook the office of Minute Secretary and Press Correspondent dtir ing Miss Powell’s absence. Sympathy expressed with the efforts of Mr Forbes, of Oamaru. in the direction of putting a stop to the cruelty of coursing and shooting live pigeons. Remits for Con vontion were passed. Mr Lee gave an Interesting address on the Barnardo Homes. LEIGH. Feb. President In the chair. Good attendance. Proposed and seconded to ask Sister Adie, of the "Door of Hope." to come to Leigh and give a lecture. Mrs Gozar read a very interesting paper entitled, "Work for the Enfrnnchisi d.” for which she was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. For the essays on "Alcohol: Tts Effect on Mind anil Body.” shown at th<f Omaha Show. Master Colin Matheson won Ist prize, Master Thompson 2nd prize, and Miss Jennie Rennie 3rd prize. It was proposed and seconded to send a letter of congratulattlon to Master Colin Matheson for his very good essay WELLINGTON DISTRICT. March 2. Monthly meeting held. Poor attendance, doubtless through < xceedinglv wet afternoon. A successful Garden Part, was held on Saturday afternoon in the pretty grounds of Mr R. KeonUs residence at Island Bay. which he had kindly lent for the occasion. There was a good attendance of members and their friends, and the funds of the Union are likely to be satisfactorily augmented- by the event. As the year’s work promises to be a strenuous one wiih regard to propaganda and work, members are anxious to increase their financial resourles.

Stalls for the sale of flowers, vegetables, ices, soft drinks, etc., had been erected, and the afternoon tea was in charge of the Executive of the Union. The President of the Union, Mrs Johnson Wright, opened the fete. MANAIA. Feb. 14. Mrs Patterson presided. A vote of sympathy w.’us passed with Mrs Madgwick on the loss of her husband. Mrs Scott, President of the Hawera and Normanby Union, was present, and read a very interesting report of the New Zealand Alliance, which hail met in Wellington. Mrs Odell spoke on the work in connection with the scattered members, handing in seven names for the roll. There was one new name added to the Cradle Roll. Afternoon tea was handed round. OAMARU. Feb. 13. Mrs Steenson, the new’lyelected I’resident, presided. Various sums were allocated to different funds. Decided that in future we have a short reading, essay or recitation at our meetings, the items being of such a nature best calculated to help on temperance work. Mrs Hutchinson gave a short reading, which was listened to with appreciation. One new member. Mrs Hutchinson repoted that she had visited the Timaru Union and had received a very cordial welcome, and brought l»aek a greeting to their Union. CHRISTCHURCH Feb. 9. Annual meeting, Mrs Taylor presiding. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs T. E. Taylor; Viee-Pres. , Mesdames Wicks. Napier, Pedlar and England, and Misses Henderson and Blackwell; (’or. See*., Mrs Day; Roc. Sec., Miss Bishop; Treas., Miss M. *B. Lovell-Smith;, Miss Gordon; Superintendents— Evangelistic. Mesdames McKee and /Cngland; Good Citizenship, Miss Blacki* ell; Flower Mission. Mrs Peular; L~j.;a' and Parliamentary. Miss Henderson; Literature, Miss W. W. Lovell-Smith; Baekblocks, Miss W. W. Lovell-Smith; Cradle Roll, Mjss Davies; Hygiene, Mrs Wicks; Social Committee, Mesdames Clements. I’atchett, Whyte, and Miss Davis. Feb. 22. Mrs T. E. Taylor presiding. Deli gates to the National Convention were appointed. An address was given by Mrs Macdonald, Vice-President of the Western Australian Women’s Service Guild upon the work of that society. The Guild stands for everything that made for the betterment of womanhood The compulsory clauses of the West Australia Health Act were not a success and the free clinics in Sydney wvcp far more stressful. Women police wore spoken of In terms of the highest pmise. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the speaker.

CARTERTON. March. Mrs Peryman presiding. Mrs Anderson appointed delegate to Conv n tion. Treasurer reported balance in hand £ll. Decided to vote £2 to the Organising Fund. Derided to mak<> a special effort for Headquarters Fund later on. March 7. Three motor cars, laden with Carterton White Ribboners, jou**neyed to West Taratahi, where a draw ing room meeting was held. Sp»*c-i;i 1 music was rendered by the family of the hostess, who play a small orchestra of six instruments. Songs by Miss Parker and Anderson. Address by Mrs Peryman. Result, nine new members. HENDERSON Feb. 15. We commenced our year with Cradle Roll afternoon. A good number of mothers and Infant m< mbers were present. The weather was delightful everything we could wish for. Loving sympathy expressed for our Cradle Roll Supt. (Mrs Fenney) in h< r serious illness. Delegate for Convention appointed. We then adjourned to grounds at rear of church, when Mrs Neal, Dominion Supt. of Cradle Roll and Medici.l Temperance, gave us a short, useful address on the care of sick of all ages. The mothers were very interested and pleased. Afternoon tea was served bv membeis, after which two new' members were enrolled. AUCKLAND DISTRICT Feb. 22. Opening meeting of the year. Mrs Neal (newly-elected President) in the chair. Mrs Lee-Cowie led the devotions, and gave a very helpful message for the N°w Year. A large quantity of correspondence was dealt with. A letter was received from the Secretary of the iKtorti WC.T.U., T onto. Canada, reciprocating greetings sent from our Pmon by Miss Robinson, one of thei** members who had visited the Dominion, and met with us while in Auckland. A resolution from the National Council of Women received our hearty support, advocating a State Children’s Council, consisting of an equal number of men and women, for the care of children dependent on the State. A letter was read from Mrs Evans consenting to be nominated as Dominion Recording Secretary. Me.v. dames Cook, Fulljames, Williams, and Goldie were appointed delegates to the Dominion Convention. The following superintendents were elected for the new year:—Evangelistic. Mrs Cook, Sabbath Observance, Mrs Rosser; Maori Work Mrs Fulljames; Prison Work, Adjutant Gordon; Work Among Sailors. Mesdames Alley and Martin: Press, Miss N. Dew’ar; "W.R." Agent, Mrs Dowling; Purity, Mrs Lee-Cowie; Medical Tern perance, Mrs Neal; Notable Days, Miss Dew'ar; Sick Visitors, Mesdames Milter and Haye; Cradle Roll. Mesdames Williams and Goldie; Peace and Arbitration. Mrs Judsan; Anti-Gambling, Mrs .Tam son; “Y” Supt., Miss Morten Mnrrh 2. Frances Willard Day. Owing to the inclemency of the weather, the special lawn Party arranged to

celebrate Frances Wi.lard Day was transferred to a drawing-room meeting at Mrs Lee-Cowie’s residence. In spite of the rain, a very fair number gathered. Mrs Neal presided. Apologhs were received from Mrs Locke (America) and Mrs Hargreaves (England), ove-seas delegates to the Mt thodist Conference, and also a letter on behalf of all the lady delegates, expressing regret fit their inability to be present. Captain Coffin (Salvation Army), late of Invercargill, spoke on the success of No License there. Miss Sinclair a social worker for some years in America, added her testimony to the ber.eflls of Prohibition to that great country. Mr McDermott brought the prize essay scheme before the meeting, and appealed for volunteers to distribute literature In that connection. Mrs Lee-Cowie thm addressed the meeting, giving an interesting sketch of the life of Frances Willard and some of her personal .-elationships with that wonderful lady. A collection was taken for the World’s Missionary Fund. Musical Items were rendered, and afternoon tea dispensed A pleasant social time was spent. Two members Initiated. SUMNER, Feb. 11. A very pleasant opening meeting. Much better attendance. Good address on ftp “place of woman in the shaping of race, her largest sphere of Influence,” by Mrs T. E. Taylor. Two very enjoyable solos were rendered by Miss Ethel Johnson. Executive met last week, and resolutions from Exeeu tive were made to. and approved by. members. Resolved to form Cradle Roll in connection with liranch, and later on Invite mothrrs and children to a social afternoon, with the Plunket nurse If possible. Afternoon tea was served. WANG A NTT PI ST R 1 <’T Fell. A committee was formed for the Cradle Roll. Suggestions for raising funds for L.T.L. work and Cradle Roll work was earthd. Arrangements for Mothers’ Day. March Dth, were com pleted. An enthusiastic and helpful meeting was brought to a close with the Benediction. KAIAPOI Feb. 22. Mrs Scott (President) in the chair. The balance-sheet of the Union and the Rooms were read and adopted, each showing a balance In hand. The following officers were elected: Business Manager. Mrs A. Merrin; W.C.T.U. Rooms Committee. Mrs A. Merrin (con venor), Mesdames N. Baker. Stanton, and Executive officers; Social Committee. Mesdames Alf. Baker. F. Roberts, and Jackson; Sick and Absentee Visitors, Mesdames St.anton. Att, swell snd E. Roberts, Relief Committee. Mesdames N. Baker, Drabble, and T. G. Blackwell; Band of Hope Sec.. Mrs Laishley; Band of Hope Treas.. Mi* F Roberts It was agreed that the Rev. W. B Scott be asked to supcrlntrnd the Band < f Hope meeting*.

RIVERTON. Feb. 27. Opening meeting of the year in committee room of More’s Hall, where we hop' s to hold all future meetings. thus emphasising the non-sectari-an nature of our work. Mrs C. A. Gray, our President, in the chair. The Treasurer's annual report was received, and Cor. Sec. appointed. The President gave a brief description of Mrs Mary Armor, whose visit we arc eagerly looking forward to, and drew our attention to the articles in the “Vanguard” refuting the misleading state, mints circulating about Prohibition succeeding in America. Decided to order a new stock of badges, and if possible to wear them more faithfully this year. TETON E. March 7. A good attendance presided over by Mrs Ashby. Corespondcnce read from Town Clerk re Sunday tennis. who had received protest passed last meeting, this being considered by the Borough Council, but they could not a!t* r their decision to allow tennis to be played on Sunday. As the day intended for outing at Belmont was wet it was decided to hold it on Wednesday, Kith inst. Also Mrs Jones wished Convention to urge legislation “for compelling builders to see that all houses are properly ventilated before being occupied." These motions were passed unanimously. OPOTIKI. Mar. 10. First meeting of the year. Mrs Thompson presided over a fair attendance. Two new members were elected. Mrs Thompson spoke of the opportunity for special work this year. Decid'd to end a delegate to Convention. Jin. 22. Annual Cradle Roll pier j was he’d on Mrs James Thompson’s beautiful lawn. Th- weather was glorious. large attendance. Every child received a prize. CFATHKRSTON. March. The first meeting of this newly-organised Union. Mrs Clark pro sided. Letters of congratulation received from Mis Bendely and Miss Benderson. Mrs Pcr>rnan spoke on the various departments of work. Mrs W. Sadler appointed WB. Agent. Decided to invit* Mrs Whine op to give* a report of Convention at the next meeting. ARAMOHO Feb. T). Fair attendance of members, one visitor being present. Mrs Hallam, our new President, in the* chair. The prize essays on T» mperance were received from the A-amoho School, anel read. Mr sOilmour was asked to eleliver literature to the school re the* Dominion essay. to be competed for In May. Members wore asked to attend Garden Party to lie held in Armnoho Zoo by the* Wanganui Pnion on March Ith. Two delewere appointed to Convention. A street stall will be held in aid of Delegate Fund on March R>th. Treasure r reports a small bn lance In hand. All

members are asked to roll up to next meeting, and bring a friend. Important business. Meetings the second Thursday each month. TIM A HU. Feb. 28. Annual pay-up social. Eight niw memberfs wen enrolled. Decided to hold thi! Salt* of Work in aid of new' Sailors’ Host on May 11th in Ihe Lyceum. The Building Fund stands at £l6O, £23 of which was the result of a concert given partly by men of H.M.S. Wronica. Reported that Muss Ear ns haw had formed a strong branch, with over tn members, at Temuka. and was to meet the ladies of Pleasant I'oint for the purpose of establishing a branch there. From Pleasant Point she goes on to Fairllc and Waimate. Miss Kennedy. organising secretary for women’s branches of the Rechabites, gave a most interesting and instructive address on the history and origin of the Order. She made a strong appeal for nn tubers, and expressed the hope that in the great fight ahead the W.C.T.U. would work hand in hand with the Rechabites. Musical items were given, and a dainty supper conclud* d a very pleasant eventlf. NELSON. Dec. 6. Annual meeting. Miss Atkinson presided. A good atterelance of members. The Secretary, Mrs Blown, read her annual report, and Miss Cooke (Treasurer) gave her report and Wilance-sheet. Other reports w» re also given from the departments. Election of officers as follows: Pres., Miss Atkinson; Sec., Mrs Rrown; Treas.. Miss Fooke; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Wilkinson. The social session followed, when musical items were rendered, afternoon ten dispensed, and an interesting and instructive address given by the Rev. G. H. Gibb, R.A., on Prohibition. Feb. 14. Good attendance. Miss Atkinson presides!. Delegates elected to Convention. Mrs Watson and Miss Fonke. The Secretary read a letter from headquarters in England, acknowledging receipt of two cases of clothing for Sieve the Children Fund. Mrs Wilson. a visiting member from Perth, W.A., was cordially welcomed by the President. A resolution of sympathy was passed to the sick members, and to Miss G. Sutherland. President of “Y“ Branch, who is in Wellington Hospital, having met with an accident. HAMILTON. Feh. 9. Mrs Blamires (President) occupied the chair, and the attendance was good. The cbi«# business was the arranging of details for the coming Dominion Convention, which is to be held in Hamilton this year, and opens on the 22nd March. A solo was pleasingly render*d (“My Task") by Mrs Menson. and a recitation bv Mrs Kirkpatrick was also much enjoyed. A dainty afternoon tea. provided by Mrs Davey, was handed round.

EDEN 1)A LE (SOI THLAND). Feb. 2. Seven members present. Mrs Pringle presided. Mrs Niven read a paper on “Friendship.” Discussion about raising funds for our Pnion. Any money raised to be devoted to helping the Prohibition cause at the coming poll. Definite plans for holding a social evening to bo made at next meeting on 2nd March. Three ladies — Mesdames Lennon. Marshall, and Finlay- provided af ternoon ten, during which present un employment problem was discussed. NEW BRIGHTON. Fob. 16. First meeting of th* year. Attendance good. Decided to have a Cradle Roll mothi rs’ Day on March 1 r»th. President was appointed delegate to National Convention at Hamilton. Collection of B'6 was handed to N.Z. Fund (Franchise Day). WHANG A RET. Tan. 7. A grand number of member; welcomed our President, Mrs Galpin. It was decided that Willard Day lie kept, nnd also that a member be sent to Hamilton Conference. A good report was givt n of Cradle Roll work. Feb. 17. Members ipotored to Otaika to hold the Willard Day celebrations. In every way it was a great success. Our sister Mrs Heather welcomed us warmly, and we had a time of refreshing. The hymn, “Blest be the tie that binds our hearts in Christian love" was sung. Our President read the 23id Psalm, which was followed by a reading on Miss Frances Willard, our pioneer White Ribhoncr. OKATAWA. Nov. 25. Annual meeting. < ’ght members present. Mrs A. Lees toe’* the chair. Officers were elected for the coming year. Members derided to give 2/6 each towards Headquarters Fund. Decided to hold meetings in the Union Church the third Friday in th» month, at 2 o’clock. The President then read several extracts from the “Vanguard.” Afternoon tea was dispensed by our hostess. SOUTH INVERCARGILL. Feb 14. Mrs Pasley (Presklent) in the rhalr. Mrs R. R. McGregor appointed delegate to Convention. Agreed to donate flh to the Mary Armor Fund, nnd two guineas (with more to follow) to the Mrs Atkinson Memorial Fund. Derided to hold a -Tumble Sale to raise funds for the campaign. Arrangements w« re made to ensure a good gathering for Mothers’ Day. which comes next month. The President urged all members to do all they could, by work and by prayer, to forward the cause. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Feb. 15. Usual monthly meeting Decided to complete arrangements for n Garden Pnrtv to be held on March 15th in the "rnur*d«* kindly lent by Miss Denton. Committees were set up to deal

with various branches of the entertainment. It was decided to make a small charge for admission and afternoon tea. GREY TOWN. heb. 2S. The President, Mrs Boueher, occupied the chair. Ten members present. One new member received. It was decided to hold a Garden Party on the 14th March, also to start a Cradle Roll. Afternoon fen was served. HASTINGS Feb. 23. Attendance good. Mrs Fawcett (President) in the chair. Letters read from Mrs Mary Lovell, of America, and from N.Z.F.I. Mis Paul r signed position of representative on Women’s Municipal Rest Committee. President made mention of tho untiring yea! with which Mrs Paul had served the Pnion and the town in this connection. and on b* half of the members presented Mrs Paul with a stainless fruit pocket knife. Mrs Paul suitably responded. Matters relative to Convention were .discussed and arranged. Decided to hold a Jumble Stall and Mothers’ Meeting the last week in March. During the meeting afternoon tea was dispensed. NEW PLYMOPTH. Feb. 22. Mrs Griffon (President) prosidt'd Mesdames Valentine and Klbhy wort appointed delegates to attend '"'on vention. A vote of sympathy was passed w ith the relatives of the late Mrs II id Yi>:< iif tilnk- to 1 'Dink* 1 Nurse Petersen for the splendid address given by her to the mothers at the Cradle Roll picnic, and vote of thanks to Mrs Inch anti helpers for supervising arrangements for the Cradle Roll picnic.

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White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 321, 18 March 1922, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 321, 18 March 1922, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 321, 18 March 1922, Page 11

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