News of the Unions.
(The Editor cannot promise to Insert anythin* In the next Issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the [taper only. News|taper cut tlnjrs are unsuitable.) ACCKLAND DISTRICT. lH*c. 16. Mrs l,ee Cowie gave a very successful drawing room and Garden l*arty at her beautiful home in Hamilton Road. Ponsonby. There was a good gath* ring of memleers and frtends. An Interesting programme of songs and recitations was arranged by Mrs Hayr. Addresses were given by Rev. Fraxer Marten, of St. Stephen's Church, and Mrs l*oraumatl, who also sang In Maori. Mrs Fulljnme* gave a graphic account of her visit to the Maoris up North, in company with Mrs I'oraumati. In th* course of her remarks of welcome to the guests. Mrs Cowie said It was through the influence of Mrs Dewar, on* of the foundation mcmtsrs of the Auckland I’nion, that she first visited New Zealand, twenty-three years ago, and she asked Mrs Dewar to take the sent of honour under the Australian flag, of which country Mrs Cbwrle was a native Bouquets were presented to Mis Taylor. Rec. Sec., and Miss N. Dewar, Co** flee., as an appreciation of their work during th year. flood business was done at he various stalls, the proceeds tc ♦ the Memorial and Cain|>aign Fund - Afternoon tea was dispensed, ala very happy time spent in social Vercourse. Mrs l/e Cowie was thanked for her hind hospitality. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Dec. 18. The President (Mis; - HeJ. yer> in the chair. One n* w rj mber rec* iv**d. Plans of work for th** Now Year were discussed It was derided to hold a Sale of Work in the autumn for the purpose of raising funds for campaign The next meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 15th. BCMNER. Dec. 8 Mrs McCombs presided. In view of stimulating Interest among members who are not regular in their attendance. Mrs M**Gomhs proposed, and It was agreed, to und* rtnke to do eom* work in connection with the Cradle Roll. Home Meetings, literature, and Backblocks iVpnrtments of the Cnion work, in the rominr year. Afternoon tra was served Derided not to hold a meeting until February Bth. wangantt fast. Nov. 10 Annual meeting Mrs Duxfleld occupied the chair. Report and halaneesheit read and adopted Three new members enrolled. Deride * to help Central at Gaiden Party In aid
of Hostel funds on first Saturday in February. 1922. Also to help with Jumble Sal* of second hand goods, date and details to be arranged later. Agreed to procure one dozen each W.C.T.C. pin; and brooches. Donations towards Atkinson Memorial Fund amounted to £5 12s Id. Election of officer.-, resulted in the retiring officers being reeieded. Superintendents Departments: Cradle Roll. Mrs Ellis; Horn* Meetings. Mrs Chisholm; Press and Narcotics. Mrs Dux field; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Andrew; Notable Days. Mrs F Brown; “White Ribbon" Agent. Mrs Melvin. The sum of £2 was voted towards T>ominion Organising Fund NEW PLY MO! TH. Dec. 8. Annual meeting, A large attendance of members. Mrs J. T. Griffen In the chair. Offl«ers were elected for the ensuing year. Decided to forward adonatlon to the Atkinson Memorial Fund A vote of sympathy was passed to Mevdnme* Allan Doug Ins and Goodarre. who have recently lost relatives by death, members standing In silence. At the close of the meeting afternoon tea was dispensed by the members of the Tea Committee. WHANGAREL D*c. 8 Annual meeting; good attendanoe. Mrs I,amberl (President) in trodueed Miss Earnshaw to the meeting, who had been working hard in the town for a fortnight, and was responsi ble for many new members, some of whom were prevented by rain from attending The following officers were elect* d: Pres . Mrs C.alpln; Vlce-Presl-dents. Mesdames Ijimbert. Lahore and Lovatt; Sec., Miss Rowsell; Treas , Mrs Gibson; White Ribbon Agent. Mrs J, McKinnon; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Lovatt; Maori Work Supt.. Miss Dreadon; Press Report* r, Mrs Lovatt. New members were initiated and weicom* d*. and afternoon ten partaken of. after which a stall of produce, cakes, etc . W’* re sold for the funds. We have now 85 members, and are very grateful for Miss Earns haw’s visit and help. OPOTTKT Dec. 9 Annual meeting. The weather was very wet. and only seven ladles were present. Mrs J. Thompson elected .as President for the coming year. Mrs D Hlrd and Mrs J. B. Gow Vic* -President*: Mrs Holman. Treasurer; Mrs .1, Gordon. Secretary: Mrs J. Downes. White Ribbon Agent, and Mrs J. Appleton, Cradle Roll. Letters of thanks to be sent to the Committee of St. John’s Hall for use of hall, also to the Editor of Opotlki Herald for his kindness in publishing notices free of cost for our Cnion. Afternoon tea * ONKHCNGA. Dec. 8 Mrs Logan welcomed hack after her long Illness A* the request of the Indy doctor for the schools, the
Cnion s* nt a request to the Council that the houses in the Borough be numbered. Two m* mbers volunteered to <*ol!eet for Orphanage Fund Reports of Secretary and Treasurer were read an*! adopted. Officers elect* d: Pres., Mrs Renfell; Vice-President. Mo*, •lame* Logan, Rates, Gillon anfl l.eggo; Cor. S**r., Mrs Stacey, Grey Street; Rec. Sec., Mrs Hunter; Tr**a., Mrs Musket; Cradle Roll, Mesdames Hunter and H. Breeze; W It. Agent, Mrs Colledge. Mrs Neal oonduct*d the* election and was heartily thanked. CHRIHTCHCRCH DISTRICT. Dec. 11. Annual meeting Sumner, New Brighton, Lceston and Papanui Branches were represent* 1 and annual reports were read. Christ* *"irch reported 200 members. 18 general m*etlngs, 7 Executive and 7 special meetings. Leeston f»0 members. Papanui 42, Sumner 20, Lyttelton 7. New Brighton 88 memlMTs. All Cnlons showed keen interest in the work, arjd showed great progress made. Miss Henderson spoke on the pjisslng of Lady Carlisle, and the following resolution was passed: “That this meeting expresses heartfelt regret at the passing of Ijuly Oirlisle, the late President of the World’s \\ C. T C , and also thankfulness to God for her service to the cntise of humanity an*! womanhood.* Votes of sympathy were passe*! to Mrs K. Evans and to Mr and Miss Shea to. ABHRCRTON. l>ec. 8. Annual meeting; large attendance, presided over by Mrs W. T. Lill. Letters of sympathy were directed to be sent to Mrs J. LI lie y, in th* loss of her daughter, and to members w*ho are sick. Th** Secretary's report* were read, revealing considerable «ffort during th** year, which included entertaining of the !>*,, union Convention. The Treasurer’s report show**! a substantial cr***llt balance in hand. Superintendent* submitted interesting reports of work done In their reape**tlve department*. Th* W R Agent r* ported 113 paid up subscribers, an increase over 1920. Capitation few wen* voted from the Fund, and £1 *o N.Z. Organising Fund. The Superintendent of Good Citizenship reported that ‘n August last the local Hospital Board took over the Malvern Home and thoroughly equipped it for the purpose intended, thus bringing to a successful rinse a project, agitated and worked for by the IVion since 1908 Al’ responsibility resting with the Board Mrs W. T. 1,111 gave a brief review of the work accomplished by the Ashburton Branch during her te-m of office, which extended from 1908 until the present time, with th* exception of an interval, caused hv 111-health. Decided to publish same 1n the columns if the local paper. l,ocal officers w*ere e| cted as follows; President, Mrs G. Miitor; Joint S***“.. Mrs J Thompson and Mix* Trevuntn; Tr on.. Mrs H. Ihbotson. Th»
report** were adopted, and a hearty vote of thank* accorded officers and Superintendent*. Mr* I .ill presented several picture* to th< \ iilcn, which wire received with t harks. Greet in km were receivcd from Mrs F. Jamieson, of the Onehunga t’nion. l)eeided that th« Kxecutlve meet in January. WAIT A HA. T>ec. 17. The third meeting of the Union; 10 present, the small attendance being due to other attraction*. Mr* Andrew* and Ml** K. Becklno kindly dtaperuted afternoon tea. Mix Griffin gave an add re**, enjoyed by all. BLENHEIM. I*ec. 14. A fair attendance. Mr* Hrierley gave a bright and helpful addr»**> after which detail* in connection with the “Garden Fete” were ent« ml Into. The fete was held in grouml* kindly lent ly th** Mayor. Mr E. S. "Parker. at hi* r *idence, and although the weather was somewhat unfavourable, a fair numlx'r visited at the fete. De lightful selections were rendered by the Salvation Army Band, and afternoon tea. comp* tit ion*, and a good* stall were other attraction*. The sum of £l6 was raised. OAMAHU. Dec. 12. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Report* were rend from Superintendents of Department*. Treasurer’* report showed satisfactory tail* ance. IVcided to procure a hanner for the Union. Mr* Hutchinson spoke in appreciation of Mrs Moore’s work ns President, and regret at losing her, and on behalf of the Union presented her with an Indian tray cloth. Mrs Moore suitably r» piled, and said she would always remember the Oamnru workers and the pleasure she had had In working wi.h them Officer* elected: Pres., Mrs Sto*n.*en. Vice-l’res . Mesdame* W Scott and Hall. Misses Wilson and Milligan: Roc. Sec., Mi-s Smythe; Tor. Sc<\. Miss Day: Treas., Mis* Naylor: Assist Treas.. Miss Malcolm: Pres. Reporter. Mrs Hutchinson: “W.R.” Agent. Mrs Uorlett; Purity. Mrs Horsfleld; Organ!, t. Mrs Stenhouse. Wi vish to thank our friends who mad** Paddy’* Market Sale such a success. Afternoon tea was served. GORE. Nov. 30 Miss Wilson gave an interesting paper on R h. Stevenson’s work*, and was accorded a he*rty vote of thank*. Arrangement* were made to provide a Rest Tent on Show Day by our Union. AUCKLAND. Dee It Annual meeting. The Secretary’* report showed a year of nc tlvlty and advance, the outstanding feature being the opening of the Hostel, which had been much appreciated as n home away from horn* for the girls.
The work of the Matron was much eulogised. The Treasurer’* report showed a satisfactory balance. The* Cradle Roll. 66 habtc*. Adjutant Gordon gave an excellent report of work •lone at the prison, a social afternoon is to be given to the women at Chrlatma* time. Maori work: Mrs Poraumati and Mrs Fulljames had attended a large gathering of Maori* up North, and an encouraging report was brought back. Mrs Uowic gave the Purity report, showing active work. Social Hygiene letters hael been distributed, and she emp has Is ed the harm done Jiy displaying immodest post-cards anel literature. Official advice was received of a bequest to our Union from the late Mr* Daldy, one of the pioneer member* of our Union, who also organised the campaign for woman's franchise, and founded the Women’s Political League, and the first Women’s National Council. A letter was received from 1-adv Astor acknow lodging the receipt of a letter of nppr» • clatlor from our Union. Our membership number* ISI. Regret was expressed at the departure of Mis* Paul, our Evangelistic Superintendent, nnd also Treasurer of the Hostel. Her work wits very highly appreciated The election of officers resulted in the fol lowing: Pre*., Mrs Nenl; Vice-Pro*., Mesdame* Cock. Knight. Ganaway. and Fulljames; R. c. Sec., Mrs J. W. Taylor; Cor. Sec.. Miss N. Dewar; Treas.. Mrs Pirret. Vote* of thank* wen passed to those who served during the year. Mr* Cook was present!d with a bouquet.
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White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 319, 18 January 1922, Page 11
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1,907News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 319, 18 January 1922, Page 11
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