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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anythin# in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as passible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable) N.E. VALLEY. Nov. 21. Final meeting fo»- the year. V conversazione and gift sale. A very large gathering of members and friends. The President (Mi's Peart) in the chair. Mrs Don, Miss llenderan. Miss Powell, Mrs Norrie (Timaru). and Mrs Hiett (Dunedin), were also on the platform. Greetings were given from the Presbyterian Church and Church of Christ, also from each of the women’s organisations connected with the various churches and the Rechabite Lodge. Mrs Peart thanked the members for the splendid response to the appeal made for money for *he Fighting Fund. She then vacated the chair, but was reelected President, with Miss Regg Secretary, and Mrs Sanders Treasurer. Mrs Don gave the address. Mesdames Norrie and Hiett and Miss Henderson also spoke. Miss Powell read a letter from Mrs Judson. and with tin audience standing, prayed for the blessing of God on the Washington Conference, that the outcome of it might be a world’s peace and disarmament ot the nations. Miss Moss sang a solo. Miss Renfell gave a recitation. Six now members were enrolled. Mesdames Ogg and Gibb were in charge of the stall, anil did good business. Supper was served, and a most slice.ssful uncling brought to a elaso with prayer and the Poxology. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Nov. 4. A very successful Jumble Stall and Gift Sale by Auckland Union and Branches in aid of the Memorial Fund and Campaign Fund. The proceedings were opened by Miss 10. Mclvi l- . . solicitor of our city, and also a member of the City Council. There wt re several stalls, which were well filled with good things, flowers, sweets, produce, cakes and jam. plain and fancy goods, Mrs Cowie’s own stall, ten rooms, etc. A very good programme was provided by Mrs Hayr, which was much appreciated. The Jumble Stall created much interest, and good business was done, and a very fair sum realised for the objects of the Sale. Nov. 9. Mrs Cook presided. Mm Poraumnti and Miss Earns haw were both heartily welcomed to the meeting, and gave brief, interesting recounts of their work. Mrs Judson was also welcomed. and spoke a few words about the Washington Conference on Armistice Day. she urged those present to pray very earnestly about the dclibora-

tions on that day. A loving vote of sympathy was passed to Mrs Evans on the death of her husband. A message of sympathy was also passed to Mrs Bendely in her prolonged Illness. Miss Elsie Lillie, Organising Secretary of the Zenana Bible and Medical Mission, then gave a mast interesting talk on the successful work of that mission in India. the lifting of women from the degradation of Hinduism through the power of the Gospel of Christ. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the speakers. Nov. 23. A public meeting. Mrs Cook presided. A large gathering was attracted to hear Mrs Porauniati speak on the work of Ratana. which had come under he r personal observation. File gave a graphic and interesting account of cases of cripples, paralysed, blind, mentally afflicted, demon possessed, some of years’ standing, who bad been heakd through the influence of Ratana. She spoke in ldcb terms of his work and of the power of prevailing prayer. Mrs Hewitt thanked Mrs Porauniati for her interesting address. A collection was taken for work among the Maoris. KATKORAI. Nov. 2f*. Annual imeting. President in the chair. The following offl cers were electede: —Pres, and Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Martin; Vice-Pros, and Press Reporter. Mrs Armit; Vice-Pros., Mrs Oracle; Sec., Mrs Malcolm; Treas. and "W.R.” Agent, Mrs Somerville. Number on roll. 30; average attendance, about 50 per cent., including memlx rs who attended the cottage meetings held every second month at the home of the President. Decided to hold some of next year’s meetings in the evening to try and secure the attendance of more of the members. R< Mrs Don’s appeal for funds, arrangements have been made for the deliverance of a lantern lecture early in th< New Year. Two new’ members were enrolled. Meeting closed till February. GORE Nov. 1. Rev. Finch gave a lecture on Queensland, which proved instructive and interesting. The lecturer was tendered a hearty vote of thanks by the meeting. A discussion took place re Conv ntion being held here two years hence Five new members joined our Union since last meeting. INVERCARGILL SOUTH. Nov. 8. (L od attendance, Mrs Macgregor (President) in chair. Nominations for office-bearers for the ensuing year were taken. Resolutions convey, ing sympathy w’ere passed to White Ribbon sisters w’ho had suffered bereavement. A church parade of members of W.O.T.U. was favourably discussed. President to confer W’ith Central and Y Unions and report. Nov. 16. Special meeting, to which any lady was invited, to discuss the

clause in the proposed Hygiene Hill dealing with the compulsory notification of venereal disease. An attendance of over forty women showed that many are keenly interested in this matter. Mrs Fairbairn explained the provisions propased by the Bill, and Mrs Macgregor gave the reasons why the W.C. T.U. oppasod the proposed legislation. Both speakers did good work in educating and making clear much that was not fully understood by many. BALCLUTHA. Nov. 9. Mrs Clark in the chair. Good attendance. Secretary reported a letter of sympathy sent to Mrs Grigor on the death of her mother, Mrs Kirkland. who, as a piomer worker of the White Ribbon cause, did much strenu ous w’ork for the cause. Decided that refreshments be served in Salvation Army Hall on Show Day. Mrs Ransom. on behalf of 8.A., thanked memh rs for work done by Dorcas meeting in sewing and making up goods for them and liberality of members in making donations of goods to them for their self-denial sale. Refore going on with business, the President referred to the death of Mrs Kirkland, mother of one of our Vice-Presidents, and as token of respect members stood for a few mom* nts in silence. TE KUITI. Nov. 8. Annual meeting. D present, Mrs Edgar in the chair. Mesdames Cato and Nicholls appointed collectors for Memorial Fund. Sports gathering brought in £ls towards furnishing the rest room. Farmers’ Trading Company offered two rooms for our use. and th«y to put in electric heater and kettle free and free current and writing material. Their generous offer was gratefully received and accepted. The Rest Room Committee to consist of Mesdam»s Falgar, Hardy. Lopdell, McCrac, and Dunn, and to buy furniture and arrange for public ceremony. Votes of thanks to ail who have helped during the year. The following were duly elected for 1922:—Pres., Mrs Edgar: Vice-Pres., Mesdames F* 11. Dennis, and Wilton; Sec., Mrs G. Elliott (Box 100) Treas.. Mrs Nicholls; Supt. Social Work. Mrs Lopdell; Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs Cato; Supt. Home and Mothers’ Meetings, Mrs Jarvie; Supt. “White Ribbon,” Mrs Hardy. TOR A KINA. Nov. Annual meeting at Mrs Wilson’s. Ten m mbers and time visitors present. Secretary and Treasurer read the yearly reports, showing that it had • been a very quiet year. Ten shillings was ordered to he sent to Organising Fund, and 10s toward the Mrs Atkinson Memorial Fund. After Mrs Wilson had closed the meeting, afternoon tea was handed around, and music and songs given by Mesdames Wilson (2). Mr R. J. Glasgow, and Misses Knox (2).

Election of officers for ncrt year: Pro*., Mrs Wilson; Vice Pres., Mesdames Perry and Gabitie*; Sec. and Treas., Mrs H. J. Glasgow-; “White Ribbon” Agent. Mrs Gabities. HENDERSON. No\. 16. Annual meeting. Mrs Attwood presided. Secretary pave a report of District Convention held last month in Auckland. Great stress was laid on the noonday hour of prayer. All members were asked to r« member and avail thi mselves of it. Following are the otTlcers: —Pros., Mrs Attwood; VicePres.. Mrs Platt and Miss Duncan; Sec.. Mrs McKay; Tnas.. Mrs Barton; Cradle Roll Supt.. Mrs Penney; “White Ribbon" Apent. Mi.%s K. Duncan; Sec. and Social Correspondent, Mrs W. Williams. We clos-d to-day until February. 1922. when we hope to entertain our Cradle Roll mothers to afternoon tea and address by Mis Neal. Dominion Cradle Roll Supt. In March we have arranped for a Garden Party to raise funds for the cominp Prohibition Campaign. TE AROMA. Nov. 15. Mrs McCorkindale presided over a fair attendance. Mrs Morton, President of the Hamilton Branch, was present, and pave a very helpful address in connection with carrying forward of work. In closing, the President in.imated that this was the last mectinp until February. NELSON. Nov. 8. Miss Atkinson presided. The annual Sale of Work proceeds were over £62. In addition to this, donations amounting to £3B have been received for the Atkinson Memorial Fund. The Fnion decided to donate £2O from their takings to the Memorial Fund, making £SB. Miss Atkinson feelingly referred to Armistice Day and “the pmee of the world." Letter from Mr Holdaway. Secretary Prohibition League, asking help from Enion regarding circulation of “Vanguard." Fnion racers for the year were nominated. Mrs C. Wilkinson was elected as “White Ribbon" Agent. Sympathy was extended to several of our members who are ill. Annual meeting arranged for December 6th. ONEHPNGA Oct. 11. Arrangements made for helping hv gifts and services at the Jumble and Gift Sale in Auckland. Mr> Hates and Mrs Gilbert elected delegates to District Convention. A short paper read by Cor. Sec. Nov. 10. Mrs Bates (Vice-Pres.) in chair. Special prayer that God will guide the Peace Couf( rence in New York. Mrs Neal rave an outline of the departments of which she is superintend* nt. and their aims, with advice to all present on simple remedies for the sick in place of alcohol. A hearty vote of thanks passed to Mrs Neal for

her address. Afternoon tea handed round. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Oct. 21. Mrs McDonald presided. Principal business of the meeting*to receive reports from the delegat«s to the Lower Hutt District Convention. Mrs Dougkts, delegate, gave a most interesting account of the doings of Convention. and this report was amplifl* d by remarks by Mrs Port, the other delegate. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to these ladies. Reference was made to ihe excellent arrangements carried out hy the Hutt Fnion in connection with th* Convention. MOSGIEL. Nov. 8. A very successful “Bring and Buy Sale" was held at Mrs Bedford’s to raise funds to help to carry on the Christian work in the hack blocks, the Sale realising the sum of £lB. which was given to Mrs Driver. Afternoon tea was handed round, then Mrs Driver, in her usual interesting way. explained the great need there was for tlie Gospel to he taken to the secluded places. A good programme had b«en arranged; pianoforte duet by Misses It. and K. McKinnon; pianofort solos by the Misses M. Gibson and G. Logan, the soloists being Mrs McKcay and the Misses M. Wilson, L. Brown, and E. Broadly. Accompaniments were played by Misses L. Brown and G. Logan. RFSPELL. Oct. 11. Mrs Clow (Vice-President) occupied the chair. Papers were read suggesting how to help the young people. Young Citizens’ League very much favoured. Decided to further discuss the matter. Correspondence read r« appointing women police, jurors and J.P.’s, a reply in favour of same to he forwarded. Oct. 15. A very enjoyable home meeting was held at Mrs (’low’s, “The Gables." The evening op nod with the singing of “All Round the World." Mr All* n. Methodist minister, presided, Ihe subject under discussion being the Young Citizens’ l.eagu . A Committee was formed, and a general meeting to bo called later. A collection of £2 2s 7d was taken in aid of memorial for Mrs \tkinson. Musical items and recitations were rendered. Refreshments brought the evening to a close. Nov. 8. Mrs Murdy presided. Fair attendance. Miss Preston, matron of the Y.W.C.A., Whangarei, addressed the m*eting. A hearty vote of thanks from thase present for her address. Reported ten babies on cradle roll. Fifteen subscribers to “White Ribbon.” Twenty-two members. One new nu mber initiated. Miss Clow rendered a solo entitled “The Gift.” Meetings adjourned until February. A visit from Miss is expect-'d. A special meeting will be arranged.

HASTINGS. Nov. Annual meeting. Mrs Darby in the chair. Report of "Give and BuySale” realised only £5 8s Bd. Decided to donate £lO to Memorial Fund. £1 voted to young men for use of room, and £1 to Organising Fund. Secretary’s report showed a quiet year's work. Fifty members’ subs, paid up. Treasurer’s report showed a balance of £l4 2s. reduced by payments voted to 12s 10d. The District President, Mrs Venables. conducted election of officers, which resulted as follows; Pres., Mrs Fawcett, Lome Street; Vice Presidents, Mesdames Mcßean, Boyle, Moore, and Darby; See.. Mrs Wilson. P.O. Box 273; Treas., Mrs Wilson, pro. tern.; White Ribbon, Mrs Townsend; Social. Mrs Townsend; Cradle Roll, Mrs Cameron; Literature, Mrs Dallas; Rest Room. Mrs Paul; Press, Mrs Wilson. OAMARU. Nov. Good attendance. As time goes on the* meetings ar becoming more representative. Mrs Moore presided. A discussion of the best means of raising funds for Fnion work. Decided to hold Paddy’s Market before the end of the year. Miss Stewart, of the Waitati Girls’ High School, gave an interesting talk upon “The Girl’s Outlook on Life.” She pointed out that as the girl grows up large areas of the brain, which have hitherto lain dormant, are awakened into action. If the girl leaves school at 14, or even 16. there is great waste of brain power, for few comparatively continue study. Miss Stewart suggested the fonning of clubs like the Y.W.C.A. for social intercourse and training in mental work. The ’ectn.vr was warmly thanked. One member initiated. bringing our number up to 714. NEW BRIGHTON. Nov. 17. Mrs Cole presided. Attendance good. Eight members helped at A. and P. Show. Decided to send £lO to Mrs Don’s appeal, and also £lO to the “Armor” Fund. Letter of sympathy to Mrs Langly in her severe illness. Dor. 1. Meeting held at President's home at North Beach, most pleasant aft* rnoon. Attendance good. Decided to give prizes for temperance essays to sth and 6th Standards in local school. A letter of cheer and loving greeeting was sent to Oreymouth Fnion. Election of officers took place. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. D< 1. Mrs Pinfold presided, in the of Mrs Johnson Wright through illness. Reports of the year’s work were read from the Ctntral. Petone. Greytown, Carterton, and Maaterton Branch Unions, which were very satisfactory; also from the superintenedents of the following departments of work:*— Flower Mission. Evangelistic, Good Citizenship, Hygiene, Notable Days.

Press, Railway Boxes, Cradle Roll, and Young People. The Rev. W. Shirer was present, and read the balance-sheet for the property in Constable Street, for which he was heartily thanked, and unanimously re-elected. W« were lort unate in ha vine Miss Earnshaw’ with us for several weeks, and about thir'»\ new members were pained. Our meetings have b **n much better attended, and we feel that increased membership means increased strength. The follow inp officers wore re-elected:—Pres., Mrs Johnson Wright; Cor. and Kec. Sec., Mrs Webb; Treas., Mrs Roxall. EDEN. Nov. #. Pair attendance. Miss Wilson presided, and pave a very warm welcome to Miss Earnshaw (Organiser). Mrs Neal. Mrs Plrritt. and Mrs FuUjames. visitors from the Central Pnion, also Mrs Frith, of Opotiki. Miss Earnshaw pare an interestlnp address on the work of the W.C.T.P., the rapid propress of women in public life, the value and power of the Franchise, when rightfully used. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to the speak* r. Minutes of last annual meeting were read and confirmed. Ret*. Sec. gave her report of the year's work, shovvinp steady progress. The Treasurer’s report showed a small balance in hand. Election of officers resulted as follows: i’i r.-. Ida WflNa; WcaPrau Mn Chappell, senr., and Miss Caley; Cor. Sec., Mrs Scanlon; Rec. Sec., Mrs H. Mason; Treas., Mrs Cartwright: ”Whit< Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Hudson; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs Ramsey. WELLIN(JTX>N (’EN'T A \ 1.. Nov. IS. Secretary’s re.rvt showed that valuable work had beei done during the year. Eleven me( inps had be* n held, 71 members .ire financial, and there are fit* subscribers to 'lie "’White Ribbon.’’ A resolution of sympathy was passed to Mrs K. Evans and family, and a resolution of protest agaust the present divorce law. It was divided that the day of meeting should be changed from the third Friday to the third Wednesday of the month. The following officers were appointed Pres., Miss Helyer; Cor. Sec.. Miss C. Kirk; Rec. Sec., Mrs Clark: Tmis., Mrs Helyer. Mrs McDonald retiring President, was warmly thanked, and regret expressed that she was unable to take office again. Supt. “White Ribbon.” Mrs Port. TAKA PUNA. Ike. 1. Annual meeting. Attendance 16. Our late President, Mrs Fulljatnes. in chair. Reports given by Secretary, Treasurer. Cradle Roll Supt., "White Ribbon” Agent, and Reporter. Membership stands at 99. Satisfactory review’ of the year’s work. Vote by ballot for election of officers. Mrs Penning (lately returned from a visit to the Old Country) was voted Presiden*. in place of Mrs Lewins, who tesigned. Other officers re-elected.

CAMBRIDGE. Nov. in. Annual meeting. Good attendance. Mrs Cooks (Vice-Presi-dent) in chair. A good number of fresh members present, result of Mis. Karnshaw’s work. Minutes of last annual meeting read and confirmed, and apology received from President (Mrs Watson) for her absence. Reports bj Secretary. Treasurer, and "White Ribbon” Agent were rend and adopted. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs W. K. Watson: Vice Pres.. Mesdames Rosevean . McArthur, and Cocks; Sec., Mrs E. He* r; Treas. and “W.R.” Agent, Mrs J. W. Cocks. Owing to absence of some members, various sup* rintendents’ offices were deferred. Votes of thanks passed to deserving ones, after which several musical and vocal items were supplied, also recitations, much appreciated. Afternoon tea brought a pleasant afternoon to a close. PKTONE. Dec. 6. Annual meeting. R* ports road by Secretary and Treasurer, showing a credit balance. Mrs Collins sent report of sick visiting. Mrs Ashby reported 35 subscribers to "White Ribbon.” Mrs Jones sent in a report of work done by the Sunshine Rrgnde in taking out invalids for motor rides; a number were taken out each month. Mrs Jones also reported on home meetings held each month. Mrs ("rowther reported 21 books added to the library. The following officers were then elected: - Pres., Mi’s Ashby; Vice-Pns.. Me*dames Rouse, McEwan, Johnston, Collins. and Corner; Sec.. Miss Avison; Treas., Mrs Doneghu; Supt:*.. Home Meetings. Mrs Griffiths and Mrs Crow ther; Sunshine for Invalids, Mrs Jones; Sick Visitors, Mrs Johnstone and Mrs Barrow. Miss Knott to be asked to act as "White Ribbon” Agent. Mrs Ashby a«*ting for the present; Assistant Set-., Mrs Collins; Library, Mrs Brown and Mrs Murgatroyd. Prize temperance essays were read. Four prizes to be given, two to each school. The Mayoress to be asked to present prizes at a school concert to be held shortly. The Lower Hutt and Petonc Unions to have combined picnic in February. A v< ry pleasant home meeting was held at Mrs Corner’s in November. A Jumble Sale was also he’d in November, £7 was raised for th* Miiance Prize Essay Fund. SWVJ.ER S BAY. Nov. 22. I gist meeting for the year. A good attendance of members. President in tbe chair. The Secretary read the report of the year’s work; the Treasurer the balance-sheet. Miss Andrews reported on the Cradle Roll, and Mrs Prat ley on the Band of Mercy. Th<‘ election of officers was then proceeded with. Final arrangements were made for the Garden F<te to be h* Id in the

school ground on Saturday, 26th November. The Garden Fete was a great succeas, and the sum of £2l 12s was raised. I take this opportunity to thank our Dunedin sisters for the way thov turned out to oui help, and also to our own members and friends for the splendid support they gave us. INVERCARGILL DISTRICT. Dec. 6. A well-attended meeting, when a letter was received from the Secretary of the Hospital Heard allow ing three numbers of the Union, Mrs Mackenzie. Mis Kennedy, and Muss Dewar, to pay official visits to the Southland Hospital on Tuesday and Fridays, being non-visiting days. The Secretary was Instructed to thank the Board for this permission. Mrs Lillicrap r- ported on her visit to the Orepuki Branch, and how much sh*' had enjoyed it. This Branch numbers 27 members, and promises to he a power for good in that district. As our funds are somewhat low. arrangements were made for a Garden Fete ip February, an 1 a Jumble Sale at Sylvan Bank at th •«nd of January. Members are invited to heartily co-operate in these projects, and to at once begin collecting for the Jumble Sale. A very pleasing ceremony took place. when Mrs N. MeRobie. who had recently celebrated her golden wedding, was presented with a beautiful bouquet of white flowers with white ribbon bow attached. Mrs Baird congratulated Mrs Mcßoble on her long and faithful service to the Union, and said that few had the privilege of NO years of married life together. Mrs I*. Cruiekshank suitably responded on her aunt’s b*h: If. A hearty vote of thanks was given t*» Mrs » Mack* nzie. who had written to a’l the .mattered country members who ha’.'f not yet sent in their subscriptions for 1921. DUNEDIN. Dec. 6. Annual meeting. Kepott showed many activities during the year, and auxiliaries, in the main, in a healthy condition, especially N.E. Valley and Oamaru, the latter qni’e a young branch. National Council of Women submitted resolution calling for the repeal of clause 1, section 7. of th*' Divorce and Marriages Act. which was heartily endorsed. Letter from N.Z. Educational Institute. Consideration postponed to February meeting. Officers all re-elected, viz.: Pres., Mrs Hlett: Cor. Sic.. Mrs McCartney: Rec. Sec.. Miss M. S. I’owell’ Treas.. Mrs Allen. Membership. 2’*6. The same evening, in Y.M.C.A. Hall. "Sing. say. or pay” social for girls. Four new’ members received. • :XFORD. Nov. 30. Annual meeting. Moderate attendance. The President briefly reviewed the year’s work, and thanked the members for their loyalty and cooperation. The lulnnoe-sheet was read and adopted, a vote of thanks being passed to the Auditor. Mr L. Watson. Reports from the various Superintend-

ents showed there were 65 subscriber* to the “White Ribbon,’* which, with eight free copies, made a circulation of 75 in Oxford district Over 200 visits had been paid to the sick and sorrowing, and there were 57 Cradle Roll me?nb( rs at present. Mrs R. H. Gainsford spoke of the* devoted way in which Mrs (I. Ryde had served the I'nion as President for seven years, and said they all regretted that she would not accept re-appointment. A hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mrs G. Ryde, and to all the outgoing officers. The election rc.sultcd as follows:- Pres., Mrs I). Hawke; S. c., Mrs R. Corny as; Assist. Mi i' w Trttt; Thm . \ihi■ Caverhill. Superintendents: Evangelistic, Miss (lainsford; Cradle Roll, Mrs R. H. (lainsford and Mrs Roi, “White Ribbon,” Mrs T. Gainsford; Klow’cr Mission, Mrs Cooper; Home Meetings, Mesdames Jim Clark, 1). Jones, and Cl. Mi LEIGH. Nov. .\fternoon entertainment to raise money foi tin* “Mrs Mary Armor Fund.’’ President in the* chair. . Mrs (Irigg gave an address on ‘The* Life of Mrs Mary Armor.” Songs were rendered, also recitations and ducts. A collection of £5 10s was taken up. Afternoon tea was served, the table being beautifully decorated with flowers. Pec. 1. Annual pieeting. Fair attendant- . Officers elected: 1 ‘res., M>s (Irigg; Vice-Pres., Mrs I). Matheson; See. and Treas., Mrs Gozar; “White Ribbon” Agents, Mesdames Wyatt an I R. Matheson; Cradle Roll Supt., Miss E. Matheson; Reporter, Mrs J. Torkington. Votes of thanks to retiring officers. Decided that the annual Cradle Roll picnic )te held some time in January on Mrs R. Matheson* beach, date to l>e fixed later. Miss E. Matheson rend a vi ry Interesting paper, entitled. “How Rod's Fruits and drain are Turned into the Devil’s Alcohol.” for which she was accorded a vote of thanks. Competitors please notice that only pupils of Standards IV., V.. and VI. may compete in the Leigh W.C.T.U. Competition of Essays on “Alcohol and its Effect on Mind and Body.” CARTERTON. Dec. 7. First annual meeting. Social afternoon. Mrs Peryman presided. The following officers were elected for the coming year: Pres., Mrs Every; Rec. See., Miss Braithwaite; Cor. Sec., Mrs Knutson; Treas., Mrs Anderson; Vice Pres., Mrs Wilson, Mrs Peryman, Mrs Welsh. Miss Young, and Miss Monerieff M-mbcrs were also elected for Social and Entertainment Committees, and Mr* Moore as Cradle Roll Supt. The Treasurer. Mrs Anderson, read the ha lance-sheet for the year, which was adopt, d. and the Secretary. Miss Bralthwnite, read *ho report, which was adopted. The former showed that our local Pninn. which was formed on October 11th. 1920. . ommeneed with a member'hi?' of 65, now increased to 105. Songs by Mrs Smith and recitations by Miss

Shear* r Afternoon tea. Votes of thanks to retiring President and to all who had helped in entertaining. WINCH MORF-C.REHNSTREET Nov. Annual meeting. President in chair. In response to Mm Judson’.s letter, prayer was offer d for the success of the Disarmament Conference now sitting in Washington. Resolved to hold Sale. Resolved to send “holdall.-" to Seamen’s Rest in Timaru. Report showed membership of 21. Cradle Roll 65. and very live Band of Hope. Balance heet showed small credit. Reports from Superintendents were read and adopted. Officers: Pres., Mrs W. H. Robinson: Sec., Miss McKay; Treas., Miss Prebble; Vice-Pres.. Mesdames Prebble, (llassey, and Mcllroy. One n« w member.

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White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 318, 19 December 1921, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 318, 19 December 1921, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 318, 19 December 1921, Page 11

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