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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to Insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) HASTINGS. Sept. 23. President presided. Ten members present. Four new members received. Decided, in answer to Mrs Don’s appeal, to donate another £2 to the Maori Fund. Donation of £lO to Memorial Headquarters. Final meeting of Mother’s Rest Committee decided to donate balance of £2O in hand to Municipal Women’s Rest Rooms. A motion of thanks and appreciation was carried by acclamation to Mrs Paul and the Rest Committee, whose efforts had made the work so successful. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. S<#),t. 16. Mrs McDonald presided. Committee set up to arrange for Jumble Sale. Members signed petition in favour of raising the age of consent to 18 years and in favour of women police. Magistrates, and jurors. Mrs Johnson Wright gave an account of how the Constable Street rooms became the property of the W.C.T.U. NAPIER. Sept. 8. Mrs Venables presided over a most enthusiastic and successful gathering. Willard Hall had been thoroughly renovated since it had been vacated by the school children end looked particularly bright and attractive. Miss McCarthy spoke of the temperance movement In England and Scotland, and of the Geneva Conference, to which she was a delegate. She congratulated the Union in the possession of such a beautiful hall. An American visitor spoke, and R< v. Brady, of Norse wood, gave a racy and inspiring address. Arrangements made for Provincial Convention. Afternoon ten was served. OTANE. Sept. Miss Earnshaw held a meet ing to organise a branch of the Union here. M r * Blbby, of Waipawa. presided, and addressed the meeting upon the aims of the W.C.TJ’. An initiatory service was read.iand the following officers were elected: —Pres., Miss Campbell; Vice-rres.. Mrs A. V. Uol--1n„. <3 Po Mim Mundell; Treas., Mrs Wedd; “W.R” Agent. Mrs Anderson. Votes of thanks to speaker. Chair, and performers. Afternoon tea was served. WANGANUI E. Sept. Miss Henderson, Dominion Secretary, wrote re Mrs Atkinson memorial, also forwarded petitions re appointing of women Justices Mesdames

Melvin. Cave, Black, and And it w were appointed Committee for cake stall at Food Fair. Mrs Poraumati, Maori Organiser, spoke to a large and approciative audience on the work of Ratan.i and on her own work among the Maoris. She is a Christian missioner of over thirty years* service among the Maoris. She is a live coal spiritually, possesses stupendous faith, and is pos. st.ssed with a keen insight into human nature, with strong sympathy for all. She told her story In simple but impressive language. She told of her visits to Ratann, of his methods, and of her visits to those who had benefited after their return to their homes. The speaker's own experiences of the healing power in answer to personal prayer and her great faith in the Greatest Physician made a story that went to the hearts of her listeners. She sang a song in Maori. As Franchise Day was being celebrated, a collection was taken up, and a sum of nearly £4 was forwarded to the N.Z. Organising Fund A very hearty vote of thanks to the missioner was movod in an appreciative address by Mrs Duxfleld. After the pronouncing of the Benediction, a social cup of tea brought to a close a very inspiring meeting. HAWERA. Aug. 13. Agreed that the following resolution be sent to Hon. Downle Stewart, Minister of Internal Affairs, and also to Mr Dixon, M.P,: —“The members of the Haw’era W.C.T.U. strongly protest against the reeommendation of the Racing Commission that 28 new totalizator permits should be granted to Raring Clubs.’’ On Friday afternoon. September 9th, our members provided refreshments for the delegates attending the Ana Council meeting. On September 29th a special meeting was held to celebrate the 28th anniversary of Franchise Day. Mrs Scott presided. 21 ladles being present. Decided that we take charge of a shop on Saturday, October 19th. to raise funds for Mrs Mary Armor’s expenses, and for erecting a National Headquarters at Wellington. The following Indies were appointed to interview the headmasters to see that literature dealing with "A 1 cohol and the Human Body’’ is supplied to the competitors:—Mrs Corry. Mrs Bone, Mrs Curtis, and Mrs Hayward. A collection was taken up in aid of the Maori Department. Three new members were initiated. Afternoon tea was provided by- Mrs T. Tait. NEW BRIGHTON Sept. 15. I .nr go attendance. Mrs Cole presided. Mrs Hall gave a veryinteresting report of Convention, which was very much enjoyed by those present. Miss Henderson gave a very fine address on “Social Hygiene,” and was accorded a very hearty vote of thanks. Five new members initiated. Afternoon tea was handed round.

CARTERTON. Oct. f». Mrs Wilson (Vice-President) presided. Proposed that we have a “pay up” social evening on Thursday, the 20th of October. All members of the local Pnion to be invited to attend, and those who have not vet paid in their yearly subscription to bo requested to do so. Musical items and supper to be provided. Mrs Every, our delegate to the Provincial Convention, will give her report at the social. Decided that the travelling expenses of the delegate and Secretary be passed for payment. A prayer meeting will In* held on the third Tuesday in the month. LEE STON. May 19. Mrs T. E. Taylor presided, and gave us a little talk on how our meetings should be » conducted. Derided to start a Cradle Roll. June 18. Unfortunately, was cold and stormy. Those who braved the elements were well repaid. Miss Cunningham. of the Karatane Home, < hristchurch. gave us a nmst interesting talk of the work of the Plunket Society and Karatane Home: July 19. Mrs Eulton gave a veryinteresting paper on the life of Frances Willard. Aug. 16. Special meeting. Mrs Knight, of Racecourse Hill, and Nurse Wilson gave interesting addresses on the work of the Plunket Society, as we intended working a Plunket Society under the auspices of*our Union, but later decided it would be better to have them entirely separate, but wc take the credit of forming the Ellesmere branch of F’lunket Society. Nurse Wilson comes out once a month. Aug. 18. Mrs Hutler gave a paper »*n the life and work of the late T. E. Taylor. Several members also spoke words of appreciation. TE KUITI. Sept. 13. A very enjoyable afternoon at Mrs Hardy’s. Good attendance of 24. Mrs Edgar presided Miss Earnshaw made suggestions re plans of work. Mrs Nicholls wa* appointed Treasurer. Mrs Lopd.dl and Mrs Edgar were appointed delegates to Hamilton Convention in October. Secretary received replies from the Minister of Internal Affairs and W. Jennings, M.P., in connection with our protest for increased racing permits. The Executive to d*al with the petition re women police and J.P.'s, etc. Secretary to get information re working of rest rooms from other Unions. Ttems were rendered by Mrs King and Mrs Stansfleld very effectively. Afternoon tea. Votes of thanks to Miss Earnshaw father address, and to Mrs Hardy for her kind haspitality. Periodical visits from the Organiser will be welcomed. LEVIN. A very strong branch of W.C.T.U. has been reorganised nftrr many years

in Levin. Miss Mayo spent seme time in vision*, and a branch was opened lip with a membership of 3D. A public meeting was held in Century Hall, with Mrs Frost in the chair. Mrs Crabb, President of Palmerston North Union, Wive a very interesting address on W.C.T.U. work and Willard Home. The following officers were elected:—Pres., Mrs Frost (pro tern ): Vice Pres., Mrs Kebble, Mrs .1. Prouse, Mrs Hr. C.ow; Sec., Mrs Hawsop; Tieas., Mrs Billons; "White Ribbon" Agent, Mrs W. J. Gibson: Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Sawtell. Delegates to Lower Hutt Provincial Convention were appointed. It was arranged that Mrs Peryman should visit the town and give an address on Social Hygiene Hill. Members also undertook to secure signatures to a petition asking for women police. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. \ special meetinp to celebrate Franchise Day. when Mrs Wripht presided. TV. Platts Mills was the speaker, and spoke of th< way we were criticised ns havinp done nothlnp since p.alnlnp the privilege of voting, and then mentioned many humanitarian Acts which had found their way to the Statute Rook, a large proportion of them being for the betterment of women and children. The apathy of the great hulk of women was spoken of. and it was said until women were organised and made to realise the responsibility of power placed in their hands, public opinion educated, more advanced legislation agitated for, it would be impossible to control the conditions under which we live. The Dominion Essay Competition, based on the special Education Report No. 13, issued by the Educational Department, was explained, and all present endorsed the action of the Executive in promising to raise £. r >o towards financing the enterprise. Mrs Rooth sang "My Ships" during the afternoon, which xvas enjoyed by all. OPOTTKT. Sept. 9. Social afternoon. Mrs J. Thompson in chair. Good attendance. Afternoon tea. D* elded to hold a stall next month to raise funds for the general campaign next year. Mrs J. Thompson and Miss Steele to arrange programme. DANNEVIRKE Sept. A well attended meeting. Mrs W. F. Knight presiding. The follow ing delegates wore appointed to District Convention: Me.sdames Nicholson, Hutchinson. Oliver, Johnson, and Miss Heaton. A young member sent in a suggestion that the time was ripe for the starting of a "V" Union in Dr.nnevirke, stating that she. along with several, would be willing to join. Proposed that a branch lie forimsi. Resolved that a letter of condolence should be sent to Mrs C. H. Ganstad, and family, a former member of the

local branch, in their recent bereavement. - a MANAIA. Sept. 13. Good attendance, Mrs Patterson presiding. Correspondence read from Miss Henderson re extra racing permits. Decided to forward strong protest to member for the district. One new member, and eight babies’ names for the Cradle Roll. Decided to hold a special meeting to commemorate Franchise Day, and that a special effort be made to gain new members, Mrs Phillips to be asked to give an address. ONEHUNGA Sept. 8. Fair attendance. Sympathy expressed with our President, absent through illness. Replies from Minister of Internal Affairs and Sir 11. Dang in answer to our protest against the 28 new racing permits recommended by the Commission. Notice of Alliance prize essay competition from Mr Macdermott, asking our interest and help for the same. Interesting letter read from a member lately removed. Petition for women police, women on juries, and as Magistrates read. Members promised to get signatures from ofth... of churches and societies, ftc., for the same. Mrs Lee-Cowie spoke to us on several matters of interest, asking our help in her work of gaining Dominion members. A hearty vote of thanks from those pnsent for her address. All present signed the petition for raising the age of. coasent and giving longer period for laying information. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Sept. 14. Meeting in Headquarters. Good attendance. Mrs Knight presided. in the absence of Mrs Cook. Mrs Peryman, our beloved "White Ribbon" Editor, was heartily welcomed to the* meeting, and gave a most inspiring address on the outlook for the great temperance reform in the world around us. We were delighted** to have Mrs Peryman with us. A hearty vote of thanks was passed. A letter of thanks was received from Mr Sj rngg. on liehalf of the Alliance, for the £. r »0 collected liy the Union for the Dominion Prize Essay Fund Mrs Anstire rendered a solo, and Mrs Jamieson, a member who had just returaed from a visit to the Homeland, was welcomed. Decided to hold the District Convention on Octolier 26th. and a Jumble Sale early in November, to help the campaign. One new member initiated. Public Meeting. Sept. 15. During Mia Pery man’s short visit to our city we look the opportunity to hold a publil meeting in the Y.W.C \ Hall. Mrs McfC Geddes took the ch.V.r. Mesdarr*°s Lee-Cowie and Peryman . poke on the Social Hygiene Rill. There was a large gathering of women, in spite of counter-attractlcrs. and the meeting was full of interest. Mrs Cowie spoke

on the preventive means of the evil by teaching the young the necessity of purity of life. She pointed out how drink and impurity go hand in hand. Mrs Peryman dealt with the remedial means, and gave the reasons w’hy the W.C.T.U. opposed the compulsory measures of the Social Hygiene Hill, proving how compulsion has h*>en a failure wherever tried. Numeious authorities were quoted in Hritain and other parts of th* world who were opposed to compulsory measures, including all the British women’s societies and the medical women in Britain. Mrs Peryman urged the women to present a solid front against compulsion. (Questions were invited, and a very interesting and animated discussion followed. The following resolution was passed:—"Recognising with deepest regret the prevalence of venereal disease, we urge the teaching of purity ot life in homes, schools, and churches as the only sure preventive of the disease. For the remedy of the existing evil, free clinics, plain teaching, voluntary treatment, and every method lessening and curing tin scourge, hut we absolutely and utterly oppose all forms of compulsion, compulsory notification, or compulsory treatment, believing from evidence gathered from all over the world that only voluntary notification will be effectual. N.E. VALLEY. Sept. 22. Mrs Peart presided over a very fair attendance of numbers. Motion of sympathy with Mrs Gervin whose husband passed away. The meeting standing in silence. A reply receivid from the Hon. W. D. Stewart in response to letter sent protesting against an increase in racing permits The Rev. R. E. Evans sent an invitation to members to .attend the Presbyterian Church in body at the «vening service on Novcmlx r 13, Temperance Sunday. Invitation accepted. The Misses Love and Gibb delegates to Convention. Each gave a detailed report of the meetings. Three new members were enrolled. Mrs P art gave a brief and stirring address on "Praying and Working." TIMARU. Sept. 27. Twenty-nine members present. Motions of sympathy with Mrs Thyne and Mrs Morton were passed. Decided to ask that Mrs Mary St. Armor come to Timaru. Invitation from the President of the Y Union to an American Tea was accepted. Mrs Norrie announced that as a result of Violet Day a sum of £BS had been collected for the new Sailors’ Rest. Tin day was also the means of bringing the Union and its work before the public, and both the public and the press ga*’e us their hearty co-operation. Mrs Rrow’n and Mis Butcher gave a full and interesting account of the Kaiapoi Convention, and

were accorded a hearty vote of thank/*. Five new members were errolled. PETONE. Oct. 4. small, but a deal of business done. Correspondence from Hon. T M Wilford and Hon. I townie Stewart ro our protest against the increase o? totallaator permits, our protest is noted, and will be considered. Decided to ask that if possible Mrs Ar mor give an address in Petonc. Miss Henderson’s request for signatures of heads of women’s societies to a petition to be sent to Parliament asking for women police, women Jurors and women J.P’s., had l>cer: complied with, and forms returned. The two delegates to Convention, Mrs Ashby and Mrs Jones, sent very tine reports, which were listened to with much interest. A vote of thanks passed to del* gates. Next afternoon to l>e at the home of Mrs Crowther. At our last afternoon 12 5s was raised for Barnardo Home. RUSSELL. Aug. 16. An enthusiastic meeting was held, and a Branch of seventeen members formed by Mrs Fulljames, who gave a short account of the work carried on by the W.C.T.U. Mrs Mundy was elected President; Mesdanies Clow and Williams Vice-Presidents; Mrs Armitagc, Sesretary; Mrs J. Williams, Treasurer; Mrs Hodgson, Cradle Roll Superintendent; Miss I). Clow, White Ribbon Agent. Eleven subscribers to White Ribbon. Decided to hold our meetings 2nd Tuesday in the month. Afternoon tea was provided by Mrs Clow. Sept. IS. President in the chair. Fair attendance. Several papers were read by members, which were thought would prove helpful. Decided each member should write a paper suggesting how to help the young people. Three new members initiated. Seven babies enrolled. ASHBURTON. ,°ept. Mrs W. H. Robinson presided over a fair attendance. Letter of sympathy sent to Sister Mildred. The Ree Sec. reported that a strongly-worded protest had been forwarded to Hons. W. I townie Stewart and W. Nosworthy against the decision of the Racing Commission: that 28 new totalisator permits be granted. Replies were received with the usual promises. A remit was also sent to the Kaiapoi Convention that alterations be made in the Criminal Code Act immediately. Miss Henderson wrote stating that she would visit Ashburton on October 4th. also that it had been decided to petition Parliament to pass legislation providing for the appointment of women J.P’s.. their inclusion on juries, and women police, and enclosing petition forms. Decided to procure signatures to same. An interesting address on the social work of the Salvation Army was given by Mrs Wyatt, who w’ns accorded n hearty vote of thanks. Sept. 23. Very successful drawingroom afternoon at the residence of Mrs

S. Thompson in commemoration of Franchise I toy, Mrs J. Thompson offleiating. A brief, but enjoyable programme was submitted, and an address by Rev. R. J. Liddell. Two new members. Afternoon tea. Votis of thanks to hostess, speaker, and performers. NEW PLYMOUTH. Sept. 28. Pay-up social: 45 present. Reported that Franchise Day was celebrated at aa At Hmw la WUtttey Hail, with good attendance. Address by Plunket Nurse. Home Meetings to gain new members have been held at Mrs Loveridge’s, Ngamotu; Mrs Dickson’s, Vogel town; Mrs S. Rundall’s. Fitzroy; and Mrs Boon's, Buller Street; and one in AVhiteley Hall, all being most successful. White Ribbon Day was celebrated. Rev. Collins gave an address, and Miss Loveridge’s song was much enjoyed. Willard Day was observed by a social gathering, and an address by Mr Bellringer on his tour through America, England, and Scotland. In February a fine Cradle Roll picnic was held. WINCH MORE-GREENBTREET. Aug. Stocking League Day. President in chair. Sympathy expressed with family of late Mrs A. R. Atkinson. also with Mrs Hill in the loss of her brother. Many useful and beautiful articles made from old stockings were displayed for sale. One new member. Musical programme and afternoon tea. Sept. 14. Reported that parcel of goo*is had been sent to Palmerston North in aid funds for Willard Home. Decided to contribute to Headquarters Fund. Pastor Phillips gave a most interesting address, and spoke of the devotion and self-sacrifice of Frances Willard. One new’ member. Afternoon tea provided by Greenstreet members. Oct. President in the chair. Secretary reported a visit paid to mothers and babies of St. Leon’s Circus whilst in Ashburton, and toys given to ‘he two babies who were enrolled during Dominion Convention. President reported a visit of Miss Henderson to District Union, and gave extracts from her report of Australian Convention. Mrs Bennett gave a report of Provincial Convention. CHRISTCHURCH Sept. 14. Mrs Taylor presided. Attendance good. Letter of thanks re ceived for £ll3 collected by members and friends for Dr. Barnado’s Homes. Decided to paint rooms on Show Grounds. Committee set up to recommend alterations to make the work at Show easier, and the arrangements of luncheon room and front counter more

complete. Mesdanies Wicks and l’atchett gave report of Provincial Convention Sept, 28. Mrs Napier presided. An address by Miss Haughan on Prison Reform (reported in another column) for which she was heartily thanked. OAMARU. Sept. Pay-up social; 78 present. Mrs Moore presided. The action of the Secretary, Mrs Tiffany, protesting aga'nst increase of racing permits, was endorsed. Mrs Horsfall read a most inteiesting report of the Provincial Convention. Musical items rendered by friends were much appreciated. Miss Stewart at next meeting is to give a “Talk to Young Girls.” LEIGH. Sept. President in the chair. Good attendance. Resolved to organise an afternoon entertainment and collection to raise funds for the I’rohiibtion Campaign. Mrs It. Matheson read a very interesting paper entitled "Things that Money Cannot Buy,” for which she was accorded a hearty vote of thanks. Interested discussion on the organisation of the afternoon entertainment. GORE. Sept. 26. Mrs Rhodes, President, occupied the chair. Mrs E. C. Smith gave a short reading. Decided to hold a garden fete in February to raise funds for the propased National Headquarters of W.C.T.U. An effort Is being made to secure Mrs Mary Armor’s services for one night here. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Sept. 28. Mrs Cook presiding. Greetings were sent to the Conference of the National Council of Women sitting in Wellington. Preparations were made for Jumble Sale, to 1m- held in November. Mrs Cowie reported that the Y Branch would undertake the sweets stall. Letter of sympathy to b** sent to Mrs Reuben Bailey, whose husband is very ill in China. Mrs Jamie, son. who recently returned from the Old Country, gave an interesting address on her experiences at Home, and stated that two women members had been elected to Parliament in ULster. Satisfaction was expressed at the election of Mrs Wintringham to the House of Com moils. WANGANUI DISTRICT. Sept. Mrs Emmett, President, in chair. Were pleased to have with us Mis Mayo, the new Organiser. Two home meetings were arranged for her work in securing new members. The resolutions, re th*' Bill of Notification and Age Limit, was also passed unanimous ly. Our ffale of Work for Hostel Fund; .arrangements well In hand for Bth. On** n«w member initiated. MABTERTON. Sept. 22. Pleasant At Home at the residence of Mrs Rowse, of Lansdowne. A very fine address was given by Mrs

G. T. Brown, on “Our Ideals for Our Country, and How They May be Realised.” The speaker showed how strong drink affected the country industrially and morally, and laid down the axiom that “Prohibition is plain commonsense." Items were rendered by several friends, and a dainty afternoon tea provided by the Hostess, during which a discussion took place over the coming Convention, and the prize essay Competition. Oct. 6. President in the chair, good attendance of members. A report was given by Mrs Rutter of the recent Provincial Convention at Lower Hutt, and great interest was shown by the members in various matters connected with it. Great satisfaction was expressed that the next District Convention is to be held at Carterton. OXFORD. Aug. 31. Good attendance, President in the chair. Resolution against increase of racing permits. Mesdames Lewis and C. W. Tritt were appointed delegates to Provincial Convention. Address by Rev. C. Duncan upon "Witnessing for Christ.” Sept. 7. Mr T. Gainsford drove two delegates ami four members to Convention at Kaiapoi, where all gained inspiration. Sept. 8. Birthday rally, to celebrate our tenth birthday. President spoke words of welcome. Apologies received from Rev. L. Hard and Mr L. Watson. Mrs C. W. Tritt cad report of Provincial Convention. Brief speeches of congratulation were made by Mr A. Dunn. Rev. C. Duncan and Rev. L. Lew’is. A fine programme w f as rendered and refreshments provided.

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White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 316, 19 October 1921, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 316, 19 October 1921, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 27, Issue 316, 19 October 1921, Page 11

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