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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anythin* In the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) LEIGH. April 28. Mrs (ii'** presided. A fair attendance. Resolved that Mr Kempt’s donation of II Im i given in three prizes, 10s. 6s, and Is, for "the heat essays on “Alcohol: Its Effect on Mind and Body,” to Ik* competed for by pupils of the local schools, those essays to !>e on exhibition at the next Omaha and Pakiri Annual Show. Mrs Wyatt read a paper entitled "The Second Coming of the Lord.” for which she was accorded a vote of thanks. Vote of deep sympathy was passed with the President and her sister-in-law and family in their sad bereavement. May 26. A fair gathering, Mrs Grigg in the chair. The President sent a letter of apology for her unavoidable ahsence. Mrs Gozar read a very interesting paper on the "Evils of To bicco Smoking,” and was given a vote of thanks. Mrs D. Matheson read extracts on “Personal Liberty on the Prohibition Question” Discussion on the evils of gambling in connection with home-racing. TAKATUNA. May 6. Mrs Fulljames invited to take chair. A fair number present. Shop address by Mrs Fulljames. The two banners, one for largest membership, and percentage in the year, were then presented to our Society. Afternoon tea was served. A photo, was taken of mem!>ers and banners. Mrs l.ewins was elected President, and spoke of her visit to the Convention. June 2. Mrs Lewins in chair, Good attendance. Mrs Lee Cowie addressed the meeting on "Social Purity and Hygiene.” She spoke of the responsibility of parents in bringing up their ones, and urged a high standard for little ones, and urged a high standard for mind and body development. She was listened to with great attention, and questions were asked at the close. Two were initiated as members. WOODVILLE. May SI. Mrs Shearman presided. T’nfortunatelv. Mrs Mills (Secretary) was unable to be present. Eleven members attended. Miss Mayo, an organiser. from Palmerston North, read to us a very interesting account of the

big Convention held at Ashburton, after which afternoon tea was handed round. N.E. VALLEY. May 26. The President (Mrs Peart) presided over a very good gathering of members. The Rev. L. Morris gave a most interesting address to women, taking as his text Luke viii., v. 2 and 3. and gave a special invitation to the members to go to the Baptist Church in a body on Sunday evening, June 26. The invitation was accepted. Mesdames Peart and Tinker were appointed delegates to represent the T’nion at the monthly meeting of the United Temperance Reform Council. It was resolved that next meeting should take the form of a “Clipping Meeting.” mem hers to bring clippings of interesting articles. Mrs Elliot appointed to School Committee. DPNEDTN DISTRICT. April 6. A very short meeting. A visitor from Wellington was welcomed. An Immediate adjournment was made to Burns Hall, where Madame St rath earn and Sister Kathleen gave song, story, and address in aid of West Ham Mission. Mrs Don was in the chair. Madame Strathearn held her audience spellbound by the wonder and pathos of her varied experiences Sister Kathleen’s simple informative account of conditions in West Ham was intensely interesting. May 3. Mrs Hiett in the chair. At tendance large. Welcomes accorded to a visitor Mrs Clark. President of Balclutha Branch, and to two members transferred. Letters received from Minister of Public Health in re Social Hygiene Bill, and from Mrs Peryman in r»* gaining more subscribers to "White Ribbon.” Miss Powell pointed out that the "White Ribbon" helps to disseminate knowledge of the W C.T.U. Hon. Mr I'arr stated he had noted the objection of the W C T P. to the compulsory clauses. Mrs Hiett gave bright, comprehensive report of Convention. mentioning the unexampled hospitality and varied kindness shown by the Ashburton people. The speaker drew special attention to rest rooms started in other places, and touched on the need for Dunedin W .C.T.U. putting forward woman candidate for next Parliamentary election. Miss Enrnshaw’’s work was eulogised. Vote of thanks to Mrs Hiett carried unanimously. Congratulations on his appointment as Crown Prosecutor to he sent to Mr F. B. Adams. Mrs Stewart conveyed invitation from Rev. R. Stewart to hold a church parade at his church. Accepted. and arrangements made to hold it on May 16th. Dominant note of meeting, encouragement in our work. Mrs Hiett concluded a report full of hope and Joy and devotion, with lines from the Crusade Hymn: Give to the winds thy fears. Hope on. he undismayed.

onehunoa. May 12. President in the chair. Resolutions of the Convention introduced hv one delegate. After discussion, they were endorsed by the meeting. Cor. Sec. given instructions and power to act on any of the resolutions from Miss Henderson if such arrive l>etween meetings. Result of women's effort, one of our moml>ors and another lady elected on the School Committee. Mrs Hunter and Mrs Mushet elected as our delegates to the Auckland No* Con vontion. TIM ARP. May 31. targe and enthusiastic meeting. A motion of sympathy with Mrs J. Wallace in her sad bereavement was passed. Interesting and satisfactory hospital report received. Busy month with sailors at the Rest. Two Sunday teas and three social evenings, also tw’o Sunday evening services. Special social for men of H.M.S. Chatham, funds provided by a sympathiser. Decided that a special meeting of the "Y" Branch lx* held on Monday evening. June 6th, and that visitinc member* of the mother union bring Imskets. Six new memls-rs were enrolled AUCKLAND DISTRICT. April 13. Rey. Reid, from Seattle, gave a most inspiring address on Prohibition in America. April 27. Mrs Cook presided. An ap peal was read from the Organiser of the Barnardo Homes for assistance to collect funds. Mrs Lee-Cowie gave a most interesting address on the subject of Social Purity, and urged the importance of voluntary treatment in the case of venereal disenst A vote of thanks was passed t«. Mrs Cr .vjp. May 11. Mrs Cook presided. Mr« dames Murray and Rosser were appointed to represent T’nion at Parliament of Temperance Workers on June 3rd. Mrs Neal gave a most instructive and interesting address on "Medical Temperance." giving substitutes for brandy in sickness. She also touched on the work of the Cradle Roll and L T.L. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded Mrs Neal. OAMARP. May. Attendance fnir, Mrs Steonson presiding. Miss Smythe read a report of Convention. They were pleaded with the report of the work done by other Unions, and one and all heartily appreciated Mrs Don's thrilling address. All realised the need for us to he up and doing. OXFORD April 27. Mrs Ryde in the chair. Oorxl attendance. Letter of sympathy in her illness to he sent to Mrs Gain*-

ford, senr., our first President. and hearty wishes for lioi* speedy recovery. Mrs Hawke Rave report of Convention, and was heartily thanked. One new meml>er. May 25. President in the rhair. Resolution of sympathy with absent m embers who were sick. Mrs Wat kin, of Christchurch, Rave an address on Home Nursing, and it was decided to take steps to form St. John Ambulance Classes. Resolution of thanks to Messrs Ryde and R. Judson and all who had assisted with the entering at the Show. WINCH MORE-GREEN STREET. April 13. A loving message was received from our highly esteemed Dominion President, “Carry on till vietory is assured “ Ashburton gratefully acknowledged assistance given in connection with Dominion Convention. Superintendent of Work Amongst the Young reported that arrangements were well in hand for opening session of Rand of Hope. Decided to give prizes for best temperance recitation. A member reported leaving the “White Ribl>on" in the women’s ward (County Hospital). The paper was thoroughly enjoyed by the inmates, who passed it on from one to another. Hearty congratulations to our White Ribbon sinter, Mrs Scott, who w.'us elected on Lyndhurst School Committee; also to our Cradle Roll Superintendent, who is now District Cradle Roll Superintendent. A full and comprehensive report of Convention was given by Mrs Bennett. During the quarter flowers had t>een placed in the church, sent to Soldiers’ Club and Women’s Rest Room, fruit to private maternity hospitals, whilst delicacies had been sent to soldiers’ ward (County Hospital). Delighted to report three new members enrolled. May. Owing to inclement weather and the long distance each member has to come to place of meeting, we regret to report nn meeting for May. lielighted to report very successful Band of Hope meeting, crowded schoolroom, and splendid programme. RAIiCLCTHA. May 3. President in the eliair. Attendanee fair. Convention paper diseussed. Derided to take up new work in form of a Dorcas Society, as relief work, and to meet every fortnight. Mrs (Mark reported having attended Dunedin meeting, and finding all there very onthusiastie to help in the work. (SHEYTOWN. May. Home meeting at the residence of Mrs Whincop Mrs Peryman gave a brief address, and arrangements were made for celebrating White Rib bon Day. Afternoon ten was served. MORRINSVILLE. April 12. Miss Richards presided, nine nu mbers present, one new member

being received. Arrangements were made for the visit of Mix Dens in on May loth to give her report of ihe recent Ashburton Convention. Decided to invite the ministers from the various churches, and also any gentlemen interested in Temperance and other social reforms. An article was read from the “White Ribbon,” and also a paper on “Sabbath Observance.’’ May 10. About fifty members and friends were present to hear Mrs Den sem's report on the recent Ashburton Convention, Mr J. B. Thomas was in the chair. The Chairman, in a few well-chosen remarks, introduced Mrs Densein, who gave a very interesting and instructive address. A solo was given by Mrs Bell (Hamilton). Rev. Cottom and Richards each spoke a few words of appreciation, and a vote of thanks was accorded the visitors, and also the Chairman. Afternoon tea was provided by the members, and a collection was taken up. HENDERSON. May. Meeting was ably conducted by the Vice-President, Mrs Platt, our President being away on holiday. I*nrt of Convention report was read and diseussed. Proposed and carried that we send a vote of appreciation to our member, Mr Parr, for the help we feel he is giving our cause from an educational point of view. Our Cradle Roll Superintendent was congratulated on her ever-increasing Cradle Roll membership OPOTIKI. May 13. Social afternoon. Mrs J. Thompson in chair. A piano solo by Mrs Holman, afternoon tea, song by Mrs Hambly. then a very interesting talk by Mrs Suckling on her work in Eiji amongst the Hindoos. It was very much appreciated. BLENHEIM. May 3. Attendance small, owing to members being in demand elsewhere. Mrs Brierley presided. A resolution was sent to Blenheim Borough Council asking them to give practical attention to the matter of a ladies’ rest room in the town. Decided to place current copies of the “White Ribbon” in the public reading room, and also to distribute copies of the Convention number to interested citizens, with n view to increasing circulation thereof. AVONDALE. May 17. Ten members present. After the devotional exercises, a nlrasant afternoon was spent in hemming tea towels for our new W.C.T.U. Hostel in Upper Queen Street. Auckland. l)e----------elded to ask Mrs Lee-Cowio to speak*-at our June meeting. ARAMOHO. Our Branch is retting very well indeed. Meetings are well attended, and members take n lively interest in

ill work done. The work for hostel for women and girls has been somewhat held up owing to there being two large efforts made here for other work, Re turned Soldiers and Wanganui Blast Baths Committee both holding large <arnivals. but we hope to again soon be on the move. Convention report was read, and we are much pleased with work done, etc. PAPANUI. May 12. Mrs Smith in the chair. Mrs England addressed the meeting on Convention, it being most helpful and inspiring, emphasising the need *.? prayer and patience for the carrying on of (lod’s work. One new’ member received. The meeting closed with hymn and prayer. WANGANUI DISTRICT April 7. President absent through sickness. Meeting presided over by Mrs Warwick. Vice-President. Meeting decided to assist with afternoon tea and supper at Returned Soldiers’ Band Carnival. A very full and interesting report of recent Convention was given by Mrs Grant. One new member was initiated. Afternoon tea. May 5. Attendance fair. The President being absent through sickness, Mrs Hague Smith presided. A vote of sympathy passed for all sick members. Three of our members elected on School Committee. TURAKINA. May 26. Mcsdames Emmett and Upton. President and Secretary of Wanganui Union, came to visit us, and both ladies addressed us on the aim and object of the proposed Women’s Hostel, which the Wanganui Branch are raising funds to support. As this is a much-needed place we decided to try and do our little hit to help the cause along. One new member was welcomed. HAWERA. May 2f». Weather very wet and boisterous. Mrs Scott presided, and two delegates. Mesdames Curtis and Hill, were appointed to attend the Taranaki Provincial Convention at Normanby on June 15th. It was intimated that Mrs A. R. Atkinson, of Wellington, will address a public meeting in Hawera on Thursday evening. June 16th. Sympathy was expressed with Mrs T. Tait in her illness, and with Mrs Hayward in her recent sad bereavement. WELLINGTON. June 2. Mrs Johnson Wright presided. Miss Karnshaw has been in Wellington several weeks. securing new members, and has gained thirty for this Union besides several at Petone atm Lower Hutt. A sp rial vote of thanks was passed to the Organiser for the work done here in looking up members who do not attend meetings, and we feel that greal good will result from her

visit. Mins I Cains haw an address, taking Nehemiah and his rebuilding of the walls of Jerusalem as her subjeet. Nehemitth's elans and methods of accomplishing Ills work, the traits of character displayed by the various persoris were spoken of. the dividing of the work amongst every class of society brought it as a lesson to us to-day, showing how r each one of us has her own niche to fill in our I’nion work. It was pro posed to hold a jumble sale on Saturday. July 2nd, to augment the funds of the Union. Mrs Hallam sang two songs whu h were enjoyed by all. KAIArOI. May. Owing to the absence of our I'resident, Mrs Scott. Mrs Blighting was in the ehair. We had a good attendance. Band of Hope was discussed; we had a splendid opening on the 23rd May. Bro. Scott is our new Band of Hope President, he giving the address. Seven* I pledges were signed. Miss Laishly handed in her resignation as Secretary owing to her leaving Kainpoi. Mrs Stewart was appointed in Miss Ijiiishley’s place. HASTINGS. May 25. Special meeting, presided over by Mrs Venables, of Napier, District President. Positions of officers, which had been held temporarily were filled as follows: President. Mrs Darby, pro. tern, (until her permission is obtain cd for permanency); Secretary. Mrs Wilson; Treasurer, Mrs French. Judging by the attendance of members there is every prospect of going forward. Mrs I'uul Presented the Mother’s Best re port, which was very encouraging. Several business matters were attended to. and arrangements made for the “American Tea” in June. The meetings are to be held as usual monthly, on every fourth Thursday in Wesley Hall. Afternoon tea was dispensed, after which the meeting was closed in the usual way KAIKORAI. May 27. Bright, helpful meeting, norwithstanding small attendance. President (Mrs Martin) in the chair. One new member enrolled. Recording Secretary appointed. The President reported that owing to the inability of several of our new’ members to attend our meet ings. she thought it advisable to hold a special meeting in one of their homes to crca e an interest in our work, and to give an account of the late Conference, to w’hich shf was a delegate. A very interesting and successful meeting was held, and it was decided that such a meeting be held every alternate month The President was commended for her progressive spirit. PETONE. The chief business was arranging for the visit of Miss Earns haw, who is to be here a week. Lists of names were handed in for Miss Ear ns haw to visit so that no time be wasted when she arrives. Mrs Jones, Superintendent of Relief and Flower Department, reported

having taken out several invalids for a ear ride. The weather was lieautiful. and the drive much enjoyed. Mrs Jones drafted a letter to be sent to the I’etone Town Council asking if anything can be done for the relief of the house shortage. Prizes have been of fered for Temperance essays, written by school children next month. The Wellington District Union sent a request for help in a shop to be run for one week to raise funds for the local Y.M.C.A.. the District Union to be responsible for one day. The Pet one Union will gladly assist. One new member received, who had liecii a mom her of the B.W.T.A. in England. WELLINGTON (CENTRAL. May 26th. Mrs McDonald presided. Miss Earns haw attended, and gave an interesting sketch of her 'methods of work. Miss Earnshaw will visit and or ganiso for Wellington Central later. ORUAWHARO. May 23. Katu ta matou initingi kite wlmre o te matou Perehitini. O Mrs Hone Eruera .he mihi na matou. Kia rana kotona hoa taape inoho nei itc pouri mo taraua tamaiti kua wehea nei iwaenganui i matou katoa, i tangohia ein te kupu ate Ariki ite wa iaia e taka ana jtona mate. Haere etania. Kota hi inema hou kua urn mai kite roopu karaitianu. Ko Mrs Connely kei te nui te hari mo tenei mema hou kua urn nei aia kitene i karangatanga. E hoa ma inga tuakana teina he tone tenei kiugi roopu katou nato tatou Tuamaki kia tai atinana te mema oia roopu oia roopu ate Inaehe cheki mai nei. Kalu tei hatutana me tons hiahia iaia u kia kalm tatou kite pupuri itenO tonga hoi ano. Hahuri te tangata e wehi ana ia I how a e haereana i ona am Waiata 1,128.

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White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 312, 18 June 1921, Page 11

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 312, 18 June 1921, Page 11

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 312, 18 June 1921, Page 11

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