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News of the Unions.

(The Kdltor cannot promise to insert • anythin*? in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) RETONE. Sept. 2f. Igirge gathering of ladies at the residence of Mrs Corner. Mrs T. Collins presided, and Mcsdames Ashby and Watkin contributed items. A most interesting address was delivered by Mrs Niramo about work among seamen, and some most lieautiful letters were read which she had received from sailors thanking her for help given while in port. She made a strong appeal for helpers in this most Christian work. A collection was taken up in aid of the work. Oct. 21. At Home at the residence of Mrs Crowther, to say “farewell" to Mrs Hurd, the popular and capable Secretary of the Union N»;ci> expiessed their regret at losing her. Mrs Rowse presented her with a bouquet, and Mrs Murgatroyd, on behalf of the Union, with a beautiful carved tray. Musical items were given, and afternoon tea served. Rev. Carry gave a most inspiring address. ARAMOHO Oct. It. Fair attendance. A discussion of ways and means to raise funds for the proposed Women’s Hostel formed chief business. Two street stalls have already been held, with good results. I Voided to continue holding street stalls. £1 sent to Mrs Nimmo for Sailors' Ruud. INVERCARGILL SOI TH Oct. 12. Mrs Pasley presided. Mrs I’asley repeated the substance of an ad dress upon Rublio Health which Miss Rallantine had given to the Executive. Reported that £l6 had been raised for the Kindergarten; also that n concert had been given to the returned soldiers. Decided to give prizes for the best essay upon "The Effects of Alcohol upon the Human Body." One new member. DUNEDIN DISTRICT. Oct. 5. Mrs Hlett in the chair. Votes of sympathy were passed with Miss Reid and with Mr and Mrs Rile. Letters received from the Hon. E. P. Lee, giving the order of distribution of sugar, and stating that breweries use chiefly invert sugar, a bye-product of refined sugar, of no use in other manufactures; the General Manager of Railways. stating that the matter of separ ate lavatory accommodation on trains for men and women was under consid eration, and a further reply would tie forwarded shortly. Letter sent by

Executive to Crime Minister, protesting against special facilities being given to a private Hill for increasing racing permits. Decided to send the following resolution to the National Council of Women in reply to a remit received from them asking for an expression of opinion on the proposed amendment to the Marriage Act: “While denying to the State the right to Interfere with a church’s domestic legislation, this Union considers that no church has a right to declare illegal a marriage contracted according to the law of the land.’* Mrs Mazengarb reported on a meeting of social workers at which she had represented the Union. The Union then passed the following resolution: "The Dunedin District W.C.T.U. again urges on the Government the desirability of appointing women police, thereby strengthening the hands of the health patrols; and also th<‘ appointment of women censors of picture films, to act in conjunction with the present Censor, women Justices of the police, and women jurors. Decided to collect for Dr. Barnardo’s Homes. FEILDINO. Oct. 7. A good attendance, Mrs Barton presiding. Members in charge of Rest Room reported that there was an im reusing attendance of women and children as the locality of the room became known. Resolved to hold a flower day some time in November, proceeds to bo equally divided between Dr. Barnardo’s Homes and Work Among Seamen in Wellington. Resolved that we support the Gisborne petition praying for further protection against assaults upon young chlloren. Report from Mrs Reeve and Mrs Whit marsh, delegates to the Provincial Convention. A brief outline of the business dealt with and the resolutions forwarded. An account of the visit to the Willard Children’s Home was given. Mrs Barton read a paper on the injurious effect of giving alcohol in cases of shock and other forms of illness. Many hospitals have quite abolished the use of such stimulants in their institutions. One member was initiated OAMARU. Oct. 11. Mrs Moore (President) opened the meeting, and introduced Miss Ballantine (Public Health Department), who spoke at length on I be terrible scourge which threatens to undermine the nation if not checked. The proposed Social Hygiene Hill was explained fully. This Union sent a strong protest to Government re racing permits. A good attendance of the members, also the Plunket Society. I »HVONI ‘ORT. Sept. A social, at which we took up a collection, and raised £1 7s fid for the work among seamen. A very enjoyable programme was presented, and afternoon tea dispensed. Oct. Annual business meeting and election of officers. Mrs Cook, the District President, came over and pre-

sided, and gave us much good advice and encouragement. The reports were read and adopted, and the following officers were elected: —Pres., Mix Burnett, Jubilee Avenue, Vice-Pres., Mes(l;ones Rudd and Elliott; Sen., Mrs Trevurza, Cracroft Street; Treas.. Mm Hay. Tainui Road; "White Ribbon" Supt.. Miss l.ilewell. c/o Miss Mott, (jueen’s Parade; Cradle Ro’l, Mi's Fraser. Narrow Neck. HAMILTON. Oct. 7. Boisterous weather, poor attendance. Mi's Morton presided. Mr Dawson gave some very interesting and encouraging information concerning the preparations for the next campaign. During the month a concert in aid of New Zealand W.C.T.U. funds was held in London Street Schoolroom, which had been tastefully decorated for the occasion. Mr Boyes occupied the chair, and spoke for a few minutes on the w’ork of the W.C.T.U. An excellent programme of musical items, songs, and recitations was submitted and thoroughly enjoyed. £2 sent to Mrs Nimmo for the Sailors’ Rest Fund In Wellington. GREYTOWN. Sept. 2X. Mrs Boucher presided. A letter was read from Mrs cjuin. absent from sickness. Mrs Murray, the delegate to Convention, gave ;< splendid report of the work in hand for the ensuing year, also a vivid account of the Willard Home. Copies of the resolutions were read. Many questions asked. to which Mi's Mui ray replied. Mrs Whincop described the needs and working of the Willard Home. Votes of thanks were passed to the speakers. HAWERA. Oct. 2X. Mrs Scott presided, and read an article on “Women in Australia." Resolved: "That the Hawera Branch of the W.C.T.U. earnestlj urges the Government to inaugurate, without further delay, a system of properly trained police women and women patio's. thus affording more efficient protection for the young people of tins Dominion. Vote of sympathy with Mrs Gray in her illness. Afternoon tea. HASTINGS. Aug. Mrs Fawcett (President) pleaded. Mrs Bert Smith was appointed delegate to the District Convention, to be held in Dannevirke. Re Work Among Seamen, it was decided to orso organising of “American Tea" had in ai<l of same. Re Soldiers’ Memorial Hospital, Mrs Lovell-Smlth was instructed to vote against the St Helen’s Hopital and Eemergency Hospital being in same building. The shop held by tin W l ’ t p hi aid of the Btai\lnc 4 UM ren of Europe Fund realised £23 17s Id. Sept. Onl> six memlwrs present, ai d so organising of ‘American Tea" had to be held over. Report of the rest room was read and adopted. Income for month was £8 15s id. Mrs Bert

Smith read an interesting report of the District Convention. October. Mrs Fawcett presided over a small attendance. Decided to hold the annual meeting on November 17th. Afternoon tea and musical items to be arranged. The Secretary was instructed to write and ask Mrs Venables to preside at the annual meeting. Report of Rest I loom was read, and in« ome £7 I :>s. OXFORD. Oct. t». President in the chair. Franchise Day and ninth birthday of I'nion celebrated. Vote of sympathy with relatives of late Mrs Mehrtens. also sympathy with Mrs Gainsford, senr., and Mrs Roe in their illness. Kxtracts from an article ny l*ady Astor. M.l’., read by President, and Mrs F. Tritt gave an excellent report of Provincial Convention. Oct. -7. Mrs Roberts gave an account of work of Social Hygiene So defy, and was thanked. The meeting endorsed a resolution passed by Anglican Synod requiring that all persons who were about to marry should In' free from disease in * communicable form. SAWYER’S HAY. Oct. 2*5. Fair attendance. Mrs Peart gave a must earnest and inspiring address upon qu«r«-i Esther, and urged upon all the importance of doing the duty nearest at ham'. Decided to combine with the Y's at our next meeting. WKLLINOTC>N t KNTRAL. Oct. 15. The following resolutions were passed: "That this meeting urges the Government to organise without further delay a system of well selected and properly trained women patrols and police women for the letter protection of the young people of the Dominion." "That this meeting urgently requests the Government to enlarge the powers of the Film Censor so that films shown under an "A" certificate (recommended more especially for adult audiences) may be forbidden to children, and in the alternative that films holding an “A” certificate shall be forbidden to be shown at Saturday matinees, where children are always present in large numbers. HENDERSON. Oil. 21. Mrs Cook presided, and gave an inspiring address on the love of workers one to wan! another. She also explained the Girls' Hostel movement, that it was for our own New Zealand girls away from home. Collection for Hostel Fund was taken. Afternoon tea was provided, and a vote of thanks passed to Mrs Cook for her helpful and inspiring visit. AUCKLAND DISTRICT. Oct. 13. Mrs Cook presided. A further protest was sent to Parliament re increase of racing permits. A letter was also sent supposing th A petition

sent to Parliament from 1100 Gisborne residents asking for further protection against assaults on young children. A letter was received from the Secretary of the National Council of Women asking an expression of opinion re flogging as part punishment for assaults on young children, and the question of a medical certificate certifying that each part> to a marriage has no transmit table disea see. Resolutions in favour of both were passed by the meeting. A letter from the Dunedin Branch of Society for Protection of Women and Children was also received, asking our support re the medical certificate. Mr A. S. Wilson, Secretary of Y.M.C.A., gave a most inspiring address. Oct. 27. Mrs Cook presided. Mrs Moody, from Wellington, was welcomed, and spoke upon the work among seamen which Mrs Nimmo is doing in Wellington. Letter of thanks received for donation to local Sailors* Mission. Interesting letter from Mrs Reulien Bailey. en route for China. Discussion on Social Hygiene Bill. Special meeting arranged to hear Mrs McHugh speak upon this subject. One new member. INVERCARGILL DISTRICT. Oct. 5. Our President welcomed back after her holiday. Members requested to help Bluff Sailor’s Rest with reading matter and funds. Decided to visit country branches regularly. Members met Miss llallantyne to discuss Social Hygiene Bill. Mr McGregor read a paper on the late Mr T. E. Taylor. Letters of sympathy sent to the family upon the death of Mrs Jamieson, one of our oldest members. Miss Dewar appointed Corresponding Secretary. Nov. 2. Invitation to a Sale of Produce received from the South Union. Letters received from Messrs J. R. and A. Hamilton stating that they were opposed to any increase in the number of racing permits. Mrs Baird reported some splendid essays for Temperance competitions. Decided to attend the welcome to Mr Marion, new organiser for South Island. RICHMOND (NELSON). July 14. Mrs Sutton presided. Fanattendance. Resolved to insert temperance extracts in the "Evening Mail" on Saturday nights for six months. Eleven shillings raised for Save the Children Fund. Aug. 11. Mrs Sutton in the chair. Dominion Superintendent gave an address upon "Indentured labour.” A strong protest was sent to Parliament condemning imported indentured labour, and praying that some such scheme as America's co-operative system be introduced. Afternoon tea provided. Sept. K. President in the chair. Mrs Price replied to a letter of sympathysent to her. Extracts from "Hansard" on the new Licensing Bill were read. Oct. 13. Protessts re voting permits sent to Parliament. Mrs Crabtree, re-

cently from England, ga\e an account of the World Contention. Mrs Isitt spoke upon what women had already done and how they could still help. Votes of sympathy to Mesdames Burroughs and Hunter. MANAIA. Oct. 12. Nineteen present, Mrs Patterson presiding. Two new members received. Reported that a Sale had • wen held to build shelter sheds for the children, and £ I*o 14s 6d raised. Votes of thanks to all who had assisted. Miss Susan Patterson gave an account of the starving children in Europe, and it was decided to hold a Sale to raise funds for their benefit. Miss 1). Patterson gave the L.T.L. report. Miss Patterson thanked for training the children. TAKAPI NA. Nov. 4. Pay-up social. President in chair. A good programme was provided. consisting of violin solos, recita tions. choruses, and vocal solos. Also a report of the Aucklan I Convention was given by Mrs Irwins. Afternoon tea served. Sixty present. Mrs Cook also spoke a few words in reference to the Girls’ Hostel Fund, and Miss Rushbrook on W.C.T.U. work and aims. Ten new- members were initiated. N.E. VALLEY Oct. 2N. The President (Mrs Peart) presided. The Rev. N. A. Friberg. who is leaving the district very shortly, gave a farewell address, and at the eon elusion was arcord«»d a very hearty vote of thanks, on the motion of the President. A motion of sympathy was passed with two meTnbers who had l>een called upon to part with loved ones, and the Secretary was instructed to write letters of sympathy. ASHBURTON. A very successful drawing-room afternoon in aid of our Seamen's Fund was held in Baring Square Schooolroom on October 21st. The room had been very tastefully arranged, and was gay with spring blossoms. Mrs Miller (Vice-President) presided. Sympathy was expressed with Mrs Lill in family sickness. Mrs T. E. Taylor was present, and spoke on “Privileges and Opportunities of Women of To-day.” Musical items were contributed, and cup of tea handed around. Vote of thanks to speaker and performers was carried. Collection for Seamen's Fund amounted to £2 «s 9d. At our November meeting Mrs Lill presided. Votes of sympathy’ were passed with sick members, also with Miss Roberts, Christchurch Union. Resolved that a letter of thanks and appreciation bo forwarded Mrs F. H. Broome for excellent work done in connection with Band of Hope. Regretfully decided not to cater for A. and P. Show. owMng to it following so closely on Convention. L.T.L. Superintendent

reported on Temperance essay competition. and as there is so much sickness at present, it was suggested to postpone some until next term. Mrs Lill reported on further steps taken to procure {i St. Helen’s Home. Mr Booth (Seamen's Institute. Lyttelton) was present. and gave some very interesting experiences of work among the sailors during recent years. Received a hearty vote of thanks. Seamen's Superintendent appealed for I comfort t»jig.s for sailors. Responded to liberally. NEW BRUSH TON. July 2*2. Mrs Halt preaided. Attendance good. The remit from the Annual Convention concerning Temperance lessons in the Sunday School was considered, and it was decided that Sunday School Superintendent in the district In* waited upon, with the result that an effort is to be made to obtain speakers and give Temperance lessons more frequently in the Sunday Schools. Aug. 19. President presided. Miss Roberts, of Christchurch Vnion. gave an interesting address, and a vote of thanks was accorded her. A resolution was sent to Prime Minister protesting against indentured labour in Samoa.

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White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 305, 18 November 1920, Page 13

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 305, 18 November 1920, Page 13

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 26, Issue 305, 18 November 1920, Page 13

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