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News of the Unions.

i The Editor cannot promise to insert anythng in me next issue that does not teach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write tneir Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. New paper cutt ngs are unsuitable.) WANGANUI EAST. Nov. 25. Annual meeting, 22 members present. Mrs Duxfield presided. Reports from Secretary, Treasurer, and Superintendents of Departments were adopted. The election of officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows:—Pres., Mrs Duxfield; Yice-Pres., Mesdames Blair, Ambury, and Andrew ; Rec. Sec., Mrs Ambury; Cor. Sec. and Treas., Mrs Andrew (all re-elected). The Superintendents of Departments were: Cradle Roll, Mrs Walpole; Home Meetings, Mrs Larking; Maori Work Mrs Patterson (collector); L.T.LW ork, Mrs Duxfield; “White Ribbon,” Mrs Melvin; Literature, Mrs Marshall; Good Citizenship and Moral Education, Mrs Brewer; Press, Mrs Andrew; Pianist. Mrs Dowsett. Two new members were initiated. A social cup of tea brought a very profitable meeting to a close. KAIKORAI. Nov. 24. Annual meeting. Reports from Secretary and Treasurer were read and adopted. The following officers were elected: —Pres., Mrs Martin; Sec., Mrs Hamilton; Treas. and “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Comerville. Mrs Don was present, also visitors from Unions. Note of thanks to Rev. Sutherland for use of class-room to meet in. Decided to send a message of sympathy to Mrs lsitt. Announced that ,£8 2s ;d had been collected for Dominion Patriotic Fund. INVERCARGILL. Nov. 7. Mrs McKenzie in the chair. Deep regret expressed at Mrs Mac-n----ister’s resignation owing to absence from Invercargill. Mrs Baird reported re Temperance essays. Resolved to write Hon. J. A. Hanan pointing out that the present Temperance wall-sheets are not up-to-date, and respectfully suggest that this be remedied. Decided to run tea and rest tents at the Summer Show as usual. Letters of sympathy to be sent to Mrs Brewster, Mrs Dcbie, and Mrs Ersman. Resolved to send a strong protest to the City Council in regard to some offensive picture show posters appearing on the hoardings. First Church Band of Hope reported a membership of 62. Xhrcv new members initiated.

WAKAPUAKA. Nov. 2. Third meeting held after formation of Union. Fair attendance. Two new members. Decided to hold annual meeting on November 30th. M rs Field came out from Nelson and addressed the meeting on “Social Evils.” Nov. 30. Annual meeting held, attendance fair. Report was read and adopted. The following officers were re-elected: —Pres., Mrs G. Wastney; Yice-Pres., Mesdames Withers, Brown, A. Dodson, and W. Frost ; Sec., Miss M. Dodson; Treas., Miss Snook; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs J. Flower. Mrs C. Withers was elected assistant-Secretary. Mrs Wastney will represent our Union at the Convention when held. CAMBRIDGE. Nov. 7. Mrs Shepherd presided over fair attendance. Decided to have a flower stall in Main Street on “Mothers' Day” in aid of Red Cross Fund and Children’s Hospital. Members also decided to collect literature for Y.M.C.A. at Trentham. FEILDING. Nov. 26. Annual meeting; good attendance. Reports read and adopted. Good work is being done with the L.T.L. ; a fine band of young people, over 60 in number. Good report of Dorcas work. After the business and election of officers, the L.T.L. provided the* ladies with afternoon tea and entertained them with singing. A vote of thanks to Miss Moore and the young people closed one of the best annual meetings held in Feilding. UOODYILLE. Nov. 28. Annual meeting, attendance good. Mrs Perkins presided. Reports read and adopted. ,£l3 18s was collected for our Patriotic Fund. Provincial Convention had been held in W’oodville, and was voted “one of the best.” Three cases of clothe*: were sent to Sir John Kirk’s ragged school. A branch of the L.T.L. had been organised. Union had taken part in Temperance services in Methodist Church. Cradle Roll numbers 150. Election of officers resulted as follows: —Pres., Mrs Perkins; Vice Pres., Mrs Jackson; Sec., Mrs Thompson; Treas., Mrs Prvde. Regret was expressed at Mrs Davie’s re - tirement owing to ill-health. AUCKLAND. Nov. 8. Weather bad; attendance good. Letters of sympathy to members who have lost relatives. Arrangements made to help in celebrating Mothers’ Day. Mrs Cook gave an address. Three new members initiated. Nov. 22. Decided to hold a public meeting, to be addressed by Rev. Inglis on “Drinkand the War.” Mr C. J. Parr, M.P., to address the Union on “Temperance in Canada.”

Resolution of sympathy with Mr L. M. Isitt in the loss of his son and his brother. Mrs Smeaton addressed the me ting, and four new members were initiated. Resolved: “That the m smbers of tin' W ( T.i prou s t against the action of the City Council in renewing the license of a certain taxi-cab driver.’’ The license has since been cancelled. WAIPUKURAU. Dec. 1. Annual meeting. Reports were read and adopted from Secretary, Treasurer, and L.T.L. vSupc rintendent. Copies of the speech by the Minister for Public Heal h were distributed among the mem ners. Officers were elected : Pres., Mrs Hopkirk; Yice-Pres., Mesdames Harding and Sowrv; Sec., Mrs il. French; Treas., Mrs Robinson; “W.R.” Agent, Mrs Nicholson; L.T.L. Supt.. Mrs Hopkirk. NELSON. Nov. 14. Resolution of sympathy with Mrs Watson, who has lost a V'concl son at the Front, also with Mrs F. lsitt. Resolved to send boxes of clothing to the Belgians. Balance-sheet for Sale of Work showed a credit balance of £3 l ifis 2d. Arrangements for annual meeting. Acting-President nominated to act while Miss Atkinson is in England. Letter received from Mrs Parker acknowledging sympathy sent to her on the death of h«*r brother, Lord Kitchener. A member transferred from Hamilton Union. Nov. 24. Special Good Citizenship meeting. Mrs Field spoke on venereal disease and the failure of regulation in France and Austria. Dec. 1. Annual meeting. Secretary's report, also reports from Brightwater, Wakapuaka, and Wakeheld, and the balance-sheet were read and ac opted. 171 members and 80 in auxiliaries. Officers elected: Pres., Miss Atkinson; acting-Pres., Mrs Watson; Yice-Pres., Mesdames Field. Hockey, Hill, Lambert, anc l)i<kson; Sec., Mrs Knapp; Treas., Mrs Brown; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Whitford; Cradle Roll. Mrs Hockey and Mrs Day; Literature and Moral Education, Mrs Field; Backblocks, Mrs Moves ; Good Citizenship, Mrs Judson; Librarian, Mrs Emmett. Dec. 5. Public meeting. Address by Rev. J. A. Rogers. Musical programme and afternoon tea. Miss Atkinson presented with a bag on the eve of her departure for England. Revived: “That we again urge upon the Hon. A. L. Herdman the great need for the appointment of women police for the protection of young people and for dealing with women concerned in Court cases.’ The women of New Zealand feel very strongly the indifference of the Ministry to this matter, ns they consider it of vital importance to the welfare of the young of both sexes.” Copy to b; sent to Mr Herdman. Collection for the Union funds of £1 2s.

WHAXGAREL Nov. 7. Present 7 members and 2 visitors. Mrs Reeve sent reply to a letter of sympathy. Miss Dewar acknowledged parrel and cash donation sent to Auckland District Gift Sale. Deputation appointed to wait on teachers of public school asking their co-operation to make “Mothers’ Day” a success. Decided to hold a spec tal meeting to arrange for “Flower Day. ’’ Decided to hold annual meeting next month SOUTH DUNEDIN. Dec. 8. Mrs Don presiding. The report and balance-sheet were read by Miss McCarthy, who has been at tingTreasurer since the passing to higher service of Mrs Cameron. During the year meetings had b en addressed by Mrs Penman, Miss Henderson, Mrs Don. Collection for Patriotic Fund realised about .£4. The petitions for six o’clock closing were numerously signed. Since July the meetings have been held in Reed Hall. GREYMOI TH. Nov. Annual meeting. Weather stormy; attendance poor. Officers were elected: Pres., Mrs Gaskin; Sec., Mrs W. Mason, junr. ; I, Mrs Sweetman ; ( radii* Roll and Panel of Hope, Mesdames Stewart and Perry; Evangelistic, Mrs Walton; “White Ribbon,’’ Mis Prown. Repoit and balance-sheet read and adopted. The monthly prayer meetings had been well attended. Prizes had b‘cn given to Hand of Hope children. Cradle Roll increasing in numbers. Several active members have be n lost by removals. NAPIER. Nov. 1. Attendance fair. Decided to let Miss Austin have Willard Hall free for her lecture on “Purity.” Nov. i<). An “At Hone* 9 in Willard Hall. Good attendance of members and friends. Mrs Venables spoke on our organising work. StaffCaptain Greenfield gave an account of the Salvation Army work among the boys at the Front. A solo and afternoon tea followed. One new member was initiated. DUNEDIN. Dec. 5. Annual meeting, Mrs Hiett presided. Opened with prayer and Scripture reading. Splendid att- ndance. Reports of Treasurer and Secretary read and adopted. Officers

elected. One new member initiated. Recitation by Miss Alice Campbell, who gained highest points at Hand of Hope competitions. Plight, interesting meeting closed with Benedict ion. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. Dec. 7. Annual meeting. Mrs Houlder presided. Attendance fair. Minutes of the previous annual meeting read and confirmed. The R<\. W. Shirer read the balance-sheet of the Girls’ Association, and reported that he had received during the year, made up from rents, subscriptions, and a donation of £SO. Mr Shirer received a heartv vote of thanks, and was re-elected Treasurer of the Building Eund. Secretary’s report read. On Willard Day the Rev. Mr Poole gave an address. Franchise Day was celebrated; address given by Lady Stout on “Woman’s Opportunity.” Two Jumble Sales realised /13. Red Cross had been assisted. The 6 o’clock closing petition had been largely signed. Reports were also read from Masterton, Grey town, and Petone, whic h were very encouraging. Mrs Kvans’s report on Gcod Citizenship. and Mrs BoxalPs on Sabbath Observance, visiting laundries and factories, and Girls’ Association. The balance-sheet was presented by Mr* Bra< kenridge, w hich, though not complete, showed a membership of 112 members to date; receipts £l2l 15s 1 od, and expenditure ,£ll6 >7 S nd. File election of officers resulted as follow s : Pi e - . Mrs Houlder; Sec., Mrs Dunnett; Treas., Mrs Box.ill. Mrs Webb was re-elected “W’.R." Supc rintendent. but .»'! other elections of superintendent;. vere postponed till next meeting. URENUI. Nov. 28. Meeting adjourned from previous Wednesday owing to bad weather. Report of L.T.L. work received. Derided to m ike bags for soldiers. Afternoon tea handed round by Mrs W ilton. HAWERA. Nov. 30. Annual meeting. A resolution strongly advocating the appointment of police women was passed unanimously. Officers were elected: —Prts., Mrs Bone; Yice-Pres., Mesdames Best, Browne, Dixon, Kenrick, Squire. Sellar, Young, and Miss Maunder; Cor. Sec., Mrs Browne; Rec. Sec., Miss Bischoff; Treas., Mrs

Best; Assistant Treas., Miss Taylor; Cradle Roll, Mrs Bischoff; Literature, Airs Tonks; Backblorks, Mrs Whil2; Scientific Temperance, Mrs Best; Maori Work, Mrs T. Fait. GISBORNE. Oct. 30. Two new members received. President undertook to take a parcel of purity literature to a member. Decided to order some of Defence Department pamphlets. Reply received from Borough Council in answer to our appeal for more drinking apparatus in our town ; also to fly nuisance. Vote of sympathy passed with Mrs Akroyd. Nov. Annual meeting, 32 present. A travelling bag was presented t«> Mrs Graham, who is retiring from the President’s c hair after many years of fa.thfol service. £3 6s donated to Organising Fund. Reports of officers and superintendents read and adopted. Officers w ere elected : Pres., Mrs Goffc*; Sec., Mrs Malcolm; Treas., Mrs Wilkes; Yice-Pres., Mesdames East, Graham, and Hingston. WANGANUI. Dec. 1. Annual meeting. Mrs Blamires presiding. Attendance good. Reports read and adopted. Treasurer reported .1 balance in hand of £(). Officers were elected: Pres., Mrs Hague Smith; Yice-PfC-s., Mesdames Upton and Ross; S c., Mrs Upton; Treas., Mrs Siddells; Press Reporter, Mrs Butt; Pres, of Y’s, Mrs R. J. Smith; “White Ribbon,” Mrs Grant; Purity, Mrs Blyth; Literature, Miss Tucker; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Heatlv; Sirk Visitor, Mi-s Brechin; Evangelistic, Mrs J. Grant; Organist, Mrs Matthews. BLUFF. Dec. 1. Annual meeting. Secretary gave a brief resume* of the work done during the* year. The balancesheet was most satisfactory. Officers were elected. Arrangements made for examination of essays on Temperance wall sheets, and also for presentation of prizes. ASHBURTON. Nov. 14. Attendance good, some from auxiliary Unions attending. Letters of sympathy to be sent to members sick and in trouble, also to Mr Isitt in the death of his brother. Donations to the sum of £2 5s received. Mrs Lill addressed the meeting.

Dec. 5. Annual meeting- Reports read and adopted. Secretary's report shows much work done, bal-ance-sheet has a credit balance of £.2 7s. We have 54 members and No “White Ribbon” subscribers. Reports read from Branch I’nions and Superintendents of Departments. Decided to ask the Minister to appoint women police. Officers were elected: —Pres., Mrs Watson; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Miller, F. Frost, Oldrieve, and M(Arthur; Sec., Miss Trevurza; Asst. Sec., Miss Watson; Treas., Mrs Lill; Asst. Treas., Mrs Dent; “White Ribbon,” Miss Butterick; Legal and Parliamentary, Mrs Watson; Literature, Mrs McKwen; Rest Tent, Mesdames McKwen and Sutton; Scientific Temperance, Mrs Buchanan; Bible in Schools and Sabbath Observance. Mrs Lill; Maori, Mrs Andrews; Press, Miss Trevurza; Notable Days, Mrs Brown; Flower, Mrs Ferriman; Evangelistic, Mrs Oldri ve; Good Citizenship, Mrs Lill; Social, Mesdames Lead ley, Brown, and Dent. N CAERE. Nov. 14. Meeting held at Mrs Tarrant’s, to present. Mrs Morr.son and Mrs Witham to be .1 committee to selei t prizes for essays by s< hool children. One new member received. GREYTOWN. Nov. 20- Annual meeting, District President in the (hair. President and Secretary re-elected, and Mrs Cox elected Treasurer. Minutt s of anniversary meeting read by Secretary. NEW BRIGHTON. Nov. 16. A Lady Liverpool gift afternoon. Mrs Holland gave an interesting address on the work done by this fund, and how the gifts ware appreciated by the Canterbury boy*. Donations received: Gift* valued at £2 10s 2d, cash .£1 7s, and 20 pairs of socks. Musical programme and afternoon tea. TINW AM). Nov. Annual meeting. Officers elected: —Pres., Mrs Sfevenson; YhcPres , Mesdames Marshall and Jennings and Miss llicknnn; Sec., Mrs McKay; Treas., Mrs Clay; Evangelistic, Mrs Smith and Miss linkman: Pn ss, Miss Sutton: “White Ribbon.” Mrs Copland; Cradle Roll, Mrs John.!. Decided to order pamphlets from the Defence Department. Arranged to present prizes for Temp; rancc essays at a social afternoon on December 7. OXFORD. Oct. ii. Motion of sympathy with M.s Dohrman 111 the loss of her son, and with Mrs Brighting. Decided to donate the hire of tent to Red Cross Fund. Letters were dealt with from Superintendents of Departments. The examiner of essays from s< hool (hildren reported that the essays were re-

markably good. Three prizes had been awarded to each of the three larger schools, and one to a smaller school. Mrs Ryde gave a report of the Provincial Convention. Nov. 28. Annual meeting. Votes of sympathy with Mrs L. M. Isitt, Mrs Blighting, and Mrs W ilson. Reports and balance-sheet read and adopted. Officers were elected: Pres . Mrs G. Ryck : Se< , Mi* T. Gainsford; Treas., Miss Caverhill; Cradle Roll, Mrs R. H. Gainsford: Evangelistic and ‘White Ribbon,” Mrs 1). Hawke; Flower Mission, Mrs Foot; Home Meetings, Mrs Clark; Notable Days, Mrs Comyns. Decided to hold a gift afternoon in aid of the Lady Liverpool Fund. N.E. VALLEY. Nov. 23. Annual meeting. Reports and balance-sheet read and adopted. Membership, 81. \ otes of sympathy with families of late Rev. F. I*itt and Mrs I). C. Cameron; also with Mrs Gray. Decided to offer prizes for essays and recitations to Valley Bands of Hope. Votes of thanks to retiring officers. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Peait; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Hislop, Begg, and Gray; Treas., Mrs Sanders; Backblocks, Miss Dagger; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Wright ; Organist, Mrs Robertson. MAT AURA. Nov. 24. Mrs Louden presided. Five members present. Our next meeting to be held on January 26; all members requested to be present. Come with hearts aglow with enthusiasm in the work, and cheer up the few who remain. TIMARU. Nov. Annual meeting. Reports read and adopted. Sailors’ Rest reported 1070 visits paid by 88q visiting seamen; 100 Bibles and Testaments and 70 bundles of literature had been given. Votes of sympathy with Mrs F. and Mr L. M. Isitt. Letter re pamphlet from Hon. G. Russell. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Rule; VicePres., Mesdames Brooker, Trott, 1 iddle, Chv, Black, and Bruce; Sec., Miss Avison; Treas., Mrs Cave; Cradle Roll, Mrs Grant and Miss Evans. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Nov. 17. Annual meeting, well attended. Reports were read and adopted. had been collected for the Patriotic Fund; 1300 woollen comforts had been sent to the minesweepers; and 143 garments to Red Cross. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs A. R Atkinson ; Vice-Pres., Mesdames McDonald and Evans; Rec. Sec., Mrs J. Smith; Cor Sec. and Press Reporter. Miss Helyer ; “White Ribbon,” Airs Port; Cradle Roll and L.T.L., Mrs Remington; Purity, Mrs Withy; Hvirieno, Mrs McDonald; Literature and Work Among Seamen, Mrs

Nimmo. Votes of sympathy to Mrs Kelly, Mrs Stairman, Mrs Isitt, and to Mr and Mrs L. M. Isitt. Dec. 1. Home Meeting at Mrs Kershaw’s. Mrs Cobbe, of Napier, addressed the meeting, and two new members were enrolled. PAHIATUA. Dec. 7. Annual meeting. Work done in eleven departments. Ten new members gained. Officers elected: Pres., Mrs Clara M Neal: Sei . Mrs H. Godfrey; Treas., Mrs W. W. McCardle; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Cottom, Cheekley, and J. 1). Wilson; Evangelistic Supt., Mrs H. Godfrey ; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Bentley; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs H. Sedcole; Drawing-room Meetings, Mrs J. D. Wilson. PATEA. Annual report. The year has been hard owing to five of our active members leaving. Though we won the banner last year, it has been a case of holding on this year to keep the Union together. Now things are looking brighter, and we hope for a good year next year. Our Cradle Roll numbers 24, and our L.T.L: 48 members; 28 members of L.T.L. signed the pledge for the first time. OTAMATEA. Tihema 4. I u ano he huihuitanga niitini roopu Karaitiana wahine Otainatea ite i onga ra o Noema ite whare o tetahi ongamema o Te Anwe Tikitiki ite rua onga haora ite ahiahi. Ka karakia te perehitini ka whakamutua kite inoi ka puare te whare monga take Marama. Hemihi nate perehitini ara na nga mema katoa, moto matou tuakana Te Anwe Tikitiki. Rua ora ake nei ia 1 tona mate taimaha a kua tae mai nei ano ki tenei huihuitanga a tatou. Kaati e hoa nuinatu te hari o matou ngakau kia koe kua tae mai nei ano kaati matematua ano tatou katoa e manaki. Kaati kei te nui ano te aroha kia koe E hoa e au i rung; ite taimahatanga o tou tinana a kua ).t mai nei ano he powutanga kia koe am kia tatou katoa ite matenga o tatatou mokopuna tungane tamaiti hoki o Janies Tepene i mate nei hoki ia it" haerenga mote whawhai moto tatou king and country. Kaati ane inoi tatou mo tona Wairua. Kia tae kite rangatira tango. Kaati kahai itu he mitini mate nei roopu ite marama o kotopa ite taimaha o te mate ote mema kua whaka marama tiake i runga nei. Kaad i tu ano he huihuitanga ma tenei roopu ite 3 onga ra o Tihema nate perehitini Rutera Karena. I karakia ananano i whakamutu kite inoi ka puare te whare monga take. Koohi Marartia, Kote wehewehetanga ite moni hei u tunga manga mema e torn mot* piana ote Horo Aotearoa. Kaati pahi ana tana take ma Rutera Karera. T * anwe Tikitiki Mereana Peraniko. E utu te toenga kote moni kua nte a kua tukua tana moni E te

Mauri Woodhead Kaati nui mate matua tatou aman.tki whakamutua kite inoi. AKOP AO A. Nocma ifi. 1 tu te nntingi ate roopu karaitiana kite whan* o Netana Manakau. Xu Paratenc* lic-mana i whakapuare ite mutunga ate karakia katu te Perebitini. A lleretina P. Ilemana ka whakamihi kite roopu ki t orate roopu kia ora nga kaumatua menga tamariki katoa keite koa tooku ngakau mo tatou kua noho huihui nei tatou i roto ite whare. Kotahi hacre maire e ooku hoa aroha i roto ite ariki kia penei ano to tatou noho huihui ki tato kite tika e whaia nei e tatou mana tatou e arahi kite huarahi ote marietanga hoira aku kupu kia tatou mate atua tatou e tiaki. Mata Harana e vvhaka paianu kinga kupu ate perehitini hoir.t he take taaku kotu tatou kohi mote tau 2s fid kote paung.a * hoki tenei o te tau e tika ana kia kohi tatou whakaaetia ana e nga mema katoa kohia ana te moni e £2 2s id. Whakamutua i konei ng 1 korero ka whakakapir. kite karakia.

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White Ribbon, Volume 22, Issue 258, 18 December 1916, Page 12

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 22, Issue 258, 18 December 1916, Page 12

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 22, Issue 258, 18 December 1916, Page 12

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