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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable ) CAMBRIDGE. Nov. 24. Annual meeting held, Mrs Shepherd in the chair. Reports read, showing good work done during the year. hive new members joined during the year; t; names now on the roll. Ten ordinary and one special meeting have been held, average attendance being 15; also 10 home meetings for the aid of the Belgians. 350 garments have been repaired, including 30 new outfits for girls and boys, also a number of quilts and new rugs and blankets have been sent to the Belgian Fund. The Band of Hope has prospered this year; good programmes have been given, and some meetings have been crowded. Flection of officers resulted a- follows: — Bros., Mrs Hogan; Sec., Mrs A. J. Watson; Treas., Mrs C. 11. Bycroft; Cradle Roll Supt., Mrs Roberts; Organist, Mrs O. Bycroft; “White Ribbon” Agent and Press Correspondent, Mrs A. J. Watson; Visiting Committee. Mrs I*. Smith, Mrs C. 11. Bycroft, and Mrs A. J. Watson. The sum of £it ys Od collected by members for Dr. Barnardo’s Homes. Treasurer’s report showed a balance of £s 10s in the bank. £5 was voted to the No-License League. A hall near the polling booth was taken on election day, and lunches served to the workers during the day by our W.C.T.I members. CHRISTCHURCH. General meeting held 011 -Novembe r 25th, Mrs J. McCombs presiding; attendance good. A resolution was passed, to be forwarded to the Prime Minister, condemning the granting of bar licenses in Samoa. Miss Wise was appointed convener of the Procession Committee. The balancesheet of luncheon booth at the Agricultural and Pastoral Show very satisfactory. Resolved to order 1000 more appeals for postage and distribution. Several members offered to make comfort bags for the sailors. Decided that e.ich member of the Union should make one article for the poor of Britain, the gifts to be sent in before Christmas. Resolved that a strong appeal for thi- object be sent to the “White Ribbon.” Annual meeting held Tuesday evening. December 15th. Mrs J. McCombs presided over a good attendance. The report of the year’s work was adopted. Balance-sheet for the Agricultural and Pastoral Show was adopted. The following nominations for Dominion officers were accepted: —Pres., Mrs Don (Dunedin); Rec.

Sec., Mrs A. R. Atkinson (Wellington); Sec., Mi-- Henderson (Christchurch); Treas., Mrs Bendely Auckland). The following officers were elected for the Christchurch Union: Pres., Mrs I. McCombs; Vice-Pres., Mesdames Patterson, T. K. Taylor, Blyth, Williams, and S. Lovell Smith; Cor. Sec., Mrs R. Day; Rec. Sec., Mrs F. Stewart; Treas., Mrs Seed; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Williams. Resolved that the next meeting be held on the fourth Wednesday in January, iq 15. The appeal to members of our l nion on behalf of the poor of Britain resulted in a very large case of warm and useful articles of clothing being forwarded to Miss Harriet Newcomb, care International Women’s Franchise Club, 0, Grafton Street, Piccadilly, London, W. PALMERSTON NORTH. Annual meeting held on December 4th. Mrs Crabb (President) presided over a large attendance. A comprehensive report, covering the year’s work, was read. The chief event was the* holding of the Provincial Convention in our town in December; delegates were present, and Mrs Don was with us. Several interesting discussions took place. Mrs Evans presided with wisdom, tact, and dignity. We were represented at the Dominion Convention at Gisborne by our President and two other members. In April the Union assisted No-License League in a monster Bazaar. Valuable work has been done in many departments, notably, Scientific Temperance, Medical Temperance. L.T.L., Relief Work, Moral Instruction, and Educational Work. Mrs Crabb and Miss Powell visited our three auxiliaries. Our tea rooms at the A. and P. Show again proved a success. Public meetings arranged bv our Union have been addressed by Mesdames Don, Snowden, and LadyStout We have despatched several parcels away to the distressed lirlgians, also helped the needy in our own town. Great efforts have latelybeen made by our President and Treasurer to increase our membership, and they were successful in bringing the roll number up to 100. We cannot close without expressing our deep thankfulness for the recovery of our President from serious illness. BLENHEIM. Annual meeting held on December Ist Mr> Handcock in the chair; attendance good. Flection of officers resulted as follow sPres., Mrs Adam Jackson; Vicc-Prcs., Mesdames A. L Litchfield, T- Rose, B. H. Low, R. Parker, Brewer, and Handcock; Sec., Mrs David Sinclair; Assist. Sec., Mrs G. Litchfield; Treas., Mrs I. Hay: Mothers Meetings and Cradle Roll, Mesdames Brewer, Handcock, and Sinclair; Drawing-room Meetings. Mesdames Fisher and T. Pike; “White Ribbon,” Mrs W. Parker; Good Citizenship, Mrs Low; Literature and Medical Temperance, Mesdames Handcock and Martin; Agri-

culture, Mesdames A. Jackson and W. Parker; Reporter to “White Ribbon” and “Express,” Mrs Fisher. Decid ed to hold a Christinas treat for the Mothers’ Union and children on the 15th, at the residence of Mrs Sinclair, the members assisting Mrs Sinclair in entertaining. Decided to purchase a photograph of Frances Willard. Afternoon tea handed round. MASTERTON. Dec. 1. Monthly meeting held in Knox Hall, Mrs Devonport presiding over a large attendance. Correspondence received from Mrs Taylor, '* reasurer for Organising Fund, also World’s Vice-President. Decided to donate £5 towards our local Nol.icense League. Dec ided that Wednesday being unsuitable, a> it was the day before election. Lady Stout’s lecture be postponed to some future date. '1 he election of officers for .he year resulted as follows: Pres., Mrs Ross; Treas., Mrs Sutherland; Sec., Mrs Flanagan; Superintendents Home Meetings, Mrs Price; Flower Missions, Mrs J. Walker; Backblocks Literature, Mrs Miller; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Russell; Pres* and “W.R. Remitter, .'.ll Dc port. 'The appointment of other superintendents left over until next meeting. Vice Pres., Mesdames W. H. Hosking, Devonport, James Miller, Miss Thoma>, ' 1 Roberts. Special votes of thanks were accorded the retiring President (Mrs Devonport), the Treasurer (Mrs Sutherland), also the Secretary (Mis Flanagan), for writing special reports, etc. Arrangements were made in connection with election day. AUCKLAND. Annual meeting held December ibth, Mrs Pudney presiding. General regret expressed re the result of the Prohibition poll. A vote of thanks to those ladies who so kindlydecorated the lorry for Top Line Demonstration. Reports received and adopted from the ottit ers and superintendents. An increase of sixty members during the year. Ten departments of work taken up. The Treasurer’s report very satisfactory. The election of officers for 1 15 resulted as follows: —Pres., Mrs J. Cook; VicePres., Mrs Pudney, Mrs J. W. Tavlor, ami Mrs I horpe. Miss Evans, Miss Dewar, and Miss X. Dew ; were reappointed to their positions, Secretaries and Treasurer respectively. Flection of superintendents of departments left till next meeting. WINCHMORE. Monthly meeting held in the church on Wednesday. It being a C.R. afternoon, there was a attendance of little folk. The Rev. Mr Hughes was present, and gave an interesting addre>- i n our motto (“For God. home, and every land”). Mrs Hughes sang two solos. At the conclusion of the meeting each C.R. member was presented with a toy. Afternoon tea was handed round.

OXFORD. Combined Cradle Roll meeting and Junior Rand of Hope picnic held November 22nd. l he “Y” Branch l nion took charge of games and races. 1 he mothers gathered in Coronation Hall, where Mrs Ryde, C K. Supt., read an excellent paper, and Rev. J. K. Holloway addressed the mothers. Three new names for C.K. lea was handed round. Mrs Kyde announced a meeting for December, v.nen l)r. Bagley would give an address. After tea, the Rand of Hope assembled 111 the hall, and Mrs Gainsford (President) briefly addressed them, urging them to be true to their pledge, and to come to the Rand of Hope next year. Annual meeting held in the Coronation Hall Dei amber 2nd, the President (Mrs (i.iuisford) presiding; attendance huge. Notes of sympatny passed to tlie Blackwell family, of kaiapoi, and Miss Caverhill. Secretary's and 1 reasurer s reports were read and adopted. 1 he retiring President, Mrs Gainsford, was heartily thanked for her three years’ splendid work. Mrs McCombs, of Christchurch, presided at the election of officers, which resulted as follows:- Pres., Mrs G. Rule; N ice Pres., Mesdames Gains* ford, si nr., Coming, Fawcett, Baxter; Sec., Mrs Comyns; Treas., Miss Caverhill; Superintendents, Mrs Gainsford, senr. (Cradle Roll), Mr> Hawke (Evangelistic), Mrs 1. Gainsford, junr. (Home Meetings), Mrs N\ other sfioon (Notable Days), Mr-* Hawke (‘‘White Ribbon”). De- < ided to meet on the last 1 hursday in the month at 2.30 p.m. 1 he l nion de< ided to i .iter for the Sports on Boxing Day, all the profits to be given to the Belgian Fund. In the evening Mrs McCombs gave a stirring address to the “Y” Branch, and was heartily thanked. Supper was handed round. On December Oth the (ombined temperance bodies held a demonstration. A large procession marched to the Domain, headed by the Temperance Band. Addresses were delivered by Miss Roberts, Messrs R. Sp.irs, I). (». Sullivan, and R. F. Williams, all of Christchurch. Mr I). Hawke presided. The W.C.T.I. and the No License workers held wellattended meetings in the different schools in the district »u-t before the elections. Our Union has given three pri/e.s to East Oxford School children and three to West Oxford, for the best Temperance essays written bv the pupils from the Temperance wall sheets. MANAIA. Nov. 24. 21 members present. Welcome to Mrs Mowlem, who presided- Election of officers resulted as follow >: Pres., Mrs Patterson; Vic * Pres., Mesdames Hunt and Parkinson; Sec., Miss Craig; Treas., Miss York; “White Ribbon” Agent, Mrs Hunt; Supt. Cradle Roll, Mrs Ricketts (all re-elected); Organist, Mrs Hunt; Maori Supt., Mrs A'em-

bry; Supt. of Literature, Mrs Hurley. A mock ballot was held during the meeting, one member striking out the bottom line. hour new members were initiated by Mrs Mowlem, who reported ij new members since last meeting, and congratulated the Union on having a roll of nearly 100 members. XGAKRK. Meeting held at Mrs h. Tairant’s, Mrs Kennington (President) in chair. 7 members and 2 visitors piesent. Correspondence received re 1 cinperance essays sent Irom Ngaerc school children ; also Superintendents of departments sending individual reports to Dominion Superintendents. Mrs Morison (ex President) reported tfiat a box of Christmas e heer, including a lamb ready dressed, had been sent from cur l nion to the Salvation Army Bovs’ Home at Kltham. Arrangements made for annual Cradle Roll picnic, to be held on January 28th. t wo new members initiated. Afternoon tea handed round. Next meeting subject, “Favourite (Quotations.” DUNEDIN. Monthly meeting held December jst. Mrs A. S. Adams (Vice-Presi-dent) occupied the chair. Deep regret was expressed at the sudden death of Mrs Hutchinson, a member of the Union, and a motion of .sympathy was passed with Mrs Saunders, airs Gain, and Mrs \Nebb in their recent bereavements. Miss Bisson gave an interesting account of W.C.T.I. work in Manchester and Salford. Police missionaries, restaurant workers, White Ribbon bands, were all engaged in combating the drink evil. 1 he members ihere were much interested in the great campaign for No-License in New Zealand, and on a smaller scale were waging the same war 111 England by annually protesting against the renewal of licenses. Annual meeting held December. Mrs Don (Dominion President) occupied the chair, and read an apology from the President (Mrs Driver), who was .ibsent through illness. Reports from auxiliary l nions were read. Port Chalmers 19 members on the roll, and steady progress in all departments of work. N.E. Valley.—lnitiated 17 new members, making 75 on the roll. Two prizes were given to the local school for temperance essays. S. Dunedin. 30 financial members and 3 honorary members. Meetings were held in different suburbs where there are no Unions St. Clair. St. Kilda, Caversham, and Anderson’s Bay— and much interest aroused. Alexandra.—A year of quiet, steady work, and a membership of 12. The Mosgiel branch, a year ago organised with 13, has now increased to pp During the year ten monthly meetings and two home meetings have been held.

The President of the Band of Hope reports a membership of 82, and a Cradle Roll of 14. Dunedin Union. A year of active work. It being election year, it was thought wise to combine with the U.T.R.C. and hold, meetings in their rooms. The women of the Dunedin Union gathered over £2 l towards the turnishmg of the room. I hc Superintendent of Home and Suburban Meetings reported that 2b meeting * had been held in churches, halls, and homes, at whic h Mrs Don spoke 24 times. A number of new members were gained. A good sum towards the Fighting Fund. Sailors Rest.—The work for the year has been carried on with good success under the able leadership of our missioner, Mr R. Robertson. One hundred and fifty-two writing pads have been sold. Several letters written to the papers, and tracts distributed re Sabbath Observance. Money sent for Maori work. All meetings regularly reported to the press. The need.-, of the Sailors’ Rest have been kept before the public. The Secretary’s and Treasurer’s report-. were read and adopted, and hearty votes of thanks passed to Misses Mazengarb and Reed for the able manner in which they had carried out their duties. A special vote of thanks was passed to .Mrs Don, who has devoted herself unsparingly to the fight against the drink traffic. Lhe* Union regret tfie loss by death of three members, Mrs Boot, Mrs Booth, and Mrs Hutchinson. Misses M.izengarb and Hayward contributed musical items, and the Executive dispensed afternoon tea. The initiation of four new members and the singing of the Temperance Doxology brought a most enjoyable meeting to a close. ORUAWHARO. I an. 2. 1 tae au kite Koopu wahinc a Oruawharo ite tahi onga ra o Hanuere, kia hui tahi ai matou ite timatanga ote tuuhau. N’ui atu tc pai ote whakahaere o te perehitini, I’uhi Karaka Paikea. Tetehi mea whakamiharo ko te kaha onga taane menga taitamariki kite awhina ite mahi onga wahine. He whakamarama ahau kia ratou mo etchi ano onga tikanga ote Koopu. 1 te tea meeting ote roopu o Oruawharo Z'l4 i riro mai hei whakaora ite wharekarakia. Mihi atu matou king.’ roopu na ratou i . tuku a mai he takoha kite roc pu hei awhina ano ki tenei take 1 . lino hiahia atu ta tatou Ktita kia k«iha koutou kite tuku ripoata kite “White Ribbon” pepa. Ahakoa torutoru nga kupu, me tuku kite pepa. Kia ora ano koutou i roto ite tau hou. Mate atua tatou e Manaaki. Maari Woodhead, Kaiwhakahaere. POUTO. 1 tu te hui ate Roopu wahine 0 Pouto ia Hanuere 2nd, 1915. Na 1 1 or 1 Manukau inoi te timatanga mete mutunga, Perehitini kia ora a nga mem a i hui mai i roto ite t.iu hou ato tatou ariki. Kati kua ware ware

lia c tatou tatatou mitini la nci marama kua taha nn itf wehewehe o nga merna 1 nga aiiua i pa kia tatou 10 tatou hon kua wehc atu nci i waenga nui ia tatou i roto hoki ito tatou roopu. kia taku take kia wn.ikatuna he Peike hou mo tatou 1 Ce mr.i. Ku.i riro tr Pre-Re lawhito kia ora tatou Ema-kia ora i roto ite tauhou i o tatou koa hoki o te Roopu kua woke atu nn ia tatou taihoa ahau, L hoki akc kite take a te Pcrcftitmi toku hiania kia mohio ahau v i’ehc ana nga mom a te roopu i te Peeke luatahi. Pcrehiuni ka naerr te Peeke ka mca mai kia au c kore e tac a e au te hui hui iteinea kua riri ahau mote haere. Hoi ano te mom 1 tac e 7s, rati tenci taua mom ka tatu ki te teepu. kote mom e£2 1 riro i tuku hua .» te matenga o to mau matua me whakarite tena e maua kia ora. Pepehi kua oti tena mom le wh.ika aro e matou hri takoha mate roopu ki to matou hoa. kia kotahi pauna o taua mom hei utu nga mai e ina. kia mohio ahau kite tuturu tang a o te korrro 1 tenn wahi motana moni Masefield kenakei takoutou whiriwhiri e te roopu kite takoto kite hea tc tatu tanga koia tena rite tonu. Pepehi kali kua rite Motahi Pauna mau c tuku kite Roopu o Otamatea. Hei awhina mamatou itaratou take tautokotia anai. Km a. Taku Peeke hou ko Komi M. kena Tautokotia ana. I'.ma K. l’ehca ana tatatou toa kia mohio ahau. Pepehi kei te orate toa kei te hoki hoki Masefield kena. kua kitl* ahau hei tc ora tc toa kote moni 1 kohia e nnia pauna a e haere 1161 ana taua moni kote moni 1 tukua c au hei tiki tanga £7 7s lod. Kina e Patai ana ahau kite korrro a mate makoare. Perehitini kote korero teftei a mate makoare kua puta ai a ito tatou roopu itemea kua haere ai.i he wahr ke moni awnina. Kma Od, Perehitini Od, Tiare Huti 2s, Mori Mamukau is 3d, Mihaka zs, VYhiuwhiu Od, Pepehi 3d, kaani Os, 7s Od, Moni 1 tac kite Peeke 7s, 14s. kua hoatu kite ringa ite Pecka hui kia ora mai ano e nga tuahine 1 roto 1 te roopu i tc tau hou hoki kia mau, kia u. kia manauanui i te akinga r nga hau r nga ngaru tuatea o te nioana nut akiwa e whawhai mai nei o tav»u iwi nunui rangatir.i hoki itrra taha oto tatou ao inoi kite matua iona ringa hei taupuatanga atu mo tatou kucira kia aca. Masefield kena, Hon. See.

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White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 235, 18 January 1915, Page 4

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 235, 18 January 1915, Page 4

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 20, Issue 235, 18 January 1915, Page 4

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