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At ft a m. ( oim iitu n was <*alle*d to e>rde*r hy Mrs Don, acting-President. The crusade* hymn, “(wive* to the* Winds Thy Fears,” was sung, followed hy the* reading ed the* crusade psalm and prayer At roll-call, (HI re'sp >ml<*d N«*w /calami Officer* Mrs Don, ae tillg-President ; Miss Hell leisoil, Corn*-oeHiding Secretary ; Mrs \Lte lie 11, Hes-eirdllig Se*crctorx ; Mrs lie ndel.v, Treasurer; Mrs Peryman, Fditor \\ bite R ibbon”. Miss Powell, Organiser. District Presidents .Mrs Pule* (Timaru), Mrs Auhl (Hamilt ii), Mrs Evans (Wellington), Miss Atkinson (Nelson) Mrs Bnghtin Ka ipoi), Mrs Crabb (Palmerston N » Mrs Driver (Durieslin), Mi's Grahaoi (Gish un°). District See re tai n » Sisti*r Wo.dylh II (Invert aigill), Miss Tucker (Wanganui), Mrs Walker (Gis’ioriio). District Iri'a-urers Mrs Dailne i Nap * ’ Mil Dewar (Aucl Taunt (.V*w Plmi t ilth). Mis lloiilthr (Wellington). District Superintendent s Miss Mauncrr (llawe ia). Mrs Ne il (Pduatua), Airs .)nelson (Nedson), Mis> Robe*rts (Christchurch), Dr. K. Dunn (Wanganui). I)e*l<abates Mis I li. Taxi* r and Miss Bishop (CliriMehur lit. Miss Newton (Pangiorat, Mrs field (Ne*lsu), Mrs Thor|M* and .Mis Gar raw ax (Auckland), Mra Venables (Napier), Mrs Mopkuk (Waipukut nil), .Mis Martintlale* (Hastings), Mis Milh*r (Masterton), Mis lYrknis (Woidvilh), Mis (•off ((• isl»e»rne*). Mis l,e*e*-( >\x *i (Invercargill), Mi Holbrook (Palmer te n N.), Mis Atkiiisnii tW.'lin. on ( ntral), Mis Morice* (O(>oiik ) Vi * (alex (Poiisoiihv), Mrs Gainst | ((’\- ford), Miss Davie s (PI iih- im). \l s A Smith (Ashburton), Mi M Isaac (N*w Plymouth), Mrs Blizzard (Ngae*re*), Mrs links (W inganui K.), Mi- Roki M tana), Sara \ (Dcvonport), Mis Hunt (Manuia), Mi s Hanke ithiford V’a) Miss Hay • (Nelson Vs). Proxie*s. Miss Pagnall (Pahiatua), Mrs Seuiilan Mnichmno), M , I uImtirnc (Ngiio), Mis Ko\ (( I i istchm: Ii N s), Miss Woodhe-ad (Belfast), Mr.* Sown (Lvttelt- ll), Mrs Cei k (h iikoura). Ihe* following Committee's were* ppnintedCourtesies. Mrs John »n; tl x gieiie,' M i s Graham. Coiive*ntion better Write? Mis I. K Ta >I i ami M -- P v* • 11. Convention Evniigi listiSiiptr intendent.—Miss Powell. H«*pe>rters t r Papers Gisbirne liajnrs Mrs Hunkier ai*d Mrs Walter; Vanguard and I.K. Alliance, Miss Robots; Out! ok and English White Ribb n, Mi- Maun 1 N.Z baptist ami Duucelin papers, Mis Driver; Oxford pap is, Mis (hiitisfoitl ; Invercargill pnp *rs, Sish*r M<odx lirll; Palmerston N papers. Mis Crabb; Northern W airoa jm | V* tiang**rei pa|M*rs, Mis Hutchison; Ashhuiton

Guardian, Mrs Smith; Auckland papeTs Miss Pagnall; Waipukurati papers, Mrs lli<pknk; Hori xxhe*nua ( tiionicle*, Sister Moody-lledl; Gn*yimmth papers. Mrs Graham; Napier pa|H*rs, Mrs Wimbles* Christian Herald. Sister Moody-Hell; Blenheim paper*. Miss Davies; llaweua paper.*, Mis** Maunder; Wanganni papers. Miss Tucker; Ne w* PKmoudi pape*rs. Miss Taunt; Ma-te*rton pa;><*r«, Mrs Rule*; MethewliMt dime's. .Miss Bishop; Hamilton papers, Mrs Auld. Greetings xxe*r«* re*ee*ive*d from Australasian W C.T.T.; Dunedin I’nion ; Mrs Dick; Aucklarid, Blenheim, ami Ne*lson PnioiiH , Mrs Crimp; Mrs Taylor; Mrs Gaskin and Mrs ( ar\os-e*, S*<*. Australian I’mon; Mrs n, \ iee'-Preswlent at large of Australia and several othe*r lady visitors xie*rc admitte*d as fraternal *le legate s Mrs I Non, aetiiig-Pre sideiit, th ii delive*re*e| lu*r Pi<side*ntial add re v .;, which was adopte*d and Mrs 1)>»> iicayiil,* tliank«*<l for it Miss I *.»well e‘ondticte<( ♦li n<H>l’.-t;>lt de*vot ions. Letters of sympathy \x ** i e di rested Te» be* sent tee Mrs Hughes. Mrs Llll, Mrs (•rump, Mis Oldham. Mrs Wickham, and Mrs All* ip Mrs Church undortce k the* e barge* of dailx pa|s*rs. Tl. * v,*k •ion clo asl \v’! Ii P*e*neeliction.

THURSDAY AFTERNOON. De votions con 'uctod bx Miss Powell Belli call»*d. (H) pre*se*iit. Mrs IVryman’s ameiidn e*nt tei Constitution, “ I hat the* ()iganise*r and Organising Treasurer have a seat in (’em vent ion,” was passe*el. Mrs Dearlove*’s noti<e* of motion, ‘ That in the* alese tue* of tlu* Editor of ‘Tx’hite* Bihlmn’ from C nvention, the' Business Manager represent the* pa|n*r on the* Exesditive*,’’ xxas earriesl. Mi»s He*ndcrson, Cor. Se*<*., tlu*n read h«*r report, xvhi«*li was a leptesi. Mr<* B(*ndely, Deer*nnioii Tre*asurer, prese*ntel her report and balanceshe et. w hie*h xve*re* anopt«‘d. A letter of thanks to he* se nt to Mr Pudney for auditing balauce-shee*t. Mis- i‘mve*ll, Organiser, i*e*ael li<*i iejKiit, xx hie !e wax adopte*d The* mcinherMhip banner was won hy tin* (i;>re* I’nion, with an increase eif IH» pe*r cent; Mnsterton and Oxford, witli "HI |M*r <s*nt., ti«*ing for se>e*oml place*. An invit ition xx is acce*i Te»d fii.m the (’ e*k County WomerPs Guild for Frida v, 13th. Miss Woodhe*ael. Maor* Oiganise'** re*ae| he*r re*|M)rt, whiedi xxas ad )pt«*d. (ires*tings we*re* re*e‘e*ixe*e| from Mrs Hughe*s, Lvttalt n. Palmcrvtm. N , Wanganni I^’., Uasterton, Asuhnite*»i, Nguerc, and Invercargill I'nions *mel tie* ( ,»ok County W e>iiie*n’s Guild. The* following ee.mnntte*e* xxas se*t up to inquire into sale* ed liquor tei natives m N \mil! •ik 1 Veadawes Walk *. Thenpe*. Auld, and Pe r x man Misse s (Vile.v, D<*xxar, ai»d W’oorlhe'nd; Mrs Walker conveiK'r. Tlie* Coinnultm* to consult with Rev Mr (’liattert.m. Maori report and bahneo-shect adopted,

Departmental rciwirts were discussed and adopted as follows:- I'eanpelistig, Home Meetings, an 1 Mothers’ Meetings. The session cl< s< d with lknodw tior.. FRIDAY MORNING MARCH 6th. Morning devotions b\ Miss Powell. 61 present. Minutes p ad and <*onfiriiit^l. Mrs Walker in, vener >f Maori Committee, read tin* (’ommittee’s re* commciidaf ions : “ I fiat the Maori Organiser Im* directed to 140 to work arm ne Fast Coast natives. “that ac* urate infonmuicn of the sinfi*«s of the mtiv' 4 prohibitory law in tli* Kast (’oast district la* collected: r hat Mr Chattcrtou prepare an a , tic!" on same for Maori page <f ‘V»’hits 4 lUbh- n,’ and c< pies struck off and circulate I among the natives.*’ The follow in:* depa r*mental reports were diM-usa* 1 : 1 nfermenfed \Vllle, Narcotics, Work Anion*' Seani ,4 ii, Literature, L.T L., ami ('radle Roll. Resolvml . “That ti e Superintendent of Unt«*rm**nted Wim* Department Ih 4 ask«d to obtain information as to where the different brands of unfe> niented wine are to la 4 procured, ami try to obtain .1 Jvertisements from their vendors for the ‘White Ribbon,’ and bring the matter before the readers of that paper by a letter.” The session closed with the Benediction.

FRIDAY AFTERNOON. Devoti* ns conducted by Srster Moodv-Rcll. <>- present Domestic Science and Medical TemI • ranee wa rt 4 discuss'd and adopted. The Mayor addressed Convention on tin 4 education of girls Mi' Field proposed: “That a Committee be set up to discuss and suggest what steps shouM be taken in eonncctoii u ith r* rmation of th« 4 propose i Advisory Board ” I'bc Committee to consist of Mrs Kvans, Miss Ifcndeison, and Dr Dunn, with powe; A o add to their 'lumber Greetings were received from TuaStratford, Wellington District, taper* 4 . Port Chalmers, S nth Dunedin, I imam. am! N.K. \ alley Cni* ns, Mrs liilian Steve is (World’* Woman's Christian Temperance Union). Tin* s*‘ssion closed with Benediction. SATURDAY MORNING, MARCH 7th, 1914. I> \ • » **oiiductod bv Miss Powell. Present, (it). Convention Widcd to remain in scaion this afternoon, tin* Gordon Party h' ing postponed t Monday afternoon, owing to inclement weather. Mis lYryman, Fditor ami Business A! ni«ger of “While Ribfon,” read her report and balance sheet, *vldch were adopted Mrs Perynnn was again ippointed Kditoi and Business Manager ami nominated Mrs Kvans, M.A , as Associate Kd tor.

On the motion of Miss Atkinson, a hearty vote of thanks was amorded the Kditor < ! the “White Ribb n and apprts'iation of her services. Mrs IVrvrnan proposed heart* votes of thanks to Mr Lynn* berg n r auditing “White Rihl«cli” accounts and to those who assisted with tile wrappers Hbar*v thanks were accorded Mrs Kield, Mrs Bendely, and Mi ss Roberts tor their excellent papers, read at an evening meeting. They are to be printed in “White*’ Copies ot Mrs Field’s papers to be printed and circulated. Tin 4 report and 1 alance-shect of Mrs Taylor, Organising Treasurer, wc«e read and adopted The following reports were discussed and adopted:- l’i«*vs, Sois*ii!'• »n----era lice, Purity, ami Moral Kducatioii. Mrs Bliz/.aid conducted noon-tid 4 hour of prater

SATURDAY AFTERNOON. Mrs Rule conducted the ifterno* ■' devotion* Res* Ived : “That Cen\entio«n expresses its satisfaction with ihe d« ivion of the Christchurch Hospitcl Board to .iiak** n»ovision for incxp<*nsive and easily accessible medical treatrrent, without registration or publicity, for all sufferers from venereal diseases; and further, the Union urg." all H ospital Boards to foPow the same rourae.’’ Resolved: “That this Convention also declares that any avtempt t*> legalise tb* 4 social **vil b» regulation will be strenuously opposed. The regulation system is condemned as being wrong 111 principle, and a failure in practice. Regulation increases vice, ami fads to reduce disease ; it tends to corrupt tb- 4 young, and to demur disc lll* 4 police charged with its ndmnns tration ’’ “That a vote of ill inks 0* 4 aeco»d* 4 d Dr Fonw u k for his action it moving the Hospital Board to adopt incasups tor tin* relief of sufferers from vetieieal disease.’’ Greetings w« 4 r< 4 received from tb 4 V jiminui Union and from the NZ Alliance, through Rev. Dawson, an 1 1 ront ih<* Methodist ( '<> ifercn ■** ihrough Rev. Liv. s The following reports v**»rc li-mssc I and adopt**': - Prison Reform. Back Block', 'lhrift, Hygiene, Sibliatli (»»>- servancc, and Temperance Sumliv Th< 4 session close*! with the Benediction. MONDAY, MARCH 9th. Devotions were conducted by Mrs Kvans. Present, (i‘2 Minutes read and confirmed. (Jreetings received from Winchmorc Union, Miss Mcf’artliy. and from (iislarme Temperance Association. Th* 4 folk w ing reports w*'re *lis* uss*»d and adopted:- (ioxi Citizenship. Supt. Mrs Judson ; Flow**r Missions and R* - lief W*»rk, Supt. Miss Nellie Cole; K locational Bureau, Supt. Miss Powell; Y’s and Medal Contests, Supt. Mis Moody; Military Camps, Supt.

Mrs Mitchell; Anti-Gambling, Supt. Mrs lloiildcr. Mi>s Roberts suggests! that all resolutions pass**d in her department Im* I rwankd to and she will undertake to see they reach th* 4 proper authorities at th* 4 right time. Notices of motion for next (onvent ton : I. By Miss Dewar: “That I or sonic on 4 in my place will move that in the absence of a District President from ( nvention, tin* District Treasurer r Secjeta r / should have a 4 **at in tin* N.Z F\*'<*uti\« 4 .” '2. By Mrs Sea ill* 4 11: “That I *»r nine one 111 niv place will nmve at mxt ( 011\<ntion that tin 4 turn* lias now aimed when the rule in tin* Constitution regarding proxies be amended t > read thus: ‘That any Union finding itself unable, for lack of funds or otherwise, •end a delegate to Convention, shall h:i\e th* 4 power to choose os their repre- ntative any member of tin* W.C T.U.’; that tin* woid proxy b** oblit«*!ated as alt*eM*tb* 4 r unm**** smr v.” Aim*ndm«*nt t*» By-laws.- Bv Miss Powell* “I hereby give notice iliat (»e------fore tin* close of this Convention I will m< \e to amend the Bve-laws ; n tin* f< 1low ing directi*>n : —‘That befon* tin* Annua! Conv<*ntion, all ni<'iiib**rs :nt*n*lillg to be present *hal! inform tb** Dominion Kcci rding S* * r**tarv *»f sueli intent)' n ; also *>a*‘b Union s* , nding a d dogate shall, througii its S**CM*tary, forward to tb* 4 Dominion Recording Seorctarv th** *'r* 4 d<*ntials of sueli *l«*l< 4 - gat«>, stating her full naim* and tinuncial standing.’ ” ‘‘Hat Article 111. of the Bye-laws In* amended by deleting i!» » words ‘or credentials,’ and Article V, by deleting tin* words r o!l<tw ing ‘Union’ and c ncluding w itli ‘pur|M» a* ’ ” Tin* 4 ‘'<*'sion closed with the Bencdic--1 ion. TUESDAY, MARCH 10th. Music and quotations were conducted by Miss Powell ;ind Mrs Mitel Pi* sent, OR. (»f«***tiims wcm* i**<***ivcd from ( loi'tchtiM’h, Wellington Central, Haw»* i Unions, Miss Tiwur/.a (Ashburton), * «ni*« from Mrs Whiteman regrotting ahscnce fr> rn ( onvciiti*m owing to her father’s death. L tters of sympathy won* dirc**t«*d to b«* M*nt to Mrs Whiteman nml Mis Miller (Auckland), and a letter of greeting to Mrs C. \N . Brow n (Inveicarpill). The following r**|H)rt> w*ere discussed and adonU^lßest and Refreshment ” »»ths, Supt. Airs Howard; Bibb* I*l Si bools Supt. .Mrs \\ alke r !Mr < Lee-Cow ie noved th«* folk wing resolution “We rwognise ti.»> n* 4 **d of drawing together all the forces that make for righteousness in this gr**at a♦**»r *>f battle, and the vast importance of unity, love, »i:d Hodly concur*l n *»ur own ranks at nil times. Wc recognise also that .ill our members ire unanimous in doiiing that Bible ’caching shell Im* giv« u ♦*» Christ’s little ones everywhere, tin* only difference ot opinion lx*ing th* 4 method of getting v uch t«*(hing int* the schools. The

la>t year lias given tinx* to tlx* Unions to thorotighlv investigate every |k>ssibh* method of securing Bible teaching, and tin* majority of our branches have voted strongly in favour of the Bible in Schools leagues svstem as Ix-mg ihe one practical method. Tliis Convention decides to endorse the opinion of the fifty or more branches that before and since our last Convention have voted for the Bible in State Seh >olx League platform This is in harmony with the resolutions passed and reaffirmed by church gatherings of large denominations, as well as by some smaller bodies, and will make ns one harmonious whole of Christian citizens demanding from our representatives the birthright of our children.” \li*s Henderson moved the following alnendnnCit : —«“That this Convention reaffirms its advocacy of Bible teaching in State S» lands. it recognises that among its members and branches there are differences of opinion as to the liest metlu <ls of carrying out this principle, and being convinced that no action dx>n!d !>e tiken hv the Convention which would impair the spirit i»f unity which has hitherto marked the work of the W.C.T l . fo ■ so many years, it is of opinion that each branch and each member shall be left free to advocate tin* particular system < t Bible teaching which appeals most strongly to their consciences.” \fter a full discussion treports» in another column), Miss HerdersonY amendment was carried by 52 votes ;o The Doxoiogv was tlxm sung, :.n I tli e session closed With the Benedicti. Ml WEDNESDAY, MARCH 11th. Devotions were conduct*-1 by .Mrs l)av Present, (K) V'lintes read and confirmed. Greetings were receive*! from Christchurch Union and from Gisborne Ereodom league. Letter of greeting receiver! from Mrs Oldham, who als-, thanked Convent On for letter «>? Mmpathv. Dcps it mental Report* •-Legal and Parliamentary Supi. Miss Roberts, Notable -upt. Mrs Wntsoi. It was deci led that the- '‘Purity \d<ate” h»* put in charge of Mrs Dearlove, >Mpt. of l.'tcrature. The Resolutions Committee sent forward tin- following:— “That this Convention deplores the fact that the Superintendent of Police should recommend the CM). Acts or any other form «»* Stat* regulation of vice, and further, that it re-»lhrx,s ; ts op-po-dtio i t*» any form of regulation or t » any difference in the treatment of the se\»-s as a media of dealing with the axial evib” —Carried. “That this Convention recommends that the Kxecutive Im* asked to rill to i*> assistance a i»ody of infh ential men ai**l womt-n to consult together as to the liest means of combating the ravages of venereal disease.”—Carried. “That person* of Iwith sexes who have Im-cii convicted for immoral of-

feiU-es and are Im*voihl the ag** of reformatories should In* u<lju(i r *d as morul (leg«*nerates. and should be detained in special iiisiitul-ons for—- “ 1. An indeterminate time, tin* sentenee to la* subj«*et to revision at slated periods. “2. That a -jns ial institution should la* established for theso eases, and should be of the nature of a farm colon v. •*3. That these institutions dioulii he under tlx* eontr I of a Board consisting of equal numbers of men and women. “4. In eases of aftiliatioi, where several men an* implicated, each should he made responsible for tlx* future maintc l nice of the child.’ -*(’ai lied. “As no nmn convicted <*t any offence against person or property niter m»I------fering tlx* penalty t!x*refor is k*pi *v«ml t nis civil right .f voting, this Convention strongly protests against the disfranchisement of conscientious objectors to military service in addition to punishment tor tlx-ir offence. Ca rrie«l. “That • c minittce of two, oix* residing in North Island, and tlx- otlx*r in the South Island, Im* appointed to collect information r»> N\ hit<* Slav.- I raffie in this Dominion, and to suggest preventive measures. That committee to consist of Mrs Hi# Id and Mrs Peryinan." -Carried. .Nlis Martindale conducted noon tide prayer. R<*> |ved: “That tlx* Railway Department be asked to provide on all long distance trains special lavatory conveniences in each carriage tor the sexes.’’ Resolved: “That the Government he ask«-d to extend tlx* system of bush nursing. ’ Resolved: “That if possible the agenda tar Convention and any resolution tlx- | liey of tin- Union shall h- published in the January issue of ‘White Rihl»on.’ Resolved: “That s«-«-iiig that such an ov»-rw li«*lniiiig majority ot N Z electors are in favour of tlx* total extinction of tlx- Liquor Traffic, this (’onvention xtr< ugly protests against tlx-ir convictions being outraged by tlx* general display of liquor advertisements at the different railway stations, and urges that facilities for all such alwrt.senients in all places and conveyances owned and controlled by Goveimix nt and municipal authorities lx- refused.” Session closed with prayer. AFTERNOON SESSION. Devotions conducted by Miss Powell. Present, 59. Letters <1 thank' and appreciate n wen* direct >d to lx* sent to tlx- Rev. Daw s*n-Tixmas for preaching Convention semen; aim to Rev. W. (■ rnirt for able a*ldress on Sunday morning. Resolved: “That this Convention desires to affirm str ugly tlx- advisability 4it women being represented on tlx- proi)4>S4■'I National ( uncil of Education. The Convention is aware that nothing in this r<*cotninundation of tlx* Coinmis-

sinners prevents tlx- 4-14-<-t i« n of woiix*n on this Council, but f4*4• 1 s that since, aerrording to those recommendations, each body of electors has only one n*presentative to elect, it may easily happen that no woman will tind a seat on tlx* Council, it therefore urge.; that in a new Education Bill tlx- regu--1 ati4»ii for tlx* election 4>t tlx* Council lx* fram'd so as t 4) ensure that a cert uin prop rtion of tlx* meinb(*rs lx* women.” A h-tt4*r was reepiv(*d from Lady Stout enclosing Mrs IVthick Law14*ix*4*’s o|M-n h-tter to tlx* Bishop of WYstminuter, dealing ’ *th the Social Evil, and wa« read hv Presich-nt. Resolved: “That a U*tl4*r 4)f thanks lx* sent to Mr Bourn, R A., for auditing balance-shot for Organising Fund.” Resolved: “That at present we do noi register as a New Zealand Union, hut recommend that all Unions possessing property should register.’’ Mrs Ix-e-Cowx* was deputed t- convey the f< Mowing greetings to the in-ter-Stat4* Convention of Temperance l)eh*gat<*s of Australasia : “New Zealand Union grateful for tlx* success of tlx* Temperance vote in our own land, and wishes you even greater success.” Ihffore Mrs C’owie left “God he with y u till we nx-4-t again” was sung. Resolved: “That work among railway men lx* included in tlx* Backblocks Department.” Resolved: “That in tlx- case 4>f penny-in-thc-slot machines, the police lx* urged to enforc-4* tlx* law s again* t Sunday trading, so as to prevent these machines from being used on tint day.” Resolved: “That believing that the ch-ctoral |>owcr, if wielded in a Godfearing way, is a mighty wrap n for tlx* redemption of tlx- people fioru intemperance, vi<-4*, and abject povertv, which drag down and destroy tlx* life of S 4) large a part of the community, this Convention earnestly hopes that t7x* women of (treat Britain and otlx-r countries where tlx* nx venx-nt for W4)-nx-n’s suffrage is in progress will have tlx*ir etf4>rts speedily crowned with success.” NYtice of Motion Miss Powmll: “That I or some one in my place will nx)V4* at ix-xt ('onvention that Organisers have a seat in Convention.” The folk w ing amendments are rcronimended to N Z. ('-institution: Article IV., Executive Committee. Strik*- out tlx* words after “White Ribbon,” and amend t4> road: “All ah >V4* members who are members sh ill act during tlx* Convention, hut in the interim between Conventions .in* Executive f4>r tl)4* conduct f business shall consist of the President, V.l*. at Large, Corresponding and Recording rotaries, Treasurer and Editor of tlx* official organ, cxccpi when any matter ot grave financial ini|>ortnin-o is invo!\4*d, when tlx* District Presidents shall I)4* consulted.” Article VI. Omit tlx* words aft4* r “Special (Ymmittees.”

Bye-laws.—Article 1., Section 2. Omit all w ids after "blank form.” She shall also obtain from each District Secretary a supplementary report covering tin* whole district. —Cirricd. Section 3. Substitute “Convention” for “meetiii..." after the word <4 each.” After “pi in-ceding,” amend to read: “When Executive meetings an* held s!:e shall .‘■•end notices to the members thereof designating in such notices the subjects to be n nsidered. She shall c(piaiiit absent officers and sii|m*i intciif[«*uts of departments of their appointn eat by tin* Convention, at the first session, etc.” —Carried, Section 4. Substitute “Convention” for “meeting.”- Carried. Section 5. That Sta tion •“>, to Im> added, reads as foil \\ > : “N /. Supennteiuh nts. The duty ot each Dominion Superintendent is to originate plans for the development of her department throughout the Dominion, and to communicate the same, either through tin* White Rit»bon’ or by c rrespond** lice, to the local Su |>:>rin U ndents. She shall also obtain from eaeb local l nion a report or th.* work done in her depaitment during tin* year, and collate from these her own annual >e|M>rt. She sh ill forward a copy of her repi r f to the White Ribbon’ hefore January 31st of each \ear, and also send a npoit to the World’s Su|M*rintendeiit in time i<r each World’s (’onvention. The session closed with the liemdiction. THURSDAY, MARCH 12th, 1914. Devoti ns were conducted by Sister Moody -Bell. Present, 50 The minutes were read and confirmed. Miss Gainsford, missionary from india, and a member of W .C.T.I ~ united Convention in wolds of Colcssians 1 :9, 10, 11, and 12. Resolved, on the motion <i Mrs A. K. Atkinson: “That this luion we# come most heartily the rep rest iitative from India, and send gr«*etings to our Indian sisters by her hi these words ‘That we realist* most lovingly God has made of one bite d all nations tar to dwell upon the earth.’ ” ID-solved: ‘‘That Mr H. A. (’ami bell hr* written to asking him to furnish such particulars of the cases of indentured labour mentioned hv him in tin* ‘Maorilaml Worker’ ot February 11th, Hit, a! will enable the Dominion NY.C.T.I , to investigate the matter, and, if necessarv, t< ask the assistance of the Society for the Protection of Women and Children.” Miss Roberts moved : “That we. the memlmrs of tin* Dominion W .(’ T.l ~ ill Comention assembled, express our profound sorn nv for the death of our late honoured and beloved President, Mis Cole, Cnder her wise and enpable guidance the I’nions greatly in- < ieased in niiml*ers and influence, and w «* desire to place on rccorT our deep and grateful appreciation of the devot-

cd and untiring service she, as National President for over six years, reiider<*d ta the Whitt* Ribbon movement, and tin* women’s tattse, not only tlirougliout New Zealand, but in other lands as well. Ihe gracious and womanly qualities, which so eminently distinguished her, will he ever held in remembrance by the many comrades who knew and loved her; and we render thanks to God tor the deep peace and joy which wore granted ta her as she passed through the p itals of death to a larger life and higher service. We tender ta her husband ami daughters our heartfelt sympathy in their great bereavement.’ Tbe motion was carried silently, all members standing. The election of National offic is resulted as follows: Pres., Mis Doi , Dunedin ; Cor. Sec., Miss llcndt rsoii, Christchurch ; Rec. Sec., Mrs Mitchell, L.vltclt u ; lie is., Mrs Bendely, Auckland. Mrs Dan noiniiuilcd Miss P well as Vice-President at large. On tbe motion of Mrs Graham, L-•*> was \oted to tile Editor ot “White Ribbon” tor the printing of ( iii\cntioii number. 'I in* usual honorarium of L it) was granted t > the Edit i of tlu* “White Ribbon.” The usual sum of L 1 a was authoi iscd to be paid to Business Manager limn White Ribbon hinds. Greetings were received from A»ru Jansen and from Waimate l nion. Resolved: “ this (onvention reafiirms the principle of majority run,, and urges upon tin* local Tub ns to try and induce every voter to promise to withhold bis or her vote from any candidate who will not undertake to remove, or at least substantially reduce, the three-fifths majority. This Convent i ii further urges upon all electors to vote for both National Prohibition and Local Option.’’ “That this Convention warmly a|»proVes of the recount! uida' ions made by tbe recent Medical Congress for the t <achiiig and training of defective children, and als for tin* permanent detention and taro of adult defectives in country icsidcntial colonies, and strongly urges the Government to bring in legislation to carry these recntrmmiidaiioiis into effect.” Mrs Morice conducted noontide prayer. Resolve 1: “That this (’< mention is nleasml to note the satislaetory state ot m* New Zealand birth-rate as certified by the last ‘Gazette,’ which published the following figures n K<*bruai> Births registered in 1913, 27,93 d; deaths registered in 1913, 10,119; cxcess of births over deaths, 17,Mb. ” Tile Convention tenaers its hearty thanks to Dr. Truhy King for his work in connection with the preservation of infant life.” Res«l,vd: That men convicted of sexual offences against young children of tender age .should he detained for lite, or consent to, undergo a mime siugieal operation.’* The session closed with the Benediction.

AFTERNOON SESSION. Devotions were conducts! by Airs H< ulder. Present, dd. Resolved: “That tin* Dominion Secretaries lx* instruct'd to mcorpoiate in tin* By-laws of Constitution the in structions for District officers, which have already fx*en passed. ’ The Resolutions Committee reeomnended that a small committee he set up to r nsidcr provisions dealing with the protection of women and children and tliat they bring up molutions for the ci usidcration of next (Y*n\ention. Convention accepted tins recommendation, ami Misses Henderson and R - belts were named the committee Ihe following is a suggested Constitution for Provincial Conventions: Article I. —Annual Convention. The Annual Convention shall consist of the Provincial Executive C mmittee. local secretaries and treasurers, and two delegates from eac h Inion. -Article II. —Executive Committee. The Executive Committee shall consist of the President, Vice-Presidents (the local Presidents are N ice-Presi-dents of the Provincial Pnion), and the Provincial Sec.eiu i's and Treas irers. Article 111. —Election rf Officers. The President and Secretary (or Secretaries) and Treasurer shall he elected hv ballot during the last session ot Convention. Aitide IV.—Flac® of Meeting. Each Convention shall d«*cidf upon the place of meeting for the folio.ving year. Artich V.—Financ®. Each local I nion, out of its memberhip fees, shall pay annually to the Provincial Treasurer u capitation f» o of one penny per member. Article VI. —Amendments. This Constitution may he altered or amended by a two-thirds vote of the members present at any Convention, provided notice has been given at the pievious Convention. Article VII. Provisional Constitution tor First Convention. In order to inaugurate a Piovineial Convention, the Executive officers of tin* ( nion in the chief city of the province shall act as Executive officers of the Convention. BY-LAWS. Article I. —Duties cf Officers. Section I.—President: The President shall preside at all business meetings cf the Convention. Section 2.—Corresponding Seeretarv : The ( orresponding Secretary shall conduct the correspondence of ‘lie Provincial Convention, and shall send notice for th * Convention. Section 3.—R«*cording Secretary : l it** Recording Secretary shill keep a correct record of the proceedings of the Convention, and conduct any business pertaining to her office. Sift ion L- Treasurer: The Treasiirei shall eolh*ct and receive all moneys due, keep an accurst** account ot all receipts and disbursements, and present a de-

tailed report thereof, duly audited, to each Cemvmiti'n. No bills shall be* paid exevpt upon an order signed by iln* President and Recording Secretary. Article II. —Delegation. No delegate shall represent more than one I men. and all delegates must he meml>ers of the W’.C’.T I'. Article 111. — Bus.ness Between Convcr.ticn. The Provincial officers shall conduct the business in the interim between (’eiuent ions. Article IV. —Arr.entimrnts. The By-lans may be aim nded by a two-thirds \ te ot the members present at any Convention. Superintendents of 1)« partim nt, were* elected as follows: Evangelistic, Mis I’pton (Wanganui); Maori, Mis 11. .1 Walker ((iisboine); Pu r itv and Moral Education. Mrs field (Neds in); l.iterature, Mrs Dearlove (Napier); Work Amongst Seamen, Mrs Whitby (l.yttelton); L.T.L. and Cradle Roll, Neal (Pahi itua N a VI Contests,Mrs M ody (Bluff) * Scientific lemp ianee Instruetiou, Miss Maunder (llaueia); Prisoi Work, Sistej M< >dvR 11 (Invercargill); Good C itiasemsliip, •Mrs din Ison (Nelson); Motheis’ MeetM i - Jones < N acr< Narcotics, Mrs Wright (Duntvlin): Anti-(ianil>-ling and Ijcga) and Parliamentary, Mist* Rolx rts (Christchurch); I’nfermented Wine, .Mrs Gaskin (Gieymoiith) ; Hygiene, Mrs McDonald (Wellington); Press, Mrs DuxfieM (Wanganui); Backblex ks and Railway-,, Mrs Israel (Nels n) ; Medical Te mp«-. ance, Mrs Neal (Pahiatua); Sabbath Observance, Mra Hamilton <Wa rkwort h); I-lower Missions and Relief Work, Mis> K. C. Cole (Christchurch); Rest and Refreshment Booths, Mrs Howard (Timaru): Home Meetings. Miss Dewar 'Auckland); Educational Hureau, Mis> Powell ( Palltiei Stoll N.); Notable Days, Mi's Watson (Ashhurtoii) ; Peace and Arbitration, Mrs l<e*e-Cowu> (InvcreirI lintt Mrs Flanaghan (Mastert n); Military Camps, Mrs Mitchell < Lvttelton) ; Domestic Sc ie nce*, Mrs T. K. la\ lor <( hristc hur h ). Invitations for next Conventi m v.uc I reived from Grey mouth and Chns> church Cnions, the* latter being ae- < **| tc>d with thanks. (ireymouth was accorded a hearty vo;»> ot thanks for its invitation. Manv questions were asked in Qm >- tien Box, and satisfact rily answered. Notes of thanks were accorde* 1: To Dr. Dunn for her lecture. I Mi • Chinch and Mi • l >hi , h ting a (ommittee ot Courtcsms and taking clnrge of newspapers. lo the ( ham her ot Commerce f< r cojiM-s of “Gisborne the Golden.” io Lade ( arroll and our Ala on tricmds of Te Arai for entertaining tin* < lelegates. lo the* Pre*ss for space* given, and to reporters tor their excellent reports. "o (h Napier l nion t< i 1 court* iea < \tend«*d to delegates passing through. lo the* Gisborne 1 nion for so kindl\ < uteitaining C« nvention.

lo our liosts and hostesses tor their kindly hospitality. The Convention closed by singing “God be* with you till we meet again,” after which the* President pronounced tm* Aaiouic Blessing and the* Benediction.

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White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 225, 18 March 1914, Page 2

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MINUTES. White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 225, 18 March 1914, Page 2

MINUTES. White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 225, 18 March 1914, Page 2

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