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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) WOODVILLK. Oct. 28. Decided at meeting that the letter to School Committee re essay for children on Temperance wall-sheet should be postponed until February, when school "tarts afresh, as teachers would be too busy with examinations this side* of Christinas. Our President read sonic* very interesting pieces dealing with the plans of the Convention of the World’s W.C.T.I’., held in Brooklyn. CHRISTCHURCH. Meeting held October Nth, Mrs Me* Combs presiding. A motion of sym pathy with Mrs G. B. Nicholls was passed, the President referring to the untiring energy and whole-heartedness of the late Mr Nicholls. The following resolution was carried unanimously:—“That in view of the fact that the present session of Parliament is far advanced, and that no amendment of the Licensing Act ha> been introduced, this meeting urges upon the Government to introduce forthwith a Bill providing for abolishing of the present unfair handicap in respect to the vote upon the licensing issue.” Meeting held October 22nd, Mrs McCotffbs presiding. Letter front Miss Newcomb thanking Union for supporting the establishment of a British Dominion Overseas Suffrage Union; also enclosing contribution from herself and colleague towards the memorial to our late President. Decided to request the N.Z. Kxecutive that Mrs Howell and Mis Hinson be asked to represent the New Zealand W.C.T.U. at the inauguration of the British Dominions Overseas Suffrage Union, to be held in London in 1914 KAIAPOI. Meeting held 29th October to celebrate ‘Franchise Day.” Mrs Ward read tvo extracts from the “White Ribbon’ dealing with this question. Decided. to write to League urging “Democratic Vote Campaign” to be taken up at once. A resolution of sympathy was passed with M/s* G. B. Nicholls. Decided to sell suppers at the coffee rooms on the nights when the local bands played on the rotunda. Captain Brown an address on rescue work of the Salvation Army. The following ‘resolution was passed unanimously: “That the members of the Kaiapoi W.C.T.U. place on record their sincere appreciation of the splendid and self-sacrificing work of

the Salvation Army, particularly in regard to their Rescue Work Department.” Musical items were given by Misses F.vans and Kllen. A col lection was taken up in aid of the N.Z. Fund. NFLSON. Monthly meeting October 14th. Miss Atkinson presiding. Resolved to request all the* ministers to preach Tern perance sermons, and arrange that femperance lessons be given in Sunday Schools on Temperance Sunday. Resolved not to order literature on unfermentc'd wine, as this is used in all churches except the- Anglican, pamphlets to be sent to the letter. Arrangements made for the Garden Party and Sale of Work to be field November 12th. Mr* Field reported a successful meeting at Ric hmond during the* month, at which the resolutions rc protection of women and children were passed. Band of Hope competitions were field during September, and were very successful. Two Good Citizenship meetings have been held during the past month, the subjects being “Domestic Science” and “Party Government." I hc* following resolution wa* passed at the monthly Union meeting in the interests of the Good Citizenship Department: “That this meeting considers that it would tend to the realisation of the responsibilities of citizenship, and also to the strengthening of the religious element, if one Sunday in the* year were devot ed to this end, to be* known as “Citi zen Sunday” ; and that the ministers of the various churches should be asked to preach upon some subjec t connected with the duties of citizens. This Union would therefore respectfully request the N.Z. W.C.T.I*. Kxecutive to set apart a Sunday for this purpose, and would suggest that, if possible, it "hould be the Sunday immediately preceding the municipal elections.” A special meeting was held on October 21st for making further arrangements for Sale of Work. Attention was also called to the* Women’s Shilling Fund in connection with the movement set on foot in London for the erection of lodging homes for working women, as a tribute to the memory of the* late Mr W. T. Stead. WAIPUKCRAC. October meeting. Nine members present, President in the chair. Fines were inflicted on two members for failing to wear badge at meeting. The series of Band of Hope meetings which have been held in connection with our Union during the winter months closes on Friday, October 31 st, with a lantern entertainment, work and sweet stall, and distribution of prizes won in recent competitions. PAHIATUA. On Thursday, 9th October, 1913. Mis ■ weM lectured to women and g 1 ri- 01 “Girls and Their Lovers.” Sixty people were present. On the

following Tuesday afternoon a meet inir of women was convened by Miss Powell, with the object of forming a branch of the W.C.T.U. in Pahiatua. After explaining the* sevcial branches of work carried on by the W.C.T.I*., Miss Powell called for members to sign the pledge. Nine responded, and four member" were admitted from other hranc hes. 1 he initiatory ser vice followed, after which the* nc*cc*s sary officers were appointed as * >1 low - : President. M t s Neal . Vit e President, Mr> Richards; Treasurer, Mrs Paterson; Secretary. Mr" W ni. Proctor. First monthly meeting held on No vember 6th in the* Methodist Church, Mrs Neal presiding. Fifteen mem her." have joined the Union, eight be mg present at the meeting. One* new member was initiated. During the* meeting a paper, entitled, “Do weak hearts need alcohol?’’ wa* read, followed by a few remarks by the* Prc**i dent. ASHBI* RTON. October. Attendance small. Letter from Christchurch President conveying thanks of visiting delegates to local Union and friends for kindly hospitality shown during Convention. Resolved to send letters of sympathv to Miss Watson for the loss of her mother, and to Mr llannaford for loss of hi" 'Mu : .iN(I t>> Mi * W T. Lill for her accident, and expressing hope for her speedy restoration. Se e retan instructed to write and thank all who had entertained delegates or helped with Convention in any way. DUNEDIN. October. Meeting in Congregational Church, Moray Place, Mrs Dick presiding. Regret expressed for death of Mr (». B. Nicholls, and letter of sympathy he sent to Mrs Nicholls. Derided to assist the 1.0. (LT. in their jubilee celebrations. Mrs Don was appointed to represent the Union at the public meetings. Members were recommended to attend the conference of women to he held shortly in Dunedin, to organise a federation of all women’s societies in New Zealand that have for their object the removal of the social disabilities of women and children. A resolution was passed, to he* forwarded to the Prime 'linistcr and representatives, in favour of the reduction of the threefifths majority handicap. Reported organising Union at MosgieL Franchise Day was celebrated. Mrs 11. Driver gave an interesting account of the great polyglot petition organised by France*" Willard against drink and opium. I bis was sent round to all nations, and obtained over seven and a-half million signatures, and was then presented to the world’s rulers. She spoke of the determined fight beintr made by China to put down the* opium curse. A collection of 20s has been forwarded to tiu* N.Z. Fund Nov. MeeUng in Congregational Churc h Hall. President in the chair.

Mrs Alexander, number of Rvegate (England) W.C.T l . (Lady Henry Somerset’s l nion) was welcomed. Mrs Dick read extracts from report of Victoria Home, Invercargill. Mrs Elliot from North-East Valley, read a leaflet on ‘'What Burbank, the ‘Plant Wizard,’ >ays of Alcohol and Tobacco.” He found that smokers and drinker> were unable to do the delicate work of budding. Invitations were received from the Mosgiel, NE. Valley and South Dunedin auxiliaries, to attend their annual meetings. STRATFORD. Franchise Day was commemorated by musical and educational meeting at Mrs John Mackay’s residence. Collection of ios for N.Z. Funds. Monthly meeting held in Methodist Chur h, October 2nd. 10s voted to ‘Organising Funds." Deputation, comprising Mesdamcs T. White and Kennedy, appointed to confer with Executive of A. and P. Show re more accommodation for women and child ren at Show, also afternoon tea marquee. INVERCARGILL. Monthly meeting well attended. Reported that the net proceeds from the recent conversazione in aid of the Rest Tent Fund amounted to £\ 2, and a vote of thanks was passed to the organisers and helpers. A resolution of sympathy with the relatives of Mr G. B. Nichols, and of deep regret at his loss, was passed, this to be sent to Mrs Nichols; also a resolution of sympathy with the relatives of the late Mr Little, of Invercargill, a friend and worker in the temperance cause. Resolved: “That the proposed District Convention be held at an early date, instead of in February.” The following committee was constituted to make arrangements:- Mesdames Mac Abater and Lee-Cowie. presidents and conveners; Sister Moody-Bell, secretary; and Mesdames Baird, Brown, Grieg, and Every, working members the* committee to hx a date some time* next month. Resolved: “That Mesdames Lee-Cowie and Hamilton visit Gore to aid in a special meeting of the Gore Branch. The admission of two new members brought the meeting to a close. A most enjoyable conversazione was held in the Victoria Hall on September 23rd, the* proceeds of which are to be devoted to the Rest Tent at the approaching Summer Show. Addresses were given bv Miss Jobson, of the Girls’ High School, and Mrs LeeCowie, and an excellent musical programme* was provided. November. Meeting held. Arrangements made for visiting auxii. .r-------ics. Arrangements reported to be well advanced for Distric t Convention. A letter was read from the Secretary of the Bible in Schools League, eliciting the support of the Invercargill Union. Decided to support League’s platform. Decided to contribute to Mr> Cole’s Memorial Fund.

Decided the* President and Vicc-Prcsi-dend attend a meeting called by Good Templars. WANGANUI EAST. Meeting held in the Baptist Church, the President (Mrs Andrew) occupying the chair. Ihe District President and Mrs Upton, from the Mother Union, were also present. Mrs Duxlield was welcomed from the Haw era Union. Two nc*w members were initiated. Decided to go into recess for December, and meet again last Frida\ in January. Resolved: “That a house to house and street corner collection be made oa the first or second week in December to liquidate debt from NoLicense campaign. ’ Names were given of those who were willing to do practical work in this worthy object, it was suggested that each member try and bring another for next meeting, and that we make an attempt to secure the N.Z. banner. Mrs Duxheld was unanimously appointed “White Ribbon” Superintendent, Reporter to “White Ribbon,” and Re cording Secretary. NGAIRE. Oct. 7, in Ngaire Church. Short business meeting, after which a mothers’ meeting addressed by Hawera Plunket Nurse on the* feeding and care of babies. Attendance* good.

Nov. 3, at Mrs X. Jones’. Annual meeting, Mrs Morison presiding. Temperance essays received from the headmaster of school, which are to be* judged and prizes given by the Union. Officers re-elected. Hearty vote of thanks was passed for the* gift of a dozen children’s pinafores for the* \ ictoria Home. WELLINGTON DISTRICT. The monthly nie*eting of the Wellington District W.C.T.U. was held on Thursday, November (>th, in the* Constable* St rc*c*t Rooms, Mr> Boxall presiding. Correspondence dealt with. Decided to again donate £\ towards prizes for the two best essays written by girls and bo\ s in Standards \. and VI. on the lessons taught from the Temperance wall sheets in Newtown School. Decided to wclconv* Mrs johnston-Wright after her visit to England at the next meeting of the Union. The Branch l nions were all asked to send in reports as early as possible for annual meeting on December 4th. MATAURA. Oct. ’ Meeting held, attendance good. Mrs Landels presiding. Two new members joined. Mrs Menzies read a paper, and Miss Sunning gave a recitation. Discussion was held re assisting Gore l nion on Show Day with rest tent, also sailors’ bags. Invitation received to Invercargill District Convention. Members willing to attend. Two members from Invercargill Union have offered to assist us at our next meeting.

OTAUTAU. Meeting held second Thursday. Arrangements made for final Band of Hope meeting for the* season; also for taking up the annual collection in aid of Dr. Barnardo’' Homes. At the Band of Hope* concert, Mrs LeeCow ic’s “Zcaiandia’' Message to the Nations” was given by members ver> successfully to a laigc* and appreciative audience. WANGANUI. In I rinity Church parlour, Mrs J. Smith presiding. Attendance good. I he A. and P. Association are giving the small grandstand for the use of women and children attending the* Show. The members of the Union will take turns during the* two days of the Show in seeing that the stand i> restricted to the use of women and children only. Five new members joined, and one visitor from Wellington was prc*sc*nt. It was reported that Mr Sydney Butler would give a concert shortly in aid of the* NoLicense funds. EDEN DALE. Oct. Meeting hc*lci in Methodist Church. Decided to have a Rest and refreshment tent at the November Wyndham Show, Mrs Oberg to arrange with Show Committee. Letter received rc members of our Union attending the* Invercargill District Convention. Members premised to go. Nov. Meeting held, President presiding. One* new member. Mrs Oberg reported Show Committee were willing for Rest Tent, but caterer refused permission, though compensation was offered. Decided to make comfort bags for the Sailors’ Rest. Voted towards Mrs Cole’s memorial. OXFORD. Oct. At the Coronation Hall, Mrs presiding. Attendance small. Motions of sympathy parsed to the husband and family of tne late Mrs Cederman and to Sirs Nicholls and family, members standing. Mr> ( ederman was the first of our members to he* promoted, and was accorded a White Ribbon funeral, 27 members following. Decided to donate two guineas to Mrs Coles’s memorial fund. Decided to bold an open-air service in the Park on Temperance Sunday, and a k the Band to assist. Dec ided to >end a letter to the* Oxford A. and P. Association asking them to abolish the publican’s booth at the Show. Correspondence dealt with Oct. 27, Labour Day. We held a very successful picnic in tne Park. Band of Hope and (raefle Roll combined. Some new members were enrolled. Rev. Ilollaway addressed the mother**, and after tea Pastor Duncombe spoke to the children. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. October. Meeting held, Mrs Pervman presiding. Correspondence was read and dealt with. Decided that

the prizes be offered to all the eity schools, and if fund'' would allow to some of the nearer suburban schools, for essays on temperance wall sheets. Mrs Kvans, M.A., to be asked to set tin* questions, and Mr A. K. Atkinson to act a> judge. Arrangements made for collecting subs, before end of year. AUCKLAND. Meeting held October fSth to commemorate Franchise Day, Mrs Pudney presiding. Attendance good. Visitors present from Women’s Political League. Dr. Florence KHlct delivered a speech, comparing the conditions for women working fifty years ago with those of to-day. New Zealand women were* better situated politically than American women, yet the latter were labouring in many fields not thrown open to the women of this Dominion. Women of to-day demanded equality for the sexes. The*\ could till, and till gracefully, many pisition> which should be occupied by women. She spoke of Mr> Kobertson, Colorado's woman Senator, who was directly instrumental in placing on the Statute Hook such laws as the* minimum wage tor workers, and the* cutting down of the- hours of child labour. New Zealand women had done good work in the last jo years, but much was to be done. She* urged capable women to come forward and work for the advancement of their sex. Mrs M. Jones (Secretary of the Political League) said women’s bureaux should be* established in New Zealand. They could be tried by women. Resolved: “That thi" meeting desires to draw attention to the fac t that, while* the masc uline ideal of woman demands pu r ity, the laws whic h have been placed by men on the Statute Hook of the* Dominion pic scribe for offences against the' person and purity of girls and women, a scale of punishments, which are not only much lighter than these prescribed for offences agam-t property, but •which are in many case*" quite inadequate for the protection of that which men profess to prize* in women. We therefore urge* that such amendment" of the* Crime*" Act be* made by Parlia ment at the* earliest opportunity as will rai'C* the age of consent to twenty one yea/s, and provide jade quate punishments tor offences against the person and purity of girl" and women.” “That step" be taken to remove all artificial disabilities imposed by law upon women.” “That a message of sincere sympathy with the women of England who are labouring tec obtain the vote, be drawn up and forwarded by Secretary.” Oct. 22. Mrs |. \Y. Taylor presided. Mr French addressed the meet inp referring to the early work of the \\ .C/I .1 .. and then to that <»t the present day. Questions were answered by Mr French. One new member initiated. MASTFRTON. Serial he'd on Tuesday, November 41 h. in Knox Hall, the President (Mrs

Devonport) occupying tin* chair. Attendance good. Apologies for absence from the Rev. S. Serpell and Mrs Hurton. 1 lie President referred to the progress made by the Union during the year, and also to the los" sustained through the death of Mrs COlc*, the X.Z. President. The Secretary reported good work done in several branches. Halarc e-sheet showed a substantial ctcdit loi the Union. Superintendent of Flower Missions (Miss 11. Moore) and Superintendent of Backbloc ks Literature (Mrs Miller) also read reports. Addresses given by the* Rev. I hompson. Rev. Thomas, Pastor Sevinerd, Knsign Newton, and Mr llornsbx. The President thanked he manager." of Knox Church for the um- of the hall during the year. Several ladies contributed songs, recitations, etc. The tea was provided by the* members. The following resolution, which was passed by the Social Democratic Party, Wellington, was unanimously endorsed ‘ That the* (iovernment be called upon to immediately dose all public-houses and places tor the "abed intoxicants, and to keep ihc same c losed during the* whole period of this current dispute, and a copy to be sent to the* Prime Minister, the lion. A. L. Ilerdman. the Commissioner of Police, and the Press.” ' PETOXE. October 7. Meeting he ld in Churc h of Christ, ij members present, Mrs Row "C* (President) in tlu* c hair. 1 <>> voted for T. K. Taylor memorial. A letter of condolence sent to Mrs Xicholls on the death of her husband, the* members standing. Oct. 15. Mrs Corner gave a gar cen party to members and friends at her residence in Nelson Street, which was largely attended, members from Wellington being present. Rev. Lewis gave an address. An interest ing competition was held during the afternoon. Thanks were passed to Mrs Corner for her kind hospitality 11. providing afternoon tea. HAWK R A. Monthly meeting held on October 30th. Fair attendance. The act-ing-President, Mrs K. Jones, was in the* chair. A collection was made foi Mrs Cole’s memorial; 10s was to be sent. Arrangements were made for a rest tent at the* Show. Mr Lee was present, seeking collectors for Dr. Harnardo’s Homes. Owing to the Show, the next meeting was put off till December. AHIKIWI. I nolio to matou roopu i tenei ro. Take tua (1) He ako i nga mea o to Karaipiture. (j) He tuhi i nga a\. hina Turoro. I lei Tuhi kia mohio ai nga kaumatua o tenei karangatangi. Kei te w hakaretea tenei o nga whakahaunga. Ate aroha noa. Awhina Turoro Kare Kewi, 10s, Aw hina w hare Toro ite raua, £\ ; Awhina Marena, £1 ; Awhina Taenga minita mai, ss; Awhina i nga koa i

roto o nga rarunga, 10s; Awhina Turoro llori Kapu, b"; Awhina i te matenga o to matou whaea 1 rito o te whakapono o tenei karangatanga hokio Ramari Te Paa, £1 ; Awhina 1 te matenga o kuuru Kaniera, i»>s; Awhina ia 1 iuhana Hare Pc*pc*ne, 1 <*" : !lui 100 te moni, £$ 11 '• (*1 his is the* amount of our money, giving it away to the sick and poor, *0 the or phaii" and widow.) HE RUPC W lIAKAMIIII, ORCARIKI. E nga hoa ariha tena ra koutou katou. 1 o tatou aitua kua wehea atu i tenei a o pakekeheke kua huri atu nei hoki ratou kitua o tc Aral llenui tc* aroha kia ratou mete aroha akc* ano hoki kito tatou Perehitini lumuaki (Mrs Cole*) no konc*i haere c* nga mate katia o tenei tau haere hoki etomatou Perehitini lumuaki haere atu koutou i te re nga o te runga rawa. Kua nohoia atu nei tou turanga c* to teina c* mihi Tana (Mis Don). Hci kai tohutohu ia matou kinga I ikanga Karaitiana. Ka tc* nga inihi arohi ki tc* hunga mate. lie whakawhetai kinga Kipoata a nga Roopu Wahinc Karaitiana kua kitea lho nc*i iroto o tc* pepa (W .R.) i tc* kaha o nga ako o nga. Kaumatua o nga Takiwa kua noho lu* Roopu Karaitiana, ahuatu kinga lumuaki o nga Roopu mete kaha ano hoki o te kai kauwhau nio tc* taha Maori (Florence Maari Wood head) kite rapu haere hoki 1 nga iwi Maori, kite Nuihui; Whaka roopu Karaitiana. kinga takiwa o te tai kawhiti. E whakamihare ana kinga korero a te kai kauwhau i te haka kite muhu atu iroto i nga mate o te tau nei. Kati e te kai kauwhau “Kia Oro” ano koe i te atawhai a tc* matua nui 1 te kangi kora ano hoki lie* 1 arahi ia koe ra ia tatou katoa. Kati koto matou Ropu Wahinc* Karaitiana km tent iro iho ahau ara matou e haere ngoikore ana 1 tenei tau. Keitc wehi pea 1 nga mate o tc* tau nei kore rawa rpoto mai io matou ra huihui to matou nui nga otira te kupu hei lerohanga iho ma matou kotc* pukaI uka a Paora Te* Apotoro Kia Taituha J-15, Taituha 3, 1-8. Kati mate matua mei. I atou Ratoa o c manaki etiaki c* whaka kaha hoki kinga mea, c*j).u ana kitana titiro. Amene. IN MEM OR IAM In loving memory of Ramari Rev. W. Te Paa, who died at Kipia, N. Wairoa, on October 14th, 0113. She was one of our great leaders in our Religion, or (Whakapono). She* is Not gone* from memory, Not gone from love. Hut gone to her Father’s he>U"C above. Tua (3). O nga take o tenei uohoanga ote Roopu. He hanga mihi moto matou wheae koia nei te pou o to matou urunga. Ki roto o tenei karangatanga nana te* kii e te whanua he taonga pai tenei ma koutou e tautoko ana, i tc* whakapono. No ceira ka tangohia e matou tenei taonga.

Kora cnei mihi a matou mona. K kui haere atu, haere kite okiokinga haere ki ou hoa whakapono kua riro i mua atu ia koe. Harrr c tai nau m i matou i ako mahi o te whaka pono. Koia nri te tanga i wchea mai kot* ai korua ko tou koa Ko Rev. \\. Te Paa r o korua niatua tupuna me te korua iwi ara e I c Aupouri. Kia rite tonu, ki tr kupu mi. Haere korua kauwhautia tr rongo pai. Ki tt* ao katoa no rrira i tr tau 1880. Ka ritr to korua wehenga mar, i tr iwi. Ka noho korua Ki Waimamuku. Ki tr Kauwhau Itr uhakapono. Ai tr tau 1807. Ka noko raua. Ki Kipia lakiwa o tr Wairoa i runga ano i tr mahi i whakaritea i a raua matua r to raua iwi. A ra i tr kauwhau 1 tr whakapono i tr putanga mai o trnri karangatanga koia laua kuku kia matou i runga akr nri. K tai harrr atu haere ki to Tungaane. Kia Hone Papahia, harrr korua kitr ringa matua o tr atua. Hr mihi na Kamari Krv. To Paa no tr haora tonu ka hrmo ia. K tr whanau hri konei kia atawhai ki to koutou matua ka mahur iho nri ia au. Hr; kinri kia atawhai kite mahi ato koutou matua ara. Ki tr Whakapono Ko ia trnri ko tr mra r hui hui ai koutou. Ki to koutou matoia hri konei kia atawhai. Ki to koutou niatua kua korr au c kitr i aku tamariki, o Waihu. Kua korr hoki au c kitr 1 Waihu. Hr nri atu ana nnhi ko-nga kupu mutunga. Hr Patai na tr tamaiti llrrmi Irpaa v kui. Kua pouri Roe? At*. E mohio ana koe ki to tatou matua i te rangi ? Ar. Harrr ra kia ia ne? Ar. Harrr kia Hone Papahia nr? Ar. Ko tr \va tonu 1 harrr atu ai tonu wairua. Ki tr kai hanga ka mutu r nga Koopu katou IVna koutou katoa \a o kiutou hoa i roto o tr tatou Karangatanga. Na Tr Koopu o Ahikiwi. Pin r«>. i l u tr Koopu a tr Karaitiana o Pouto 1 trnri ka. Tr Tuhi i whaka* I u iri' kitr llirnmi 2 ; nrtr Inoa ka tu tr Prrrhitini kitr whakamihi. Ki nga mrma a nga tangata katoa i hui. I akr tuataki mo hui makoarr kahorr (' haere mai ki tr mitingi 1 tr raruraru o tana tama Prnei taua korero mr waiho mai ia 1 waho o tr Koopu a trra ano tr \va. K hoki mai ai aia kitona noho anga 1 tr Koopu atu waiho mai. Inn Har.i Kahorr aku korero maha. Mo trnri lakr ko trnri hr panui taku 1 tr krta anga wahine o tr roopu karaitiana o Aripawa. Hr whakamihi a hui atu. Ki tr moni Kotahi Pauna £\. Hr awhina mo tr marae i tr ra o tr marcnatanga o nga tamariki o Tokrna 11. Manukau raua ko marae Mairfield Krna.

Perehitini.- Hr whaka mihi ki nga mrma o Aropawa i tar mai. Ki te mitini ara. Ki te Koopu katoa oia lakiwa. M. Krna. I korero mo-tenei awhina a tr Koopu o Aropawa. Prrrhitini. Taku take mo nga mrma kihai i w hin hi kite pint* i trra Nr Pine e nri. Komi M. Krna Pirn*

Is, Matrkino Haprta Pine i*. K. Krna moni awhina id. Krna llute taku lakr r tango ana ahau 1 au. Ki wahi o trnri roopu 1 Kunga 1 tr ram ram otana Kotiro Hr maha nga mrma. I tu mo trnri take a Kihai 1 whaka aitai tr take a Kina ilnti. W i Pihrma awhina jd, llori Manukau I*. Matrkino taku take hr Panui. I nga moni o ir lYrkr £2 o* 2d, Mrs Paratrnr j* (,d. Turrrri I ahana s<l, Mrs Wirkliti i'. Air* Wiapa is, Mrs Peranrtto j>. Prrrhitini Hr wliai ki ara hr whakawhctai mo nga takr. Katoa a nga tangata awhina i ta Te Tuhi i whakamutu tr met ini. Ki tr rr.oi nga moni a tr Koopu 1 maua r tr tuki ki tr Prcke. N.Z. Saving* Hank, £\ los 3d. (K hoa r koa ana a au ki to whakaatu mai r kua ora katoa akr nga turoro o tr takiwa, 1 tr mate kino i pa mai nri kia tatou. K hoa nirhrmra ka huihui am koutou mr panui atu e koe rnei kupu o aku ki o taua hoa i kona, kia mohio mai at ratou r r whai whakaaro tonu ana au ki r koutou katoa. Ka mutu, na to koutou tion pono. Na Tr Ktita.)

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White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 221, 18 November 1913, Page 4

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 221, 18 November 1913, Page 4

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 19, Issue 221, 18 November 1913, Page 4

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