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News of the Unions.

♦ ► • < ♦- (The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Hth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possiole, on one side of the paper only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.)

M A STICK TON. Sept. 13, special meeting held in Knox Han. .\lis. Devonpori presided. Tne meeting was called to consider the following resolutions : 1. That the members of the Mastenon I n.on express tneir indignat.on Mini so. row that ihe majority of ineinhers oi the House oi Representatives re 1 used to grant to a \«*i3 iar K e majority 01 the eiectois of th.s country any reduction in the iniquitous handicap imposed upon them in matters. \*e hereof pitdge ourselves to vote for the candidate who supports a reduction 01 the three-lift hs majority. 2. We, tlie members of the l a.on, strongly protest against any legislation increasing Hie number 01 totansator fiermits, or the publication oi totalisator dividends, in view oi the fact that the great evil of gambling amongst our men. women, and youths, is so fostered i.y the state licensed iietting machine, we •earnestly urge the Li on eminent to .submit the question of its retention or abolition to a referendum 01 the jH'ople. Hoth resolutions were carried unanimously. Oct. I, in Knox Hall. Mrs Pevonport presided. I'he Secretary, delegate. read a good report of the Districl Convention. A hearty vote of thanks was accorded the Cress tor the manner in which they reported the business dealt with. lk*cided to hold our annual social Nov. 5. MORRINSVILLK. Sept. Id, in the Methodist Vestry. Mrs. (.’. W. Brown presided. M.s. t• u > . I hot nt on was appointed Tr» asuier. Mrs. .1. 1. Tuniouii res.gned her position as Secretary, on account, of ill-health, aril Mrs. Northcott took it pro tern Mrs. Brown was elected delegate to the District Convention at Ngaruawahia. A good paper by Miss Cowell on " How to Make our I’nions Successful, ’ was read and discussed, and those pres, nt profited by it. Two new members joined, bringing the membership up to 27. The members dispersed after one of the Inst meetings held since the formation of the Union.

SOUTH DUNEDIN, Notwithstanding the prevalence oi a good deal ol sickness amongst our members, tne monthly nueting was: well attended. Mrs. South presided. A gooo report 01 a s *Cond visit to the llenoNolent Home was given, iiieinot r.-i provided a pleasant entertainment, lH*sides iruit and sweets, to the inmates. A vote ot than** was passes! to Mtsuum, s Doig* and .letiKiiis lor so generously’ jiovidmg tea, etc., at ihe lirst entertainment. M:s. McPherson’s resignation as Treasurer was accepted with regret, she having to leave lor the North. Miss McCarthy was elected t.» the vacant otluv, with .Mrs. \N. King ub assistant. Atrangements were made for a public meeting, proceeds to go to the muds for the Maori Organiser. Mits t ole’s letter re (lower mission, sick visiting, and relief was read a id d>*cussed. Individual members do a good dea. in this way. Methods oi consolidating tins branch 01 wors. were discussed.

MAN AI A. Sept. 13, to discuss claims of candidates lor election (Egniont nyeiiciion). I nanimousiy rt.solved to do our lx*st to secure the return 01 Vlr Wilkinson ((iovernment), who gave signed pledges to our 1 resident to (1) vote lor Bare .Majority in Noincense ; (2) vote lor Bare Majority in National Prohibition ; and 11 these measures are not brought forward, to vote for 55 per cent, on both issues and speak strongly 111 favour ol N o-liicense. He does not consider Prohibition a good measure at this time. But all things considered, we are gaining better terms than ever before. Two new members ami one h< ror&ry member brings our tiunu er up to o2 on the roll. Clever diagrams by Miss McKay, of (»reymoiith, were exhibited, showing the enormous decrease in consumption of alcohol during ten years in eight large London hospitals, and also the relative consumption of alcohol ami milk during the same period. Miss Hughes was welcomed after a year’s absence. Waiiere gave a line reading on “ Alcohol and Athletics.” Waitere is one of Sister Nellies students at Okaiawti. Mrs. Patterson read Mrs. Spence’s paper on "Temperance and the Children. Ihe meeting passed Notes of sympathy with Miss Simm (liereavcmtnt) and Mrs. Allison (serious illness). The following resolution was passed :—” That thi* meeting protests age 11st Parliament providing any further facilities for gambling by extending the number of ractig days or allowing any further permits for the use of the totalisator.”

NIGHTCAPS (SOUTHLAND). A meeting of ladies was called by Sister Moody Bell, representing the Invercargill District I nion, and resulted in forming a branch here. Ten members joined and received the White ttibbon bidet. \t tlie second meeting it was decided to start a Loyal Tenqierance Ix*gion for the children. When we feel that we are

getting stronger, then we can take up other NNork. We sincerely hope that we will he able to succeed in doing our little share of work ” For (iod, and Home, and Humanity. ’ ('.REV MOUTH. Sept. IH. The .\t Home held to ceiebtule Franchise Day NVas u 11 oO successful gat tiering, about 70 being present. urs. (..I**lll gave a n« ry good address, pointing out the power tne women h.iNe in their hands; also N\lial had been gained by tne women s vote and what we still hoped to gam, esptc.uoy measures tor tin* beneiii of the lit lie ones. Wljutant Mt’Auiey and Ron*. (Iriftin hoth gaNe address, s. Ino President read an article from tne ■* White l(it)lnm re the Defence Act. The Rev. Baunilxr (Nelson; then gave an excellent address, and congratulated the I nion on the nvoi’k they were doing, and in the interest taken in the Crude Roll. He was specially pleased 10 ilea, o, the regular prayer meetings being held at the homes. The Secretary was requested to convey to .urs. Stewart and family the l nion s sympathy in their great loss by the death 01 the Rev. U. Stewart.

BUFF. Sept. 0, 111 Willard Hull. Mrs. Moody presided. A resolution was passed protesting against any leg.s lation increasing the number oi totalisator permits. The members aiso expressed their indignation at the refusal of any reduction 111 the iniquitous handicap in licensing matters by the majority of meinuers in the House of Representatives. A discussion took place re ways u 1 means for raising some 11101. our building fund. It was decided to have an ** American Evening ” at an eariy date. Sept. H. Ihe Rechabitcs jo. ned with the I moil in attending lfA ine worship at the evening service in the Methodist Church. Ihe Rev, Dudley took tor his subject, ” Service. ’ (Kphes. vi. 7.) Sept. 13. The Band of Hope held its monthly’ meeting, there being a large attendance, Ensign Parsons, of the Salvation. Army, in the chair. Mrs. (ireigg, of InNvrcargill, gaNe a most instructiNe address on “The Effects of Vlcohol on the Stomach.” Sept. IS. Franchise Day’ was celebrated by haNing a social afternoon. Mrs. Moody read a paper on " Some of the Advantages of th«>? Franchise.” An interesting discussion lollowed. A collection was taken in aid of the N.Z. Fund. Sept. 20. | fu» Senior Temperance Society held their meeting. Mr. .1. luila.v presided. Miss Brume was appointed! secretary pro. tern. It was decided to have a concert in October, the proceeds to go towards furnishings for our hall. One new member joined the Society.

PALMERSTON NORTH. Sept. 20. A very successful social was held in St. Andrew's Hall to celebrate Franchise Day and White Ribbon Day’. Rev. Doull anil Mr,

Gerrand, from the \./. league, addressed the meeting on (ho Majority question, the resolution re same living still left lor another time. to shortness of time, White Ribbon Ihi.v was quite left out, but it will fie given later on. Papers on

” Franchise Movement ” were read by Mrs. Ihiull. \ collection taken amounted to IH/9. Some new members were added. Mrs. Whitehead presided. Oct. 4. Mrs. Whitehead presided. Arrangements are well in hand for the refreshment booth at the Spring Show, and great, things are expected. All the mendH»rs are working well together, ami it is expected to ho a great success. Resolved that i! 1 be sent to the \.Z. I nion. Rev. Dawson to address the mendiers on Monday. Oct. 11, re the Majority qut stion. Several members took pledgebooks. Revised roll shows SO nieniliers. Mrs. Hailey has dec.dtd to be Supt. of Kvangelist ic department ; once more this important branch will Ik* worked.

At a meeting of the Kxecutive the Recording Secretary’s (Mrs. McDonald) resignation was accepted. Mrs. McDonald is removing to Mosgiel.

WANGANUI. Held in St. Raid s Hall, Mrs. . Smith in the chair. Reported the A. and R. Association had granted the use of the small grandstand for women and children on Show Day. This will take the place of the “ rest tent ” hitherto provided by the W.C.T.I . The thanks of the meeting were conveyed to the Association. An old member was welcomed back after an absence of five years. A paper was read about the Home for Girls in Invercargill. Decided the members send clothing to the Home. A paper on “ Good Citizenship was also read. NOKSKWOOI). Sept. 19. A drawing-room meeting, presided over by Mrs. Itridginan, was held at Mrs. S. Fredrickson's, Garfield. Miss Mice Webb addressed the meeting, her subject “ Personal Responsibility.” We shall he judged according to what we have, and in our nohie Tcnqierunce work we have three things—the power to pray, the power to work, and the power to vote. If we fail to use what we have in a right wav. and vote in the drink, we have a share in every crime that drink commits. It was decided in future to hold our meetings on the third Thursday of each month.

AUCKLAND CENTRAL. Sept. 11. Mrs. Thorpe presided. An excellent address was given by Rev. Falkner on *' Rhristian Citizen s.iip : Its Privileges and Responsibilities.” WAIPUKURAU. Sept. 19, in St. Andrew’s Hall, Mrs. Logan in the chair. Willard Day coinmeminorated by suitable readings, etc., inters|>ersed with songs. Pleasant and profitable time spent.

TIMARU. Sept. 21. Mrs. Wallace presided. Mrs. Howard, delegate, enjoyed the meetings, and brought with her many wise suggest ions ior iiiuire wors from the District Convention held at Kaiapoi. Decided to approach the committee with a request lor the privilege of having a Rest and Retreshment Tent at the coming A. ami I*. Show. GISRCKNK. A ig. 01, s|H* meeting called to consider proposals n connection with the Hare Majority vote and Totulisaior Reierendurn. and the billowing resolution was passed alter a good discussion : —“ The n.embers m this I iiioii express their indignation and sorrow that a majority of meniliers in the House of Representatives reiused to grant a very large majority of the electors of this country any reduction in the iniquitous handicap imposed upon them in licensing matters, ami unless some reduction is made before ♦he n.*xi election we shall Ik* reluctantly compelled to induce as many as possible to refuse to vote for any candidate who will not support a reduced majority.” v resolution was also passed protesting against legislation of the totalisator. These resolutions are being forwarded to M s|'., Ministers, etc.

Franchise Day. Sipt. IP. o served by a meeting open to friends and sympathisers. Mrs. A. Graham presided, and ofiened the meeting vith a short address, sjieaking upon the duties that devolve upon members, both as wives and mothers, and also as citizens, and of the code of rules to be found in the Bible for the conduct of life. Mr .! . R. Kirk, solicitor. gave a short address, speak ng of the Fducation Commission, irom which he had just returned, and son e of its important rec •mmeiidations regarding “ Lessons on Health in our schools. He also referred to tlav importance of wonitii interesting themselves in the um.oru.l training system, which he considered should jro.ide both physical and moral training for our youths. Rev. \x. Grant spoke on “ ( omradtship, and how the granting of greater privileges and opportunities to women helped to promote better friendship bet wet n them, and also with men. lb* congratulated women on all that had 1 ecu accomplished with their h*dp, and spoke of the importance of their realising t lie responsibilities of citizenship. He also touched upon the military training system, end Slid that with Care and w itc'ituln s« on the pert of the authorities h> was Convinced that it would only tend for good. Musical items and r, citations were contributed by Mesdatn s Church and V Hoo|K*r. The fo'lowing resolution was carried almost unanimously :—“That the Gisborne Branch or tin- w c.i.i is earnestly disirous of seeing the franchise extend *d as B|>eedily as possible to our sisters in the llome|and, and would encourage them to continue striving for this end by

every legitimate means in their I mwer.” Sept. 24. monthlv meeting. Reports received from members that good work was being done in literature department, also hospital and sick visiting. I k*cided that Hand of Hope gold medal essay competition take place Sept. 2Hth. ASHBURTON. Sept. Mrs. W. T. i,nl presided. The Secretary of ihe League wrote as..«.*g «ne ass.stance of ihe L’nion in Cun.action with the lea on l.a.iour Day. u vv t .s resulted to comply with the request. Mrs. G. mounts, one of the delegates to tup Dictrict ( on vent u>n held »n oa.aptu, gave a lengthy and aduiirame re|K»ri. One new member was initiated. Sept, in, Garden Party. our l iiiioii celebrated iht* mmte. nth anmveisary ol Franchise Day ny n.iiiiiiig a Garden party in Mr.-,. Kruiiuin s grounds. The Mayor and Mayoress, an I several memiiers of the Horougn Council, were present. Mrs. Lid, Riesident, made a lew introductory remarivs, after which Mrs. t ole, president, ad.lresse i the get.taring. Mrs. Cole dealt in a c.impreh nsive way with the history ol tru* womens franchise movement in New /.ealand, going as tar tiac* as IS*id, and sht made particular reference io ihe excellent services render*.d the movement by the late Mr. N. Saunders. Mr. .1. Hal lance, and Sir .John Hall. The address was mil oi insu ucuon. ur. Wesley Spragg and Rev. .i. Ikiw son brieliy addressed the gathering, and to to the pleasure of those present the Nshburtoii 'Temperance Hand played several selections during the afternoon. Solos and ducts ny members an,l friends were pleasingly rendered. The whole ot the proceedings were characterised by enthusiasm and heartiness, and rellected much credit on the promoters. From the proceeds a donation was made towards the funds of the Band, as well as adding a substantial sum to the funds of the I nion.

lIA MILTON. Oct. .‘l, in tin* class rooms. Mrs. \uld presided. 'The Democratic Note was discussed, members lieing greatly enthuseo by the meeting held the day previously by Messrs Spragg, Bedford, and Dawson. The |.lcdge-i,ooi\ on Ihe democrat ive vote campaign, inaugurated by the \.Z. Nlliance, is being heartily taken up by members. ' STRATFORD. Sept. 21 and 22. We were fortunate in securing the able assistance of Dr. Fiizatieth Dunn, of Wanganui, for a series of preparatory “ Health Talks " in the 'Town Hall. At the afternoon meeting the children were instructed in the importance of yield-* mg obedience to Ihe authority of parents mid teachers, who knew the dangers by which they were sur rounded, and the consequences ol broken health to mind and body it they disregarded the restrictions to which they were subjugated.

Sunday evening, 8.15, Town Hall. Despite the inclemency ot the weather, then* was a sympathetic audit nee of men and women, and several important questions were dealt with. It was gratefully acknow ed gt d by the s|K*aker that, t h<* freedom which women now enjoyed from fe.r of insult in the streets it they kept to the public thoroughfare was d e to the presence anil number of good men—men who valued their virtue as their honour and th*ir life. She thanked them for their presence there, for their sympathy and their support. Women had too lon ; trail to fight alone. It was felt that nothing can Is* really accomplished unless the men ami women light side by side, Vpart from men, women cannot realise their highest possibilities, their real happiness lioing bound up the one with the other. The mem tiers of the Women s Christian Temperance Union were determined to demand the same standard of virtue for the nan as the woman. They demand that daughters require the r bridegroom to hr ng to the marria*n» the same puritv of lib* thev demand from their bride. This will in a ereat measure insure health to their children. It was the child s birthright to have an r C n ovledgvd father, a glad and reioicn r mother, and a home in which it could Ik* nurtur'd, educated, and protected. Ur. Elizabeth Dunn is a tlmn* sneaker. Possessed of a charm n r personalit \ ami a u Teat desire to combat th»* evils so ratuDant in our midst by giving the right knowledge to voting and o'd to safeguard them from evil.

FEILDI NG. Sept, 21, in St. Paul’s llall, in celebration of Franchise Day. The Kev. A. B. Chappell gave an interesting address on " Won. n s Franchise,” making special mention ot the late Sir John Hall, who was mainly instrumental in secur ng th* vote for women m New Zealand. He also spoke of the 'ntb:e , *ce amt opportunity that mothers have in training their young people, urging all to be true to their principles, " For Cod, Home, ami Humanity." During the afternoon an a »*» sing Competition was held ; prize w inners, Mesdames Watson and Morphy. A solo was contributed by Miss Carthcw. Ik*cided to send 10/- to the Dominion Treasurer. Oct. 8, our usual mcet'nr wis held, when a number of the mem tiers availed themselves of tin* opportunity of hearing the N.Z. Ml ance deputation. 8 p.m., Mrs. Frost presided, and put through a consulesab'M amount t»f bus*ness. Th* dat * for the next mothers’ moet ng was fixed for Oct. 28. M r s. Hudd to give the address. \f<**r dtsfies on relative to the young people, it was decideo to hold a llaml of llo'e im*eting at an early date. >lnM rs conc»*rnin * the Dorcas Sec e'v **ere brought forward by Mrs. Sharp, M r s. K. H. Thomason kindly offered her home f<»r the annual meeting on Nov. 7.

KANGIOKA. Sept., the President 111 the chair. Mrs. Cobden Cox was instructed to make impiiries as to the expense of having a creche at the North Canterbury Show, to be hold at Itangiora at the end of October. It was d«*cided to have a concert to rais* funds for tin* I moil, and a committee under Mr. Theo. Withers was appointed to make arrangements. ('.OK K. St*|d. 21. at the residence of Mrs. Handels. Mrs. 1,. C. Smith presided. Mr. Alfred Ik*we, organiser of the New Zegland \ I bunco, and Sister Moody Bell, both of Invercargill, were present. Mr. I>*we gave a helpful and stimulating address, and Sister Moody Bell also gave some good advice regarddg work. lb»th speakers were greatly appreciated. \ vote of sympathy with Mrs. Rhodes, an energetic memlx*r of our Union, in her recent sad bereavement, was passed unan inouslv. Also with Mrs. Handels, who was unable to Ik* present, on account of illness.

NGAIO. Sept. It). A goodly number of ladies were present, ami listened to a very interesting paper by Mrs. Darvall on “ Child Klucation and ’Train ng ” as set forth by Mr. \ r chib*dd. 'The pa|K*r firs' dealt with the training and then the oducat on of the child. ALEXANDRA. Sept. 8, in the School. Mrs. Terry presiding A welcome letter of greeting received from the Dim d ; n branch, as also letter from District Secretary received and read. Cradle Roll Superintendent reported hiv ; n; secured 10 names for the roll. The conc'ud n r port 'on of the Presd nt 's address *n th«* Convention number of the “ White Ribbon ” yv *s read In the President a*d Secretary ; a'so part of an educational paper written by Miss Powell. WAR KWORTH. \ug 21), in the ante room of t'*e 'Town Hill. Mrs. Morrison presided. Papers yvere read by Mrs. Blundet ami Mrs. Hamilton for anl a*uinJ tin* Defence Act, which were much h»i reciate I by all present. Mrs. Phillips and Mrs. Roose were appointed Superintendents of the Flower M ;, s on yvork.

NELSON. Sept. 10. Miss \tkinson presided, and reported that she had consulted with the head-masters of the public schoo's re prizes for the ln*st Temperance essay. They express*d entire approval and willingness to cooperate. and details will Ik* arran red in conjunction with them. The r sv lut ons forwarded by the Super;ntendent of legislative Work of the New Zealand 1 nion were considered The first, protesting against the increase of ttrtalisator permits, was

carried unanimously. The two clause* of the second, re the reduction of the majority, were considered separately. \ resolution was carried expressing indignation and sorrow at the refusal of the Uovernii.ent to grant any reduction, in spite ot the majority of electors desiring it. Some discussion with regard to tin* Imre majority took place, several members speaking on both sides of the question. \ further resolution yvhs then Carried to the effect that the Nelson Union could not sec its way to support the suggestion that members should pledge themselves not to vote for any candidate yyho was not in favour of the bare majority. l*ecided the annual salt* of yvork should Ik* held early in November. Mrs. Field made an a|)|K»al to the men*he-s for greater support to the *' NNhite Kiobon.” One new member yvas initiated. A successful home m«*eting was held on Sept. 8, at the house of Mrs. Dickson, address >s being given by Mrs. Field and Mrs. Israel.

OXFORD. Sept. 25, in the Coronation Hall. Mrs. (iainsford presided. Mrs. Comytis gave a very interesting acc >unt of the Convention held at Kaiap« 1, and we all felt glad yve were landed together ami working together for the cause of Temperance and Hu»rn pty. Mrs. Dili, of Vshburton, has kindly ottered to help us with our Concert, and is going to be responsible for the staging of “ The Congress of Nations.” The Temperance Band will lie in attendance. Our next meeting will Ik* held a* n*ght. ami will take the form of a birthday social. Our husbands and fr ends yvill Ik* invited, and we hope by th's means to gain new members and to ayvaken interest in our work. WOODYILLE. Sept. It). A social was held on Franchise Day to commemnn rate the nineteenth anniversary of t' e grantng of women's suffrage. Kev. \\. B ckett presided. Mrs. Perkins read a paper drawing attention to the fact that the Women’s Suffrage Bill was passed on the U)th day of Sepeml>er. lHitH. ami to th“ humanitarian legislation that had been P"ssed since. Mr. Fennell gave an address on his experiences as a ennvasser for the Registrar of Flectors. He point pit out that elections were vt rv much more yuiet ami orderly now than in the old days ot men s franchise only. During th«» evening songs, anthems. and choruses yvere rendered. A collection was taken up. \ beautiful new banner ot cream satin, with gold fringe and cord, was much admired.

NORTH EAST VALLEY. Sent. 2ff, in the Young M**n’s Institute. Mr*. Kll'ot presd d. Th» ’’resident referred to a circular from the National Peace Council of New Zealand. A letter was rea I *rom <l. M. Thomson in reference to the gambPnr evil. Mrs. HuD'his- n gave an address on ” (’hrist Feeding the

Multitude,” urging on our women to give hack to the Lord that which they had received, that it might Ih* s.nd of all ” She hath done what she could.” It was decided, as in former years, to vri x two prizes tor the lest essay on ” Temperance ” hy th» school children. OK AI AW A. Sejit. 22, at Mrs. Lee’s n?e. Mrs. lavs pave an address on “ Convention.” which was torch appreciated. Some discussion took place re d nations to the Wellin ton Orphan ipe, and it was decided 'h at the October meeting the mm’ ers would bring something in the wiy of rr s r v es—ianis. e’e . and h'\e than s nt to th»* Ort'hanape. A library has h ‘en started in connect 01 with our I’n'on, a number o to > l s having a'ready been purchased. Mrs. Lees was appointed Li'ra-ian. 'l’h** n »\t meetmp *s to t o h ’ld at ” Holly Hank.”

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White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 208, 18 October 1912, Page 3

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 208, 18 October 1912, Page 3

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 18, Issue 208, 18 October 1912, Page 3

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