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News of the Unions.

(The Editor cannot promise to insert anything in the next issue that does not reach her by the Bth of the month. Correspondents are requested to write their Reports as concisely as possible, on one side of the paf>er only. Newspaper cuttings are unsuitable.) WANGANUI. May 81st. at St. Paul’s Hall, Mrs. Upton and Mrs. Smith occupying the chair in turn. Reported that' several members of the l nion paid a visit to the Putiki Maori I nion. and read the report of the lJunedin Conference. I.ater. I)r. Dunn, Dominion Purity Supe-intendcnt, took the chair, anil Mr. Iliiirh, Purity Lecturer, gave an interesting address on “ The Responsibility of Motherhood in the Training o' Chi’dren In Purity." Literature bearing on this subject was d’s'ributed to ail tnose present. To Mrs. Wood the Union tender the r sincerest sympathy in the very sudden bereavement which has come to her in the death by accident of her eldest son. KAIAPOI,

May Hih. a social was held. Delegates to recent Convention gave thinr reports. Members of the Brass hand thanked for their gtneious ass istance given in aid of Dr it sh and Foreign sailors’ Society A I ox of mag. /.ines and books to be sent to the back-blcCKs. Decided to present a few looks to the new Library, amongst them to be Sir \ ictor Horsey's "Alcohol and the Human Body.’' Members were asked to send any‘'spare cloihimr to members of Pe ;ef Committee tor distribution amongst needy cases. Decided to nrov de luncheon for members of NoLicenve l eague Convention. May 29th. The Relief Committee reported sphndid work dine, ami request-; were made for more clothing, also for literature, for the backb’oeks. Decided to celebrate White Ribbon Day on the 12th dune, und to tisv S ster Mabel, of Christchurch, to give an rddress. \ letter from Mrs. Parr, Waikari, announc ng the (pshandnient of the;r 1 iron, was rerec veil with regret, and a resolution of appreciation was passed with Mrs. Parr for her long services and good work in connection with the work at Waikari. \ resolution of symoathv u . on ■fieri with Mrs. I ’onraat and family in their recent bereavement Two new n embers were initiated. The President spoke very earnestly on the Social Puritv uueston. and it was decided to take up more aggressive work in this direction. Mrs. Ward was unpointed Superintendent. It was decided to arrange for aildresses on Puritv lines to Ik* given to men and women respectively, influential sneakers to be procured from Christ church. The Purity Superintendent whs requester I to write 1,, Dr Ell*. Dunn, Wan r anui, for advice re literature, etc. The following resolution was unanimously Passed —’’ The members of the Ka>apoi W.C.T.U. strongly protest

against tha publication of evidence in connection witn assault cases on women ami children, and in other cases of a similar nature, believing it to have an unwholesome and degrading iniiuence on tne minds ar»d morals of our young people.'

POISSON BY. May t>th. in Queen’s Hall, Mrs. \ ickers presided. Mrs. Field (Nelson) was present, and gave a short address on " How Nelson Won the Banner,” home meetings, and to** circulation 01 a magazine called ” I he American Mothers Help, ’ which occaatoucu frequent visits to rexde. s’ homes. were the cnief 1 »ctors towards success. I hen tuey had a most energetic President in Miss Atkinson. lhe charming presence oi our visitor was inucn appreciated by our little t nion. A consecutive reading of Mrs. Cole s address to the Convention brought our meeting to u close. INVERCARGILL. May 7th, two new members were enrobed. The successiui eSta.Mishment of a ” A ” branch was reported. A deputation iroin tne Housewives’ Union, Mrs Forde and *i 1 ss Lang, invited the co-operfiu.oa of the i moil with their body, luc) pointed out that both organisations aimed at social improvement, ami that while each had some distinct activities, others were common to both. in the discussion, Airs. Alcivenzie, Miss Jamieson, ami Miss llougivinson spoae oi the inadequate provisions lor the heuitn ar.d comn>ri of girl workers in factories and ohices. Decided that in this ami Kindred directions it would la* a gain lor tne two bodies to assist each other. Mrs. Lee-C’owie stated that a substitute had been 'ound to Carry on the work oi tne department during tier absence in Australia, and that the weekly prayer meetings at Amethyst Han would lie continued. Ileartielt sympathy is leit with Mrs. Lennie in the bereavement she has sus ained by the death of her husband. June 4th. Miss Jumieson wrote reporting a visit to the inspector oi Factories re sanitary accommodation and provision for neuting in workrooms. the lirst requisite is pro\iued tor by by-iaw, but arrangements are admittedly m.satisiaotory. Phe inspector stated ihe law inane no provision for heating, i-nnee iho matter was bought up by the i nion, two business lirms have installed heating apparatus. Miss Jumieson proposed to write to Dr. v u lent me to ask for leaflets on the prevention and treatment oi consumption. M*s. McKenzie and Mrs. Baird reported that thev had written to the Municipal Council remonstrating at the trum service being n.ade the medium of liquor trade advertisements. Though the Council declined to take action, many of the members agreed with the view* of the W.C.1.l • that in a No-License to n municipal services should not be made to encourage tne sale of dr iik.. it was resolved to write to Air Kll to express appreciation of his circular to Civil .servants against gambling. The establishment of a branch of the Union at Nightcaps was discussed. It was resolved to celebrate White Ribbou i>a\ by a social meeting at Amethyst Hall. Miss Hodg-

kinson read a paper on '‘ How the Suffrage Helps Women,” which was generally appreciated. PALMLRSTON NOR 1 11.

Farewell Sociai given to Mrs. 11. Mowlem, late President, now leaving lor Australia. Mrs. A. E. Whiteheud. President, presided, and spoke most eulogisticaily of the work oi Mrs. Mowlem, saving she haul been both energetic and go-ahead, and a true friend to all. On behalf of the members Mrs. Whitehead presented Mrs. Mowlem with a silver iruit dish and dressing-case. In her reply, Mrs. .uowieni thanked the members heartily for their present, and emphasised the need tnere is lor the wim of tho W.C.T.U. t<» bo tho rougiuy carried on. Lach member snouid do her duty, and take a snare in mukmg an easier and purer patu lor th»* children. Six new members were initiated. Mrs. AlcDonatd slated that me Union was started in Palmerston lour years ugo with u membership oi id, and now it possessed bU. Lie veil oi the Inst members were still in tne i n.on. ine President urged the noccss.iy oi increasing the membership. " 1 his year they wanien 160, aim so capture the handsome banner now in the possession oi tae *Neison i nion, whicn is field by the Cmou em oiling the greatest number oi members.

MORRINSVILLE. May Util, the anniversary oi our t mon was held. A nuinoer oi our memliers have leit the distnct, mciuuing our treasurer. A letter was sent to the late liev. Heed s widow, Te A roll a, he having neon caned home so suddenly. nesolved mat a concert be heal ear.y next month in aid of our lunds ; a committee was appointed. ResoiVed two members visit the Private Hospital Void) ; also a Copy of tin* ' Win it* Ribbon ” paper be sent monthly to the Hospital. UPPER MUTT. May. in the Presbyterian Church, Mrs. ‘ Whiteman in the chair, one new member enrolled. Regret was leit at our Secretary leaving New Zealand alter the good work she had done. I'bree families relieved with clothes, and a letter of sympathy to Mrs. J. Cottle on the loss of her husband. Mrs. Koutley promised to act as secretary pro. tern. OTAKEHO. March 20th, Miss Hamlin presided. Mrs. and Miss Smith resigned positions held owing to their departure from the district. Mrs. Aitken was eiected Treasurer, Mrs. Menmerv Superintendent Maori Work, Miss T leuiing reporter ” White Ribbon. Mav LBth, Miss Hamlin presided. Mrs.‘Martin and Mrs. Brown, from the liawera Union, were present. Mrs. Muriin gave an interesting address on the Convention held at Palmerston. Mrs. Mem eery was appointed delegate to Kaponga. It was proposed that the Union meet every third Friday. We are unanimously in favour of bare majority. Decided to see what can be (lone in regard to bovs getting spirits at clearing sales. Not in favour of the Sports Protection League which has been formed.

NORMANBY. May, in tho Club Rooms, Mrs. \. 'Thompson presiding. Decided to hold a Bund of Hope meeting a..out tiu* end of June, to assist tne Maori Deacon nesses bv collecting old linen b*r use in their work among the sick, and also to collect old literature for distribution in the hackblocks. WELLINGTON CENTRAL. Several Home meetings have been held, and new members secured. We had the pleasure oi listening to Dr. Barnado s representative ( Mr. Lee) at a com bints! meeting with the New town Branch. Mrs. I eryniun gave a spiendid address on " the social Equality of Woman at the May meeting. A lively discuss.on followed. Mrs. Atkinson, I resident, presided. Mrs. Peryman was elected a \ ice-i’residene of this llraiicn. TUAKAU. May 20th, Mrs. Hunter, President, in m* chuir interesting letters were read ironi N.Z. i or responding Secretarv on the duties oi a I mon ; and absent member. Mrs. Deeme was appointed Notable Pays Decided to hoid an “At Home ” June 12th, to celebrate White Ribbon Day. President read Miss Powell’s paper on ” Medical Temperance.”

TAI RANG A. May 6th, spec.ul meeting, at the residence of Mrs. A. L. llammond. Miss McNeish, Organiser, gave an account of the work done ei»ewnere. She uiso suggested work our Pmon might undertake forming l minis among the Muons, baiio of no. e, and distributing iiteiaiure m c»*e buck-blocks. It was dcC.tPd to u»scuss these at the next meeting. Mc.veish orougnt lorward ihe matter o. our oeing made a m.iir.a t n.oa. .voL Having nail any lntmiutioni iroiu the .v.Z. Secretary, it was oeciueu to deier to u luiure date. AUCKLAND. May Bth, Mrs. Thorne, \ ice-Presi-dent, in tne chair. Ja.s. F-e.u soii; was and a lew words about the wor*. ot iH.a i nion. A short address was given by Mrs. Pacev, President oi the Womens t rusude, on tne good u. t..ut Campaign, and urging di-c it iCiwi anoaed to drop. several menu.era sponu in hignest terms oi tne t.msade work. Decided to have u Sj/ Executive meeting to lormuiuit u plan oi action. Mrs. Darcy Hamilton was appo.nled tt> act for our Union in tne Housewives L nion. May 22nd. Mrs. l’udney Recommended tne Executne comer with tne Rev. J. Dawson uuu report to oui next io t rusaue worx. Mrs. Denile.y read tier excellent paper entuieu What .\ext, prepared ior t.»e at Dunedin. it was leit to i-e oaceeuingiy tirneiy uud neipiui. One new member was welcomed.

RANGIORA. April 26th. Mrs. Metherell, read a tie tailed and interesting pape. on tlie work done at the t onvention, and said what an inspiration it had

hwn to meet so many earnest workers and hear the able and instructive discussions. May 31st, the President read Mrs. Bendeiy s aide paper on “ Problems Awaiting Solution.” One new member was initiated. warkwokth. May 30th, Mrs. Morrison presided. Much interest is shown in the work. A Dorcas Box has been provided. I'he Defence Act was freely uiscussed., Airs. Warm was elected president 01 the t’radie Roll. A new member was enrolled. NEW PLYMOUTH. May 23rd, a successful “ dumble 1* air ’ was held, to raise funds for our assessment to Organising bund, ami to neip the Crauie Hoil and .uaori work. we are combining with the Hood Templars, No-License League, and other Temperance Societies in a stand at the Winter Bhow, m the new Agricultural llall, to be ojiened by the (Jovernor June sth. The Show runs lor four days, and the object lesson, “ Total Abstinence \ersus Alcohol,” should attract some attention. White ltibbon Day is arranged for June 2<>th, when we shall em.eavour to sell the balance or goods left over from the Pair. Correspondence, “Scientific Temperance ” and “ Evangelistic,’’ read.

STRATFORD. May 15th Miss Morgan Plunket nurse. New Plymouth, gave a lecture and demonstration in Foresters’ Hall. Much valuable information was given in regard to the diet ami care of infants, und humanised milk was prepared. There is much need for a series of these lectures, as the ignorance amongst many mothers in regard to proper food for their children is almost incredible. .Miss Morgan is a good speaker, and possesses a winning personality. ASHBURY ON. May, Mrs W. T. Li 11 presiding. Favourite hymns were read aim quoted. Mis. ( cie, X./.. President, wrote at leng f n, stating why it would be inad\ isable ut the present time to make the local breach e District Uniou. As nothing could be settled until next Convention, it was decided to postpone further discussion Mrs Lill presented the Union with a handsome new banner, and in doing so she referred to the gratuitous work done by Mr. \V. H. lien. Resolved that a letter lie sent Miss A. C. Watson (Treat.) con 1 eying heartfelt sympathy with her in her illness. The Rev. W. J. Elliott spoke on the subject of * Hymnology,” giving a highly instructive address.

DUNEDIN “V’s.” At an open meeting, Mrs, Don presiding. a lecture by Mrs. Stables on *' Food Reform ” was given. In her interesting address she said that people could live and receive sutticient nourishment from cereals, nuts, and fruits. More sulTering was caused through overeating than the opposite, and men and women should learn to control their appetites if thf race we® to be puritied, i?he quoted

Dr. George Cheyne’s work, “The unglish Malady, wherein he states : ” 1 nere are some cases wherein a \egetat ie diet seems aosoluteiy necessary, as in severe and hauitual gout, rheumatism, cancerous disorders, etc., and towards the lust stages oi all chronic distempers, in such cases i have seldom seen such a diet fail of a good effect at last.” I h** same writer urges that with re gard to all nervous and brain diseases a reformed diet would greatly ulleviate and render tolerable d.stempers derived irom diseased parents. Mrs. Stables also touched on the use of plain food for persons uddicted to the alcohol habit.

We are helping with the t arnival at the opening of the new buildings of the N.M.C.A. Misses liastie anReid are in charge of u beaut am Christmas Tree, the fruit of which was largely contributed by our mem* l>ers. Some are also assisting as waitresses in the tea rooms connected with the Carnival. Any work helping on the spiritual and moral welfare of the people is gladly assisted by our branch. OXFORD. May 29th, in the Coronat on llall, Mrs. Gainsiord pres-ding, Rev. .\i.\on addressed the meeting or. in ” Religious influence of Women,” e - liecially on the home. One new mem ber was enrolled. Decided to make sjiecial elTort to obtan literature for the backblocks. Ihe matinee Band of Hope is progressirw; ; have h d three meetings. Rev. Wise gave an instructive blackboard address on “ Strong Drink, and Its KlTects on the Soul, Body, and Nation. The children copied the address on th slutes, and a small prize was given for the best copy.

FEILDINU. June tith, in St. Faul t llall. .Mrs. Frost, President, presided. Correspondence read re Mr. Bligh. A letter oi sympathy to In? sent to Miss Bell re her late bereavement. The members agreed that the work, oi sa visiting was much needed. The cradle Roll was discussed, and thSuperintendent of the Cradle Roll was requested to bring a report o» her work to the next meet ing. DUNEDIN. May 7th. a ” United ” Social was held. General regret was expressed at the groat loss sustained by us through the removal to the Nori Island of Mrs. lleatley, late Ire is Several testified to the excellent service rendered in many capacities by her, and ho|>ed she would lie a tower of strength to the Olaki l mon. Mrs. H. 11. Driver was appointed to speak at the Y.M.C.A. s ” Me her®’ Day Demonstration. Heart v congratulations were given to the live ladies recently elected members of the South Dunedin aid North-East \ allev Umons School Committees.

Over five hundred copies of Hon. ,1. T. Paul’s pamphlet on “ Women in ('ivic and Political Life have been sold. After the initiation of two new members, the evening w?s occupied with music and short sjieeches. Greet interest was taken in an impromptu speech competition. Mesdaaies Hislop, H. H. Dri-

ver, the Misses Mazengarb and Roseveare taking part. Ine subject chosen was ” Wnat do you think ot tne present .Industrial Unrest throughout the World V” Miss Roseveare was declared the winner. Refreshments were iimd i*y the \ s.” MASTER I ON. June 4th, Mrs. Devonport presiding. Mrs. McDonald, of Palmerston North, also Miss Ramsay, organiser of the Presbyterian Womens .Missionary L mon, were present, and brieily addressed the meeting. At the close the president, on behalf of the l mon, presented Mrs. James Miller with a handsome morocco handbag mounted in silver, with initials mscrilied. as a small token of appreciation for bar MMdtN a® [YtM rw during the past six years. Mrs. Miller suitab.y responded. Mrs. Beale kindly invit.-u to non to hold their next meeting at her residence. NORSEWOOD.

May 17th. in the Library. The absence of Mrs. Oldham through illnes® waa regretted, but ire were cheered by the presence of Mrs. Dearlove, who gave many helpful hints about the work of the I n on. So well did she tell the story that we had the joy of welcoming live new members. NELSON “ Y’s.” Reports progress. Several new members have l>een initiated recently. Membership now stands over 40. A very successful social gather n was held recently by members and their friends, and most enjOyu. tune spent by all. • The Hospital is visited on Sunday afternoons Mrs. Watson and Miss Atkinson (senior branch) gave addresses on returning from Convention. TIMARU “Y’s.” May Oth, in the Arcade room, Mrs. Butcher presiding. Mrs. Hunt gave a very interesting report on ” Misionury Work in Samoa. Several cards were given out in connection with tin* Maori work. Iwo musical items were pleasingly- rendered. One new member was initiated.

Decided to open room twice weekly—Wednesday and Friday evenings. NEW BRIGHTON. May 7th. in Methodist Church. Correspondence received from Mesdames Cowie und Rimmer re Convention. Resolved to hand the Band of Hope over to the new committee formed. Miss Kolierts gave interesting address on the recent Convention held in Dunedin. June, in M.-thn.list I'urch. Cor respondents was received from Mr. Cooper re Ban<i of Hope. Deeded to hold the meetings at 2.30 p.m. during the winter months. Decided to keep a Members’ Roll, M* jdames S pratt, McKinney, Rountree, and Goodwin were appointed a committee for visiting absent memliers. Our President gave a most interesting paper, followed by a brief address. One new member was initiated.

NELSON. May 7th. Miss Atkins-on presided. Some particulars oi the recent Con\cution were driven by Mrs. Matson. M s. Israel reported the satisfactory p.ogress of the “ Y ” I’ranch, which n >\\ numbers 4m members, and the formation of a Bund of Hope was considered. Arrange nenta were made for a Social and small Sale of Work, to be held during the month. NAPIER. .Tune sth. in Willard Institute, Mrs. Manures presided. We regret the loss of it useful member in Sirs. I.aurie, who has removed to I'unedm. It was decided to »e :d her a letter thanking her for past services, and commending her to co workers in the southern city. For the benefit of members living at Napier South, it was arranged that for the present alternate meetings be held at Wesley Hall. It was thought desirable thi s to help members at that end of the town to arouse more interest and secure more members. The services of l>r. Elizabeth Bunn were accepted in connection with Social Purity work, and a meeting arranged f< r Sunday afternoon. We regret the absence of our President through illness. dune 9th. in Willard Institute, Br. Kli/.abeth Bunn, of Wanganui, gave an address in connection with the Social Purity department. The chair was taken by Mrs H. L. Blamires, Vice-l’resident. Bi. Bunn spoke from the words. “ Ye are the temple of the living (rod,” and her address was listened to most attentively throughout.

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White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 204, 18 June 1912, Page 2

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 204, 18 June 1912, Page 2

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 17, Issue 204, 18 June 1912, Page 2

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