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News of the Unions.

CorresjKmdents are request* d to make their Reporis a- i-oncise us possible.

<i PLYMOUTH. At tin monthly meeting the attendance was good. Correspondence was read and discussed, and several accotiuts parsed for payment. The result of the Sailors’ Rest anniversary was very satisfactory, and it was arranged to hold a gift afternoon tea on the *24 th. The gift afternoon tea at the Sailors' Rest was well attended, each triend bringing a gift. Misses Pyke and \N nite contributed songs and Miss Moss a piano solo. Mrs. (iaskin «p >k« a few words, telling of the object for which the sale ot work was held The Rev Taylor also gave a short address. The Committee intend holding another afternoon in about a month, when t host who could not attend will have an opportunity ot bringing their gifts. WAIHAO DOWNS-KAMI A The President and Secretary took advantage ot the moonlight to cycle to Kap .* for a meeting on August 7. Correspondence was read from Mr*. Upton, Kvangelistic Supt., and Mrs. Jetnisou, Supt. of Anti-Camblyig Pepai tment. Two short papers, selected from “The Women *

Page in /'lie Puw'/w»ir»f. were read—“ The Profession of Parenthood.” l.\ Kmm& Drake, Ml), and “What to leach Your Boy,” read by Mrs. .ludsou A short talk about the coming poll concluded the business Arrangement* are being made for a central meeting during Mr. and Mrs. Kmedley’s stay at the Downs. OISBORNE. There was a good attendance at our July meeting. The question of the franchise movement in Ki.gland again came up for discussion and a vote of sympathy with the Suffragettes was passed by a large majority. A letter was read from Mrs. Israel. N X Superintendent of Back blocks Literature, Mrs. Church, local Sujrtjriiitemlent. reported good work being done, and called upon members to assist her by vending names and addresses of friends in the country to whom literature might Ik; sent. Some extracts furnished by Captain Blaekburne of anti-opium w ork in China were read. Six new im. iidiers were initiated. HAMILTON. Since Convention our Cnion has met fortnightly. Once a month an “At Home meeting is held in different ladies homes. These are usually w-ell attended. An interesting and helpful paper is read, which is dismissed while the hostess prepares afternoon tea. Much interest is thus lieingaroiHed in*the*No-Licenne cause. OTA HU HU. Our in on tidy- meeting was lvld on July 2nd. Mis> Powell gave a very interesting address on •‘The Origin and Work of the Union,” together with accounts of the different branches of work don** by the Uni' n. She told of the goml work accomplished by the tiirls* l rieudly Society, and gave several touching instatiee* of rescue work effected by them. The purity question, Hvgieue, Unfermented Wine, Distribution of Literature, «Vo., Miss Powell spoke on them all in her usual forceful way. It was decided that tie* meetings lie held in the Masonic Hall in future. Four new memtier* were enrolled. All were pleased that Mrs. Doull was able to preside. KAIAPOI. On July 2-!rd Mis-. Busln-H. Chinese Missionary Teacher, gave a very interesting account of her work in China, where she lias laboured for 24 ye ;rs, telling of her difficulties in reaching the adults and the rich, tin- hop*- of all teachers being to gain the children, her work being- specially a teacher in a girls school Mis* Bushell showed some maps drawn bv the nativ* children from meim.rv, showing great w-ciira* \, also photo* of her school and th.* girls. Mi— M. Moore and Mr. Harrison contributed solos. Mrs. Harrison, President, was in the chair Pamphlet* ou the •* < Ipiitia ) urs«* ‘ were distribute d. The meeting was well attended.

On the Tilth July, at tie- usual meeting, wr had the pleasure of receiving ;j deputation of Maoris from tlie pah, consisting of Mrs. W I'm and two more Maori ladies, who gave the m**m-U-rs a very cordial invitation to visit them and organise a branch of the W.C.T.C. Mrs. Urn spoke of the pleasure it was to her and her two friends to give us the in\ir.iti* ti and to comers* with us in Kuglish. As soon as Miss Stirling '•an arrange, the meeting will he held. Mrs. Harman and the Secretary w»re appointed Delegates to the Provincial Convention tii Is- held at Christchurch on September )*♦.

WELLINGTON. Our monthly meeting wa* hold on August tfth. Mesdaiue* Williams and Ostler reported their visit to Palmerston and the formation of a branch ihor**. Mrs. Wright gave a splendid rejs.rt of the meeting for women held in Aro street, at which aDmt 30 were present. Two “ Drawing-room ’ meetings, at which Mr*. Williams gave addresses, were also held during the month mid workers and new meinD*r* gained. Arrangements for a meeting in the city on the 12th instant were made, at which Mrs. Harrison Lee will speak. Mis' McKechni** was ap|Miintial Superintendent of Lbcrature for the railway Mat ion D>x**s, Mrs. \\ illiam* Superintendent of Evangelistic Work, and Mr*. Maeulister K< - *x*rter for Pa|**rs. Onr next meeting will la- a quarterly oil**, at which report* from different dwpartm* nt> will I** gi yen. CHRISTCHURCH. 'Hie third of a scries of tcnq>e ranee meetings for women was held on July 22 in the Durham Ktreet Mission Hall. Mrs. Field pr**id**d and introducxxl the Rev. R. Elder, who is eugng***! in mission work in the Argentine Republic Mr. Elder was early connected with No-Liecti'** work in Otago. H»* gave several convincing facts in counactiou with the D'ueti<ial ctfeets of No-License in the distiiets of Mataura, Oamaru, Invercargill, and (.ion*. He urged the women to use their votes rightly for the sak • of their country as well as tle-ir children. At the close of the meeting afternoon t»a was served and literature handed round. A special meeting «t the Union was held on July 29th in the new headquarters, Mrs. Field presided. It w*as decided (o ask for Mrs Harrison s<rvices from the 2’>th to 3Dt of August inclusive It v,as decided t<• write to the ministers and >npcri.itendent* of the Sunday *<4*<xtD with reference to a proposed united Sunday sehim>l meeting to is 1 addressed hv Mrs. L****. Three new member* were initiated. NELSON. Early in duly Mr. Bligh, oi the \\ hite Cross is-ague, gave an address to women only. The meeting was held in tin* Baptist Church under the auspices of our Union, several laeinltere I wing present. A meeting for women only was also held in the Toi-toi \ alley Mission Hall. In the almence of our President, Miss Atkinson occupied the chair. Addresses were given by Mesdames Hatnpsou, Peryman. and Watson, ami songs hy Mesdames Knapp and Derrick During the visit of Mrs. Harrison Lee another meeting for women was arranged hy the Union, Mrs. Crump presiding. The U nion had a share in entertaining the temjieraiu'e party on hoard H M s Encounter. An “At Home took place at “ bairlield, the residence of Mrs. A. S. Atkinson, kindly lent for the occasion, and a large number of men sjient a very enjoyable tine Mr». Crump lirietiy welcomed them, then games were indulged in, a musical programme rendered, and refreshments plentifully supplied. FEILDING. I lie monthly meeting was held at Mrs Frost’s residence on August titli and took the form of a social afternoon. Mrs. Cossum President) presiding over a good attendance. short addresses were given hy Mrs. Kitehie, of Kongo♦ea. and Miss Sorley, of Feildiug, and Mrs. Pickering sang a solo. Mrs. Kitehie spoke on

“ Some of the Objections to No-License, and gave , few good hints on how to combat them. Miss Sorley, who was present at the first Convention held in New Zealand hy the W.C T.l ~ gave some interesting details of that meeting \ otes of thanks were passed to both speak* rs and Mis Pickering. It was decided to hold a temjieraiice meeting on Septendier 18 to commemorate tht* granting of \\ omen's Franchise. NAPIER. < hir work this month ha* lieen arranging for a \ isit from Mrs. Harrison Lee and for a District Convention. It was felt the work of our smaller Unions would lie far more successful if the meudiers could get in touch with each other, and the idea of a Convention in Napier w as warmly taken up Mra. Lee opened her mission on Saturday night. A prayer meeting was held, and then an open-air meeting gave an opportunity for an earnest address on the No License question. Sunday afternoon the massed Kmleavourers and Bible Classes listened attentively to Mrs. Lee a» she spoke on the words “ Lord, what wilt Thou have me to do?" At the close .'*<» names of young men and women were handed in as willing to form a No-License League. A crow ded meeting im the Theatre, presided over by Rev. A. C. Lawrv, was held after the evening services. Mrs Lees tine address on “ us make man in our own image gave much food for thought. Monday and Tuesday afternoons were spent at the District Schools. Monday night a meeting at Taradale presided over hy Rev. A. P ('larkel. Tuesday night Port Ahuriri Rev. Oliver Dean in the chair). Oil Wednesday afternoon a “Drawing-room meeting was held in St. Paul s Schoolroom. Mrs. Oldham occupied the chair. The meeting opened with a hymn, followed hy prayer offered by Mr*. Cobb. Mrs. Harrison Lee addressed the meeting on “ Moral Suasion, Education, and Legislation." Mrs. Oldham spoke at length on the work, explaining how much women mq lit do. The initiatory service was read and six members added to the ranks. On Wednesday night Mrs. Lee gave her lecture called “ Brides of Many Lands.’ Rev. K. McNaughtan presided, and the brides and bridesmaids formed a pretty picture on the stage Each bride was in tranced to the audience and most of them contributed a song w ith a Temperance sentiment. A very interesting bride was one from Palestine, and passages from Holy W rit graphically illustrated the different marriage customs. The last meeting was held on Thursday night in the Theatre Royal, the subject taken lieing “ A Voyage Round the World.” On the whole the meetings have Ih*i*ii very successful, though the last two days the weather was wet ami cold, which prevented many from attending DUNEDIN. A Series of Very su**cessful meetings have D*en held during the months of dune and July. At St. ( ’l;»ir, Bellrknowes, \\ esleyau Church, 4 Wood hough,” York Place, N< Mh-east Valley, and Normanhy. Also several socials for SailorRest. A desire being expressed foi a branch to inform i-d at St ( lair, North-east Valley, a deputation was appointed to attend next meeting in the Valley with this object in view, resulting in 10 new members. Tit** Committee appointed to collect funds for purchase of piano for Sailors’ Re- 4 have m*-t

with great success, £32 l<*s. D ing raised. The piano was purchased and used for first time on Tuesday evening at social.

Rev. N. A Davis addressed the meeting ou June 7th with the object of enlisting the <*<>- oiieration of niembi-rs in hare majority question On June 1 tth a special meeting was addressed hv Mr. G. W. Nu t,oils, who gave some thrilling m-eoMiits of tin.* spread of Prohibition in America. He solicited th«* help of tin* Union in organising Dunedin City for the <*oming campaign. There was a good aftendaiiee, and a larg* imml» r gave in their names.

At th** meeting *»n July tth a request was received from th** secretary of Early Settlers’ Assoeiati- >ii for a desk from Sailors* Rest, th* d«*sk D ing an old relic from Provincial Council, which was most cordially agr«***d to. Mrs D*m convev«*d gr a ting' from Mrs. Smedley.. PALMERSTON NORTH. On July 10th a meeting was called bv Mrs. F. M ied»-ti ald in response to a letter from the New Zealand President with regard to reorganising h**re. Seventeen ladi**s w**re present, all of whom became nu*mD*rs. Thanks are due Mrs. Cole for h**r intereat in our welfare, and to Mesdaiuen Williams and Ostler, of Wellington, for their work in reorganising. Election of officer' was as follows President, Mrs. Snow . Vice-Presidents, Mesdnin*** A. E. Whitehead and It'gif': Secretary. Mrs. T. MacDonald ; Treasur**r, Mrs G. Miller; White Ribhox Ag**n . Mrs. (’ulver. Our first meeting was h**ld on July 17th, 12 ineinliers D*iug pr«*si*nt. Two new members were proposed - We ar«* holding a *oeial on August Mth to increase our ranks. We propose to work in the interests of No-Lii** nse until the el ction and, starting with a membership of 19, trust to d*> much to secure a victory. HASTINGS. Our usual monthly meeting was held it St. Andrew's Hall ou July 30, Mrs. Oldham, ot Napier, presiding. ( aptatu LamD-ron opened with prayer, after which Mrs. Oldham s|M»k* a few helpful words in introducing Mr', Harrison Lee. Mr'. L**e sjHike for smie time on the work and all present felt very much helped by her words. Afternoon tea was dispens'd by nnmD*rs of the Union. Solos were contributed by Misses Stirling and Beddow ami were much appreciated. Six new iueiuD*rs were eundle*!. At the business ni**etiug afterwards Mi*. Venables was ap]*oiut<*d \ i**e-President and Mrs Chiistian Ss-retary pro te„i. until our annual mev'tirg. We hope t hat a new era lias D*gun in our Union, and that we will D*oouie a mighty piwer in the coming tight for God, Home, ami Humanity. TARIKI. On July 14th we held a tem|s*ram*e so**ial it.* th** Wesleyan Uhureh, Mr. Rudkin occupied the chair. Special items were rendeml by tie* Cradle Roll ehildren and their older lirother' and sisters. Six littl** girls dressed in wliit** naked a cradle tritiums! with white rihbms. and sang the “Cradle Vers**.’’ Temperance Nursery Rhymes were rendered by three D»vs and four girls, some in costume. Six of the older girls sang “The Children are Coming.” from the marching songs. 'Temperance recitations and solos made up a most interesting evening Supjw-r was then handed round.

(>n July 22m1, by r*sjuest, th** concert w:i» again given, the Rev. H. F"st*m ablv prtainiing.

A very enjoyable wa* At tin* **l<is© t<‘in|K*rHnre literature was distributed. After * \jwiiv s were paid I'2 4s. r< maim'd for our Treasury. HUTT. At the monthly meeting Mrs. Keav, I'n-ident, occupied the chair. After the prelin,inarie>, Mesdamea Hart and Jansen were eleet*-d Vie**PresidfDtf, Mrs. Ballintyne, an old and eateenu'd TneiidaT, was accepted as « life member of the Union. During August a“ M* dal Contest " will <>e held, great interest le-mg eviu«*cd among the contestant*. Mrs Chattield reported that pajH-rs had l>een sent to the different lighthouses, Ac. Mrs. LaHl’or<M(k, an energetic worker who is nl»out to visit Christehun-h, was a>»k**d to convey greetings t«* our sisters in the Cathedral City. A paper entitled '* Awards and Punishment,’ ‘ by Aliss McCarthy, was read. It was agmsl to invite Mrs. Harrison I>e to address a meeting at the Hutt. Our niinilsrs are inereasiug, one new nicmlsr was initiated On the whole things are improving under our esteemed and energetic President. TIMARU. Our monthly meeting was held on 14th July. The usual report of the Sailors* Rest was read from Mr. Stead. 218 visits being recorded. A letter from Mrs. Upton, urging evangelistic work among the jssir. hospitals, was read. Two Delegates were aptsiinted for the waning Convention to lie held in Christehundi Mesdames Targtis and Scott were ap|»ointed to interview the station master for permission to pla<*e literature in the ladies’ muiting* ns an. Tlie monthly meeting was held on August 4th in the Y.M.C.A. rooms, Mrs. Scott presided Air. Stead reported a quiet month, sailors taking advantage of the eomforts of the Rest The “ W aimate " is e\|ss ted for a few days stay. so the ladies are preparing a soeial evening for the “ hoys.” A report was n*ad of the ConftTencf ns-ently held in Wellington. MASTERTON. A “ Drawing-room meeting was held at the residence ot Mrs. Miliar, the President in the chair. Mrs. Tobias Millar was appointed Superintendent of Literature. Musical items were given hy the Misses Klliott uid Millar. Mr. J. Bridges gave a short address, which was both encouraging and helpful. Afternoon tea was provided hy Mrs. Millar, to whom a vote of thanks was accorded. A large and enthusiastic meeting of mcmlicr* and friends was held at the residence of Mrs Buttle, Mrs. Green, President, occupied the chair. Mrs. Burton was elected Sujierintendent of Evangelistic Work and Mrs. 0. Pragnel Superintendent of Anti-Gambling. Musical items and recitations were contributed hy Mrs l’e Tin, Misses Daniels Bennington, and Sjuirc*. The Rev. J. N. Buttle, in a few well«hos* n words, urged all to do their lie** to uphold the motto of the Union *• For Hod, Home, and Humanity.” A vote of thanks was given to Mrs. Buttle, who provided afternoon tea.

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White Ribbon, Volume 13, Issue 158, 15 August 1908, Page 2

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News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 13, Issue 158, 15 August 1908, Page 2

News of the Unions. White Ribbon, Volume 13, Issue 158, 15 August 1908, Page 2

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