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CHRISTCHURCH 1)1 STRUT UNION REPORT, intis The following report is pr-*.»ente<l unabridged, in the hope that other District Secretaries may study it, and model their rejstrts of lsifj ujsin it.—M S. Cow km,, N.Z. for. S«v Evanoslihtic.— In the Christchurch branch several different methods of w-ork have b en atiemptei. The Ministers’ Association has been approached u|s>u the question of having iVtiifierance sermons preaehed at regular intervals in the different churches. Literature has U*en distributed, mendings for Bilde study held in some of the houses, and, in connection with the regular in«*etings of the Union, monthly prayer meetings have been held. Work in this department has also been carried |

cn in Lyttelton, and in Waimate Nit unlay night mission services are held in the stn-ets, at which several mom tiers assist. Motmkks’ Mkrtinoh. — 'The Christchurch Superintendent rejsirts very helpful meetings and gratoful welcomes at places visit«*d. 'There is great need <,f octiv* workers, as many w«»men an* awaking to their refl|M>nsibilitk‘* os mot hers.

Drawing-room Mektinos. —lohml work has tieen done by the Christchurch Sii|M*rintendent, and several most Miccessful meetings held in the suburbs and in adjoining towns. This is a very important branch of work. Fokkion Missions. —Prayer meetings are held quarterly in Waimatc, at which n*p >rts art* read from the various mission stations. Maori Mission. —Waihao pah, Waiinate, is visits! by two of the mciuliers and litciature distributed. A donation of lo< was also sent to Mrs T roy for Bible distribution to Maoris in the King country. In June a public mooting was held in Christchurch in aid of funds for Maori work, when Rev Canon Stack and Mr Kohere gave address***. A Yoi no Psoplr'k Martino was held in Lyttelton in August, when there was a good attendance. Excellent pajwrs were read ami appreciated.

lltoiknk ani> Food Hoorn.—The usual sensible and pa]M*rs have l*een issued in the “ White l.'iblx.u ’ l*v our Christ* church Su|M*ri!itcndcnt. SCIENTIFIC TeMCKK A NCR I N.'TKI’CTIoN, From May to end of Octolier twenty !»•<•- turettes have boon given by Miss Kolierts to various Bauds of Hope in Christchurch ami its vicinity. These add re ses have proved highly sat sfactory in every way, and many invitations have had to In* reft *■•*! for want of time. In Waiuiato similar work has Ihnui done by a gentleman at the Bauds of Hope. InU.l INCINO TMK I‘klsn and EIUCATIoNAL Work, -i uring the yearedti* ational iu«*ctings have Ins*h held once a mouth in the Christchurch Union, when addresses were given by visitors or members. Mr John Yale, of the TemjM*rance Alii .lire, gave an address on the late Miss Willard; Mrs McKee, on “ Training of our <tiils Sister Christian, on “ Social Turity ’; aud Meodauies Guise and Sheppard on “ How to Reach Fallen Cirls.” RejM.rts of l nion and Temperance nns*tings have ls*en sent to the leading newspajN rs regularly, but are often very much curtailed or omittc<l altoget her. Lkoal and Parliamcntart.—On July Id the Christchurch Union |>assed a resolution in favour of quality of conditions of divorce for men and women. A strong protest was {tossed against the proposition t<> hold the Licensing election every six years instead of every three*, iW at present. In August a resolution was passed as follows: —“That this Union emphatically protests against the passing of Mr Millar's Licensing Hill, now l**forrtlie IL>usc, aa it s«*eks to deprive the |**ople of rights which they have poss**sse<l for some years.” In Septe inter the following resolution was pas wl: -“ That in the opinion of this Union the action of the m<*mlM>rs of the Press (iallery in the House «»f Representatives in attempting to prevent a lady journalist from sharing the facilities which they themselves enjoy is unjust and unmanly.” Amendment to the Young People's Protection Bill, forwarded for endorsement by the Women's Ins itute, were fully dmeussoi ami passei 1 with one exception, viz., the clause giving protection officers the power to take young persons to police station.

Sailors' Kkstk.— Timaru has concentrated iUMdfiM upon this work for the past year. A ti«*w building ha-* Uvn given by the HarUmr f{,*ard. tin* removal *»f which has cost t*<»tli tiiie* and money. LirrsATUM. 4 >ur Christchurch Su|K*rint4»nd**nt reports 4o copies of “ Meraoriam Union Signals” proninni an<l sohi to member* ami friend*, the profits on tin* Mine, together with a few donations, being sent to Mrsfiarland f«*r the "Temple"fund. I wo etching* of Miss Willard have I een framed. and one pla*vd in wh of the Coff«*e Rooms. A nutnlvr of member* have lK«en distributing leaflets trout house to h<m*e. Copie* of one American and four English Temperanoe Journals are taken regularly for tin* use of members. Three lit«*ratun* U*xe* have Uvn pn**ent**d to the Union for the waiting r**uiis at the Railway Stition. In Waimate tract* have Uvn purchased and distribut'd at the open-air services, in the Hospital, and to the M v**ris. Similar work has been done ill Lyttelton. Km.ikk Work - In Christchurch various needy cases hav l> >en relieved, U»th w ith Laid and clothing. lu Waimate many sick have Uvn visit* *d and practical help given by many of the nieudiers. Ji HiLHK llomk. Christchurch, has Uvn regularly visited every m »nth by our Sii|**rint«*nd»*nt, with much pleasure and pr« »tit t*» Iwth visitor* and inmate*. |£users \N okk - Wniiuate reports a donation »*f 11 is sent to the I)'H»r of Hojv Rescue Home, Auckland. In Cli istchurch g*Ki*| work li is been done hut rcjn*rt not yet to hand. Lytte - ton has already forward' *l its rejvort to N / Superintendent. K. M WlDlxiWMoN, ll>>n Becn*tary, Christchurch. |*. S. —Christchurch Union s Cokkkk Rooms, btc. Repor n«*t y«*t to hand, but the two Coll* v R 4 mmis have Iwn well earned on, and are in a pr»>sporoU* condition. I In* usual temperance luncheon U***th was held ii|*»n the Show t*rounds in N'ov.,and was, as usual, satisfactory in ever}' way.

The following reports were rwvirel t«K» late to Ik* incorporated into tin* district Secretary's report : LeksTON has gained thirteen now memlvrs. Scientific T** in jv ranee instruction lias Uvu given by on** of tin* inemlvrs to tin* different Hand* of Hope Three imvtings have Uvn hehl at Irwell, wlieu pl«*dge* were taken. Also, in *<‘tings were ln*l«l at Sout .bridge,and various Temperauiv imvtings in L vstoti. A convention of workers from the 1 anterbury District held, and was a gre it success. Dcl»*gates att4*nded from hristchurch an*l Kaiapoi. A meeting for young p«*oplo wa* well attended, ami was address***! by Si.st4*r ( liristian. Ash nr kton reports five new member* Tbrts* departments of work have Uvn taken up. viz. : Evangelistic, Rcln*f Work, and Social Purity. The Relief Committee has charge of a maternity box, which is leut to p *or women. Ten shillings’ w orth of Sociul I'uritv literature was procured f**r distrilmtion. A subscription was s* nt for Maori work to Mrs Troy, and a numh«*r of new subsentiers have l**en obtained for the “ v\ lot** Ribbon.” Two pounds was also collected tor the S**u h Island Organiser’s fund. tJcverd drawmgr*K»m meetings were ln*l*l and address**! by Mrs Newton, of Christchurch. « ’ullage un*etings have also been held, au l adires es given to mother*.

AUCKLAND 4 1 *m m 1 work dow* by Miss Powell, Corr»**| sin - • ling Secretary, who was in our midst for six months. Energetic stops have Uvn taken in the cause of Social Purity, and th** great need of active work in this matter put lief ore th** people. Literature has Uvn w idely spree I I’he C D. Acts have nveived attention, and g<Ksl d*»n*». Literature U»xe* liar** lM**>n put up in two railway stations, and much appre ciat4*«l, and a great deal distribute in the city and giiinti«*lds. Evangelistic mi dresses have been given at public meeting*. Sick visited ; tracts districted. A chtss of thirty girls are taught to sew, read, and sing. Tenijieranee less*>ns given. Bible in sch<*ds three classes an* successfully worked. Maori work has Uvn taken up, and the village of Orakci visit** l|. phslget faithfully kept. Sahliath obs4*rvance ami Sunday trading have received att«*ntion. and the | *«*li«*s* have promised help. Legal ami Pari iamtmtary: Letters and resolutions have Uvn sent to th** Minist4*rof Justus and Licensing Committee. Whits Kikii »n iujkt ts much appreciated, and a numUr of new suhscriUTs obtained. A Kiosk was conduct***! during the Exhibition for three month*, and caused much comment ami wonder to U*holders. Miss Willard s photo, was hung in a conspicuous place, and wa.** a daily pr«*t**st to the brewers just opposite. Lit«*ratiin‘ was distriouted, and a good w**rk done hy selling the cup that eh*vrs hut not inebriat4*s.” Five Temperance societies joinixl togetler t<» run this Kiosk, ami th** young people r**ml**i«d practical )u*lp. Mrs Harrison I *v has held a very successful mission amongst us. Sc'vcnteen p >un<ls have lK*«*n raise*l amongst <»ur Unious towards the Temple Fund. PfcvoMPOftT.—Twelve new meiulters f*»r the year. A tar**w**U Hunting to the President, Mrs Crump. w;is In*l*l in March. Slu* w.ts the lirst mover in tlu* formation of «>ur Union, and her removal w ill Ik* a great loss to us, but a gam to Nelson. Subscription* were colhvt' d for the V\ illanl Memorial Fun I. A numU r of new suhsi'rib«‘r* obtain***! for our Whiii Rihu *n pa|x*r. On June it • several ladiefr*nn Auckland came over and gave addre.'-es, one on Maori work, hy a Maori, being particularly enjoyed. Our tßanks are dm* t<» Misse* Powell ami Brown for th«*ir efficient lu*lp during the year. Rev F. W. Isitt gave his very interesting lecture t«i a g*Knl audi<*nr*4*. Lit4*rature has Uvn distribut4>*l. Quarterly *4K*ials hehl, ami fairly w«*ll att«*n<l**d. Thanks Union materially help4*d the Ki<- k hy cemliug two cases «>f plum*. Oskhumoa an* arranging for Unions to U> f**riin**l in Mangere.

NEW PLk MOUTH. dlu* District Union has sent a g.*..*! r* j*-»it *»f work done during the year, d’welve nu*etings have Ih***ii ln*l*i. D* part Hunts umiertaken are: —Literature, which is distributed from house to house, placed in lioxes at ra Iway stations, amt also supplit**! to railway officials. I’ris* n work ami K«*li«*t work. Malignity Uig* are k**pt to lei.d t«* jkm *r wouimi. M**ml ers of the l nion are pn»vnl**il with l> *oks to obtain names of women not *>u the electoral roll. A room, with lavatory, has Ikvii provided for women visitors from the country, as well as for women in town, d’he room lias Uvu well furnished by the l nion, and has proved itself to be of very gn*at comfort to all. The Uni*m sent a contribution for Temple Fund. The jKijvrs taken are tuo hi it Rihho* and

Unum Signal. R«*s*‘luti<>ns w**r»* s«*nt to tlu* Mtni-tiT of Ju*tic<* re prison work, and granting charter* ti> Working Men's Clubs. A S ientific d’eni|K*ran< ■•* ComjK*titi**n is to U* hehl in July. la*tt**rs an* s»*nt quarterly to all the auxiliaries A cha a t**r sketch of Mis* Willanl was s**nt t<» U*th daily pijvr*. Pi noakkhi' is still hel ling on, ami h*‘i«*s t«* do U*tt«*r work. Waitaha has hehl twelve meetings during the year. Mr* Hanson distributes p.i|K*rs to sail«>rs on the steamers, and k*vp* a supply at the railway station; also several parcels of literature have Uvn »**nt t** hushmen an 1 tlu*ir families. A jwtition w.»- forward<**l t«» Mr Synn**, M H K., re his jH»sition reganliug Prohibition ; also, through the effort* of the Union, ferni**nt«‘d wiue ha* Uvn removed from the Lord* I 'able in on** church. Ihe 111**111h *r* of the Union have Uvn intim-ntial in forming a Men s d’eui|M-run«*o Sviety. Btsatk*»ki>. During tr»e year f uirt*- n meeting- have U***u hehl. Twenty-nine n**w siihs<-riU*rs have U***n ohtaine*! for tlu* Whi.r Ki*H'»n Literature has Uvn circulated by tin* Union meuiU*r*. Ihe Union i* !u»piug to have tin* servnvs **f Mrs Harri**»n lav. Miniii -ST report* cottage in* • tings **.irri**d 011 *ucxn»*>.fully. Iwo thousand leaflet* nave Uvu distribut'd by t..** m**inU*rs. F**urt****n n»uu*M hav** U*eil ad*h**l to tin* m«*iuU*r*liip roll during the y**ar. The L nion r**js*rt* *K*iiig in a Hoiirishing condition. WANDASUL Two new- departments «*t w«»rk—Relief ami Evangelistic-nave Uvn started, and successfully carri**«l *>n. The memU*rs **f the Literature ami of tin* Juvenile iVjMrtmciittf have also Uvn st4*adily at work. Early in tin* year w«* w«*r«* r»**|U«*ste*l l*y tin* Prohildtion I**agu<* to ap(x>iut on** «>t our un*mU‘rs to m’t 011 tin* Le.iguc C«»miiiitt**e. This w.u< accordingly done. In May tin* League requested «>iir assistaiuv in a a*vial arranged in *»r*l**r to raise funds t** carry <>u important work. Many of tin* inemlvr* took the m.itter up heartily. In a*l«lition to provnl ng an ahunlama* **f |MN»v.*i*»n- for the s*K*ial, we w«*r»* **u ihlcd. through donations <*t money, to hand tin* League tin* sum <•! 4*l •’**. We have also assist4**l at a tea meeting hold hy tin* Salvation Army iu aid of their Rescue work. < Mir on** auxiliary. To hakim a, ha* Uvu chiefly • Kvupied with LTIi. work and the distribution of literature. Two «lrawing-room meetings have Uvn held, ami a public meeting, which was address***! hy Miss L. M Kirk. Annik E. Tv/CKhk, H**u. S«v.

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White Ribbon, Volume 4, Issue 47, 1 April 1899, Page 11

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DISTRICT UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 4, Issue 47, 1 April 1899, Page 11

DISTRICT UNIONS. White Ribbon, Volume 4, Issue 47, 1 April 1899, Page 11

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