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Waiapu Church Gazette. Friday, December Ist, 1922. Parochial Notes.

Botbrua. (Vicar: Yen. Archdeacon Ch'atterton, ' B.D. Assistant Curate: Rev. W. S.G. Cameron). St. Luke's Church, Rotorua; has sustained a severe loss by the departure of Mrs. D. Gardiner and her two daughters, Misses Ruth and Nellie Gardner, '-Who have gone to Takapait. Mrs Gardner was a regular attendant at, and a generous supporter of, the church. ' Miss Ruth Gardner for thirteen years officiated as honorary organist and Miss Nellie Gardner did good' work iri the Sunday School and the 'choir. In order - to bid them farewell and : to ■ express appreciation of their services they' were entertained at a social gathering m the Government Gardens tea kiosk" on the iiight of Thursday, November 2nd. The Vicar, the' Yen. Archdeacon Chatterton,- expressed the general reg ret at their departure, and stated that an illuminated. ; address was m preparation ' for presentation to Miss Ruth Gardner, expressing appreciation of her excellent work for the church. Several speakers warmly endorsed the Vicar-V remarks.. Miss Nita Gazenby,' dn behalf of the Sunday School teachers, presented MissRuth Gardner with a Doulton vase, 'and Miss Nellie Gardner with an artistic ciipv ' saucer and' plate. The monthly meeting of the Rotorua branch" of the- C.E;M.S. ■ was held on." Monday/" November ■ 6th. • The Vicar presided over d-good ~ attendahce>"Mr'*J. Wrathall Was elected to represefit' the 'branch at the Dominion Corif erefice of the Society m Ohristchui'ch -driVing December, arid it was decided to request Mr R. Wv Dyer, S.M.j tof&etas representative of the .branch^tft" theDiGeesari Conference of the Society at Napier. It was decided to for-w&rd^tO'bO'th eon'feirerice's remits

on the subjects of gambling arid Sun r day observance; An interesting discussion took -place. on the question of idealisrii m industry. ..' The ladies, of St. Luke's Women's Guild haye decided to hold, a bazaar m the church grounds, early m December, and are actively engaged m making preparations for the function. ... St. Augustine's, Napier. ; (Vicar: Canon E. . D. Rice. Assistant: Rev. B. R. Brierley). . The new stone .fence to the church has greatly 'improved the. look .pf things and the new porch has been appreciated by all. There was a large attendance at the. Mothers' Union last month, when, the Vicar admitted. a .batch of .new , members. Afteiv the service there was' a short programme provided by the Rev. W. T. Drake, Mesdames Drake, Greer, and Rice and Miss Dimond. This was the last meeting till next March. The C.E.M.S. gave an evening, for men last month, ' when the Vicar gave an address on Church History. . The Vicar has finished- his instruction classes on the Holy Communion for those lately confirmed, and theyhave all made their first Communion. They will be admitted as members of the Communicants' Guild at its. next meeting. St. Mark's, Clave. (Vicar: Rev. T. Fisher). : . On November 6th the parishioners of Clive gave a farewell social to the Rev. R. F. Geddes and Mrs Geddes on the occasion of their departure to Puketapu, and presented them respectively with a Daily Service Book and a silver photo frame, small tokens of their esteem and hearty good wishes. On Thursday, the 9th, the Mothers' Union met m the church and the Deaconess admitted two new members and gave an address on the second object of the Union — the training of our boys and girls. On' Wednesday, the 15th, the G.F.S. gave a concert m aid of church funds, the public -hall being quite full, arid over £10 was realised. With the exception of a song from Mrs St. Hill, the items were rendered' entirely by members of the society, and "did them great credit. A'- short missionary play, "Go Tell," by six girls, calls for special mentiqn for the reverence and the simplicity with which it was rendered. Also a medical mission scene by the younger members gave evidence of' much appreciation and study of the parts. The capable way m which this branch is being run . by the girls hemselves — a few of sthe elder members having become associates—shows that the G.F.S. can- be Well adapted to the needs' of -a New Zealand country district. Waipiro Bay! (Vicar: Rev. J. Pigott). :" The Rev. W. J. , Durrad has .just

concluded a prolonged visit to this parish on behalf of the Board of Missions. He conducted special services or lectures at Tokomaru Bay, Waipiro Bay, Kaharauj Tuparoa, Waiomatatini, 'Te Araroa and Hicks' Bay. In addition he did a lot of visiting and also conducted a "Quiet Day" for M&ori and" Pakeha workers at" Waipiro Bay, which - was very helpful arid much appreciated by those who were fortunate enough to be able to attend. The missionaiy side of the work was greatly encouraged by his visit and we look forward to seeing him again next- year. The Waipiro Ladies' Guild- held a sale at the Vicarage on October 14th, and,: as a result, the Parish Fund b enefited to " the .extent . ' of £23. A similar effort was; made by the ladies of Te Araroa on October 29th, when£36 was . realised. The ladies of Tokomaru and Ruatorea are all working hard and are making special efforts for later m the season. Holy Trinity, Gisborne. (Vicar: Rev. Canon H, Packe, -M JL . Assistant Priest: Rev. T. A, Cato), Our beloved Bishop has paid : his annual visit to the parish, and it has been an inspiring time, from -start to finish. His lordship celebrated . at the 8 a.m. service, on Sunday, November sth, when there were 132 communi-cants',-a .fairly- big majority being members of the Girls ' Club and Young Men's . Club.. .The Bishop preached at the 11 a.m. service, , and ' then conducted the Confirmation at night.' -It was good to see the large church comfortably, filled with such reverent worshippers. The fortyseven . candidates will long remember the loving counsel and advice of their Feather m God. .They make their first vcprnmunion on December 3rd. On the -.Tuesday evening an Admission Service was held for members of Holy Trinity Girls' Club, when nine girls were admitted to the Club. During the service the Bishop, who is. a patron of the Club, dedicated and unveiled the Club Memorial Board to members who have been called to their, rest. It is a simple and artistic design. The- Bishop preached a most helpful sermon on the life hereafter, and the influence of those, member's who had passed on. -The parishioners tendered the Bishop . a welcome social the .night' following m the City Hall, which was largely attended. Mr E. H. Mann welcomed his lordship on behalf of parishioners-, to which the Bishop replied m a happy mood. He also referred to the necessity of immediately securing two. unmarried priests to help m the parish, and of the need for a Church Orphanage m Gisborne. Mention was also made of the splendid tone and atmosphere; of. St. Winifred's School. The evening passed with music and inter-

course. - After supper the younger, parishioners held a dance.. The Ladies' Guild made a satisfactory amount at .the Rose Show, netting • over £80. We congratulate them on the result. The Girls' Club hold their annual' Sale of Work on December 14th m aid of a. club room. Gifts of all kinds will be welcomed' at the Parish Hall on that date. The.Christmas celebrations at the Parish Church will be at 7 a.m.,. 8 a.m., and 12 noon, with a carol service at '.night. Services will be announced m the daily papers. A very helpful intercession service for the sick arid . suffering is' held every Wednesday, at 7.30 p.m. m the parish church. . Names of those who are sick, and iri trouble, desiring to be prayed for are asked to be given to the Vicar. Come and pray for your sick friends. An address is given by the Vicar on Spiritual Heal^ ing, and bright hymns are sung at this service. The service is held partly m preparation for the visit of the spiritual healer, Mr Hickson, to Australasia next year. Intercessions for all parochial work, for the doctors, nurses, hospitals and medicines, should be at the back of all work for the Master. Taradale. (Vicar: Rev. Canon Clarke). - The concert held m our hall m aid of church funds was m every way a success. Miss Thomas, our- organist, had worked very hard amidst many discoiuragemeiitg', arid her efforts were well rewarded. Our best thanks are due to the performers, Miss McCarthy, Alexander and Thomas, also Mr Skeet (Taradale) and the High School boys, all of whom helped to provide a splendid evening's entertainment. The Bishop's visit to the parish was most helpful to us" all. He did not spare himself, preaching at the Old People's Home at. 8.45 a.m., Taradale with Confirmation at 11 a.m., Meanee 3 p.m., Pakowhai 7 p.m. His homely and impressive sermons will, we feel sure, bear abundant fruit. The meetings of the Mothers ' Union were brought to a close for the present by a most enjoyable afternoon m the grounds of Mrs A. E. Turner- Wililams, when a goodly number of mothers and friends gathered together. The Vicar is very grateful for the influence this splendid institution is wielding m the parish. The Thursday evening intercession services have been very much better attended for some months past. Addresses on Confirmation have been given, arid it is fervently hoped that the young people lately confirmed • will continue to attend m the future. None of us can afford such occasions of help as these services present, besides which intercession is a great r power m the spiritual life of a parish. Vicar will always be pleased to deceive -requests for prayer. ■"'•

St: ;■ Matthew's; Hastings. 3 (Vicar-: Rev. Rr'T. Hall.' .Assistant Curate; Rev. o.. Gibson) .'.' , . The- Bishop visited the : parish on October 31st, and administered the rite of Confirmation. There were .35' candidates, and " the service was a Very beautiful one. On November 7th the -Mothers' Uriiori had its, usual monthly meeting. After the opening service the meiribers spent ■ a very enjoyable • time -m the Vicarage' grounds. The subject discussed at the November meeting of the C.E.M.S. was "Capital and ' Labor." An adr dress was given by Mr Geo. Williams, a former trades union secretary, and such a debatable question naturally' led to a great deal of- discussion. Miss Grant gave a very interesting lecture to the G.F.S. on October. 26th entitled "People IHave Met;" There was a large attendance, arid everyone' thoroughly enjoyed the address; We have again had the pleasure' of a short visit from the Rev. E. P. Lee, Chinese Missioner. Mr Lee was able to be present at-- a meeting of the Gleaners' Union held during his stay. Cathedral Parish. (Vicar : The Very Rev. the Deair). '•'..''. An excellent organ recital was given by Mr Percy Tombs, assisted by Mrs Drake, Nurse Carter and Mr Drummond on October 25th. Great pleasure has "been expressed and hopes that other recitals may follow. The annual meeting of the Mothers' Union was held on October 27th, the Bishop presiding. Waipukurau. (Vicar: Rev. A. W. Stace).. . Mr A. E. Turner-Williams paid a visit to the parish during the month and preached at St. Mary's on Sunday morning, November 12th. Later on, during the week, he, m company with the Vicar, called upon a number of the parishioners. The response to his appeal for. contributions to the General Diocesan Fund was well received, indicating, a growing interest m the work of the, church m the diocese. The amount -contributed m the Waipukurau parish was considerably m advance of the previous year. Mr Turner- Williams ' visit was much appreciated, the general feeling being that he is the right man. in the right place . , Waipawa. (Rev. Canon Butterfield, 8.D., Vicar). The choir, under Miv Naylor 's capable management, > is rapidly increasing :in : riuiribers. It is proposed . to, hold a c v arol service after evensong on December!. 24th, after which, the timehonoured custom of "Wassailing" will be duly observed. -We. wish, all our parishioners a very Happy Christmas. • . . . On Christinas -Day celebrations will be held at St. Peter's Church at 7 a*m.- and 11 ••• a.m., arid at Onga Onga

-at 9 a.miy iand; evensonig..'ati ; stir^eter 's at.7 o'clock; ■'.',•'':.''■'. •;'. - ' : ;,£;|\3'::; :i ftsF ■' It is .proposed to'hbld a; sale $a i>e,half. of -Missions iarid. ii-BiUi^SSlßL^' Home on Friday^ .and, Saituydst^^>:jthe - 22nd and 33i$: : 0& Becembe«^^in;./tMr Bibby V. corner.. shop, ' -;• -„' JirUffck , The ; yiear will probably. :b : eVjy.ia.#Bty at Kairakaii .fgr , a^p^fe„„ three . weeks after Christmas, biit^iirreturn to the P a W^;%4^e arid fOr tirg^ 'gick and otfi6P^Mtirig. ■ . We are greatly indebted to 'Messrs . Gallag;her- artd : H; - 4 Eathb ; o^ riiak-i ; ing kiieelers . for "tj\e | J|sj^;The Girls '.: Club haye . bpiig^ij. pia^j ; ■ It says.iriuch for their •■ entn^|i|is_p|i|r|hat tl^ey have' raised, the < nece^s ! a^'_|-^rids in >such.;.a; short time, be decidedly usefullor tlie'c^^ Meetings', andishould. help; gr^atl^j-in -the social side of parish" woij?.* ' V„ -- -. -. -,-r — : ■."•■iuijlrml: 'Jain-

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Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 6, 1 December 1922, Page 426

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Waiapu Church Gazette. Friday, December 1st, 1922. Parochial Notes. Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 6, 1 December 1922, Page 426

Waiapu Church Gazette. Friday, December 1st, 1922. Parochial Notes. Waiapu Church Gazette, Volume XIII, Issue 6, 1 December 1922, Page 426

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