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Pages 21-36 of 36

Pages 21-36 of 36

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Pages 21-36 of 36

Pages 21-36 of 36

A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of New Zealand

S. Breuning (Paris)


Translated by J. C. Watt (Auckland) [Received by the Editor, February 19, 1962.]


Keys to all known New Zealand species of the following genera and a key to the genera (grouped provisionally as Acanthocinini) are presented, and each genus and species is described: Tetrorea White (4 spp.); Polyacanthia Montr. (1 sp.); Mesolamia Sharp (2 spp.) ; Metalamia Breun. (2 spp.); Microlamia Bates (2 spp.); Stenellipsis Bates (16 spp.); Trichocnaeia Breun. (1 sp.); Hybolasiopsis Breun. (1 sp.)i Poecilippe Bates (4 spp.); Hybolasius Bates (28 spp.); Hybolasiellus Breun. (1 sp.); Spinohybolasius Breun. (1 sp.). The 63 species included constitute about one-third of the New Zealand cerambycid fauna.

Translator's Note

The manuscript of the present paper was received from Dr Breuning for translation and publication in a New Zealand journal. In translation the main object has been to present, in English, the exact meaning of the French. Where the meaning of a word or phrase has been in doubt for any reason, the description has been checked against specimens in the Auckland Museum Collection. No technical terms not used in the original have been introduced.

Four subfamilies of Cerambycidae have representatives in New Zealand. A key to the subfamilies of longhorn beetles may be found in Crowson (1955: 139-41).

The subfamily Prioninae contains a single New Zealand species, Prionoplus reticularis White. The New Zealand members of the Lepturinae and Cerambycinae were listed by Blair (1937).

The subfamily Lamiinae includes the remaining two-thirds of the New Zealand cerambycid fauna. The Parmenini, containing New Zealand species of the genera Xylotoles Newm. (21 spp.), Xylotoloides Breun. (1 sp.), Adriopea Broun (1 sp.), Somatidia Thoms. (41 spp.), Corestheta Pasc. (2 spp.) and Hexatricha Thoms. (1 sp.), have been covered elsewhere (Breuning, 1950). The present paper describes the remainder of the New Zealand Lamiinae. The larvae of 20

New Zealand species of Cerambycidae were described by Dumbleton (1957). Two species of Acanthocinini, namely Tetrorea cilipes White and Hybolasius genalis Broun are included.

The systematic list indicating type localities and the location of type specimens has been compiled from information supplied by Dr Breuning. The remainder of the paper is a direct translation of the French manuscript, the only alterations being to incorrectly spelled place names.

The term “ morpha ” is in most cases equivalent to “ variety ”, although some morphae may eventually be found to be worthy of recognition as geographical subspecies.

Type Localities and Location of Type Specimens

The following is a systematic and synonymic list of the species described in the present paper, together with the type locality of each species and synonymous name. The abbreviations listed below indicate the institution in which the relevant type specimens are located.

B.M. British Museum (Natural History), London. G.M. Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. K.M. Musee d’Alexander Konig, Bonn. P.M. Museum National d’Histoire Naturelle, Paris.

Types of all the listed species except Hybolasius trigonellaris Hutton have been studied by Dr. Breuning.

Tetrorea cilipes White: New Zealand (8.M.) discedens Sharp: Otago (8.M.) sellata Sharp: Greymouth (8.M.) m. maculata Broun: Silverstream (8.M.) longipennis Sharp: Greymouth (8.M.) Polyacanthia flavipes (White): New Zealand (8.M.) tomentosus (Redt.): New Zealand (8.M.) Mesolamia marmorata Sharp: Dunedin (8.M.) aerata Broun: Mt. Arthur (8.M.)

Metalamia obtusipennis (Bates): Canterbury (P.M.) cuprea Breuning: Greymouth (8.M.) Microlamia pygmaea Bates: Auckland (P.M.) m. aemula Broun: Parua (8.M.) elongata Breuning: Paekakariki Beach (8.M.) Stenellipsis bimaculata (White) : Port Nicholson (8.M.) pictula (Bates): Tairua (P.M.) latipennis Bates: Auckland (P.M.) cuneata Sharp; Picton (8.M.) gracilis (White): Port Nicholson (8.M.) sculpturata (Broun): Mt. Hutt (8.M.) linearis (Bates); Auckland (P.M.) parallela Breuning: Gordon’s Knob (8.M.) brouni (Bates): Tairua (P.M.) longula Breuning: Clarence Bridge (8.M.) fragilis (Bates): Auckland (P.M.) m. acutula (Broun): Tairua (8.M.) m. feredayi (Broun); Christchurch (8.M.) burnerata (Bates): Auckland (P.M.) grata (Broun): Parua Bay (8.M.) maculipennis Breuning: Auckland (P.M.) maculata (Bates nec. Montr.) viridipes Breuning: Waipapa (8.M.) bullata (Bates): Tairua (P.M.)

Trichocnaeia hilarula (Broun).: Parua (8.M.) Hybolasiopsis abnormalis (Sharp); Chatham Is. (8.M.) Poecilippe stictica Bates: Auckland (P.M.) femoralis Sharp; Picton (8.M.) simplex (Bates): Auckland (P.M.) medialis Sharp: Picton (8.M.)

Hybolasius crista (Fabr.): New Zealand (8.M.) concolor Broun: Tairua (8.M.) cognatus Broun: Wellington (8.M.) optatus Broun: Woodhill, Kaipara Railway (8.M.) thoracicus Broun: Tairua (8.M.) viridescens Bates: Auckland (P.M.) femoralis Broun: Dunedin (8.M.) laticollis Broun: Pipiriki (8.M.) pedator Bates: Tairua (P.M.) ciliatus Broun: (?) (8.M.) cristatellus Bates: Canterbury (P.M.) wakefieldi Bates: Canterbury (P.M.) lanipes Sharp: Tairua (8.M.) trigonellaris Hutton: Christchurch (CM.) pumilus (Pasc): Waikato (8.M.) bellicosus Broun: Tairua (8.M.) deplanatus Sharp: Greymouth (8.M.) rugicollis Broun: Silverstream (8.M.) vittiger Broun: Titahi Bay (8.M.) castaneus Broun: Howick (8.M.) promissus Broun: Tairua (8.M.) apicalis Broun: Bay of Islands (8.M.) piceus Broun: Waitakere (8.M.) dubius Broun: Moeraki (8.M.) lineiceps Broun: Rakaia Gorge (8.M.) parvus Broun: Tairua (8.M.) m. pusillus Broun: Northcote, Waitemata (8.M.) finitimus Broun: West Taieri Bush (8.M.) gnarus Broun: Helensville (8.M.) vegetus Broun: Wellington (8.M.) albihirtus Broun: Helensville (8.M.) genalis Broun: Pipiriki (8.M.) m. tumidellus Broun: Silverstream (8.M.) modestus Broun: Tairua (8.M.) modestior Breuning: Tairua (8.M.) picitarsis Broun: Mt. Arthur (8.M.) postfasciatus Breuning: Glenhope (8.M.) sinuatofasciatus Breuning: Wakolatu (8.M.)

[Note. —No locality bearing this name is known to the translator——possibly it is Wakapatu, in Southland.] brevicollis Broun: Waitakere Range (8.M.) rufescens Broun: Howick (8.M.) fasciatus Broun: Napier (8.M.) gracilipes Broun: Pipiriki (8.M.) Hybolasiellus variegatus (Broun): Tairua (8.M.) gaudens (Broun): Mokohinau varipes (Broun) : Broken River (8.M.) capiendus (Broun): Silverstream (8.M.) Spinohybolasius spinicollis Breuning: New Zealand (K.M.)

All localities included above are listed in the gazetteer of “A Descriptive Atlas of New Zealand” (McLintock, A. H. (editor), 1959) and may be thus located. In a few cases the exact locality where the type was collected is not known. In such species it may eventually be desirable to fix a more specific type locality when sufficient material has been collected and studied.


The Lamiinae of New Zealand may be divided readily into two groups:

1. All the genera with metastemum very short. I have covered these in my revision of the Parmenini (Breuning, 1950). 2. All the genera with metasternum of normal length or more or less slightly shortened, which I treat below, grouping them all together provisionally under the name of Acanthocinini (described in my revision of African Acanthocinini: Breuning, 1958 and 1959).

Key for Determination of Genera

1. Pronotum smooth on the sides ,u.J\ . . 2 Pronotum with a lateral boss, tubercle or spine 5 2. Intermediate tibiae without dorsal groove Hybolasiopsis Breun. Intermediate tibiae with a dorsal groove .; 3 3. Elytra without erect hairs Stenellipsis Bates. Elytra bearing erect hairs 4 4. Third antennal segment not as long as the scape ...... Microlamia Bates. Third antennal segment longer than the scape Trichocnaeia Breun. 5. Scape strongly granulate on the dorso-apical surface ...... Poecilippe Bates Scape not granulate on dorso-apical surface 6 6. Intermediate tibiae without dorsal groove ; 7 Intermediate tibiae with a dorsal groove 9 7. Scape long and slender Metalamia Breun. Scape rather short and rather stout ...... ...... . 8 8. Third antennal segment as long as fourth Hybolasiellus Breun. Third antennal segment more or less a little shorter than fourth Hybolasius Bates. 9. Head retractile Mesolamia Sharp. Head not retractile ; 10 10. Pronotum with two discal spines strongly recurved Spinohybolasius Breun. Pronotum with two discal tubercles 11 11. Scape short and claviform, third segment of the antennae more or less as long as the fourth ...... Polyacanthia Montr. Scape long and not claviform, the third antennal segment shorter than the fourth , .„... Tetrorea White.

Genus Tetrorea White

Tetrorea White (1846), Voy. Ereb. Terr. Ins., p. 21. Tetrorea Lacordaire (1872), Gen. Col., 9, pp. 638, 645. Tetrorea Broun, 1880, Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 609.

Very elongate. Antennae fairly slender, a third longer than the body ( $ ) or a quarter longer ( ? ), fairly densely fringed beneath; the scape short and claviform, the second segment comparatively long, the third shorter than the fourth, as long as the scape or longer. Antenniferous tubercles little projecting. Eyes coarsely facetted and strongly notched, the inferior lobes transverse. Pronotum transverse, with a tubercle on the middle of the lateral border. Elytra very long, bearing groups of hairs. Head not retractile. Prosternal projection arched, not as elevated as the coxae. Mesosternal projection inclined slightly towards the anterior. Metasternum of normal length. Intermediate coxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, the anterior femora claviform, the intermediate and posterior femora pedunculate, the intermediate tibiae with a slight dorsal groove, the claws divaricate.

Type, cilipes White. Four species, all from New Zealand.

Key to Species of Tetrorea White

1. The third antennal segment as long as the scape 2 The third antennal segment noticeably longer than the scape 3

2. On each elytron, in the apical third, a linear discal oblique white band ...... ...... ...... ...... cilipes White. Elytra without such a band discedens Sharp. 3. A moderately long tubercle on the middle of the lateral border of the pronotum sellata Sharp. A broad and very short tubercle on the middle of the lateral border of the pronotum :. .... longipennis Sharp.

1. cilipes White (Fig. 1)

Tetrorea cilipes White (1846), Voy. Ereb. Terr. Ins., p. 21, PI. IV, fig. 9. Tetrorea cilipes Lacordaire (1872), Gen. Col., 9, p. 646. Tetrorea cilipes Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 609.

Scape considerably broadened in middle, a little constricted before the apex. The third antennal segment as long as the scape, the fourth segment three-quarters longer than the third, half longer than the fifth. Antenniferous tubercles little projecting. Inferior lobes of eyes as high as cheeks or a little higher. Front much broader than high. Head impunctate. Pronotum constricted before the base and behind the anterior edge, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior, with a large conical and obtuse lateral tubercle, with two premedian discal conical tubercles and with several fine postmedian discal punctures, Scutellum triangular, rounded at the apex. Elytra as broad at their base as the pronotum, including the lateral tubercles, slightly broadened behind the shoulders, then gradually narrowed until the apical third, fairly strongly narrowed in the apical third, slightly obliquely truncate at apex (the sutural angle not marked, the marginal angle rounded), sparsely and irregularly punctured in the anterior half. On each elytron an obtuse postbasal discal boss, surmounted by a cluster of yellow hairs, bordered in front by a transverse series of more distinct punctures, and behind by a premedian depression, a small dark reddishbrown median cluster of hairs, near the suture, and a third small cluster of yellow hairs at the apical quarter, equally close to the suture. The last abdominal segment with a broad apical depression in the 99. Tibiae and tarsi covered with pale yellow erect hairs, the intermediate and posterior tibiae with many white clusters of hairs on their basal halves.

Red, covered with yellowish pubescence. On each side of the pronotum a whitish yellow linear band running from the discal tubercle to the base. Scutellum reddish brown, its lateral edges whitish yellow. Elytra with a blurred whitish postscutellar spot, in contact with the suture. On each elytron a blurred whitish lateral posthumeral spot, two reddish brown spots at the extreme base (one at the side of the scutellum and one at the anterior edge of the shoulder), both elytra bordered by two linear whitish yellow bands and a whitish discal spot at the apical quarter, bordered on the internal side by a whitish linear oblique band. Abdomen and femora mottled with reddish brown and whitish grey. Each of the four first segments of the abdomen ornamented with two small posterior ochreous spots. The first six antennal segments mottled with whitish yellow, the .segments seven to eleven, covered increasingly with whitish yellow pubescence in the apical part.

Length 13—16 mm, width 4-5 mm. Described by White on specimens from New Zealand, frequent throughout.

2. discedens Sharp.

Tetrorea discedens Sharp (1880), Trans, ent. Soc. Land., p. 95. Tetrorea discedens Broun (1893), Man. N.Z. Col., 5, p. 1294. Near cilipes White but smaller, the antenniferous tubercles even less projecting, the inferior lobes of eyes noticeably longer than the cheeks, the lateral tubercle

of the pronotum shorter and more obtuse, the elytra a little broader than the pronotum, broadly rounded to the apex, punctured on the disc and beside the lateral border to the apical third, with postbasal boss more raised; their lateral border, the underside of the body and the femora covered with erect hairs and the clothing a little different.

Reddish brown, entirely mottled with reddish, yellowish and whitish brown. Pronotum with a median oval spot, smooth and denuded, surrounded by ochreous pubescence. Borders of scutellum covered with ochreous pubescence. The whitish pubescence prevails on the premedian sutural part of the elytra and shows again in the direction of the shoulder. Antennal segments five to eleven covered with brown pubescence save on the basal parts.

Length 10-13 mm, width 3-4 mm.

Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand: Otago, Greymouth (British Museum).

3. sellata Sharp.

Tetrorea sellata Sharp (1882), Trans, ent. Soc. Land., p. 95. Tetrorea sellata Broun (1893), Man. N.Z. Col., 5, p. 1294. morpha maculata Broun. Tetrorea maculata Broun (1913), Trans. N.Z. Inst. 45, p. 157.

Near cilipes White, but smaller, the third antennal segment much longer than the scape or the fifth segment, the fourth scarcely half longer than the third, the lateral tubercle of the pronotum a little less long, broader, with borders more parallel, the discal tubercles more raised, but situated a little more posteriorly, the elytra broadly rounded at the apex, densely and finely punctured over their entire length, without preapical clusters of hairs, but provided, each, with a preapical longitudinal ridge not far from the lateral border. The underside of the body, the femora and the scape clothed with erect hairs, and the clothing different.

Reddish brown, entirely mottled with reddish, yellowish and whitish brown. Pronotum with a median smooth and denuded oval spot, surrounded by ochreous pubescence and two blackish spots, each situated at the posterior edge of the discal tubercle, these tubercles as well as the lateral tubercles bordered towards the anterior by whitish pubescence. On each elytron a large, fairly distinct premedian sutural white spot, a fairly large blackish median discal spot, and another small blackish preapical discal spot. Antennal segments five to eleven covered with brown pubescence save on the basal part.

Length 11-12.5 mm, width 3.5-3.8 mm.

Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand: Greymouth. Morpha maculata Broun: like the typical form, but all the patterns of the upper surface less distinct.

Silverstream (Broun).

4. longipennis Sharp.

Tetrorea longipennis Sharp (1886), Trans. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) 3, p. 455, PI. 13, fig. 22. Tetrorea longipennis Broun (1893), Man. N.Z. Col., 5, p. 1293.

Near cilipes White, but smaller, the scape less broadened in its median part, the third antennal segment noticeably longer than the scape or the fifth segment, the fourth half longer than third, three-quarters longer than the fifth, the inferior lobes of the eyes more than three times longer than the cheeks, the front as high as broad, sparsely and finely punctured, the pronotum densely punctured, its

lateral tubercle much broader, shorter and more obtuse, the discal tubercles equally more obtuse, on each elytron moreover a fourth postmedian cluster of hairs not far from the suture, and the clothing different.

Reddish, covered with sparse reddish-brown pubescence interspersed with whitish-yellow. The elytra covered with yellowish pubescence save on their lateral part, which is covered with brown pubescence broadening until the middle of their length to the postmedian cluster of hairs and in the apical part up to the suture. Tibiae broadly ringed with dark brown before the middle and before the apex. Three first tarsal segments with dark brown pubescence. The apical part of the fourth antennal segment and the following segments, except their basal parts, with dark reddish-brown pubescence.

Length 8-10 mm, width 2.3-2.5 mm.

Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand: Greymouth.

Genus Polyacanthia Montr.

Polyacanthia Montrouzier (1861), Ann. Soc. ent. Fr. ( 4) 1, p. 269. Prosacantha Thomson (1864), Syst. Ger., p. 56. Rosacantha Thomson (1864), Syst. Cer., p. 484. Diastamerus Redtenbacher (1868), Reise Novara Col., p. 176. Rosacantha and Diastamerus Lacordaire (1872), Gen. Col. 9, pp. 391, 511, 515. Diastamerus Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 130. Diastamerus Bates (1875), Trans. N.Z. Inst., 8, p. 332. Diastamerus Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 616.

Elongate. Antennae half longer than body ( $ ) or only a quarter longer ( 9 ) , fairly densely fringed below with long hairs; scape long and slender, the third segment as long as the fourth, noticeably longer than the scape. Antenniferous

tubercles fairly near to each other, but little raised. Eyes coarsely facetted and strongly notched, the inferior lobes transverse. Pronotum transverse, with four deep, transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior (only the second anterior less clear on the disc), with a fairly long, blunt lateral spine, slightly inclined towards the base, with two discal tubercles and a latero-inferior tubercle on each side near the anterior border. Elytra long, almost parallel, little convex, broadly rounded at the apex and bearing costae. Head non-retractile. Prosternal projection very broad and curved. Mesosternal projection extremely broad, slightly inclined towards the anterior. Metastemum of normal length. Intermediate coxal cavities closed. Legs fairly long and slender, femora pedunculate, intermediate tibiae with a feeble dorsal groove, claws divaricate. The head, the lateral border of the elytra in the posterior half, the legs and the antennae, clothed with long, erect, yellowish hairs.

Type: fonscolombei Montr. Three species, of which one, P. fonscolombei Montr., occurs in New Caledonia and the New Hebrides; a second, P. strandi Breun., occurs in Queensland; and the third, P. flavipes (White), inhabits New Zealand.

1. flavipes (White) (Fig. 2)

Lamia (Amniscus ?) flavipes White (1846), Voy. Ereb. Terr. Ins., p. 21. Diastamerus tomentosus Redtenbacher (1868), Reise Novara Col., p. 177, PI. 5, fig. 1. Diastamerus tomentosus Lacordaire (1869), Gen. Col., 9, p. 361. Poecilippe flavipes and Diastamerus tomentosus Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, pp. 615-6.

Inferior lobes of eyes as high as the cheeks. Head finely and not densely punctured. Pronotum densely and fairly coarsely punctured, with an oval median depression, with an obtuse tubercle at the anterior border of the lateral spine and with two discal tubercles fairly elevated and recurved. Elytra fairly finely punctured, each with a single slightly raised short longitudinal discal basal crest.

Dark brown, the elytra, tibiae and tarsi bright red and covered with straw yellow pubescence, the basal part of the third antennal segment and the basal half of the following segments bright red. Pubescence of the head, pronotum and scutellum rather ochreous. A longitudinal denuded median band on the scutellum. Each abdominal segment with two large lateral ochreous spots. Femora sprinkled with small denuded spots.

Length 12-14 mm, width 5-6 mm. Described by White on specimens from New Zealand.

Genus Mesolamia Sharp Mesolamia Sharp (1882), Trans, ent. Soc. Land., p. 96. Mesolamia Broun (1893), Man. N.Z. Col., 5, p. 1295.

Elongate. Antennae slender, as long as the body ($ ) or much shorter (9 ), sparsely fringed below; the scape short and fairly stout, the third segment as long as the fourth, a little longer than the scape or the fifth. Antenniferous tubercles distant and little projecting. Eyes finely facetted and strongly notched, the inferior lobes as high as broad. Front much broader than high. Head with a median longitudinal groove. Pronotum short, transverse, with a very large conical tubercle at the middle of the lateral border. Elytra long, moderately convex, as broad as pronotum at the base, broadly rounded at the apex. Head retractile. Prosternal projection as elevated as the coxae and arched. Mesosternal projection slightly inclined towards the anterior. Metasternum of normal length. Intermediate coxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, femora claviform, intermediate tibiae with a slight dorsal groove; claws divaricate. All the upper surface of the body and the scape clothed with erect hairs.

Type: marmorata Sharp. Two species from New Zealand.

Key to Species of Mesolamia Sharp

1. quarter of the elytra fairly densely punctured .....; aerata Broun. The basal quarter of the elytra scarcely punctured ...... ...... marmorata Sharp.

1. marmorata Sharp. (Fig. 3)

Mesolamia marmorata Sharp (1882), Trans, ent. Soc. Land., p. 97. Mesolamia marmorata Broun (1893), Man. N.Z. Col., 5, p, 1295.

Antenniferous tubercles little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes noticeably longer than cheeks. Pronotum with two transverse sinuous grooves, one premedian and one postmedian, finely and irregularly wrinkled between these lines; lateral tubercle conical and blunt, convex at its anterior edge. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra with only a few fine punctures on the basal quarter; on each a longitudinal discal postbasal obtuse boss, little raised, a slight premedian depression rising obliquely in the direction of the shoulder, a broad longitudinal depression near the suture in the posterior half and a broad longitudinal depression on the middle of the disc. Last abdominal segment of 9 9 with a large median depression.

Red, covered with yellowish pubescence. A few small reddish-brown spots on the sides of the disc of the pronotum and a few similar ones strewed over all the extent of the elytra. On each elytron a narrow reddish-brown band which begins at the lateral border at the end of the basal third, curves in an arc until the middle of the disc and recurves in an arc to the lateral border, which it attains a little behind the middle. The pubescence of the antennal segments, starting with the third, save on the basal portion of these segments, very sparse, these parts thus appearing darker, red.

Length 9-12 mm, width 3-4 mm.

Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand: Dunedin

2. aerata Broun.

Mesolamia aerata Broun (1893), Man. N.Z. Col., 5, p. 1296.

Near marmorata Sharp, but larger, the antenniferous tubercles not projecting at all, the front finely and sparsely punctured, .the vertex sparsely and coarsely punctured. Pronotum with a fair number of punctures around the lateral tubercles, the elytra fairly densely and finely punctured on the basal quarter, also the underside of the body clothed with numerous erect hairs, and the clothing different.

Shining brown, the legs and the scape reddish-yellow; entirely densely mottled with a sparse whitish-grey pubescence, this pubescence more dense only in the form of a fairly broad transverse band on the apical third of the elytra, which descends on each elytron obliquely in the direction of the lateral border, and on the basal half of the tibiae and tarsi. Antennae starting with the second segment covered with reddish-brown pubescence and ringed with whitish on the basal part of these segments.

Length, 11 mm; width, 4 mm. Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Mount Arthur

Genus Metalamia Breun.

Metalamia Breunlng (1959), Bull. Ann. Soc. Roy. Ent. Belg., 95, p. 78. Elongate. Antennae slender, a little longer than the body, sparsely fringed beneath, the scape a little corrugated, long and slender, longer than the fifth segment, the third segment as long as the fourth, noticeably longer than the scape.

Eyes finely facetted and strongly notched, the inferior lobes as high as broad. Front a little broader than high. Head with a median longitudinal groove. Pronotum twice as broad as long, with two straight and fairly deep transverse depressions, one anterior and one posterior, and with a spine in the middle of the lateral border. Elytra long, moderately convex, a little broader than the pronotum, rounded at the apex and provided with crests. Head retractile. Prosternal projection as elevated as the coxae, truncate at its anterior edge, Mesosternal projection much broader than long, truncate at its anterior edge. Metasternum of normal length. Intermediate coxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, femora claviform, intermediate tibiae without dorsal groove, claws divaricate. All the body and the scape clothed with erect hairs.

Type: obtusipennis Bates. Two species from New Zealand.

Key to Species of Metalamia Breuning

1. Pronotum with two broad longitudinal bright distinct bands, each situated at the internal edge of the lateral spine cuprea Breun. Pronotum without such bands obtusipennis (Bates)

1. obtusipennis (Bates). (Fig. 4)

Disterna obtusipennis Bates (1876), Ent. Mon. Mag., 13, p. 54. Antenniferous tubercles not projecting. Inferior lobes of eyes more man twice as high as the cheeks. Lateral spine of the pronotum fairly long, conical at the base, then with parallel edges, truncate at the apex. Scutellum broad and triangular, rounded at the apex. Elytra very gradually narrowed in the direction of the apex, sparsely and fairly finely punctured on the anterior half. Shoulders prominent. On each elytron an obtuse postbasal discal transverse boss, moderately

elevated and truncate at its anterior edge; a fine longitudinal crest not far from the suture, arising a little behind the base and terminating just before the apex, and the suture equally raised in the form of a fine crest; the part between the two crests slightly depressed.

Reddish-brown, entirely covered with a fine light grey pubescence. All the upper surface of the body sprinkled with numerous small denuded spots. The apical half of the antennal segments starting with the fourth covered with dark reddish-brown pubescence.

Length, 10-12 mm; width, 3.5-4 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Canterbury, Belgrove, Picton (British Museum).

2. cuprea Breun.

Mesolamia cuprea Breuning (1940), Fol. zool. hydrob., 10, p. 77.

Near obtusipennis Bates, but smaller, the antenniferous tubercles moderately projecting, the lateral spine of the pronotum regularly conical and pointed, the elytra punctured a little more strongly, a few punctures also in the apical half, the post-basal boss more raised and conical, and the clothing different.

Reddish-brown with coppery reflections. Front, cheeks, scutellum, sterna and lateral portions of abdominal segments covered with a dense whitish pubescence. Elytra equally covered with dense whitish pubescence save on the lateral part and on the postbasal boss. On each elytron as well a transverse premedian band running from the lateral border obliquely in the direction of the suture (without reaching it), a postmedian transverse incurved band (concave on the apical side) not attaining the suture either, and a lateral preapical circular spot, all reddishbrown. Disc of pronotum, middle part of the abdomen, and the scape with very fine whitish pubescence. On each side of the internal border of the lateral spine of the pronotum a distinct broad white longitudinal band. Antennae, starting at the third segment, covered with reddish-brown pubescence and ringed with white at the base of these segments.

Length, 8 mm; width, 3 mm.

Described on an individual from New Zealand: Greymouth (British Museum)

Genus Microlamia Bates

Microlamia Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 14, p. 123.

Microlamia Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., I, p. 599.

Elongate. Antennae a little longer than the body, fringed beneath; scape fairly long, slightly claviform, the second segment comparatively long, the third segment as long as the fourth or a little shorter, much shorter than the scape. Antenniferous tubercles not projecting. Eyes finely facetted and subdivided, the inferior lobes transverse. Front much broader than high. Pronotum transverse, slightly angled in the middle of the lateral border; with four fine transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, the first anterior effaced on the disc, the second anterior and the first posterior deep and sinuate, distant from the borders. Elytra long, scarcely broader than the pronotum, moderately convex, rounded at the apex, each with a deep sutural stria. Head not entirely retractile. Prosternal projection broad and flat, the same as the mesosternal projection. Metastemum a little shortened; the wings reduced. Intermediate coxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, femora very claviform, intermediate tibiae with a slight dorsal groove, claws divaricate. Entirely clothed with pale erect hairs.

Type: pygmaea Bates. Three species, of which Only two inhabit New Zealand, while the third — norfolkensis Breun. —inhabits Norfolk Island.

Key to New Zealand Species of Migrolamia Bates

1. Larger, exceeding 3.5 mm in length elongata Breun. Smaller, not exceeding 3mm in length ...... * 2. Antennal segments starting with the fourth slightly darkened in the apical portion pygmaea aemula Broun. Apical part of these segments not darkened pygmaea Bates,

1. pygmaea Bates. (Fig. 5)

Microlamia pygmaea Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 14, p. 123. Microlamia pygmaea Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 599. morpha aemula Broun. Microlamia aemula Broun (1883), N.Z. J. Sci., 1, p. 494. Microlamia aemula Broun (1886), Man. N.Z. Col., 3, p. 810.

Inferior lobes of eyes much shorter than the cheeks. Head as well as sides of pronotum densely and very finely punctured, the median part of the pronotum smooth or very faintly wrinkled. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra with a transverse postbasal depression with a few moderately strong punctures and then less densely and finely punctured to just beyond the middle. Reddish yellow, entirely covered with a very fine yellowish pubescence. Length 2.5-3 mm, width 0.7-1 mm. Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland. Tairua (Broun).

morpha aemula Broun. Like the typical form, but all the head more densely punctured, the anterior and the posterior part of the pronotum finely transversely striate, the apical portions of the antennal joints starting with the fourth slightly darkened. Parua (Broun). One finds intermediate forms.

2. elongata Breun.

Microlamia elongata Breuning. (1940), Fol. zool. hydrob., 10, p. 115. Near pygmaea Bates, but larger and especially more elongate, the pronotum less transverse, its median part finely punctured and wrinkled, the elytra noticeably longer, more densely and more finely punctured, the punctures extending occasionally to the apical third, the postbasal depression less evident and the femora a little less strongly claviform.

Length 5.5-4.5 mm, width 1-1.3 mm.

Described on specimens from New Zealand; Paekakariki Beach (British Museum).

Genus Stenellipsis Bates

Stenellipsis Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4) 14, p. 124 Psilocnaeia and Spilotrogia and Eurychaena Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., (4), 14, pp. 125-127. Stenellipsis and Psilocnaeia and Spilotrogia and Eurychaena Broun (1880), Man, N.Z. Col., 1, pp. 603-607.

Elongate to very elongate. Antennae fairly slender, longer than the body, fringed below with short hairs; the scape fairly long and not stout, the third segment a little shorter to a little longer than the fourth, longer than the scape. Antenniferous tubercles distant and little raised. Eyes fairly finely facetted and notched. Pronotum convex, rounded on the sides. Elytra more or less elongate. Head not retractile. Prosternal projection narrow, less elevated than the coxae and arched. Mesosternal projection slightly inclined towards the anterior. Metasternum of normal length, rarely a little shortened, the wings well developed. Intermediate coxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, femora claviform, at

least the posterior rather pedunculate, intermediate tibiae with a slight dorsal groove, claws divaricate.

Type: bimaculata White. Thirty-nine species, of which eighteen inhabit New Caledonia, five the Australian continent, and only sixteen inhabit New Zealand.

1. bimaculata (White) (Fig. 6)

Xylotoles bimaculatus White (1846), Voy. Ereb. Terr. Ins., p. 22. Stenellipsis bimaculata Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 125. Stenellipsis ( Xylotoles) bimaculata Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p, 604. Stenellipsis bimaculata Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg. 27, 32, p. 13.

Elongate. Antennae very slender, a third longer than the body ($ ), or only a quarter longer (5 ), the scape fairly long, the third segment as long as the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little projecting. Inferior lobes of eyes transverse, a little less high than the cheeks. Front much broader than high. Pronotum transverse, strongly (almost angularly) rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior, and two deep transverse depressions, one premedian and one postmedian. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra long, convex, scarcely broader than the pronotum, fairly narrowly rounded at the apex, each with a sutural stria, but not punctate. Shoulders a little reduced. Metasternum a little shortened.

Red, the basal part of the femora yellow. Covered with a fine whitish grey pubescence, this pubescence very sparse on the underside of the body and on the legs. Elytra densely mottled with whitish grey on the apical half, except a discal postmedian oval elongate spot; on each elytron a large whitish yellow discal posthumeral circular spot. Antennae with extremely fine yellowish pubescence.

Length 5.5-7 mm, width 1.8-2.5 mm.

Described by White on specimens from New Zealand: Port Nicholson; Auckland (Bates).

2. pictula (Bates)

Xylotoles pictulus Bates (1876), Ent. Mon. Mag. 13, p. 53. Xylotoles pictulus Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 598. Stenellipsis pictula Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 13.

Elongate. Antennae half longer than body, scape fairly long and slender, the third segment a little longer than the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes noticeably longer than the cheeks. Front much broader than high. Pronotum as long as broad, slightly rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior, almost without transverse depressions. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra long, scarcely broader than the pronotum, fairly narrowly rounded at the apex, with a postbasal transverse depression, finely and irregularly punctured on the anterior half. Shoulders noticeably reduced, metasternum a little shortened, wings not completely developed. Reddish yellow, covered with very fine whitish yellow pubescence. On each elytron three large elongate oval spots (two median, one near the suture and one near the lateral border—and one discal preapical), the sterna and the median part of the femora (except on the dorsal part) darkened. The part of the elytra

between and before the spots covered with fairly dense white pubescence. Sometimes the last three or four terminal antennal segments darkened.

Length 3.5—4 mm, width 1-1.3 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua.

3. latipennis Bates

Stenellipsis latipennis Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4), 14, p. 125. Stenellipsis latipennis Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 605. Stenellipsis latipennis Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 16.

Elongate. Antennae a quarter longer than the body, scape fairly long, the third segment as long as the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little projecting. Inferior lobes of eyes as high as broad, noticeably higher than the cheeks. Front a little broader than high. Pronotum transverse, strongly rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior, and two transverse depressions, one premedian and one postmedian. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra long, convex, scarcely broader than the pronotum, fairly narrowly rounded at the apex, with some fine punctures on the basal third, and each with a not very prominent discal postbasal boss. Shoulders normally developed. Me.tastemum of normal length.

Dark reddish brown, the basal part of the femora and the median part of the tibiae bright red, covered with whitish grey pubescence, this very fine on the antennae. Median part of the pronotum with reddish brown pubescence. Elytra strewn with numerous circular reddish brown spots which become confluent in places and form a fairly broad median transverse band, increasing a little in width in direction of the suture. Femora broadly ringed with brown before the apex. Apical third of tibiae brown.

Length 7-8 mm, width 2-2.7 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland—Tairua, Whangarei (Broun).

4. cuneata Sharp. Stenellipsis cuneata Sharp (1886), Trans. R. Dubl. Soc. (2), 3, p. 443, PI. 13, fig. 21 Stenellipsis cuneata Broun (1893), Man. N.Z. Col., 5, p. 1289. Stenellipsis cuneata Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy, Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 16.

Elongate. Antennae as long as the body, scape fairly long, third segment a little shorter than fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little projecting. Inferior lobes of eyes a little higher than cheeks. Front broader than high. Pronotum transverse, fairly strongly rounded on hte sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior, almost without transverse depressions. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra long, convex, scarcely broader than pronotum, fairly narrowly rounded at the apex, several rows of fairly coarse punctures on the basal quarter. Shoulders normally developed. Metasternum of normal length.

Reddish brown, covered with a fine greyish yellow pubescence; this pubescence very fine on the elytra except, on each, a narrow posthumeral ochreous band, running backwards a little from the lateral border towards the middle of the disc, and a broad ochreous or whitish median band, originating a little distance from the lateral border towards the suture. Apical half of tibiae, the tarsi and the apical halves of the antennal segments commencing with the fifth, darkened.

Length 5.5-6 mm, width 1.5-1.8 mm.

Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand; Picton.

5. gracilis (White)

Xylotoles gracilis White (1846), Voy. Ereb. Terr. Ins., p. 22. Stenellipsis gracilis Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 125. Stenellipsis (Xylotoles ) gracilis Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 604. Stenellipsis gracilis Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 13.

Very elongate. Antennae a third longer than the body, scape fairly long, third segment as long as the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little projecting. Inferior lobes of eyes a little higher than the cheeks. Front as high as broad. Pronotum scarcely transverse, rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra very long, a little broader than pronotum, rounded at the apex, each with a sutural stria beginning at the end of the basal quarter, and several fine punctures on the basal quarter in the sutural half. Last abdominal segment with two fairly long lateral apical spines. Shoulders well developed. Metastemum of normal length.

Red, covered with a fine greyish yellow pubescence. Remaining denuded are numerous very small circular spots on the elytra, and on each elytron a transverse band originating in the middle of the lateral border and broadening greatly towards the suture, as well as a fairly large elongate preapical subsutural spot.

Length 6-8 mm, width 1.5-2 mm.

Described by White on specimens from New Zealand: Port Nicholson—Auckland, Tairua, Whangarei (Broun).

6. sculpturata (Broun)

Hybolasius sculpturatus Broun (1915), N.Z. Inst. Bull. 1, p. 341. Stenellipsis sculpturata Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 16.

Very elongate. Antennae scarcely longer than the body, scape fairly long, third segment as long as the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles scarcely projecting. Inferior lobes of eyes a little higher than the cheeks. Front as broad as high. Pronotum scarcely transverse, strongly rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra long, noticeably broader at the base than the pronotum, rounded at the apex and with fairly numerous very fine punctures on the basal third. Shoulders well developed. Metasternum of normal length.

Red, covered with fine reddish pubescence. Head, pronotum except its anterior border and its extreme posterior border as well as a very large circumscutellar spot on the elytra, of black colour and clothed with fine light grey pubescence. On each elytron a narrow postmedian band of whitish pubescence runs back obliquely from the suture towards the lateral border, the apical part as well as two lateral spots, one posthumeral and one median clothed with whitish grey pubescence. Apical third of tibiae slightly darkened.

Length 7 mm, width 2 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Mount Hutt, 1,500 m altitude.

7. linearis (Bates)

Psilocnaeia linearis Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 126. Psilocnaeia linearis Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col., 1, p. 606. Stenellipsis linearis Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 15.

Very elongate and narrow. Antennae a little longer than the body ($) or a little shorter ($ ), scape, not very long, third segment as long as the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes more than twice as high as the cheeks. Front much broader than high. Pronotum a little longer than broad, fairly strongly rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one

anterior and one posterior, and with a short transverse postmedian depression. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra very elongate, cylindrical, scarcely broader than pronotum, narrowly rounded' at the apex and with several very fine punctures on the basal quarter. Shoulders not reduced. Metastemum not shortened. Femora a little claviform.

Brown, covered with light grey pubescence. Apical half of antennal segments beginning with the fourth, darkened.

Length 5-7 mm, width 1-1,3 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland—Tairua, Whangarei (Broun).

8. parallela Breun.

Stenellipsis parallela Breuning (1940), Fol. zool. hydrob. 10, p. 116. Stenellipsis parallela Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 15.

Near linearis Bates, but yet a little more elongate, inferior lobes of eyes only just noticeably higher than .the cheeks, pronotum less strongly rounded on the sides, tarsi and antennae reddish.

Length 5.5 mm, width 1.3 mm.

Described on a specimen from New Zealand: Gordons Knob.

9. brouni (Bates)

Psilocnaeia brouni Bates (1876), Ent. Mon. Mag. 13, p. 54. Psilocnaeia brouni Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 606. Stenellipsis brouni Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 13.

Very elongate. Antennae half longer than the body ($ ) or only a third longer (9 ), scape not long and fairly stout, the third segment as long as the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little higher than the cheeks. Front much broader than high. Pronotum as long as broad, strongly rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior. Elytra very long, little convex, obliquely truncate at the apex (the marginal angle distinct and not very prominent), finely punctured on the basal third, a longitudinal series of punctures situated not far from the suture just passing the mid-length. On each elytron a slight premedian depression running obliquely in the direction of the shoulder. Shoulders well developed. Metasternum of normal length. Legs fairly long and slender. The median part of the prosternum and of the mesosternum as well as the tibiae clothed with numerous pale erect hairs.

Reddish, covered with straw yellow pubescence. Lateral parts of pronotum and underside of body darkened and clothed with very sparse pubescence. Pronotum with two very small brown circular discal postmedian spots. On each elytron a narrow brown band beginning at the base of the underside of the shoulder curves slightly towards the disc before the middle, curves slightly towards the lateral border of the apical third and terminates on the disc not far from the lateral border a little before the apex. The last three antennal segments darkened save the base.

Length 6-7.5 mm, width 1.7-2 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua.

10. longula Breun.

Stenellipsis longula Breuning (1940), Fol. zool. hydrob. 10, p. 115. Stenellipsis longula Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 15. Very elongate and narrow. Antennae a little longer than the body, scape not

long, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes obviously less high than the cheeks. Front much broader than high. Pronotum transverse, slightly constricted before the base and behind the anterior border, strongly rounded on the sides. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra very long, scarcely broader than pronotum, rounded at the apex, densely and very finely punctured up to a little beyond the mid-length, each with a premedian depression running down obliquely in the direction of the suture. Metasternum of normal length.

Red, clothed with straw yellow pubescence, denser in places. The broadened part of the femora, the apical half of the tibiae and tarsi dark brown. Antennal segments, beginning with the fourth, increasingly darkened towards the apex (eleventh joint entirely dark brown).

Length 5.5 mm, width 1.3 mm.

Described on a specimen from New Zealand: Clarence Bridge (British Museum).

11. fragilis (Bates) (Fig. 7)

Eurychaena fragilis Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 127. Eurychaena fragilis Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 608. Stenellipsis fragilis Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 16.

morpha acutula (Broun)

Eurychaena acutula Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col. I, p. 608. Stenellipsis fragilis Bates m. acutula Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 16

morpha feredayi (Broun)

Eurychaena feredayi Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 608. Stenellipsis fragilis Bates m. feredayi Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 16.

Very elongate and narrow. Antennae as long as the body, scape slender and not very long, third segment as long as the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles scarcely raised. Inferior lobes of eyes as high as broad, obviously higher than the cheeks. Front twice as broad as high. Pronotum slightly transverse, slightly rounded on the sides, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior. Scutellum broad, rounded at the apex. Elytra very long, narrowed in the apical third, rounded at the apex, densely and very finely punctured on the anterior half, save on a longitudinal elevation leaving the shoulder and separating the disc and the lateral downward slope. Shoulders well developed, metasternum of normal length.

Reddish, covered with a fine straw yellow pubescence. Elytra strewn with small brown spots which form on each elytron a sort of median band running down obliquely in direction of the suture.

Length 5-6 mm, width 1.5 mm. Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland, morpha acutula (Broun) Like the typical form, but elytra slightly obliquely truncate at the apex, without a postmedian brown band, the scape and the femora greenish. Tairua (Broun).

morpha feredayi (Broun) Like the typical form, but the elytra strewn with blurred brown patches, the head, the underside of the body, the femora and the tarsi of a fairly dark brown, the antennal segments beginning with the third darkened in the apical part, Christchurch (Broun).

12. humerata (Bates)

Xylotoles humeratus Bates (1874), Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 119. Xylotoles humeratus Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 593. Stenellipsis humerata Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 16.

Elongate. Antennae fairly slender, a quarter longer than the body, scape moderately stout save at the base, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles not raised. Inferior lobes of eyes obviously higher than the cheeks. Front much broader than high. Pronotum slightly transverse, fairly strongly rounded on the sides, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, the second anterior and the first posterior distant from the respective borders. Elytra long, a little broader than the pronotum, rounded at the apex, irregularly and not very finely punctured on the basal third. Shoulders well developed. Metasternum of normal length.

Dark brown, legs and antennae reddish, clothed with greyish yellow pubescence. Borders of the eyes, some diffuse spots on the sides of the pronotum, the edges of the scutellum, several small blurred premedian spots on the elytra and several similar postmedian spots arranged in the form of a narrow band running back obliquely towards the lateral border, of ochreous colour. On each side of the disc of the pronotum an elongate black patch. Apical half of four last antennal segments slightly darkened.

Length 6.5-10.5 mm, width 2-3 mm. Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland.

13. grata (Broun)

Xylotoles grains Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 595. Stenellipsis grata Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32 p. 13.

Elongate, comparatively broad. Antennae fairly slender, a little longer than the body, scape fairly long, the third segment noticeably longer than the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles not raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little higher than cheeks. Front much broader than high. Pronotum transverse, moderately rounded on the sides, with four fine transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, the second anterior and the first posterior distant from their respective borders.

Scutellum semicircular. Elytra long and fairly broad, scarcely broader than pronotum at base then gradually broadened, rounded at apex, impunctate. Shoulders normally developed. Metasternum of normal length.

Dark brown with slight metallic reflections, legs and antennae reddish. Head, underside of body, legs and antennae clothed with a greyish yellow pubescence. Borders of eyes and several small spots on the front and on the vertex of ochreous colour. On each side of the pronotum a large median ochreous spot and several smaller and more diffuse spots of the same colour on the lateral parts. Borders of scutellum covered with ochreous pubescence. Elytra clothed with greyish yellow pubescence, save on each elytron, two broad denuded transverse bands, one premedian and one postmedian, and strewn with small ochreous spots. Some small ocherous spots on the lateral parts of the sterna. Femora partly, apical third of tibiae as well as premedian ring on the tibiae and the three first tarsal segments, darkened. Apical part of antennal segments beginning with the third increasingly darkened (eleventh segment darkened except the base).

Length 6-7 mm, width 2-2.3 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Parua and Whangarei Harbour.

14. maculipennis Breun.

Stenellipsis maculipennis Breuning (1940), Fol. zool. hydrob. 10, p. 115. Spilotrogia maculata Bates (1874),.4nn. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 126. Spilotrogia maculata Broun (1880), Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 607. Stenellipsis maculipennis Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, p. 15.

Elongate. Antennae half longer than body, scape short, third segment a little shorter than fourth. Antenniferous tubercles scarcely raised. Inferior lobes of eyes obviously less high than the cheeks. Front obviously broader than long. Pronotum as long as broad, moderately rounded on the sides, its basal quarter and its anterior quarter slightly flattened. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra long, convex, rounded at the apex, finely and irregularly punctured on the basal third and with two longitudinal rows of punctures on each, one extending to the middle of the disc, the other near the suture extending to the mid-length. Shoulders well developed. Metasternum of normal length.

Reddish yellow, median part of pronotum darkened transversely, entirely clothed with fine straw yellow pubescence. Elytra strewn with brown spots of which larger ones form a broad transverse median band.

Length 3.5 mm to 4.5 mm, width 1-1.5 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland, under the name maculata, which had been already proccupied in this genus by Montrouzier.

15, viridipes Breun.

Stenellipsis viridipes Breuning (1940), Fol. zool. hydroh. 10, p. 115. Stenellipsis viridipes Breuning (1951), Bull. Inst. Roy. Sc. Nat. Belg., 27, 32, ,p. 16.

Near maculipennis Breun., but the antennae only a quarter longer than the body, inferior lobes of eyes as long as cheeks, each elytron with a small postbasal discal elevation, the brown elytral spots smaller, the transverse band narrower and situated behind the middle, legs and scape green, tibiae before the apex and apical parts of antennal segments beginning with the third increasingly darkened.

Length 3 mm, width 0.8 mm.

Described on a specimen from New Zealand: Waipapa, Clarence Bridge (British Museum)

16. bullata (Bates)

Xylotoles bullatus Bates (1876) Ent. Mon. Mag. 8., p. 53. Stenellipsis bullata Breuning (1951) Bull, Inst Roy. » Nat Belg., 27, 32, p. 15.

Very elongate. Antennae a little longer than the body, scape relatively long, third segment noticeably shorter than the fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little elevated. Inferior lobes of eyes as long as the cheeks. Front obviously broader than high. Pronotum transverse, strongly rounded laterally, with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior, and two transverse depressions, one premedian and one postmedian. Scutellum semicircular. Elytra very elongate, parallel, very finely and irregularly punctured up to a little beyond the midlength, rounded at the apex, each with a not very prominent discal postbasal boss. Shoulders normally developed. Metasternum of normal length.

Reddish yellow, clothed with fine yellowish pubescence, denser in places on the elytra and on the basal parts of the antennal segments, commencing with the fifth.

Length 3.5-4 mm, width 1-1.3 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua—Whangarei (Broun).

Genus Trighocnaeia Breun.

Trichocnaeia Breuning (1959) Bull. Ann. Soc. Roy. Ent. Belg. 95, p. 80.

Very elongate. Antennae slender, as long as the body, sparsely fringed below, scape not very long or stout, third segment obviously shorter than the fourth, much longer than the scape. Antenniferous tubercles distant and scarcely raised. Eyes finely facetted and deeply notched, inferior lobes a little higher than broad. Pronotum as long as broad, gradually rounded at the sides, gradually narrowed before the base and behind the anterior border. Elytra elongate, parallel, a little broader than the pronotum, rounded at the apex, each with a not very prominent obtuse postbasal discal boss. Head not retractile. Prosternal projection narrow, not as raised as the coxae, and curved. Mesosternal projection slightly inclined towards its anterior border. Metasternum of normal length. Mesocoxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, femora claviform, intermediate tibiae with a slight dorsal groove, claws divaricate. All the body clothed with fairly long, close erect hairs, the legs and the scape clothed with sparse long hairs.

Type: hilarula Broun. A single species of New Zealand.

1. hilarula (Broun) (Fig. 8)

Spilotrogia hilarula Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. I, p. 607. Inferior lobes of eyes almost twice as long as cheeks. Punctation of the head and pronotum fine and extremely dense. Scutellum triangular. Elytra densely and finely punctured on the anterior two-thirds, save on a narrow longitudinal zone commencing at the shoulder.

Reddish yellow, clothed with a fine yellowish pubescence. On each elytron are several diffuse spots of very pale yellow, among which are one discal at the apical third, and a longitudinal band running from the shoulder to the apical third and covering the impunctate zone. Length 3.5-4.5 mm, width 0.7-0.8 mm. Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Parua, Whangarei Harbour.

Genus Hybolasiopsis Breun. Hybolasiopsis Breuning (1959) Bull. Ann. Soc. Roy. Ent. Belg. 95, p. 79. Elongate. Antennae not stout, a quarter longer than the body, fairly densely fringed below, scape not very long and not very stout, third segment as long as fourth, much longer than the scape. Antenniferous tubercles hardly raised. Eyes fairly coarsely facetted and very strongly notched, inferior lobes as high as broad. Front much broader than high. Pronotum transverse, short, sides slightly rounded,

with two fine transverse grooves, one anterior and one posterior. Elytra long, fairly convex, a little broader than the pronotum, rounded at the apex. Head not retractile. Prosternal projection not as elevated as the coxae, curved. Mesostemal projection slightly inclined towards its anterior border. Metasternum almost of normal length. Mesocoxal cavities closed. Wings reduced. Legs of average length, femora very claviform, rather pedunculate, intermediate tibiae without dorsal groove, claws divaricate. Apical part of elytra, legs and antennae clothed with short, pale, erect hairs.

Type: abnormalis (Sharp). A single species from Chatham Island.

1. abnormalis (Sharp) (Fig. 9)

Xylotoles abnormalis Sharp (1903) Ent. Mon. Mag. 39, p. 110.

Inferior lobes of eyes a little longer than the cheeks. Head and pronotum with extermely dense and fine punctation. Scutellum semicircular. Each elytron with a premedian depression running obliquely from the shoulder in the direction of the suture, and an indistinct postbasal discal elevation, with very dense and very fine punctation over all its length.

Red, clothed with straw-yellow pubescence. On each elytron some dark brown spots in the form of a large lateral triangular patch extend from below the shoulder to the base. Apical part of the three last antennal segments dark brown.

Length 5.5 mm, width 2 mm. Described by Sharp on a specimen from Chatham Island.

Genus Poegilippe Bates

Poecilippe Bates (1874) Ann. Mag. Nat. History (4) 14, p. 129, Poecilippe Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col, I, p. 615. Poecilippe Sharp (1886) Trans. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) 3, p. 444. Poecilippe Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,300.

Elongate. Antennae slender, longer than body, fringed below with fairly long hairs, scape short, very stout save at the base, coarsely granulate on its dorsoapical surface, third segment as long as fourth or a little longer, much longer than the scape. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Eyes finely facetted, very strongly notched, inferior lobes as high as broad. Front much broader than high, trapeziform. Pronotum transverse, with a lateral spine sometimes obtuse at the apex. Elytra elongate, moderately convex, scarcely broader than pronotum, slightly narrowed in their posterior half, rounded at the apex. Head not retractile. Prosternal projection narrow, much less elevated than the coxae and curved. Mesostemal projection very narrow, slightly inclined towards its anterior edge. Metasternum of normal length. Mesocoxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, anterior femora strongly claviform, intermediate and posterior pedunculate, intermediate tibiae without dorsal groove, claws divaricate.

Type: stictica Bates. Four species of New Zealand.

Key to Species of Poecilippe Bates

1. Each elytron with a distinct premedian ochreous spot stictica Bates Elytra without such a spot 2 2. On each elytron a broad whitish transverse premedian band medialis Sharp Elytra without such a band 3 3. Apical part of the antennal segments, commencing with the third, dark brown femoralis Sharp. Antennal segments not darkened at the apex simplex (Bates)

1. stictica Bates.

Poecilippe stictica Bates (1874) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 130, Poecilippe stictica Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 612. Poecilippe stictica Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,300.

Antennae more than half longer than the body ( $ ) or only a third longer (2 ). Inferior lobes of eyes noticeably less high than the cheeks. Front with three fine longitudinal crests. Pronotum with a moderately long conical lateral spine, with two small, indistinct transverse discal premedian bosses and with four straight, deep transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior. Scutellum triangular. Elytra densely and finely punctured on the anterior half, sparsely and finely punctate on the posterior half, and each with a slightly raised obtuse discal postbasal boss surmounted by several erect hairs. Underside of narrow part of femora, the tibiae, and the tarsi clothed with erect hairs.

Reddish, covered with straw yellow pubescence, denser in places. Occiput with two small ochreous spots, each situated on the interior border of the superior lobe of the eye. Pronotum with two small ochreous spots each situated on the interior edge of the lateral spine. Scutellum covered with ochreous pubescence. On the posterior half of the elytra the straw yellow pubescence forms a regular reticulation; on each elytron is a fairly large ochreous premedian half-moon shaped spot, situated on the disc nearer to the lateral border than to the suture.

Length, 5.5-8.5 mm; width, 1.7-2.7 mm. Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland,

2. femoralis Sharp (Fig. 10) Poecilippe femoralis Sharp (1886) Trans. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) 3, 444.

Poecilippe femoralis Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,301, Near stictica Bates, but inferior lobes of eyes only a little shorter than the cheeks, front without longitudinal crests, pronotum less transverse with transverse grooves not very distinct and the lateral spine much shorter and broader, elytra a little shorter with discal boss more raised following a well marked premedian depression, entirely clothed with erect hairs, and the clothing different.

Dark red, clothed with greyish pubescence. Pronotum sometimes with two posterior ochreous spots. Posterior half of the elytra strewn with small circular denuded spots. Apical third of tibiae and tarsi as well as the apical part of antennal segments commencing with the third, dark brown.

Length, 5.5-6 mm; width, 1.7-2 mm.

Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand: Picton.

3. simplex (Bates)

Hybolasius simplex Bates (1874) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 129. Hybolasius simplex Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 612. Poecilippe simplex Sharp (1886) Trans. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) 3, p. 444. Poecilippe simplex Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,300.

Near stictica Bates, but the scape a little less stout, pronotum a little less transverse, without discal tubercles and with transverse grooves less distinct, lateral spine replaced by a very short obtuse conical tubercle, elytra more densely and finely punctured, and covered, as are the femora, with erect hairs, and the clothing different.

Reddish, entirely clothed with unicolourous straw yellow pubescence, Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland.

4. medialis Sharp.

Poecilippe medialis Sharp (1886) Trans. R. Dubl. Soc. (2) 3, p. 444. Poecilippe medialis Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,301. Near stictica Bates, but form a little broader and shorter, front without crests, pronotum more transverse with lateral spine broader and shorter and transverse grooves less distinct, discal bosses more raised, discal boss of elytron more raised and following a premedian depression, entirely covered with erect hairs and the clothing different.

Dark brown, blackish in parts, clothed with whitish yellow pubescence. Pronotum with two posterior ochreous spots. On each elytron a broad whitish premedian transverse band runs forward in the direction of the lateral border, which it does not reach, and bordered in front and behind by a blackish zone following an ochreous or reddish brown sutural spot. Posterior half of elytra strewn with small denuded circular spots. Apical third of tibiae and apical part of antennal segments beginning with the third dark brown.

Length, 5-8 mm; width, 1.7-3 mm. Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand: Picton.

Genus Hybolasius Bates

Hybolasius Bates (1874) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 128. Hybolasius Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 609.

More or less elongate. Antennae fairly slender, longer than the body, fringed below with fairly long hairs, scape short, third segment of antennae a little longer than the fourth to a little shorter than it, noticably longer than the scape. Antenniferous tubercles scarcely to moderatley raised. Eyes finely facetted and strongly notched. Front broader than high, trapeziform. Pronotum transverse, convex.

ׇwith a projection on a spine on the middle of the lateral border. Elytra long, convex, a little broader than the pronotum, rounded at the apex, with elevations or groups of hairs. Head not retractile. Prostemal projection narrow, less high than the coxae, and curved. Mesosternal projection narrow, slightly inclined towards its anterior edge. Metasternum of normal length. Intermediate coxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, anterior femora strongly claviform, intermediate and posterior femora pedunculate, intermediate tibiae without dorsal groove, claws divaricate. More or less entirely clothed with erect hairs. Type: crista (Fabr.) 28 species of New Zealand.

1. crista (F) (Fig. 11)

Lamia crista Fabricius (1775) Syst. Ent. p. 170. Lamia crista Fabricius (1801) Syst. El. 2, p. 282. Cerambyx crista Olivier (1795) Ent, 4, (67), p. 113; pi. XIV, fig. 101. Lamia crista Boisduval (1835) Voyage Astrol. Ent. 2, p. 524. Lamia crista White (1846) Voyage Ereb, and Terr. Ins., p. 21. Pogonocherus crista White (1855) Cat. Col. Brit. Mus. 8, p. 398. Pogonocherus crista Lacordaire (1872) Gen. Col. 9, p. 654, note 2. Hybolasius crista Bates (1874) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 128. Hybolasius concolor Broun (1876) Trans. N.Z. Inst. 9, p. 374. Hybolasius crista concolor Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, pp. 610, 611. Hybolasius cognatus Broun (1903) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 12, p. 82.

Elongate. Antennae a quarter to a third longer than the body, scape stout, narrowed at the apex, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes as high as broad, a little less high than the cheeks. Pronotum short, very densely and very finely transversely striate on the disc, with a short and broad lateral conical spine and with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, of which the second anterior and the first posterior are fairly deep, straight and remote from the respective borders. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, convex, fairly densely and finely punctured on the anterior half, sparsely punctured on the posterior half, each with an elongate discal postbasal boss running towards the suture and surmounted by a large cluster of long dark brown hairs. Front, elytra, tibiae, tarsi and antennae bearing erect hairs.

Reddish, clothed with straw yellow pubescence. On each elytron a broad transverse postbasal diffuse reddish brown band running from the cluster of hairs to the lateral border, and several blackish spots disposed in the form of a transverse band of variable width at the apical third which curves posteriorly near the lateral border without attaining it. Apical third of tibiae and the first two joints of the tarsi with dark brown pubescence. Apical quarter of fourth segment of the antennae, and the following segments except at the base, darkened.

Length, 4.5-7 mm; width, 1.5-2.3 mm.

Described by Fabricius on a specimen from New Zealand: Auckland (Bates); Tairua; Wellington (Broun).

2. optatus Broun.

Hyholasius optatus Broun (1893) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (6) 12, p. 389. Near crista (F) but more elongate and less convex, antennae half longer than the body, scape a little less stout, third segment a little longer than the fourth, pronotum with lateral tubercle shorter, elytra more elongate, each with an obtuse

postbasal boss without clusters of hairs, all the body red, and clothed with a dense whitish yellow unicolorous pubescence.

Length, 8 mm; width, 2.3 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Woodhill, Kaipara Railway.

3. thoracicus Broun.

Hybolasius thoracicus Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,299. Near crista (F), but narrower and less convex, third antennal segment a little shorter than the fourth, pronotum with a lateral obtuse boss instead of the lateral conical spine, elytra with neither bosses nor clusters of hairs, all the body brown and clothed with a dense greyish yellow unicolorous pubescence.

Length, 4.5 mm; width, 1.5 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Tairua.

4. viridescens Bates.

Hybolasius viridescens Bates (1874) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 14, p. 128 Hybolasius viridescens Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 611.

Elongate. Antennae slender, half longer than body ( S ) or only a third longer (9 ), scape stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles a little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes as high as broad, a little less high than the cheeks. Pronotum short, with a short, broad, conical, lateral spine, with transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, and with three small discal bosses. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, fairly densely and finely punctured on the anterior half, sparsely punctured on the posterior half, each with a small postbasal discal boss bearing several hairs but without clusters of hairs, as well as a longitudinal ridge extending from the shoulder to the middle of the disc just before the apex, parallel to the lateral border, and a second obtuse longitudinal elevation on the middle of the disc behind the mid-length. Entirely clothed with erect hairs.

Reddish, covered with yellow or olive green pubescence. On each elytron a narrow transverse postmedian dark brown band runs back obliquely in the direc-

tion of the lateral border (this band sometimes reduced). Apical part of third antennal segment, apical three-quarters of fourth, and the following segments except their bases, brown.

Length, 4.5-5 mm; width, 1.5-1.8 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Auckland.

5. femoralis Broun.

Hybolasius femoralis Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,299. Near viridescens Bates, but smaller and broader, pronotum more convex, without discal bosses, elytra more broadly rounded at apex, third segment of antennae not darkened at the apex, fourth segment darkened only on its apical part.

Length, 2.5 mm; width, 0.75 mm Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Dunedin.

6. laticollis Broun.

Hybolasius laticollis Broun (1903) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 12, p. 83. Near viridescens Bates, but smaller, antennae only a little longer than body, pronotum more than twice broader than long, bearing only a single discal tubercle. Length, 4 mm; width, 1.8 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Pipiriki, Wanganui River.

7. pedator Bates.

Hybolasius pedator Bates (1876) Ent. mon. Mag. 13, p. 54. Hybolasius pedator Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 610. Hybolasius ciliatus Broun (1914) Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1, p. 140.

Elongate. Antennae half longer than body ( $ ) or only a third longer ( $ ), scape stout, third antennal segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes as high as cheeks. Pronotum short, with two small obtuse discal premedian bosses, with a broad, lateral, conical, obtuse tubercle, and with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior. Elytra long, convex, fairly densely and finely punctured, interspersed with several coarse punctures, each with a discal postbasal boss. Entirely clothed with erect hairs.

Reddish brown, clothed with yellowish brown pubescence. Pronotum with two fairly large whitish yellow discal postmedian spots. On each elytron a fairly broad diffuse whitish yellow transverse premedian band. Apical portions of antennal segments, beginning with the third, blackish.

Length, 4.5-6.5 mm; width, 1.5-2.5 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua.—Picton.

8. cristatellus Bates.

Hybolasius cristatellus Bates (1876) Ent. mon. Mag. 13, p. 55. Hybolasius cristatellus Broun (1883) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 614.

Elongate. Antennae a third longer than body, scape stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles comparatively convergent, but only moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little shorter than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, with two obtuse but fairly elevated discal bosses and with a prominent but obtuse lateral boss. Elytra long, convex, very finely punctured, each with a small discal postbasal boss bearing a small cluster of hairs. Entirely clothed with erect hairs.

Red, clothed with straw yellow pubescence. On each elytron two fairly narrow blackish transverse bands both run back obliquely towards lateral border, one

postmedian and one preapical, postmedian sometimes reduced. Legs and antennae reddish yellow. Apical third of tibiae, first three tarsal segments, apical portions of third and fourth antennal segments and the following segments except their bases, blackish. Broad part of femora and scape slightly darkened.

Length, 3-4.5 mm; width, 1-1.5 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Canterbury.—Wellington.

9. wakefieldi Bates.

Hybolasius wakefieldi Bates (1876) Ent. mon. Mag. 13, p. 35 Hybolasius wakefieldi Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 611

Near cristatellus Bates, but discal bosses of pronotum very transverse, and clothing different.

Dark brown, covered with sparse grey pubescence. Elytra with a broad, transverse postbasal band of dense grey pubescence bordered in front by transverse black patches; apical sutural part covered with yellow pubescence in the form of a large spot. Basal part of antennal segments pale yellow.

Length, 6-7 mm; width, 2.3-2.7 mm.

Described by Bates on specimens from New Zealand: Canterbury.

10. lanipes Sharp.

Hybolasius lanipes Sharp (1877) Ent. mon. Mag. 13, p. 195. Hybolasius lanipes Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 610.

Elongate. Antennae half longer than body ($ ) or a third longer ($ ), scape stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little higher than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, some fine granules on sides of disc and with short, broad, conical, lateral spine. Elytra long and convex, densely and finely punctured on the anterior half, sparsely punctured on .the posterior half, each with a high and short, discal, postbasal crest, rounded at its anterior edge. Entirely clothed with very long, erect hairs, these hairs whitish on the legs.

Red, clothed with whitish yellow pubesence. On each elytron two narrow transverse partly denuded, but not very distinct bands both run forwards obliquely towards the lateral border, one median and one at the apical quarter. Apical part of tibiae, three first tarsal segments and apical part of antennal segments, beginning with the third, with dark brown pubescence.

Length, 7 mm; width, 2.5 mm.

Described by Sharp on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua.

11. trigonellaris Hutton,

Hybolasius trigonellaris Hutton (1898) Trans, N.Z. Inst. 30, p. 158.

Near lanipes Sharp, but pronotum without granules, with obtuse lateral tubercles, elytra more coarsely punctured on the anterior half, and the clothing different.

Dark yellow, clothed with yellow pubescence. Each elytron with a triangular median dark brown spot, almost touching the suture with its anterior edge. Legs reddish brown. Apical part of antennal segments, commencing with third, dark brown.

Length, 5.5-6 mm; width, 2-2.3 mm.

Described by Hutton on specimens from New Zealand: Christchurch.

12. pumilus (Pasc.) (Fig. 12)

Stenellipsis pumila Pascoe (1876) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (4) 18, ,p. 67. Stenellipsis pumila Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 605. Hybolasius bellicosus Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 614.

Hybolasius deplanatus Sharp (1882) Trans, ent. Soc. Land. p. 94. Hybolasius deplanatus Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,297. Hybolasius rugicollis Broun (1913) Trans. N.Z. Inst. 45, p. 159. Hybolasius vittiger Broun (1914)J3uW. N.Z. Inst. 1, p. 141.

Elongate. Antennae a third longer than body, scape not stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little less high than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, and with a lateral obtuse boss. Elytra long, little convex, very densely and finely punctured on anterior half, strewn with some fine punctures near the suture, fairly sparsely punctate on apical half, each with a discal postbasal little raised boss.

Reddish, clothed with dense straw yellow pubescence; on each elytron a dark brown narrow longitudinal band begins at the postbasal boss, runs along the suture to the middle and then runs back obliquely towards the lateral border, which it attains at the apical quarter. Apical part of antennal segments, beginning with third, very slightly darkened.

Length, 3-4.5 mm; width, 1-1.5 mm.

Described by Pascoe on specimens from New Zealand: Waikato.—Tairua; Silverstream; Greymouth; Titahi Bay.

13. castaneus Broun.

Hybolasius castaneus Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,297 Near pumilus Pasc., but elytra more finely punctured and the dark brown band of elytra reduced to a median spot curved from the suture towards the disc or almost completely reduced.

Length, 3-3.5 mm; width, 1-1.3 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Howick.—Moa Basin (8.M.).

14. promissus Broun.

Hybolasius promissus Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 612. Hybolasius apicalis 4* piceus Broun (1886) Man. N.Z. Col. 4, p. 872.

Elongate and fairly narrow. Antennae fairly slender, half longer than body, scape not stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes almost twice as high as cheeks, Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior and with a lateral obtuse tubercle. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long and not very convex, fairly narrow at the base, almost entirely very densely and very finely punctured, each with a small postbasal discal boss.

Reddish, sometimes more or less darkened, covered, especially on the lateral half of elytra, with a straw yellow pubescence. On each elytron some pale diffuse yellow oblique spots near the lateral border, one posthumeral and two or three postmedian.

Length, 3-5 mm; width, 0.8-1.5 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua (B.M.) —Waitakere Range; Bay of Islands; Mokohinau; Barrier Island; Wellington (8.M.).

15. dubius Broun.

Hybolasius dubius Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 6, p. 1,389. Hybolasius lineiceps Broun (1914) Bull. N.Z. Inst. 1, p. 257.

Very elongate. Antennae a third longer than body, scape stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little less high than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior and with a prominent but obtuse lateral boss. Elytra very long, moderately convex, considerably narrowed towards the apex, very

densely and very finely punctured and strewn with coarser punctures on the anterior half and beside the suture on the posterior half; each with a moderately raised, longitudinal discal postbasal boss, and with a longitudinal elevation on the middle of the disc in the median part.

Red, covered with straw yellow pubescence with weak greenish reflections. On each elytron a longitudinal dark brown band situated at the lateral border of the median elevation; lateral part of each elytron slightly darkened, this darker colour approaching the suture before the apex.

Length, 3.5-5 mm; width, 0.8-1.5 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Moeraki.—Sth. Karori; Wilton’s Bush; Cook Strait; Rakaia Gorge (Broun).

16. parvus Broun.

Hybolasius parvus Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 614.

morpha pusillus Broun.

Hybolasius pusillus Broun (1883) N.Z.J. Sci. 1 , p. 496. Hybolasius pusillus Broun (1886) Man. N.Z. Col. 3, p. 812. Hybolasius finitimus Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,298.

Elongate. Antennae slender, a third to a half longer than body, scape stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little less high than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, and with a lateral prominent but obtuse boss. Elytra long, moderately convex, very densely and finely punctured on the anterior two-thirds, less densely on the apical third; each with a slightly raised discal postbasal boss.

Red, covered by sparse whitish yellow unicolorous pubescence.

Length, 2.5 mm; width, 0.8 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua.

morpha pusillus Broun.

Like the typical form, but on each elytron a postmedian brown band runs back obliquely towards the lateral border and some preapical brown spots. Apical part of antennal segments, beginning with the third, darkened.

New Zealand: Northcote; Waitemata; Otago; West Taieri Bush.

17. gnarus Broun.

Hybolasius gnarus Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,298.

Elongate and fairly narrow. Antennae half longer than body ( $ ) or only a third longer (5 ), scape not very stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little shorter than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior and with a lateral, conical, obtuse tubercle. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, moderately convex, very densely and finely punctured, slightly more sparsely on the apical part, each with an indistinct postbasal boss.

Reddish, covered with fairly sparse unicolorous whitish yellow pubescence. Length, 3.5-4 mm; width, 1 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Helensville.

18. vegetus Broun.

Hybolasius vegetus Broun (1881) Man. N.Z. Col. 2, p. 744. Hybolasius albihirtus Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,298.

Near gnarus Broun, but inferior lobes of eyes higher than cheeks, each elytron with a narrow diffuse dark brown postmedian band running back in an arc towards lateral border.

Length, 3.5-4 mm; width, 0.8-1 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Wellington.—Whangarei Heads; Helensville.

19. genalis Broun,

Hybolasius genalis Broun (1903) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 12, p. 84 m. tumidellus Broun.

Hybolasius tumidellus Broun (1913) Trans. N.Z. Inst. 44, p. 159.

Elongate. Antennae slender, a third longer than body, scape not very stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately convergent but only a little raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little less high than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, .two anterior and two posterior, and with a lateral obtuse conical tubercle. Elytra long, not very convex, densely and very finely punctured, discal postbasal boss almost absent.

Reddish, clothed with pale yellow pubescence. Elytra strewn with small circular denuded spots. On each elytron a narrow blackish transverse postmedian band runs back obliquely towards lateral border.

Length, 3-4 mm; width, 1-1.3 mm. Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Pipiriki.—Sth. Karori. morpha tumidellus Broun.

Like the typical form, but postbasal boss of elytra raised a little more, dark oblique postmedian band more pronounced. Silverstream (8.M.).

20. modestus Broun.

Hybolasius modestus Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. 1, p. 613.

Elongate. Antennae a third longer than body, scape not stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little higher than broad. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior, and with a lateral obtuse tubercle. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, densely and very finely punctured, interspersed with large punctures, without trace of discal boss. Entirely clothed with erect hairs.

Reddish, clothed with pale yellow pubescence. Apical third of elytra covered with reddish brown pubescence, this colour extending ,to the suture until a little before the middle, bordered by a line running back very obliquely from suture to lateral border. Basal part of elytra sometimes also covered with reddish brown pubescence.

Length, 3.5-4.5 mm; width, 1.3-1.7 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from Tairua.—Stephen’s Island (British Museum).

21. modestior Breun.

Hybolasius modestior Breuning (1940) Fol. zool. hydrob. 10, p. 80.

Near modestus Broun, but scape a little stouter, third segment of antennae a little shorter than fourth, elytra very densely punctured and all the body clothed with dense unicolorous yellowish brown pubescence.

Length, 4 mm; width, 1.3 mm.

Described on a specimen from New Zealand: Tairua (British Museum)

22. picitarsis Broun.

Hybolasius picitarsis Broun (1883) N.Z.J. Sci. 1, p. 496. Hybolasius picitarsis Broun (1886) Man. N.Z. Col. 3, p. 812.

Elongate. Antennae a third longer than body, scape moderately stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little less high than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse

grooves, two anterior and two posterior, and with a prominent obtuse lateral boss. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, very densely and very finely punctured, without a trace of discal boss.

Red, pronotum dark brown except anterior and posterior edges. On each elytron a fairly broad black band at the apical quarter which broadens towards the lateral border. Apical part of tibiae and tarsi black.

Length, 4.5-5.5 mm; width, 1.5-1.8 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Mt. Arthur.—Clarence Bridge; Karori (British Museum).

23. postfasciatus Breun.

Hyholasius postfasciatus Breuning (1940) Fol. Zool. hydrob. 10, p. 81.

Near picitarsis Broun, but smaller, scape less stout, the black transverse band of the elytra narrower, situated a little more anteriorly, narrowing towards lateral border and not quite reaching suture, apical part of tibiae and the tarsi red like rest of body.

Length, 2.8 mm; width, 1 mm.

Described on a specimen from New Zealand: Glenhope (British Museum)

24. sinuatofasciatus Breun.

Hyholasius sinuatofasciatus Breuning (1940) Fol. zool. hydrob. 10, p. 80.

Elongate. Antennae half longer than body, scape stout, third antennal segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes slightly higher than cheeks. Pronotum short, extremely densely and finely punctured, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior and with a lateral obtuse but prominent boss. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, entirely densely and very finely punctured, each with a slightly raised discal postbasal boss bearing some black hairs.

Reddish, clothed with straw yellow pubescence. On each elytron a narrow dark brown transverse band situated a little behind the middle, slightly incurved in its sutural half (concave on the basal side) and directed then very obliquely posteriorly towards the lateral border which it does not reach.

Length, 4.5 mm; width, 1.7 mm.

Described on a specimen from New Zealand; Wakolatu (British Museum). 25. brevicollis Broun.

Hyholasius brevicollis Broun (1883) N.Z. Journ. Sci. 1, p. 496.

Hyholasius brevicollis Broun (1886) Man. N.Z. Col. 3, p. 811.

Elongate, fairly narrow. Antennae a third longer than body, scape not very stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little less high than cheeks, Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior and with a prominent but obtuse lateral tubercle. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, narrowly rounded at apex, very densely and finely punctured, each with a slightly raised obtuse discal postbasal boss.

Red, covered with fine straw yellow pubescence. On each elytron a narrow brown median transverse band curves very obliquely posteriorly on the lateral half.

Length: 4.3 mm, width: 1.5 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand; Waitakere Range, near Auckland.

26. rufescens Broun.

Hyholasius rufescens Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,300.

Near brevicollis Broun, but elytra a little less finely punctate, pubescence rather white, median brown band of elytra slightly broader, apical half of tibiae and tarsi blackish.

Length: 3.5 mm, width: 1.3 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Howick.

27. fasciatus Broun.

Hybolasius fasciatus Broun (1881) Man. N.Z. Col. 2, p. 744.

Near brevicollis Broun, but lateral tubercle of pronotum slightly more obtuse and less prominent, elytra punctured a little less finely, the dark band of elytra situated behind the middle, much broader and more distinct dark brown. Femora except bases and apices, tibiae except bases, most of tarsi and antennal segments commencing with the third darkened (antennal segments increasingly, the eleventh segment dark brown except the base).

Length: 3 mm, width 1 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Napier.

28. gracilipes Broun,

Hybolasius gracilipes Broun (1903) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (7) 12, p. 84.

Elongate and fairly narrow. Antennae slender, a third longer than body, scape not very stout, third segment as long as fourth. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Inferior lobes of eyes a little less high than cheeks. Pronotum short, with four transverse grooves and an obtuse lateral boss. Scutellum triangular. Elytra long, very densely and finely punctured, each with a moderately raised discal postbasal boss.

Dark red, covered with straw yellow pubescence forming on the elytra diffuse denser patches.

Length 5 mm, width 1.5 mm.

Described by Broun on a specimen from New Zealand: Pipiriki.

Genus Hybolasiellus Breun

Hybolasiellus Breuning (1959) Bull. Ann. Soc. Roy. Ent. Belg. 45, p. 80.

Elongate. Antennae slender, a quarter longer than body, fringed beneath, scape not elongate, median part stout, slightly narrowed towards base and apex, third segment half as long as fourth, as long as fifth, a little shorter than scape. Antenniferous turbercles distant and little raised. Eyes finely facetted and strongly notched, inferior lobes a little broader than high. Pronotum short, transverse, with four straight transverse grooves, two anterior and two posterior and with a' broad conical and pointed lateral tubercle. Elytra long, moderately convex, a little broader than pronotum, rounded at apex and bearing groups of hairs. Head not retractile. Prosternal projection narrow, not as prominent as coxae, arched. Mesosternal projection narrow, inclined slightly towards its anterior edge. Metasternum of normal length. Mesocoxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, anterior femora strongly claviform, middle and posterior pedunculate, middle tibiae without groove, claws divaricate.

Type: uariegatus (Broun). A single species of New Zealand.

1. variegatus (Broun), (Fig. 13)

Hybolasius variegatus Broun (1880) Man. N.Z. Col. I, p. 613. Xylotoles gaudens Broun (1893) Man. N.Z. Col. 5, p. 1,288. Hybolasius varipes Broun (1909) Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (8) 4, p. 284. Hybolasius capiendus Broun (1913) Trans. N.Z. Inst. 45, p. 158.

Inferior lobes of eyes noticably less high than cheeks. Scutellum broad, triangular. Elytra fairly densely and very finely punctured, each with a slightly raised longitudinal discal postbasal boss towards the suture and bearing hairs, a small

median group of hairs also towards the suture and another small group of hairs at the apical third towards the lateral border.

Dark brown, covered with brown pubescence, interspersed with yellowish brown. On each elytron a narrow and short median discal incurved band (concave to lateral side) and a yellow triangular sutural spot at the apical third. Basal half of femora light red. Basal part of antennal segments, commencing with the fifth, yellowish.

Length: 4.5 mm, width 1.5-1.8 mm.

Described by Broun on specimens from New Zealand: Tairua.—Silverstream; Broken River (Broun); Mac Glellands (British Museum).

Genus Spinohybolasius Breuning

Spinohybolasius Breuning (1959) Bonn. Zool. Beitr. 1/2, p. 128.

Elongate. Antennae fairly slender, a little longer than body, not very densely fringed below with short hairs; scape short and stout, stoutest at its mid-length, third segment much shorter than fourth, as long as scape, fourth two-thirds longer than any of the following segments. Antenniferous tubercles moderately raised. Eyes coarsely facetted and strongly notched, inferior lobes narrow, much higher than broad. Pronotum transverse, with two transverse depressions, one anterior and one posterior, with two long discal strongly recurved spines and with a long narrow lateral pointed spine.

Elytra long, a little broader at the base than the pronotum, notched at the apex, each with a fairly high and short longitudinal discal postbasal crest terminating abruptly, with a slightly raised median short longitudinal crest, with a longitudinal crest traversing the anterior two thirds near the lateral border and paraded on its

interior border on the basal quarter by another fine longitudinal crest. Apical sutural angle prominent, apical marginal angle produced as long spine. Head not retractile. Prosternal projection arched. Mesosternal projection inclined slightly towards its anterior edge. Metastemum of normal length. Mesocoxal cavities closed. Legs of average length, femora pedunculate, middle tibiae notched on dorsal surface, claws divaricate. Clothed entirely with long erect hairs.

Type: spinicollis Breun. A single species of New Zealand.

1. spinicollis Breun, (Fig. 14).

Spinohybolasius spinicollis Breuning (1959) Bonn. Zool. Beitr. 1/2, p. 129.

Inferior lobes of eyes noticably higher than cheeks. Pronotum sparsely and very finely punctured. Elytra sparsely and very finely granulate on the anterior two thirds.

Dark brown, covered with brown pubescence. Elytra with some diffuse spots of darker brown, apical part of 5 last antennal segments becoming increasingly darker.

Length: 7 mm, width; 2 mm.

Described on a specimen from New Zealand (Musee de Bonn.).


(This list does not include references already given in full with the generic and specific descriptions.)

Blair, K. G., 1937. Synonymy of the Cerambycidae of New Zealand. Ent. mon. Mag. 73: 261-268.

Breuning, S., 1950. Revision des Parmenini .Longicornia 1: 29-159.

Growson, R. A., 1955. The Natural Classification of the Families of Coleoptera. Nathaniel Lloyd & Go. Ltd., London. Dumbleton, L. J., 1957. The Immature Stages of some New Zealand Longhorn Beetle*. Trans. Roy. Soc. N.Z. 84, 3: 611-628.

S. Breuning, D.Phil., Laboratoire d'Entomologie, Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle, 45 bis Rue de Buff on, Paris, Ve., France.

Translated by: J. C. Watt, M.Sc, F.R.E.S., Auckland Institute and Museum, P.O. Box 9027, Newmarket, Auckland.

1. Last abdominal segment armed with two long apical spines •••• gracilis (White). Last abdominal segment without apical spines ...... gracilis (White). 2 2. brouni (Bates). 2 2.Elytra obliquely truncate at apex Elytra obliquely truncate at apex ...;.. Elytra rounded at apex brouni (Bates). 3 3 3. Metasternum slightly shortened, shoulders a little reduced 4 Metasternum of normal length, the shoulders well de4 veloped bimaculata (White). pic tula (Bates). 5 4. Pronotum transverse, with broad transverse depressions Pronotum as long as broad, almost without transverse depressions 5. Elytra impunctate Elytra distinctly punctured, at least on the basal quarter grata (Broun). 6 6. Inferior lobes of eyes shorter than the cheeks Inferior lobes of eyes never shorter than the cheeks 7 8 7. Elytra clothed with unicolorous pubescence Elytra ornamented with brown spots longula Breun. maculipennis Breun. 8. Elytra ornamented at the most with blurred patterns Elytra ornamented with distinct patterns 9 -A 9 11 9. Inferior lobes of eyes more than twice as long as the cheeks linearis (Bates). Inferior lobes of eyes less than twice as long as the cheeks linearis (Bates). ...... ...... I J* i 10 10 10. Third antennal segment shorter than the fourth Third antennal segment as long as the fourth bullata (Bates). parallela Breun. 11. Elytra ornamented with distinct ochreous spots Elytra without such spots humerata (Bates). : 12 12. Femora green Femora never green viridipes Breun. 13 13. Elytra sparsely punctured at the most on the basal third Elytra densely punctured on all the anterior half 14 16

14. Elytra sprinkled with circular brown spots latipennis Bates. Elytra without such spots 15 15. Head, pronotum as well as a large postscutellar spot on the elytra, black, in strong contrast with the rest of the sculpturata (Broun). upper surface •••••• Ornamentation different cuneata Sharp. 16. Antennal segments starting with the third darkened on fragilis feredayi (Broun). the apical portion These segments not darkened ...... •••••• ...... ...... 17 17. Each elytron with a postmedian oblique transverse band, fragilis (Bates). composed of brown spots Elytra without this band k fragilis acutula (Broun.)

Key to New Zealand Species of Stenellipsis Bates

1. Each elytron with a postbasal discal group of hairs 2 Elytra without groups of hairs 4 4 2. Lateral spine of pronotum conical and pointed crista (F.) Lateral spine of pronotum obtuse .— ...... 3 3 3. Apical sutural portion of elytra covered with yellow pubescence •••••• wakefieldi Bates This area without yellow pubescence ...... ' ...... cristatellus Bates 4. A discal postbasal spinous tubercle on each elytron ...... ...... 5 On each elytron at most an obtuse discal postbasal boss 6 5. On each elytron a triangular, dark brown, median spot trigonellaris Hutt. Elytra covered on most of their area with whitish pubescence, without such a spot ..;... lanipes Sharp 6. Inferior lobes of eyes higher than cheeks 7 7 Inferior lobes of eyes as high as the cheeks or less high 8 7. On each elytron several light yellow spots near the lateral border (one posthumeral and two or three postmedian) promissus Broun Elytra without such spots : vegetus Broun 8. On each elytron a dark brown longitudinal band in the anterior half 9 Elytra without such a band 10 9. On each elytron a relatively raised discal postbasal boss dubius Broun This boss almost indistinguishable pumilus (Pasc.) 10. On each elytron a well-marked longitudinal ridge runs to the middle region or a little behind the middle 11 Elytra without such a ridge 13 11. Pronotum without discal elevations femoralis Broun Pronotum with discal elevations 12 12. Pronotum more than twice broader than long laticollis Broun Pronotum less than twice broader than long viridescens Bates 13. Pronotum with discal bosses pedator Bates Pronotum without discal bosses 14 ...... ...... ...... 14 14. On each elytron a narrow transverse brown median band 15 : 15 Elytra without such a band 16 15. Pubescence of body straw yellow brevicollis Broun Pubescence of body whitish rufescens Broun 16. On each elytron on the posterior half a straight dark brown transverse band 17 Elytra without such a band ...... 18 18 17. This band is situated at the apical quarter; apical part of tibiae black ... picitarsis Broun This band situated a little behind the middle, apical part of the tibiae not black postfasciatus Breun. 18. On each elytron a dark brown post median transverse band, incurved anteriorly to the lateral border 19 Elytra without such a band 22 19. Elytra strewn with brown or red spots on a fairly light background 20 .»v. .....; . ...... . 20 Elytra without such spots 21 20. Some brown spots on the preapical part of the elytra parvus pustllus Broun Some brown spots all over the extent of the elytra .....: genalts Broun 21. Apical part of antennal segments commencing with the third darkened i fasciatus Broun Apical part of antennal segments not darkened sinuatofasciatus Breun.

22. Elytral pubescence lighter in the anterior half than the posterior, posterior pubescence (reddish brown) exceeding the mid-length a little at the suture modestus Broun 23 Elytral pubescence never differentiated thus ...... castaneus Broun 23. On each elytron a median brown spot ...... .....: Elytra clothed with unicolorous or almost unicolorous 24 pubescence 24. Elytral pubescence forming some nebulous patches ....; gracilipes Broun 25 Elytral pubescence regularly disposed ...-. 25. Elytral pubescence dense 26 ■ 26 Elytral pubescence sparse : ...... ' ••• 28 26. Each elytron with a discal postbasal boss ...... optatus Broun 27 Elytra without such a boss , ? 27. Disc of pronotum transversely wrinkled Disc of pronotum not transversely wrinkled thoracic us Broun modestior Breun. 28. Pronotum with a lateral conical tubercle Pronotum with a lateral obtuse boss gnarus Broun parvus Broun

Key to Species of Hyholasius Bates

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Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Zoology, Volume 2, Issue 13, 13 July 1962, Page 73

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A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of New Zealand Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Zoology, Volume 2, Issue 13, 13 July 1962, Page 73

A Contribution to the Knowledge of the Lamiinae (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae) of New Zealand Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand : Zoology, Volume 2, Issue 13, 13 July 1962, Page 73

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