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A Check List of New Zealand Plant Galls (Zoocecidia) By K P. Lamb, Plant Diseases Division, Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, Auckland [Received by the Editor, August 3, 1959]. Introduction A study of New Zealand plant galls undertaken ten years ago (Lamb, 1949) revealed 86 galls on 75 plant species. Only 51 of these were caused by insects or mites (zoocecidia). Since then many more galls have been collected, but hitherto no list of New Zealand galls has been published. Comprehensive catalogues of galls have been published for most parts of the world, but the literature on galls of this country is sparse and scattered. The aim of this paper is to list the known zoocecidia of New Zealand, though many of the galls included have not been described in detail, and many of the causal organisms are unidentified or undescribed. A total of 188 galls are listed as occurring on 148 species of plants (including four species of ferns and two Gymnosperms). In describing the galls the terminology of Felt (1940) and earlier workers has been followed. Filices Cyathea smithii (Hook.) Domin. 1 Pouch galls on pinnae…? gallmite (Ohakune, January 27, 1954, F. Duguid). Gleichenia circinata (Sw.) C. Christen. 2 Tips of pinnae rolled and swollen gallmite (Aceria sp.) (Forest Lake, Otaki, March 9, 1953, F. Duguid). Gleichenia microphylla (R. Br.) C. Christen. 3 Green galls up to 0.5 mm diameter on lower surface of pinnae gallmite (Aceria sp) (Rotorua, October 23, 1957, J. Rawlings). Pyrosia serpens (Forst. f.) Ching. 4 Brown witches' brooms, 15 mm. diameter… gallmite (Aceria sp.) (Rotorua, October 23, 1957, J. Rawlings). Gymnospermae Family Taxaceae Phyllocladus alpinus Hook. f. 5 Nail galls, 2 mm long on cladodes Coccid (National Park, November, 1949, K. P. L., January 28, 1954, F. Duguid, Reefton Saddle, Westland, December 4, 1952, S. Baker). Phyllocladus trichomanoides D. Don 6 Nail galls on cladodes and stem tips Coccid (Paihia, Bay of Islands, January, 1952, J. P. L.).

Angiospermae Family Apocyanaceae Parsonsia sp. 7. Leaf erineum gallmite (Upper Hutt, May 4, 1953; Hayward's, May 19, 1953, A. J. Healy) Parsonsia capsularis R. Br. 8 Stem gall (Hudson, 1928) Morova subfasciata Walk (Lepidoptera Thyrididae) Parsonsia heterophylla A. Cunn. 9. Leaf dimple or pouch gall Coccid (National Park, January 29, 1954, S. D. Baker.) 10. Leaf erineum gallmite (Smith's Bush, Auckland, October 16, 1948, J. M. Dingley.) Family Araliaceae Nothopanax sp. 11. Leaf edge rolling gallmite (National Park, January 28, 1954, F. Duguid.) Nothopanax anomalum (Hook.) Seem. 12. Terminal bud galls ? gallmite (Upper Hutt, December 17, 1952, A. J. Healy.) 13. Leaf dimple galls (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza irregularis (Ferris & Klyver) (Homoptera Psyllidae) Nothopanax arboreum (Forst. f.) Seem 14. Leaf dimple galls (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza irregularis (F. & K.) (Homoptera Psyllidae) Nothopanax colensoi (Hook. f.) Seem. 15. Leaf dimple galls (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza irregularis (F. & K.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) Nothopanax edgerleyi (Hook. f.) Harms 16. Leaf dimple galls (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza irregularis (F. & K.) (Homoptera Psyllidae) 17. Leaf edge rolling gallmite (Ohakune, January 27, 1954, F. Duguid) Nothopanax simplex (Forst. f.) Seem. 18. Leaf dimple galls (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza irregularis (F. & K.) (Homoptera. Psyllidae) 19. Leaf edge rolling gallmite (National Park, 1949, K. P. L., August 4, 1950, E. Bray; Mt. Egmont, March 27, 1951. J. M. Dingley, Kaimanawa Ra, March 27, 1951, J. M. Dingley). Family Betulaceae Corylus maxima Mill. (Filbert) 20. Greatly enlarged buds Phytoptus avellanae (Nal.) (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Hastings, July 14, 1952, D. W. McKenzie, Havelock North, September 11, 1957, D. W. McKenzie).

Family Campanulaceae Wahlenbergia marginata (Thunb.) A. DC. var. australis Hatch. 21. Enlarged buds, 4 mm diameter gallmite (Port Hills, Christchurch, December 29, 1954, A. J. Healy.) Family Caprifoliaceae Alseuosmia macrophylla A. Cunn. 22. Leaf dimple gall (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza alseuosmiae Tuthill (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Mamaku Hills, Rotorua, September 26, December 5. Mamaku Gorge, December 6, Tuthill (loc. cit.)). Family Chenopodiaceae Salicornia australis Sol. ex. Forst f. 23. Leaf pocket, galls, pink to red in colour (Lamb, 1953) Aceria rubifaciens Lamb (Acarina Eriophyidae) (Waitemata Harbour, Auckland, March 19, 1948, K. P. L., Mangere, Auckland, January, 1951, K. A. J. Wise). Family Convulvulaceae Calystegia sp. 24. Leaf pouch galls (Lamb, 1952) Vasates calystegiae Lamb (Acarina Eriophyidae) (Auckland, 1949, K. P. L. Lyttelton Harbour, January 24, 1955, A. J. Healy.) Calystegia sepium (L.) R. Br. 25. Leaf pouch galls (Lamb, 1952) Vasates calystegiae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Auckland, February 2, 1950, K. P. L.) Calystegia soldanella R. Br. 26. Leaf pouch galls Vasates calystegiae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Kapiti Is., Wellington, January 21, 1953, R. R. Russell.) Calystegia turguriorum R. Br. ex Hook. f. 27. Leaf pouch galls (Lamb, 1952) Vasates calystegiae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Mt. Alexandra, Canterbury, December 12, 1943, A. J. Healy. Auckland, February 2, 1950, May 12, 1952, K. P. L. Three Kings Is., January, 1952, G. T. S. Baylis.) Family Compositae Cassinia fulvida Hook. f. 28. Monothalamous bud galls insect (Tussock, Christchurch, November, 1948, P. A. Lush.) Cassinia retorta A. Cunn. 29. Witches' brooms gallmite (Bethells Beach, Auckland, November 8, 1952, S. A. Rumsey.) Cassinia vauvilliersii Hook. f. 30. Witches' brooms gallmite (Eriophyes sp.) (Brothers Ra., 3,000ft, Canterbury, November 1. 1958, N. T. Moar.)

Celmisia coriacea Hook. f. 31. Monothalamous leaf galls, 7 mm long insect (Diptera: ? Trypetidae) (Jacks Pass, Hanmer, February 1, 1958, L. J. Metcalf.) Chrysanthemum sp. 32. Nail galls on leaves and stems(Lamb, 1954) Diarthronomyia chrysanthemi Ahl. (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) (Auckland, April, 1953, K. P. L.) Helichrysum bellidoides Willd. 33. Flower head compacted into a leafy, spherical gall, 7 mm diameter gallmidge (Mt. Maungatua, Otago, March 22, 1953; April 15, 1953, G. T. S. Baylis.) Helichrysum glormeratum Benth. & Hook. f. 34. Bud gall, 20 mm diameter, composed of slender, strap-like leaves ? gallmidge (Moawhango R., Waiouru, October 25, 1943, E. D. Hatch.) Hypochaeris radicata L. 35. Fusiform, plurilocular, stem swellings Aulax hypochaeridis Kief. (Hymenoptera: Cynipidae) (Auckland, November, 1948; December, 1948; May 30, 1919, K. P. L. Paihia, Bay of Islands, December, 1950, K. P. L. Mt. Holdsworth, Tararua Ra. P. A. Lush.) Olearia sp. 36. Bud galls ? gallmidge (Stewart Is., February, 1954, J. M. Dingley.) 37. Oval, hairy, galls 5–10 mm long on leaves and stems; usually monothalamous ?gallmidge (National Park, January 30, 1954, S. D. Baker.) Olearia arborescens (Forst. f.) Ckn. & Laing. 38. Brown, hairy galls 5–15 mm long on buds, leaves and petioles gallmidge (Wilmott Saddle, Otagn, January 10, 1941, H. G. Simpson; Mt. Egmont, March 27. 1951. J. M. Dingley; Weheka, Westland, April 22, 1955. J. M. Dingley.) Olearia avicenniaefolia (Raoul) Hook. f. 39. Leaf edge curling (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza subvexa Tuthill (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Fox Glacier, February 7, 1950, L. D. Tuthill.) 40. Nail gall, 1 mm wide, 6 mm long ? gallmidge (Lake Wanaka, February, 1953, H. H. Allan.) Olearia ilicifolia Hook. f. 41. Leaf dimple galls with uprolled leaf edges (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza doryphora (Mask.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Mt. Egmont, April 22, 1946, M. W. Carter. Hauhangaioa Ra., March 30, 1953, J. M. Dingley.) Olearia lacunosa Hook. f. 42. Leaf edge curling (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza sp. (Homoptera: Psyllidae) Olearia nummularifolia Hook. f. 43. Terminal bud galls up to 20 mm diameter ? gallmidge (Brothers Ra. Canterbury, November 1, 1957 N. T. Moar.)

Olearia solandri Hook. f. 44. Spherical, smooth, monothalamous bud galls, 3 mm diameter insect (Levin, March 11, 1954, F. Duguid.) Olearia virgata Hook. f. 45. Spherical, smooth, monothalamous bud galls, 5 mm diameter, closely adpressed to stem insect (Moawhango R., May 16, 1943, E. D. Hatch Dunedin, 1948, G. Simpson.) Raoulia lutescens Beauv. 46. Buds enlarged to 4 mm diameter, each containing a single insect lava gallmidge (Earnscleugh, Otago, September, 1949, J. A. McNeur.) Shawia paniculata Forst. 47. Bud rosette gall (Maskell, 1888) (Oligotrophus oleariae (Mask.) (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) (Wanganui, December 2, 1936, W. Cottier. Auckland, July, 1949, J. P. L., September, 1949, C. R. Thomas.) 48. Leaf blister gall (Anderson, 1935) Dryomyia shawiae And (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) (Wellington, June, 1951, Mr. Rough. Christchuch, Septermber 24, 1951, Department of Agriculture.) Sonchus oleraceus L. 49. Leaf edge rolling gallmite (Mt. Albert, Ackuland, February 6, 1951, E. Bray. Mangere, Auckland, February 81, 1951, K. P. L.) Family Cornaceae Griselini lucida Forst. 50. Leaf dimple gall Coccid (Auckland, February, 1949, I. Sussex, February 13, 1957, V. J. Chapman.) Family Corynocarpaceae Corynocarpus laevigata Forst. 51. Leaf dimple galls Ctenochiton viridis Mask. (Homoptera: Coccidae) (Auckland, December, 1948, J. P. L.) Family Cunoniaceae Weinmannia racemosa Linn. f. 52. Twig galls superficially resembling cicada injury (Tuthill, 1952) Atmetocranium myersi (F. & K.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Catlins, December 18, 1946, G. B. Rawlings. Waituhi Trig, November 26, 1950, L. D. Turhill.) Family Elaeocarpaceae Aristotelia serrata (Forst.) Oliv. 53. Leaf dimple gall up to 9 mm diameter(Tuthill, 1952) Trioza falcata (F. & K.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Ohakune, February 26, 1954, S. D. Baker.)

Elaeocarpus dentatus Vahl. 54. Leaf erineum (Lamb, 1953) Aceria dactylonyx titirangiensis Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Titirangi, June 18, 1950, E. Bray. Riccarton Bush, Christchurch, July 3, 1953, A. J. Healy. Coromandel, December, 1955, C. Chambers.) Family Epacridaceae Dracophyllum sp. 55. Swollen terminal buds ? Eriophyes dracophylli Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (National Park, July, 1951, E. Bray; January 28, 1954, F. Duguid.) Dracophyllum recurvum Hook. f. 56. Swollen terminal buds up to 8 mm diameter (Lamb, 1953) Eriophyes dracophylli Lamb (Acarma: Eriophyidae) (National Park, July 2, 1950, E. Bray.) Dracophyllum subulatum Hook. f. 57. Swollen terminal buds up to 8 mm diameter (Lamb, 1953) Eriophyes dracophylli Lamb (Acarma: Eriophyidae) (Upper Waikato R., March 29, 1943, E. D. Hatch. Waitangi Valley, Waiouru, August 8, 1943, E. D. Hatch Rotorua, August 12, 1950 E. Bray. Mohaka R., Kaimanawa Ra., June 1, 1953, J. M. Dingley.) Family Ericaceae Gaultheria antipoda Forst. f. 58. Witches' brooms (Lamb, 1953) Vasates gautheriae Lamb (Acarina. Eriophyidae) (Mr. Ruapehu, July 2, 1950, E. Bray Mt. Holdsworth, Tararua Ra. 1950 P. A. Lush. Lake Okataina, Rotorua, 1950, V. J. Champman. National Park, January, 1951. J. M. Dingley. Mt. Bruce, Wairarapa, February 17, 1953, A. J. Healys.) Gualtheria depressa Hook. f. 59. Witches' brooms with green aborted flower buds (Lamb, 1953) Vasates gaultheriae Lamb (Acarma: Eriophyidae) (National Park, November 5, 1949, K. P. L.; January 28, 1954, F. Duguid.) Family Fagaceae Nothofagus cliff ortioides (Hook. f.) Oerst. 60. Leaf pouch galls, 0.5–1.5 mm diameter (Morrison, 1933; Lamb, 1952) gallmite (Aceria sp.) (National Park, April, 1949, K. P. L.; July 2, 1950, E. Bray, March, 1955 B. J. Hooton. Cass, Canterbury, May 13, 1948, A. J. Healy. Ohakune, January 27, 1954, F. Duguid.) 61. Terminal buds enlarged 6 times (Lamb, 1952) gallmite (National Park, April, 1949, K. P. L., July 2, 1950, E. Bray. Cass. Canter bury May 13, 1948, A. J. Healy Arthur's Pass, January 16, 1955, J. M. Dingley.) 62. Bud galls (Barnes, 1936) Stephodiplosis nothofagi Barnes (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) (Cass, Canterbury, August, 1933, L. Morrison.) Nothofagus fusca (Hook. f.) Oerst. 63. Leaf pouch galls gallmite (Queen Charlotte Sound, February, 1959, V. J. Chapman.)

Nothofagus menziesii (Hook. f.) Oerst. 64. Witches' brooms (Keifer, 1939) Aceria waltheri Keif. (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Silver Peaks, Dunedin March 23, 1951, G. T. S. Baylis. Reefton Saddle, Westland, December 4, 1952, S. Baker Dunedin, March 2, 1959, M. N. Watt.) 65. Buds enlarged to 9 mm diameter gallmite (Dunedin, April 14, 1951, L. O. Simpson.) 66. Leaf pocket galls, 0.8 mm diameter gallmite (Kaimanawa Ra., April 17, 1955, J. M. Dingley.) Nothofagus solandri (Hook. f.) Oerst. 67. Bud gell (Morrison, 1933) gallmite 68. Leaf pouch gall gallmite (Wallaceville, December 18, 1952, A. J. Healy.) Nothofagus truncata (Col.) Ckn. 69. Leaf pouch gall gallmite (Mangaroa, Huut Valley, August 10, 1945, A. J. Healy.) 70. Buds swollen to 8 mm diameter gallimtey (Mangaroa, Hutt Valley, August 10, 1945, A. J. Healy. Dunedin, July 13, 1951, A. J. Healy.) Family Haloragidaceae Haloragis sp. 71. Leaf galls ? gallmite (Mangaroa Valley, November 13, 1952, A. J. Healy. Waitana Lagoon, S. Island, February 1, 1956, A. J. Healy.) Haloragsi depressa (A. Cunn.) Walp. 72. Red sweligs 3–5 mm diameter on buds or stems (Lamb, 1953) Tegonotus haloragi (Lamb) (Acarian: Eriophyidae) (Browns Bay, Auckland, October 2, 1950, J. M. Dingeley.) Haloragis erecta (Murr.) Schind. 73. Bud galls (Ramsay, 1958) Aceria victoriae Remsay (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Wellington, April 24, 1956; June 22, 1956; September 9, 1956, G. W. Ramsay.) Haloragis micrantha R. Br. 74. Leaf and stem distortion ? gallmite (Upper Hutt, April 1, 1952; November 13, 1952; March 9, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Haloragis procumbens Cheesem 75. Bud gall Tegonotus haloragi (Lamb) (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Waikumete, Auckland, October 6, 1958, V. J. Chapman.) Family Icacinaceae Pennantia corymbosa Forst. 76. Leaf erincum gallmite (Haywards, May 19, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Family Juglandaceae Juglans regia L. (Walnut) 77. Leaf erineum on abaxial surface, purplish on adaxial suface Acerio erineus (Nal.) (Acarina: Eriophyidae)

(Palmerston North, January 21, 1932, Department of Agriculture; December 2, 1936, W. Cottier. Christchurch, November 30, 1936, D. Combridge. Nelson, January, 1949, P. R. Fry. Feilding, January 19, 1950, B. P. Coleman. Southland, April, 1950, G. Satchell. Auckland, January 11, 1951, K. P. L. Te Awamutu, January 15, 1957, Department of Agriculture. Dunedin, April 13, 1959, M. N. Watt.) Juglans sieboldiana Maxim. (Japanese walnut.) 78. Leaf erineum— Aceria erineus (Nal.) (Acarina Eriophyidae) (Auckland, November 13, 1951, December, 1951, H. Prew) Family Loranthaceae Elytranthe tetrapetala (Forst.) Engl. 79. Leaf blister gall 4 mm long insect (Mt. Mitre, December 27, 1931, V. D. Zotov. Canterbury, November, 1948. P. A. Lush. National Park, January 28, 1954, S. D. Baker.) Korthalsella lindsayi (Oliv. ex Hook.) Engl. 80. Swollen inflorescence buds, up to 2 mm diameter gallmite. (Aceria sp.) (On Melicope simplex, Banks Penin, August 20, 1955, A. J. Healy.) Family Leguminosae Carmichaelia sp. 81. Cladode swelling 11 mm long, 4 mm thick gallmidge (Rakaia R., May 3, 1955, A. J. Healy. S. Brighton, Christchurch, December 29,1954, A. J. Healy.) 82. Bud galls gallmite (S. Brighton, Christchurch, December 29, 1954, A. J. Healy. National Park, March, 1955, B. J. Hooton.) 83. Flower galls gallmite (Rakaia R., April 19, 1955, May 3, 1955, A. J. Healy.) Carmichaelia australis R. Br. 84. Cladode swellings 5–15 mm long, 3 mm thick (Lamb, 1952) gallmidge (Titirangi, Auckland, May, 1948, J. Hastings.) 85. Grey, pilose bud galls 25 mm diameter (Lamb, 1952) Aceria carmichaeliae Lamb (Acarina: Eriopyidae) (Laingholm, Auckland, February 12, 1945, E. D. Hatch W. Coast, Auckland, October 24, 1948, K. P. L. Auckland, November 26, 1954, J. M. Dingley.) Carmichaelia enysii T. Kirk. 86. Bud galls gallmite. (Aceria sp.) (National Park, January 28, 1953, F. Duguid.) Carmichaelia violacea T. Kirk (?) 87. Pilose bud galls, 10–15 mm diameter (Lamb, 1952) Aceria carmichaeliae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Mt. Cass, Canterbury, April 16, 1943, A. J. Healy. Waipara, Canterbury. June. 1949. P. A. Lush.) Clianthus puniceus Banks & Sol. 88. Light green witches' brooms (Lamb, 1952) Aceria clianthi Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae)

(Post Chalmers, December 10, 1943, J. W. Woodcock. Auckland, September 16, 1949, Department of Agriculture.) Edwardsia microphylla (Ait.) Salisb. 89. Leaf erineum gallmite (Lake Wakatipu, January 16, 1951, S. A. Rumsey.) 90. Leaves folded into monothalmous galls gallmidge (Auckland, December 12, 1939, E. B. Ashcroft. Campbell's Bay, Auckland, October 29, 1950, E. E. Chamberlain. Titirangi, Auckland, November 30, 1952, E. Bray.) Edwardsia tetraptera (Mill.) Oliv. 91. Erineum with abortion and thickening of pinnae gallmite. (Aceria sp.) (Mahana, Nelson, February, 1959, J. S. Timlm.) Sutherlandia frutescens R. Br. 92. Witches' brooms gallmite. (Aceria sp.) (Riccarton, Christchurch, December 2, 1956, A. J. Healy.) Family Magnoliaceae Pseudowintera sp. 93. Leaf dimple galls 1 mm diameter insect (Reefton Saddle, Westland, December 4, 1952, S. D. Baker.) Pseudowintera axillaris (Forst.) Dandy 94. Nail-like pouch galls 5 mm wide, produced adaxially about 8 mm; opening onto abaxial surface of leaf insect (Waipoua, January 20, 1955, J. M. Dingley.) Pseudowintera colorata (Raoul) Dandy) 95. Leaf dimple gall Coccid (Mt. Pleasant, Christchurch, April 28, 1957, L. J. Metcalf.) Family Malvaceae Hoheria populnea A. Cunn. 96. Bud gall 10–20 mm diameter (Lamb, 1952) Eriophyes hoheriae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Auckland, September 9, 1940, C. S. W. Reid; August, 1949, K. P. L.; November 6, 1952, E. Dawe. Bay of Islands, March 11, 1949, K. P. L. Titirangi, Auckland, December 2, 1949, E. Bray. Wellington, March, 1950, T. Rough. Te Araroa, October, 1952, H. R. McKenzie. Papakura, Auckland, November 13, 1957, F. J. Lownsborough. Dunedin, October 26, 1958, M. N. Watt.) Hoheria sextylosa Col. 97. Bud gall as above Eriophyes hoheriae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (April, 1932, V. D. Zotov.) Plagianthus betulinus A. Cunn. 98. Witches' brooms in masses up to 10 cm long gallmite (Christchurch, February 22, 1952, K. P. L. Trentham, May 19, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Plagianthus betulinus X divaricatus 99. Witches' brooms gallmite (Lyttelton, May 18, 1954, A. J. Healy.)

Family Moraceae Paratrophis microphylla (Raoul) Ckn. 100. Witches' brooms (Lamb, 1953) Eriophyes paratrophi Lamb (Acarina Eriophyidae) (Levin, December, 1949, P. A. Lush.) Family Myoporaceae Myoporum laetum Forst. 101. Fusiform stem gall, 15 mm long, 10 mm thick Unknown (Akaroa, January 30, 1955, A. J. Healy.) Family Myrsinaceae Myrsine australis (A. Rich.) Allan 102. Stem galls 12 mm long, 4 mm thick insect (Mayor Is., November, 1948, A. U. C. Field Club Rangitoto Is., August, 1949, D. W. McKenzie Torbay, Auckland, September 29, 1952, D. W. McKenzie.) Family Myrtaceae Acmena smithii (Poir.) Merr. & Perry 103. Leaf dimple galls and edge rolling (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza adventicia Tut. (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Nelson, September 19, October 20, March 7, Tuthill (loc. cit.) Auckland, June 4, 11959, Department of Agriculture.) Eucalyptus sp. 104. Stem galls Rhicnopeltella eucalypti Gah. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) (Governors Bay, Christchurch, November, 1938, G. T. S. Baylis.) Eucalyptus ficifolia F. Muell. 105. Stem galls Rhicnopeltella eucalypti Gah. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) (Invercargill, November 20, 1956, F. Wilkin.) Eucalyptus globulus Labill. 106. Stem galls (Miller, 1925) Rhicnopeltella eucalypti Gah. (Hymenoptera: Eulophidae) 107. Youth growth distorted (Tuthill, 1952) Ctenarytaina eucalypti (Mask.) Eugenia maire A. Cunn. (Homoptera Psyllidae) 108. Leaf dimple galls ? Psyllid (Hutt Valley, January 21, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Leptospermum scoparium Forst. 109. Witches' brooms up to 6 cm diameter (Lamb, 1952) Aceria manukae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Moawhango R., Waiouru, October 25, 1943, E. D. Hatch. Eastobourne, Wellington, 1943, E. G. Turbott. Wairoa, October 7, 1948, Department of Agriculture. Coromandel, January, 1949, R. Robbins. Whakatane, July 29, 1949, M. Simpson. Kaingaroa State Forest, 1950. Dannevirke, August, 1951, W. Band. Tairua, Waihi, September 26, 1951. Wellington, January 27, 1955, D. A. Glue; February 1, 1959, W. M. Hamilton.)

Metrosideros excelsa Sol. ex Gaertn. 110. Leaf dimple galls (Ferris & Klyver, 1932) Trioza curta (F. & K.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Rangitoto Is., April 30, 1945, September 30, 1950, M. W. Carter.) Family Oleaceae Olea sp. 111. Leaf dimple galls ? Rhizococcus fossor (Mask.) (Homoptera: Coccidae) (Upper Hutt, November 17, 1952, A. J. Healy.) Family Pittosporaceae Pittosporum crassifolium A. Cunn. 112. Leaf dimple gall (Ferris & Klyver, 1932; Tuthill, 1952) Trioza vitreoradiata (Mask.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) Pittosporum tenuifolium Banks & Sol. 113. Leaf dimple gall (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza vitreoradiata (Mask.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Wallaceville, May 12, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Family Polygonaceae Muehlenbeckia australis (Forst. f.) Meissn. 114. Stem gall (Tillyard, 1926) Morova subfasciata Walk. (Lepidoptera: Thyrididae) 115. Leaf edge rolling (Ferris & Klyver, 1932; Tuthill, 1952) Trioza fasciata (F. & K.) (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Foxton, May, 1950, R. A. Cumber.) 116. Leaf pouch galls gallmite (Palmerston North, March 25, 1951, E. Bray. Hutt Valley, February 6, 1953, A. J. Healy. Greytown, March 17, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Muehlenbeckia axillaris (Hook. f.) Walp. 117. Red leaf pouch galls gallmite. (Eriophyes sp.) (Lake Taylor, S. Island, November, 1948, P. A. Lush.) Muehlenbeckia complexa (A. Cunn.) Meissn. 118. Leaf pouch galls gallmite (Karekare, Auckland, May, 1951, K. P. L. Wairarapa, March 17, 1953, A. J. Healy. Dunedin, March 18, 1959, M. N. Watt.) Muehlenbeckia complexa (A. Cunn.) Meissn. var. trilobata (Col.) Cheesem. 119. Leaf pouch galls gallmite (Rakaia R., September 18, 1955, A. J. Healy.) Family Ranunculaceae Clematis colensoi Hook. f. 120. Enlarged, fluffy seedheads unknown (Waiouru, December 23, 1943, E. D. Hatch.) 121. Pouch galls, sometimes covering whole leaf ? gallmidge (Rangipo Desert, February 13, 1944, E. D. Hatch.)

Family Rosaceae Acaena sanguisorbae Vahl. 122. Monothalamous pocket galls up to 1 mm diameter ? gallmidge (Te Kuiti, January 23, 1954, S. D. Baker.) Malus sylvestris (L.) Mill (Apple) 123. Woody stem galls (Cottier, 1953) Eriosoma lanigerum (Hausm.) (Homoptera: Eriosomatidae) 124. Leaf edge curling or rolling (Morrison, 1953) Dasyneura mali Kieff. (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) Pyrus communis L. (Pear) 125. Leaf pocket galls, often reddish in colour Eriophyes pyri (Pgst.) (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Levin, May, 1945, L. Lannie. Mt. Albert, Auckland, December 22, 1948. K. P. L. Alexandra, November 6, 1950, Department of Agriculture. Matangi, Hamilton, February 15, 1951, Department of Agriculture. Auckland, February 10, 1953, S. A. Rumsey.) 126. Curling and distortion of young leaves (Miller, 1921) Dasyneura pyri (Bouchè) (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) Rubus sp. 127. Stem galls 2.5 mm wide, 5 mm long, monothalamous insect (Christchurch, July 3, 1954, A. J. Healy.) Rubus australis Forst. f. 128. Leaf erineum gallmite (Stewart Is., February, 1954, J. M. Dingley.) Rubus cissoides A. Cunn. 129. Leaf erineum gallmite (Trentham, May 19, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Rubus schmidelioides A. Cunn. 130. Leaf erineum gallmite (Trentham, March 25, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Rubus squarrosus Fritsch. var. pauperatus T. Kirk. 131. Woody, polythalamous stem galls up to 18 mm diameter and 55 mm long gallmidge (Te Araroa, October, 1952, H. K. McKenzie.) Family Rubiaceae Coprosma sp. 132. Stem galls gallmidge (Canterbury, November, 1948, P. A. Lush.) 133. Bud rosette gall gallmidge (National Park, January, 1951, J. M. Dingley.) 134. Pilose bud gall Aceria cottieri Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Dunedin, October 26, 1958, M. N. Watt.) 135. Monothalamous, terminal bud gall, 7 mm diameter ? gallmidge (South Westland, November 3, 1954, J. M. Dingley.)

136. Leaf erineum gallmite (Otara, Invercargill, January 31, 1956, A. J. Healy: Queen Chariotte Sound, February, 1959, V. J. Chapman.) Coprosma arborea T. Kirk 137. Bud rosette gall, 25 mm diameter (Barnes & Lamb, 1954) Oligotrophus coprosmae B. & L. (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) (Titirangi, Auckland, September 3, 1950, E. Bray.) Coprosma areolata Cheesem. 138. Woody stem gall gallmidge (Waitakere Ra., September 29, 1950, W. Cottier. Torbay, Auckland, September 29, 1952, D. W. McKenzie.) 139. Bud rosette gall gallmidge (Lyttelton, April 28, 1957, L. J. Metcalf.) Coprosma australis (A. Rich.) Robinson 140. Leaf erineum (Lamb, 1952) Phyllocoptes coprosmae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) Coprosma crassifolia Col. 141. Bud rosette gall gallmidge (Bethells Beach, Auckland, August 13, 1950, R. Close.) 142. Fusiform, woody, polythalamous stem galls, 30 mm long, 10 mm thick (Barnes & Lamb, 1954) Kiefferia coprosmae B. & L. (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) (Bethells Beach, Auckland, August 13, 1950, R. Close.) Coprosma foetidissima Forst. 143. Leaf pocket galls gallmite (National Park, May 3, 1951, E. Bray.) 144. Flower galls unknown (Stewart Is., February, 1954, J. M. Dingley.) Coprosma linariifolia Hook. f. 145. Woody stem galls gallmidge (National Park, May, 1949, V. J. Chapman.) Coprosma linariifolia X parviflora 146. Bud galls gallmite (Waitangi Valley, Waiouru, August 8, 1943, E. D. Hatch.) Coprosma obconica T. Kirk 147. Woody stem galls gallmidge (Reservoir camping ground, Nelson, January 31, 1951. S. A. Rumsey.) Coprosma parviflora Hook. f. 148. Pilose, grey bud galls (Lamb, 1952) Aceria cottieri Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (National Park, June 2, 1943, E. D. Hatch. South Canterbury, July 5, 1956, A. J. Healy.) 149. Woody stem galls gallmidge (National Park, May, 1949, V. J. Chapman.) 150. Leaf pouch galls gallmite (Mt. Egmont, 3,200ft, March 25, 1951, J. M. Dingley.) Coprosma propinqua A. Cunn. 151. Bud galls sometimes developing into short witches' brooms (Lamb, 1925) Aceria cottieri Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae)

(Foxton, April 14, 1932 V. D. Zotov. Canterbury, November, 1948, P. A. Lush. Kaihere, July 12, 1949, J. Hoy. Awakino R., Dargaville, 1949, F. J. Newhook. Dunedin, July 11, 1951, S. A. Rose. Te Aroha, October, 1952, H. R. McKenzie.) Coprosma pseudocuneata Oliv. 152. Bud galls Aceria cottieri Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (National Park, 3,800ft, November, 1949, K. P. L. Port Ross, Auckland Is., November 8, 1954, N. T. Moar.) Coprosma rhamnoides A. Cunn. 153. Bud galls insect (Beech forest, Upper Hutt, February 3, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Coprosma robusta Raoul 154. Fruit galls; pale green proliferation of pericarp (Lamb, 1952) Aceria cottieri Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Purewa, Auckland, June, 1949, D. W. McKenzie.) 155. Pouch galls 1 mm diameter, mostly on adaxial surface of leaves gallmite (Belmont, 1933. Wharanui, February 11, 1956, L. J. Dumbleton.) 156. Leaf erineum (Lamb, 1952) Phyllocoptes coprosmae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Titirangi, Auckland, June 8, 1943, M. W. Carter. Auckland, July, 1949, E. Bray.) Coprosma rotundifolia A. Cunn. 157. Woody stem galls gallmidge (Upper Hutt, December 17, 1952, A. J. Healy.) Coprosma tenuicaulis Hook. f. 158. Purplish, papillate leaf galls gallmite (Upper Hutt, April 2, 1952, December 17, 1952, A. J. Healy.) 159. Stem galls gallmidge Family Rutaceae Melicope simplex A. Cunn. 160. Leaf erineum gallmite (Kaituna, Banks Pen., August 20, 1955, A. J. Healy.) Melicope ternata Forst. 161. Leaf erineum gallmite (Trentham, March 25, 1953, A. J. Healy.) Family Salicaceae Populus nigra L. var. italica Du Roi 162. Petiole galls, monothalamous (Miller, 1920; Cottier, 1953) Pemphigus bursarius (L.) (Homoptera: Eriosomatidae) (Feilding, December 17, 1931, W. D. Reid. Christchurch, December 6, 1933, B. G. Goodwin. Moawhango, February 6, 1935, Mr. Lange. Hastings, December 4, 1945, T. Conway.) Salix sp. (willow) 163. Red, bean-shaped, leaf galls (Muggeridge, 1931) Pontania proxima Lep. (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) (Dunedin, March 21, 1938, G. H. McIndoe. Wanganui, 1948, J. Hiscock. Tapawera, Nelson, January, 1949, P. R. Fry.)

Salix babylonica L. 164. Reddish, bean-shaped leaf galls, 7 mm long, 4 mm wide Pontania proxima Lep. (Hymenoptera: Tenthredinidae) (Wellington, November, 1952, J. M. Dingley.) Family Santalaceae Fusanus cunninghamii Benth. & Hook. 165. Leaf dimple galls (Maskell, 1883) Rhizococcus fossor Mask. (Homoptera: Coccidae) Family Saxifragaceae Carpodetus serratus Forst. 166. Leaf erineum gallmite (Titirangi, Auckland, May, 1951, December, 1951, E. Bray. Upper Hutt, April 1, 1952, A. J. Healy. Tautuka Beach, Otago, January 24, 1957, J. M. Dingley.) 167. Stem, leaf, petiole or fruit gall; oval, smooth, polythalamous (Lamb, 1952) gallmidge (Laingholm, Auckland, January 23, 1944, E. D. Hatch Waitakere Ra., Auckland, K. P. L. Reservour camping ground, Nelson, January 31, 1951, S. A. Rumsey Queen Charlotte Sound, February, 1959, V. J. Chapman.) Ribes grossularia L. (gooseberry) 168. Aborted and thickened leaves Eriophyes ribis (Westw.) (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Edgecumbe, October, 1951, M. Land.) Ribes nigrum L. (Blackcurrant) 169. Greatly swollen buds Eriophyes ribis (Westw.) (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (No data, 1948. Levin, November, 1951, C. S. Richardson. Christchurch, June 15, 1959, C. S. Richardson.) Family Scrophulariaceae Hebe sp. 170. Stem gall gallmidge (Waiouru, August 9, 1943, E. D. Hatch.) Hebe buxifolia (Benth.) Ckn. & Allan 171. Enlarged terminal buds unknown (National Park, July, 1951, E. Bray.) 172. Stem gall gallmidge (Porters Pass, Canterbury, April 29, 1959, B. P. J. Molloy.) Hebe laevis (Benth.) Ckn. & Allan 173. Enlarged terminal buds unknown (Waiouru, May 3, 1943, E. D. Hatch. National Park, January 28, 1954, F. Duguid.) Hebe salicifolia (Forst. f.) Pennell 174. Leaf gall; swelling along main vein, 10 mm long, 4 mm thick, 8 mm wide (Lamb, 1951) Dasyneura hebefolia Lamb (Diptera: Cecidomyidae) (Mayor Is., November, 1948, S. A. Rumsey.) 175. Woody stem galls, polythalamous (Lamb, 1952) gallmidge (Rangitoto Is., Auckland, April, 1948, June, 1949, K. P. L. Wellington, July 14, 1948, K. P. L. Christchurch, November, 1948, K. P. L. Mayor Is, November, 1948, December, 1948, S. A. Rumsey.)

176. Leaf dimple gall (Tuthill, 1952) Trioza hebicola Tuthill (Homoptera: Psyllidae) (Wellington, July, 1948, K. P. L. National Park, December, 1951, L. D. Tuthill.) Hebe salicifolia (Forst. f.) Pennell var. atkinsoni (Ckn.) Ckn. & Allan 177. Stem gall 34 mm long, 14 mm thick gallmidge (Lake Rotoiti, January, 1951, S. A. Rumsey.) Family Solanaceae Lycium ferocissimum Miers 178. Enlarged buds unknown (Hurunui R., September 3, 1958, A. J. Healy.) Family Thymelaeaceae Pimelea sp. 179. Witches' brooms ? gallmite (Cass, Canterbury, April 3, 1957, C. J. Burrows.) Pimelea prostrata (Forst.) Willd. 180. Witches' brooms ? gallmite (Kaimanawa Ra., April 17, 1955, J. M. Dingley.) Family Ulmaceae Ulmus glabra Huds. 181. Leaf gall (Miller, 1925) Eriosoma lanuginosum (Hart.) (Homoptera: Eriosomatidae) Ulmus thomasii Sarg. 182. Leaf gall (Cottier, 1953) Eriosoma lanuginosum (Hart.) (Homoptera: Eriosomatidae) (Hastings, December 2 1935, December 22, 1936, W. Cottier.) Family Urticaceae Urtica ferox Forst. f. 183. Pilose leaf pouch galls 2–3 mm diameter gallmite (Hutt R., Trentham, March 25, 1953; May 19, 1953; A. J. Healy. Kapiti Is., Wellington, January 21, 1953; R. R. Russell. Banks Penin., Christchurch, December 4, 1956, A. J. Healy.) Family Verbenaceae Avicennia officinalis L. 184. Leaf erineum (Lamb, 1952) Aceria avicenniae Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Auckland, January 19, 1950, K. P. L.; September 8, 1957, S. A. Rumsey. Rangitoto Is., Auckland, June 12, 1954, S. D. Baker.) Vitex lucens T. Kirk 185. Leaf erineum (Lamb, 1952) Aceria australis Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Tauranga, September 8, 1939, I. L. Nottage. Titirangi, Auckland, August, 1949, E. Bray. Hastings, November, 1950, E. R. Taylor.) Family Violaceae Melicytus ramiflorus Forst. 180. Flower galls; flowers converted into leaf-like straps up to 10 mm long (Lamb, 1953) Aceria melicyti Lamb (Acarina: Eriophyidae)

(Rangitoto Is., Auckland, June 25, 1950, E. Bray. Waitakere Ra., Auckland, February 28, 1958, J. A. Hunter.) 187. Leaf edge rolling (Lamb, 1953) gallmite (? Aceria melicyti Lamb) (Titirangi, Auckland, no date.) Family Vitaceae Vitis vinifera L. (Grape) 188. Leaf erineum (Woodfin, 1927) Eriophyes vitis (Pgst.) (Acarina: Eriophyidae) (Te Kauwhata, April 8, 1949, Department of Agriculture. Gisborne, January, 1958, Department of Agriculture.) Literature Cited Anderson, J. A. T., 1935. The description, bionomics. morphology and anatomy of a new Dryomyia Proc. Zool. Soc. London. p. 421–430. Barnes, H. F., 1936. Notes on Cecidomyidae II. Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist. (Ser. 10) 17: 276. — and Lamb, K. P., 1954. Gall midges (Cecidomyidae) on Coprosma (Rubiaceae). Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 82. 813–816. Cottier, W., 1953. Aphids of New Zealand. N.Z.D.S.I.R. Bull., 106. Felt, E. P., 1940. Plant galls and gall makers: New York. Ferris, G. F. and Klyver, F. D., 1932. Report upon a collection of Chermidae (Homoptera) from New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Inst. 63: 34–71. Hudson, G. V., 1928. Butterflies and Moths of New Zealand. Wellington. Keifer, H. H., 1939. Eriophyid studies VI. Bull. Calif. Dept. Agric. 28 416–426. Lamb, K. P., 1949 Plant galls of New Zealand. University of N. Z., M.Sc. thesis. (unpublished). — 1951. A. new species of gall midge (Cecidomyidae) from Hebe salicifolia Forst. leaf galls. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 79: 210–212. — 1952. New Plant Galls. I Mite and Insect Galls. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 79: 349–362. — 1953. New Plants Galls. II. Description of Seven New Species of Gall-mites and the Galls which They Cause. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 80: 371–382. — 1954. The Chrysanthemum Gall Midge — a Newly Recorded Pest. N. Z. J. Agric. 88: 341–342. Maskell, W. M., 1883 Further Notes on Coccidae in New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Inst. 16:120–144. — 1888. On Some Gall Producing Insects in New Zealand. Trans. N. Z. Inst. 21.253–258. Miller, D., 1920. Leaf-stem Gall-aphis of the Poplar. N. Z. J. Agric. 21: 134–135. — 1921. The Pear-leaf Curling Midge. N. Z. J. Agric. 23: 84–92. — 1925. Forest and Timber Insects in New Zealand. N. Z. State Forest Bull. No. 2. Morrison, L., 1933. Notes on Some Forest Insects and Mite Pests Te Kara Ngahere 3:117. Morrison, L. G., 1953. Apple Leaf Curling Midge in New Zealand. N. Z. J. Agric. 86: 565–566. Muggeridge, J., 1931. Notes on Three Insect Pests. N. Z. J. Agric. 42: 231–235. Ramsay, G. W., 1958. A. New Species of Gall-mite (Acarina: Eriophyidae) and an Account of. Its Life Cycle. Trans. Roy. Soc. N. Z. 85: 459–464. Tillyard, R. J., 1926. The Insects of Australia and New Zealand. Sydney. Tuthill, L. D., 1952. On the Psyllidae of New Zealand. (Homoptera). Pacific Sci. 6: 83–125. Woodfin, J. C., 1927. Control of Vine Diseases and Pests in New Zealand. N. Z. J. Agric. 35: 298–309.

Index to Plant Species Host Gall No in Text Acaena sanguisorbae 122 Acmena smithii 103 Alseuosmia macrophylla 22 Aristotelia serrata 53 Auicennia officinalis 184 Calystegia sp. 24 Calystegia sepium 25 Calystegia soldanella 26 Calystegia turguriorum 27 Carmichaelia sp. 81, 82, 83 Carmichaelia australis 84, 85 Carmichaelia enysii 86 Carmichaelia violacea 87 Carpodetus serratus 166, 167 Cassinia fulvida 28 Cassinia retorta 29 Cassinia vavvilliersii 30 Celmisia coriacea 31 Chrysanthemum sp. 32 Clematis colensoi 120, 121 Cianthus puniceus 88 Coprosma sp. 132, 133, 134, 135, 136 Coprosma arborea 137 Coprosma areolata 138, 139 Coprosma australis 140 Coprosma crassifolia 141, 142 Coprosma foetidissima 143, 144 Coprosma linariifolia 145 Coprosma linariifolia X parviflora 146 Coprosma obconica 147 Coprosma parviflora 148, 149, 150 Coprosma propinqua 151 Coprosma pseudocuneata 152 Coprosma rhamnoides 153 Coprosma robusta 154, 155, 156 Coprosma rotundifolia 157 Coprosma tenuicaulis 158, 159 Corylus maxima 20 Corynocarpus laevigata 51 Cyathea smithii 1 Dracophyllum sp. 55 Dracophyllum recurvum 56 Dracophyllum subulatum 57 Edwardsia microphylla 89, 90 Edwardsia tetraptera 91 Elaeocarpus dentatus 54 Elytranthe tetrapetala 79 Eucalyptus sp. 104 Eucalyptus ficifolia 105 Eucalyptus globulus 106, 107 Eugenia maire 108 Fusanus cunnighamii 165 Gaultheria antipoda 58 Gaultheria depressa 59 Glenichenia circinata 2 Gleichenia microphylla 3 Griselinia lucida 50 Haloragis sp. 71 Haloragis depressa 72 Haloragis erecta 73 Haloragis micrantha 74 Haloragis procumbens 75 Hebe sp. 170 Hebe buxifolia 171, 172 Hebe laevis 173 Hebe salicifolia 174, 175, 176 Hebe salicifolia var. atkinsoni 177 Helichrysum bellidoides 33 Helichrysum glomeratum 34 Hoheria populnea 96 Hoheria sexbylosa 97 Hypochaeris radicata 35 Juglans regia 77 Juglans sieboldian 78 Korthalsella lindsayi 80 Leptospermum scoparium 109 Lycium ferocissimum 178 Malus sylvestris 123, 124 Melicope simplex 160 Melicope ternata 161 Meliyctus ramiflorus 186, 187 Metrosideros excelsa 110 Muehlenbeckia australis 114, 115, 116 Muehlenbeckia axillaris 117 Muehlenbeckia complexa 118 Muehlenbeckia complexa var. trilobata 119 Myoporum laetum 101 Myrsine australis 102 Nothofagus cliffortioides 60, 61, 62 Nothofagus fusca 63 Nothofagus menziesii 64, 65, 66 Nothofagus solandri 67, 68 Nothofagus truncata 69, 70 Nothopanax sp. 11 Nothopanax anomalum 12, 13 Nothopanax arboreum 14 Nothopanax colensoi 15 Nothopanax edgerleyi 16, 17 Nothopanax simplex 18, 19 Olea sp. 111 Olearia sp. 36, 37 Olearia arborescens 38 Olearia avicenniaefolia 39, 40 Olearia ilicifolia 41 Olearia lacunosa 42 Olearia nummularifolia 43 Olearia solandri 44 Olearia virgata 45 Paratrophis microphylla 100 Parsonsia sp. 7 Parsonsia capsularis 8 Parsonsia heterophylla 9, 10 Pennantia corymbosa 76 Phyllocladus alpinus 5 Phyllocladus trichomanoides 6 Pimelea sp. 179 Pimelea prostrata 180 Pittosporum crassifolium 112 Pittosporum tenuifolium 113 Plagianthus betulinus 98 Plagianthus betulinus X divaricatus 99 Populus nigra var. italica 162 Pseudounntera sp. 93 Pseudowintera axillaris 94

Pseudowintera colorata 95 Pyrrosia serpens 4 Pyrus communis 125, 126 Raoulia lutescens 46 Ribes grossularia 168 Ribes nigrum 169 Rubus sp. 127 Rubus australis 128 Rubus cissoides 129 Rubus schmidelioides 130 Rubus squarrosus var. pauperatus 131 Salicornia australis 23 Salix sp. 163 Salix babylonica 164 Shawia paniculata 47, 48 Sonchus oleraceus 49 Sutherlandia frutescens 92 Ulmus glabra 181 Ulmus thomasii 182 Urtica ferox 183 Vitex lucens 185 Vitis vinifera 188 Wahlenbergia marginata var. australis 21 Weinmannia racemosa 52 Dr K. P. Lamb, Plant Diseases Division, Private Bag, Auckland.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 88, 1960-61, Page 121

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A Check List of New Zealand Plant Galls (Zoocecidia) Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 88, 1960-61, Page 121

A Check List of New Zealand Plant Galls (Zoocecidia) Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 88, 1960-61, Page 121

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