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Report of the Standing Committee. Annual Report for the Year Ended 31st March, 1950. Meetings. Six meetings of the Standing Committee were held during the year, the attendance being as follows:—Dr. R. A. Falla, President, Wellington, 6; Mr. F. R. Callaghan, Vice-President, Wellington, 5; Mr. B. C. Aston, Wellington, 6; Dr. L. Bastings, Wellington, 6; Dr. J. Marwick, Wellington, 5; Dr. W. R. B. Oliver, Wellington, 5; Dr. J. T. Salmon, Wellington, 6; Mr. R. W. Willett, Wellington, 6; Dr. O. H. Frankel, Christchurch, 1; Mr. S. Cory Wright, Hon. Treasurer, Wellington, 3.

Obituary. Professor R. Speight. News was received of the death of Professor R. Speight, and at the meeting of the Standing Committee held in September the President, Dr. Falla, referred to Professor Speight's reputation as a geologist, filling positions as Curator of the Canterbury Museum and Professor of Geology at Canterbury University College. Professor Speight was President of the Society from 1933–1935, and as such in 1934 delivered the first Presidential Address to the Society after its change of title from New Zealand Institute to The Royal Society of New Zealand. Professor R. S. Allan represented the Society at Professor Speight's funeral, and as a close associate of Professor Speight was asked to write an Obituary Notice for the Transactions. Council. The Council remains the same as last year except that Mr. O. H. Keys replaces Miss M. Fyfe as a representative of the Otago Branch and that under the amended Act, the Hon. Treasurer, Mr. S. Cory Wright, holds a seat on the Council. Honorary Editor. At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 15th September the resignation of Miss M. Fyfe as Honorary Editor was accepted with regret. Dr. W. R. B. Oliver, who had intimated that he would be prepared to act at least until the annual meeting in May, was appointed Honorary Editor. Dr. J. Henderson, who held the position of Honorary Editor for some years, had expressed a wish to purchase a set of Maori Art. The Standing Committee decided to present him with a bound set in recognition of his services. The presentation was made by the President at a meeting of the Standing Committee in February. Publication Matters. Volume 77, Part 3 was issued in May, 1949; Part 4 in September, 1949. The Science Congress (Volume 77, Part 5) was issued in November, 1949; and Volume 78, Part 1, was issued in February, 1950. This represents a total of 835 pages during the year, and is considerably in excess of recent annual printing output, so that there is room for optimism that the lag in the printing of the Transactions will soon be overtaken. The Printers have pointed out that considerable blame for the delay must be shouldered by some of the authors themselves, and the imposing of the new rule making it imperative for galley proofs to be in the printers' hands three weeks after their issue should do much to minimise the delay. The printers instanced cases during the printing of the Science Congress volume where galley proofs were over four months away from the printing office. In July the Otago Daily Times Co. increased the cost of printing by a general 5s per page in text and plates and by 7s 3d per page for 8 point type. The question of the continuance of bound volumes of Transactions was referred to Member Bodies, and the majority favoured the discontinuance of the bound volumes. A certain minority, however, protested, and in order to meet its wishes the printers were asked to quote for binding copies. They quoted 4s per copy for 400 copies. Members were advised of this concession, but the response was not sufficient to warrant further action and the Standing Committee decided to discontinue bound volumes as from 78. This action reduced the price per text page to 25s 9d against the 27s quoted in July. Advertising in Transactions. The question of the policy and expediency of advertising was referred to a sub-committee, which reported that enquiries had been made from possible advertisers, and it appeared that the Transactions, because of its limited circulation and its irregular dates of publication did not have an appeal as an advertising medium. The small amount of revenue that could be expected from this source could not justify the extra work involved in procuring advertisements. The Sub-committee was thanked for its report, which was adopted. Papers for Publication. The Wellington Branch desired an interpretation of the rules governing the publication of papers in the Transactions, and a subcommittee was set up to report as to whether the rules were adequate and whether any ambiguities existed. This report was submitted to members of the Council and to Member Bodies, some of whom required more time to consider it. After the Member Bodies have commented upon it, it is proposed to print it in the Transactions. Science Congress Volume. The question of meeting the cost of the Science Congress Volume (£1,205) is one which has to be faced. The Department of

Scientific and Industrial Research made a grant of £500 towards the cost of the volume. Owing to the delay of three years its publication price is subjected to the 1950 steep rise in printing costs. The whole question of the publication of future Science Congress proceedings may have to be discussed at the annual meeting, as such an extra printing outlay every three years is quite beyond the Society's present resources. Index to the Transactions. The decennial Index to the Transactions covering Volumes 64–75 is in process of preparation and a sub-committee consisting of Dr. Oliver (Botany), Mr. Willett (Geology) Dr. Salmon (Entomology) and Dr. Fell (Zoology) was set up to deal with the subject index. Library. The Honorary Librarian, Professor L. R. Richardson, was given leave of absence on account of his visit overseas, and Dr. H. B. Fell was appointed Honorary Librarian during his absence. The Library report gives details of the work during the year, but mention must be made here of the work done as a training project by two of the National Library School students in checking the holdings in the Library in the foreign languages sections. The students are graduates of the New Zealand University and were able to cover the German, French, Swedish, Dutch, Danish and Italian sections in the Library, and the results of their work will be incorporated in the Library Association's supplementary list of periodicals taken in New Zealand. For the last three years trainees from the Library School have done a two months' project in the Society's Library and have completed listing the entire holdings. This work is invaluable not only for the Society's Library but to the whole of New Zealand through the inter-loan system. However, this has not relieved the pressure of routine work in the Library, and the prospect of a part-time assistant in the Library at an early date is welcome. Binding. The Society's binder completed the work he had had in hand for some time—namely, 52 volumes. The price has increased by approximately 5s per volume. Member Bodies. The following reports and balance sheets for the year have been received:— Wellington Branch for the year ended 30th September, 1949. Canterbury Branch for the year ended 31st October, 1949. Otago Branch for the year ended 31st October, 1949. Nelson Philosophical Society for the year ended 31st December, 1949. Fellowship. There are four vacancies in the Fellowship. The Member Bodies nominated fourteen for these vacancies, and the Fellows voted on these names, the results being sent to the Fellowship Selection Committee for recommendation to the annual meeting. Hector Award. Owing to the absence overseas of Dr. G. H. Cunningham, the presentation of the 1948 Hector Medal and Prize was delayed until his return in 1949. The President, Dr. Falla, presented the medal to Dr. Cunningham at a public meeting of the Auckland Institute on the 13th June. The 1949 Medal and Prize were awarded to Dr. R. A. Robinson, of Raffles College, Singapore, and the presentation was made at Singapore by the Chancellor of the University of Malaya on the Foundation Day ceremony of this new University. The Chancellor, Mr. Malcolm Macdonald, is Commissioner General of South-East Asia, and the occasion of the presentation received due publicity. Hutton Grants. On the 15th September, on the recommendation of the Research Grants Committee, Mr. D. R. McQueen was granted £15 for research on the regeneration after fires in the Nothofagus forests of the Southern Tararuas. Messrs. A. W. B. Powell and R. Cooper were granted £50 for an ecological survey of the Gouland Downs area of Western Nelson. Mr. W. H. Dawbin was granted £40 to visit Norfolk Island to examine and make comparisons in the humpback whales, but subsequently he reported that the grant would not be necessary this year on account of the exceptionally poor whaling season at Norfolk Island. Mr. L. E. Richdale applied for and was granted a transfer of his grant for research in the Solander Islands to albatross and penguin research on the Otago Peninsula. One application for a grant was declined as it was for a project outside the scope for Hutton Grants.

R.S.N.Z. Amendment Act. Further approaches were made to Treasury to increase the Society's grant, and have the full grant embodied in the Act but without success. However, the other desired amendments were incorporated in the Act, which now provides for two Vice-Presidents instead of one and for the Hon. Treasurer to be a member of the Council. It also provides that the retiring President shall continue to be a member of the Council for a term of one year. It further provides for two members to be elected to the Council by the Fellows of the Society in 1950 and every alternate year thereafter. The machinery for carrying out this latter amendment has to be set up and a sub-committee consisting of Dr. Marwick and Dr. Salmon was appointed to determine the best procedure for giving effect to this new clause. The amendments will necessitate some supporting rules to be passed at the annual meeting, and the Amended Act and Rules will then be published in the Transactions and in booklet form. New Zealand Science Congress. The next Science Congress which is to be held in Christchurch, was by resolution of the Council to be held in 1950. The Christchurch committee submitted alternative dates of August, 1950 or May, 1951, and it was felt that in view of the very recent Pacific Science Congress Christchurch session and the difficulty of accommodation during August in Christchurch, that May, 1951, was the better time. The A. and N.Z.A.A.S. Brisbane meeting is being held in May, 1951, but an endeavour is being made to avoid any clash of dates. Dr. Frankel attended the February meeting of the Standing Committee and reported on the progress of plans so far made amongst which a proposal to invite a distinguished visitor from overseas as the guest of the Congress if arrangements could be made to do so. A first instalment of the grant for administration expenses was paid to the Christchurch Committee. Pacific Science Congress. The Hon. Secretary, Dr. G. Archey, forwarded certain resolutions of the recent Pacific Science Congress for transmission to the proper quarters. The Standing Committee also considered the report on the Organisation of Research. Permanent Secretariat. This has now been set up with headquarters in Honolulu, Mr. Loring G. Hudson, M.A., B.Sc., of Honolulu, being appointed Executive Secretary, and Miss Brenda Bishop, of Auckland, Assistant Secretary. U.n.e.s.c.o.—Science Abstracting. As reported in the last annual report, a sub-committee had drawn up a comprehensive report on the matter of science abstracting for the Conference in Paris. Some dissatisfaction was expressed that through some misunderstanding this report was not placed on the agenda of the Conference. Food and People. At the request of the National Commission for U.N.E.S.C.O. Member Bodies were asked to give prominence in the year's programmes to the Food and People project. The majority of Member Bodies have responded. Appeal for Funds. Dr. Falla represented the Society at a meeting called by the National Commission to discuss ways and means of giving assistance in reconstruction in war-devastated countries. At this meeting a representative committee was set up to wait on the Minister of Education to ask him to launch an appeal for funds for the above purpose. Computation Centre. U.N.E.S.C.O. submitted a proposal that an International Computation Centre be established. Dr. Bastings, to whom the matter was referred, reported that he could discover no function which such a centre might undertake which could not be fulfilled by computation centres already in existence or in process of being developed. Wider information regarding the existing centres, however, and greater utilization of their facilities would be an advantage. U.N.E.S.C.O. was advised accordingly. Conferences. The New Zealand Association of Scientific Workers was supported by the Standing Committee in a protest to the National Commission at the calling of overseas conferences at short notice without agenda defining the terms of reference, thus giving sufficient time to obtain the full views of subscribing members.

Book Coupon Scheme. U.N.E.S.C.O. submitted an international book coupon scheme designed to assist people in soft currency countries to obtain serious books in countries of hard currency. The Standing Committee agreed to support the scheme in principle, although it was not aware of any serious difficulties in obtaining supplies. International Technical Conference on Protection of Nature. Several members, including the President, Dr. Falla, were invited to submit papers for presentation to the Conference at Lake Success in August/September. Mr. J. D. Raeside was appointed to represent the Royal Society at this Conference, but he was also an official New Zealand delegate to the United Nations Conference on the Conservation and Utilization of resources at Lake Success on dates more or less synchronising with the other Conference so that his attendance was necessarily limited. International Council of Scientific Unions. Mr. S. Cory Wright, who was visiting England, was appointed to represent the Society at the General Assembly of the International Scientific Unions held in September in Copenhagen. Mr. Cory Wright briefly reported to the Standing Committee on the work of the General Assembly at which he had been appointed Chairman of the Finance Committee. Twenty-five countries were represented by 70 delegates. Seventh International Botanical Congress. Dr. H. H. Allan was appointed to represent the Society at this Congress which is to be held in Stockholm this year. Overseas Conferences. Preliminary announcements have been received regarding the International Entomological Congress, the International Geological Congress and the Third World Petroleum Congress, all to be held in 1951. Sir Henry Dale, f.r.s. Advice was received from Dr. Marsden that Sir Henry Dale would be visiting New Zealand. Member Bodies were accordingly advised and opportunity was taken by all the centres to arrange lectures by this eminent scientist. National Parks. At the June meeting of the Standing Committee discussion arose on Tongariro National Park and the control of National Parks in general and the need for a detailed constructive policy to be placed before administering authorities. With this end in view Dr. Marshall, the Society's representative on the Tongariro National Park Board, was invited to attend the next meeting and discuss with the Standing Committee the policy of the Tongariro National Park Board. The outcome of this meeting was that a sub-committee was set up to consult with the Lands Department regarding measures which could result in a really effective National Park policy. The sub-committee subsequently reported that in an interview with the Lands Department Officers it was learned that a new Act was being drafted which would consolidate the various National Parks Acts now in existence. The Committee is to continue in office to watch proceedings for further report to the Society. Maymorn Estate. The New Zealand Institute of Foresters asked for the support of the Society in pressing for the preservation of the Maymorn Estate. A supporting letter was sent to the Hon. Commissioner for State Forests. Museum Management Committee. Professor L. R. Richardson resigned from the Museum Management Committee owing to his absence overseas. The Standing Committee, however, granted him leave of absence, and Dr. H. B. Fell was appointed to act on the Committee during Professor Richardson's absence. Loder Cup. The Society nominated Mr. A. Morris Jones for the Loder Cup award. Advice has been received that Miss Nocline Baker, of Stewart Island, has been awarded the Loder Cup for 1949. Stocks of Transactions. During the year approximately 120 volumes or parts of volumes of Transactions were received from the Auckland Institute from its surplus stocks for the purpose of completing sets for devastated libraries.

W. R. Mechaelis Trust. The Otago University has accepted the administration of the W. R. Mechaelis Trust for the advancement of the sciences of Physics and Astronomy or Astrophysics in New Zealand. The gross annual income of the Trust is estimated at £190. The award is to be a biennial one alternately in physics and astronomy. A selection committee of three, appointed by the University of New Zealand, the Royal Society of New Zealand, and the New Zealand Astronomical Society is to make the awards. Professor Florance was appointed to represent the Royal Society on the Selection Committee for the first award. Handbook on Trichoptera of Australia and New Zealand. The Keeper of the British Museum asked the Royal Society if it would undertake to contribute to the publication of a Handbook on the Trichoptera of Australia and New Zealand. The matter was referred to the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research with the suggestion that it consult the Australian Council of Scientific and Industrial Research with a view to sharing the cost of publication. Forest and Bird Society. This Society advocated co-ordination of effort in societies interested in the preservation of natural wild life in New Zealand. It invited representatives of approximately 12 societies to attend a meeting and Dr. Falla was appointed representative of the Royal Society of New Zealand. On the motion of Professor Allan, seconded by Dr. Frankel, the report of the Standing Committee was adopted. Arising therefrom:— Delay in Publications. Some discussion on the delay in publishing the Transactions took place. In reply to a question, Dr. Oliver, Hon. Editor, stated that Volume 78, Part 1 was issued, Parts 2 and 3 were being combined, and the galley proofs and some page proofs of this part have been received. The papers for Part 4 have been sent to the printers, leaving only papers received since the beginning of 1950 in hand for Volume 79. The time lag seemed to be in the date of issue of advance copy and the receipt by members of their copies. Dr. Archey observed that the delay was now more apparent than real, and that the situation might be met by combining more parts. Dr. Salmon moved and Dr. Frankel seconded that Volumes 79 and 80 be issued as a combined volume. Dr. Oliver pointed out that this measure would result in confusion in reference and bibliography, and finally, on the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Mr. Buchanan, an amendement, “That the matter be referred to the Standing Committee for consideration,” was carried. A further motion, moved by Dr. Marwick, seconded by Mr. Keys, “That it be an instruction to the Standing Committee to avoid telescoping two volumes into one,” was carried. Sub-committee's Report on Papers for Presentation in the Transactions. It was decided to refer the report of the Otago Branch, which had just been received, to the Sub-committee for consideration before its report is published in the Transactions. Science Congress Volume. Dr. Frankel stated that the Canterbury Branch recommended that in future the size of the Science Congress Volume be greatly reduced, and that it should not be issued as a Part of the Transactions, but published separately as a Report of the Congress. After further discussion it was resolved, on the motion of Dr. Frankel, seconded by Professor Allan, “That the proceedings of the Royal Society Science Congresses be published as Reports of such Congress and not as Parts of the Transactions; that the Presidential Address and Section Chairman's addresses be printed in full, all

other contribution in abstract form; and that the Report be distributed free to members of the Congress, at cost on request to members of the Society and to institutions and persons on the Exchange List, and to others at a small profit. At a later stage, on the motion of Dr. Focken, seconded by Professor Allan, it was resolved that a levy of 2s 6d per volume be imposed on the copies of the 1947 Science Congress volume taken by Member Bodies. Royal Society of New Zealand Act: Amendments, 1949. The President drew attention to the passing of the Royal Society Act Amendments, 1949. He stated that Treasury had declined to recommend that the clause covering the Society's annual grant should be amended to include the whole of the grant and that it declined to recommend an increase in the present grant. On the motion of Dr. Salmon, seconded by Dr. Bastings, it was resolved, “That this Council re-affirms its opinion that an increase in the annual grant from the Government is a necessity, and directed the Standing Committee to make fresh approaches to Cabinet on this matter.” Member Bodies. Mr. Keys mentioned that the Otago Branch was considering raising its annual subscription to meet increased calls on its finances and it was thought desirable that there should be uniformity if possible in this direction in Member Bodies. Representatives of Wellington and Hawke's Bay Branches mentioned that their subscriptions had already been increased, and Mr. Pycroft mentioned that Auckland Institute was considering action. Dr. Archey suggested a conference of Presidents or Secretaries of Member Bodies as there were many points of interest common to all Member Bodies which could well be discussed. On the motion of Mr. Keys, seconded by Dr. Archey, it was resolved: “That the Standing Committee be requested to give consideration to means whereby Member Bodies might unify or correlate their procedure regarding finance, life membership (including transfers) and organisation matters generally.” Representation of Fellows on Council. On the motion of Dr. Focken, seconded by Mr. Pycroft, the report of the Sub-committee was received. After some discussion, on the motion of Dr. Archey, seconded by Dr. Oliver, the following alternative method was adopted:— Rules to Put Into Operation Clause 4 (f) of the R.S.N.Z. Act, Amendments, 1949:— “Two members to be elected by the Fellows of the Society in the year 1950 and in every alternate year thereafter in the manner prescribed by rules made under this Act.” Rules. 1. In the year 1950 notice shall be posted to Fellows at their last notified address on or before 1st July intimating that written nominations for two Fellows proposed and seconded by Fellows and assented to by nominees shall close with the

Secretary of the Royal Society of New Zealand on the 28th July, 1950. 2. Voting papers containing the names of those so nominated shall be posted to Fellows on or before 14th August and shall be returned to the Secretary by 31st August, 1950. 3. In 1952 and every alternate year thereafter, notice shall be posted to Fellows at their last notified address on or before 1st February intimating that written nominations proposed and seconded by Fellows and assented to by nominees shall close with the Secretary on 28th February. 4. Voting papers containing the names of nominees shall be posted to Fellows on or before 10th March and shall close with the Secretary on the 31st March. 5. All voting papers received shall be immediately forwarded to the Hon. Returning Officer, who shall notify the President as soon as possible of the result of the election. 6. In the event of a tie the election shall be decided by lot determined by the Standing Committee. The meeting adjourned for lunch at 12.30 p.m. Afternoon Roll Call. Attendance was the same as for the morning session.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ended 31st March, 1950. Receipts. Payments £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at 31st March, 1949. 3,637 14 10 Otago Daily Times: Printing Vol. 77 (3 and 4) 616 5 0 Annual Government Grant 1,250 0 0 Salary 425 0 0 Sales of Publications 100 9 1 Research Grants 111 10 11 Travelling Expenses: Member Bodies' Share 24 0 4 Travelling Expenses 37 2 3 Levy on Volume 78 (in advance) 120 3 0 Library Binding 41 12 0 Refund Petty Cash from late Hon. Editor 0 6 0 Stationery 34 15 9 Hector Memorial Fund, Interest 52 9 8 Petty Cash 20 3 3 Hutton Memorial Fund, Interest 65 11 1 Hon. Editor's Expenses 6 17 3 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund, Interest 24 10 5 Charges (Telephone, Insurance, Bank, etc.) 15 18 8 Cockayne Memorial Fund, Interest 11 14 0 Subscription International Scientific Unions 40 8 2 Carter Library Legacy, Interest 6 8 2 Hutton Grants 64 18 4 Plant Diseases Trust, Interest 18 8 3 Hector Prizes (2) and Travelling Expenses 107 8 11 Hamilton Memorial Fund, Interest 2 7 0 Engraving Hector Medals (2) 1 16 6 Endowment Fund, Interest 75 12 0 1951 Science Congress: Instalment Christchurch Account 50 0 0 Interest on P.O.S.B. Account 42 10 0 Transfers from Bank N.Z. to Trust Accounts 13 5 0 Transfers from Trust Accounts to Bank N.Z. 146 4 3 Transfers from Bank N.Z. to Trust Accounts 13 5 0 Interest Paid Direct to Trust Accounts 136 6 7 Balance as Under 3,854 19 6 £5,578 8 1 £5,578 8 1 Bank of New Zealand 1,557 15 3 P.O.S. Bank 2,280 11 0 Cash in Hand 5 17 11 Petty Cash in Hand 10 15 4 £3,854 19 6 (Signed) S. Cory Wright, Honorary Treasurer.

Statement of Assets and Liabilities at 31st March, 1950. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hector Memorial Fund, Capital Account 1,184 18 1 Hector Fund: Inscribed Stock (Face Value, £1,250) 1,184 18 1 Hector Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 37 10 10 Hector Fund: P.O.S. Bank Account 37 10 10 Hutton Memorial Fund, Capital Account 1,506 8 6 Hutton Fund: Inscribed Stock (Face Value, £1,570) 1,506 8 6 Hutton Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 343 3 5 Hutton Fund: P.O.S. Bank Account 343 3 5 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund, Capital Account 549 8 6 Summer-time Fund: Ins. Stock (Face Value, £510) 500 2 6 T. K. Sidey, Summer-time Fund, Revenue Account 148 16 5 Summer-Time Fund: P.O.S. Bank Account 198 2 5 Plant Diseases Trust, Capital Account 542 13 5 Plant Diseases: Inscribed Stock (Face Value, £500) 500 0 0 Plant Diseases Trust, Revenue Account 120 7 10 Plant Diseases: P.O.S. Bank Account 163 1 3 Cockayne Memorial Fund, Capital Account 249 12 0 Cockayne Fund: Inscribed Stock (Face Value, £260) 249 12 0 Cockayne Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 74 6 1 Cockayne Fund: P.O.S. Bank Account 74 6 1 Carter Library Legacy Capital Account 162 19 0 Carter Legacy: Inscribed Stock (Face Value, £160) 162 19 0 Carter Library Legacy, Revenue Account 36 18 0 Carter Legacy: P.O.S. Bank Account 36 18 0 Hamilton Memorial Fund, Capital Account 79 10 2 Hamilton Fund: Inscribed Stock (Face Value, £60) 60 0 0 Hamilton Memorial Fund, Revenue Account 7 4 9 Hamilton Fund: P.O.S. Bank Account 26 14 11 Endowment Fund, Capital Account 2,129 2 5 Endowment Fund: Ins. Stock (Face Value, £2,070) 2,054 2 5 Endowment Fund, Revenue Account 434 9 10 Endowment Fund: P.O.S.B. Part General Account 509 9 10 Research Grant Fund 35 0 7 Sundry Debtors 75 10 10 N.Z. Science Congress Fund 50 0 0 Bank of New Zealand 1,557 15 3 Library Fund (Binding) 108 8 0 Post Office Savings Bank 1,771 1 2 Publication Expenses Fund 283 12 7 Petty Cash in Hand 10 15 4 Volume 78 Levy (in advance) 120 3 0 Cash in Hand 5 17 11 Accounts in Credit 3 8 1 Otago Daily Times (Science Congress Volume) 1,130 15 0 1947 Science Congress Volume Grant 500 0 0 Balance of Assets over Liabilities 1,189 13 3 £11,028 9 9 £11,028 9 9 Property Assets–Estimated and Insured Value. Estimated Value. Insured Value. £ s. d. £ s. d. Library and Stack Room Victoria University College 11,592 12 0 4,500 0 0 Furniture 95 12 6 40 0 0 Stock in Cellar, Parliament Bldgs. 500 0 0 Carter Library, Dominion Museum (jointly owned with Museum) 500 0 0 £5,540 0 0

Revenue Account for the Year Ended 31st March, 1950. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Printing Transactions, Vol. 77, Parts 3, 4, 5 1,711 10 6 By Balance at 31st March, 1949 2,174 17 1 " Salary 425 0 0 " Annual Grant 1,250 0 0 " Stationery 34 15 9 " Trust Funds Administration Expenses 5 2 6 " Petty Cash 20 3 3 " Sales of Publications 127 3 2 " Binding Grant from General Account 50 0 0 " N.Z. Science Congress Grant, Christchurch 50 0 0 " Subscription International Scientific Unions 40 8 2 " Charges 22 9 11 " Travelling Expenses 13 1 11 " Balance 1,189 13 3 £3,557 2 9 £3,557 2 9 " By Balance £1,189 13 3

Trust Accounts for the Year Ended 31st March, 1950. Hector Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Prizes 1948 and 1949 100 11 5 By Capital Invested 1,184 18 1 " Engraving Medals (2) 1 16 6 " Bal. Revenue A/c. 31/3/49 95 6 7 " Travelling Expenses: Presentation 6 17 6 " Interest 52 9 8 " Administration Exs. 1 0 0 " Balance 1,222 8 11 £1,332 14 4 £1,332 14 4 By Balance Capital A/c. £1,184 18 1 " Balance Revenue A/c. £37 10 10 Hutton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Grants 64 18 4 By Capital Invested 1,506 8 6 " Administration Exs. 1 0 0 " Bal. Revenue A/c., 31/3/49 343 10 8 " Balance 1,849 11 11 " Interest 65 11 1 £1,915 10 3 £1,915 10 3 By Balance Capital A/c. £1,506 8 6 " Balance Revenue A/c. £343 3 5 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 1 0 0 By Capital Invested and P.O.S.B. 546 19 6 " Balance 698 4 11 " Balance Rev. A/c., 31/3/49 127 15 0 " Interest to Rev. A/c. 22 1 5 " 1/10th Interest to Capital A/c. 2 9 0 24 10 5 £699 4 11 £699 4 11 By Balance Capital A/c. £549 8 6 " Balance Revenue A/c. £148 16 5 Plant Diseases Trust. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 0 2 6 By Capital Invested P.O.S.B. 542 13 5 " Balance 663 1 3 " Bal. Revenue A/c., 31/3/49 102 2 1 " Interest 18 8 3 £663 3 9 £663 3 9 By Balance Capital A/c. £542 13 5 " Balance Revenue A/c. £120 7 10

Cockayne Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 0 2 6 By Capital Invested 249 12 0 " Balance 323 18 1 " Balance Revenue A/c. 31/3/49 62 14 7 " Interest 11 14 0 £324 0 7 £324 0 7 By Balance Capital A/c. £249 12 0 " Balance Revenue A/c. £74 6 1 Carter Library Legacy. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 0 10 0 By Capital Invested 162 19 0 " Balance 199 17 0 " Bal. Revenue A/c., 31/3/49 30 19 10 " Interest 6 8 2 £200 7 0 £200 7 0 By Balance Capital A/c. £162 19 0 " Balance Revenue A/c. £36 18 0 Hamilton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 0 2 6 By Capital Invested and P.O.S.B. 78 6 8 " Balance 86 14 11 " Bal Revenue A/c., 31/3/49 6 3 9 " Int. Cap. 1 3 6 " Int. Rev. 1 3 6 2 7 0 £86 17 5 £86 17 5 By Balance Capital A/c. £79 10 2 " Balance Revenue A/c. £3 4 9 " 1947 Prizes (held temporarily) £4 0 0 Endowment Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 1 5 0 By Capital Inv. and in P.O. Savings Bank 2,129 2 5 " Balance 2,563 12 3 " Bal. Revenue A/c., 31/3/49 317 12 10 " Interest 75 12 0 " Interest on General Account 42 10 0 £2,564 17 3 £2,564 17 3 By Balance Capital A/c. £2,129 2 5 " Balance Revenue A/c. £434 9 10 On the motion of Mr. Cory Wright, seconded by Dr. Archey, the Hon. Treasurer's report and balance sheet were adopted. A question was asked regarding the growing balances in the Cockayne Memorial Fund and the Carter Library Legacy and the Standing Committee

was asked to investigate the possibility of utilizing these funds. Some discussion on the Endowment Fund and its purpose arose, Mr. Aston maintaining that all interest not allocated at the annual meeting should be allocated. On the motion of Dr. Archey it was resolved that all available revenue in the Endowment Fund be utilized for publication expenses.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 79, 1951, Page xli

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Report of the Standing Committee. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 79, 1951, Page xli

Report of the Standing Committee. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 79, 1951, Page xli

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