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Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Minutes Of The Annual Meeting Of The Council, Held On 28th May, 1941.

On the motion of Dr. Marshall, seconded by Dr. Oliver, the recommendation of the Hector Award Committee was adopted. Amount of Hector Prize: On the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Mr. Hudson, it was resolved that the amount of the prize be £50. Hutton Award: Dr. Marshall moved, and Dr. Focken seconded that the meeting go into committee.

Dr. Marshall, convener of the Hutton Award Committee, made a statement regarding the difficulties of Hutton Award Committees in selecting a recipient for the award between the various sciences. He referred to the geographical difficulty of securing a meeting of members of a large Award Committee and of reaching a unanimous decision by correspondence. He suggested that in future the number of members of the Hutton Award Committee be restricted. Dr. Marshall then read the following report of the Hutton Award Committee:— Hutton Award, 1941. The Committee that was appointed to select the medallist for 1941 consisted of the following: Professor W. B. Benham, Dr. G. H. Cunningham, Dr. J. E. Holloway, Mr. G. V. Hudson, and Dr. P. Marshall. This Committee has decided that the Hutton Medal for 1941 should be awarded to Dr. H. H. Allan for botanical research. (Signed) P. Marshall, Convener of Committee. On the motion of Dr. Marshall, seconded by Dr. Hilgendorf, the recommendation of the Committee was adopted. A Minority Report was then read as follows:— The President, Royal Society of New Zealand, Dear Sir, I desire to place on record that I do not concur with the selection made in respect of the award of the Hutton Medal for 1941. The Committee set up to report on the award was not unanimous, and I was the dissentient. My grounds for objection are as follows:— (1) In ordinary course the award was due to a geologist, and at least one geologist, with the necessary qualifications, was admitted to be available. (2) This is the third Hutton Medal awarded to agricultural officers in succession. Such a monopoly is manifestly undesirable. (3) It is nine years since a geologist was awarded the Hutton Medal. If geologists are thus excluded, the voting power of future committees will be more or less restricted to zoologists and botanists, as it is only Hutton Medallists who are placed on the Committees. (4) Senior workers, who have published a greater amount of work in the three specified sciences (zoology, botany, and geology) have been passed over. I am, Sir, Your obedient servant, G. V. Hudson. In open Council the award of the Hutton Medal to Dr. H. H. Allan was confirmed.

Fellowship.—The President read the report of the Fellowship Selection Committee as follows:— Selection of Fellows. I have to report that the Fellowship Selection Committee unanimously recommend Dr. R. A. Falla for the vacant fellowship. (Signed) J. Henderson, Convener, Selection Committee. On the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Mr. Aston, the report was adopted. Vacancies in Fellowship: Two vacancies in the list of Fellows owing to the deaths of Mr. W. H. Guthrie-Smith and Mr. R. M. Laing were declared, and it was decided to fill these vacancies at the next annual meeting. Member Bodies' Reports and Balance Sheets: The following reports and balance sheets were laid on the table:— Wellington Branch for the year ending 30th September, 1940. Canterbury Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1940. Otago Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1940. Nelson Institute for the year ending 31st December, 1940. Hawke's Bay Branch for the year ending 31st December, 1940. Southland Branch for the year ending 31st March, 1941. Report of Standing Committee: On the motion of the President, seconded by Professor Evans, the report of the Standing Committee, which follows, was adopted. Report Of The Standing Committee For The Year Ending 31st March, 1941. Meetings: Six meetings of the Standing Committee were held during the year, the attendance being as follows: Professor W. P. Evans, Wellington, Vice-President, 6; Dr. H. H. Allan, Wellington, 3; Mr. B. C. Aston, Wellington, 4; Mr. F. R. Callaghan, Wellington, 3; Mr. G. V. Hudson, Wellington, 5; Dr. P. Marshall, Wellington, 5; and Dr. W. R. B. Oliver, Wellington, 4. The Council: Dr. E. Marsden and Professor E. R. Hudson have been re-appointed Government representatives. There are some changes in the representation of the Member Bodies. Mr. F. R. Callaghan has resigned as one of the representatives of the Wellington Branch on account of illness, and Dr. L. Bastings has been appointed in his place; Dr. F. J. Turner replaces Mr. G. Simpson as one of the representatives of the Otago Branch; Sir Thomas Easter-field has resigned as representative of the Nelson Institute, and Dr. David Miller has been appointed; otherwise the representation is the same as last year. Publications: Parts 1, 2, and 3 of Volume 70 of the Transactions of the Royal Society of New Zealand were published prior to the 31st March, and at that date Part 4 was almost ready for publication. An advance copy has now been received, and the Part will be distributed before the annual meeting takes place. The volume contains 440 pages text and 72 pages plates. In addition to the Proceedings of the annual meeting, held in May, 1940, Part 1 contained abbreviated reports of the Member Bodies and brief abstracts of some of the more important unpublished papers read before the Member Bodies. This reversion to a practice discontinued in 1924 has met with general approval by the members of the Branches. It provides the means of acquainting each Branch with the work which is being done in the other Branches, and may be regarded as the co-ordinating link between the Member Bodies. The cost of printing the Transactions is steadily increasing. Owing to a shortage of imitation art paper, the printers were allowed to print the plates in Part 4 of Volume 70 on both sides of the page.

Obituary notices of the following prominent members of the Society appeared in Volume 70: André Léon Tonnoir, written by David Miller; G. F. J. M. Brittin, written by David Miller; William Herbert Guthrie-Smith, written by Johannes C. Andersen. Exchange List: The Library Committee met twice during the year to consider applications for inclusion in the Exchange List, and on its recommendation the Standing Committee approved of the following institutions being added to the list: University of Queensland, Brisbane; Fisheries Section, Department Scientific and Industrial Research, New South Wales; Parliament of the Commonwealth, Canberra, F.C.T.; Revista Italiana de Scienze Economische, Bologna; Botanical Gardens, University of Moscow, U.S.S.R.; National Museum, Blomfontein, South Africa; Iowa State College, U.S.A.; National Research Council of Japan, Tokio; Royal Society of South Africa; Transvaal Museum; French Canadian Association for the Advancement of Science; Waite Agricultural Research Institute, Adelaide; Department of Zoology and Oceanography, University College of Hull; National Central Library, Chungking. An endeavour to obtain by exchange The New Phytologist and also The Botanical Review of the New York Botanical Gardens was unsuccessful. There is a steadily growing list of countries which, owing to hostilities, are unable to send or receive publications on exchange; at the present time the list numbers 15. A sufficient number of copies of the Transactions are being set aside to send to these places when the war is over. Library: The Library is fortunate in having very few of its publications lost in transit through enemy action. As far as can be ascertained at present, the different series are complete with the exception of those numbers posted in England in October or early November. The Library has been used very considerably during the year not only by local members and the Victoria University College staff and Honours students, but by those engaged in industrial or economic research. Its usefulness has been acknowledged by the latter, and in some cases has resulted in membership of the local Branch of the Society. The postal interloan scheme has also been widely availed of by the University Colleges and members living outside Wellington. The shelving in the stack room was completed at a cost of £22 10s, and an amount of £20 was paid to Victoria University College towards the cost of transferring the shelving and fitting it in its room in the Biology Building. Binding: During the year 50 volumes of periodicals have been bound at a cost of £28. The binder has another 35 volumes in hand, the cost of which will reduce the balance left for binding to £57. This amount will in no way meet the expense of binding the periodicals which it is desirable should be bound. Actually, by careful supervision, the loss of unbound periodicals has been reduced to a minimum, but a glance at the Library shelves reveals how, in the past, parts of the earlier volumes have gone astray. These volumes, unbound because of one or two missing parts, incapable of replacement, break the sequence on the shelves of tidy, nicely-bound volumes. Carter Library: On the 31st May, 1940, a sub-committee consisting of Professor Evans, Dr. Oliver, and the Secretary was set up to deal with the transfer of the Carter Library from the Turnbull Library to the Dominion Museum, and also with the utilisation of the Carter Library Legacy. On the completion of the purchase of nine steel cupboards, specially made by the Precision Engineering Company at a cost of £115, the books were transferred to them in the Dominion Museum, where they are now available for reference to all members and students. The Public Trustee transferred to the Society the original legacy of £50 less charges, and this together with the accrued interest was utilised in purchasing the steel cupboards. Member Bodies: The annual reports and balance sheets of the Member Bodies have been reecived as follows: Wellington Branch for the year ending

30th September, 1940; Canterbury Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1940; Otago Branch for the year ending 31st October, 1940; Nelson Institute for the year ending 31st December, 1940; Hawke's Bay Branch for the year ending 31st December, 1940; Southland Branch for the year ending 31st March, 1941. On the 20th October, the Manawatu Branch wrote stating that at a special Council meeting held that day it was unanimously decided that the Manawatu Branch should go into recess until the prospects for its successful continuation were considerably brighter. This letter was placed before the Standing Committee at its meeting on the 13th November, and referred to the annual meeting for consideration. Fellowship R.S.N.Z.: Dr. R. S. Allan and Mr. A. W. B. Powell were gazetted Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand on the 1st August, 1940. On the 6th September, Member Bodies were advised that there was a vacancy in the Fellowship to be filled at the annual meeting in 1941, and they were asked to send in nominations. Seven nominations were received and sent to the Fellows for selection. The voting was submitted to the Fellowship Selection Committee, and its report will come before the annual meeting for consideration. Honorary Membership: Through the death of Dr. A. C. Haddon, a vacancy has occurred in the list of Honorary Members. The Member Bodies have submitted four names to fill this vacancy, and an election will take place at the annual meeting. Hector Award: On the 7th August, at a meeting of the Canterbury Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Professor W. P. Evans, Vice-President, presented the Hector Medal and Prize to Dr. D. B. Macleod, to whom it had been awarded for outstanding work in molecular physics. Dr. Macleod, in thanking the Society for the honour conferred on him and Professor Evans for coming to Christchurch to present the medal, said he owed a great deal to his early training under Professor Evans at Canterbury University College. Hutton Grants: On the 6th September, Member Bodies were reminded that applications for grants from the Hutton Fund should be made before the 31st December. Only three applications were received, one of which was declined on the ground that the grant would not be used for original work. The following applications were recommended for approval to the annual meeting:— Dr. F. J. Turner, £25, for researches on the structural petrology of meta-morphic rocks in Central Otago and Fiordland. Dr. S. N. Slater, £10, for work on the poisonous constituents of tutu. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum: At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 21st August, 1940, Professor W. P. Evans and Dr. P. Marshall were nominated for a further term of office on the Board of Trustees of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum. Museum Management Committee: As the term of office of the Society's representatives on the Museum Management Committee would expire in April, 1941, it was resolved to nominate for a further term of office Mr. J. C. Andersen, Professor J. Rankine Brown, Professor W. P. Evans, Mr. G. V. Hudson, Professor H. B. Kirk, and Dr. P. Marshall, and to nominate Dr. C. G. F. Morice to the vacancy caused by the death of Mr. T. Forsyth. T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund: The Sub-committee set up at last annual meeting to consider the conditions under which the award of the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Medal and Prize is made, reported, making certain suggestions which would necessitate amendments to the Deed of Trust and the Rules. The Standing Committee decided to defer consideration until the report had been circulated to members of the Council.

Loder Cup Award, 1940: The Standing Committee nominated Mr. R. M. Laing for the award of the Loder Cup. The Loder Cup Committee awarded the cup to Major P. H. Johnson, of Raincliff, South Canterbury. Destruction of Native Plants: At a meeting of the Standing Committee on the 27th February, Dr. Marshall, the Society's representative on the Tongariro National Park Board, had his attention drawn to a statement by Mr. Hudson that during a recent visit to the Chateau Tongariro he had witnessed the destruction of native plants including New Zealand orchids. Dr. Marshall stated that he would bring the matter before the Park Board. Carter Observatory: The building of the Carter Observatory was commenced during the year, and is now nearing completion. A comprehensive report from the two representatives of the Society on the Carter Board of Trustees will be submitted to the annual meeting. Research Grants: At the request of the last annual meeting Dr. Cunningham was asked whether, in view of the fact that for many years he has not expended any portion of the research grant allocated to him for a mycological survey of the Tongariro National Park, he would require the balance of the grant, replied that he would not require it, as the work done by him on the survey was regarded in the light of a holiday and expenses were met privately. Arthurs Pass Park Board: In 1939 Professor Speight resigned from the Park Board, and Mr. C. E. Foweraker was nominated in his place, and his nomination was forwarded to the Department of Lands and Survey. The Department replied that the personnel of the Board was under consideration, and that no action would be taken until the return of the Minister of Lands from overseas. On further inquiry it has been learned that the appointment of Mr. Foweraker has not yet been made and that the matter of the Board has not been considered. A. & N.Z.A.A.S.: Early in June an announcement was received from the Honorary Secretary of the Australian and New Zealand Association for the Advancement of Science to the effect that owing to the gravity of the international situation the Executive Council of the Association, on the recommendation of the South Australian Local Committee, had agreed to postpone the meeting which was to have taken place in Adelaide in August, 1940. Pacific Science Congress.—Arrangements to hold the Pacific Science Congress in Manila in 1943 appear to be in progress, and the Society has been asked to appoint representatives to act on Committees set up to deal with certain subjects in preparation for Congress. Dr. W. R. B. Oliver was nominated by the Standing Committee to act on the Association's Committee on the Distribution of Terrestrial Faunas in the Pacific, and Mr. A. R. Entrican, Director of the State Forest Service, was nominated to act on the Association's Committee on Forestry. Hutton Grants: Arising out of the report, the following applications for Hutton grants were approved:— Dr. F. J. Turner, £25, for researches on the structural petrology of metamorphic rocks in Central Otago and Fiordland. Dr. S. N. Slater, £10, for work on the poisonous constituents of tutu. Manawatu Branch: Professor Evans made a statement regarding a letter received from the Manawatu Branch in connexion with its compliance with the Rules laid down for Member Bodies. After some discussion it was resolved that the letter be received. T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund: The following Report of the Sub-committee set up at last annual meeting to consider the rules of the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award was before the meeting.

Report of the Sub-committee set up to Consider the Rules of the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund. See Transactions Royal Society New Zealand, Vol. 65, Part 4, pp. 480–490, for Declaration of Trust and Rules. The Sub-committee set up at the annual meeting of the Society in May, 1940, consisting of the President (Rev. Dr. J. E. Holloway), Dr. C. E. Hercus, and Dr. C. M. Focken, met, and suggests that the following amendments to the Rules, if adopted, would have the effect of making the award of the T. K. Sidey Summer-time Medal and Prize of greater use in stimulating and assisting research work in New Zealand. Certain additional suggestions are included in this report which the Sub-committee desires to be considered by the Standing Committee. The Committee submits the following:— Amendment to Rule 1. The addition of the following: “Copies of the Notice shall be distributed to societies, institutions, and persons whose names appear on a list approved by the Council..” Amendment to Rule 2. The present Rule 2 to be numbered 2 (A) and the following be added and numbered 2 (B): “2 (B). Until such time as the Council shall decide otherwise the following directions shall apply to the subject matter of the research and the qualifications of the applicants. (a) The subject matter of the research must fall under either or both of the following heads: (i) The study of light, visible and invisible, and other solar radiations. in relation to human welfare. (ii) The study of radiations of any kind. (b) The award shall be made to some person who has in the opinion of the Council made a valuable contribution or contributions to human knowledge by original scientific research in the study aforesaid, or who is engaged in work of this nature which he has advanced to a stage which merifs encouragement. Consideration shall be confined to applicants whose researches have been carried out mainly in New Zealand; provided that if the Council considers that no contribution from such applicants is of sufficient merit to justify an award, then the award may be made to some person who was born in New Zealand, or has received the greater art of his or her education in New Zealand, but has not carried out his or her research mainly in New Zealand. Additional Suggestions. (1) It is desirable that the award shall be used to stimulate research in the subjects named rather than restricted to a reward for valuable completed work. (2) That a notice giving information about the subject matter of the research, and the qualifications of applicants, and also the probable date of the next award, be circulated to those bodies or persons whose names are on the approved list, at intervals of two years. (3) That if no award be made on any given occasion, the next award be considered after an interval of two years. On the motion of Dr. Focken, seconded by Dr. Turner, it was resolved that the Council approve of the principles involved in the amendments proposed by the Sub-committee in its report. After a good deal of discussion and the withdrawal of a motion by Dr. Focken: “That the report of the Sub-committee be adopted and the necessary amendments therein stated constitute a Notice of Motion for the next annual meeting,” it was resolved on the motion

of Professor Evans, seconded by Dr. Hilgendorf, “That the Subcommittee be asked to reconsider its report with a view to ascertaining what amendments are necessary and to report to the Standing Committee, which will take the necessary action.” Honorary Treasurer's Report and Statements: On the motion of the Honorary Treasurer, Mr. M. A. Eliott, the Report, Balance Sheet, and Statement of Trust Accounts were adopted. Hon. Treasurer's Report. The Statement of Receipts and Expenditure shows that the receipts exceeded the expenditure by £39 17s 10d, and the Statement of Assets and Liabilities shows a balance of assets over liabilities, £728 9s 9d, as compared with £687 5s 5d the previous year. This was largely owing to a sale of a set of the Transactions to the United States of America. On the expenditure side the amount paid for the Transactions was lower by £29 8s, Vol. 70 being approximately 80 pages smaller than Vol. 69. The cost per page is rising year by year. The cost of removing old shelving and additional new shelving for the Library room was £43. The total cost of removing the Library spread over the last two years was £92; this will be a non-recurring expense. Originally £50 was left by C. R. Carter to build a brick room to house his Carter Collection. This amount has been in the hands of the Public Trustee, who annually paid over the interest. This amount, reaching to £162 19s, was invested in Inscribed Stock. In accordance with legal opinion, the original legacy could be utilised to obtain steel cupboards in which to house the collection in a brick building and in the upkeep of the Collection. The Public Trustee has now handed over £49 13s 7d (£50 less charges). The Endowment Fund continues to grow, and now stands at £1875 13s 11d, an increase of £166 19s over the previous year, and there is £300 ready for investment. The Trust Funds revenue and expenditure remain much the same as last year, and do not call for any special comment. Another year of the war has not affected our financial position appreciably, but the clouds in the financial horizon are becoming darker, and it is difficult to forecast to what extent our Society will be involved. In the meantime we can only move cautiously, and be prepared to take whatever action is necessary. It is my pleasurable duty again to place on record the satisfactory way in which the Secretary has carried out her duties. (Signed) M. A. Eliott, Hon. Treasurer. Honorary Treasurer's Examination of Member Bodies' Reports and Balance Sheets, 1940–41. Member Body. Members. Receipts. Expenditure. Rule 3. Auckland Institute and Museum 599 £10,577 £10,327 Library, Museum, and Levy. Canterbury Branch 131 280 275 Library and Levy. Otago Branch 178 205 144 Levy. Wellington Branch 212 193 306 Library and Levy. Hawke's Bay Branch 52 28 22 Library and Levy. Nelson Institute ? 1,433 1,357 Library and Levy. Nelson Philosophical Society 46 Manawatu Branch 14 8 7 Levy. Southland Branch 40 36 37 Museum and Levy. (Signed) M. A. Eliott, Hon. Treasuter.

Statement of Receipts and Payments for the Year Ending March 31, 1941. Receipts. Payments. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at March 31, 1940 1,120 0 5 Otago Daily Times—Vol. 69 (3, 4), 70 (1, 2, 3) 627 4 1 Annual Grant 750 0 0 Stationery 3 0 2 Levy, Vol. 69, Trans. R.S.N.Z. 210 19 10 Salary 325 0 0 Sales of Publications 81 3 10 Travelling Expenses, Members of Council 51 3 5 Travelling Expenses: Member Bodies' Share 31 8 0 Research Grant 5 0 0 Favourable Exchange 1 9 7 Binding: Library Periodicals 28 4 0 Interest on P.O.S.B. Account 23 6 8 Library Shelving, Stack Room 43 6 6 Endowment Fund Interest 63 16 0 Petty Cash 10 3 10 Hector Memorial Fund Interest 54 14 2 Charges (Bank, Insurance, Audit, 'Phone) 12 0 0 Hutton Memorial Fund Interest 68 14 9 Transactions purchased 3 15 0 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund Interest 22 10 7 Hutton Grant Instalment 6 0 0 Cockayne Memorial Fund Interest 12 16 0 Hector Prize and Engraving Medal 50 11 9 Hamilton Memorial Fund Interest 2 4 5 Cartér Library Legacy—Opinion 17 19 3 Carter Library Legacy Interest 8 1 2 Steel Cabinets for Carter Library 115 2 1 Carter Library Legacy from Public Trustee 49 13 7 Adjustments between Trust Accounts and Bank of N.Z. 11 0 6 Adjustments between Bank N.Z. and Trust Accounts 119 2 11 Trust Funds paid direct to P.O.S.B. Accounts 150 13 1 Balance as Under 1,159 18 3 £2,620 1 11 £12,620 1 11 Balance at Bank N.Z. £257 8 0   Less Unpaid Cheques (15s, £10 5s 6d) 11 0 6 246 7 6 Balance P.O.S. Bank 905 4 0 Petty Cash in Hand 8 6 9 £1,159 18 3

Statement of Liabilities and Assets at March 31, 1941. Liabilities. Assets. £ s. d. £ s. d. Hector Memorial Fund Capital Account 1,184 18 1 Inscribed Stock 5,176 7 6 Hector Memorial Fund Revenue Account 81 5 11 Bank of New Zealand 246 7 6 Hutton Memorial Fund Capital Account 1,506 8 6 Post Office Savings Bank 905 4 0 Hutton Memorial Fund Revenue Account 211 1 7 Petty Cash in Hand 8 6 9 Sidey Summer-time Fund Capital Account 527 7 1 Sundry Debtors 65 10 9 Sidey Summer-time Fund Revenue Account 73 5 3 Hector Memorial Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 81 5 11 Cockayne Memorial Fund Capital Account 249 12 0 Hutton Memorial Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 211 1 7 Cockayne Memorial Fund Revenue Account 42 4 9 Sidey Summer-time Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 100 9 10 Hamilton Memorial Fund Capital Account 68 12 0 Cockayne Memorial Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 42 4 9 Hamilton Memorial Fund Revenue Account 3 9 2 Hamilton Memorial Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 72 1 2 Carter Library Legacy Capital Account 162 19 0 Carter Library Legacy—P.O.S.B. Account 1 13 2 Endowment Fund Capital Account 1,572 7 5 Carter Library Legacy owed to R.S.N.Z. 16 10 11 Endowment Fund Revenue Account 303 6 6 Library Fund 69 7 10 Research Grants Fund 122 0 6 Otago Daily Times Co., Vol. 70 (3) Blocks 20 8 6 Balance of Assets over Liabilities 728 9 9 £6,927 3 10 £6,927 3 10 (Signed) M. A. Eliott, Honorary Treasurer. The Audit Office, having examined the balance sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. Cyril Collins, Controller and Auditor-General.

Revenue Account for the Year Ending March 31, 1941. Expenditure. Income. £ s. d. £ s. d. Printing Trans., Vol. 69 (4), 70 (1, 2, 3) 517 6 7 By Balance, March 31, 1940 687 5 5 Stationery 3 0 2 Annual Grant 750 0 0 Transactions purchased 3 15 0 Levy, Vol. 69 210 19 10 Salary 325 0 0 Sales of Publications 85 9 9 Petty Cash 10 3 10 Trust Funds Administration Expenses 5 0 0 Travelling Expenses—Society's share 17 1 5 Library Shelving—Stack room 43 6 6 Charges (Audit, Bank, Insurance, Telephone) 9 7 11 Sales credited to Endowment Fund 81 3 10 Balance 728 9 9 £1,738 15 0 £1,738 15 0 By Balance £728 9 9

Trust Accounts for the Year ending March 31, 1941. Hector Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 5 0 By Capital Invested 1,184 18 1   Prize 50 1 3   Revenue A/c., 31/3/40 78 8 6   Engraving Medal 0 10 6   Interest 54 14 2   Administration Exs. 1 0 0   Balance 1,266 4 0 £1,318 0 9 £1,318 0 9 By Balance £1,266 4 0 Hutton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 5 0 By Capital Invested 1,506 8 6 Grant Instalment 6 0 0 Revenue A/c., 31/3/40 149 11 10 Administration Exs. 1 0 0 Interest 68 14 9 Balance 1,717 10 1 £1,724 15 1 £1,724 15 1 By Balance £1,717 10 1 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 5 0 By Capital Invested 527 7 1 One-tenth Interest to Capital A/c. 2 5 0 Revenue A/c., 31/3/40 54 4 8 Administration Exs. 1 0 0 Interest 22 10 7 Balance 600 12 4 £604 2 4 £604 2 4 By Balance £600 12 4 Hamilton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 2 6 By Capital in P.O.S.B. 68 12 0 Half Interest to Capital 1 2 2 Revenue A/c., 31/3/40 2 11 11 Administration Exs. 0 2 6 Interest 2 4 5 Balance 72 1 2 £73 8 4 £73 8 4 By Balance £72 1 2

Carter Library Legacy. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 2 6 By Capital Invested 162 19 0 Legal Opinion 17 19 3 Revenue A/c., 31/3/40 59 8 2 Steel Cupboards 115 2 1 Public Trustee—Original legacy, less charges 49 13 7 Administration Exs. 0 10 0 Interest 8 1 2 Balance 164 12 2 Loan from R.S.N.Z. 18 4 1 £298 6 0 £298 6 0 By Balance £164 12 2 Cockayne Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Exs. 0 2 6 By Capital Invested 249 12 0 Balance 291 16 9 Revenue A/c., 31/3/40 29 11 3 Interest 12 16 0 £291 19 3 £291 19 3 By Balance £291 16 9 Endowment Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Audit Fee 0 2 6 By Capital Invested 1,572 7 5 Administration Exs. 1 5 0 Revenue A/c., 31/3/40 136 7 6 Balance 1,875 13 11 Interest 87 2 8 Sales of Publications 81 3 10 £1,877 1 5 £1,877 1 5 By Balance £1,875 13 11 Endowment Fund: Dr. Bastings moved, Dr. Oliver seconded: “That the interest on the Endowment Fund for the current year, £63 16s, be made available for publications, if necessary, in the coming year.” On being put to the meeting, this motion was lost. Honorary Editor's Report: On the motion of Professor Evans, the Hon. Editor's report was adopted. Annual Report of Honorary Editor. During the year ended March 31st, 1941, the four parts of Transactions, Volume 70, comprising 484 pages and 73 plates, have been published. It consists of the following:— Papers. Pages. Plates. Proceedings 30 — Botany 3 16 5 Chemistry 1 2 — Geology 8 97 14 Palaeontology 3 93 5 Zoology 6 221 47 Obituaries 3 4 2 Appendix and Index 15 —

The following manuscripts have been handled during the year: Manuscripts in hand from preceding year (including 7 forwarded for Vol. 70 (1) 10 Manuscripts received during 1940–41 28 38 Of these 21 have been printed in Vol. 70. 9 are being printed in Vol. 71 (1). 8 are in hand. The average length of time between the receipt of papers as finally approved and their date of publication has been six and a-half months, an increase of one and a-half months compared with the preceding year. The longest period for any paper has been eleven months, and the shortest three months. Dr. C. O. Hutton has given valuable help as Associate Editor, and Dr. H. H. Allan and Miss L. B. Moore have read the proofs of all Botanical papers. (Signed) J. Marwick, Honorary Editor. On the motion of Mr. Hudson, seconded by Dr. Bastings, it was resolved that the Council express to the Honorary Editor, Dr. J. Marwick, its thanks for and appreciation of the manner in which he has carried out his work. Other members spoke in appreciation of the work of Dr. Marwick and of his assistants. Canterbury Branch: Correspondence between the President of the Canterbury Branch and the Royal Society of New Zealand with reference to the interpretation of Rule A.3, which deals with the financial liability of Member Bodies to the Royal Society of New Zealand was read. A good deal of discussion took place, and in order to clarify the position of Member Bodies it was resolved on the motion of Dr. Turner, seconded by Dr. Hilgendorf:— “That Member Bodies be notified that payment of the annual levy for publications is taken as discharging their obligations under Rule A.3, provided that the total amount of the levy paid by a Member Body is not less than one-sixth of its total revenue. “Also that attention be drawn to Rule H.(e) which states that a proportional contribution may be required from each Member Body towards the cost of publishing the Transactions and Proceedings of the Society.” Lunch Adjournment.—The meeting adjourned for lunch, the visiting members being the guests of the Wellington members. Roll Call: On resuming at 2.30 p.m., the following members were present: Dr. Holloway, Professor Evans, Professor Hudson, Mr. Aston, Dr. Oliver, Mr. G. Archey, and Professor H. W. Segar, Auckland representatives, Dr. Allan, Dr. Bastings, Dr. Hilgendorf, Dr. Focken, Dr. Turner, Mr. G. V. Hudson, Dr. Miller, Mr. Sorensen, Mr. Eliott, and Dr. Marshall. Honorary Member: An election for one Honorary Member was held, and resulted in Dr. Diamond Jenness being elected. One vacancy in the Honorary Members' List, owing to the death of Sir James Frazer, was declared, and it was decided to fill this vacancy at the next annual meeting.

The following reports having been circulated were, on the motion of Professor Evans, seconded by Mr. Aston, adopted:— Reports of Research Grantees. Professor B. J. Marples, who in 1938 was granted £20 for research on the food of the German owl reported on the 22nd April, 1941, that during the inquiry 242 owls were sent in for examination, having been collected during a period of two years. The examination of the stomach contents, etc., is now almost completed, and it is hoped that the final report on the whole investigation will be ready for publication in the near future. A total amount of £15 15s 9d has been expended, and the grantee should like to ask permission to expend the balance of the grant in making a visit to Green Island, a small island off the coast near Dunedin. It appears probable that it is the breeding ground of interesting species of Petrels and Shags, and that in any case a general survey of its fauna would be worth making. Mr. L. E. Richdale, who was granted £20 from the Hutton Fund to cover expenses incurred in ringing birds, reported on the 5th May, 1941, that he has continued ringing birds on the lines indicated in his report last year. He has purchased further rings, and has about £6 worth on order. The full results of his penguin studies, made possible only by the use of rings, will, he hopes. be ready for publication at the end of the year. Some idea of the use made of the rings may be gleaned in papers he has already published in the Emu in 1939, 1940, and 1941. Dr. F. J. Turner, who in 1938 was granted £15 to defray cost of cutting oriented sections of Otago schists, reported on the 15th April that during the year he has had made a further 48 oriented rock-sections and polished sections which have been lodged in the collections of the Otago University. The grant is now wholly expended. The sections in question have provided material for two papers which will be submitted for publication. He extends his thanks to the Society for this financial assistance. Messrs. R. A. Falla and A. W. B. Powell reported that the grant of £40 given to them for an expedition to the Subantarctic Islands has not yet been expended, as there has been no opportunity to visit the islands, and the grant together with the interest on it is intact. They are both still ready to take advantage of the first opportunity to carry out the research as originally planned. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum Board of Trustees. Report of Society's Representatives. The Board of Trustees met four times during the year ending March 31, 1941, and the Royal Society of New Zealand was represented at each of these meetings. During the year the sum of £1000 was added to the Renewals and Repairs Fund, which now stands at £2750, and in consequence the sums budgeted for the Art Gallery and Museum were somewhat reduced. Although each of the Institutions under the control of the Board of Trustees is badly in need of more money, the work of each was carried on successfully throughout the year. Many special exhibitions were held, and the attendance of the public was good. The work of the Education Officer attached to the Museum was highly appreciated, and it is probable that a special officer will soon be available for similar work in connexion with the Art Gallery. Changes of staff—due in great part to war conditions—have been more numerous than usual, and further changes appear to be imminent. (Signed) P. Marshall. W. P. Evans.

Tongariro National Park. Report of Society's Representative on the Park Board. The Tongariro National Park Board has held two meetings during the year. At the first meeting I brought before the Board the action of the Main Highways Board in realigning and straightening the road to the Chateau with the consequent destruction of much native vegetation and the exposure of bare ground on which it was likely that heather would become established. The meeting asked the Chairman to investigate the matter, which was regarded as highly important. At the second meeting the Chairman reported that he had conferred with the Highways authorities, and that they had promised to cover the ground and to prevent the heather from becoming established. I drew the attention of the Board to the report from Mr. G. V. Hudson that orchid plants had been stripped from trees for decoration in the Chateau. The Chairman has issued orders that nothing of this kind shall be done again. In February I visited Ketetahi and was glad that no introduced heather is growing on the southern slopes of Tongariro near the tourist track. (Signed) P. Marshall. The Royal New Zealand Institute of Horticulture. Annual Report of the Society's Representative. Annual Conference: The eighteenth Annual Conference was held at Oamaru on February 6, 1941. National Horticultural Week and the National Flower Show were opened by the Minister of Agriculture on the 4th. The show remained open the following day and attracted a large attendance. Banks Lecture: The Banks Lecture was delivered by Mr. David Tannock, the subject being “The History, Development, and Activities of Reserves Departments in New Zealand.” It is printed in the Institute's Journal, Vol. 4, pp. 85–99. Educational: The total number of diplomas and certificates of all classes issued by the Institute is (February, 1941) 393. The School of Horticulture conducted by the Christchurch Domains Board is doing excellent work. At the Annual Conference a remit was carried urging upon the Government the necessity for establishing a National School of Horticulture. (Signed) W. R. B. Oliver. Report of Wild Life Control Committee on National Parks. The Wellington representatives of the Wild Life Control Committee, Dr. Allan and Dr. Oliver, attended a meeting of the Council of the Federated Mountain Clubs of New Zealand on November 30th, 1940. There was a general discussion on the aims of the Federated Mountain Clubs in regard to National Parks, and the policy which the Clubs support was read at the meeting. Your representatives agreed substantially with the Mountain Club's policy. The collaboration of the Royal Society in placing before the Government the question of the administration of National Parks was welcomed by the Council of Mountain Clubs. It was decided, however, not to approach the Government while the war is in progress. In the meantime, steps are to be taken to finalise a policy acceptable to the Mountain Clubs and the Royal Society. (Signed) W. R. B. Oliver, Convener. Great Barrier Reef Committee. Report of Representative. One meeting of the Committee was held during the year (November 27th, 1940). The Chairman reported that a number of islands that he had named had been proclaimed National Parks. A discussion took place on the protcetion of the fauna and flora of the Islands. Dr. Dorothy Hill reported on the work being carried out in the Moreton Bay area. A good deal of the information gained is in manuscript form and includes descriptions of corals and geology.

Descriptions of the material from the Heron Island bore had been prepared. The Fahnestock Expedition arrived at Brisbane on October 8th to study and collect for the American Museum of Natural History. The Expedition's vessel, Recorder II, was wrecked near Gladstone. The work the Expedition planned, however, was carried out near Cairns and Low Island. The financial statement on November 27 showed a balance in hand of £1830 5s 10d, of which £800 was in bonds. (Signed) W. R. B. Oliver. Observatories Committee. Report of Representatives. I have been unable to arrange a meeting of the Observatories Committee as Professor Burbidge is unable at present to attend. Mr. Brogan, of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, hopes to be able to call members together about the end of this month. In the meantime there is nothing special to report. (Signed) D. C. H. Florance, Chairman Observatories Committee. 9th May, 1941. Carter Observatory Board. Report of Society's Representatives. A Bill entitled “The Carter Observatory Act” was passed by Parliament on 12th September, 1938, by virtue of which the personnel of the Carter Observatory Board was announced on the 19th January, 1939, as follows:— Representing the Royal Society of New Zealand: Dr. E. Kidson, Mr. C. G. G. Berry. Representing the Wellington City Council: Mr. E. P. Norman, Mr. M. M. F. Luckie. Representing the Government: Professor D. C. H. Florance, Mr. M. Geddes, Dr. C. E. Adams, Dr. E. Marsden. This left one vacancy for a full Board as provided by the Act. Two further vacancies occurred by the appointment of Mr. M. Geddes as the Director of the Observatory in April, 1939, and the sudden death of Dr. E. Kidson on 12th June, 1939. On the 15th June, 1939, and 24th August the appointments were gazetted of Dr. C. Coleridge Farr, Professor F. F. Miles, and Dr. M. A. F. Barnett respectively. The present constitution of the Board is therefore as follows:— Representing the Royal Society of New Zealand: Dr. M. A. F. Barnett, Mr. C. G. G. Berry. Representing the Wellington City Council: Mr. M. M. F. Luckie, Mr. E. P. Norman. Representing the Government: Dr. C. E. Adams, Dr. E. Marsden, Dr. C. Coleridge Farr, Professor D. C. H. Florance, Professor F. F. Miles. Owing to the pressure of other duties, Dr. E. Marsden has been represented at the majority of meetings by Mr. F. Brogan, Assistant Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research. Mr. M. M. F. Luckie was elected Chairman, and Dr. C. E. Adams Deputy Chairman of the Board. Mr. I. L. Thomsen was appointed Secretary and Treasurer to the Board. Up to the present time fifteen meetings of the Board have been held. Throughout its activities the Board has had most helpful co-operation and assistance from the Wellington City Council and the New Zealand Government. The Wellington City Council gave assistance as follows:— (1) The provision of an annual grant of £250 per annum. (2) The transfer of half an acre of land in the Botanical Gardens, Wellington, to the Board as an Observatory site.

(3) Levelling of the site and widening of the access road. (4) Transfer of the 9-inch photovisual equatorial refractor and accompanying accessories. (5) Transfer of the temporary observatory building in the Botanical Gardens. The Government has assisted by:— (1) Providing an annual grant, in accordance with the Carter Observatory Act, of £750. (2) The Radio Research Committee providing an annual grant of £50 for the expenses of maintaining auroral research in New Zealand. (3) Making available in the Meteorological Office a place of meeting for the Board. (4) The transfer on permanent loan of two small telescopes and the astronomical library of the Dominion Observatory. (5) Making general facilities available at the Dominion Observatory for the staff of the Carter Observatory and the loan of pieces of apparatus. Considerable assistance was given to the Board by the Secretary of the Royal Society of New Zealand, when the moneys, securities, and other assets of the Carter Bequest, which had been in the keeping of the Society, were handed over. The Board appreciates the care with which the bequest was administered during the time that the Royal Society of New Zealand controlled it. The Council of Victoria University College on 29th February, 1940, made a gift to the Board of the 20-inch telescope belonging to the Physics Department of the College. Mount Wilson Observatory has made a loan of a spectrohelioscope, to the Observatory. This instrument was formerly used at the Apia Observatory. Annual reports and Government audited Balance Sheets have been forwarded to Parliament for the financial years ended in 1939 and 1940. The finances of the Board at present appear to be in a satisfactory condition. Plans for the proposed Observatory were prepared by Messrs. Gray Young, Morton, and Young, Registered Architects, and a contract for the building by the Fletcher Construction Company Ltd. was accepted. At the time of writing this report the building is well on the way towards completion, although labour shortage is making the work take longer than was originally anticipated. The building, which appears to be well constructed, will contain a library room, two offices, a lecture room, dark rooms, workshop, housing for the library of the New Zealand Astronomical Society, two telescope rooms with domes, a spectrohelioscope room, and several storerooms. The staff of the Carter Observatory consists of Mr. M. Geddes, M.A., F.R.A.S., and Mr. I. L. Thomsen, F.R.A.S. Observations and astronomical results are regularly published in a monthly Bulletin, and in reprints from papers published in New Zealand and overseas scientific journals. Monthly lectures of a popular type have been given during the winter months and are very well attended by the public. (Signed) C. G. G. Berby. M. A. F. Barnett. May 1st, 1941. Science Teaching in Schools: The Wellington Branch brought down a resolution advocating that greater attention be given to science in post-primary schools. Several members contributed to a discussion on the subject and finally, on the motion of Dr. Allan, seconded by Mr. Archey, it was resolved: “That the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand, having regard to the importance of scientific education and understanding in the community, requests the Hon. Minister of Education to convene a Committee including, for instance, representatives of the Royal Society, the University

of New Zealand, the Department of Education, and Post-primary Teachers, to prepare a report on the matter. That among the subjects which such committee might consider are: (a) The teaching of science subjects so as to meet the needs of those who will receive no further formal teaching of science. (b) The widening of the scope of science subjects in Post-primary Schools so as to include the biological sciences in as far as they have a bearing on the affairs of daily life. (c) The training of science teachers.” Notices of Motion: The following Notices of Motion were then considered:— (1) Moved by Dr. Turner, seconded by Dr. Focken:— “That the custom of holding bi-ennial or tri-ennial science congresses of the Royal Society of New Zealand be re-established; and that the Wellington Branch or alternatively the Otago Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand be invited to organise the next congress of this kind in May, 1942.” In the discussion, some members pointed out the difficulties of arranging congresses at the present time. Others considered it inadvisable, in view of the international situation, to attempt to hold a congress. Dr. Turner expressed the viewpoint that the war may be a prolonged one, and he questioned the wisdom of abandoning congresses for what might be a lengthy period. On being put to the meeting the motion was lost. (2) Moved by Dr. Focken, seconded by Professor Hudson:— “That the Council consider the desirability of holding its general meeting bi-ennially for the duration of the war, the next meeting to be in May, 1943.” On its being pointed out that under the Act it was compulsory to hold an annual meeting of the Council, the motion was withdrawn, and replaced by the following motion: “That the matter of the next Council meeting be left in the hands of the Standing Committee.” This was carried. Wild Life Matters: Mr. J. H. Sorensen drew attention to the depredation in the forests of Fiordland and Southland by wild cats and stoats. It was suggested to Mr. Sorensen that he bring the matter before the convener of the Wild Life Control Committee. Honorary and Life Members of Member Bodies: For the information of Member Bodies, Dr. Hilgendorf intimated the policy of the Canterbury Branch with regard to the transfer of Honorary and Life Members to other Branches. Ward Island Domain Board: Dr. Oliver reported that the Ward Island Domain Board, which had been defunct, was about to be resuscitated. Election of Officers: President, Mr. G. Archey; Vice-President, Dr. H. H. Allan; Hon. Treasurer, Mr. M. A. Eliott; Hon. Editor, Dr. J. Marwick; Hon. Librarian, Professor W. P. Evans; Co-opted Member, Dr. P. Marshall; Managers Trust Funds: Messrs M. A. Eliott and B. C. Aston; Representative Royal N.Z. Inst. Horticulture, Dr. W. R. B. Oliver; Representative Great Barrier Reef Committee, Dr. W. R. B. Oliver; Representatives Observatories' Committee, Professor D. C. H. Florance and Professor P. W. Burbidge.

Election of Committees: Hector Award Committee—Dr Holloway (Convener), Professor H. B. Kirk, and Dr. W. R. B. Oliver. Library Committee—Professor W. P. Evans, Dr. H. H. Allan, and Dr. C. A. Cotton. Fellowship Selection Committee—Professor W. P. Evans, Mr. G. Archey, Professor H. W. Segar, Dr. H. H. Allan, and Dr. J. Marwick. Wild Life Control Committee: Dr. W. R. B. Oliver (Convener), Dr. H. H. Allan, Mr. G. Archey, Mr. E. F. Stead, Dr. R. A. Falla, Mr. L. E. Richdale, and Dr. J. E. Holloway. Votes of Thanks: On the motion of Professor Segar, seconded by Mr. Archey, a very cordial vote of thanks was accorded to the retiring President, Dr. Holloway, for his work during the last two years. On the motion of Dr. Allan, seconded by Mr. Eliott, it was resolved that the Council express its appreciation of the way in which Professor Evans has carried out his work as Vice-President. He deserved its gratitude and thanks for his untiring services. Votes of thanks were also accorded to Victoria University College for the use of the Council Room, to the Press, and to the Secretary, Miss Wood. Confirmed. H. H. Allan, Chairman, Standing Committee. 6th June, 1941. Reports of Member Bodies. Auckland Institute. President: Mr. W. A. Fairclough. Director and Secretary: Mr. Gilbert Archey. Report for the Year 1940–41. The normal services of the Auckland Institute and Museum covering educational, scientific, and cultural activities have been maintained in spite of the war, and there has been excellent public appreciation of these services. An additional activity on the educational side was the formation of an art class for school children, the object being to encourage the pictorial rendering of natural history subjects. It is pleasing again to record how excellent has been the work of the Director and staff of the Museum, and to acknowledge the work of many persons outside the Museum staff who give their voluntary services to further these activities. Membership: At the beginning of the year there was a roll of 599 members. During the year we have lost by death, resignation, and deletion 42 members, but have gained 16 new members, so the year concluded with a roll of 577. Congratulations: Congratulations are extended to Dr. D. B. Macleod for the award of the Hector Medal and to Dr. R. S. Allan and Mr. A. W. B. Powell for their election to Fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Obituary: We have to record with much regret the loss by death of the following members: Miss D. Pound, Messrs. Sinclair, G. C. W. Morris, E. D. Ashton, W. Coltman, R. W. White, T. F. Wallace, H. E. R. S. Wily, T. Philcox, A. W. Gillies, J. W. Brame, A. Buchanan, C. J. Shaw, F. N. Andrews, E. A. Craig, P. Brodie, and R. F. Blair.

Council: During the year seven well-attended meetings have been held. There has been no change in elected members. Institute Meetings: Seven evening addresses two of which were delivered by visiting lecturers, were given during last winter's session. Members' thanks for a very interesting series of lectures are due to:— Professor F. P. Worley, M.A., D.Sc.: “Chemical Warfare.” Mr. A. W. B. Powell: “Shellfish Uses Down the Ages.” Professor T. D. J. Leech, B.Sc., B.E.: “The Growth of Aviation.” Dr. Raymond W. Firth: “Malay Medicine and Magic.” Dr. E. Marsden, C.B.E., M.C., F.R.S.N.Z.: “Science in Relation to War.” Dr. D. Brown: “Radio Methods for Direction Finding and Navigation.” Dr. J. Hardie Neil, D.S.O.: “Speech and Hearing.” Three ordinary meetings were also held, papers being read by Rev. G. I. Laurenson, Dr. L. H. Briggs, and Messrs. J. C. Neill, A. W. B. Powell, and G. Archey. Anthropology and Maori Race Section: Chairman, Rev. G. I. Laurenson; Hon. Secretary, R. A. Scobie. The Committee felt that in view of the demands on members which might arise from the war, it would be better to have a short concentrated syllabus. The wisdom of this policy was borne out by the high average attendance. Membership remains at a very high level. Astronomical Section: President, Mr. R. A. McIntosh. Hon. Secretary, Mr. T. Rounthwaite. Four meetings were held last year by the Section, whose membership remains at 21. The meetings were addressed by Mr. R. A. McIntosh. Professor H. G. Forder, and Mr. T. Rounthwaite. The decrease in the number of meetings is due to the difficulty of obtaining lecturers. The most notable event of the year was the discovery by Mr. McIntosh of a bright comet now known as Comet Skjellerup-McIntosh. Mr. McIntosh has also calculated its orbit. The observatory at Symonds Street was visited by many interested members of the public, who found the comet rather disappointing, owing to the unfavourable location of the telescope. The comet gave the matter of the observatory much desirable publicity, and it is hoped that a new building and site will become a reality in the near future. The Committee wish to thank the University College Council and Professor Burbidge for the continued use of the telescope and the physics lecture room. The Museum: Attendances during the year are as follows: Visitors 130,937; school pupils 14,838; flower show 6,294; lectures 1,182. Hawke's bay Branch of the royal society of N.Z. Report for the Year ended December 31st, 1940. Meetings: At the annual meeting held on June 13 the following officers were elected:—President, C. F. H. Pollock; Council, G. Waterworth and A. G. Clark; Hon. Secretary, W. G. Ball, Hawke's Bay Art Gallery and Museum; Hon. Auditor, J. E. Gleadow; Hon. Lanternist, Hector Chapman; Representatives Museum Committee, A. G. Clark, E. S. West, D. A. Campbell, and I. J. Pohlen. On June 20th Mr. W. T. Prentice delivered a lecture on “Some Famous Hawke's Bay Maori Pas” to an appreciative attendance. Library: The thanks of the Society are recorded to Mr. J. St. J. Hindmarsh for the gift of Studies in History and Jurisprudence (2 vols.). G. V. Hudson's Supplement to Butterflies and Moths of N.Z. has been purchased; and additions of other volumes were suspended meanwhile owing to war difficulties. Periodicals available are listed in the library. Obituary: The Society and the Dominion generally have sustained a great loss in the death of Herbert Guthrie-Smith, F.R.S.N.Z., the distinguished naturalist and author. A memoir by Johannes Andersen appears in the December Transactions. The death of James Hislop also removed a very old member of this branch. He was Secretary and Treasurer from 1899 to 1910 and was elected a Life member in recognition of his services. Museum Committee: Our representatives have been regular in attendance and taken great interest in the Museum's work.

Membership: This numbers 52, being 45 ordinary, 3 life, 3 honorary, and 1 juvenile. Three resignations were received, and six new members were elected, viz., Mrs. L. S. Holland, Messrs. J. S. McMillan, D. A. Campbell, D. B. Hopcroft, I. J. Pohlen, and D. K. Woodbury. March 18th, 1941. C. F. H. Pollock, President. The Wellington branch of the royal society of N.Z. (incorp.) Summary of Seventy-third Annual Report, being the Report of the Council for the year ended 30th September, 1940. President: Mr. C. M. Smith. Secretary: Mr. J. T. Salmon. Council Meetings: The Council has held ten meetings during the past session. Membership: The membership of the Society, including Associates, now stands at 212. At least four of our members are known to be on active service with the New Zealand Military Forces. Meetings: The Society's room at the Dominion Museum has been filled practically to capacity on several evenings during the year. The following addresses were delivered: Presidential Address on “Forestry and War,” by Mr. C. M. Smith. In May, “Some Aspects of Fisheries Research in Canada,” by Dr. L. R. Richardson; in July, “Co-ordination Compounds,” by Mr. A. D. Munro, M.Sc.; in August, “Background to the War,” by Dr. G. H. Scholefield; and in September, “Petroleum and Some of Its Products,” by Mr. L. F. Elsby, B.Eng., M.I.Mech., E.M.I.A.E., F. Inst. Pet. On June 26th the Society held a very well attended symposium and discussion on “The Aims and Scope of Science Teaching in New Zealand.” Speakers were invited from the New Zealand University, the Entrance Board, the Education Department, the Science Teaching Profession, and the Professional Scientists. From the matters ventilated at this meeting the Council has framed a resolution to be presented to the Government and the University through the Royal Society, with a view to improving the system of Science teaching in New Zealand. Sections: All sections have continued their activities, and many interesting meetings have been held. Papers for Publication: Three papers for publication were read at general meetings of the Society during the year, one by Mr. Ewen Cardale on “A Description of a New Species of New Zealand Land Planarian Artioposthia oivis, Notes on Anatomy, Histology, and Physiology with Ecological Data,” read on the 24th July; and two, one by Mr. J. T. Salmon, M.Sc., on the “Collembolan Fauna of New Zealand, including a Discussion of its Distribution and Affinities,” and the other, “The Sharks of New Zealand,” by Mr. W. J. Phillipps, both read on the 25th September. Library: Members are increasingly availing themselves of the Library. It is regretted that as a result of the war the periodical Discovery ceased publication. The following periodicals, however, are still regularly received: Man, Nature, Australian Journal of Science, Science, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, American Journal of Science, Annals of Botany, Botanical Gazette, Quarterly Review of Biology, United. Empire, Entomologist, British Association for the Advancement of Science, bulletins from Canadian Department of Mines, and publications of the New Zealand Geological Survey. The following books were also added to the Library: Man of Power, Everyman's Astronomy, Other Men's Lives, Secrets of Nature, 100 Years of Medicine, Men Who Are Shaping the Future, The Evolution of Physics, The Restless Earth, Unsolved Problems of Science, Modern Armaments, and Wonders of the Waves. Several books posted as missing last year have been returned. Carter Library: This valuable library, which under the will of the late C. R. Carter became the joint property of the Royal Society and the Dominion Museum, is now housed in the special lock-up steel cabinets which have been provided in this Society's room at the Museum. Observatory: On several evenings, as a preliminary to the meetings of the Astronomical Section, instruction has been given at the observatory to members on the use of the 5in telescope.

Nelson Philosophical Society. Annual Report for Year ending 30th September, 1940. President: Mr. H. O. Askew. Hon. Secretary and Treasurer: Mr O. B. Pemberton, Cawthron Inst., Nelson. The Committee submits the following report of the work of the Nelson Philosophical Society for the year ending 30th September, 1940. The membership of the Society consists of 29 ordinary members and 17 associate members, making a total of 46. Meetings of the Society have been held as follows:— 1939. 24th October: Lecturettes with Exhibits. (1) Sir Thomas Easterfield, “Some Features of the Mineral Belt.” (2) Miss E. B. Kidson, “Injection Treatment of Orchard Trees.” (3) Dr. D. Miller, “White Ants.” (4) Mr. J. Glasgow, “Maori Artifact of Unknown Use, and Old Maps.” (5) Mr. A. J. Metson, “Photographs of Seagulls.” (6) Mr. W. C. Davies, “Some Recent Accessions to Cawthron Institute Museum.” 1940. 14th May: Lecture by Dr. H. O. Askew, “Geochemistry of Some Mineral Deficiencies.” 18th June: Sir Theodore Rigg, “Chinese Agriculture.” 16th July: Mr. N. S. Tankersley, “Sound Films” as follows: (1) Exploring the Universe; (2) Life Cycle of a Plant; (3) Energy and Its Transformation; (4) Mechanism of Breathing; (5) Reproduction among Mammals. 20th August: Mr. J. H. Jennings of Golden Bay Cement Works: “Portland Cement.” 17th September: Mr. A. N. Field, “Is the Evolution Theory Dead? A Layman Seeks Enlightenment.” The Canterbury branch of the royal society of N.Z. President: Dr. R. A. Falla. Hon. Secretary: Mr. R. S. Duff (Canterbury Museum). Council: Ten meetings of the Council have been held during the year, and discussion of the proposed library merger has taken up much of the Council's time. The personnel of the Council has been altered by the election of Mr. H. C. Brent in place of Dr. R. S. Allan, who was unable to attend meetings. Membership: Only three new members have been elected, and two associate members became full members, as against three lost by death, two by resignation, and two struck off, leaving a net total of 131. In addition, six members on active service or other duties overseas have their names retained on the roll, but do not pay subscriptions. Associate membership stands at present at the low total of four. Obituary: The Society has been unfortunate enough to lose by death the services of three long-established members: Dr. J. P. Whetter, Mr. Guy Brittin, of Motueka, and Mr. James Drummond, F.L.S., F.Z.S. Mr. Drummond joined the Society in 1902, and for many years was an active member. To his professional skill as a journalist he added a wide interest in natural history, not only conducting a weekly column in several newspapers, but also writing a number of books, some in collaboration with the late Captain F. W. Hutton. Mr. Drummond was a member of several scientific societies overseas and built up a valuable reference library. During his last ten years of continuous ill-health he retained his keen interest in the progress of science and in the welfare of the Canterbury Branch of the Royal Society. Mr. Brittin, during his residence in Christchurch about 25 years ago, was an enthusiastic microscopist, specialising in the Coccidae or Scale Insects, and contributed many papers on the subject. On his removal to Motueka he retained his connection with the Canterbury Branch, and periodically sent papers to be read. An obituary notice is published in the June number of the Transactions.

Hector Award: Dr. D. B. Macleod brought distinction on the Society as recipient of the Hector Award for 1940. The award, which was made for outstanding work in connection with molecular physics, was conferred by Professor W. P. Evans, of Wellington, the Vice-president of the Royal Society of New Zealand, at the August meeting. Members on Active Service: The Council records the names of three members of the Society who are on active service overseas: F. K. Roberts, J. H. Strong, E. A. Sorensen. The Year's Programme: The Council wishes to place on record its concern at the unsatisfactory attendances for the majority of meetings in the year's programme. With two exceptions, popular addresses were no better attended than evenings on which papers were read, and the attendance at the latter was uniformly poor. Addresses were as follows: March (Presidential Address), Dr. R. A. Falla, “Museums at Home and Abroad”; “Some Maori Sites and Discoveries on Banks Peninsula,” by Mr. L. J. Vangioni; “Conservation at Work in the United States of America,” Mr. L. W. McCaskill; “Before the Pilgrims—Canterbury's Real Centennial,” Mr. C. R. Straubel; “Scientists—a Layman's Perplexity,” Mr. E. Hitchcock. Mr. von Haast's address, on May 21st, was the only one arranged in the series on pioneer men of science in New Zealand. His subject was Sir Julius von Haast. By contrast with the lack of support accorded by the Society for its own programme, the Secondary Schools' Lecture Series (revived this year) was so well attended that the audiences had to be restricted in numbers to the accommodation available. Audiences of up to 268 heard the following series (between June 7th and July 12th): “Liquid Air,” Dr. H. G. Denham; “Maori Life and Origins,” Mr. R. S. Duff; “The Original Plant Covering of New Zealand,” Mr. L. W. McCaskill; “Bird Life in New Zealand,” Dr. R. A. Falla; “Volcanoes,” Dr. G. Jobberns; “Insect Communities,” Mr. W. E. Moore. Papers: The following papers were presented for publication in the Transactions:— June 5th: R. Speight, “The Gravels of the Mackenzie Intermont”; E. F. Stead, “A New Race of Island Snipe.” August 7th: G. Stokell, “A Revision of the genus Gobiomorphus”; A. G. McFarlane, “Rhyacophilid Larvae and their Distribution within the Waimakariri Drainage Area.” October 2nd: D. H. Graham, “Breeding Habits of 21 Species of Marine Mollusca”; R. Speight, “The Rangitata Glacier—Its Maximum Extent”; E. F. Stead, “Notes on the Down Plumage of Certain Ducks.” The following papers were presented, but not for publication:— April 3rd: W. E. Moore, “Ants of the Mountain Swamps of Canterbury.” W. E. Moore, “Notes on Huberia striata.” June 5th: E. Percival, “Description of a New Intestinal Protozoan from a Gecko.” W. B. Brockie (communicated by W. E. Moore), “Ranunculus paucifolius.” August 7th: O. H. Frankel, “Male Sterility in Hebe.” E. Percival, “The Early Development and Metamorphosis of a Brachiopod (Terebratella inconspicua).” October 2nd: F. W. Hilgendorf, “Forest Remains on present Tussock Grass Lands.” G. Stokell, “A Revision of the genus Retropinna.” Library Merger: First brought up in July, 1939, the question of amalgamating the Society's Library with that of Canterbury University College was discussed at some length at the annual meeting of 1939, and by a motion from that meeting the Council was empowered to proceed with a scheme which when definitely formulated should be placed before a special general meeting of the Society. The Council has discussed the merger at most meetings of the year, and while some disagreement with the proposed scheme has been expressed by one member of the Council, the Council presents to a special general meeting to

be called after this annual meeting, a form of agreement which meets as far as possible the objections of this member, provides for mutual use of the Society and College Libraries, and permanently safeguards the Society's own interests. Change in Constitution: As the question had been raised, during the Library negotiations, whether the Society had power to so delegate an important function to the care of an outside person or institution, the following motion, altering the constitution, was passed at a special general meeting called for the purpose on June 5th:— “That Clause 28 of the Constitution be re-numbered 29 and that a new Clause 28 be adotped as follows: “The Society shall have power, by resolution of a special general meeting called for that purpose, to delegate to any person or persons, authority to undertake on its behalf any special function of the Society referred to him or them by the special general meeting, for the period of time and under the conditions laid down by the Society.” Report of the Hon. Librarian: As the Society has been considering a library merger proposal during the year, no large projects of reorganisation have been undertaken; the sorting of periodical files begun last year was continued. The list of purchased journals remains the same, and all are arriving fairly regularly except the French Comptes rendus, which ceased in the middle of May. One of our members offered anonymously to bind some of the volumes most needing attention, and about 30 have been bound as a result of this generosity. Scientific workers in other parts of New Zealand continue to make considerable use of our collection by postal borrowing. During the year the College had to partition off part of the Library room as an office, and access is now less convenient.—C. W. Collins, Hon. Librarian. Riccarton Bush: The Board of Trustees of Riccarton Bush reports that the maintenance of the bush has been carried out during the past year in a satisfactory manner. A considerable area of European oaks has been cleared and prepared for planting with native trees. The Bush continues to attract many visitors, and an increasing number of parties of students from schools and colleges. Careful administration of the limited income of the Board is necessary and the Trustees tender their thanks to those individuals and organisations which have contributed to the funds. Otago Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Annual Report for Session 1940. President: Dr. Basil Howard. Hon. Secretary: Dr. H. D. Skinner, Otago Museum, Dunedin. Membership: The number of full members for 1940 is 178, as compared with 184 for 1939. There were six new members. Losses were due to resignations (8), deaths (3), and struck off the roll (1). Deaths: The deaths are recorded with regret of Mr. J. M. Fraser, Mr. A. W. Milnes, Mr. A. S. Paterson. Attendance at Lectures: The average attendance at Junior lectures was 80, the same figure as last year. The average attendance at the first seven senior lectures was 52, compared with 55 last year. Representatives on Museum Management Committee: Messrs. G. Simpson and J. Scott Thomson were again elected. Conversazione: The annual conversazione, held in conjunction with the Association of Friends of the Museum, was held on Thursday, November 7, and was highly successful, 183 being present. The two special features were an exhibition of native sprays, flowers, and plants, for which much material had been secured from helpers in the Auckland province, and an exhibition of pictures. These were representative of landscape and topographical artists working in the first half-century of New Zealand European history. Mr. L. E. Richdale generously showed a part of his albatross film, and, owing to the inadequacy of the lecture room, this had to be repeated. Portraits of Past Presidents: The set of portraits is nearing completion, but the following are still needed: J. S. Webb, W. Arthur, Dr. de Zouche, Dr. Belcher, and F. W. Payne. Help in securing any of these would be greatly

appreciated. Portraits are also being secured of some other members who have done good service to the Society, for example, Mr. E. J. Parr, secretary from 1913 to 1919 inclusive. Auditorium Fund: The need for a large hall as part of the Museum is apparent all the year round in connection with the School Service. It was brought home to this Society in a more concrete way by the impossibility of accommodating at one sitting all those who attended the conversazione The Auditorium Fund now stands at £1400. Native Bird Protection: The Committee entrusted with native bird protection has not met during the year, due to the enlightened policy of the Otago Harbour Board in fully protecting the nesting albatrosses at Taiaroa Head. Mr. L. E. Richdale has continued his work of observation and protection. Honours: Dr. J. E. Holloway, F.R.S., was elected President of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Dr. R. Gardner was elected President of the New Zealand Institute of Chemistry. Mr. W. A. Thomson was awarded the Loder Cup. Publications: The Society extends its congratulations to Dr. Basil Howard on the publication of Rakiura, to Mr. W. G. McClymont on the publication of The Exploration of New Zealand, and to Dr. John Elder on The History of the Presbyterian Church of New Zealand. Ordinary Meetings: April 9: Presidential Address, “Whither?—The Decline of Culture.” May 14: Mr. L. W. McCaskill, M.Sc. (Christchurch), “Soil Conservation in New Zealand.” (Joint meeting with Agricultural Section and with Dunedin Naturalists' Field Club.)) June 11: Dr. H. H. Allan (Wellington): “Conservation of the Plant Covering in New Zealand.” (Joint meeting with Field Club.) July 9: Dr. R. A. Falla (Christchurch): “The Conservation of New Zealand Birds.” August 13: Mr. L. E. Richdale, M.A.: “Some Local Native Birds.” Films and slides. September 10: The Hon. W. Downie Stewart, “Some Early New Zealand Prime Ministers.” (Joint meeting with Historical Section.) October 8: Dr. W. N. Benson, “Landslips in the Dunedin Area.” Original papers. November 12: Annual report and balance sheet. Exhibits from the Museum collections. Original Papers: F. J. Turner: “Applicability and Limitations of Petrofabric Analysis without use of a Universal Stage.” W. N. Benson and F. J. Turner: “Mugearites in the Dunedin District.” W. N. Benson: “Landslips and Allied Features in the Dunedin District in Relation to Geological Structures, Topography, and Engineering.” Southland Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Annual Report, 1940 Session. President: Dr. G. H. Uttley. Secretary: Mr. J. H. Sorensen. Membership: The membership roll of the branch stands at 40, one of whom is a life member, three are on active service and granted honorary membership, 27 are financial members, and nine subscriptions are still unpaid. One subscription has since been paid, and it is hoped that others will be forthcoming. At the latter end of the year one member of the Council, Miss A. Eastwood, left the district and tendered her resignation. This was accepted with regret.

Lectures: During the year eight general meetings were held, and on each meeting night addresses were given as follows:— 24th April: “Evolution” (Presidential Address), Dr. G. H. Uttley. 15th May: “The Control of Malaria,” Mr. F. M. Corkill. 20th June: “N.Z. Freshwater Fishes,” Mr. G. Stokell. 10th July: “Museums at Home and Abroad,” Dr. R. A. Falla. 10th September: “Science in Relation to War,” Dr. E. Marsden. 7th November: “The Southern Islands,” Dr. W. R. B. Oliver. 28th November: (a) “The Cyclotron,” Dr. C. C. Anderson. (b) “Deciduous Trees,” Mr. J. C. Calvert. (c) “Colour Photography,” Mr. J. H. Sorensen. (d) “Travels in Fiordland” and “Down the Colorado” (movie films), Dr. D. Jennings. 12th December: “Dinornis Centennial,” Mr. J. H. Sorensen. Attendances: Fair attendances were recorded at both general meetings and meetings of the Council. Representatives: The President (Dr. Uttley) and Dr. C. C. Anderson were appointed to represent the Branch on the Southland Museum Trust Board. Mr. J. H. Sorensen was appointed the Branch's delegate to the parent body. Honours: Congratulations are extended to Staff-sergeant D. C. Berry (on active service) on his appointment as a Fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society for auroral research in collaboration with Mr. M. Geddes. Two other members on active service carry with them the good wishes of the Branch—C. E. Barwell and A. McDonald. Original Paper: A paper entitled “Tasmacetus shepherdi: History and Description of Specimens Washed Ashore on Mason's Bay, Stewart Island” was read by Mr. J. H. Sorensen and accepted for publication in the Transactions. Library: The parent body kindly supplied many of the volumes missing from the Branch's set. Sir Robert Anderson donated an almost complete set of the Transactions. Mr. S. G. August presented two volumes, Description du Ciel,” by A. Danjon, and Manuel de Conchyliologie, by J. C. Chenu. Finance: After paying all due accounts and the one-third of the annual income to the Museum Fund, the Branch has a credit balance of £12 13s 5d, made up as follows: £10 15s 4d in the Life Member Account and £1 18s 1d in the Current Account. Conclusion: The Branch is undergoing a settling-down process, and all members are urged to do their utmost to help by attending as many meetings as possible, paying subscriptions promptly, introducing friends to the meetings, and seeking new members. By so doing they will help the Branch to continue the good work already started. The Branch must note with satisfaction the erection of the new Southland Museum, and feel pleased that they have helped to make the Museum scheme the success it is. At a later date the Branch must be ready to assist even more in order that the institution can carry out sound scientific educational work. Addendum: Since the above report was written the death of Mr. S. G. August is noted with regret. Mr. August was one of the Branch's foundation members and, although literary rather than scientific, was a regular attender at the meetings and the possessor of sound knowledge on a wide range of subjects. The sympathy of the Branch is extended to his relatives.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 71, 1942, Page I

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Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 71, 1942, Page I

Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 71, 1942, Page I

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