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Check List of the Cecidomyidae of New Zealand By H. F. Barnes, M.A., Ph.D., Rothamsted Experimental Station, Harpenden, England. [Read before the Auckland Institute, March, 1937; received by the Editor, March 31, 1937; issued separately. September, 1937.] Introduction. This list is intended to supplement the author's check list of the Cecidomyidae of Oceania. * Check List of the Cecidomyidac of Oceania: Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Occasional Papers, 1937. Up to the present thirty-four species, one of which has not yet been determined, have been recorded and these belong to thirteen genera. Most of these genera are of world-wide distribution, the exception being Stephodiplosis Tavares which had been found only in Mozambique, Africa. Of the species five undoubtedly have been introduced and are of economic importance, namely Dasyneura alopecuri (Reuter) and Stenodiplosis geniculati Reuter, two of the meadow foxtail grass midges; Dasyneura pyri (Bouché), the leaf-curling pear midge; Mayetiola destructor (Say), the Hessian fly; and Contarinia tritici (Kirby), one of the wheat-blossom midges. The last-named species has only been incidentally reported by Cockayne (6) in a paper dealing with D. alopecuri and this record is not entirely satisfactory. The only other three species of economic importance are Oligotrophus oleariae (Maskell), the Olearia † The correct name and synonymy of the native Olearia shrub are Shawia paniculata Cheesem. (Olearia Forsteri Hook. f., Olcaria paniculata Cheesem.). bud-gall midge; Dryomyia shawiae Anderson, another Olearia midge and the undetermined species of Arthrocnodax which is a natural enemy of the European red-mite, Paratetranychus pilosus. The morphology and anatomy of two species, Oligotrophus oleariae (Maskell) and Dryomia shawiae Anderson, have been studied in detail by Miss Anderson (2, 3). They are both endemic species. Naturally the host-plants or prey of the economic species are known. In addition, Stephodiplosis nothofagi Barnes forms budgalls on Nothofagus cliffortioides. The remaining twenty-five species are known only from captured midges and were all described by Marshall (24). It is highly desirable that the gall-midge fauna of New Zealand receive further attention in the future, both from the distributional and economic points of view. The arrangement of the list is in systematic order. In this list each specific name is followed by the name of the author, in brackets if the species was placed by him in a genus other than that to which it is now assigned. The first citation following the author's name

is of the original description, and takes this form: title of the publication indicated by a number in italic-face type corresponding to a number in the bibliography, page numbers and date of publication. The subsequent citations are exactly similar. Following the citations is given the known geographical distribution of the species and in brackets the distribution in other parts of the world. Finally, the type-locality is noted for all species. All the references quoted have been examined by the writer with the exception of those indicated by an asterisk. Subfamily Lestremiinae Tribe Lestreminariae Genus Lestremia Macquart: 21, p. 173, 1826; 21A, p. 117, c. 1826. (Type: Lestremia cinerea Macquart) Lestremia novae-zealandiae Marshall: 24, pp. 247–249, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Tribe Campylomyzariae Genus Campylomyza Meigen: 26, pp. 101–102, 1818. (Type: Campylomyza flavipes Meigen) Campylomyza hirta Marshall: 24, pp. 244–245, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza lincolniensis Marshall: 24, p. 243, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza magna Marshall: 24, pp. 245–246, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza minuta Marshall: 24, pp. 243–244, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza nitida Marshall: 24, p. 244, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza ordinaria Marshall: 24, p. 244, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza robusta Marshall: 24, p. 246, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza squamata Marshall: 24, p. 245, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Campylomyza tenuis Marshall: 24, pp. 242–243, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.)

Subfamily Heteropezinae Genus Miastor Meinert: 28, p. 42, 1864. (Type: Miastor metraloas Meinert) Miastor agricolae Marshall: 24, pp. 232–233, 1896. No exact locality given, New Zealand. (Type-locality, New Zealand.) Miastor difficilis Marshall: 24, p. 233, 1896. Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Subfamily Cecidomyinae Tribe Porricondylariae Genus Porricondyla Rondani: 39, p. 14, 1840. (Type: Cecidomyia albitarsis Meigen.) Porricondyla agricolae (Marshall): 24, pp. 240–241, 1896 (Epidosis). Lincoln. N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Porricondyla aurea (Marshall): 24, pp. 241–242, 1896 (Epidosis). Mount Torlesse, N.Z. (Type-locality, Mount Torlesse, N.Z.) Porricondyla magna (Marshall): 24, pp. 239–240, 1896 (Epidosis). No exact locality given, New Zealand. (Type-locality, New Zealand.) Porricondyla ordinaria (Marshall): 24, p. 241, 1896 (Epidosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Tribe Dasyneurariae Genus Dasyneura Rondani: 38, p. 17, 1840. Type: Tipula sisymbrii Schranck.) Dasyneura alopecuri (Reuter): 37, pp. 1–9, 1895 (Oligotrophus); 6, pp. 459–466, 1916; 29, pp. 12–18, 1918. New Zealand; (Northern Europe, Great Britain, Ireland, Canada). (Type-locality, Finland.) Dasyneura pyri (Bouché): 5, pp. 144, 1847 (Cecidomyia); 30, pp. 84–92, 1921; 32, pp. 220–224, 1925; 22, pp. 224–228, 1925; 23, pp. 311–315, 1926; 33, pp. 379–393, 1926; 10, pp. 107–111, 1927; 34, pp. 170–175, 1927; 35, pp. 317–320, 1929; 13, p. 7, 1930; 8, pp. 163–164, 1934; 1, pp. 43–44, 1935; 9, pp. 339–341, 1935. New Zealand; (Central, Northern and Western Europe; New York State, U.S.A.) (Type-locality, Germany.) Genus Dryomyia Kieffer: 16, p. 17, 1898. (Type: Cecidomyia circinnans Giraud.) Dryomyia shawiae Anderson: 3, pp. 421–430, 1935; 13, p. 7, 1930. New Zealand. (Type-locality, New Zealand.)

Tribe Oligotrophiariae Genus Mayetiola Kieffer: 15, pp. 89–91, 1896; 14, p. 5, 1896 (Mayetia). (Type: Cecidomyia destructor Say.) Mayetiola destructor (Say): 42, p. 45, 1817 (Cecidomyia); 36, pp. 1–4, 1888; 36A, p. 1, 1888; 19, pp. 1–2, 1893?; 19A, 1894; 24, p. 234, 1896; 11, pp. 269–274, 1900; 11A, 6 pp., 1900; 6, p. 462, 1916; 13, p. 7, 1930. New Zealand; (U.S.A., Canada, Europe, Western Asia). (Type-locality, U.S.A.) Genus Oligotrophus Latreille: 20, p. 288, 1805. (Type: Tipula juniperinus Linné.) Oligotrophus oleariae (Maskell): 25, pp. 253–258, 1889 (Cecidomyia); 31, pp. 340–344, 1922; 12, pp. 687–688, 1924; 13, p. 7, 1930; 2, pp. 405–420, 1935. New Zealand. (Type-locality, New Zealand.) Tribe Cecidomyiariae Subtribe Bifila Genus Contarinia Rondani: 40, p. 289, 1861. (Type: Tipula loti De Geer.) Contarinia tritici (Kirby): 18, pp. 230–239, 1798 (Tipula); 6, p. 462, 1916. New Zealand (generally throughout Europe). (Type-locality, England.) Genus Stephodiplosis Tavares: 43, p. 140, 1908. (Type: Stephodiplosis lanneae Tavares.) Stephodiplosis nothofagi Barnes: 4, pp. 276–277, 1936. Cass, N.Z. (Type-locality, Cass, N.Z.) Genus Stenodiplosis Reuter: 37, p. 9, 1895. (Type: Stenodiplosis geniculati Reuter.) Stenodiplosis geniculati Reuter: 37, pp. 10–14, 1895. * Barnes (Bull. Ent. Res., 22, 1931, p. 201) states that there are specimens from New Zealand of this species in Dr. E. P. Felt's collection at the State Museum, Albany, N.Y. New Zealand. (Northern Europe, England, Ireland, Isle of Man, Canada.) Subtribe Trifila Genus Arthrocnodax Rübsaamen: 41, p. 189, 1895. (Type: Arthrocnodax vitis Rübsaamen.) Arthrocnodax sp.: 7. pp. 73–76, 1934; 4, pp. 277–278, 1936. New Zealand. (Predaceous on Paratetranychus pilosus.) Genus Cecidomyia Meigen: 27, p. 261, 1803. (Type: Tipula pini De Geer.)

Cecidomyia difficilis (Marshall); 24, pp. 235–236, 1896 (Diplosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Cecidomyia dubia (Marshall): 24, p. 235, 1896 (Diplosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Cecidomyia flavella Kieffer (flava Marshall): 24, p. 239, 1896 (Diplosis); 17, p. 215, 1913. Wanganui, N.Z. (Type-locality, Wanganui, N.Z.) Cecidomyia fragilis (Marshall): 24, p. 237, 1896 (Diplosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Cecidomyia hirta (Marshall): 24, pp. 237–238, 1896 (Diplosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Cecidomyia melana (Marshall): 24, p. 236, 1896 (Diplosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Cecidomyia minuta (Marshall): 24, pp. 236–237, 1896 (Diplosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Cecidomyia scoparia (Marshall): 24, p. 238, 1896 (Diplosis). Lincoln, N.Z. (Type-locality, Lincoln, N.Z.) Cecidomyia wanganuiensis (Marshall): 24, pp. 238–239, 1896 (Diplosis). Wanganui, N.Z. (Type-locality, Wanganui, N.Z.) Bibliography.* Those references with an asterisk have not been examined by the writer. Citations 11A and 21A are merely reprints of citations 11 and 21 respectively. Citations 19 and 19A, and 36 and 36A respectively probably contain the same information. Finally, citation 38 may be the same publication as citation 39. 1. Adamson, N. J., 1935. Protection of Pear-grafts from the pear-leaf-curling Midge, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 50, pp. 43–44. 2. Anderson, J. A. T., 1935. The morphology and anatomy of the immature and adult stages of Oligotrophus oleariae Mask. (Cecidomyidae, Diptera), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 403–420. 3. Anderson, J. A. T., 1935. The description, bionomics, morphology, and anatomy of a new Dryomyia (Cecidomyidae, Diptera), Proc. Zool. Soc. London, pp. 421–430. 4. Barnes, H. F., 1936. Notes on Cecidomyidae II, Ann. and Mag. Nat. Hist., ser. 10, vol. 17, pp. 272–279. 5. Bouche, P. FR. 1847. Beitrage zur Kenntniss der Insekten-Larven, Stett. Ent. Zeit., vol. 8, pp. 142–146. 6. Cockayne, A. H. 1916. The Meadow-foxtail Midge, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 13, pp. 459–466. 7. Cottier, W., 1934. The natural enemies of the European red-mite in New Zealand (Paratetranychus pilosus Can. and Fanz.), N.Z. Jour. Sci. and Tech., vol. 16. pp. 68–80. 8. Dumbleton, L. J., 1934. Note on Pear Midge Parasite, N.Z. Jour. Sci. and Tech., vol. 16, pp. 163–164.

9. Dumbleton, L. J., 1935. Further Note on Pear Midge Parasite. N.Z. Jour. Sci. and Tech., vol. 16, pp. 339–341. 10. Fisher, R. C., 1927. Parasites of the Pear Midge (Perrisia pyri). Collection of material in France, 1926, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 35, pp. 107–111. 11. Froggatt, W. W., 1900. The Hessian Fly (Cecidomyia destructor, Say.) and Allied Grain Pests, Agric. Govz. N.S. Wales, pp. 269–274. 11A. Froggatt, W. W., 1900. The Hessian Fly (Cecidomyia destructor, Say.) and Allied Grain Pests, Dept. Agric. New South Wales, Misc. Publ. 369, 6 pp. 12. Gahan, A. B., 1924. On the identity of Eurytoma oleariac Maskell, Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 55, pp. 687–688. 13. Gourlay, E. S., 1930. Preliminary Host-list of the Entomophagus Insects in New Zealand, N.Z. Dept. Sci. and Ind. Res., Bull. no. 22, 13 pp. 14. Kieffer, J. J., 1896. Quatre nouveaux genres du groupe Diplosis et division du genre Oligotrophus Latr., Misc. Ent., vol. 4, pp. 4–5. 15. Kieffer, J. J., 1896. Neue Mittheilungen Uber Gallmücken. Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 15, pp. 89–105. 16. Kieffer, J. J., 1898. Synopse des Cécidomyies d'Europe et d'Algérie décrites jusqu' a ce jour, Bull. Soc. Hist. Nat (2), vol. 8, pp. 1–64. 17. Kieffer, J. J., 1913. Cecidomyidae, Genera Insectorum, fasc. 152, 346 pp. 18. Kirby, W., 1798. History of Tipula tritici and Ichneumon Tipulae, with some observations upon other insects that attend the wheat, Trans. Linn. Soc. London, vol. 4. pp. 230–239. 19. Kirk, T. W., 1893. Hessian fly (Cecidomyia destructor), Dept. Agric., N.Z., Leaflets for Farmers, no. 1, 2 pp. 19A. Kirk, T. W., 1898. Hessian Fly (Cecidomyia destructor), Dept. Agric., N.Z., no. 14, 4 pp. (third edition). 20. Latbeille, P. A., 1805. Historie naturelle, genérate et particuliere, des crustacées et des insectes, vol. 14, 432 pp., Paris. 21. Macquart, J., 1826. Insectes Diptères du Nord de la France. Tipulaires, Recueil Soc. Agricult. Lille, 1823–4, pp. 59–224. 21A. Macquart, J., 1826. Insectes Diptères du Nord de la France. Tipulaires, 175 pp. 22. Makgill, R. H., 1925. The Pear-midge Pest, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 30, pp. 224–228. 23. Margill, R. H., 1926. Deterrent sprays for Pear-midge, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 32, pp. 311–315. 24. Marshall, P., 1896. New Zealand Diptera. No. 1. Trans. N.Z. Inst., 1895, vol. 28, pp. 216–250. 25. Maskell, W. M., 1889. On some Gall-producing Insects in New Zealand, Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 21, pp. 253–258. 26. Meigen, J. W., 1818. Systematische Beschreibung der bekannten Europaische zweiflügeligen Insekten, vol. 1, 332 pp. 27. Meigen, J. W., 1803. Versuch einer neuen Gattungs Eintheilung der europäischen zweiflügligen Insekten, Illiger's Mag. f. Ins., vol. 2, pp. 259–281. 28. Meinert, FR., 1864. Miastor metraloas: yderligere oplysning om den af Prof. Nic. Wagner nyligt beskrevne insektlarve, som formerer sig ved spiredannelse, Naturhist. Tidsskr., Kopenh. (3), vol. 3, pp. 37–43. 29. Miller, D., 1918. Limitation of injurious insects by beneficial species, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 17, pp. 12–18. 30. Miller, D., 1921. The Pear-leaf-curling Midge, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 23, pp. 84–92. 31. Miller, D., 1922. The Olearia bud-gall Midge, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 25, pp. 340–344. 32. Miller, D., 1925. The Pear-midge. Further observations and control with calcium cyanide, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 30, pp. 220–224. 33. Miller, D., 1926. Parasites of the Pear-midge (Perrisia pyri). First attempt at their establishment in New Zealand, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 32, pp. 379–393. 34. Miller, D., 1927. Parasites of the Pear-midge (Perrisia pyri). Report on the 1926 consignments from Europe, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 35, pp. 170–175. 35. Muggeridge, J., 1929. Biological Control of Pear-midge (Perrisia pyri) in New Zealand. The present position, N.Z. Jour. Agric., vol. 38, pp. 317–320.

*36. Ormerod, Eleanor A., 1888. Report on insects injurious to wheat plants in New Zealand, 4 pp. *36A. Ormerod, Eleanor A., 1888. Hessian fly in New Zealand, 1 p. 37. Reuter, E., 1895. Zwei neue Cecidomyinen, Act. Soc., Fauna et Flora Fennica, vol. 11, pp. 1–14. *38. Rondani, C., 1840. Sopra alcuni nuovi generi d'insetti Ditteri, Parma, 27 pp. *39. Rondani, C., 1840. Mem. 2a per servire alla Ditterologia italiana, Parma, p. 14. 40. Rondani, C., 1861. Stirpis Cecidomyiarum genera revisa, Atti. Soc. Sc. Nat. Milano, vol. 2, pp. 286–294. 41. Rubsaamen, E. H., 1895. Ueber Cecidomyiden, Wien. Ent. Zeit., vol. 14, pp. 181–193. 42. Say, T., 1817. Some Account of the Insect known by the name of Hessian Fly, and of a parasitic insect that feeds on it, J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Phil., vol. 1, p. 45. 43. Tavares, J. S., 1908. Contributio prima ad cognitionem Cecidologie Regionis Zambeziae, Broteria, Ser. Zoologica, vol. 7, pp. 133–171.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 67, 1938, Page 115

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Check List of the Cecidomyidae of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 67, 1938, Page 115

Check List of the Cecidomyidae of New Zealand Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 67, 1938, Page 115

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