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The Royal Society Of New Zealand Annual Meeting, 30th May, 1935. Minutes. The annual meeting of the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand was held on Thursday, 30th May, 1935, in the Allen Hall, Dunedin. The President, Professor R. Speight, occupied the chair. Present.—Representing the Government: Mr B. C. Aston (vice-president), Dr E. Marsden, Dr W. R. B. Oliver; representing the Auckland Institute: Mr A. T. Pyeroft, Professor H. W. Segar; representing the Wellington Philosophical Society: Dr E. Kidson, Professor H. B. Kirk; representing the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury: Dr C. C. Farr, Professor R. Speight; representing the Otago Institute: Professor J. Park, Dr F. J. Turner; co-opted member: Dr P. Marshall. Apologies.—Apologies for absence were received from His Excellency the Governor-General, from Mr M. A. Eliott, honorary treasurer, from Mr G. V. Hudson (Hawke's Bay Branch) and on behalf of Professor T. H. Easterfield, from the Nelson Philosophical Society. The Late Dr Leonard Cockayne.—Dr Oliver moved the following resolution, which was seconded by Professor Speight and carried in silence:— “That this Council deeply regrets the irreparable loss to science caused by the death of Dr Leonard Cockayne, C.M.G., F.R.S., who devoted the greater part of his life to the study of the vegetation of New Zealand and by his active work and many discoveries greatly enlarged the knowledge of the ecological and taxonomic botany of the Dominion.” Notices of Motion were called for. Hector Award.—The recommendation of the Hector Award Committee was read as follows:— “After very careful consideration the members of the committee appointed to consider the award of the Hector Medal for 1935 have decided to recommend the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand to award the medal to Dr W. B. Benham, F.R.S., for his long continued original researches in New Zealand zoology, and for his great work in furthering the science by teaching, and as curator of the Otago Museum for very many years past.” (Signed) G. V. Hudson J. Marwick T. Harvey Johnston W. E. Agar On the motion of Dr Marshall the recommendation of the Award Committee was unanimously adopted.

Amount of Hector Prize.—On the motion of Mr Aston an amount of £50 was decided on as the Hector Prize for 1935 subject to the approval of the Honorary Treasurer. It was decided to defer discussion of the Hector Award Regulations until later in the meeting, when a report from the Crown Solicitor would be submitted. Hutton Award.—The recommendation of the Hutton Award Committee was read as follows:— “After full consideration your Committee has decided unanimously to recommend that the Hutton Medal for 1935 be awarded to Dr G. H. Cunningham. Dr Cunningham has studied the New Zealand Fungi for a considerable number of years. He has published numerous papers dealing with their classification, distribution, and life histories, in many cases supplementing the information derived from field material with laboratory cultures. He has written two books on New Zealand Fungi—“The Rust Fungi of New Zealand” and “Fungous Diseases of Fruit Trees in New Zealand.” The material contained in both of these is based very largely upon his own personal investigations.” (Signed) P. Marshall, Convener Hutton Award Committee. The recommendation of the Hutton Award Committee was unanimously adopted. Fellowship Election.—The recommendation of the Fellowship Selection Committee was read as follows:— “I have to report that the above committee met on two occasions and considered the nominees for Fellowship along with the returns of votes for Fellows. It is noted that only 26 Fellows registered votes and that four of these plumped for two only. The Committee recommends for election to the Fellowship of the Royal Society of New Zealand Dr J. Marwick and Dr D. B. Macleod.” (Signed) E. Marsden, Convener. Dr J. Marwick and Dr D. B. Macleod were duly elected Fellows. Vacancies in Fellowship.—Two vacancies in the Fellowship caused by the deaths of Dr L. Cockayne and Professor Macmillan Brown were declared. Fellowship, 1936.—On the motion of Dr Marsden, seconded by Dr Marshall, it was resolved that these two vacancies be filled at the 1936 annual meeting. Fellowship Selection.—A Notice of Motion proposed by Dr Marsden, seconded by Dr Marshall: “That the Fellowship Selection Committee be not limited in its recommendation and the Council be not wholly limited in its selection of Fellows of the Royal Society of New Zealand to such persons as have been nominated by member bodies” was carried.

Honorary Members.—An election for one Honorary Member resulted in the election of Dr R. J. Tillyard. Declaration of Vacancies in Honorary Membership.—Two vacancies in the Honorary Membership caused by the deaths of Madame Curie and Sir Edgeworth David were announced. Reports of Member Bodies.—The following reports and balance sheets were laid on the table and were referred to the Hon. Treasurer for report:— Auckland Institute for the year ending 31st March, 1935. Wellington Philosophical Society for the year ending 30th September, 1935. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury for the year ending 31st October, 1935. Hawke's Bay Branch for the year ending 31st December, 1935. Nelson Philosophical Society for the year ending 30th September, 1935. Report of the Standing Committee for the Year ending 31st March, 1935. Meetings.—During the year eight meetings of the Standing Committee were held, the attendance being as follows:—Mr B. C. Aston, Wellington, 8; Professor T. H. Easterfield, Nelson, 2; Mr M. A. Eliott, Palmerston North, 3; Mr G. V. Hudson, Wellington, 7; Dr E. Kidson, Wellington, 5; Professor H. B. Kirk, Wellington, 5; Dr E. Marsden, Wellington, 5; Dr P. Marshall, Wellington, 7; Dr W. R. B. Oliver, Wellington, 7; Professor R. Speight, Christchurch, 1. By the courtesy of the Secretary of the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, the meetings have been held in the Council Room of the Department. Finances.—The Finance Committee has kept strict supervision on the amount expended in publishing each quarterly part of the Transactions, and at its last meeting resolved that only £375 can be spent on the next volume of the Transactions (No. 65) owing to over expenditure during the last twelve months in publication expenses. It, therefore, seems desirable that the Government be again approached to see if some portion of the cut suffered by the Society's grant at the retrenchment period could now be restored, as has been done in the case of other institutions subsidized by the Government. The amounts which could be raised by the Society to meet the cost of printing the increased volume of scientific research available for publication is so small that these amounts would not appreciably remedy the financial position. Attention is, however, again directed to the report of the committee (Professor Kirk and Mr Aston) appointed to consider a scheme for augmenting the funds of the Institute (page x, Vol. 63 for 1932). This report was made when the annual income from the Government for management expenses was £750, having been reduced to that amount from £1500 per annum. The essence of the scheme was that those actively engaged in research work in New Zealand should each contribute to the Treasurer of the Institute a sum which would be available for assisting publication expenses. Publications.—Three parts of Volume 64 have been published, and the fourth part, which is to include the Proceedings of the last annual meeting, the Presidential Address, the Governor-General's message, obituary notices of the late Mr G. M. Thomson, Professor D. M. Y. Sommerville, and Mr Henry Hill, and the Appendices, is in the press. Index, Volumes 52–63.—The MSS. for an author's index and a classified subject index has been received through the generosity of Major R. A. Wilson. Subject to the approval of the Finance Committee, the Index will be printed as soon as the sub-committee set up for the purpose has reported on the arrangement of the classified subject portion. The cordial thanks of the Society for his generosity in having the Index compiled were accorded to Major Wilson.

Reference List of Scientific Periodicals.—The last annual meeting directed that an endeavour be made to bring out a supplement to the Reference List of Scientific Periodicals during the year. The work was put in hand, and Librarians were asked to co-operate and send in additional lists. The large majority of librarians have responded, and the work of compilation has commenced. Owing, however, to the decision of the Standing Committee to print a Revised List instead of a Supplement, much more work has been entailed. Mr Archey could not undertake the work, and the Secretary is devoting as much time as possible to it, and it is hoped the work will be ready for publication before the end of 1935. Mr G. V. Hudson's Book.—One hundred copies of Mr Hudson's book, “N.Z. Beetles and their Laivae,” were purchased. It was decided to fix the price of the book at 21s to members and 25s to non-members. Honorary Editor.—At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 20th February, Dr P. Marshall, Honorary Editor, intimated that he found it impossible to continue the work owing to the amount of time involved. The President, Professor Speight, expressed the regret of the Society at Dr Marshall's announcement, but he fully appreciated the fact that Dr Marshall desired to have more time to devote to his valuable researches. Sales.—There has been an increase this year in the sales of publications, and the sum of £37 14s 6d has been added to the Endowment Fund. Exchange List.—On the recommendation of the Library Committee the following have been added to the Exchange List:—American Midland Naturalist, Notre Dame, U.S.A.; University of California, Los Angeles; Ministerio de Agricultuia, Rio de Janeiro; Conseil de Recherches Scientifiques de l'Indochino, Hanoi; National Research Institute of Biology, Academia Sinica, China. Library.—A presentation of practically complete sets of the Journal of Ecology and Discovery, as well as several agricultural reports and reprints, was generously made by Mr B. C. Aston. Mr Ralph Munn, a representative of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, accompanied by Mr J. Barr, of the Auckland Public Library, visited the Library during their survey of New Zealand libraries, and the following extracts are taken from their published report:— “The General Assembly Library should continue to be the Library of Parliament, and it should expand the legislative reference section on the lines which have proved so successful at Washington. It should then develop as a great national reference library free to all citizens. In this scheme provision should be made for unifying the control of all libraries of the Government Departments. By this unification much duplication and overlapping in book buying and binding would be saved, and the resources of students would be greatly increased. Arrangements should also be made for incorporating in the General Assembly Library the Library of the Royal Society of New Zealand and other scientific and professional libraries in Wellington. In these cases it would be necessary to make provision for members' borrowing privileges to be continued, but in return for this the General Assembly Library would secure for reference purposes the splendid collections of scientific literature which these societies now possess.”… “Science is fairly well represented in the Library belonging to the Royal Society of New Zealand at Wellington. Here are extensive collections of scientific periodicals and transactions of learned societies from every part of the world. The funds of the Society are extremely meagre, and for library purposes are totally inadequate. The Society cannot afford a building of its own, and its Library is housed by courtesy in Victoria College. Means for binding the valuable sets of periodicals do not exist, the quarters are hopelessly inadequate, and the staff is too small and insufficiently trained to do the necessary work. Proposals have been made to transfer the library to the new Dominion Museum when the new building is completed, but except for better house-room, the library would be no better off than it is at present. No better financial provision will be available for carrying out the great arrears of binding or for classifying and cataloguing the collection.

“A much better solution is that advocated in another section of this report of amalgamating this library and others with the General Assembly Library to form part of a national library. This proposal would provide a permanent home for the collection, and ensure its proper care and cataloguing, making its value enormously greater. The borrowing privileges of the Society's members could be continued as at present, and for reference purposes the collection would offer invaluable resources to students at large. The Royal Society has a number of incorporated branches located in Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, Dunedin, Nelson, Napier, and other places. Each has its own library, but they vary in size and importance. The Auckland Institute has an extensive collection housed in a well-planned hall and cared for by a librarian. It is in course of reclassification on the Library of Congress system, and is catalogued. Wellington, Dunedin, and Christchurch also have fairly large collections, but the Napier Society has found it convenient to place its collection in the local public library, and the public has the reference use of the books, members only having the right of borrowing. This is a practical demonstration of co-operation on a small scale which could be well followed by the parent organisation… “Most of the special libraries belonging to the various societies have been established for the exclusive use of their members, except in the case of the incorporated societies which form the Royal Society. These bodies have made their books available to some extent to the public for reference purposes.” Early in 1935 Dr F. P. Keppel, President of the Carnegie Corporation of New York, visited New Zealand, and opportunity was taken to place before him and his advisory committee the most urgent needs of the Library. Whether this appeal will meet with a favourable response is not yet known. Further sets of publications have been bound, and the Library Committee has authorised the binding of several other sets, which will exhaust the fund of £250 which was originally voted in 1919 by the Hon. G. W. Russell, Minister of Internal Affairs, for binding. Member Bodies.—At the beginning of the year the Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute changed its title to Royal Society of New Zealand, Hawke's Bay Branch. The Otago Institute also decided to change its name in a similar direction, but it is incorporated under the Incorporated Societies' Act, and the Registrar of Incorporated Societies has refused so far to sanction the use of the proposed new title. The Otago Institute has asked the Council of the Royal Society to obtain a legal opinion on the matter. The following reports and balance sheets have been received:—Auckland Institute, for the year ending March 31, 1934; Wellington Philosophical Society, for the year ending September 30, 1934; Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, for the year ending October 30, 1934; Nelson Philosophical Society, for the year ending September 30, 1934; Hawke's Bay Branch, for the year ending December 31, 1934. Fellowship Royal Society of New Zealand.—Two vacancies in the Fellowship were declared at last annual meeting. Nominations by member bodies were called for on 22nd September, and ten nominations were received and were sent to the Fellows for voting. Subsequently the Fellowship Selection Committee met and considered the qualifications of nominees, and the recommendation of this committee will be submitted to the annual meeting in May. On the 20th February the Standing Committee elected Professor Kirk to fill the vacancy in the Fellowship Selection Committee caused by the death of Dr L. Cockayne. Honorary Member.—One vacancy in the list of honorary members was declared at last annual meeting. Member bodies submitted two nominations, and an election will take place at the annual meeting. Hector Award.—The Standing Committee, which was authorised by the last annual meeting to make the 1934 Hector Award on the 27th June, received and adopted the following recommendation from the Hector Award Committee:— “That the medal be awarded to Professor C. E. Weatherburn, M.A., D.Sc., formerly of Canterbury University College, and now of the University of Western Australia, for outstanding original work in mathematics, especially in the use of vector analysis.

“The members of the committee are unanimous in making this recommendation, and would draw attention to the fact that the work of the late Professor Sommerville, to whom the medal for mathematical research was awarded in 1928, and of Professor Weatherburn is known and admired not only in New Zealand, but also in the much wider and more critical fields of Great Britain and the Continent of Europe.” The Royal Society of Western Australia undertook to make the presentation of the medal and prize to Professor Weatherburn. However, owing to the delay in having the necessary alterations to the medal carried out, the presentation of the medal has had to be postponed, and only the prize has as yet been presented to Professor Weatherburn. In connection with the Mathematics and Physics award, the following letter was received from the convener of the Award Committee, and the Standing Committee at its meeting on the 27th June referred it to the annual meeting for consideration:— “The Selection Committee desires to draw attention to the extremely wide scope of the present award. “It would appear that the words Mathematics and Physics, including Astronomy' must be taken to include such newer branches of scientific work as Meteorology and Seismology. If this be so, it becomes exceedingly difficult, if not really impossible, to decide between the merits of one working, say, in pure mathematics, a second at mathematical physics, a third in the field of meteorology, and perhaps a fourth in experimental physics. “Your Committee therefore thinks it might be well for the Council of the Royal Society to consider offering two medals instead of one, dividing them between the various branches now included in the group ‘Mathematics and Physics.’ “It may, perhaps, be unlikely that New Zealand will be fortunate enough to possess in the near future mathematicians like the present and the last medallists, but it is possible, and the applied side of mathematical work may, perhaps, suffer by comparison with the purely academic side. “Even this year difficulty was experienced in making fair comparison between outstanding work in pure mathematics and other first-class work in which mathematical calculation was used as a tool only.” (Signed) W. P. Evans, Convener of Selection Committee. Hamilton Award.—On the 26th September, 1934, at a meeting of the Wellington Philosophical Society, the Hamilton Award was presented to Mr L. C. King, at that time Lecturer at Victoria University College, and since then appointed Lecturer in Geology at Pietermaritzburg University. T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award.—At the conversazione held in connection with the last annual meeting the President, Professor Speight, presented the special medal and prize to Mr G. V. Hudson. Arrangements were made with the Royal Society of London to have the first T. K. Sidey Summer-time Award made to Lord Rutherford. On the 5th December, 1934, Sir Frank Smith, one of the secretaries of the Royal Society of London, wrote stating that the presentation to Lord Rutherford was made by Sir Frederick Gowland Hopkins, President of the Royal Society; and Lord Rutherford, in replying, recalled certain incidents in the life of the late Sir Thomas Sidey. The High Commissioner for New Zealand, Sir James Parr, was also present and addressed the meeting. Hutton Grants.—Dr Frankel, who was granted £25 for cytological research, applied for permission to use the grant in furtherance of his research work in a course at the John Innes Institution, London. At a meeting of the Standing Committee on the 27th June this application was recommended for favourable consideration at the annual meeting. Mr H. Service applied for £4 10s to cover the expenses of a geological investigation he had undertaken. At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 20th February this application was recommended to the annual meeting for approval.

Science Congress.—At the last annual meeting the practicability of holding a Science Congress was discussed, and the Standing Committee was authorised to refer the matter to member bodies for consideration and to act. This was done, and the Otago Institute expressed its willingness to undertake the organisation of a Science Congress in 1935, provided the annual general meeting of the Society was held in Dunedin at the same time. At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 22nd August, 1934, it was decided to accept the invitation of the Otago Institute and hold the annual meeting and Science Congress in Dunedin in May, 1935. The Honorary Secretary of the Otago Institute is the Honorary Secretary of the Science Congress, and arrangements are well in hand for a successful Congress. A. & N.Z.A.A.S.—The 1935 meeting of the A. & N.Z.A.A.S. was held in Melbourne from the 16th to 23rd January, 1935, and Professor Kirk, Dr Kidson, and Mr Archey were appointed to represent the Society. Mr Archey, who had also been appointed to represent the Auckland Institute, subsequently withdrew as delegate in order that someone else might have the advantage of attending as a delegate. A brief report of the Melbourne meeting is presented by Dr Kidson as follows— “The session opened on Wednesday, 16th January, 1935, with a meeting of the General Council. This was presided over by Sir David Orme Masson. The loss suffered by the Association through the death since the previous meeting of several prominent members, including Sir Edgeworth David, Mr E. J. Dunn, and Mr David Carment, for many years Honorary Treasurer, was placed on record. The locus of the next meeting was definitely fixed for Auckland in 1937, and Mr Gilbert Archey was elected joint Local Secretary with Dr Farr for the occasion. Sir David Rivett was appointed President for the Auckland meeting. Discussion took place regarding the date and place of the following meeting, which was fixed tentatively for January, 1939, at Canberra. “On the same evening Sir Douglas Mawson was inducted as President for the meeting, and gave his address on the ‘Unveiling of the Antarctic.’ Sectional meetings commenced the following day, and lasted until Tuesday, the 22nd. They were very well attended; many valuable papers were presented, and the discussions were unusually full and free. The section with which I, personally, was most concerned, Section A, had much the best meeting I have known. “The business transacted at the final meeting of the Council was mainly of a formal nature. “Numerous interesting and instructive excursions had been arranged by the local organisations, which did everything possible to make the meeting the great success that it proved to be. “A feature of the meeting was the excellence of the reports which appeared in the Australian press, the only complaint in this direction being that some of the authors failed entirely to provide adequate abstracts of their own papers.” (Signed) Edward Kidson. Pacific Science Association.—At the request of the Pacific Science Association a small committee was set up to act on the Association's Standing Committee on Land Classification and Utilization. Professor Speight, Mr Aston, and Dr Marshall were appointed to this sub-committee, to which, later, the programme of the Standing Committee on Land Classification and Utilisation was submitted and was approved. The following resolution, which was passed by the Fifth Pacific Science Congress, was, at a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 28th November, 1934, approved for transmission to the Government:— “Whereas the Fifth Pacific Science Congress considers the continuation on a full programme of existing observatories and the establishment on a permanent basis of additional observatories at strategic points in the countries participating in the Pacific Science Congress as being of the utmost importance in the study of magnetic and other geo-physical phenomena, resolved: That this Congress express the hope that the Government

of the Dominion of New Zealand will continue the full geo-physical programme at both Apia and Christchurch-Amberley Observatories, especially on account of their importance to geo-physical science.” In connection with the next Pacific Science Congress, a letter from the President of the Association, Dr Tory, was considered at a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 20th February, 1935. The letter stated that so far no invitation had been received from any country for the next Congress, which should be held in 1937 or 1938, and it indicated that an invitation from New Zealand would be welcomed. The Standing Committee, in discussing the matter, realised the difficulty in obtaining financial assistance from the Government to enable the Congress to be held in New Zealand, and considered that, in any case, owing to the A. & N.Z.A.A.S. meeting being held in Auckland in 1937, that year would not be suitable. It was finally resolved to ascertain from the Government if any adequate assistance would be forthcoming for a meeting of the Association if held in 1940, and Professor Speight, Professor Kirk, and Dr Marshall were appointed a committee to approach the Government. Since then a further letter has been received from Dr Tory, in which he questions the wisdom of a continuation of the practice of the host country defraying the cost of the entertainment of delegates, and he puts forward a suggestion that each country should pay all the ordinary expenses of its own representatives. This letter will be discussed at the annual meeting in May. Overseas Celebrations.—At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 4th May, 1934, it was resolved to ask Professor Easterfield, who would be in England, to represent the Royal Society of New Zealand at the celebration of the Geological Survey of Edinburgh in September, 1934. Dr O. H. Frankel was appointed to represent the Society at the Imperial Botanical Congress and the International Botanical Congress to be held in August and September, 1935. Dr W. H. Bryan, of Brisbane University, was asked to represent the Society at the Jubilee Celebrations of the Royal Geographical Society of Australasia. James Watt Bicentenary.—At the invitation of the Society of Civil Engineers the Standing Committee decided to co-operate in the James Watt Bicentenary to be commemorated in Wellington in February, 1936. Cockayne Memorial.—At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 20th November it was resolved to set up a committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand to recommend some scheme to perpetuate the memory of the late Dr Cockayne along the lines of the Hector and the Hutton Memorials. Mr Aston, Dr Oliver, and Mr Hudson were appointed as the committee. At the next meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 20th February, 1935, the convener of the Committee, Mr Aston, presented a report which was provisionally approved for submission to the annual meeting for adoption. This report appears at the end. Regulations.—Certain amendments to the constitution of the Royal Society of New Zealand suggested by some of the member bodies were at the direction of last annual meeting referred back to member bodies for report. The Regulations Committee which met on the 28th March, 1935, to consider the replies resolved that in its opinion the recommendations received from the member bodies were not in sufficient agreement to warrant any action being taken. Seal.—At the same meeting of the Regulations Committee the question of a seal suitable for the Society was considered; on account of the expense involved in procuring a new seal, it was resolved that the annual meeting be recommended to adopt the present locally-made seal for the next four years, and that Professor Shelley be asked to submit some designs for a seal to be ultimately adopted as the seal of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Medals.—After the last annual meeting the suggestion made by Professor Shelley regarding the methods of altering the Sidey, Hector, and Hutton Medals so that they might bear the new title of the Society were forwarded to the maker of the medals, Mr A. G. Wyon, for his opinion. Mr Wyon eventually replied submitting two alternative methods. The Standing Committee asked the Numismatic Society for an opinion on the various reports. This Society set up a sub-committee, which reported that it did not agree with Mr Wyon's suggestion of altering the hubpunch and restriking the dies, nor did it favour the idea of

a garter round the medals. It suggested that if the medals were to be altered at all the dies should be softened off, the present lettering erased, and new lettering struck into the dies. If, however, it was desired to retain an historical continuity between medals already awarded and those to be awarded, it suggested that the medals remain intact and that a silver plate incorporating the new title go with the medals when awarded. The Regulations Committee, including Professor Shelley, met and considered this opinion. Professor Shelley suggested an attachment to the medals, and he offered to submit various designs. Mr B. C. Aston advocated that the medals be left untouched, and that wooden cases should be provided with the medals, and that the necessary amended wording be engraved on a plate inserted on the case. At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 20th February the report of the Regulations Committee was discussed, and it was decided, in view of the importance of the matter, to refer it to the full Council at the annual meeting. Medal Exchange.—Four medals—the Lavoisier Medal, 1900, the medal commemorating the observation of the passage of Venus across the sun, 1874, the Benjamin Franklin Medal, 1784, and the B. de Jussieu Medal, 1823—were received from the Institut de France, Academie des Sciences, in exchange for the three medals of the Society, and were exhibited at a meeting of the Standing Committee. Photographs of the medals were published in the press, and the medals have been deposited in the Exhibition Case of Medals in the Dominion Museum. Wild Life Control.—The committee set up at last annual meeting held two meetings, the following report of which was read at a meeting of the Standing Committee, and was referred to the annual meeting:— “At a preliminary meeting of the Committee held on July 20, 1934, at which Mr Aston, Professor Kirk, Dr Marsden, and Dr Oliver were present, it was decided to add the following to the Committee:—Representatives of Lands and Survey Department, Tourist and Publicity Department, New Zealand Institute of Horticulture, New Zealand Native Bird Protection Society, Mr L. O. H. Tripp, Mr C. M. Smith, and Major R. A. Wilson. A full meeting of the Committee was held at the Dominion Museum on February 27, 1935, when there were present Mr Aston (chairman), Professor Kirk, Major R. A. Wilson, Captain E. V. Sanderson, Messrs L. O. H. Tripp, E. F. Stead, R. W. Cooper, and Dr W. R. B. Oliver (convener). Apologies were received from Dr Marsden, Messrs Falla, Collett, and Smith. The resolutions of the Royal Society adopted May 16 and 29, 1934, were read. Letters were read from the following Departments and Institutions appointing representatives:—Lands and Survey Department, Mr R. W. Cooper; Tourist and Publicity Department, Mr S. J. Collett; Bird Protection Society, Captain E. V. Sanderson. Sanctuaries Including Farm Lands.—Correspondence from the Auckland Zoological Society was read. The Society proposes an alteration of Section 6 (2) of the Animals Protection and Game Act, 1921–22, permitting the taking of dogs and firearms into sanctuaries including farm lands. The Committee was of opinion that it would be unwise to alter the Act so far as it applied to sanctuaries. Fauna and Flora Board.—A letter from Mr Falla suggesting the setting up of a Fauna and Flora Board similar to that operating in some of the Australian States, e.g., Tasmania, was read. The Auckland Zoological Society also wrote urging that in matters of policy, such as the transference of species, the Department of Internal Affairs should seek the advice of an independent Committee or Board. The Committee approved of the proposal that the Government set up a Fauna and Flora Board to advise on matters concerning wild life in New Zealand. Biological Survey.—Mr Falla wrote stating that he thought the undertaking of a biological survey in several fields was imperative. The Committee considered it would be part of the function of the Fauna and Flora Board to advise as to what research work was necessary.

Ranging.—Mr Falla's suggestion that more efficient ranging is required was approved by the Committee. Administration of Animals Protection and Game Act.—With regard to a letter from the Nelson Philosophical Society suggesting that the control of this Act be transferred to the Commissioner of State Forests, the Committee decided to take no action. Naming of Birds Listed in Animals Protection and Game Act.—Letter from the Auckland Zoological Society.—It was decided that the names from a standard work, such as Oliver's “New Zealand Birds,” should be adopted. Mallard Duck.—The Auckland Zoological Society wrote urging that no permits be given for the introduction of Mallard Duck. The Committee resolved that the introduction of Mallard Duck should be opposed. Shags.—The Committee resolved that a scientific field investigation should be taken in connection with the relation of shags to fish, and that in the meantime indiscriminate shooting and payment of bounties for shooting is deplored. Gulls at Rotorua.—It was resolved that the Tourist Department be asked to encourage the feeding of wild birds, especially gulls, at Rotorua. Collection Permits.—The Committee was of the opinion that applications for permits to take birds should be referred to the proposed Fauna and Flora Board. Native Plants Protection Act, 1934.—During last session of Parliament the Native Plants Protection Bill was introduced in the House. The Bill had been circulated to members of the Council for consideration, and certain amendments were suggested and were subsequently included in the Bill, which was passed towards the end of 1934. At the instance of the Lands Department the Royal Society of New Zealand and the New Zealand Institute of Horticulture submitted the following list of plants which, in their opinion, should be exempted from the provisions of the Native Plants Protection Act. A warrant has now been gazetted declaring these plants exempt, and the Native Plants Protection Act has now become operative:—Acaena (all species), Coriaria (all species), Cassinia (all species), Erechtites (all species), Pteridium aquilinum var. esculentum, Paesia scaberula, Histiopteris incisa, Leptospermum scoparium, Leptospermum erecoides, Urtica (any species), Pomaderris phylicaefolia, sea-weeds, and fresh-water algae and lichens. Earthquake Risk.—Dr Kidson, convener of the sub-committee set up to deal with the question of obtaining legislation affecting the building regulations as precautionary measures against loss by earthquake, reports as follows:— “The circular approved by the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand at the last annual meeting was circulated to Ministers of State, members of Parliament, the Press, Town Councils, and Chambers of Commerce. In response to requests from various sources, a number of additional copies were issued by the Secretary. The circular generally received a favourable reception, especially from Taranaki, Hawke's Bay, Wellington, Nelson, Marlborough, Canterbury, and Southland. A certain amount of opposition was, however, shown by the Chambers of Commerce in Auckland and Dunedin. The Committee had some correspondence with the Auckland Chamber of Commerce on the subject, and several personal discussions took place between members of the respective bodies. As a result, it is hoped that the Auckland Chamber has now a more complete comprehension of the situation with regard to risk of earthquake in New Zealand and of the views and objects of the Royal Society of New Zealand in relation to precautionary measures against loss. There does not seem to be any present prospect of the Building Construction Bill being re-introduced into Parliament. The Committee believes, however, that the action taken by the Royal Society has had an educative effect and that there is an increasing body of opinion in favour of national measures being taken to reduce the risk of loss by possible earthquakes to a minimum. Numbers of municipalities have already adopted certain preliminary measures, and some new and large buildings are being designed by the architects to resist earthquakes.” (Signed) Edward Kedson, May 3, 1935. Convener.

Farewell to Lord Bledisloe.—In co-operation with the Wellington Philosophical Society, a farewell function to Lord Bledisloe was organised and took place on the 19th February. The President, Professor Speight, and Dr Marshall, President of the Wellington Philosophical Society, gave addresses eulogising the services to science rendered by Lord Bledisloe during his term of office and expressing the regret of scientific societies at his departure from New Zealand. Professor Speight stated that a formal resolution of appreciation would be passed at the annual meeting of the Council and published. Portrait of Lord Rutherford.—In the course of his remarks at the farewell function, Lord Bledisloe announced that he had that day presented to the Prime Minister, as Chairman of the Board of Trustees of the National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum, a copy of a painting by Oswald Birley of Lord Rutherford of Nelson, which, he hoped, would be hung in the Art Gallery. As the obtaining of the portrait had been a project of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Standing Committee, at a meeting held next day, resolved to thank Lord Bledisloe for his very generous action. The report of the Standing Committee was received, and after it had been considered clause by clause, on the motion of Professor Speight was adopted. Finances.—The Vice-president explained the position regarding the finances of the Society, stating that the Finance Committee had recommended that only £375 be expended on Volume 65. He considered that the Government should be approached for an increase in the grant. After some discussion, which was taken in committee, it was resolved on the motion of Mr Aston, seconded by Mr Pycroft, that a deputation consisting of Professor Kirk, Professor Speight, Dr Marsden, and the new President wait upon the Government and urge an increase to the present grant. On the motion of Dr Turner, seconded by Professor Park, it was resolved that the financial position of the Society be laid before member bodies and an appeal made for such help as they can afford. Further discussion on the financial position was deferred until consideration of the Hon. Treasurer's report. Donation of Publications.—Dr Farr stated that the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury had recently been given by the Trustees of the late Dr L. Cockayne his copies of the Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. He moved: “That the thanks of the Royal Society of New Zealand be accorded to the Executors of the late Dr Cockayne for making up as far as possible the copies of the Proceedings of the Royal Society of London in the Library of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, thus making an almost complete set of these Proceedings available to all workers in the Dominion.” Seconded by Professor Segar and carried. Otago Institute's Title.—The position regarding the proposed change of title of the Otago Institute to Otago Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand was explained by Dr Marsden, who stated that the matter was in the hands of the Crown Solicitor at the present time. Dr Marsden moved that a committee be set up to watch and consider the interests of member bodies and that the committee be the President, Mr Aston, Professor Kirk, and Dr Marsden. Seconded by Mr Pyeroft and carried.

Sidey Summer-time Award.—It was stated that there were sufficient funds to enable the Sidey Summer-time award to be made in 1936. It was resolved that the Standing Committee be authorised to take steps to have the award made in 1936. Science Congress.—Professor Speight remarked on the success which had attended the Science Congress and on the large amount of work which the Otago Institute had given to it. He stated that the Society should express its appreciation to the Otago Institute for the excellent manner in which the Science Congress had been organised. The Sections had been well attended, and the papers submitted had been of a high order. His own experience in the Geological Section was that he had never attended better meetings. The success of the Congress had been so great that one wished that these Congresses could be held more often. At a later stage the following resolution was moved by Professor Speight and carried unanimously:— “The Council wishes to express its sincere thanks to the University of Otago for its great assistance to the Fifth New Zealand Science Congress in granting the use of its buildings for the 1935 meeting, and to the Otago Institute not only for its hospitality in connection therewith, but also for the excellent arrangements which helped so materially towards making the Congress a notable success.” A discussion took place regarding the holding of future Congresses, and on the motion of Professor Kirk, seconded by Dr Marsden, it was carried that the suggestion that in future Congresses a membership fee be charged be referred to member bodies for consideration. Dr Turner objected to the principle of charging a fee, as it might debar students from attending the lectures. Professor Speight stated that papers had been contributed by non-members of the Royal Society. It was suggested for the benefit of future Congresses that too many papers, some of which had been read previously, had been given, and that it would be an improvement to have one free afternoon to enable visitors to view the city. Hutton Applications.—An application from Dr Marshall for £25 for the purchase of a microscope goniometer and £15 for field work in connection with the mineral “tuhualite” of Mayor Island and the occurrence of the spheroidal granite of Karamea was granted. Exchange to be added to the grant of £25. Mr Harold Service was granted £4 10s, plus exchange on draft to England, for expenses in connection with geological work at the Bluff. Dr O. H. Frankel, who in 1932 was granted £25 for cytological research, applied for permission to utilise the grant at the John Innes Horticultural Institution in London. Permission was granted.

Pacific Science Congress.—Correspondence between Dr H. M. Tory, President of the Fifth Pacific Science Congress, Dr Gregory, Chairman of the Hold Over Committee, and Professor Speight, the President, regarding the possibility of holding the Sixth Pacific Science Congress in New Zealand was read. The letters from Drs Tory and Gregory stressed the general desire that the next Congress should be held in New Zealand. It was reported that the Standing Committee had discussed the matter, and in view of the commitment to hold the A. and N.Z.A.A.S. meeting in Auckland in 1937, that it would not be possible to hold a Pacific Science Congress in that year, and it had therefore been decided to approach the Government to ascertain if financial assistance would be forthcoming in 1940, which would be the jubilee year of Wellington. The action of the President and of the Standing Committee was approved. Some discussion took place regarding the amount of expense involved in holding a Congress and the scale on which previous Congresses were held, including the printing of the Proceedings of the Congress. It was finally decided to await a reply from Dr Tory regarding the suggested year, and if finances are available to allow the Standing Committee to act in the matter. Seal.—When the title of the New Zealand Institute was altered to the Royal Society of New Zealand, the wording on the seal was altered accordingly. The Regulations Committee had considered the matter of obtaining a more appropriate seal, but in view of the expense entailed, it suggested, and the Standing Committee recommended, that the seal as altered be adopted as the seal of the Royal Society of New Zealand for the next four years and that designs for a new seal to be ultimately adopted be obtained from Professor Shelley. On the motion of Dr Marsden, the recommendation was adopted. Wild Life Control.—The report of the Wild Life Committee was presented by Dr Oliver, convener of the Committee, who moved:— “That this Council approves of the proposal that the Government set up a Board to preserve the native flora, fauna, and other natural monuments of New Zealand to advise the Government on such matters, and that a committee be appointed to draw up a scheme for carrying out this objective.” This was seconded by Mr Pycroft and carried. It was further resolved on the motion of Dr Marsden:— “That Dr Oliver (convener), Mr Aston, Professor Kirk, Dr Marshall, and the President be appointed the committee (with power to add) to report to the Standing Committee, which has power to act.”

Lord Bledisloe.—On the motion of Professor Speight, it was resolved: “That the Council places on record its sincere appreciation of the great service rendered to science during his term of office by Lord Bledisloe, late Governor-General of New Zealand. As first Patron of this Society, Lord Bledisloe showed a sympathetic and personal interest not only in its special activities, but also in all pertaining to the welfare of the Dominion in scientific matters, particularly as regards agriculture. “The Council therefore regrets that he was unable to continue his stay for a further period, and respectfully extends to him and to Her Excellency its sincerest wishes that they may long enjoy a full measure of happy and useful life.” Honorary Treasurer's Report. The balance sheet for the twelve months ending 31st March, 1935, shows a balance of assets over liabilities of £714 8s 10d, while the Revenue Account, which a business firm would term their Profit and Loss Account, discloses a loss for the period of £313 13s 9d. However, against this the levy for Volume 64 should produce about £70 more than the balance due to the printers, which will reduce the loss to approximately £243. Further, there was an expenditure of £100 last year on a publication which will not be recurring. However, it is evident that a strict watch will have to be kept on expenditure, especially on the cost of printing the Transactions, which last year exceeded the amount authorised by the Finance Committee. This year a limit of £375 has been the amount voted by the Committee, and this should not be exceeded. The Trust Accounts maintain their healthy condition. The Carter Bequest Capital and Revenue Accounts now total just over £10,000, while the Endowment Fund has reached the £1000 mark. In common with all others who have monies to invest, the greatest difficulty is being experienced in finding suitable investments for trust funds. The current rate of return on the market price of New Zealand Government Inscribed Stock or Bonds, including redemption, is only about 3 ⅜%. Nearly £1000 of accumulated funds is lying in the Post Office Savings Bank awaiting a favourable opportunity for investment; in the meantime this is earning 3% up to £500 and 2 ½% on the balance. Once again I have pleasure in stating that the books and accounts have been kept in an excellent manner by the Secretary. (Signed) M. A. Eliott, Honorary Treasurer.

The Royal Society of New Zealand. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for the Year Ending 31st March, 1935. Receipts. £ s d. Balance as at 31st March, 1934 1,522 16 5 Annual Grant 500 0 0 Travelling Expenses—Share from member bodies 17 17 4 Sales of Publication 37 14 6 Balance of Levy on Volume 63 48 15 0 Interest at Post Office Savings Bank 35 2 11 Favourable Exchange 0 9 0 Carter Bequest Interest 411 9 1 Hector Memorial Fund Interest 52 14 4 Hutton Memorial Fund Interest 63 1 10 Carter Library Legacy Interest 3 17 11 Hamilton Memorial Fund Interest 2 0 10 Endowment Fund Interest 38 4 0 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund Interest 22 18 9 Rebate Exchange Hector Prize Interest 0 5 2 Trust Funds transferred to Bank of New Zealand 414 15 11 Reserve Bank Shares re-sold 65 18 0 £3,238 1 0 Expenditure. £ s d. Otago Daily Times Company (Vol. 64, Parts 1 and 2) 291 16 5 “N.Z. Beetles and Their Larvae”-100 copies 100 0 0 Salary 240 0 0 Stationery 3 11 9 Travelling Expenses 34 10 8 Petty Cash 14 14 6 Charges (Audit, Insurance, Bank, etc.) 6 11 0 Inter. Scientific Union—Subscription 8 1 10 Library Binding 25 8 0 Trust Funds—Audit 2 11 0 Research Grants Instalments 2 12 7 Sidey Summer-time Medal—Engraving 0 8 6 Sidey Summer-time First Award 100 0 0 Sidey Summer-time Special Award 100 0 0 Hector Prize—Professor Weatherburn 60 0 0 Hamilton Prize—Mr L. C. King 5 0 0 Endowment Fund—Reserve Bank Shares 65 18 0 Endowment Fund—Reserve Bank Shares 24 0 0 Carter Bequest—Reserve Bank Shares 193 15 0 Carter Bequest—Opinion, Mr Treadwell 5 5 0 Hutton Research Grants 76 15 6 Trust Funds transferred to Post Office Savings Bank Accounts 4 17 6 Interest credited direct to Trust Accounts 556 7 11 Balances as under 1,315 15 10 £3,238 1 0 £ S d. Bank of New Zealand 383 3 4 Post Office Savings Bank 925 12 11 1,308 16 3 Petty Cash in Hand 6 19 7 £1,315 15 10

The Royal Society of New Zealand. Statement of Liabilities and Assets as at 31st March, 1935. Liabilities. £ S d. Carter Bequest Capital Account 9,703 10 1 Hector Memorial Fund Capital Account 1,184 18 1 Hutton Memorial Fund Capital Account 1,314 8 6 Hamilton Memorial Capital Account 62 9 2 Carter Library Legacy Capital Account 100 0 0 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund Capital Account 513 2 9 Endowment Fund Capital Account 1,008 4 6 Carter Bequest Revenue Account 302 1 1 Hector Memorial Fund Revenue Account 78 2 3 Hutton Memorial Fund Revenue Account 262 14 4 Hamilton Memorial Fund Revenue Account 2 15 0 Carter Library Legacy Revenue Account 78 15 10 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund Revenue Account 101 8 9 Endowment Fund 220 13 4 Library Fund 126 1 10 Research Grants Fund 139 13 7 Otago Daily Times Co. (Vol. 64, Part 3) 135 14 6 Balance of Assets over Liabilities 714 18 10 £16,049 12 5 Assets. £ S d. Inscribed Stock 13,557 8 8 Reserve Bank Shares 253 15 0 Bank of New Zealand 383 3 4 Post Office Savings Bank 925 12 11 Petty Cash in Hand 6 19 7 Wheldon & Wesley—outstanding account 21 2 1 Sundry Debtors 0 4 2 Carter Bequest—P.O.S.B. Account 302 1 1 Hector Memorial Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 78 2 3 Hutton Memorial Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 262 14 4 Hamilton Memorial Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 65 4 2 Carter Library Legacy—P.O.S.B. Account 78 15 10 Sidey Summer-time Fund—P.O.S.B. Account 114 9 0 £16,049 12 5 M. A. Eliott, Hon. Treasurer. The Audit Office, having examined the balance sheet and accompanying accounts required by law to be audited, hereby certifies them to be correct. (Signed) J. H. Fowler, Deputy Controller and Auditor-General.

The Royal Society of New Zealand. Revenue Account for the Year ending 31st March, 1935. Expenditure. £ S. d. Printing Volume 64, Parts 1, 2, and 3 427 10 11 Stationery 3 11 9 100 Copies Mr Hudson's Book, “N.Z. Beetles” 100 0 0 Salary 240 0 0 Petty Cash 14 14 6 Charges (Audit, Insurance, Bank, etc.) 14 14 6 Subscription—Inter. Scientific Union 8 1 10 Travelling Expenses—Society's share 16 13 4 Sales credited to Endowment Fund 37 14 6 Balance 714 18 10 £1,569 16 8 Income. £ S. d. Balance at 31st March, 1934 1,028 12 7 Annual Grant 500 0 0 Trust Funds Administration Expenses 5 19 6 Sales of Publications 34 15 7 Favourable Exchange 0 9 0 £1,569 16 8 By Balance £714 18 10 Trust Accounts for the Year ending 31st March, 1935. Carter Bequest. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Interest Invested 193 15 0 By Balance at 31/3/34 91 12 0 Opinion (Mr Treadwell) 5 5 0 Interest 411 9 1 Administration Expenses 2 0 0 Balance 302 1 1 £503 1 1 £503 1 1 By Balance £302 1 1 Hector Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Prize (Prof. Weather-burn) 60 0 0 By Balance at 31/3/34 86 8 9 Administration Expenses 1 6 0 Interest 52 14 4 Balance 78 2 3 Rebate Exchange Draft to Perth 0 5 2 £139 8 3 £139 8 3 By Balance £78 2 3 Hutton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Grants 76 15 6 By Balance at 31/3/34 277 14 0 Administration Expenses 1 6 0 Interest 63 1 10 Balance 262 14 4 £340 15 10 £340 15 10 By Balance £262 14 4

Carter Library Legacy. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Expenses 0 7 6 By Balance at 31/3/34 75 5 5 Balance 78 15 10 Interest 3 17 11 £79 3 4 £79 3 4 By Balance £78 15 10 Carter Library Legacy (Public Trustee's Account). Residuary Capital Account £50 0 0 Residuary Income Account—Interest 31/12/34 to 31/12/35 credited to Revenue Account £1 15 0 Hamilton Memorial Fund. Dr. Cr. To Administration Expenses 0 5 0 By Balance at 31/3/34 6 19 7 Prize (Mr L.C. King) 5 0 0 Interest 2 0 10 Half Interest to Capital 1 0 5 Balance 2 15 0 £9 0 5 £9 0 5 By Balance £2 15 0 T. K. Sidey Summer-time Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To First Award (Rutherford) 100 0 0 By Balance at 31/3/34 282 10 6 Special Award (Hudson) 100 0 0 Interest 22 18 9 Engraving Medal 0 8 6 Administration Expenses 1 8 0 One-tenth Income to Capital 2 4 0 Balance 101 8 9 £305 9 3 £305 9 3 By Balance £101 8 9 Endowment Fund. Dr. Cr. £ s. d. £ s. d. To Administration Expenses 1 18 0 By Balance at 31/3/34 135 9 11 Reserve Bank Shares 24 0 0 Interest 38 4 0 Balance 220 13 4 Interest P.O.S.B. 35 2 11 Sales of Publications 37 14 6 £246 11 4 £246 11 4 By Balance £220 13 4 The report of the Honorary Treasurer and the audited balance sheets and statements were, on the motion of Mr Aston, seconded by Professor Kirk, adopted. The Government Auditor's certificate was placed on the table.

Finances.—A discussion regarding the means of augmenting the Endowment Fund took place, and it was finally moved by Dr Marsden, seconded by Dr Farr, and carried:— “That during the present difficult financial period proceeds of sales of publications be credited to current account and not to the Endowment Fund.” Proposed New Member Body.—Professor Kirk read the report prepared by Mr Aston and himself which had been before the 1932 annual meeting and which suggested that a new society be set up consisting of members of the Royal Society who would be willing to contribute £1 annually direct to the Society, the object of the new society being the publication of scientific knowledge. Professor Kirk moved, and Mr Aston seconded: “That the new society as outlined in the report be set up.” It was decided to defer consideration until the afternoon session. Later it was resolved on an amendment moved by Dr Turner and seconded by Dr Marsden: “That the scheme as outlined by Professor Kirk and Mr Aston be adopted.” It was suggested that the members of the society be designated associate members of the Royal Society of New Zealand. A. and N.Z.A.A.S. Meeting, 1937.—Mr Archey, joint local secretary with Dr Farr for the 1937 meeting, attended and outlined the plans for the meeting in 1937. He stated that all the secretaries had been appointed and invitations extended to all scientific societies. A Handbook Committee had been appointed. Dr Walkom was coming to Auckland in July or September, and local committees' representatives would confer with him. The meetings would be held in the Auckland University College, and the date would be fixed as soon as the steamship companies' sailings were available. It was decided that the Royal Society of New Zealand should be directly represented on the Auckland Committee by Professor Segar and Mr Pycroft. Research.—Opportunity was taken of Mr Archey's presence to discuss the question of obtaining financial assistance from the Carnegie Corporation of New York for organised research in New Zealand. It was considered that details of all researches being undertaken should be obtained from workers and that a programme be formulated for submission to the Carnegie Corporation of New York. Mr Archey said he would place his recommendations before the committee which had been set up by the Standing Committee. Dr Marsden was appointed convener of the committee. Mr Archey was thanked for his attendance. Report of the Honorary Editor. Nos. 1, 2, and 3 of Volume 64 have been published, and No. 4 with the Index is now in the press. Several of the manuscripts had to be shortened greatly. Twenty-one papers, which would require 407 pages of print, are now in hand. In view of the small amount available for publications, several of these will have to be drastically reduced.

I regret to say that, in consequence of the limited time at my disposal and of the amount of research I have in hand, it is impossible for me to continue the work of Honorary Editor. I am very grateful to Dr Turner, assistant Honorary Editor, for the large amount of work he has done. (Signed) P. Marshall, Hon. Editor. Dr Marshall moved the adoption of his report as Honorary Editor. Seconded by Mr Aston and carried. A letter from Professor Benson offering to utilise his Hector Prize money of £40 towards the publication of certain of his geological papers on Preservation Inlet was read and discussed and referred to the Publications Committee. On the motion of Dr Kidson, seconded by Dr Marshall, it was resolved: “That it be adopted as a principle that the Society may accept contributions from authors towards the cost of publication of approved papers.” Report of Honorary Librabian. In the report of the Standing Committee reference is made to the report of Messrs Munn and Barr, prepared for the Carnegie Corporation of New York. The only passage of that report that I here refer to deals with the suggestion that the Royal Society should merge its library in a national reference library, free to all citizens, and including the Parliamentary Library, the Turnbull Library, and the libraries of the various Government departments. The suggestion differs somewhat from a proposal that was envisaged about ten years ago to form by merger a State scientific library. The National Reference Library would have certain obvious advantages, but the Royal Society would have carefully to consider the proposal before agreeing to it. It seems an obvious condition of agreeing to the merger that, in addition to the Government grant to the Society, there should be adequate provision for binding as well as cataloguing, etc., and that, for all the more valuable publications, all back numbers should be bound and hiatuses filled. Further, there should be safeguarded the right of the Society to control the exchange list of its section of the National Library. There would, of course, develop in time an international exchange of all scientific and technical publications with other countries that would do away with the question of sectional exchange, but that could hardly be achieved without the delay of several years. Another aspect of this question is in connection with the approaching removal of the Society's library to the new Dominion Museum and Art Gallery. If the Society's library is likely within a short time to be merged in a National Library, it would seem advisable that we should not, in the meantime, incur the heavy expense of removal to the new Dominion Museum if we can avoid it. If it seems that the idea of a National Library is not likely to be realised, or if the Society should decide not to merge its library, then it must consider without delay its arrangements for removal to the new Dominion Museum. The principal difficulty to be dealt with will be the cost of shelving and of furniture in keeping with the surroundings. None of the shelving belonging to the Society would be serviceable in the new building. It does not seem likely that the total cost of the removal could be less than £200. It is a matter for regret that the Society's funds are so meagre that the exchange list has to be rigorously held in check. It is impossible in our present circumstances to part with our volumes unless we can get adequate value in exchange. Thus we lose the benefit of getting many other exchanges that would greatly increase the efficiency of our Library. Happily, not all other societies are so straitened, and we receive not a few publications of more value than those we give. In this connection also it must not be forgotten that the exchange value of our Transactions would be much greater if we could afford to print many of the papers that we now have to decline, and particularly if we were able to have more plates and those of more finished workmanship, and to have better paper and printing. (Signed) H. B. Kirk, Hon. Librarian.

Professor Kirk moved the adoption of his report as Honorary Librarian, seconded by Mr Aston and carried. Professor Kirk stated that if the Council decided to hand over its Library to be merged in a National Library as suggested in the Munn Report, an effort should be made to retain it at Victoria College in the meantime. If, on the other hand, the Council decided against the proposal, it would be necessary to take measures for having the Library transferred to the Dominion Museum when the buildings are completed. Dr Oliver said that there would be disadvantages as well as advantages in merging the Library in a National Library. He thought it desirable to retain control of the Library. On the motion of Dr Marsden, seconded by Dr Oliver, it was resolved: “That consideration of the future of the Library be considered by the Standing Committee for report to next annual meeting.” Professor Kirk stressed the importance of keeping up the standard of the Transactions in order to provide an adequate exchange for building up the Library. Report of Research Grantees. Mr G. Archey, who in 1926 was granted £40 for a research on N.Z. Chilopoda, reported that the whole of the grant has been expended. A “Revision of the Chilopoda of New Zealand” has been completed, and will shortly be submitted for publication. The microscope purchased by means of the grant is in good order and is still in constant use, and Mr Archey hopes that it may be retained in the Auckland Institute and Museum for use, particularly in the Harbour Survey investigations. Mr B. C. Aston, who in 1928 took over from Dr Malcolm a balance of £9 16s 7d for research on pukateine, reported on the 17th May that there is an unexpended balance of £7 12s 11d, as nothing has been expended during the year. Dr W. S. Fogg has continued his investigation of the pharmacological action of pukateine, and reports that the results have been sent by him to England and have been accepted for publication in the Journal of Pharmacology and Therapeutics. Mr A. E. Brookes in 1928 was granted £40 for research on the coleoptera of the islands off the Auckland coast, and reported on the 30th March recording the results—the total genera studied number 164, representing 248 species. He states that all the types remain in the collection in the cabinet, and he wishes to be advised where it is to be deposited. The whole of the grant was expended. Miss Cranwell, who in 1930 was granted £20 for an ecological survey of the marine algae, reported on the 13th May that she will continue her studies of the algae at marine biological stations abroad, so she will not publish results until her return after Christmas. The grant is practically exhausted. Dr G. H. Cunningham in 1929 was granted £25 for a mycological survey of the Tongariro National Park. He reported on the 15th April that a fortnight was spent on North Tongariro. Owing to continuous wet weather, few collections of fungi were secured. In all 23 collections were obtained, all save one being of species previously collected in this region. The exception was Aseroe rubra, a phalloid which was common on the Ketetahi Springs bush track. No expenses were incurred during the year. Dr O. H. Frankel, who in 1929 was granted £32 10s, in 1930 £10, and in addition a Hutton grant of £25 for research on the Cytology of New Zealand plants, reported on the 30th March that the work on Hebes and Veronicas was continued. It was found that polyploidy occurred within a number of species, in all cases combined with minor systematic differences. Much detailed work remains to be done, which it is hoped will be greatly furthered by his proposed visit to the John Innes Institution at Merton, London. A paper on

the cytology of about 15 species is to be submitted to the Transactions shortly. A paper dealing with certain other species in greater detail will be read to the International Botanical Conference in Amsterdam. The balance of the grant of £42 10s, namely, £1 0s 7d, has been expended in travelling expenses. Dr J. K. H. Inglis, who between 1923–30 was granted £125 for research on essential oils, reported on the 13th April that owing to illness no work had been carried out during the last year, but he should like the balance of the grant, £3 13s, to be reserved for further work. Mr A. W. B. Powell, who in 1925 was granted £50 for research on molluscan fauna, reported on the 26th April that although the whole of the grant had been expended, field-work is still carried on as opportunity permits. The results of the dredging will be incorporated in the paper now nearing completion which is entitled “Animal Communities of the Sea Bottom of Auckland and Manakau Harbours.” The work on the littoral animal communities will be written up later. Waitemata Harbour Committee was in 1925 granted £65 and later an additional £25 as a Hutton grant. On behalf of the Committee, Mr Powell reported on the 26th April that further dredging trips had been made during the year, and the data obtained has made it possible to round off three large papers. Already four papers based on the findings of the Committee have been published. There is an unexpended balance of £8 10s 11d, which will be utilised in further work. Mr L. C. King, who received a Hutton grant of £25 for work in the Awatere Valley, reported on the 4th November that with the assistance of two students he carried out field work for six and a half weeks, and the results geologically were highly satisfactory. The geological succession of the younger beds of North-eastern Marlborough was definitely established and many structural problems were investigated. In addition, the area at the mouth of the Clarence River was found to be very prolific of wind-facetted stones, which were studied in considerable detail. The general account of Mr King's work has been published as a Memoir by the Department of Scientific and Industrial Research, another paper on “Wind-facetted Stones” has been accepted by the Journal of Geology, Chicago, and it is hoped to publish in the Transactions a short series of papers on the results. The whole of the grant was expended. On the motion of Dr Marsden, the report of the research grantees was received. Tongariro National Park Board. Report of Representative for the Year 1934–35. Two meetings of the Wellington Executive and one meeting of the full Board have been held in Wellington during the year, all of which were attended by your representative. A Parliamentary paper, C-10—“Public Domains and National Parks of New Zealand, Annual Report on,” by the Department of Lands and Survey for the year ended 31st March, 1934, is attached to this report. Under the heading, “Part 2, National Parks,” it includes reports of the Tongariro National Park Board, the Egmont National Park Board, and the Arthur's Pass National Park Board. On the first and last of these Boards your Society is represented, and it is highly desirable, seeing the great value of the Mount Egmont National Park from a scientific point of view, that the Royal Society should have a representative on this Board also. The constitution of the Mount Egmont National Park Board is somewhat different from the other Park Boards, as Mount Egmont is situated in a thickly-settled area and there is therefore a greater proportion of local residents on the Board, who are elected by the local bodies of Taranaki, so that out of ten members of the Board the Government has only the election of two members in addition to the ex officio member, the local Commissioner of Crown Lands. If the Government could be induced to appoint someone to represent the Royal Society when a vacancy again arises, the Society's policy with regard to the preservation of National Park amenities might be urged on this Board with greater vigour. In conformity with the policy instituted in 1933, brief reports on the scientific aspects of the Park have been published in the annual report to Parliament of the Tongariro National Park Board so that a better balance

should be maintained between the space devoted to sports attractions and that relating to natural history of the Park. Thus, short articles on insects (G. V. Hudson), birds (W. R. B. Oliver), and fishes (W. J. Phillips) were included in the 1933 Report which was laid before you at the last annual meeting. In the 1934 Report, which is now before you, an account of the geology of the Park by Dr P. Marshall, and the soils near the Chateau by the writer of this report, are printed. In the current year's report it is hoped to continue the series with similar short articles on the natural history. A proposal from the Ohakune Chamber of Commerce to construct a motor road one chain in width from the town up to the ski-ing grounds has been received. In view of the splendid roading facilities which exist at the Chateau for reaching a high altitude on the Ruapehu mountain by motor car, it seems to your representative of doubtful wisdom to construct further roads if this involves destruction of a portion of the very fine mixed forest of rimu-tawa which extends from Ohakune up the mountain. The proposal has been referred to a member of the Park Board to obtain an estimate of the cost. Other matters which have the hearty approval of your representative are the decisions to inquire into the spreading in the Park of noxious weeds, broom, and lupin, to refuse applications to cut dead timber in the Park, and to appoint a sub-committee to look into the question of damage to the bush margins at various parts of the Park from fire. Permission to erect a further high-level mountain hut has been granted to the Ruapehu Ski Club. (Signed) B. C. Aston. 9th May, 1935. On the motion of Mr Aston, representative on the Park Board, the report of the Tongariro National Park Board was received. Arthur's Pass National Park. Report of Representative for the Year 1934–35. Owing to the unsatisfactory financial position, the development of the Park has been practically at a standstill. The only source of income is the rent of a limited number of sections, which hardly meets current expenses, and the original fund provided at the establishment of the Park has been heavily drawn on to pay for improvements. The preliminary work for the establishment of an alpine garden has been carried out with unemployed labour, but its continuation has been held up temporarily pending an improvement in the finances. The number of deer has been considerably reduced as the result of operations carried out under the Department of Internal Affairs, and the encouragement of shooting, particularly at Otira, has had some effect in reducing the number of chamois, which, with the thar, are doing considerable damage to the vegetation above the scrub line. The general supervision of the Park has been adequately maintained. During the year Professor Wall resigned his seat, and the Government decided that it was inadvisable to appoint a successor at present, owing to the numerical strength of the Board. (Signed) R. Speight. 4th May, 1935. On the motion of Professor Speight, representative on the Arthur's Pass Park Board, his report was received. Ward Island Domain Board. Report of Representative. The annual meeting of the Board was held on 31st January, 1935, and it was decided to recommend the Lands and Survey Department that four new members be appointed in place of three who had not attended the meetings for the required number of times. Members of the Board visited the island on the 2nd March, 1935, and sowed seeds of Karaka, Ngaio, and Taupata trees. It was noticed that many of the trees planted on a former visit had become established, but evidence that the rabbits had not been completely exterminated was obtained. (Signed) W. R. B. Oliver. 9th May, 1935. On the motion of Dr Oliver, representative on the Ward Island Domain Board, his report was received.

Great Barrier Reef Committee. Report of Representative. The committee met three times during the year 1934. The preparation of a bibliography of the Great Barrier Reef was advanced during the year, approximately 500 volumes being catalogued. Discussions took place on several matters in connection with the coral, fish, and bird life of the Reef, and steps are being taken to preserve the natural features as much as possible. During the year, Whitsunday, Hook, Gumbrell, Hamilton, Henning, and Deloraine Islands were declared sanctuaries under “The Animals and Birds Act, 1921–1924,” and Double Cove Islands were declared reserves for scenic purposes. Mr F. W. Moorhouse was appointed part-time Field Investigator to the Committee. Investigations are to be carried out on the life-history of beche-de-mer, stonefish, sea mullet, Spanish mackerel, and other fishes: also on plankton and sea-bottom deposits. Four quarterly reports were received from Mr Moorhouse describing the results of his work. The laboratory and outbuildings of Low Island were demolished by a cyclone on March 12. The results of Mr Moorhouse's initial work also disappeared. The laboratory has, however, since been rebuilt. There is a credit balance of £2115 19s 4d—£1500 of this being represented by bonds. (Signed) W. R. B. Oliver. On the motion of Dr Oliver, the report of the Great Barrier Reef Committee was received. New Zealand Institute of Horticulture. Report of Representative for the Year ending 31st March, 1935. Finance.—This Institute has continued its good work during the past year in spite of a restricted income and great difficulty in collecting old members' subscriptions or in securing new members. It has, therefore, been unable to publish its Journal more frequently than twice yearly. Loder Cup.—This matter is still unsettled, and the Conference remits resulting from the discussion of the Executive's proposal are being submitted to the Honourable the Minister for Agriculture, in charge of the cup. Arbor Day.—The Minister of Internal Affairs has seen fit to agree to the representations of the Institute gazetting the first Wednesday in August as Arbor Day. It is thus hoped gradually to re-establish the general observance of one day in the year as a day devoted to tree planting and similar work. Education.—The educational side of the Institute's activities has been continued by encouraging flower shows and by the examining and certifying to the fitness of horticulturists, whether gardeners, seedsmen, or florists, by conferring certificates and diplomas, and also by awarding to distinguished persons honorary memberships and fellowships. General.—A perusal of the minutes of the monthly meetings held by the Executive Council, which your representative attended, shows that attention was given to such varied subjects of interest to horticulture as the control of the white butterfly, the use of bird lime, advocating the establishment of a Nomenclature Board to regulate the naming of horticulture plants, the regulation of the seed industry, advocating preservation of native bush areas and the resuscitation of the office of Inspector of Scenic Reserves, urging the Government to exterminate the pests on all islands, e.g., goats on Three Kings Island, pigs on Poor Knights, rats on Hen Island, promoting road beautification, and the holding of national conferences and shows, and the raising of vegetable seed for supply to the unemployed. Citrus Survey.—In the Citrus industry a comprehensive report has been published by one of the branches of the Institute, and is obtainable at a small price. Native Plants Protection Act.—The general policy of the Institute has been to encourage measures for the preservation of the New Zealand flora. Thus, the use of New Zealand cut plants in public decorations at times of rejoicing has been discouraged, but the growth of New Zealand plants in horticulture generally, public and private gardening, has been encouraged. A sub-committee was set up to inquire and report on the Native Plants Protection Bill. Members of the Executive gave evidence in favour of it, which doubtless helped the

Government to pass, in one session, the measure now known as “Native Plants Protection Act, 1934.” This Act, while protecting the interests of gardeners, botanists, and students, makes it a punishable offence wantonly to destroy the bush. The difficulty of deciding what plants should be protected is overcome by gazetting all native plants as protected with certain exceptions. These exceptions are named formally in the Gazette notice which completes the action necessary to bring the Act into force. (See the Gazette of 26th April, 1935.) The exceptions named are certain noxious native weeds or poisonous plants and certain low forms of plant life such as algae, lichens, liverworts, and moss. Banks' Lecture.—This was delivered by Mr J. Scott Thomson, of Dunedin, at the annual Horticultural Conference and elicited much favourable comment. (Signed) B. C.Aston. On the motion of Mr Aston, representative on the Institute of Horticulture, his report was received. New Zealand Polar Year Committee. Report for the year 1934–35. During the year, work has been carried out at the Christchurch and Amberley Observatories under the direction of Mr H. F. Skey as follows:— The Quick-run Magnetographs provided by the International Polar Year Commission have been kept running in order to secure additional records of disturbances. The records, after annotation, have been sent to the President of the Commission, together with copies of 22 magnetograms from the ordinary Eschenhagen set. Times and amplitudes of sudden commencements of magnetic disturbances, and times of turning points and oscillatory movements have also been sent. Hourly values of temperature and pressure during the Polar Year have been tabulated. The underground observatory containing the Quick-run Magnetographs was re-roofed to prevent the incursion of moisture. The funds of the Committee have now been expended and its task fulfilled. It is therefore recommended that it cease to function. Magnetograph Fund. Statement of Receipts and Expenditure for Year ending 31st March, 1935. Receipts. Expenditure. £ s. d. £ s. d. Balance at 31/3/34 157 0 3 Dept. of Scientific and Industrial Research, 1933–34— Interest for Year 1933–34 4 11 2 Assistant at Amberley 13 13 9 Interest for Year 1934–35 1 7 5 Assistant at Christchurch 32 19 2 Cash in Hand 0 5 9 Repairs to Magnetograph House 47 6 0 H. F. Skey, Expenses 1933–34 15 8 6 Lamp for Magnetograph 0 19 6 Photographic Paper 1 8 6 Money Orders (2) 0 1 0 Assistant, Amberley, 1934–35 13 13 9 Assistant, Christchurch 30 0 0 Mr Skey, Expenses 1934–35 3 2 3 Copy Savings Bank Account 0 1 0 £158 13 5 £158 13 5 (Signed) Edward Kidson, Hon. Secretary Approved. (Signed) E. Marsden, Chairman. Audited and found correct. (Signed) E. J. Archibald, Accountant. Wellington, 2nd May, 1935.

On the motion of Dr Kidson, secretary of the Polar Year Committee, his report and balance sheet were received, and as the work is now completed, the Polar Year Committee was disbanded. Report of Observatories' Committee. The work of your representatives upon the Observatories' Committee has been mainly directed towards maintaining the important geophysical station at Apia in operation, and so far they have been successful in this respect. Towards the end of last year they wrote strongly to the Chairman of the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, and received the cordial support of that Council in urging the Government to find the necessary funds for its permanent maintenance. Whilst there is still no assurance of this, yet it is felt that the efforts of your representatives upon the Committee have staved off a scientific disaster which would discredit New Zealand in the eyes of the world. On the motion of Dr Farr, the report of the Observatories' Committee was received. National Art Gallery and Dominion Museum. Report by the Vice-president for the Year ending 31st March, 1935. During the year three meetings of the Board of Trustees have been held, and these were attended by your President's deputy, Professor Kirk or Dr Marshall, and the Vice-president. The New Building.—The erection of the new building to contain both the National Art Gallery and the Dominion Museum has gone steadily forward. It is now confidently hoped that the building will be completed in about twelve months' time, say, in May, 1936. Management of the Museum.—A decision has been arrived at whereby the Museum Management Committee will consist of nine members, two of which will be members of the Board and the remaining seven will be nominated by the Royal Society of New Zealand. Finance.—The finances of the Board, as shown in the statements supplied by the Treasurer, a Government officer, and by statements made by the Chairman, are in a thoroughly sound state. Planting of the Grounds.—The planting of the Museum grounds is now engaging the attention of the committee, of which your Vice-president is convener, and already one meeting has been held on the site. National Art Gallery.—It must be a matter for gratulation to science workers in this Dominion that by the generosity of the late Governor-General, Lord Bledisloe, a replica of Birley's portrait of Lord Rutherford, painted for the Royal Society of London, has been presented to the Board of Trustees for hanging in the National Art Gallery. The suggestion that a portrait of Lord Bledisloe should also be secured for the Art Gallery has been adopted, and the finance necessary to obtain the portrait is already assured. Other gifts of pictures have been made from time to time during the year, and indicate that there will be no lack of worthy works of art to adorn the walls of the new gallery. Selection Committee.—Dr W. R. B. Oliver and Mr B. C. Aston have been constituted a committee to deal with gifts and purchases for the Dominion Museum. (Signed) B. C. Aston, 14th May, 1935. Vice-president. On the motion of Mr Aston the representatives' report was received. It was stated by Mr Aston that it had been decided that the Management Committee of the Dominion Museum would consist of nine members, seven of whom were to be appointed by the Royal Society of New Zealand and two by the Board of Trustees.

Cockayne Memorial Committee. Standing Committee meeting, 28th November, 1934. Abstract of minute:— “Memorial to the late Dr L. Cockayne: It was reported that the Mayor of Wellington had called a meeting to discuss the setting up of a memorial to the late Dr Cockayne, and that a committee had been formed with Mr Aston as convener to recommend some form of memorial. “It was decided to set up a committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand to recommend some scheme along the lines of the Hector and the Hutton memorials, the members of the committee to be Mr Aston (convener), Dr Oliver, and Mr Hudson.” In pursuance of the above minute, at a meeting in Mr Aston's office, at which Dr Oliver, Mr Hudson, and Mr Aston were present, the following report was agreed to and referred to the Standing Committee for action. At a meeting of the Standing Committee held on the 20th February, 1935, it was resolved to adopt the report provisionally and to circulate it to the member bodies. Sub-committee's Report. Your sub-committee recommends:— (1) That a public appeal for subscriptions be made at first by means of circular to be distributed to the members of the Royal Society of New Zealand and the public generally both in and beyond New Zealand; (2) The name of the committee dealing with the matter be the Cockayne Memorial Committee of the Royal Society of New Zealand; (3) The Honorary Secretary of the Committee shall be the Secretary of the Royal Society of New Zealand, and the Honorary Treasurer shall be the Honorary Treasurer of the Royal Society of New Zealand. (4) All subscriptions intended for this Memorial shall be sent to the Secretary of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Victoria University College, Wellington, W.I, who shall issue a receipt for each sum received; (5) An account shall be opened with the Post Office Savings Bank. Wellington, at which all subscriptions shall be deposited as soon as convenient after receipt thereof; (6) Circulars for members of this Society shall be sent through the secretaries of the member bodies, namely, the Auckland Institute, the Hawke's Bay Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand, the Wellington Philosophical Society, the Nelson Institute, the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, the Otago Institute. (7) Member bodies may issue additional matter with the Standing Committee's circular as may seem appropriate to them. The secretaries of the member bodies shall remit subscriptions to the Secretary of the Royal Society of New Zealand as soon as may be convenient, so that interest may at once accrue, and in order that official receipts may be issued to the subscribers as soon as possible; (8) The circular of the Standing Committee appealing for subscriptions shall clearly state that it is the intention of the Society to apply any subscriptions or bequests received, and the interest accruing thereon (less the out of pocket expenses incurred in collection) towards the establishment of a Trust Fund to be administered by the Royal Society of New Zealand to commemorate the life and work of Leonard Cockayne by means of a memorial medal to be awarded periodically to distinguished New Zealand workers in any branch of botanical science and by means of awarding money prizes or grants towards further botanical research to be carried out. The exact form of the memorial will, of course, depend on the total amount of money which is ultimately available for the purpose; (9) After being audited by the Auditor-General annual financial statements of the Fund shall be submitted by the Honorary Treasurer of the Royal Society of New Zealand to the annual meeting of this Society;

(10) When the Council of the Royal Society of New Zealand considers it is desirable that the Fund shall be declared closed, this shall be notified in the Proceedings of this Society, and a Deed of Trust executed to make the memorial effective, and provision shall then be made for the inaugural award; (11) The regulations governing the award of the medal, prize, or grants shall be subsequently formulated and adopted by the annual meeting of the Royal Society of New Zealand, which shall define fully the method to be employed in selecting the recipient of the award; (12) No portion of the Cockayne Memorial Fund shall be expended, but only the yearly income from the capital fund. Your Committee suggests that the member bodies be communicated with and asked to act as local collectors for the Fund and to head the subscription list with a donation from the Council of each member body. N.B.—In the case of the Hector Memorial Fund about £50 was contributed by the Councils of the incorporated societies of the New Zealand Institute. For the Sub-committee, (Signed) B. C. Aston, Convener. Mr Aston, convener of the Cockayne Memorial Committee, read the above report of his committee, which formulated a plan to provide a memorial to the late Dr Cockayne. The report had been submitted to member bodies and to the Council for consideration. Mr Aston said that although the report recommended that a memorial medal be awarded, he and his committee agreed that a medal was not necessary and that a fund to be used in the publication of worthy botanical papers would be an equally suitable memorial. After some discussion, it was resolved on the motion of Dr Turner, seconded by Dr Oliver:—“That clause 8 be amended by the deletion of the words ‘by means of a memorial medal to be awarded periodically to distinguished New Zealand workers in any branch of botanical science and by means of awarding money prizes or grants towards further botanical research to be carried out’ and the substitution of the words ‘by providing for the publication of papers of special merit embodying the results of botanical research carried out by New Zealand workers.’” It was suggested that the papers printed should eventually form a Cockayne Memorial Volume. Hector Award.—A recommendation was received from the Hector Award Committee suggesting that the physics-mathematics section should be divided into two sections. Mr Aston read a report from the Crown Solicitor on the subject, and he moved that the whole matter be referred to the Standing Committee for consideration of amendment to the Trust Deed with power to refer to experts on the question of a balance of awards and on the equalisation of the Hector Prize. Dr Farr seconded the motion, which was carried. Medals.—Mr Aston reported on the action taken by the Regulations Committee and by the Standing Committee regarding the alterations to the medals of the Society. He read a report from the Numismatic Society regarding a proposal to attach a garter, and he stated that Professor Shelley suggested a bar design to carry the necessary new wording. Mr Aston said that he considered a better solution was that the medals remain intact and that wooden cases be made of specially selected New Zealand woods to hold the

medals, and that the case should have a plate bearing the new title. Mr Aston produced several samples of cases which he had had made in different woods. In the discussion which followed, Dr Oliver suggested that as the title of the Society had been altered, the medals should sooner or later be altered accordingly. Dr Kidson moved that a decision regarding the matter be held over until Professor Shelley had submitted designs of the bar which he had suggested, and that in the meantime medals be issued to the recipients in the wooden cases with the inscription and the new title of the Society indicated by a name plate. This was carried. Regulations.—It was reported that the Regulations need to be consolidated and certain new ones gazetted. It was resolved that authority be given for the consolidation of the Regulations and that the matter be left in the hands of Dr Marsden and Mr Aston. Honorary Members.—It was resolved that the title of honorary members be Honorary Members of the Royal Society of New Zealand. Manawatu Branch.—A letter was received from Mr M. A. Eliott intimating that the Manawatu Philosophical Society had been resuscitated and permission was asked for the Society to adopt the title Manawatu Branch of the Royal Society of New Zealand. The desired permission was granted. Election of Officers.—The election of Officers resulted as follows: President, The Right Reverend Bishop H. W. Williams; Vice-president, Dr W. P. Evans; Hon. Treasurer, Mr M. A. Eliott (re-elected); Hon. Editor, Dr F. J. Turner; Hon. Librarian, Professor H. B. Kirk (re-elected); Hon. Returning Officer, Professor H. W. Segar (re-elected); Co-opted Member, Dr P. Marshall (re-elected); Managers Trust Accounts, Messrs M. A. Eliott and B. C. Aston (re-elected); N.Z. Institute of Horticulture Representative, Mr B. C. Aston (re-elected); Great Barrier Reef Committee Representative, Dr W. R. B. Oliver (re-elected); Observatories' Committee Representatives, Dr Farr and Prof. Burbidge. Election of Committees.—The following were appointed:— Research Grants Committee: The Standing Committee. Hector Award Committee: Dr Holloway, Dr Benham, Dr T. G. B. Osborn. Hutton Award Committee: Dr Holloway, Dr Benham, Dr Marshall, Dr Cunningham. Finance Committee: Messrs Eliott and Aston and Dr Marsden. Library: Prof. Kirk, Prof. C. A. Cotton, Dr Kidson, and Dr Oliver. Regulations: Mr B. C. Aston, Dr P. Marshall, Dr Marsden, and Prof. Shelley. Fellowship Selection Committee: Dr Marsden, Prof. Kirk, Mr Aston, Dr Marshall, and Dr Oliver. It was resolved that where necessary the Vice-president be convener of the committees.

Votes of Thanks.—On the motion of Professor Kirk seconded by Dr Farr, a very hearty vote of thanks was passed to Mr B. C. Aston, and it was resolved to place on record the appreciation of the Society of the zeal and enthusiasm which Mr Aston had shown in his untiring service as Vice-president of the Society. A very cordial vote of thanks was passed to Professor Speight for his work during his term of office as President. Votes of thanks were also passed to the Otago University for the use of the rooms, and to the Press. Annual Meeting, 1936.—It was decided to hold the 1936 annual meeting in Wellington unless the Standing Committee accepted an invitation from one of the member bodies to hold it elsewhere. Presidential Address.—On the motion of Professor Park it was resolved to ask the President, Professor Speight, to allow his presidential address to be published in the Transactions. The above minutes of the annual meeting of the Council were confirmed at a meeting of the Standing Committee, 21st June, 1935.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 65, 1936, Page 422

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The Royal Society Of New Zealand Annual Meeting, 30th May, 1935. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 65, 1936, Page 422

The Royal Society Of New Zealand Annual Meeting, 30th May, 1935. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 65, 1936, Page 422

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