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Invalid Molluscan Names. No. 1. By H. J. Finlay, D.Sc. [Issued separately, 29th May, 1930.] As in my last paper of this kind (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, pp. 488-533, 1927), the name at the left hand side of each note forms the subject of discussion, while that opposite it on the right (if any) is the necessary substitute here proposed or determined. The first reference given under the name discussed is to the place of its proposal. Cucullaea ponderosa Hutton, 1873. Hutton's proposition of this name (Cat. Tert. Moll., p. 27) will invalidate that of Whiteaves (Mesozoic fossils, vol. 1, pt. 4; Geol. Surv. Canada, p. 286; 1900); the Canadian fossil may be renamed Cucullaea whiteavesi nom. nov. Limopsis compressus Dall, 1895:— Limopsis solicola nom. nov. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 18, No. 1034, p. 16). This was described from 1793 fathoms, Gulf of Panama (Cat. No. 122889), but G. & H. Neville had appropriated the specific name in 1874 (Journ. Asiat. Soc. Bengal, n. s., vol. 43, pt. 2, p. 28). In October, 1908 (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 43, No. 6, p. 394; Pl. 7, Figs. 7, 8), Dall figured and re-discussed the species, which he said was “not unlike L. bassi Smith from New Zealand.” L. bassi is not a New Zealand shell, but a synonym of the Australian L. tenisoni; the American shell may be renamed as above. Pecten delicatula Hutton, 1873. (Cat. Tert. Moll, p. 30). The invalidation through Hutton's name of delicatulus Philippi, 1887 (Tert. quart. Verst. Chiles, p. 209) will not matter, as Wilckens (Rev. Fauna Quir.-Schichten, p. 224; 1904) has noted that it is only a young Pecten granulatus d'Orb., 1846. Lima crassa Hutton, 1873. (Cat. Tert. Moll., p. 33). This was described from the Lower Gorge of the Waipara, and as no specimens are known, and the type is lost, the name is very

unsatisfactory. Fortunately it is preoccupied by Forbes, 1844 (13th Rep. Brit. Assoc., p. 193), so that Hutton's name may be altogether dismissed. Crassatella corrugata Tate, 1886:— Salaputium aldingensis nom. nov. (Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., vol. 8, p. 147). Not of Adams and Reeve, 1850 (Zool. “Samarang,” pt. 7, Moll., p. 82). The Australian Tertiary species was described from Aldinga, and compared with astartiformis (= communis Harris), but with heavier and fewer sulcations. It evidently belongs to the group of tiny Crassatellas to which Iredale has given the name Salaputium. Lucina minima Ten.-Woods, 1876. In “Critical Remarks on Some South Australian Mollusca” (Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., vol. 21, p. 48; 1897), Tate remarked that “Lucina minima Ten.-Woods (Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas. for 1875, p. 162; 1876) antedates L. tatei Angas by two years.” But Tenison-Woods' specific name is invalid, having been used previously by Roemer, 1836 (Verst. Norddeutsch. Oolith., vol. 2, p. 118) and also by Brown, 1841 (Trans. Manchester Geol. Soc., vol. 1, p. 66). May, however, keeps tatei as a distinct species from minima (Check-List Moll. Tas., p. 18; 1921), but queries L. perobliqua Tate, 1892 (Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., vol. 15, p. 128) as a synonym of the latter. The investigation of this may be left to those more directly concerned. Tellina donaciformis Deshayes, 1855. This name appears in Hedley's Queensland List (p. 349), but is preoccupied by Nyst, 1835 (Coq. Foss. Anvers, p. 5). I do not know if there are synonyms. Corbis elegans Deshayes, 1843. (In Cuvier, Regne Anim., disciples ed., Moll., descrip. to Pl. 102). This also appears in the same list (p. 347), but in the same year as Deshayes, Buvignier also proposed a Corbis elegans (Mem. Soc. Philom. Verdun, vol. 2, p. 228); which has priority I do not know. Genus Finlaya Marwick, 1927:— Genus Marwickia nom. nov. Though I appreciate Dr. Marwick's compliment to me in this name (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 596), I am unfortunately prevented from accepting it as there is an earlier Finlaya Theobald, 1903 (A Monograph of the Culicidae or Mosquitoes, vol. 3, p. 281), proposed for a Penang mosquito. There could be no more fitting renomination than the proposal of Marwickia nom. nov. to replace Finlaya Marwick, and it gives me much pleasure to make this substitution. It is only right that the Veneridae of New Zealand, so ably monographed by Dr. Marwick, should include for one of the earliest and most interesting forms a generic term based on his own name. There is but one species, Marwickia parthiana (Marwick), from the Paleocene.

Dosinual elegans (Hutton, 1873) (Callista). (Cat. Tert. Moll., p. 21). Marwick (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 609; 1927) has noted that “It is doubtful if this species is distinct from D. zelandica. The type is the only specimen known, and it is in a damaged condition.” Under these circumstances it seems best to regard the name as preoccupied by Callistus elegans Boheman, 1848 (Ins. Caffr., vol. 1, pt. 1, p. 127). This is the more welcome as there are numerous prior associations of the term elegans with other related Venerid genera, such as Venus (Wood, 1828; Adams & Reeve, 1850), Cytherea (Lamarck, 1805; Koch, 1844), Artemis (Conrad, 1843), and Tivela (Verill, 1870). If further specimens from Kanieri prove to be a distinct form, a new name may then be imposed. It may be noted that Koch's preoccupied name Cytherea elegans is included without comment in Hedley's Prelim. Index Moll. West Australia, p. 15, 1916, as Gafrarium elegans (Phil.). Lutraria elongata Gray, 1837:— Lutraria porrecta nom. nov. (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., n. s., vol. 1, p. 374). Recorded from Queensland by Hedley (Marine Fauna of Queensland, p. 351; 1909), but the name is preoccupied by Muenster, 1835 (N. Jahrb. f. Min., p. 435), and also by M'Coy, 1844 (in Griffith, Syn. Carb. List. foss. Ireland, p. 52). Patella aculeata Reeve, 1855. This common Australian shell is included in Hedley's “Index Moll. W. Australia, p. 36, 1916, and recorded from Victoria by Pritchard and Gatliff (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. 15, n. s., pt. 2, p. 193; Feb., 1903), but the name had long ago been used by Gmelin (Linn. Syst. Nat., ed. 13, pt. 1, p. 3751; 1791). Iredale (Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W., vol. 49, pt. 3, pp. 238-241; Oct. 24, 1924) discusses this and other species, but does not mention the preoccupation. Pritchard and Gatliff give Patella squamifera Reeve, 1855 as a synonym, and this name has been preferred by Hedley (Check-List Mar. Fauna N. S. W., p. M 50; 1917). Fissurella elongata Philippi, 1845:— Diodora philippiana nom. nov. This species (described in Abb. Conch., vol. 2, pt. 2, p. 33; Arch. f. Naturg., vol. 11. pt. 1, p. 144) and Fissuridea corbicula (Sow., 1862) are included in Hedley's “Marine Fauna of Queensland,” p. 352, 1909. Philippi's shell may be renamed as above as there is a Fissurella elongata M'Coy, 1844 (in Griffith, Syn. Carb. List foss. Ireland, p. 43), originally proposed as a nomen nudum in 1842. Sowerby's combination had also been forestalled, but only as a nomen nudum, by Andrezejovski, 1832 (Bull. Soc. Imp. Nat. Moscou, vol. 4, p. 564). Calliostoma hedleyi Dautzenberg, 1925:— Calliostoma dautzenbergi nom. nov. (Bull. Inst. océan Monaco, No. 457, p. 8). Pritchard and Gatliff had already appropriated this name (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. 14, pt. 1, p. 182; Aug., 1901) for a Victorian shell.

Calliostoma iheringi Dall, 1927:— Calliostoma amazonica nom. nov. (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 70, art. 19, p. 5). This name was previously used by Ortmann (Amer. Journ. of Science, vol. 5, No. 10, p. 373; 1900) for a South Patagonian fossil. Dall's Recent species may therefore take the new name Calliostoma amazonica; Dall notes that “this is the largest and most conspicuous species of the genus from the Brazilian coast.” Delphinula crenata Kiener, 1839:— Liotina infensa nom. nov. This prominently serrate species was described from the Philippines (Spec. Coquilles, Delphinula, No. 11) and has been recorded as Liotia crenata from Queensland by Hedley. As the combination Delphinula crenata had been anticipated by G. B. Sowerby II (Gen. Shells, p. 39; 1833), I propose to rename Kiener's shell as above. Genùs Brookesena Finlay. I proposed this in Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 390; Dec. 23, 1926. There is a Brachiopod genus Brooksina Kirk, 1922 (Proc. U.S. Nat. Mus., vol. 60, p. 1), but as the spelling and derivation are different, both names may be allowed. Were my name a homonym, Powell's name Vindex would have to be considered. This was inadvertently proposed in Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 539; Feb. 1, 1927, where Powell remarks, “For Mathilda neozelanica Suter and Alics (sic) succincta Suter, Iredale and Finlay have proposed a new genus Vindex, citing the former species as type.” This was the name given to the group in the MS. of the “Further Commentary,” which Powell saw before publication; it was subsequently changed to Brookesena, since Vindex was found to be preoccupied by Kaup, 1871 (B.E.Z., 15, heft 4, p. 78) for a beetle. Crepidula convexa Yokoyama, 1925:— Crepidula yokoyamai nom. nov. (Journ. Coll. Sci. Tokyo Imp. Univ., vol. 45, art. 7, p. 13). This may be renamed as above, as Say had previously used Yokoyama's name (J. Acad. Nat. Sci. Philad., vol. 2, p. 227; July, 1822). Sulcerato n. gen. Type: Erato (Eratopsis) illota Tate. This is a Kalimnan shell from the upper Muddy Creek beds. When describing it (Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., vol. 13, pt. 2, p. 217; Dec., 1890, and vol. 15, pt. 1, Pl. 13, F. 11; July, 1892) Tate remarked, “In Eratopsis it comes nearest in shape to E. nana, but it is broader, shorter, and not granulated.” The difference in shape and the absence of heavy ridges and granulations give the Australian shell so different an appearance from Eratopsis barrandei Hoernes and Auinger, the genotype (from the Viennese Helvetian), that a distinct name is necessary. Eratopsis H. & A., 1880 (Gast. der I and II mar. Medit. Stufe, pt. 64) is preoccupied by Eratopsis of an anonymous

writer, R. L., 1817 (Allg. Lit. Zeitung., vol. 1, p. 288) for a butterfly. Cossmann (Ess. Pal. Comp., vol. 5, p. 183; Dec., 1903) gives Eratotrivia Sacco, 1894, based on the Eocene E. crenata Desh. as a synonym; this has the same Trivia-like sculpture, and should be used for the European species included in Eratopsis. Genus Powellia Finlay:— Genus Badenia nom. nov. I proposed this (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 403; Dec. 23, 1926), with P. lactea Finlay as type, for a group of small shells which were temporarily located in the Family Rissoidae. The generic name I find was previously used by Maskell for a Coccid (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 11, p. 223; 1879), genotype: P. vitreo-radiata Maskell, the subsequent reference of which (idem., vol. 22, p. 164; May, 1890) to Triozoa, in the Psyllidae, does not validate my later use of the name. Consequently I propose Badenia as a suitable substitute for the molluscan genus. I also remove it from the Rissoidae, believing that the Family Melanellidae is a better location. The species of Badenia closely resemble shells which Dall (Bull. Mus. Comp. Zool., vol. 18, pp. 324 and 325; Pl. 18, Figs. 7, 8, 12; June, 1889) has placed in Aclis; they do not resemble true Aclis, but are apparently more happily placed near Melanella and Eulima than near Dardanula or any Rissoid genus. Aclis has been dismissed from Neozelanic literature, but apparently should be reinstated, though not for the species Suter included there. Judging by what figures and descriptions are available to me, I cannot see any generic distinction between Aclis supranitida Wood, the genotype, and the Petane and Castlecliff Turritella (Eglisia) planostoma Hutton, 1885 (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 17, p. 320; Pl. 18, F. 19). Perhaps actual specimens would be unlike, but I cannot separate the New Zealand species at present. The Graphis group also seems to be represented by undescribed Recent species in New Zealand. Fasciolaria fusiformis Val. This rather rare Australian species was noted to be distinct from coronata by Verco (Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., for 1895, p. 106), was lumped with that species by Prichard and Gatliff (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. 10, p. 272; 1897), and was again maintained as distinct by May (Check-List Moll. Tas., p. 78; 1921). In Sherborn's Index Animalium, section 2, pt. 11, p. 2610, 1926) the only entry of this combination is credited to Philippi, 1847 (Palaeontographica, vol. 1, pt. 2, p. 70). Valenciennes's species is not recorded, and I cannot find its date. The matter must be left to those who can investigate the necessary literature. Fusus exilis Menke, 1843:— Fusinus dampieri nom. nov. (Moll. N. Holl., p. 26). When I discussed Fasciolaria exilis Tate (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 505; 1927), I noted the clash of Fusus exilis Menke, a West

Australian species, recorded by Hedley in his Prelim. Index Moll. W.A. (p. 58, 1916), and Fusus exilis Conrad, a North American Tertiary species. I have now found that Conrad's name dates from 1832 (Foss. Shells Tert. N. Amer., vol. 1, p. 17), while there is also a Fusus exilis Philippi, 1841 (Tertiarverst. Wilhelmshohe, p. 25), so that the Recent species needs renaming as above. Buccinum inflatum Hutton, 1873:— Aeneator huttoni nom. nov. 1873. Buccinum inflatum Hutton, Cat. Tert. Moll., p. 6. 1887. Cominella inflata Hutton, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2), vol. 1, p. 209. 1914. Cominella inflata (Hutton): Suter, N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. No. 2, p. 3. Not Cominella inflata (Hutton): Suter, l.c., p. 25; Pl. 2, Figs. 6a, b. 1924. Verconella inflata (Hutton): Finlay, Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. 16, pt. 2, p. 103. 1926. Verconella inflata (Hutton): Finlay, Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 412. I propose this name to replace Buccinum inflatum Hutton, 1873, non Buccinum inflatum Shaw, 1811 (Nat. Misc., p. 22; Pl. 959), nec Lamarck, 1822 (Anim. s. Vert., vol. 7, p. 270). The species is not well known, and has been generally neglected. The following re-description is based on examination of the unique type specimen, which was thought to be lost, but which has been found by Dr. Marwick amongst the Geological Survey collections. Apex conoidal, of 2½ smooth whorls. Adult whorls five, first three slightly convex, body whorl relatively very large and globose, contracted at base. First three whorls with about 14 low transverse ribs, becoming obsolete on fourth whorl; fine regular spiral cords over whole surface, 10-12 on spire whorls, interstices slightly wider and sometimes with a weak thread. Spire acute, subequal to aperture without canal. Aperture ovate, angled above, outer lip broken, but evidently sinuous; growth lines in shape of a shallow reversed S. Canal broken off, but probably long and bent to left. Height (incomplete), 30 mm.; width, 18.5 mm. Locality—Kanieri River. Holotype in N.Z. Geol. Surv. collection. In spite of the loss of the canal it is fairly certain that this species is an Aeneator; there is no trace of a Cominellid notch, and the spout was almost certainly long. The shell which Suter described and figured (see synonymy) as “Cominella inflata (Hutt.)” is really Acominia errata (Finlay, 1924) (= Buccinum carinatum Hutton, 1873; preoccupied). Dr. Marwick informs me that there was no MS. drawing by Buchanan of B. inflatum, so that Suter apparently guessed at the species on the basis of the specific name.

Neptunaea costatus Hutton, 1877:— Nassicola contracta Finlay. 1877. Neptunaea (Sipho) costatus Hutton, Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 9, p. 594; Pl. 16, F. 2. 1887. Siphonalia costata Hutton, Proc. Linn. Soc. N.S.W. (2), vol. 1, p. 209. 1915. Siphonalia costata (Hutton): Suter, N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. No. 3, p. 22. 1924. Aethocola costata (Hutton): Finlay, Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 55, pp. 501 and 502. 1926. Austrofusus (Nassicola) costatus (Hutton): Finlay, idem., vol. 56, pp. 233, 236; Pl. 56, F. 12 (Target Gully shell). 1926. Austrofusus (Nassicola) contractus Finlay: idem, p. 236; Pl. 56, F. 10, 11 (Clifden, band 7). I propose to rename this well-known Awamoan shell as above, since the basis of Hutton's name is preoccupied by Neptunea costata Link, 1807 (Beschr. Nat. Samml. Univ. Rostock, vol. 4, p. 13). Re-examination of additional material convinces me that the differences between the Awamoan costatus and my Austrofusus (Nassicola) contractus are too slight to deserve specific recognition. Target Gully shells on the whole are more vertically compressed, but identical examples occur; the small differences seem due to facies rather than time. Besides the three species contracta, nassa, and magnifica, which I described in Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 56, pp. 235, 236; 1926, I now suggest that Siphonalia compacta Suter, 1917 (N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. No. 5, p. 29; Pl. 4, F. 11), from Broken River, Trelissick Basin, should be referred to this genus. On the other hand, I would now refer magnificus on account of its size, spiny habit and other details of sculpture, and position of fasciole to Austrofusus s. str., though of an aberrant type, found so far only at Clifden. Atkinsonella n. gen. I provide this for the Table Cape (Janjukian of Tasmania) Buccinum fragile Ten.-Woods, 1877 (Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas. for 1876, p. 107; Feb. 27, 1877), at the same time pointing out that the specific name is very likely preoccupied. There is a Buccinum belcheri Rve. var. fragile Verkruzen, 1878 (?) (J. B. mal. Ges., vol. 5, p. 352), treated as a full species by Sars, 1878 (Moll. arct. Norweg., p. 260)—which will need a new name—and probably others have used this combination. May (Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas. for 1918, p. 115; April 1, 1919) has referred this species to Loxotaphrus and synonymised Trophon selwyni Pritchard. The latter species was described (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. 8, n. s., p. 79; Pl. 2, F. 7; April, 1896) from Spring Creek, three examples from Table Cape being included by the author. But Pritchard's figure and description seem to indicate that the Spring

Creek shells are relatively wider and more strongly costate than the Table Cape ones, and as he was always a “lumper” it is probable that both names should be employed. I have seen no Spring Creek examples, and can only recommend re-investigation of this synonymy. Loxotaphrus was provided by Harris (Cat. Tert. Moll. B.M., pt. 1, p. 165; March 25, 1897) for Phos (?) variciferus Tate, 1888, from the Muddy Creek Balcombian. This can hardly be regarded as congeneric with fragilis. Loxotaphrus has a totally different contracted aperture, with a prominent raised flange for the inner lip; it is stoutly built and has a narrow recurved canal and an embryo of 1½ smooth turns, the intial whorl oblique and immersed. Atkinsonella has a wide simple aperture (not unlike Austrofusus) and inner lip, a fragile shell, an open unrecurved canal, and a protoconch of 2½ whorls, the initial portion very flattened and tightly coiled. They may be related, but can hardly be merged; both genera can be placed in the Neptuniidae in the meantime. Cossmann (Ess. Pal. Comp., vol. 4, p. 109; Oct., 1901) placed fragilis in Siphonalia s. str., which has only Family relationship. Buccinum veneris Filhol, 1880:— Eucominia filholi nom. nov. This Campbell Island regional form, described in Compt. Rend., vol. 91, p. 1094) I propose to rename as above, as there is a prior Buccinum veneris Basterot, 1825 (Mem. geol. envir. Bordeaux, p. 47; Pl. 2, F. 15) from the Miocene of Europe. Purpura depressa Martin, 1880:— Thais demissa nom. nov. (Die Tertiars. auf Java, p. 43). Not of Link, 1807 (Baschr. Nat. Samml. Univ. Rostock, vol. 4, p. 14). Columbella coniformis Martin, 1884:— Columbella conella nom. nov. (Samml. Geol. Reichs-Mus. Leiden, ser. 1, bd. 3, p. 117). Not of G. B. Sowerby, 1844 (Proc. Zool. Soc. Lond., vol. 12, pt. 133, p. 49). Voluta conoidea Tate, 1889:— Volutoconus ralphi nom. nov. This and V. limbata Tate were described (Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., vol. 11, p. 125; April, 1889) as the Balcombian ancestors of the Recent Voluta coniformis Cox, the genotype of Volutoconus Crosse, 1871. Cossmann (Ess. Pal. Comp., vol. 3, p. 131; April, 1899) includes only these three species in the genus, and figures conoidea. That specific name cannot be maintained, since Renier had already used it for a Voluta in 1804 (Tavole, p. 7); there is also a Voluta conoidea Bosc, 1801, based on Bulla conoidea L., 1767. Accordingly I supply the name Volutoconus ralphi nom. nov. for Tate's conoidea. The genotype itself is not on too firm a footing, for there is a Voluta coniformis Wood, 1828 (Suppl. Index Test., F. 31) but this may be based on Auricula coniformis Ferussac, 1821, and that in turn on Bulimus coniformis Bruguiere, 1789.

Voluta lirata Johnston, 1880. Described in Proc. Roy. Soc. Tas. for 1879, p. 37; July 21, 1880. In Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 514, 1927, I included this Tasmanian Janjukian species in my new genus Notopeplum. I have since found that there are two previous proposers of the combination Voluta lyrata; Brocchi, 1814 (Conch. Subap., p. 311), and G. B. Sow., 1, 1825 (Cat. Shells Tankerville, p. 80). As this gives an opportunity of fixing a definite type specimen, I am not renaming Johnston's shell, but am describing the species as new from my own Table Cape material. At the same place I nominated victoriensis Cossmann (= polita Tate; preoccupied) as genotype of Notopeplum, taking Pritchard's opinion (Proc. Roy. Soc. Vict., vol. 8, p. 96; 1896) that this covered all the Victorian species referred to maccoyi. I had then seen only Balcombe Bay material, but the subsequent reception of some Muddy Creek shells makes it plain that Pritchard was in error. Tate was perfectly correct (Trans. Roy. Soc. S.A., vol. 11, p. 127; 1889) in separating a Muddy Creek species as polita from the other Balcombian ones he took as maccoyi. This is the species which must bear the name victoriensis Cossmann, and be regarded as genotype of Notopeplum Finlay, though it was not the species I had in mind when I proposed the name (see balcombensis later); fortunately it makes no difference to the conception of the genus. Tate's figure of it is good, and it differs from the usual Balcombe Bay specimens exactly as Tate stated. Tate figured a Muddy Creek specimen (l.c.; Pl. 2, F. 2) as maccoyi, but all these Balcombian forms disagree with the Table Cape series, so I also describe as new the common Balcombe Bay form. I do this in preference to supplying a name for Tate's figure, as it is not certain where that specimen is, and because the Balcombe Bay shells differ a little from the Muddy Creek ones. I think there are several new species of this group in the Australian Balcombian and Janjukian, and Pritchard's method of lumping them all as maccoyi does not appeal to me. Notopeplum saginatum n. sp. Shell of moderate size, inflated. Embryo of 2-2½ whorls, domeshaped, rather symmetrically wound, tip small, probably Scaphelloid, developing a low keel and shoulder ornamented with small axial riblets towards its close, merging imperceptibly into adult shell, the first whorl of which is much encroached on from below by the next whorl. Adult whorls 5, flat, with a faint trace of a medial concavity, very slightly bulging at lower suture; this bulge is pronounced on body whorl, which is considerably more inflated than in the other species of this group; rapidly contracted in a faint concave curve to canal. Rather prominent, extremely fine and dense spiral grooving over whole surface, which is moderately polished and shining. Numerous thin and sinuous axial riblets on all but last whorl, where they are degenerating into irregular growth ridges; about 27 on antepenultimate whorl of type, about 22 in paratype, 4-6 times their own width apart, ribs in the form of a very shallow reversed S, equally developed from suture to suture, no nodules on swellings. Outer lip thin, mod-

erately thick inside. Pillar stout, with four mitriform subequal and subequidistant plaits. Canal very shallow and widely open, no notch, fasciole merely a faint swelling. Height, 51 mm.; of spire, 20.5 mm.; width, 22.5 mm. Locality—Table Cape, Tasmania (Janjukian). Type and one paratype in Finlay collection. A wider, more ornamented shell than maccoyi from the same beds. Notopeplum balcombensis n. sp. Very close to the Muddy Creek species figured by Tate as maccoyi. Same smooth highly polished and thin shell, four ridge-like lamellar pillar plaits, the lower two more oblique, same embryo (as already described by me in Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 514, 1927), except that the protoconch of Muddy Creek shells is markedly smaller and higher. Differs chiefly in lower and wider spire and stouter shell, the spire angle being about 45 degrees instead of about 35 degrees. The embryo is not so large as in victoriensis, and is slightly flattened on top instead of being bluntly pointed; the spire is also not so low, and the whorls not so convex (the sutures therefore less cut in), though the shell is approximately as broad, the whorl inflation being less sudden and lower down than in victoriensis. Height, 41 mm.; of spire, 14.5 mm.; width, 12 mm. Locality—Balcombe Bay, marly clays (Balcombian). Type and four paratypes in Finlay collection. Pleurotoma plicatella Hutton, 1886. This was described (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 18, p. 333) from Wanganui (Pliocene), and subsequently referred by Suter to Drillia (Crassispira) (N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. No. 3, p. 35; 1915). There is a Raphitoma plicatella Bellardi, 1847 (ex Jan MS.) (Mem. R. Accad. Sci. Torino, 2, vol. 9, p. 620), but whether Jan published a Pleurotoma plicatella in 1832 I do not know. However, it does not much matter, for I cannot separate Castlecliff specimens from the Recent Pleurotoma novae-zelandiae Reeve, the genotype of my Phenatoma. Pleurotoma nodilirata Murdoch and Suter:— Bathytoma murdochi nom. nov. T. W. Kirk first described this shell from the Petane Pliocene (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 14, p. 409; 1882) as Pleurotoma tuberculata; this name being preoccupied by Gray, Murdoch and Suter (idem., vol. 38, p. 284; 1906) substituted Pleurotoma (Hemipleurotoma) nodilirata as the species name. In the use of this combination they were forestalled by E. A. Smith, 1878 (Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist., dec. 4, vol. 19, p. 494) who described a Pleurotoma (Drillia) nodilirata from the Philippine Islands. The New Zealand shell is therefore renamed as above.

Pleurotoma (Gemmula) fusiformis Thiele:— Gemmula thielei nom. nov. Pleurotoma (Gemmula) fusiformis Thiele, 1925 (Wiss. Erg. D. Tiefsee Exped., vol. 17, p. 214), being preoccupied about half-a-dozen times—originally by J. de C. Sowerby, 1823 (Min. Conch., vol. 4, p. 119)—may be changed to Gemmula thielei nom nov. Pleurotoma laevis Hutton, 1873:— Splendrillia aoteana nom. nov. (Cat. Mar. Moll., p. 12). Preoccupied by Bellardi, 1848 (Mem. R. Acc. Sci. Torino [2], 9, 542). The type is from Stewart Island and is in the Dominion Museum, Wellington. Terebra martini Vredenburg, 1925:— Terebra vredenburgi nom. nov. When Vredenburg (Mem. Geol. Surv. India, vol. 50, pt. 1, p. 24, footnote; 1925) noticed the preoccupation of the name Terebra bicincta Martin, 1879 (Die Tertiars auf Java, p. 33), he proposed the new name T. martini, as I have already noted (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 519; 1927). But this combination had already been used by Tesch in November, 1915 for a Timor fossil (Pal. Timor, vol. 5, pt. 9, p. 38), so that the Javan species must be renamed a second time. I also propose to replace the Timor Terebra martini Tesch by Terebra teschi nom. nov. on account of the still earlier Terebra martini English, 1914 (Univ. Cal. Pub., Bull. Dept. Geol., vol. 8, No. 8, p. 216; Nov. 7, 1914), a Californian Tertiary species. Terebra sulcata Marshall, 1919:— Zeacuminia tahuia n. gen. et nom. nov. This name is proposed to replace Terebra sulcata Marshall (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 51, p. 232; Pl. 16, F. 2), not Terebra swainsoni var. sulcata Pease, 1868 (Am. Journ. Conch., vol. 5, p. 67). Marshall's species is from Hampden (Tahuian), and is the first New Zealand member of a long line of species, including suteri Marwick, transitorsa Marwick, biplex Hutton, pareoraensis Suter, and orycta Suter. These I have discussed and temporarily referred (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 57, p. 435, 1926) to Acuminia Dall, following Iredale's reference of the Australian brazieri Angas and leptospira Tate to this genus. But the New Zealand series has always a longer canal, and squarish body whorl, rather suddenly cut in, giving the shell a more beaked appearance, also the axial ribs are much more strongly developed, and the fasciole is bordered by a strong ridge, so that Zeacuminia is proposed, with tahuia nom. nov. as type, as a convenient group name for these species. At least one Australian Tertiary species, T. additoides Ten.-Woods belongs to this section, which seems to be replaced by typical Acuminia in the Pliocene and Recent periods in Australia. Zeacuminia does not seem to extend above the Awamoan in New Zealand. At the reference cited I referred to the Recent T. flexicostata Suter as an Acuminia and possibly a synonym of venosa and so not

Neozelanic. This is totally erroneous. I have since obtained numerous specimens of this species from Cape Maria van Diemen, the type locality, and can now affirm that it is a Pervicacia, a distinct species, and undoubtedly Neozelanic. It does not seem to occur anywhere but in the extreme North. Together with it occurred a few specimens of a species like tristis, but much larger, wider, and with fewer and heavier axials; this seems so like what Suter described from Lyall Bay as var. crassicostata that I am induced to reinstate that name as a valid species. If the Lyall Bay type is really only a form of tristis then these Cape Maria shells will need a distinct name, but I leave crassicostata at present as ranging over the whole North Island. Actaeon praestitus Finlay:— Actaeon ambiguus (Hutton, 1885). On the ground that Hutton's Odostomia sulcata (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 17, p. 319; 1885) was an Actaeon, and therefore preoccupied by Auricula sulcata Lamarck, 1804, also an Actaeon, I altered the specific name as above (Proc. Mal. Soc., vol. 16, pt. 2, p. 105; June, 1924). The homonymity in this case is not exact, so it is best to record that there is an Odostomia sulcata Garrett, 1874 (Proc. Acad. Philad. for 1873, p. 223) which absolutely upsets Hutton's name. My substitute, however, cannot stand; examination of type specimens shows that Admete (?) ambigua Hutton, 1885 (Trans. N.Z. Inst., vol. 17, p. 320; Pl. 18, F. 18), from “Wanganui” is based on a juvenile specimen of the large Actaeon that occurs there, i.e., sulcatus, described on the previous page from the same lot of specimens. Unless, then, the name ambigua proves to be preoccupied in Actaeon or Admete—and I can find no. previous proposition—Actaeon ambiguus (Hutton) must replace praestitus Finlay. Suter (N.Z. Geol. Surv. Pal. Bull. No. 3, p. 28; 1915) confirmed Hutton's reference to Admete, but there is no resemblance.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 61, 1930, Page 37

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Invalid Molluscan Names. No. 1. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 61, 1930, Page 37

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