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New Zealand Institute, 1929. Established Under An Act Of The General Assembly Of New Zealand Intituled The New Zealand Institute Act, 1867; Reconstituted By An Act Of The General Assembly Of New Zealand Under The New Zealand Institute Act, 1903, And Continued By The New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. Board Of Governors. Ex Officio. His Excellency the Governor-General. The Hon. the Minister of Internal Affairs. Nominated By The Government. Dr. Charles Chilton, M.A., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S., F.N.Z. Inst. (reappointed December, 1928); Dr. Leonard Cockayne, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst. (reappointed December, 1928). Mr. B. C. Aston, F.I.C., F.C.S., F.N.Z. Inst. (reappointed December, 1927); Mr. W. R. B. Oliver, M.Sc., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.N.Z. Inst. (appointed December, 1928). Elected By Affiliated Societies, 1927. Wellington Philosophical Society — Mr. G. V. Hudson, F.E.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Professor H. B. Kirk, M.A., F.N.Z. Inst. Auckland Institute — — — Professor H. W. Segar, M.A., F.N.Z. Inst. Professor F. P. Worley, D.Sc. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury — — — — Professor C. Coleridge Farr, D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Mr. A. M. Wright, F.I.C., F.C.S. Otago Institute — — — Hon. G. M. Thomson, F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst., M.L.C. Professor J. Park, F.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute — — — — Mr. W. H. Guthrie Smith, F.N.Z. Inst. (1928). Nelson Institute — — — Professor T. H. Easterfield, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.C., F.N.Z. Inst. Manawatu Philosophical Society— Mr. M. A. Eliott (1928).

Officers For The Year 1929. President: Dr. C. Coleridge Farr, D.Sc., F.R.S., F.P.S.L., F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. M. A. Eliott. Hon. Editor: Professor D. M. Y. Sommerville, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Librarian: Professor D. M. Y. Sommerville, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Returning Officer: Professor H. W. Segar, M.A., F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Secretary: Mr. B. C. Aston, F.I.C., F.C.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Affiliated Societies, 1928–29. Name of Society. Secretary's Name and Address. Date of Affiliation. Wellington Philosophical Society — — — Mr. W. J. Phillipps, Dominion Museum, Wellington 10th June, 1868. Auckland Institute — Mr. G. Archey, Auckland Institute and Museum, Auckland 10th June, 1868. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury — — Mr. R. O. Page, 59 May's Road, Christchurch. 22nd October, 1868. Otago Institute — — Mr. F. H. Turner, Geology Department, Otago University, Dunedin. 18th October, 1869. Hawkes Bay Philosophical Institute — — Mr. C. F. H. Pollock, P. O. Box 301, Napier. 31st March, 1875. Nelson Institute — — Mrs. Margaret Graham, Nelson 20th December, 1883 Manawatu Philosophical Society — — Mr. J. C. Merton, Solicitor, P.O. Box 346, Palmerston North. 6th January, 1905. Former Manager And Editor. [Under The New Zealand Institute Act, 1867.] 1867-1903.—Sir James Hector, M.D., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. Past Presidents. 1903–4.—Hutton, Captain Frederick Wollaston, F.R.S. 1905–6.—Hector, Sir James, M.D., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. 1907–8.—Thomson, George Malcolm, F.L.S.

1909–10.—Hamilton, A. 1911–12.—Cheeseman, T. F., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 1913–14.—Chilton, C., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. 1915.— Petrie, D., M.A., Ph.D. 1916–17.—Benham, W. B., M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.S., F.R.S. 1918–19.—Cockayne, L., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst. 1920–21.—Easterfield, T. H., M.A., Ph.D., F.N.Z. Inst. 1922–23.—Kirk, H. B., M.A., F.N.Z. Inst. 1924—25.—Marshall, P., M.A., F.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst. 1926–27.—Aston, B. C., F.I.C., F.C.S., F.N.Z. Inst. 1928.— Thomson, J. Allan, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst. (Mr. B. C. Aston reappointed May, 1928 vice Dr. J. Allan Thomson deceased). Honorary Members. Elected Armstrong, Professor H. E., F.R.S., Ph.D., LL.D. Professor Emeritus City and Guilds of London Institute, 55 Granville Park, Lewisham, London. S.E. 1927 Bragg, Professor W. H., F.R.S., Royal Institution, 21 Albemarle St., London, W.1 1923 Curie, Madame Marie, Institut du Radium, Laboratoire Curie, 1 Rue Pierre-Curie, Paris (5e) 1927 David, Professor T. Edgeworth, F.RS” C.M.G., Sydney University 1904 Davis, Professor W. Morris, Museum, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 1913 Diels, Professor L., Ph.D., University of Berlin, Botanisches Museum, Berlin 1907 Einstein, Professor Albert, University of Berlin, Germany 1924 Fraser, Sir J. G., D.C.L., Trinity College, Cambridge 1920 Goebel, Professor Dr. Carl von, University of Munich 1901 Gregory, Professor J. W., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.G.S., Bassetts, Little Baddow, Chelmsford, Essex 1920 Haddon, Dr. A. C., F.R.S., 3 Cranmer Road, Cambridge 1925 Haldane, J. S., M.A., M.D., LL.D., F.R.S., Cherwell, Oxford 1928 Hall, Sir A. D., M.A., K.C.B., F.R.S., Ministry of Agriculture, London 1920 Hill, Dr. A. W., F.R.S., Director Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew 1928 Jaggar, Dr. T. A., Director of Volcanological Observatory, Volcano House, P.O. Hawaii 1927 Jeans, Sir James H., F.R.S., Cleveland Lodge, Dorking” Surrey 1929 Lotsy, Dr. J. P., Yelp, near Arnhem, Holland 1927 Masson, Sir D. Orme, K.B.E., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., 14 William Street, South Yarra, Melbourne 1928 Mawson, Sir Douglas, B.E., D.Sc., F.R.S., The University, Box 498, Adelaide 1920 Mellor, Joseph William, D.Sc. (N.Z.), Sandon House, Regent Street, Stoke-on-Trent, England 1919 Meyrick, E., B.A., F.R.S., Thornhanger, Marlborough, Wilts 1907 Mortensen. Theodor. Ph.D., Director of the Dept. of Invertebrates of the Zoological Museum, Copenhagen 1927 Ross, Sir Ronald, The Ross Institute, Putney Heath, London, S.W.15 1929 Russell, Sir John, D.Sc., F.R.S., Director of Rothamsted Experiment Station, Harpenden 1928 Rutherford, Professor Sir E., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Newnham Cottage, Queen's Road, Cambridge, England 1904 Seward, Professor A. C., Sc.D., F.R.S., Botany School, Cambridge 1928 Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T., K.C.M.G., C.I.E., LL.D., M.A., F.R.S., Witcombe, Gloucester, England 1894 Thomson, Professor J. Arthur, M.A., LL.D., Natural History Department, University of Aberdeen 1928 Woods, Henry, M.A., F.R.S., F.G.S., Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge 1920

Former Honorary Members. Elected Agardh, Dr. J. G. 1900 Agassiz, Professor Louis 1870 Arber, E. A. Newell, M.A., Sc.D., F.G.S., F.L.S. 1914 Avebury, Lord, P.C., F.R.S. 1900 Baird, Professor Spencer F. 1877 Balfour, Professor I. Bayley, F.R.S. 1914 Bateson, Professor W., F.R.S. 1915 Beddard, F. E., D.Sc., F.R.S., Zoological Society, London 1906 Beneden, Professor J. P. van 1888 Berggren, Dr. S. 1876 Bowen, Sir George Ferguson, G.C.M.G. 1873 Brady, G. S., D.Sc., F.R.S. 1906 Bruce, Dr. W. S. 1910 Carpenter, Dr. W. B., C.B., F.R.S. 1883 Chree, Charles, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.R.S. 1924 Clarke, Rev. W. B., M.A., F.R.S. 1876 Codrington, Rev. R. H., D.D. 1894 Darwin, Charles, M.A., F.R.S. 1871 Darwin, Sir George, F.R.S. 1909 Davis, J. W., F.G.S., F.L.S. 1891 Dendy, Dr. A., F.R.S., King's College, University of London, England 1907 Drury, Captain Byron, R.N. 1870 Ellery, Robert L. J., F.R.S. 1883 Etheridge, Professor R., F.R.S. 1876 Ettingshausen, Baron von 1888 Eve, H. W., M.A. 1901 Filhol, Dr. H. 1876 Finsch, Professor Otto, Ph.D. 1870 Flower, Professor W. H., F.R.S. 1870 Garrod, Professor A. H., F.R.S. 1878 Goodale, Professor G. L., M.D., LL.D 1891 Gray, J. E., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1871 Gray, Professor Asa 1885 Grey, Sir George, K.C.B. 1872 Günther, A., M.D., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1873 Haswell, Professor W. A., F.R.S., Mimihau, Woollahra Point, Sydney 1914 Hedley, Charles, F.L.S. 1924 Hemsley, Dr. W. Botting, F.R.S., Kew Lodge, St. Peter's Road, Broadstairs, Kent, England 1913 Hochstetter, Dr. Ferdinand von 1870 Hooker, Sir J. D., G.C.S.I., C.B., M.D., F.R.S., O.M. 1870 Howes, G. B., LL.D., F.R.S. 1901 Huxley, Thomas H., LL.D., F.R.S. 1872 Klotz, Professor Otto J. 1903 Langley, S. P. 1896 Lindsay, W. Lauder, M.D., F.R.S.E. 1871 Liversidge, Professor A., M.A., F.R.S. 1890 Lydekker, Richard, F.R.S. 1896 Lyell, Sir Charles, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S. 1873 Massart, Professor Jean 1916 McCoy, Professor Sir F., K.C.M.G., D.Sc., F.R.S. 1888 McLachlan, Robert, F.L.S. 1874 Massee, George, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. 1900 Milne, J., F.R.S. 1906 Mitten, William, F.R.S. 1895 The Most Noble the Marquis of Normanby, G.C.M.G. 1880 Mueller, Ferdinand von, M.D., F.R.S., C.M.G. 1870 Müller, Professor Max, F.R.S. 1878 Newton, Alfred, F.R.S. 1874 Nordstedt, Professor Otto, Ph.D. 1890 Owen, Professor Richard, F.R.S. 1870 Pickard - Cambridge, Rev. O., M.A., F.R.S., C.M.Z.S. 1873 Richards, Rear-Admiral G. H. 1870 Riley, Professor C. V. 1890 Rolleston, Professor G., M.D., F.R.S. 1875 Sars, Professor G. O. 1902 Sclater, P. L., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1875 Sharp, Dr. D. 1877 Sharp, Richard Bowdler, M.A., F.R.S. 1885 Stebbing, Rev. T. R. R., F.R.S. 1907 Stokes, Vice-Admiral J. L. 1872 Tenison-Woods, Rev. J. E., F.L.S. 1878 Thomson, Professor Wyville, F.R.S. 1874 Thomson, Sir William, F.R.S. 1883 Wallace, Sir A. R., F.R.S., O.M. 1885 Weld, Frederick A., C.M.G. 1877

Fellows Of The New Zealand Institute. Original Fellows. (See New Zealand Gazette, 20th November, 1919.) * Past President. †Hector Medallist. Aston, Bernard Cracroft, F.I.C., F.C.S. *‡Hutton Medallist. Benham, William Blaxland, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.Z.S. †Best, Elsdon. *, †Cheeseman, Thomas Frederick, F.L.S., F.Z.S. §Deceased. *†‡Chilton, Charles, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., M.B., C.M., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. § *†‡Cockayne, Leonard, C.M.G., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. *‡Easterfield, Thomas Hill, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.C., F.C.S. ‡Farr, Clinton Coleridge, D.Sc., F.P.S.L., F.R.S. Hogben, George, C.M.G., M.A., F.G.S. § †‡Hudson, George Vernon, F.E.S. *Kirk, Harry Borrer, M.A. *‡‡Marshall, Patrick, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., F.E.S. *‡Petrie, Donald. M.A., Ph.D. § ‡Rutherford, Sir Ernest, Kt., F.R.S., D.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D. Segar, Hugh William, M.A. ‡Smith, Stephenson Percy, F.R.G.S. § ‡Speight, Robert, M. A., M.Sc., F.G.S. Thomas, Professor Algernon Phillips Withiel, M.A., F.L.S. *‡Thomson, Hon. George Malcolm, F.L.S., M.L.C. *‡Thomson, James Allan, M.A., D.Sc., A.O.S.M., F.G.S. § Fellows Elected, 1921. ‡Cotton, Charles Andrew, D.Sc., A.O.S.M., F.G.S. Hilgendorf, Frederick William, M.A., D.Sc. ‡Holloway, John Ernest, L.Th., D.Sc. Park, James, M.Am. Inst.M.E., M. Inst.M.M., F.G.S. Fellows Elected, 1922. Laing, Robert Malcolm, M.A., R.Sc. Marsden, Ernest, D.Sc., F.R.A.S. Morgan, Percy Gates, M.A., F.G.S., A.O.S.M., § ‡Sommerville, Duncan McLaren Young, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.R.A.S. Fellows Elected, 1923. Williams, Herbert William, M.A. Andersen, Johannes Carl. Fellows Elected, 1924. Smith, William Herbert Guthrie. Tillyard, Robin John, M.A., D.Sc., Sc.D., F.L.S., F.E.S., F.R.S. Fellows Elected, 1925. Brown, J. Macmillan, M.A., LL.D. Te Rangi Hiroa (P H. Buck), M.D., Ch.B. (N.Z.). Fellows Elected, 1926. Benson, William Noel, B.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.R.G.S. Maclaurin, James Scott, D.Sc., F.C.S. Fellows Elected 1927. Oliver, Walter Reginald Brook, M.Sc., F.L.S., F.Z.S. ‡Skinner, Henry Devenish, M.A. Fellows Elected, 1928. Allan, Harry Howard, D.Sc., M.A., F.L.S. Bartrum, John Arthur, M.Sc. Fellows Elected, 1929. Cunningham, Gordon Herriot, M.Sc., Ph.D. Henderson, John, M.A., D.Sc., B.Sc. in Engineering (Metall.).

Auckland Institute Abbot, C. E., 83, Queen Street, Auckland. Abbott, Dr. D. W. N., cr. Kimberley and Manukau Roads, Epsom. Abbott, R. A., 36, Shortland Street, Auckland. Abel, R. S., care of Abel Dykes and Co., Shortland Street, Auckland. Acheson, Judge F. O. V., Native Land Court, Auckland. Adams, C. E., LL.B., Hokitika. [* Honorary and life members.] Adams, L., 12 Ewington Avenue, Mt. Eden. Aickin, Dr. C. G., Symonds Street, Auckland. *Aimer, K. W., Architect, 423 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Alexander, John, C.M.G., Selbourne Chambers, Auckland. Alexander, L. W., Cargen Hotel, Auckland. Algie, Professor R. M., M.A., LL.M., University College, Auckland. *Alison, Ernest, Takapuna. Alison, Hon. E. W., M.L.C., Devonport Ferry Co., Auckland. *Alison, E. W., jun., Bank of N.Z. Chambers, Swanson Street, Auckland. Allan, C. S., c/o. A. & T. Burt, Ltd., Customs St., Auckland. Allan, W. Thurston, Esmond Av., Takapuna. Allen, J. W., Annandale, Piako. Allison, James, Boarding House, Pukemiro. Allum, John, Anzac Avenue, Auckland. Alpe, R. E., Box 698, Auckland. *Ambury, J., Liverpool St., Epsom. *Ambury, S. J., Greenwood's Corner, Onehunga. *Anderson, E., Northern Club, Auckland. Anderson, Geo. E., Bellvedere, Mt. St. John.

Anderson, Professor W., M.A., University College, Auckland. *Andrews, F. N. care of Andrews & Clark, Queen Street, Auckland. Andrews, Dr. J. C., M.Sc., c/o Messrs. Hellaby, Ltd., Westfield. Angus, Root., c/o. Thos. Cook & Son, Auckland. Annett, Dr. H. E., Matangi. Archdall, Very Rev. H. K., King's College, Otahuhu. Archey, Gilbert, M.A., F.Z.S., The Museum, Auckland. Ardern, P. S., M.A., Remuera. Arey, W. E., Shortland Street, Auckland. Armitage, F. L., The Hospital, Auckland. Arnoldson, L., Quay Street, Auckland. Arthur, T. B., Upper Queen Street, Auckland. Ashton, E. D., Gas Company, Auckland. *Astley, Frank, E. Astley & Sons, New Lynn. Atkinson, H. G., 5 Hopetown St., Auckland. Averill, Most Rev. Archbishop A. W., Bishopscourt, Parnell. Bagnall, R. D., Northern Club, Auckland. Baker, C. C., Lister Buildings, Auckland. *Bankart, A. S., Strand Arcade Queen St., Auckland. *Bankart, F. J., Swanson Street, Auckland. Barr, J., Public Library, Wellesley St., Auckland. *Bartlett, W. H., 255 Stanley Point Road, Stanley Point. Bartley, C., Savings Bank, Auckland. *Bartrum, Professor J. A., M.Sc., F.N.Z. Inst., University College, Auckland. *Bates, T. L., Alfred Street, Waratah, Newcastle, New South Wales. Baxter, Harold, Glenside Crescent. Symonds Street, Auckland. Bealing, Fred J., Alexander Avenue, Mt. Albert. Beecroft, H. C., M.A., Training College, Epsom. Bell, G. B., Onekaka, Nelson. *Bennett, C. F., N.Z. Insurance Building, Auckland. Binney, E. H., care of Binney & Sons, Customs Street, Auckland. Bishop, J. J., Dunvegan, Titirangi, Auckland. Bishop, T. A., B.A., Exhibition Drive, Titirangi. Biss, Raymond, Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Bloodworth, T., 36 Scarborough Terrace, Parnell. *Bloomfield, E. R., Northern Club, Auckland. *Bloomfield, H. R., St. Stephen's Av., Parnell. Bodle, Atherley, Donnelly's Crossing. Bodle, Frank H., Birkenhead. Borgia, Rev. Bro., Sacred Heart College, Auckland. Borrie, Dr. W. Gillies, York Chambers, Auckland. Bowyer, S. B., 14 Warick Street, Morningside. Boylan, Mrs. A. M., 23 Cheltenham Terrace, Devonport. Bradley, Samuel, Onehunga. Brame, J. W., 69 Crummer Road, Grey Lynn. Brander, W., 167 Remuera Road, Auckland. *Brett, Arthur, “Star Office,” Auckland. *Bridson, W. J., c/o. Messrs. Duthie & Bridson, Customs St., Auckland. Brigham, J. S., Town Hall, Auckland. Brookes, A. E., Okauia, Matamata. Brown, A. St. Clair, P.O. Box 557, Auckland. *Brown, Miss E., Kohi, Ascot Avenue, Remuera. *Brown, E. A., 66 St. Stephen's Ave., Parnell. Brown, Frank A., Woodley Avenue, Remuera. Brown, F. Barnard, 194 Remuera Rd., Auckland. Brown, Mrs. J., 4 Ascot Av., Remuera. *Browne, Miss L. M., Belle Vue, Norman's Hill, Onehunga. Brownlee, Mrs., 155 Remuera Road, Remuera. Bruce, W. W., Williamson's Chambers, Auckland. *Buchanan, A., Legal Chambers, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Buddle, C., Wyndham Street, Auckland. *Buddle, H. D., Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Burbidge, Professor P. W., M.Sc., University College, Auckland. *Burns, R., Customs Street, Auckland. Burt, A., Pukemiro Collieries, Pukemiro. Bush, W. E., City Engineer, Brisbane. Butler, C. O., Stewart, Johnston and Hough, Auckland. Cadman, F. P., care of Gillett Motors, Ltd., 166 Albert Street, Auckland. *Caldwell, D. R., Cambridge. Cameron, H. T., Premier Buildings, Auckland. Campbell, Mrs. J. P., 16 Arney Crescent, Remuera.

Carlaw, J., 9 Herbert Road, Mt. Eden, Auckland. Carpenter, J. M., Newmarket. Carr, Austin, Messrs. Carr, Poutney and Co., Auckland. Carse, H., 7 Moata Road, Onehunga. Carter, A. M., Hallenstein's Buildings, Auckland. Casey, W., Hamilton Road, Ponsonby. Castle, Rev. J. D., M.A., King's School, Remuera. *Catchpole, J., 45, St. Mary's Road, Ponsonby. Caughey, J. Marsden, care of Smith & Caughey, Queen Street, Auckland. Chambers, Preston, 20 Epsom Avenue, Epsom. Chambers, S. G., 23 Shortland Street, Auckland. Chatfield, Dr. H. A., York Chambers, Auckland. Cheal, P. E., Cameron Road, Remuera. Choyce, H. C., 10 Lucerne Road, Remuera. Church, J. P., Public Works Dept., Dargaville. Clark, A., Wellesley Street, Auckland. Clark, M. A., Wellesley Street, Auckland. Clark, R. G., care of Robertson Bros. Quay Street, Auckland. *Clarke, Wm. St. John, 8 Domett Ave., Epsom. *Clayton, D. L., Kauri Timber Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Clinch, J. A., Ph.D., Training College, Auckland. Clouston, Miss. L., St. Cuthbert's College, Auckland. *Coates, Sir James, Burrow's Avenue, Parnell. Cocker, W. H., LL.B., 2 Wyndham St., Auckland. Cockroft, H. P., Winstone's Buildings, Auckland. Coe, James, Lucerne Road, Auckland. Colbeck, W. B., New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Coleman, J. W., Lower Queen Street, Auckland. Colwill, J. H., Swanson Street, Auckland. *Combes, F. H., Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Comyns, C. C., P.O. Box 1712, Auckland. Conlan, J. L., 507 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. Cooke, A. G., c/o. Messrs. John Burns & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Cooper, A. N., Reed, Towle, Hellaby & Cooper, High St., Auckland. Copeland, M., 22 Sentinel Road, Herne Bay. Cory-Wright, S., M.C., B.Sc., Box 1230, Wellington. *Coughlan, W. N., Native School, Omaio, Bay of Plenty. *Court, A. H., Queen Street, Auckland. Court, A. J., G. Court & Sons, Karangahape Road, Auckland. *Court, J., Hamilton Road, Auckland, Court, J. W., Birkenhead, Auckland. *Cousins, H. G., M.A., Training College, Auckland. *Craig, E. A., “Manukura,” 17, Symonds Street, Auckland. *Craig, J. C., care of J. J. Craig, Ltd., Queen Street, Auckland. Cranwell, Miss Lucy, M.A., “The Delta,” Henderson. Crisp, Mrs. J., 7 Woodley Avenue, Remuera. Croll, C. H. J., Birkdale Road, Birkdale. *Crompton, W. J., 3 Mt. Pleasant Rd., Mount Eden. *Crookes, Miss M. W., Maungawhau Rd., Epsom. *Crookes, S. Irwin, Customs Street, Auckland. Crosby, John R., Lynwood Road, New Lynn. Crosher, J. M., Seymour Street, Ellerslie. Crowther, W. J., Remuera Road, Auckland. Crump, H. D., Lister Bldgs., Auckland. Cumming, W. A., Victoria Arcade, Auckland. Dale, T. J., Tennyson Street, Birkenhead. Davis, Eliot R., care of Hancock & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Davis, Ernest, care of Hancock & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Dawson, Bertram, Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Dawson, J., St. Andrew's Rd., Epsom. *Dearsly, H. P., P.O. Box 466, Auckland. De Clive Lowe, Dr., Lr. Symonds St., Auckland. De Courcy, Dr. Grace, Market Road, Remuera. De Guerrier, F. E., Tramway Offices, Auckland. Delph, L. W., M.A., King's College, Otahuhu. Dempsey, J., 30 Clonbern Road, Remuera. *Dickson, J. P. W., Barrister, Queen Street, Auckland. *Dignan, F. J., Northern Club, Auckland. Dixon, C. E., B.Sc., Forestry Dept., Wellington.

*Donald, Hon. J. B., M.P., P.O. Box 291, Auckland. Draffin, M. K., M.C., 423, N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Drier, Dr. E. Newton, Symonds St., Auckland. “D.S.C.,” Messrs. Cousins & Cousins, Auckland. Duder, Albert, 42, Hinemoa Road, Devonport. Dukes, Dr., Symonds St., Auckland. Duvall, F. C., Sharlands Ltd., Shortland St. Eady, L. A., Lewis Eady, Ltd., Auckland. Earl, F., K.C., Swanson Street, Auckland. Easdown, Thomas, National Bank of N.Z., Auckland. Edgerley, Miss K., Girls' Grammar School, Auckland. Edmiston, H. J., care of Champtaloup & Edmiston, Queen Street, Auckland. Edwards, Henry, Farmers' Freezing Co. Egerton, Professor C. W., M.A., University College, Auckland. Elliffe, J. M., Premier Buildings, Auckland. Ellingham, W. R., Customs Street, Auckland. Elliot, Sir George, Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Elliot, W., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Elliott, D. I., Kawakawa. Elliott, James S., Solicitor, Mountain Road, Mt. Eden. Ellis, A. F., Argyle Street, Ponsonby. Ellis, L. V., 9 Seymour Street, Herne Bay. *Endean, W. P., Endean's Buildings, Auckland. Entrican, A. J., Customs Street, Auckland. *Entrican, J. C., Customs Street, Auckland. *Ewen, J. F. A., care of Sargood, Son & Ewen, Ltd., Victoria Street West, Auckland. *Fairclough, Dr. W. A., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. *Falla, R. A., M.A., 11 Pukehana Ave., Epsom. Farrell, R., Anglesea Street, Auckland. Fee, W. R., Safe Deposit Bldgs., High Street, Auckland. Fenwick, Dr. G., A.M.P. Buildings, Auckland. Ferguson, A. M., c/o. John Burns & Co., Customs St., Auckland. Fielder, F. H. V., 29 Adam Street, Green Lane. Finlay, G. P., Yorkshire House, Shortland Street, Auckland. Finn, B. S., 12 Victoria Ave., Remuera. *Firth, R. W., M.A., Ph.D., Wymondsley Road, Otahuhu. Fisher, F. S., Kauri Road, Birkdale. Fisher, J. P., Pukeora Av., Remuera. Fisher, V. F., Kauri Road, Birkdale. *Fleming, G. H., Remuera Road, Remuera. Fleming, J., 142 Grafton Road, Auckland. *Fletcher, J., Upland Road, Remuera. Flinn, Mrs. Eleanor, 15, Queen's Parade, Devonport. Ford, A. E., Auckland Transport Board, Auckland. Ford, C. Reginald, F.N.Z.I.A., N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Foster, A. L., “Coolangatta,” Remuera Road, Auckland. Fotheringham, Alex., 7a, Williamson's Chambers, Auckland. *Fowlds, Hon. Sir G., C.B.E., Queen Street, Auckland. Fowlds, G., jun., Queen Street, Auckland. *Fraser, W. M., C.E., Whangarei. Frater, James H., Frater Bros., Queen Street, Auckland. Frater, J. W., Stock Exchange, Auckland. Gamble, F. W., Grammar School, Mount Albert. *Gardner, C. F., New Lynn. Garland, Hon. C. J., M.L.C., Yates Rd., Mangere East. Garrett, Wm., 40, Ladies Mile, Remuera. Geddes, A., Brown, Barrett & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Geddes, R., 23, Maurice Avenue, Remuera. *George, Sidney Thorne, Government Life Insurance Bldgs., Queen Street, Auckland. Gibbons, Ernest H., Box 578, Auckland. Gibson, Noel, M.A., Dilworth Institute, Remuera. Gilfillan, H., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Gill. H. N., Kauri Timber Co., Norman by Road, Auckland. Gillett, J., Hoiland & Gillett, Albert Street, Auckland. Gillies, A. W., Manurewa, Auckland. Gilmour, Dr., The Hospital, Auckland. Glaister, D. M., Ellison's Chambers, Auckland. *Goldie, A., Wallace Street, Ponsonby. Goldie, H., Imperial Buildings, Auck-land.

Goldstein, Dr. H. M., 41, Shortland Street, Auckland. Gordon, Dr. F. W., Hillsborough. Graham, A. G., care of Briscoe & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Graham, David H., Auckland Museum. *Graham, G., Endean's Bldgs., Auckland. Graham, J. B., Endean's Buildings, Auckland. Grant, Dr. A. McGregor, cr. Norana Avenue and Remuera Road, Auckland. Grant, D. A., Donnelly's Crossing. Grant, Miss J., B.A., 6 Owen's Road, Epsom. *Gray, A., Winstone's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. Gray, Alan A., care of G. W. Wilton & Co., Shortland Street, Auckland. Gray, S., Town Clerk, Mt. Eden. Gray, W. A., M.I.C.E., Smith's Bldgs., Auckland. Greig, Dr. W. C., P.O. Box 11, Feilding. Gribbin, G., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Grierson, H. C., Architect, 423 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Griffin, K. M., M.Sc., Ridings Road, Remuera. *Griffin, L. T., F.Z.S., Assistant Curator, Museum, Auckland. Gross, R. O., Manukau Road, Epsom. Gulliver, T. V., Smith's Buildings, Auckland. *Gummer, W. H., N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. *Gunson, Dr. E. B., Princes Street, Auckland. Gunson, Sir James, C.M.G., C.B.E., “Ngaruru,” St. Andrew's Road, Auckland. Hall, T. A., Chappé, Bracken Avenue, Epsom. Hammond, Arthur B., Kauri Timber Co., Auckland. Harbutt, S. J. Selwyn Road, Epsom. Hardley, J. W., Customs Street, Auckland. Harkness, D. E., D.S.C., B.E., University College, Auckland. Harris, Lewis, Huntly. Harris, T. R., Ohakune. Harvey, A., Lower Albert Street, Auckland. Harvey, Mrs., 7, Beckham Place, Auckland. Harwood, W. G., Grammar School, Auckland. Hay, D. A., 56 Seaview Rd., Remuera. Hay, Douglas, Stock Exchange, Auckland. Hay, Miss Vera, “Glenfern,” Symonds Street, Auckland. *Hellaby, F. A., Hellaby's, Ltd., Auckland. Hellaby, John, Hellabys Ltd., Auckland. Henning, G., 36 Remuera Road, Remuera. Henry, J. B., Bank of New Zealand, Auckland. Herdman, Hon. Mr. Justice, Epsom. Hesketh, H. R., care of Hesketh and Richmond, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Hesketh, S., care of Hesketh and Richmond, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Hill, J. C., care of Hill and Plummer, Queen Street, Auckland. Hills, F. M., Arney Road, Remuera. Hodgkins, W. J. P., Bank of New South Wales, Auckland. Holderness, D., Harbour Board Offices, Auckland. Holdsworth, W. J., Albert Street, Auckland. Holland, J. C., Victoria St. W., Auckland. Holmden, Dr. H. F., Jervois Road, Ponsonby. Horton, E., “Herald” Office, Auckland. *Horton, E., “Herald” Office, Auckland. Horton, Dr. W. H., 78 Symonds Street, Auckland. *Houghton, C. V., 8 Gladstone Road, Parnell. Hounsell, W., Kaitaia. Hovell, S. M., Kenny Street, Waihi. Hudson, J. H., G.P.O., Auckland. Hume, Alan, Solicitor, Shortland St., Auckland. Hunter, Ashley, C.E., P.O. Box 1649, Auckland. Hunter, James, Hunter & Sons, Elliot Street, Auckland. Hutchinson, A. J., N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Hutchinson, Major G. R., O.B.E., Hutchinson's Ltd., Auckland. *Hutchison, G. W., Premier Buildings, Auckland. Hyatt, H. R., 8, Lillington Road, Remuera. *Inder, E. W., Barrister, P.O. Box 1089, Auckland. Inglis, Dr. R. T., C.B.E., Alfred Street, Auckland. Jackson, J. H., 9, Commerce Street, Auckland. Jackson, Thornton, Shortland Street, Auckland. Jenkins, C. H., 108, Albert Street, Auckland. Johnston, J. B., care of Stewart and Johnston, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Johnston, W. H. O., Victoria Avenue, Remuera.

Johnstone, A. H., Solicitor, Selbourne Chambers, Auckland. *Johnstone, Hallyburton, Point Chevalier. Joll, L., Mount Eden. Jones, D. A., East Tamaki. *Jones, Harold R., c/o. J. M. Mennie Ltd., Auckland. *Jones, Hugh K., 21, Wapiti Avenue, Epsom. Julian, T. G., P.O. Box 361, Auckland. *Kenderdine, J., Takutai St., Parnell. *Kent, G. S., 14 Fairfax Road, Epsom. Kibblewhite, Miss E. F., 4 Carlton Avenue, Mt. Eden. Kingston, J. J., South British Insurance Co., Auckland. Kirk, Robt., Grand Vue, Rotorua. Kissling, H. P., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Knight, Professor C. R., M.A., B.Arch., University College, Auckland. Knight, G., Asquith Avenue, Mt. Albert. Kohn, E. S., Queen St., Auckland. *Laidlaw, R. A., Hobson Street, Auckland. Lamb, J. A., Arney Road, Remuera. Lamb, Professor S. E., B.Sc., University College, Auckland. Lamont, T., Devonport. Lancaster, T. L., M.Sc., University College, Auckland. Lang, Sir F. W., Queenstown Road, Onehunga. Langridge, Cecil, Avondale. *Larner, V. J., Swanson St., Auckland. La Roche. Sydney, B.Sc., Wapiti Avenue, Remuera. *La Roche, W., Wapiti Avenue, Remuera. La Roche, W. E., B.Sc., Wapiti Avenue, Remuera. Leary, L. P., 43 Seaview Rd., Remuera. Leece, Edw., 13 Norana Ave., Remuera. Leech, E. Duff, Wellesley House, Auckland. Le Roy, E., Queen Street, Auckland. Lewis, Miss Nora, Panmure. Lewis, Trevor, Takapuna. Leyland, S. H., care of Leyland and O'Brien, Customs Street W., Auckland. *Leyland, W. B., care of Leyland and O'Brien, Customs Street W., Auckland. *Leys, W. Cecil, “Star” Office, Auckland. Lippincott, R. A., Yorkshire House, Shortland Street, Auckland. Lloyd, Miss Olive. “The Grove,” Onehunga. Logan, R., P.O. Box 536, Auckland. Louisson, M. M., Remuera Road, Auckland. Low, T. A., Hennings, Ltd., Auckland. Lowe, James, C.E., Gas Co., Auckland. Luckie, P. C., Clive Road, Epsom. *Lunn, A. G., care of Collins Bros., Wyndham Street, Auckland. Lusk, H. B., M.A., King's College, Otahuhu. McArthur, M. G., Ellison's Chambers, Auckland. *McCallum, W. G., Endean's Bldgs., Auckland. McClymont, Miss J., 40, City Chambers, Auckland. McCoy, H. C., Lion Brewery, Khyber Pass. McCullough, J. A., “Star” Office, Auckland. Macdonald, Rev. Angus, O.B.E., The Manse, Richmond. Macdonald, Hugh R., 47, St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Macfarlane, J. B., 59, Fort St., Auckland. McGregor, W. R., University College, Auckland. *Macindoe, Charles G., Little Queen Street, Auckland. McIntosh, Mrs. J. B., P.O. Box 1208, Auckland. Mackay, G. J., Queen Street, Auckland. McKenzie, Capt. G., Box 749, Auckland. Mackenzie, H. R., Acacia Building, Auckland. Mackenzie, Kenneth, F.R.C.S., Princes Street, Auckland. Macky, Dr. Frank, Lister Buildings, Auckland. Macky, T. H., care of Macky, Logan & Co., Elliott Street, Auckland. *McMillan, Gibson A., c/o. R. C. Carr & Sons, Swanson St., Auckland. *Macmillan, C. C., 36 Mt. Hobson Rd., Auckland. MacMurray, Ven. Archdeacon, Mt. Hobson Road, Auckland. McVeagh, James, 410, N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. McVeagh, R., O'Connell Street, Auckland. Mahon, H. J. D., B.A., Grammar School, Auckland. Mair, S. A. R., Hunterville, Wellington. *Major, C. T., C.B.E., D.S.O., King's College, Otahuhu. Makgill, John E., Wapiti Avenue, Epsom. Makgill, Dr. R. H., Health Department, Wellington. *Mander, Hon. F., Ranfurly Road, Epsom. *Mappin, F. Crossley, Mountain Road, Epsom. Marks, L., Chancery Street, Auckland. Marshall, J., Te Ataahua, Remuera Road, Auckland.

Mason, Mrs. F., West Town, New Plymouth. Massey, F. G., Swanson Street, Auckland. Matthews, H. B., Clonbern Road, Remuera. Mead, A. D., B.Sc., Huia Dam. Mellor, Thos. W., c/o. F. Stoddard, Greenwood's Rd., Mt. Roskill. Meredith, V. R. S., Yorkshire House, Shortland Street, Auckland. Merritt, H. T., Anzac Avenue, Auckland. Metcalfe, G. H., Barrister, P.O. Box 1089, Auckland. Miller, E. V., 71, Upland Road, Remuera. *Miller, M. H., 410 Chancery Chambers, O'Connell St., Auckland. Miller, Thomas, “Craigmore,” Argyle Street, Auckland. Milne, Stewart, care of Milne & Choyce, Queen Street, Auckland. Milsom, Dr. E. H. B., 18, Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland. Mincher, W., 3, Brentwood Avenue, Mount Eden. Mitchelson, Hon. Sir E., K.C.M.G., M.L.C., Waitaramoa, Remuera. Mitchelson, E. P., Motutara, Waimauku. *Moodie, F. L., Victoria Arcade, Auckland. Moore, H. B., Box 19, Warkworth. Moore, Miss L. B., Box 19, Warkworth. Moore-Jones, Mrs. S. A., The Ladies' College, Remuera. *Montgomery, T. E., Clarence Street, Devonport. Morpeth, H., Hallenstein's Buildings, Auckland. *Morrison, Miss A. C., Girls' Grammar School, Epsom. *Morton, E., P.O. Box 11, Auckland. *Morton, H. B., Taumata, Wapiti Avenue, Epsem. Morton, W., “N.Z. Sun,” 32 Albert St., Auckland. Moses, H. C., No Deposit Piano Co., Upper Queen St., Auckland. Moses, L. V., Victoria Arcade, Auckland. Mulgan, A. E., “Star” Office, Auckland. Munro, G. H., M.Sc., 96, Grafton Road, Auckland. *Murray, Dr. D. M. W., C.M.G., D.S.O., Symonds Street, Auckland. Myers, B., “Cargen,” Auckland. Nalder, E. E., Commercial Bank Buildings, Auckland. Nathan, C. I., Customs Street, Auckland. Nathan, D. L., Shortland St., Auckland. *Nathan, N. A., Shortland St., Auckland. Neil, Dr. Hardie, D.S.O., Symonds St., Auckland. Neumegen, W. M., P.O. Box 227, Auckland. Niccol, G., Customs Street W., Auckland. Nicholson, O., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Noakes, B., C/o. John Burns & Co., Customs St., Auckland. Noonan, Dr., Selwyn St., Kohimarama. Northcroft, Lieut.-Col. E. H., D.S.O., Swanson Street, Auckland. *Norton, H. Pentland, Imperial Buildings, Auckland. *O'Brien, J. J., Endean's Buildings, Auckland. *O'Connor, A. Sinclair, Argus House, High Street, Auckland. O'Halloran, G., National Bank Bldgs., Auckland. *Oliver, W. R. B., F.L.S., F.Z.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Oram, N. F., 41 Edenvale Rd., Mount Eden. O'Ryan, Wm., 9a Sarawia Street, Newmarket. *Osborne, Mrs. 27 Great South Road, Auckland. Parkes, Dr. W. H., C.M.G., C.B.E., Symonds Street, Auckland. Parr, Hon. Sir James, K.C.M.G., c/o. High Commissioner, London. Parr, P. R., M.Sc., Atarangi Road, Greenlane, Auckland. Partridge, H. E., Albert Street, Auckland. *Partridge, H. H., Albert Street, Auckland. *Patterson, D. B., 23 Shortland Street, Auckland. Peacock, J. A., Queen Street, Auckland. Peat, F. O., Dargaville. *Perkins, A. W., c/o. Dalgety & Co., Auckland. Perks, T. E., 8 Coombes Road, Remuera. Pezaro, Dr. M. G., 3, Remuera Road, Auckland. *Philcox, T., 11 Fairview Road, Mt. Eden. Pike, A. L., N.Z. Insurance Bldgs., Auckland. Pond, J. A., F.C.S., 214 Remuera Road, Auckland. Potter, E. H., P.O. Box 230, Auckland. Potter, R. H. A., Union Oil, Soap and Candle Co., Auckland. Pountney, T. P., 34 Fort Street, Auckland. Powell, A. W. B., Auckland Museum.

Powell, F. E., C.E., Ferry Buildings, Auckland. Prins, Dr. H. M., Gladstone Rd., Mt. Albert, Auckland. Prosser, T. C. W., 12, Westbourne Rd., Remuera. Purchas, Dr. A. C., Symonds St., Auckland. *Pycroft, A. T., Edward Street, St. Heliers, Auckland. Rainger, W. J., Victoria Arcade, Auckland. Ralph, W. J., Princes Street, Auckland. Rangihiroa, Dr., (P. H. Buck), M.D., D.S.O., F.N.Z. Inst., Bishop Museum, Honolulu. Ratcliff, W., P.O. Box 259, Hamilton. Rawnsley, S., Federal Street, Auckland. Rayner, Dr. F. J., Queen Street, Auckland. Reed, F. W., Whangarei. Reed, Hon. Mr. Justice, Supreme Court, Wellington. Reed, Stanley, Wilsons Portland Cement Co., Auckland. Reed, Hon. Yernon. Paihia. Rendell, J. R., Karangahape Road, Auckland. Rennie, Mrs. c/o. “Sun Office, Auckland. Rennie, J. M., “Sun” Office, Auckland. Renshaw, F., care of Sharland & Co., Lorne Street, Auckland. Reyburn, J. H., Ellison's Chambers, Auckland. *Rhodes, C., Ronaki, Remuera. Richardson, J. D., Savings Bank, Newton. Richmond, H. P., Arney Road, Remuera. Riddet, Professor Wm., B.Sc.Agr., Massey Agricultural College, Palmerston North. *Rishworth, J. N., Lister Buildings, Auckland. Robb, J., Victoria Avenue, Mount Eden. Roberton, A. B., Fort St., Auckland. Roberton, Dr. E., Market Road, Remuera. *Robertson, Sir Carrick, F.R.C.S., Alfred Street, Auckland. Robertson, Jas., Market Road, Remuera. *Rogers, D., St. George's Bay Road, Parnell. *Rogerson, H. M., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Ropiha, T. T., Survey Office, Auckland. Rowe, W. Page, 5 Wellington Mansions, Queen's Club Gardens, London, W.C.14. Rukutai, J., Wright's Bldgs., Auckland. Russell, E. R. N., Princes St., Auckland. Russell, F. Montague, Kerikeri, Bay of Islands. Russell, John E., Russell, Campbell & McVeagh, Auckland. *Russell, Miss M. A. N., Omahu Road, Remuera. Ryan, John S., Riverview, Otahuhu. Sanford, Gilbert, Sandford Ltd., Auckland. *Schnauer, Charles, Shortland Street, Auckland. Scott, D. D., care of Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Albert Street, Auckland. Scott, Rev. D. D., The Manse, Onehunga. Segar, Professor H. W., M.A., F.N.Z. Inst. University College, Auckland. *Seth-Smith, H. G., 88 Victoria Ave., Remuera. Shakespear, Mrs. R. H. Whangaparaoa. Shannon, J. W., 16 Dromorne Road, Remuera. *Shaw, C. J., Fairview Road, Mount Eden, Auckland. Shepheard, Dr. F. G., Farmers' Fertiliser Co., Te Papapa. Shepherd, E. C., Lake Waikare, Te Kauwhata. Short, W. F., M.Sc., University College, Auckland. Shrewsbury, H., St. John's Avenue, Epsom. *Shroff, H. R., 44 Remuera Rd., Auckland. Simmonds, Rev. J. H., Princess Street, Takanini. Simmonds, L., 180, Karangahape Road, Auckland. Simson, T., Mount St. John Avenue, Epsom. Sinclair, G., 321 Queen Street, Auckland. Skeet, H. M., 14 Dilworth Avenue, Remuera. Sladden, Bernard, Box 17, Tauranga. Smith, F. W., 1 Eden Crescent, Auckland. Smith, S. A., P.O. Box 843, Auckland. Smith, Mrs. W. H., Princes St., Auckland. Smith, W. Todd, P.O. Box 1062, Auckland. Somerville, Dr. J., Alfred St., Auckland. Somerville, J. M., Birkenhead, Auckland. Spence, A. L., Messrs. Stanton, Johnstone and Spence, Auckland. Spencer, Albert, Kingston Street, Auckland. *Sperrin-Johnson, Professor J. C., M.A., M.Sc., M.B., B.Ch., Litt. D., F.Z.S., F.R.G.S., University College, Auckland.

Stanton, J., Selbourne Chambers, Auckland. Stevenson, Arthur G., Gladstone Road, Mt. Albert. Stevenson, J. P., Whittome, Stevenson, Newmarket. Stewart, D. P., care of R. S. Lamb & Co., 32 Jamieson Street, Sydney. Stewart, John A., Kainga-town, Ranfurly Road, Epsom. Stewart, R. Leslie, care of Brown & Stewart, Swanson Street, Auckland. *Stewart, Hon. W., M.L.C., Kawakawa. Stocker, Mrs. G. W., Beresford Street, Bayswater. Straker, Miss Marjorie, Hall Ave., Otahuhu. *Stride, Dr. S. A., 16 Khyber Pass Rd., Auckland. *Sullivan, J. J., Barrister, P.O. Box 1175. Suter, A., P.O. Box 113, Auckland. *Swan, H. C., Henderson. Talbot, Dr. A. G., A.M.P. Buildings, Auckland. Taylor, G. L., Pitt Street and Karangahape Road, Auckland. Taylor, Norman H., Geological Survey, Wellington. Thomas, Professor A. P. W., F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Mountain Road, Epsom. Thornes, J., 231 Parnell Road, Parnell. Tilly, C. S. R., 85 Victoria Avenue, Remuera. *Tinne, H., Union Club, Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W.1. *Tomlinson, L. H., Electric Construction Co. of N.Z., 52 Fort St., Auckland. Towle, R. P., Reed, Towle and Cooper, High Street, Auckland. *Trenwith, Martin, Pioneer Boot Factory, Auckland. Trevithick, Cecil, Phoenix Chambers, Queen Street, Auckland. Trounson, J., Northcote. Tunks, C. J., Shortland St., Auckland. *Turner, E. C., c/o. Turner & Growers Ltd., Market Square, Auckland. Uhlmann, Miss J. L., Girls' Grammar School, Auckland. *Upton, J. H., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. *Upton, P., South British Insurance Co., Auckland. Upton, P. T., P.O. Box 878, Auckland. Utting, H., Town Clerk, Mount Albert. *Vaile, Miss A. B., 9 Arney Road, Remuera. *Vaile, E. E., Broadlands, Waiotapu. *Vaile, H. E., Queen Street, Auckland. Wade, Dr. Wallace, Elliott Street, New Plymouth. *Wake, F. W., 73 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland. *Walker, A. Howey, Queen Street, Auckland. Wallace, D. B., 21, Orakel Road, Remuera. Wallace, T. F., 1 Claude Road, One Tree Hill. Wallace, W., Chairman Hospital Board, Auckland. Walsh, Edmund, Water Lane, New Plymouth. Ward, R. H., Taupo. Warnock, A. E., Union Buildings, Auckland. Warnock, J. A., 2 Kingsley St., Grey Lynn. Watt, A. H., Te Kao, North Auckland. Watt, W. M., Dredging Office, Harbour Board, Auckland. Webb. C. H., c/o. Maling & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Wells, J. F., School House, Matamata. *Wells, T. U., Westbourne Road, Remuera. West, F. L. G., Shortland Street, Auckland. Whitcombe, Hugh, P.O. Box 63, Auckland. White, George M., Skeates and White, Anzac Avenue, Auckland. White, P. C., care of S. White & Sons, Customs Street West, Auckland. White, R. W., Wellington Street, Auckland. Whitley, W. S., Albert Street, Auckland. Whitney, C. A., Colonial Ammunition Co., Auckland. Williamson, C. R., Fort St., Auckland. *Williamson, J. D., Northern Club, Auckland. *Williamson, Julius W., 57, Clifton Road, Takapuna. Wilson, Andrew, Hillcrest Street, Hamilton East. Wilson, C. A., P.O. Box 1081, Auckland. *Wilson, F. W., “Herald” Buildings, Auckland. Wilson, Mrs. Gilbert, Long Drive, St. Heliers, Auckland. Wilson, G. H., National Bank Buildings, Fort Street, Auckland. Wilson, John, 303 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Wilson, J. A., c/o. A. Eady Limited, Queen Street, Auckland. *Wilson, J. M., Portland Rd., Remuera. *Wilson, Liston, Upland Rd., Remuera. *Wilson, Martyn, Roselle, Lower Remuera. *Wilson, Mrs. R. M., Russell Road, Remuera.

*Wilson, W. R., “Herald” Office, Auckland. Wily, H., Mauku. Winkelmann, H., Victoria Arcade, Auckland. *Winstone, F. M., Claude Road, Epsom. *Winstone, G., Senior, Queen Street, Auckland. Winstone, G., Junior, Senior, Queen Street, Auckland. *Winstone, W. P., Winstone's Bldgs., Auckland. Wiseman, F., Queen Street, Auckland. Wiseman, J. W., Albert Street, Auckland. *Wood, Right Rev. C. J., D.D., England. Woodhead, Miss L., 40, City Chambers, Auckland. Worley, Professor F. P., D.Sc., University College, Auckland. Wright, Hugh, 73 Queen Street, Auckland. Wright, Hugh C., Strand Arcade, Auckland. Wright, R., c/o. A. B. Wright & Son, Commerce Street, Auckland. Wright, R., Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn. Wright, R., junior, Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn. *Wylie, D. S., P.O. Box 672, Auckland. Yates, Miss Dorothy, St. Cuthbert's College, Auckland. Yates, E., Albert Street, Auckland. Philosophical Institute Of Canterbury. Acland, H. D., c/o. Wilding & Acland, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Acland, Dr. H. T. D., 51 Brown's Road, Christchurch. Adams, Hon. Mr. Justice, 29 Wairarapa Terrace, Fendalton. Alexander, R. E., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Anderson, Mrs. Murchiston, “Sungarth,” Kowai Bush. Askew, H. O., M.A., Ph.D., Cawthron Institute, Nelson. Baird, H. F., M.Sc., c/o. Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch. Balfour, Miss M., 75 Ranfurly Street, Christchurch. Bamford, P. G., B.E., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Banfield, H., 94 St. Martin's Road, Christchurch. Barkas, F., Hewling St., Timaru. Barker, C. S., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Barnett, W. J. F., 35 Hardwicke Street, Sumner. Beagley, J. W., Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch. (* Life Members) Beaven, A. W., c/o Andrews and Beaven, Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch. Belton, F. J. W., c/o Gas Coy., Ltd., Christchurch. Bennett, E. W., M.Sc., University of Western Australia, Perth. Berry, R. E., 165 Manchester Street, Christchurch. *Biltcliff, G. S. A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Blackmore, Miss M. A., Cashmere, Christchurch. Booth, G. T., 242 Papanui Road, Christchurch. Borrie, Dr. F. J., 236 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Borrie, Miss, 236 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Bowker, Geo., 177 Stafford Street, Timaru. Boys, Sir Francis, c/o N.Z. Refrigerating Co., Ltd., Hereford Street, Christchurch. *Bradley, Orton, Charteris Bay. Brittin, Guy, F.E.S., Riwaka, Motueka, Nelson. Brock, W., M.A., Merivale Lane, Christchurch. *Brown, Professor Macmillan, M.A., LL.D., F.N.Z. Inst., Holmbank, Cashmere. Bruce, A. Selwyn, Cashel St., Christchurch. Buchanan, J. D. H., 300 Otipua Road, Timaru. Burnett, T. D., Cave, S. Canterbury. Burrows, W. M., Training College, Christchurch. Calder, J. W., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Calvert, G. G., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Campbell, J. W., Seddon St., Kumara. Campbell, Professor R. A., B.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Carlyle, Thomas, c/o “Sun” Office, Christchurch. Cassidy, Mrs. A., 151 Hackthorne Rd., Cashmere. Christensen, C. E., Box 38, Te Aroha. Clark, W. H., 100 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch.

Coates, C. C., 134 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Colee, W. C., M.A., Normal School, Christchurch. Coles, W. R., 358 Gloucester Street, Christchurch. Cooper, E. R., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Cornes, J. J. S., B.A., B.Sc., Training College, Christchurch. Cotter, Dr. W. M., 35 Papanui Road, Christchurch. Cowley, S. R., 156 Antigua Street, Christchurch. Cox, P. T., c/o. Anglo-Persian Oil Coy., Britannic House, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2. Deans, Jno., Kirkstyle, Coalgate. Deans, Wm., Sandown, Waddington. Denham, Professor H. G., M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Dobson, A. Dubley, M. Inst.C.E., 76 Merivale Lane, Christchurch. Dorrien Smith, Major A., D.S.O., Tresco Abbey, Scilly, England. Doubleday, W. H., Schoolhouse, Waltham, Christchurch. Dougall, J. J., 105 Clyde Road, Christchurch. Drummond, Jas., F.L.S., F.Z.S., “Lyttelton Times,” Christchurch. Farr, Professor C. Coleridge, D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Fitzgerald, Miss, M. S., M.Sc., Waitaki G.H.S., Oamaru. Florance, Miss E., 117 Caledonian Road, Christchurch. Flower, A. E., M.A., M.Sc., Christ's College, Christchurch. Foweraker, C. E., M.A., F.L.S., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Francis, J. W. H., c/o Rhodes, Ross & Godby, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Frankel, O. H., Ph.D., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Galbraith, A. R., City Engineer, Christchurch. Gale, F. H. D., “Sun” Office, Christchurch. Gilling, C. D., School, Amberley. Gilling, W. O. R., M.A., B.Sc., c/o Gas Co., Moorehouse Avenue, Christchurch. Glover, P. W., F.R.A.S., Boys' High School, New Plymouth. Godby, Mrs. M. D., 5 Jackson's Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. Godby, M. H., M.A., B.Sc., 176 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Gourlay, H., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Gower, S. W., Tinwald School, Mid Canterbury. Graham, Chas. H. E., 26 Gordon Avenue, Christchurch. Gray, C. M., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Gray, J., 239 Salisbury St., Christchurch. Grigg, F. J. T., M.Sc., F.I.C., Government Analyst, Government Buildings, Christchurch. Griffiths, T. Vernon, Training College, Christchurch. Guthrie, Dr. John, 184 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Hall, G., Hororata. Hamilton, W. M., 54 Dyer's Pass Road, Cashmere. Haynes, E. J., F.Z.S., Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Herriott, Miss E. M., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Hight, Professor J., M.A., Litt.D., Canterbury College, Christchurch. *Hilgendorf, F. W., M.A., D.Sc., F.N.Z. Inst., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Hogg, E. G., M.A., F.R.A.S., Hackthorne Road, Cashmere, Christchurch. Holford, Geo., B.Ag., 74 Knowles St., Christchurch. Humphreys, G., Fendalton Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. Hurley, J. J., Gasworks, Waltham Rd., Christchurch. Hutchinson, F. E., B.Sc.F., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Hutton, D. E., A.I.N.Z.A., 26 Naseby Street, Christchurch. Ironside, Miss A. F., M.A., Training College, Christchurch. Irving, Dr. W., 56 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Jameson, J. O., 152 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Jamieson, W. G., Deans Avenue, Lower Riccarton, Christchurch. Jeans, Alexander, 24 Peacock Street, Christchurch. Jobberns, G., M.A., B.Sc., Training College, Christchurch. Jones, P. H., Waiuta, West Coast. *Kidson, E., M.A., D.Sc., Dominion Meteorologist, Wellington. Kidson, J. O., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Kitson, H., 37 Waiwetu St., Fendalton. Laing, H. W., 146 St. Martins Road, Opawa. Laing, R. M., M.A., B.Sc., F.N.Z. Inst., 37 Macmillan Avenue, Cashmere. Lancaster, G. J., M.A., M.Sc., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Lawn, G., Canterbury College, Christchurch.

Lindsay, Stuart, 18 Sydney Street, Spreydon, Christchurch. Louisson, Dr. M. G., Royal Exchange Buildings, Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Lythgoe, J., c/o A. S. Paterson and Co., Christchurch. Lush, A., B.E., c/o N.Z. Refrigerating Co., Christchurch. Macbeth, N. L., 18 Hereford St., Christchurch. McCombs, T. H., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Macfarlane, Douglas J., Rafa Downs, Parnassus. McGillivray, Robert, F.L.S., Agriculture Department, Christchurch. Macintyre, A. C., B.D.S., Dominion Buildings, Cathedral Square, Christchurch. McKay, Dr. W., 45 Guinness Street, Greymouth. Macleod, D. B., M.A., D.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Margolish, H., 54 Hackthorne Road, Cashmere. Mazey, G. A., 57 Fitzgerald Avenue, Christchurch. Mill, Dr. Thomas, 29 Knowles Street, Christchurch. Milligan, Dr. R. R. D., 86 Colombo Street, Christchurch. Morrison, W. G., Conservator of Forests, Christchurch. Murray, Miss F. B., M.A., Girls' High School, Avonside. Nairn, R., Lincoln Road, Christchurch. Newburgh, W. S., 95 Gloucester Street, Christchurch. Oliver, F. S., c/o Papprill, Salter and Gresson, Box 376, Christchurch. Ollivier, C. M., St. Martins, Christchurch. Owen, H., c/o Cook & Ross, Christchurch. Owen, R. B., 751 Colombo Street, Christchurch. Packer, J., M.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Page, R. O., M.Sc., 59 May's Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Page, S., B.Sc., 59 May's Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Pairman, Dr. J. C., 21 Latimer Square, Christchurch. Pairman, Dr. T. W., “Moat Knowe,” Governor's Bay. Parham, B. V., 140 Hills Rd., Shirley, Christchurch. Payne, A. H., 30 Bishop St., Christchurch. Pearson, Dr. A. B., Hospital, Christchurch. Percival, Professor E., B.Sc., Canterbury College, Chrischurch. Powell, Professor P. H., M.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Pring, Miss I., 37 Aldred St., Christchurch. Prudhoe, J. C., 12 Kidson Terrace, Cashmere, Christchurch. Raymond, S. G., K.C., c/o Raymond, Stringer and Co., Christchurch. Rhodes, J. H., c/o Rhodes, Ross and Godby, 176 Hereford St., Christchurch. Rhodes, Hon. Sir R. Heaton, Tai Tapu, Canterbury Ridley, G. S., Kingsdown, R. D., Timaru. Roberts, F. K., Public Works Dept., Christchurch. Robinson, R. G., Darfield. Robinson, W. F., F.R.G.S., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Robinson, W. R., B.A., The School, Kaiapoi. Rogers, M. N., M.Sc., 205 Gloucester Street, Christchurch. Rowe, H. V., M.A., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Saunders, Miss E., Head Street, Sumner. Sawtell, Mrs. C., 116 Rugby Street, Christchurch. Scott, Mrs. A., 102, Hackthorne Road, Cashmere. Scott, M. J., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Sheffield, Mrs. W. H., 263 Cambridge Terrace, Christchurch. Shelley, Professor J., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Shrubshall, A. H., Bowenvale Ave., Cashmere, Christchurch. *Simpson, Dr. W., cr. Papanui Road and Heaton St., Christchurch. Sims, A., M.A., c/o Sims, Cooper & Co., Hereford Street, Christchurch. Skey, H. F., M.Sc., Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch. Skinner, W. H., 3 York Terrace, New Plymouth. Speight, Professor R., M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Stead, E. F., Ilam, Riccarton, Christchurch. Steele, Professor S., B.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Stokell, G., Prebbleton. Stone, T., “Lyttelton Times,” Christchurch. Strachan, J. E., M.A., B.Sc., Rangiora. Struthers, J., M.A., Boys' High School, Christchurch.

*Sylvester, S. J. H., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Symes, Langford P., 20 May's Road, Papanui. Tapley, J. F., Governor's Bay. Taylor, G. J., 440 Madras Street, St. Albans, Christchurch. Telford, Dr. T. F., Govt. Buildings, Christchurch. Thacker, Dr. H. T. J., B.A., 43 Knowles Street, Christchurch. Thompson, E., Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Tocker, Professor A. H., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. *Tripp, C. H., M.A., Timaru. Turner, H. S. E., 36 Brown's Road, St. Albans, Christchurch. Unwin, Dr. W. H., Timaru. Vangioni, L. J., Akaroa. Wade, L., Buller Road, Reefton. Wall, Professor A., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Waller, F. D., B.A., 91 Papanui Road, Christchurch. *Way, G. E., 20 Helmore's Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. West, H. E., Wheat Research Institute, Christchurch. Whetter, Dr. J. P., 211 Gloucester Street, Christchurch. White, J. B., 18 Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch. Widdowson, Dr. H. L., 4 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch. Wigram, Sir H. F., 1 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Wilding, Miss C., “Fown Hope,” Opawa. Wilding, Frank S., c/o Wilding and Acland, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Wood, W. H. J., 18 Balfour Terrace, Christchurch. Otago Institute Adams, Professor T. D., M.A., Otago University. Adams, W. E., M.Sc., Otago University. Aitken, Mrs. M. W., M.Sc., Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. Alexander, J. G., City Engineer's Office. Allan, R. S., M.Sc., Ph.D., 135 London Street, Dunedin. (* Life Members) Allen, Sir James, Clyde St., Dunedin. Anderson, A. W., Botanical Gardens. Anderson, W. D., 32 Lynwood Avenue, Dunottar. Anderson, Miss A. C., Macandrew Bay. Angel, S., Commercial Bank of Australia, Dowling St., Dunedin. Arras, G. C., 29 Brighton Street, Kaikorai. Balk, O., 13 Driver Street, Maori Hill. *Barnett, Dr. Sir L. E., Hampden. *Bathgate, Alex., 84 Clyde St., Dunedin. Bathgate, Dr. W. J., 76 Stuart St., Dunedin. Begg, Mrs. A. C., 31 Ross Street, Roslyn. Begg, J. C., F.R.A.S., Fifleld Street, Roslyn. *Bell, A. Dillon, Shag Valley. Bell, Miss C. S., M.A., Columba College, Dunedin. Bell, Professor R. J. T., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., Otago University. *Benham, Professor W. B., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z. Inst., University Museum, King Street, Dunedin. Benson, Gerald, 62 Manor Place, Dunedin Benson, Professor W. N., B.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Otago University. Birrell, W. J., care of Robin and Co., corner Castle and Hanover Streets, Dunedin. Black, James, care of Cossens and Black, 164 Crawford Street, Dunedin. Bowron, G. W., 426 Moray Place, Dunedin. Brasch, H., 99 London Street, Dunedin. Brookfield, Dr. C. L., 18 Fifield St., Roslyn. Brown, A. T., 411 Princes Street, Dunedin. Brown, R. Cree, 127 Clyde Street, Dunedin. Browne, R. A. S., care of Post Office, Morrinsville. Butler, J. G., c/o Westport Coal Co., Dunedin. Butterworth, C. P. M., Waverley St., Melrose. Carter, C. L., M.Sc., A.I.C., Otago University. Chapman, Sir F. R., 28 Golders Hill, Wellington.

Christie, Thomas R., 152 Cargill St., Dunedin. Clarke, C. E., F.E.S., 35 Octagon, Dunedin. Crawford, W. J., 123 High Street, Dunedin. Davidson, E., 45 Newington Avenue, Dunedin. Davies, O. V., 109 Princes Street, Dunedin. *Dawson, Hugh, c/o Southern Cross Insurance Co., 107 High Street, Dunedin. Dempster, G., St. David St., Dunedin. Donn, R., Training College, Cumberland Street, Dunedin. Dutton, Rev. D., F.G.S., F.R.A.S., 22 Passmore Crescent, Maori Hill. Edgar, James, 286 York Place, Dunedin. Evans, Dr. W., High St., Dunedin. Farnie, Miss W., M.A., Waitaki Girls' High School, Oamaru. Fea, W. B. M., 22 Highgate, Roslyn. Fels, A., 31 Royal Terrace, Dunedin. *Fels, W., 84 London St., Dunedin. *Ferguson, Dr. Sir H. L., C.M.G., M.A., M.D., “Wychwood,” Musselburgh Rise. Finlay, Dr. H. J., 10 Pine Hill Terrace, Dunedin. *Fitchett, Dr. F. W. B., M.D., C.M., 8 Pitt Street, Dunedin. Fleming, T. R., M.A., LL.B., 110 Heriot Row, Dunedin. Focken, Dr. C. M., B.M.E., B.Sc., Ph.D., Physics Dept., Univ. of Otago. Fogg, Dr. W., Medical School, King Street, Dunedin. Fowler, H., Silveracres, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. Frye, Charles, 85 Neville St., Caversham. Fyfe, Miss M. L., B.Sc., Biology Dept., University Museum. Gardner, R., M.Sc., F.I.C., Chemistry Dept., Otago University. Gardner, W., care of H. B. Galland, Kelvin Road, North-east Valley. *Garrow, Professor J. M. E., B.A., LL.B., Nile Street, Nelson. George, Charles E., 15 Filleul St., Dunedin. *Gilkison, R., 29 Highgate, Roslyn. Green, E. S., Education Office, Dunedin. Gregory, Miss E., Home Science Dept., Otago University. Guthrie, H. J., 426 Moray Place E., Dunedin. Hanlon A. C., Moray Place, Dunedin. Hart, H., 406 George Street. Henderson, M. C., Electrical Engineer's Office, Cumberland Street, Dunedin. Hercus, Professor C. E., M.D., D.S.O., O.B.E., B.D.S., D.P.H., Medical School, King Street, Dunedin. Hodson, J., 24 Howe Street, Dunedin. Holloway, Rev. J.-E., D.Sc., F.N.Z. Inst., Botany Dept., Univ. of Otago. Howard, B., M.A., Otago Boys' High School, Dunedin. *Howes, Miss Edith, Rawhiti Street, Sunshine, Dunedin. *Howes, W. G., F.E.S., 432 George Street, Dunedin. Hudson, F. H., Sawyer's Bay. Hunter, H., Otago University. Hurst, J. A., M.Sc., Geological Survey, Wellington. Inglis, Professor J. K. H., M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., Otago University. Jack, Professor R., D.Sc., Ph.D., Otago University. Joachim, Miss M. E., 4 Beaumont Road, Mornington. Johnston, Dr. Owen, Invercargill. Kay, J., 257 George Street, Dunedin. Kaye, William T. O., Forfar Street, Mosgiel. Laws, C. R., 42 Preston Crescent, Roslyn. Lee, R., P.O. Box 363, Dunedin. Lilly, L. G., P.O. Box 401, Dunedin. Lowry, J. M., Public Works Department, Dunedin. McCaskill, L. W., Training College, Dunedin. *McCurdie, W. D. R., Borough Engineer, Te Awamutu. McElrea, W., 138 St. David Street, Dunedin. McKellar, Dr. T. G., Pitt Street, Dunedin. MacLellan, R., 67 Heriot Row, Dunedin. McNair, J., Railway Engineer's Office, Christchurch. Malcolm, Professor J., M.D., Physiology Dept., Otago University. Mandeno, H., New Zealand Express Company's Buildings. Martin, W., B.Sc., Borough School, Blenheim. Meenan, J., 79 Cargill Street, Dunedin. Merrington, Rev. Dr. E. N., Knox College, Dunedin. *Milnes, J. W., 39 Lees Street, Dunedin. Moore; J. A., M.A., B.Sc., Training College, Dunedin. *Moore, Dr. S. A., Security Buildings, Stuart Street, Dunedin. Morrell, W. J., M.A., Otago Boys' High School. Dunedin. Mullin, Dr. Wm., 16 Maheno Street, Dunedin. Mullin, Miss K., 16 Maheno Street.

Munro, Alex., 89 Lower High St., Dunedin. Newlands, Dr. W., M.A., B.Sc., M.B., Ch.B., F.R.C.S.E., 12 London Street, Dunedin. Nicholson, E., c/o Hallenstein Bros., Dowling Street, Dunedin. Orton, A. A., B.A., M.Sc., Mathematics Dept., Otago University. O'Reilly, E. J., 52 Clyde Street, Dunedin. Paterson, A. S., 9 Alva Street, Dunedin. *Park, Professor J., F.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Otago University. Pope, Miss A. I., Home Science Dept., Otago University. *Price, W. H., care of Donald Reid & Co., Vogel Street, Dunedin. Reid, Miss E. N., 79 Stafford Street, Dunedin. Reid, Miss F., 79 Stafford Street. Riley, Dr. F. R., F.R.C.S., L.R.C.P., 346 George Street, Dunedin. Ritchie, Dr. Russell, 400 George St., Dunedin. Roberts, E. F., Roberts Bldgs., Stuart Street, Dunedin. *Roberts, Sir John, C.M.G., Little-bourne. Robertson, John, B.A., B.Sc., Education Office, Invercargill. Ross, T. C., care of Ross and Glendining, Ltd., High Street, Dunedin. Routledge, W. R., 14 Norfolk Street, St. Clair. Salmond, J. L., National Bank Buildings, Dunedin. Sandle, Major S. G., Defence Office, Palmerston North. *Sargood, Percy R., “Marinoto,” Newington. Shacklock, J. B., Bayfield, Anderson's Bay. Simpson, George, sen., 111 Russell St., Dunedin. Simpson, George, Jun., 69 Belgrave Crescent, Roslyn. Skinner, H. D., M.A., F.N.Z. Inst., Museum, King Street, Dunedin. Sligo, Alex., c/o Mills, Dick and Co., Dunedin. Smith, C. S., “Star” Office, Dunedin. *Smith, J. C., care of Vernon Smith, George Street, Dunedin. Smith, H. McD., Dawson's Buildings, Moray Place, Dunedin. Smith, Miss M., 44 Duke Street, Dunedin. Somerville, T., care of Coulls, Somerville and Wilkie, Dunedin. Stark, James, care of Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Dunedin. Steele, R. H., 69 St. David Street, Dunedin. Stewart, R. T., 21 Gamma Street, Roslyn. Stewart, Hon. W. Downie, M.P., LL.B., 11 Heriot Row, Dunedin. *Stout, Sir Robert, K.C.M.G., Wellington. Strong, Professor A. G., B.Sc., Home Science School, Otago University. Stuckey, F., M.A., Chief Inspector of Schools, Education Office. Tannock, D., Botanical Gardens, Dunedin. Tennent, R. B., Bangor Terrace, Kew. Teviotdale, D., Museum, King Street, Dunedin. *Theomin, D. E., 42 Royal Terrace, Dunedin. *Thomson, Hon. G. M., F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst., M.L.C., 99 Eglinton Road, Mornington. Thomson, G. S., B.Sc., 99 Eglinton Road, Mornington. Thomson, J. S., F.C.S., care of Thomson's Limited, Police Street, Dunedin. Thomson, W. A., Ferntree House, 75 Half-way Bush. Tily, H. S., B.Sc., care of Customhouse, Dunedin. Tucker, A. W., M.A., B.Sc., Training College, Dunedin. Turnbull, Miss M. I., M.A., 449 Leith Street, Dunedin. Turner, F. J., M.Sc., Geology Department, Otago University. Watt, Dr. M., Medical School, King St., Dunedin. *White, Professor D. R., M.A., 83 St. David Street, Dunedin. White, J. Renfrew, cr. Union and George Streets, Dunedin. Wilkinson, H. K., 33 Royal Terrace, Dunedin. Williams, J., B.Sc., F.C.S., Otago Boys' High School, Dunedin. Williams, J. G., M.Sc., F.G.S., Mining School, Otago University. Williams, W. J., City Engineer's Office, Dunedin. Wilson, G. T. B., 1 Bright Street, Belleknowes. Wilson, I. R., B.Sc., Mining School, Otago University. Wingfield, J. E., 655 Castle Street, Dunedin.

Hawke'S Bay Philosophical Institute Absolom, Mrs. J. H., Rissington. Absolom, J. Archer, Rissington. Armstrong, Dr. J. S., Lake Taupo. Ashcroft, P., Napier. Asher, Rev. J. A., Napier. Barnett, Dr. H., Napier. Barnett, Mrs. H., Napier. Beck, W. H., Napier. Bennett, H. M., Napier. Berry, Dr. Harold, Napier. Berry, Dr. J. A., Napier. Brocklehurst, Very Rev. Dean, Napier. Chadwick, R. M., Napier. Chambers, Bernard, Havelock North. Chambers, John, Havelock N. Chambers, Mason, Havelock N. Chapman, Hector, Napier. Clapcott, G. F., Napier. Clark, Dr. Arthur, Napier. Clark, Mrs. E. H., Napier. Clark, Thomas P., Eskdale. Costello, Dr. J. W., Napier. Cottrell, Horace S., Napier. Cullen, A. R., Napier. Dinwiddie, B., Napier. Dinwiddie, Wm., Napier. Douglas, Charles, Napier. Duncan, R. J., Napier. Dunn. W. L., Napier. Edgar, Dr. J. J., Napier. Edmundson, J. H., Napier. Fitzgerald, Dr. D. Napier. Ford, A. R., Napier. Francis, Dr. A., Napier. Friend, L. C., Napier. Geddes, C. C., Napier. Geddis, Trevor M., Napier. Gilray, Dr. T., Napier. Gleadow, J. E., Napier. Goldsmith, Miss E., Napier. Guthrie - Smith, W. H., F.N.Z. Inst., Tutira. Harding, J. W., Waipukurau. Harding, W. A., Napier. Hay, J. A. L., Napier. Hay, Leslie, Napier. Henderson, W. P., Napier. Herrick, E. J., Hastings. Herrick, Miss R., Napier. Hetley, Mrs. F. A., Napier. Hill, Bromley, Napier. Hill, Henry, Napier. Hill, W. Howard, Taumarunui. (* Life Members) Hislop, James, Napier. Hobson, A., Napier. Husheer, G., Napier. Hutchinson, F. Jnr., Rissington. Hyde, Thomas, Napier. Johns, W. D., Napier. Large, Harold, Napier. Leahy, Dr. J. P. D., Napier. Lindauer, V. Wm., Woodville. Logan, F., Napier. Lowry, T. H., Hastings. Macfarlane, Jas., Napier. Maney, C. E., Napier. Martin, A. L., Napier. Melbye, C., Napier. Moore, Dr. T. C., Napier. Moore, Dr. W. W., Napier. Nelson, George, Hastings. Oates, Wm., Tokomaru Bay. *Ormond, Frank, Napier. Ormond, George C., Wairoa. Oulton, Dr. R. H., Napier. Pallot, Alfred G., Napier. Pallot, Mrs. W. J., Napier. Pollock, C. F. H., Napier. Ringland, T. H., Napier. Robertson, John, Napier. Sainsbury, G. O. K., Wairoa. Sanders, H. M., Kopua. Sedgwick, Rt. Rev. Bishop, Napier. Simson, K., Napier. *Smith, H. J., England. Speight, Rev. H., Hastings. Stewart, W. B., Napier. Stout, E. T., Napier. Tattersall, J., Napier. Thomas, C. L., Napier. Thomson, J. Clark, Napier. Thomson, J. P., Napier. Tiffen, G. W., Gisborne. Wanklyn, H. A., Napier. Warren, Major T. J. C., Pukehou. Waters, Dr. J. P., Napier. Waterworth, Dr. G., Napier. Wattie, A. J., Lands and Survey Dept., Napier. Wenley, G. S. V., Napier. West, E. S., Napier. White, John, Browning St., Napier. White, Wm., Napier. Willan, T. J., Hastings. Williams, D. G., Clive. Williams, Frederic W., Napier. Williams, Rt. Rev. Bishop H. W., Napier. Wilson, J. G., Hatuma, H.B. Wilson, Miss N., Waipukurau. Woodward, M. F., Napier.

Nelson Institute. Bartel, J. G., Seymour Avenue. Bartlett, Rev. J. G. S., Stoke. Bett, Dr. F. A., Trafalgar Square. Bruce, James, Britannia Heights. Chappell, A. V., Cawthron Institute. Clark, E. F., Cawthron Institute. Cunningham, G., Wainui Street. Curtis, Dr. K. M., Cawthron Institute Davies, W. C., Cawthron Institute. Duke, C. R., Main Road, Tahunanui. Duncan, H. R., Hardy Street. Easterfield, Professor T. H., M.A., Ph.D., F.N.Z. Inst., Cawthron Institute. Field, T. A. H., Rocks Road. Foster, F. W., Forestry Dept., Trafalgar Street. Garrow, Professor J. M. E., B.A., LL.B., Nile Street. Nelson. Gibbs, F. G., Collingwood Street. Gibbs, Dr. S., Hardy Street. Glasgow, J., Stoke. Gourlay, E. S., Cawthron Institute. Jamieson, Dr. G. P. S., Hardy Street. Johnston, Dr. W. S., Hardy Street. Kemp, G. T., Collingwood Street. Knapp, F. V., Alfred Street. Lysaght, Miss A. M., Cawthron Institute. McKay, J. G., Boys' College. May, L., Public Works, Trafalgar St. Miller, Dr. D., Cawthron Institute. Mills, Miss, Girls' College. Moller, B. H., Collingwood Street. Moncrieff, Mrs. M. M., The Cliffs. Morley, E. L., Waimea Street. Parlane, Miss B., B.Sc., Cawthron Institute. Pemberton, O. B., Cawthron Institute. Philpott, A., F.N.Z. Inst., Museum. Auckland. Rigg, T., Cawthron Institute. Rout, W., Hardy Street. Sadlier, Bishop, Bishopdale. Searle, H. B., Boys' College. Stubbs, F. G., Auckland Point School. Taylor, J., Cambria Street. Tonnoir, A., Canberra, Australia. Wardrop, J. H., 143 Waimea Street. Wearing, G. G., 47 Grove Street. Worley, Miss, 128 Trafalgar Street South. Manawatu Philosophical Society. (Palmerston North) (* Life Members) Allan, Dr. H. H., M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., Plant Research Station. Atkinson, A. H., West St., Feilding. Bagnall, H. G., 30 Te Awe Awe Street. Barnett, Dr. E. C., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., 16 Fitzherbert Avenue. Bary, E., 49 Featherston Street. Bendall W. E., 288 Victoria Avenue. Billens, R. H., 125 College Street. Brien, R. N., Plant Research Station. Christian, F. W., B.A. (Oxon), F.G.S., 130 Ferguson Street. Cockayne, A. H., Plant Research Station. Connell, R. P., M.A., Plant Research Station. Cooper, L. F., Carlton Avenue. Cottler, —, Plant Research Station. Cunningham, G. H., M.Sc., Ph.D., Plant Research Station. Daniel, V. M., 226 Ruahine Street. Eliott, M. A., Broadway Avenue. Ennis, C. W., 16 Roy Street. Foy, —, Plant Research Station. Fuller, R. A., 204 Victoria Avenue. Gerrand, J. B., 199 Park Road. Gibbs, G. G., Plant Research Station. Graham, A. J., 173 Church Street. Hopwood, A., 135 Featherston Street. Hudson, A. W., B.Agr., B.Sc., Plant Research Station. Hughes, J. R., C.E., 260 Featherston Street. Kaufmann, A. F., Y.M.C.A. Keeling, G. W., 140 College Street. Lange, E. H., Box 14, Feilding. Levy, E. Bruce, B.Sc., Plant Research Station. Lucas, R. L. B. M., 143 Park Road. McIntyre, H., M.A., LL.B, Box 11, Feilding. Malcolm, N., Agricultural High School, Feilding. Menzies, J. E., 5 Fitzroy Street. Merton, J. L. C., LL.B., 80 Featherston Street. Miller, J., R.C.S.E., L.R.C.P.E., L.R.F.P. & S.G., 26 Broadway Ave. Murray, J., M.A., The High School. Neill, J. C., 32 Te Awe Awe Street. Oram, M. H., M.A., LL.B., 183 Featherston Street.

Park, W., F.R.H.S., 133 Fitzherbert Avenue. Peach, Dr. C. W., M.B., Broadway Av. Peren, Prof. G. S., B.S.A., Massey Agricultural College. Reid, W. D., Plant Research Station. Riddet, Prof. W., B.Sc.Agr., Massey Agricultural College. Ross, K., M.A., High School, Feilding. Ross, R., Box 116, Feilding. Salmon, C. T., 5 Rangitikei Street. Schwass, C. H., Plant Research Station. Stansell, W. F., 422 Victoria Avenue. Stevens, J. H., 175 Church Street. Stevenson, J. J., High School. Tankersley, N. S., B.Agr., High School, Feilding. Taylor, C. E., Aroha Street. Waters, W. A., 105 Bryant Street. Weem, —, Plant Research Station. Whitaker, A., Grey Street. Wild, G. V., B.A., B.Sc., High School, Feilding. Williamson, A., Wellesley Street, Feilding. *Wilson, Miss E. Wood, J. R., 165 Princess Street. Wright, A. H. M., 121 College Street. Zotov., V. D., Plant Research Station.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 60, 1930, Page 612

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New Zealand Institute, 1929. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 60, 1930, Page 612

New Zealand Institute, 1929. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 60, 1930, Page 612

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