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Serial Publications Received By The Library Of The New Zealand Institute, 1929. New Zealand. Auckland University: Calendar. Board of Science and Art: Manuals; Bulletins. Cawthron Institute, Nelson: Publications. Dominion Museum: Bulletins; Monographs. Geological Survey: Bulletins. Journal of Agriculture. Journal of Science and Technology. Marine Department: Bulletins; Reports. Massey Agricultural College, Palmerston North: Calendar. New Zealand Employers' Federation: Industrial Bulletin. New Zealand Official Year-book. Polynesian Society: Journal. State Forest Service: Publications. University of Otago: Proceedings of the Medical School. Australia. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science: Report. Australasian Institute of Mining Engineers: Proceedings. Australian Antarctic Expedition, 1911–14: Reports. Australian Forestry Journal. Commonwealth of Australia, Fisheries: Parliamentary Report. Institute of Science and Industry of Australia: Bulletins. Institution of Engineers of Australia: Transactions; Quarterly Bulletin. National Research Council of Australia: Science Abstracts. Scientific and Industrial Research: Publications. New South Wales. Agricultural Department, N.S.W.: Agricultural Gazette. Australian Museum, Sydney: Records; Annual Report. Botanic Gardens and Government Domains, N.S.W.: Report. Critical Revision of the Genus Eucalyptus. Department of Mines and Geological Survey: Annual Report; Mineral Resources; Bulletins. Linnean Society of N.S.W.: Proceedings. Public Health Department, N.S.W.: Annual Report. Royal Zoological Society: The Australian Zoologist. Sydney University: Reprints.

Queensland. Geological Survey of Queensland: Publications. Queensland Naturalist. Queensland Museum: Memoirs. Royal Geographical Society: Journal. Royal Society of Queensland: Proceedings. South Australia. Adelaide Chamber of Commerce: Annual Report. Department of Chemistry, South Australia: Bulletins. Mines Department and Geological Survey of South Australia: Mining Operations; G.S. Bulletins and Reports; Metallurgical Reports; Synopsis of Mining Laws. Public Library, Museum, and Art Gallery of South Australia: Annual Report. Royal Society of South Australia: Transactions and Proceedings. University of Adelaide: Publications. Tasmania. Mines Department, Hobart. Royal Society of Tasmania: Papers and Proceedings. Victoria. Advisory Committee: Report on Brown Coal. Department of Agriculture: Journal. Field Naturalists' Club of Victoria: Victorian Naturalist. Mines Department and Geological Survey of Victoria: Annual Report; Bulletins; Records. National Museum: Memoirs. Public Library, Museum, and National Art Gallery of Victoria: Annual Report. Royal Society of Victoria: Proceedings. Western Australia. Geological Survey of Western Australia: Bulletins. Royal Society of Western Australia: Journal and Proceedings. United Kingdom. Aberystwyth University College of Wales: Report Marine Freshwater Investigations. Board of Agriculture and Fisheries: Fishery Investigations. Botanical Society of Edinburgh: Transactions and Proceedings. British Association for the Advancement of Science, London: Report. British Astronomical Association, London: Journal; Memoirs; List of Members.

British Museum, London: Catalogues; Guides; Scientific Reports of British Antarctic Expedition, 1910. Cambridge Philosophical Society: Proceedings, Biological Reviews. Cambridge University Library: Report. Department of Scientific and Industrial Research: Reports. Dove Marine Laboratory: Report. Durham Philosophical Society: Proceedings; Agricultural and Zoological Publications. Edinburgh Geological Society: Transactions. Geological Department, Glasgow University: Papers; Monographs. Geological Society, Glasgow: Transactions. Geological Society, London: Quarterly Journal. Geological Survey of Great Britain: Summary of Progress. Geologists' Association, London: Proceedings. Handbooks, Commercial Towns, England. H.M. Stationery Office, London: Monthly Circular. Imperial Bureau of Entomology: Review of Applied Entomology. Imperial Institute: Bulletins. Institution of Civil Engineers: Report. International Society of Medical Hydrology: Archives. Leeds Geological Association: Transactions. Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society: Annual Report. Linnean Society, London: Journal; Proceedings; List of Members. Literary and Philosophical Society, Manchester: Memoirs and Proceedings. Literary and Philosophical Society of Liverpool: Proceedings. Liverpool Biological Society: Proceedings. Liverpool Geological Society: Proceedings. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom: Journal. Marlborough College Natural History Society: Reports. Mercantile Guardian, London. Mineralogical Society, London: Mineralogical Magazine. Natural History Society of Glasgow: Glasgow Naturalist. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers: Transactions; Annual Report. Oxford University: Calendar. Rowett Research Institute, Aberdeen: Publications. Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain: Journal. Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh: Notes. Royal Colonial Institute, London: United Empire. Royal Geographical Society, London: Geographical Journal. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin: Proceedings. Royal Philosophical Society of Glasgow: Proceedings. Royal Physical Society of Edinburgh: Proceedings. Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Edinburgh: Scottish Geographical Magazine. Royal Society, Dublin: Economic Proceedings. Royal Society of Edinburgh: Proceedings; Transactions. Royal Society, London: Proceedings (Series A, B); Phil. Trans. (Series A, B); Year-book. Royal Statistical Society, London: Journal. Society for Preservation of the Fauna of the Empire: Journal.

University of Birmingham: Calendar. University of Durham Philosophical Society: Proceedings. Victoria Institute, London: Journal of Transactions. Zoological Society of London: Proceedings; Transactions. Austria. Akademie der Wissenschaften in Wien: Sitzungsberichte. Hofmuseum, Wien. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Wien: Verhandlungen, Jahrbuch. Naturhistorisches Museum, Wien: Annalen. Zentral-Anstalt für Meteorologie und Geodynamik, Wien. Zoologisch-Botanische Gesellschaft, Wien: Verhandlungen. Belgium. Académie Royale de Belgique: Bulletin de la Classe des Sciences; Annuaire. Librairie Nationale d'Art et d'Histoire: Les Cahiers beiges. Musée Royal d'Histoire Naturelle de Belgique, Bruxelles: Annales; Mémoires. Société Géologique de Belgique, Liége: Publications; Annales. Société Royale de Botanique de Belgique: Bulletins. Société Royale Zoologique et Malacogique de Belgique: Annales. Société Scientifique de Bruxelles: Annales. Czechoslovakia. Kaslova Universita Praha (Prag): Studies from Plant Physiological Laboratory. Deutscher Naturwissenschaftlich-medizinischer Verein für Böhmen “Lotos,” Prag: Abhandlungen; Lotos. Narodni (National) Museum (Entomological), Prag: Sbornik. Société Royale des Sciences de Bohème, Prague: Publications. Denmark. Acad. Roy. des Sciences et des Lettres de Danemark (Det Kong. Danske Videnskab. Selskab): Bulletin (Forhandlinger); Mémoires (Skrifter); Math.-fys. Meddelelser; Biologiske Meddelelser. Danmarks Geologiske Undersögelse, Kobenhavn: Publications. Dansk Geologisk Forening, Kobenhavn: Meddelelser. Dansk Naturhistorisk Forening, Kobenhavn: Videnskabelige Meddelelser. Zoological Museum, Copenhagen: Danish-Ingolf Expedition. Finland. Academia Aboensis, Abo (Turku): Humaniora. Finska Vetenskaps-Societet, Helsingfors: Acta; Ofversigt; Bidrag. Geological Commission of Finland: Bulletin. Geografiska Sällskapet i Finland (Société de Géographie de Finland), Helsingfors: Fennia. Societas pro Fauna et Flora Fennica: Meddelanden; Acta.

France. Le Prince Bonaparte, 10 Avenue d'Jena: Notes. L'Observatoire Météorologique, Paris: Annales. Ministre des Travaux Publiques: Programmes des Cours. Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris: Bulletins. Société Astronomique de France: Bulletin. Société de Chimie Industrielle, Paris: Chimie et Industries. Société de Géographie, Paris: La Géographie. Société des Sciences Phys. et Naturelles de Bordeaux: Mémoires; Procès-verbaux. Société Linnéenne de Bordeaux: Publications. Société Linnéenne de Normandie, Caen: Bulletin. Société Zoologique de France, Paris: Bulletin. Union Géographique Internationale: Publications. Université de Grenoble: Annales (Section de Médecine). Gebmany. Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, München: Sitzungs-berichte; Abhandlungen. Berliner Mathematische Gesellschaft: Sitzungsberichte. Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg, Berlin-Dahlem: Verhandlungen. Bremer Wissenschaftliche Gesellschaft: Publications. Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin. Ethnological Institute, Tübingen. Geographie Kartographie, Leipzig: Geographie Kartographie. Gesellschaft der Wissenchaften, Göttingen: Nachrichten; Mitteilungen. Hamburg University: Publications. Leopold.-Carol. Deutsche Akademie der Naturforscher: Leopoldina. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Freiburg: Berichte. Naturhistorische Gesellschaft, Hannover: Jahresberichte. Naturhistorisch-medizinischer Verein, Heidelberg: Verhandlungen. Naturhistorisches Museum, Hamburg: Mitteilungen. Naturhistorischer Verein der Preussischen Rheinlande und Westfalens, Bonn: Verhandlungen; Sitzungsberichte. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Bremen: Abhandlungen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein in Hamburg: Verhandlungen; Abhandlungen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein für Schleswig-Holstein: Schriften. Oberrheinischer Geologischer Verein, Tübingen. Physikalisch-ökonomische Gesellschaft, Königsberg: Schriften. Preussische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin: Sitzungsberichte. Preussische Geologische Landesanstalt, Berlin: Jahrbuch. Sächsiche Akademie der Wissenschaften, Leipzig: Berichte; Abhandlungen. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frankfurt-am-Main: Berichte; Senckenbergiana. Staats und Universitäts Bibliothek, Hamburg.

Verein für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Württemberg, Stuttgart: Jahresheft; Beilage; Mitteilungen. Zoologisches Museum, Berlin: Mitteilungen; Bericht. Zool. u. Anthropol.-Ethnogr. Museum, Dresden. Holland And Dutch East Indies. Banka Tin: Jaaresverslag von de Winning. Hollandsche Maatschappij der Wetenschappen (Société Hollandaise des Sciences), Haarlem: Archives Néerlandaises. Koninklijke Akademie van Wetenschappen, Amsterdam: Proceedings; Verhandelingen. Kon. Bataaviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, Batavia: Verhandelingen; Tijdschrift. Koninklijke Natuurkundige Vereeniging in Nederlandsch - Indie, Batavia: Natuurkundig Tijdschrift. Kon. Nederlandsch Aardrijkskundig Genootschap (Royal Dutch Geographic Society), Leiden: Tijdschrift. Mijnwesen in Nederlandsch Oest-Indie, Batavia: Jaarboek. Musée Teyler, Haarlem: Archives. Nederlandsche Entomologische Vereeniging, Amsterdam: Tijdschrift; Entom. Berichten. Rijks Ethnographisch Museum, Leiden: Verslagen. Rijks Geologisch-Mineralogisch Museum, Leiden: Geol. Mededelingen. Teyler's Godgeleerd Genootschap: Verhandelingen. Hungary. Botanisches Institut, Museum und Garten, Szeged: Folia Cryptogamica. Magyar Tudományos Akadémia, Budapest: Reports and Memoirs. Magyar Nemzeti Muzeum, Budapest: Annales. Italy. Accademia Scientifica Veneto-Trentino Istriana, Padova: Atti. Giornale Botanico Italiano. Laboratorio di Zoologia generale ed Agraria, Portici. Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata della R. Università di Genova: Bollettino. Musei di Zoologia ed Anatomia Comparata, Torino: Bollettino. Reale Accademia dei Lincei, Roma: Rendiconti. Reale Societá Geografica Italiana, Roma: Bollettino. Revista Geografica Italiana. R. Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Letter ed Arti, Venezia: Atti; Memorie. R. Ufficio Geologico d'Italia, Roma: Bollettino. Societá Africana d'Italia: Bollettino. Societá Botanico Italiana, Firenze: Bollettino. Societá Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Pisa: Processi verbali. Luxembourg. Institut G. D. de Luxembourg, Section des Sciences Naturelles, Physiques et Mathématiques: Archives.

Norway. Bergens Museum: Aarbok; Aarberetning. Det Kongelige Frederiks Universitet, Oslo. Norwegian Aurora Polaris Expedition, 1902–3. Det Norske Meteorologiske Institut, Oslo: Aarbok. Det Norske Videnskapsakademie, Oslo: Scientific Results of the Norwegian Expedition to Novaya Zemlya, 1921. Tromsö Museum: Annual Report; Annuals; Memoirs. Portugal. Instituto Botanico Universidade de Coimbra: Boletin. Russia And Poland. Akademiya Nauk S.S.S.R. (L'Académie des Sciences de Russie), Leningrad: Publications. Biologische Station zu Kossino, Moskau: Arbeiten, Biological Station, Saratov. Comité Geologique de Russie, Leningrad: Mémoires. Ichthyological Laboratory, Kerch: Trudi. Institut des Recherches Biologiques, Perm: Bulletin. Jardin Botanique de Kieff: Bulletin. Musée polonais d'Hist. Nat., Warsaw: Zoological Publications. Estonian University, Tartu (Dorpat): Revue Byzantine. Russian Entomological Society, Leningrad: Revue Russe d'Entomologie. Polskie Towarzystwo Botaniczne (Société Botanique de Pologne), Warszawa: Acda. Société Polonaise des Naturalistes: Kosmos. State University, Voronezh: Trudi. Zoological Museum of Poland: Prace Zoologiczne. Société des Sciences et des Lettres de Vilna: Travaux de l'Institut de Biologie genérate. Spain. Junta de Ciencias Naturales de Barcelona: Series botanica, geologica. Real Academia de Ciencias exactas, fisicas y naturales, Madrid: Memorias. Sweden. Botaniska Notiser, Lund. Botaniska Trädgard, Göteberg: Bulletin. Entomologiska Föreningen, Stockholm: Tidskrift. Geologiska Föreningen, Stockholm: Forhandlingar. Kongl. Karolinska Universitetet, Lund: Arsskrift (Acta). Kongl. Svenska Vetenskapsakademien, Stockholm: Arsbok; Handlingar; Meddelanden frän Nobelinstitut. Meteorologiske lakttealser i Sverige, Stockholm. Svenska Mosskultur Föreningen, Jönköping: Tidskrift. Svenska Naturskydds Föreningen, Stockholm: Sveriges Natur. Svenska Sällskapet för Antropologi och Geografi, Stockholm: Geografiska Annaler. Svenska Växtsociologiska Sällskapet: Handlingar; Monographs. Sveriges Geologiska Undersökning: Arsbok.

Musée d'Histoire Naturelle, Genève. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Basel: Verhandlungen. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Bern: Mitteilungen. Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Zürich: Vierteljahrsschrift. Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Aarau: Verhandlungen; Actes. Schweizerische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Lausanne: Verhandlungen. Società Elvetica delle Scienze Naturali, Bern: Atti. Société de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Genève. Société Vaudois des Sciences Naturelles, Lausanne: Mémoires; Bulletin. Swiss Geological Society, Lausanne: Eclogae Geologicae. Turkestan. Turkestanskoe Nauchnoe Obshchestvo (Scientific Society of Turkestan), Tashkent: Transactions. Sredne-Asiatskij Universitet (University of Central Asia), Tashkent: Bulletin. India And Ceylon. Agricultural Department, Calcutta: Report on Progress of Agriculture. Agricultural Research Institute and College, Pusa: Report. Anthropological Society, Bombay: Journal. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta. Board of Scientific Advice: Annual Report. Botanic Survey of India, Sibpur, Calcutta: Records. Ceylon Journal of Science. Colombo Museum: Spolia Zeylanica. Geological Survey of India: Records and Memoirs. Imperial Department of Agriculture, Pusa: Reports, Review. China Science Society of China, Nanking: Publications. Geological Survey of China: Publications. Japan. Department of Agriculture and Commerce, Yokohama: Bulletin. Icones Plantarum Formosanarum, Yaihoku. Imperial Academy, Tokyo: Proceedings. Imperial Earthquake Investigation Committee, Tokyo: Bulletin. Imperial Geological Survey of Japan: Report. Imperial University of Tokyo: Journal of the College of Science. Kyoto Imperial University: Memoirs. National Research Council of Japan: Transactions and Abstracts. Tôhoku Imperial University, Sendai: Science Reports.

Malay States. Java Ethnographisches Reichsmuseum: Katalog. Malay States Government Gazette. Egypt. Ministry of Finance, Survey of Egypt, Cairo: Bulletins. South Africa. Cape of Good Hope Departments of Agriculture and Mines: Reports. Durban Museum, Natal: Annals. Geological Society of South Africa, Johannesburg: Transactions. Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg: Annals. Natal Surveyor-General's Department: Report. South African Association for the Advancement of Science: South African Journal of Science. South African Museum: Annals. Transvaal Mines Department: Memoir. Transvaal Museum: Annals. Union of South Africa, Mines Department Geological Survey: Annual Reports; Memoirs. Canada. Advisory Council for Scientific and Industrial Research: Reports. Canadian Arctic Expedition, 1913–18: Report. Canadian National Parks: Booklets. Department of Agriculture: Publications. Department of Naval Service: Annual Report; Tide Tables. Department of the Interior: Dominion Observatory Reports. Mines Department, Geological Survey Branch: Memoirs; Summary Report; Museum Bulletin. Mines Department, Mines Branch: Bulletins; Annual Report; other publications. Nova Scotian Institute of Science, Halifax: Proceedings. Royal Canadian Institute, Toronto: Transactions. Royal Society, Canada: Proceedings and Transactions. United States. Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadelphia: Proceedings. Agricultural College Experiment Station, Michigan: Reports; Bulletins. American Academy of Arts and Sciences: Proceedings. American Geographical Society, New York: Geographical Review. American Institute of Mining Engineers: Transactions. American Journal of Botany. American Journal of Philology. American Museum of Natural History, New York: Amer. Museum Noviates. American Museum of Natural History, New York: Bulletins.

American Philosophical Society: Proceedings. Arnold Arboretum of Harvard University: Journal. Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco. Boston Society of Natural History: Proceedings, Memoirs, etc. Brooklyn Institute of Arts and Sciences: Bulletins. Buffalo Society of Natural Sciences: Bulletin. Californian Academy of Sciences: Proceedings. Californian State Fisheries Laboratory, East San Pedro. Chicago University: Journal of Geology. Cincinnati Society of Natural History: Journal. Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences: Transactions; Memoirs. Connecticut Society of Civil Engineers: Proceedings. Cornell University Agricultural Experiment Station: Memoirs; Bulletins. Cushman Laboratory: Contributions. Department of Registration and Education, State of Illinois: Bulletin. Experiment Station, Michigan Agricultural College, East Lansing: Reports and Bulletins. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Fish and Game Commission, California: Publications. Franklin Institute: Journal. Gentes Herbarum, Ithaca. Industrial and Engineering Chemistry: Journal. John Crerar Library: Annual Report. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore: Studies; Circulars; Journal; American Journal of Mathematics. Leland Stanford Junior University: Publications. Library of Congress, Washington: Report. Lick Observatory, University of California. Lloyd Library, Ohio: Index. Marine Biological Laboratory, Wood's Hole, Mass: Biol. Bulletin; Maryland Geological Survey: Reports. Michigan Academy of Arts and Sciences and Letters: Papers. Michigan Agricultural College Experiment Station: Publications. Minnesota University and Geological Survey: Agricultural Experiment Station Bulletin. Missouri Botanical Gardens: Annals. Missouri Bureau of Geology and Mines: Reports. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Harvard: Bulletins; Annual Report; Memoirs. Mycological Notes, Cincinnati. National Academy of Sciences: Proceedings. National Geographic Society, Washington: Geographical Magazine. National Research Council: Reprints and Circulars. Nela Research Laboratory, Cleveland: Bulletin. New York Academy of Sciences: Annals. New York Botanic Garden: Bulletin; Journal. New York State College of Agriculture. New York State Library: Museum Memoirs and Bulletins. New York State Museum: Bulletin; Handbooks. Ohio Journal of Science.

Ohio State University: Bulletin. Pennsylvania State College: Publications. Puget Sound Biological Station, University of Washington. Rochester Academy of Sciences: Proceedings. Smithsonian Institution and U.S. National Museum: Annual Report; Miscellaneous Collections; Contributions to Knowledge; Bulletins; Contributions from U.S. National Herbarium. State Geological Survey, Kansas: Bulletins. State University of New Mexico, Albuquerque: Publications. Tufts College: Studies (Scientific Series). U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey: Annual Report. U.S. Department of Agriculture: Journal of Agricultural Research, Monthly List of Publications; Tear Book. U.S. Department of Commerce and Labour: Bulletin. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Bureau of Biological Survey: North American Fauna; Bulletins. U.S. Geological Survey: Annual Report; Professional Papers; Mineral Resources; Bulletins;Water-supply Papers. U.S. National Research Council: Bulletins. U.S. Public Health Department: Studies on Oxidation-Reduction. United States Naval Observatory: Annual Report. University of California: Bulletin of Department of Geology. University of Kansas: Science Bulletin. University of Michigan: Papers. University of Missouri: Bulletins; Studies. University of Montana: Bulletins; Studies. University of Oklahoma, Norman: Proceedings, Bulletins. University of Oregon: Publications. University of Pennsylvania: Contributions Zoological Laboratory. University of Washington. Virginia Geological Survey, Charlottesville: Publications. Wagner Free Institute of Science: Transactions. Washington Academy of Sciences: Proceedings. Wisconsin Academy of Sciences: Transactions. Argentine. Academia Nacional de Ciencias: Boletin. Argentine Society of Geographical Studies, Buenos Aires; Gaea. Ministeria da Agricultura Industria e Commercio: Monographs; Bulletin. Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Aires: Anales. Universidad Nacional de La Plata: Revista; Boletin; Contribuciones: al estudio de las Ciencias. Brazil. Escola de Agricultura, Rio de Janeiro. Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro: Archives. Observatorio Nacional do Rio de Janeiro.

Mexico. Instituto Geológico de México: Anales. Peru. Cuerpo de Ingenieros de Mines de Peru, Lima: Boletin. Hawaii. Bishop Museum: Memoirs. Hawaiian Historical Society: Publications. Philippines. Bureau of Science, Manila: Philippine Journal of Science. Tahiti. Société d'Études Oceanniennes: Bulletin.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 60, 1930, Page 638

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Serial Publications Received By The Library Of The New Zealand Institute, 1929. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 60, 1930, Page 638

Serial Publications Received By The Library Of The New Zealand Institute, 1929. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 60, 1930, Page 638

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