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New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. 1908, No. 130. An Act to consolidate certain Enactments of the General Assembly relating to the New Zealand Institute. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:— 1.(1.) The Short Title of this Act is the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. (2.) This Act is a consolidation of the enactments mentioned in the Schedule hereto, and with respect to those enactments the following provisions shall apply: — (a) The Institute and Board respectively constituted under those enactments, and subsisting on the coming into operation of this Act, shall be deemed to be the same Institute and Board respectively constituted under this Act without any change of constitution or corporate entity or otherwise; and the members thereof in office on the coming into operation of this Act shall continue in office until their successors under this Act come into office. (b) All Orders in Council, regulations, appointments, societies incorporated with the Institute, and generally all acts of authority which originated under the said enactments or any enactment thereby repealed, and are subsisting or in force on the coming into operation of this Act, shall enure for the purposes of this Act as fully and effectually as if they had originated under the corresponding provisions of this Act, and accordingly shall, where necessary, be deemed to have so originated. (c) All property vested in the Board constituted as aforesaid shall be deemed to be vested in the Board established and recognised by this Act. (d) All matters and proceedings commenced under the said enactments, and pending or in progress on the coming into operation of this Act, may be continued, completed, and enforced under this Act. 2.(1.) The body now known as the New Zealand Institute (hereinafter referred to as “the Institute”) shall consist of the Auckland Institute, the Wellington Philosophical Society, the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, the Otago Institute, the Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, the Nelson Institute, the Westland Institute, the Southland Institute, and such others as heretofore have been or may hereafter be incorporated therewith in accordance with regulations heretofore made or hereafter to be made by the Board of Governors. (2.) Members of the above-named incorporated societies shall be ipso facto members of the Institute.

3.The control and management of the Institute shall be vested in a Board of Governors (hereinafter referred to as “the Board”), constituted as follows:— The Governor: The Minister of Internal Affairs: Four members to be appointed by the Governor in Council, of whom two shall be appointed during the month of December in every year. Two members to be appointed by each of the incorporated societies at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin during the month of December in each alternate year; and the next year in which such an appointment shall be be made is the year one thousand nine hundred and nine. One member to be appointed by each of the other incorporated societies during the month of December in each alternate year; and the next year in which such an appointment shall be made is the year one thousand nine hundred and nine. 4.(1.) Of the members appointed by the Governor in Council, the two members longest in office without reappointment shall retire annually on the appointment of their successors. (2.) Subject to the last preceding subsection, the appointed members of the Board shall hold office until the appointment of their successors. 5.The Board shall be a body corporate by the name of the “New Zealand Institute,” and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and may sue and be sued, and shall have power and authority to take, purchase, and hold lands for the purposes hereinafter mentioned. 6.(1.) The Board shall have power to appoint a fit person, to be known as the “President,” to superintend and carry out all necessary work in connection with the affairs of the Institute, and to provide him with such further assistance as may be required. (2.) The Board shall also appoint the President or some other fit person to be editor of the Transactions of the Institute, and may appoint a committee to assist him in the work of editing the same. (3.The Board shall have power from time to time to make regulations under which societies may become incorporated with the Institute, and to declare that any incorporated society shall cease to be incorporated if such regulations are not complied with; and such regulations on being published in the Gazette shall have the force of law. (4.) The Board may receive any grants, bequests, or gifts of books or specimens of any kind whatsoever for the use of the Institute, and dispose of them as it thinks fit. (5.) The Board shall have control of the property from time to time vested in it or acquired by it; and shall make regulations for the management of the same, and for the encouragement of research by the members of the Institute; and in all matters, specified or unspecified shall have power to act for and on behalf of the Institute. 7.(1.) Any casual vacancy in the Board, howsoever caused, shall be filled within three months by the society or authority that ap-

pointed the member whose place has become vacant, and if not filled within that time the vacancy shall be filled by the Board. (2.) Any person appointed to fill a casual vacancy shall only hold office for such period as his predecessor would have held office under this Act. 8.(1.) Annual meetings of the Board shall be held in the month of January in each year, the date and place of such annual meeting to be fixed at the previous annual meeting. (2.) The Board may meet during the year at such other times and places as it deems necessary. (3.) At each annual meeting the President shall present to the meeting a report of the work of the Institute for the year preceding, and a balance-sheet, duly audited, of all sums received and paid on behalf of the Institute. 9.The Board may from time to time, as it sees fit, make arrangements for the holding of general meetings of members of the Institute, at times and places to be arranged, for the reading of scientific papers, the delivery of lectures, and for the general promotion of science in New Zealand by any means that may appear desirable. 10.The Minister of Finance shall from time to time, without further appropriation than this Act, pay to the Board the sum of five hundred pounds in each financial year, to be applied in or towards payment of the general current expenses of the Institute. 11.Forthwith upon the making of any regulations or the publication of any Transactions, the Board shall transmit a copy thereof to the Minister of Internal Affairs, who shall lay the same before Parliament if sitting, or if not, then within twenty days after the commencement of the next ensuing session thereof. Schedule Enactments consolidated. 1903, No. 48. The New Zealand Institute Act, 1903, New Zealand Institute Amendment Act, 1920. 1920, No. 3. An Act to amend the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. [30th July, 1920. Be it enacted by the General Assembly of New Zealand in Parliament assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows:— 1.This Act may be cited as the New Zealand Institute Amendment Act, 1920, and shall be read together with and deemed part of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. 2.Section ten of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, is hereby amended by omitting the words “five hundred pounds,” and substituting the words “one thousand pounds.” From the Finance Act, 1925, No. 51. 7.(1.) The Minister of Finance shall, without further authority than this section, pay to the Board of Governors of the New Zealand

Institute the sum of one thousand five hundred pounds in each financial year, commencing with the year beginning on the first day of April, nineteen hundred and twenty-five, to be applied in or towards payment of the general expenses of the Institute. (2.) This section is in substitution for section ten of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, and that section and the New Zealand Institute Amendment Act, 1920, are hereby repealed. Regulations. The following are the regulations of the New Zealand Institute under the Act of 1903:—* New Zealand Gazette, 14th July, 1904. The word “Institute” used in the following regulations means the New Zealand Institute as constituted by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903. Incorporation of Societies. 1.No society shall be incorporated with the Institute under the provisions of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903, unless such society shall consist of not less than twenty-five members, subscribing in the aggregate a sum of not less than £25 sterling annually for the promotion of art, science, or such other branch of knowledge for which it is associated, to be from time to time certified to the satisfaction of the Board of Governors of the Institute by the President for the time being of the society. 2.Any society incorporated as aforesaid shall cease to be incorporated with the Institute in case the number of the members of the said society shall at any time become less than twenty-five, or the amount of money annually subscribed by such members shall at any time be less than £25. 3.The by-laws of every society to be incorporated as aforesaid shall provide for the expenditure of not less than one-third of the annual revenue in or towards the formation or support of some local public museum or library, or otherwise shall provide for the contribution of not less than one-sixth of its said revenue towards the extension and maintenance of the New Zealand Institute. 4.Any society incorporated as aforesaid which shall in any one year fail to expend the proportion of revenue specified in Regulation No. 3 aforesaid in manner provided shall from henceforth cease to be incorporated with the Institute. Publications. 5.All papers read before any society for the time being incorporated with the Institute shall be deemed to be communications to the Institute, and then may be published as Proceedings or Transactions of the Institute, subject to the following regulations of the Board of the Institute regarding publications:— (a.) The publications of the Institute shall consist of— (1.) A current abstract of the proceedings of the societies for the time being incorporated with the Institute, to be intituled “Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute”;

(2.) And of transactions comprising papers read before the incorporated societies (subject, however, to selection as hereinafter mentioned), and of such other matter as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine to publish, to be intituled “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.” (b.) The Board of Governors shall determine what papers are to be published. (c.) Papers not recommended for publication may be returned to their authors if so desired. (d.) All papers sent in for publication must be legibly written, typewritten, or printed. (e.) A proportional contribution may be required from each society towards the cost of publishing Proceedings and Transactions of the Institute. (f.) Each incorporated society will be entitled to receive a proporportional number of copies of the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, to be from time to time fixed by the Board of Governors. Management of the Property of the Institute. 6.All property accumulated by or with funds derived from incorporated societies, and placed in charge of the Institute, shall be vested in the Institute, and be used and applied at the discretion of the Board of Governors for public advantage, in like manner with any other of the property of the Institute. 7.All donations by societies, public Departments, or private individuals to the Institute shall be acknowledged by a printed form of receipt and shall be entered in the books of the Institute provided for that purpose, and shall then be dealt with as the Board of Governors may direct. Honorary Members. 8.The Board of Governors shall have power to elect honorary members (being persons not residing in the Colony of New Zealand), provided that the total number of honorary members shall not exceed thirty. 9.In case of a vacancy in the list of honorary members, each incorporated society, after intimation from the Secretary of the Institute, may nominate for election as honorary member one person. 10.The names, descriptions, and addresses of persons so nominated, together with the grounds on which their election as honorary members is recommended, shall be forthwith forwarded to the President of the New Zealand Institute, and shall by him be submitted to the Governors at the next succeeding meeting. Additional Regulation adopted by Board of Governors on 30th January, 1923, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of 28th May, 1925. 10A. Vacancies in the list of honorary members shall be announced at each annual meeting of the Board of Governors, and such announcement be communicated as early as possible to each incorporated

society, and each such society shall on or before the 1st December nominate one person for each vacancy as honorary member, and the election shall take place at the next annual meeting of the Board of Governors. General Regulations. 11.Subject to the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, and to the foregoing rules, all societies incorporated with the Institute shall be entitled to retain or alter their own form of constitution and the bylaws for their own management, and shall conduct their own affairs. 12.Upon application signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of any Society, accompanied by the certificate required under Regulation No. 1, a certificate of incorporation will be granted under the seal of the Institute, and will remain in force as long as the foregoing regulations of the Institute are complied with by the society. 13.In voting on any subject the President is to have a deliberate as well as a casting vote. 14.The President may at any time call a meeting of the Board, and shall do so on the requisition in writing of four Governors. 15.Twenty-one days' notice of every meeting of the Board shall be given by posting the same to each Governor at an address furnished by him to the Secretary. 16.In case of a vacancy in the office of President, a meeting of the Board shall be called by the Secretary within twenty-one days to elect a new President. 17.The Governors for the time being resident or present in Wellington shall be a Standing Committee for the purpose of transacting urgent business and assisting the officers. 18.The Standing Committee may appoint persons to perform the duties of any other office which may become vacant. Any such appointment shall hold good until the next meeting of the Board, when the vacancy shall be filled. 19.The foregoing regulations may be altered or amended at any annual meeting, provided that notice be given in writing to the Secretary of the Institute not later than 30th November. The following additional regulations, and amendment to regulations, were adopted at a general meeting of the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute, held at Wellington on the 30th January. 1918, and at Christchurch on the 3rd February, 1919. (See New Zealand Gazette, No. 110, 4th September, 1919.) Regulations governing the Fellowship of the Institute. 20.The Fellowship of the New Zealand Institute shall be an honorary distinction for the life of the holder. 21.The Original Fellows shall be twenty in number, and shall include the past Presidents and the Hutton and Hector Medallists who have held their distinctions and positions prior to 3rd February, 1919, and who at that date are members of the Institute. The remaining Original Fellows shall be nominated as provided for in Regula-

tion 26 (a), and shall be elected by the said past Presidents and Hector and Hutton Medallists. 22.The total number of Fellows at any time shall not be more than forty. 23.After the appointment and election of the Original Fellows, as provided in Regulation 21, not more than four Fellows shall be elected in any one year. 24.The Fellowship shall be given for research or distinction in science. 25.No person shall be elected as Fellow unless he is a British subject and has been a member of one of the incorporated societies for three years immediately preceding his election. 26.After the appointment and election of the Original Fellows as provided in Regulation 21 there shall be held an annual election of Fellows at such time as the Board of Governors shall appoint. Such election shall be determined as follows:— (a.) Each of the incorporated societies at Auckland, Wellington, Christchurch, and Dunedin may nominate not more than twice as many persons as there are vacancies, and each of the other incorporated societies may nominate as many persons as there are vacancies. Each nomination must be accompanied by a statement of the qualifications of the candidate for Fellowship. (b.) Out of the persons so nominated the Fellows resident in New Zealand shall select twice as many persons as there are vacancies, if so many be nominated. (c.) The names of the nominees shall be submitted to the Fellows at least six months, and the names selected by them submitted to the Governors at least three months, before the date fixed for the annual meeting of the Board of Governors at which the election is to take place. (d.) The election shall be made by the Board of Governors at the annual meeting from the persons selected by the Fellows. (e.) The methods of selection in subclause (b) and of the election in sub-clause (d) shall be determined by the Board of Governors. (f.) The official abbreviation of the title “Fellow of the New Zealand Institute” shall be “F.N.Z.Inst.” Additional Regulation adopted by Board of Governors on 30th January, 1923, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of 28th May, 1925. 26A. The consent of the candidate must be obtained in writing. The information regarding each candidate shall be condensed to one foolscap sheet of typewritten matter. When a candidate is proposed by more than one society it shall be sufficient to circulate to voters the information supplied by one society.

Subsection (e) shall be rescinded, and the following inserted:— Method of Selection in Subclause (b) and of Election in Subclause (d) Names of Candidates, in Alphabetical Order. x Apple, Charles Brown, John Smith, James There are vacancies to be filled. Place a cross in the column marked × against the name of each candidate for whom you wish to vote. The vote will be invalid if— (a.) More than the required number is voted for on the paper: (b) The voter signs the voting-paper: (c.) The voting-paper is not returned on the date announced. Amendment to Regulations. Regulation 5 (a) of the regulations published in the New Zealand Gazette on the 14th July, 1904, is hereby amended to read:— “(a.) The publications of the Institute shall consist of— “(1.) Such current abstract of the proceedings of the societies for the time being incorporated with the Institute as the Board of Governors deems desirable; “(2.) And of transactions comprising papers read before the incorporated societies or any general meeting of the New Zealand Institute (subject, however, to selection as hereinafter mentioned), and of such other matter as the Board of Governors shall from time to time for special reasons in each case determine to publish, to be intituled Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.” Additional Regulations. The following additional regulations, made at various times by the Board of Governors under the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, were adopted at a general meeting of the Board held on the 30th January, 1923. and published in the New Zealand Gazette of the 28th May, 1925. Board of Governors. Members of the Board of Governors shall not hold any paid office under the Board. General Regulations. The President shall be ex officio a member of all committees. The Hon. Editor shall be convener of the Publications Committee. The seal of the old Institute bearing the date of establishment as 1867 shall be adopted as the seal of the New Zealand Institute reconstituted by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903, and continued by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. An abstract of all business transacted at each meeting of the Standing Committee shall be prepared and communicated to all members of the Board after each meeting. The quorum of the Standing Committee meetings shall be four.

Endowment Fund. A fund to be called an “Endowment Fund” shall be set up, the interest on which for any year may be spent for purposes of the Institute, but the capital may not be spent. All interest accruing from moneys deposited in the Institute's General Account in the Post Office Savings-bank shall be credited to the Endowment Fund, unless otherwise allocated by the Board at the annual meeting at which the amount of the annual interest is reported. Trust Accounts. Trust-moneys — namely, the Carter, Hector, Hutton, and Hamilton Funds—shall, when deposited in the Post Office Savings-bank, be placed in separate accounts for each trust. Regulations for Administering the Government Research Grant.* In addition to these regulations the Standing Committee is also bound by certain resolutions which appear on page 536 of volume 49, Trans. N.Z Inst., and which grantees are also bound to observe. All grants shall be subject to the following conditions, and each grantee shall be duly informed of these conditions:— 1.All instruments, specimens, objects, or materials of permanent value, whether purchased or obtained out of or by means of the grant, or supplied from among those at the disposal of the Institute, are to be regarded, unless the Research Grants Committee decide otherwise, as the property of the Institute, and are to be returned by the grantee, for disposal according to the orders of the committee, at the conclusion of his research, or at such other time as the committee may determine. 2.Every one receiving a grant shall furnish to the Research Grants Committee, on or before the 1st January following upon the allotment of the grant, a report (or, if the object of the grant be not attained, an interim report, to be renewed at the same date in each subsequent year until a final report can be furnished or the committee dispense with further reports), containing (a) a brief statement showing the results arrived at or the stage which the inquiry has reached; (b) a general statement of the expenditure incurred, accompanied, as far as is possible, with vouchers; (c) a list of the instruments, specimens, objects, or materials purchased or obtained out of the grant, or supplied by the committee, which are at present in his possession; and (d) reference to any transactions, journals, or other publications in which results of the research have been printed. In the event of the grantee failing to send in within three months of the said 1st January a report satisfactory to the committee he may be required, on resolution of the Board of Governors, to return the whole of the sum allotted to him. 3.Where a grant is made to two or more persons acting as a committee for the purpose of carrying out some research, one member

of the said committee shall assume the responsibility of furnishing the report and receiving and disbursing the money. 4.Papers in which results are published that have been obtained through aid furnished by the Government grant should contain an acknowledgment of that fact. 5.Every grantee shall, before any of the grant is paid to him, be required to sign an engagement that he is prepared to carry out the general conditions applicable to all grants, as well as any conditions which may be attached to his particular grant. 6.In cases where specimens or preparations of permanent value are obtained through a grant the committee shall, as far as possible, direct that such specimens shall be deposited in a museum or University college within the province where the specimens or material were obtained, or in which the grantee has worked. The acknowledgment of the receipt of the specimens by such institution shall fully satisfy the claims of the Institute. 7.In cases where, after completion of a research, the committee directs that any instrument or apparatus obtained by means of the grant shall be deposited in an institution of higher learning, such deposit shall be subject to an annual report from the institution in question as to the condition of the instrument or apparatus, and as to the use that has been made of it. Additional Regulations adopted by Board of Governors on 30th January, 1923, and published in the New Zealand Gazette of 28th May, 1925. 8.Grants shall be given preferentially to investigations which appear to have an economic bearing; purely scientific investigations to be by no means excluded. When the research is one that leads to a direct economic advance the Government shall reserve to itself the right of patenting the discovery and of rewarding the discoverer. but it is to be understood that grants from the research-grant vote are not in the nature of a reward or a prize, but for out-of-pocket expenses incurred by the research worker, including salary or endowment of assistant, but not salary for the grantee himself. Plants, books, apparatus, chemicals, &c., purchased for applicants are to remain the property of the Institute, and eventually to form a loan collection of apparatus in the manner now practised by the Royal Society of London. First method of initiating researches: Applications shall be invited for grants in aid of research to be specified by applicants. Second method of initiating researches: The Governors of the Institute shall suggest from time to time subjects the investigation of which is desirable, and ask capable investigators to undertake such researches, the Institute paying for apparatus, material, and working-expenses, including assistance. 9.All applications for grants shall come through some incorporated society. 10.In the case of a refusal to recommend a grant, the Standing Committee shall not give any reasons for its refusal, unless such reason is stated in the minutes of the Standing Committee's meeting.

Research Grants made for the Period ending December, 1925. Through the Auckland Institute: Professor Sperrin-Johnson, £100 for research on mosquito control. Mr. A. W. B. Powell, £50 for research on molluscan fauna of Manukau Harbour. Research Committee, Auckland (R. D. Falla), £65 for ecological survey of the Inner Waitemata Harbour. Professor F. P. Worley, £25 for continuation of research on essential oils of New Zealand Plants. Mr. W. F. Short, £100 for research on the constitution of several constituents of New Zealand essential oils. Through the Wellington Philosophical Society: Dr. C. E. Adams, £200 for research on the Southern Stars with an interferometer. Through the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury: Professor H. G. Denham, £115 for low temperature carbonisation of New Zealand Coals. Professor Charles Chilton, £100 for research on food supply of marine fishes. Mr. A. Tonnoir, £50 for research on New Zealand Glowworms. Through the Otago Institute: Professor J. K. H. Inglis, £10 for continuation of research on essential oils of New Zealand Plants. Professor J. Malcolm, £30 for continuation of research on New Zealand fishes. Professor W. N. Benson, £50 for preparing rock sections of Dunedin region. Through the Hawkes Bay Philosophical Institute: Mr. H. Hill, £50 for artesian water survey of Taupo Plains. Through the Nelson Institute:— Professor T. H. Easterfield, £100 for continuation of research on cool storage of fruit. Board of Science and Art. From the Science and Art Act, 1913, No. 22. 8.(1.) There shall be a Board styled “The Board of Science and Art,” consisting of— The Minister of Internal Affairs. The Director of the Dominion Museum: The President of the New Zealand Institute:— Five persons to be appointed by the Governor-General in Council, each of whom shall hold office for three years from the date of his appointment.

(2.) The Board shall sit in the City of Wellington at such times and places as shall be appointed from time to time by the Minister. (3.) Three of the members shall form a quorum. (4.) At all meetings of the Board the Minister, if present, shall be the Chairman, and in his absence some member of the Board appointed by him in writing shall be Chairman. (5.) The Chairman shall have a deliberate vote, and in all cases of equality of votes shall have a casting-vote. (6.) The President of the New Zealand Institute may appoint in writing a deputy, being a Governor of the New Zealand Institute, to attend and act at any meeting of the Board in his place; and such deputy, while so attending, shall be deemed to be a member of the Board. Tongariro National Park Board. From the Tongariro National Park Act, 1922, No. 31. 5.(1.) The park shall be controlled and managed by a Board constituted as hereinafter provided. (2.) The Board shall be a body corporate under the name of the Tongariro National Park Board, with perpetual succession and a common seal, and shall be capable of holding real and personal property and of doing and suffering all that bodies corporate may lawfully do or suffer. (3.) The Board shall consist of the following persons:— (a) The Minister of Lands: (b.) The paramount chief for the time being of the Ngatituwharetoa Tribe of the Native race if that chief is a lineal descendant of Te Heuheu Tukino, the donor of the Native land included in the area of the Tongariro National Park: (c.) The Mayors of the cities of Auckland and Wellington. (d.) The Warden of the Park: (e.) The Under-Secretary of the Department of Lands and Survey: (f.) The General Manager of the Department of Tourist and Health Resorts: (g.) The Secretary of the State Forest Service: (h.) The President of the New Zealand Institute (i.) Not more than four persons to be appointed in that behalf by the Governor-General in Council. * * * * * 8 (1.) The first ordinary meeting of the Board shall be held at such time and place as the Minister appoints, and subsequent ordinary meetings shall be held at such times and places as the Board appoints. (2.) Special meetings of the Board may be called at any time by the Chairman, and he shall call one whenever any three members so request in writing.

The Hutton Memorial Medal and Research Fund. Declaration of Trust. This deed, made the fifteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and nine (1909), between the New Zealand Institute of the one part, and the Public Trustee of the other part: Whereas the New Zealand Institute is possessed of a fund consisting now of the sum of five hundred and fifty-five pounds one shilling (£555 1s.), held for the purposes of the Hutton Memorial Medal and Research Fund on the terms of the rules and regulations made by the Governors of the said Institute, a copy whereof is hereto annexed: And whereas the said money has been transferred to the Public Trustee for the purposes of investment, and the Public Trustee now holds the same for such purposes, and it is expedient to declare the trusts upon which the same is held by the Public Trustee: Now this deed witnesseth that the Public Trustee shall hold the said moneys and all other moneys which shall be handed to him by the said Governors for the same purposes upon trust from time to time to invest the same upon such securities as are lawful for the the Public Trustee to invest on, and to hold the principal and income thereof for the purposes set out in the said rules hereto attached. And it is hereby declared that it shall be lawful for the Public Trustee to pay all or any of the said moneys, both principal and interest, to the Treasurer of the said New Zealand Institute upon being directed so to do by a resolution of the Governors of the said Institute, and a letter signed by the Secretary of the said Institute enclosing a copy of such resolution certified by him and by the President as correct shall be sufficient evidence to the Public Trustee of the due passing of such resolution: And upon receipt of such letter and copy the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Institute shall be a sufficient discharge to the Public Trustee: And in no case shall the Public Trustee be concerned to inquire into the administration of the said moneys by the Governors of the said Institute. As witness the seals of the said parties hereto, the day and year hereinbefore written. Resolutions of Board of Governors. Resolved by the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute that— 1.The funds placed in the hands of the Board by the committee of subscribers to the Hutton Memorial Fund be called “The Hutton Memorial Research Fund,” in memory of the late Captain Frederick Wollaston Hutton, F.R.S. Such fund shall consist of the moneys subscribed and granted for the purpose of the Hutton Memorial, and all other funds which may be given or granted for the same purpose. 2.The funds shall be vested in the Institute. The Board of Governors of the Institute shall have the control of the said moneys, and may invest the same upon any securities proper for trust-moneys. 3.A sum not exceeding £100 shall be expended in procuring a bronze medal to be known as “The Hutton Memorial Medal.”

4.The fund, or such part thereof as shall not be used as aforesaid, shall be invested in such securities as aforesaid as may be approved of by the Board of Governors, and the interest arising from such investment shall be used for the furtherance of the objects of the fund. 5.The Hutton Memorial Medal shall be awarded from time to time by the Board of Governors, in accordance with these regulations, to persons who have made some noticeable contribution in connection with the zoology, botany, or geology of New Zealand. 6.The Board shall make regulations setting out the manner in which the funds shall be administered. Such regulations shall conform to the terms of the trust. 7.The Board of Governors may, in the manner prescribed in the regulations, make grants from time to time from the accrued interest to persons or committees who require assistance in prosecuting researches in the zoology, botany, or geology of New Zealand. 8.There shall be published annually in the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute regulations adopted by the Board as aforesaid, a list of the recipients of the Hutton Memorial Medal, a list of the persons to whom grants have been made during the previous year, and also, where possible, an abstract of researches made by them. Resolution regarding Investment of Funds (see Clause 4 above) adopted by Board on 30th January, 1923, and published in New Zealand Gazette of 28th May, 1925. That the fund known as the “Hutton Memorial Fund,” consisting of the principal originally placed by the Board of Governors in the hands of the Public Trustee, together with the interest accrued thereon, be withdrawn from the Public Trustee and reinvested in such securities as provided for by legislation covering trust-moneys, power to arrange details and to act being given jointly to the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer acting conjointly. That until the Hutton Memorial Fund reaches the sum of £1,000 not less than 1 per cent. on the capital invested be added each year to the principal. Regulations under which the Hutton Memorial Medal shall be awarded and the Research Fund administered. 1.Unless in exceptional circumstances, the Hutton Memorial Medal shall be awarded not oftener than once in every three years; and in no case shall any medal be awarded unless, in the opinion of the Board, some contribution really deserving of the honour has been made. 2.The medal shall not be awarded for any research published previous to the 31st December, 1906. 3.The research for which the medal is awarded must have a distinct bearing on New Zealand zoology, botany, or geology. 4.The medal shall be awarded only to those who have received the greater part of their education in New Zealand or who have resided in New Zealand for not less than ten years.

5.Whenever possible, the medal shall be presented in some public manner. 6.The Board of Governors may, at any annual meeting, make grants from the accrued interest of the fund to any person, society, or committee for the encouragement of research in New Zealand zoology, botany, or geology. 7.Applications for such grants shall be made to the Board before the 30th September. 8.In making such grants the Board of Governors shall give preference to such persons as are defined in regulation 4. 9.The recipients of such grants shall report to the Board before the 31st December in the year following, showing in a general way how the grant has been expended and what progress has been made with the research. 10.The results of researches aided by grants from the fund shall, where possible, be published in New Zealand. 11.The Board of Governors may from time to time amend or alter the regulations, such amendments or alterations being in all cases in conformity with resolutions 1 to 4. Award of the Hutton Memorial Medal. 1911. Professor W. B. Benham, D.Sc., F.R.S., University of Otago—For researches in New Zealand zoology. 1914. Dr. L. Cockayne, F.L.S., F.R.S.—For researches in the ecology of New Zealand plants. 1917. Professor P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc.—For researches in New Zealand geology. 1920. Rev. John E. Holloway, D.Sc.—For researches in New Zealand pteridophytic botany. 1923. J. Allan Thomson, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst.—For researches in geology. Grant from the Hutton Memorial Research Fund. 1919. Miss M. K. Mestayer £10, for work on the New Zealand Mollusca. 1923. Professor P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc., F.N.Z.Inst.—£40, for study of Upper Cretaceous ammonites of New Zealand. Hector Memorial Research Fund. Declaration of Trust. This deed, made the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, between the New Zealand Institute, a body corporate duly incorporated by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, of the one part, and the Public Trustee of the other part; Whereas

by a declaration of trust dated the twenty-seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, after reciting that the New Zealand Institute was possessed of a fund consisting of the sum of £1,045 10s. 2d., held for the purposes of the Hector Memorial Research Fund on the terms of the rules and regulations therein mentioned, which said moneys had been handed to the Public Trustee for investment, it was declared (inter alia) that the Public Trustee should hold the said moneys and all other moneys which should be handed to him by the said Governors of the Institute for the same purpose upon trust from time to time, to invest the same in the common fund of the Public Trust Office, and to hold the principal and income thereof for the purposes set out in the said rules and regulations in the said deed set forth: And whereas the said rules and regulations have been amended by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute, and as amended are hereinafter set forth: And whereas it is expedient to declare that the said moneys are held by the Public Trustee upon the trusts declared by the said deed of trust and for the purposes set forth in the said rules and regulations as amended as aforesaid. Now this deed witnesseth and it is hereby declared that the Public Trustee shall hold the said moneys and all other moneys which shall be handed to him by the said Governors for the same purpose upon trust from time to time to invest the same in the common fund of the Public Trust Office, and to hold the principal and income thereof for the purposes set out in the said rules and regulations hereinafter set forth: And it is hereby declared that it shall be lawful for the Public Trustee to pay, and he shall pay, all or any of the said moneys, both principal and interest, to the Treasurer of the said New Zealand Institute upon being directed to do so by a resolution of the Governors of the said Institute, and a letter signed by the Secretary of the said Institute enclosing a copy of such resolution certified by him and by the President as correct shall be sufficient evidence to the Public Trustee of the due passing of such resolution: And upon receipt of such letter and copy the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Institute shall be a sufficient discharge to the Public Trustee: And in no case shall the Public Trustee be concerned to inquire into the administration of the said moneys by the Governors of the said Institute. As witness the seals of the said parties hereto, the day and year first hereinbefore written. Rules and Regulations made by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute, in relation to the Hector Memorial Research Fund. 1.The funds placed in the hands of the Board by the Wellington Hector Memorial Committee shall be called “The Hector Memorial Research Fund,” in memory of the late Sir James Hector, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. The object of such fund shall be the encouragement of scientific research in New Zealand, and such fund shall consist of the moneys subscribed and granted for the purpose of the memorial and all other funds which may be given or granted for the same purpose.

2.The funds shall be vested in the Institute. The Board of Governors of the said Institute shall have the control of the said moneys, and may invest the same upon any securities proper for trust-moneys. 3.A sum not exceeding one; hundred pounds (£100) shall be expended in procuring a bronze medal, to be known as the Hector Memorial Medal. 4.The fund, or such part thereof as shall not be used as aforesaid, shall be invested in such securities as may be approved by the Board of Governors, and the interest arising from such investment shall be used for the furtherance of the objects of the fund by providing thereout a prize for the encouragement of such scientific research in New Zealand of such amount as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine. 5.The Hector Memorial Medal and prize shall be awarded annually by the Board of Governors. 6.The prize and medal shall be awarded by rotation for the following subjects, namely—(1) Botany, (2) chemistry, (3) ethnology, (4) geology, (5) physics (including mathematics and astronomy), (6) zoology (including animal physiology). In each year the medal and prize shall be awarded to that investigator who, working within the Dominion of New Zealand, shall in the opinion of the Board of Governors have done most towards the advancement of that branch of science to which the medal and prize are in such year allotted. 7.Whenever possible the medal shall be presented in some public manner. Resolution regarding Investment of Funds (see Clause 4 above) adopted by Board on 30th January, 1923, and published in New Zealand Gazette of 28th May, 1925. That the fund known as the “Hector Memorial Fund,” consisting of the principal originally placed by the Board of Governors in the hands of the Public Trustee, together with the interest accrued thereon, be withdrawn from the Public Trustee and reinvested in such securities as provided for by legislation covering trust-moneys, power to arrange details and to act being given jointly to the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer acting conjointly. Award of the Hector Memorial Research Fund. 1912. L. Cockayne, Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S.—For researches in New Zealand botany. 1913. T. H. Easterfield, M.A., Ph.D.—For researches in chemistry. 1914. Elsdon Best—For researches in New Zealand ethnology. 1915. P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S.—For researches in New Zealand geology. 1916. Sir Ernest Rutherford, F.R.S.—For researches in physics. 1917. Charles Chilton, M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S.—for researches in zoology. 1918. T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S., F.Z.S.—For researches in New Zealand systematic botany.

1919. P. W. Robertson—For researches in chemistry. 1920. S. Percy Smith—For researches in New Zealand ethnology. 1921. R. Speight, M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S.—For work in New Zealand geology. 1922. C. Coleridge Farr, D.Sc.—For research in physical science, and more particularly work in connection with the magnetic survey of New Zealand. 1923. G. V. Hudson, F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst.—For researches in New Zealand entomology. 1924. D. Petrie, M.A., F.N.Z.Inst.—For researches in New Zealand botany. 1925. B. C. Aston, F.I.C., F.N.Z.Inst.—For the investigation of New Zealand chemical problems. 1926. H. D. Skinner, B.A.—For research in Ethnology. Hamilton Memorial Fund. 1.The fund placed in the hands of the Board by the Wellington Philosophical Society shall be called the “Hamilton Memorial Fund” in memory of the late Augustus Hamilton, Esq. Such fund shall consist of the moneys subscribed and granted for the purpose of the memorial and all other funds which may be given or granted for the same purpose. 2.The fund shall be vested in the Institute. The Board of Governors of the Institute shall have the control thereof, and shall invest the same in any securities proper for trust-moneys. 3.The memorial shall be a prize, to be called the “Hamilton Memorial Prize,” the object of which shall be the encouragement of beginners in pure scientific research in New Zealand. 4. The prize shall be awarded at intervals of not less than three years by the Governors assembled in annual meeting, but in no case shall an award be made unless in the opinion of the Governors some contribution deserving the honour has been made. The first award shall be made at the annual meeting of the Governors in 1923. 5. The prize shall be awarded for original pure scientific research-work, carried out in New Zealand or in the Islands of the South Pacific Ocean, which has been published within the five years preceding the first day of July prior to the annual meeting at which the award is made. Such publication may consist of one or more papers, and shall include the first investigation published by the author. No candidate shall be eligible for the prize who prior to such period of five years has published the result of any scientific investigation. 6.The prize shall consist of money. Until the principal of the fund amounts to £100, one-half of the interest shall be added annually to the principal and the other half shall be applied in payment of the prize. So soon as the said principal amounts to £100 the whole of the interest thereon shall be applied in payment of the prize, in each case after the payment of all expenses necessarily incurred by the Governors in the investment and administration of the said fund and award of the said prize.

7.A candidate for the prize shall send to the Hon. Secretary of the New Zealand Institute, on or before the 30th day of June preceding the date of the annual meeting at which the award is to be made, an intimation of his candidature, together with at least two copies of each publication on which his application is based. 8.Whenever possible the prize shall be presented in some public manner. The Carter Bequest. Extracts from the Will of Charles Rooking Carter. This is the last will and testament of me, Charles Rooking Carter, of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, gentleman. I revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me, and declare this to be my last will and testament. * * * * * I give to the Colonial Museum in Wellington the large framed photographs of the members of the General Assembly in the House of Representatives in the year 1860, and the framed pencil sketch of the old House of Commons, and the framed invitation-card to the Lord Mayor's dinner. * * * * * * * * As regards the following books, of which I am the author, and which are now stored in three boxes—namely, (1) “The Life and Recollections of a New Zealand Colonist,” (2) “A Historical Sketch of New Zealand Loans,” and (3) “Round the World Leisurely”—I direct that my executor shall retain possession of the same for a period of seven years, commencing from the date of my death, and that at the end of such period my executor shall place the same in the hands of Messrs. Whitcombe and Tombs (Limited) or some other capable and responsible booksellers in the City of Wellington, for sale, and so that the same shall be sold at such a price as will yield to my estate not less than six shillings per volume in respect of the first-named and second-named, and two shillings and sixpence in respect of the last-named works; and I further authorize my executor to sell and dispose of the copyright or right to reprint such works; and I direct that the moneys to be derived from the sale of such works and the privileges connected therewith shall be added to the sum provided for the purchase of a telescope as hereinafter mentioned. I direct my executor to subscribe the sum of fifty pounds towards the erection of a suitable brick room in which to house the priceless collection of books on New Zealand some time since given by me to the Colonial Museum and the New Zealand Institute. * * * * * * * * I give and devise unto the Public Trustee appointed under and in pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled the Public Trust Office Act, 1894 (hereinafter called “my

trustee”), all the rest, residue, and remainder of my property whatsoever and wheresoever situate, both real and personal, and whether in possession, reversion, expectancy, or remainder, upon trust, as to my freehold property at East Taratahi, containing by admeasurement two thousand one hundred and seventy-two acres, and being and comprising the whole of the land included in certificate of title, volume 51, folio 79, of the books of the District Land Registrar for the Registration District of Wellington, (save and except such part of the said land, being portion of the section numbered 117 in the Taratahi Plain Block, as is hereinafter devised to my trustee for the purposes hereinafter appearing), and direct that my trustee shall stand possessed of the same lands upon trust, to let and manage the same, and to pay and apply the rents and annual income in manner following, namely:— And as to all the residue and remainder (if any) of the said net proceeds of the sale, conversion, and getting-in of my estate as aforesaid, my trustee shall transfer the same to the Governors for the time being of the New Zealand Institute at Wellington, to form the nucleus of a fund for the erection in or near Wellington aforesaid, and the endowment of a Professor and staff, of an Astronomic Observatory fitted with telescope and other suitable instruments for the public use and benefit of the colony, and in the hope that such fund may be augmented by gifts from private donors, and that the Observatory may be subsidized by the Colonial Government; and without imposing any duty or obligation in regard thereto I would indicate my wish that the telescope may be obtained from the factory of Sir H. Grubb, in Dublin, Ireland. * * * * * * * * Resolution regarding Investment of Funds (see Clause 4 above), adopted by Board on 30th January, 1923, and published in the New Zealand Gazette, of 28th May, 1925. That the fund known as the “Carter Bequest,” consisting of the principal originally placed by the Board of Governors in the hands of the Public Trustee, together with the interest accrued thereon, be withdrawn from the Public Trustee and reinvested in such securities as provided for by legislation covering trust-moneys, power to arrange details and to act being given jointly to the Hon. Secretary and the Hon. Treasurer acting conjointly.

New Zealand Institute, 1926. Established Under An Act Of The General Assembly Of New Zealand Intituled The New Zealand Institute Act, 1867; Reconstituted By an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand Under the New Zealand Institute Act. 1903, and Continued by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. Board Of Governors Ex Officio His Excellency the Governor-General. The Hon. the Minister of Internal Affairs. Nominated By The Government. Dr. Charles Chilton, F.L.S., C.M.Z.S., F.N.Z. Inst. (reappointed December, 1924); Dr. Leonard Cockayne, F.R.S., F.L.S., F.N.Z.-Inst. (reappointed December, 1924); Mr B. C. Aston, F.I.C., F.C.S., F.N.Z.Inst. (reappointed December, 1925); Dr. J. Allan Thomson, F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst. (reappointed December, 1925). Elected By Affiliated Societies, 1925. Wellington Philosophical Society Mr. G. V. Hudson, F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Professor H. B. Kirk, M.A., F.N.Z. Inst. Auckland Institute Professor H. W. Segar, M.A., Ph.D., F.N.Z. Inst. Professor F. P. Worley, D.Sc. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury Professor C. Coleridge Farr, D.Sc., F.P.S.L., F.N.Z. Inst. Mr. A. M. Wright, A.I.C., F.C.S. Otago Institute Hon. G. M. Thomson, F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst., M.L.C. Professor J. Park, F.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute Mr. H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S. Nelson Institute Professor T. H. Easterfield, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.C., F.N.Z. Inst. Manawatu Philosophical Society Mr. M. A. Eliott.

Officers For The Year 1926. President: Mr. B. C. Aston, F.I.C., F.C.S., F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Treasurer: Mr. M. A. Eliott. Hon. Editor: Mr. Johannes C. Andersen, F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Librarian: Professor D. M. Y. Somerville, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Returning Officer: Professor H. W. Segar, M.A., Ph.D., F.N.Z. Inst. Hon. Secretary:P. Marshall, D.Sc., M.A., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Affiliated Societies, 1925–26. Name of Society. Secretary's Name and Address. Date of Affiliation. Wellington Philosophical Society Mr. W. J. Phillipps, Dominion Museum, Wellington 10th June, 1868. Auckland Institute Mr. G. Archey, Auckland Institute and Museum, Auckland 10th June, 1868. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury Mr. G. Jobberns, Training College, Christchurch. 22nd October, 1868. Otago Institute Rev. Dr. J. Holloway, Otago University, Dunedin. 18th October, 1869. Hawkes Bay Philosophical Institute Mr. C. F. H. Pollock, P. O. Box 301, Napier. 31st March, 1875. Nelson Institute Mrs. Margaret Graham, Nelson 20th December, 1883 Manawatu Philosophical Society Mr. J. S. Hornblow, Young's Buildings, Broadway, Palmerston North 6th January, 1905. Former Manager And Editor. [Under the New Zealand Institute Act, 1867.] 1867–1903.—Hector, Sir James, M.D., K.C.M.G., F.R.S.

Past Presidents 1903–4.—Hutton, Captain Frederick Wollaston, F.R.S. 1905–6.—Hector, Sir James, M.D., K.C.M.G., F.R.S. 1907–8.—Thomson, George Malcolm, F.L.S. 1909–10.—Hamilton, A. 1911–12.—Cheeseman, T. F., F.L.S., F.Z.S. 1913–14.—Chilton, C., M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. 1915.—Petrie, D., M.A., Ph.D. 1916–17.—Benham, W. B., M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.S., F.R.S. 1918–19.—Cockayne, L., Ph.D., F.R.S., F.L.S., F.N.Z.Inst. 1920–21.—Easterfield, T. H., M.A., Ph.D., F.N.Z.Inst. 1922–23.—Kirk, H. B., M.A., F.N.Z.Inst. 1924–25.—Dr. P. Marshall, M.A., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst. Honorary Members. Elected Bateson, Professor W., F.R.S., Merton, Surrey, England 1915 Bragg, Professor W. H., F.R.S., University of London 1923 Chree, C harles, M.A., D.Sc., LLD., F.R.S., Kew Observatory, London 1924 David, Professor T. Edgeworth, F.RS, C.M.G., Sydney University 1904 Davis, Professor W. Morris, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 1913 Diels, Professor L., Ph.D., University of Marburg 1907 Einstein, Professor Albert, University of Berlin, Germany 1924 Fraser, Sir J. G., D.C.L., No. 1 Brick Court, Temple, London, E.C. 4 1920 Goebel, Professor Dr. Carl von, University of Munich 1901 Goodale, Professor G. L., M.D., LL.D., Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass., U.S.A. 1891 Gregory, Professor J. W., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.G.S., University, Glasgow 1920 Haddon, Dr. A. C., F.R.S., 3 Cranmer Road, Cambridge 1925 Hall, Sir A. D., M.A., K.C.B., F.R.S., Ministry of Agriculture, London 1920 Hedley, Charles, F.L.S., Australian Museum, Sydney 1924 Klotz, Professor Otto J., 437 Albert Street, Ottawa, Canada 1903 Liversidge, Professor. A., M.A., F.R.S., Fieldhead, Coombe Warren, Kingston Hill, England 1890 Lotsy, Dr. J. P., Haarlem, Holland Massart, Professor Jean, University of Brussels, Belgium 1916 Mawson, Sir Douglas, B.E., D.Sc., The University, Box 498, Adelaide 1920 Mellor, Joseph William, D.Sc. (N.Z.), Sandon House, Regent Street, Stoke-on-Trent, England 1919 Meyrick, E., B.A., F.R.S., Marlborough College, England 1907 Nordstedt, Professor Otto, Ph.D., University of Lund, Sweden 1890 Rutherford, Professor Sir E., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Nobel Laureate, Cambridge, England 1904 Sars, Professor G. O., University of Christiania, Norway 1902 Stebbing, Rev. T. R. R., F.R.S., Tunbridge Wells, England 1907 Thiselton-Dyer, Sir W. T., K.C.M.G., C.I.E., LL.D., M.A., F.R.S., Witcombe, Gloucester, England 1894 Woods, Henry, MA., F.R.S., F.G.S., University, Cambridge 1920

Former Honorary Members. Elected Agardh, Dr. J. G. 1900 Agassiz, Professor Louis 1870 Arber, E. A. Newell, M.A., Sc.D., F.G.S., F.L.S. 1914 Avebury, Lord, P.C., F.R.S. 1900 Baird, Professor Spencer F. 1877 Balfour, Professor I. Bayley, F.R.S. 1914 Beddard, F. E., D.Sc., F.R.S., Zoological Society, London 1906 Beneden, Professor J. P. van 1888 Berggren, Dr. S. 1876 Bowen, Sir George Ferguson, G.C.M.G. 1873 Brady, G. S., D.Sc., F.R.S. 1906 Bruce, Dr. W. S. 1910 Carpenter, Dr. W. B., C.B., F.R.S. 1883 Clarke, Rev. W. B., M.A., F.R.S. 1876 Codrington, Rev. R. H., D.D. 1894 Darwin, Charles, M.A., F.R.S. 1871 Darwin, Sir George, F.R.S. 1909 Davis, J. W., F.G.S., F.L.S. 1891 Dendy, Dr. A., F.R.S., King's College, University of London, England 1907 Drury, Captain Byron, R.N. 1870 Ellery, Robert L. J., F.R.S. 1883 Etheridge, Professor R., F.R.S. 1876 Ettingshausen, Baron von 1888 Eve, H. W., M.A. 1901 Filhol, Dr. H. 1875 Finsch, Professor Otto, Ph.D. 1870 Flower, Professor W. H., F.R.S. 1870 Garrod, Professor A. H., F.R.S. 1878 Gray, J. E., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1871 Gray, Professor Asa 1885 Grey, Sir George, K.C.B. 1872 Günther, A., M.D., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1873 Haswell, Professor W. A., F.R.S., Mimihau, Woollahra Point, Sydney 1914 Elected Hemsley, Dr. W. Botting, F.R.S., Kew Lodge, St. Peter's Road, Broadstairs, Kent, England 1913 Hochstetter, Dr. Ferdinand von 1870 Hooker, Sir J. D., G.C.S.I., C.B., M.D., F.R.S., O.M. 1870 Howes, G. B., LL.D., F.R.S. 1901 Huxley, Thomas H., LL.D., F.R.S. 1872 Langley, S. P. 1896 Lindsay, W. Lauder, M.D., F.R.S.E. 1871 Lydekker, Richard, F.R.S. 1896 Lyell, Sir Charles, Bart., D.C.L., F.R.S. 1873 McCoy, Professor Sir F., K.C.M.G., D.Sc., F.R.S. 1888 McLachlan, Robert, F.L.S. 1874 Massee, George, F.L.S., F.R.M.S. 1900 Milne, J., F.R.S. 1906 Mitten, William, F.R.S. 1895 The Most Noble the Marquis of Normanby, G.C.M.G. 1880 Mueller, Ferdinand von, M.D., F.R.S., C.M.G. 1870 Müller, Professor Max, F.R.S. 1878 Newton, Alfred, F.R.S. 1874 Owen, Professor Richard, F.R.S. 1870 Pickard - Cambridge, Rev. O., M.A., F.R.S., C.M.Z.S. 1873 Richards, Rear-Admiral G. H. 1870 Riley, Professor C. V. 1890 Rolleston, Professor G., M.D., F.R.S. 1875 Sclater, P. L., M.A., Ph.D., F.R.S. 1875 Sharp, Dr. D. 1877 Sharp, Richard Bowdler, M.A., F.R.S. 1885 Stokes, Vice-Admiral J. L. 1872 Tenison-Woods, Rev. J. E., F.L.S. 1878 Thomson, Professor Wyville, F.R.S. 1874 Thomson, Sir William, F.R.S. 1883 Wallace, Sir A. R., F.R.S., O.M. 1885 Weld, Frederick A., C.M.G. 1877

Fellows Of The New Zealand Institute. Original Fellows. (See New Zealand Gazette, 20th November, 1919.) † Hector Medallist.Aston, Bernard Cracroft, F.I.C., F.C.S. * Past President.‡ Hutton Medallist. Benham, Professor William Blaxland, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.Z.S. †Best, Elsdon. *†Cheeseman, Thomas Frederick, F.L.S., F.Z.S.§ Deceased. *† Chilton, Professor Charles, M.A., D.Sc., LL.D., M.B., C.M., F.L.S., C.M.Z.S. *†† Cockayne, Leonard, Ph.D., F.R.S., F.L.S. † Easterfield, Professor Thomas Hill, M.A., Ph.D., F.I.C., F.C.S. Farr, Professor Clinton Coleridge, D.Sc., F.P.S.L., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E. Hogben, George, C.M.G., M.A., F.G.S.† Hudson, George Vernon, F.E.S. Kirk, Professor Harry Borrer, M.A. †† Marshall, Patrick, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.R.G.S., F.E.S. * Petrie, Donald, M.A., Ph.D. † † Rutherford, Sir Ernest, Kt., F.R.S., D.Sc., Ph.D., LL.D. Segar, Professor Hugh William, M.A. Smith, Stephenson Percy, F.R.G.S.† Speight, Robert, M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S. Thomas, Professor Algernon Phillips Withiel, M.A., F.L.S. * Thomson, Hon. George Malcolm, F.L.S., M.L.C. Thomson, James Allan, M.A., D.Sc., A.O.S.M., F.G.S. Fellows Elected, 1921. Cotton, Charles Andrew, D.Sc., A.O.S.M., F.G.S. Hilgendorf, Frederick William, B.A., D.Sc. Holloway, Rev. John Ernest, L.Th., D.Sc. Park, Professor James, M.Am.Inst.M.E., M.Inst.M.M., F.G.S. Fellows Elected, 1922. Laing, Robert Malcolm, M.A., B.Sc. Marsden, Ernest, D.Sc., F.R.A.S. Morgan, Percy Gates, M.A., F.G.S., A.O.S.M. Sommerville, Duncan McLaren Young, M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E. Fellows Elected, 1923. Williams, Ven. Archdeacon Herbert William, M.A. Andersen, Johannes Carl. Fellows Elected, 1924. Smith, William Herbert Guthrie. Tillyard, Robin John, M.A., D.Sc., Sc.D., F.L.S., F.E.S. Fellows Elected, 1925. Brown, Professor J. Macmillan, M.A., LL.D. Te Rangi Hiroa (P H. Buck), M.D., Ch.B. (N.Z.) Fellows Elected, 1926. Benson, Professor W. N., B.A., D.Sc., F.G.S. Maclaurin, J. S., D.Sc., F.C.S.

Ordinary Members. Wellington Philosophical Society. Ackland, E. W., P.O. Box 928, Wellington. Adams, C. E., D.Sc., A.I.A. (London), FR.A.S., Dominion Observatory, Wellington. Adkin, G. L., Queen Street, Levin. Andersen, Johannes C., F.N.Z.Inst., Alexander Turnbull Library, Bowen Street, Wellington. Andrew, R. L., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Aston, B. C., F.I.C., F.C.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Atkinson, E. H., 71 Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn. Baillie, H., Public Library, Wellington. Baldwin, E. S., 215 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Baldwin, H., Inspector of Machinery, Wellington. Balneavis, H. R. H., Parliament Buildings, Wellington. Barwell, J. S., Chatham Islands. Bates, D. C., Meteorological Office, Wellington. Bayne, J. A. C., Inspecting Engineer, Mines Department. Beckett, Peter, Paraparaumu. Bell, E. D., Panama Street, Wellington. Bell, Sir Francis, Panama St., Wellington. Bennett, Francis, Queen Alexandra Street, Khandallah. Berry, C. G. G., Railway Buildings, Wellington. Best, Elsdon, F.N.Z.Inst., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Blair, David K., M.I.Mech.E., 9 Grey Street, Wellington. Bradshaw, G. B., Box 863, Wellington. Brandon, A. de B., B.A., Featherston Street, Wellington. Brent, H. C., Laboratory, G.P.O., Wellington. Brodrick, T. N., care of F. J. Slade-Gully, Lichfield, via Putaruru. Bruce, E., 71 Fairlie Terrace, Wellington. Buick, T. Lindsay, Press Association, Box 1514, Wellington. Cachemaille, E. D., care of Harbour Board, Wellington. Cameron, Dr. R. A., 148 Willis Street, Wellington. Chamberlin, T. Chamberlin, Crescent Road, Khandallah. Cobeldick, W., F.R.G.S., Tourist Department, Rotorua. Cockayne, A. H., Agriculture Department, Wellington. Cockayne, L., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S. F.N.Z.Inst., Ngaio, Wellington. Cockroft, T., 111 Owen Street, Wellington. Cotton, C. A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Victoria University College, Wellington. Coventry, Mrs. H., 22 Disley Street, Kelburn. Crawford, A. D., Box 126, G.P.O., Wellington. Cromb, J. B., Harbour Board, Wellington. Cull, J. E. L., B.Sc. in Eng. (Mech.), Public Works Department, Wellington. Cumming, E., Land and Income Tax Department, Wellington. Dalrymple, K. W., Parewanui, Bull's. Darling, J., Kelburn. Davies, V. C., Westown, New Plymouth. Dixon, Miss A. M., Mount Cook Girls' School, Buckle Street, Wellington. Donovan, W., M.Sc., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Dougall, Archibald, 9 Claremont Grove, Wellington. Dyer, Miss M., Education Department, Wellington. Dymock, E. R., F.I.A.N.Z., A.I.A.V., Box 193, Wellington. Earnshaw, W., 4 Watson Street, Wellington. Ellis, E. MacIntosh, Director, Forestry Department, Wellington. Evans, Professor W. P., Kensington street, Wellington. Ferguson, William, M.A., M.Inst.C.E., M.I.Mech.E., Silverstream, Wellington. Ferrar, H. T., M.A., F.G.S., Geological Survey Department, 156 The Terrace.* Life Members. Fletcher, Rev. H. J., The Manse, Taupo. Florance, Professor, Victoria College, Wellington. Forrester, J. H., Customs Department, Wellington.

Freeman, C. J., 95 Webb Street, Wellington.* Frengley, Dr., Messines Road, Karori. Frost, C. A., care of Richardson, McCabe, and Co., Wellington. Furkert, F. W., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Public Works Department, Wellington. Garrow, Professor J. M. E., B.A., LL.B., Victoria University College, Wellington.* Gibbs, A. E., M.I.E.E., Assistant Telegraph Engineer, G.P.O., Wellington. Gibbs, Dr. H. E., 240 Willis Street, Wellington. Gifford, A. C., M.A., F.R.A.S., 6 Shannon Street, Wellington. Gilbert, Rev. Father T. A., St. Patrick's College, Wellington. Gillies, R., Marine Superintendent, U.S.S. Company (Limited), Wellington. Good, F. W., Main-superintendent, Electric Light Department, Harris Street, Wellington. Grange, L. I., 38 The Terrace, Wellington. Gray, W., Mauriceville. Greenshields, F. S., 9 Glen Road, Kelburn. Grimmett, R. E. R., Agricultural Laboratory, Wellington. Hamilton, H., A.O.S.M., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Hansford, George D., Box 1025, Wellington. Hardcastle, H., Evening Post, Wellington. Hastle, Miss J. A., care of Street and Co., 30 Cornhill, London, E.C.* Hector, C. Monro, M.D., B.Sc., F.R.A.S., Hobson Street, Wellington. Helyer, Miss E., 13 Tonks Grove, Wellington. Henderson, J., M.A., D.Sc., B.Sc. in Eng. (Metall.), Geological Survey Department, Wellington. Hislop, J., Internal Affairs Department, Wellington. Hodson, W. H., 40 Pirie Street, Wellington. Holmes, R. W., M.Inst.C.E., Burnell Avenue, Wellington. Hooper, Captain G. S., Marine Department, Wellington. Hooper, R. H., 6 St. John Street, Wellington. Hudson, G. V., F.E.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Hill View, Karori. Hurley, J. A., Bacteriological Laboratory, Newtown. Jack, J. W., 170 Featherston Street, Wellington. Jacobson, N. R., Training College, Kelburn. Jenkinson, S. H., Railway Department, Wellington. Jones, A. Morris, 47 Upland Road, Kelburn. Jones, J. A., Assistant Chief Engineer, N.Z. Railways, Wellington. Joseph, Joseph, P.O. Box 443, Wellington. Joyce, Miss, Training College, Kelburn. Kerr, W. J., National Bank, Grey Street, Wellington. Kirk, Professor H. B., M.A., F.N.Z.Inst., Victoria University College, Wellington. Kissell, F. T. M., Public Works Department, Wellington. Knight, C. Prendergast, 126 Bolton Street, Wellington. La Trobe, W. S., M.A., Hamilton Road, Karori. Lauchlan, G., Electrical Engineer, Harris Street, Wellington. Lawrence, G. A., Johnsonville. Leighton, F. T., Dominion Laboratory. Levi, P., M.A., care of Wilford and Levi, 15 Stout Street, Wellington. Levy, E. Bruce, 71 Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn. Lomas, E. K., M.A., M.Sc., Training College, Wellington. Lomax, Major H. A., 288 Somme Parade, Aramoho, Wanganui. Longhurst, W. T. A., Norway Street, Kelburn. Loy, Miss E., Training College, Kelburn. Luke, Sir John P., C.M.G., M.P., “Pendennis,” Burnell Avenue, Wellington. McCalman, L. H., Telegraph-office, Gore. McCulloch, A. R., Australian Museum, Sydney. Macdonald, J., Assistant General Manager, Railway Department, Wellington. McDonald, J., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Macfarlane, C. F. C., Dominion Farmers' Buildings, Wellington. McInnes, E. H., Engineer, 160 Lambton Quay, Wellington. McKay, A. W., Dominion Museum, Wellington. McKenzie, C. J., Public Works Department, Wellington. Maclaurin, J. S., D.Sc., F.C.S., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. MacLean, F. W., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Head Office, Railway Department, Wellington. McSherry, Harry, Box 49, Pahiatua. Marchbanks, J., Harbour Board, Wellington. Marsden, E., D.Sc., F.N.Z.Inst., Director of Education, Wellington. Martin, Mrs., Upper Hutt.

Marwick, J., D.Sc., Geological Survey, The Terrace, Wellington. Maskell, F. G., Victoria University College, Wellington. Mason, Dr. J. Malcolm, Lower Hutt. Matheson, W. B., Tiratahi, Eketahuna. Maxwell, E., Marumarunui, Opunake. Maxwell, J. P., M.Inst.C.E., 145 Dixon Street, Wellington. Mestayer, Miss M., Sydney Street, Wellington. Miles, P. C. V. R., Room 45, G.P.O., Wellington. Millar, H. M., Public Works Department, Wellington. Miller, D., 71 Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn. Moore, G., Eparaima, via Masterton. Moore, W., Lancelot, Bank Chambers, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Moorhouse, W. H. Sefton, 134 Dixon Street, Wellington. Morgan, P. G., M.A., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Director of Geological Survey, 156 The Terrace, Wellington. Morice, J. M., B.Sc., Town Hall, Wellington. Morrison, J. C., Box 413, G.P.O., Wellington. Morton, W., Hydro-electric Board, Public Works Department, Wellington. Myers, J. G. Neill, J. C., 251 The Terrace, Wellington. Neill, W. T., Lands and Survey Department, Government Buildings, Wellington. Newnham, W. L., Public Works Department, Wellington. Newton, A., care of Newton Engineering Company, Wellington. Ngata, Hon. A. T., Parliament Buildings, Wellington. Nicol, John, 57 Cuba Street, Wellington. Norris, E. T., M.A., Registrar, University of New Zealand, Wellington. Oliver, W. R. B., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Ongley, M., M.A., Geological Survey Department, Wellington. Orchiston, J., M.I.E.E., 16 Rimu Road, Kelburn. O'Regan, P. J., 324 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Orr, Robert, Heke Street, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Parry, Evan, B.Sc., M.I.E.E., care of Preece Calderwood Rider, 8 Queen Anne's Gate, Westminster, London. Patterson, Hugh, Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington. Peren, G. S., Professor of Agriculture, Victoria University College, Wellington. Phillipps, W. J., F.L.S., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Philpott, H. E. R., care of A. D. Riley (Limited), Wellington. Phipson, P. B., F.C.S., care of J. Staples and Co. (Limited), Wellington. Pigott, Miss Ellen, M.A., Victoria University College, Wellington. Pilcher, E. G., 225 The Terrace, Wellington. Plank, C. S., Telegraph Engineers' Department, G.P.O., Wellington. Pomare, Hon. Sir Maui, M.P., Wellington. Ralph, T., 85 Webb Street, Wellington. Rands, Henry, Wellington Gas Company (Limited), Miramar. Reakes, C. J., D.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., Agriculture Department, Wellington. Richardson, C. E., P.O. Box 863, 11 Grey Street, Wellington. Roberts, J. W., 12 Vallance Street, Kilbirnie. Robertson, Professor P. W., Victoria University College, Wellington. Robinson, W. D., 274 Taranaki Street, Wellington. Russell, J. W., Banks College, Wellington. Sage, Miss, Wellington Girls' College, Wellington. Salmon, Miss O. K., 100 Coromandel Street, Wellington. Sangster, Mrs., Ohangai, Hawera. Saunders, G. F., High School, Hamilton. Scarfe, W. A., care of Union Steamship Company, Head Office, Wellington. Schofield, G. H., Sefton Street, Wadestown. Schofield, Mrs. G. H., Sefton Street, Wadestown. Seelye, F. T., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Sharp, H., Engineer-in-Chief, Public Works Department, Wellington. Shrimpton, E. A., Telegraph Department, Wellington. Sladden, H., Woburn Road, Lower Hutt, Wellington. Smith, J. R., District Telegraph Engineer, G.P.O., Wellington. Sommerville, Professor D. M. Y., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S.E., F.N.Z.Inst., Victoria University College, Wellington. Sunley, R. M., View Road, Karori. Sutherland, W. S., “Kawaroa,” Oparau Ferry, via Te Awamutu. Tennant, J. S., Training College, Kelburn. Thomson, J. Allan, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Thomson, P., Solicitor, Stratford. Thomson, W. M., M.A., M.B., Ch.B., Hawera. Tolley, H. R., 66 Hankey Street, Wellington.

Tombs, H. H., Burnell Avenue, Wellington. Tomkies, A. E., Chief Electrical Line Inspector, N.Z. Railways. Toogood, H. F., 11 Grey Street, Wellington. Treadwell, C. H., 4 Panama Street, Wellington. Turner, E. Phillips, F.R.G.S., Forestry Department, Wellington. Uttley, G., M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S., High School, Masterton. Vickerman, H., M.Sc., Assoc.M.Inst.C.E., Dominion Farmers' Institute, Featherston Street, Wellington. Waghorn, R. J., Technical High School, Hastings. Ward, R. H., Taupo. Warner, —, School-teacher, Upper Hutt. Waters, R., 71 Fairlie Terrace, Kelburn. Waterworth, A., 286 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Webb, E. N., 324 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Webster, H. A., care of Begg and Co., Manners Street, Wellington. Westland, C. J., F.R.A.S., Box 63, Apia, Samoa. Widdop, F. C., District Railway Engineer, Thorndon Office, Wellington. Wilson, Sir James G., Bulls. Wood, J., Inspecting Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington. Wyles, G. W., Assistant Signal Engineer, Railways, Wellington. Wynne, H. J., Railway Department, Wellington. Yates, G., 460 Adelaide Road, Wellington. Associate Members. Bryant, D. L., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Castle, Miss A., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Clarke, C. R., 136 Coutts Street, Kilbirnie. Cotton, Mrs., Rimu Road, Kelburn, Wellington. Craig, Miss K. M., 122 Molesworth Street, Wellington. Foster, L. D., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Haggett, F. G., Trelissick Crescent, Ngaio. Jackson, G. H., Box 692, G.P.O., Wellington. Livermore, L. C., 79A Vivian Street, Wellington. Matthews, K. E., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Munro, A. D., Victoria College, Kelburn. Perks, T. E., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Pragnell, Miss, Victoria College, Kelburn. Richardson, Miss, Lands and Survey Department, Wellington. Rump, B., 3 Freeling Street, Island Bay. Short, H. F., Naval Intelligence Office, Harcourt's Buildings, Wellington. Thomas, H., P.O. Box 199, Wellington. Tripe, Mrs. J., Selwyn Terrace. Wood, C. W., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Auckland Institute. Abbott, R. H., City Chambers, Queen Street, Auckland. Abel, R. S., care of Abel Dykes and Co., Shortland Street, Auckland. Acheson, Judge F. O. V., Native Land Court, Auckland. Adams, C. E., LL.B., Hokitika. Adams, L., 12 Ewington Avenue, Mt. Eden. Aimer, K. W., Architect, 423 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Alexander, J., Selbourne Chambers, Auckland. Alexander, L. W., Cargen Hotel, Auckland. Algie, Professor R. M., M.A., University College, Auckland. Alison, Hon. E. W., M.L.C., Devonport Ferry Co., Auckland. Alison, Ernest, Takapuna. Alison, E. W., jun., Bank of N.Z. Chambers, Swanson Street, Auckland. Alan, W. Thurston, Esmond Av., Takapuna. Allum, John, Anzac Avenue, Auckland.

Ambury, S. J., Greenwood's Corner, Onehunga. Anderson, E., Northern Club, Auckland. Anderson, Professor W., M.A., University College, Auckland. Andrews, F. N., care of Andrews & Clark, Queen Street, Auckland. Archey, Gilbert, M.A., F.Z.S., The Museum, Auckland. Ardern, P. S., M.A., Remuera. Arey, W. E., Shortland Street, Auckland. Armitage, F. L., Gleeson's Buildings, High Street, Auckland. Arnold, C., Sandford's Buildings, Auckland. Arnoldson, L., Quay Street, Auckland. Arthur, T. B., Upper Queen Street, Auckland. Bagnall, R. D., Northern Club, Auckland. Baker, C. C., Lister Buildings, Auckland. Bankart, A. S., Strand Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland. Bankart, F. J., Swanson Street, Auckland. Barr, J., Public Library, Wellesley St., Auckland. Bartley, C., Savings Bank, Auckland. Bartlett, W. H., 255 Stanley Point Road, Stanley Point. Bartrum, J. A., M.Sc., University College, Auckland. * Honorary and life members. Bates, T. L., Alfred Street, Waratah, Newcastle, New South Wales. Bealing, Fred J., Alexander Avenue, Mt. Albert. Beattie, Dr. R. M., Mount Albert. Bell, R. W., Lister Buildings, Auckland. Bell, G. B., Engineer's Office, Harbour Board, Auckland. Binney, E. H., care of Binney & Sons, Customs Street, Auckland. Bishop, J. J., Dunvegan, Titirangi, Auckland. Biss, Raymond, Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Blomfield, E. C., Shortland Street, Auckland. Bloodworth, T., 36 Scarborough Terrace, Parnell. *Bloomfield, H. R., St. Stephen's Av., Parnell. Bloomfield, J. L., St. Stephen's Av., Parnell. Boucher, P. F., Kumeu. Bowyer, H. B., 9 McMurray Road, Remuera. Boylan, Mrs. A. M., 23 Cheltenham Terrace, Devonport. Bradley, Samuel, Onehunga. Brame, J. W., 69 Crummer Road, Grey Lynn. Brett, Sir H., “Star” Office, Shortland Street, Auckland. Brookes, A. E., Okauia, Matamata. Brown, Arthur G., 6 Keith Avenue, Remuera. Brown, Miss E., Kohi, Ascot Avenue, Remuera. Brown, E. A., 66 St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Brownlee, Mrs., 155 Remuera Road, Remuera. Broomfield, A. G. Le Roy, Colville's Buildings, Swanson St., Auckland. Bruce, W. W., Williamson's Chambers, Auckland. *Buchanan, A., Legal Chambers, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Bucknill, Dr. C. E. R., Mount Maunganui, Tauranga. Buddle, C., Wyndham Street, Auckland. Buddle, H. D., Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Burbidge, Professor, University College, Auckland. Burns, R., Customs Street, Auckland. Burt, A., care of A. & T. Burt, Ltd., Customs Street, Auckland. Bush, W. E., City Engineer, Auckland. Butler, J., Kauri Timber Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Buttle, B., Kaiapoi Woollen Company, Elliott Street, Auckland. Buttle, J., Selwyn Road, Epsom. Cadman, F. P., care of Gillett Motors, Ltd., 166 Albert Street, Auckland. Calder, Rev. Jasper, 67 Park Road, Auckland. Caldwell, D. R., Cambridge. Callaghan, F. R., Education Office, Auckland. Campbell, A. D., Northern Club, Auckland. Campbell, Hon. J. P., O'Connell St., Auckland. Cardno, Miss, Cheltenham Terrace, Devonport. Carlaw, J., 226 Symonds Street, Auckland. Carpenter, J. M., Newmarket. Carse, H., Moata Road, Ellerslie. Carter, C. E., Ewing Street, Takapuna. Carter, C. M., Lake Town, Takapuna. Carter, A. M., Hallenstein's Buildings, Auckland. Casey, W., Hamilton Road, Ponsonby. Caughey, A. C., care of Smith & Caughey, Queen Street, Auckland. Caughey, J. Marsden, care of Smith & Caughey, Queen Street, Auckland. Chambers, S. G., 23 Shortland Street, Auckland. Chatfield, Dr. H. A., York Chambers, Auckland. Cheal, P. E., Cameron Road, Remuera.

Choyce, H. C., Remuera Road, Remuera. Clark, A., Wellesley Street, Auckland. Clark, M., Wellesley Street, Auckland. Clark, R. G., care of Robertson Bros. Quay Street, Auckland. Clay, T. B., care of S. Vaile & Sons, Queen Street, Auckland. Clayton, D. L., Kauri Timber Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Clinch, J. A., Ph.D., Training College, Auckland. Closs, Dr. J. R., New Lynn. Coates, T., Orakei. Cochrane, N. D., 20 Belle View Road, Auckland. Coe, James, Lucerne Road, Auckland. Colbeck, W. B., New Zealand Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Cole, Rev. R. H., Gladstone Road, Parnell. Coleman, J. W., Lower Queen Street, Auckland. Colwill, J. H., Swanson Street, Auckland. Coombes, F. H., Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Cooper, A. N., Reid, Towle, Hellaby & Cooper, High Street, Auckland. Copeland, M., 22 Sentinel Road, Herne Bay. Cory-Wright, S., M.Sc., 1 Claybrook Road, Parnell. *Coughlan, W. N., Native School, Omaio, Bay of Plenty. Court, A. J., G. Court & Sons, Karangahape Road, Auckland. Court, J., Hamilton Road, Auckland. Court, J. W., Birkenhead, Auckland. Cousins, H. G., Training College, Auckland. Craig, J. C., care of J. J. Craig, Ltd., Queen Street, Auckland. Croll, C. H. J., Birkdale Road, Birkdale. Crompton, W. J., 3 Mt. Pleasant Road, Mount Eden. Crook, John, 10 Prospect Terrace, Mt. Eden. Crooks, Miss M. W., Maungawhau Rd., Epsom. Dale, T. J., Tennyson Street, Birkenhead. Davis, Ernest, care of Hancock & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Davis, Eliot R., care of Hancock & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Dawes, Miss, University College, Auckland. Dearsly, H. P., P. O. Box 466, Auckland. De Guerrier, F. E., Tramway Offices, Auckland. Delph, L. W., King's College, Otahuhu. De Mole, J. B., 20 Paget Street, Ponsonby. Dempsey, J., Newmarket. Dick, R. J., Leighton's, Ltd., High St., Auckland. Dixon, C. E., B.Sc., University College, Auckland. Donald, A. W., care of A. B. Donald, Queen Street, Auckland. Donald, J. B., P.O. Box 291, Auckland. Downard, F. N. R., Cambridge. Draffin, M. K., Architect, 423, NZ. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Dukes, Dr., Symonds Street. Eady, A., Queen Street, Auckland. Earl. F., K.C., Swanson Street, Auckland. Edgerley, Miss K., Girls' Grammar School, Auckland. Edmiston, H. J., care of Champtaloup & Edmiston, Queen Street, Auckland. Edwards, Henry, Farmers' Freezing Co. Egerton, Professor C. W., University College, Auckland. Ellingham, W. R., Customs Street, Auckland. Elliot, Sir George, Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Elliot, W., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Ellis, L. V., 9 Seymour Street, Herne Bay. Endean, J., jun., Waitemata Hotel, Auckland. Entrican, A. J., Customs Street, Auckland. Entrican, J. C., Customs Street, Auckland. Evans, E. W., care of Brown, Barrett & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Ewen, J. F. A., care of Sargood, Son & Ewen, Ltd., Victoria Street West, Auckland. Fairclough, Dr. W. A., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Falla, R. A., B.A., 41, Calliope Road, Devonport. Farrell, R., Anglesea Street, Auckland. Fenwick, Dr. G., A.M.P. Buildings, Auckland. Firth, R. W., M.A., Wymondsley Road, Otahuhu. Fisher, F. S., Birkdale. Fisher, V. F., Birkdale. Fleming, G. A., Remuera Road, Remuera. Fleming, J., 142 Grafton Road, Auckland. Florance, R. S., Barrister, Russell, Bay of Islands. Ford, C. Reginald, F.N.Z.I.A., N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Fotheringham, Alex., 7a, Williamson's Chambers, Auckland. *Fowlds, Hon. G., C.B.E., Queen St., Auckland.

Fowlds, G., jun., Queen Street, Auckland. Fraser, W. M., C.E., Whangarei. Frater, J. W., Stock Exchange, Auckland. Gardner, J. L., New Lynn Garland, Hon. C. J., M.L.C., Beaconsfield Street, Grey Lynn. Geddes, A., Brown, Barrett & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Gibson, Noël, Dilworth Institute, Remuera. Gilfillan, H., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Gillett, J., Hoiland & Gillett, Albert Street, Auckland. Gilies, A. W., Courtville, Eden Crescent, Auckland. Girdler, Dr., Khyber Pass Road, Auckland. Gleeson, J. C., Lower Symonds Street, Auckland. Goldie, A., Wallace Street, Ponsonby. Goldie, D., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Goldie, H., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Gordon, Dr. F. W., Hillsborough. Graham, A. G., care of Briscoe & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Graham, David H., G.P.O., Auckland. Graham, G., Endean's Buildings, Auckland. Grant, Miss J., M.A., Devonport. *Gray, A., Winstone's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland. Gray, Alan A., care of G. W. Wilton & Co., Shortland Street, Auckland. Gray, S., Town Clerk, Mt. Eden. Gray, W. A., M.I.C.E., Smeeton's Buildings, Auckland. Gribbin, G., Imperial Buildings, Auckland. Grierson, H. C., Architect, 423 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Griffin, L. T., F.Z.S., Assistant Curator, Museum, Auckland. Gross, R. O., Manukau Road, Epsom. Gulliver, T. V., 503 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Gummer, W. H., N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Gunson, Sir James, C.M.G., C.B.E., “Ngaruru,” St. Andrew's Road, Auckland. Haddow, J. G., Wyndham Street, Auckland. Hagen, Dr. L. K., 105 Victoria Road, Devonport. Harbutt, S. J., Selwyn Road, Epsom. Hardie, J. C., 76 Lucerne Road, Remuera. Harding, E., Private Bag, Dargaville. Hardley, J. W., Customs Street, Auckland. Harkness, D. E., University College, Auckland. Harris, Lewis, Huntly. Harvey, A., Lower Albert Street, Auckland. Hay, D. A., Montpellier Nursery, Remuera. Hay, Douglas, Stock Exchange, Auckland. Hay, Miss, Grafton Road, Auckland. Henning, G., 36 Remuera Road, Remuera. Hesketh, H. R., care of Hesketh and Richmond, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Hesketh, S., care of Hesketh and Richmond, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Hill, J. C., care of Hill and Plummer, Queen Street, Auckland. Hills, F. M., Arney Road, Remuera. Holderness, D., Harbour Board Offices, Auckland. Holmden, Dr., Jervois Road, Ponsonby. Horton, E., “Herald” Office, Auckland. Horton, H., “Herald” Office, Auckland. Horton, Dr. W. H., 78 Symonds Street, Auckland. Houghton, C. V., 8 Gladstone Road, Parnell. Hovell, S. W., Kenny Street, Waihi. Hudson, C., Mount Eden Road, Auckland. Hudson, J. H., G.P.O., Auckland. Hull, Miss Cecil, Girls' Grammar School, Auckland. Hunter, Ashley, C.E., Swanson Street, Auckland. *Inder, E. W., Barrister, P.O. Box 1089, Auckland. Inglis, Dr. R. T., Alfred Street, Auckland. Jackson, J. H., Customs Street, Auckland. Jackson, Thornton, Shortland Street, Auckland. Johnson, C. W., M.A., 30 Brown Street, Ponsonby. Johnston, Hallyburton, Point Chevalier. Johnston, J. B., care of Stewart and Johnston, Wyndham Street, Auckland. Johnstone, A. H., Solicitor, Selbourne Chambers, Auckland. Joll, L., Mount Eden. Jones, D. A., East Tamaki. Jones, Russell, Grammar School, Auckland. Kenderdine, J., Sale Street, Auckland. Kent, G. S., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Knight, G., Asquith Avenue, Mt. Albert. Knight, Professor C. R., University, Auckland.

Kissling, H. P., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Laidlaw, R. A., Hobson Street, Auckland. Lamb, J. A., Arney Road, Remuera. Lamb, S. E., B.Sc., University College, Auckland. Lamont, T., North Avenue, Devonport. Lancaster, T. L., M.Sc., University College, Auckland. Lang, Sir F. W., Queenstown Road, Onehunga. Langridge, Cecil, Avondale. Larner, V. J., Swanson Street, Auckland. La Roche, Sydney, B.Sc., Wapiti Avenue, Auckland. La Roche, W., Wapiti Av., Remuera. La Roche, W. E., Wapiti Avenue, Remuera. Laurie, B. A., care of W. S. Laurie & Co., Customs Street, Auckland. Leech, E. Duff, Wellesley House, Auckland. Le Roy, E., Queen Street, Auckland. Leyland, S. H., care of Leyland and O'Brien, Customs Street W., Auckland. Leyland, W. B., care of Leyland and O'Brien, Customs Street W., Auckland. Leys, W. Cecil, “Star” Office, Auckland. Logan, R., P.O. Box b36, Auckland. Long, W. H., 16, St. Albans Avenue, Auckland. Lowe, Dr. De Clive, Lower Symonds Street, Auckland. Lowe, James, C.E., Gas Co., Auckland. Lunn, A. G., care of Collins Bros., Wyndham Street, Auckland. Lusk, H. B., M.A., King's College, Otahuhu. Lyons, Rev. Father, Coromandel. Macdonald, Rev. Angus, O.B.E., The Manse, Richmond. Macdonald, Hugh R., 47, St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Mackay, G. J., Queen Street, Auckland. Mackay, J. G. H., Ellison Chambers, Auckland. Macky, T. H., care of Macky, Logan & Co., Elliott Street, Auckland. Mackenzie, Dr. Kenneth, Princes St., Auckland. *Macmillan, C. C., care of Auckland Institute, Auckland. Mains, T., Papatoetoe. Mair, S. A. R., Hunterville, Wellington. Major, C. T., King's College, Otahuhu. Makgill, John E., Wapiti Avenue, Epsom. Makgill, Dr. R. H., Health Department, Wellington. Mander, Hon. F., Ranfurly Road, Epsom. *Mappin, F. Crossley, Mountain Road, Epsom. Marks, L., Chancery Street, Auckland. Marshall, J., Te Ataahua, Remuera Road, Auckland. Mason, Mrs. F., West Town, New Plymouth. Matthews, H. B., Clonbern Road, Remuera. McDonald, Rev. W., Gardner Road, Epsom. McGregor, W. R., University College, Auckland. McIntosh, D. T., P.O. Box 1208, Auckland. McKenzie, Capt G., Devonport. McLaughlin, T. M., Phoenix Chambers, Auckland. McVeagh, R., O'Connell Street, Auckland. McVeagh, James, 410, N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Merritt, H. T., N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Metcalfe, G. H., Barrister, P.O. Box 1089, Auckland. Miller, E. V., 71, Upland Road, Remuera. Milne, J., care of John Chambers & Son, Fort Street, Auckland. Milne, Stewart, care of Milne & Choyce, Queen Street, Auckland. Milsom, Dr. E. H. B., 18, Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland. Mitchelson, E. P., P.O. Box 873, Auckland. Mitchelson, Hon. Sir E., K.C.M.G., M.L.C., Waitaramoa, Remuera. Morrison, A. R., Palmerston Buildings, Auckland. Morton, E., P.O. Box 11, Auckland. Morton, H. B., Taumata, Wapiti Avenue, Epsom. Moses, H. C., No Deposit Piano Co., High Street, Auckland. Mulgan, A. E., “Star” Office, Auckland. Mullins, P., Shaddock Street. Mt. Eden. Munro, G. H., M.Sc., 96, Grafton Road, Auckland. *Myers, Sir A. M., Queen Street, Auckland. Myers, B., “Cargen,” Auckland. Nathan, C. I., Customs Street, Auckland. Nathan, D. L., Shortland St., Auckland. *Nathan, N. A., Shortland St., Auckland. Niccol, G., Customs Street W., Auckland. Nicholson, O., Imperial Buildings, Auckland.

Northcroft, E. H., Swanson Street, Auckland. Noonan, Dr., Milford. *Oliver, W. R. B., F.L.S., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Osborne, Mrs., Diocesan School, Auckland. Parr, Hon. Sir James, K.C.M.G., M.P., Auckland. Parr, P. R., M.Sc., Oaklands, Waikumete. Parsons, W. B., Colonial Sugar Co., Quay Street, Auckland. Partridge, H. E., Albert Street, Auckland. Patterson, D. B., 23 Shortland Street, Auckland. Peacock, J. A., Queen Street, Auckland. Perkins, A. W., care of Dalgety and Co., Customs Street West, Auckland. Perks, T. E., 8 Coombes Road, Remuera. Philcox, T., 11 Fairview Road, Mt. Eden. Pond, J. A., F.C.S., Queen Street, Auckland. Potter, E. H., P.O. Box 230, Auckland. Pountney, W. H., Fort Street, Auckland. Powell, A. W. B., Shortland Street, Auckland. Powell, F. E., C.E., Ferry Buildings, Auckland. Poynton, J. W., 55 Epsom Avenue, Mount Eden. Price, E. A., Cambria Park, Papatoetoe. Price, T. G., 109 Queen Street, Auckland. Pryor, S. H., Hillside, New Lynn. Pulling, Miss, Diocesan School, Epsom. Purchas, Dr. A. C., Symonds St., Auckland. Pycroft, A. T., Railway Offices, Auckland. Quartley, A. G., Barrister, Vulcan Lane, Auckland. Ralph, W. J., Princes Street, Auckland. Rangihiroa, Dr., D.S.O., F.N.Z. Inst., Public Health Department, Auckland. Ratcliff, W., P.O. Box 259, Hamilton. Rawnsley, S., Federal Street, Auckland. Rayner, Dr. F. J., Queen Street, Auckland. Reed, Mr. Justice, Supreme Court, Wellington. Reed, Hon. Vernon, Paihia. Renshaw, F., care of Sharland & Co., Lorne Street, Auckland. Rhodes, Miss B., Diocesan School, Auckland. Rhodes, C., Ronaki, Remuera. Richardson, J. D., Savings Bank, Newton. Richmond, H. P., Arney Road, Remuera. Riddet, Professor Wm., University College, Auckland. Robb, J., Victoria Avenue, Mount Eden. Roberton, A. B., Fort St., Auckland. Roberton, Dr. E., Market Road, Remuera. Robertson, Carrick, F.R.C.S., Alfred Street, Auckland. Robertson, Jas., Market Road, Remuera. Roche, H., Horahora, near Cambridge, Waikato. Rollett, F. C., “Herald” Office, Auckland. Ropiha, T. T., Survey Office, Auckland. Rowe, W. Page, Seaview Rd., Remuera. Russell, E. N. R., Princes Street, Auckland. Russell, John E., Princes Street, Auckland. Salt, G. MacBride, M.Sc., University College, Auckland. Saxton, A. C., Pyrmont, Sydney. Scott, D. D., care of Kempthorne, Prosser & Co., Albert Street, Auckland. Scott, Rev. D. D., The Manse, Onehunga. Segar, Professor H. W., M.A., F.N.Z. Inst., University College, Auckland. Seth Smith, Miss H., Hurstmere Road, Takapuna. *Seth Smith, H. G., 88 Victoria Avenue, Remuera. Shakespear, Mrs. R. H., Whangaparaoa. Shannon, J. W., 16 Dromorne Road, Remuera. Shaw, F., Vermont Street, Ponsonby. Shaw, H., care of Public Library, Auckland. Shepherd, E. C., Stanley Bay. Short, W. F., M.Sc., University College, Auckland. Shrewsbury, H., St. John's Avenue, Epsom. *Shroff, H. R., 44 Remuera Rd., Auckland. Simmonds, Rev. J. H., Wesley Training College, Epsom. Simson, T., Mount St. John Avenue, Epsom. Sinclair, G., care of Pilkington & Co., Queen Street, Auckland. Skeet, H. M., 14 Dilworth Avenue, Remuera. Sladden, Bernard, Box 17, Tauranga. Smith, F. W., 1 Eden Crescent, Auckland. Smith, S. A., P.O. Box 843, Auckland. Smith, Mrs. W. H., Princes St., Auckland.

Smith, W. Todd, St. Heliers Bay. Somerville, Dr. J., Alfred St., Auckland. Somerville, J. M., Birkenhead, Auckland. Sperrin-Johnson, Professor J. C., Litt. D., University College, Auckland. Stanton, J., Selbourne Chambers, Auckland. Stevenson, Arthur G., Gladstone Road, Mt. Albert. Stewart, D. F., care of R. S. Lamb & Co., 32 Jamieson Street, Sydney. Stewart, John A., Kainga-town, Ranfurly Road, Epsom. Stewart, R. Leslie, care of Brown & Stewart, Swanson Street, Auckland. Streeter, S. C., Enfield Street, Mount Eden. Sullivan, J. J., Barrister, P.O. Box 1175. Suter, A., 22 Portland Street, Remuera. Swan, H. G., Henderson. Talbot, Dr. A. G., A.M.P. Buildings, Auckland. Taylor, C. N., 2 Oliver Street, Remuera. Taylor, Norman H., Huia, New Lynn. Thomas, Professor A. P. W., F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Mountain Road, Epsom. Thomson, G. A., 40 Shortland Street, Auckland. Thornes, J., 231 Parnell Road, Parnell. Tilly, C. S. R., 85 Victoria Avenue, Remuera. *Tinne, H., Union Club, Carlton House Terrace, London, S.W.1. Tomlinson, L. H., Electric Construction Co. of N.Z., 52 Fort Street, City. Townson, W., Thames. Trounson, J., Northcote. Tunks, C. J., Shortland St., Auckland. Turner, E. C., care of Turner & Sons, Market Square, Auckland. Uhlmann, Miss J. L., Girls' Grammar School, Auckland. Upton, J. H., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell. Upton, P., South British Insurance Co., Auckland. Upton, P. T., P.O. Box 878, Auckland. Utting, H., Town Clerk, Mount Albert. Vaile, Miss A. B., 9 Arney Road, Remuera. Vaile, E. E., Broadlands, Waiotapu. *Vaile, H. E., Queen Street, Auckland. Veale, P. O., M.Sc., 1 Beresford Street, Auckland. Vernon, T. R., 11 Kingsview Road, Mt. Eden. Wade, Dr. Wallace, Elliott Street, New Plymouth. Wake, F. W., 73 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland. Wallace, T. F., 1 Claude Road, One Tree Hill. Wallace, W., Chairman Hospital Board, Auckland. Walsh, Edmund, Water Lane, New Plymouth. Warnock, J. A., 2 King Street, Grey Lynn. Watt, W. M., Dredging Office, Harbour Board, Auckland. Waymouth, G. W., Rarere Road, Takapuna. Wells, T. U., Westbourne Road, Remuera. Wheeler, Thomas, Stanmore Road, Grey Lynn. White, P. C., care of S. White & Sons, Customs Street West, Auckland. White, R. W., Wellington Street, Auckland. Whitley, W. S., Albert Street, Auckland. Whitney, C. A., Colonial Ammunition Co., Auckland. Williams, N. T., 74 Remuera Road, Remuera, Auckland. *Williamson, J. D., Northern Club, Auckland. Wilson, Andrew, Hillcrest Street, Hamilton East. Wilson, C. A., P.O. Box 1081, Auckland. Wilson, F. W., “Herald” Buildings, Auckland. Wilson, G. H., National Bank Buildings, Fort Street, Auckland. Wilson, John, 303 N.Z. Insurance Buildings, Auckland. Wilson, J. A., care of A. Eady & Sons, Queen Street, Auckland. Wilson, J. M., Portland Rd., Remuera. Wilson, Liston, Upland Rd., Remuera. Wilson, Martyn, Roselle, Lower Remuera. Wilson, R. M., University College, Auckland. Wilson, Mrs. R. M., Russell Road, Remuera. Wilson, W. R., “Herald” Office, Auckland. Wily, H., Mauku. Winklemann, H., Victoria Arcade, Auckland. *Winstone, F. M., Claude Road, Epsom. Winstone, G., senior, Queen Street, Auckland. Wiseman, F., Queen Street, Auckland. Wiseman, J. W., Albert Street, Auckland. *Wood, Right Rev. C. J., D.D., England. Woollams, W. H., Queen Street, Auckland.

Worley, Professor F. P., D.Sc., University College, Auckland. Wright, Hugh C., Strand Arcade, Auckland. Wright, R., care of A. B. Wright & Son, Commerce Street, Auckland. Wright, R., Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn. Wright, R., junior, Seabrook Avenue, New Lynn. Yates, E., Albert Street, Auckland. Young, J. L., “Meramie,” Warren, N.S.W. Philosophical Institute Of Canterbury. Acland, Dr. H. T. D., 51 Brown's Road, Christchurch. Acland, H. D., C/o. Wilding & Acland, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Alexander, R. E., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Allan, H. H., M.A., D.Sc., F.L.S., Feilding. Anderson, Mrs. Murchiston, St. Martins, Christchurch. Askew, H. O., M.A., Imp. College of Science and Tech., S. Kens., London, S.W. 7. Bamford, P. G., B.E., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Barkas, F., Timaru. Barnett, W. J. F., 35 Hardwicke Street, Sumner. Bates, D., 22 Webb Street, Christchurch. Beaven, A. W., c/o. Andrews and Beaven, Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch. Beeby, C. E., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Belshaw, Horace, c/o. W.E.A., Christchurch. Belton, F. J. W., c/o Gas Coy., Ltd., Christchurch. Bennett, E. W., M.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Berry, R. E., 165 Manchester Street, Christchurch. Biltcliff, G. S. A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Bingham, S. C., 7 Cashel Street, Christchurch. Bird, J. W., M.A., Wairarapa High School Masterton. Booth, G. T., 242 Papanui Road, Christchurch. Borrie, Dr. F. J., 236 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Borrie, Miss, 236 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Bowker, Geo., 177 Stafford Street, Timaru. Boys, Sir Francis, c/o. N.Z. Refriger ating Co., Ltd., Hereford Street, Christchurch. Bradley, Orton, Charteris Bay. Brittin, Guy, F.E.S., Riwaka, Motueka, Nelson. Broadhead, H. D., M.A., Litt.D., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Brock, W., M.A., Merivale Lane, Christchurch. *Brown, Professor Macmillan, M.A., LL.D., Holmbank, Cashmere. Burnes, Mrs., Warwick House, 52 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Burnett, T. D., Cave, S. Canterbury. Calvert, G. G., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Campbell, Professor R. A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Campbell, J. W., Seaview Road, New Brighton. Candy, Miss A. F., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Candy, F. R., c/o. Tramway Board Office, Christchurch. Cassidy, Mrs. A., 10 The Spur, Clifton, Sumner. *Chilton, Professor C., D.Sc., M.A., LL.D., F.N.Z.Inst., F.L.S., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Christensen, C. E., Box 38, Te Aroha. Clark, W. H., 100 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch. Coates, C. C., 134 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Colee, W. C., M.A., Normal School, Christchurch. Coles, W. R., 358 Gloucester Street, Christchurch. Condliffe, Professor J. B., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Cornes, J. J. S., B.A., B.Sc., Training College, Christchurch. Cowley, S. R., 156 Antigua Street, Christchurch. Cox, P. T., c/o. Anglo-Persian Oil Coy., Britannic House, Finsbury Circus, London, E.C.2. Dash, Chas., 233 Norwood Street, Beckenham, Christchurch. Day, Jas. S., c/o. Dominion Trust Co., 163 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Deans, James Homebush.

Deans, Jno., Kirkstyle, Coalgate. Deans, Wm., Sandown, Waddington. Denham, Professor H. G., M.A., D.Sc., Ph.D., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Dobson, A. Dudley, M.Inst.C.E., 76 Merivale Lane, Christchurch. Dorrien Smith, Major A., D.S.O., Tresco Abbey, Scilly, England. Dougall, J. J., 105 Clyde Road, Christ-church. Drummond, Jas., F.L.S., F.Z.S., “Lyttelton Times,” Christchurch. Duncan, J. S., c/o P. & D. Duncan, Tuam Street, Christchurch. Farr, Professor C. Coleridge, D.Sc., F.P.S.L., F.N.Z.Inst., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Ferrar, Miss, 450 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Fitzgerald, Miss. M. S., M.Sc., Iona College, Havelock North, H.B. Flesher, J. A., 169 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Flower, A. E., M.A., M.Sc., Christ's College, Christchurch. Ford, A. D., 13 Riccarton Road, Christchurch. Foweraker, C. E., M.A., F.L.S., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Francis, J. W. H., c/o Rhodes, Ross & Godby, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Gabites, Dr., Timaru. Galbraith, A. R., City Engineer, Christchurch. Gale, F. H. D., “Sun” Office, Christchurch. Garnett, J. B., N.D.A., N.D.D., Technical College, Christchurch. Giles, E. D., Otiritiri, Timaru. Gilling, C. D., School, W. Eyreton. Gilling, W. O. R., M.A., B.Sc., 206 Westminster Street, St. Albans, Christchurch. Godby, Mrs: M. D., 5 Jackson's Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. Godby, M. H., M.A., B.Sc., 176 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Goss, Wm., Peterborough Street, Christchurch. Gourlay, H., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Gower, S. W., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Graham, Chas. H. E., School, Tai Tapu. Gray, G., F.C.S., Lincoln. Gray, J., 107 Merivale Lane, Christchurch. Grigg, J. C. N., Longbeach. Guthrie, Dr. Jno., Armagh Street, Christchurch. Hall, G., Hororata. Hamilton, W. M., 54 Dyer's Pass Road, Cashmere. Hansen, Dr. D. E., M.A., M.Sc., Technical College, Christchurch. Hardcastle, John, 11 Heaton Street, Timaru. Harris, H. W., 99 Gloucester Street, Christchurch. Haynes, E. J., F.Z.S., Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Henderson, H., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Herriott, Miss E. M., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Hewitt, S. J., 234 Selwyn Street, Christchurch. Hight, Professor J., M.A., Litt.D., Canterbury College, Christchurch. *Hilgendorf, F. W., M.A., D.Sc., F.N.Z.Inst., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Hitchcock, E., 159 Rolleston Street, Linwood, Christchurch. Hitchings, C. H., 71 Tweed Street, Richmond, Christchurch. Hodgson, T. V., F.L.S., Science and Art Museum, Plymouth, Eng. Hogg, E. G., M.A., F.R.A.S., Hackthorne Road, Cashmere, Christchurch. Holford, Geo., B.Ag., 74 Knowles St., Christchurch. Howard, E. J., M.P., c/o Trades Hall, Christchurch. Humphreys, G., Fendalton Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. Hutton, D. E., 25 Garden Road, Christchurch. Ingle, Mrs. W., Te Whare, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Ingram, John, 39 Mansfield Avenue, St. Albans, Christchurch. Ironside, Miss A. F., M.A., Training College, Christchurch. Irving, Dr. W., 56 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Isitt, L. M., Wigram Aerodrome, Sockburn. Jameson, J. O., 152 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Jamieson, W. G., Deans Avenue, Lower Riccarton, Christchurch. Jeams, Alexander, 24 Peacock St., Christchurch. Jobberns, G., M.A., B.Sc., Training College, Christchurch. Jones, P. H., Schoolhouse, Mount Somers. *Kidson, E., M.A., D.Sc., Central Weather Bureau, Melbourne. Kirkpatrick, W. D., M.A., F.R.H.S., Redcliffs. Knight, H. A., Racecourse Hill, Canterbury. Lancaster, G. J., M.A., M.Sc., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Laing, R. M., M.A., B.Sc., F.N.Z.Inst., Hackthorne Road, Cashmere.

Lindsay, Stuart, 18 Sydney Street, Spreydon, Christchurch. Louisson, Dr. M. G., Royal Exchange Buildings, Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Lythgoe, J., c/o Power Board, Greymouth. Macbeth, N. L., P.O. Box 976, Christchurch. Marsh, H. E., 81 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Marshall, Mrs., 132a North Street, Timaru. Mayne, J. B., 119 Innes Road, Christchurch. Mazey, G. A., 57 Fitzgerald Avenue, Christchurch. McGillivray, Robert, F.L.S., Agriculture Department, Invercargill. McKay, Dr. W., 45 Guinness Street, Greymouth. McLean, Mrs. L. J., Sarah Street, Timaru. Macleod, D. B., M.A., D.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Mears, F. D., F.C.S., 486 Lincoln Road, Christchurch. Meares, H. O. D., Fendalton, Christchurch. Mill, Dr. Thomas, 10 Jackson's Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. Milligan, Dr. R. R. D., Pathological Dept., Hospital, Christchurch. Morrison, W. G., Hanmer. Murray, Miss F. B., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Nairn, R., Lincoln Road, Christchurch. Neal, N. P., B.Ag., St. Andrew's College, Christchurch. Newburgh, W. S., c/o Newburgh, Best and Co., Cathedral Square, Christchurch. Oliver, F. S., 84 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Olliver, Miss F. M., M.A., M.Sc., High School, Waimate. Ollivier, C. M., St. Martins, Christchurch. Orbell, Mrs. E. A., Park Lane, Timaru. Overton, Miss, 24 Hereford Street, Christchurch. Owen, H., c/o Cook & Ross, Christchurch. Owen, R. B., 751 Colombo Street, Christchurch. Packer, J., M.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Page, A. W., M.A., 59 May's Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Page, R. O., M.Sc., 59 May's Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Page, S., B.Sc., 59 May's Road, Papanui, Christchurch. Pairman, Dr. J. C., 21 Latimer Square, Christchurch. Pairman, Dr. T. W., “Moat Knowe,” Governor's Bay. Pearson, Dr. A. B., Hospital, Christchurch. Penlington, G., F.N.Z.I.A., Architect's Office, Canterbury Education Board, Christchurch. Pennington, J. H., B.E., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Polson, J. G., M.A., Training College, Christchurch. Powell, Professor P. H., M.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Prudhoe, J. C., 12 Kidson Terrace, Cashmere, Christchurch. Purchase, J. E., M.A., F.R.E.S., Training College, Christchurch. Purnell, C. W., Ashburton. Raymond, S. G., K.C., Karori Street, Riccarton, Christchurch. Rennie, J. M., c/o “Sun” Office, Christchurch. Ridley, G. S., 25 Matilda Street, Timaru. Rhodes, Mrs. J., 16 Sealey Street, Timaru. Rhodes, J. H., c/o Rhodes, Ross and Godby, 176 Hereford St., Christchurch. Rhodes, Hon. Sir R. Heaton, Tai Tapu, Canterbury. Robinson, R. G., Darfield. Robinson, W. F., F.R.G.S., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Rodwell, H., Stratford Street, Fendalton, Christchurch. Rowe, H. V., M.A., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Rowntree, W. W., 341 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch. Sandston, Dr. A. C., Latimer Square, Christchurch. Sawtell, Mrs. C., 20 Cashel Street, Christchurch. Scott, M. J., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln. Scott-Baker, Mrs. J., 37 Webb St., St. Albans. Seager, S. Hurst, F.R.I.B.A., 36 Hackthorne Road, Cashmere. Shelley, Professor J., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Shrubshall, A. H., Bowenvale Ave., Cashmere, Christchurch. *Simpson, Dr. W., 108 Rugby Street, St. Albans, Christchurch. Sims, A., M.A., c/o Sims, Cooper & Co., Hereford Street, Christchurch. Skey, H. F., B.Sc., Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch. Skinner, W. H., 3 York Terrace, New Plymouth. Smith, Hon. G. J., River Road, Opawa, Christchurch.

Speight, Professor R., M.A., M.Sc., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Steele, G. P., Oxford Terrace, Christchurch. Stead, E. F., Ilam, Riccarton, Christchurch. Stevenson, Dr. J., Garden Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. St. John, Chas. E., 745 Colombo St., Christchurch. Strachan, J. E., M.A., B.Sc., Rangiora. Stone, T., “Lyttelton Times,” Christchurch. Struthers, J., M.A., Boys' High School, Christchurch. Sullivan, D. G., M.P., Christchurch. * Sylvester, S. J. H., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Symes, Langford P., 20 May's Road, Papanui. * Symes, W. H., M.D., B.Sc., 63 Worcester Street, Christchurch. Tapley, J. F., Governor's Bay. Taylor, G. J., 440 Madras Street, St. Albans, Christchurch. Telford, Dr. T. F., Govt. Buildings, Christchurch. Thacker, Dr. H. T. J., B.A., 43 Knowles Street, Christchurch. Thompson, A. H., Monck's Spur, Redcliffs. Tonnoir, A. L., Canterbury Museum, Christchurch. Trimnell, C. B., c/o Bing, Harris & Co., Ltd., 68 Lichfield Street, Christchurch. *Tripp, C. H., M.A., Timaru. Turner, H. S. E., 36 Brown's Road, St. Albans, Christchurch. Unwin, Dr. W. H., Timaru. Vangioni, L. J., Akaroa. Vincent, Spencer W., Box 91, Christchurch. Waddell, John, 30 Strickland Street, Christchurch. Wall, Professor A., M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Waller, F. D., B.A., West Christchurch D.H.S. Ward, F. E., Agricultural Dept., Christchurch. *Way, G. E., 20 Helmore's Road, Fendalton, Christchurch. Weatherburn, Professor C. E., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Weston, G. T., B.A., LL.B., Manchester Street, Christchurch. Whetter, Dr. J. P., 211 Gloucester Street, Christchurch. Widdowson, Dr. H. L., 4 Oxford Terrace, Christchurch. Wigram, Hon. H. F., M.L.C., 1 Armagh Street, Christchurch. Wild, L. J., M.A., B.Sc., F.G.S., Feilding. Wilding, Frank S., c/o Wilding and Acland, Hereford Street, Christchurch. Wilkins, T. J. C., B.A., Schoolhouse, Pleasant Point, S. Canterbury. Williams, C. J. R., M.Inst., C.E., Hackthorne Road, Cashmere, Christchurch. Withell, I. R., Canterbury College, Christchurch. Wood, W. H. J., 18 Balfour Terrace, Christchurch. Wright, A. M., F.I.C., F.C.S., P.O. Box 617, Christchurch. Otago Institute. Adams, Professor T. D., M.A., care of Otago University. Aitken, Mrs. M. W., M.Sc., Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh. Allan, R. S., M.Sc., Sedgwick Museum, Cambridge University. Allen, Sir James, High Commissioner's Office, London. Anderson, W. D., 32 Lynwood Avenue, Dunottar. Anderson, Miss A. C., Macandrew Bay. Angell, S., Commercial Bank of Australia, Princes Street, Dunedin. Anscombe, E., 171 Princes Street, Dunedin. Bain, A., B.A., Education Office, Dunedin. Balk, O., 13 Driver Street, Maori Hill. Barnett, Dr. L. E., Stafford Street, Dunedin. Barron, Miss Vida, M.A., 44 Queen Street, Dunedin. Bathgate, Alex., 85 Glen Avenue, Dunedin.* Bathgate, Dr. W. J., 76 Stuart St., Dunedin. Beal, L. O., Stock Exchange Buildings, Dunedin. Beeson, J. R., 281 George Street, Dunedin. Begg, J. C., F.R.A.S., Fifield Street, Roslyn. Begg, Mrs. A. C., 31 Ross Street, Roslyn. Bell, A. Dillon, Shag Valley.*

Bell, Professor R. J. T., M.A., D.Sc., Otago University. Bell, Professor R. C., D.D.S., Dental School, Otago University. Benham, Professor W. B., M.A., D.Sc., F.R.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Otago Museum.* Benson, Gerald, 62 Manor Place, Dunedin. Benson, Professor W. N., B.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., Otago University. Birrell, W. J., care of Robin and Co., corner Castle and Hanover Streets, Dunedin. Black, Alex., 82 Clyde Street, Dunedin. Black, James, care of Cossens and Black, 164 Crawford Street, Dunedin. Borlace, W., Lands Office, Dunedin. Bowie, Dr. J. T., London Street, Dunedin. Bowron, G. W., 426 Moray Place, Dunedin. Brasch, H., 99 London Street, Dunedin. Bremner, R. S., A.M.P. Buildings, Dunedin. Brown, A. T., Princes Street South, Dunedin. Browne, R. A. S., care of Post Office, Morrinsville. Buchanan, N. L., 44 Bronte Street, Nelson.* Burton, Miss I. H. F., 12 Alma St., Dunedin. Butler, J. G., Lynwood Avenue, Dunottar. Carter, C. L., M.Sc., A.I.C., 6 Carr Street, North East Valley. Chamberlain, C. W., 6 Regent Road, Dunedin.* Chapman, Sir F. R., Wellington. Chapman, C. R., 53 Manor Place, Dunedin.* Christian, E., 27 Maitland Street, Dunedin. Christie, Thomas R., 152 Cargill St., Dunedin. Clarke, C. E., 35 Octagon, Dunedin. Clarke, E. S., Woodhaugh. Cook, S. R., 66 Elm Row, Dunedin. Crawford, W. J., 123 High Street, Dunedin. Dalrymple, Rev. A. M., M.A., 33 Highgate, Roslyn. Davidson, E., 45 Newington Avenue, Dunedin. Davies, Rev. E., 5 Dunblane Street, Roslyn. Davies, O. V., 109 Princes Street, Dunedin. Don, W. G., care of Crust&Crust, Manse Street, Dunedin. Donn, R., Training College, Dunedin. Douglas, J. S., Frederick Street, Dunedin. Duncan, P., “Tolcarne,” Maori Hill. Duncombe, Mrs. T. A., Varde Orchard, Earnscleugh, Alexandra. Dunlop, James, Box 74, Dunedin. Dunn, L. R. L., M.Sc., 667 Castle Street, Dunedin. Dutton, Rev. D., F.G.S., F.R.A.S., 22 Passmore Crescent, Maori Hill.* Edgar, James, care of Victoria Insurance Company (Limited). Farnie, Miss W., M.A., Waitaki Girls' High School, Oamaru. Fea, W. B. M., 22 Highgate, Roslyn. Fels, W., 84 London St., Dunedin.* Fenwick, Cuthbert, Box 82, Dunedin.* Fenwick, Sir G., “Otago Daily Times” Office. Ferguson, Dr. Sir H. L., C.M.G., “Wychwood,” Musselburght Rise.* Finlay, H. J., 10 Pine Hill Terrace, Dunedin. Fitchett, Dr. F. W. B., 8 Pitt Street, Dunedin. Fleming, T. R., M.A., LL.B., Education Office, Invercargill. Fowler, H., Silveracres, Anderson's Bay, Dunedin. Fowler, J. M., Branxholme, Southland. Frye, Charles, Gasworks, Caversham. Fyfe, H. E., 27 Richmond Street, Dunedin. Gardner, W., care of H. B. Galland, Kelvin Road, North-east Valley. Garrow, Professor J. M. E., LL.B., Victoria College, Wellington.* Gaudin, J. H., 111 Moray Place, Dunedin. George, Charles E., 15 Filleul St., Dunedin. Gilkison, R., 29 Highgate, Roslyn.* Goyen, P., F.L.S., 136 Highgate, Roslyn.* Gray, J. A., 762 Cumberland Street, Dunedin. Green, E. S., Education Office, Dunedin. Guthrie, H. J., 426 Moray Place E., Dunedin. Hall, Dr. A. J., 36 Stuart Street, Dunedin. Hanlon, A. C., Moray Place, Dunedin. Harris, M., Medical School, King St., Dunedin. Hector, Dr. C. M., Medical School, Dunedin. Helmkey, J. J. H., George Street, Dunedin. Henderson, M. C., Electrical Engineer's Office, Cumberland Street, Dunedin. Hendry, Mr. James.

Hercus, G. R., 33 Albert Street, Dunedin. Hercus, Dr. C. E., M.D., D.S.O., O.B.E., B.D.S., D.P.H., Medical School, King Street, Dunedin. Hinton, J. W., M.Sc., Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Hodson, J., 609 Castle St., Dunedin. Hoffman, G., 215 Highgate. Holloway, Rev. J. E., D.Sc., F.N.Z. Inst., care of Museum, King St., Dunedin. Hooper, W. L., P.O. Box 17, Dunedin. Howard, B., M.A., Boys' High School, Dunedin. Howes, Miss Edith, Rawhiti Street, Sunshine.* Howes, W. G., F.E.S., 432 George Street, Dunedin. Hudson, E. R., B.Sc., B.Ag., Training College. Inglis, Professor J. K. H., M.A., D.Sc., F.I.C., Otago University. Jack, Professor. R., D.Sc., Otago University. Jeffrey, William, care of Brown, Ewing, and Co., Dunedin. Joachim, Miss M. E., 4 Beaumont Road, Mornington. Johnson, J. T., 46 Littlebourne Road, Dunedin. Johnson, Dr. Owen, Invercargill. Kay, J., 257 George Street, Dunedin. Kaye, William T. O., Normal School, Dunedin. Kennedy, A. R., Registrar's Office, Lower High Street, Dunedin. Kirkland, C. J., Dental School, Dunedin. Lawson, Professor R., M.A., Litt.D., Otago University. Lee, R., P.O. Box 363, Dunedin. Levi, A. A., M.Sc., Club House, Moray Place, Dunedin. Lilly, L. G., 124 London Street, Dunedin. Lowry, J. M., Public Works Department. Mackie, A., Test-room, Cumberland Street, Dunedin. Malcolm, Professor J., M.D., Otago University. Mandeno, H., New Zealand Express Company's Buildings. Marshall, Angus, B.A., Technical College. Martin, W., B.Sc., 21 Musselburgh Rise. Marwick, Miss T. C., M.Sc., Physics Department, Victoria College, Wellington. McCurdie, W. D. R., Borough Engineer, Te Awamutu.* McElrea, W., 138 St. David Street, Dunedin. McKellar, Dr. T. G., Pitt Street, Dunedin. McKerrow, Miss K., 167 York Place, Dunedin. McNair, J., Railway Engineer's Office, Invercargill. Meenan, J., 79 Cargill Street, Dunedin. Melland, E., Alport, near Bakewell, Derbyshire, England.* Merrington, Rev. Dr., First Church Manse, Dunedin. Michaelis, W. R., Schoolhouse, Alexandra. Milnes, J. W., 39 Lees Street, Dunedin.* Moir, G. M., M.Sc., 37 Cole Street, Caversham. Moore, J. A., M.A., B.Sc., Training College. Moore, Dr. S. A., Security Buildings, Stuart Street, Dunedin.* Morrell, W. J., M.A., Boys' High School.* Munro, Alex., 4 Manuka Street, Dunottar. Nevill, Canon, St. Paul's Vicarage, 6 Heriot Row. Newlands, Dr. W., 12 London Street, Dunedin. Nimmo, R. R., B.Sc., 16 Neidpath Street, Mornington. Northcroft, E. F., M.Sc., Biological Laboratory (Private Bag), Wellington. Olds, E. H., Municipal Baths, Moray Place, Dunedin. Palmer, Alex., 21 Albert Street, St. Clair. Park, Professor J., F.G.S., F.N.Z. Inst., Otago University.* Pearcey, B. W., B.Sc., 29 Carr Street, Dunedin. Penseler, R. G., B.Sc., 122 Dundas Street, Dunedin. Pickerill, Professor H. P., M.D., B.D.S., Otago University. Poppelwell, D. L., Gore. Price, W. H., care of Donald Reid and Co., Vogel Street, Dunedin.* Ramsay, Professor H., M.A., Otago University. Richards, Rev. Bishop, See House, 2 Leith Road, Maori Hill. Riley, Dr. F. R., 346 George Street, Dunedin. Ritchie, Dr. Russell, 400 George St., Dunedin. Roberts, E. F., 128 Highgate, Roslyn. Roberts, Sir John, C.M.G., Littlebourne.* Robertson, John, B.A., B.Sc., 47 Highgate, Roslyn. Ross, T. C., care of Ross and Glendining (Limited).

Routledge, W. R., 14 Norfolk Street, St. Clair. Salmond, J. L., National Bank Buildings. Sandle, Major S. G., Defence Office, Palmerston North. Sargood, Percy R., “Marinoto,” Newington. Shacklock, J. B., Bayfield, Anderson's Bay. Shortt, F. M., care of John Chambers and Sons, Stuart Street. Sim, Sir William, Musselburgh Rise.* Simpson, George, jun., Russell St., Roslyn. Simpson, George, sen., Russell St., Dunedin. Skinner, H. D., B.A., Museum, King Street, Dunedin. Sligo, Mr. Alex., c/o Mills, Dick &Co., Dunedin. Smith, C. S., “Star” Office. Smith, J. C., care of Vernon Smith, George Street, Dunedin.* Smith, H. McD., Union Bank Buildings. Smith, Miss M., 44 Duke Street, Dunedin. Somerville, T., care of Coulls, Somerville and Wilkie, Dunedin. Stark, James, care of Kempthorne, Prosser and Co. Steele, R. H., 69 St. David Street, Dunedin. Stewart, R. T., 21 Gamma Street, Roslyn. Stewart, Hon. W. Downie, M.P., LL.B., 11 Heriot Row, Dunedin. Strong, Professor, care of Otago University. Stout, Sir Robert, K.C.M.G., Wellington.* Tannock, D., Botanical Gardens. Tennent, R. B., Bangor Terrace, Kew. Theomin, D. E., 42 Royal Terrace, Dunedin. Theomin, E., 8 Royal Terrace, Dunedin. Thomson, W. A., Ferntree House, 75 Half-way Bush. Thomson, Hon. G. M., F.L.S., F.N.Z. Inst., M.L.C., 99 Eglinton Road, Mornington. Thomson, G. S., B.Sc., 99 Eglinton Road, Mornington. Thomson, J. S., F.C.S., care of Thomson's Limited, Police Street, Dunedin. Thornton, Miss M., Training College. Tily, H. S., care of Customhouse, Dunedin. Tucker, A. W., Training College. Turnbull, Miss M. I., M.A., 449 Leith Street, Dunedin. Waite, Major F., D.S.O., Hillfoot, Waiwera South, Dunedin. Waters, Professor D. B., A.O.S.M., Otago University. White, Professor D. R., M.A., 83 St. David Street, Dunedin.* White, Mr. D. R., Public Trust Office, Dunedin. Wilkinson, H. K., 33 Royal Terrace, Dunedin. Williams, J., B.Sc., F.C.S., Otago Boys' High School. Williams, W. J., City Engineer's Office. Wilson, G. T. B., 1 Bright- Street, Belleknowes. Wingfield, J. E., 655 Castle Street, Dunedin. Young, Dr. James, Don Street, Invercargill. Young, Maxwell W., F.C.S., care of Fish-hatchery, s.s. “Tarewai,” Port Chalmers. Yuille, Rev. Tulloch, Driver Street, Maori Hill. Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute. Absolom, Mrs. J. H. Absolom, J. A. Alexander, M. Aitken, H. G. Aldridge, A. E. Andersen, Miss A. M. Anderson, Andrew. Armour, W. A. Ashcroft, Mrs. P. Ashcroft, P. Asher, Rev. J. A. Bagley, C. J. Beck, W. H. Berry, Dr. J. A. Black, J. Bennett, H. M. Bullock, L. E. Chadwick, R. M. Chambers, Bernard. Chambers, John. Chambers, Mason. Chambers, Maurice.

† Chapman, Hector. Clark, Dr. A. G. Clark, Thomas P. Costello, E. T. Cook, A. W. Cottrell, Horace S. De Castro, F. K. Dinwiddie, W. Dinwiddie, B. Dolan, B. J. Duncan, R. Edgar, Dr. J. J. Edmundson, J. H. Fitzgerald, Dr. D. Ford, A. R. Friend, L. C. Greig, Miss V. Gleadow, J. Guthrie-Smith, W. H. Geddis, T. M. Graham, Henry. Harding, J. W. Harding, W. A. Harwood, W. G. Harwood, Mrs. W. G. Hay, Leslie. Hilderbrandt, W. H. Hill, Bromley. Hill, Henry (* Life Members) Hislop, J. Hutchinson, F. (Junior). Hyde, T. Herrick, E. J. Harding, T. B. Hobson, A. Johnson, Sinclair. Kennedy, C. D. Large, Mrs. J. S. Leahy, Dr. J. P. Lowry, T. H. McLean, R. D. D. Metcalfe, W. F. Moore, Dr. T. C. Moore, Dr. W. W. Maney, C. E. Morris, William C. McLernon, S. McLaren, R. Nelson, George. Oates, W. Ormond, G. C. Ormond, Frank. O'Ryan, W. Pallot, A. G. Pallot, Mrs. R. Pollock, C. F. H. Rees, E. T. Reaney, P. S. Ringland, T. H. Sagar, Mrs. M. Sainsbury, G. O. Smith, Somerset. * Smith, Hector J. Speight, H. Stout, E. T. Swanseger, Dr. P. Thomas, C. L. Thorp, Fredk. Thomson, J. P. Todd, Thos. Tiffin, G. W. Vautier, T. P. Waterhouse, R. W. Waterhouse, A. L. Waterworth, Dr. G. West, E. S. White, Wm. Wilson, A. H. Wilton, T. J. Williams, Frederic W. Williams, Ven. Arch. H. W. Woodward, M. Nelson Institute. Askew, Rev. C. F., The Deanery, Nelson. Bartel, J. G., Collingwood Street. Bishop, L., Cawthron Institute. Bruce, James, Britannia Heights. Bruce, James, Cawthron Institute. Caradus, E., College House, Waimea Road. Crequer, V. G., Halifax Street. Cunningham, G., Wainui Street. Curtis, Dr. K. M., Cawthron Institute. Curtis, W. S., Tasman Street. Davies, W. C., Cawthron Institute. Duncan, H. R., Hardy Street. Easterfield, Professor, Cawthron Institute. Field, T. A. H., Rocks Road. Gibbs, F. G., Collingwood Street. Gibbs, Dr. S., Hardy Street. Glasgow, J., Stoke. Harrison, H., Cawthron Institute. Hunter-Brown, H., Tory Street. Hunter-Brown, Mrs. H., Tory Street. Jamieson, Dr. J. P. S., Hardy Street. Johnston, Dr. W. S., Hardy Street. Kelly, R. H., 26 Hampden Street W. Kemp, G. T., Collingwood Street. Knapp, F. V., Alfred Street. Maddox, F. W. McKay, J. G., Boys' College. Moller, B. H., Collingwood Street. Moncrieff, Captain M. M., The Cliffs. Moncrieff, Mrs. M. M., The Cliffs. Morley, E. L., Waimea Street.

Mules, Bishop, Trafalgar Square. Murray, Miss B. J., Cawthron Institute. Philpott, A., Cawthron Institute. Rigg, T., Cawthron Institute. Rix-Trott, H., Hardy Street. Rout, W., Hardy Street. Russell, J., Sunnybank, Bronte St. Sadlier, Bishop, Wath Brow, Brougham Street. Taylor, J., 84 Haven Road Tillyard, Dr. R. J., Maitai Lodge. Turnbull, T. A., Hardy Street. Wharton, Miss B. A., Maitai Bank. Wharton, G. E., Maitai Bank. Whitwell, F., Drumduan, Suburban North. Worley, Miss, Trafalgar Street South. Manawatu Philosophical Society. Akers, H., Duke Street. Bagnall, H. G., 30 Te Aweawe Street. Barnett, Dr. E. C., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., Fitzherbert Street. Batchelar, J. O., Willow Bank. Bayly, Mrs., Patea. Bendall, W. E., Dairy Union. Bennett, G. H., The Square. Bett, D. H. B., M.B., Ch.B., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., Broad Street. Blackbourne, Rev. H. G., M.A., Vicarage. Burges, A., 139 Featherston Street. Callanan, F., Bainesse. Cameron, W. B., 24 Russell Street. Cameron, W. H. L., Queen Street. Canton, H. J., Waldegrave Street. Clausen, C. N., Rangitikei Street. Cockayne, A. H., Wellington. Cohen, M., Broad Street. Collinson, L. H., The Square. Crabb, E. H., College Street. Cullen, Mrs., North Street. Cunningham, G. H., Department of Agriculture. Edwards, R., C.E., Duke Street. Eliott, M. A., The Square. Fitzherbert, W. L., Broad Street. Fuller, R. A., Alexandra Street. Gardner, Captain F. S., Bank of New Zealand, Sydney.* Gerrand, J. B., The Square. Grace, R. H. F., National Bank. Graham, A. J., The Square. Grigor, A., National Bank. Hannay, A., care of Manson and Barr. Hepworth, H., The Square. Hodder, T. R., Rangitikei Street. Holben, E. R. B., Rangitikei Street. Holbrook, H. W. F., 84 Rangitikei Street. Hopwood, A., Main Street. Hughes, J. R., C.E., The Square. Hunter, W., 15 Rangitikei Street. Hurley, E. O., The Square. Johnston, J., Goring, Oakhurst. Keeling, G. W., College Street W. Larcomb, E., C.E., Roy Street. Larcomb, P., Roy Street. Mahon, A., The Square. Merton, J. L. C., LL.B., Rangitikei Street. Miller, J., R.C.S.E., L.R.C.P.E., L.R.F.P. and S.G. Mills, Miss C. B., M.A., Girls' High School. Moore, Miss Murray, J., M.A., High School. Nash, N. H., The Square. Needham, F., Rangitikei Street. Oakley, F. J., Rainforth Street. Opie, F. D., Technical School. Oram, M. H., M.A., LL.B., Rangitikei Street. Park, W., F.R.H.S., College Street. Peach, Dr. C. W., M.B., C.M., Broad Street. Pigott, Miss E., 79 College Street. Poynton, J. W., S.M., Auckland.* Ross, R., Ferguson Street. Russell, W. W., Rangitikei Street. Salmon, C. T., Assoc. in Eng., Canterbury College, Rangitikei Street. Seifert, A., George Street. Seifert, H., Featherston Street West. Seifert, L., George Street. Sheppard, F. J., Rangitikei Street. Sim, E. Grant, Rangitikei Street. Sinclair, N. H., Allen Street. Smith, W. W., F.E.S., Public Reserve, New Plymouth. Stevens, J. H., Church Street. Stevenson, J. C., High School. Stowe, Dr. W. R., M.R.C.S., M.R.C.P., Linton Street. Sutherland, A., Boundary Road. Taylor, C., George Street. Turner, W., Queen Street. Welch, W., F.R.G.S., Mosman's Bay, N.S.W. West, E. V., King Street. Whitaker, A., Grey Street. Wilson, Miss D., Rangitikei Street. Wilson, Miss E. Carncot, Rangitikei Street.* Wood, J. R., Duke Street. Wright, A. H. M., College Street. Young, H. L., Cuba Street.

Wanganui Philosophical Society. Aldis, Morton, Wicksteed Place, Wanganui. Allison, Alexander, 4 Cambrae Place, Aramoho. Allison, Thomas, 54 Glasgow Street, Wanganui. Amess, A. H. R., M.A., Collegiate School, Wanganui. Babbage, C. W., Main North Road, St. John's Hill, Wanganui. Bassett, W. G., St. John's Hill, Wanganui. Battle, T. H., Architect, Wanganui. Blair, Alan, care of Wanganui Brewery Company, Wanganui. Brown, C. P., M.A., LL.B., College Street, Wanganui. Burnet, J. H., St. John's Hill, Wanganui. Cowper, A. E., Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. Crow, E., Wanganui. Cruickshank, Miss, M.A., M.Sc., Girls' College, Wanganui. Currie, G., St. John's Hill, Wanganui. D'Arcy, W. A., 11 Campbell Street, Wanganui. Downes, T. W., River Trust Board, Wanganui. Drew, Harry, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. Duigan, Herbert, Ridgway Street, Wanganui. Ford, C. R., F.R.G.S., College Street, Wanganui. Gibbons, Hope, Wanganui East. Hall, William, Jockey Club Office, Maria Place, Wanganui. Hatherly, Henry R., M.R.C.S., Gonville, Wanganui.* Jack, J. B., St. John's Hill, Wanganui. Jones, Lloyd, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui. Liffiton, E. N., J.P., Ridgway Street, Wanganui. McBeth, J. D. W., Wicksteed Place, Wanganui. McFarlane, D., Ridgway Street, Wanganui. Marshall, Professor P., M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S., F.N.Z.Inst., Collegiate School, Wanganui. Miles, F. F., M.A., Collegiate School, Wanganui. Murdoch, R., P.O. Box 221, Wanganui. Murray, J. B., St. John's Hill, Wanganui. Neame, J. A., M.A., 47 Bell Street, Wanganui. Park, G., B.Ecom., Technical College, Wanganui. Robertson, A. C., Papaiti, Wanganui. Stevenson, Russell, Wicksteed Place, Wanganui. Sturge, A. C., M.A., Hurworth School, Wanganui. Sutherland, R. A. S., M.Sc., Collegiate School, Wanganui. Talboys, F. P., Tramways Manager, Wanganui. Ward, J. T., Victoria Avenue, Wanganui.* Watt, J. P., B.A., LL.B., Ridgway Street, Wanganui. Watt, M. N., F.E.S., St. John's Hill, Wanganui. Wilson, Alexander, M.D., Wickestead Street, Wanganui. Note.—This list is not up to date, the Wanganui Philosophical Society having failed to send in report and balance-sheet and amended list.

List Of Institutions To Which The Publications Of The Institute Are Presented By The Governors Of The New Zealand Institute. Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute. New Zealand. Alexander Turnbull Library, Bowen Street, Wellington. Cabinet, The Members of, Wellington. Executive Library, Wellington. Forestry Department, Wellington. Free Public Library, Auckland. " Christchurch. " Dunedin. " Wellington. Government Printer and publishing staff (6 copies). Library, Auckland Institute, Auckland. " Auckland Museum, Auckland. " Biological Laboratory, Canterbury College, Christchurch. " Biological Laboratory, University College, Auckland. " Biological Laboratory, University of Otago, Dunedin. " Biological Laboratory, Victoria University College, Wellington. " Canterbury College, Christchurch. " Canterbury Museum; Christchurch. " Canterbury Public Library, Christchurch. " Cawthron Institute, Nelson. " Department of Agriculture, Wellington. " Dunedin Athenaeum. " General Assembly, Wellington (2 copies). " Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, Napier. " Manawatu Philosophical Society, Palmerston North. " Nelson College. " Nelson Institute, Nelson. " New Zealand Geological Survey. " New Zealand Institute of Surveyors. " New Zealand Institute, Wellington. " Otago Institute, Dunedin. " Otago Museum, Dunedin. " Otago School of Mines, Dunedin. " Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch. " Polynesian Society, New Plymouth. " Portobello Fish-hatchery, Dunedin. " Reefton School of Mines. " Southland Museum, Invercargill. " Thames School of Mines. " University College, Auckland. " University of Otago, Dunedin. " Victoria University College, Wellington.

Library, Waihi School of Mines, Waihi. " Wanganui Muscum. " Wellington Philosophical Society. Austria. Intendanz des Naturhistorische Hofmuseums, Vienna. K.K. Central-Anstalt fär Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus, Vienna. K.K. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna. Belgium and the Netherlands. Acadèmie Royal des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels. La Sociètè Royale de Botanique de Belgique, Brussels. Musèe Teyler, Haarlem. Netherlands Entomological Society, Plantage, Middenlaan, 15, Amsterdam. Denmark. Natural History Society of Copenhagen. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Literature of Copenhagen. Finland. Abo Akademi, Abo. Finska Vetenskats Societies, Helsingfors. France. Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris. Musèe d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. Sociètè Zoologique de France, Paris. Sociètè de Chimie Industrielle, 49 Rue de Mathurins, Paris. Germany. Biologisches Zentralblatt, Berlin, Dahlem. Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg, Berlin. Deutsches Entomologisches Museum, Berlin. Ethnological Institute, Tubingen. Königliche Physikalisch-Oekonomische Gesellschaft, Konigsberg, E. Prussia. Königliches Zoologisches und Anthropologisch-Ethnographsches Museum, Dresden. Naturhistorischer Verein, Bonn. Naturhistorischer Museum, Hamburg. Naturwissenschaftlicher, Verein, Bremen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Frankfurt-an-der-Oder. Prussische Bibliothek, Berlin. Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (Städtisches Museum für Völkerkunde) Cologne. Redaction des Biologischen Centralblatts, Erlangen.

Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frankfurt-am-Main. Staats und Universitatsbibliothek, Hamburg. Staatliches Forschungsinstitut für Volkerkunde, Leipzig. Verein für Vaterländische Naturkunde in Würtemburg, Stuttgart. Zoological Society, Berlin. Great Britain. Athenaeum Subject Index to Periodicals, 11 Bream's Buildings, Chancery Lane, London E.C. Bodleian Library, Oxford University. British Association for the Advancement of Science, London. British Museum Library, London. " Natural History Department, South Kensington London S.W. Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge University. Colonial Office. London. Clifton College, Bristol, England. Geological Magazine, London. Geological Society, Synod Hall, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. " London. Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, London. Geological Survey Office, Hume Street, Dublin. High Commissioner for New Zealand, London. Imperial Bureau of Entomology, 89 Queen's Gate, London SW 7. Imperial Institute, London. Institution of Civil Engineers, London. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 34 Southampton Street, Strand, London. Leeds Geological Association, Sunnyside, Crossgate, Leeds. Linnean Society, London. Literary and Philosophical Society, Liverpool. Liverpool Biological Society. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth. Natural History Society, Glasgow. Nature, The Editor of, London. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist Society, Norwich. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Patent Office Library, 25 Southampton Street. London W.C. Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 59 Great Russell Street, London W.C. Royal Botanic Garden Library, Edinburgh. Royal Colonial Institute, London. Royal Gardens, Kew, England. Royal Geographical Society, Kensington Gore, London S.W. Royal Institution, Liverpool. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin. Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh. Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Synod Hall, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh.

Royal Society, Dublin. " Edinburgh. " London. Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, London. Royal Statistical Society, London. University Library, Cambridge, England. " Edinburgh. Victoria University, Manchester. Victoria Institute, London. Wheldon and Wesley, Ltd., London (Agents). Zoological Society, London. Hungary. Zoological Department, National Museum, Budapest. Italy. Biblioteca ed Archivio Tecnico, Rome. Laboratorio di Zoologica e Agraria, Portici, Naples. Museo Civice di Storia Naturale, Genova. Museo di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della R. Universita, Turin. R. Accademia dei Lincei, Rome. R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettre, ed Arti, Modena. Società Africana d'Italia, Naples. Società Botanica Italiana, Florence. Società Geografica Italiana, Rome. Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Pisa. Stazione Zoologica di Napoli, Naples. Norway. Adviser of Norwegian Fisheries, Bergen. Bergens Museum, Bergen. University of Christiania. Russia. Biological Station, Saratov. Emperor Peter I Agricultural Institute, Woronesh. Imper. Moskofskoie Obshchestvo Ietestvo-Ispytatelei (Imperial Moscow Society of Naturalists). Kiefskoie Obshchestvo Iestestvo-Ispytatelei (Kief Society of Naturalists). Spain. Junta de Ciencies Naturals, Barcelona, Apartado 593. Sweden. Geological Survey of Sweden, Stockholm. Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm. Universitetsbiblioteket, Uppsala.

Switzerland. Naturforschende Gesellschaft (Sociètè des Sciences Naturelles), Bern. Societe de Physique et d'Histoire Naturelle de Geneve. India. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta. Colombo Museum, Ceylon. Geological Survey of India, Calcutta. Natural History Society, Bombay. Raffles Museum, Singapore. Japan. College of Science, Imperial University of Japan, Tokyo. Java. Society of Natural Science, Batavia South Africa. Durban Museum, Natal. Free Public Library, Cape Town. Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg. Rhodesia Museum, Bulawayo, South Africa. South African Association for the Advancement of Science, Cape Town. South African Museum, Cape Town. British North America. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, Ottawa. Hamilton Scientific Association, Hamilton, Canada. Institute of Jamaica, Kingston, Jamaica. International Institute of Agriculture, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa, Canada. Library Advisory Research Council, Ottawa, Canada. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, St. John's. Nova-Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Halifax. Royal Canadian Institute, Toronto. United States of America. Academy of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, State of New York. " Davenport, Iowa. " Library, Philadelphia. " San Francisco. American Engineering Societies' Library, 29 West 39th Street, New York. American Geographical Society, New York. American Journal of Science (Editors), Yale University, New Haven, Conn. American Philosophical Society Philadelphia. Arnold Arboretum, Harvard University, Jamaica Plains, U.S.A.

Astronomical Society of the Pacific, San Francisco. Boston Society of Natural History. Brooklyn Botanical Gardens, New York. Chemical Abstracts, Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio. Connecticut Academy, New Haven. Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C. Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago. Franklin Institute, Philadelphia. Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore. Journal of Geology (Editors), University of Chicago, Chicago, Ill. Leland Stanford Junior University, California. Library, Bureau of Science, Manila. Lloyd Library, Cincinnati. Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis, Mo. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass. National Academy of Sciences, Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. National Geographic Society, Washington, D.C. New York Academy of Sciences, 77th Street and Central Park West, New York. New York State College of Agriculture, Ithaca, New York. Rochester Academy of Sciences. Smithsonian Institute, Washington, D.C. Tufts College, Massachussetts. United States Geological Survey, Washington. University of California, Berkeley, U.S.A. University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. University of Montana, Missoula. University of Washington, Seattle. Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Winconsin Academy of Sciences, Arts, and Letters, Madison. Argentine Republic. Academia Nacional de Ciencias, Cordoba. Museo Nacional de Historia Natural de Buenos Aires, Casilla del Correro. Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Aires. Brazil. Escola de Minas, Rio de Janeiro. Museu Paulista, Sao Paulo. Uruguay. Museo Nacional, Monte Video. Hawaii. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu. National Library, Honolulu. Volcano Observatory, Kilauea, Hawaii Islands.

New South Wales. Agricultural Department, Sydney. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Sydney. Australian Museum Library, Sydney. Consulate-General of the Czecho-Slovak Republic, Sydney. Department of Mines, Sydney. Engineering Association of New South Wales, Sydney. Engineering Institute of New South Wales, Watt Street, Newcastle. Library, Botanic Gardens, Sydney. Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney. Public Library, Sydney. Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney. University Library, Sydney. Queensland. Geological Survey Office, Brisbane. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane. South Australia. Public Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide. University Library, Adelaide. Tasmania. Public Library of Tasmania, Hobart. Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart. Victoria. Advisor Council of Science and Industry, 314 Albert Street, East Melbourne. Australian Institute of Mining Engineers, Melbourne. Commonwealth Institute of Science and Industry, Danks Buildings, 391 Bourke Street, Melbourne. Field Naturalists' Club, Melbourne. Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne. Legislative Library, Melbourne. National Herbarium of Victoria, South Yarra. National Museum, Melbourne. Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne. University Library, Melbourne. Western Australia. Government Geologist, Perth.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 57, 1927, Unnumbered Page

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Appendix. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 57, 1927, Unnumbered Page

Appendix. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 57, 1927, Unnumbered Page

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