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General Index [The Editor will be obliged if authors and other users of the index will notify him of any errors or omissions discovered, or make any suggestions for improvements.] Acaena microphylla X Sanguisorbae, hybrid (Ckn. & Allan), 21. — Sanguisorbae Vahl. var., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — var. pusilla, Peel For. (Allan), 46, 49. — — var. sericei-nitens Bitter, micro-species (Ckn. & Allan), 21. Acanthiidae. See Saldidae. Acanthoceras discoidale Koss., comp. (Marshall), 186. — newboldi Koss., comp. (Marshall), 158. — — var. spinosa Koss., comp. (Marshall), 158. — pseudo-deverianum Jimbo, comp. (Marshall), 186. — rotomagense var. asiatica Jimbo, comp. (Marshall), 158; descripn., 157. — ultimum n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 158. Acanthochaetes ovatus Hutton, syn.. 585. Acanthochiton foveauxensis n. sp., with pl. (Mestayer), 585. — — var. kirki n. var., with pl. (Mestayer), 586. Acanthochiton rubiginosus (Hutton), syn., 585. Acarida, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436, 437. accent, in names, and shifting of (Andersen), 673. Aciphylla Colensoi Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. — Crosby-Smithii Petrie, descripn. with pl. (Petrie), 13. Acmaea alticostata (Angas), syn., 551. Acmaea calamus (C. & F.) var. polyactina Verco, syn., 567. — campbelli (Filhol), syn., 567. — cantharus (Reeve), syn., 570. — — (not Reeve), syn., 558, 571. — cingulata Hutton, type of Radiacmea (Oliver), 564; syn., 565. — — (Q. & G.), syn., 560. — — (not Q. & G.), syn., 577, 578, 579. — corticata Hutton, syn., 552. — costata (not Sowerby), syn., 551. — crucis Tenison-Woods, syn., 560. — daedala Suter, type of Parvacmea (Oliver), 575; syn., 575. — — var. subtilis Suter, syn., 575. — elongata (Q. & G.), syn., 573. — flammea (Q. & G.), syn., 558. — — (not Q. & G.), syn., 560, 575. — fragilis (Chemnitz), syn., 582. — gealei (not Angas), syn., 556. — helmsi Smith, syn., 576. — inradiata (not Reeve), syn., 560. — intermedia Suter, syn., 566. — jacksoniensis (Reeve), syn., 561. — jacksoniensis var. mixta (Reeve), syn., 560. — lacunoa (not Reeve), syn., 552. — marmorata Tenison-Woods, syn., 556. — — var. submarmorata Pilsbry, syn., 558. — mixta (not Reeve), syn., 558. — mufria Hedley, syn., 562. — parviconoidea Suter, type of Conacmea (Oliver), 577; syn., 577. — — var. leucoma Suter, syn., 576. — — var. nigrostella Suter, syn., 577. — patellavecta Verco, syn., 550. — petterdi Tenison-Woods, syn., 574. — pileopsis (Q. & G.), syn., 569, 570. — pseudocorticata Iredale, syn., 554. — punctata (Q. & G.), syn., 566. — roseoradiata Suter, syn., 563. — rubiginosa (Hutton), syn., 565. — rugosa (Q. & G.), syn., 550. — saccharina (Linné), syn., 555. — — var. stellaris (Q. & G.), syn., 555. — scabrilirata Angas, syn., 573. — scapha Suter, syn., 575. — septiformis (Q. & G.), syn., 572, 573, 576. — — (not Q. & G.), syn., 571, 580. — stella subsp. corticata Hutton (Oliver), 552. — — var. pseudocorticata Iredale, syn., 554. — subundulata Angas, a doubtful species (Oliver), 573. Acominia n. gen. (Finlay), 240. — ridicula n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 244. Actinoleuca, in key (Oliver), 549; charact., 567. — calamus (Crosse and Fischer), (Oliver), 567. — campbelli (Filhol), with fig. (Oliver), 567. — multiradialis (Chapman and Gabriel), (Oliver), 568. Adelomelon Cossman, type charact. (Marwick), 264; Miomelon, a section of, 265. Adiantum hispidulum Swartz, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Admete cristata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 323. Aestrelata lessoni Garnot, analysis of fat (Malcolm), 650. Aethocola cliftonensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 321; occ., 337. — taitae Marwick, occ., 353. Agonochila binotata, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Agropyron scabrum Beauv., Peel For. (Allan), 43. Agrostichthys parkeri (Benham), type of new genus (Phillipps), 535. Agrostis Billaidieri R. Br., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — ypsilon Rott., food of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. Ahmen, H. See Frosch, P., and Ahmen, H.

Alcithoe H. and A. Adams, charact. (Marwick), 260; synopsis, 287; classifn., 270. See also Fulgoraria (Alcithoe) and Fulguraria (Alcithoe). — acuta n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 295; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — angusta (Suter), classifn. (Marwick), 265. — arabica Martyn, with pl. (Marwick), 295; doubtful division, 294; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — — jaculoides Powell, syn., 295. — arabica-swainsoni group, difficulty of division (Marwick), 294. — arabicula n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 293; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — armigera n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 290; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — bathgatei n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 248; syn., 276. — brevis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 299; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — compressa n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 290; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — corrugata (Hutton), (Marwick), 299. — cylindrica n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 290; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — depressa (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 296; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — detrita n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 289; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — dilatata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 301; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — dyscrita n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 249; syn., 276. — exigua n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 299; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — familiaris n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 291; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — finlayi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 297; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — gatesi new name, with pl. (Marwick), 302; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — gracilis Swainson, with pl. (Marwick), 300; in synopsis, 288; range, 269; occ. (Thomson), 353. — haweraensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 302; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — hedleyi Murd. & Suter, with pl. (Marwick), 301; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — hurupiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 292; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — irregularis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 292; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — jaculoides Powell, with pl. (Marwick), 295; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — larochei n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 294; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — lepida n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 296; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — lutea Marwick, with pl. (Marwick), 293; in synopsis, 288; range, 269; occ. (Thomson), 352 — mackayi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 300; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — morgani (Marsh. & Murd.) occ., 333. — neglecta n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 298; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — nukumaruensis (Marsh. and Murd.), with pl. (Marwick), 289; in synopsis, 288; range, 269; similarity to A. detrita, 294. — oliveri n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 295; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — parva n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 301; in synopsis, 288; range 269. — phymatias n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 248; syn., 276. — reflexa n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 296; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — regularis n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 247; syn., 275. — residua n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 249. — — Finlay, with pl. (Marwick), 301; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — robusta n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 291; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — scopi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 297; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — sequax n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 291; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — solida n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 298; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — subgracilis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 300; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — swainsoni n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 294; apices of shell, fig. 261; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — transformis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 293; in synopsis, 287; range, 269. — turrita (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 288; in synopsis, 288; range, 269; confusion with A. detrita, 289. — wekaensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 288; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. — whakinoensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 302; in synopsis, 288; range, 269. Alethopteris, occ. (Marshall), 210. Aletia parmata n. sp. (Philpott), 387. Allan, H. H., cocksfoot and rye-grass investigation, 760; Mount Egmont forests, 760. Allorchestes, N.Z. species of (Chilton), 515. — brevicornis, a Hyale (Chilton), 515. — novizealandiae Dana, with figs. (Chilton, 516—18. Alsophila Colensoi Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 44. ammonite horizons, Cretaceous, geol. age (Marshall), 198. ammonites, importance of suture-lines (Marshall), 192; Upper Cretaceous ammonites of N.Z., 129; comparison with circum-Pacific dists., 204; geographical relationships, 194; table of occ. of repres. forms, 196. Ammonites aemilianus Stol., comp. (Marshall), 178, 179. — bhavani Stol., charact., &c. (Marshall), 175. — bhima Stol., comp. (Marshall), 184. — buddha Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 144. — cala Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 150. — compressus Stol., comp. (Marshall), 186. — diphylloides Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 192. — durga Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 182, 191. — filicinctus Whiteaves, comp. (Marshall), 144. — forbesianum d'Orb., comp. (Marshall), 136.

Ammonites gardeni Baily, comp. (Marshall), 190. — garuda Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 152. — gaudama Forbes., comp. (Marshall), 183. — indra Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 152. — jukesi Sharpe, comp. (Marshall), 139. — kalika, charact. (Marshall), 175. — kandi Stol., comp. (Marshall), 178, 179. — kayei Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 139. — madrasinus Stol., charact. (Marshall), 174—75; comp., 178, 179. — mayorianus, genotype of Puzosia (Marshall), 180. — planulatus Sowerby, comp. (Marshall), 183. — ramosus Meek, comp. (Marshall), 135. — rouyanus d'Orb., comp. (Marshall), 136. — sacya Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 144. — — var. multiplexus Stol., comp. (Marshall), 142. — — var. sachalinensis Schmidt, comp. (Marshall), 142, 144. — subalpinus d'Orb., comp. (Marshall), 138. — timotheanum Mayor, comp. (Marshall), 149. — timotheanus Pictet and Roux, comp. (Marshall), 149. — varuna Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 147. — velledae Mich., comp. (Marshall), 135. — vicinale Stol., comp. (Marshall), 186. Ammophila arenaria (L.) Link., host of Megaloceroea reuteriana (Myers), 470. Amoria Gray, type charact. (Marwick), 264; not a N.Z. shell, 265. Ampelisca, food of Chelidonichthys kumu (Phillipps), 527. — eschrichtii and A. macrocephala, occ. of similar forms (Chilton), 513. Amphidesma subtriangulatum (Wood), occ., 333. Amphipoda, N.Z. (Chilton), 512. Amuri limestone and Weka Pass stone, contact (Thomson), 354. Anachis pisaniopsis (Hutt)., occ., 352, 353. Anagallis arvensis Linn. Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. analyses— artesian water, Christchurch (Hilgendorf), 381. Green Isles aplite, diorite, and granite (Park), 386. red cod, food value (Carter & Malcolm), 648 soils from Rotorua County (Aston), 737. wheat, for flour-producn. (Foster), 741—42. Ancilla cf. australis (Sowb.), occ., 333. — crystallina n. sp., with pl. (Brookes), 589. — cf. hebera, occ., 334. — morgani n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 342. — (Baryspira) subhebera n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 323. — — tirangiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 324. Ancistrosyrinx n. sp., Suter, is Parasyrinx finlayi, 344. Andersen, J. C., publication committee's report, 755. Aneurus brouni (F. B. W.), with pl. and fig., life-hist. (Myers), 488. Angelica montana (Forst.) Cockayne, Peel For. (Allan), 43, 47; host of Nysius (Myers), 481. angiosperms, N.Z. (Oliver), 1. animal-life in forest-floor (Grimmett), 423. Anisops assimilis F. B. W., life-history (Myers), 468. — wakefieldi F. B. W., life-history (Myers), 468. Anisotome aromatica Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. — var. incisa T. Kirk, Peel For. (Allan), 47, 50. annelid tubes, Rakaia Gorge dist. (Cox.), 94. Anomia trigonopsis Hutt., occ., 333, 334, 352, 353. — undata Hutt., occ., 351, 352. Anopsobius neozelanicus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Anthocoridae, less than eight species (Myers), 451; details, 472. Anthoxanthum odoratum L., host of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. Antigona zelandica (Gray), occ., 352, 353. Antimitra Iredale, genus of Iredale, (Finlay), 254. — vexillifomis Marsh, and Murd., type of Vexithara (Finlay), 255. ants, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435, 437. Aotea n. gen. (Phillipps), 533. — acus n. sp., with pl. (Phillipps), 534. Apaturi is Iredale, genus of Iredale, (Finlay), 254. Aphaenogaster antarcticus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Aphera scopalveus n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 246. Aphrodite, food of Thyrsites atun (Phillipps), 528. Apium prostratum (DC.) Labill., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.) 36. aplite, Green Isles, analysis (Park), 386. Aradidae, numerous in species (Myers), 451, 486. Aradus australis Erichs., hist. (Myers), 486. Aralia sp., host of Dactyianthus Taylori (Hill), 89. Araneida, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435, 437. Araneus crassus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. — pustulosus (Walck.), Oncacontias vittatus distasteful (Myers), 509. Araucaria brasiliensis, resemb. to Araucarites marshalli (Edwards), 126. — haastii Etting., resemb. to Araucarites marshalli (Edwards), 126. — rulei, position of canals (Edwards), 127. araucarians of N.Z. (Edwards), 126. Araucarioxylon. See Dadoxylon (Araucarioxylon). Araucarites carinaria, resemb. to A. marshalli (Edwards), 126. — hatcheri Wieland, resemb. to A. marshalli (Edwards), 126. — marshalli n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 126. — ovatus Hollick, resemb. to A. marshalli (Edwards), 126. Arber, E. A. N., Cairn Range fossil flora (Jobberns), 218. Arca sociella n. sp., with pl. (Brookes), 590. Architectonica marwicki n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 338. Archyala opulenta n. sp. (Philpott), 398. Arctocorisa arguta (F. B. W.), life-hist. (Myers), 463, 469. Areca Baueri, and name cabbage-tree (Andersen), 661.

Argosarchus horridus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Aristotelia fruticosa Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 45, 47, 48, 49. — racemosa Hook. f., poles used as net-handles (Rangi Hiroa), 599. — serrata (Forst.), W. R. B. Oliver, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43, 47. Arocatus rusticus Stal., intr. from Australia (Myers), 455; life-hist., with figs., 476, 477. Arripis trutta Cuvier, Maori method of fishing (Rangi Hiroa), 620. Artesian Well Committee, research on Chch. area artesians, 760. artesian wells, chemical analysis of water (Hilgendorf), 381; varying levels of, 370. — — Beckenham, Christchurch (Speight), 363. — — Christchurch area (Hilgendorf), 369. — — — (Speight), 366. Arthropodium cirratum R. Br., Sounds—Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. Arundo conspicua Forst. f., host of Oncacontias vittatus (Myers), 508. Ascaris, parasite of Genyplerus blacodes (Phillipps), 528. Ashby, E., Callochiton kapitiensis, details (Mestayer), 584. Ashley Range, geol. (Speight), 360. Asplenium bulbiferum Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 43, 44, 45. — flabellifolium Cav., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43, 45, 47, 49. — flaccidum Forst. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — — Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41. — Hookerianum Col., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43. — japonicum Thunb., syn., 81. — lamprophyllum sp. nov. (Carse), 81. — Richardi Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 47. — Trichomanes Linn., Peel For. (Allan), 47. Astelia Banksii A. Cunn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — Cockaynei Cheesem., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 50. — nervosa Banks & Soland. ex Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 42, 43, 45. — — var. grandis (Hook. f. ex. T. Kirk) Ckn. et Allan (Ckn. & Allan), 21. — — var. sylvestris Ckn. et Allan (Ckn. & Allan), 21. — Solandri A. Cunn., Sounds—Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. Asteracmea n. gen., in key (Oliver), 549; char., 563. — axiaerata (Verco), (Oliver), 564. — crebrestriata (Verco), (Oliver), 564. — illibrata (Verco), (Oliver), 563. — mellila (Iredale), (Oliver), 563. — stowae (Verco), (Oliver), 564. — suteri (Iredale), (Oliver), 563. Aston, B. C., forest of Chapman Bush (Grimmett), 431 — Hector award, 763 astronomy and seismology, advisory board, 764. ataata. See Turbo swaragdus. Atalacmea Iredale, char. (Oliver), 581; in key, 549. — fragilis (Sowerby), (Oliver), 582. Ataxocerithium, occ., 333. Athleta huttoni (Suter), syn., 273. — — pseudorarispina (Suter), syn., 274. — necopinata Suter, affin. (Marwick), 262; type of Notoplejona, 270. — See also Volutospina (Athleta). Atrina, occ., 334. — zelandica (Gray), occ., 333. Aucella boehmi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 305. — marshalli Trechmann, type of Pseudaucella (Marwick), 306. — plicata Zittel, with pl. (Marwick), 304. Aulacosphinctoides brownei Marshall, occ. (Marshall), 211 note. — marshalli Spath, occ. (Marshall), 211 note. Aulica Adams and Crosse, type charact. (Marwick), 264. Australian Assoc. for Adv. of Sc., representation at, 751. Australina pusilla Gaud., Peel For. (Allan), 43. Austrofusus Kobelt, replaces Aethocola Iredale (Finlay), 232. — affiliatus n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 238. — flexuosa (Marshall), comp. with A. (Neocola) alpha (Finlay), 234. — glans (Bolten), new name (Finlay), 232. — precursor n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 237. — (Nassicola) contractus n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 236. — — magnificus n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 236. — — nasa n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 235. — (Neocola) alpha n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 233. — — apudalpha n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 235. — — beta n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 234. — — gamma n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 234. Austrotoma obsoleta n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 253. — scopalveus n. sp., with fig. (Finlay), 253. Aute, Te, limestone, part of Waipukurau series (Thomson), 350, 352. Avena sativa L., host of Ustilago Avenae (Cunningham), 79. Avon, River, and artesian wells (Hilgendorf), 379. Awa-a-Koirere, Te, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Awamoan beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268—69. — stage, in grouping (Grange), 334. Awanui, kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 619. — series, age (Thomson), 354. Awa-o-Anaru, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Awa-o-Hare, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Awa-tapae, Te, a crayfish-hole (Rangi Hiroa), 628. awkward names of plants (Andersen), 673. Azoic age anterior to stratification of rock (Chapman), 117.

bacteria, minuteness of (Chapman), 114. bacteriophages, size (Chapman), 119. Baculites anceps Paulcke, comp. (Marshall), 154. — chicoensis Trask, comp. (Marshall), 154. — ovatus Say, occ. (Marshall), 155. — rectus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 154. — vagina Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 154; occ., 130. Bagnisia, hab. (Hill), 88—89. balance of trade as index of prosperity (Condliffe), 722. Baluchitherium, size (Chapman), 117. Barbatia novae-zelandiae (Smith), occ., 353. Barea ambigua n. sp., with figs. (Philpott), 396. Barnea, occ., 333. barracouta. See Thyrsites atun. Barrell, Jos., geol. age of mammals (Chapman), 116. Baryspira australis (Sow.), occ., 353. — waikaiaensis n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 251. — waikopiroensis (Suter), occ., 353. — See also Ancilla (Baryspira). Bastian, H. C., synthetic production of organic substance (Chapman), 115. Batley, ammonites at (Marshall) 129. — series, stratigraphical features (Marshall), 201. Beckenham, artesian wells (Speight), 363. beetles in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Beilschmiedia tawa (A. Cunn.) Benth. and Hook. f., host of Ctenoneurus hochstetteri (Myers), 487. — — rain forest, Sounds—Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. Bela striata Hutton, type of Iredalula (Finlay), 231. Belemnites canaliculatus aucklandicus Hauer, occ. (Marshall), 210, 211 note. Belophos incertus (Marshall), with pl. (Allan), 341. Bergroth, E., Nabididae the correct form of Nabidae (Myers), 475. birch, confusion caused by name (Andersen), 663. Birdseye Creek, geol. (Speight), 355. Bitoma, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. blackberry. See Rubus fruticosus. Blechnum capense (L.) Schlecht., identity (Carse), 82. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.) 35. — — Peel For. (Allan), 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 50, 51. — — becomes B. procerum (Andersen), 671. — discolor Keys, Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 43, 44, 46. — filiforme (A. Cunn.) Ellingh., host of Ploiariodes rubromaculatus (Myers), 477. — fluviatile Salom., Peel For. (Allan), 40. — lanceolatum Sturm, Peel For. (Allan) 40. — Patersoni Mett., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — penna marina Kuhn. Peel For. (Allan), 44, 45, 47, 49, 50. Blennius laticlavius n. sp., with pl. (Griffin), 542. Boehm, G., Aucella plicata from Waikato S. Head (Marwick), 304. Boltenia pachydermatina Herdman, dispersal of pebbles (Chilton), 523. Borkhausenia Hubner, list of N.Z. species, with figs. (Philpott), 399; genitalia, with figs., 406; key to species, 404; phylogeny of species, 413. — affinis n. sp., with figs. (Philpott), 391. — afflicta n. sp. (Philpott), 401; in key, 406; fig., 411. — amiculata n. sp. (Philpott) 402; in key, 405; fig., 409. — amnopis Meyr., in key (Philpott), 404; fig., 411. — anaema (Meyr)., in key (Philpott), 405; B. serena may be syn., 405 note. — ancogramma Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 409. — apanthes (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405. — apertella (Walk.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 410. — aphrontis (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 411. — armigerella (Walk.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 412. — asphaltis Meyr., removed to Guestia (Philpott), 401. — basella (Walk.), in key (Philpott), 405; figs., 407, 411. — brachyacma Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 411. — cenchrias Meyr., removed to Gymnobathra (Philpott), 401. — chloradelpha Meyr., in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 409; affin. to B. perichlora Meyr., 401. — chloritis (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405. — chrysogramma (Meyr)., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 409. — collitella (Walk.), in list (Philpott), 401. — compsogramma Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 410. — crotala Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 410; affin. to B. plagiatella Walk., 401. — epichalca (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 410. — epimylia (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 409. — eriphaea Meyr., in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 409. — fenestrata n. sp. (Philpott), 404; in key, 406; fig., 410. — freta n. sp. (Philpott), 402; in key, 404; fig., 411. — griseata (Butl), in key (Philpott), 406. — hastata Philp., in key (Philpott), 404. — hemimochla (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 406. — homodoxa (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 411. — honorata Philp., in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 409. — hoplodesma (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 411. — horaea (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405. — innotella (Walk.), in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 411. — letharga (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 406. — loxotis Meyr., in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 410. — macarella (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405.

Borkhausenia maranta (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 404; fig., 412. — melanamma Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 412. — monodonta (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 411. — morosa n. sp. (Philpott), 403; in key, 406; fig., 410. — nycteris (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 406; figs., 407, 412. — opaca n. sp. (Philpott), 403, in key, 405; fig., 409. — oxyina (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 409. — pallidula Philp., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 410. — paratrimma Meyr., in key (Philpott) 406; fig., 409. — penthalaea Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 411. — perichlora Meyr., in key (Philpott) 405; fig., 409. — pharmactis Meyr., in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 410. — phegophyila (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 406. — plagiatella (Walk.), in key (Philpott), 406; figs., 407, 410. — politis (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 410 — pronephela Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 411. — pseudospretella (Stt.), in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 412. — robiginosa (Philp.), in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 409. — sabulosa Philp., in key (Philpott), 406. — scholaea (Meyr., in key (Philpott), 405; fig., 412. — seclusa Philp., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 411. — serena n. sp. (Philpott), 403; fig., 410; in key, 405; may be syn. of B. anaema, 405 note. — siderodeta (Meyr.), in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 410. — siderota not in key (Philpott), 404 note; fig., 412. — terrena n. sp., with figs. (Philpott), 392. — thelerodes Meyr., in key (Philpott), 405. — thranias Meyr., syn., 401. — vestita n. sp. (Philpott), 392. — xanthodesma Philp., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 409. — xanthomicta Meyr., in key (Philpott), 406; fig., 412. Bortonian beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268—69. — substage name proposed (Allan), 338. botanical district for N.Z., a proposed new (Cockayne & Allan), 19. Bothriocephalus, parasite of Genypterus blacodes (Phillipps), 528. Botrychium australe R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 45, 50. Botryodiplodia pinea (Desm.) Petr., pines infected (Curtis), 53. Brachyglottis repanda Forst., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Brachylous, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. brachyptery in Heteroptera (Myers), 454. Brahmaites Kossmat, charact. (Marshall), 172. — brahma Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 173. — rotundus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 173. Brame, J. W., Polypodium dictyopteris, charact. (Carse), 83. Bridges, R., plant names in “The Idle Flowers” (Andersen), 676. British Columbia, ammonite fauna (Marshall), 206. Brittin, G., research, fruit-tree diseases, 760. Bromus sterilis L, host of Puccinia Elymi (Cunningham), 77. — unioloides H. B. K., host of Cymodema sp. (Myers), 485; of Taphropeltus putoni, 484 Brontosaurus excelsus, size (Chapman), 118. Brown, J. M., fellowship, 763. Buccinum adspersum Bruguiere, type of Acominia (Finlay), 240. — arabicum Martyn, type of Alcithoe (Marwick), 287. — glandiforme Reeve, type of Cominista (Finlay), 240. — luridum Philippi, syn., 240. — nassoides Reeve, type of Eucominia (Finlay), 239. Buck, P. H., fellowship, 763. Bueno, —, Nezara viridula, range (Myers), 498. building-materials, rise in price (Condliffe), 727. Bull's Point, ammonites at (Marshall), 129. Burbidge, P. W., research on intensity of long-wave signals, 760. Burrows, A., discovery of Galaxias burrowsius (Phillipps), 532. bush-sickness, Rotorua County (Aston), 733. Butler, A. E., Lyctocoris campestris, food (Myers), 473. — Stenotus binotatus, variability (Myers). 472. cabbage-tree, origin of name (Andersen), 660. Caeoma Rhododendri Link., syn., 75. Cairn Range, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 215. California, ammonite fauna (Marshall), 206. Callanaites speighti (Sut.), occ., 333. — yatei (Gray), occ., 353. Calliostoma osbornei n. sp., with pl. (Powell), 591. — punctulatum, variation in sculpture (Powell), 591. — selectum (Chemn.), occ., 334. Calliphora imperialis (Fabr.), occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 488. Callochiton empleurus (Hutton), with pl. (Mestayer), 583. — kapitiensis n. sp., with pl. (Mestayer), 583. Callomaoria n. gen., with figs. (Brookes), 447. — harrisi n. sp. (Brookes), 447. Calyptraea alta (Hutt.), occ., 352. — novae-zelandiae (Lesson), occ., 353. — tenuis (Gray), occ., 333, 334, 335. Calystegia Soldanella (L.) R. Br., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — tuguriorum R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 46. Canterbury climate, Speight's views (Allan), 47. — imports and exports of (Condliffe), 723. Cantharidus, occ., 353. — fenestratus, occ. (Marwick), 309.

Cantharidus sanguineus (Gray), occ., 353. Carcharias glaucus Cuvier, syn., 529. Carcharinus brachyurus Guenth., Domin, Mus. specimen a Prionace glaucum (Phillipps), 529. Cardium patulum Hutt., occ. (Marwick), 309. — spatiosum Hutt., occ., 333, 334. Carex Coxiana sp. nov. (Petrie), 6. — McCurgii sp. nov. (Petrie), 8. — McMahoni sp. nov. (Petrie), 6. — Martini sp. nov. (Petrie), 7. — rekohu sp. nov. (Petrie), 8. — rotoensis sp. nov. (Petrie), 9. — secta Boott., Peel For. (Allan), 42, 50. — virgata Sol., host of Rhopalimorpha obscura (Myers), 504. Carmichaelia sp. in Sounds-Wairau Botan. Dist. (Cockayne & Allan), 19. — arborea (Forster), replacing C. australis R. Br. (Oliver), 5. — australis R. Br. var. egmontiana Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 21. — flagelliformis Hook, f., syn., 5. — subulata T. Kirk, Peel For. (Allan), 49. Carpodetus serratus Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 46. Carpolithus zeelandica n. sp., with fig. (Edwards), 128. Carposina sanctimonea n. sp. (Clarke), 418. Carter Bequest. See N.Z. Institute: Carter Bequest. Cassinia fulvida Hook, f., var. montana, Peel For. (Allan), 44, 49, 50, 51. — leptophylla R. Br., host of Nysius huttoni (Myers), 479; of N. clavicornis, 480. — — Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — Vauvilliersii (Homb. et Jacq.), Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 49, 51. — — var. serpentina Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 20, 22. Cassis muricata Hector, comp. with Euspina-cassis pollens (Finlay), 230. Castlecliffian beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. — stage, in grouping (Grange), 334. catalogue of scientific journals in N.Z., 750. Catamacta calligypsa n. sp. (Meyrick), 415. cattle in forests, effect (Allan), 41–42. Caulopsetta scapha, food of Physiculus backus (Phillipps), 528. cedar. Maori. See Dysoxylum spectabile. Celmisia cordatifolia, Buch., Sounds-Nelson Botan Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — coriacea (Forst. f.) Hook, f., host of Nysius (Myers), 481. — laricifolia Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 51. — Macmahoni, T. Bark, Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — Rutlandii T. Kirk, Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — spectabilis Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 45, 47, 50. centipedes, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Cerithidea, occ., 333. — tirangiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 317. Cermatulus nasalis (Westwood) with pls. and figs., life-hist. (Myers), 490, 491; eggs of 489. Chaerocydnus nigrosignatus F. B. W., occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 510. Chapman Bush, Wadestown, life of forest-floor (Grimmett), 426. Charteris Bay sandstone, stratigraphical position (Speight), 361. Chasm Creek, coal-working (Cox), 103. Cheeseman, T. F., Plagianthus cymosus T. Kirk, hybrid origin (Ckn. & Allan), 31. Cheilanthes Sieberi Kunze, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Cheimarrichthys forsteri Haast, Maori catching of (Rangi Hiroa), 640. Chelidonichthys kumu (Lesson and Garnot), food of (Phillipps), 527. Chermes pini Koch, pines infected (Curtis), 52. Chiazacmea n. gen., in key (Oliver), 549; char., 558. — flammea Q. & G., with fig. (Oliver), 558. — — cavilla (Iredale), (Oliver), 561. — — conoidea Q. & G. (Oliver), 560. — — mimula Iredale (Oliver), 561. — — mixta (Reeve), with fig. (Oliver), 560. — — queenslandiae n. subsp. (Oliver), 561. — heteromorpha n. sp., with pl. and fig. (Oliver), 562. — mufria (Hedley), (Oliver), 562. Chile, ammomte fauna (Marshall), 207. Chilodactylus macropterus Forster, fat of (Malcolm), 656. Chilopoda, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434, 437. Chione stuchburyi (Gray), occ, 333. — subsulcata Suter, occ, 334, 352, 353. Chiton limans Sykes, syn., 583; not a N.Z. form, 584. — sulcatus Quoy, syn., 583. Chlamys convexus (Q. & G.), occ, 352. — enfieldensis n. sp., with pi. (Marwick), 311. — radiatus (Hutt.), occ., 351, 352, 353. Chloroclystis fumipalpata (Feld.), correct name (Philpott), 388. — maculata Huds., syn., 388. Christensen, C., observations on certain N.Z. ferns, 80. Chrysomyxa albida Kuehn., syn., 76. — Rhododendri (DC.) de Bary (Cunningham), 75. Cimex lectularius Linn., an introd. species (Myers), 455, 472. Cimicidae, only one species (Myers), 451, 472. Cirphis unipuncta Haw., food of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. Cirsostrema angulata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 320. — caelicola n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 231. citrate of ammonia, cure for iron-hunger (Aston), 737. Citrus grandis (L.) Osbeck, host of Ploiariodes rubromaculatus (Myers), 477. Cladium Huttoni, T. Kirk, host of Tolyposporium littorale (Cunningham), 78. Cladophlebis australis Morris, occ. (Marshall), 210. Clathurella hamiltoni Hutton, incl. in Cominula (Finlay), 239.

Clavatula humerosa n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 315. Clematis australis T. Kirk, Peel For. (Allan), 49. — foetida Raoul, Peel For. (Allan), 41. — indivisa Willd., Peel For. (Allan), 41. — marata Armstr., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — parviflora var. depauperate Hook, f., in Sounds-Wairau Botan. Dist. (Cockayne & Allan), 19. Clinton River Intrusive Series (Park), 384. Cloudy Bay cod, Lotella rhacinus sold as (Philhpps), 533. clove hitch, no Maori name for (Rangi Hiroa), 602. clover, red. See Trifolium pratense. Clubiona peculiaris, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Cnephasia paterna n. sp. (Philpott), 391. coal, in Mackenzie country (Speight), 355. — measures, Cordy's Flat (Jobberns), 219. — Rakaia Gorge dist. (Cox), 101, 103. — rise in price (Condliffe), 727. Cockayne, L., Mayor Isld. vegetation, 34. — N. and S. Isld. floras (Myers), 455. — plant-names (Andersen), 675. cocksfoot. See Dactylis glomerata. cod, red. See Physiculus bachus. Coelostomidia zealandica, in forest-floor (Grimmet), 435. Colenso, W., trees, &c., used as vegetables in N.Z. (Andersen), 661. Coleoptera, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435, 437. — new species (Brookes), 440. Coleosporium Rhododendri Schroet., syn., 75. Collembola, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Collisella, in key (Oliver), 549. — saccharina (Linné), syn., 555. — spectrum, similar to Aust. shell (Oliver), 548. Collisellina Dall (Oliver), 554. Colobanthus mollis n. sp. (Oliver), 6. — quitensis (not Bartl.) Hook. f., syn., 5. Colville, F. W., leaf-mould (Grimmett), 423, 424, 428. Cominella Gray, charact. (Finlay), 238; occ., 353. — carinata (Hutt.), new name for (Finlay), 245 note. — compacta n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 322. — hamiltoni (Hutt.), occ., 352, 353. — hendersoni n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 322. — intermedia Suter, incl. in Eucominia (Finlay), 239. — lurida (Phil.), occ., 333. — maculata Gray, Cominia maculata the original name (Finlay), 238. — quoyana A. Adams, type of Cominula (Finlay), 239. — subnodosa Hutton, comp. with Zelandiella fatua (Finlay), 237. Cominia maculata Gray, name prior to Cominella maculata (Finlay), 238. Cominista n. gen. (Finlay), 240. — chattonensis n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 244. — obsoleta n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 244. Cominula n. gen. (Finlay), 239. Cominula (Procominula) denselirata n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 242; in key, 243. — — exsculpta (Suter), (Finlay), 243; in key, 243. — — — Praecox n. sp. (Finlay), 243: in key, 243. — — propinqua n. sp. (Finlay), 243; in key, 243. — — pukeuriensis n. sp., with p1. (Finlay), 242; in key, 243. — — pulchra (Suter), with p1. (Finlay), 242; in key, 243. Comitas n. gen. (Finlay), 251. compound words, accent of (Andersen), 664–65. Comstock, J. H., metamorphic and nonmeta-morphic insects (Myers), 452, 453. Conacmea n. subgen. (Oliver), 577. Conchothyra parasitica Hutton, occ. (Jobberns), 220. Conomitra apicicoatata (Suter). (Allan), 341. — inconspicua (Hutton), with p1. (Allan), 341. Conospira. See Conus (Conospira). — rivertonensis n. sp., with p1. (Finlay), 255. Conus atramentosus Reeve, type of Lovellona Iredale, (Finlay), 254. — (Conospira) tahuensis n. sp., with p1. (Allan), 344. Coprosma creolata Cheesem., Peel For. (Allan), 41. — brunnea Ckn., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — cuneata Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — grandifolia Hook, f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — linariifolia Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43, 44, 47, 51. — lucida Forst. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — microcarpa Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 45, 47. — parviflora Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 42, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50. — Petriei Cheesem. var. atropurpurea Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 22. — — var vera Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 22. — propinqua A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 45, 48, 49, 50. — ramulosa Petrie, Peel For. (Allan), 45, 49, 50. — retusa Hook, f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — rhamnoides A. Cunn., Peel. For. (Allan), 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51. — robusta Raoul., host of Romna scotti (Myers), 470; of Zangis amyoti, 497. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — var. angustata Kirk, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — rotundifolia A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46. — rugosa Cheesem., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — serrulata Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. Coptochetus zelandicus Marshall, congen. with Melanopsis waitaraensis (Marwick), 317. Corbula canaliculata Hutt., occ. (Marwick), 308. — zelandica Q. & G., occ., 363. Cordyline, popular name (Andersen), 660.

Cordyline australis Hook, f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Cordy's Flat, geology (Jobberns), 214. Coriaria sarmentosa Forst. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — Peel For. (Allan), 49. Corixidae, less than eight species (Myers), 451; details, 463. Corokia Cotoneaster Raoul, Peel For. (Allan), 48. Corymbites, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Coryneum Salicis Togn., on willow (Murray), 69. Corynocarpus laevigata Forst., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Corysanthes macrantha Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 43. Cossman, M., Miomelon a section of Cymbiola (Marwick), 265; Plesiotriton, founding of genus, 315; Volutidae, classifn. of, 260, 261. — Uxia, notch of (Allan), 342. cottonwood. See Cassinia leptophylla. Cotula squalida Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 44. Crambus corylana n. sp. (Clarke), 417. — scitulus n. sp. (Philpott), 390. — thrincodes Meyr., syn., 391. — tuhualis Feld., correct name (Philpott), 391. — tuhualis Meyr., syn., 390. — vulgaris Butt., correct name (Philpott), 390. Crassatella trailli Hutton, type of Spissatella (Finlay), 256. Crassatellites obesus, occ. (Marwick), 308. crayfish, Maori methods of catching (Rangi Hiroa) 626; sizes of, 629. Crepidula haliotoidea n. sp., with p1. (Marwick), 318. — incurva Zitt., occ. 333, 334. — monoxyla Lesson, occ., 352. crested weed-fish. See Cristiceps aurantiacus Cretaceous ammonite horizons, geol. age (Marshall), 198. — ammonites of N.Z. (Marshall), 129. Cristiceps aurantiacus Castelnau, with p1. (Griffin), 543. Cronartiaceae, new family of Uredinaceae (Cunningham), 74. Crustacea, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433, 437. Crypsitricha generosa n. sp. (Philpott), 398. Cryptodiaporthe apiculata (Wallr.) Petr., ident. (Murray), 66. — salicella (Fr.) Petr., on willow (Murray), 68. Ctenoneurus hochstetteri (Mayr.) with p1., life-hist. (Myers), 486. — brouni, fig. (Myers), 491. Ctenopseustis obliquana (Walk.), food of Romna (Myers), 471. Cubaris, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. Cucullaea waihaoensis n. sp., with p1. (Allan), 345. Culex fatigans, food of Corixids (Myers), 464. cup-orchid. See Petalochilus calyciformis. currency-unit, changes in value (Condliffe), 724. Curtis, K. M., research in parasitic mycology, 761. Cutilia sidilotti, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Cyathea Cunninghamii Hook. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — Peel For. (Allan), 44. 27—Trans. Cyathea dealbata Swartz, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — — Peel For. (Allan), 44. — medullaris (Forst. f.) Sw., host of Ploiariodes rubromaculatus (Myers). 477. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Cyathodes acerosa R. Br., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.) 36. — Peel For. (Allan), 44, 45. — var. oxycedrus R. Br., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Cyclophorus serpens C. Christen., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 43. Cydnidae, less than eight species (Myers), 451; details, 510. Cylichnella enysi, occ. (Marwick), 309. Cymatium minimum (Hutt.), occ. (Marwick), 308. — revolutum Finlay, syn., 315. Cymbiola, hist. of name (Marwick), 263. — lutea Watson, syn., 282. — Miomelon a section of (Marwick), 265. — (Miomelon) corrugata (Hutton), syn., 283, 299. — See also Voluta (Cymbiola). Cymodema sp., occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 485. Cyperaceae, hosts of Farysia endotricha (Cunningham), 79; of Tolyposporium littorale, 77. Cyrtophium cristatum G. M. Thomson, ident. (Chilton), 513. — dentatum Haswell, same as Podocerus cristatus (Chilton), 513. Dacrydium cupressinum Sol., host of Oncacontias vittatus (Myers), 509. Dactylanthus Taylori Hook. f., hab., with pls. (Hill), 87. Dactylis glomerata L., host of Dictyotus caenosus (Myers), 501; of Megaloceroea sp., 470; of Rhopalimorpha obscura, 504; of Stenotus bionotatus, 471. — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — Peel For. (Allan), 41. Dactylopagrus macropterus (Forster), food of (Phillipps), 525. Dadoxylon ettingshauseni (Stopes), charact. of (Edwards), 127. — kaiparaense n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 127. — (Araucarioxylon) novae-zeelandiae (Stopes), diff. from D. kaiparaense (Edwards), 127. Dall, W. H., Scaphella and Cymbiola, hist. of names (Marwick), 263–64; Volutidae, larval form, 259 note; classifn., 260; Zealeda syn. with Spinula, 328. Dalmasiceras Djan., charact. (Marshall), 176. Dammara oweni, ident. (Edwards), 128. Dammarites sp. from Kaipara, with fig. (Edwards), 127. Danthonia Cunninghamii Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 47. — pilosa R. Br., Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — — Peel For. (Allan), 46. — semiannularis R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 46. — setifolia Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43.

Davies, W. C., research in soil bacteria and protozoa, 761. Days Bay Bush, life of forest-floor (Grimmett), 426. de Grossouvre, A., Hauericeras, descripn. (Marshall), 190; Puzosia, charact., 180. d'Herelle, F., parasites of micro-organisms (Chapman), 119. Dentalium laeve, occ., 351. — marwicki n. sp., with p1. (Mestayer), 587. — nanum Hutton, occ., 351, 352, 353. — otamaringaensis n. sp., with p1. (Marwick), 326. — solidum Hutt., occ., 333. depth-finders, sonic, for bathymetrical survey of N.Z. seas, 754. Desmoceras, classifn. (Marshall), 180–81. — diphylloides Koss., comp. (Marshall), 192. — gaudama Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 183. — kawanoi Jimbo, comp. (Marshall), 147. — (Hauericeras) gardeni Baily, comp. (Marshall), 190. — See also Schluteria (D.). Dexiocerella dentata Haswell, ident. (Chilton), 513. — laevis Haswell (Chilton), 513. Dianella intermedia Endl., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Diaprepocoris barycephala Kirkaldy, occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 464. — zealandiae Hale, lacks hindwings (Myers), 454; life-history, 464. Dichelachne crinita (Forst. f.) Hook, f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — — Peel For. (Allan), 43, 46. — sciurea Hook. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Dichondra repens Forst., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Dicksonia fibrosa Col., Peel For. (Allan), 40. — squarrosa (Forst. f.) Sw., host of Ploiariodes rubromaculatus (Myers), 477. — — Peel For. (Allan), 44. Dicranoloma, Peel For. (Allan), 45. Dictyotus caenosus (Westwood), eggs (Myers), 489; nat. hist., with pls. and figs., 499. die-back of Pinus radiata and P. muricata (Curtis), 52–57. Diels, L., Veronica and Hebe (Ckn. & Allan), 25. Diemenia immarginata (Dall), occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 488. Digitalis purpurea Linn., Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. Dinosaurüs eggs discovered (Chapman), 118. diorite, Green Isles, analysis (Park), 386. Diplazium japonicum Bedd., identity (Carse), 81. Diplodia pinea (Desm.) Kickx, pine-infection (Curtis), 56. — salicina Lev., on willow (Murray), 69. Diplodocus carnegii, size (Chapman), 118. Diplodonta infrequens n. sp., with p1. (Marwick), 312. — zelandica (Gray), occ., 353. Diplomoceras indicum Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 155. — rugatum Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 155. — subcompressum Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 155. Diplomoceras wakanene n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 155. Diplopoda, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434, 437. Discaria toumatou Raoul, Peel For. (Allan), 48, 49. Discina kawhiana Boehm, occ. (Marshall), 211 note. Divaricella cumingi Ad. & Ang., occ., 333. Djanélidze, A., Dalmasiceras Djan., charact. (Marshall), 176. Dodonaea viscosa Jacq., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. domestic producn. in N.Z. (Condliffe), 722. Domett, A., periphrasis for eschscholtzia (Andersen), 672. Dominion Museum and Art Gallery, Board of Trustees for, 754; subsidy for, 750. Dosinia, occ., 333, 334, 353. Dracophyllum latifolium A. Cunn., Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — — var. Matthewsii Carse, syn., 86. — longifolium R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 49, 50, 51. — Matthewsii sp. nov. (Carse), 86. — Sinclairii Cheesem., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — uniflorum Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. — Urvilleanum A. Rich., Peel For. (Allan), 50. Drapetes Dieffenbachii Hook., Peel For. (Allan), 51. dreams, omens in warehou-fishing (Rangi Hiroa), 625. Drilla, occ., 333. Drimys Forst., usage of name Wintera (Oliver), 3. — axillaris Forst., type of Drimys (Oliver), 4. — Winteri Forst., S. American species (Oliver), 3. Dryocora howittii, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Dryopteris dentata (Forst.) C. Chr., shd. prob. replace D. parasitica (Carse), 81. — parasitica (L.), probably D. dentata (Carse), 81. — punctata C. Chr., a Hypolepis (Carse), 80. Dunn, E. J., dispersal of pebbles by marine organisms (Chilton), 524 note. Dysderidae, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. dysentery, destrucn. of bacteria of (Chapman), 119. Dysoxylum spectabile (Forst. f.) Hook, f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — forest, Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — poles used in fish-traps (Rangi Hiroa), 599. earthquakes, Rakaia Gorge dist. (Cox), 107. earth's crust, age (Chapman), 112. earthworms in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. earwigs, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Easterfield, T. H., research in orchard chemistry, 761; N.Z. mineral oils, 761; Hector Award report, 1925, 763. Echeneis lineata Menzies, with p1. (Griffin), 546.

Echinophoria Sacco, value of group (Marwick), 319. Echiurus novae-zelandiae, food of Latridopsis ciliaris (Phillipps), 526. — unicinatus, food of Latridopsis ciliaris (Phillipps), 526. economic develop. of N.Z. and price-levels (Condliffe), 722. Edwardsia microphylla Salisb., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 42, 43, 45, 46. eel, green. See Gymnothorax prasinus. — yellow. See Gymnothorax prasinus. Elaeocarpus Hookerianus Raoul, Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42. Elateromyces Bubak, should be Farysia Raci-borski (Cunningham), 78. — endotrichus (Berk.), G. H. Cunn., syn., 78. — niger G. H. Cunn., syn., 78. — olivaceus (DC.) Bubak, syn., 78. Eleocharis sphacelata R. Br., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Eleotris gobioides (Cuvier), Maori catching of (Rangi Hiroa), 640. Eliott, M. A., Treasurer's report, 1924. 755–59. Elytranthe fiavida Engl., Peel For. (Allan), 45, 46. Enarsus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Endodonta anguiculus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. — biconcava, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. — coma, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. — pseudoleidon, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. — tapirina, in forest-floor (Grimmeett), 436. Entelea arborescens R. Br., Mayor Isld. (Allan & D.), 36. — used as net-floats (Rangi Hiroa), 602; for rafts, 628. Eohippus, age (Chapman), 116. Epichorista candida n. sp. (Clarke), 419. Epilobium cinereum A. Rich., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — innaeoides Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — melanocaulon Hook. var. typica Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 22. — — var. viride Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 22. — microphyllum A. Rich., Peel For. (Allan), 46. — nummularifolium R. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 60. — pallidiflorum Soland., Peel For. (Allan), 50. — pedunculare A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 46. — pernitens Ckn. et Allan sp. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 23. — rotundifolium Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 43. Epinephelus octofasciatus n. sp., with p1. (Griffin), 540. Erato vulcania n. sp., with p1. (Marwick), 314. Erechtites glabrescens T. Kirk., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — quadridentata DC., Peel For. (Allan), 46. Ericaceae, hosts of Chrysomyxa Rhododendri (Cunningham), 75. Erigeron canadense Linn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Eriocampoides limacina (de Geer), food of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. — Langis amyoti (Myers), 497. Escherich, K., and Pillai, floor-fauna of pine forests (Grimmett), 439. eschscholtzia, on the name (Andersen), 672–73. Eucalyptus globulus Labill., host of Ctenoneurus hochstetteri (Myers), 487; of Nysivs anceps, 480. Euchaetomera oculata Hansen, occ. (Chilton), 522. — typica Sars, occ. (Chilton), 522. Euchersadaula n. gen., charact. (Philpott), 414. — lathriopa (Meyr.) with fig. (Philpott), 395, 414. — tristis n. sp., with figs. (Philpott), 393. Eucominia n. gen. (Finlay), 239. — elegantula n. sp., with p1. (Finlay), 240. — elegantula verrucosa n. subsp., with p1. (Finlay), 241. — excoriata n. sp., with p1. (Finlay), 241. — nana n. sp., with p1. (Finlay), 241. Eucrassatella media n. sp., with p1. (Marwick), 311; occ., 308. Eulima waihaoensis n. sp., with p1. (Allan), 339. Eulopia. See Myrtaea (Eulopia). Euphausia, food of Thyrsites atun (Phillipps), 528. — lucens Hansen, occ. (Chilton), 520. — recurva Hansen, occ. (Chilton), 519. — similis Sars var. armata Hansen, occ. (Chilton), 520. — spinifera G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 520. Euphausiacea, N.Z. species of (Chilton), 519. Euphorbia glauca Forst. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Euphrasia Hectori sp. nov. (Petrie), 15. Euplectus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Eupodidae, in forest-floor (Grimmett). 436. Eurystylus australis Popp., an introd. species (Myers), 655; details, 472. Euspinacassis pollens n. gen. and sp., with p1. (Finlay), 230. Euthemisto antarctica Dana, ident. (Chilton), 512. — gaudichaudii Guérin, ident. (Chilton), 512. Euthria, food of Pagrosomus auratus (Phillipps), 528. Euthriofusus spinosus Suter, a Turrid, unrelated to E. tangituensis (Marwick), 320. — — type of Speightia (Finlay), 253. — tangituensis n. sp., with p1. (Marwick), 320. Evarne striata (Hutton), occ., 353. Exocarpus Bidwillii Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 50. exports and imports of N.Z. (Condliffe), 722. Farmer, J. B., leaf-mould, formation (Grimmett), 423. Farr, C. C., research on porosity of porcelain insulators, 761; on physical properties of gas-free sulphur, 761; on goitre incidence in Chch., 761; on occurrence of helium, 761. Faryaia endotricha (Berk.) Sydow, with fig. (Cunningham), 78. — nigra n. comb. (Cunningham), 78. — olivacea (DC.) Sydow (Cunningham), 78

fats, storing of, by animals (Malcolm), 647. fellowship. See N.Z. Institute: fellowship. Fenestrosyrinx n. gen. (Finlay), 254. Festuca sp. on Mineral Belt (Cockayne & Allan), 19. Ficus transennus Suter, a Semitriton (Marwick), 315. Field, H., pronunoiation of names (Andersen), 673. Finlay, H. J., research on Tertiary Mollusca, 762; purchase of books on palaeontology, 762. fish. confusion in name kokopu (Racgi Hiroa), 640. — food of (Phillipps), 525. — Maori netting (Rangi Hiroa), 597. fishes of N.Z. (Griffin), 538. — (Phillipps), 529. — food values (Carter and Malcolm), 647, 650. — preparn. of catalogue, 764. fishing, season for (Rangi Hiroa), 597. Fissurella rubiginosa Hutton, syn., 565. Flagpole Hill range, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 214. flatworms, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 432. floristic botany of N.Z. (Ckn. & Allan), 21. flours and wheats of N.Z., quality (Foster), 738. food of N.Z. fishes (Phillipps), 625. — values of N.Z. fish (Carter and Malcolm), 647, 650. foot in classic metre (Broadhead), 716. Ford, S. O. See Seward, A. C., and Ford, S. O. forest-floor covering, life of (Grimmett), 423. Forster, G., Areca and Cordyline, edibleness (Andersen), 660. Forstera Bidwillii Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 50. fossil localities, Waipukurau, geol. (Thomson), 347–48. — mollusca, Waihao greensands (Allan), 338. fossils from Huiroa oil-bore (Grange), 337. — Lyttelton Harbour (Speight), 361. Fossularia januaria n. sp., with p1. (Marwick) 310. Foster, F. W., collating notes, &c., of late Sir David Hutchins, 762. Fragaria vesca L., host of Orthoea nigriceps (Myers), 483. Fraser, W. M., and Xeronema Callistemon (Oliver), 3. Freycineia Banksii A. Cunn., host of Nysius claviccrnis (Myers), 479. Froggatt, W. W., Oechalia consocialis, details (Myers), 489. Frosch, P., and Ahmen, H., bacteria of foot-and-mouth disease (Chapman), 114. Fuchsia Colensoi Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 46. — excorticata (Forst.) L., host of Nysius clavicornis (Myers), 480; of Oncacontias vittatus, 508; of Taphropeltus putoni, 484 — — Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 46, 49, 51. Fukushi, T., Marssonina on willow (Murray), 60. Fulgoraria Schumacher, charact. (Marwick), 261. — arabica (Hutt.) Suter, now Waihaoia superstes (Marwick), 278. — gracilis Suter, now Alcithoe scopi (Marwick), 297. Fulgoraria morgani Marsh. & Murd., syn., 302. — (Alcithoe) aculeata (Hutton), syn., 278. — — arabica var. turrita Suter, syn., 288. — — biconica Suter, syn., 272. Fulguraria (Alcithoe) hedleyi Murd. & Sut., syn., 301. —— turrita Suter, syn., 288. —— turrita nukumaruensis Marsh. & Murd., syn., 289. fungous diseases of Pinus (Curtis), 52. —— of Salix (Murray), 58. Fusinus bensoni n. sp., with p1. (Allan), 339. — delicatulus (Marsh. & Murd.), (Allan), 340. — modestus Marsh. & Murd., a nom. nud. (Allan), 339. — solidus Suter, occ. (Marwick), 308, 309. Gadum rhacinum Forster, syn., 532. Gadus rhacinus Forster, syn., 532. Gahnia, host of Metagerra obscura (Myers), 481. — gahniaeformis (Gaud.) Heller, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — pauciflora T. Kirk, host of Farysia endotricha (Cunningham), 79. — xanthocarpa Hook. f., host of Margareta dominica (Myers), 484. Galaxias brevipennis Guenther, Maori name of (Rangi Hiroa), 640. — burrowsius n. sp., with p1. (Phillipps), 531. — fasciatus Gray, Maori names of (Rangi Hiroa), 640. Galeodes muricata (Hector), relat. to Phalium grangei (Marwick), 319. — scnex Suter, relat. to Phalium grangei (Marwick), 319. Galeodes biconica Suter, syn., 272. — maoriana Suter, type of Mauia (Marwick), 271; syn., 273; a Volute, 262. — (Pugilina) angusta Suter, syn., 272. Galeus glaucus Rondelet, syn., 529. Gamasoidea, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Genypterus blacodes (Bloch and Schn.), food of (Phillipps), 528. Gastrobothrus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Gastrosaccus australis Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. Gaudryceras de Grossouvre, charact. (Marshall), 141. — colloti, ident. with Pseudophyllites indra (Marshall), 153. — crenatum n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 146. — jukesi Sharpe, comp. (Marshall), 142; occ., 130, 141. — kawanoi Jimbo, comp. (Marshall), 147. — kayei Forbes, classifn. (Marshall), 139; comp., 139, 143; occ., 131. — mite Hauer, comp. (Marshall), 142. — multiplexum, occ. (Marshall), 143. — particostatum n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 143. — planorbiforme Bohm, comp. (Marshall), 139. — politissimum Kossmat, with pls. (Marshall), 145. — propemite n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 142. — sacya Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 144; occ., 130.

Gaudryceras striatum var. pictum Yabe, comp. (Marshall), 144. — subsacya n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 144. — tenuiliratum Yabe, comp. (Marshall), 143. — tenuiliratum var. ornatum Yabe, species that should be included (Marshall), 140. — varicostatum van Hoepen, charact. (Marshall), 141; comp., 143. — vertebratum, occ. (Marshall), 143. — vertebratum-varagurense, comp. (Marshall), 142. — See also Lytoceras (Gaudryceras). Gaultheria antipoda Forst. f. var., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — Peel For. (Allan), 44, 45, 49, 50, 51. — depressa Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50, 51. — oppositifolia Hook. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — rupestris R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 50. Gaya Allanii Ckn. sp. nov., with figs. (Ckn. & Allan), 23. — ribifolia Ckn., Peel For. (Allan); 43, 45, 47, 49. Geikie, A., dispersal of erratics (Chilton), 524 note. Gemmula bimarginata (Suter), (Allan), 342. — complicate (Suter), (Allan), 343. — duplex (Suter), (Allan), 343. Geniostoma ligustrifolium A. Cunn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Gentiana amabilis sp. nov. (Petrie), 14. — Spedeni sp. nov. (Petrie), 14. geological and vulcanological research, appoint. of officer, 755. — sections, Rakaia Gorge (Cox), 95, 110. Geophilomorpha, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Geoplana agricola, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 432. — sanguinea, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 432. — spectabilis, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 432. — subquadrangulata, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 432. Gerridae, only one species (Myers), 451, 474. Gigantosaurus, size (Chapman), 118 note. Gilling, C. D., dispersal of pebbles and marine organisms (Chilton), 524. Girella cyanea Macleay, occ. (Phillipps), 535. glaciation, Rakaia Gorge dist. (Cox), 108. Gleichenia circinata Sw., charact. (Carse), 83–84. — — var. alpina, charact. (Carse), 84. — — var. hecistophylla (A. Cunn.), charact. (Carse), 83–84. — Cunninghamii Heward, Peel For. (Allan), 44. — dicarpa R. Br., syn., 83. — microphylla R. Br., charact. (Carse), 83–84. Globisinum crassiliratum n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 230. Gloeosporium Capreae Allesch., with fig., on willow (Murray), 64, 65. — Salicis West., on willow (Murray), 64. Glycera ovigera, food of Dactylopagrus macropterus (Phillipps), 525. Glycymeris globosa, occ. (Marwick), 308. — laticostata (Q. & G.), occ., 334. — lornensis Marwick, occ. (Marwick), 308. — manaiaensis Marwick, occ., 333, 334, 335. Glyphipteryx scintilla n. sp. (Clarke), 420. Glyphis rubiginosa (Hutton), syn., 565. Glyptodon claviceps, size (Chapman), 118. Gnaphalium collinum Labill., Peel For. (Allan), 46. Gnomonia and Marssonina, relation between (Murray), 66. — apiculata (Wallr.), Wint., on willow (Murray), 66. — bullata n. sp., with figs. (Murray), 65. — leptostyla, relation to Marssonia juglandis (Murray), 66 — pleurostyla Auersw., on willow (Murray), 66. — salicella (Fr.) Shroet., ident. of (Murray), 66. — salicina Moesz, on willow (Murray), 66. Goodell, —, Greek metric (Broadhead), 716. Goodrich, —, charact. of Synbranchiformes (Phillips), 534. goods in N.Z., value of landed (Condliffe), 723. granite enclosures in a quartz-biotite-diorite at Green Islets (Park), 384. — Green Islets, analysis (Park), 386. granite-trout. See Haplodactylus meandratus. grayling. See Prototroctes oxyrhynchus. Great Barrier Reef Committee, report, 753. Green Islets, Southland, granite enclosures in a quartz-biotite-diorite (Park), 384. Griselinia littoralis Raoul, Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 50. — lucida Forst., Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. Grossouvrites gemmatus Huppe, occ. (Marshall), 130. growth, organic, rate of (Chapman), 117. Gunnarites Kilian and Reboul, charact. (Marshall), 159. — antarcticus Stuart Weller, with pls. (Marshall), 162; charact., 159. — inflatus Kilian and Reboul, with pls. (Marshall), 160. — nordenskjoldi Kilian and Reboul, with pls. (Marshall), 162. — zelandicus Marshall, with pls. (Marshall), 161. — See also Kossmaliceras (Grossouvrites). gurnard. See Chelidonichthys kumu. Guthrie-Smith, H., fellowship gazetted, 749. Gymnobathra zephyrana n. sp. (Clarke), 419. Gymnoconia Peckiana, uredo of Kuehneola albida referred to this in error (Cunningham), 76. Gymnothorax berndti Snyder, aff. with G. ramosus (Griffin), 540. — krullii, syn. with G. parasinus (Griffin), 539. — prasinus Richardson, ident. (Griffin), 539. — prionodon Ogilby, with pl. (Griffin), 538. — ramosus n. sp., with pl. (Griffin), 539. Haddon, A. C., elected honorary member, 764. Haemaphysalis bispinosa Neumann, assoc. with Dictyotus caenosus (Myers), 501; with Rho palimorpha obscura, 504. Haha, Te, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 617. Hahnia australis Erichs., notes (Myers), 510. — in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. hake. See Jordanidia solandri.

Hale, H. M., Corixidae, food (Myers), 464; Diaprepocoris barycephala, and D. zealandiae, report on, 465. Halobates sericeus Esch., occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 474. Halorrhagis erecta (Murr.) Schindl., Mayor Is3 (Allan & D.), 36. — procumbens (Sol.), Cheesem., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Hamilton, H., research on cave-fauna of N.Z., 762. — Xenophyses cascus, discovery (Myers), 465; Xeronema Callistemon, discovery (Oliver), 3. Hamites (Anisoceras), use of name (Marshall), 155. Hangai-koroua, a crayfish-hole (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Haowhenua, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Haplodactylus meandratus (Richardson), Maori method of catching (Rangi Hiroa), 612, 634. Haplodermidae, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. harakeke. See Phormium tenax. Hardcastle, J., dispersal of pebbles and marine organisms (Chilton), 524. Harris, G. F., Volutidae, classifn. (Marwick), 261. Hart, C. A., Heteroptera, wing nomenclature (Myers), 449 note. Hart's coal-mine, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 219. harvest-spiders, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Haswell, W. A., Podocerus and Dexiocerella, placing of (Chilton), 513. haua, set-net for kehe (Rangi Hiroa), 634. Hauericeras de Grossouvre, charact. (Marshall), 190. — gardeni Baily, comp. (Marshall), 190. — ngapuhi n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 190. — welschi de Grossouvre, comp. (Marshall), 191. — See also Desmoceras (Hauericeras). Haug,—, ammonites, geol. horizons (Marshall), 199. Hebe to replace certain section of Veronica (Ckn. & Allan), 24. — Allanii Ckn. sp. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 25. — — Peel For. (Allan), 50. — amplexicaulis (J. B. Armstg.) Ckn. et Allan, Peel For. (Allan), 43. — — var. erecta Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 26. — — var. suberecta Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 26. — — var. vera Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 26. — buxifolia (Benth.) Ckn., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. — — var. odora T. Kirk, Peel For. (Allan) 49. — — pauciramosa Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 27. — divaricata Ckn. & Allan (= Veronica Menziesii Benth. var divaricata Cheesem.), Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — Gibbsii Ckn. & Allan (= Veronica G.) Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. Hebe Kirkii X H. levophylla, Peel. For. (Allan), 49. — leiophylla (Cheesem.), Ckn. & Allan, Peel For. (Allan), 43. — — X H. Kirkii, Peel For. (Allan), 49. — lycopodioides (Hook. f.) Ckn. & Allan, Peel For. (Allan), 49. — rigidula Ckn. & Allan (= Veronica r.), Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — salicifolia (Forst. f.) Pennell var., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — var. communis Ckn., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51. — Simmonsii Ckn. & Allan (= Veronica S.), Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (CknE & Allan), 20. — Traversii (Hook. f.) Ckn. et Allan, Peel For. (Allan), 49. — Treadwellii Ckn. et Allan sp. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 27. Hector award, 1923. 748; 1925, 763; report on prize fund, 763. Hedley, C., Maculopeplum, charact. (Marwick), 264; Volutidae, classifn., 261. Hedycarya arborea Forst., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Helcioniscus illibrata Verco, syn., 563. — latistrigata (Angas), syn., 556. Helichrysum bellidioides Willd., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — filicaule Hook f., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — glomeratum Benth. & Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 45. — Selago Benth. & Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan) 43. Heliothis obsoleta (Fabr.), food of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. Hemichenopus. See Peiissoptera (Hemichenopus). Hemiconus ornatus, occ. (Marwick), 309. Hemiplax, food of Chelidonichthys kumu (Phillipps), 527. Hemiptera, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Hemitelia Smithii Hook., Peel For. (Allan), 43. Henicocephalidae, less than eight species (Myers), 451; details, 474. Henicocephalus, life-hist., with fig. (Myers), 474, 476. Herbert, Mount, date of vulcanism (Speight), 363. Herpolirion, range (Oliver), 3. Heteroptera of N.Z., biological notes (Myers), 449. hexameter, quantity and accent (Broadhead), 720. Hexaplex espinosus (Hutton), occ, 353. Hexathele hochstetteri, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 427, 435. Hibiscus trionum L., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Hicks Bay, frequented by kahawai (Rangi Hiroa), 622. Hierodoris insignis n. sp. (Philpott), 397. Hieroxestis omoscopa Meyr., figs. (Philpott), 407. Hill, H., theory of The Great Wairarapa, a lost river, discounted (Thomson), 348; Waipukurau dist., observns., 347–48.

Hill's coal-mine, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 220. hinaki, nature of traps so called (Rangi Hiroa), 634. Histiophorus gladius Guenther, syn., 536. — herschellii Hutton, syn., 536. — indicus Cuvier, syn., 536. Hoe, Te, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Hoehnel, — von, Phoma macrosperma, ident. of (Curtis), 57. Hoepen, E. C. N. van, Hauericeras and Puzosia (Marshall), 190. Hoheria angustifolia Raoul, Peel For. (Allan) 41, 42, 43, 45, 46. Holcodiscus Koss., use of name (Marshall), 158–59. — bhavani Koss., charact. (Marshall), 175. — buddhaicus Kossmat, comp. (Marshall), 164. — karapadensis Kossmat, comp. (Marshall), 164. Holcostephanus antarcticus Stuart Weller, comp. (Marshall), 162. Holcus lanatus Linn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. —— Peel For. (Allan), 41. Horoera, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 619. houama. See Entelea arborescens. Howes, W. G., Leptocoris n. sp. (Myers), 451 note. Hudson, G. V., Cermatulus nasalis, food and hab. (Myers), 494; Oncacontias vittatus, red-coloured, 509. Hudson, S., Nysius clavicornis on Ruapehu glacier (Myers), 480; and Oncacontias vittatus, 509; Pentatomia, new sp. of, 489. Huiroa oil-bore, fossils (Grange), 337. humus of forest, life of (Grimmett), 423. Hungerford, H. B., Corixidae, food (Myers), 463. Hutchinson, J., use of name Wintera for Drimys (Oliver), 3. Hutchinsonian beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. Hutton, F. W., Rhopalimorpha ignota, ident. (Myers), 505. Hyale chilloni G. M. Thomson, descrip., &c. (Chilton), 518; syn., 517. —grandicornis Kroeyer, and Allorchestes brevicornis (Chilton), 515. Hyaloceras Saccardoi (Speg.) v. Hoehn., with fig., on willow (Murray), 69. “hydraulic limestone” and ammonite beds (Marshall), 131. Hydriomena callichlora harmonica n. subsp. (Clarke), 417. Hydrocotyle americana Linn., Peel For. (Allan), 41. — asiatica Linn., Peel For. (Allan), 50. — moschata Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 41. Hylobia nubeculosa, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Hymenanthera dentata var. alpina T. Kirk, Peel For. (Allan), 47, 49, 50. — novae-zelandiae (A. Cunn.), Hemsl., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Hymenophyllum spp., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — demissum Swartz, Peel For. (Allan), 40, 43. Hymenophyllum multifidum Swartz, Peel For. (Allan), 43. — peltatum Désv., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — pulcherrimum Col., Peel For. (Allan), 43. Hymenoptera, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Hypericum Androsaemum Linn., Peel For. (Allan), 41. hyphening of words (Andersen), 664 et seq. Hypochaeris radicata Linn., Peel For. (Allan), 46. Hypolepis, char, of (Carse), 80–81. — Millefolium Hook., Peel For. (Allan), 45, 49. — punctata (Thunb.) Met., charac. (Carse), 82–83. — rugosula (Labill.) J. Smith, charac. (Carse), 82–83. — tenuifolia Bernh., forms of (Carse), 82–83. Hysterangiaceae, new genus (Cunningham), 71. ichneumon, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435, 437. Ichneutica lindsayi n. sp. (Philpott), 387. Iehu Nukunuku. See Nukunuku. Ihering, von, H., Maculopeplum, charact. (Marwick), 264. imports and exports of N.Z. (Condliffe), 722. index-numbers, use of, as a measure of price-changes (Condliffe), 724. industrial populn. of N.Z. (Condliffe), 722. Inghs, J. K. H., research on essential oils of N.Z. plants, 762. Inquisitor asper n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 325. Insolentia n. gen. (Finlay), 251. intermontane basins of Canterbury (Speight), 355. Iredale T., Liotia serrata, wrongly called juvenile of Angaria (Powell), 592; Maculopeplum, charact. (Marwick), 264. Iredalula n. gen. (Finlay), 231. Iron-hunger, Rotorua County (Aston), 733; cure for, 737. Isopoda, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. Istiophorus gladifer Lacepede, syn., 536. — gladius (Broussonet), with pl. (Phillipps), 536. Isuropsis glaucus Gill. syn., 530. Isurus glaucus (Mueller and Henle), with pl. (Phillipps), 530. Izatha heroica n. sp. (Philpott), 396. — toreuma n. sp. (Clarke), 419. Jack, R., research on electric charge of rain, 762. Jacob, C., Desmoceras, classifn. (Marshall), 182. Jacobites Kilian and Reboul, charact. (Marshall), 167. — anderssoni Kilian and Reboul, with pls. (Marshall), 168. — angularis n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 169. — minimus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 169. — waitapuensis n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 170; comp., 178. — whangaroaensis n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 170. — See also Kossmaticeras. Japan, ammonite fauna (Marshall), 205.

Jasus hugelii Heller, Maori methods of catching (Rangi Hiroa), 626; sizes of, 629. — lalandii M.-Edwards, Maori methods of catching (Rangi Hiroa), 626; sizes of, 629. Jordanidia solandri (Cuv. and Val.), food of (Phillipps), 527; sold as hake, 533. Julidae, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Juncus, host of Nysius (Myers), 481. — effusus Linn., host of Cymodema sp. (Myers), 485; of Dictyotus caenosus, 501; of Orthoea nigriceps, 483; of Rhopalimorpha obscura, 504; of Taphropeltus putoni, 484. — lampocarpus Ehr., host of Reduviolus capsiformis (Myers), 475. Jurassic, fern-foliage in (Marshall), 210. — of N.Z., Myalinidae from (Marwick), 304. kahawai. See Arripis trutta. kahikatea. See Podocarpus dacrydioides. Kai-iwi beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. Kaipara, Cretaceous plants (Edwards), 121–28. Kaitangata, a crayfish-hole (Rangi Hiroa), 628. kareao. See Rhipogonum scandens. Karetu basin, geol. (Speight), 355. Karsten, —, Diplodia pinea affecting pines (Curtis), 56. katirimu, an old kehe; in song (Rangi Hiroa), 619, 620. Kauparara, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Kawhia, Osmundites from (Marshall), 210. kehe. See Haplodactylus meandratus. Kellia antiqua n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 312. Kickx, —, Diplodia pinea affecting pines (Curtis), 56. kiekie. See Freycinetia Banksii. Kilian, W., Maorites tenuicostatus, remarks (Marshall), 177; Neomadrasites nodulosus, charact., 172; Tainuia, remarks on, 186. Kilian, W., and Reboul, P., ammonites Seymour Is. (Marshall), 198; Desmoceras and Puzosia, classifn., 181; Gunnarites group, 159; G. antarcticus, charact., 163; Jacobites, charact., 167; Madrasites, charact., 163. Kirk, H. B., librarian's report, 755; Stewart Isld., control of animal-life on, 751. Kirkaldy, G. W., Cermatulus nasalis, food (Myers), 494; Hawaiian and N.Z. floras, 460; Heteroptera, wing-nomenclature, 449 note; insect-metamorphosis, 452 - 53; Oechalia grisea, egg, 489; food, 490; distrib., 490. Kitchinites Spath, genus estabd. (Marshall), 183. — darwini Spath, comp. (Marshall), 183. — japonicus Spath., comp. (Marshall), 183. Klebahn, H., Gnomonia leptostyla and Marssonia juglandis, relationship (Murray), 66. Klotz, O., death of, 764. Knightia excelsa R. Br., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. kohekohe. See Dysoxylum spectabile. kokopu, name applied to various species of fish (Rangi Hiroa), 640. konini. See Fuchsia excorticata. Korouanui, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa). 618. Kossmat, F., Acanthoceras Neumayr, charact. (Marshall), 157; Desmoceras, classifn., 181; Gaudryceras, charact., 141; Hauericeras and Puzosia, 190; Phyllocera forbesianum, divis. of, 137; suture-line, development, 138. Kossmaticeras de Gross., use of name (Marshall), 158–59. — antarcticum Stuart Weller, charact. (Marshall), 159. — — var. nordenskjoldi, comp. (Marshall), 162. — bhavani Kossmat, comp. (Marshall), 178. — cumshewaense (? Whiteaves) Kilian and Reboul, occ. (Marshall), 130. — gemmatum Hupe, classifn. (Marshall), 189. — tenuicostatum Marshall, comp. (Marshall), 177, 178; occ., 130. — zelandicum Marshall, comp. (Marshall), 161; occ., 130. — (Grossouvrites) gemmatum Huppe, occ. (Marshall), 130. — (Gunnarites) antarcticum Kilian and Reboul, comp. (Marshall), 162. — — antarcticum var. inflatum Kilian and Reboul, comp. (Marshall), 160. — — aff. bhavaniforme Kilian and Reboul, occ. (Marshall), 130. — (Jacobites) anderssoni Kilian and Reboul, comp. (Marshall), 168. — (Madrasites) aemilianum Stol., occ. (Marshall), 130. — — bhavani Stol., occ. (Marshall), 130. — — — var. densicostatum Kilian and Reboul, comp. (Marshall), 175, 177, 178, 179. — — mcKayi Hector, occ. (Marshall), 130. Kowhae-tu, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Kraeusel, R., Araucarites marshalli, similar forms (Edwards), 126. Kuehneola albida Magnus (Cunningham), 76. — Uredinis (Link.) Arth., syn., 76. kupenga, technique of netting (ta kupenga), (Rangi Hiroa), 599. Laevilitorina iredalei n. sp., with pl. (Brookes). 589. Lagenophora petiolata Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 50. Lagochilus lignarius, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Lamna glauca Guenther, syn., 530. — pallanzanii Day, syn., 530. Lamy, Dr., Patelloida flammea, ident. (Oliver), 559. landed value of goods in N.Z. (Condliffe), 723. landing-net, Maori (Rangi Hiroa), 623. Laoma marina, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Lapparia Conrad, charact. (Marwick), 265. — corrugata (Hutton), syn., 283, 299. — hebes (Hutton), generic position (Marwick), 265; syn., 276. — parki Suter, type of Spinomelon (Marwick), 265; syn., 283. Lappistes pehuensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 319.

Latirus (Peristernia) neozelanicus (Suter), with pl. (Allan), 341. Latridopsis ciliaris (Forster), food of (Phillipps), 526; brought from Hawaiki (Rangi Hiroa), 633. Laurand, —, metre and quantity (Broadhead), 716. Leander, food of Chelidonichthys kumu (Phillipps), 527. Leda semiteres, occ. (Marwick), 309 Lee's Valley, geology (Speight), 355. Lepidium oleraceum Forst. f. var., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Lepidoptera, new species (Clarke), 417. Lepidotrigla brachyoptera, food of (Phillipps), 527 Leptocoris (Serinetha), new species found (Myers), 451 note. Leptocroca asphaltis (Meyr.), figs. (Philpott), 395. — scholaea (Meyr.), with figs., correct name (Philpott), 393. — vacua n. sp., with figs. (Philpott), 393. — variabilis n. sp., with figs. (Philpott), 394. Leptomya simplex n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 331. Leptopteris hymenophylloides Presl, Peel For. (Allan), 44. Leptospermum, leaves used as tea (Andersen), 661. — ericoides A. Rich., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — Peel For. (Allan), 43, 44, 45, 46, 49, 50, 51. — perforatum Forst. syn., 5. — scoparium Forst., host of Romna (Myers), 471. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — Peel For. (Allan), 44, 49, 50. — — Sounds-Nelson Botan Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — — rods used in netting (Rangi Hiroa), 599. Leptosphaeria Salicinearum (Pass.) Sacc., on willow (Murray). 68. Lepyrodia Traversii F. v. Muell., distrib. (Carse), 84–85. Leucopogon fasciculatum (Forst. f.) A. Rich., Mayor Is. (Allan & D., 36. — —host of Targarema stali (Myers), 483. — Fraseri A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. — — A. Cunn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Leycesteria formosa Wall, Peel For. (Allan), 46. Libocedrus Bidwillii Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 44. life, possible origin (Chapman), 112. Lima gigantae Sow., occ. (Marshall), 211 note. — paleata, occ. (Marwick), 309. — watersi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 329. — (Limatula) bullata Born, occ., 353. Limatula trulla n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 311. Limbriconereis sphoerocephala, food of Dactylo-pagrus macropterus (Phillipps), 525. Limopsis aurita (Brocchi), not a N.Z. shell (Allan), 345; occ. 351. — campa n. sp. (Allan), 345. — waihaoensis n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 346. — zelandica Hutton, distrib. (Allan), 345. — zitteli Ihering, distrib. (Allan), 345 Lincoln, artesian wells, 369. ling. See Genypterus blacodes. linguistics, N.Z. plant-names (Andersen), 659. Linum sp., host of Nysius huttoni (Myers), 479. Liotina tryphenensis n. sp., with figs (Powell), 592. Lironoba polyvincta Finlay, type of Nobolira (Finlay), 227. Lithobiomorpha, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Litsaea calicaris (Sol.) Benth. et Hook., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Lobelia anceps L., Mayor Is. (Allàn & D.), 36. Lolium perenne L., host of Dictyotus caenosus (Myers), 501; of Stenotus binotatus, 471. — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Lomaria capensis (Blechnum capensis), becomes B. procerum (Andersen), 671; syn. 82. — procera, syn., 82. Lomas, E. K., research on intelligence of school-children, 762. Lornia limata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 316. Lota rhacina Richardson, syn., 532. Lotella rhacinus (Forster), with pl. (Phillipps), 532. Lotin Point, a maomao fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 633. Lottia, in key (Oliver), 549. Lotus arboreus Forst., syn., 5. Lovellona Iredale genus of Iredale (Finlay), 254. lucerne. See Medicago sativa. Lucinida concinna (Hutton), occ., 353. — dispar (Hutt.), occ., 334. — tirangiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 330. Lutraria solida Hutt., occ., 353. Luzula campestris DC., Peel For. (Allan), 50. Lycopodium Billardieri Spring., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 51. — fastigiatum R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 47, 49, 50, 51. — scariosum Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. — volubile Forst. f., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43, 51. — —Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Lycosa umbrata Koch., in forest-floor (Grimmett) 435. Lyctocoris campestris (Fabr.), an introd. species (Myers), 455; life-hist., 472–73. Lygaeidae, numerous in species (Myers), 451, 477. Lyria Gray, charact. (Marwick), 263, 271. — zelandica Finlay, with pl. (Marwick), 271; range, 268. — See also Voluta (Lyria). Lytoceras fimbriatum Koss., charact. (Marshall), 147. — indra Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 152. — kayei Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 139. — mite von Hauer, comp. (Marshall), 142. — sacya Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 144. — varagurense var. patagonicum Paulcke, comp. (Marshall), E. 142. — varuna Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 147. — (Gaudryceras) multiplexum Koss., comp. (Marshall), 142. — — odiense Koss., comp. (Marshall), 147. — — politissimum Koss., comp. (Marshall), 145. — — sacya Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 144.

Lytoceras (Gaudryceras) varagurense, comp. (Marshall), 142. — — varuna Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 147. — — vertebratum Koss., comp. (Marshall), 142. — (Pseudophyllites) indra Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 152. — (Tetragonites) cala Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 150. — — epigonum Koss., comp. (Marshall), 149. — — kingianum var. involutior Paulcke, comp. (Marshall), 151. Macandrellus oliveri n. sp., with pl. (Mestayer), 586. McAtee, —, forest-floor fauna (Grimmett), 439. McCulloch, A. R., ident. of Gymnothorax ramosus (Griffin), 540. McKay, A., ammonite occ. (Marshall), 131. — Waipawa series, inaccurate descripn. (Thomson), 349; Waipukurau dist., observns, 347. Macrophoma Salicaria (Sacc.) Berl. & Vogl., with fig., on willow (Murray), 69. — Salicis Dearn. & Barth., with pl. and fig., on willow (Murray), 62. Macropiper excelsum (Forst. f.) Miq. var. major Cheesem., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Macropsalis, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Macruronus novae-zelandiae (Hector), food of Jordanidia solandri (Phillipps), 527; of Thyrsites atun, 528. Mactra discors (Gray), occ., 334. — ordinaria E. A. Smith, occ., 334, 335. — scalpellum Reeve, food of Latridopsis ciliaris (Phillipps), 526. Maculopeplum Dall, charact. (Marwick), 263–64. — elegantissimum (Suter), syn., 280. Madrasites bhavani Forbes, occ. (Marshall), 130. — buddhaicum Kossmat, occ. (Marshall), 164. — fortior n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 166. — haumuriensis Hector, occ. (Marshall), 130. — mooraviatoorensis Stol., occ. (Marshall), 164. — multicostatus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 164. — regularis n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 165. — sulcatus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 164. — See also Kossmaticeras (Madrasites(. Madrid, Real Sociedad Espanola de Historia Naturel, added to exch. list, 748. maeCoyi, misspelling for mcKayi, Kossmaticeras (Marshall), 130. Magnatica altior n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 228. — clifdenensis n. sp. (Finlay), 229. — rectilatera n. sp. (Finlay), 229. Magnus, P., name Marssonina (Murray), 59. Maharakeke beds, origin of name (Thomson), 353. — clays, part of Waipukurau series (Thomson), 350. Makaretu clays, part of Waipukurau series (Thomson), 350, 352. mako. See Isurus glaucus. makomako. See Aristotelia raceimosa. Malcolm, J., research on food values of N.Z. fish, 762; on N.Z. plant products, 762. Malletia australis Quoy & Gaimard, food of Dactylopogrus macropterus (Phillipps), 525. — (Minormalletia) tenera n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 328. Mallobathra nocturna n. sp. (Clarke), 421. Malvern Hills, geol. Cordy's Flat (Jobberns), 214. Mangawhio Lake, geol. (Grange), 333. Mangilia flexicostata Suter, type of Stilla (Finlay), 254. — taranakiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 325. Mantellum inconspicuum n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 311. manuka, and name tea-tree (Andersen), 661. manuka. See Leptospermum scoparium. Manuka Range, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 215. Manutaunoa, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. maomao. See Scorpis violaceus. Maori names of plants (Andersen), 670, 677. — netting (Rangi Hiroa), 597. Maoridrilus in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. Maorites n. gen., charact. (Marshall), 173. — densicostatus Kilian and Reboul, with pls. (Marshall), 178. — suturalis n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 179; comp., 178. — tenuicostatus Marshall, with pls. (Marshall), 177. maps and sketches, geological— Cordy's Flat, Malvern Hills (Jobberns), 215. Lorne westd. to rly. crossing (Marwick), 307. N.Z., showing ammonite localities (Marshall), 133. Rakaia Gorge district (Cox.), 92, 93. Upper Ashley and Upper Waipara valleys (Thomson), 356. Waitotara Valley, N. & S. of Ngamatapouri (Grange), 332. Marattia fraxinea Smith, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Marcia, Charteris Bay (Speight), 362. — sulcata (Hutt.), occ., 334. Margareta dominica F. B. W., with pl., life-hist. (Myers), 484. Marginella whitecliffensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 324. marine organisms, dispersal on pebbles (Chilton), 523. Mariscus ustulatus (A. Rich.) C. B. Clarke, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. marram-grass. See Ammophila arenaria. Marsden, E., research on seismological phenomena, 762. Marshall, P., Cretaceous plants from Kaipara (Edwards), 121. — Cymbiola of Pakaurangi are not Volutes (Marwick), 264. — report of Tongariro Nat. Park Board, 753. Marssonia Fisch., not Karst., changed to Marssonina (Murray), 59. — and Gnomonia, relation between (Murray), 66. — juglandis, relation to Gnomonia leptostyla (Murray), 66. — nigricans (Ell. & Ev) P. Magn., diff. from M. salicicola (Murray), 61.

Marssonia rubiginosa (Ell. & Ev.) P. Magn., diff. from M. salicicola (Murray), 61. — salicicola (Bres.) P. Magn., with pl. and figs., on willow (Murray), 58. Marwick, J., Charteris Bay sandstone (Speight), 362. Mataahu, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Mataikaro, famous kehe reef (Rangi Hiroa), 619, 620. mata torea, extra meshes in netting (Rangi Hiroa), 608. Mauia n. gen. (Marwick), 263, 271; in classifn., 270. — angusta (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 272; in synopsis, 271; range, 268. — biconica (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 272; in synopsis, 271; range, 268. — curvispina n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 273; in synopsis, 271; range, 268. — huttoni (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 273; in synopsis, 271; juvenile form fig., 263; range, 268. — insignis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 274; in synopsis, 271; range, 268. — maoriana (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 273; in synopsis, 271; ontogeny, with fig., 263; range, 268. — pseudorarispina (Suter), (Marwick), 274. Mawhai, Te, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 617. Mayor lsld. vegetation (Allan & Dalrymple), 34–36. Mecodema clarkei n. sp. (Brookes), 442. — exitiosus n. s. (Brookes), 441. Medicago sativa L., host of Dictyotus caenosus (Myers), 501; of Nysius huttoni, 479; of Reduviolus capsiformis, 475. Megaloceroea reuteriana F. B. W., life-history (Myers), 470. Megatherium, size (Chapman), 118. Meinzer, O. E., sand in artesian wells (Speight), 368. Melaleuca perforata Forst. syn., 5. Melampsalta cruentata (Fabr.), food of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. Melanopsis waitaraensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 317. Melatoma buchanani (Hutton), occ., 353. — wanganuiensis (Hutton), occ., 353. — (Splendrilla) laevis (Hutton), occ., 353. Melicope simplex A. Cunn., Peel. For. (Allan), 41, 45, 49. Melicytus lanceolatus Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 41. — micranthus Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 40. — ramiflorus Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43, 45, 46. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Mesembryanthemum australe Sol., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Mestayer, M., expen. of Hutton grant, 763. Metagerra obscura F. B. W., in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. —— life-hist. (Myers); 481. Metaglymma, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Metamelon, n. gen. (Marwick), 285; classifn., 270. Metamelon clifdenensis (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 286; in synopsis 285; range, 268. — inermis (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 285; in synopsis, 285; range, 268. — marshalli n. sp., with fig. (Marwick), 286; in synopsis, 285; range, 268. — minima n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 287; in synopsis, 285; range, 268. — reverta (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 286; in synopsis, 285; range, 268. metamorphosis of insects (Myers), 452–53. Metasphaera orthospora Sacc., on willow (Murray), 68. meteorology— climate of Canterbury (Allan), 47. rainfall, Peel Forest (Allan), 38. rainfall and evaporation at Lincoln, 1916–23 (Hilgendorf), 378. metre and rhythm (Broadhead), 715. Metrosideros hypericifolia A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 41. — lucida A. Rich., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 44, 45, 50. — perforata (Forst.) A Rich. supersedes M. scandens Sol. ex Gaertn. (Ckn. & Allan), 27; (Oliver), 5. — skandens Sol., host of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493; of Nysius clavicornis, 480. — — superseded by M. perforata (Forst.) A. Rich. (Ckn. & Allan), 27; syn., 5. — tomentosa A. Rich., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Micrococcus in pre-Cambrian age (Chapman), 117. Microlaena avenacea Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 42. — Colensoi (Hook. f.) Petrie, Peel For. (Allan), 50. Microtis unifolia Reichenbach, Peel For. (Allan), 50. Miltha neozelanica Hutt., occ., 333. Milton, J., view of creation (Chapman), 113. Mineral Belt, Nelson, botany (Ckn. & Allan), 20, mineral water of spring near mouth of Sexton Creek (Grange), 335–36. Minormalletia. See Malletia (Minormalletia). Miomelon Dall, charact. (Marwick), 265. — benitens n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 250; syn., 283. — clifdenensis n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 246; syn., 286. — corrugata (Hutton), syn., 299. — inermis n. sp. (Finlay), 247; syn., 285. — reverta n. sp. (Finlay), 247; syn., 286. — See also Cymbiola (Miomelon). Miridae, numerous in species (Myers), 451; details, 469. Misery, Mount, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 218. missionary-plant, origin of name (Andersen), 663. Missouri, University of, added to exch. list, 748. mites, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Mitra inconspicua, occ. (Marwick), 308; syn., 341. Mitromorpha Carpenter, genus of Iredale (Finlay), 254. — expeditionis Oliver, type of Apaturris Iredale (Finlay), 254.

Mitromorpha filosa Carp., type of Mitromorpha Iredale (Finlay), 254. Modiolus, occ., 334. — australis (Gray), occ., 352. Moesz, —, Gromonia salicina on willow (Murray), 66. Mohakatino beds, in grouping (Grange), 334. Mokau beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. —— in grouping (Grange), 334. moki. See Latridopsis ciliaris. Mollusca, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436, 437. — N.Z., new species (Brookes), 588. — — new species (Powell); 591. — — No. 3 (Mestayer), 583. Monalaria concinna (Suter), occ. (Marwick), 309. Monodonta, occ., 334. morainic mounds, Waimarino Plains (Park), 382. Morant's Island, prob. not an ammonite loc. (Marshall), 132. Mortoniceras soutoni Baily, charact. (Marshall), 186. mosquito, food of Corixids (Myers), 464. Motu River, famous for kahawai (Rangi Hiroa), 622. Motu-kiore, a maomao fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 633. Motutara, fossils (Marshall), 211 note. mould of forest-floor, life of (Grimmett), 423. Muehlenbeckia, host of Metagerra obscura (Myers), 481. — australis (Forst. f.) Meissn., host of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493; of Romna scotti, 470. — — Peel For. (Allan), 46. — complexa (A. Cunn.) Meissn., Peel For. (Allan), 46, 49. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — debilis sp. nov. (Petrie), 10. Mundy, R., Xenophyses cascus, habitat (Myers), 468. Munida gregaria, food of cod (Malcolm), 647. Muraena krullii Hector, syn., 539. — prasina Richardson, syn., 539. Murex zelandicus Q. & G., occ., 353. mutton-bird-oil, analysis (Malcolm), 650. Myalinidae from Jurassic of N.Z. (Marwick), 304. Mycetozoa in forest-floor (Grimmett), 429. Myers, J. G., Hystirangiaceae, new genus (Cunningham), 71. Myodora, occ., 334. — striata (Q. & G.), occ., 353. Myoporum laetum Forst. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Myosotis Colensoi (T. Kirk) Ckn. et Allan comb. nov. supersedes M. decora T. Kirk ex Cheesem. (Ckn. & Allan), 28. — decora T. Kirk ex Cheesem. superseded by M. Colensoi (Ckn. & Allan), 28. — Forsteri Lehm., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — Monroi Cheesem., in Sounds-Wairau Botan. Dist. (Cockayne & Allan), 19. Myosurus of N. and S. America (Oliver), 4. — apetelus Gay (Oliver), 4. — aristatus (not Benth.) Hook. f., syn., 4. — novae-zelandiae sp. nov. (Oliver), 4. myriapods and leaf-mould (Grimmett), 428. Myrtaea (Eulopia) papatikiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 330. Myrtus obcordata Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — pedunculata Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 43. Mysidacea, N.Z. species (Chilton), 521. Mytilus, occ., 334. — huttoni Cossm., occ. (Marwick), 309. Myzaphis abietina (Walk.), eaten by Lyctocoris campestris (Myers), 473. Nabidae, less than eight species (Myers), 451; details, 475. Nabididae, correct form of Nabidae (Myers), 475. Nabis saundersi Hutt., syn., 475. Naccula Iredale, in key (Oliver), 549; charact., 566. — punctata (Q. & G.), (Oliver), 566. Nacella cantharus (Reeve), syn., 570. — compressa Verco, syn., 566. — crebestriata Verco, syn., 564. — parva Angas, syn., 566. — stowae Verco, syn., 564. names of N.Z. plants (Andersen), 659; awkward names, 673; pronunciation accdg. to derivation, 673. Nassa cingulata Hutton, type of Zephos (Finlay), 239. Nassicola, section of Austrofusus, wh. see (Finlay), 233. Natica australis Hutton, occ., 353. National Research Council, 750, 752. Navomorpha philpotti n. sp. (Brookes), 446. Nedler's Point, ammonites (Marshall), 131–32. Neides wakefieldi F. B. W., occ. (Myers), 485. Neididae, only one species (Myers), 451. Neilo awamoana n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 255. — sublaevis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 329. — waitaraensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 329. Nematobrachion flexipes Ortmann, occ. (Chilton), 520. Nematoselis microps G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 520. Nemocardium semitectum n. sp. (Marwick), 312; occ., 308. Neocola, section of Austrofusus, wh. see (Finlay), 233. Neodrilus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. Neomadrasites nodulosus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 171. Neothyris in Tukituki sands (Thomson), 350. Nertera depressa Banks & Soland., Peel For. (Allan), 50. — dichondraefolia Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 40. nets, Maori fishing-, varieties (Rangi Hiroa), 612. netting, Maori (Rangi Hiroa), 597. New Caledonia, plant relationships with N.Z. (Oliver), 3. new native plants (Petrie), 6. N.Z. Institute— astronomy and seismology, advisory board, 764. Aust. Assoc. Adv. Sc., representation, 751. bathymetric survey of N.Z. seas, 754. binding expenditure, 750. bulletins published, 748.

N.Z. Institute—continued. Carter Bequest, committee, set up to discuss terms, 749; investment of funds, 750. catalogue of N.Z. fishes, 764. catalogue of scientific journals, 750. depth-finders, sonic, for bathymetric survey of N.Z. seas, 754. Dominion Museum and Art Gallery, subsidy for new building, 750; placing under Board of Trustees, 754. exchange list, additions, 1925, 748. fellows elected, 1925, 763; fellows of 1924 gazetted, 749. finances, proposals regarding, 750. geological and vulcanological research, 754. Great Barrier Reef Committee report, 753. Hector award 1923, 748: 1925, 763. honorary member, election, 764. incorporated societies' reports, 1924, 748, 749. library committee's report, 755. National Research Council, 750, 752. notices of motion negatived, 764. officers and committees elected, 1925, 765. Pacific islds., scientific visit, 752. Pan-Pacific Conference, holding at Auckland, 764. Pan-Pacific Food Congress, report, 754. proceedings, 1925, 747. publications: delay in publishing Trans., 748; price of Trans., 755; storage of Trans., 749; p. committee's report, 755. research grants, re-establishment of vote, 750; administration of, 759; report of committee, 760. Science Congress, 1926, 764. standing committee, report, 1924, 748; notice to be given for meetings, 764. Stewart Isld., control of animal-life, further reserves, &c., 751, 753. Tongariro Nat. Park, planting heather, 751; report of Board, 753. Transactions. See publications. treasurer's report, 755. Nezara viridula (Linn.), occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 488, 498. Ngamatapouri, geol. of dist. (Grange), 331. Ngareiawa, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Ngautahi, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Ngawhakararangi, a crayfish-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Nicholls Creek, geol. (Speight), 355. Nobolira n. gen. (Finlay), 227. Nonnotus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Notacirsa n. gen. (Finlay), 231. Nothofagus cliffortioides (Hook. f.) Oerst., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 46, 47. — fusca (Hook. f.) Oerst., Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — Menziesii (Hook. f.) Oerst., Sounds-Nelson Botan Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — Solandri (Hook. f.) Oerst., host of Targarema stali (Myers), 483. — — forest, Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — truncata forest, Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. Nothopanax anomalum Seem., Peel For., (Allan), 41. — X N. simplex Seem. (Ckn. & Allan), 29. — arboreum (Forst. f.) Seem., host of Zangis amyoti (Myers), 497; syn., 4. — — Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 51. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — X Pseudopanax crassifolium var. unifoliolatum (Ckn. & Allan), 28. — Colensoi Seem., Peel For. (Allan), 43 51. — kermadecensis n. sp. (Oliver), 4. — McIntyrei sp. nov. (Petrie), 12. — parvum (T. Kirk) Ckn. = N. anomalum X simplex, with figs. (Ckn. & Allan), 29. — simplex Seem., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 44, 45, 51. — — X N. anomalum (Ckn. & Allan), 29. — Sinclairii (Hook. f.) Seem., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. Nothrus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Notoacmea Iredale, in key (Oliver), 549; charact., 568. — badia Oliver, type of Thalassacmea (Oliver), 579. — corrodenta (May), (Oliver), 581. — daedala, shell (Oliver), 547. — flammea (not Q. & G.), syn., 573. — fragilis, shell (Oliver), 547. — mayi May (Oliver), 571. — mixta mimula Iredale, syn., 561. — petterdi (Tenison-Woods), with fig. (Oliver), 574. — pileopsis (Q. & G.), (Oliver), 568. — — cellanoides, with pl. (Oliver), 570. — — sturnus (Hombron and Jacquinot), (Oliver), 570. — — subantarctica n. subsp. (Oliver), 571. — scopulina Oliver, type of Subacmea (Oliver), 580. — septiformis (Q. & G.), (Oliver), 572; similar to Brit. shell, 547. — — scabrilirata (Angas), (Oliver), 573. — suteri (not Iredale), syn., 563. — — Iredale, syn., 563. — (Conacmea) alta n. sp., with pl. (Oliver), 579. — — corrosa n. sp., with pl. and fig. (Oliver), 578. — — parviconoidea (Suter), (Oliver), 577. — (Parvacmea) daedala (Suter), (Oliver), 575. — — helmsi (Smith), with fig. (Oliver), 576. — — nukumaruensis n. sp., with pl. (Oliver), 575. — — subtilis (Suter), (Oliver), 575. — — virescens n. sp., with pl. (Oliver), 577. — (Subacmea) scopulina n. sp., with fig. and pl. (Oliver), 580. — (Thalassacmea) badia n. sp., with pl. and fig. (Oliver), 579. Notocene history of N. Isld and S. Isld. dissimilar (Thomson), 354. Notonectidae, less than eight species (Myers), 451; details, 468. Notoplejona n. gen. (Marwick), 270; in classifn. 270.

Notoplejona lata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 271; range, 268. — necopinata (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 270; range, 268. Notospartium torulosum T. Kirk, Peel For. (Allan), 43, 49. Notothlaspi australe Hook. f., var. stellatum T. Kirk, in Sounds-Wairau Botan. Dist. (Cockayne & Allan), 19. — rosulatum Hook. f. var. Hursthousei var. nov. (Petrie), 11. Novak, J., Parapuzosia, charact. (Marshall), 183. Nowakites Spath, charact. (Marshall), 189. — carezi de Grossouvre, genotype (Marshall), 189. — denticulatus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 189. Nucula grangei n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 327. — otamaringaensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 327. — ruatakiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 327. Nuculana belluloides n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 344. — ellisi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 328. — onairoensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 328. — solenelloides (Marshall), (Allan), 344. Nukumaruan beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. — stage, in grouping (Grange), 334. Nukunuku, Iehu, net-commencement (Rangi Hiroa), 603. Nyctiphanes australis G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 519. Nysius anceps F. B. W., life-hist. (Myers), 480. — clavicornis (Fabr.), life-hist. (Myers), 479. — huttoni F. B. W., life-hist. (Myers), 479. Octochaetus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. Odontria, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. — calvescens n. sp. (Brookes), 445. Oechalia consocialis (Boisd.), life-hist. (Myers), 489. — grisea (Burm.), egg (Myers), 489. Oenothera odorata Jacq., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. oil in Onairo beds, Taranaki (Grange), 337. Okahu, a crayfish-hole (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Okuku Range, geol. (Speight), 360. Oleandro. See Pteris (Oleandra). Olearia arborescens Ckn. & R. M. Laing, Peel For. (Allan), 43, 44, 51. — avicenniaefolia Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 42, 43, 46, 47, 49, 51. — fragrantissima Petrie, Peel For. (Allan), 43. — lineata Ckn., Peel For. (Allan), 42. — nummularifolia Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — scrpentina Ckn. & Allan, Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — virgata Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 42. Oligochaeta, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433, 437. Olivella, occ., 335. — neozelanica Hutt., occ., 333, 334. Oliver, W. R. B., Callochiton empleurus, radula (Mestayer), 583; Macandrellus oliveri, radula, 587. — report of Great Barrier Reef Committee, 753. Omataira, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. omens, regarding pointing at shoal of kahawai (Rangi Hiroa), 622; dreams and warehoufishing, 625. Onairoa beds, in grouping (Grange), 334; range of, 337; oil in, 337. Oncacontias vittatus Fabr., life-hist., with pl. and figs. (Myers), 501, 505. Ongley, M., Poverty Bay dist., inter-Notocene unconformity (Thomson), 354. Onosandrus pallitarsis Walker, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Onthophagus posticus Erickson, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Onustus prognatus n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 228. Oopterus Guerin, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Opepe, Dactycanthus Taylori at (Hill), 88. Ophideres materna (L.), occ. in N.Z. (Philpott), 388. Ophiusa melicerte Drury, occ. in N.Z. (Philpott), 388. opiliones, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436, 437. Oplismenus undulatifolius Beauv., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Opu, Te, ammonites at (Marshall), 132. orange, poor man's. See Citrus grandis. orchids, N.Z., Petalochilus (Rogers), 16. Oribatella, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Orocrambus caesius n. sp. (Philpott), 390. Orthoea nigricepe Dall, with pl. and figs., life hist. (Myers), 482. Orthoptera, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Oruamariu, a crayfish-hole (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Osmundites aucklandicus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 210. — Dunlopi Dunlop and Gibbs, occ. (Marshall), 210. — Gibbiana Dunlop and Gibbs, occ. (Marshall), 210. Ostrea, occ., 353. — angasi Sow., occ., 351, 352, 353. — ingens Zitt., occ., 333, 334, 352. — subdentata, occ. (Marwick), 308. Otama-rauiri, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Ototaran beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. Ourisia Macphersonii Ckn. et Allan sp. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 30. — macrocarpa Hook. f., host of Puccinia pedatissima (Cunningham), 77. Owenia fusiformis Delle Chiaje, food of Dactylopagrus macropterus (Phillipps), 525; of Latridopsis ciliaris, 526. Oxalis corniculata L. var., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — lactea Hook., Peel For. (Allan), 47. Oxford dictionary on hyphening of words (Andersen), 669. Oxybeloceras sp., with pl. (Marshall), 156. Oxyrhina glauca Mueller and Henle, syn., 530. oyster-oil, analysis (Malcolm), 657. Pachymelon n. subgen. (Marwick), 281; classifn., 270. See Waihaoia (Pachymelon). Pachyrhamma acanthocera n. sp. (Milligan), 422.

Pacific islds., scientific visit to, 752. pae mounu, a bait-rest (Rangi Hiroa), 644. Paesia scaberula Kuhn, Peel For. (Allan), 48. Pagrosomus auratus (Forster), food of (Phillipps), 528, 534. Panax arboreum (not Forst.), Cheesem. syn., 4. Panikena Kaa, catching of kahawai (Rangi Hiroa), 620. Panope orbita, occ. (Marwick), 309. Pan-Pacific Conference, holding at Auckland, 764. — Food Congress, report, 754. papanoko. See Cheimatrichthys forsteri. papauma. See Cheimatrichthys forsteri. Paphia (Ruditapes), occ. 334. para, name applied to Galaxias fasciatus (Rangi Hiroa), 640. Paralamyctes validus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Paralophogasaster glaber Hansen, occ. (Chilton), 521. Parapachydiscus Hyatt emend Spath, charact. (Marshall), 187. — gollevillensis D'Orb., genotype (Marshall), 187. — rogeri n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 188. — tweenianus Stol., comp. (Marshall), 188. — wittekindi Sch., comp. (Marshall), 188. Parapuzosia Novak, charact. (Marshall), 183. — brevicostata n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 183. — gaudama Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 183. — ordinaria n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 184. Pararaki, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Parasyrinx finlayi n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 344. Paringaere, a fishing-ground mentioned in old saying (Rangi Hiroa), 645. Parorchestia sylvicola, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 427, 433. parrot-fish, banded. See Pseudolabrus pittensis. Parsonsia capsularis R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 49. — heterophylla A. Cunn., host of Arocatus rusticus (Myers), 455, 478. — — Peel For. (Allan), 41. Parvacmea Iredale, charact. (Oliver), 575. See also Notoacmea (Parvacmea). — illibrata mellila Iredale, syn., 563. Paspalum scrobiculatum L., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Passiflora edulis Sims, infected by Eurystylus australis (Myers), 472. passion-vine. See Passiflora edulis. Patagonia, ammonite fauna (Marshall), 206. Patella alticostata Angas, syn., 551. — axiaerata Verco, syn., 564. — calamus Crosse and Fischer, syn., 567. — campbelli Filhol, syn., 567. — cantharus Reeve, syn., 570. — costata (not Sowerby), syn., 551. — fragilis Chemnitz, syn., 582. — inconspicua Gray, syn., 565. — insignis Menke, syn., 560. — jacksoniensis Reeve, syn., 561. — lanx Reeve, syn., 555. — latistrigata Angas, syn., 556. — mixta Reeve, syn., 560. — rubiginosa Hutton, syn., 565. Patella saccharina Linné, type of Collisellina (Oliver), 554; syn., 555. — solandri Colenso, syn., 582. — stella Lesson, syn., 555. — stellaeformis Reeve var. nigrosulcata Reeve, syn., 550. — stellaris Bolten, syn., 555. — sturnus H. & J., syn., 570. — unguis-almae Lesson, syn., 582. Patelloida Quoy & Gaimard, charact. and in key (Oliver), 549. — alticostata (Angas), shell (Oliver), 547, 548, 550. — — antelia Iredale (Oliver), 551. — antarctica H. & J., syn., 570. — calamus (C. & F.), syn., 567. — conoidea Q. & G., syn., 560. — corrodenta May, syn., 581. — corticata (Oliver), 551–52. — — corallina n. subsp. (Oliver), 552. — — pseudocorticata (Iredale), (Oliver), 554. — elongata Q. & G., a doubtful species (Oliver), 573. — flammea (Q. & G.), syn., 558. — fragilis (Chemnitz), syn., 582. — hamiltonensis Chapman & Gabriel (Oliver), 554. — mixta (Reeve), syn., 560. — multiradialis Chap. & Gabr., syn., 568. — nigrosulcata (Reeve), (Oliver), 550. — patellavecta (Verco), syn., 550. — pileopsis Q. & G., type of Notoacmea (Oliver), 568; syn., 569. — punctata Q. & G., type of Naccula (Oliver), 566; syn., 566. — rugosa Q. & G. (Oliver), 550. — saccharina (Linné), syn., 555. — septiformis Q. & G., syn., 572. — stellaris (Q. & G.), syn., 555. — submarmorata (Pilsbry), syn., 558. — subundulata (Angas), syn., 573. — (Collisellina) latisti igata (Angas), with fig. (Oliver), 556. — — — submarmorata (Pilsbry), (Oliver), 558. — — saccharina (Linné), (Oliver), 554–55. — — — stella (Lesson), (Oliver), 555. Patelloididae, classifn. (Oliver), 547. pear-slug. See Eriocampoides lamacina. pebbles, dispersal by marine organisms (Chilton), 523. Pecopteris grandis Hector, occ. (Marshall), 210. Pecten crawfordi Hutt., occ., 333. — triphooki Zitt., occ., 333, 334, 352. Pedilophorus Steffahny in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Peel Forest, rainfall (Allan), 38; vegetation, 37–51. Pellaea rotundifolia Hook., Peel For. (Allan), 45, 49. Peloridiidae, only one species (Myers), 451; details, 465. Pennantia corymbosa Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42. Pennell, F. W., restoration of species Hebe (Ckn. & Allan), 24. Pentachondra pumila R. Br., Peel For. (Allan). 51.

Pentatomidae, eight species (Myers), 451; details, 488–89. Peperomia Endlicheri Miq., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Periplaneta fortipes. See Platyzosteria novae-zealandiae. Perisphinctes brownei Marshall, occ. (Marshall), 210. Perissoptera (Hemichenopus) thomsoni n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 338. Peristernia lintea Tate. Streptopelma based on (Marwick), 321. — See also Latirus (Peristernia). Persectania composita (Guen.), food of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. Pestalozzia funerea Desm., on willow (Murray), 70. Petalochilus n. gen. (Rogers), 16. — calyciformis n. sp., with pl. (Rogers), 18. — saccatus n. sp., with pl. (Rogers), 18. Petrak, F., Gnomonia apiculata, and G. salicella, ident. of (Murray), 66; Gnomonia and Cryptodiaporthe, relationship, 68. Petrie, D., Hector award, 1923, 748. Phalium grangei n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 319. —— comparison with Euspinacassis pollens (Finlay), 230. Phallobata n. gen., with pl. (Cunningham), 73. — alba n. sp., with pl. (Cunningham), 73. Phemus scabralis Broun, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Philobrya trigonopsis (Hutt.), occ., 353. Philoscia pubescens Dana, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. Phleum pratense L., infected by Stenotus binotatus (Myers), 471. Phoma macrosperma Karst., identity (Curtis), 57. Phormium Colensoi Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 44, 49, 50. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — — Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — tenax Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 50. — — host of Orthoea nigriceps (Myers), 483. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — — used for nets (Rangi Hiroa), 598. Phragmidium albidum Lagerh., syn., 76. Phrynixus astutus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Phyllachne Colensoi Berggr., Peel For. (Allan), 51. Phyllites sp. from Kaipara (Edwards), 128. Phylloceras bistriatum n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 138. — ellipticum Koss., comp. (Marshall), 138. — ezoense Yokoyama, comp. (Marshall), 136, 138. — forbesianum d'Orbigny, with pls. (Marshall), 136; comp., 138. — indra Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 152. — kawhiae Marshall, occ. (Marshall), 210. — minimum n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 131, 137. — nera Forbes, with pls. (Marshall), 134. — radiatum n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 135. — ramosum Meek, comp. (Marshall), 135. — surya Forbes, comp. (Marshall), 135. Phylloceras umzambiense von Hoepen, comp. (Marshall), 135. — velledae Mich., comp. (Marshall), 134, 135. — whiteavesi Koss., comp. (Marshall), 136. — woodsi van Hoepen, comp. (Marshall), 134. Phyllocladus trichomanoides D. Don, poles used in nets (Rangi Hiroa), 599. Physiculus bachus (Forster), food of (Phillipps), 528. — — feeding on whale-feed (Malcolm), 647–48; oil of, 658. — rhacinus Hutton, syn., 532. Phytolacca octandra Linn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Picea excelsa, host of Chrysomyxa Rhododendri (Cunningham), 75. — obovata, host of Chrysomyxa Rhododendri (Cunningham), 75. Pimelea sp., Pecl For. (Allan), 50. — laevigata Gaert., var. monticola var. nov. (Petrie), 11. — prostrata (Forst. f.) Willd. var., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — Suteri T. Kirk, in Sounds-Wairau Botan. Dist. (Cockayne & Allan), 19. — Urvilleana Cheesem. non A. Rich., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — virgata Vahl., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. pine-forests, floor-fauna (Grimmett), 439. Pinus montana, infected with Diplodia (Curtis). 56. — muricata, die-back of (Curtis), 52. — Pinaster, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — radiata, die-back of (Curtis), 52. — silvestris, infected with Diplodia (Curtis), 56. Pirates ephippigera (White), occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 475. Pirimi Tautuhi, Te, maker of haua (Rangi Hiroa), 635. pirita. See Rhipogonum scandens. Pittosporum sp., hosts of Dactylanthus Taylori (Hill), 89. — Colensoi Hook. f., host of Zangis amyoti (Myers), 497. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — crassifolium A. Cunn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — eugenioides A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — pimeleoides R. Cunn., sex arrangement of flowers (Carse), 85. — tenuifolium Banks & Soland., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 43, 46. — umbellatum Banks and Sol., leaf-variation (Carse), 85. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Plagianthus betulinus A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 45, 46. — — X P. divaricatus (Ckn. & Allan), 30. — cymosus T. Kirk, hybrid nature (Ckn. & Allan), 31 — divaricatus Forst., host of Oncacontias vittatus (Myers), 509. — — X P. betulinus (Ckn. & Allan), 30. planarians. See Turbellaria. plasma, use of the term (Broadhead), 721. Platyzosteria novae-zelandiae (Brunner), (= Periplaneta fortipes Walker), feeds on Ctenoneurus hochstetteri (Myers), 487.

Plaxiphora ovata (Hutton), with pl. (Mestayer), 585. — zigzag (Hutton), with pl. (Mestayer), 584. Plejona Bolten, charact. (Marwick), 262. — huttoni (Suter), syn., 273. — — pseudorarispina (Suter), syn., 274. Pleospora herbarum (Pers.) Rabh., on willow (Murray), 62, 68. Plesiotriton dennanti Tate, type of genus Semitriton (Marwick), 315. Pleurotoma aegrota Reeve, type of Antimitra Iredale (Finlay), 254. — hebes Hutton, lost type of, recovered (Marwick), 277. Pleurotomaria tertiaria, occ. (Marwick), 309. Ploiaria huttoni (Scott), life-hist., with figs. (Myers), 475, 476; S. American affinity, 455. Ploiariodes rubromaculatus Blackburn, life-hist. (Myers), 476–77. Poa, acicularifolia Buch., on Mineral Belt (Cockayne & Allan), 19. — caespitosa Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 42, 46. — Kirkii Buch., Peel For. (Allan), 50. — pratensis Linn., Peel For. (Allan), 41. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Podocarpus acutifolius T. Kirk, Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — dacrydioides A. Rich., host of Arocatus rusticus (Myers), 478. — — Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 50. — spicatus R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 40. — totara D. Don, Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 50. Podocerus Leach, N.Z. species of (Chilton), 513. — brasiliensis Dana, like P. cristatus (Chilton), 515. — cristatus (G. M. Thomson), with figs. (Chilton), 513–15. — danae from China, &c. (Chilton), 514. — laevis (Haswell), with figs. (Chilton), 513–14. Poecilometis gravis (Fabr.), occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 488. Poho-o-Whakarara, Te, a crayfish-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Pokai-takataka, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Polinices ovuloides Marwick, occ., 333, 334. Pologne, La Société Botanique de, added to exch. list, 748. Polydesmidae, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Polypodium dictyopteris Metten., charac. (Carse), 83. — diversifolium Willd., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 43, 45, 51. — grammitidis R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 40. — Hochstetteri Unger, occ. (Marshall), 210. — punctatum Thunb., syn., 80. — — var. rugulosum (Thomson), syn., 80. — rugosulum Labill., mcorrectly rugulosum (Carse), 81. Polystichum vestitum Presl., Mt. Peel (Allan), 37, 40, 41, 42, 43, 45, 46, 47, 49. Pomaderris phylicaefolia Lodd., Mayor Is. (Allan & C.), 36. Ponera castanea Mayr. in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. popular names, N.Z. plants (Andersen), 659. Poranthera microphylla Brong., in Sounds-Wairau Botan. Dist. (Cockayne & Allan), 19. Poroporo, Te, a warehou fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 625. Porrhothele antipodiana Walckanaer, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 427, 435. Potamacmaea, in key (Oliver), 549. Potamilla laciniosa, food of Latridopsis ciliaris (Phillipps), 526; growth in Palliser Bay, 529. Pou, tutelary guardian of fish (Rangi Hiroa), 623. pouch-orchid. See Petalochilus saccatus. pouraka, crayfish-net (Rangi Hiroa), 626; old use of the word, 645. Pourere Beach, ammonites (Marshall), 132. Prasophyllum Colensoi Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 50. Pratia angulata Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 43, 50. Pratulum pulchellum (Gray), occ., 353. Precipice Hill, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 223. Prenolepis longicornis Fabricius, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Prenotocene rocks, Ruahine Range (Thomson), 348. price-changes, use of index-number as measure of (Condliffe), 724. — levels and economic develop. of N.Z. (Condliffe), 722. primary industries in N.Z. (Condliffe), 722. Prionace glauca Jordan and Evermann, syn., 529. — glaucum (Rondelet), (Phillipps), 529. Procominula n. subgen. (Finlay), 239; key to species, 243. — See also Cominula. productivity of N.Z. (Condliffe), 723. Promerelina n. gen., charact. (Powell), 593. — crosseaformis n. sp., with fig. (Powell), 593. protective tariff, effect on prices (Condliffe), 727. protein in N.Z. wheats (Foster), 740. Proteodes clarkei n. sp. (Philpott), 396. Protocardia pulchella (Gray), occ., 308, 334, 335. — sera, occ. (Marwick), 309. Prototroctes oxyrhynchus Guenther, Maori method of catching (Rangi Hiroa), 636; a surprise catch in the Waiapu Riv., 640. Protozoa in forest-floor (Grimmett), 429. proverbial sayings, Maori— Haere tou te korero(Rangi Hiroa), 618. Tupuhi kaka ki uta(Rangi Hiroa), 619. He kahawai ki te moana(Rangi Hiroa), 620. E kore taku moe e riro(Rangi Hiroa), 625. He rangai maomao ka taka(Rangi Hiroa), 634. Psammobia lineolata Grey, food of Latridopsis ciliaris (Phillipps), 526. —— occ. (Marwick), 309. Pseudaucella n. gen. (Marwick), 305. Pseudeuphausia latifrons Sars. occ. (Chilton), 520. Pseudolabrus pittensis Waite, Maori method of catching (Rangi Hiroa), 630. Pseudopanax crassifolium C. Koch., Peel For. (Allan), 41.

Pseudopanax crassifolium var. unifolialatum T. Kirk, Peel For. (Allan), 41, 42, 43, 46. — —— X Nothopanax arboreum (Ckn. & Allan), 28. — Lessonii (A. Rich.) C., Koch., leaf-variation (Carse), 85. — — Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — macrocarpa, among P. Lessonii (Carse), 86. Pseudopatrum tuberculicostatum White, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Pseudophyllites Kossmat, charact. (Marshall), 152. — indra Forbes, with pls. (Marshall), 152. — whangaroaensis n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 153. — (Tetragonites) sp., occ. (Marshall), 130. — See also Lytoceras. Psilotum triquetrum Swartz, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Pteridium esculentum (Forst. f.), Ckn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. —— Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. —— Peel For. (Allan), 45, 46, 48, 50. Pteris comans Forst f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — tremula R. Br., popular name (Andersen), 659. — (Oleandra) glossopteroides, of Canada (Edwards), 125. Pterostichus melanostolus n sp. (Brookes), 443. Pterostylis Banksii R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 40. — confertifolia Allan sp. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 31 pterygo-polymorphism in Heteroptera (Myers), 454. Ptinus maorianus n. sp. (Brookes), 443. Ptychoceras sipho Forbes (& ors.), comp. (Marshall), 157. — zelandicum n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 157. Puakato, a warehou fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 625. pua-te-reinga. See Dactylanthus Taylori. Puccinia Elymi Westnd., infects Bromus sterilis (Cunningham), 77. — pedatissima G. H. Cunn., infects Ourisia macrocarpa (Cunningham), 77. Pugilina. See Galeodes (Pugilina). Pukeora, fossil locality (Thomson), 347. — oyster-beds, part of Waipukurau series (Thomson), 350, 352. Puketeraki Range, geol. (Speight), 359. pumice soils and iron-hunger (Aston), 733. Puna, Te, a warehou fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 625. purangi, a leading-net (Rangi Hiroa), 638. Purcellia, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. puriri, term in netting (Rangi Hiroa), 642. Puti, Te, fossils (Marshall), 211 note. Puzosia Bayle, charact. (Marshall), 175, 180. — angusta n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 182. — compressa Koss., comp. (Marshall), 182, 183. — darwini Steinmann, comp. (Marshall), 183. — indopacifica Koss., comp. (Marshall), 183. — planulata, comp. (Marshall), 183. Pyronota inconstans n. sp. (Brookes), 444. Pyrrhocoridae, only one species (Myers), 451, 486. Quedius Stephens, in forest-floor (Grimmett) 435. Queensland and N.Z. wheats (Foster), 738–39. Quintilian, —, prose-scansion (Broadhead), 719. Quoy and Gaimard, Patelloida flammea, descripn. (Oliver), 558–59. Radiacmea Iredale, in key (Oliver), 549; charact., 564. — calamus (C. & F.), syn., 567. — inconspicua (Gray), (Oliver), 564. — — rubiginosa (Hutton), (Oliver), 565. — insignis (Menke), syn., 560. — — cavilla Iredale, syn., 560. — intermedia (Suter), (Oliver), 566. — macquariensis Hedley (Oliver), 566. rainfall. See meteorology. Rakaia Gorge district, geology (Cox), 91–111. Rangi Hiroa, Te, fellowship, 763. Ranunculus Carsei sp. nov. (Petrie), 11. — hirtus Banks et Sol., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — — Peel For. (Allan), 50. — maculatus Ckn. et Allan, sp. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 33. — Monroi var. dentatus, Peel For. (Allan), 50. — rivularis Banks et Sol. ex Forst. f., Peel For. (Allan), 50. — — var. glareosus Ckn. et Allan var. nov. (Ckn. & Allan), 33. Raoulia Gibbsii Cheesem., Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — grandiflora Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 51. — tenuicaulis Hook. f., host of Nysius (Myers), 481. Rayleigh, R. J. S., age of earth (Chapman), 116. Reboul, P. See Kilian, W., and Reboul, P. Recent beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. Reduviidae, less than eight species (Myers), 451; details, 475. Reduviolus capsiformis Germ., life-hist. (Myers), 475. refrigeration and exporting-power (Condliffe), 726. Regalaceus parkeri Benham, syn, 535. Renata Tamepo, notes on warehou-fishing (Rangi Hiroa), 625. research grants. See N.Z. Institute: research grants. Rhabdothamnus Solandri A. Cunn., Mayor Is- (Allan & D.), 36. Rhapigaster prasinus Linn., recorded from N.Z. (Myers), 498. Rhipogonum scandens Forst., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. —— used for net-hoops (Rangi Hiroa), 598. Rhododendron sp. cult., host of Chrysomyxa Rhododendri (Cunningham), 75. Rhopalimorpha ignota Hutton, not distinct from R. obscura (Myers), 505. — obscura White, with pls. and figs., life-hist. (Myers), 502; habitat, 456. Rhyncholsphidae, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. rhythm, classic word-rhythm (Broadhead). 715; r. in language, 715.

Ricinus sp., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Ringicula torquata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick, 326. Riria Turiwhewhe, lament by (Rangi Hiroa), 625. rock-cod, Lotella rhacinus sold as (Phillipps), 533. Romna capsoides (F. B. W.), occ. 470. — scotti (F. B. W.), life-hist. (Myers), 470. Rosa eglanteria, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Rosaceae, infected by Kuehneola albida (Cunningham), 76. Rosenfeld, G., storing of fat by animals (Malcolm), 647. Rotokohu Strm., geol. (Grange), 333. Rotorua County, soils (Aston), 733. Rua, Te, a crayfish-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Ruahine Range, period of elevation (Thomson), 348. Ruataniwha Plains, geol. (Thomson), 348, 350. Rubus australis Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 42, 43, 46, 49, 51. — cissoides A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 46, 49. — fruticosus L., host of Kuehneola albida (Cunningham), 76. — — host of Dictyotus caenosus (Myers), 501; of Oechalia consocialis, 490. — — Peel For. (Allan), 41. — — Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — schmideloides A. Cunn., Peel For. (Allan), 40. — subpauperatus Ckn., Peel For. (Allan), 46, 49. Rumex Acetosella Ckn., Peel For. (Allan), 46. — obtusifolius Linn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. rye, perennial. See Lolium perenne. Sagephora jocularis n. sp. (Philpott), 398. Sagola Sharp, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. St. Helen's coal-mine, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 221. Saldidae (Acanthiidae), less than eight species (Myers), 451, 469. Salicornia australis Sol., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Salix babylonica Linn., fungous diseases (Murray), 58. — capreae Linn., fungous infection (Murray), 65. — exigua Nutt., infected with Macrophoma Solids (Murray), 63. — fragilis Linn., fungous diseases (Murray), 58. Salsola, Kali L., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. sandstone at Lyttelton Harbour (Speight), 361. Sarasin, C., Desmoceras and Puzosia, classifn. (Marshall), 180–81; Puzosia, derivation, 175. Sarepta solenelloides Marshall, syn., 344. Saunders, E., Heteroptera, wing nomenclature (Myers), 449 note. saurians, origin of (Chapman), 120. Scaphella Swainson, type charact. (Marwick), 264. — cognata n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 249; syn., 280. Scaphella elegantissima Suter, classed as Waihaoia (Marwick), 265; syn., 280. — pretiosa n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 250; syn., 280. — tumidior n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 250; syn., 280. Schefflera digitata Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 43. Schizeilema Allanii sp. nov. (Petrie), 13. — Hookeri, Peel For. (Allan), 41. Schluteria de Grossouvre, charact. (Marshall), 191. — larteti Seunes, genotype (Marshall), 191. — rarawa n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 192; occ, 132. — (Desmoceras) crassa van Hoepen, comp. (Marshall), 192. Schoenus caespitans sp. nov. (Petrie), 9. — pauciflorus Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43. Sciocoris helferi Fieber, occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 488. Scirpus inundatus, Poir., Peel For. (Allan), 50. — nodosus Rottb., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Scolopendromorpha, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Scolopostethus F. B. W. See Taphropeltus putoni. Scolypopa australis, food of Cermatulus nasalis (Myers), 493. Scomber gladius Broussonet, syn., 536. Scorpaena cardinalis, food of Physiculus bachus (Phillipps), 528. Scoparia cinefacta n. sp. (Philpott), 391. — molifera n. sp. (Meyrick), 415. — sylvestris n. sp. (Clarke), 418. — tuicana n. sp. (Clarke), 418. Scorpis violaceus Hutton, Maori method of catching (Rangi Hiroa), 631; brought from Hawaiki, 633. Scurria, form (Oliver), 548; in key, 549. Scutellaria novae-zelandiae Hook. f., in Sounds-Wairau Botan. Dist. (Cockayne & Allan), 19. Scutelleridae, occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 488. Scutiphora pedicellata Kirby, occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 488. Scutomyia notoscripta, food of Corixids (Myers), 464. sea-mouse. See Aphrodite. secondary industries of N.Z. (Condliffe), 722. Seila terebelloides (Hutton), occ., 353. seismology. See astronomy and seismology. Selidosema fluminea n. sp. (Philpott), 389. Semicassis. See Cassidea. Semitriton revolutum (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 315. Senecio Banksii Hook. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — bellidioides Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 44, 49, 50. — elaeagnifolius Hook, f., Peel For. (Allan), 43, 51. — Hectori Buch., Sounds-Nelson Botan. Dist. (Ckn. & Allan), 20. — sciadophilus Raoul, Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43. Serinetha. See Leptocoris. Seriolella brama Guenther, Maori method of fishing (Rangi Hiroa), 623.

Serpulorbis lornensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 312. — sipho, occ. (Marwick), 308. Seward, A. C., and Ford, S. O., Araucaria rulei, position of veins (Edwards), 127. Sexton Creek, name proposed (Grange), 333; analysis of spring-water near mouth, 335–36. Seymour Isld., ammonite fauna (Marshall), 207. Shelford, V. E., forest-floor communities in N. America (Grimmett), 439. shells from N.Z. Tertiary beds (Finlay), 227. Sidyma angulata, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Sigapatella vertex n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 314. Siliquaria senex n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 313; occ., 308. Simaethis chatuidea, n. sp. (Clarke), 421. — nivescens n. sp. (Philpott), 397. — urbana n. sp. (Clarke), 420. Siphonalia conoidea, occ. (Marwick), 309. Siphonphoridae, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Sirén, —, on rhythm (Broadhead), 716. Sirex juvencus L., on pines (Curtis), 53. Siriella denticulata (G. M. Thomson), occ. (Chilton), 521. — thompsonii (H. M.-Edw.), occ. (Chilton), 521. Skottsberg, C, Veronica and Hebe (Ckn. & Allan), 25. slaters, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. slime-fungi. See Mycetozoa. Smith, H. Guthrie-, fellowship, 749. snails, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. snapper. See Pagrosomus auratus. Snob's Hill, Cordy's Flat, geol. (Jobberns), 224. soil-survey and classifn, Rotorua County (Aston) 735–36. soils of Rotorua County (Aston), 733. Solanum aviculare Forst. f., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — nigrum Linn., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Solariella egena (Gould), occ., 335. Somatidia antarctica White, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Sommerville, D. Y., repres. at Aust. Assoc. Adv. Sc., 751–52. songs, Maori (first line)— E au kuware kihei rawa i puritia (Rangi Hiroa). 625. Hoatu ki te kainga (Rangi Hiroa), 620. Kia te keke pohatu (Rangi Hiroa), 620. sonic depth-finders. See depth-finders, sonic. Sonnenschein, —, accent in Latin (Broadhead), 717. Sounds-Wairau Botan Dist. created (Cockayne & Allan), 19. Spath L. F., ammonites in N.Z. (Marshall), 130; geol. horizons, 199; Desmoceras, derivatives from, 182; Kitchinites genus, 183; Mortoni-ceras soutoni, charact., 186. Speight, R., Canterbury climate, 47; geol. survey of Malvern Hills, 762. — pebble drift, Canterbury coast (Chilton), 524. Speightia n. gen. (Finlay), 252. Spelaenacca, a section of Maqnatica (Finlay), 229. Sphenopteris sp., with fig. (Edwards), 125. spiders in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Spinifex hirsutus Labill., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Spinomelon n. gen. (Marwick), 265, 283; classifn., 270. — benitens (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick) 283; in synopsis, 283; range, 268. — enysi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 283; in synopsis, 283; range, 268. — mira n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 284; in synopsis, 283; range, 268. — parki (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 283; in synopsis, 283; range, 268. — speighti n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 284; in synopsis, 283; range, 268. Spinula Dall, ident. with Zealeda (Marwick), 328. Spirobolus marginatus and leaf-mould (Grimmett), 428. Spisaatella n. gen. (Finlay), 256. — acculta n. sp. (Finlay), 257. — clifdenensis n. sp. (Finlay), 258. — discrepans n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 256. — obesa (A. Ad.). confusion with S. trailli (Finlay), 257. — poroleda n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 257. — scopalveus n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 258. — scopalveus concisus n. subsp., with pl. (Finlay), 258. — trailli (Hutton), with pl. (Finlay), 257. Spisula aequilateralis Desh., occ., 334. Splendrilla. See Melatoma (Splendrilla). Sporobolus indicus, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. springs at Beckenham Park and Hoonhay (Speight), 367. springtails in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. spruce-aphis. See Myzaphis abietina. Squilla armata A. Milne-Ed., food of Chelidonichthys kumu (Phillipps), 527. Stathmopoda aristodoxa n. sp. (Meyrick), 416. — trimolybdias n. sp. (Meyrick), 416. Stebbing, T. R. R., Dexiocerella and Pcdocerus, treatment of (Chilton), 513. Stellaria parviflora Banks & Soland., Peel For. (Allan), 40. Stenotus binotatus (Fabr.) an introd. species (Myers), 455; life-hist, 471. Stephensen, K., Themisto, divis. of this and other Hyperiidae (Chilton), 512–13. Stewart Isld., control of animal-life, &c., 751, 753. Stilla n. gen. (Finlay), 254. Stockholm, Royal Technical University, added to exch. list, 748. strawberry. See Fragaria vesca. Streblites motutaranus Boehm, occ. (Marshall), 211 note. Streptopelma henchmani n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 321; occ., 337. Struthiolaria cincta, occ. (Marwick), 309. — fossa Marwick, occ. (Thomson), 352, 353. — minor Marshall, occ. (Marwick), 309. — nana n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 318. — papulosa group, charact: features (Marwick), 318. — praenuntia n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 318. — prior n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 228. — spinosa Hector, occ., 334. — tuberculata concinna, occ. (Marwick), 309.

Stylocheiron abbreviatum G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 520. — carinatum Sars, occ. (Chilton), 520. — longicorne G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 520. — suhmii G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 520. Subacmea n. subgen. (Oliver), 580. supplejack. See Rhipogonum scandens. Surcula oamarutica Suter, type of Comitas (Finlay). 251. — pareoraensis Suter, type of Insolentia (Finlay), 252. — serotina Suter, affin. with Verconella formosa (Allan), 340. Suter, H., errors in selection of plesiotypes (Marwick), 277; Galeodes maoriana, ident., 262–63; identificns. unreliable, 310; Lipparia parki, generic position, 265; Plaxiphora ovata, anatomy (Mestayer), 585; revision of list, 831, Cave Valley, &c. (Marwick), 308; Voluta corrugata, ident., 284. Suttonia australis A. Rich., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 36. — — Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 43, 44, 45, 46, 51. — divaricata Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 42, 43, 50. — nummularia Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 50. suture-lines, ammonites (Marshall), 192. sweet-vernal. See Anthoxanthum odoratum. swordfish. See Istiophorus gladius. Symbranchidae, grouping and spelling of (Phillipps), 534, and note. Synbranchoidea, affin. of Aotea acus (Phillipps), 534. Taenia Linn., parasite of Genypterus blacodes (Phillipps), 528. Taeniopteris batleyensis n. sp., with figs. (Edwards), 121, 124. Tahua. See Mayor Isld. Tainuia n. substage name proposed (Allan), 338. Tainuia n. gen. (Marshall), 185. — aucklandica n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 186. — multispinosa n. sp. (Marshall), 131. Taka-koau, a crayfish-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Tamahae, his saying regarding pouraka (Rangi Hiroa), 645. tanekaha. See Phyllocladus trichomanoides. tangahangaha. See Pseudolabrus pittensis. Tanganyika, discoveries in (Chapman), 118 note. Tangitu, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Taphropeltus putoni (F. B. W.) Bergroth, life-hist. (Myers), 484–85. Tapiri, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. tarakihi. See Chilodaclylus macropterus and Dactylopagrus macropterus. Taranaki North, new Tertiary Mollusca (Marwick), 317. Tara-o-kaikore, a crayfish hole (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Taratara-taua, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Targarema stali F. B. W., life-hist. (Myers), 483. —— in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. tariff, effect on prices (Condliffe), 727. tauhinu. See Cassinia leptophylla. Teall, F. H., hyphening of words (Andersen), 667, 668. tea-tree, origin of name (Andersen), 661. Tectura, charact. of genus (Oliver), 548, in key, 549. — cantharus (Reeve), syn., 570 — fragilis (Chemnitz), syn., 682. — jacksoniensis (Reeve), syn., 561. — pileopsis (Q. & G.), syn., 569. — septiformis (not Q. & G.), syn., 574. — scabrilirata Angas, syn., 573. — subundulata Angas, syn., 573. — testudinalis, similar to Aust. shell (Oliver), 548. Tegulorhynchia nigricans, occ., 351, 352. Tellina, occ., 333. — eugonia, occ. (Marwick), 309. Tenagomysis chiltoni Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. — macropsis Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. — novae-zealandiae G. M. Thomson, occ. (Chilton), 522. — producta Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. — robusta Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. — scotti Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. — similis Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. — tenuipes Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522 — thomsoni Tattersall, occ. (Chilton), 522. Terebra, occ., 334. — omahuensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 326. Terebratella inconspicua, occ., 352. Teremelon n. subgen. (Marwick), 279; classifn., 270. — See also Waihaoia (Teremelon). Teretianax pagoda n. sp. (Powell), 596. Tertiary Mollusca from N. Taranaki (Marwick), 317. Tetragonites epigonus Kossmat, with pls. (Marshall), 149. — glabrus Jimbo, comp. (Marshall), 149. — kingianum var. involutior Paulcke, comp. (Marshall), 149. — lotus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 149. — margaritatus n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 151. — nuperus van Hoepen, comp. (Marshall), 150. — popetensis Yabe, comp. (Marshall), 151. — simplex n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 150. — superstes van Hoepen, comp. (Marshall), 149. — teres van Hoepen, comp. (Marshall), 152. — virgulatus van Hoepen, comp. (Marshall), 152. — See also Lytoceras (Tetragonites), and Pseudophyllites. Tetrapturus indicus Waite, syn., 536. Thalassacmea n. subgen. (Oliver), 579. Thelymitra longifolia Forst., Peel For. (Allan), 50. Themisto, Stephenseu's treatment of (Chilton) 512–13. Thomson, G. M., Hyale chiltoni, descrip. (Chilton), 518. — pronunciation of names (Andersen), 673. — report on Pan-Pacific food-congress, 754. threading-needle for fishing (Rangi Hiroa), 613. Thyasira planata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 331.

Thyrsites atun (Euphrasen), food of (Philipps), 528. Thysanoessa gregaria G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 520. Thysanopoda obtusifrons G. O. Sars, occ. (Chilton), 519. Tillyard, R. J., fellowship gazetted, 749; corresponding member of Brit. Nat. Comm. Entomol. Nomenclature, ii. timothy-grass. See Phleum pratense. Tinea aetherea n. sp. (Clarke), 421. Tingidae, only one species (Myers), 451, 477. toatoa. See Phyllocladus trichomanoides. Tocker, A. H., credit advances and balance of trade (Condliffe), 723. toemi, a net (Rangi Hiroa), 642. toetoe. See Arundo conspicua. Tokatutahi, a crayfish-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Tolyposporium littorale n. sp., with fig. (Cunningham), 77. Tongaporutua beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69; in grouping (Grange), 334. Tongarho National Park, planting heather, 751; report of Board, 753. Tonica zigzag Hutton, syn., 584. torehe, a net (Rangi Hiroa), 642. Torlessia McKayi Bather, Rakaia Gorge dist. (Cox), 94. Tormissus magnulus, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Tortrix cuneata n. sp. (Clarke), 419. Trachypepla eumenopa n. sp. (Meyrick), 416. — lathriopa Meyr.. now Euchersadaula (Philpott), 414. Travisia oleus, food of Latridopsis ciliaris (Phillipps), 526. Trechmann, C. T., Aucella from Kawhia and Waikato (Marwick), 304, 305. Triaenonyx cockayni, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. — coriacea, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Trichoniscus phormianus Chilton, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. — thomsoni Chilton, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. Trifolium pratense L., host of Dictyotus caenosus (Myers), 501; of Reduviolus capsiformis, 475. — repens, Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Tripterygion bucknilli n. sp., with pl. (Griffin), 544. Trisetum antarcticum Trin., Peel For. (Allan), 49, 50. Trivia pinguior n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 314. Troglyphidae, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 436. Trophon ambiguus Phil., occ., 352. Tuburcinia Anemones (Pers.) Liro, replaces Urocystis Anemones (Cunningham), 80. Tudicla neozelanica Suter, syn., 341. Tugali intermedia (Reeve), occ., 353. — navicula n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 227. — pliocenica n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 227. Tukituki sands, part of Waipukurau series (Thomson), 350, 351. — Valley, Notocene history (Thomson), 353. Tunga-o-Harumanu, a crayfish-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Tunga-o-Tope, a crayfish-ground (Rangi Hiroa) 628. Tupo, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Tupore, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Turbellaria, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 432, 437, Turbo postulatus Bart., occ., 334. — smaragdus Martyn, shells used in fishing (Rangi Hiroa), 624. Turbonilla finlayi n. sp., with pl. (Powell), 594. — oamarutica Suter, now Notacirsa n. gen. (Finlay), 231. — typica Dall and Bartsch, type of Turbonilla (Powell), 594. Turner, E. Phillips, Nothopanax arboreum X Pseudopanax crassifolium var. unifoliolatum, 28. Turricula curtata n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 325 — esdailei n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 316. — waitaraensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 324. Turris, bimarginatus Suter, syn., 343. — complicatus Suter, syn., 343. — duplex Suter, syn., 343. — kaiparaensis Marsh., occ., 334. — nexilis bicarinatus Suter, type of Fenestro syrinx (Finlay), 254. Turritella, occ., 334. — carlottae, Watson, occ., 308, 337. — concava Hutt., occ. (Marwick), 309. — fulminata Hutt., occ., 334. — lornensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 313; occ., 308. — rosea Q. & G., occ., 333, 352, 353. — symmetrica Hutton, occ., 353. — tophina n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 313. — vittata Hutt., occ., 352, 353. Tyndall, J., synthetic production of organic substances (Chapman), 115. Typha angustifolia L., var., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. Uber intracrassus Finlay, comp. with U. laxus (Finlay), 229. — laxus n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 229. — waipipiensis Marwick, comp. with U. laxus (Finlay), 229. Uhligites hectori Spath, occ. (Marshall), 211 note. Vlmus campestris Smith, host of Ctenoneurus hochstetteri (Myers), 487. Umbonium anguiliferum (Phil.), occ., 334, 353. Umupokipoki, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Uncinia sp., Mayor Is. (Allan & D.), 35. — caespitosa Boott, Peel For. (Allan), 43, 50. — filiformis Boott, Peel For. (Allan), 43. — riparia R. Br., Peel For. (Allan), 41, 43, 45, 50. — uncinata Kukenth., Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 43, 45. upokororo. See Prototroctes oxyrhynchus. Upper Ashley and Upper Waipara Valleys, geol. (Speight), 355. — Cretaceous ammonites of N.Z. (Marshall), 129.

Upper Senonian ammonites of N.Z., (Marshall), 130. — Waitotara Valley, geol. (Grange), 331. Uredinaceae of N.Z., third suppt. (Cunningham), 74. Uredo Muelleri Schroet., syn., 76. — Rhododendri DC., syn., 75. Urenui beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. Urocystis Anemones = Tuburcima, Anemones (Cunningham), 80. Urtica ferox Forst. f., host of Romna scotti (Myers), 470. Ustilaginaceae of N.Z., third suppt. (Cunningham), 74. Ustilago Avenae Jens., infects Avena sativa (Cunningham), 79. — trichophora Kunze. See Farysia endotricha. Uxia, charact. (Allan), 342. — marshalli n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 342. Value of landed goods in N.Z. (Condliffe), 723. van Hoepen. See Hopen, E. C. N. Veliidae, less than eight species (Myers), 451, 474. Venericardia benhami (Thomson), occ., 308, 310. — difficilis benhami, occ. (Marwick), 308. — lutea Hutt., occ., 352, 353. — purpurata (Desh.), occ., 334, 352, 353. — urutiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 330. Veneridae, loss of anterior lateral tooth, Marwick (Speight), 362. Venusia dissimilis Philp., syn., 388. Verbascum Thapsus Linn., Peel For. (Allan), 46. Verconella delicatula Marsh. & Mnrd., syn., 340. — formosa n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 340. — mandarina (Duclos), occ., 333. — nodosa (Martyn), food of Pagrosomus auratus (Phillipps), 528. — spiralis n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 340. — thomsoni Marwick, occ., 353. — uttleyi n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 340. Veronatus Sharp, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Veronica in part replaced by Hebe (Ckn. & Allan), 24. — Bisopiana sp. hyb. nov. (Petrie), 15. — Gibbsii T. Kirk. See Hebe. — linifolia Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — Lyallii Hook. f., Peel For. (Allan), 43. — Menziesii Benth. var. divaricata Cheesem. See Hebe divaricata. — obtusata Cheesem. x V. salicifolia Forst. (Petrie), 15. — rigidula Cheesem. See Hebe. — salicifolia Forst. x V. obtusata Cheesem. (Petrie), 15. — Simmonsii Ckn. See Hebe. Vertebrites n. gen. (Marshall), 138. — murdochi n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 139. Vesanala chaskanon n. gen. and sp., with pl. (Finlay), 245. Vexillum ambulacrum n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 320. — antipodum n. sp., with pl. (Brookes), 588. — apicicostatum Suter, syn., 341. — fractum n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 321. Vexillum lornense n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 314; occ., 308. — parki n. sp., with pl. (Allan), 341. Vexithara n. gen. (Finlay), 254. vitamin-A content of mutton-bird-oil (Malcolm), 650. Vitex lucens T. Kirk, Mayor Isld. (Allan & Dalrymple), 36. Voluta aculeata Hutton, syn., 278. — ancilla Sol., type charact. (Marwick), 263–64. — attenuata Hutton, should be rejected (Marwick), 265. — corrugata Hutton, confusion with Spinomelon parki (Marwick), 284. — — var. B Hutton, rel. to Waihaoia rugosa (Marwick), 279. — elongata Swains., syn., 294. — junonia Hwass, type of Scaphella (Marwick), 264. — kirki Hutton, syn., 273. — pacifica Sol., syn., 260. — rupestris Gmelin, type of Fulgoraria (Marwick), 261. — vespertilio Linn., type charact. (Marwick), 263–64. — (Cymbiola) lutea Watson, syn., 282. — (Lyria) corrugata Hutton, syn., 299. Volutidae of N.Z. (Marwick), 259. Volutilithes philippiana Dall, type of Miomelon (Marwick), 265. Volutocorbis gracilicostata Suter, not a Volute (Marwick), 262. Volutospina (Athleta) huttoni Suter, syn., 273. —— huttoni pseudorarispina Suter, syn., 274. Von Ihering. See Ihering, Von. Voronesh University added to exch. list, 748. vulcanism, Banks Peninsula, date (Speight), 363, 365. vulcanological research. See geological and vulcanological research. waewae-te-atua. See Dactylanthus Taylori. Waiarekau tuffs, molluscan fauna (Marwick), 307. Waihao greensands, fossil mollusca (Allan), 338. Waihaoia n. gen. (Marwick), 274; classifn., 270. — aculeata (Hutton), with pl. (Marwick), 278; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — allani n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 275; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — bathgatei (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 276; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — confusa n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 276; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — dyscrita (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 276; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — phymatias (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 276; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — regularis (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 275; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — rugosa n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 278; in synopsis, 275; range, 268; related to Voluta corrugata, 279. — scitula n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 279; in synopsis, 275; range, 268.

Waihaoia superstes n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 278; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — suteri n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 277; in synopsis, 275; range, 268; wrongly figured by Suter, 278. — thomsoni n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 277; in synopsis, 275; range, 268. — (Pachmelon) amoriaformis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 282; in synopsis, 281; range, 268. — — firma n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 282; in synopsis, 281; range, 268. — — lutea (Watson), with pl. (Marwick), 282; in synopsis, 281; range, 268. — — murdochi n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 281; in synopsis, 281; range, 268. — — waitakiensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 281; in synopsis, 281; range, 268. — (Teremelon) awamoaensis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 280; in synopsis, 279; range, 268. — — cognata (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 280; in synopsis, 279; range, 268. — — elegantissima (Suter), with pl. (Marwick), 280; in synopsis, 279; range, 268. — — pretiosa (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 280; in synopsis, 279; range, 268. — — tumidior (Finlay), with pl. (Marwick), 280; in synopsis, 279; range, 268. Waiheke Puha, finish of torehe net (Rangi Hiroa), 643. Waimahuru, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Waimarino Plains morainic mounds (Park), 382. Waimateian, stage name proposed for Waihao greensand period (Allan), 338. Wai-o-rongomai, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Waipara River, head of S. branch, geol. (Speight), 355. Waipawa series, Waipukurau (Thomson), 349; age, 354. Waippi beds, in grouping (Grange), 334, 335. Waipukurau, fossil localities, geol. (Thomson), 347; rocks of W. series, 350. Waipuna, Te, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Wairarapa, The Great, a lost river, Hill's theory discounted (Thomson). 348. Waitotara Valley, Upper, geol. (Grange), 331. Waitotaran beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick). 268–69. — stage, division (Grange), 334, 335. Wai-whakaata, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Waiwhero, Te, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Walcott, C. D., geol. age of mammals (Chapman), 116. Wall, A., scientific nomenclature and pronunciation (Andersen), 674. Wananga, a kehe fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Wangaloan beds, range of Volutidae (Marwick), 268–69. warehou. See Seriolella brama. water-bugs, rarity in N.Z. (Myers), 452. weed-fish, crested. See Cristiceps aurantiacus. weevils, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 435. Weinmannia racemosa L., host of Ctenoneurus hochstetteri (Myers), 487; Targarema stali, 483. Weka Pass stone and Amuri limestone, contact (Thomson), 354. wells. See artesian wells. Wetea, a kehe fishing channel (Rangi Hiroa), 618. whale-feed. See Munida gregaria. Whangai-kuia, a kopipiro fishing-channel (Rangi Hiroa), 619. Whangai-potiki, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. Wharau, Te, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 617. Wharau-o-Ngati-Porou, Te, a crayfish-hole (Rangi Hiroa), 628. Whareponga, a kehe fishing-ground (Rangi Hiroa), 618. wheats and flours of N.Z., quality (Foster), 738. whiptail. See Macruronus novae-zelandiae. White, B., Hahnia australis, occ. in N.Z. (Myers), 510; Neides wakefieldi, charact., 485; Zangis amyoti, coloration, 497. wholesale prices in N.Z. (Condliffe), 727. Wilckens, O., ammonites, geol. horizons (Marshall), 198. Wild, L. J., and Tankersley, —, soil-survey of Manawatu dist., 763. wild-irishman, origin of name (Andersen), 663. willow, fungous diseases (Murray), 58. wineberry. See Aristotelia racemosa. Wintera Murray, usage of name for Drimya (Oliver), 3. — aromaticum Murray, S. American species (Oliver), 4. — axillaris in Forster's list (Oliver), 4. — colorata (Raoul), Peel For. (Allan), 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 50. — granatensis Murray, S. American species (Oliver), 4. Wirepa, Dr., methods of kahawai fishing (Rangi Hiroa), 623. woodlice, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 433. word-rhythm (Broadhead), 715. Worley, F. P., research on chemistry of essential oils of N.Z. flowers, 763. Wright, A. M., repres. at Aust. Assoc. Adv. Sc., 751–52; research on vitamin contents of meat products, 763. Xanthorhoe aegrota (Butl.), with fig., comp. with X. praefectata (Philpott), 389. — dissimilis (Philp.), correct name (Philpott), 388. — ida n. sp. (Clarke), 417. — praefectata (Walk.), with fig., relation to Venusia (Philpott), 388. Xenophyses cascus Bergr., life-history, with figs. (Myers), 465. Xeronema, two species (Oliver), 3. — Callistemon sp. nov., with pl. (Oliver), 1. Xiphias gladius Linnaeus, with pl. (Phillipps), 535. Xiphius gladius Sherrin, syn., 535. Xymene, occ., 353. — expansus (Hutt.), occ., 334. — oliveri Marwick, occ., 333.

Yabe. H., Gaudryceras tenuiliratum var. ornatum, species included in (Marshall), 140. Yokoyama, M., Hauericeras and Puzosia (Marshall), 190. Zangis amyoti (Dallas), with pls. and figs., life-hist. (Myers), 489, 495; confused with Nezara viridula, 498–99. Zealeda, ident. with Spinula (Marwick), 328. — mutabilis n. sp., with pl. (Marwick), 328. Zelandiella n. gen. (Finlay), 233. — fatua n. sp., with pl. (Finlay), 237. Zelandites n. gen. (Marshall), 147. — kaiparaensis n. sp., with pls. (Marshall), 147; occ. (Marshall), 132. Zelanion, in forest-floor (Grimmett), 434. Zelanophilus, in forest-floor (Grimmett). 434. Zemacies n. gen. (Finlay), 252. — elatior n. gen. and sp. (Finlay), 252. Zenatia acinaces (Q. & G.), occ., 334. Zephos n. gen. (Finlay), 239. Ziphius gladius Hector, syn., 535. Zittel, K. A., Desmoceras, classifn. (Marshall), 181.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 56, 1926, Page 825

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General Index Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 56, 1926, Page 825

General Index Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 56, 1926, Page 825

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