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Regulations. The following are the regulations of the New Zealand Institute under the Act of 1903.—* New Zealand Gazette, 14th July, 1904. The word “Institute” used in the following regulations means the New Zealand Institute as constituted by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903. Incorporation of Societies. 1. No society shall be incorporated with the Institute under the provisions of the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903, unless such society shall consist of not less than twenty-five members, subscribing in the aggregate a sum of not less than £25 sterling annually for the promotion of art, science, or such other branch of knowledge for which it is associated, to be from time to time certified to the satisfaction of the Board of Governors of the Institute by the President for the time being of the society. 2. Any society incorporated as aforesaid shall cease to be incorporated with the Institute in case the number of the members of the said society shall at any time become less than twenty-five, or the amount of money annually subscribed by such members shall at any time be less than £25.

3. The by-laws of every society to be incorporated as aforesaid shall provide for the expenditure of not less than one-third of the annual revenue in or towards the formation or support of some local public museum or library, or otherwise shall provide for the contribution of not less than one-sixth of its said revenue towards the extension and maintenance of the New Zealand Institute. 4. Any society incorporated as aforesaid which shall in any one year fail to expend the proportion of revenue specified in Regulation No. 3 aforesaid in manner provided shall from henceforth cease to be incorporated with the Institute. Publications. 5. All papers read before any society for the time being incorporated with the Institute shall be deemed to be communications to the Institute, and then may be published as Proceedings or Transactions of the Institute, subject to the following regulations of the Board of the Institute regarding publications:— (a.) The publications of the Institute shall consist of— (1.) A current abstract of the proceedings of the societies for the time being incorporated with the Institute, to be intituled “Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute”; (2.) And of transactions comprising papers read before the incorporated societies (subject, however, to selection as hereinafter mentioned), and of such other matter as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine to publish, to be intituled “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.” (b.) The Board of Governors shall determine what papers are to be published. (c.) Papers not recommended for publication may be returned to their authors if so desired. (d.) All papers sent in for publication must be legibly written, typewritten, or printed. (e.) A proportional contribution may be required from each society towards the cost of publishing Proceedings and Transactions of the Institute. (f.) Each incorporated society will be entitled to receive a proportional number of copies of the Transactions and Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute, to be from time to time fixed by the Board of Governors. Management of the Property of the Institute. 6. All property accumulated by or with funds derived from incorporated societies, and placed in charge of the Institute, shall be vested in the Institute, and be used and applied at the discretion of the Board of Governors for public advantage, in like manner with any other of the property of the Institute. 7. All donations by societies, public Departments, or private individuals to the Institute shall be acknowledged by a printed form of receipt and shall be entered in the books of the Institute provided for that purpose, and shall then be dealt with as the Board of Governors may direct.

Honorary Members. 8. The Board of Governors shall have power to elect honorary members (being persons not residing in the Colony of New Zealand), provided that the total number of honorary members shall not exceed thirty. 9. In case of a vacancy in the list of honorary members, each incorporated society, after intimation from the Secretary of the Institute, may nominate for election as honorary member one person. 10. The names, descriptions, and addresses of persons so nominated, together with the grounds on which their election as honorary members is recommended, shall be forthwith forwarded to the President of the New Zealand Institute, and shall by him be submitted to the Governors at the next succeeding meeting. General Regulations. 11. Subject to the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, and to the foregoing rules, all societies incorporated with the Institute shall be entitled to retain or alter their own form of constitution and the by-laws for their own management, and shall conduct their own affairs. 12. Upon application signed by the President and countersigned by the Secretary of any society, accompanied by the certificate required under Regulation No. 1, a certificate of incorporation will be granted under the seal of the Institute, and will remain in force as long as the fore-going regulations of the Institute are complied with by the society. 13. In voting on any subject the President is to have a deliberate as well as a casting vote. 14. The President may at any time call a meeting of the Board, and shall do so on the requisition in writing of four Governors. 15. Twenty-one days' notice of every meeting of the Board shall be given by posting the same to each Governor at an address furnished by him to the Secretary. 16. In case of a vacancy in the office of President, a meeting of the Board shall be called by the Secretary within twenty-one days to elect a new President. 17. The Governors for the time being resident or present in Wellington shall be a Standing Committee for the purpose of transacting urgent business and assisting the officers. 18. The Standing Committee may appoint persons to perform the duties of any other office which may become vacant. Any such appointment shall hold good until the next meeting of the Board, when the vacancy shall be filled. 19. The foregoing regulations may be altered or amended at any annual meeting, provided that notice be given in writing to the Secretary of the Institute not later than the 30th November.

The Hutton Memorial Medal And Research Fund. Declaration of Trust. This deed, made the fifteenth day of February, one thousand nine hundred and nine (1909), between the New Zealand Institute of the one part, and the Public Trustee of the other part: Whereas the New Zealand Institute is possessed of a fund consisting now of the sum of five hundred and fifty-five pounds one shilling (£555 1s), held for the purposes of the Hutton Memorial Medal and Research Fund on the terms of the rules and regulations made by the Governors of the said Institute, a copy whereof is hereto annexed: And whereas the said money has been transferred to the Public Trustee for the purposes of investment, and the Public Trustee now holds the same for such purposes, and it is expedient to declare the trusts upon which the same is held by the Public Trustee: Now this deed witnesseth that the Public Trustee shall hold the said moneys and all other moneys which shall be handed to him by the said Governors for the same purposes upon trust from time to time to invest the same upon such securities as are lawful for the Public Trustee to invest on, and to hold the principal and income thereof for the purposes set out in the said rules hereto attached. And it is hereby declared that it shall be lawful for the Public Trustee to pay all or any of the said moneys, both principal and interest, to the Treasurer of the said New Zealand Institute upon being directed so to do by a resolution of the Governors of the said Institute, and a letter signed by the Secretary of the said Institute enclosing a copy of such resolution certified by him and by the President as correct shall be sufficient evidence to the Public Trustee of the due passing of such resolution: And upon receipt of such letter and copy the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Institute shall be a sufficient discharge to the Public Trustee: And in no case shall the Public Trustee be concerned to inquire into the administration of the said moneys by the Governors of the said Institute. As witness the seals of the said parties hereto, the day and year hereinbefore written. Resolutions of Board of Governors. Resolved by the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute that— 1. The funds placed in the hands of the Board by the committee of subscribers to the Hutton Memorial Fund be called “The Hutton Memorial Research Fund,” in memory of the late Captain Frederick Wollaston Hutton, F.R.S. Such fund shall consist of the moneys subscribed and granted for the purpose of the Hutton Memorial, and all other funds which may be given or granted for the same purpose. 2. The funds shall be vested in the Institute. The Board of Governors of the Institute shall have the control of the said moneys, and may invest the same upon any securities proper for trust-moneys. 3. A sum not exceeding £100 shall be expended in procuring a bronze medal to be known as “The Hutton Memorial Medal.”

4. The fund, or such part thereof as shall not be used as aforesaid, shall be invested in such securities as aforesaid as may be approved of by the Board of Governors, and the interest arising from such investment shall be used for the furtherance of the objects of the fund. 5. The Hutton Memorial Medal shall be awarded from time to time by the Board of Governors, in accordance with these regulations, to persons who have made some noticeable contribution in connection with the zoology, botany, or geology of New Zealand. 6. The Board shall make regulations setting out the manner in which the funds shall be administered. Such regulations shall conform to the terms of the trust. 7. The Board of Governors may, in the manner prescribed in the regulations, make grants from time to time from the accrued interest to persons or committees who require assistance in prosecuting researches in the zoology, botany, or geology of New Zealand. 8. There shall be published annually in the “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute” the regulations adopted by the Board as aforesaid, a list of the recipients of the Hutton Memorial Medal, a list of the persons to whom grants have been made during the previous year, and also, where possible, an abstract of researches made by them. Regulations Under Which the Hutton Memorial Medal Shall be Awarded and the Research Fund Administered. 1. Unless in exceptional circumstances, the Hutton Memorial Medal shall be awarded not oftener than once in every three years; and in no case shall any medal be awarded unless, in the opinion of the Board, some contribution really deserving of the honour has been made. 2. The medal shall not be awarded for any research published previous to the 31st December, 1906. 3. The research for which the medal is awarded must have a distinct bearing on New Zealand zoology, botany, or geology. 4. The medal shall be awarded only to those who have received the greater part of their education in New Zealand or who have resided in New Zealand for not less than ten years. 5. Whenever possible, the medal shall be presented in some public manner. 6. The Board of Governors may, at an annual meeting, make grants from the accrued interest of the fund to any person, society, or committee for the encouragement of research in New Zealand zoology, botany, or geology. 7. Applications for such grants shall be made to the Board before the 30th September. 8. In making such grants the Board of Governors shall give preference to such persons as are defined in regulation 4. 9. The recipients of such grants shall report to the Board before the 31st December in the year following, showing in a general way how the grant has been expended and what progress has been made with the research. 10. The results of researches aided by grants from the fund shall, where possible, be published in New Zealand. 11. The Board of Governors may from time to time amend or alter the regulations, such amendments or alterations being in all cases in conformity with resolutions 1 to 4.

Award of the Hutton Memorial Medal. 1911. Professor W. B. Benham, D.Sc., F.R.S., University of Otago—For researches in New Zealand zoology. 1914. Dr. L. Cockayne, F.L.S., F.R.S.—For researches on the ecology of New Zealand plants. Grants from the Hutton Memorial Research Fund. 1916. (1.) To the Portobello Marine Fish - hatchery—£25 for the purpose of prosecuting research on the distribution of native marine food fishes. (2.) To Major Broun—£50 towards the publication of researches on New Zealand Coleoptera as a bulletin. Hector Memorial Research Fund. Declaration of Trust. This deed, made the thirty-first day of July, one thousand nine hundred and fourteen, between the New Zealand Institute, a body corporate duly incorporated by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908, of the one part, and the Public Trustee of the other part: Whereas by a declaration of trust dated the twenty-seventh day of January, one thousand nine hundred and twelve, after reciting that the New Zealand Institute was possessed of a fund consisting of the sum of £1,045 10s. 2d., held for the purposes of the Hector Memorial Research Fund on the terms of the rules and regulations therein mentioned, which said moneys had been handed to the Public Trustee for investment, it was declared (inter alia) that the Public Trustee should hold the said moneys and all other moneys which should be handed to him by the said Governors of the Institute for the same purpose upon trust from time to time, to invest the same in the common fund of the Public Trust Office, and to hold the principal and income thereof for the purposes set out in the said rules and regulations in the said deed set forth: And whereas the said rules and regulations have been amended by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute, and as amended are hereinafter set forth: And whereas it is expedient to declare that the said moneys are held by the Public Trustee upon the trusts declared by the said deed of trust and for the purposes set forth in the said rules and regulations as amended as aforesaid: Now this deed witnesseth and it is hereby declared that the Public Trustee shall hold the said moneys and all other moneys which shall be handed to him by the said Governors for the same purpose upon trust from time to time to invest the same in the common fund of the Public Trust Office, and to hold the principal and income thereof for the purposes set out in the said rules and regulations hereinafter set forth: And it is hereby declared that it shall be lawful for the Public Trustee to pay, and he shall pay, all or any of the said moneys, both principal and interest, to the Treasurer of the said New Zealand Institute upon being directed to do so by a resolution of the Governors of the said Institute, and a letter signed by the Secretary of the said Institute enclosing a copy of such resolution certified by him and by the

President as correct shall be sufficient evidence to the Public Trustee of the due passing of such resolution: And upon receipt of such letter and copy the receipt of the Treasurer for the time being of the said Institute shall be a sufficient discharge to the Public Trustee: And in no case shall the Public Trustee be concerned to inquire into the administration of the said moneys by the Governors of the said Institute. As witness the seals of the said parties hereto, the day and year first hereinbefore written. Rules and Regulations made by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute in relation to the Hector Memorial Research Fund. 1. The funds placed in the hands of the Board by the Wellington Hector Memorial Committee be called “The Hector Memorial Research Fund,” in memory of the late Sir James Hector, K.C.M.G., F.R.S. The object of such fund shall be the encouragement of scientific research in New Zealand, and such fund shall consist of the moneys subscribed and granted for the purpose of the memorial and all other funds which may be given or granted for the same purpose. 2. The funds shall be vested in the Institute. The Board of Governors of the Institute shall have the control of the said moneys, and may invest the same upon any securities proper for trust-moneys. 3. A sum not exceeding one hundred pounds (£100) shall be expended in procuring a bronze medal, to be known as the Hector Memorial Medal. 4. The fund, or such part thereof as shall not be used as aforesaid, shall be invested in such securities as may be approved by the Board of Governors, and the interest arising from such investment shall be used for the furtherance of the objects of the fund by providing thereout a prize for the encouragement of such scientific research in New Zealand of such amount as the Board of Governors shall from time to time determine. 5. The Hector Memorial Medal and Prize shall be awarded annually by the Board of Governors. 6. The prize and medal shall be awarded by rotation for the following subjects, namely—(1) Botany, (2) chemistry, (3) ethnology, (4) geology, (5) physics (including mathematics and astronomy), (6) zoology (including animal physiology). In each year the medal and prize shall be awarded to that investigator who, working within the Dominion of New Zealand, shall in the opinion of the Board of Governors have done most towards the advancement of that branch of science to which the medal and prize are in such year allotted. 7. Whenever possible the medal shall be presented in some public manner. Award of the Hector Memorial Research Fund. 1912. L. Cockayne, Ph.D, F.L.S., F.R.S.—For researches in New Zealand botany. 1913 T.H. Easterfield, M.A., Ph.D.—For researches in chemistry 1914. Elsdon Best—For researches in New Zealand ethnology. 1915. P. Marshall, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S.—For researches in New Zealand geology. 1916. Sir Ernest Rutherford, F.R.S.—For researches in physics.

The Carter Bequest. Extracts from the Will of Charles Rooking Carter. This is the last will and testament of me, Charles Rooking Carter, of Wellington, in the Colony of New Zealand, gentleman. I revoke all wills and testamentary dispositions heretofore made by me, and declare this to be my last will and testament. * * * * * * I give to the Colonial Museum in Wellington the large framed photographs of the members of the General Assembly in the House of Representatives in the year 1860, and the framed pencil sketch of the old House of Commons, and the framed invitation-card to the Lord Mayor's dinner. * * * * * * As regards the following books, of which I am the author, and which are now stored in three boxes—namely, (1) “The Life and Recollections of a New Zealand Colonist,” (2) “A Historical Sketch of New Zealand Loans,” and (3) “Round the World Leisurely”—I direct that my executor shall retain possession of the same for a period of seven years, commencing from the date of my death, and that at the end of such period my executor shall place the same in the hands of Messrs. Whit-combe and Tombs (Limited) or some other capable and responsible book-sellers in the City of Wellington, for sale, and so that the same shall be sold at such a price as will yield to my estate not less than six shillings per volume in respect of the first-named and second-named, and two shillings and sixpence in respect of the last-named works; and I further authorize my executor to sell and dispose of the copyright or right to reprint such works; and I direct that the moneys to be derived from the sale of such works and the privileges connected therewith shall be added to the sum provided for the purchase of a telescope as hereinafter mentioned. * * * * * * I direct my executor to subscribe the sum of fifty pounds towards the erection of a suitable brick room in which to house the priceless collection of books on New Zealand some time since given by me to the Colonial Museum and the New Zealand Institute. * * * * * * I give and devise unto the Public Trustee appointed under and in pursuance of an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand intituled the Public Trust Office Act. 1894 (hereinafter called “my trustee”), all the rest, residue, and remainder of my property whatsoever and wheresoever situate, both real and personal, and whether in possession, reversion, expectancy, or remainder, upon trust, as to my freehold property at East Taratahi, containing by admeasurement two thousand one hundred and seventy-two acres, and being and comprising the whole of the land included in certificate of title, volume 51, folio 79, of the books of the District Land Registrar for the Registration District of Welling

ton (save and except such part of the said land, being portion of the section numbered 117 in the Taratahi Plain Block, as is hereinafter devised to my trustee for the purposes hereinafter appearing), and direct that my Trustee shall stand possessed of the same lands upon trust, to let and manage the same, and to pay and apply the rents and annual income in manner following, namely :— * * * * * * And as to all the residue and remainder (if any) of the said net proceeds of the sale, conversion, and getting-in of my estate as aforesaid, my trustee shall transfer the same to the Governors for the time being of the New Zealand Institute at Wellington, to form the nucleus of a fund for the erection in or near Wellington aforesaid, and the endowment of a Professor and staff, of an Astronomic Observatory fitted with telescope and other suitable instruments for the public use and benefit of the colony, and in the hope that such fund may be augmented by gifts from private donors, and that the Observatory may be subsidized by the Colonial Government; and without imposing any duty or obligation in regard thereto I would indicate my wish that the telescope may be obtained from the factory of Sir H. Grubb, in Dublin, Ireland * * * * * *

New Zealand Institute. Established Under An Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand Intituled the New Zealand Institute Act, 1867; Reconstituted by an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand Under the New Zealand Institute Act, 1903, and Continued by the New Zealand Institute Act, 1908. Board of Governors. Ex Officio. His Excellency the Governor. The Hon. the Minister of Internal Affairs. Nominated By The Government Mr. Charles A. Ewen (appointed December, 1914); Dr. J. Allan Thomson, F.G.S. (appointed December, 1915); Mr. B. C. Aston, F.I.C. (appointed December, 1915). Elected by Affiliated Societies (December, 1915). Wellington Philosophical Society Professor T. H. Easterfield, M. A., Ph.D. Professor H. B. Kirk, M.A. Auckland Institute Mr. D. Petrie, M.A., Ph.D. Professor H. W. Segar, M.A. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury Dr. Hilgendorf, M.A. Mr. A. M. Wright, F.C.S. Otago Institute Professor Marshall, M.A., D.Sc., F.G.S. Mr. G. M. Thomson, F.C.S., F.L.S. Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute Mr. H. Hill, B.A., F.G.S. Nelson Institute Dr. L. Cockayne, F.L.S., F.R.S. Manawatu Philosophical Society Mr J. W. Poynton, S.M. Wanganui Philosophical Society Dr. H. R. Hatherly, M.R.C.S. Officers For The Year 1916 President: Professor Benham, M.A., D.Sc., F.Z.S., F.R.S. Hon. Treasurer: Mr C. A. Ewen. Joint Hon Editors Dr. L. Cockayne, F.R.S., Dr. C. A. Cotton, F G.S. Hon. Librarian: Dr. J. Allan Thomson, F.G.S. Hon. Secretary: Mr. B. C. Aston, F.I.C., F.C.S. (Box 40, Post-office, Wellington). Affiliated Societies. Name of Society Secretary's Name and Address Date of Affiliation Wellington Philosophical Society C. E. Adams, Hector Observatory, Wellington 10th June, 1868. Auckland Institute T. F. Cheeseman, Museum 10th June, 1868. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury A. M. Wright, Box 617, Christ-church 22nd October, 1868. Otago Institute E. J. Parr, Boys' High School 18th October, 1869. Hawke's Bay Philosophical James Niven, Technical College 31st March, 1875. Nelson Institute E. L. Morley, Waimea Street 20th December, 1883. Manawatu Philosophical Society K. Wilson, Palmerston North 6th January, 1905. Wanganui Philosophical Society J. P. Williamson 2nd December, 1911.

Roll of Members. Ordinary Members. Wellington Philosophical Society. * Life members† On active service. Acland, E. W., P.O. Box 928, Wellington. Adams, C. E., D.Sc., A.I.A. (London), F.R.A.S., Hector Observatory, Wellington. Adams, C. W., Bellevue Road, Lower Hutt. Adamson, Professor J., MA., LL.B., Victoria University College, Wellington. Adkin, G. L., Queen Street, Levin. Alabaster, A. H., Head Office, Railways, Wellington. Anderson, W. J., M.A., LL D., Education Department, Wellington. Aston, B. C., F.I.C., F.C.S., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Atkins, A., F.R.I.B.A., A.M. Inst.C.E., Grey Street, Wellington. Atkinson, E. H., Agricultural Department, Wellington. Bagley, G., care of Young's Chemical Company, 14 Egmont Street, Wellington. Bakewell, F. H., M.A, Education Board, Mercer Street, Wellington. Baldwin, E. S., 215 Lambton Quay, Wellington. Bates, Rev. D.C., F.R.G.S., F.R Met. Soc., Weather Office, Wellington. Beere, Wyn O., 155 Featherston Street, Wellington. Beetham, W. H., Masterton. Begg, Dr. C M., 164 Willis Street, Wellington. Bell, E. D., Panama Street, Wellington. Bell, Hon. Sir Francis H. D., K.C., M.L.C., Panama Street, Wellington. Berry, C. G. G., 35 Bolton Street, Wellington. Blair, David K., M.I.Mech.E., 9 Grey Street, Wellington. Blake, V., District Lands and Survey Office, Wellington.† Blow, H. J. H., Public Works Department, Wellington. Brandon, A. de B., B.A., Featherston Street, Wellington. Bridges, G. G., 2 Wesley Road, Wellington. Broadgate, F. L. K., M.Sc., Dominion Museum, Wellington.† Browne, M. H., Education Department, Wellington. Burbidge, P W., M.Sc., Victoria University College, Wellington. Burnett, J., M.Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Head Office, Railways. Campbell, J., F.R.I.B.A., Government Architect, Public Works Department, Wellington. Carter, F. J., M.A., Diocesan Office, Wellington. Carter, W. H., care of Dr. Henry, The Terrace, Wellington. Chapman, Martin, K.C., Brandon Street, Wellington. Chudleigh, E. R., Orongomairoa, Waihou. Cockayne, L., Ph.D., F.L.S., F.R.S., 13 Colombo Street, Wellington. Cook, H. D., M.Sc, B.E. (Elect.), Bank Chambers, Lambton Quay, Wellington. Cotton, C. A., D.Sc., F.G.S., Victoria University College, Wellington. Crawford, A. D., Box 126, G.P.O., Wellington. Crewes, Rev. J., 90 Owen Street, Wellington. Cull, J. E. L., B.Sc. in Eng. (Mech.), Public Works Department, Wellington. Donovan, W., M.Sc., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington. Dougall, Archibald, 34 Austin Street, Wellington. Dymock, E. R., A.I. A.N.Z., A.I.A V., Woodward Street, Wellington. Earnshaw, Hon. W., M.L.C., 4 Watson Street, Wellington. Easterfield, Professor T. H., M.A., Ph.D., Victoria College, Wellington.

Ewen, C A., 126 The Terrace, Wellington. Ferguson, William, M A., M.Inst. C E., M.Inst.Mech.E, 131 Coromandel Street, Wellington. Field, W. H., M P., 160 Featherston Street, Wellington. Findlay, Sir John G., K C, LL D, 197 Lambton Quay, Wellington. FitzGerald, Gerald, A.M.Inst.C.E., Box 461, Wellington. Fleming, T. R., M.A., LL B., Education Board Office, Wellington. Fletcher, Rev. H. J., The Manse, Taupo. Fox, Thomas O., Borough Engineer, Miramar, Wellington. Fraser, G. V. R., Head Office, Railways, Wellington. Freeman, C. J, 95 Webb Street, Wellington* Freyberg, C., Macdonald Crescent, Wellington. Fulton, J., 14 North Terrace, Kelburne† Furkert, F. W., M.Inst.C.E., Inspecting Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington. Garrow, Professor J. M. E., B.A., LL.B., Victoria College, Wellington* Gavin, W. H., Inspecting Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington. Gibbs, A., Electrical Branch, Telegraph Department, Wellington. Gibbs, Dr. H. E., 240 Willis Street, Wellington. Gibson, Miss G. F., M A, 10 Hill Street, Wellington. Gibson, W., B.E. (Mining), Geological Survey Department, Wellington. Gifford, A. C, M.A., F.R.A.S., 6 Shannon Street, Wellington* Girdlestone, H. E., F R G.S., Lands and Survey Department, Wellington. Gottfried, Rev. I. von, Boulcott Street, Wellington. Goudie, H. A., Whakarewarewa. Haast, H. F. von, M.A., LL.B, 41 Salamanca Road, Wellington. Hamilton, H., A.O S.M., 58 Bowen Street, Wellington. Hanify, H. P, 18 Panama Street, Wellington. Harding, R. Coupland, 63 Matai Road, Hataitai* Hastie, Miss J. A, care of Street and Co, 30 Cornhill, London, E.C. Hayward, Captain J A., 113 Tasman Street, Wellington. Hector, C. Monro., M.D., B.Sc., F R A.S., Lower Hutt. Helyer, Miss E., 13 Tonks Grove, Wellington. Henderson, J, M.A., D.Sc, B Sc in Engineering (Metall.), Geological Survey Department, Wellington. Hislop, J., Under-Secretary for Internal Affairs, Wellington. Hodson, W H, 40 Pirie Street, Wellington. Hogben, G., C.M.G., M.A., F.G.S., 32 Crescent Road, Khandallah. Holmes, R. L., F.R.Met.Soc., Kai Ora, Fern Street, Randwick, Sydney*. Holmes, R. W., M Inst.C.E., Chief Engineer, Public Works Department, Wellington. Hooper, Captain G. S., Grant Road North, Wellington. Hudson, G. V., F.E.S., Inspector's Office, G P.O., Wellington. Humphries, Thomas, F.R G.S., Laery Street, Lower Hutt. Hursthouse, E. W., Routh's Buildings, Wellington. Isaac, E. C., Education Department, Wellington. Jack, J. W, Featherston Street, Wellington. James, L. G., Box 94 (Hunter Street), Wellington. Jenkinson, S H, Railway Buildings, Wellington. Johnston, C. G., Head Office, Railways, Wellington† Johnston, Hon. G. Randall, care of Martin Chapman, K.C., Wellington* Jones, E G, B.A, Wellington College, Wellington. Joseph, Joseph, Box 443 (Grant Road), Wellington. Kennedy, Rev. Dr. D., F R.A.S., St Patrick's College, Wellington.

Kilroe, Miss F. C., B.Sc, 7 Hay Street, Wellington King, G W., B.E., care of A. H. King, Box 116, Christchurch† King, Thomas, F R A.S., 58 Ellice Street, Wellington* Kirk, Professor H. B., M.A., Victoria College, Wellington. La Trobe, W. S., M.A., Technical College, Wellington. Levi, P., M.A., care of Wilford and Levi, 15 Stout Street, Wellington. Lomax, Major H. A., Araruhe, Aramoho, Wanganui. Luke, J P, Hiropi Street, Wellington. McCabe, Ultan F., care of Richardson and McCabe, 11 Grey Street, Wellington. McDonald, J., Dominion Museum, Wellington. Mackay, J., Government Printer, Wellington McKenzie, Donald, care of Mrs. Elizabeth McKenzie, Marton.† Mackenzie, Professor H., M.A., Victoria University College, Wellington Mackenzie, James, Under - Secretary, Lands and Survey Department, Wellington Maclaurin, J. S., D.Sc., F.C S., Dominion Laboratory, Wellington MacLean, F. W., M.Inst.C.E., Inspecting Engineer, Head Office, Railways, Wellington Marchbanks, J., M.Inst.C.E., Harbour Board, Wellington Marsden, Professor E., D.Sc., Victoria University College, Wellington† Mason, J. Malcolm, M.D, F.C.S, D P H, Lower Hutt Maxwell, J. P., M.Inst.C.E., 145 Dixon Street, Wellington Mestayer, R. L., M.Inst.C E., 139 Sydney Street, Wellington Miles, P. H R, Telegraph Department, G.P.O., Wellington Miller, H. M., Public Works Department, Wellington Moore, G., Eparaima, via Masterton (during session, Legislative Council) Moore, W. Lancelot, care of H. D. Cook, Bank Chambers, Lambton Quay, Wellington† Moorhouse, W. H. Sefton, 134 Dixon Street, Wellington Morgan, P G., M.A., F.G.S., Director Geological Survey, Routh's Buildings, Wellington Morice, J M., B.Sc., Assistant City Engineer, Town Hall, Wellington Morison, C. B., 180 Featherston Street, Wellington Morrison, J. C., Box 8, P.O., Eltham Morton, W. H., M.Inst.C.E., City Engineer, Wellington Myers, Miss P., B.A., 26 Fitzherbert Terrace, Wellington Newman, A. K., M.B., M.R.C.P., M.P, 56 Hobson Street, Wellington Nicol, John, 23, Cuba Street, Wellington Ongley, M., M.A., Geological Survey Department, Wellington Orchiston, J., M.I.E.E., Chief Telegraph Engineer, Telegraph Office, Wellington Orr, Robert, 176 Featherston Street, Wellington Patterson, Hugh, Assistant Engineer, Public Works Office, Ngatapu Parry, Evan, B.Sc., M.I.E.E., A.M.Inst.C.E., Public Works Department, Wellington Pearce, Arthur E., care of Levin and Co. (Limited), Wellington Phillips, Coleman, Carterton* Phipson, P. B., F.C.S, care of J. Staples and Co. (Limited), Wellington Pigott, Miss Elizabeth, M.A., Victoria University College, Wellington Pigott, Miss Ellen, M.A., Victoria University College, Wellington Pomare, Hon. Dr. M., M.P., Wellington Porteous, J. S, 9 Brandon Street, Wellington Powles, C. P., 219 Lambton Quay, Wellington Reakes, C. J., D.V.Sc., M.R.C.V.S., Agricultural Department, Wellington

Reid, W. S., 189 The Terrace, Wellington Richardson, C. E., Box 863 (11 Grey Street), Wellington Richardson, J. M., 132 The Terrace, Wellington Robertson, J. B, Public Works Department, Wellington Robertson, R E., 41 Grove Road, Kelburne (resigned 30th June, 1915) Roy, R B., Taita, Wellington* Salmond, J. W., M.A., K.C., LL.B., Crown Law Office, Wellington Shrnmpton, E. A, Telegraph Department, Wellington Sladden, H., Lower Hutt, Wellington Smith, J. R, Telegraph Department, Wellington Smith, M. Compton, Lands and Survey Department, Wellington Sommerville, Professor D. M Y., M.A., D.Sc, F.R.S.E, Victoria University College, Wellington Spencer, W E, M.A., M.Sc., Education Department, Wellington Stewardson, G., 58 Taranaki Street, Wellington Stout, T Duncan M, M.B, M S, F.R.C S., 164 Willis Street, Wellington† Stuckey, F G A, M A, 21 Hobson Crescent, Wellington Sunley, R M, Karori Swinburne, C G, Town Hall, Wellington Tennant, J. S., M.A., B.Sc., Training College, Wellington Thomson, J. Allan, M.A., D.Sc., F G S., Dominion Museum, Wellington Thomson, John, B E, M.Inst.C.E, 17 Dorking Road, Brooklyn, Wellington Tily, H. S., B.Sc., H.M. Customs, Wellington Tolley, H. R., 34 Wright Street, Wellington Tombs, H. H, Burnell Avenue, Wellington Turnbull, A. H, care of W. and G. Turnbull and Co, Wellington Turner, E. Phillips, F.R.G.S, Lands and Survey Department, Wellington Vickerman, H, M.Sc., A M Inst. C.E, Public Works Department, Wellington† Ward, Thomas, A.M.Inst.C.E., Grey Street, Wellington Welch, J. S, 52 Wright Street, Wellington Westland, C. J, F R.A.S. Hector Observatory, Wellington Widdop, F. C., District Railway Engineer, Thorndon Office, Wellington Wilmot, E H, Surveyor-General, Wellington Wilson, Sir James G., Bulls Wynne, H J, Railway Buildings, Wellington Zedhtz, Professor G. W. von, M.A, Belmont Road, Lower Hutt Auckland Institute (Members are requested to advise the Secretary of any change of address.) * Honorary and life members Abbott, R. H, Elliott Street, Auckland Abel, R. S., care of Abel, Dykes, and Co., Shortland Street, Auckland Adlington, Miss H., District High School, Whangarei Aickin, G., Queen Street, Auckland Aldis, M., Empire Buildings, Swanson Street, Auckland Alexander, L M, Beauvoir, Hurstmere Road, Takapuna Alison, A, Devonport Ferry Company, Auckland Alison, E. W, Devonport Ferry Company, Auckland Allen, John, Cheltenham, Devonport Ardern, P. S., Remuera

Arey, W. E.; Victoria Arcade, Auckland Armitage, F. L., Gleeson's Buildings, High Street, Auckland Arnold, C., Swanson Street, Auckland Arnoldson, L., Quay Street, Auckland Atkinson, H., Grafton Road, Auckland Bagnall, L. J., Wynyard Street, Auckland Baker, G. H., Commerce Street, Auckland Ball, W. T., Sylvan Avenue, Mount Eden Bamford, H. D., LL.D., Bank of New Zealand Buildings, Auckland Bankart, A. S., Shortland Street, Auckland Barr, J., Public Library, Wellesley Street, Auckland Bartrum, J. A., M.Sc., University College, Auckland Bates, T. L., Brookfield, Alfred Street, Waratah, Newcastle, New South Wales* Batger, J., Mount Eden Road, Auckland Bell, T., care of Union Oil, Soap, and Candle Company, Albert Street, Auckland Benjamin, E. D., care of L. D. Nathan and Co., Shortland Street, Auckland Biss, N. L. H., Shortland Street, Auckland Blair, J. M., Market Road, Epsom Bloomfield, J.L.N.R, St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell Bond, Elon, Commerce Street, Auckland Bradley, S., Onehunga Brett, H., Star Office, Shortland Street, Auckland Briffault, R., M.B., Mount Eden Road, Auckland Brooke-Smith, E., Manukau Road, Parnell Broun, Major T., F.E.S., Mount Albert, Auckland Brown, E. A., Cleave's Buildings, High Street, Auckland Brown, Professor F. D., care of Auckland Institute, Auckland Brown, John, Beresford Street, Bayswater, Devonport Bruce, W. W., Williamson Chambers, Shortland Street Buchanan, A. V., Victoria Avenue, Remuera* Buddle, C. V., Wyndham Street, Auckland Buddle, T., Wyndham Street, Auckland Burns, R., Customs Street, Auckland Burnside, W., Education Offices Auckland Burt, A., care of A. and T. Burt and Co., Customs Street Auckland Burton, Colonel, The Grove, Brank-some Park, Bournemouth, England* Bush, W. E., City Engineer's Office. Town Hall, Auckland Butler, Miss, Girls' Grammar School, Auckland Buttle, J., New Zealand Insurance Company, Queen Street, Auckland Campbell, J. P., Arney Road, Remuera Casey, Maurice, Hamilton Road, Ponsonby Cheal, P. E., Upper Queen Street Auckland Cheeseman, T. F., F.L.S., F.Z.S., Museum, Auckland Choyce, H. C., Remuera Road, Auckland Clark, A., Wellesley Street, Auckland Clark, H. C., care of A. Clark and Sons, P.O. Box 35, Auckland Clark, M. A., Wellesley Street, Auckland Clay, T. B., care of S. Vaile and Sons, Queen Street, Auckland Coates, T., Orakei, Auckland Coe, James, Mount Eden Road, Auckland Cole, Rev. R. H., Walford, Gladstone Road, Parnell Cole, W., Mount Eden Road, Auckland Coleman, J. W., Lower Queen Street, Auckland

Combes, F. H., Victoria Avenue, Remuera Cooper, C., Bourne Street, Mount Eden Cooper Mr. Justice, Judges' Chambers, Auckland Cory-Wright, S., B.Sc., University College, Auckland Court, G., Karangahape Road, Auckland Court, J., Ponsonby, Auckland Cousins, H. G., Normal School, Wellesley Street, Auckland Craig, J J., Queen Street, Auckland Cranwell, R., Crescent Road, Parnell Crook, T., 10 Prospect Terrace, Mount Eden Cuff, J. C., Emerald Hill, Epsom, Auckland Culling, T. F., Victoria Avenue, Remuera Currie, J. C., care of J. Currie, 202 Queen Street, Auckland Davis, Elliot R, care of Hancock and Co., Customs Street, Auckland Davis, Ernest, care of Hancock and Co., Customs Street, Auckland Dearsly, H, P.O Box 466, Auckland De Clive Lowe, Dr, Symonds Street, Auckland Dempsey, J., Newmarket Dennin, John, care of Hon E Mitchelson, Waimauku Dettmann, Professor H. S, University College, Auckland Devereux, H.B., Glen Road, Stanley Bay, Devonport Devore, A. E T, Wyndham Street, Auckland Dickenson, J. C, Public School, Ponsonby Downard, F. N R, Public School, Kuaotunu Duthie, D. W., National Bank of New Zealand, Wellington Earl, F., Swanson Street, Auckland Edgerley, Miss K., M.A., Girls' Grammar School, Auckland Edson, J., Waimarama, Tudor Street, Devonport Egerton, Professor C. W., University College, Auckland Ellingham, W. B., Customs Street East, Auckland Elliott, G., Bank of New Zealand Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Ellis, A. F., Argyle Street, Ponsonby Ellis, J. W., Hamilton, Waikato Ellison, T., Ellison's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Endean, J., Jermyn Street, Auckland Entrican, A J., Customs Street East, Auckland Ewington, F. G., Durham Street, Auckland Fairclough, Dr. W. A., Watson's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Farrell, R., Anglesea Street, Auckland Fenwick, Dr. G., Premier Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Fleming, J., 142 Grafton Road, Auckland Florance, R. S., Stipendiary Magistrate, Gisborne Fowlds, Hon. G., Queen Street, Auckland* Frater, J. W., care of R Frater, Stock Exchange, Auckland Garrard, C W., M.A., Education Office, Auckland George, G, Technical College, Auckland George, Hon. S T., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell Gerard. E., Customs Street East, Auckland Gilfillan, H., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell Girdler, Dr, Khyber Pass Road, Auckland Gleeson, J. C, Selwyn Lodge, Parnell Gleeson, P., Selwyn Lodge, Parnell Goldie, D, Breakwater Road, Parnell Gordon, H A., Ranfurly Road, Epsom Gorrie, H. T., care of A. Buckland and Sons, Albert Street, Auckland Gould, A. M., care of Parr and Blomfield, Shortland Street, Auckland

Graham, G., Tudor Street, Devonport Grant, Miss J., M.A., Devonport Gray, A., Smeeton's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland* Gray, S, Mount Eden Borough Council Offices, Mount Eden Gribbin, G., Nicholson and Gribbin, Queen Street, Auckland Griffin, L. T., Museum, Auckland Grossman, Professor J. P., M.A., University College, Auckland Gunson, J. H., Customs Street West, Auckland Gunson, R. W., Customs Street West, Auckland Haddow, J. G, Wyndham Street, Auckland Haines, H, F.R.C.S, Shortland Street, Auckland Hall, Edwin, Onehunga Hamer, W. H., C.E, Harbour Board Offices, Auckland Hansard, G. A., care of Parr and Blomfield, Shortland Street, Auckland Hansen, P. M., Queen Street, Auckland Hardie, J. C, care of Hardie Bros., Queen Street, Auckland. Hawkins, Ven Archdeacon H. A., Remuera Hay, Douglas, Stock Exchange, Queen Street, Auckland Hay, D. A, Montpellier Nurseries, Remuera Hazard, W. H., Queen Street, Auckland Heather, H. D., Customs Street East, Auckland Herbert, T, Shortland Street, Auckland Hesketh, H. R., Wyndham Street, Auckland Hesketh, S., Wyndham Street, Auckland Holderness, D., Harbour Board Offices, Auckland Horning, J. O, 78 Upper Pitt Street, Newton Horton, E., Herald Office, Auckland Horton, H., Herald Office, Auckland Houghton, C. V., New Zealand Shipping Company, Quay Street, Auckland Hutchinson, W. E., Nelson Street, Auckland Inglis, Dr. T. R., Maroondah, Ponsonby Road, Auckland Jackson, J. H., Customs Street East, Auckland Jacobsen, N. R., M.A., Hamilton, Waikato James, J. W., Mount Albert Johnson, H. Dunbar, Mangauhenga, Te Aroha Johnson, Professor J. C., M.A., University College, Auckland* Johnstone, Halliburton, Howick Jones, H. W., Public School, Papakura Kenderdine, J., Sale Street, Auckland Kent, B., Lower Symonds Street, Auckland Kent, G. S., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell Keyes, A., Birkenhead Knight, G., Asquith Avenue, Mount Albert Kronfeld, G., Eden Crescent, Auckland Lamb, R. E., 55 Pitt Street, Sydney, New South Wales Lamb, S. E., B.Sc., University College, Auckland Lancaster, T. L., University College, Auckland Lang, Sir F. W., M.P., Onehunga Langguth, E., Customs Street, Auckland Larkin, H., Harbour Board Offices, Auckland Leighton, F. W., High Street, Auckland Lennox, N. G., care of Auckland Institute, Auckland* Lewis, Dr. T. H., Remuera Leyland, W. B., care of Leyland and O'Brien, Customs Street West, Auckland Leys, Cecil, Star Office, Shortland Street, Auckland Leys, T. W., Star Office, Shortland Street, Auckland Lindsay, Dr. P. A., O'Rorke Street, Auckland Lunn, A. C., care of Collins Bros., Wyndham Street, Auckland

McColl, J. L., Newmarket McDowell, Dr. W. C., Remuera MeFarlane, T., C.E., Victoria Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland McGregor, W. G., Shortland Street, Auckland Mackay, J. G. H., Ellison Chambers, Queen Street, Auckland McKenzie, Captain G., Devonport McKenzie, Dr. Kenneth, O'Rorke Street, Auckland Maclean, Murdoch, Mount Albert Macmillan, C. C, care of Gibson Macmillan, Waingaro* McMurray, Rev. G., St Mary's Vicarage, Parnell McVeagh, R., care of Russell and Campbell, High Street, Auckland Mahoney, E., Shortland Street, Auckland Mahoney, T., Swanson Street, Auckland Mair, Captain G., Waiotapu, Rotorua Mair, S. A. R, Hunterville, Wellington Major, C. T., King's College, Remuera Makgill, Dr. R. H., Public Health Office, Auckland Marriner, H. A, New Zealand Insurance Company, Auckland Marsack, Dr, care of Auckland Institute, Auckland Mennie, J. M., Albert Street, Auckland Metcalfe, H. H, C E, Palmerston Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Miller, E. V., Chelsea, Auckland Milnes, H. A. E, Training College, Wellesley Street, Auckland Milroy, S., Kauri Timber Company, Customs Street West, Auckland Milsom, Dr. E. H. B, 18 Waterloo Quadrant, Auckland Mitchelson, Hon E, Waitaramoa, Remuera Moore, J. E., Esplanade Road, Mount Eden Morrison, A. R, Palmerston Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Morrison, W. B, Hobson Buildings, Shortland Street, Auckland Morton, E, Customs Street, Auckland Morton, H. B., One Tree Hill, Epsom Moss, E. G. B., Swanson Street, Auckland Mulgan, E. K., M.A, Education Offices, Auckland Murray, G. W., Omahu Road, Remuera Myers, Hon. A. M., M. P., Campbell-Ehrenfried Company, Queen Street, Auckland Napier, W. J, A.M.P. Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Nathan, D. L., care of L. D. Nathan and Co., Shortland Street, Auckland Nathan, N. A., care of L. D. Nathan and Co., Shortland Street, Auckland Nathan, S. J, 5 Carlton Gore Road, Auckland Neve, F, M.A, B. Sc, Technical College, Wellesley Street, Auckland Newton, G. M, Herald Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Niccol, G., Customs Street West Auckland Nicholson, O., Imperial Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Oliphant, P., 24 Symonds Street, Auckland Oliver, W. R. B, H.M Customs, Auckland Osmond, G. B., Royal Insurance Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Owen, Professor G, M.A., University Buildings, Auckland Pabst, Dr., Hobson's Buildings, Shortland Street, Auckland Parr C. J, C.M.G, M.P, Shortland Street, Auckland Partridge, H. E, Queen Street, Auckland Patterson, G. W. S, Shortland Street, Auckland Peacock, T., Queen Street, Auckland Peak, A, care of Walker and Peak, Wyndham Street, Auckland Petrie, D., M. A, Ph. D, Rosemead, Epsom Philson, W. W., care of Colonial Sugar Company, Quay Street, Auckland Pond, J. A., F.C.S, Queen Street, Auckland

Poole, G. S., Harbour Board Offices, Auckland Porter, A., care of E. Porter and Co., Queen Street, Auckland Porter, Dr. A. H., Dominion Road, Mount Eden Pountney, W. H., Commerce Street, Auckland Powell, F E., C E., Ferry Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Price, E. A., care of Buchanan and Price, Albert Street, Auckland Pryor, S. H, 36 Pencarrow Avenue, Mount Eden Purchas, Dr. A. C., Carlton Gore Road, Auckland Pycroft, A. T., Railway Offices, Auckland Ralph, W. J., Princes Street, Auckland Rangihiroa, Dr., care of Auckland Institute, Auckland Rawnsley, S, Quay Street, Auckland Reid, J., 45 Fort Street, Auckland Renshaw, F., care of Sharland and Co, Lorne Street, Auckland Rhodes, C., Ronaki, Remuera Robb, J., Victoria Avenue, Mount Eden Roberton, A. B., Customs Street, Auckland Roberton, Dr. E., Market Road, Remuera Robertson, Dr. Carrick, Alfred Street, Auckland Roche, H, Horahora, Cambridge, Waikato Rolfe, W., care of Sharland and Co, Lorne Street, Auckland Rountree, S. G., Auckland Savings-bank, Auckland. Scott, Rev. D., The Manse, Onehunga Seegner, C., St. Stephen's Avenue, Parnell Segar, Professor H. W, M.A., Manukau Road, Parnell Shakespear, Mrs. R. H, Whangaparoa, near Auckland Shaw, F., Vermont Street, Ponsonby Shaw, H, Vermont Street, Ponsonby Shepherd, H M., Birkenhead Simmonds, Rev. J H., Wesley College, Epsom Simson, T., Mount St. John Avenue, Epsom Sinclair, A., Kuranui, Symonds Street, Auckland Sinclair, G., care of Pilkington and Co., Queen Street, Auckland Skelton, Hall, Watson's Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Smeeton, H. M., Binswood, View Road, Mount Eden Smith, Captain James, Franklin Road, Ponsonby Smith, H. G. Seth, Russell, Bay of Islands Smith, S. Percy, F.R.G.S., New Plymouth* Smith, W. Todd, Brooklands, Alfred Street, Auckland Somerville, Dr. J., Alfred Street, Auckland Somerville, J. M., Chelsea, Auckland Spencer, Percy, Imperial Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Spragg, Wesley, Mount Albert Stewart, James, care of Stewart Bros., Helensville Stewart, John A, Kainga-tonu, Ranfurly Road, Epsom Stewart, J. W, Wyndham Street, Auckland Stewart, R. Leslie, care of Brown and Stewart, Swanson Street, Auckland Streeter, S. C., Eden Street, Mount Eden Strevens, J. L., care of Auckland Institute, Auckland Swan, H. C., Henderson Swanson, W., Church Street, Auckland Talbot, Dr. A. G., A.M.P. Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Taylor, W., care of Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co, Albert Street, Auckland Thomas, Professor A. P. W., M.A., F.L.S., Mountain Road, Epsom Thornes, J., Queen Street, Auckland Tibbs, J. W., M.A., Grammar School, Auckland Tinne, H., Union Club, Trafalgar Square, London* Tole, Hon J. A., Queen Street, Auckland*

Trounson, J., Northcote, Auckland Tunks, C. J., care of Jackson and Russell, Shortland Street, Auckland Upton, J. H., Queen Street, Auckland Upton, P., South British Insurance Company, Queen Street, Auckland Urquhart, A. T., Karaka, Drury Vaile, E E., Broadlands, Waiotapu Vaile, H. E., Queen Street, Auckland Wade, H. L., Queen Street, Auckland Wake, F. W., Wyndham Street, Auckland Walker, Professor Maxwell, University College, Auckland Walklate, J. J., Electric Tramway Company, Auckland Wallace, T. J., Waihi Gold-mining Company, Shortland Street, Auckland Walters, J. R., Onslow Road, Kingsland, Auckland Ward, Percy, Mountain Road, Remuera Ware, W., Portland Road, Remuera Warnock, J., 2 King Street, Grey Lynn Watson, Rev. C. H. B, St. Paul's Vicarage, Auckland Wells, T. U., Westbourne Road, Remuera White, R. W., Wellington Street, Auckland Whitley, W. S., Albert Street, Auckland Whitney, C. A., Victoria Avenue, Remuera Whittome, F., Carlton Road, New-market Williams, Right Rev. W. L., D.D, Napier Wilson, Albert, St. Stephen's School, Parnell Wilson, A. P., Victoria Avenue, Remuera Wilson, F. W., Herald Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Wilson, G. W., Cuba Street, Wellington Wilson, H M, C.E, Palmerston Buildings, Queen Street, Auckland Wilson, John, Portland Cement Company, Shortland Street, Auckland Wilson, J. M., Beach Road, Remuera Wilson, Liston, Mountain Road, Remuera Wilson, Martin, Rozelle, Lower Remuera Wilson, R. M., Russell Road, Remuera Wilson, W. R., Herald Office, Queen Street, Auckland Winkelmann, H., Victoria Arcade, Queen Street, Auckland Winstone, F. B., Customs Street, Auckland Winstone, G., Customs Street, Auckland Wiseman, J. W., Albert Street, Auckland Withy, E, care of Auckland Institute, Auckland Woodward, W. E., Union Bank of Australia, Queen Street, Auckland Woolcott, A C., South British Insurance Company, Queen Street, Auckland Worley, Professor F. P., D Sc University College, Auckland Wright, R., care of A. B. Wright and Co, Commerce Street, Auckland Wyllie, A, C.E., Electrical Power Office, Breakwater Road, Auckland Yates, E., Albert Street, Auckland Young, J. L., care of Henderson and Macfarlane, Fort Street, Auckland

Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. * Life members. Acland, Dr. H. T. D., 381 Montreal Street, Christchurch Acland, H D., 42 Park Terrace, Christchurch Adams, T. W., Greendale Aldridge, W. G., M.A., Technical College, 13 Barbadoes Street, Christchurch Alexander, R. E., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln Allison, H., care of Harman and Stevens, Christchurch Anderson, Dr. C. Morton, 142 Worcester Street, Christchurch Anderson, Gilbert, care of Bank of New Zealand, 1 Queen Victoria Street, London* Archey, G. E, M.A, Canterbury Museum, Christchurch Baker, T. N., care of Baker Bros., Manchester Street, Christchurch Baughan, Miss B. E., Sumner Beaven, A. W., care of Andrews and Beaven, Moorhouse Avenue, Christchurch Bell, N. M., M.A., Muspratt Laboratory, Liverpool, England Bevan-Brown, C E., M.A., Boys' High School, Christchurch Bird, J. W., M.A., Nelson College, Nelson Birks, L, B.Sc., care of Public Works Department, Christchurch Bishop, F. C. B., 101 Armagh Street, Christchurch Bishop, R C, Gas Office, 77 Worcester Street, Christchurch Blackburne, S. L., Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch Blanch, G. E., M.A., Christ's College, Christchurch Boag, T. D., Webb's Road, Bryndwyr Booth, G. T, Cashmere Hills Borrie, Dr. F. J., 236 Hereford Street, Christchurch Bowen, Sir Charles C., M.L.C., F.R G.S., Middleton Bradley, Orton, Charteris Bay Brent, H. C, “Aberdare House,” Christchurch Brittin, Guy, 146 Armagh Street, Christchurch Broadhead, H. D., 20 Eversleigh Street, St. Albans, Christchurch Brock, W., M.A., Education Office, Chistchurch Brown, Professor Macmillan, M.A., LL D., Holmbank, Cashmere Hills* Buddo, Hon. D., M.P., Rangiora Bullen, Miss Gertrude, care of Mrs. Nixon, Harakeke Street, Christchurch Burnett, T. D., Mount Cook, Fairlie Chilton, Professor C., D.Sc., M.A., LL.D., M.B., F.L.S., Canterbury College* Christensen, C. E., Hanmer Springs Clark, W. H., 100 Bealey Avenue, Christchurch Cocks, Rev. P. J., B.A., St. John's Vicarage, Christchurch Cocks, Miss, Colombo Road South, Christchurch Colee, W. C., M.A., Schoolhouse, Opawa Coles, W. R., 256 Wilson's Road, Christchurch Corkill, F. M., B.Sc., Canterbury College Dash, Charles, 155 Norwood Street, Beckenham, Christchurch. Deans, J., Kirkstyle, Coalgate Denniston, Mr. Justice, 58 Rolleston Avenue, Christchurch Dobson, A. Dudley, M.Inst.C.E., City Council Office, Christchurch Dorrien-Smith, Major A. A., D.S.O., Tresco Abbey, Scilly, England Drummond, James, F.L.S., F.Z.S., Lyttelton Times, Christchurch English, R., F.C.S., M.I.M.E., Gas Office, 77 Worcester Street, Christchurch Evans, Professor W. P., M.A., Ph.D., Canterbury College, Christchurch Fairbairn, A., 53 Fendalton Road, Christchurch Farr, Professor C. Coleridge, D.Sc., A.M.Inst.C.E., Canterbury College, Christchurch Ferrar, Miss, 450 Armagh Street, Christchurch Ferrar, H. T., M.A., F.G.S., “Merchiston,” Opawa, Christchurch Finlayson, Miss, M.A., West Christchurch School, Lincoln Road, Christchurch

Firman, Henry, 95 River Road, Beckenham Fletcher, T., Public School, Sydenham Flower, A. E., M.A., M.Sc., Christ's College, Christchurch Foster, T. S, M.A., 19 Cashel Street, Christchurch Foweraker, C. E, M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch Gabbatt, Professor J. P., M.A., M.Sc., Canterbury College Garton, John W., 61 Richardson Street, Woolston, Christchurch Garton, W. W, M A., Elmwood School, Christchurch Gibson, Dr. F. Goulburn, 121 Papanui Road Gilling, W. O R., B.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch Godby, M. H, Hereford Street, Christchurch Goss, W, Rossal Street, Fendalton Gray, G., F C.S., Lincoln Grigg, J. C. N., Longbeach Gudex, M. C., M.A, B Sc, High School, Hamilton Hall, J. D., Middleton Hall, Miss, Gloucester Street West, Christchurch Hansford, G. D, Parliament Buildings, Wellington Haynes, E. J., Canterbury Museum, Christchurch Herring, E, 46 Paparoa Street, Papanui Hight, Professor J., M.A., Litt D., Canterbury College, Christchurch Hilgendorf, F. W, M A., D.Sc, Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln Hill, Mrs. Carey, 84 Papanui Road, Christchurch Hitchings, F., 69 Durham Street, Sydenham Hodgson, T. V., F L.S., Science and Art Museum, Plymouth, England Hogg, E. G, M A, F R A.S., Christ's College, Christchurch Hogg, H. R, M A., F Z S, 13 St Helen's Place. London, E.C. Holland, H., 108 St Asaph Street, Christchurch Holloway, Rev. J., M Sc., Hokitika Hughes, T., B.A., Geraldine Humphreys, G., Fendalton Road, Fendalton Humphreys, Mrs G., “Norholme,” Bealey Avenue, Christchurch Hutton, Mrs., Gloucester Street, Christchurch Ingram, John, 39 Mansfield Avenue, St. Albans, Christchurch Irving, Dr. W., 56 Armagh Street, Christchurch Jackson, T. H., B.A, Boys' High School, Christchurch Jameson, J. O., Hereford Street, Christchurch Jamieson, J., Hereford Street, Christchurch Jennings, L. S., M.Sc, B A., Waitaki Boys' High School, Oamaru Jennings, Mrs L. S., M.A, care of Girls' High School, New Plymouth Kaye, A., 429 Durham Street, Christchurch Kidson, E. R., M.Sc., Department of Terrestrial Magnetism, Washington, D C., U S A.* Kirkpatrick, W. D., Redcliffs, Sumner Kitchingman, Miss, Hackthorne Road, Cashmere Knight, H. A., Racecourse Hill Laing, R M., M.A, B.Sc, Boys' High School, Christchurch Lang, H, B A, Christ's College, Christchurch Lester, Dr G, 2 Cranmer Square, Christchurch Louisson, Hon. C, M L C., 71 Gloucester Street, Christchurch Macbeth, N. L, Canterbury Frozen Meat Company, Hereford Street, Christchurch McBride, T. J., 15 St. Albans Street, Christchurch MacGibbon, Dr T A, Royal Exchange Buildings, Christchurch MacIndoe, George, B.E., Canter bury College, Christchurch Macleod, D B., M.A., B Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch Marsh, H. E., Cashmere Marshall, Mrs., New Brighton Martin, William, 56 Carlton Street, Merivale, Christchurch Meares, H. O D, Fendalton

Mills, Miss C. B., M.A., B.Sc., Technical College, Christchurch Morris, C. Barham, F.R.M.S, 78 Andover Street, Christchurch Morrison, W. G., Hanmer Mountford, A. V., 8 Park Street, Woolston, Christchurch Murray, W., “Balgownie,” Opawa, Christchurch Murray-Aynsley, H. P., Clyde Road, Riccarton Nairn, R, Lincoln Road, Spreydon Nelson, P. S., M.Sc., 10 Flockton Street, St. Albans, Christchurch Oliver, F. S., care of A. E. Craddock, Manchester Street, Christchurch Olliver, Miss F. M., M.A., M.Sc., Waimate Page, S, B.Sc, Canterbury College, Christchurch Pairman, Dr. T. W, Governor's Bay Pairman, Dr. J. C., Dominion Buildings, Christchurch Pannett, J A., Cashmere Hills Powell, P. H, M.Sc., Canterbury College, Christchurch Purchas, Rev. A C., M.A., Geraldine Purnell, C W, Ashburton Rands, Henry, M.A., Waitaki High School, Oamaru Reece, W., Colombo Street, Christchurch Relph, E W, “Chilcombe,” Fendalton Road, Christchurch Rhodes, A. E. G., B.A., Fendalton Rhodes, Colonel the Hon. R. Heaton, M P, Tai Tapu Robinson, W. F, F R G S., Canterbury College Ross, R. G, Telegraph Department, Wellington Rowe, H. V, M.A., Canterbury College, Christchurch Rowe, T. W., M.A, LL.B, 77 Hereford Street, Christchurch Scott, Professor R. J., M.Inst.C.E., F.A I.E.E, Canterbury College, Christchurch Scott, G., Manchester Street, Christchurch Seager, S Hurst, F.R.I.B.A., Cathedral Square, Christchurch Seth-Smith, B., 25 Stratford Street, Fendalton Sheard, Miss F., M.A., B.Sc., Girls' High School, Christchurch Sims, A., M.A., care of Sims, Cooper, and Co., Hereford Street, Christchurch Skey, H. F., B.Sc., Magnetic Observatory, Christchurch Sloman, C. J., Crown Brewery, 38 St. Asaph Street, Christchurch Snow, Colonel, Holmwood Road, Christchurch Speight, R., M.A., M.Sc., F G.S., Canterbury College, Christchurch Stark, E. E., B.Sc., P.O. Box 526, Christchurch Stead, E. F., Ilam, Riccarton Stevenson, Dr. J., Fendalton Stevenson, James, Flaxton St. John, Charles E., 745 Colombo Street, Christchurch Stone, T., Lyttelton Times Office, Christchurch Suter, Henry, 559 Hereford Street, Linwood Symes, Dr. W. H., 176 Worcester Street, Christchurch* Symes, Langford P., 20 May's Road, St. Albans Tabart, Miss Rose, 97 Papanui Road, Christchurch Taylor, A., M.A., M.R C.V.S., Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln Taylor, G. J., 440 Madras Street, St. Albans Thacker, Dr. H. T. J., M.P., 25 Latimer Square, Christchurch Thomas, Dr. W., 579 Colombo Street, Christchurch* Thompson, Rev. A. T., M.A., B.D., St. Andrew's Manse, Christchurch Tripp, C. H., M.A., Timaru* Waller, F. D., B.A., West Christchurch District High School Wallich, M. G., Manchester Street, Christchurch Waymouth, Mrs., care of Mrs. R. M. Hughes, St Buryan, S.O., Cornwall, England Weston, G. T., B.A., LL.B., 173 Cashel Street, Christchurch Whetter, Dr. J. P., 211 Gloucester Street, Christchurch Whitaker, C. Godfrey, care of Booth, Macdonald, and Co., Carlyle Street, Christchurch

Whitehead, L. G., B.A., Boys' High School, Christchurch Wigram, Hon. F., M.L.C., 1 Armagh Street, Christchurch Wild, L. J., M.A., F.G.S, Canterbury Agricultural College, Lincoln Wilding, Frank S., Hereford Street, Christchurch Wilkins, C., Public School, Jerrold Street, Addington Williams, C. J., M.Inst.C E, Knowles Street, St. Albans Wright, A M, F.C.S., Box 617, Post-office, Christchurch Otago Institute. * Life members. Allan, Dr. W., Mosgiel Allen, Hon. James, M.P., Clyde Street Allen, Dr. S. C, 220 High Street Anscombe, E., 171 Princes Street Balk, O, Driver Street, Maori Hill Barnett, Dr. J. E., Stafford Street Barr, Peter, 3 Montpellier Street Bathgate, Alexander, Neidpath Road, Mornington Beal. L O, Stock Exchange Buildings Begg, J. C, 2 Elder Street Bell, A. Dillon, Shag Valley Benham, Professor W. B, M A, D.Sc., F Z.S., F.R.S., Museum Black, Alexander, 82 Clyde Street* Black, James, care of Cossens and Black Boys-Smith, Professor, University Braithwaite, Joseph, 36 Princes Street Brasch, H, 55 London Street Bremner, James, Fifield Street, Roslyn Brent, D., M A., 19 New Street, Musselburgh* Brown, W, 99 Clyde Street Browne, Robert, Technical School, Hawera Buchanan, N L, 44 Bronte Street, Nelson* Buckland, Mrs, Waikouaiti Buddle, Dr. Roger, care of Buddle and Button, Wyndham Street, Auckland Burt, Ross, care of A and T Burt (Limited) Cameron, Dr. P D, 145 Leith Street Chamberlain, C. W, 6 Regent Road Champtaloup, Dr. S. T., 4 Elder Street Chapman, C R, 135 Town Belt, Roslyn Chapman, Mr. Justice, Supreme Court, Christchurch Church, Dr. R, High Street Clarke, C. E, 51 King Edward Road Clarke, E S., Woodhaugh Colquhoun, Dr. D., High Street Coombs, L. D., A.R.I.B A. Stuart Street and Octagon Crawford, W. J, 179 Walker Street Dalrymple, Rev. A M, M A., 65 District Road, Mornington Davidson, R. E, Hawthorn Road, Mornington Davies, G. W., 9 Gladstone Street, Belleknowes Davies, O. V., 109 Princes Street Davis, A., Test Room, Cumberland Street De Beer, I S., London Street Duncan, P., “Tolcarne,” Maori Hill Dunlop, Professor F. W, M A, Ph.D, University Dutton, Rev D, F G S, F.R A.S, Caversham Edgar, G. C, Market Street Edgar, James, 144 York Place Fairclough, Rev. P W, F R A S, Kaiapoi Farquharson, R.A, M Sc, Geological Survev, Perth, W A Fels, W, 48 London Street Fenwick, Cuthbert, Stock Exchange Fenwick, G, Otago Daily Times Ferguson, Dr. H. L, 434 High Street Fisher, T R, Alexandra Street, St. Clair

Fitchett, Dr. F. W. B., Pitt Street Frye, Charles, Gasworks, Caversham Fulton, H. V., A. and P. Society, Crawford Street Fulton, Dr. R. V., Pitt Street Fulton, S. W., The Exchange, Collins Street, Melbourne* Garrow, Professor J. M. E., LL.B., Victoria College, Wellington* Gibson, G. W., Silverton, Anderson's Bay Gilkison, R., 14 Main Road, North-east Valley* Glasgow, W. T., Dunblane Street, Roslyn Gowland, Professor W. P, M.D., University Goyen, P., F.L S., 136 Highgate, Roslyn Green, E. S., Education Office Gully, G S, care of J Rattray and Sons Guthrie, H J., 426 Moray Place E. Hall, Dr. A J., Stuart Street Hamilton, T. B., M.A., B Sc, University Hanlon, A C., Pitt Street Hart, H. E, Royal Terrace Henderson, M. C., Electrical Engineer's Office, Market Street Henton, J W., 140 York Place Hercus, G. R., 20 Albert Street Hooper, B B, A R I B A., A.M.P. Buildings Hosking, Mr Justice, Supreme Corut. Wellington Howes, Miss Edith, School, Gore* Howes, W G, F E S, 432 George Street Hungerford, J. T., Gasworks Inghs, Professor J K. H., M.A., D Sc, F I.C., University Jack, Professor R, D Sc, University Jeffrey, J, Anderson's Bay Joachim, G, Randall Street, Mornington* Johnson, J T, Littlebourne Road, Roslyn Johnstone, J. A, Driver Street, Maori Hill Jones, R. C., Dunblane Street, Roslyn Kerr, W. J., National Bank King, Dr. F Truby, Seacliff Laing, John, 86 Queen Street Lee, G. A., Bluff Harbour Board Lee, Robert, P.O. Box 363 Loudon, John, 43 Crawford Street Lough, F. J., 12 Queen's Drive, Musselburgh Lusk, T. H., Black's Road, Opoho McCurdie, W. D. R., Town Hall* Macdougall, W. P., jun., 642 George Street McEnnis, J. E., Public Works Office McEvoy, W. L., Grove Street, Musselburgh McGeorge, J. C., Eglinton Road, Mornington McKellar, Dr. T. G., Pitt Street McKerrow, James, F.R.A.S., 142 Ghuznee Street, Wellington Mackie, A., Test Room, Cumberland Street McRae, H., London Street Malcolm, Professor J., M.D., University Mandeno, H., New Zealand Express Company's Buildings Marshall, Angus, B.A., Technical School Marshall, Professor P., M.A., D.Sc., F G S, University Mason, J B, Otago Harbour Board Massey, Horatio, Invercargill Melland, E., Arthog Road, Hale, Cheshire, England* Miller, David, 25 City Road, Roslyn Milnes, J W., 39 Lees Street* Mitchell, W. J., U S S. Company, Port Chalmers Morrell, W. J., M.A., Boys' High School Monkman, W. T., 71 Bond Street Morris, J Fairly, Port Chalmers Napier, O. J. W., M.A., University Neill, W. T., Survey Office Nevill, Rt. Rev. S.T., D.D., Bishops-grove Newlands, Dr. W, 12 London Street Oakden, F., N.S.W. Cement, Lime, and Coal Company, Mutual Life Buildings, Sydney O'Neill, Dr. E. J., 219 High Street Orchiston, G. J., Test Room, Cumberland Street

Overton, T. R., Test Room, Cumberland Street Park, Professor J., F.G S., University Parr, E. J., M.A., B.Sc., Boys' High School Payne, F. W., 90 Princes Street Petrie, D., M.A., Epsom, Auckland* Pickerill, Professor H. P, M.B., B D S, University Poppelwell, D L, Gore Price, W. H., 55 Stuart Street* Reid, Donald, jun., Dowling Street Richards, Professor D J., M.A., University Richardson, C. R D., B A, Education Office Riley, Dr. F. R, Pitt Street Ritchie, Dr Russell, 400 George Street Roberts, E F., 128 Highgate, Roslyn Roberts, John, C.M.G., Little bourne Ross, H. I M, Willis Street Ross, T. C, care of Ross and Glendining (Limited) Rutherford, R. W., Playfair Street, Caversham Salmond, J. L, National Bank Buildings Sandle, Major S. G., Onslow House, St. Kilda Sargood, Percy, “Marinoto,” Newington Scott, J. H, Converter Station, Cumberland Street Seymour, S. P, B A., Mossburn, Southland Shacklock, J. B., Bayneld, Anderson's Bay Shennan, Watson, 367 High Street Shepherd, F. R., P O. Box 361 Shortt, F. M., care of John Chambers and Sons Sim, Mr. Justice, Musselburgh Simpson, F. A., care of John Chambers and Sons Simpson, George, 98 Russell Street Simpson, George, jun., 9 Gamma Street, Roslyn Smith, C. S., Star Office Smith, J. C., 196 Tay Street, Inver-cargill Solomon, S., K C, 114 Princess Street Somerville, W. G., 18 Leven Street, Roslyn Stark, James, care of Kempthorne, Prosser, and Co Statham, F. H, A O S M., 26 Dowling Street Stewart, R. T, 21 Gamma Street, Roslyn Stewart, W D., M.P, LL B, 62 Heriot Row Stout, Sir Robert, K C.M G., Wellington Symes, H., Hill Street, Mornington Tannock, D, Botanical Gardens Theomin, D, 42 Royal Terrace Thompson, G E., M A, University Thomson, G. M., F.L S., 5 Sheen Street, Roslyn* Thomson, T, Ngaruahia, Mangere Thomson, W A, A M.P. Buildings Uttley, G H, M A, M Sc, Scots College, Wellington Vanes, R N, A R I.B.A, National Bank Chambers Walden, E. W, 12 Dowling Street Wales, P Y., 2 Crawford Street Walker, A., Lloyd's Surveyor, Wellington Waters, Professor D. B., A.O.S M., University White, Professor D. R, M A, 83 St David Street Whitson, T W, 584 George Street Whyte, W J, 76 Highgate, Roslyn Williams, Sir Joshua S, M A, LL.D, K C M G, Supreme Court Williamson, W J, 27 Octagon Wilson, W S, 132 Bond Street Wingfield, J. E, 663 Castle Street Young, Dr James, Don Street, Invercargill

Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute. * Life members. Antill, H. W., Kumeroa Armstrong, C. E., Gisborne Asher, Rev. J. A., Napier Bennett, A., Patoka Bernau, Dr. H. F., Napier Bull, Harry, Gisborne Burnett, H., Woodville Chambers, Bernard, Te Mata Chambers, J., Mokopeka, Hastings Chisholm, H. M., Napier Clark, Gilbert, Taradale Clark, Thomas, Eskdale Coe, J. W., Napier Cooper, S. E., Napier Cornford, Cecil, Napier Craig, J. Wilson, Napier* Dinwiddie, P., Napier Dinwiddie, W., Napier Donnelly, G. P., Napier Duncan, Russell, Napier Edgar, Dr. J. J., Napier Edmundson, J. H., Napier Fitzgerald, J., Napier Fossey, W., Napier Grant, M. R., Napier Guthrie-Smith, H., Tutira Harding, J. W., Mount Vernon, Waipukurau Heaton, F, M.A., B.Sc., Dannevirke Henderson, E. H., Te Araroa Henley, Dr. E. A. W., Napier Hill, H., B.A., F.G.S., Napier Hislop, J., Napier* Holdsworth, J., Havelock North Humphrey, E J., Pakipaki Hutchinson, F., jun., Rissington Hyde, Thomas, Napier Kennedy, C. D., Napier Kerr, W, M.A., Napier Large, J. S., Napier* Large, Miss, Napier Leahy, Dr. J. P., Napier Loten, E. G., Napier Lowry, T. H., Okawa McLean, R. D. D., Napier Matthews, E. G., Gisborne Mayne, Rev. Canon, Napier Metcalfe, W. F., Kiritaki, Port Awanui Moore, Dr. T. C., Napier Morris, W., Hastings Murphy, W., Woodlands Road, Woodville Niven, J., M.A., M.Sc, Napier Northcroft, E., Napier Oates, William, J.P., Tokomaru Bay Ormond, Hon. J. D., M.L.C., Napier Ormond, G., Mahia O'Ryan, W., Waipiro Bay Piper, G. M., Pakowhai Poole, P. Loftus, Tupuroa Bay, East Coast Scott, William, Napier Sheath, J. H., Napier Sinclair, G. K., Hastings Skinner, W. H., Napier Smart, D. L., Napier Smith, J. H., Olrig* Smith, W., B.A., Gisborne Stevenson, A., Woodville Strachan, D. A., M.A., Napier Tanner, T., Havelock North Thomson, J. P., Napier Tiffen, G. W., Cambridge Townley, J., Gisborne Townson, W., Pukekohe, Auckland Wheeler, E. G., Havelock North Whyte, D., Hastings Williams, F. W., Napier Williams, G. T., Mokoiwi, Tuparoa East Coast Williams, Rev. H., Gisborne Nelson Institute Bett, Dr. F. A., Trafalgar Square Boor, Dr. L., Alton Street Cooke, Miss M, Examiner Street Crawford, A. C., Scotland Street Curtis, W S., Bronte Street Fell, C. R, Brougham Street Field, T. A. H., M.P., Ngatitama Street Gibbs, F. G., M.A., Collingwood Street Glasgow, J., Trafalgar Street Graham, Mrs. C., Bridge Street Harley, Charles J., Milton Street Healy, F., Bridge Street Hornsby, J. P., Weka Street Jackson, R. B., Examiner Street

Knapp, F. V., Alfred Street Lancaster, G. J., M.A., Nelson College Morley, E. L., Waimea Street Mules, Bishop, Trafalgar Square Redgrave, A. J., Hardy Street Short, William, Examiner Street Snodgrass, W. W., Hardy Street Strachan, J., care of Land Transfer Office, Government Buildings Thompson, F. A, Commissioner of Crown Lands, Government Buildings Ward, W. T., Chief Postmaster, Christchurch Washbourn, H. P., Port Nelson Whitwell, F., Drumduan, Wakapuaka Wise, G. R., care of Pitt and Moore, Solicitors, Nelson Worley, W. F., Trafalgar Street South Manawatu Philosophical Society * Life members. Akers, H., Duke Street Armstrong, E. J., C E., The Square Barnicoat, J. L, Union Bank Batchelar, J. O, Willow Bank Baylis, G de S, Department of Agriculture Bayly, Mrs., Palmerston North Beale, J. Bruce, The Square Bendall, W. E, College Street Bett, D H. B., M B, Ch B, M.R C S., L.R C P., Broad Street Buick, D., M P., Cloverlea Clausen, C. N., Rangitikei Street Cohen, M., Broad Street Colquhoun, A.J., M Sc., High School Cooke, F H., The Square Doull, Rev. A., M.A., Church Street Drake, A, Manakau Ehott, M A, The Square Gardner, R, Terrace End Gerrand, J. B, The Square Graham, A J., The Square Greer, S, Broad Street Hankins, J. H, Main Street Hannay, A, care of Manson and Barr Hodder, T R, Rangitikei Street Ironside, Miss, M.A., High School Johnston, J. Goring, Oakhurst Low, D W., College Street McNab, Hon. R, M P, Litt D., F.R.G S, Palmerston North Manson, T, Rangitikei Street Martin, A A., M D, Ch M, Fitz-herbert Street Morgan, A. H, M A., High School Mounsey, J, Rangitikei Street Murray, J., M.A., High School Nathan, F. J, Palmerston North Natusch, C A., Church Street Park, W, F R.H.S., The Square Peach, C W, M B., C.M., Broad Street Poynton, J W, S M, Featherston Street Primmer, Captain J. H., North Street Rainforth, J, Balt Street Robertson, J., Rangitikei Street Roth, C., Rongotea Salmon, C. T., Assoc in Eng, Rangitikei Street Scott, G. J., The Square Sinclair, D, C E Teirace End Skinner, H D., B A., Palmeiston N. Smith, W. H, The Square Smith, W W., F E S, New Plymouth Stevens, J, Church Street Stowe, W R., M R C S, M R C.P, Linton Street Sutherland, A, Boundary Road Taplin, C N, George Street Vernon, J. E., M A, B Sc. High School Waldegrave, C E, Broad Street Welch, W, F.R G S, Mosman's Bay, N S W* Williams, G., Farmer, Sandon Wilson, K, M.A., Rangitikei Street* Wollerman, H., Fitzherbert Street Young, H L., Cuba Street

Wanganui Philosophical Society. * Life members. Allison, Alexander, No. 1 Line, Wanganui Allison, Thomas, Ridgway Street, Wanganui Amess, A. H R, M.A., Collegiate School, Wanganui Atkinson, W. E., Hurworth, Wanganui Ball, J, Chronicle, Wanganui Battle, T. H., Architect, Wanganui Basset, W. G, St. John's Hill, Wanganui Bourne, F., F.I.A.N.Z., Ridgway Street, Wanganui Brown, C. P, M A., LL.B, College Street, Wanganui Burnet, J. H., St. John's Hill, Wanganui Cave, Norman, Brunswick Line, Wanganui Clark, E H., College Street, Wanganui Cowper, A. E., Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Crow, E, Technical College, Wanganui Cruickshank, Miss, M.A., M.Sc., Girls' College, Wanganui D'Arcy, W A, 11 Campbell Street, Wanganui Downes, T W., Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Diew, Harry, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Duignan, Herbert, Ridgway Street, Wanganui Dunkley, R., F I A.N.Z., Wick-stead Place, Wanganui Dunn, Richmond, St John's Hill, Wanganui Enderby, H H., Dentist, Wanganui Ford, C R, F R G S, College Street, Wanganui Gibbons, Hope, Wanganui Hall, William, Campbell Street, Wanganui Hatherly, Henry R, M.R.C.S, Gonville, Wanganui Helm, H. M, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Hutchison, George, Wickstead Place, Wanganui Hutton, C. C., M.A., St. John's Hill, Wanganui Jack, J. B., Native Land Court, Wanganui Jones, Lloyd, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Kerr, William, S.M., Magistrate's Court, Wanganui Liffiton, E. N., J.P., Ridgway Street, Wanganui McFarlane, D., Ridgway Street, Wanganui Mackay, C. E, Mayor of Wanganui Muir, A. G., B.Sc., Surveyor, Wanganui Murdoch, R., Campbell Place, Wanganui Murray, J B., St. John's Hill, Wanganui Neame, J. A., M.A., Collegiate School, Wanganui Payne, H. M., 32 Bell Street, Wanganui Peck, F. Leslie, Liverpool Street, Wanganui Polson, D. G., St. John's Hill, Wanganui Saywell, T. R., Public Trust Office, Wanganui Staveley, N. C., C.E., Borough Engineer, Wanganui Sturge, H. E., M.A., Collegiate School, Wanganui Talboys, F P, Tramways Manager, Wanganui Thompson, H. H., Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Ward, J. T, Victoria Avenue, Wanganui Watt, J P, B.A., LL.B., Ridgway Street, Wanganui Watt, M. N., St. John's Hill, Wanganui Williamson, J. P., College Street, Wanganui Wilson, Alexander, M.D., Wickstead Street, Wanganui

List Of Institutions To Which The Publications of the Institute are Presented by the Governors of the New Zealand Institute. Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute, 30. New Zealand Cabinet, The Members of, Wellington. Executive Library, Wellington Free Public Library, Auckland. " Christchurch. " Dunedin. " Wellington Government Printer and publishing staff (6 copies) Library. Auckland Institute, Auckland. Library Auckland Museum, Auckland. " Biological Laboratory, Canterbury College, Christchurch Library Biological Laboratory, University College, Auckland Library Biological Laboratory, University of Otago, Dunedin Library Biological Laboratory, Victoria College, Wellington. Library Canterbury College, Christchurch Library Canterbury Museum, Christchurch Library Dunedin Athenæum Library General Assembly, Wellington (2 copies) Library Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute, Napier Library Manawatu Philosophical Society, Palmerston North Library Nelson College Library Nelson Institute, Nelson Library New Zealand Geological Survey Library New Zealand Institute of Surveyors Library New Zealand Institute, Wellington Library Otago Institute, Dunedin Library Otago Museum, Dunedin Library Otago School of Mines, Dunedin Library Philosophical Institute of Canterbury, Christchurch. Library Polynesian Society, New Plymouth. Library Portobello Fish-hatchery, Dunedin Library Reefton School of Mines Library Southland Museum, Invercargill Library Thames School of Mines Library University College, Auckland Library University of Otago, Dunedin. Library Victoria College, Wellington Library Waihi School of Mines, Waihi. Library Wanganui Museum. Library Wellington Philosophical Society.

Great Britain. Bodleian Library, Oxford University. British Association for the Advancement of Science, London. British Museum Library, London. British Museum Natural History Department, South Kensington, London S.W. Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge University. Colonial Office, London. Clifton College, Bristol, England. Geological Magazine, London. Geological Society, Edinburgh. Geological Society, London. Geological Survey of the United Kingdom, London. High Commissioner for New Zealand, London. Imperial Institute, London. Institution of Civil Engineers, London. International Catalogue of Scientific Literature, 34 Southampton Street, Strand, London Leeds Geological Association, Sunnyside, Crossgate, Leeds. Linnean Society, London. Literary and Philosophical Society, Liverpool. Liverpool Biological Society. Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Plymouth. Natural History Society, Glasgow. Nature, The Editor of, London. Norfolk and Norwich Naturalist Society, Norwich. North of England Institute of Mining and Mechanical Engineers, Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Patent Office Library, 25 Southampton Street, London W.C. Philosophical Society of Glasgow. Royal Anthropological Institute of Great Britain and Ireland, 59 Great Russell Street, London W.C. Royal Botanic Garden Library, Edinburgh. Royal Colonial Institute, London. Royal Geographical Society, 1 Savile Row, London W. Royal Institution, Liverpool. Royal Irish Academy, Dublin Royal Physical Society, Edinburgh. Royal Scottish Geographical Society, Synod Hall, Castle Terrace, Edinburgh. Royal Society, Dublin Royal Society, Edinburgh. Royal Society, London. Royal Society of Literature of the United Kingdom, London. Royal Statistical Society, London. University Library, Cambridge, England University Library Edinburgh. Victoria College, Manchester Victoria Institute, London William Wesley and Son, London (Agents) Zoological Society, London

British North America. Geological and Natural History Survey of Canada, Ottawa. Hamilton Scientific Association, Hamilton, Canada. Institute of Jamaica, Kingston. Natural History Society of New Brunswick, St John's. Nova-Scotian Institute of Natural Science, Halifax Royal Canadian Institute, Toronto. South Africa. Free Public Library, Cape Town. South African Association for the Advancement of Science, Cape Town. South African Museum, Cape Town. Rhodesia Museum, Bulawayo, South Africa. India. Asiatic Society of Bengal, Calcutta Colombo Museum, Ceylon. Geological Survey of India, Calcutta Natural History Society, Bombay Raffles Museum, Singapore. Queensland. Geological Survey Office, Brisbane. Queensland Museum, Brisbane. Royal Society of Queensland, Brisbane New South Wales. Agricultural Department, Sydney. Australasian Association for the Advancement of Science, Sydney Australian Museum Library, Sydney. Department of Mines, Sydney Engineering Association of New South Wales, Sydney Engineering Institute of New South Wales, Watt Street, Newcastle Library, Botanic Gardens, Sydney Linnean Society of New South Wales, Sydney Public Library, Sydney. Royal Society of New South Wales, Sydney University Library, Sydney Victoria. Australian Institute of Mining Engineers, Melbourne Field Naturalists' Club, Melbourne. Geological Survey of Victoria, Melbourne Legislative Library, Melbourne Public Library, Melbourne Royal Society of Victoria, Melbourne University Library, Melbourne Tasmania Public Library of Tasmania, Hobart Royal Society of Tasmania, Hobart.

South Australia. Public Museum and Art Gallery of South Australia, Adelaide. Royal Society of South Australia, Adelaide. University Library, Adelaide. Western Australia. Government Geologist, Perth. Russia. Finskoie Uchonoie Obshchestvo (Finnish Scientific Society), Helsingfors. Imper. Moskofskoie Obshchestvo Iestestvo - Ispytatelei (Imperial Moscow Society of Naturalists). Kiefskoie Obshchestvo Iestestvo-Ispytatelei (Kief Society of Naturalists). Norway. Bergens Museum, Bergen University of Christiania Sweden. Geological Survey of Sweden, Stockholm. Royal Academy of Science, Stockholm. Denmark. Natural History Society of Copenhagen. Royal Danish Academy of Sciences and Literature of Copenhagen. Germany Botanischer Verein der Provinz Brandenburg, Berlin. Konigliche Bibliothek, Berlin. Konigliche Physikalisch-Oekonomische Gesellschaft, Konigsberg, E. Prussia Konigliches Zoologisches und Anthropologisch - Ethnographisches Museum, Dresden Naturhistorischer Verein, Bonn Naturhistorischer Museum, Hamburg. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Bremen. Naturwissenschaftlicher Verein, Frankfort-an-der-Oder. Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum (Stadtisches Museum fur Volkerkunde), Cologne. Redaction des Biologischen Centralblatts, Erlangen. Senckenbergische Naturforschende Gesellschaft, Frankfort-am-Main. Verein fur Vaterlandische Naturkunde in Wurttemburg, Stuttgart Zoological Society, Berlin Austria K K Central-Anstalt fur Meteorologie und Erdmagnetismus, Vienna. K K. Geologische Reichsanstalt, Vienna.

Belgium and the Netherlands MuséAe Teyler, Haarlem. AcadéAmie Royal des Sciences, des Lettres, et des Beaux-Arts de Belgique, Brussels La SociéAtéA Royale de Botanique de Belgique, Brussels Netherlands Entomological Society, Rotterdam Switzerland Naturforschende Gesellschaft (SociéAtéA des Sciences Naturelles), Bern. France Bibliothèque Nationale, Paris MuséAe d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris. SociéAtéA Zoologique de France, Paris Italy. Biblioteca ed Archivio Tecnico, Rome. Museo di Zoologia e di Anatomia Comparata della R Universita, Turin. Orto e Museo Botanico (R Instituto di Studi Superiori), Florence. R. Accademia di Scienze, Lettre, ed Arti, Modena. R. Accademia dei Lincei, Rome Stazione Zoologica di Napoli. Naples Società Africana d'Italia, Naples Società Geografica Italiana, Rome Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Pisa United States of America Academy of Natural Sciences, Buffalo, State of New York Academy of Natural Sciences, Davenport, Iowa Academy of Natural Sciences, Library, Philadelphia. Academy of Natural Sciences, San Francisco American Geographical Society, New York. American Institute of Mining Engineers, Philadelphia American Philosophical Society, Philadelphia Boston Society of Natural History Connecticut Academy, New Haven Department of Agriculture, Washington, D.C Field Museum of Natural History, Chicago Franklin Institute, Philadelphia Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore Leland Stanford University, California Missouri Botanical Gardens, St. Louis, Mo. Museum of Comparative Zoology, Cambridge, Mass National Academy of Sciences. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, DC, U.S.A. National Geographical Society, Washington, D C New York Academy of Sciences.

Philippine Museum, Manila Rochester Academy of Sciences. Smithsonian Institution, Washington, D.C. Stanford University, California. Tufts College, Massachusetts. United States Geological Survey, Washington, D.C. University of Minnesota, Minneapolis. University of Montana, Missoula. Wagner Free Institute of Science of Philadelphia. Washington Academy of Sciences. Brazil. Museo Paulista, Sao Paulo. Escola de Minas, Rio de Janeiro. Argentine Republic Sociedad Cientifica Argentina, Buenos Ayres. Uiuguay Museo Nacional, Monte Video Japan. College of Science, Imperial University of Japan, Tokyo. Hawaii. Bernice Pauahi Bishop Museum, Honolulu. National Library, Honolulu. Java. Society of Natural Science, Batavia.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 48, 1915, Unnumbered Page

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Appendix. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 48, 1915, Unnumbered Page

Appendix. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 48, 1915, Unnumbered Page

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