Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Part IV. Seventh Annual Meeting. The annual general meeting of the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute was held in the Dominion Museum Library, Wellington, on Thursday, 27th January, 1910. Present: Mr. A. Hamilton, President (in the chair), Hon. D. Buddo (Minister of Internal Affairs), Professor W. B. Benham, Mr. M. Chapman (Hon. Treasurer), Dr. L. Cockayne, Professor Easterfild, Dr. C. C. Farr, Mr. D. Petrie, Mr. J. Stewart, Mr. R. Speight, Mr. G. M. Thomson (Hon. Editior), Mr. K. Wilson, Mr. John Young. The Secretary announced that there had been no changes in the representation either of the incorporated societies or of the Government of the Board of Governors. The Westland Society had, however, failed to elect a representative. The President declared the meeting open, and mentioned that Messrs. H. Hill and J. W. Joynt had sent apologies for their absence. The President then read his address (see p. 99). The Hon. Mr. Buddo moved a hearty vote of thanks to the President for his address, to be recorded in the minutes, and that the address be printed in the Proceedings for the coming year. Mr. G. M. Thomson seconded and Dr. Farr supported the motion, which was carried unanimously. The Secretary read the annual report, as follows:— Last year the statutory meeting of the Board of Governors was called for Thursday, the 28th January, 1909, and adjourned to Thursday, the 4th Feburay. The attendance at these meetings was as follows: 28th January—Mr. Martin Chapman, K.C. (in the chair), Hon. D. Buddo (Minister of Internal Affairs), Dr. Cockayne, Dr. C. C. Farr, Mr. A. Hamilton, Mr. D. Petrie, Mr. John Young. 4th February—Mr. G. M. Thomson, President (in the chair), Professor W. B. Benham, Mr. M. Chapman, Dr. L. Cockayne, Professor Easterfild, Mr. T. H. Gill, Mr. H. Hill, Mr. J. W. Joynt, Mr. R. Speight, Mr. K. Wilson, Mr. J. Young, and the Secretary (Mr. Thomas King). A full record of the business transacted at the meeting has been published in the “Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute,” Part I, 1908, and the minutes signed by the President, as authorised. The following committees were set up:— The Standing Committee consists (Reg. 17) of the Governors for the time being resident or present in Wellington.
Committee to index the first forty volumes of the Transactions: the President (Mr. A. Hamilton), convener; Professor Easterfield, Professor Benham, Mr. R. Speight Publication Committee: The President (ex offico), Professor Benham, Dr. C. C. Farr, Mr. R. Speight, the Editor (convener). The Standing Committee reports that six meetings were held during the year 1909, the attendance being as follows: Hon. Mr. Buddo, 2; Mr. Hamiton, 6; Mr. Chapman, 6; Professor Easterfield, 5; Mr. J. Young, 4; Mr. Gill, 1; Mr. G. M. Thomson, 2. A supply of diploma forms for honorary members of the Institute (drawn up by Mr. Chapman) has been printed, and a diploma has been sent to every honorary member elected since 1903. A specimen of the diploma form is laid on the table. Several libraries have applied for copies of the Transactions to complete their sets, and others to be placed on the exchange list. The applications have been dealt with. It was found necessary to pass a resolution adopting the seal of the old Institute as the seal of the new, and the necessary repairs were made to the seal and press. The Hutton Memorial Deed of Trust has been duly executed, and handed by the Treasurer, Mr. Chapman, to the Public Trustee. The Registrar of Victoria College wrote notifying that Messrs Bell and Fleming had been appointed to look into the opinion given by Mr. Chapman as to the expenditure of the Carter Bequest Fund. The question of representing the Dominion at future meetings of the International Congress of Applied Chemistry was left in the hands of Professor Easterfield. The President and Secretary were authorised to act conjointly at any time in purchasing back volumes of the Institute Transactions where such pruchases can be advantageously arranged. Fifty-one volumes have so far been secured, which will enable several sets to be completed. Through the kindness of the Minister of Internal Affairs, three months' work was done in the library in sorting serial publications. The committee note with pleasure that Hector Fund Committee have been successful in augmenting the fund since the last annual meeting, and the President and Secretary, with the other representatives of the Hector Fund Committees, waited on the Premier and received a promise that the question of a pound-for-pound subsidy up to £500 would be favourably considered. The Secretary has initiated an innovation in distributing the publications of the Insititute, which has not only given satisfaction, but has resulted in a considerable saving in postage and freight. By registering the Transactions as a magazine, over 75 per cent. saving in the postage bill has been effected. The Transactions and Proceedings are now posted direct to members throughout the Dominion by the Government Printer. Difficulty was at first experienced in obtaining suitable wrappers, but this has now been overcome. This reform has rendered it necessary that a roll of members and their addresses shall be kept in Wellington by the Secretary to the Institute, and it is important that Secretaries of incorporated societies should advise him of any changes of address on the part of their members. It is to be regretted that two small incorporated societies have not yet fallen in with this arrangement. It was resolved that the price of the Proceedings to non-members be 3s. per year, or is. per part. Members are, of course, each entitled to one copy. It was resolved that all matters in connection with the printing of the Transactions be left in the hands of the Editior and the Government Printer. The committee consider it advisable to change the London agents, as there has been considerable difficulty in obtaining full statements from the present agents. Messrs. W. Wesley and Sons are to be asked to act as agents and publishers in London. The “date of publication” of the Transactions must be reconsidered by the Institute, as the present arrangement is unworkable. The position of the Nelson and Westland Societies is also one which requires the consideration of the Board. The committee accepted a tender for the preparation of an index to the Transactions, the price being £30. The cards have been prepared, and are now ready for printing. Copies of Vol. XLI of the Transactions were presented to the House of Representatives on the 8th October, and to the Legislative council on the 12th October, 1909. The volumes of the Transactions remaining on hand (including volumes acquired during the year), are as follows: Vol. I, 314; Vol. III, 2; Vol. IV, 3; Vol. V, 34; Vol. VI, 23; Vol. VII, 145; Vol. VIII, 3; Vol. IX. 217; Vol. X, 141; Vol. XI, 394; Vol. XII, 307; Vol. XIII, 144; Vol. XIV, 110; Vol. XV, 281; Vol. XVI, 273; Vol. XVII, 533; Vol. XVIII, 311; Vol. XIX, 558; Vol. XX, 451; Vol. XXI, 455;
Vol. XXII, 560; Vol. XXIII, 570; Vol. XXIV, 670; Vol. XXV, 627; Vol. XXVI, 613; Vol. XXVII, 605; Vol. XXVIII, 688; Vol. XXIX, 591; Vol. XXX, 684; Vol. XXXI, 695; Vol. XXXII, 517; Vol. XXXIII, 611; Vol. XXXIV, 563; Vol. XXXV, 525; Vol. XXXVI, 686; Vol. XXXVII, 604; Vol. XXXVIII, 750; Vol. XXXIX, 192; Vol. XL, 91; Vol. XLI, 190. A. Hamliton, President. 27th January, 1910. The President moved, “That the report be adopted.” Mr. Young seconded the motion, which was carried. Mr. Chapman explained, at Dr. Farr's request, the position of the Carter Bequest. Hutton Memorial Fund.—A letter was read from the Public Trustee, showing that the balance to the credit of the fund, including interest at 4 ½ per cent. to 31st December, 1909, was £595 4s. 11d. Received. A letter was read from Dr. Chilton relating to a sum of money in his possession, received in aid of the Hutton Fund. On the motion of Mr. Chapman, seconded by Mr. Speight, it was resolved, “That the money in the hands of Dr. Chilton to the credit of the Hutton Memorial Fund be handed to the Public Trustee.” On the motion of Dr. Farr, seconded by Mr. Speight, it was resolved, “That a letter be sent to Dr. Dendy thanking him for his offices in the matter of the Hutton Memorial Medal, and acknowledging the receipt of copies of the medal.” Hector Memorial Committee.—Professor Easterfield, Chairman of the committee, read a report covering the year's work, as follows:— Sir,— Wellington, 21st January, 1910. The Hector Memorial Committee, Wellington, submits the following account of its operations for the year ending 31st December, 1909:— In February a conference between this committee (represented by Messrs. M. Chapman, K.C, A. D. Crawford, Dr. J. M. Mason, Professor Easterfield, and Mr. T. King, Secretary) and the New Zealand Institute's Hector Memorial Committee, the Duneden Hector Memorial Committee (both represented by Professor Benham), the Wellington Philosophical Society's Hector Memorial Committee (represented by Messrs. A. Hamilton and G. V. Hudson), and the Canterbury Philosophical Institute's Hector Memorial Committee (represented by Mr. R Speight), was held to consider the issue of a circular to bring more promiently before the public the great services rendered to the colony and to science by the late Sir James Hector, and the need of instituting some permanent memorial to perpetuate his memory. The wording of a circular asking for additional subscriptions was approved, and the distribution of the circular was authorised. Mr. Thomas King, who had acted as Honorary secretary during the previous year, resigned in February, 1909, and Mr. B. C. Aston was appointed to succeed him. Mr. King was elected to a seat on the committee. One thousand five hundred circulars have been distributed since March, 1909. The amount of subscriptions collected up till that date was some £230; since then and up till the 31st December, 1909, additional £200 have been received, making a total of £430. This amount includes sums received from the committees in other centres. The incorporated societies of the Institute generally have contributed substantial donations from their own funds, but the committee regret that the names of comparatively few individual members of the Institute appear on the subscribers' roll, and trust that the Secretaries of all societies will bring the matter again before their members with a view to removing this reproach. The sum in hand has been deposited with a financial institution, and is now earning interest at the rate of 4 ½ per cent. per annum. The Government, which in 1908 was asked for a subsidy, was again approached. A deputation from the committee, introduced by Messrs. T. Wilford, M.P., and W. Fraser, M P, waited on the Right Hon. the Premier on the 28th October, 1909, with a request for a pound-for-pound subsidy up to £500. The deputation received a most patient hearing and favourable reply from Sir Joseph Ward. The committee have since noted with
pleasure that a vote for £500 has been passed by Parliament in the supplementary estiamtes. It now behoves all concerned to make renewed efforts to obtain some £90 additional in subscriptions, in order that the full amount of the Government subsidy may be earned before the vote lapses on the 31st March, 1910. One thousand pounds will then be available for investment, which will yield enough interest to found some research prize or scholarship, as may hereafter be decided by a future conference. Yours, &c., Thomas H. Easterfield, Chairman. The President, New Zealand Institute, Wellington. The report was discussed at length in committee. On resuming, Professor Easterfield moved, “That the report be received.” Dr. Farr moved, as an addition, “That the thanks of the Board of Governors be given to the committee for their efforts in the matter.” Mr. M. Chapman seconded the motion, which was carried. It was resolved, on the motion of Professor Benham, seconded by Mr. K. Wilson, “That this Institute advises the Hector Memorial Committee to approach the Government to obtain the promised grant on the sum at present in their hands.” Dr. Cockayne moved, “That the Hector Memorial Committee be asked to draw up a provisional set of rules and regulations regarding the Hector Memorial Fund, and submit same to the Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute.” Mr. Petrie seconded and Professor Easterfield supported the motion, which was carried. Report of the Publication Committee.—The report of the Publication Committee was read by the Hon. Editor, Mr. G. M. Thomson, as follows:— I have to report that for session 1909 fifty-three papers were sent in to me for publication in the Transactions, and that of these forty-five were passed by the Publication Committee, and were printed in Vol. XLI. Of the remainder, two by Professor Benham were withdrawn, and were published along with other reports in the results of the “Nora Niven” Trawling Expedition; one of Mr. Hamilton's was printed in the Proceedings; and the other five were held over or returned to the societies which forwarded them I would again point out that the onus of recommending papers for publication should, in the first instance, be exercised by the societies before which they are read. Papers which are only réumés of other works, and were delivered as popular lectures, should not be sent to the Editor. In accordance with the resolution passed at the last annual meeting, Vol XLI, as the first of a new series, was published in royal 8vo. size. The committee has also carried into effect the resolutions come to at the annual meeting of the Institute on the 30th January, 1908, and has had the Proceedings published in pamphlet form during the year. The change was accompanied with some slight inconvenience at first to Secretaries of affiliated societies, but your committee believes that the result will be instrumental in causing more general interest to be taken in the work of the Institute. The new volume of Transactions contains xiv and 472 pages and thirty-two plates, and the three parts of the Proceedings already published contain ninety pages, as against xvi and 608 pages and thirty-four plates in Vol. XL. The plates in the new volume were distributed in the text—a much more satisfactory arrangement for authors and readers alike than the former plan of binding them all at the end of the volume. There are also many more small illustrations and cuts in the text, and the committee consider that authors might take more advantage of this method of illustrating their papers. The cost of printing and publication of the new volume and parts of Proceedings has been considerably increased by increasing the size of the new series, but the cost of the Proceedings is in part due to the incorporation of the present year's work. The whole cost of printing Vol. XL was £388 13s. The cost of Vol. XLI was £391 9s : and of the Proceedings—Part I, £16; Part II, £14; Part III, £13. The complete proof of Vol. XLI was passed by the Editor early in May last, but owing to a misunderstanding with the Government Printer as to sending volumes out, it was late in July before members received their copies. G. M. Thomson, Editor.
The Hon. Editor moved, “That the report be received and adopted.” Mr. Petrie seconded the motion, which was carried. In moving the adoption of the report, the Hon. Editor congratulated the Government Printer of the excellent manner in which the Transactions are printed. Mr. R. Speight moved, and Professor Benham seconded, “That the Publication Committee consider the advisability of issuing monographs, apart from the Transactions, embodying the results of research.” Carried. Professor Benham moved, and Mr. K. Wilson seconded, “That it be an instruction to the committee to consider the question of publishing Major Broun's papers on New Zealand Beetles as a separate publication, uniform with his ‘Catalogue of Coleoptera.’” Carried. Mr. G. M. Thomson announced, with regret, that he was unable to continue to act as Hon. Editor. On the motion of Dr. C. C. Farr, seconded by Mr. R. Speight, it was resolved, “That the hearty thanks of the Institute be accoreded to Mr. G. M. Thomson for the active and energetic way in which he has carried out the laborious duties of Hon. Editor for the past two years.” Mr. G. M. Thomson moved, and Professor Benham seconded, “That this Institute suggests to the Government the desirability of having an illustrated and descriptive catalogue of the fishes of New Zealand prepared and printed. Carried.” Report of the Index Committee.—The report of the Index Committee was read, as follows:— The Index Committee report that they have been in communication from time to time with Mr. Riddiok, and decided in August last to recommend the Standing Committee to accept his tender to compile an index, the first part of which will be an alphabetical list of authors, with the papers that they have written. The price agreed upon for the compliation of this portion of was £30. Mr. Riddick is a person well qualified for such work, having prepared the index for Dr. Hocken's “Bibliography of New Zealand,” besides having had considerable experience in connection with the indexing of Hansard. The cards on which the work is done are now in my hands, and ready for the printer. The original estimate was that such a list would occupy about 100 pages, and form Part I of the proposed index. The committee consider that Part II should be much more elaborate, and should be arranged under subjects. Such an index would require considerable time for preparation, and the manuscript of each section would have to be carefully revised by those best acquainted with the various branches. As it was decided at the last annual meeting that the Index Committee were to arrange for the cataloguing of the volumes after XL year by year on a definite scheme, it is desirable that the committee should be reappointed, and should continue their work, and report to the next annual meeting. The committee are prepared to hand over the material for the first part of the index to the Publication Committee for printing, as ordered by the Board of Governors. The committee have been in constant communication with Mr. Riddick, and are of the opinion that the part already done will be found satisfactory. A. Hamilton, President. The President (Mr. A. Hamilton) moved the adoption of the report. Mr. Young seconded the motion, which was carried. Report of the Hon. Librarian.—The report of the Hon. Librarian was read, as follows:— The Hon. Librarian begs to report that the number of pieces received during the year as exchanges and presentations amounted to 907. The number of members using the library is again very small. As I mentioned in my last report, I think to a large extent the small number of books taken out by members is due to the comparative inaccessibility of the books.
No further progress has been made with the card catalogue, funds not being available. A further arragement has been made providing for the placing of the serial publications as they arrive in spaces with printed headings, so that they may be the more easily kept together. The estimated cost of pigeon-holes was, as mentioned in the last report, about £60. I have, however, found a way by which the same purpose has been accomplished without any extra expense. I should mention that owing to the kindness of the Hon. the Minister of Internal Affairs I was able to employ a person on arranging a large mass of unclassified serials belonging to the Museum and to the Institute. This person was working for three months, and did useful work. The work done will be of little permanent value unless some money can be found for binding. The most important work that requires now to be done in the library is to make a commencement in completing the serials that we have in some cases taken in for a great many years, but which have not been bound from time to time, and in consequence have lost one or more of their parts. For the purpose of scientific study in any branch it is essential that we should endeavour to keep the series of the principal publications in each branch complete, available, and up to date. 27th January, 1910. A. Hamilton, Librarian. The President moved, and Mr. Chapman seconded, “That the Hon. Librarian's report be adopted.” Carried. Report of Committee on Joint Library Scheme.—The report of the committee on the joint library scheme was read, as follows:— The committee appointed to consider Mr. Hamilton's proposed scheme for more thoroughly utilising the libraries of the affiliated societies beg to report that they have been in communication with the societies, and find that the scheme has been cordially received by the Canterbury Institute in their letter of October, 1909, and by the Otago Institute in their letter of June, 1909; the Auckland Institute is quite in accord with the main idea that the library under thier control should be avilable for the use of students throughout the Dominion, and is quite ready to adopt any reasonable measures tending to that end. Hawke's Bay is not in favour of the general idea of the joint library which all members of the Institute should be able to use under certain conditions, but is willing to consider any special application for any particular book as hitherto; it, however, agrees to arrangements being made by the Institute for the preparation of a joint card catalogue, as proposed. It will be recollected that Mr. Hamilton's scheme involved four main points—First, the general use of the libraries by members in any part of New Zealand: this seems to be generally agreed to, and is the most important of the whole. Second, that a joint card catalogue should be prepared: this would cost a rather considerable amount, and is not universally agreed to, and it better be left for further negotiations. The next point was specialisation: the committee regret that there is not more unanimity on this matter, as it was pointed out in the plainest possible manner that specialisation in any subject did not prevent the authorities of a library purchasing other works. It is one of the cardinal points about a joint library that by a certain amount of specialisation unnecessary duplication would be avoided. There are still hopes that we may be able to get a little further along this line, but for the present the committee have pleasure in reporting that the larger societies have agreed to the principle of placing their books at the disposal of any member of the New Zealand Institute wherever he may be, provided always, of course, that the necessary regulations for borrowing and returning made by the local society are observed. The committee desire reappointment. 27th January, 1910. A. Hamilton, President. On the motion of the President, seconded by Mr. Young, it was resolved that the report of the Committee on the Joint Library Scheme be adopted. Dr. Cockayne moved, “That a vote of thanks be accorded to the Hon. the Minister of Internal Affairs for enabling work to be done in the further classification of the library.”
Statement of Receipts and Expenditure.—The annual statement of receipts and expenditure was read, was read as follows:— Statement of Receipts and Expenditure. Receipts. 1909. £ s. d. Balance brought forward 392 10 11 Government grant 500 0 0 Sundry receipts 43 13 6 £936 4 5 Expenditure. 1909. £ s. d. London, Liverpool, and Globe Insurance Company 9 0 0 Members' travelling-expenses attending meetings 21 19 8 Expenses of editing, printing, and publishing Transactions and Proceedings 449 9 3 Postages on Transactions 14 18 11 Expenses of management 28 8 2 Stationery 1 5 10 Law-costs 1 1 0 Purchase of Transactions 7 10 0 Cash in hand 0 1 0 Balance in bank 402 10 7 £936 4 5 Carter Bequest. £ s. d. Balance, 31st December, 1908 2,735 16 5 Interest accrued to 31st December, 1909 123 13 7 Mercantile Agency Company 32 5 5 £2,891 15 5 £ s. d. Invested by Public Trustee, 31st December, 1909 2859 10 0 Scrip in hands of Public Trustee 32 5 5 £2,891 15 5 On the motion of the Hon. Treasurer, seconded by Mr. G. M. Thomson, it was resolved, “That the audited statement of receipts and expenditure be adopted.” Mr. A. Hamilton moved, and Mr. Chapman seconded, “That the Standing Committee prepare for the annual meeting in each year a list of the resolutions of importance passed by them during the year, including those passed by the Board of Governors at the last annual meeting; this list to be presented to the Board of Governors at the next annual meeting, and, if approved, either as a whole or in part, printed in the current volume of the Transactions after the original regulations.” Carried. A letter was read from Mr. C. Wilson, Parliamentary Librarian, extending to the visiting members of the Institute Board of Governors the use of the library. Received with thanks. Professor Benham moved, and Mr. R. Speight seconded, “That an abstract of the business transacted at each meeting of the Standing Committee be communicated to the absent individual members of the Board of Governors after such meeting.” Carried. The President moved, and Mr. G. M. Thomson seconded, “That it is desirable that all branches of the Institute should end their financial year and season on or before the 31st December, so that their annual reports and balance-sheets may be placed before the annual meeting of the Board of Governors.” Carried. Mr. G. M. Thomson moved, and Dr. C. C. Farr seconded, “That the New Zealand Institute learns with pleasure of the proposal of the Councils
of the University of Melbourne and of the Australasian Association to invite the British Association to visit Australia, and assures those bodies of its sympathy and support in the matter.” Carried. Dr. L. Cockayne moved, and Professor Easterfield seconded, “That the 1st June of each year be the date of publication of the Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.” Carried. On the motion of the President, it was resolved, “That the Publication Committee be requested to place the actual date of issue on each part of the Proceedings.” The President moved, and Mr. Chapman seconded, “That the Standing committee consider the position of some of the societies in the Institute under the new Act, and report as to whether the societies comprising the Institute are complying with the requirements of the Act and regulations.” Carried. Correspondence.—(1.) Canterbury Philosophical Institute, re extra copies of Transactions: It was resolved, “That the request from the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury be acceded to, it being an instruction to the Standing Committee that a number of additional copies, not exceeding 5 per cent. of the number due to a society, be to sent to the Secretary of that society if he applies for them.” (2.) Auckland Institute and Mr. C. W. Adams, re publication of Proceedings: Dr. Farr moved, “That the letters of Mr. C. W. Adams and of the Auckland Institute be received, and that they be courteously informed that the Board of Governors sees no reason to depart from the present policy.” Mr. G. M. Thomson seconded the motion. Mr. J. Stewart moved, as an amendment, “That in printing the Proceedings of the Institute in detail as at present, double the number be thrown off, to enable a full set of the Proceedings to be embodied in the annual volume of the Transactions.” Mr. D. Petrie seconded the amendment, which was carried. (3.) Government Printer: A letter dated 20th December, 1909, from the Government Printer, with referece to careless printing of the Proceedings, was read. (4.) Hutton Memorial Award: A letter from Professor David, consenting to act on the Award Committee, was road. Mr. R. Speight moved, and Dr. Farr seconded, “That the Committee of Award be requested to make recommendations before the 31st December, 1910, as to whether or not they consider any work published since the 31st. December, 1906, is worthy of the award of the Hutton Memorial Medal, and that they be informed in general terms of the views of the Board of Governors as to the quality of the work for which the award is to be made.” Carried. (5.) Professor Rutherford, F.R.S., acknowledging receipt of the institute's congratulations on his being awarded the Nobel Prize. Received. (6.) Sir George Darwin and Professor David, thanking the Institute for election to honorary membership. Received. Government Scientific Reports.—Mr. G. M. Thomson moved, and Mr. D. Petrie seconded, “That, as at the present time scientific reports communicated
to various Government Departments are printed in parliamentary papers which are not readily accessible to those interested in scientific work, this Institute would respectfully suggest to the Government the advisability of publishing these also in book form, or of enabling the Institute to issue them uniform with the Transaction.” Carried. Antarctic Soundings.—Mr. Speight moved, and Dr. Farr seconded, “That this Institute communicate with the managing committees of the projected British Antractic Expeditions, urging the importance of running lines of soundings south from New Zealand towards the Antartic Continent.” Carried. Election of Honorary Members.—It was decided to defer election of an honorary member to fill the vacancy created by the death of the late Professor Sharp, M.A., F.L.S., until the next annual meeting. Election of Officers.—The following officers for 1910 were elected: President—Mr. A. Hamilton; Hon. Treasurer—Mr. M. Chapman, K.C. (authority was given to the Standing Committee to appoint a deputy treasurer in the event of Mr. Chapman's absence from the Dominion at any time); Secretary—Mr. B.C. Aston; Hon. Editor—Dr. C. Chilton; Hon. Librarian—Mr. A. Hamilton. Publication Committee: Professor Benham, Dr. C. C. Farr, Mr. R. Speight, Mr. G. M. Thomson, Dr. Chilton (IIon. Editor). Hector Memorial Committee: Professor Benham, Professor Easterfield, Dr. Cockayne, Mr. Chapman, Mr. Stewart, Mr. Petrie, Mr. Speight. The Index Committee was reappointed, with the addition of Dr. Chilton's name. Place of Meeting.—Professor W. B. Benham moved, and Dr. L. Cockayne seconded, “That the next meeting of the Board of Governors be held at Auckland on the last Thursday in January, 1911.” Carried. Travelling-expenses.—Dr. L. Cockayne moved, and Mr. D. Petric seconded, “That the members of the Board of Governors be paid their actual travelling-expenses.” Carried. The minutes of this meeting were confirmed at a meeting of the Board of Governors held in the Dominion Museum Library on the 28th January, 1910, at which the following members were present : Mr. A. Hamilton (President), in the chair; Messrs. M. Chapman, D. Petrie, Stewart, Wilson, Professor Benham, Dr. Cockayne, and Mr. G. M. Thomson.
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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 42, 1909, Unnumbered Page
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5,129Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 42, 1909, Unnumbered Page
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