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Art. XXIX.—List of Papers and Notices on Botanical Subjects in the “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute” and other Publications. By A. Hamilton. [Laid before the Otago Institute, 13th October, 1903.] [Note.—In the following list “Trans.” means the “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.”] Author. Title. Name, &c., of Publication. Anon. Plants injured by Frost at the Hutt Proc. N Z. Inst. viii. 411; 1875. Deciduous Trees: as to the Desirability of their being planted in the Botanical Gardens Proc N.Z. Inst viii. 412; 1875. Report of a Committee of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury on Native and Introduced Grasses, with Appendices Trans. iv. 292; 1871. Adams, J. On the Botany of the Thames Goldfields " xvi. 385; 1883. On the Botany of Te Aroha Mountain " xvii. 275; 1884.

Adams, J. On the Botany of Te Moehau, Cape Colville Trans. xxi. 32; 1888. On the Botany of Hikurangi Mountain " xxx. 414; 1897. Adams, T. W. On Damage done to Forest Trees by the Drought of 1897–98 " xxxi. 434; 1899. Aghard, J. On some Algœ from Chatham Islands " iii. 213; 1870. List of the Alaœ the Chatham Islands collected by H. H. Travers. (Communicated by Baron F. von Mueller) " vi. 208; 1873. Alexander, Cath Observations on the Glands in the Leaf and Stem of Myoporum lœtum, Forst. " xix. 314, pl. xx; 1886. Archer, William On the Value of Hairs as a Character in determining the Limits of Subordinate Groups of Species, considered in connection with the Genus Eurybia, Cass., and Olearia, Monch., of Compositœ Proc. Linn. Soc. v. 17; 1861. Armstrong, J. F On the Vegetation of the Neighbourhood of Christchurch, including Riccarton, Dry Bush, &c, with Introductory Remarks on the Distribution of Plants in the Province of Canterbury by J. Haast Trans. ii. 118; 1869. On the Naturalised Plants of the Province of Canterbury " iv. 284; 1871. On some New Species of New Zealand Plants " iv. 290; 1871. A Short Sketch of the Flora of the Province of Canterbury, with Catalogue of Species " xii. 325; 1879. A Synopsis of the New Zealand Species of Veronica, L., with Notes on some New Species " xiii. 344; 1880. A Natural Arrangement of the New Zealand Ferns, founded on the System of Smith's “Historia Filicum,” with Critical Notes on certain Species " xiii. 359; 1880. Description of New Plants " xiv. 359; 1881. On the Genus Corallospartium " xiii. 333; 1880. Description of some New and Rare New Zealand Plants " xiii. 335; 1880. On the Occurrence of the Morel, Morchella esculenta, in New Zealand " xiii. 343; 1880. Fertilisation of Red-clover in New Zealand N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 500; 1882. Acœna huttoni N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 122; 1883.

Aston, B. C. List of Plants supplementary to the Dunedin Field Club's Catalogue of Dunedin Plants Trans. xxxi. 747; 1898. Atkins, W. Notes on the Growth of Trees on Clay Soils " xii. 447; 1879. Baber, J. On the Rate of Growth of Native Trees under Cultivation " v. 451; 1872. On the Growth of Transplanted Trees " xviii. 311; 1885. The Medicinal Properties of some New Zealand Plants " xix. 319; 1886. Rate of Growth of Transplanted Trees " xx. 186; 1887. Bagnall, L. J. Notes on the Occurrence of Kauri-gum at the Kahikatea Forest at Turua " xxix. 412; 1896. Kahikatea as a Building Timber " xix. 577; 1886. Baker, J. G. A Summary of New Ferns which have been discovered or described since 1874 Ann. of Botany, 181; April, 1891. Batchelor, T. C. On the Varieties of the Mulberry-tree as Food for the Silkworm: Part I Trans. iv. 424; 1871. On the Varieties of Food for and the Management of the Silkworm. Part II. " iv. 426; 1871. Benham, W. B. Note on Cordyceps sinclairii, Berk. " xxxii. 4, pl. i.; 1899. Bentham, G. Notes on the Compositœ. (Table 17, Compositœ of the New Zealand Group) Proc. Linn. Soc. xiii. 567; 1873. Berggren, S. Remarks on Hepaticœ collected by Captain Hutton and Mr. Kirk Trans. vi. 447; 1873. On the Development of Azolla rubra " x. 522; 1876. New New Zealand Plants " xiii. 290; 1800. Translation of Professor Berggren's Paper communicated to a Swedish Society of Naturalists on Carices N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 415; 1883. and ii. 430; 1885. On the Occurrence of Hœmatococcus sanguineus on the Wool of a Dead Sheep Trans. vii. 369, pl. xxiv.; 1874. Blundell, H. Some Remarks on Dr. Curl's “Notes on some Grasses and Fodder Plants suitable for Introduction into New Zealand.” (Abstract) " xi. 528; 1878. Boodle, L. A. On the Anatomy of the Hymenophyllaceœ Ann. of Bot. xiv. 458; 1900. On the Anatomy of the Gleicheniaceœ Ann. of Bot. xv. 730, pl. xxxviii. and xxxix.; 1901.

Boodle, L. A. On the Anatomy of the Schizacaceœ Ann. of Bot. xv. 359; 1901. Further Observations on Schizea Ann. of Bot. 511; 1903. Brewer, H. M. Plants introduced into New Zealand Proc. Linn. Soc. 80; 1875. Brown, F. D. On a Puka (Meryta sinclairii) gnawed by Rats Trans. xxvi. 667; 1893. Brown, Robert On a New Composite Plant " xv. 259; 1882. Description of a New Rosaceous Plant " xvi. 382; 1883. Notes on the New Zealand Species of the Genus Andieacœ, together with a Description of some New Species " xxv. 276; 1892. Notes on a Proposed New Genus of New Zealand Mosses, together with a Description of Three New Species " xxv. 285; 1892. Notes on New Zealand Mosses, Genus Pottia " xxvi. 288; 1893. Musci: Notes on the Genus Gymnostomum, with Description of New Species " xxvi. 296, pl. xxxi.-xxxviii.; 1893. Notes on some New Species of New Zealand Musci, Genus Phascum " xxvi. 302; 1893. Notes on some New Zealand Mosses, Genus Grimmia " xxvi. 409, pl. xxix.-xxxiv.; 1894. Notes on the Genus Orthotrichum " xxvi. 422, pl. xxxv.-xlii.; 1894. Notes on New Zealand Musci, a new Genus " xxviii. 531; 1895. On the Dicianums of New Zealand " xxviii. 754; 1895. New Zealand Musci: Notes on the Genus Dicranum, with Description of New Species, including some Doubtful Species of Blindia " xxix. 451; 1896. Notes on the New Zealand Musci, and Description of New Species " xxix. 465, pl. xxix.-xliii.; 1896. Further Notes on the New Zealand Musci, Genus Tiichostomum, with Description of some New Species " xxix. 478; 1896. New Zealand Musci: Notes on a New Species of Moss belonging to the Genus Seligeia " xxx. 398, pl. xxxv.-xli.; 1897. New Zealand Musci. Notes on the Genus Tortula, with Description of New Species " xxx. 399; 1897. New Zealand Musci: Notes on the Genus Streptopogon, with Description of New Species " xxx. 409; 1897.

Brown, Robert New Zealand Musci: Notes on the Genus Dendia Trans. xxx. 411; 1897. Notes on New Zealand Musci, and Description of Two New Species " xxx 412; 1897. Notes on the New Zealand Musci " xxxi. 437, pl, xxxviii.-xliv.; 1898. Notes on the New Zealand Musci, and Description of New Species " xxxi. 442; 1898. Notes on the New Zealand Musci " xxxii. 137, pl. xiv.-xvi.; 1899. Notes on the New Zealand Musci: On a Proposed New Genus " xxxii. 148; 1899. Notes on the New Zealand Musci " xxxiii. 330, pl. xiii.; 1900. On the Musci of the Calcareous Districts of New Zealand, with Description of New Species " xxxv. 323, pl. xxxv.-xl.; 1902. Buchanan, J. Notes on the Botany of Mount Egmont and Neighbourhood, made in February, 1867 Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond x. 57; 1867. Notes on the Botany of the Province of Marlborough, made during a Visit there in the Months of November, December, and January, 1866–67 Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. x. 63, 1867. On Variation in the New Zealand Flora Trans. i. (n e.) 443; 1868. Sketch of the Botany of Otago " i. (n e.) 181, pl. v; 1868. On some New Species of NewZealand Plants " i. (n.e.) 88; 1868. On some New Species and Varieties of New Zealand Plants " iii. 208; 1870. Buchanan, J., and T. Kirk List of Plants found in the Northern District of the Province of Auckland " ii. 239; 1869. Buchanan, J. On some New Species of New Zealand Plants " iv. 224, pl. xii.-xvi.; 1871. Notice of a New Species of Senecio (S. hectori) " v. 348; 1872. List of Plants found on Miramar Peninsula, Wellington Harbour " v. 349; 1872. Notes on the Flora of the Province of Wellington, with a List of the Plants collected therein " vi. 210; 1873 On some New Species of New Zealand Plants " vi. 241, pl. xxii.; 1873. On the Durability of New Zealand Timber, with Suggestions for its Preservation " vi. 390; 1873.

Buchanan, J. On the Flowering Plants and Ferns of the Chatham Islands Trans. vii. 333, pl. xii.-xv.; 1874. Revised Description of Two Species of New Zealand Panax " ix. 529, pl xx. and xxi.; 1876. On Gnaphalium (Helichrysum) fasciculatum, sp. n. " ix. 529, pl. xix.; 1876. On the Root-stock of Marratia fraxinea Trans. ix. 527, pl. xviii.; 1876: Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. xvi. 2, pl. i. On the Botany of Kawau Island. Also Critical Notes on certain Species doubtfully indigenous to Kawau by T. Kirk Trans. ix. 503; 1876. On charring Timber as a Protection from the Teredo " ix. 183; 1876. On the Durability of Matai Timber " ix. 182; 1876. On a Means of selecting the most Durable Timber " x. 190; 1877. Description of a New Species of Celmisia " xi. 427, pl. xviii.; 1878. Notes on some New Zealand Plants " xii. 380; 1879. Alpine Plants " xiii. 434; 1880. On the Alpine Flora of New Zealand " xiv. 342, pl. xxiv.-xxxv.; 1881. On some Plants new to New Zealand, and Description of a New Species. " xiv. 356; 1881. Additions to the Flora of New Zealand " xv. 339; 1882. Notes on New Species of Plants " xvi. 394, pl. xxxiv.-xxxvii.; 1883. Botanical Notes " xvi. 397. Campbell Island Flora " xvi. 398; 1883. On some Botanical Criticisms by Mr. Kirk in the Trans. N.Z. Inst. N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 182; 1883. On the Coniferous Plants in the Botanical Gardens, Wellington Trans. xviii. 414; 1885. Description of a New Species of Erigeion Trans. xvii. 287, pl. xv.; 1884. On Cyttaria purdiei Trans. xviii. 317, pl. xi.; 1885. Notes on the Coniferous Trees grown in the Colonial Botanical Gardens, Wellington Twentieth Ann. Rep. Col. Mus. and Lab. 1886, and Sixteenth Rep. Col. Bot. Gard. 1884–85 On some New Native Plants Trans. xix. 213, pl. xiv.-xviii.; 1886. On a Remarkable Branching Specimen of Hemitelia smithii Trans. xix. 217, pl. xii.-xiii.; 1886. Botanical Notes Trans. xx. 255, pl. xii. and xiii.; 1887.

Buller, Sir W. On a New Insectivorous Plant in New Zealand Trans. xxv. 302; 1892. Note on the Vegetable Caterpillar (Cordiceps robitsii) " xxvi. 155, pl. vii.; 1893. Carse, H. On the Occurrence of Panax arboreum as an Epiphyte on the Tree-fern Stems in the Mauku District " xxxiv. 359; 1901. On the Flora of the Mauku District " xxxiv. 362; 1901. Chapman, F. R. Description of a New Species of Celmisia " xxii. 444; 1889. On a New Species of Celmisia " xxiii. 407; 1890. On the Cultivation of the Auck-land Island Antheiicum " xxvi. 679; 1893. Cheeseman, T. F. On the Botany of the Titirangi District of the Province of Auckland " iv. 270; 1871. On the Fertilisation of the New Zealand Species of Pteiostylis " v. 352, pl. xx.; 1872. On Pteiostylis squamata in New Zealand " vii. 352; 1874. Description of a New Species of Senecio " vii. 348; 1874. On the Fertilisation of Acianthus and Cyitostylis " vii. 349; 1874. Description of a New Species of Hymenophyllum " viii. 330; 1875. On the Fertilisation of Sellieia " ix 542; 1876. Notes on the Fertilisation of Glossostigma " x. 353; 1877. Description of a New Species of Polypodium " x. 356; 1877. On the Occurrence of the Australian Genus Poiantheia in New Zealand " xi. 432; 1878. Notice of the Occurrence of Juncus tenuis, Willd., in New Zealand " xi. 433; 1878. Notice of the Occurrence of the Genus Kyllinga in New Zealand " xi. 434; 1878. On the Botany of Pirongia Mountain " xii. 317; 1879. On the Occurrence of the Genus Sporadanthus in New Zealand " xii. 324; 1879. On the Fertilisation of Thely-mitra " xiii. 291; 1880. Description of a New Species of Loranthus " xiii. 296; 1880. On some Recent Additions to the Flora of New Zealand " xiv. 299; 1881. Contributions to the Flora of the Nelson Provincial District " xiv. 301; 1881.

Cheeseman, T. F. The Naturalised Plants of the Auckland Provincial District Trans. xv. 268; 1882. On some Recent Additions to the Flora of New Zealand " xv. 298; 1882. Notes on the Fertilisation of Knightia N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 173; 1882. On some hitherto Unrecorded Plant-stations N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 202; 1882. Notice of the Discovery of Rha-godia in New Zealand Trans. xvi. 408; 1883. Additions to the New Zealand Flora " xvi. 409; 1883. A Revision of the New Zealand Species of Carex " xvi. 414; 1883. New Species of Plants " xvii. 235; 1884. Notes on the Fertilisation of certain New Zealand Plants " xvii. 455; 1884. Description of Three New Species of Copiosma " xviii. 315; 1885. On the New Zealand Species of Copiosma " xix. 218; 1886. Notes on the Three Kings Islands " xx. 141; 1887. On the Flora of the Kermadec Islands " xx. 151; 1887. Notice of the Discovery of Asplenium japonicum, a Fern new to the New Zealand Flora " xxii. 448; 1889. Further Notes on the Three Kings Islands " xxiii. 408; 1890. On some Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora " xxiv. 409; 1891. Additional Notes on the Genus Carex " xxiv. 413; 1891. On some Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora " xxviii. 534; 1895. On the flora of the North Cape District " xxix. 333; 1896. Notice of the Establishment of Vallisneria spiralis in Lake Takapuna, together with some Remarks on its Life-history " xxis. 386, pl. xxiii.; 1896. On some Plants new to the New Zealand Flora " xxix. 390; 1896. On the Occurrence of Ottelia in New Zealand " xxxi. 350; 1898. Description of a New Species of Coiysanthes " xxxi. 351; 1898. Notes on the Cultivated Food plants of the Polynesians, with Special Reference to the Ti Pore (Cordyline ter-minalis) " xxxiii. 306; 1900. Some Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora " xxxiii. 312; 1900.

Cockayne, L. An Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of New Zealland Phanerogams and their Development Trans. xxxiii. 265; 1900. Note on the Occurrence of the Genera Gunnera and Myosotis in the Chatham Islands " xxxiii. 298; 1900. The Improvement of Wild Flowers by Artificial Selection " xxix. 623; 1895. An Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of New Zealand Phanerogams and their Development " xxxi. 354, pl. xxx.-xxxiv.; 1898. On the Burning and Reproduction of Subalpine Scrub and its Associated Plants, with Special Reference to Arthur's Pass District " xxxi. 398, pl xxxv.-xxxvii.; 1898. Description of New Species of Astelia, Veronica, and Celmisia " xxxi. 419; 1898. On Ligusticum trifoliatum, Hk. f. " xxxi. 424; 1898. On Veronica armstrongii " xxxi. 732, pl. xxviii. and xxix., 1898. On the Freezing of New Zealand Alpine Plants. Notes of an Experiment conducted in the Freezing-chamber, Lvttelton " xxx. 435; 1897. An Inquiry into the Seedling Forms of New Zealand Phanerogams and their Development " xxxii 83, pl. viii. and ix.; 1899. A Sketch of the Plant-geography of the Waimakariri River Basin, considered chiefly from an Ecological Point of View " xxxii. 95, pl. x-xiii.; 1899. A Short Account of the Plant Covering of Chatham Island " xxxiv 243, pl.xvi.-xix.(a); 1901. On some Recent Changes in the Nomenclature of the New Zealand Myrsinaceæ " xxxv. 355; 1902. Colenso, W. On the Geographical and Economic Botany of the North Island of New Zealand " i. (n.e.) 233; 1868. Description of some New Ferns lately discovered in New Zealand " Tasmanian Journal, i. 375; 1842. Description of Two New Zealand Ferns believed to be new to Science Trans. xi. 429; 1878 A Memorandum of my First Journey to the Ruahine Mountainrange, and of the Flora of that Region, Part I. (Title only) " xi. 567; 1878.

Colenso, W. A Memorandum of my First Journey to the Ruahine Mountain-range, and of the Flora of that Region, Part II. (Title only) Trans. xi. 570; 1878. A few Remarks on a Cavern near Cook's Well at Tolaga Bay, and on a Tree (Sapota costata) found there " xii. 147; 1879 A Description of a few New Plants from our New Zealand Forests, with Dried Specimens of the same " xii. 359; 1879. Description of a New Species of Metzgeria; also a Brief Notice of Bœomyces heteromorphus, Nyl, in New Zealand " xiii. 368; 1880. The Ferns of Scinde Island " xiii. 370; 1880. On some New and Undescribed New Zealand Ferns " xiii. 376; 1880. On the Vegetable Food of the Ancient New Zealanders before Cook's Visit " xiii. 3; 1880. A Description of a few New Plants from our New Zealand Forests " xiv. 329; 1881. A Description of Four New Ferns from our New Zealand Forests " xv. 304; 1882. On a Large Number of Ferns noticed in a Small Area in the New Zealand Forest, in the Seventy-mile Bush, between Norsewood and Dannevirke, in the Provincial District of Hawke's Bay " xv. 311; 1882. Description of a few New Indigenous Plants " xv. 320; 1882. A Further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand " xvi. 325; 1883. Description of some Newly Discovered and Rare Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand " xvii. 237; 1884. A List of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand " xvii. 265; 1884. A Description of some Newly Discovered Cryptogamic Plants; being a Further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand " xviii. 219; 1885.

Colenso, W. A Description of some Newly Discovered and Rare Indigenous Plants; being a Further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand Trans. xviii. 256; 1885. A Brief List of some British Plants (Weeds) lately noticed, apparently of Recent Introduction into the Colony, with a few Notes thereon " xviii. 287; 1885. On Clianthus puniceus, Sol. " xviii. 291; 1885. A Few Observations on the Treeferns of New Zealand, with Particular Reference to their Peculiar Epiphytes, their Habits, and Mode of Growth " xix. 252, pl. xix.; 1886. A Description of some Newly Discovered and Rare Indigenous Phænogamic Plants; being a Further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand " xix. 259; 1886. A Description of some Newly Discovered Cryptogamic Plants; being a Further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand " xix. 271; 1886. An Enumeration of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand, with Brief Notes on the Species Novæ " xix. 301; 1886. On New Phænogamic Plants of New Zealand " xx. 188; 1887. On Newly Discovered and Imperfectly Known Ferns of New Zealand, with Critical Observations " xx. 212; 1887. On New Indigenous Cryptogams, of the Orders Lycopodiaceæ, Musci, and Hepaticæ " xx. 234; 1887. A Description of a Species of Orobanche (supposed to be new) parasitical on a Plant of Hydrocotyle " xxi. 41; 1888. A Description of some Newly Discovered Cryptogamic Plants; being a Further Contribution towards making known the Botany of New Zealand " xxi. 80; 1888. A Description of some Newly Discovered Indigenous Cryptogamic Plants " xxii. 449; 1889.

Colenso, W. A Description of some Newly Discovered Phænogamic Plants, &c Trans. xxii. 459; 1889. A Description of some Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants, &c. " xxiii. 381; 1890. An Enumeration of Fungi recently discovered in New Zealand " xxiii. 391; 1890. A Description of some Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants, &c. " xxiv. 387; 1891. Description of Three Newly Discovered New Zealand Ferns " xxiv. 394; 1891. A List of New Species of Hepaticæ novæ-zelandiæ, named by F. Stephani, Leipsic " xxiv. 398; 1891. Plain and Practical Thoughts and Notes on New Zealand Botany " xxiv. 400; 1891. Phænogams: A Description of some Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants; &c " xxv. 324; 1892. List of Fungi recently detected and collected in the Bush District, County of Hawke's Bay; &c. " xxv. 338; 1892. Memorandum of a few New Species of Hepaticæ lately detected in the Seventy-mile Bush, as determined by Dr. Stephani, of Berlin " xxv. 341; 1892. Bush Jottings: No. 2 (Botanical) " xxv. 307; 1892. Cryptogams: A Description of a few Lately Discovered Rare Indigenous Ferns; also, a Notice of a Fine and Peculiar Fungus (Ilæodictyon, Tulasne) " xxv. 319; 1892. Phænogams: A Description of a few Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants; &c. " xxvi. 313; 1893. A List of Fungi recently collected in the Bush District, County of Waipawa; &c. " xxvi. 320; 1893. Notes, Remarks, and Reminiscences of Two Peculiar Introduced and Naturalised South American Plants " xxvi. 320; 1893. On Four Notable Plants " xxvi. 333; 1893. Notes and Reminiscences of Early Crossings of the Romantically Situated Lake Waikaremoana, County of Hawke's Bay, of its Neighbouring Country, and of its Peculiar Botany; performed in the Years 1840–41 " xxvii. 359; 1894.

Colenso, W. Phænogams A Description of a few more Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants; &c. Trans. xxvii. 383; 1894. A Description of Two New Ferns and One New Lycopod, lately detected in our New Zealand Forests " xxvii. 399; 1894. An Account of the Finding of Two Australian Plants hitherto unnoticed in New Zealand " xxvii. 401; 1894. Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants, &c. " xxviii 591; 1895. New Zealand Cryptogams: A List of a few additional Cryptogamic Plants, of the Orders Hepaticæ and Fungi, recently detected in New Zealand " xxviii. 614; 1895. Cryptogams. A Description of Two New Ferns, a New Lycopodium, and a New Moss, &c. " xxviii. 615, 1895. Description of Three Ferns, believed to be undescribed, discovered more than Fifty Years ago in the Northern District of New Zealand " xxviii. 618; 1895. A Description of some New Indigenous New Zealand Forest Ferns " xxix. 414; 1896. Curious Articles of Vegetable Food, and the Modes of Cooking in use by the Maoris. (Title only) " xxix. 633; 1896 A Description of some Newly Discovered New Zealand Ferns " xxxi. 263; 1898. Phænogams: A Description of a few more Newly Discovered Indigenous Plants; &c. " xxxi. 266; 1898 Crawford, J. C. On Irrigation as applied to the Growth of New Zealand Flax " xi 129; 1869. On dusting Vines and Fruit-trees affected with Blight with Flour of Sulphur " xi 396, 1869. On Hedges and Hedge Plants " ix. 203; 1876. On New Zealand Coffee " ix. 545; 1876. Some Remarks on the Plant called Prickly Comfrey (Symphytum asperrimum) (Abstract) " x. 523, 1877. Further Remarks, with Description of Mode of storing it and other Forage-plants " x. 528; 1877. On Suitable Hedge Plants for New Zealand " xv. 524; 1882.

Crawford, J. C. On harvesting Crop independently of the Weather Trans. xv. 524; 1882. On Ensilage " xv. 524; 1882. Curl, S. M. On a few of the Grasses and other Herbage Plants that might be advantageously introduced into Cultivation in New Zealand " ix. 531; 1876. On Grasses " x. 345; 1877. Further Observations on certain Grasses and Fodder-plants " xi. 403; 1878. Pituri, a New Vegetable Product that deserves Further Investigation " xi. 411; 1878. On the Cultivation of Best for the Manufacture of Sugar " xii. 431; 1879. On Grasses and Fodderplants " xii. 382; 1879. On Introduce Trees and Plants of Economic Value to New Zealand " xiii. 427; 1880. On the Growth of the Sugar-best in New Zealand " xiii. 142; 1880. Easterfield, T. H., and B. C. Aston Studies on the Chemistry of the New Zealand Flora, Part I. " xxxiii. 345; 1900. Ditto, Part II., Karaka-nut " xxxiv. 495, 566; 1901. Easterfield, T. H. Remarks on the Whau (Entelea) " xxxiv. 565; 1901. Enys, J. On Recent Changes in the Nomenclature of New Zealand Ferns " iii. 213; 1870. On the Occurrence of the Fern Botrychium lunaria, Swb. (Moonwort), in New Zealand " xvi. 363; 1883. Field, H. C. Notes on Loranthus fieldii, Buch. " xvii. 288; 1884. On the Growth of Ferns; and on a New Fern now just reported " xxvii. 446; 1894. On Cordiceps robertsii " xxviii. 623; 1895. On Curious Forms of New Zealand Ferns " xxx. 434; 1897. Note on Hybrid Ferns " xxxv.; 1902. Variation in New Zealand Ferns Journ. of Botany, xxi. 140; 1883. Notes on New Zealand Ferns N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 128; 1882. Finlayson, A. C. The Stem-structure of some Leafless Plants of New Zealand, with Especial Reference to their Assimilatory Tissue Trans. xxxv. 360; 1902. Fitton, C. Notes on the Vegetable Caterpillar " xxix. 608; 1896.

Gardiner, Walter On the Glands of Coprosma baueriana Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond.; Nature, 3rd June, 1884; N.Z. Journ. of Sc. xi. 172, 1884. Gillies, J. B. Notes on the Growth of certain Trees on Scoria Soil near Mount Eden, Auckland Trans. xii. 357; 1879. Notes on Sorghum Experiments " xiv. 373; 1881. Further Notes on Sorghum Experiments " xv. 261; 1882. On the Growth of the Cork-oak in Auckland " xv. 267; 1882. Sorghum Experiments, 1882–83 " xvi. 512; 1883. Gorrie, W. On New Zealand Plants cultivated in Scotland " xiii. 428; 1880. Govett, R. H. A Bird-killing Tree " xvi. 364; 1883. Greensill, N. A. R. Structure of Leaf of certain Species of Coprosma " xxxv. 342, pl. xli-xliv.; 1902. Goyen, P. Occurrence of Celmisia ramulosa N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 182; 1882. Hackel, E. On New Species of Grasses from New Zealand Trans. xxxv. 377; 1902. Hackett, — On Forest Culture " xvi. 576; 1883. Hall, J. W. Remarks on New Zealand Trees planted at Parawai, Thames, at and subsequent to the Year 1873 " xxxiv. 388; 1891. Hall, K. M., and A. Vaughan-Jennings Notes on the Structure of Tmesipteris Proc. Roy. Irish Acad. iii. vol. ii. 1, pl. i.-v.; 1891. Hamilton, A. List of Plants collected in the District of Okarito, Westland Trans, xi. 435; 1878. Dactylanthus taylori N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 464; 1882. " N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 127; 1883. " N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 126; 1891. Notes on the so-called Vegetable Caterpillar of New Zealand Trans. xviii. 209; 1885. Notes on some New Zealand Ferns "xxii. 493; 1889. On the Forests of New Zealand " xxviii. 147; 1895. Note on a Branched Specimen of a Tree-fern (Hemitelia smithii) " xxviii. 622; 1895. List of the Described Genera and Species of New Zealand Flowering Plants " xxxi. 737; 1898. On Native Spring Flowers " xxxi. 743; 1898. Hamilton, W.S. Notes on the Occurrence and Habits of some of our New Zealand Plants " xvii. 290; 1884.

Hemsley, W. Botting On the Genus Corynocarpus, Forst., with Descriptions of Two New Species Ann. of Bot. xvii. 743, pl. xxxvi.; 1903. Flora of the Kermadec Islands Nature, xxxviii., 991. Hill, H. The Vegetable Caterpillar (Cordiceps robertsii) Trans. xxxiv. 396, pl. xxi.; 1891. Haszard, H. D. M. Notes on the Growth of the Indigenous and other Trees in New Zealand " xxxiv. 386; 1891. Haultain, Colonel On the Growth of Phormium tenax " v. 452; 1872. Hay, D. On the Cultivation of Native Trees " v. 452; 1872. On Trees suitable for Streets and Avenues " vii. 519; 1872. Heaphy, Major On the New Zealand Flax (Phormium tenax) " ii. 116; 1869. Hector, J. On the Geographical Botany of New Zealand " i. (n.e.) 157; 1868. Corrected List of New Zealand Ferns " iii. (end of vol); 1871. On Ergot in Rye-grass " vii. 488; 1874. Notice of a New Species of Pomaderris (P. tainui) " xi. 428; 1878. Remarks on Cork grown at the Hutt " xv. 528; 1882. On the Suitability of New Zealand White-pine when creosoted for Railway-sleepers " xvii. 447; 1884. On a Remarkable Lycopodium " xxxiii. 554; 1900. Hooker, Sir W. J. On a New Species of Thuja; and on Podocarpus totara, of New Zealand Lond. Journ. of Bot. i. 570; 1842. Hooker, J. D. On the Botany of Raoul Island, one of the Kermadec Group, in the South Pacific Ocean Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) i. 125; 1851. Hunt, R. R. Remarks on Dr. Curl's Paper on the Growth of Sugar-beet in New Zealand Trans. xiii. 441; 1880. Hutton, F. W. On the Structure of the Leaf of Phormium tenax " ii. 111; 1869. On Microscopic Characters of the Fibres of New Zealand Hemp as distinguished from those of Manila or Sisal " iv. 370; 1871. Observations on the Different Modifications in the Capsules of Mosses, with Reference to the Dispersal of their Spores " vii. 342; 1874. On a Fungus-penetrating Nostoc " x. 559; 1876. The Origin of the Fauna and Flora of New Zealand N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 1 and 249; 1883, 1884: Ann. And Mag. Nat. Hist. sec. v. vol. xiii. 425.

Inglis, John On New Species of New Zealand Diatoms Trans. xiv. 357, pl. xxii.; 1881. Notes on some of the Diatomaceous Deposits of New Zealand Trans. xv. 340, pl. xxix.; 1882. Jennings-Vaughan, A., and K. Hall Notes on the Structure of Tmesipteris Proc. R. Irish Acad. ser. iii. vol. ii. 1, pl. i.-v.; 1891. Kingsley, R. I. Botanical Notes from the Takaka District Trans. xxv. 304; 1892. On a Remarkable Variation in Lomoria lanceolata " xxv. 306; 1892. On the Presence of some Noxious Weeds in Nelson District " xxvi. 407. Botanical Notes: Plants new to Nelson District, &c, from West Wanganui " xxvi. 407; 1893. Botanical Notes " xxviii. 537; 1895. Notes on the Wangapeka Valley, Nelson " xxx. 442; 1897. Kirk, T., and F. W. Hutton Description of Arid Island, Hauraki Gulf " i. (n.e.) 108; 1868. Kirk, T. On the Botany of Great Barrier Island " i. (n.e.) 88; 1868. Catalogue of Plants found on the South and South - east Coasts of Little Barrier Island " i. (n.e.) 99; 1868. Catalogue of Naturalised Plants observed at Kororarika, Bay of Islands " i. (n.e.) 100; 1868. Notes on the Plants observed during a Visit to the North of Auckland " i. (n.e.) 84; 1868. On the Occurrence of Orobanche, a Genus new to the Flora of New Zealand " ii. 106; 1869. An Account of the Puka (Meryta sinclairii) " ii. 100; 1869. On Grasses and other Plants adapted for Pasturage in the Province of Auckland, especially with regard to Indigenous Kinds " ii. 102; 1869. On the Botany of the Thames Goldfield " ii. 89; 1869. On the Naturalised Plants of New Zealand, especially with regard to those occurring in the Province of Auckland " ii. 131; 1869. On Epacris purpurescens, Br., in New Zealand, with Remarks on Epacrispauciflora, A. Rich. " ii. 107; 1869. Notes on the Botany of certain Places in the Waikato District, April and May, 1870 " iii. 142; 1870.

Kirk, T. On the Flora of the Isthmus of Auckland and the Takapuna District Trans. iii. 148; 1870. On the Occurrence of Littoral Plants in the Waikato District " iii. 147; 1870. On the Discovery of Isoetes and other Genera of Rhizocarpæ new to the Flora of New Zealand " ii. 107; 1869. Notes on certain New Zealand Plants not included in the “Handbook of the New Zealand Flora” " iii. 163; 1870. An Account of an Undescribed Pittosporum and Loranthus in the Herbarium of the Colonial Museum, Wellington " iii. 161; 1870. On the Botany of the Northern Part of the Province of Auckland " iii. 166; 1870. Description of New Plants " iii. 177; 1870. On the Habits of the Rata (Metrosideros robusta) " iv. 267; 1871. On the New Zealand Species of Pittosporum, with Descriptions of New Species " iv. 260; 1871. Notes on the Local Distribution of certain Plants common to the British Isles and New Zealand " iv. 256; 1871. A Comparison of the Indigenous Flora of the British Isles and New Zealand " iv. 247; 1871. Notes on the New Zealand Asteliads, with Descriptions of New Species " iv. 241; 1871. On the Nativity in New Zealand of Polygonum aviculare, L. " iv. 238; 1871. On the Flora of the Isthmus of Auckland and the Takapuna District " iv. 228; 1871. Notice of a Remarkable Arborescent Fern on Ngongotaha " v. 347; 1872. Notes on the Flora of the Lakes District of the North Island " v. 322; 1872. On the Specific Characters of Dicksonia antarctica, Br., and D. lanata, Col. " v. 345; 1872. Notes on the Naturalised Plants of the Chatham Islands " v. 320; 1872. Further Notes on the Nativity of Polygonum aviculare in New Zealand, in reply to Mr. Travers " v. 315; 1872

Kirk, T. On the Botany and Conchology of Great Omaha Trans. v. 363; 1872. On the Chief Features of the Vegetation of the District between Maketu and Lake Taupo " v. 428; 1872. Notice of an Undescribed Species of Cordyline " vi. 244; 1873. On the New Zealand Forms of Cheilanthes " vi. 247, 1873. Description of a New Species of Isoetes " vii. 377, pl. xxv.; 1874. On the Occurrence of Juncus lamprocarpus, Ehr., in New Zealand " vii. 378; 1874. On the Occurrence of Lepilæna preissii, Muell., and Carex chlorantha, Br., in New Zealand " vii. 508; 1874. Remarks on a Paper by G. M. Thomson on the Naturalised Plants of Otago " vii. 539; 1874. Notes on Panax lineare " ix. 492; 1876. On a Remarkable Instance of Double Parasitism in Loranthaceæ " viii. 329; 1875. Description of a New Species of Rumex " ix 493; 1876. Note on the Economic Properties of certain Native Grasses " ix. 494; 1876. Description of Two New Species of Veronica " ix. 502; 1876. Description of New Plants " ix. 547, pl. xxx.; 1876. Description of a New Species of Pillularia " ix. 547, pl. xxix.; 1876. On Nephrodium ventangularum " x. 531; 1877. On Hymenophyllum armstrongii " x. 532; 1877. Description of a New Species of Hymenophyllum " x. 394, pl. xxi.; 1877. On Lindsaya viridis, Colenso " x. 396; 1877. On Nephrodium decompositum, Br., and N. glabellum, A. Cunn. " x. 398; 1897. On the Botany of Bluff Hill " x. 400; 1877. Contribution to the Botany of Otago " x. 406; 1877. Notes on Three Dried Specimens of Matai (Podocarpus spicata) " x. 417; 1877. On the Naturalised Plants of Port Nicholson and the Adjacent District " x. 362; 1877. On the New Zealand Species of Phyllocladus " x. 378; 1877.

Kirk, T. A Revised Arrangement of the New Zealand Species of Dacrydium, with Description of New Species Trans. x. 383, pl. xviii.-xx.; 1877. Notice of the Occurrence of a Variety of Zosteranana, Roth., in New Zealand " x. 392; 1877. Notice of the Occurrence of Juncus glaucus, L., in New Zealand " × 393; 1877. Notice of the Discovery of Monaclea forsteri, Hook., in New Zealand " x. 418; 1877. Description of New Plants " x. 419; 1877. On Hymenophyllum villosum, Col. " x. 395; 1877. Notes on Mr. Hamilton's Collection of Okarito Plants " xi. 439; 1878. Notes on the Botany of Waikeke, Rangitoto, and other Islands in the Hauraki Gulf " xi. 444; 1878. On the Export of Fungus from New Zealand " xi. 454; 1878. Description of a New Species of Lycopodium " xi. 456, pl. xix.; 1878. Description of a New Species of Hymenophyllum " xi. 457, pl. xix.; 1878. Notes and Suggestions on the Utilisation of certain Neglected New Zealand Timbers " xi. 458; 1878. Description of New Plants " xi. 463; 1878. Anniversary Address: On the Relationship between the Floras of New Zealand and Australia " xi. 539; 1878. Description of New Flowering Plants " xii. 393; 1879. Description of a New Clado phora " xii. 397; 1879. Notice of the Occurrence of Lagenophora emphysopus and other Unrecorded Plants in New Zealand " xii. 397; 1879. Description of New Plants " xiii. 384; 1880. Remarks on New Zealand Olives " xiii. 437; 1880. On the Occurrence of Triodia in New Zealand " xiii. 437; 1880. A Revision of the New Zealand Lepidia, with a Description of New Species " xiii. 437; 1880. Notes on Plants recently added to the New Zealand Flora " xiii. 437; 1880. Notes on Plants from Campbell Island " xiii. 437; 1880. On the Neglected Forest-products of New Zealand " xiii. 130; 1880.

Kirk,T. On the New Zealand Olives Trans. xiv. 375; 1881. Notice of the Occurrence of Tiiodia and Atropis in New Zealand, with Description of New Species " xiv. 378; 1881. A Revision of the New Zealand Lepidia, with Description of New Species " xiv. 379; 1881. Notes on Plants from Campbell Island " xiv. 387; 1881. Description of a New Species of Senecio " xv 359; 1882. Notes on Botrychium lunaiia " xvi. 366; 1883. Botanical Notes " xvi. 367; 1883. Notes on the Occurrence of Rhagodia at Port Nicholson " xvi. 369; 1883. Description of a New Pine " xvi. 370, pl. xxvi.; 1883 Description of New Plants collected on Stewart Island " xvi. 371, pl xxvii.; 1883 Notice of the Discovery of Amphibromus in New Zealand, with Description of a New Form " xvi. 374, pl. xxviii.; 1883. On Lycopodium varium, R. Br, and L billardieri, Spreng, with Description of a New Form " xvi. 376, pl xxix.-xxxi; 1883. Notes on Carmichaelia, with Descriptions of New Species " xvi. 378, pl. xxxii.-xxxiii.; 1883 On the Flowering Plants of Stewart Island " xvii. 213; 1884. On the Ferns and Fern Allies of Stewart Island " xvii. 228; 1884. On the Punui of Stewart Island (Aralia lyallii, n. sp.) "xvii 293, pl xvii.; 1884. Description of a Species of Fagus " xvii. 297, pl. xvi.; 1884. Notes on the New Zealand Beeches " xvii. 298; 1884. Additional Contributions to the Flora of the Nelson District " xviii. 318; 1885. Notes on Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora " xix. 285; 1886. On Trimorphism in the New Zealand Fuchsia " xix. 394; 1886. On the Naturalised Dodders and Broom-rapes of New Zealand " xx. 182; 1887. On the Occurrence of a Variety of Mitrasacme Montana, Hk. F., in New Zealand " xxii. 445, pl. xxxii.; 1889 Description of a New Species of Chenopodium " xxii. 446; 1889. On the Macrocephalous Olearias of New Zealand, with a Description of a new Species " xxiii. 443; 1890.

Kirk, T. Notes on certain. Species of Carex in New Zealand Trans. xxii. 448; 1890. On a Remarkable Variety of Asplenium umbi osum, J. Sm. " xxiii. 424; 1890. On the Botany of the Snares " xxiii. 426; 1890. On Pleurophyllum, Hk. f. " xxiii. 431; 1890. On the Botany of Antipodes Island " xxiii. 436; 1890. Description of New Species of Centiolepis, Labil. " xxiii. 441; 1890. Remarks on the Genus Abrotanella, Casa, with Description of New Species " xxiii. 418; 1890. Description of New Plants from the Vicinity of Port Nicholson Trans. xxiii. 423, pl. xxxvi.; 1890. Notice of the Occurrence of Australian Orchids in New Zealand Trans. xxiii. 425; 1890. On a New Mistletoe Trans. xxiii 429, pl. xxxvii.; 1890. On Heterostyled Trimorphic Flowers in New Zealand Fuchsias, with Notes on the Distinctive Characters of the Species Trans. xxv. 261. pl. xix.; 1892. Description of a New Species of Pimelea. Trans. xxi. 259; 1893. Description of New Cyperaceous Plants chiefly from the Nelson Provincial District " xxvi. 260; 1893. Remarks on the New Zealand Sow thistles, with Description of a New Species " xxvi. 263; 1893. On the Preparation and Preservation of Botanical Specimens Trans. xxvii. 27; pl. xxvi.(a); 1894. On New Forms of Celmisia, Cass. Trans. xxvii. 327; 1894. A Revision of the New Zealand Gentians Trans. xxvii. 330,; pl. xxvii.; 1894. On the New Zealand Species of Gunnera Trans. xxvii. 341; 1894. Description of New or Remarkable Plants from the Upper Waimakariri " xxvii. 349; 1894. Description of New Grasses from Macquarie Island " xxvii. 353; 1894. A Revision of the New Zealand Species of Colobantnus, Bart. Trans. xxvii. 354. pl. xxvii.; 1894. Notes on MS. Descriptions of Collections made during Captain Cook's First Voyage Trans. xxvii. 491; 1895. Notes on Dactylanthus taylori, Hk. f. " xxviii. 493; 1895.

Kirk, T. On Zannichellia and Lepilæna in New Zealand Trans. xxviii. 498; 1895. On the Products of a Ballast-heap " xxviii. 501; 1895. Notice of the Occurrence of an Undescribed Palm-lily on the Auckland Peninsula " xxviii. 508; 1895. A Revision of the New Zealand Species of Hymenanthera, R, Br. " xxviii. 510; 1895. Notes on certain Veronicas, and Descriptions of New Species " xxviii. 515; 1895. Remarks on Aristotelia racemosa " xxvii. 735; 1895. Remarks on Drawings of New Zealand Zealand Veronicas " xxviii. 735 1895. Note on Double-flowered Columbines " xxviii. 738 1895. Description of a New Species of Gramineæ " xxix. 497, pl. xliv.; 1896. Remarks on Paratrophis heterophylla " xxix. 498, pl xlv. And xlvi.; 1896. On Carmuchaeha, Corallospartium, Huttonella, and Notospartium " xxix. 501; 1896. Notes on the Botany of the East Cape District " xxix 509; 1896. On the History of Botany in Otago " xxix. 532; 1896. Description of a New Species of Drimys " xxx. 379; 1897. Remarks on Gunnera “ovata,” Petrie, and G. flavida, Col., in reply to Mr. Petrie " xxx. 380; 1897. Notes on Recent Additions to the New Zealand Flora Journ. Linn. Soc. Bot. xix. 285; 1882: and N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 382 Mr. Buchanan's Criticisms N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 266; 1882 Botrycium lunaria, Sw. N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 335. Glossogyne kennedyi N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 28; 1883 New Introduced Plants N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 29; 1883 Kirk, H. B. Notice of the Discovery of Calceolaria repens, Hk. f., and other Plants in the Wellington District Trans. xi. 466; 1878 Kirk, T. W. On the Occurrence of Xanthium strumosum, L., in New Zealand " xxvi. 310; 1893. Knight, Charles A Description of some New Species of Gymnostomum " vii. 354, pl. xxviii.; 1874. Description of some New Zealand Lichens " vii. 356, pl. xxiii.; 1874.

Knight, Charles Description of a New Species of Fabronia Trans. viii. 312, pl. x.; 1875. On the Lichen Flora of New Zealand " viii. 313, pl. xi.; 1875. Contributions to the Lichenographia of New Zealand " xii. 367, pl. xii. and xiii.; 1879. Description of a New Species of Thysanothecium " xiii. 385, pl. xvii.; 1880. On the Lichenographia of New Zealand " xv 346, pl. xxxv.-xxxviii.; 1882. On the Lichenographia of New Zealand " xvi.400, pl. xxxix.-xli.; 1883. Koelber, D. Reliquiis Hochstetterianus " 1862. Kunze, Gustav Phylloglossum, Gen. Nov. ex Ord. Novo Bot. Zeitung i. col. 721; 1843. Laing, R. M. On the Classification of the Algæ Trans. xvii. 299; 1885. Observations on the Ficordeæ of Banks Peninsula " xvii. 303, pl. x. and x.(a); 1885. Note on Splachnidium rugosum, Grev. " xxv. 288; 1892. On Lessonia variegata, J. Agh. " xxvi. 304; 1893. The Algæ of New Zealand; their Characteristics and Distribution " xxvii. 297; 1894. Notes on several Species of Delesseria " xxix, 446, pl. xxvi. and xxviii.; 1896. On some New Zealand Seaweeds " xxx. 568; 1897. Revised List of New Zealand Seaweeds, Part I. " xxxii. 57, pl. v.-vii.; 1899. A List of the Seaweeds of Norfolk Island " xxxiii. 299; 1900. Revised List of New Zealand Seaweeds, Part II. " xxxiv. 327; 1901. Lecoy, A. The Forest Question in New Zealand " xii. 1; 1879. Lee, Clem. W. Notes on a Plant (Glossostigma elatnoides) from beside the Maungapouri Stream Otaki " xxi. 108; 1888. Levin, W. H. On a Lichen of the Genus Lecanoa " xiv. 540; 1881. Leighton, W. A. Additions to the Lichens of New Zealand Proc. Linn. Soc. x. 30, pl. iv.; 1867. Lindsay, W. Lauder List of Fungi collected in New Zealand Proc. Linn. Soc. ix. pt. ii.; 1865. Observations of New Zealand Lichens Trans. Linn. Soc. xxv. pt. iii. 88; 1866. Notes on New Zealand Stictatæ Trans. Linn. Soc. xxv. pt. iii. 88; 1866. On the Diatomaceæ of New Zealand Trans. Linn. Soc. ix. 129; 1865. Low, E. On the Vegetative Organs of Haastia pulvinaris Trans. xxxi. 150, pl. xvii.-xix.(a); 1899.

Ludlam, A. On the Cultivation and Ac climatisation of Trees and Plants Trans. i. (n.e.) 285; 1868. Mackay, T. On the American Blight on Apple-trees " iv. 429; 1871. On the Cultivation of the Sugar beet in New Zealand " v. 485; 1872. Mair, W. G. On the Occurrence of the Clover dodder (Cuscuta trifolia) in the Waikato District " v. 450; 1872. Mair, G. On a Marine Plant called by the Maoris “Totaramoana” " x. 554; 1876. Maskell, W. M. Contribution towards a List of the New Zealand Desmidiaceæ " xiii. 297, pl. xi. and xii.; 1880. On the New Zealand Desmidiaceæ: Additions to Catalogue and Notes on various Species " xv 237, pl. xxiv. and xxv.; 1882. On a New Variety of Desmid " xviii. 325; 1885. On the Honeydew of Coccidæ, and the Fungus accompanying these Insects " xix. 41, pl. i.; 1886. On Tree-blights " xix. 592; 188C. Further Notes of the Desmidieæ of New Zealand " xxii. 3, pl. i.-vi.; 1889. On the so-called Vegetable Caterpillar and other Fungi that attack Insects " xxvi. 664; 1894. Mason, T. List of Plants injured by Frost at Taita, near Wellington " xvii. 447; 1884. An Account of the Plants growing at “The Gums,” Taita " xxix 393; 1896. An Account of the Plants growing at “The Gums,” Taita, in Addition to List published in 1896 " xxxv. 374; 1902. Maasee, G. The Fungus Flora of New Zealand " xxxi. 282, pl. xxii.-xxiv.; 1898. Matthews, H. T. On the Condition of Forestry in New Zealand " xxxiii. 576; 1900. McArthur, D. On the Importance of Forestry " xv. 461; 1882. Meeson, J. On a New Species of Dodder " xx. 474; 1887. On the Relation between Rainfall and Forest Rep of A.A.A.S. 310, 1891. Mettenius Ueber Phylloglossum Bot. Zeitung. Mitten, W. Description of some New Musci from New Zealand and other Parts of the Southern Hemisphere, &c. Proc. Linn. Soc. iv. 64; 1860. Mollet, T. A. On the Structure of Hormosira billardieii Trans. xiii. 318, pl. xiii. and xiv.; 1880. Monro, Sir David On the Leading Features of the Geographical Botany of the Provinces of Nelson and Marlborough " i. (n.e.) 161; 1868.

Moore, T. O. On Flowers in Relation to Insects Trans. xxxi. 443; 1899. Mueller, H.von Preliminary Note on Mr. H. Travers's Recent Collections of Plants from the Chatham Islands " v. 309; 1872. On a New Lepyiodia " vi. 384; 1873. Note on Sporadanthus, a New Genus of Plants from the Chatham Islands " vi. 389; 1878. Plurality of Cotyledons in Persoonia N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 115; 1882. Hybridism of New Zealand Plants N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 20; 1883. Mueller, J. Consp. Syst. Lich Nov. Zelandiæ Bull. de l'Herbier Boissier, ii. App. 1; 1894. Lichenes Colensoam a Rev. Colenso in N.Z. septentrionali porpe Napier lecti, et nuperius missi, in Herb. Reg. Kewensi servati Proc. Linn. Soc. xxxii. 197; 1895. Naylor-Beckett, T. W. Description or New Species of Musci Trans. xxv. 289, pl. xxxiv.-xliv.; 1892. On some Little-known New Zealand Mosses " xxv. 297; 1892. On Four New Species of New Zealand Mosses " xxvi. 274, pl. xxv.-xxx.; 1893. On some Little-known New Zealand Mosses " xxvi. 277; 1893. On New Zealand Mosses " xxvi. 403, pl. xxviii.; 1893. On New Zealand Mosses " xxix 441, pl. xxiv. and xxv; 1896. Some Recent Additions to the Moss Flora of New Zealand " xxxi. 426; 1898. Nottidge, T. On the Structure and Colour of the Fibre of Phormium tenax " ii. 108; 1869. Nordstedt Fresh-water Algæ collected by S. Berggren in New Zealand and Australia (Stockholm) " 1888. Nylander, W. Lichenes Novæ-zelandiæ quos ibi legit, annos 1861, Dr. Lauder Lindsay Proc. Linn. Soc. 2; 1865: Trans. Linn. Soc. ix. 244; 1865. Park, Archibald On Animal and Vegetable Para sites associated with the Production of Neoplasms in Cattle and Sheep Trans. xxviii. 451; 1895. Parker, T. J. Remarks on a Section of Macrocystis " xiv. 562; 1881. Peppercorne, F. S. Influence of Forests on Climate and Rainfall " xii. 24; 1879. Petrie, D. Description of a New Species of Copiosma " xi. 426; 1878. Notice of the Occurrence of Liparophyllum gunnii, Lob., in New Zealand " xii. 354; 1879.

Petrie, D. Notice of the Occurrence of a Species of Hemiphues in New Zealand Trans. xii. 355; 1879. Description of a New Species of Ehrhaita "xii. 356, pl. x.; 1879 A Visit to Stewart Island, with Notes on its flora " xiii. 323; 1880. Description of a New Species of carex " xiii. 332; 1880. Description of New Plants " xiv. 362; 1881. Description of Two New Species of Carex " xv. 358; 1882. Description of a Variety of Celmisia sessliflora, Hk. f " xv. 359; 1882. Notice of Olearia hectori, Hk. f. " xvi. 393; 1883. Description of New Species of Native Plants " xvii. 269; 1884. Description of Three New Species of Uncinia " xvii. 271; 1884. Description of a New Species of Carmichaela, with Notes on the Species native to Otago " xvii. 272; 1884. Description of New Species of Native Plants " xviii. 296; 1885. Description of a New Species of Acœna " xviii. 428; 1885. The Rapid Increase of Eiechtites prenanthoides, D.C. N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 454, 1885. Is Stipa setacea Indigenous to New Zealand N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 335; 1884. A New New Zealand Flora N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 562; 1885. Notes on Olearia hectori N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 37; 1884. Plants suitable for Cultivation in New Zealand N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 77; 1884. New Species of New Zealand Plants N.Z. Journ of Sc. ii. 242, 352, 504, 526; 1884. List of New Plant stations N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 391; 1884. Occurrence of Zoysia pungens in Central Otago N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 454; 1885. Descriptions of New Native Plants Trans. xix. 323; 1886. Descriptions of New Native Plantss " xix. 325; 1886. Description of a New Species of Uncinia, Persoon " xx. 185; 1887. Descriptions of New Zealand Plants " xxi. 523; 1888. Descriptions of New Native Plants " xxii. 439; 1889. Descriptions of New Native Plants, with Notes on some Known Species " xxiii. 398; 1890.

Petrie, D. Description of a New Genus and of New Species of Native Plants Trans. xxv. 269, pl. xx.; 1892. On a Genus of Boragineœ new to New Zealand " xxv. 559; 1892. Descriptions of New Native Plants " xxvi, 405; 1893. Descriptions of New Native Plants " xxvi. 266; 1893. Descriptions of Three New Native Plants " xxviii. 538; 1895. List of the Flowering-plants indigenous to Otago, with Indications of their Distribution and Range in Altitude " xxviii. 540; 1895. Supplement to List of Flowering Plants of Otago " xxix. 421; 1896. Note on Gunnera ovata, Petrie " xxix. 422; 1896. Descriptions of New Native Plants " xxix. 425; 1896. A Modern Chapter in Vegetable Physiology " xxix. 427; 1896. Description of a New Native Species of Coprosma " xxx. 433; 1897. Botanical Notes " xxxi. 352, pl. xxv. xxvii.; 1898. Descriptions of New Native Plants " xxxiii. 328; 1900. Descriptions of New Native Plants, and Notes " xxxiv. 390; 1901. On the Pollination of Rhabdothamnus solandii " xxxv. 321; 1902. Pharazyn, R. Notes on St. John Nursery Gardens, Wanganui " iv. 367; 1871. Pond, J. A. On the Sugar-values of Beetroots grown in the Waikato District " xiv. 365; 1881. Potts, T. H, and W. Gray On the Cultivation of some Native Trees and Shrubs " iii. 181; 1870. Potts, T. H. Notes on Ferns " x. 358; 1877. Notes on a Lomaria collected in the Malvern District " ix. 491; 1876. Habits of Filices observed about the Malvern Hills, near the Gorge of the Rakaia River, New Zealand Journ. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) xv. 423; 1876. Powell, Ll. On Wolffia, the Smallest Flowering Plant known Trans. vii. 527; 1874. Prideaux, E. B. R. Investigations into Kauri-resin " xxxiii. 368; 1900. Purchas, A G. On the Preparation of New Zealand Flax " i. (n.e.) 472 Ralph, T. S. On the Arborescent Ferns of New Zealand Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. iii. 163. Rowe, T. W. Observations on the Development of the Flower of Coriaria ruscifolia, L. Trans. xix. 317, pl. xxi.; 1886.

Rutland, J. The Fall of the Leaf. Trans. xxi. 110; 1888. Nesodaphne tawa, The Timber of N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 110; 1884. On the Regrowth of the Totara Trans. xxxiii. 324; 1900. Salmon, E. S. On a New Zealand Isotachis new to Science Trans. xxxiv. 325, pl. xx; 1901. Seward,— The Anatomy of Todea Trans. Linn. Soc. Lond. (Bot.) ser. in vol. vi. 237, pl. v; 1903. Skey, W. On Extract of Towai-bark Trans. i. (n.e.) 431; 1867. Notes on the Presence in certain Fibres of a certain Substance susceptible of some Striking Calorific Ohanges when chemically treated (see Rep of Flax Commissioners, 1870–71, p. 92) " iv. 370; 1871. Smith, J. Crosbie Some Seaweeds from Dunedin " xxx. 581; 1897. On a New Marine Alga, Nitophyllum microphylla " xxx. 582; 1897. Notes on some New Species of Marine Algœ " xxxi. 439; 1898. Smith, J. A. On certain New Zealand and Australian Barks useful for Tanning Purposes " xi. 570; 1878. Smith, S. Percy Note on a Branched Nikau Tree " x. 357, pl. xv.; 1877. Spencer, W. J. On the Fresh-water Algœ of New Zealand " xiv 287, pl. xxiii.; 1881. Notes on Fresh-water Algœ " xv. 302; 1882. Stwart, James On Mottled Kauri " vii. 376; 1874. Stephani, F. A Revision of Colenos's Hepaticœ, with Descriptions of New Species collected by him Journ. Linn. Soc. (Bot.) 263, pl. xxvi.-xxviii., 1892. Stirton, J. Additions to the Lichen Flora of New Zealand Proc. Linn. Soc. xiv. 458; 1875. Descriptions of some New Zealand Lichens collected by John Buchanan in the Province of Wellington Trans. vi. 235; 1873. Description of a New Lichen, Stereocaulon buchanani " vii. 368, pl. xxv., 1874. On New Australian and New Zealand Lichens " xxx. 382; 1897. On New Classification of the Genus Pyxine " xxx. 393; 1897. On New Lichens from Australia and New Zealand " xxxii. 70; 1899. Sturm, F. W. On the Beneficial Raising of Trees suited for Timber and Firewood " xi 568; 1878. Tennant, J. Notice of a Catalogue of Flowering Plants found near Dunedin " xxviii. 757; 1895. On some New Zealand Fresh water Algœ " xxx. 581; 1897.

Tennant, J. On Nitrogenous Nodules from the Roots of Leguminous Plants Trans. xxxi. 738; 1898. List of Fresh-water Algœ collected " xxxi. 748; 1898. Thomas, A. P. W. On the Prothallium of Phylloglossum " xxxiv. 402; 1891. Thomas, R. The Affinities of Tmesipteris with the Spœanophyllates Proc. Roy. Soc. Lond. lxix. 343. Thomson, G. M. On some Naturalised Plants of Otago Trans. vii. 370; 1874. Note on some Otago Plants " ix. 538; 1876. Notes on Cleistogamic Flowers of the Genus Viola " xi. 415; 1878. On the Means of Fertilisation among some New Zealand Orchids " xi. 418; 1878. On the Fertilisation of New Zealand Flowering Plants " xiii 241, pl. x.; 1880. Note on Donatia novœ-zealandiœ, Hk. f. " xiii. 289; 1880. Notes on the Cleistogamic Flowers of Melicope simplex " xxiii. 416; 1891. On the Occurrence of Pterostylis aphylla, Land., in New Zealand N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 40; 1882. On Mimulus radicans N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 42; 1882. On Adenochilus gracilis, Hk. f. N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 71; 1882. In Presidential Address, Otago Institute: Geographical Distribution of Plants N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 79; 1883. Endosmotic Movements in Nitella N.Z. Journ. of Sc. i. 333; 1883. Botanical Evolution N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 361, 409, 457; 1884. Introduced Plants of Otago N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 573; 1855 The Forthcoming Flora of New Zealand N.Z. Journ. of Sc. iii. 49; 1891. The Forster Herbarium N.Z. Journ. of Sc. ii. 578; 1885; and Nature, Sept. 24, 1885. On some Peculiar Attachment Trans. Discs developed in some Species of Loranthus Trans. xxxi. 736; 1896. Plant-acclimatisation in New Zealand " xxxiii. 313; 1900. Thomson, P Notes on Rare Ferns " vii. 540; 1874. Travers, H. H. Notes on the Chatham Islands Proc. Linn. Soc. Lond. ix. 135. Travers, W. T. L On the Utilisation of the Phormium tenax Trans. i. (n.e.) 114; 1868.

Travers, W. T. L. Remarks on the Comparison of the General Features of the Flora of the Provinces of Nelson and Marlborough with that of Canterbury Trans. i. (n.e.) 174; 1868. On the Origin in New Zealand of Polygonum aviculare, L. " v. 310; 1872. On the spread of Cassinia leptophylla " vi. 248; 1873. Notes on the Difference in Food-plants now used by Civilised Man as compared with those used in Prehistoric Times " xviii. 30; 1885. Vaughan-Gwynne, D.T. Observations on the Anatomy of Solenostenic Ferns, Part I. Ann. of Bot. xv.; 1901. Ditto, Part II. Ann. of Bot. xvii. 689, pl. xxxiii-xxxv.; 1903. Urquhart, A. T. Notes on Epacris microphylla in New Zealand Trans. xiv. 364; 1881. On the Natural Spread of the Eucalyptus in the Karaka District " xvi. 383; 1883. Walker, Campbell State Forestry, its Aims and Objects " ix. 187; 1876. The Climatic and Financial Aspect of Forest-conservancy as applicable to New Zealand Trans. ix. (Appendix) 27; 1876: and C.-3, App. Journ. H. of R., 1877. Walsh, P. On an Abnormal Growth of New Zealand Flax Trans. xiv. 374; 1881. On the Disappearance of the New Zealand Bush " xxix. 490; 1896. On the Future of the New Zealand Bush " xxxi. 471; 1898. On the Occurrence of Cordyline terminalis in New Zealand " xxxiii. 301; 1900. Webb, J. S. On the Natural-history Collections in the Otago Museum (Herbarium) " iii. 203; 1870. Notes on Plants collected near Invercargill " v. 360; 1872. Williams, G. W. Remarks on Forest Planting and Conservation with reference to Particular Localities in the Wellington District (Abstract) " xii. 428; 1879. Wojeikof, A. The Result of the Destruction of Forests upon the River Wolga at Astrachan " iv. 374; 1871.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 36, 1903, Page 342

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Art. XXIX.—List of Papers and Notices on Botanical Subjects in the “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute” and other Publications. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 36, 1903, Page 342

Art. XXIX.—List of Papers and Notices on Botanical Subjects in the “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute” and other Publications. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 36, 1903, Page 342

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