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New Zealand Institute. Established Under an Act of the General Assembly of New Zealand Institute “The New Zealand Institute Act, 1867.” Board of Governors. (Ex Officio.) His Excellency the Governor. The Hon. the Colonial Secretary. (Nominated.) The Hon. W. B. D. Mantell, F.G.S., W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S., James Hector, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S., the Ven. Archdeacon Stock, B.A., Thomas Mason, M.H.R., the Hon. G. Randall Johnston, M.L.C. (Elected.) 1880.—Captain W. E. Russell, M.H.R., W. L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., F.R.S., Thomas Kirk, F.L.S. 1881.—Captain W. R. Russell, M.H.R., James McKerrow, A. K. Newman, M.B., M.B.C.P. Manager: James Hector. Honorary Treasurer: The Ven. Archdeacon Stock. Secretary: B. B. Gore. Abstracts of Rules and Statutes. Gazetted in the “New Zealand Gazette,” 9th March, 1868. Section I. Incorporation of Societies. 1. No society shall be incorporated with the Institute under the provisions of “The New Zealand Institute Act, 1867,” unless such society shall consist of not less than twenty-five members, subscribing in the aggregate a sum of not less than fifty pounds sterling annually, for the promotion of art, science, or such other branch of knowledge for which it is associated, to be from time to time certified to the satisfaction of the Board of Governors of the Institute by the Chairman for the time being of the society. 2. Any society incorporated as aforesaid shall cease, to be incorporated with the Institute in case the number of the members of the said society Shall at any time become less than twenty-five, or the amount of money annually subscribed by such members shall at any time be less than £50.

3. The bye-laws of every society to be incorporated as aforesaid shall provide for the expenditure of not less than one-third of its annual revenue in or towards the formation or support of some local public Museum or Library, or otherwise shall provide for the contribution of not less than one-sixth of its said revenue towards the extension and maintenance of the Museum and Library of the New Zealand Institute. 4. Any society incorporated as aforesaid, which shall in any one year fail to expend the proportion of revenue affixed in manner provided by Rule 3 aforesaid, shall from thenceforth cease to be incorporated with the Institute. 5. All papers read before any society for the time being incorporated with the Institute shall be deemed to be communications to the Institute, and may then be published as proceedings or transactions of the Institute, subject to the following regulations of the Board of the Institute regarding publications. Regulations regarding Publications. (a.) The publications of the Institute shall consist of a current abstract of the proceedings of the societies for the time being incorporated with the Institute, to be intituled “Proceedings of the New Zealand Institute,” and of transactions comprising papers read before the incorporated societies (subject, however, to selection as hereinafter mentioned), to be intituled “Transactions of the New Zealand Institute.” (b.) The Institute shall have power to reject any papers read before any of the incorporated societies. (c.) Papers so rejected will be returned to the society before which they were read. (d.) A proportional contribution may be required from each society towards the cost of publishing the Proceedings and Transactions of the Institute. (e.) Each incorporated society will be entitled to receive a proportional number of copies of the Proceedings and Transactions of the Institute, to be from time to time fixed by the Board of Governors. (f.) Extra copies will be issued to any of the members of incorporated societies at the cost of publication. 6. All property accumulated by or with funds derived from incorporated societies, and placed in the charge of the Institute, shall be vested in the Institute, and be used and applied at the discretion of the Board of Governors for public advantage, in like manner with any other of the property of the Institute. 7. Subject to “The New Zealand Institute Act, 1867,” and to the foregoing rules, all societies incorporated with the Institute shall be entitled to retain or alter their own form of constitution and the bye-laws for their own management, and shall conduct their own affairs. 8. Upon application signed by the Chairman and countersigned by the Secretary of any Society, accompanied by the certificate required under Rule No. 1, a certificate of incorporation will be granted under the Seal of the Institute, and will remain in force as long as the foregoing rules of the Institute are complied with by the Society. Section II. For the Management of the Property of the Institute 9. All donations by societies, public departments, or private individuals, to the Museum of the Institute shall be acknowledged by a printed form of receipt, and shall be duly entered in the books of the Institute provided for that purpose, and shall then be dealt with as the Board of Governors may direct.

10. Deposits of articles for the Museum may be accepted by the Institute, subject to a fortnight's notice of removal to be given either by the owner of the articles or by the Manager of the Institute, and such deposits shall be duly entered in a separate catalogue. 11. Books relating to Natural Science may be deposited in the Library of the Institute, subject to the following conditions:— (a.) Such books are not to be withdrawn by the owner under six months' notice, if such notice shall be required by the Board of Governors. (b.) Any funds specially expended on binding and preserving such deposited books, at the request of the depositor, shall be charged against the books, and must be refunded to the Institute before their withdrawal, always subject to special arrangements made with the Board of Governors at the time of deposit. (c.) No books deposited in the Library of the Institute shall be removed for temporary use except on the written authority or receipt of the owner, and then only for a period not exceeding seven days at any one time. 12. All books in the Library of the Institute shall be duly entered in a catalogue which shall be accessible to the public. 13. The public shall be admitted to the use of the Museum and Library, subject to bye-laws to be framed by the Board. Section III. 14. The Laboratory shall, for the time being, be and remain under the exclusive management of the Manager of the Institute. Section IV. Of Date 23rd September, 1870. Honorary Members. Whereas the rules of the Societies incorporated under the New Zealand Institute Act provide for the election of Honorary Members of such Societies; but inasmuch as such Honorary Members would not thereby become members of the New Zealand Institute, and whereas it is expedient to make provision for the election of Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute, it is hereby declared— 1st. Each Incorporated Society may, in the month of November next, nominate for election as Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute three persons, and in the month of November in each succeeding year, one person, not residing in the colony. 2nd. The names, descriptions, and addresses of persons so nominated, together with the grounds on which their election as Honorary Members is recommended, shall be forthwith forwarded to the Manager of the New Zealand Institute, and shall by him be submitted to the Governors at the next succeeding meeting. 3rd. From the persons so nominated, the Governors may select in the first year not more than nine, and in each succeeding year not more than three, who shall from thenceforth be Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute, provided that the total number of Honorary Members shall not exceed thirty.

List of Incorparated Societies Name of Society. Date of Incorporation. Wellington Philosophical Society 10th June, 1868. Auckland Institute 10th June, 1868. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury 22nd October, 1868. Otago Institute 18th October, 1869. Westland Institute 21st December, 1874. Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute 31st March, 1875. Southland Institute 21st July, 1880. Wellington Philosophical Society. Office-Bearers for 1880:—President—Martin Chapman; Vice-presidents—Dr. Hector, C.M.G., F.R.S., Dr. Buller, C.M.G., F.R.S.; Council—F. W. Frankland, S. H. Cox, F.G.S., F.C.S., Hon. G. Randall Johnson, M.L.C., W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S., T. Kirk, F.L.S., A. K. Newman, M.B., M.R.C.P., J. P. Maxwell, A.I.C.E.; Auditor—Arthur Baker; Secretary and Treasurer—B. B. Gore. Office-Bearers for 1881.—President—James Hector, C.M.G., M.D., F.R.S.; Vice-presidents—Dr. Buller, C.M.G., F.R.S., Hon. G. Randall Johnson, M.L.C.; Council—W. T. L. Travers, F.L.S., T. Kirk, F.L.S., A. K. Newman, M.B., M.R.C.P., J. P. Maxwell, A.I.C.E., F. W. Frankland, R. H. Govett, Martin Chapman; Auditor—W. N. Bannatyne;—Secretary and Treasurer—R. B. Gore. Extracts from the Rules of the Wellington Philosophical Society. 5. Every member shall contribute annually to the funds of the Society the sum of one guinea. 6. The annual contribution shall be due on the first day of January in each year. 7. The sum of ten pounds may be paid at any time as a composition for life of the ordinary annual payment. 14. The time and place of the General Meetings of members of the Society shall be fixed by the Council and duly announced by the Secretary. Auckland Institute. Office-Bearers for 1880:—President—F. D. Fenton; Council—G. Aickin, Rev. J. Bates, J. L. Campbell, M.D., J. C. Firth, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Neil Heath, F.G.S., E. A. Mackechnie, J. A. Pond, Rev. Dr. Purchas, J. Stewart, M. Inst. C.E., S. P. Smith; Auditor—T. Macffarlane; Secretary and Treasurer—T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S.

Office-Bearers for 1881:—President—T. Peacock; Council—G. Aicken, Rev. J. Bates, J. L. Campbell, M.D., J. C. Firth, Hon. Colonel Haultain, Neil Heath, F.G.S., E. A. Machechnie, J. Martin, F.G.S., J. A. Pond, Rev. A. G. Purchas, S. P. Smith; Auditor—T. Macffarlane; Secretary and Treasurer—T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. Extracts from the Rules of the Auckland Institute. 1. Any person desiring to become a member of the Institute, shall be proposed in writing by two members, and shall be balloted for at the next meeting of the Council. 4. New members on election to pay one guinea entrance fee, in addition to the annual subscription of one guinea, the annual subscriptions being payable in advance on the first day of April for the then current year. 5. Members may at any time become life-members by one payment of ten pounds ten shillings, in lieu of future annual subscriptions. 10. Annual General Meeting of the Society on the third Monday of February in each year. Ordinary Business Meetings are called by the Council from time to time. Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. Office-Bearers for 1880:—President—E. Dobson, C.E.; Vice-presidents—Professor Julius von Haast, F.R.S., the Rev. J. W. Stack; Council—Professer Bickerton, R. W. Fereday, J. Inglis, A. D. Dobson, G. Gray, J. S. Lambert; Hon. Treasurer—W. M. Maskell; Hon. Secretary—Nelson K. Cherrill. Office-Bearers for 1881:—President—Professor J. von Haast, F.R.S.; Vice-presidents—Rev. J. W. Stack, R. W. Fereday; Council—Professor A. W. Bickerton, J. Inglis, E. Dobson, T. S. Lambert, N.K. Cherrill; Hon. Treasurer—W. M. Maskell; Hon. Secretary—G. Gray; Auditors—C. R. Blackiston, W. D. Carruthers. Extracts from the Rules of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. 21. The Ordinary Meetings of the Institute shall be held on the first Thursday of each month during the months from March to November inclusive. 35. Members of the Institute shall pay one guinea annually as a subscription to the funds of the Institute. The subscription shall be due on the first of November in every year. Any member whose subscription shall be twelve months in arrears, shall cease to be a member of the Institute, but he may be restored by the Council if it sees fit. 37. Members may compound for all annual subscriptions of the current and future years by paying ten guineas. Otago Institute. Office-Bearers for 1880:—President—Dr. Hocken; Vice-presidents—Professor Ulrich, D. Petrie, M.A.; Council—W. Arthur, C.E., W. N. Blair,

C.E., A. Montgomery, R. Gillies, F.L.S., W. Macdonald, L.L.D., Bishop Nevill, D.D., J. S. Webb; Hon. Secretary—G. M. Thomson; Hon. Treasurer—H. Skey; Auditor—D. Brent, M.A. Office-Bearers for 1881:—President—G. M. Thomson, F.L.S.; Vice-presidents—Dr. Hocken, A. Montgomery; Hon. Secretary—Professor Parker; Hon. Treasurer—D. Petrie, M.A.; Auditor—D. Brent, M.A.; Council—Dr. Coughtrey, R. Gillies, F.L.S., W. Arthur, C.E., G. Joachim, H. Skey, W. M. Hodgkins, W. N. Blair, C.E. Extracts from the Constitution and Rules of the Otago Institute. 2. Any person desiring to join the Society may be elected by ballot, on being proposed in writing at any meeting of the Council or Society by two members, on payment of the annual subscription of one guinea for the year then current. 5. Members may at any time become life-members by one payment of ten pounds and ten shillings, in lieu of future annual subscriptions. 8. An Annual General Meeting of the members of the Society shall be held in January in each year, at which meeting not less than ten members must be present, otherwise the meeting shall be adjourned by the members present from time to time, until the requisite number of members is present. (5.) The session of the Otago Institute shall be during the winter months, from May to October, both inclusive. Westland Institute. Office-Bearers for 1880:—President—His Honor Judge Weston; Vice-presidents—Dr. Giles, R.M.; Council—Dr. James, J. Pearson, J. Nicholson, H. L. Robinson, R. W. Wade, D. McDonald, J. Anderson, T. O. W. Croft, C. E. Tempest, F. A. Learmonth, J. H. Hankins, A. H. King; Hon. Treasurer—W. A. Spence; Secretary—R. Hilldrup. Office-Bearers for 1881:—President—Dr. Giles, R.M.; Vice-president—W. A. Spence; Hon. Treasurer—T. O. W. Croft; Secretary—R. Hilldrup; Council—R. C. Reid, M.H.R., A. H. King, E. F. Rich, J. Pearson, G. A. Paterson, J. Nicholson, D. McDonald, H. R. Rae, McL. W. Jack; F. A. Learmonth, R. W. Wade, Dr. James. Extracts from the Rules of the Westland Institute. 3. The Institute shall consist:—(1) Of life-members i.e.., persons who have at any one time made a donation to the Institute of ten pounds ten shillings or upwards; or persons who, in reward of special services rendered to the Institute, have been unanimously elected as such by the Committee or at the general half-yearly mee ing (2) Of members who pay two pounds two shillings each year. (3) Of members paying smaller sums, not less than ten shillings. 5. The Institute shall hold a half-yearly meeting on the third Monday in the months of December and June.

Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute. Office-Bearers for 1880:—President—The Right Rev. the Bishop of Waiapu; Vice-president—W. I. Spencer; Council—H. Baker, E. H. Bold, W. Colenso, H. R. Holder, J. G. Kinross, M. R. Miller, F. W. C. Sturm; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer—W. Colenso; Auditor—T. K. Newton. Office-Bearers for 1881:—President—The Right Rev. the Bishop of Waiapu; Vice-President—E. H. Bold; Hon. Secretary and Treasurer—W. Colenso; Auditor—T. K. Newton; Council—H. Baker, — Carlile, S. Locke, W. Colenso, — Spencer, F. W. C. Sturm, — Weber. Extracts from the Rules of the Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute. 3. The annual subscription for each member shall be one guinea, payable in advance, on the first day of January in every year. 4. Members may at any time become life-members by one payment of ten pounds ten shillings in lieu of future annual subscriptions. (4) The session of the Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute shall be during the winter months from May to October, both inclusive; and general meetings shall be held on the second Monday in each of those six months, at 8 p.m.

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 13, 1880, Unnumbered Page

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New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 13, 1880, Unnumbered Page

New Zealand Institute. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 13, 1880, Unnumbered Page

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