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Contents. Transactions. I.—Miscellaneous. Page. Art. I. The Forest Question in New Zealand. By A. Lecoy, M.A., LL.B. Univ. Paris 8–23 II. Influence of Forests on Climate and Rainfall. By Frederick S. Peppercorne, C.E. 24–32 III. Notes on Port Nicholson and the Natives in 1839. By Major Charles Heaphy, V.C. 32–39 IV. On the Principle of New Zealand Weather Forecast. By Commander R. A. Edwin, R.N. 40–49 V. On the Ignorance of the Ancient New Zealander of the Use of Projectile Weapons. By Coleman Phillips. 50–63 VI. On the Moa. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 63–108 VII. Contributions towards a better Knowledge of the Maori Race. By W. Colenso 108–147 VIII. A few Remarks on a Cavern near Cook's Well, at Tolaga Bay, and on a Tree (Sapota costata) found there. By W. Colenso 147–150 IX. Notes on an Ancient Manufactory of Stone Implements at the Mouth of the Otokai Creek, Brighton, Otago. By Prof. Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S., Director of the Canterbury Museum 150–153 X. Notes on the Colour-Sense of the Maori. By James W. Stack 153–158 XI. Remarks on Mr. Mackenzie Cameron's Theory respecting the Kahui Tipua. By James W. Stack 159–164 XII. Notes on the Southern Stars and other Celestial Objects. By J. H. Pope 166–175 XIII. Partial Impact (Paper No. 3): On the Origin of the Visible Universe. By Prof. A. W. Bickerton, F.C.S., President of the Philosophical Institute of Canterbury 175–181 XIV. Partial Impact (Paper No. 4): On the General Problem of Stellar Collision. By Prof. A. W. Bickerton 181–186 XV. On the Genesis of Worlds and Systems. By Prof. A. W. Bickerton 187–197 XVI. On the Birth of Nebulæ. By Prof. A. W. Bickerton 197–205 XVII. On the Doctrine of Mind-Stuff. By Frederick W. Frankland 205–215 XVIII. A Reply to Mr. Frankland's Paper on “The Doctrine of Mind-Stuff.” By C. W. Richmond, a Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand 215–223 XIX. Pronouns and other Barat Fossil Words compared with Primeval and Non-Aryan Languages of Hindostan and Borders. By J. Turnbull Thomson, F.R.G.S., F.R.S.S.A. etc. 223–237 XX. Moriori Connection. By J. Turnbull Thomson 237–240 II.—Zoology. XXI. Notes on Ziphius (Epiodon) novæ-zealandiæ, von Haast—Goosebeaked Whale. By Prof. Julius von Haast, Ph.D., F.R.S., Director of the Canterbury Museum 241–246 XXII. On the Occurrence of the Red-capped Dotterel (Hiaticula ruficapilla) in New Zealand. By T. W. Kirk, Assistant in the Colonial Museum 246–247

XXIII. Remarks on some curious Specimens of New Zealand Birds. By T. W. Kirk 248–249 XXIV. Notes on the Nesting Habits of the Orange-wattled Crow. By W. D. Campbell, Assoc. M. Inst. C.E., F.G.S. 249–250 XXV. On the New Zealand Frog. By Dr. Fitzinger. Translated from the Zoology of the Voyage of the “Novara,” by Prof. Hutton 250–251 XXVI. Notes and Observations on the Animal Economy and Habits of one of our New Zealand Lizards, supposed to be a new Species of Naultinus. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 251–264 XXVII. Description of a new (?) Genus and Species of Butterfly of the Sub-family Satyrinæ. By R. W. Fereday, C.M.E.S.L. 264–266 XXVIII. Description of a (?) new Species of the Family Leucanidæ, and a (?) new Species of the Genus (?) Chlenias. By R. W. Fereday 267–270 XXIX. Note and Description of a possibly-new Species of Aplysia. By F. H. Meinertzhagen 270–271 XXX. On Anas gracilis, Buller. By Prof. Hutton, of the Otago University 271–272 XXXI. Contributions to the Entomology of New Zealand. By Prof. Hutton 272–274 XXXII. Contributions to the Cœlenterate Fauna of New Zealand. By Prof. Hutton 274–276 XXXIII. Additions to the List of New Zealand Worms. By Prof. Hutton 277–278 XXXIV. Descriptions of new Star-fishes from New Zealand. By Prof. A. E. Verrill. From the Trans. Connecticut Acad., 1867. Communicated by Prof. Hutton 278–283 XXXV. On the Habits of Prionoplus reticularis, with Diagnoses of the Larva and Pupa. By Capt. T. Broun 284–288 XXXVI. Description of the Larva of Pericoptus truncatus, with Observations as to Habitat. By Capt. T. Broun 288–290 XXXVII. Further Notes on New Zealand Coccidæ. By W. M. Maskell 291–301 XXXVIII. On Melicerta ringens and Plumatella repens. By A. Hamilton 301–303 XXXIX. List of Marine Mollusca found in the neighbourhood of Wellington. By T. W. Kirk, Assistant in the Colonial Museum 303–306 XL. Descriptions of new Marine Shells. By T. W. Kirk 306–307 XLI. Notice of the Occurrence of Vitrina milligani in New Zealand. By T. W. Kirk 307 XLII. Additions to the List of New Zealand Fishes. By T. W. Kirk 308–310 XLIII. On the Occurrence of Giant Cuttlefish on the New Zealand Coast. By T. W. Kirk 310–313 XLIV. Description of a new Species of Palinurus. By T. W. Kirk 313–314 XLV. Description of a new Species of Lizard of the Genus Naultinus. By W. L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., F.R.S. 314–315 XLVI. Notes on Fishes in Upper Whanganui River. By Captain Mair, F.L.S. 315–316 III.—Botany. XLVII. On the Botany of the Pirongia Mountain. By T. F. Cheeseman, F.L.S. 317–323 XLVIII. On the Occurrence of the Genus Sporadanthus in New Zealand. By T. F. Cheeseman 324–325 XLIX. A short Sketch of the Flora of the Province of Canterbury, with Catalogue of Species. By J. B. Armstrong 325–353 L. Notice of the Occurrence of Liparophyllum gunnii, Lob., in New Zealand. By D. Petrie, M.A. 354 LI. Notice of the Occurrence of a Species of Hemiphues in New Zealand. By D. Petrie 355–356

LII. Description of a new Species of Ehrharta. By D. Petrie 356–357 LIII. Notes on the Growth of certain Trees on Scoria Soil near Mount Eden, Auckland. By T. B. Gillies, a Judge of the Supreme Court of New Zealand 357–358 LIV. A Description of a few new Plants from our New Zealand Forests, with dried Specimens of the same. By W. Colenso, F.L.S. 359–367 LV. Contribution to the Lichenographia of New Zealand. By Charles Knight, F.L.S. 367–379 LVI. Notes on New Zealand Plants. By J. Buchanan, F.L.S. 380–382 LVII. On Grasses and Fodder Plants. By S. M. Curl, M.D. 382–393 LVIII. Descriptions of new Flowering Plants. By T. Kirk, F.L.S. 393–397 LIX. Description of a new Species of Cladophora. By T. Kirk 397 LX. Notice of the Occurrence of Lagenophora emphysopus and other unrecorded Plants in New Zealand. By T. Kirk 397–399 IV.—Chemistry. LXI. On certain Results obtained upon some of the Argentiferous Salts which are affected by Light. By William Skey, Analyst to the Geological Survey Department 401–403 LXII. Further Notes upon the Movements of Camphor on Water. By William Skey 403–406 LXIII. On the Mode in which Oil acts as a Nucleus in Super-saturated Saline Solutions; with Notes on the Mode of Action of Solid Nuclei. By William Skey 407–411 LXIV. On the Cause of the Deposition of Camphor towards Lights. By William Skey 411 LXV. On the Nature of the Precipitate formed by certain Mercuric Salts in presence of Essential Oils. By William Skey 412–414 LXVI. On the Decomposition of Argentic-oxide by Mercury. By William Skey 414 V.—Geology. LXVII. On Wind-formed Lakes. By J. C. Crawford, F.G.S. 415–416 LXVIII. On Bidwill's Front Hills. By J. C. Crawford 416–418 LXIX. Remarks on Volcanoes and Geysers of New Zealand. By W. Collie 418–420 Proceedings. Wellington Philosophical Society. Account of Two Journeys to the Summit of Mount Ruapehu. By G. Beetham, M.H.R. (abstract) 423 Remarks on Hæmatite and Spathic Iron Ores. By Dr. Hector 424 What should be the Highest Aim of the Wellington Philosophical Society? By Dominick Brown 425 Suggestion towards a Theory accounting for the Movements of the Magnetic Needle. By the Hon. R. Hart, M.L.C. 425 Remarks on Forest Planting and Conservation, with reference to particular Localities in the Wellington District. By G. W. Williams (abstract) 428–429 Election of Governor of New Zealand Institute 431 On the Cultivation of Beet for the Manufacture of Sugar, etc. By S. M. Curl, M.D. (abstract) 431 Account of the Sydney Exhibition. By Dr. Hector 432 A few Remarks on Art Perspective. By R. T. Holmes 432

Abstract Report of Council 432 Election of Officers for 1880 432–433 Anniversary Address by the President, Dr. Newman 433–438 On Neobalæna marginata and Kogia breviceps. By Dr. Hector. 438–439 On a Deposit of Chalk recently discovered near Oxford in Canterbury. By Dr. Hector 439 On Moa Feathers. By Dr. Hector 439 Further Contributions to the Ornithology of New Zealand. By W. L. Buller, C.M.G., Sc.D., F.R.S. 439 Auckland Institute. Address by the President, the Rev. Dr. Purchas 441–446 Notes on a Disease among Sheep in the Waikato District. By Major W. G. Mair 446 On the Mound-builders of North America. By J. Adams, B.A. 447 Notes on the Growth of Trees on Clay Soils. By W. Atkins 447 The possible Pacification of the World by means of a rational International Policy. By the Rev. S. Edgar 447 The Distress in England: its Causes and Remedies. By J. C. Firth. 447 Note on Spiral Markings on Trenails. By the Rev. Dr. Purchas 447 Concerning Alcohol. By E. A. Mackechnie 448 Notes on the Rise and Progress of Architecture and the Fine Arts generally. By Albin Martin 448 The Distress in England: its Causes and Remedies; being a Reply to Mr. Firth's paper on the same subject. By the Rev. S. Edgar. 448 Note on the American Horned Frog (Phrynosoma blainvillii). By B. S. Booth 448 On Landscape Art in the Province of Auckland. By K. Watkins 448 Remarks on Lepidosiren and other Fishes. By T. F. Cheeseman 448 Abstract of Annual Report 448–449 Election of Officers for 1880 449 Philosophical Institute of Canterbury. On a Universal Code of Signals. By C. W. Adams 451 On Musical Tones in the Notes of Australian Birds. By C. W. Adams 451 Notes upon the Height of Mount Cook. By C. W. Adams 452 Abstract of Annual Report 452 Election of Officers for 1880 453 Notes on Ceramic and Industrial Art Specimens. By Prof. von Haast 453 Otago Institute. A Criticism of Herbert Spencer's “First Principles.” By the Rev. Prof. Salmond 454 The Unseen Universe. By J. S. Webb 454 Socialism, an Appeal to First Principles. By the Rev. Dr. Roseby 454 The Diptera of New Zealand. By Professor Hutton 454 On George Eliot's Poems. By the Rev. J. Upton Davis 455 Description of a new Fish. By Professor Hutton 455–456 Election of Officers for 1880 456 Abstract of Annual Report 456 Westland Institute. Abstract of Annual Report 457 Election of Officers for 1880 457

Hawke's Bay Philosophical Institute. Pages. Election of Officers for 1879 458 Abstract of Annual Report 458 Memoir of Allan and Richard Cunningham. By W. Colenso 459 The Myth of Kae and the Pet Whale of Tinirau. By W. Colenso 459 Election of Governor of New Zealand Institute 460 New Zealand Institute. Eleventh Annual Report of the Board of Governors 463–464 Museum 464–469 Publications 469–470 Meteorology 470 Time-ball Observatory 470–471 Laboratory 471 Library 471 Accounts of the New Zealand Institute, 1878–9 472 Appendix. On the Medical Aspects of Education. By W. G. Kemp, L.R.C.P.Lond., M.R.C.S. Engl. xxi–xliv Meteorological Statistics of New Zealand for 1879 xlv–xlvii Earthquakes reported in New Zealand during 1879 xlvii Comparative Abstract for 1879, and previous years xlviii Notes on the Weather during 1879 xlix Record of Papers on New Zealand Natural History, 1879—80 l Honorary Members of the New Zealand Institute li Ordinary Members li–lxiii List of Public Institutions and Individuals to whom this Volume is presented lxiv–lxvi Addenda et Corrigenda iv Contents v–ix List of Plates x Board of Governors of the New Zealand Institute xi Abstract of Rules and Statutes of the New Zealand Institute xi–xiii List of Incorporated Societies xiv Officers of Incorporated Societies, and Extracts from their Rules xiv–xvii

List of Plates. Plate To Face Page I. Edwin.—Diagrams illustrating System of New Zealand Weather Forecast 40 II. " " " " " " 48 III. " " " " " " 48 IV. Colenso.—Moa Bones 80 V. " " 80 VI. Bickerton.—Diagrams illustrative of Partial Impact 184 VII. Maskell.—Coccidæ 300 VIII. Haast.—Ziphius (Epiodon) novæ-zealandiæ 244 IX. Fereday.—Butterflies 268 X. Petrie.—Ehrharta thomsoni 356 XI. T. W. Kirk.—Palinurus tumidus 314 XII.Knight.—Lichens 368 XIII. " " 376 XIV. T. Kirk.—Euphrasia disperma 396

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Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 12, 1879, Unnumbered Page

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Contents. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 12, 1879, Unnumbered Page

Contents. Transactions and Proceedings of the Royal Society of New Zealand, Volume 12, 1879, Unnumbered Page

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