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Felonies and Other Offences.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices’ Court," Dunedin, for the arrest of Parker West, charged with having stolen from the Rattray street Jetty, Dunedin, on or about the 25th ultimo, eleven cast-iron hajfcentres for paddle-wheels, weighing about 112 lb™, each, the property of Robert Martin Crosbie, value L 3. ’ Identifiable Offender is a coloured man, a rag and bottle gatherer, about 40 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, medium build, black hair, whiskers, beard and moustache, slovenly, dirty appearance. He was seen- on the 31st ultimo at Blueskin, carrying a swag, in company with two men, and then said he would go overland to Christchurch. 3*4 cwt of the stolen iron broken up was sold by the offender about the 25th ultimo, at the Otago Foundry, Dunedin.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of William Hardie, alius James Scott, charged with having stolen on the nth ultimo from the Railway Station, Dunedin, a lump of coal, value rs., the property of the Provincial Government of Otago. Offender is a Scotchman, a fireman or labourer, about 27 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, slender build, blue eyes, brown hair, whiskers, and moustache, the latter not very heavy, first joint of little finger of left hand either lost or contracted. He had been* employed at the Dunedin Railway Station cleaning engines by night, and on the morning of the nth ultimo was found by the Dunedin police stealing coal from the Railway Station. He was arrested, but ■subsequently.admitted to bail on his recognizance to dipolar at the Justices’ Court, Dunedin, at 11 a.m. on the nth ultimo., to answer to the charge, but failed to attend. He left Dunedin on the 29th ultimo, by the steamer Taiaroa, for Timaru.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices’Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of Duncan McGregor, charged with having deserted his wife, Margaret McGregor, at Dunedin on the 14th of May last. Offender is a Scotchman, an hotel waiter, about 30 years of age, five feet seven and a-half inches high, slight build, smart active appearance, reddish hair, red Yankee beard, cheeks and upper lip shaved, grey eyes, - long nose, face slightly freckled, two false upper front teeth, when last seen wore light tweed ! suit, black round hat, and lace-up boots. He wrote to his wife from Christchurch on the 27th June last, and it is supposed he is still there.

A warrant has been issued by the Invercargill Bench for the arrest of James Smith, charged with having deserted his wife and child at Invercargill on the 25th July last. Offender is Scotch, a seaman, and tent maker, 32 years of age, about five feet seven inches high, stout build, fair complexion, dark brown hair, sandy whiskers and moustache, left thumb contracted, walks lame, one of his legs having been broken in two or three places, anchor tattooed on back of one of hands. He opened a tent and horse cover shop in Invercargill in May last, and is believed to have left the Bluff about the Ist ultimo by the steamer Alhambra or Arawata for Melbourne.

( Vide Police Gazette 1874, page 88). The warrant issued for the arrest of Edward Page, alias Nipper, charged with having assaulted S. N. Kemp, at Chain Hills, near Dunedin, on the 16th of October, 1874, is not at present to be enforced, as Mr Kemp, the informant, has gone to England.

A warrant has been issued by the Westport Bench for the arrest of Charles Powell, charged with having obtained goods and money by means of valueless

cheques from A. Horn and A. King, at Westport and Charleston, on the 21st ultimo. Description —Supposed to be a Welshman, represents himself as a surveyor and geologist, about thirty-five years of age, five feet ten inches high, medium build, clean, shaved, except light-brown moustache, sallow complexion, stooped shoulders, wore a light, brown tweed suit, travels generally by night on foot. He is represented to be a systematic swindler and forger. He was at Reefton in 1872, when a warrant was issued for his arrest for embezzlement, which is still in force. A warrant issued for his arrest at Hokitika on the 28th of October, 1873, for obtaining goods and money by false pretences is also in force. He will likely come to this province and endeavour to leave the colony for Victoria, for the purposef r of joining his wife, who resides in Melbourne. Since arrested.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices’ Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of Harry Sherwill, charged with having deserted his wife, Sarah Serwill, at Dunedin, on the 4th of May last. Offender is a Frenchman, but speaks English fluently, a seaman, has acted as foreman in the Dunedin Railway goods-shed, thirtysix years of age, about five feet five inches high, medium build, dark-brown hair, reddish brown whiskers and moustache, fair complexion, blue eyes, the letters HS tatooed on arm between wrist and elbow, and anchor on back of hand between thumb and first finger, wore tweed suit, black felt hat and elastic-side boots. He was recently seen at Christchurch, and will likely seek employment in the Railway department there.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices’ Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of William McKay, charged with having deserted his wife and four children at Dunedin on the 20th of August last. Offender is a Scotchman, a seaman, thirty-eight years of age, five feet eight inches high, medium build, rather sandy hair, slight whiskers and moustache, fair complexion, brown’ eyes, wore old dark drab coat, light tweed trousers and cheese-cutter cap. He was recently employed as mate on board the steamer Ino, trading between Dunedin and Port Molyneux. He left Dunedin for-Wellington by the steamer Wellington on the 6th instant, and stated that he would go from there to the West Coast by the steamer Tui. He is known to the master of the Tui. It is supposed he will endeavour to leave the the colony for California.

A warrant has been issued by the Port Chalmers Bench for the arrest of Daniel Rowland, charged with having deserted his wife at Port Chalmers about the 18th July last.- Offender is a native of Wales, a labourer or miner, about thirty years of age, 5 ft. 5 or 6ins. high, medium build; light brown hair whiskers and moustache. He was recently seen camped near Oamaru and is supposed to be employed on railway works in that neighbourhood.

Between 11.30 p.m. on the 4th and 4 a.m. on the sth instant the dwelling of Robert S. Sparrow, Cargillstreet, Dunedin, was burglariously entered by the drawing-room window, a ladies’ new gold open-faced geneva watch, gold dial, neatly engraved, maker and number unknown, value pCio; a stereoscope and eighteen views, value £2 10s ; a small shell ornament, with two small bottles attached, having brass lids attached to the bottles by brass chains, value 255. ; a small red leather case containing a silver thimble, value 1 os.; two £ 1 notes, 13s. in silver, and a number of papers and receipts stolen therefrom. All identifiable except the money.

Between 12.30 and 8 a.m, on the 20th ultimo, the dwelling of Allan Broad, Forth-street, Dunedin, was burglariously entered, and the following property stolen therefrom, an electro-plated inkstand ; two bottles with silver-mounted lids, the knob of one lid is wanting, value 305., ; an electro-plated breakfast cruet centre piece, representing a cow in bail; three cruet bottles representing milking pails, and two* spoons, representing small shovels; an inlaid vfocj} card box, with three partitions for cards and cribbage board inside, containing an old gold geneva watch, without glass, maker and number unknown, a portion of a gold brooch, two or three -foreign coins, life insurance receipts in the Royal Insurance Office, marriage certificate, etc., value p£6; a glass vase, imitation plated ware, bowl-like top, containing pictures, Christmas cards etc., value ss. All ident’fiable.

Stolen, on the 22nd ultimo., from the dwelling of John Fergusson, Albert-street, Dunedin, a silver-plated flower-stand, about eighteen inches high, with three legs, frosted glass top, three figures representing horses attached by chains, value £5 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen, between 5 p.m. on the 13th and 7.39 a.m. on the 14th ultimo, from the dwelling of John Reith, Smith-street, Dunedin, two white Chinese ornaments, about five inches high, for holding flowers, one having an imitation of three’heads of wheat along the stem, the other an imitation of three pea pods along the stem, value is. each ; two ladies’fans, one an ordinary Chinese fan, the other made of various kinds of New Zealand wood, value ss. each; a Japanese cabinet, about three inches high, twelve inches broad, and six inches deep, seven drawers with Japanese silver hinges, value 305.; two albums, with green covers, about ten inches long, seven inches broad, and one inch thick, one contained ten views of the City of Edinburgh, the other ten views of Aberdeen, value 20s. each ; a walnut stereoscope and two views, value 55.; an ordinary sized pearl card case, value 7s. 6d. : a small-sized album, fearn leaf wood color pattern, with places for twelve •photographs, value ss. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 7th and nth ultimo, from the dwelling of William Insley, Walker-street, Dunedin, a long, brown double-breasted ulster freze overcoat, horn buttons, a button on right side wanting, two outside pockets with flaps, and one inside breast pocket, value jQ 2 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to George Wain, English, boiler-maker, about twenty-eight years of age, five feet five inches high, fresh complexion, grey eyes, dark brown hair, whiskers, beard, and moustache. See Police Gazette , 1876, page 72.

Stolen, about the 10th ultimo, from the yard attached to the residence of William G. Neill, Queenstreet, Dunedin, a black and red colored game cock, about eight months old; and a very large grey colored bramah cock; about two years old, value £2. Identifiable.

Stolen, between 10 p.m. on the 2nd and 7 a.m. the 3rd instant, from the dwelling of William Asher, York Place, Dunedin, an oval-shaped walnut work-box, about fourteen inches long ten inches wide and six inches deep, three pieces of wood of different colors inlaid in centre or lid, viz., straw' color, reddish brown and green, value 255., and a common table bell, sprint of hammer reversed, value 4s. Identifiable. 3 " t 3

Stolen, on the 31st ultimo from the dwelling of Nicodemus Wehi, Maori Kaik, Port Chalmers Divi: sion, an old English lever hunting watch, nearly new, maker’s name or number not known, capped, jewelled

in six holes, value £5. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to William Insley and a man named Ross, who were left in Wehi’s house during his absence. Insley is Irish, late licensee of the London Tavern, Walker-street, Dunedin, forty years of age, five feet nine orteninches high, pockpitted slight build,,'dark hair and moustache, wore dark clothes. Ross is a colored man, an American, thirty-nine years of age, five feet -- ( seven or eight inches high, slight build, dark curly hair, dark moustache, no whiskers, wore short black coat, black vest, light tweed trousers and cheese-cutter cap, with a brass button on each side.

Stolen, on the 29th ultimo, from the fowl-house of John Jones, at Kensington, near Dunedin, a smallsized game cock, black and red color, dark blue feathers in each wing, yellow legs, value 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Thomas Hutton and William McEwen. Hutton is English, thirty-five years of age, five feet ten inches high; slight build, sandy whiskers and moustache, shaved on chin. McEwen is Scotch, twenty years of age, five feet seven inches high, stout build, no hair on face.

Stolen, on the 30th ultimo, from the person of John Cunahan, in Riordan’s cigar divan, Oamaru, a small brown leather portemonnie with elastie band,containing four £1 notes, two half-sovereigns, and a two shillingpiece. Portemonnie only identifiable.

Lost or stolen, between six p.m. on the 7th, and 3 a.m. on the Bth ultimo, from the person of Joseph Manley, while drunk at Oamaru, a small-sized openfaced gold lever watch, No. 7451, maker’s name not known, value ; six £5 notes on the Bank of New Zealand, numbered, 112966, 089248, 117414, 547, 121564, and 121563. The three first numbered notes were paid into the Natioual Bank at Oamaru on the 9th ultimo, supposed by Robert Keenan, who is suspected of having stolen the watch and money. Keenan is a North of Ireland man, a boarding-house keeper, about thirty-five years of age, five feet nine inches high, dark complexion, dark hair, whiskers and moustache.

Stolen, on the 15th ultimo, from on board the schooner Edith Reid at the Rattray-street Jetty, Dunedin, a rough blue cloth overcoat with black velvet collar, one inside and two outside pockets, two rows of black cloth buttons on front, a button on right side wanting, holes in bottoms of outside pockets, about half worn, value £2 ; a new blue red and white striped Crimean shirt, value 7s 6d; a white and blue woolen scarf value 2s. 6d., and a pair of grey socks, value is. 6d., the property of John Mclntyre. Overcoat only indentifiable.

Stolen, between the 19th and 21st ultimo, from sluice-boxes in the gold mining claim of Charles Thompson and party, at McLeod Hill, Waitahuna Gully, between six and eight ounces of gold dust.

During the night of the 28th ultimo, at Adam’s flat, Tokomairiro district, a cow, heavy in calf, value £lO, the property of John Paskell, was maliciously in’ured, from the effects of which she died on the following day. A long sharp instrument was pushed through the cow’s uthera into her bowels, which caused her death. Mr Paskell . offers £2O reward for such information as will lead to the conviction of the offender.

Stolen, between the 29th of July and the 9th ultimo, from the box of Maria Lacchi, in the Immigration Barracks, Caversham, five £1 notes.

Stolen, about the 7th ultimo, from the clothes-line of James Hazlett, Maitland-street, Dunedin, a pair of twill cotton sheets, one having about six inches deep of crochet work, and braid on one end, value 18s.; three pairs of ladies’ linen cuffs, black pink borders, value 4s. 6d.; two pairs of ladies’ white cotton stockings, value ss. ; six white cambric pocket handkerchiefs, value 6s. ; twelve ordinary white linen napkins, value 1 is; sheet with crochet work and braid only identifiable.

Stolen, between 8 p.m. on the 25th and 5 a.m. on the 26th ultimo, from a buggy in front of the Hampden Hotel, Hampden, a double-breasted brown cloth overcoat, an outside breast and two skirt pockets, two rows of buttons, a slit in the back, with a hook and eye by which it is fastened, torn about four inches from the top of right-hand skirt pocket, and on both sides of collar, lined with black or brown alpaca, value £ 2 ; an ordinary drab stable rug, mauve 'and black stripes at sides, no straps, not cut to fit at neck, value 20s. ; and an ordinary-sized box rug, spotted mauve and black, value 165., the property of Nathan Caldwell. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 16th ultimo, from the dwelling of Dr. James Alexander, Albert-street, Dunedin, a small sized ivory opera glass, with a black mark or cut one side, value £3. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 26th ultimo, at Gabriel’s Gully, near Lawrence, a double-cased silver Geneva watch, No. 53 1 5» no maker’s name supposed to be on it, a scratch on inside front case, silver Albert chain, the bar of which represents a pistol with horse shoe on butt of stock attached, the property of Patrick O’Herr, value £5. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 15th and 17th ultimo, from the office 04 Matthew Hay, Ross Place, Lawrence, a yellow grained cash-box, about twelve inches long by six inches wide, containing a National Insurance receipt-book and other documents. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 19th ultimo, from the shop door of Richard Lamb, King-street, Dunedin, a hind-quarter of mutton, weighing about 241b5., value Bs. A man of whom no description can be given was seen to take the mutton from the shop door, and then run down Frederick-street with it.

Stolen, on the 12th ultimo, from the dwelling of George Kouhi, at Taieri Ferry, two Maori Bibles, five Maori Testaments, three Maori Prayer books, value 2os. ;an old double-breasted blue cloth overcoat, some buttons out in front, one inside and two outside pockets, value 10s. Identifiable. Two of the Testaments and a Prayer-book have been since found in the Taieri river. Suspicion attached to Frederick Whitehouse, who resides at the Taieri Ferry.

Stolen, about the 21st ultimo, from the clothes line of Thomas Austin, Grant-street, Dunedin, a largesized linen table cloth, flowered pattern, value £2 ; a ladies’ calico night-dress, plain make, band of fancy work round neck, value 6s. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 12th and 19th ultimo, from George-street, Dunedin, two Baltic planks nine by twelve inches and twelve or thirteen feet long, had been used as scaffolding and were studded with nails, the property of William Smith. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 21st ultimo, from the clothes-line or Lo Keong, George-street, Dunedin, a drab woollen shawl, drab fringe, a tear about four inches long on side, value 55.; a pair of men’s ribbed white woollen drawers, nearly new, value 95.; a Rob Roy woollen shirt, small black and red pattern, value j os. Shawl only identifiable.

Stolen, between five p.m. on the 19 th and eleven a.m. on the 20th ultimo, from the dwelling of John Croultherd, Four Mile Creek, near Balclutha, a pair of blue blankets, a six by eight calico tent, slightly burned at end near bottom, a square piece of calico sewn on end where ridge-pole passes through, a small tin billy, half a pound of tea, and a loaf of bread, valued 1 os. Tent and billy identifiable. . A man of the following description, who was seen in the neighbourhood on the night the theft was committed, suspected : Supposed English, about 30 years of age* five feet seven or eight inches high, medium build, dark complexion, thin whiskers and moustache, wore dark tweed sac coat, light colored trousers, light billy-cock hat.

Stolen, on the 15th ultimo, from the forecastle of the schooner Edith Reid, Rattray-street Jetty, Dunedin, a pair of elastic-side boots, about halt worn, copper sprigs in heels, value 255. ; and a black felt billy-cock hat, nearly new, white lining, value 6s. 6d., the property of Alexander McDonald. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the sth and 7th ultimo, from an unoccupied house at #reytown, East Taieri, a hand saw, nearly new, a new smoothing-plane, a new tenon saw, a new hammer, a new chisel one and a-half inch, a new gimblet, a stock with three American bits, % y, and y, and a pair of blue blankets, the property of Charles Sands, Alfred Bowden and Alexander Chalmers, value £4 os. rod. Identifiable. 4

-Stolen, about the 14th ultimo, from the clothes lines of Julia Robertson, Eden-street, Oamaru, a largesized linen sheet, nearly new, three pairs of women’s plain white calico drawers, a white calico chemise, the name “Julia” written with marking ink on breast, value 20s. Identifiable.

- Stolen, on the 24th of July last, from the dwelling of Joseph Walker, Brown-street, Dunedin, an old large strong linen pocket, of a light color, containing one sovereign and eleven half-sovereigns. Pocket only identifiable.

Stolen, between the-ioth and 13th ultimo, from the dwelling of John Walsh, Arthur-street, Dunedin, a pair of men’s No. 5 size elastic-side boots, nearly new, small heels, value 15s. Identifiable.

About two o’clock on the morning on the 12th ultimo, two men were found panning off auriferous earth in the gold mining claim of John Kitt and party, Munroe’s Gully* but effected their escape before they were recognised, leaving behind them a piece of calico two-and-a-half feet square, containing three ounces of gold and two tin dishes.

Stolen, between the sth of July, last, and 22nd ultimo, from the yard of Neil and Co., Bond-street, Dunedin, four cases of kerosene oil, maked Devoes patent N and CD within square on outside of cases, value 16s. Identifiable.

Between 8 and 10 p.m. on the 10th ultimo, the dwelling of Robert Forbes, at Otepopo, was broken into and a long Enfield snider rifle, No. 135, the pro-

perty of the General Government, of New Zealand stolen therefrom, value £5. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to William Henry Nicholson, a native of New Zealand, sixteen years of age, five feet seven inches high, slight build, fair complexion, a slight scar on left cheek. He has been an inmate of the Otago Industrial school. .

Stolen, on the 20th ultimo, from the dwelling of Henry H. Simon, Wood End, East Road, Southland District, five £1 notes. Henry Allan, alias Daniel Sharp, suspected, English, a cabinet maker and seaman, about twenty-one years of age, five feet six inches high, medium build, pale complexion, brown hair, no Lair on face, slovenly appearance, wore dirty moleskin trousers, pepper and salt colored tweed jacket, black wideawake hat, and dirty white woollen muffler. * (See Police Gazette 1876, page 3 8.) This offender embezzled 153. on the 19th ultimo, the monies of Mr. Simon, who declines to obtain a warrant for his arrest He is a hardened criminal, and requires to to be kept under strict police surveillance.

Between 7.45 p.m. on the 4th, and 6.30 a.m. on the sth instant, the cloth of the back and lower side of the seat cushions, ar d the covering of the seats under the cushions, were maliciously cut in several places, apparently with a knife or sharp instrument, in one of the first-class carriages on the Dunedin and Port Chalmers railway line, the property of the Provincial Government of Otago.

Stolen, between the 22nd ultimo and the 4th instant, from the garden of Edward Herbert, at Lawrence, about eighteen young trees, from a foot to eighteen inches high, consisting of Pinus Insignus, Cypress, and Pineastors.

Stolen, on the sth instant, from the person of Robert Archibald, in Dunedin, a dark brown morocco leather pocket-book without band, six inches long by three inches wide, containing a note on the Bank of New Zealand and five ;£i notes. Pocket-book only identifiable. ' Suspicion attached to Mary O’Brien, a prostitute, who was in Archibald’s company when he lost the purse and money. Irish, about 25 years of age, five feet two inches high.

Stolen, on the 4th instant, from the Universal Hotel, Maclaggan-street, Dunedin, a swag rolled in white calico and bound with three leather straps, consisting of a new white blanket, a dark grey tweed trousers and single-breasted vest of same material, medium size, slightly worn, four black buttons on each side of vest ; a red and black Crimean shirt, a light striped regatta shirt, both nearly new, and two white flannel shirts, the property of William Laughman, value £2, Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Patrick Riordan, Irish, a grocer and tobacconist, about twenty-four years of age, five eight or nine inches high, stout build, dark hair and complexion, wore dark coat, light tweed trousers, black cap with cloth peak, and elastic-side boots. He is supposed to have left here on the 4th instant by the steamer Eingarooma for Melbourne.

Stolen, on the 4th instant, from the White Horse Hotel, Milton, a white heavy moleskin waterproof coat, nearly new, lower button wanting, upper button newly stitched on, the property of George Bark, value £ 2. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 25th ultimo, from St. George’s Hall, Stuart-street, Dunedin, a double-breasted blue pilot cloth overcoat, velvet collar, black bone buttons, lined with dark grey tweed, had a pair of doeskin

gloves in the pockets, value £6 ; a dark claret-colored round hard felt ventilated hat, Knott, maker’s name on inside, value 12s. 6d., the property of William Hannah. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the Ist and 21st ultimo, from Hanover-street, Dunedin, fourteen sheets of galvanised corrugated sheet iron, with two crowns and the letter B on each side of them, within triangle marked upon each of the sheets, the property of Alexander Miller, value 10.

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 11, 11 September 1876, Page 84

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Felonies and Other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 11, 11 September 1876, Page 84

Felonies and Other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 11, 11 September 1876, Page 84

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