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Printed the the Street, time High being.

Date. Particulars of-Receipts. Amounts. Date. Particulars of Expenditure Amounts. June 5, 1874 Received from Colonel Moule, having been subscribed by the £ s. d. May 10, 1875 June 14, 1875 August 9, 1875 December 31, 1873 October 1, 1875 » Received from Colonel Moule, having been subscribed by the Armed Constabulary ... Subscribed by the Otago Police Force ... Interest upon money pendingJanuary 13, 1876 erection of monumentApril 14, 1876 £ *• d. Additional ground in Cemetery Mr. O’Brien for drawing 7 10 0 2 10 0 147 11 8 December 31, 1873 Armed Constabulary Subscribed by the Otago Police Force ...76 8 6 Interest upon money pending erection of monument9 15 8 May 10, 1875 June 14, 1875 147 11 8August 9, 1875 October i, 1875 76 -8 6 January 13, 1876 9 15 8 April 14, 1876 Additional ground in Cemetery Mr. O’Brien for drawing Mr. Godfrey for designs Mr. Monroe towards erection of monument Do Mr. Monroe for fencing in monument Mr. Ross, architect, for plans, supervision, &c. 7 10 0 2 10 0 220 150 0 0 38 12 10 2100 12 1 0 233 J 5 10 Mr. Godfrey for designs Mr. Monroe towards erection of monument Do Mr. Monroe for fencing in monument Mr. Ross, architect, for plans, supervision, &c. 2 20 150 0 0 38 12 10 2100 12 1 0 233 15 10


Name. When Tried. Tried.Where Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born Height Compl. Eyes Hair. Remarks. P. G. References. ! Trade. . Born f Q • Height Compl. Eyes Hair. Remarks. P. G. References. 1876 ft. in. ■; j 1876 ■ ft. in. alias Mary andria May Dunedin Vagrancy days Scotland None 1830 5 Fresh Blue Dk. brown Repeatedly convicted 1874 p. 13 2 Fresh Blue Dk. brown Repeatedly convicted 1874 p. 13 Thomas Wood Feb. 26 Dunedin Drunkenness and habitual drunkard 14 day & 2 month England Bricklayer 1838 5 6 Sallow Grey Black Previous convictions rail Everett John Feb. 11 Dunedin Larceny 3 months England Laborer 1856 5 6 Fresh Grey Lt. Brown John EverettHarriett Johnson 26March 13 Dunedin Larceny 2 months Scotland Servant i860 4 ioj4 Fresh Hazel Brown Feb. 11 Dunedin Dunedin Drunkenness and habitual drunkard Larceny 14 day & 2 month 3 months i England England Bricklayer Laborer 1838 1856 5 6 5 6 Sallow Fresh Grey Grey Black Lt. Brown Previous convictions Harriett Johnson Carter March 13March 14 DunedinDunedin LarcenyVagrancy months months ScotlandScotland ServantNone i860 1843 45 Fresh Hazel Brown / 4 Fresh Grey Light Carter Ann Fraser March 14Feb. 14 DunedinDunedin Vagrancy Pretences months months 3 ScotlandScotland NoneNone 18431831 5 4 5 Fresh Grey Light I J . . 0-1- • - < t • 3 Fresh Hazel Grey Ann Francis Carey Feb. 14Feb. 14 DunedinDunedin Pretences Larceny months 3 months 3 ScotlandTasmania NoneLaborer 1831i860 5 3 5 Fresh Hazel Grey 1 ■ ...I;/:,-. „» ; r,r ; i * 5J4 Pale Grey Sandy Francis CareyBridget Feb. 16 Dunedin Indecent exposure 3 months Ireland None 1824 5 2 Fresh Hazel Dark Previous convictions 1876, p. 27 Bridget Jane Feb. 14May 17 DunedinDunedin Drunkenness and obscene language 14 days England None 1841 5 2 Fresh Grey Dk. brown Previous convictions Larceny 3 months jTasmania Laborer i860 5 5 y 2 Pale Grey Sandy r , . • Feb. 16 Dunedin • Indecent exposure 3 months Ireland None - 1824 5 2 Fresh Hazel Dark Previous convictions 876, p. 27 Jane Sherry May 17 Dunedin Drunkenness and obscene language 14 days Ireland None i82q 5 4 Pale Hazel Grey Repeatedly convicted 1876, p. 38 vqrrin.: T.-fnnr Richard Phelan May 17April 1 Port Chalmers Larceny 4 weeks Ireland Laborer 1861 5 5X Fresh Hazel Dk. brown Thick lips, inflamed eyes iu/T ; ' . Dunedin 1 • ’ ’ Drunkenness and obscene language 14 days England None 1841 5 2 Fresh Grey i Dk. brown Previous convictions Ann SherryWilliam Brown Feb. 16 Dunedin Indecent exposure 3 months New South Vm:-- r ; ■ David Geo. Jones, Wales Sawyer 1849 5 Fresh Grey Brown May 17 ■ Dunedin Drunkenness and obscene language 14 days i Ireland None i82g 5 4 Pale Hazel Grey Repeatedly convicted [876, p. 38 Richard Phelan Davis April 1May Chalmers Dunedin LarcenyDrunkenness weeks 4 days Ireland England LaborerLaborer 18611845 A 5 3 5 5 FreshFresh HazelHazel Dk. brownBrown iips, Thick inflamed eyesPrevious convictions 1875, p. 78 William Brown Ann 16Feb. Ioy O Dunedin Indecent exposure 3 months New South . • i r ‘ l i | * x 1 i 1'-" I Nov. 22 Oamaru Larceny 6 months England Married 1831 5 3 Fresh Hazel Black Upper front teeth out David Geo. Jones, Margaret • Wales Sawyer 1849 5 6j4 Fresh Grey Brown 1570 May 12 Dunedin Drunkenness 10 days Ireland None 1834 5 4 Fresh Blue Grey Previous convictions 1873, p. 72 Thomas Griffin Green May 1 ft Dunedin Drunkenness 7 days Ireland Fish Hawker 1817 5 6 Fresh Hazel Grey Repeatedly convicted 1876, p. 49 Maurice Mahoney May 16 Dunedin Disorderly behaviour 7 days Ireland Laborer i82i 5 ey 2 Fresh Grey Brown Margaret Lyons May 16 Dunedin Disorderly behaviour 7 days Ireland Married 1836 5 2 Fresh Grey Lt. Brown DavisRobert May 1Nov. 22 Oamaru Larceny 6 months Ireland Carpenter 1857 6 Fresh Grey Dk. Red Scar on breast 1875 Nov. 22 1876 May 12 Dunedin Drunkenness 14 days England Laborer 1845 5 5*/ 2 Fresh Hazel Brown Previous convictions 1875, p. 78 Ann Massi Antonis - Oamaru Larceny 6 months t England Married 1831 5 3 Fresh Hazel Black | Upper front teeth out July 5 Dunedin Assault i2 months Italy Miner 1838 5 8 Fresh Hazel Brown Nearly bald Margaret Ryan Dunedin Drunkenness 10 days Ireland ■ ;t 1 * None 1834 5 4 Fresh Blue Grey I - ■- - m Previous convictions 873. P- 72 Io'/O May 17 Dunedin Obscene language 7 days Cape Town Seaman 184 5 10 Swarthy Grey Black Griffin Thomas MainElizabeth May 1 May 7 DunedinDunedin DrunkennessObscene language days 7 days 7 IrelandIreland Hawker None 1817184 65 5 Fresh Hazel Grey Repeatedly convicted 1876, p. 49 2 Pale Grey Light Maurice Mahoney Mary 16May May 17 DunedinTokomairiro Disorderly Drunkenness days days 7 IrelandScotland LaborerNone i82i1847 6j4 5 5 Fresh Grey Brown ■’ C; ".- : •: 1 Fresh Hazel Black Upper front teeth out 1873, P- 84 Margaret Catherine May Feb. 24 Dunedin Vagrancy 3 months Scotland None 1829 5 3 Sallow Hazel Grey Repeatedly convicted 1871, p. 25 ji 1875 Nov. 22 Dunedin , rcc Disorderly behaviour 7 days Ireland Married 1836 5 2 Fresh Grey Lt. Brown ! • - Robert George Putney Oamaru Larceny 6 months i. . Ireland Carpenter 1857 6 Fresh Grey Dk. Red Scar on breast April 11 Hawksbury Illegally on premises and larceny 6 weeks Scotland Surgeon 1846 5 8 Sallow Hazel Black Scar on left side of neck July 5 Dunedin Assault 12 months Italy Miner i8 38 5 8 Fresh '■ * *' Hazel Brown Nearly bald 1876 . ' 't | . ' * ' * Antonis Ryan Dunedin Obscene language 7 days Cape Town Seaman 184 5 10 Swarthy Pale Grey Black May 17. May 17 Dunedin Obscene language 7 days Ireland None 184 5T2 ■ Grey Light Main Forbes Mary Tokomairiro Drunkenness 7 days Scotland None 1847 5 1 Fresh Hazel Black Upper front teeth out 1873, P- 84 May 17 Feb. 24 Dunedin Vagrancy 3 months Scotland None 1829 5 3 Sallow Hazel Grey Repeatedly convicted 1871, p. 25 Catherine George Putney April 11 1 Hawksbury ( Illegally on premises and larceny 6 weeks Scotland Surgeon ; 1846 5 8 Sallow Hazel Black Scar pn, left side of neck ‘rVXLO Hi .

Return of Prisoners Discharged from H.M. Gaols, Dunedin, Lawrence, Oamaru, Queenstown, Arrowtown, and Invercargill, during the month of May, 1876.

Name. When Tried. Where Offence. Sentence. Native of Trade. Born Height Compl. Eyes. Hair. Remarks. G. References. Jackman May 18. Dunedin Larceny 7 days Scotland None 1834 5 a Fresh Grey Dk. brown M‘Naught May March 27 Dunedin Stealing from the perMarch 27 Dunedin Dunedin Larceny Stealing from the per7 days Scotland None 1834 5 3 Fresh Grey Dk. brown Jane Henderson Feb. Dunedin son language Obscene months Scotland None 1844 5 Fresh Hazel Dk. brown Upper front teeth out 3^ Fresh Hazel Dk. brown Upper front teeth out Vagrancy month 3 Scotland None 1849 5 1 Pale Grey brown convicted, Repeatedly John Henry Jones, 1876 pitted p. 10. 1875, PMay Chalmers Port Vagrancy days 14 England Clerk 1826 5 sy 2 Sallow Grey Grey legs Flynn May Dunedin larceny, • ■ 1875 5 and on Francis Dunedin premises a days 9 England Laborer 1844 6 Fresh Grey Sandy High cheek 1876 ling 12 months Canada Painter 1828 5 9 Sallow Lt. Grey Grey Bullet wound on top of foreApril 19 ling 12 months Canada Painter 1828 5 9 Sallow Lt. Grey Grey Bullet wound on top of foreJames Dunedin Vagrancy 6 weeks Ireland Shoemaker 1824 0 7 Fresh Grey Grey head Previous conviction; scar on April 1 g Dunedin Vagrancy 6 weeks Ireland Shoemaker 1824 5 7 Fresh Grey Grey head Previous conviction ; scar on Ellen Adams Feb Dunedin Drunkenness, side of Mathew Flanagan Ann M'Namara April 28 Feb. 19 Dunedin Dunedin drunkard Vagrancy Drunkenness 14 1 Ireland Ireland Married Baker 1851 1837 5 5 2 Fresh Fresh Grey Grey Lt. Brown Previous conviction vagrancy day & Ireland None 1844 5 2 Fresh Grey Grey Repeatedly Alfred Boyd 4 Dunedin Larceny month Scotland Clerk 1840 5 7 Sallow Grey Black on lip Scar temple, p. Bridget Keane William Jones, 29 Dunedin Drunkenness days Ireland None 1824 5 2 Fresh Hazel Dark near left eye Repeatedly convicted 1876, p. 27 1 None 1824 5 2 Fresh Hazel Dark near left eye Repeatedly convicted 1876, p. 27 Shead Jan. 14 Lawrence and John May Oamaru pretences Drunkenness months’ labor days’ 24 days’ labor England Ireland Laborer Butcher 1840 71:83 5 5 10 6 Dark Fresh Hazel Dark Medium build 1876, p. 6 Blue Dark Fair Grey Grey Medium build 1876, p. 6 Martin Mansfield May 1 Queenstown Exposing his person Assault Ireland Ireland 1836 1836 5 5 7 Fresh Fresh Hair and whiskers grey Patrick May April 28 April 1875 Arrowtown Miner Grey Brown 1874, p. 106 1875 Queenstown Arrowtown Exposing his person Assault Ireland Ireland Miner Miner 1836 1836 5 5 7 Fresh Fresh Grey Brown Grey Grey Hair and whiskers grey 18 74, p. 106 John Davidson Kerr 9 Campbelltown and 1876 ing lannguage 9 Ireland Carpenter 1846 5 Fair Hazel Brown J. K. back left hand, ring iV* Fair Hazel Brown . K. back left hand, ring David Maloney 17 Invercargill Assault 14 Ireland Laborer 1850 5 Fair Blue Brown middle finger Cut on nose and on left [8 75> P- 79 sy Fair Blue Brown middle finger Cut on nose and on left i8 7S» P- 79 4 temple 876, p. 47 temple [876, p. 47 '

Return of Prisoners Discharged from H.M. Gaols, Dunedin, Lawrence, Oamaru, Queenstown, Arrowtown, and Invercargill, during the month of May, 1876.

Name. When Tried. Where Offence. Sentence. of Trade. Born Height Compl. Eyes. Hair. Remarks. P. G. References. 1 P. G. References. Thomas Marshall April 26 Invercargill Habitual drunkenness days’ 7 Scotland Laborer 1836 ft 5 in. 8 Sallow Hazel Brown on left William Browne May Campbelltown Habitual drunkenness 7 England Sailor 1840 5 7 Sallow Grey Brown * Williams Henry Jan. Campbelltown and of Shipping Act 12 weeks’ and 1 months’ labor England Sailor 1850 5 5 Fresh Grey Brown Anchor left hand, mole left " ■ , Shipping Act 12 weeks’ and 1 months’ labor England Sailor 1850 5 5 Fresh Grey Brown Anchor left hand, mole left Nichol West May Campbelltown Vagrancy labor days’ England Laborer 1831 5 6 Sallow Grey Brown side Heart right arm, dot back of * England Laborer 1831 5 6 Sallow Grey Brown side Heart right arm, dot back of John Feb. Invercargill Threatening language labor months’ 3 Scotland Farmer 1833 5 7 Fair Grey Fair hand 1876, p. 26 sy 2 Fair Grey Fair hand 1876, p. 26 William May 1875 16July Campbelltown Breach, Shipping Act 14 England Sailor 1836 5 Sallow Hazel Sandy Left • dislocated Edward Clarke Invercargill and breach \ . Richard 1876 May Invercargill regulations Stealing from a months’ America Cook 5 5 Black Dark Black Cut on left cheek & right arm i8 75> P- 77 sy Black Dark Black Cut on left cheek & right arm i8 75* P- 77 Thomas M'Math 1875 Invercargill ling 7 England Carpenter S3 5 5}4 Fair Hazel Fair right cut eyebrow and knee Dec. 10 1876 Assault 6 months’ labor Scotland Farmer 1840 5 10 Sallow Grey Brown 1876, p. 7 April 25 Assault 6 months’ labor Scotland Farmer 1840 5 TO Sallow Grey Brown 1876, p. 7 Thomson Dugald Invercargill Assault 1 months’ labor Scotland Sailor 1846 5 9 Sallow Blue Brown Anchor on right arm, scar on April 25 Invercargill Assault 1 months’ labor Scotland Sailor 1846 5 9 Sallow Blue Brown Anchor on right arm, scar on Alfred Joseph 17 Riverton Larceny 2 months’ labor England Laborer 1858 5 4 / Fair Blue Fair nose 2 cuts on forehead, marks p. 47 1875 Dec. 13 Riverton Larceny 2 months’ labor England Laborer 1858 5 4 Fair Blue Fair nose 2 cuts on forehead, marks 1876, p. 47 Patrick Invercargill Larceny 6 months’ labor Ireland Laborer 1859 5 4 Fresh Hazel Brown boil on neck Cut on left eye, middle finger, 1876, P- 35 right hand broken 1876, p. 7 T. K. WELDON, Commissioner of Police. 1870 Dec. 13 Larceny 6 months’ labor Ireland Laborer 1859 5 4 Fresh Hazel Brown boil on neck Cut on left eye, middle finger, 1876, p. 35 right hand broken 1876, p. 7 Invercargill -- M T. K. WELDON, Commissioner of Police. j

Return of Prisoners Discharged from H.M. Gaols, Dunedin, Lawrence, Oamaru, Queenstown, Arrowtown, and Invercargill, during the month of May, 1876.

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 6, 10 June 1876, Page 59

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OTAGO CONSTABULARY. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 6, 10 June 1876, Page 59

OTAGO CONSTABULARY. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 6, 10 June 1876, Page 59

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