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INCENDIARISM. MALICIOUSLY SETTING FIRE TO THREE STACKS OF OATS. WHEREAS about a quarter-past ten o’clock on the night of the 15th instant three stacks of oats, the property of Thomas Henderson, situate at Trotter’s Creek, in the Hampden Police Division, and opposite the Kartigri Hotel, were maliciously destroyed by fire : And whereas suspicion is attached to Edward Burke, and a man name unknown, swagsmen, who, dissatisfied with the treatment they received at the said hotel, left shortly before the said fire was discovered. Ist. An Irishman, 25 years of age, five feet nine inches high, medium build, slight fair moustache and goatee, brown hair, and blue eyes. 2nd. Supposed an Englishman, adout 30 years of age, five feet five inches high, medium build, black hair, dark whiskers, beard, and moustache, dirty appearance; carried a blue blanket swag. Notice is hereby given that a reward of £SO will be paid by the Provincial Government of Otago to any person who will first give such information to the police as shall lead to the arrest and conviction of the person or persous by whom the said fire was caused, and in addition thereto His Excellency the Governor will be advised to grant a free pardon to an accomplice, not being the person who actually caused the fire, who will give such information as shall lead to a like result. T. K. WELDON, Commissioner of Police. Police Office, Dunedin, - - 23rd May, 1876. '

At 5.20 p.m. on the 24th ultimo, at Whitechapel Flat, near Arrow Junction, about thirty-five bags of wheat, the property of Patrick Kerin, were damaged by fire. At 1.30 a.m. on the 13th ultimo, at the Glen, near Dunedin, a stack of rye grass and oaten hay, value the property of Charles Mercer, was destroyed by fire. At 11.30 p.m. on the 15th ultimo, a threshing mill, the property of Leonard Hardil and Co., value 612 bushels of barley, 500 bushels of wheat, 215 bags, and a quantity cf straw, situate at Wangaloe, near Balclutha, the property of Donald Mitchell, value were destroyed by fire. At an inquest held on the 23rd ultimo by J. G. Smith, Esquire, Coroner, to inquire as to the origin of the fire, the following verdict was returned: —That there is no evidence to show how the said fire originated. '' ■ -

About 2 p.m. on the 28th ultimo the barn of William Renton, situate at Otakia, East Taieri, was discovered on fire, but the fire was extinguished before much damage was done. Suspicion attached to a man

known as “ The Doctor,” who resides in the neighbourhood, and who has on several occasions made use of threatening language towards Mr. Renton, English, 42 years of age, five feet seven inches high, medium build, very red hair, beard, and moustache blue eyes, wore dark coat and blue-colored trousers.

Felonies and Other Offences. A warrant has been issued by the Palmerston Bench for the arrest of Thomas Barry, charged with having stolen on the Ist ultimo from the person of Charles Canty, at Shag Valley, £2l in bank notes and silver. Offender is a native of Kerry, Ireland, a labourer, 29 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, about 12 stone weight, dark brown hair, whiskers, and moustache, chin shaved, first finger of one hand contracted, shaky from sickness, wore dark blue paget coat, dark brown striped trousers, black soft felt hat, and balmoral boots. He worked as a sub-contractor on the railway line at Shag Valley. It is thought that he will endeavour to leave the colony. ( Vide Police Gazette 1875, page 111) William Thomas Avery, charged on warrant with deserting his wife and family at Port Chalmers on the 12th of October last, has assumed the name of Charles Brown. He worked some time after deserting his wife and family at Bannockburn as a miner, and left there about the Ist of December last for the Oamaru or Southland district to seek employment harvesting.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of John Crawford, alias Hugh Miller, .charged with having stolen on the 19th ultimo from the office of Frederick S. Chapman, Princes-street, Dunedin, a dark-blue cloth overcoat, since recovered, having been pawned on the day it was stolen at Metz Pawn Office, Walker-street, by offender. He is believed to be English, from 40 to 45 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, medium straight built, light brown hair, bald on the top of head, reddish whiskers and moustache, cut short, chin shaved, when last seen wore dark short paget coat made of waterproof cloth, light coloured tweed trousers, strong, dirty lace-up boots, and black felt hat with small rim. He represents himself as a commercial traveller, clerk, schoolmaster, &c., and is in the habit of calling upon clergymen and asking them for clothes and money.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of Thomas Beacon, charged with the larceny as a bailee at Dunedin, on the 9th ultimo, of assorted drapery, value about the property of John Davidson Yates. Offender is an Englishman, a draper’s assistant, about 33 years of age, 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, medium build, fair complexion, fair hair, fair whiskers and moustache, cut short, shaved on chin, dressed when last seen in tightfitting dark tweed frock-coat, and brow-n soft felt hat. He was employed by Mr. Yates to sell the goods on commission at Port Chalmers and Blueskin, but has failed to account for either goods or proceeds. He left Port Chalmers on the 23rd ultimo.

A warrant has been issued by the Port Chalmers Bench for the arrest of William Mills, charged with deserting his illegitimate children Didect Mills, aged 3 years, and Ellen Mills, aged 18 months, of whom Catherine Rickards is the mother, and leaving them without means of support at Port Chalmers on the 2nd ultimo. Offender is a native of Warwickshire, England, a labourer, about 34 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, very stout build, dark complexion, no whiskers, very small moustache, figure of a

colored woman and mark of an old burn on his arm, wore dark tweed coat, moleskin trousers, and cheese cutter cap. He left Port Chalmers on the 2nd ultimo by the steamer Hawea, for Lyttelton, and will likely be employed on railway works in the neighbourhood.

A man of the following description, name unknown is charged with having stolen between 9 p.m. on the 31st ultimo and 5 a.m, on the Ist instant, at Waripa, Balclutha Division, a mare, saddle and bridle, since recovered, the property of John Harrold. Offender is supposed to be an Irishman, about 27 or 28 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, medium build, dark complexion, dark hair, clean shaved, long features, dressed in dark tweed coat, light tweed vest, tight-fitting light Bedford cord trousers, worn inside Wellington boots, black billycock hat, leaf turned down, carried no swag. On the night of the 31st ultimo he was provided with a bed in Mr. Hogg’s barn at Waripa and during that night stole the mare from Mr. Hogg’s stable. The mare, saddle and bridle were found about noon on the the Ist instant 18 miles from where they were stolen, and the offender seen a short distance away, going in the direction of Balclutha. He is believed to be identical with Michael Murphy, alias John Jenkins (vide Police Gazette , 1876, page 43), who is now described as being 5 feet Io inches high.

A man of the following description is charged with having, between 8 and 9 o’clock on the night of the 22nd ultimo, on the Anderson’s Bay road, indecently accosted and ran after a Mrs. Price and a Miss Stevenson. He appeared to be a labourer, 5 feet 8 inches high, thin face, sandy beard and moustache, wore Scotch cap, dark paget coat, grey trousers and vest. Identifiable.

(Vide Police Gazette 1876, pages 30 and 43),

The offender Michael Murphy, alias John Jenkins, is now described as being 5 feet 10 inches high, clean shaved except moustache, wore dark coat, dirty light tweed trousers, dark hat and Wellington boots. He left Invercargill on the 29th ultimo for Mataura, has friends at Tokomairiro and the Taieri. He will likely endeavour to leave the Colony. The horse, saddle and bridle hired by him from Alexander McDonald have been found in Marsh’s Livery Stables Cromwell. He has assumed the name Sullivan.

A warrant has been issued by'the Invercargill Bench for the arrest of John F. Tabreth charged with larceny as a bailee at Gore of £is between the Ist and 31st of March last the monies of James Strang. Offender is an Englishman, a carpenter, 26 years of age, about 6 feet high, well built, full round features, rather fair complexion, brown hair, very small light brown whiskers, beard, and moustache, usually wears grey tweed clothes, and soft felt hat. It is supposed that he left Wellington on the 23rd ultimo by the steamer Otago for Nelson to work for a Mr. Scholar, a contractor at that place.

Stolen, on the 13th ultimo from the dwelling of George Gorman, at Kew, near Invercargill, a silver lever open-faced watch, No. 27893, maker’s name unknown, value £4. Identifiable ; and Bs. 6d. in silver, the property of Benjamin King.

Stolen, on the 16th ultimo, from the Pawn office door of Moss Moss, George-street, Dunedin, a new pair of boy’s elastic-side boots, No. 5 size, nailed, value 13s. 6d. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 19th and 23rd ultimo, at Hasting’s Hotel, Wellington, or on board the steamer Albion, between Wellington and Port Chalmers, from

the boxes of Jane Dryden, a long scarf shawl, dark grey and white plaid pattern, red and black stripes running through it, short grey worsted fringe, value 275. 6d.; a black jacket without sleeves, trimmed with black beaded lace, not much worn, value, 30s. p a small blue cloth cape, trimmed with black satin, scalloped edge with buttons all round, value 255; two pairs of ladies kid boots, No. 4 size, one pair new, the other half worn, value 245. 6d. All identifiable.

Stolen, on the 19th ultimo, from the hotel of Mrs. W. N. Scheib, Gibbstown, near Arrowtown, an ovalshaped gold brooch containing a lock of hair, glass broken, value £5. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Ah Lick, a Chinaman, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, rather stout build, wore black monkey jacket, black cloth trousers, carried two white swags. He left Gibbstown on the 20th ultimo, supposed for Dunedin.

Stolen, on the 3rd instant, from the dwelling of Jane Mason, Machin’s right-of-way, off Walker-street, Dunedin, a marble time-piece, round dial, value £2 2ss. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 3rd inslant, from the cellar of the shop of Harrop and Neil, Princess-street, Dunedin, a four-branch bronze chandelier set on the figure of a man, value a-ss. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the nth ultimo, from the dwelling of Thomas S. Graham, Queen-street, Dunedin, a woollen antimacassor, about 3 feet long and 2 feet wide, hand knit, a green, chocolate, and yellow mixture stripe worked through it, value 18s. ; a sofa cushion about two feet square, green silk back, satin and chocolate front, St. Andrew’s cross in centre, worked around the edge with pink rose silk in feather stitch, trimmed with green and gold braid, cord tassel at each end, value T 3. Both identifiable.

Stolen, on the i2th ultimo, for the bar of the Commercial. Hotel, Green Island, a grey paper parcel containing a pair of men’s Mosgiel diawers, plain make; a pair of women’s elastic-side leather slippers, No. 7 size; 2 pairs of children’s socks, one brown, the other Shetland grey, all new, the property of Donald Mclntosh, value iss. 2d. Identifiable. A man of the following description, who, when he left the bar of the hotel, was seen carrying -a similar parcel, suspected between 24 and 30 years of age, about 5 feet 7 inches high, medium build, fair complexion and hair, small fair whiskers, wore dirty moleskin trousers and round felt hat.

Stolen, on the i2th ultimo, from the bedroom ofThos. Campbell, in the Criterion Hotel, Milton, six £1 notes; a gold nugget breast pin, about the size of a pea, having a little quartz in the front of it. Pin identifiable. Suspicion attached to Thomas Mitchell, a Viciorian, a playactor, about 25 years of age, 5 feet 4 inches high, medium build, smart appearance, sandy hair, clean shaved, except moustache. This suspect is believed to be identical with Gummy Woodburn, alias George Johnston, an expert member of the criminal class. (See Police Gazette 1874, page io 7-)

Stolen, about the 17 th ultimo, from Kelso’s stables, Invercargiil, a fawn-coloured greyhound bitch, white head, tail a little coarse, answers to the name of Primrose,” the property of George Maitland, value £l6 1 os. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 26th ultimo, at the Glen, near Dunedin, about 901 b. of old sheet lead in five feet lengths, having a number of nail holes in them, the property of James Hood, value 20s. Identifiable.

Between 8 and 10.30 p.m on the 31st ultimo the shop of Edward Robert Weir, Dee-street, Invercargill, was entered, the inner portion of a small-sized cash box, containing a £5 on the , bank of New Zealand, 5 £1 notes, and about 255. in silver stolen therefrom. Portion of. cash-box identifiable. Suspicion attached to Thomas Downey, English, a sailor and labourer, 26 years of age, 5 feet 6 inches high, medium build, fair complexion and hair, small light-colored whiskers and moustache, shaved on chin.

Stolen, between 5 p.m. on the 30th, and 8 a.m. on the 31st. ultimo, from the roof of the store in course of erection on the reclaimed ground near the central railway station, Dunedin, about lolbs. of sheet lead, 10 feet long by 7 inches broad, the property of the General Government, value 2s. 6d. Identifiable.

Between 5.30 p.m. on the 20th, and 7 a.m. on the 22nd ultimo, an attempt was made to enter the plumber’s shop of Anderson and Morrison, Moray Place, Dunedin, by breaking a square of glass in one of the shop windows and endeavouring to remove the window frame. There was stolen from the premises during the same time, about 18 inches of lead pipe, of an inch in diameter, value 2s.

During the night of the Ist, or morning of the 2nd instant, the cylinder of an engine at Waihola jetty, the property of Reid and Douglas, was maliciously damaged to the value of £l.

Stolen, on the 18th ultimo, from the dwelling of Frederick Ken ward, Waikouaiti, a looking glass, 7 by 10 inches, broken ring in frame, value 4s. 6d. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Henry Williams, Irish, a labourer, about 46 years of age, 5 feet 7 or 8 inches high, medium build, fresh ruddy complexion, dark brown hair, whiskers and moustache, turning grey, full features, tender eyes, wore black cloth paget coat, dirty moleskin trousers, soft half-worn black felt hat, and watertight boots. He went towards Blueskin.

Stolen, on the 15th ultimo, from off the clothes-line of Herman Nasheiskie, London-street, Dunedin, two partly worn white linen table-cloths, the initials M. H. marked with ink on corners, value 20s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 16th ultimo, from the door of the residence of William Harrop, Albany-street, Dunedin, a round door scraper with three legs about an inch long, flowered round the rim, value ss. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 9th and nth ultimo, from the yard of the premises or James Neill, King-street, Dunedin, a three-gallon, oval-shaped, iron boiler, the figure 3on handle of lid, value ss. Identifiable.

During the night of the 26th ultimo, the cellar of the shop of Andrew Mercer, Rattray-street, Dunedin, was entered by a window at the rear of the premises, and a quantity of whiskey supposed to have been stolen therefrom

Stolen, on the 13th ultimo, from the dwelling of Adam Brown, at Kew, near Invercargill, an English silver lever watch No. 17639, maker, Benson, Ludgate Hill, London; an incomplete mounted hair guard with watch key sewn on end with black thread attached, value £6 6s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 29th ultimo, from the shop of Benjamin Isen and Co., George-street, Dunedin, a new dark blue napped or freize monkey jacket, lined with Italian cloth, one left breast pocket, slit about hips, 4 black buttons on each side, value 335. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 22nd ultimo, from the shop of Malcolm McLennan, Kensington, near Dunedin, seven shillings in silver. A man of the following description who was seen behind the counter suspected : English, supposed to be a jockey, about 22 years of age, no hair on face, fair hair and complexion, wore dark sac coat, light coloured trousers, and round black hat. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the T6th ultimo, from the dwelling of Barbara McPherson, Port Chalmers railway line, near Burkes’ Brewery, a pair of men’s Bedford trouserswithout pockets, and a blue and white check Crimean shirt, value £3. Identifiable.

Stolen about the 10th ultimo, from the clothes line of Elizabeth Christie, Cargill road, South Dunedin, two white calico petticoats, one plain with insertion round bottom, the other has a flounce round the bottom, two or three small tucks above the flounce, a row of insertion above the tucks and three rows of small tucks above the insertion, value 20. Identifiable.

Stolen on the 9th ultimo, from the clothes line of of William Sly, Kensington, near Dunedin, a white muslin skirt, with narrow blue stripe, flounce at bottom; a brown holland skirt with two flounces, bound with narrow blue striped cotton; both value 1 5s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 12th ultimo, from on board the schooner Tauranga at Rattray-street Jetty, Dunedin, a' double-breasted black cloth frock coat, three black cloth buttons on each side of front black velvet collar; a trousers and vest, blue and green French check plaid : a blue and white check Crimean shirt; a blue flannel shirt and a pair of grey worsted socks the property of Thomas Patterson, value £7. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to a man known as “Jim,” supposed English, a labourer and seaman, about 26 years of age, 5 feet 4 or 5 inches high, medium build, dark complexion, dark brown hair, whiskers and moustache worn full, wore old black cloth paget coat, old brown tweed trousers, old black soft felt hat and watertight boots ; he recently worked on the railway line at Blueskin.

Stolen, about the 14th ultimo, from the premises of William Coull, Roslyn, an American wooden tub, about 18 inches in diameter, three iron hoops, and an ordinary-sized saucepan, both nearly neiv, value 20s. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 16th ultimo, from the garden of Mary A. Landers, George-street, Dunedin, four common rose bushes, about nine inches high, lately pruned, value 10s.

Stolen, on the i2th March last, from the tent of James Jamieson, at the Railway Works, Blueskin, an old open-faced silver geneva watch, very flat and thin, metal dial-plate having flowers engraved thereon, gold hands, made in Melbourne, makers name and number on inside of back, value £3 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 6th instant, from the tent of John Webb at Blueskin, a canvas bag containing a black pilot cloth overcoat, lined with red flannel, value 275. 6d.; a dark felt hat, nearly new, value 6s ; 2 pairs of blue woollen socks, value, 3s. 6d.; a large red and white striped woollen scarf, value 3s. 6d. ; and a ladies black cloth tight-fitting jacket, value 2os. All identifiable.

Stolen, between the nth and 18th ultimo, from a hut in the Old Botanical Gardens, Dunedin, an octagon-shaped 24 hour clock, about nine inches wide, nearly new but dirty, plain stained brown cedar case, white dial, steel hands, make and maker’s name unknown 3 a steel crowbar, 5 feet long, flat and punch

points, several small holes in it about a foot apart; and two common short-handled navvy shovels, the prow perty of the Dunedin Corporation, value £2. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 26th ultimo, from the dwelling of Doctor Alexander, Albert-street, Dunedin, a common button hook, buck horn handle 3 and a razor in a common case, value ss. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 23rd and the 25th ultimo, from the ham curing house of James Irvine, Filleul-street, Dunedin, about 61bs of leaf pork fat, value 4s. 3 Stolen, between iO p.m. the iOth and 7 a.m. the nth ultimo, from the bleaching green of Annie McClusky, Burnside, near Green Island, a plain made cotton print skirt, greyish color with small red flowers ; 2 twill sheets, one nearly new, the other well worn 3 4 plain white cotton pillow covers, tape at ends 3 2 small coarse towels, red stripe near ends 3 a new unbleached chemise trimmed with tape, 2 pairs of women’s drawers, one having three tucks, the other plain 3 2 coarse linen aprons, plain make, partly worn 3 2 children’s linen blouses trimmed with white braid, a common toilet cover ; a muslin window blind 2 children’s check muslin pinafores, trimmed with white lace 3 a white cotton night-gown, plain make, value 14s. Identifiable,

Stolen, on the 18th ultimo, from the clothes line of Alfred Deacon,^Kensington, near Dunedin, a Nottingham lace curtain, 3 yards long by 2 yards wide 3 10 antimacassars, 3 about a yard square, knitted and darned* 2 crochet worked, one 1 Y yards square, and 1 yards long by y a yard wide, and 5 round shaped about Yx of a yard long, crotchet worked all value £2. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 16th ultimo, from the clothes-line of Edward Esquilann, canongate-street, Dunedin, 5 pairs of ladies’ white cotton stockings, a ladies’ laced white stocking, a pair of mens’ blue and white mixture cotton socks, value 13s. Lace stocking only identifiable.

Stolen, on the 10th ultimo, from off a fence at the back of the residence of John Patterson, Mornington, three mn’s Crimean shirts, two grey and pink striped, one blue, white and pink; four boys’ shirts, two black and grey twilled cotton, two white woven cotton ; nine pairs of men’s and boys’ grey knitted woollen socks with white toes ; two white woollen scarfs, one with red border and the other with black border, value £3. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 2nd instant, from the bar of the hotel of John S. Burres, Cromwell, a japanned tin cash-box, brass handle on lid, containing 14s. in silver k and some letters, cash-box value 20s. Box and letters identifiable.

I Stolen, about the sth instant, from the bar of Martin’s Hotel, Stafford-street, Dunedin, a five-gallon cane wicker basket demijohn with handle, containing three gallons of gin, the property of Robert Skitch, value £s. Demijohn identifiable.

Stolen, on the 26th ultimo, from the stableyard of the Bridge Hotel, Cromwell, a dark-blue overcoat, thick double cuffs, lined with black alpaca, torn on arm and back, a pair of odd gloves in the pockets, right old, left nearly new, the property of James Lawrence, value £3. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Andrew Ryan, an Irishman, about 32 years of age, five feet six or seven inches high, slight build, brown hair, clean shaved, except small, fair moustache.

Stolen, on the 28th of April last, at Kakanui Mouth, from the person of Charles Dixon, while drunk, £2O in one pound notes.

Stolen, on the th instant, from a cab on the Pine Hill Road, near Dunedin, a common cab lamp 3 the spring and socket of a lamp 3 a whip, having a tin ferrule about six inches long on the centre of handle, the property of Henry Jones, value £2 10s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Peter Anderson and a man named Jeffers, wood carters, residing at Pine Hill. Anderson is 22 years of age, five feet five inches high, slight build, very little, if any hair on face. Jeffers is 22 years of age, about five five inches high, slight build, fair complexion.

Stolen, about the 27th ultimo, from the Carnival meeting, Princes-street south, Dunedin, three Indian clay figures, about six inches high, one of a woman nursing, one of a groom, and one of a man sweeping, the property of Clement White, value .£5. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 3rd and 7th instant, from the Royal George Hotel, George-Street, Dunedin, a large sized boot trunk, addressed Ellen Graffney, care of Mr. O’Donnell, Royal George Hotel, Dunedin, containinga white leghorn hat trimmed with black and white ribbon and pink flower 3 a red merino dress 3 a light brown lustre dress 3 a white muslin dress 3 a black cloth polonaise 3 a red quilted petticoat 3 a red corded petticoat 3 two chemises 3 a night dress 3 a flannel petticoat ; two white muslin dresses 3 a musical album 3 a gold brooch • a black cloth jacket 3 a white petticoat 3 ten yards of russel cord cloth 3 a white muslin jacket 3 and a pink opera jacket, the property of Ellen Graffney, value .£3O. Identifiable.

Missing Friends. Information is requested respecting the whereabouts of John Morrison, a native of Edinburgh, Scotland, a fishcurer, 24 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, dark complexion and hair, hazel eyes, dark eyebrows, nearly meeting. He arrived in this province about two years ago by the ship Janet Court, and was heard of in January last near Oamaru, seeking employment harvesting. He has left his wife and child at Dunedin destitute.

Information is requested respecting the whereabouts of George Rice, supposed to be of unsound mind, who left the company of William Robinson in George-street, Dunedin, on the 14th ultimo, and has not since been heard of. An Englishman, a butcher, 42 years of age, about five feet ten inches high, dark brown hair, moustache, and beard, moustache and beard cut close, slightly bald, wore faded green coat, dark striped moleskin trousers, lavender and black check shirt, round cloth hat, stiff rim, lined with green, and new water-tight boots.

Information is requested respecting the whereabouts of James Alexander Brown, who was heard of in Auckland in May, 1875, and then expressed his intention of coming to Dunedin, a Scotchman, a miner, about 35 years of age, five feet ten inches high, eleven and a-half stone weight, black hair, dark 'brown whiskers and moustache, fair complexion, usually wears tweed suit.

Information is requested respecting the whereabouts of John Braun, a native of London, a seaman, 24 years of age. He arrived by the ship Jessie Readman, at Port. Chalmeis, in October, 1874. He left the vessel soon after, and has not since been heard of by his parents, who reside in England, and are anxious to know his whereabouts.

Information is requested respecting the whereabouts of Robert Gray, who is missing from Catlin’s River since the r2th ultimo. He was employed at Messrs. Andrew and Dickson’s Saw Mill, and on the morning on the 12 th ultimo he left his work unobserved, leaving his effects in his hut, and has not since been heard of. He is a native of Ayrshire, Scotland, about 33 years of age, five feet eight or nine inches high, medium build, about twelve stone weight, freckled complexion, red hair, whiskers, beard, and moustache, wore dark tweed trousers and vest, grey Crimean shirt, black wideawake hat, and light watertight boots. He is supposed to have in his possession a letter which was posted at Invercargill six days previous to his disappearance.

Colonial Secretary’s Office. Wellington, Bth May, 1876. Inquiries have been made for a person named Thomas Edward Armstrong, who arrived in Otago from England in 1875 in the Tweed. He was married about December, 1875, and shortly afterwards left for Wellington. He is of fair complexion, about five feet eight inches in height, and is a joiner by trade. Any person possessing information respecting the person above named, is requested to communicate the same to this office. G. S. COOPER.

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 6, 10 June 1876, Page 53

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FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 6, 10 June 1876, Page 53

FIFTY POUNDS REWARD. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VII, Issue 6, 10 June 1876, Page 53

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