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Felonies and Other Offences.

£IOO REWARD. WHEREAS some evil-disposed person or persons did, on the night of the 11th, or on the morning of the 12th July, 1875, break the lock used for securing the switches of the Green Island Branch Railway, and also so place the said switches as to cause on the said 12th July the 7.30 Green Island train to be turned from the main line to the said branch line: Notice is hereby given that the above reward of One Hundred Pounds sterling will be paid

to any person or persons not being in any way implicated who will give such information as will lead to the conviction of the offenders. D. REID, Secretary for Railways. Dunedin, July 13,.1875.

A warrant has been issued by the'Justices’ Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of John Killen, charged with obtaining goods, value £6 125., from Charles Muir, at Dunedin, on the Ist ultimo, by means of a valueless cheque. Offender is supposed to be an Irishman, a hawker, from 26 to 30 years of age,. 5 feet 9 inches high, medium build, dark eyes, fair complexion, dark hair, beard, whiskers, and moustache ; he kept a hardware shop in George-street, Dunedin, about two years ago ; he sold his cart and goods by auction at Tokomairiro on the 7th ultimo.

(Vide Police Gazette, 187 page 59.) Amended description of Duncan M'Lellan, alias M'Millan, alias Daniel M'Earlane, charged, on warrant, with horse-stealing at Dunedin : —He is a native of Dumbarton, Scotland, an engineer by trade, 5 feet 101 inches high, medium build, sallow complexion, sickly-looking, pimples on face, dark shaggy hair worn long, long thin features, low forehead, no hair on face, prominent teeth, one of front teeth decayed and a false tooth fastened with gold substituted, turns his toes out when walking, very slovenly in gait and dress, wore dark tweed clothes when last seen in Dunedin. Offender represented that he was acting as traveller for the firm of Messrs. Russell, Ritchie and Co., of Dunedin, and assumed the name of M'Earlane, an employee of that firm.

A warrant has been issued by the Timaru Bench for the arrest of D. M'Millan, charged with larceny as a bailee, at Dunedin, about the 7th ultimo of a bay gelding, 6 years old, 15| hands high, a little white on forehead and hind foot, blotched R on near shoulder, the property of James King, value £3O; identifiable. Offender borrowed from Niccold Radore, a saddle, pigskin seat, hide flaps, one half of each flap repaired, knee pads replaced with new leather, high cantle. He hired the horse and borrowed the saddle at Timaru on the 21st of June last, and it is supposed he sold both soon after between there and Dunedin. Offender is described as being a Scotchman, 21 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, medium build, dark hair, no hair on face, sallow complexion, Jong features, large front teeth, turns his toes out when walking. This offender is believed to be identical with Duncan M'Lellan, alias M'Millan, alias M'Earlane, referred to in previous paragraph.

A warrant has been issued by the Justices’ Court, Dunedin, for the arrest of John Liston, charged with deserting his wife and family at Dunedin about the 15th of January last. Offender is a native of Limerick, Ireland, a gas-fitter, but works as a railway laborer, 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, fair complexion, fair hair, no . whiskers, a little lightcolored hair on chin and small fair moustache, very long white teeth, and long thin nose. He was heard of at Blueskin about six weeks since.

A warrant has been issued by the Christchurch Bench for the arrest of Thomas Lennon, charged with deserting his wife and family at Christchurch on the 26th of January last. Offender is an Irishman, a rope-maker and laborer, 32 years of age, 5 feet 8| inches high, stout build, dark complexion, black hair, whiskers, beard, and moustache, thin face, blue eyes, straight nose, Crucifixion tatooed on right arm. He

was working on the railway line at Popotunoa about three months ago. Warrant in the office of the Commissioner of Police, Dunedin.

A warrant has been issued by the Ashburton Bench for the arrest of Donald M'lnnis, charged with disobeying a summons commanding him to appear at the Magistrate’s Court, Ashburton, on the 9th ultimo, to answer a charge of having committed a breach of the Stamp Act. Offender is a Scotchman, a draper, 34 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, stout build, about 11 stone w r eight, reddish complexion, slightly freckled, red , hair, whiskers, beard and moustache, wore a suit of dark tweed, black hat, and elastic side boots. He was ferried over the river Rangitika on the 28th, of June last, and then said that he was going to Otago.

'Between 10 p.m. on the 6th and S on the 7th ultimo, the shop of Peter M. Peters, Dee-street, Invercargill, was entered, and the following articles stolen therefrom : Two pair of white English blankets,. blue and yellow selvige, 11 quarter-size, a pair of white Mosgiel blankets, and a white oilskin coat, with horse-check lining: value, £6 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 16th ultimo, from the Queen’s Arms Hotel, Princes-street, Dunedin, a box, containing a blue cloth paget coat, trousers and vest of same material, three red and two white flannel singlets, a black silk tie with orange thread through it and purple border, a two-foot rule, a small hand vice, two central punches, two pair of calipers, two white shirts marked RM under breast, an album containing a number of carte de visites, two single blankets, one white and one white with dark check, and five pair of grey "woollen socks— property of Robert M'Kay: value, £ls. Identifiable —except the socks, rule, and punches. The box, which contained the articles described and other property recovered, was found broken open behind a pile of timber, off Hanoverstreet, Dunedin, on the morning of the 17th ultimo.

Lost or stolen, from the person of George Saddler, at Dunedin, about the ,21st ultimo, a silver Geneva hunting watch, very loose in back, No. 14202 or 27269, no maker’s name, and a “gold of the period” guard ; value, £2 13s. Gd. Identifiable. Two magsmen, named Percy Benn and James Lee, suspected ; for description, see Police Gazette, 1875, pages 48 and 50.

Stolen, on the 29th ultimo, at Blueskin, from the cart of Richard Willet, an opposum rug, partly lined with a brown blanket: value, £2. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to two men of the following description : Ist, about 22 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, slight build, fair complexion, fair hair, small fair moustache, no beard or w r hiskers, wore light tweed trousers, blue sac coat, and cheese-cutter cap ; 2nd, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 9 or 10 inches high, medium build, whiskers and moustache, wore light tweed suit and dark felt hat.

Stolen, between 9 p.m. on the 28th and 9 a.m. on the 29th ultimo, from the clothes line of Mary Berry, Stafford-street, Dunedin, six men’s white cotton shirts, with linen breasts, open at back, two have holes cut in bottom with a scissors, as a mark, and two cotton colored shirts, white ground with blue and pink stripes : value, £2 12s. Identifiable.

Stolen, about the 22nd ultimo, from the stable of Louisa M'Kay, at Anderson’s Bay, a common riding

addle, imitation pigskin, left knee pad broken alue, £5. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 21st ultimo, from the trousers pocket of Thomas Liddel, in a bed room in the Globe Hotel, Princes-street, Dunedin, a £1 note, about 9s. in silver, and a colonial gold stamp ring, not much worn ; the stamp is gold, square, and without crest or initials : value, £2. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 17th and 19th ultimo, from the main road, near Havelock, an instrument known as the Devil’s Clutch, used for stretching telegraph wires, a draw vice, and a coil of small binding wire, the property of the General Government; value, 365. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 21st ultimo, from the premises of Alexander M'Lean, Dundas-street, Dunedin, a linen sheet and two plain pillow covers, marked Smith and M‘Lean with marking ink : value, 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 21st ultimo, from the premises of David Purdue, London-street, Dunedin, a nearly new green silk umbrella, top of handle bone, with figure of eagle’s head : value, 11s. Identifiable.

Between 10 p.m. on the 7th and 9 a.m on the Bth ultimo, the office of the Resident Magistrate’s Court, at Invercargill, was broken into, and the Invercargill Hospital subscription box broken open, and the contents stolen therefrom, the property of the Invercargill Hospital Committee. Suspicion attached to Henry Harris alias Muckford, and George Smith, alias Daddy Philpot. Harris, alias Muckford, is an Englishman, a bricklayer’s laborer, 26 years of age, 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, well proportioned, fair hair, no beard or moustache, wore light tweed clothes, and cap with peak ; Smith, alias Philpot, has been recently sentenced at Invercargill to 12 months’ imprisonment with hard labor for being illegally on premises with intent to commit a felony.

Stolen, between the 14th and 24th of June last, from the dwelling of Elizabeth Reid, at Cromwell, three £1 notes and two half-sovereigns. Suspicion attached to Edward A. Drury, an Englishman, a mining agent, about 30 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high, pale complexion, dark brown hair, whiskers, beard, and moustache.

Supposed stolen, about the sth ultimo, from the premises of Cornelius Bunbury, Hanover-street, Dunedin, a white and brown drake, and a brown duck with white breast, common breed: value ss, Identifiable.

Supposed stolen, at Maori Hill, near Dunedin, between the 25th and 27th ultimo, a game cock, black red color, about 8 months old, the property of John Henderson : value, 20s. Identifiable.

Stolen or strayed, from Waitahuna, during the month of June last, a strawberry bullock, about 4 years old, in good condition, branded S O on near rump, the property of Cotton and Henry: value, £S. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to Francis Ondaille, a butcher, who resides at Havelock.

Stolen, between the 9th and 12th ultimo, from the dwelling of Dr. Brown, High-street, Dunedin, a chased silver oval-shaped vinaigrette, a little over an inch long, and f- of an inch wide, the letter M "■ "raved thereon. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 30th ultimo, from the dwelling of James Hoaston, Clyde Avenue, Dunedin, a silver lever hunting watch, No. 35326, capped and jewelled in five holes, maker, George Young, Dunedin, silver guard attached: value, £7 10s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 17th ultimo, from the letter-box of the Proprietors of the Otago Daily Times and Witness Co., in the Chief Post-office, Dunedin, eight letters, supposed addressed to the Manager of the Otago Daily Times , Dunedin; three of the letters contained three crossed cheques, which have been recovered ; the other letters, it is supposed, contained either cheques or money; two of the cheques and the three letters recovered and five of the envelopes were found on the 19th ultimo in a sewer in Rattray - street, Dunedin. Suspicion attached to a boy named named William Hamilton, -who was, up to the 10th ultimo, employed as office boy in the Times Office, and who is suspected of having stolen one of the keys of the letter-box while so employed.

Between 6 p.m. on the 31st ultimo and 6 p.m. on the Ist instant, a subscription box and its contents was stolen from off the fence to which it was fastened by screws, near the front entrance to the Benevolent Institution, Caversham ; the box was made of tin, about 8 by 4 inches, with the words “ Subscription Box, Otago Benevolent Institution,” thereonthe property of the Otago Benevolent Institution. Box identifiable.

Stolen, on the Ist instant, on board the barque Craigielee, at Port Chalmers, a black leather purse with three compartments, containing three sovereigns and 15 s in silver, the property of Samuel H. Cox. Purse identifiable. Suspicion attached to Adam Wilson, boatswain of the barque, a Scotchman, 40 years of age, 5 feet 11 inches high, brown hair, stammers when speaking.

Stolen, between the 2nd and 4th instant, from the garden of William N. Blair, Park-street, Dunedin, about 20 yards of white wire net, two feet broad : value, 20s.

Stolen, on the 2nd instant, from the person of Peter Young, while drunk in his house at Port Chalmers, a moleskin bag, stitched with strong brown thread, containing 25 £1 notes. Bag only identifiable. Suspicion attached to William Duke, English, a laborer, about 5 feet 8 or 9 inches high, medium build, grey hair, beard, whiskers and moustache, wore brown coat, grey trousers, and black wide-a-wake hat.

Stolen, between 1 and 3 a.m on the 26th ultimo, from the mining claim of Doherty and Party, at Milkman’s Gully, Naseby, auriferous earth supposed to contain about lOoz. of gold dust: value, £37 15s.

Supposed stolen, on the 21st ultimo, from Goodwood, a dark grey saddle mare, about 14 hands high, 4 years old, no visible brands, blind of near eye, the property of Robert Brown, value £3O. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 15th ultimo, from the Waimate Hotel, Waimate, a swag, containing a blue blanket, a grey blanket, a tweed coat, a sheep shears, a pair of goggles, a woollen glove for left hand, two flannel shirts, a Crimean shirt, a pair of socks, a moleskin trousers, a black wide-a-wake hat, and several sundries, the property of Thomas Hills. Identifiable. A man of the following description suspected, about 5 feet 6 or 7 inches high, long thin face,

whiskers and moustache, inclined to limp when walk* ing, had a very had cold, wore moleskin trousers and dark tweed coat, '

Stolen, on the 12th ultimo, from the Otaio Hotel, near Waimate, a dark tweed coat and vest with stripe in material, a monkey jacket, coarse red lining, 7 or 8 Crimean shirts of different patterns, an old tablecover, black and red pattern with cut in centre, the property of Stephen Hoskins. Table-cover identifiable.

Stolen, between the 20th of April last and the 20th ultimo, from the dwelling of Mary Woods, King street, Dunedin, 4 £1 notes, and a gold pencil about three inches long, having greenstone set in it. Pencil value 7s. Gd. and identifiable.

Stolen, between the 4th and 7th instant, from the coat pocket of Robert Young, at Saville House, Smart street, Dunedin, 4 £5 notes and 2 £1 notes on the Union Bank of Australia. (Doubtful case.)

Stolen, on the night of the 13th ultimo, from the goldmining claim 'of Moore and party, at Butchers’ gully, Naseby, auriferous earth, supposed to contain about 3|dwts of gold dust, value 13s. Suspicion attached to two Chinamen named Ah Chaw and Ah Tong. Ah Chaw is about 35 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches high, slight build, dark hair and eyes. Ah Tong is about 21 years of age, 5 feet 2 inches high, slight build, dark hair and eyes.

Lost or stolen, on the 16th ultimo, from the person of John McDonald, in Dunedin, a note-book or diary, red covers, fastened with an elastic band, containing contracts for work, the name John McDonald written in book, value 2s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 23rd ultimo, from the till in the shop of David Letham, Princes street, Dunedin, three £1 notes. Suspicion attached to a man of the following description, about 40 years of age, 5 feet 10 inches high, black hair, whiskers, beard, and moustache, dark complexion, wore dirty dark tweed suit and soft black felt hat. Identifiable.

Stolen, between the 20 and 23rd ultimo, at Port Chalmers, a pair of unpainted ash paddles, 9 or 10 feet long, leather on part that fits in rowlocks, is chafed from wear, the leather on one a little open at seam, the property of J. C. Harris, value 15s. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 19th ultimo, from a shed, in rear of the dwelling of Thomas Wilkinson, Queen street, Dunedin, an earthen crock, containing about 71bs of butter, and an enamelled saucepan, value 80s. Property since recovered. Suspicion attached to a woman of the following description, about 30 years of age, medium size, dressed in dark clothes.

Stolen, between 6 p.m. on the 3rd and 6 a.m. on the 4th instant, from the person of Alexander Smith, in the Globe Hotel, Princes street, Dunedin, a chamois bag, containing 10 or 12 £1 notes on the National Bank of New Zealand. Bag only identifiable. Suspicion attached to Delaney, an Irishman, 35 years of age, 5 feet 9 inches high, dark hair and whiskers, wore dark sac coat and vest, grey tweed trousers, and black hat.

Stolen, on the Gtli instant, from the yard of James Brown, St. Andrew street, Dunedin, a nearly new

white linen shirt, a pair of moleskin trousers, with a patch of same material on each knee, a pair of grey and a pair of reddish-coloured worsted stockings, marked- TH, value 12s identifiable.

Between 8 a.m. on the 4th, and 5 p.m. on the sth instant, the store of Joseph Cox, at the Lower Crossing, near Waipori, was broken into, and the following property stolen therefrom, 6 pairs of men’s dark tweed trousers, 2 pairs of light grey corded tweed trousers, a heavy single-breasted black cloth sac coat, lined with black and square checked flannel, two outside pockets with flaps, and one left breast pocket, black bone buttons, 3 black pilot cloth monkey jackets lined with black lustre, two outside pockets on left side, and one on right; a blue-striped Crimean shirt, from 16 to 20lbs of small dark plug tobacco, a silver lever, double-cased hunting-watch, much worn, makers name and number unknown ; 6 half-sovereigns, and £7 in silver —all in sixpences. Clothing, tobacco, and watch, value £22 14s Gd. Identifiable.

Stolen, on the 9th ultimo, from the dwelling of Hugh Reid, Albany street, Dunedin, a sovereign, a half-sovereign, and about £3 10s. in silver.

Stolen about the 7tli instant, from the garden of Michael Bowels, at Look-out Point, Caversham, about 56lbs. of seed potatoes, value 10s.

Stolen, on the 9th instant, from the Queen’s Arms Hotel, Princes street, Dunedin, two swags, containing a drab sac coat, a pair of drab trousers, 4 Crimean shirts, a glengary cap, a pair of moleskin trousers, an oilskin coat, torn at arm-pit, a dark-blue double blanket, a 'dark-brown single-blanket, piece burned out of edge, a tartan scarf, a broad striped shepherd’s-plaid scarf, the property of John Kidd, value £lO. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to James Rendle and John Williams. Rendle is an Englishman, about 31 years of age, 5 feet 5 inches / high, stout build, dark hair and complexion, thin ( whiskers and moustache, wore dark tweed suit and billy-cock hat. Williams is a Welchman, 21 years of age, 5 feet 7 inches high, stout build, dark complexion and hair, hair cut short, no whiskers or moustache, wore blue sac coat, moleskin trousers and billy-cock hat. Stolen, on the 9th instant, from the shop door of William Robertson, King street, Dunedin, about 6 or 7 yards of English grey tweed, value 20s. Identifiable. Suspicion attached to a short stout woman, wearing a grey waterproof cloak, who was seen loitering about the shop door.

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 8, 10 August 1875, Page 71

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Felonies and Other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 8, 10 August 1875, Page 71

Felonies and Other Offences. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 8, 10 August 1875, Page 71

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