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Extract from New South Wales Police Gazette.

(From Police Gazette 24th March, 1875, page S 5. A warrant has been issued by the Sydney Bench, for the arrest of Charles Blackmore, charged with stealing a silver watch, latch key, and £llO, the property of Jane Isabel Robinson. Blackmore is about 21 years of age, 6 feet 1 inch high, slight build fair complexion, very light brown hair, generally dressed in light tweed suit and straw hat with blue band, smart appearance, a hairdresser. Supposed to have left Sydney for New Zealand per mail steamer ' Mikado,’ on the 13th instant.

PROCLAMATION Time fixed for Shooting Native Game in the Province of Otago, excluding the late Province of Southland. By His Honor James Maeandrew, Esquire, Superintendent of the Province of Otago. PURSUANT to the powers vested in me in that behalf, and under and by virtue of “ The Protection of

Animals Act, 1873,” I, James Maeandrew,- Esquire. {superintendent of the Province of Otago, do hereby proclaim and appoint the months of April, May, June, and July, in. each year, as the months in which native game named in the sth Schedue to the said Act, may be hunted, shot, taken and killed, within the Province of Otago,* excluding the late Province of Southland, 3 ' 5 Given under my hand, and issued under the public seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, this first day of April, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. (1.5.) J. MACANDREW, Superintendent of Otago.

PROCLAMATION Appointing months during which Native Game may he hilled in the District of Southland. By His Honor James Maeandrew, Esquire, Superintendent of the Province of Otago. WHEREAS by section eleven of the Protection of ? T Animals Act, 1873, it is provided that no native game shall be hunted, shot, taken, or killed in any part of the Province except during such months as may from time to time be proclaimed by the Superintendent, not exceeding four consecutive months, in respect of each bird mentioned in the sth Schedule of the said Act. Now, therefore, I, James Maeandrew, Superintendent of the Province of Otago, in exercise of the powers and authority vested in me by the said section of this said Act, '.and every other power and authority enabling me in this behalf, do hereby proclaim and appoint that native game, named in the sth Schedule to the said Act, may be hunted, shot, taken, or killed, within that part of the Province of Otago , known as the District of Southland, from the .12th clay of the month of March to the 12th day of the month of July in each year. Given under my hand, and issued under the public seal of the Province of Otago, this s;h day of March, one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. (i.s.) ' J. MAC ANDRE W, Superintendent of Otago.

Fifth Schedule Of “ The Protection of Animals Act, 1873,” above referred, to. Wild Duck, of any Tui species Native pigeon Bittern Teal Pied stilt plover Black stilt plover Wild Geese Curlew Dotterell Quail

PROCLAMATION. Protection of Animals Act, 1873. By His Honor James Maeandrew, Esq., Superintendent /I, mals Act, 1873, it is provided that •* No Game shall be hunted, shot, taken, or killed in/any Province until the same shall have been proclaimed as open for that purpose, by proclamation in that behalf to be made and published in the Gazette ; and no game shall be hunted, shot, taken, or killed, except within a consecutive period not exceeding three months of any year, to be fixed by the Superintendent, by proclamation, as aforesaid, between the first day of May and the thirty-first day of July, both inclusive, in any year, and only between the hours of sunrise and sunset. Such period when fixed in accordance with this Act shall be deemed to be the ‘ season ’ for the purposes of this Act.” Now, therefore, I James Maeandrew, Esquire. Superintendent of the Province of Otago, under and in pursuance of the powers and authority vested in me by the said section, and of every other power and authority enabling me in. this behalf, do hereby proclaim all that area lying between the Waitaki River and Catlin’s River, and ten miles back from the sea coast, as open for hunt-’ mg, shooting, taking, or killing, cock pheasants, between the hours of sunrise and sunset, during the season of the months of June and July, in the year one thousand eight hundred and seventy-five. ” Given under my hand and issued under the public seal of the Province of Otago, at Dunedin, ' motile said Province, this 30th day of March, 1875. (ls.) J. MAC ANDRE' Superintendent of Otago.

And l/ 4 for drunkenness; 19 for being neglected and criminal children, 3 for assaults; 12 for disorderly conduct 3 for breaches of the peace; o for resisting the police 8 for obscene language; 2 for damaging police uniform ; 1 for disobevmg a summons ; 1 fordisoboymg an order to provide for the support of his wife 4 for lunacy ; 2 for breaches of the Shipping Act ; 2 for ship desertion ; one for breaches of the Railway Bye-laws; 2 for damaging property - 3 for ' furious riding and driving, and one for wife desertion. ° piopeiuy 3 o roi rru 10113

NAME. OFFENCE. BY WHOM ARRESTED. R. N. HOW DISPOSED OF. Mary Ann Palmer Vagrancy Serg-major Jno. Sevan, Dunedin Police 430 Discharged Esther Barnes Vagrancy Do do Discharged William Conn Personating a police conDo do Fined 10s. and costs stable Frederick Tuter Breach of the peace Do do Fined £3, or 1 month’s labor Bichard Joseph 0‘6, ready Breach of the peace Do do Fined £5, os two moths’ labor alias Durham Same Assault Do do Fined £5, or one months’ labor Same Assault Do ■ do Two moutis’ labor Thomas Hill Vagrancy (2 charges) Sergt. James Anderson. do 523 6 months’ labor George Buchanan alias Vagrancy Do do 14 days’ labor Stewart Catherine Loney Vagrancy Do do1 month’s labor 1 month’s labor Jane Curtain alias Paul Vagrancy Do do Discharged Elizabeth Anderson Vagrancy Do do Discharged Mary Ann Heffernan Vagrancy Do do Discharged Frederick Hams Stealing from a dwelling Fst-class Detec. W. E. Shury do do 6 months’ labor 6 months’ labor Charles Tullock Maliciously killing - a cow Do do — Remanded to Invercargill Same Maliciously wounding a Do do — On remand cow Percy BennVagrancy Do do — On remand Percy BennVagrancy Do do — 1 month’s labor John Grant Larceny Do do — 2 months’ labor Rebecca Stewart Obscene language . Do do — Fined £5, or one month’s labor Charles Main Obtaining goods by false Con. Alexander Henderson, do G17 Charge withdrawn Annie Nugent pretences Vagrancy Do do Discharged Fannie Olivie pretences Vagrancy Obtaining goods by false Do Do do do Discharged 2 days’ labor Frank Ememrson pretences Stealing at a fire Do do 6 months’ labor Arthur Neville Larceny (2 charges) Do do Remanded to Tapanui Thomas Weir Larceny as a bailee Do do Remanded to Christchurch Elizabeth Whitten Stealing from a dwelling Con. Robert Bain,. do 705 7 days’ labor Same Larceny Do do 3 days’ labor George Johnston Rape Do do Committed for trial ,, Committed for trial Alfred Ayling Vagrancy . Do do 10 days’ labor Thomas Jewett Vagrancy Vagrancy Do Do do do 99 10 days’ labor 1 month’s labor George Mowbray Illegally on premises Con. Owen Doran, do 598 6 months’ labor Thomas Fogarty Habitual drunkenness Do do 1 month’s labor Same Assaulting police Do do 2 months’ labor .. 2 months’ labor Charles Sinclair Assaulting police Con. Christopher Conn, do 647 Fined £10, or 2 months’ labor Frederic Edward Hemew Assaulting police Do do Fined £5, or 30 days’ labor George Kirkhouse Resisting the police Con. Thomas Fishburn, do 713 7 days’ labor Elizabeth Attywell Vagrancy Con. Bichard Moore, do 677 3 months’ labor George Graham Indecent exposure Sergt. William Hanlon, do 216 3 days’ labor Alfred G. Horley Indecent exposure (5 Do do 21- years’ labor Jane Delmore charges) Vagrancy Con. Patrick Nolan, do 722 Discharged James Scott alias Archer Stealing poultry Con. II. Vernon, Green Island Police 606 21 days’ labor George Adams Threatening language Sergt. T. Neil, Pt. Chalmers do 229 Bound to keep peace for mos. Thomas Griffen Green Assault with intent to rob Do do Committed for trial Thomast Bartlett Illegally on board ship Do do .. 7 days’ labor 7 days’ labor Henry Drury Illegally on premises Con. Hugh Nickle do 544 Cautioned and discharged Albert Prosser Illegally on premises Do do 99 Cautioned and discharged George Jones Arson Serg. L, W. Smith, Tokomariro do 125 Committed for trial John Harrington Larceny Do do 1 month’s labor Thomas Prior Vagrancy Do do Discharged Margaret Collins Murder Do do Committed for trial William Adams Obtaining money by Con. B. Scott, Palmerston do 614 3 months’ labor t Ah Chung means of a valueless cheque Larceny Do do On remand ” On remand John Manderson d Adam Kerse ( Larceny John Porter C Sergt. Michael O'Keeffe do 1 month's labor each — 1 month's labor each Patrick McQuaid J Victor LeGall Assaulting and resisting Do do 1 months’ labor Caroline Burns police Larceny Sub. Inspec A. J. MClusky, Naseby do — One months’- labor Robert Parkin Larceny Con. J. Carroll, Hampden Police 214 Committed for trial Henry Clegg / Vagrancy Do do „ Discharged Discharged Richard Knott Vagrancy Con. J. A. Townsend, Kakanui do 618 Discharged John Coleman Vagrancy Vagrancy Con. J. A. Townsend, Kakanui do Do do 618 Discharged doDischarged Discharged Robert Gimblett Stealing from the person Do do 99 Committed for trial Committed for trial Albert Tuffery Larceny Do do „ 4 months’ labor 4 months’ labor Thomas Corse Vagrancy Con, H. Green, Oamaru do 698 Discharged John Jordan Vagrancy Do do 2 months’ labor Edward May Larceny Do do Committed for trial James Allan Stealing fruit Con. J. Henderson, Oamaru do 642 14 day’s labor Thomas Mitchell Illegally on premises Con. James Murdoch, do do 693 3 day’s labor Ada Reach Vagrancy Sergt. T. M Smith, do do 422 Discharged John Quin An absconding Crown Sergt. M, Hunt, Arrow do 291 Committed to gaol in default Charles Cattanach witness of finding sureties Illegally on premises Con. J. Bell, Queenstown do 671 1 month’s labor


NAME. DEFENCE. BY WHOM ARBESTED. E. H HOW DISPOSED OF. ; r. hr. HOW DISPOSED OF. Patrick O’Shea Michael Bateman Assault Assault Con. J. Bell, Queenstown do Bo do 671 2 months’ labor 1 month’s labor Patrick Mulligan Charlotte Sloan 14 days’ labor 1 month’s labor William Jackson Barry Jessie KirkpatrickDischarged 1 month’s labor John Droughan John BiddleCommitted for trial G-eo. Williams alias ClarkCommitted for trial Assault Assault Illegally on premises Larceny Larceny Larceny Stealing from the person False pretences False pretences Con. J. Bell, Queenstown do Bo do Sergt. F. T. H. Bullen, do Bo do Con. Thomas Cameron, do Sergt. Lin W. Smyth, Tokomariro do Bo do Bailiff J. Clark Invercargill do Sergt G B. Purdue do do48 hours’ labor 671 191 645 125 350 2 months’ labor 1 month’s labor 14 days’ labor 1 month’s labor Discharged 1 month’s labor Committed for trial Committed for trial Edwin A. Isley John Loftns 2 months’ labor James WilliamsonFined £5, or 1 month’s labor Assault Assault LarcenyDischarged Con. Hector McLean Steele do Con. A. Y. Hiscox, Winton do Sergt. J. Tuoliy, Riverton do 652 614 2 months’ labor Fined £5, or 1 month’s labor Discharged Committed for trial Committed for trial Archibal Wilson John Chapman Receiving stolen property Stealing from the person (2 charges) Bo do Bo do — E. W. Bay Andrew Collin 6 hours’ imprisonment Contempt of Court S urreptitiously obtainingFined £10, or 14 days’ labor a passage Con. M. J. Geerin do Con. M. Sullivan, Campbelltown do 620 302 6 hours’ imprisonment Fined £10, or 14 days’ labor Thomas Hardy alias John Smith 14 days’ labor .Patrick IVluIligcin Charlotte Sloan William Jackson Barry Jessie Kirkpatrick John Brougham John Biddle Geo. Williams alias Clark Illegally on premises Larceny Larceny Larceny Stealing from the person False pretences Sergt. F. T. II. Bullon, do Bo do Con. Thomas Cameron, do Sergt. Lin W r . Smyth, Tokomariro do Bo do Bailiff -T. Clark Invercargill do Sergt G B. Purdue do do Con. Hector McLean Steele do Con. A. Y. His cox, Winton do Sergt. J. Tuohy, Hi vert on do Bo do Bo do Con. M. J. Geerin do Con. M. Sullivan, Campbelltown do Larceny t Bo do 191 645 125 350 652 614 620 302 Edwin A. Isley John Loftns James Williamson Archibal Wilson John Chapman E. W. Bay Andrew Collin Thomas Hardy alias JohnBo do Smith” Assault Assault Larceny Eeceiving stolen property Stealing from the person (2 charges) Contempt of Court Surreptitiously obtaining a passage Larceny 14 days’ labor Patrick McMahon Assaulting police Sergt. E. Titchener, Lawrence do 267 . 7 days’ labor

Apprehensions- --(Continued.)

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Otago Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 4, 10 April 1875, Page 34

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Extract from New South Wales Police Gazette. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 4, 10 April 1875, Page 34

Extract from New South Wales Police Gazette. Otago Police Gazette, Volume VI, Issue 4, 10 April 1875, Page 34

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