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The Storyteller

■ A ~ w * • 9 - (By Gbobg* Hbnbt Miles.)

CHAPTER Vll.—(Continued.) In reply, the palmer pointed to a body of men-at-arms, then emerging from a clump of trees in which they had been hitherto concealed. Her color fell at the sight of this new forceyet. only for a moment: the next instant her cheek resumed its glow. This column, about a hundred strong, approached slowly and cautiously, as if expecting a sally until they too had reached the moat. . “We call upon you to open your gates!” exclaimed a knight, who rode a little in advance. “To whom?” replied the Lady Margaret, in.a loud voice. “To your rightful king and master, Henry of Austria!” “We. do not own a monarch,” she returned, “who has, forfeited the crown, and our gates shall be closed against all who come in his name.” “Yon refuse to surrender?” “Yes!” “Prepare then, for We will force a passage V ’ “V e are ready, and invite you to begin!” The animation which had hitherto supported the maiden gave way, and, all trembling, she descended the rough steps and returned to the castle. The attack was at once begun. The assailants were not supplied with cross-bows or instruments'for casting stones, and the palmer with the soldiers, who readily submitted to bis command, could safely watch their operations from the battlements. Some with their battle-axes dashed into the moat and swam across to cut the chain which raised the bridge; but hardly had they reacheel the shore before they were struck down with stones hurled from the walls. * The palmer’s object was to hold out until nightfall, and create as much delay as was attainable. The sun was already half hidden liehind the bills. , But the fall of the bridge now became inevitable. Their ammunition was exhausted, and three of the assailants, armed with axes, occupied the bridge, while others were arriving at intervals. "‘Let us at least gain five minutes,” exclaimed the palmer. “One, sortie for the Pope and Rodolph of Suabia!” The bars were withdrawn and the gallant band poured out. Suabia!” shouted the palmer, as he launched a heavy mace at one who was hewing at the chain, and felled him to the earth. With a well-aimed thrust he laid another at his feet, and so well was he seconded that the bridge was soon cleared. This gallant feat was greeted with cries of rage from their opponents on the other bank, many of whom, forgetting their heavy armor in.. their indignation, leaped into the water and sank, muttering idle imprecations. For some minutes the defenders held the bridge, but fearful of being intercepted, they made

;• . ..... v.-.. . - , , „ . . t The Truce of God S A TALE OF THE ELEVENTH CENTURY. 5

good their retreat and stood safe within the gate, without the loss of a man. y As further resistance was impossible, the bridge was abandoned to its fate, and was speedily lowered, amid; the rejoicings and threats of the besiegers. It was now toward twilight, and the strong gate would baffle their efforts till dark. When that was won, the ballium and the inner wall could still be disputed. “There is nothing to be done now,” said the palmer to his companions; “and you had better go to the castle and take some refreshment, for we will soon have need of all our strength.” As they retired at his suggestion, he climbed to the crenelles and looked anxiously out upon the /plain until the men returned; when, resigning the barbican to the warder, ho went to receive the thanks of the Lady Margaret, who expressed, her gratitude for his services by waiting upon him in person. The assailants had cut down a tree which they used as a battering-ram against the gate; but the stern bars were yet unbroken. It was now pitch-dark. A thunderstorm had suddenly gathered, and the report of tho distant bolt came upon the ear, mingling with the still more appalling clash of the beam against the gate. Brief indeed was the repose of the painter before he was again at the embrasures. Bold as he was, he trembled as a blinding flash poured a flood of livid light over the plain and castle. It was not the sudden bolt that awed him; but the lightning streamed upon a host of armed men, stretching away as far as the eye could reach. They were not half a mile off. Another flash leaped out, and revealed a forest of spears. “It is the king himself!” muttered the palmer; “we will be surrounded by a host! God assist us,, or we are lost!” ; Such were the sounds that trembled on his lips as ho,abandoned his post. Selecting the groom who had announced the enemy, he whispered to him: 'T* “Do you wish to save your mistress?” A 1 “With my life!” said the man. • A > “Then lead me to the postern gate.”i; In their impetuosity, the attacking party bad neglected to blockade this avenue, before darkness prevented them from discovering it. The banks of the moat opposite the gate had been made shelving, so a s to afford a means of retreat to the besieged, without giving any advantage to the besieger. When 'they had gained the postern and drawn back the bolts, : the,palmer said to his companion:,v. A “Now, as you value life and honor, saddle the best three horses— on© for yourself, one for your lady, the third for me—swim the* moat, and wait till I come.” . - The groom promised obedience, and they separated—the groom to the stable, and the palmer . m quest of the Lady Margaret. He found her in , the midst of her dependents, praying m the oratory. ' It /Was a sight : to

make the- heart- bleed—-that defenceless a - Ml- . 1 J V . j" j group, - with tearful ©yes and hands raised - trembling $ to heaven, now starting as the if. ', i ■ .• ■. .... : , , . ; ' iron gate groaned beneath , the heavy blows, now glancing, timidly around- as the lightning Reamed in upon them. The palmer stepped , up-to the maiden and drew her aside.“You must fly with me!” he said. “Why? Are we not safe?” ■ ‘ “Before one may . count a hundred, we are surrounded by the whole , army of the tyrant!” , / - This sudden and awful disclosure was too much for the frail'maiden, already exhausted by watching and excitement. She grasped his wrist, and shuddering as she fixed her him, staggered forward, and would have fallen, had not the palmer caught her S now unconscious form, and, raising it in T his arms, passed from the room. Through the gallery, down the staircase, along the portico he passed, as swiftly as though he carried but a child. The wind came damp / and cold against his cheek, the rain poured pitilessly .upon his head, the arrowy lightning seemed to play around his feet, but manfully he hurried on with his precious charge. The gate was reached; he paused but an instant to hail the groom and take breath, then slid into the moat, and in a short space stood safe upon the other side. " Here he stayed but to envelop the maiden in / his own heavy cloak, which he had snatched up when the rain began. As her consciousP ness was but imperfectly restored, the palmer mounted one of the horses and placed her before him. The groom, at his direction, sprang to the saddle and led the third j r animal. K ••-}■< When they were a little within the wood, % the palmer exclaimed: r “Can you find the road to Count Montfort’s?” The groom replied in the affirmative. . “Then take the lead, and strike it at the p; nearest point.” . After groping for some minutes, they succeeded in hitting it, and, aided by the lightning, pursued their course as swiftly as the stormy night permitted. The Lady Margaret was awakened to her situation only to pour forth torrents of tears. - In vain the palmer tried to moderate her grief— could scarcely be persuaded from returning. ■ * g The rain had now ceased, and as the clouds rolled away, they obtained light enough to [■/ continue their flight more rapidly and se- | curely. “Look!” cried the groom, as, they stood . on the top of a lofty hill. The palmer could scarcely repress an inclination to throttle his imprudent friend for as the Lady Margaret ■»turned her head, she saw a 'column of smoko * and sflame curling up, as if it warred against • the; skies. ~ ' l '. . _ . > V “It is my father’s castle!” she said. “Oh, what has. become of those we left?” she added shuddering. ;; ' .“Let us trust in God!” murmured the palmer. . /■V, Brighter and brighter grew the flame : TBigher and higher rose the" lurid column. Still /ithe Lady Margaret continued to gaze bn . till© fiery pillar. At : last the light suddenly

expanded and burned awhile^with intense brilliancy. It w*i but for a moment. Dimmer and dimmer grew the flame, and darkness soon settled over the ashes of Stramen Castle. - . ■ '• The palmer now placed the maiden upon the third horse, and led the way with his hand upon her bridle. Two hours more brought them* to the fortress of Tubingen, where the brave Count Montfort, though refusing to join Rudolph, had designed to hold out to the last against his perjured and sacrilegious rival. , The palmer demanded admittance in the name of Albert of Hers, and instantly obtained it. The generous countess received the daughter of Stramen with open arms, and the count swore first to protect and then to avenge her. % Nor was the palmer forgotten. Despite his ridiculous costume, now soiled and torn and stained with blood, he exhibited no embarrassment when ushered into the presence of the noble group. “The Lady Margaret would know her deliverer,” said the countess. The * palmer removed his head-piece and threw back his hood. “Do you remember me, my lady?” he asked, with a smile. The maiden looked as one striving to recall a dream. “Do you remember Ailred of Zurich, the minnesinger?” Her cheek turned scarlet as she exclaimed, “Oh ! how much I owe to you!” “You owe me nothing, lady,” returned Humbert. “Is my life nothing?” “If you prize that,” was the reply, “reserve your thanks for him who made your safety my duty.” CHAPTER VIII. Hark to the trump and the drum, And the mournful sound of the barbarous X horn, And the flap of the banners that flit as they’re borne, And the neigh of the steeds, and the multitude’s hum, And the clash, and the shout, “They come, they come !’ ’ —Siege of Corinth. Rodolph was received with open arms by the Saxons. Dukes, counts, barons, and gentlemen hastened to Merseburg, where, at a grand festival in his honor, he was solemnly acknowledged king of the Saxons. On every side the Saxons were flying to arms against their old enemy, and the princes unanimously advised the new monarch to march against his competitor, who had been recently again anathematised by the Papal legates. Rodolph, burning to retrieve his defeat and to save Suabia from further desolation, hearkened eagerly to suggestions that chimed so well with his own inclinations. He tarried only to wait the reinforcements of Welf and Berthold, and, hoping to expedite their union with him, marched upon Melrichstadt in Franconia. Henry was no sooner apprised of this intended junction, than : he resolved to defeat it. Instantly evacuating Suabia, he led his powerful army toward Saxony. He had de-

ployed twelve k thousand «peasants to out off $ the two dukes, and advanced with the rest : of his force to the banka of the. Straw®.: Before reaching the river, ho ascertained that Rodolph was encamped on the opposite side. It' now occurred -to his unprincipled, mind, that he might deprive his rival even of the warning which his open approach would give, by deputing a flag of truce to solicit a parley. The artifice succeeded. Scarcely had the deputation left the Saxon camp, before Henry began the attack. Unprepared - for . his .treacherous movement, Rodolph had barely time to form his ranks and address a few words of encouragement - to his troops. He was answered with a shout that attested the eagerness of his soldier* for the fray. Already the clang of arm*, the cries of the living, and the groan* of the dying 'were heard along the line, The army of Rodolph was drawn up in two divisions—one commanded by the king, the other by the valiant Otto of Nordheim. As the division of Otto was a little in the rear, that of the monarch was for a time exposed alone to the overwhelming numbers of the enemy. But nobly , indeed was the brunt of the battle borne. Rodolph waited not the onset,; but led on his columns to the charge. Then Suabian and Saxon darted forward shoulder to shoulder, and the lords of Hers and Stramen, side by side, shouted their battle-cries and hurled their followers upon the opposing ranks. Such was the ardor inspired by Rodolph that, at the first shock, two of Henry’s columns were broken. But this advantage did not long avail against equal courage and superior numbers. Henry was at the head of 'the finest troops in the empire. But the consciousness of the sacredness of their cause made the soldiers of Rodolph invincible. Already Eberard le Barbu, the faithful counsellor of Henry, the Count of Hennenburg, Thibalt, and Henry of Lechsgemund had fallen around their lord. At this moment some bishops, retiring from the ranks of Rodolph, communicated a panic to those around them. It was in vain that Rodolph displayed the brilliant valor that had won him the name of the first knight of the times— the Lord of Hers put forth his utmost skill, .and the Baron of Stramen displayed his unrivalled strength. Menace and entreaty failed alike, nor could example or reproach recall the fugitives. ~ ■ V “Why does not Otto advance!” exclaimed Rodolph, who, by dint of almost superhuman exertion, had preserved hi s front still unbroken. “Unless I am supported. within a minute, the battle is lost.” Hardly had : the words escaped his lips, before the war-cry of Saxony— “St. Peter! St.- Peter V burst from three thousand throats, and the noble Otto and the Count Palatine Frederick could be seen leading on their troops, all fresh and panting for the fight. Borne down x by- this vigorous assault, the pursuing column fell back in confusion, and were routed with great slaughter. Rudolph, having rallied his men, rushed on to where the imperial standard ‘ was waving, and with his own .hand, cut down the banner of his rival. A cry now arose: “Henry is dead!” Dispirited and borne down, the • troops of Henry turned and fled in confu-

won. They were pursued up to. the gates ,of Wurtzburg, where the vanquished monarch found an asylum. The Saxons passed the night on the battle-field, amid hymns of pjaise and cries of joy. < * n the morning, Rodolph, from his. infers only being unable to pursue his victory, re-

i j 'nr ' V •• '.. 1 ■ entered Merseburg in triumph and Henry, unwming to hazard another engagement, fell back upon Ratisbon to levy new troops. Thus ended * the battle of Melrichstadt; all night the waters of the Strewe, as they glided carelessly along, were red with the noblest blood in Germany. v (To be continued.)

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 32, 26 August 1925, Page 3

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The Storyteller New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 32, 26 August 1925, Page 3

The Storyteller New Zealand Tablet, Volume LII, Issue 32, 26 August 1925, Page 3

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