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St. Dominic's College, Dunedin


The College reopened in February with a very satisfactory number on the roll, the pupils in the secondary department especially showing a decided increase. The results of the public examinations which came to hand early in the year were very gratifying to both teachers and pupils, all the candidates presented having been successful. These, with the successes in theoretical and practical—and in commercial subjects prove that tiie girls work with great ernestness, loyally co-operating with the efforts of their teachers. Not less keen has been the interest taken in various forms of sport. In the autumn term Doreen Sheehy and Moya Hegarty won the "B" championship of the Junior Lawn Tennis Association, while Louie Brensell and Veronica Vallis were runnersup in the "C" grade. At the annual swimming sports held at the Municipal Baths on December 5, Veronica Vallis won the school championship and thus holds for the year the cup donated by the trustees of the Ernest Mullaney Memorial Fund. ,In August an outing long looked forward to took place a trip to Teschemakers to compete in netball matches against the pupils of the Dominican College there. This outing proved so successful and enjoyable that it is hoped to make it an annual event. The tone and discipline of the college have been excellent. The annual three days' Retreat was conducted iby Rev. T. Roche, 0.P., and the exercises were followed by the girls with an earnestness and piety which cannot fail to bear fruit not only for school but for life. The sodalities established in the school are flourishing. A large number of the younger children have been consecrated handmaids of the Blessed Sacrament while some of the seniors have won the privilege of admission to the Sodality of Children of Mary. The examiners of the various branches of religious knowledge have spoken in eulogistic terms of the good work submitted by our young students. To the Cathedral clergy the pupils and teachers owe a deep debt of gratitude for their devotion to the religious instruction of the children. The members of the Junior St. Vincent de Paul Guild continue their various activities, teaching catechism, providing clothes for the poor and assisting various works of charity. Enthusiasm for the work of the Irish Mission to China has no whit abated as is evident from the steadily mounting "Dominican Burse." Soon after the opening of the school year St. Dominic's was honored with the visit of Archbishop Mannix and other distinguished members of the Australian Hierarchy who were visiting New Zealand to assist at the celebration of the golden jubilee of Archbishop Redwood. Their visit will linger long in the school-day memories of present pupils. In March the college kept festival to celebrate the return of his Lordship the Bishop from his visit to Rome and Ireland. This was a red-letter day for the pupils who appreciate to the full their Bishop's interest in all that concerns their welfare.

After the distribution of prizes the Bishop briefly addressed the girls, congratulating them on their successful work for the year and on the high standard of the programme which they had rendered. His Lordship urged the girls to continue to cultivate in after life the taste inculcated at school for really good literature and music and to avoid much that passes current at the present day. He also reminded them that character is of higher importance than mere intellectual excellence and .that only by being faithful to the lessons learned at school would they grow up into good Catholic women, an ornament to their school and to society. DISTRIBUTION OF PRIZES. The break-up ceremony was held on Monday, the Bth inst.; his Lordship Bishop Whyte distributed the prizes. Others of the clergy present included Rev. Fathers Kaveney, Adm., Monaghan, and Tylee. A number of the relatives and friends of the pupils were also in attendance. During the afternoon the following items were rendered by the students:—Chorus ("Fairyland"), Kindergarten; chorus ("The Land of Nod"), juniors; valse serenade ("Moon Shadows"); piano duet ("Valse Caprice"), 0. Keith and M. Butler; chorus ("Sunshine"), seniors; recitation ("The Little Irish Mother"), M. Bourke; piano duet (a, mazurka; b, Spanish dance), D. Sheehy and V. Quelch; instrumental trio ("Un peu d'amour"), A. Sligo, N. O'Kane, M. Major; piano solo ("Elfentanz"), A. McGrath; recitation ("The Wander Thirst"), M. MeTainiiney; chorus ("Bright Summer"), seniors; chorus ("School Song"). The following js the prize list: PREPARATORY SCHOOL. Class I.Christian doctrine: Frances Donnely. Class prize: Jock Callan. Number and writing: Frank Miles. . Reading and recitation: David Ross. Drawing and pastels: Marie Sutherland. Paperwork: Mona Collins. Plasticine: George Hogg. Politeness: Mavis Windle. Drill: George Hogg and Jock Callan. Class 2. —Christian doctrine: Mary McKechnie. Class prize: Alfie Varney. Number: Jack O'Driscoll. Reading: Stephanie Stevens and Olga Nees. Recitation: Charlie Corral and Tommie Blanchard. Spelling and writing: Douglas Jenkins. Phonics: Arthur Crawford. Drawing and pastels: Vincent Hill and Nyra O'Driscoll. Paperwork: Kathleen Carroll. Plasticine: Emmet O'Gorman and Noeline Metcalf. Politeness: Mavis Kenny and Joan Street. Grade 1. —Christian doctrine: M. McVeigh. Class prize: H. Wilkins 1, I. Hilliard 2, H. Metcalf 3. Arithmetic: J. Hamilton. Mental arithmetic: P. Hussey. Writing: E. Blanchard. Sentences: E. Brown. Needlework: M. Roughan. Politeness' T. Monaghan. Plasticine: 0. Brown. Reading and writing: P. Hill. Grade Christian doctrine: D. O'Gorman. Class prize: G. Hall 1, M. Waight 2,

ii. McijintocK o. composition: a. lviercnaiu. Mental arithmetic: A. Ross. Writing: J. Monaghan. Reading and recitation: E. Brown. Spelling: D. Hannan. Drawing and pastels: E. Miles. Plasticine: C. Gallagher. Needlework: A. Kay. Politeness: I. O'Driscoll. Good conduct: M. Sandys. Class singing: V. Gantley. Physical drill: A. Kay. :- I JUNIOR SCHOOL. ""' Grade 3. —Christian doctrine and class prize: G. Finlayson and J. Hussey 1, C. Todd 2. Reading and recitation: M. Stent. Reading, recitation, and attendance: P. Hannan. Needlework: P. Martin. History: E. Hankey. Grammar: N. Sandys. Physical drill: P. Cowie. Reading and elocution: M. Gregg. Geography: P. Drumm. Elocution: R. Moody. Grade —Christian doctrine and Bible history: K. O'Neill. Class prize: A. Hilliard 1, J. Smith and M. O'Reilly 2. Reading and recitation: F. Woods. General improvement: R. Robertson and K. Delahunty. Drawing and pastels: E. Crimp. History: M. Carroll. Geography: C. McKendrick. Grammar: M. Hogg. Physical drill: M. Mahony. Punctuality: K. Fennessy. Elocution: H. Hannan. Attendance: M. Donnelly. Needlework: J. Smith. History: J. Matthews. si INTERMEDIATE SCHOOL. Grade 5.—-Christian Doctrine: K. Sligo. Class prize: C. Cunningham (Mrs. Goodger's prize) 1, Z. Smith (Mrs. Pickup's prize) 2, M. Buchanan 3. English and arithmetic: D. Wheeler (Miss Mill's prize). Arithmetic: G. Gallagher. Needlework: D. Austin. Attention to studies: F. Hay ward. Reading: K. Bartholomew. Improvement: M. Quill. Improvement in music: D. Pickup. Grade 6.—Class medallist: C. Smith 1, M. McTamney 2, M. Bourke 3. English: T. McVeigh. Composition: M. Bartholomew. Arithmetic: N. McKenzie (Mrs. Sheehy's prize). Diligence: K. Hilliard and P. Barr. General improvement: V. Sullivan. SECONDARY DEPARTMENT. Form Class medallist (Mr. J. Windle's medal), V. Vallis 1, T. Paterson next in merit. English and composition: 0. Keith (Mr. Buchanan's prize), E. Smith, M. Glass. Latin: R. Vallis. French: H. Smith 1, M. Wells 2 (Mrs. Cullen's prize). Mathematics: K. Bell 1, V. Todd 2. Science: W. Byrne. Arithmetic: E. Doak. English composition and algebra: V. Quelch. Attention to studies: Honor Smith. Form 4. —Class medalist (medals presented by Scoular and Co., per Mr. John Moloney): M. Duncan and M. Rice (equal). Mathematics and science: W. Field and J. O'Reilly. French: E. Wilson (Mr. Buchanan's prize), D. Sheehy, M. Monaghan 2. English history and composition: D. Roche. Arithmetic: M. Monaghan (Mr. McKenzie's prize). . ,;l'f«|| Form sb.—Class medallist: F. Miles (Mr. Henaghan's prize) 1, K. Harney (Mrs Quirk's prize), next in merit. Mathematics: H. Drumm (Mrs. Cahill's prize). Home science

and history: H. Pledger. French: K. Harney. Latin: M. Thompson. Form 5a. —'Dux (gold medal presented by Right Rev. Dr. Whyte), N. Jones, next in merit (first in Latin, English literature, history), M. Hussey (Miss L. Bryant's prize). Mathematics: W. Gonley (gold medal presented by Mr. Charles Todd) 1, M. Miller (Mrs. W. Shiel's prize) 2. French and Latin: K. Prendergast (New Zealand Tablet prize). Home science: E. Crowley (Dr. Hall's prize), M. Ford (Mrs. Quirk's prize). English history: H. O'Neill (Mrs. W. Shiel's prize). Form 6b.'English, Latin, mathematics: M. Major (Mrs. Hutton's prize); next in merit, N. McTamney (Mrs. McVeigh's prize). School of Music. —Gold medal (presented by Rev. Father Kaveney), L.A.8.: Adelina McGrath. Gold medal (presented by Bristol Piano Company), L.T.C.L.: Marie Major. Senior honors, T.C.: (salver medal, presented by Miss Ralph): D. Sheehy. ILntermediate honors, T.C. (silver medal): M. McTamney. Junior honors, violin, T.C. (silver medal): Joan Drumm. Preparatory honors, T.C. (silver medal): Z. Johnstone. Elementary piano distinction (silver medal): M. O'Reilly. Class singing: K. Bell. Harmony (senior honors), T.C.: W. Gonley. Harmony (intermediate honors. T,C): N. Keenan. Harmony (junior honors, T.C.): W. Field and S. O'Connell (equal). Harmony (preparatory honors, T.C.):*M. Fahey and C. Smith (equal).- Elocution (honors, intermediate, T.C.): M. Bourke and L. Comer (equal). General Prizes. Commercial subjects : Bookkeeping, V. Miles; typewriting, M. McAtamney; shorthand, K. Nees. Hygiene: L. Hallimore. Drawing: V. Todd, W. Comer. Designing: W. Jackson. Painting : M. McAtamney, M. McCaughan. Cookery: D. Rodgers. Needlework: N. McKenzie (Mrs. Blanchard's prize) 1, E. Walters (Children of Mary's prizes) Iv. Street, M. Duggan. Darning: M. Fahey. Mending: M. Wells. Calisthenics: M. Duggan. Attendance (silver medal): E. Jenkins; hon. mention—K. Sligo, W. Comer, J. O'Reilly, W. Byrne. Amiability: M. Butler. Politeness (silver medal): M. McCaughan; hon. mention—N. O'Kane, H. O'Neill, K. Harney, E. Crowley, N. Rice, M. Wells, D. Sheehy, H. Drumm, M. Miller, N. Jones, E. Wilson, K. Bell, W. Byrne, M. McTamney, V. Miles, J. O'Reilly, M. Monaghan, T. Paterson, K. Nees, K. Kennedy, E. Smith, Helen Smith, V. Quelch, M. Glass, M. Rice, D. Roche, B. Cornish. Irish history (senior): Prize, N. Jones; certificates — Hussey, W. Gonley, E. Crowley, N. Jones. Irish history (junior): E. Jenkins, C Smith. Games: Net-ball—L. Hallimore; tennis (special prize) —senior, D. Sheehy, L. Brensell (Mrs. Sligo's prize): junior N. Hickey (Mrs. Major's prize). NAVY LEAGUE PRIZES. Form 6b: N. McTamney; form sa, N. Jones; form sb, N. Rice; form 4, M. Duncan; form 3, H. Smith; grade 6, M. McTamney 1, E. Jenkins 2. OTHER SPECIALS. Athenaeum prize (proficiency in English and history): E. Wilson.

Wreath (awarded by the votes of the pupils) : Marie Major. Good conduct (day scholars), the Sullivan medal: H. O'Neill. (Christian Dovtrino (Advanced). Apologetics (gold medal), presented by Rev. Father Tylce: M. Hussey. Scripture: N. Jones. Church history: M. Hussey. Senior Christian doctrine, church history, Scripture, gold medal presented by Mr. H. Hart: N. Rice. . Intermediate Christian doctrine, medal presented by Rev. Father Monaghan: 1). Roche. Church history: M. Fahey. Scripture: M. Rice. j Junior Christian doctrine, silver-, medal: E. Jenkins. ..... i EXAMINATION 'SUCCESSES. Higher leaving certificate: J. O'Neill, K. Hickey. Teacher's D : Mona Kennedy (two groups), N. McTamney, L. Hallimore, S. O'Connell. Matriculation, solicitors' general knowledge, and medical preliminary: K. Hewes, N. McTamney, M. Major. Matriculation: M. Hanley; partial pass, N. Pollock. Public Service entrance: N. Jones, W. Gonley, E. Crowley, M. Miller, M. Ford. Intermediate: M. Hussey (credit), H. Drumm, N. Rice, H. Pledger, M. Thompson, F. Miles. St. John Ambulance First-aid Certificate (theoretical and practical): L. Hallomore, N. McTamney, S. O'Connell. Commercial Examinations (National Business College, Sydney). —Bookkeeping (elementary) : N. Keenan, K. Nees, M. Fahey, J. Drumm, M. McCaughan, M. McAtamney, I. M. Brown, K. Merchant, V. Miles. Typewriting (elementary): I. M. Brown, K. Merchant, J. Drumm, E. Dillon, K. Nees, R. McEneaney, M. McCaughan, M. Fahey, N. Keenan, M. McAtamney, Y. Miles. Shorthand (elementary): K. Merchant, J. Drumm, M. McCaughan, K. Noes, M. Fahey, N. Keenan, R. McEneaney, E. Dillon, M. McAtamney. Shorthand (junior): V. Miles, I. M. Brown. <X> .

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume LI, Issue 50, 17 December 1924, Page 25

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St. Dominic's College, Dunedin New Zealand Tablet, Volume LI, Issue 50, 17 December 1924, Page 25

St. Dominic's College, Dunedin New Zealand Tablet, Volume LI, Issue 50, 17 December 1924, Page 25

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