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LADIES’ AUXILIARIES, WELLINGTON. At the quarterly general meeting of the above. held in St. Joseph’s Hall, Buckle Street, on Thursday, December 13, there was an exceptionally good attendance, including several honorary members, and four new members. The Rev. Father Hurley, S.M., Adm. (spiritual director), and Rev. Father Venning, S.M., were present. Mrs. Oscar Ellis presided, and an apology for absence was received from Mrs. Chamnes. Correspondence was read including an invitation from , the Mother Superior of the Sacred Heart Convent, Island Bay, to attend the annual retreat for ladies, also a letter from the Hop. L. F. Heydon, M.L.C., president of the Superior Council, Society of St. Vincent de Paul, Sydney, having reference to the languishing state of some of the women’s conferences, and soliciting ihe influence 7 and - co-operation 'of the New Zealand auxiliaries in reviving and i spreading renewed interest among such. At . the conclusion of the general business, a vote of appreciation was , passed to the- retiring president, Mrs. Chamnes, of her devotion to the society during her two years occupation of the office, also-a-motion of condolence with Mesdames Daly, and Newton, whose '

sons were recently killed in action. A vote of thanks was c 1 passed to the 7 many benefactors of : the society, { appreciation of outstanding "generosity being ‘ recorded in a number of - special instances. ' The president outlined a comprehensive scheme embodying practical suggestions towards innovations, with a view to directing activities on broader,; and more varied lines. This, the council have had under consideration for ; the past few months, - and aims at re-establishing girls’ ,-, conferences in the various , convent schools, on the lines iof the S.V.P. Girl Scouts (partially inaugurated some few years ago by an associate of the late Father Charles Venning) for the • purpose of developing in the young Catholic mind a spirit vof- fraternal charity, and of social interest; while a very useful field - of activity suggests itself in; the numbers of Catholic children located in various districts attending State schools through the negligence, or conflicting beliefs ;of parents. The question of forming Catholic Women’s Social Guilds was also discussed, the -president pointing out the urgent need of some such movement on the part of Catholic women to cope with existing dangerous conditions as a consequence -of the abnormal- and generally unsettled state of society. " On ~ the suggestion of the spiritual director it was decided to elect a committee whose business it would be to-deal more in detail with the question of the social guild, and the finances, to consist of the president, the secretary (Mrs. L. Reichel), and Mesdames J. J’. . Burke, E. Gibbs, J. O’Donnell, Reeves, and Pearce. . The reports for the quarter were as follow : Sacred Heart Conference, Thorndon.— held, 15; average attendance, 4. Seventeen visits have been paid, and orders for coal and grocery-given. One case sent to Mt. Magdala. Eight parcels of secondhand clothing received and distributed. Sewing guild: Meetings held weekly, average attendance being four. Forty-nine new garments and two habits made; articles given out, 65, including 28 to the Home of Compassion. .. • : St. Mary’s Visiting Guild, Te'Aro.—Meetings held, 19 ; average attendance, 5 : visits made to the poor and sick, 218; 11 infants were taken for Baptism; 13 orders for groceries, etc., given out; one case taken to Mt. Magdala, and a home found for two infants. Mass offered weekly for deceased soldiers. Public institutions visited as follows; General Hospital, twice weekly; Homes of Compassion, Incurables, Aged and Needy, Ohiro and Alexandra. Attention paid at intervals to the Gaol and Police Courts. ■■ - r ; ' St. Mary’s Sewing Guild. —During the year the guild held 43 meetings. Attendance steadily improving. Several old members have returned and seven new ones joined. Garments made 427, given out 378 new, and 148 second-hand, also 25 yards of new material. Parcels of new material received 17, second hand 11. Members visited Home of Compassion and donated 110 garments; 100 are also being sent to St. Joseph’s Orphanage. Donations received £l3 15s, all expended on material, etc. St. Anne’s Conference, Newtown.— Six meetings have been held since last quarter —average attendance 3. Visits paid 23. Six children were taken for Baptism. Garments made 75, 69 given out; also three parcels of second-hand. Statement of accounts for quarter ending, December 13, 1917: Cash balance forward ... ... . ..£ 7 10 9 Secret collection ... ... ... ... 3 91 Donations ... ... ... ... ... 23 12 6 £34 12 4 Expenditure ... ... ... ... ...£l2 9 C Cash in hand .... ... ... ... ... 4 3 4 Cash in bank ... ... ... ..." ... 18 0 0 • ■ ' * . ' £34 12 ’ 4 ,f > ‘ - M. Pearce, Treasurer. W / ... Agnes T. Reichel, Secretary.


• ; L, The Right Rev. Mgr. Mackay presented the prizes, and f in doing ,so .. congratulated the prize-winners ,on their , successes,. referring especially to the excellent report of the inspector on the efficiencyz of the school, all the pupils presented for examination having gained proficiency certificates. The result of the recent musical examination, as published, spoke for -itself, and testified to the arduous and earnest work ;of the students. Good results demanded close and painstaking study. The results of the Navy League competitions were most satisfactory, nine prizes having been secured by the pupils. The reverend gentleman exhorted the children to still greater efforts. Their games, he noticed, had received special attention, and he could not refrain from remarking on the excellent esprit de corps apparent amongst them. It was announced that the college would re-open the first week of February. The following is the prize-list; *. : Junior School.

Class P.—Christian doctrine, E. Conlan ; general improvement, G. Moloney; drawing, F. Gallagher; reading and spelling, G. Flanagan. Class First, E. Usherwood ; second, K. Flanagan; reading and spelling, N. McCullough. Class ll.—First, A. Woods; second, N. Usher.wood. Class lll.—First, M. Petre. Class IV. —First, English and Christian doctrine, B. Gallien; second, M. Hailes; composition, I. Cahill; arithmetic, .W. Morrissey geography and history, M. McCullough ; reading, M. Greer; writing, M. Flanagan; handwork, E. Moloney. Class V.—Medallist, S. Inglis; second, E. Brown; arithmetic, M. Liston neat exercises, E. Brown; handwork, S. Inglis; attention to studies, M. O’Neill. Class Vl.Medallist, F., Campbell : second, C. Watson; arithmetic, M. Tansey; French, F. Campbell; composition, literature, and French, F. Hart; handwork, T. Findlay 1, F. Dwyer 2 ; neatness and penmanship, D. Walsh attention to studies, K. O’Meeghan and K. Gawne. Senior School. Form lll.Medallist, .M. Goodger; Latin and French, K. Corcoran and M. Goodger; commercial work—C. Dwyer, F. O’Meara, and G. Stott. Form IV.—Medallist, W. Boland second, M. Collins; French and mathematics, W. Boland and M. Collins; history and geography, B. O’Meeghan ; science, F. McKinnon; book-keeping and commercial correspondence, B. Waldron.

Form V.—Medallist, M. Dwyer; mathematics and science, M. Dwyer; French, M. Dwyer. Special Prizes. Home Science.— Cookery, C. Watson dressmaking, I. Shackell; darning, I. Shackell; general needlework, M. Tansey. . - ' Physical Culture. —T. Findlay 1, B. O’Meeghan 2. Music Prizes.—Higher local, N. Spiers; senior grade, E. Breen (medal), E. Gallagher (prize); intermediate, K. Corcoran (medal) ; junior grade, R. Brown (medal); preparatory, B. Gallien (medal); first steps, A. Woods (medal), N. Usherwood (prize) ; violin, D. Walsh.

Navy League Prizes.— V., M. Dwyer; Form IV., M. Collins and B. O’Meeghan; Form III? F. O’Meara, K. Corcoran, and I. Shackell; Class VI., F. Campbell; Class V., M. Liston and R. Brown. General games, E. Breen ; tennis, F. McKinnon. Proficiency Certificates. —F. Campbell, F. Dwyer, T. Findlay, K. Gawne, F. Hart, K. O’Meeghan, M. Tansey, and C. Watson. 3 Religious Knowledge. First, M. Dwyer; second, M. O’Meara. 3 >■..

Good Conduct.—First, M. Goodger;. second, C. Watson.

Dux of the School.M. Dwyer (gold medal). The wreathe for 4 amiability and good behaviour, awarded by the votes of the pupils—W. Boland It is gratifying to remark that the. religious knowledge trophy, already held for two years,' has again been secured. • , 7

Following are the results of . the harmony , examinations held in August : —lntermediate Division—Kathleen Corcoran, 91 (honors) ; ' Clare Dwyer, 73. Advanced Junior Division Mary Tansey, 60. Junior Division—Reta Brown, 85 (honors) ; Muriel Greer, 82 (honors) ; Cecilia Watson, 80 (honors) ; Mary Hailes, 60.

ST. THOMAS’S BOYS’ PREPARATORY COLLEGE . O AMARU. The annual prize distribution in connection with St. Thomas’s . Boys’. College took place ,on Tuesday morning, December 11, in the Recreation Hall, in the presence of a number 6f the parents and friends of ' the children. Right Rev. Mgr. Mackay presided." 4; A charming little entertainment was given by the pupils, including choruses, ’instrumental solos, recitations, and a scene from “William Tell.” : * ; 3;■

The following report was then read:—Good progress has been made this year. The numbers .have increased, forty pupils . having, been in • residence. All passed creditably the inspector’s examinations in their various grades. The music students. also worked diligently. A very successful three days’ retreat was conducted by the Rev. Father Herring, S.M. -/ The sweet solemnities of first Holy Communion ’ Day have been the privilege of the college on several occasions this year. The school routine has been - varied by excursions, picnics, and stimulating games, .so that the health record shows a high average. Swedish drill has been an efficacious means of keeping the boys ; ; fit. The magic lantern has been very popular this winter. The collection of views has been enlarged by a handsome gift of varied and beautiful scenes. The lectures, fruits of laborious research, enriched with extensive quotations, given by the elder boys, afforded great amusement. Good conduct, politeness, and diligence have been throughout fully up to the required' standard. ■ 3 ‘ •; ■',•'■•33..'

At the conclusion, Monsignor Mackay addressed a few words to the boys. He said he wished, first of all, to congratulate them on the splendid entertainment they had given. Their little voices had taken him by surprise. He had no idea that children: could render songs so effectively. The recitations also called for special praise. The report which had just been read was certainly no exaggeration. In fact, in his opinion, their production had far exceeded it. He again congratulated them most sincerely on their success,3 and wished them every happiness, not only", now, but for their whole lives. V' r? V

The following is the prize-list:— '■'3 s*rJ Elementary GiVde. —Christian doctrine : Bernie Mangos. Class prize: Archie McCormick. Spelling: Bernie Mangos. Word-building: Sam Talbot, Maurice Flanagan, Frank McCormach, Cecil Nightingale. Recitation : Sam Talbot. Nature study: Jack Shand, Archie McCormick. Singing : Geoffrey Thomas, Bernie Mangos, Jack Shand. Drill: Bernie Mangos. Politeness : Geoffrey,Thomas. Good conduct: Archie McCormick. i , 3. & s'-sV’Grade I.Christian doctrine : Pat Mangos, Frank Crosbie. Class medal: Rex Kelly. Arithmetic: Pat Mangos. Reading; Willie Quirk, Jim Daly. Spelling : Jack Crowe. Nature study: Rex Kelly, Jim Daly, Willie Quirk, Jack Kennedy, Frank Crosbie. Number: Brian Toomey. Singing: Pat Kellegher, Pat Mangos, Frank Crosbie. Writing: Jack Crowe, Pat.Kellegher. •Drawing : Frank Crosbie. Recitation Rex Kelly, Jack Kennedy, Willie Quirk. Drill: Pat Mangos, Frank ?,Crosbie. Grade II.E. B. McCullough—Honors: Christian

doctrine, English, , reading, recitation, drill. J. Gerald O’Malley—Honors : arithmetic, drawing, writing, ' con- V duct pass —reading,. spelling, geography, drill, singing. ’.l Jim O’Malley: Honors Christian doctrine, reading, arithmetic, composition, recitation ; drawing, spelling, brushwork, ' singing, geography/ Jack A. Greer : Pass—arithmetic, reading, spelling, ’drawing. Dennis Toomey; . Passtables, reading, drawing, spell- ■ ing. 1 Grade lll.—Harry L. Kempston : Honors English, Christian doctrine, reading, composition; pass—arithmetic; geography, singing, piano. Bernard Inkson : Honorsspelling, reading, drawing, writing, conduct; pass —arithmetic, recitation, composition, drill. Jack O’Malley : Honors—Christian doctrine, English, arithmetic, composition; passgeography, drawing, brushwork, singing, piano, politeness. Frank McLaughlin —Christian doctrine, composition, writing, drill; pass—arithmetic, spelling, reading, piano. Thomas Quirk: Honorscomposition, reading, spelling, drill ; —arithmetic, singing, writing, piano. Theodore McKay ; Honors —reading, drawing, brushwork; passarithmetic, geography, writing. Arthur Mangos: Honors—arithmetic, drill ; pass — reading, composition, recitation. ’ v’i Grade IV.—Charles A. Tulloch : Honors—Chris- | tion doctrine, English, French : pass —arithmetic, geo- ; graphy, elementary Latin, writing, violin. Frank J. Mangos: Honors English, elementary Latin, drill ! pass—arithmetic, geography, drawing, singing,- piano. Bernard M. O’Brien: Honors —Christian doctrine, arithmetic, composition, French, English, recitation; —Latin, geography, writing, piano. Ralph C. Usherwood: Honors —English, drawing, writing, conduct; passarithmetic, elementary Latin, geography,

piano, singing. Harry J. Gallien : Honors Christian doctrine, arithmetic, English, Latin; geography, spelling, composition. - Paul ’A. Inkson : Honorscomposition, geography, drill;- arithmetic, English drawing. , : A. ; Roy O’Malley : Honors—Christian doctrine; composition, drawing, drill ; English, arithmetic, writing, singing, piano. Clarence N. ; Campbell: Honors—reading, arithmetic, geography ; pass—English, singing, brushwork. Frank O’G. Blatch: Honors —arithmetic, composition, elementary Latin; pass English, drawing, writing. - :

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New Zealand Tablet, 17 January 1918, Page 31

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SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL New Zealand Tablet, 17 January 1918, Page 31

SOCIETY OF ST. VINCENT DE PAUL New Zealand Tablet, 17 January 1918, Page 31

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