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The annual break-up and distribution of prizes at St. Joseph’s School, took place on Wednesday, December 20, in the presence of the Very Rev. Father Coffey, who presided, the Rev. Father Corcoran, the teachers, parents, and other visitors interested in the school. The children provided for the entertainment of ’ their friends a bright and varied programme, consisting of choruses, recitations, short scenes, fancy drills and music, all ■’of which were fully appreciated by ; the audience. After the performance of the various itelns, the Very Rev. Father Coffey presented the prizes in the different standards, and then addressed the children in a few earnest and sympathetic words. He congratulated the fortunate prize-winners on their diligence and success, complimenting in a special manner the recipients of the medals for good conduct (Miss G. Ross) and Christian doctrine (Miss E. Paul). Father Coffey also congratulated the school, as a whole, on the excellent work done, and especially on the marked improvement shown this year in the matter of regular attendance. Continuing, Father Coffey sought to impress on parents and children the importance of regular attendance, without which the school could not be maintained at a high level of efficiency. Speaking of their religion and its sacred duties, the Very Rev. Father reminded the children that the obligation of attending Mass on Sunday binds as strictly during the holidays as at other times, and warned them against neglecting their duty in that respect. The senior girls, especially those who might then be leaving school, the Very Rev. - speaker wished particularly to impress with a due sense of their responsibility with regard to the practice of their religion. . As only ’in that way could they best show loyalty to the school in which they had been educated, and. gratitude to the teachers who with patience and painstaking care had taught and trained them. Vln concluding. Father , Coffey hoped that the children would thoroughly enjoy their holidays, returning to school refreshed and ready for further strenuous work, and on their behalf, he also wished the Sisters a' restful and enjoyable interval.

The following is the prize list: General Prizes.—Christian doctrine (medal), E. Paul; Christian doctrine prize, K. Wilson; good conduct (medal), G. Ross’; good conduct prize, E. Finnosy. ; ' . '

Special Prizes.—Good conduct and proficiency in general school work, M. Lauren; proficiency in school work, 11. Salmon'. ,

Standard Vl.English grammar, composition, reading,, recitation, singing," G. Ross; English, arithmetic, drawing, brushwork, I. McDonald; arithmetic, Brushwork, English, drawing, A. McAra; regular attendance an 4 .s?wi»g. K. Moloney; English, cgnVjposj* ■■ '- . J-, ■■• - .:.'"" .'■ ..'"."' ''it- -■'"• ■ . '

.. tiou, drawing, brush work, H. Salmon : regular attend- - ance, and arithmetic M. Lauren ".; diligence and im-f: provement, L. Deehan ; regular attendance, English, and history, M. Hessian; -attendance;-.-diligence,, andV arithmetic, C. Pledger. .'..",'-- Standard V.—English, geography, arithmetic,' re-, citation,-: and improvement in music, M. Kennedy : : ~- arithmetic, sewing, drawing, and brushwork, A. Smith ':'.'■ y •..: arithmetic and home lessons, A. Lettoof : arithmetic ajud .' - 'improvement in music, K. Field : reading, comprehension, and arithmetic, K. McKenzie ; improvement -in studies, N. Spillane : reading and recitation, M. Bleeps-' punctuality and improvement in studies, M. Phelaii : "reading and arithmetic, R. Wylie. / Standard. IV.Class prize, B. Sheehan : knitting, A.- -Boreham : improvement -in music, --G. McTigue '-.'-'■- " .; brushwork drawing, F. Fogarty : composition, M. - Quinn ; sewing, A. Fulcher: home lessons, M. --Piper; . general improvement', N. Smolensk!. ' <•*• : •Standard LIT.— prize, M. Wilson: recitation, M. Stobie : reading, R. Stobie:. arithmetic, S. "Quinn ; reading, recitation, and brushwork, M. Wylie. : -i ■ Standard II. —Class' prize, G. Langley : 2nd class . prize, B. Quinn : neatness, D. Wilson. . ; . .. Standard I.—Class prize. M. Hessian: handwork, 11. Ryan: singing. P.. Lauren. ■ • ' '' -J '--;.' "i :

SACRED HEART SCHOOL, N.E. VALLEY The annual distribution of -prizes took place in ' the Sacred Heart School, North-East Valley, on Wed- -. --.- nesday, December 20. Very Rev. Father Coffey, Acini., presided, Rev. Father Corcoran . being also present. /\ Father Coffey complimented the children on the success. * ■.-;•/ of their year's work, and wished them a very pleasant '■/"' holiday." At the examination .held by the Government inspectors (Messrs. Bossenee and Don) the following - gained proficiency certificates—linelda llawke, Stella McCleary, Mary Fitzgerald, John Leyden. ~ The children of. the upper standards attend the Technical College for cooking and carpentry lessons. The following is the prize list: Class Prizes.—Standard VI., Peter Klimick : Stan- , . dard V., George Pearson: Standard IV., Monica Mc- •-: Entree ; Standard 111., Mary Diamond : Standard 11., '.- John Ryan: Standard 1., Patrick Ryan. ■„'; ''" Special Prizes.— Religious knowledge Muriel _ Dwyer 1 (medal presented by Rev. Father Corcoran) : Arnold Lucas 2, Inez McElroy 3. Good conduct, Mary- Dcudle ; attendance, Ina Sullivan ; music Nellie Pollock. The infants • were entertained with a Christmas tree.

SACRED HEART PRIMARY SCHOOL, TIMARU .... The annual concert of the pupils of the Sacred Heart Girls' Primary School took place in the school hall on Thursday evening last, before a large attendance of. pupils, parents, and the general public, which was very gratifying considering there were several counter attractions in the town. The programme (writes our Tiniaru correspondent, under date December 18) was s a lengthy one, but every item was-thoroughly enjoyed and-the audience showed fujl appreciation of the performers' merits. - The manner .in which the pupils acquitted themselves, both senior and junior, reflected the highest credit on the untiring efforts' of the nuns who had trained them. The pianoforte items by the pupils were of the highest order of merit, and reflected great credit on teachers and pupils.: The programme was pleasantly varied, consisting, of choruses by the elder girls, action songs by the younger pupils, Highland fling and sword dance to the accompaniment of the bagpipes, dumbbell- drill and minuet dance in" costume, and recitations by,children of the various standards. ' A noticeable •and very pleasing feature of the programme was a number of tableaux, -the dressing and arranging ; of which we. very cleverly don?, 90 that when .the colored

lights were- thro Ith on the- different scenes rcpreseniediOi from the, life, of "our Lord the effect was strikingly beauti^ ••! ful. :;V:.The. singing •of 'God Save the King' by the*:-, ichildren • brought /a very pleasant i evening's.-' entertain;-: .1 mentito a close. O-: ' ■.""••; \' . • ." ■'' ' ■.■..»..'/

CONVENT OF THE SACRED HEART, TIMARU- ; The v annual distribution of* prizes at the Convent..'' of. the : Sacred. Heart, took place on Tuesday afternoon/"•; his Lordship Bishop Brodie giving them away. ~ ; The.. ; reception hall,', where they were given out, was prettily decorated for the occasion, and .'the proceedings were .w£ very pleasant, a most attractive musical programme preceding the prize distribution. :••••;The following is".the; - i priz.i list: — - ..- , '„ ' 'L~ ' Decorations. —Second medallion and ribbon of merit, Madge Craighead; third, Madeline Hooker and' Bernardino alter sixth', Lucy Kennedy: seventh, Betty Pel re eighth, -Kathleen Craighead ;' next .in merit. Cecilia Warcing-ancl Mary O'Shaughnessy. First green ribbon, Edith Daly : second, Ruth Nottingham-j--third, Irene ayward "; fourth, Grace Goulter ; /fifth; v Nora Nottingham : next in merit, Annie Ardagh. Pink ribbon—Jessie Mackenzie, Mona Ardagh, Agnes Con-. holly, Elsie McCutcheon, Winifred Harris, Rita Connolly, Madeline O'Shaughnessy-, Jean Loughuan, /' Gladys Oldfield; Marjorie Whitehead,- Phyllis McCormac, Sadie Sutherland, Nellie Charles, Myra/ Moore, > Ruth Fitzgerald, Lucy Nottingham, Mary Mackenzie, • Margaret lukson. vYj .: . "'..'.'•

General good conduct—Madge Craighead* Made- ; line Hooker, Bernardino Coulter. -- V Christian Doctrine. First division—Madge .Craighead, Bernardine Goulter : second division Kathleen Wareing, Lucy Kennedy: third division—-Irene Hayward, Grace Goulter, Nora Nottingham, Patricia, Caesar, Mona Ardagh: fourth division —Helen Barrett',A; Betty O’Connor, Jean Loughnan, Gladys Oldfield. •First Class.— English' subjects, Madge Craighead; science, Madeline Hooker, Cecilia Wareing. Second • English .subjects, Mary O’Shaughnessy ;' science,-: Betty Petre. Third class — English subjects, Bernardino. Goulter, Kathleen Craighead ; geography, Lucy Kennedy, Bernardino Goulter. Fourth English.sub.- .. jects. Winifred Mahar, Mary Craighead : science subjects, Mary Craighead, Veronica Inkson. Fifth class— i English, Nancy Whitehead, Dearmar McCormac ; history, .Nora Nottingham, Grace Goulter; geography, Grace Goulter, Eileen O’Leary; diligence, Patricia Caesar, Annie Ardagh. Sixth class English, AgnesConnolly, Helen Barrett ; history, Elsie' McCutcheon, Agnes Connolly : geography, Jessie Mackenzie ;P dili- '- gence, Jessie Mackenzie, Agnes Connolly. Seventh class—Reading, Madeline O’Shaughhessyv' Margaret Carl : sacred history, Madeline McQuilkin, Jean Lough- : •’* nan : diligence, Gladys Oldfield, Sadie Sutherland. Eighth class —Reading, Monica Carney, Marie SkiriheF; sacred'history, Marie Skinner, Sarah Meyer. ; 'Ninth class— Reading, Margaret.Scanes, Joan Scanes: hum-' bersp Ruth Fitz Gerald. '■. -

Elementary. Encouragement, Cecily Skinner; Arithmetic— Fifth division, Annie Ardagh, Stella Hayward : sixth division, Helen Barrett, Naiicy Whitehead ; seventh division, Christobel Preston, Clare Wareing. r. Needlework.-—First division, Lucy. Kennedy second division, Ruth Nottingham, Kathleen Craighead, Eileen Fitz Gerald : third division, Lizzie Anderson, Eileen O’Meeghan, Patricia Caesar, Nora Nottingham; fourth - division, Phyllis McCormac, Gladys Oldfield, Margaret Inkson, Lucy Nottingham. ’ Order*—First division, Cecilia Wareing, Bernardine Goulter; second division, Edith Daly, Grace ■ Goulter, Ruth Nottingham, Irene Hayward. { Junior School. —Writing: Seventh class, Sadie Sutherland, Margaret Loughnan; eighth class, Nellie, ■ Charles ninth class, Myra Moore, Margaret Scanes; elementary, Mary Mackenzie. ■ French.—Second class, Madeline Hooker, Cecilia %

, Wareing; third division, Veronica Ward, .’ Mary 4 O'Shaughnessy; forth division, Kathleen Wareing,

Kathleen Craighead; fifth division, Mary Craighead, Mary Mahar; supplementary division, Cecilia Barrett, Betty . O Connor sixth division, Jessie. Mackenzie, Rouagh Hobeh ; seventh division, Mary McQuilkin, Madeline O’Shaughnessy ; elementary . division, Audry McCormac. Domestic economy, Ruth Nottingham. \ Special prizes presented N by Rev. Dean Tubman for Christian doctrine—First division, Mary O’Shaughnessy, Bernardino Coulter; second division, Winifred Mahar, -Lucy Kennedy ; third division, Veronica Inkson, Nancy Whitehead; fourth division, Helen Barrett, Clare Wareing. , Music — Madeline Hooker, Nora Nottingham, Grace Coulter, "Margaret Loughnan, Rita Connolly. Mending. —First division, Kathleen Craighead, Cecilia Barrett; third division, Marjorie Whitehead, Phyllis McCormac.

CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL, WANGANUI r .' The prize-giving ceremony in connection with the Convent High School took pircc at the Convent. St. John's Hill. The following is the prize-list: - Amiability Crown (chosen by vote of companions). —C. Thurston. ... v :\ Good Conduct (gold medal, gift of the Sisters). —E. M'Davitt. . Christian Doctrine (gold medal, gift of the Rev. Father Mahoney).—Senior Division : Minnie Johnstone 1, Eileen M'Davitt 2, Eileen Long 3. Junior Division : Maggie Fake 1. Margery Missen 2. Helen Missen and Eileen M'Donald 3. Dux (gold medal, gift of the Sisters). —Kathleen Carroll. . * Proxime Accessit to Dux. -Maggie Cleary. Matriculation (gold medal, gift of Mr Greenwood). —Rita Dennis. Physical Drill (gold medal, gift of Mrs Gellatly) M. Spillane 1, H. Rhodes 2. M. Gower 3. k .Instrumental Music (Pianoforte).L.T.C.L. (gold medal, gift of Mr M'Brearty), Olive Martin. A.T.C L (gold medal), Rita Foster. Next in merit, Winnie O'Connell. Advanced Division.—Nora Dowliug 1, Thelma ; Trevethic 2. \ ° ■ . Intermediate Division. —Thelma Kaganski 1. Gladys Heinold 2, Doris Martis 3. TT . n J, "'j or Division.— Nan Piper 1, Ray Duncan 2, Hilda Rhodes 3. - % ■ ' Singing (gold medal, gift of Mr O'Hara).—Ruby Curran 1, Winnie O'Connell 2, Nora Kelley 3 Higher Grade (theory).— O'Connell' 1. Rita Foster 2. ' M n LC J Centre Raiments.—Rita Dennis 1. Florric Mullins 2. Junior Grade: Victorine Ruscoe I, Margery Missen 2, Hera Scott 3. to J Vw- ai,Ui (P«t«l).-Mavis Corn I, Ellen M'Cartin 2, Winnie Jensen 3. Drawing (Hack and white). -Gretna Piper 1. Minnie Johnstone 2. Winnie Jensen 3 . i- ■ W Mount M ;''r Ck n and Embroidery .-Senior DivisionH. Missen 1. O. Giyls fP° °^ r u,Jr° r Dn ™°" : w :. 1 lain Sowing' an d Dressmaking.— Senior DivisionW:, Jensen 1, F. Mullins 2 F vr'P.,7 o t Division: M. Missen >,''£ MisL l%[ && JT" son .fnTttClear/t" 5 ' 0 " 0 *'& «**» 3 ' A Anderand M° k Ca?;r3 K ' Carr °" '< R ' Fosto > F ' »™» VT<W P ° H - tene§S — W " O'Connell IV Ruscoe mrl P M'Davitt 2, A. Anderson 3 ' Kuscoe and E ' co.,^: ¥* &s f *&»i

Typewriting. Senior" ; Division: M. Carn"•; 1, E. Rhodes 2, E. M'Cartin 3. ; ■ , :' ••'-. Shorthand.— Division :.- E. Rhodes. 1, M. Carn 2, A. Anderson 3. ."_->.-.--:' ■ Bookkeeping. Junior Division : M. Henaghan' 1, V. M'Laughlin 2, B. Engel 3. , , ; - Typewriting. Division C. Thurston 1, M. Piper 2, I. Bruce 3. " '-' '. - Shorthand.—Junior Division : B. Engel 1, 0. Thurston 2, M. Piper 3. .'■■--' Essay Writing - (gifts of Mrs "■ Mackay). — M'Davitt 1, F. Mullins 2, M. Spillane 3. Languages.—Senior Division (French and Latin): K. Carroll 1, M. Cleary 2, V. Ruscoe 3. Junior Division (French) : Y. Vance l, E. Long 2. Preparatory Division (French): F. Mullins and E. Rhodes 1, E. Richardson 2. . = House Prize.—C. Thurston. • Attendance.—Eileen M'Donald. , ...' Class " D " (partial pass already secured by Matriculation). Rita Dennis and M. Johnstone. ; Matriculation Class (general excellence in all subjects).K. CarrOlL - •• intermediate .and Preparatory Matriculation Class. 1 arithmetic* 1 algebra, 1 geometry, 3 LatinE. Long. 1 Latin, 1 Fiiciich. 3 mstOry, 2 geography, 3 essay Writing, I English language aiid literature, 1 arithmetic, 1 algebra, 1 geometry-—M. Cleary. 2 history, 1 hygiene, I drawing, 2 essay writing- Alice. Anderson. 2 history, 3 English language and literature, 2 Latin, 3 French, 2 algebra, 2 geometry, 2 arithmetic—V. Ruscoe. 1 history, 1 geography, 1 .essay writing, 2 English language and literature—E. M'Davitt. Form IV. A.—2 essay writing, 1 English language and literature, 1 arithmetic—M. Spillane. 1 essay /writing, 2 English language and literature—Florrie Mullins. 3 essay writing, 3 arithmetic— Mavis Carn. 3 English language and literature, 2 arithmetic—Ella Rhodes. Form IV. B.—l arithmetic, 1 English language and literature, 1 algebra, 1 geometry, 3 history, 3 geography, 2 essay writing, 1 penmanship- Edith Richardson. 3 arithmetic. 2 English language and literature, 2 history, 2 algebra, 3 geometry, 2 geography, 1 essay writing—■ Mary Henaghan, 1 algebra, 2 geometry, 1 geography, 3 essay writing, 2 penmanship, 1 history—*Beryl Guylee. 2 arithmetic, 3 English language and literature—Ellen M'Cartin. 3 algebra—Mary Brceii. Form 111. A.— 1 English language and literature, 1 essay writing. 2 geography, 2 arithmetic—Maud M'Corinack. 1 arithmetic Vera M'Laughlin. 3 English language and literature, 2 penmanship—Winnie O'Connell. 1 penmanship. 1 elocution—Rita Foster. 2 English language and literature, 3 penmanship, 2 essay writing —Gretna Piper. 3 geography, 3 essay writing —Mona Piper. 3 arithmetic—Margaret M'Elroy. General Improvement: Marie Avery, Belle Engel. Cecilia Thurston. Form 111. B. 1 English language and literature, 1 essay writing. 1 history, 3 arithmetic, 3 geography, 1 reading and comprehension—Valerie Vance! 3 English language and literature, 2 arithmetic, 2 history, 2 drawing, 2 penmanship, 2 reading and comprehension—Hera Scott. 2 English language and literature, 2 essay writing, 1 arithmetic—Doris Bennett. 3 essay writingMary Lcamy. 3 history, 3 drawing, 1 penmanship Dorothy Law. 3 . penmanship, 3 reading and comprehension Winnie Seed. 1 geography—Sara Punch. 2 geography—Mary Story. 1 drawing—Winnie Jensen. General Improvement : Kitty Delehanty, Sheila Kelly, Thelma Law. - Form 11. 1 arithmetic, 1 English language and literature. 2 geography, 2 elocution, 1, history, 2 penmanship, 2 drawing, 1 essay writing—Dorice Beck. ~2 arithmetic, 2 English language and literature, 1 geography, 1 elocution, 1 penmanship, 1 drawing, 2 history —Margery Missen. 3 English language and literature, 3 geography, 3 elocution, 3 penmanship, 3 history, 3 essay writing—Hilda Rhodes. 3 arithmetic,. 2 essay writing—Eileen M'Donald. 3 drawing—Eva New. General . Improvement: Annie M'Laughlin, Mary Bourke, Ellen Harrington, Ida Bruce, Rita Death. Form I. A.—l English language and literature, 2 geography, 2 arithmetic, 1 essay writing, 2 penmanship

Maggie . Fake. 1 geography, 3 English language and . literature, 2 essay writing, history; 1 penmanship— Helen Missen. 2 English language and literature, 2 drawing Gertie Rhodes. 3 geography, 1 ’arithmetic, 1 reading and elocution—Phyllis M'Farlane. 3 arithmetic, 1, drawing—lsie Bruce. - 3 penmanship; 3 drawing—lvy Hall. 3 essay writing, 3 reading, and elocution — Olive Gryls. 2 reading and elocution—Ruth Lissette. 1 arithmetic Harrington. General Improvement : Marion Gower, Annie Johnstone, Beulah Lewis, Mary Harrington, Moira Jackson. _ -

-Form I. B.—l English language and literature, 1 reading and elocution, 1 essay writing, 2 penmanship, 2 drawing Margery Gomer. 2 English language and literature, 1 arithmetic, 1 penmanship, 2 essay writing, 3 drawing, 3 reading ■ and elocution, 3 geography Moira Punch. 1 geography, 2 reading and elocution, 3 penmanship—Veronica Sussmilch. 2 geography, 3 English language and literature, 3 arithmetic, 3 essay writing, 1 drawing—Lena Punch. 2 arithmetic— Shodi;oski. Preparatory Classes.—l arithmetic, 3 penmanship, 2 drawing, 3 Christian doctrine Doris Hellawell. ' 2 arithmetic, 3 reading and recitation, 1 Christian doctrine—Patricia Punch. 3 arithmetic, 1 English, 2 reading and recitation, 2 Christian doctrine—Patricia Vance. 2 English, 1 reading and recitation, 2 geography—Rene Nixon. 3 English, 1 drawing, 3 Nature study- Palmer. 2 penmanship, 1 drawing, 1 Nature study, 3 geography —Coral Davis. 1 penmanship—lone Hammond. 1 geography, 2 Nature study Phyllis Rhodes. 1 Christian doctrine, ■ 2 reading and recitation, 2 penmanship, 3 Nature study —Mary Smith. 3 Christian doctrine, 1 arithmetic, 2 geography, 1 Nature study—Guy Vance. 2 Christian doctrine, 1 English, 1 reading and recitation, 1 penmanship, 2 drawing, ,3 geography—Mary Missen. 2 arithmetic, 2 English, 3 penmanship, 3 drawing, 1 geography—Kathleen Fetzer. 3 arithmetic, 3 English, 3 reading and recitation, 1 drawing, 2 Nature study— Daisy Nixon. Primer Classes. — Zoe Connor, Leon Missen, Josephine Anderson, Thelma Morrin, Nina Palmer, Rita M'Donald, Kitty Smith, Doris Nixon, Mary Fake, Bernard Death, Thomas Nixon, Lorna Cameron, Nancy 'Chavannes, Charlie Chavannes.

The Sisters gratefully acknowledge prizes from the following:—The Very Rev. Dean Holley, the Rev. Father Mahoney, the Rev. Father Vibeand, Mrs Mackay, Mr Greenwood, Mrs M‘Brearty, Mr O’Hara, and Mrs Gellatly. THE CONCERT.

The Opera House was well filled when the annual concert in connection with the Wanganui Convent ■Schools took place. These concerts are always looked forward to with pleasure, as the Sisters train the children so well that the various items on the programme are thoroughly enjoyed. Last night’s concert was in every way a success, and the high standard of efficiency shown further emphasised the splendid work of the Sisters, who, together with their pupils, are to be heartily congratulated. The programme was long •and very diversified, consisting of- overtures, part songs, pianoforte solos and duets, choruses, marches, songs, tableaux, dance, recitation, and a play. The lastnamed took the form of Act ii. , scene 2, of ‘Midsummsr Night’s Dream,’ being the quarrel scene between Titania and Oberon. This was splendidly done. The part-singing, of which there was a good deal, was delightful, the children having evidently been very carefully trained. Two very fine tableaux were shown—viz., ‘The Dream'Man’ (by wee children from St. Joseph’s School) and ‘ Revel of the Naiads ’ (by pupils of the Sacred Heart School). ‘ The Lily March,’ by pupils of St. Joseph’s, was also very effective, as was the dance ‘ Tally Ho,’ by the Convent pupils. The accompaniments were played by Miss Ruby Curran, while the orchestra was under the conductorship' of Mr Ralph O’Hara. From beginning to end the concert was a complete success, and reflected credit on all concerned. v

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New Zealand Tablet, 28 December 1916, Page 27

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ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL, DUNEDIN New Zealand Tablet, 28 December 1916, Page 27

ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL, DUNEDIN New Zealand Tablet, 28 December 1916, Page 27

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