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ST. PATRICK'S COLLEGE, WELLING lON There was a large attendance at the St. Patrick's College prize-giving • ceremony on December 11. The Rector (Very Rev. Dr. Kennedy) presided,' and among those also present were his Grace Archbishop Redwood, S.M., his Grace' Coadjutor-Archbishop O'Shea, S.M., the Ven. Archdeacon Devoy, S.M., and several of the local and visiting clergy, including a number in khaki, all of whom are old boys of the college. A dramatic recital, The Taming of the Shrew/'was admirably given by students. J. Lynch, wonderfully well made up and attired, was very successful as Katharina (the shrew), and J. Kennedy played the part of Petruchio with considerable spirit. F. Reeves made an excellent Grumio, and the other parts were also well sustained. The college orchestra, under the conduct orship of Mr. ix. Percival Clarke, contributed a number of instrumental items. The college choir sang ' Land of Hope and Glory,' and the strains of ' God Save the King ' brought the proceedings to a close.

St. Patrick’s Boys and the War.

‘ The war,’ said the rector in his address, ‘ has taken a large toll of our students, and as a consequence our numbers are much smaller this year than usual. A number of our senior boys left the college in order to enlist. Three of these boys who played together on the football field last year were fighting together on the battlefield of the Somme at the same time this, year. Our old boys’have also shown a truly patriotic spirit by enlisting in very large numbers, and in so life cases in spite ol many difficulties and great opposition. A striking case of this is that of Sergeant Onslow Cullen, of Hokitika. He enlisted at Hokitika, but was rejected as physically unfit. lie then went to Hawke’s Bay and again enlisted, but was once more rejected. Then he went to Auckland and succeeded in passing an indulgent doctor’s eye. In due time he went into camp; but,-un-fortunately, was found 'physically unfit, and so was dismissed. He enlisted again, and succeeded in getting into camp a second time, when he was called away by his mother’s death. lie fell ill himself, but eventually recovered and enlisted once again, and left for the front. He fought on the battlefield of the Somme, and there he laid down his life. That is a typical instance of the spirit that animates the old boys of St. Patrick’s College. (Applause.) it is impossible for us to know the exact number of our old boys who have gone to the front, as our boys come from all parts of the Dominion. Yet, although our institution is comparatively a young one we have over .300 names on our list of old boys who have gone to the front. (Applause.) Of these 18 have been killed and 42 wounded. 1 think that that is a record that is very creditable to St. Patrick’s. College old boys. We are very proud of them.’ (Applause.) Dr. Kennedy added that they had to lament the death during the past year of three great friends and supporters of the college —the Rev. Dr. Watters (their first rector), Mr. Martin Kennedy, who was their most generous benefactor; and Dean Smyth (Provincial of the Society of Mary), who took a great interest in the college. Dr. Watters had ruled over the destinies of the college ■ for thirteen years. - He established the ' traditions of the college, and exerted a very powerful influence over his scholars. Up to the very time of his death he look a deep interest in his old school, ft was proposed to perpetuate his name by erecting a memorial tablet to him and by establishing in perpetuity a special Watters Memorial Prize for English language and literature, a subject in which he took a great interest, and taught very successfully. (Applause.) Mr. Martin Kennedy was the first and most generous benefactor of the college, He established scholarships for the benefit of Catholic boys all over the Dominion, and before his death he had a deed of trust, drawn up by which £BO a year was to be available in perpetuity for /scholarships

in St. Patrick’s College. . That would provide a scholarship of £2O a year available for four years. (Applause.) One of .the aims of Dean Smyth had been the removal of the "college to a more favorable site, where they could have larger fields for playing purposes ; and they hoped that his successor would be able to see his way to carry that into effect. (Applause.) The rector expressed his thanks to the college. Fathers for their loyal and zealous work throughout the year, and said that the boys, especially the senior boys, had also done some good work. He was glad to be able to announce that the system of leaving certificates with free places was to be retained, and that their-boys were also to continue to be allowed to hold their scholarships in Catholic colleges. (Applause.) He hoped that that was only the beginning of the recognition of their rights. (Applause.) He thought that they should be allowed to hold free places as well as scholarships in Catholic colleges. A scholarship was only a free place plus a money prize and if the principle was right in regard to scholarships it must be right in regard to free places too. If they were entitled to the one they were entitled to the other. (Applause.) They were grateful for what.had already been granted, but they were not by any means satisfied. (Laughter and applause.)

The college is to re-open on Monday, February 12.

Prize List.

The list of prize-winners is as under: Entrance Scholarship.—The Kennedy Scholarship (of the yearly value of £2O, tenable for four years), Harold Trehey, Convent School, Palmerston North. . The Segrief Scholarship (of the yearly value of £lO, tenable for two years, open for competition to boys attending Catholic schools in Wellington or suburbs), Joseph Delaney, Marist Brothers’ School, Tasman street, Wellington.

Good Conduct.

Senior Division.—Gold medal presented by his Grace Archbishop Redwood, S.M., Clifford Bowler; next in merit, Vincent McGlone, Gordon O’Meeghan, Andrew Lysaght, Patrick Foley, Peter McCrossan, Alfred Galpin, James A. Bourke ; lion, mention, John Kennedy, John Mciiardy, Maurice Dowling.

Junior Division Gold medal presented by his Grace Archbishop O’Shea, S.M., Albert Hally ; next in merit, Francis Kennedy, Murtagh Creaven, Justin Lynch, Thomas Corkill, William Timms, Patrick Ryan; hon. mention, John Foley. Extern Division— Gold medal presented by the Yen. Archdeacon Devoy, S.M., William Beveridge; next in merit, Patrick Scanlon, William Coles, Timothy Fouhy, Leo Greenwood, Alexander Mulhane, William Gavin, Lawrence Whelan, "Stanislaus Hoskins, James Kennedy.

Diligence— Gold medal presented by Very Rev. Dean Holley, S.M., Maurice Dowling; next in merit, Andrew Lysaght, Timothy Cleary, Alfred Hally, Alfred Galpin, Patrick Foley, Francis Kennedy, Vincent McGlone; hon. mention, John Kennedy, John McHardy.

Form VI.

General excellence in class work—Dux gold medal presented by the Old Boys’ Association, John Kennedy; next in merit, Timothy Cleary, William Beveridge, John Mciiardy, Clifford Bowler, Maurice Dowling. Watters memorial prize for English language and literature John Kennedy : next in merit, Maurice Dowling, William Beveridge, Gordon O’Meeghan, John lucHardy, Timothy Cleary, Patrick O’Regan, Clifford Bowler.

Christian doctrine, prize presented by Mrs. D. Kennedy—Timothy Cleary ; next in merit— John Kennedy, Clifford Bowler, John Mciiardy, Gordon O’Meeghan, Maurice Dowling, William Beveridge. Essay, prize presented by Mr. M. —Leger Reeves ; next- in merit Clifford Bowler, Timothy Cleary, John Kennedy, Patrick O’Regan, Maurice Dowling, John McFlardy. English, prize presented by Mr. J. Foley—liam Reye.ridge.; next in merit — Maurice Dowling,

. - . . . ... ... 7 • i • Timothy Cleary, Clifford Bowler, John McHardy ; hon. . . ■ T i J Tr i mention, John Kennedy. Latin, prize presented by Rev. Father Bowden, S.M., M.A. — William Beveridge; next in merit—John Kennedy, - Maurice’ Dowling, Timothy Cleary, Clifford Bowler, Cyril Dealy, Vincent McGlone. French, prize presented by the Very Rev. Father Moran, S.M., 8.A., Provincial Clifford Bowler next in merit Timothy Cleary, John Kennedy, John McHardy, Mathematics, prize presented by Mr. Maurice O’Connor— John Kennedy; next in William Beveridge, Timothy Cleary, John McHardy, Clifford Bowler.

Science, prize money. presented by Rev. Father Aubry, S.M. -John McHardy ; next in merit— John Kennedy, William Beveridge, Clifford Bowler.

Forxxx V.

General excellence in class work— Timothy Fouhy; next in merit— James Skedden, Andrew Lysaght, William Coles, William Heexxaxx, Patrick Scanlon.

Christian doctrine—Prize, Timothy Fouhy; next in merit Andrew Lysaght, James Skedden, Justin Lynch, Francis Hally, Patrick Scanlon. Essay —Prize, Patrick Scanlon ; next in merit Andrew Lysaght, Timothy Fouhy, John Shivxxan, James Skeddexx, William Coles.

English Prize, Timothy Foxxhy ; next in merit Justin Lynch, Andrew Lysaght, William Coles, Patrick Scanlon, James Skeddexx.

History Prize, Timothy Cleary ; next in merit — Timothy Foxxhy, James Skedden, Andrew Lysaght, William Heexxaxx, Patrick O’Regan. Latin Prize, Andrew Costelloe ; next in merit —

James Skedden, Andrew Lysaght, William Coles, Patrick Scanlon.

French—Prize, William Coles; next in merit— William Heexxaxx, James Skedden, Timothy Fouhy, Andrew Lysaght, Francis Hally. Arithmetic-Prize, Timothy Fouhy; next in merit -James Skeddexx, trick Scanlon, Maurice Dowling, Leger Reeves, Andrew Lysaght.

Algebra and Geometry —First prize, Maurice Dowling; second prize, James Skeddexx; next in merit — Gordon O’Meeghan, William Coles, Timothy Fouhy, Patrick O’Regan.

Science—Prize, Timothy Cleary ; next in merit— Timothy Fouhy, James Skeddexx, Gordon O’Meeghan, William Coles, Andrew Lysaght, Vincent McGloxxe. Geography—Prize, William Heexxan ; next in merit •—Leger Reeves, Francis Murray, Patrick O’Regan, John Kilgour. Form IV.

General excellence in class , work — Prize, James Davey ; next in merit—Thomas Darby, Leo Greenwood, Paul Parkinson, Edward Murray. Christian doctrine—Prize, Thomas Darby; next in merit Paul Parkinson, James Davey, Daniel Campbell, Thomas Sheen.

Essay —Prize, Horace Gregory ; next in merit John Price, Paul Parkinson, James Davey, Thomas Sheen j

English— John Price; next in merit—James Davey, Hilary Harrington, Edward Murray, Thomas Darby, Paul Parkinson, Stanislaus Hoskins.

History Prize, Jamps Davey; next in merit— Thomas Darby, Leo Greenwood, Alfred Card, Hilary Harrington. Latin—Prize, Benjamin O’Brien; next in merit, Hilary Harrington. French—Prize, John Price; next in —Horace

Gregory, Edward Murray, Benjamin O’Brien. Arithmetic—Prize,"James Davey next in merit— John Price, Leo Greenwood, Bruce Parsonage, Benjamin O’Brien. Algebra and Geometry Prize, Maurice Blake; next in merit—James Davey, Cecil Dealy, John Price, Benjamin O’Brien, Leo Greenwood. Science — Prize, Daniel Campbell ; next in merit — James Davey, Maurice Blake, Stanislaus Hoskins,

James Bourke.

'Geography—Prizes Edward Murray ;, next in merit Leo'Greenwood, Thomas Darby, John Price. Special History—Prize, Thomas Darby ; next in —Francis Bennett, Alfred Galpin, Albert Mickleson,

Form 111.

General excellence in class —Prize, Charles Neils; next in merit—Roy Knight, Jeremiah Purcell, William Gavin, Alexander Mulhane, Francis Pimley,' Francis Kennedy. ■

Christian doctrine— Patrick Ryan'; next in merit Charles Neils, Francis Kennedy, Roy Knight, William Gavin, Lawrence Whelan, James Kennedy. Essay— Prize, William Gavin; next in merit—■ Lawrence Whelan, Charles Neils, James McCarthy, William Leamy.

English Prize, William. Gavin.; next in merit, Chaxdes Neils, Roy Knight, Jeremiah Purcell, William Leamy, Alexander Mulhane.

History. and Geography— Prize, Jeremiah Purcell; next in merit Charles Neils, Francis Kennedy, John Toomey, Alexander Mulhane. —Prize, Roy Knight,; next in merit—Galvin Davey, Patrick Ryan, Murtagh Creavexx, Thomas Corkill. ‘

French—Prize, Jeremiah Purcell ; next in merit William Gavin, Francis Pixxxley, Roy Knight, Murtagh Creavexx, Alexander Mulhane. -

Arithmetic Prize, Jeremiah Purcell; next in merit—Roy Knight, Charles Neils, Alexander Mulhane, Alfred Galpixx. Algebra and Geometry Price, Charles Neils; next in merit, Murtagh Creaven, Roy Knight, Jeremiah Purcell, John Ridler, Alexander Mulhaxxe, Timothy Mc-


—Prize, Charles Neils; next in merit—Roy Knight, Jeremiah Purcell, Francis Pixxxley, William Gavin, Albert Mickleson, Francis Kennedy. Drawing—Prize, Francis Kennedy; next in merit — William Gavin, Murtagh Creaven, Thomas Corkill, James A. Bourke, Albert Mickleson.

Preparatory Class.

General excellence in class work—Prize, Wallace D’Ath; next in merit—Peter Bridgeman, William Timms, Albert Hally, Francis Cooper, John Devine. Christian doctrine —Prize, Wallace D’Ath; next in merit— Peter Bridgeman, John Devine, William Timms,

Essay—Prize, Wallace D’Ath; next in merit, Fraxxcis Cooper, William Timms, Leo Dwan, Peter Bridgeman.

—-Prize, Wallace D’Ath ; next in merit, Peter Bridgeman, William Timms, Reginald Dwyer, John Devine.

—Prize, Francis Cooper and Leo Dwan (equal) ; next in merit William Timms, Peter Bridgeman, Wallace D’Ath.

Geography—Prize, Peter Bridgeman ; next in —Albert Hally, Wallace D’Ath, William Percy, William Timms, Francis Cooper. Reading and Writing —Prize, Wallace D’Ath; next in merit, John Devine, Albert Hally, Francis Cooper. Arithmetic —Prize, Peter Bridgeman; next in merit, Wallace D’Ath, William Percy, Albert Hally, John Devine.

Drawing—Prize, Albert Hally; next in merit, William Percy; Wallace D’Ath, John Devine. Commercial Course.— Second year: Prize presented by Mr. IT. Bolton, F.I.A.— Greenwood ; next in merit—Edward Murray, Paul Parkinson, Thomas Sheen, Mutu Hikito.

First year: Prize, presented by Mr. H. Bolton, F.I.A. — Charles Neils ; next in merit, Francis Pimley, William Gavin, Russell Wickliffe, Alexander Mulhane, James Kennedy, Fergus Reeves.

Oratory and Debate. —Gold medal, presented by the , Very Rev. Father O’Connell, S.M.—Timothy Cleary ; next in merit — John Kennedy, Vincent McGlone, William Heexxan, Justin Lynch. Music.

Pianoforte. — Senior Division— Prize, John Price; next in merit, Thomas Quinlivan. .

.Junior Division Prize, "Albert Hally; next .in merit, John Devine, Mutu Hikito. v r„ ' ;: Violin.— medal, presented by Mr. H. P. Clarke Wallace '■- D'Ath ; '" : next in ' merit-—Harvey Bremer, Marcus Brophy, Timothy McCarthy, John Foley ;.-hon. mention, Francis Murray. ~ Board of Honors Prizes.—William Beveridge, James Bourke, James A. Bourke, Clifford Bowler, •Michael ; Burke, ; William Coles, Thomas Corkill,, Murtagh Creaven, Maurice Dowling, Patrick Foley, John Foley, Timothy Fouhy, Albert Galpin, William Gavin, Leo Greenwood, Albert Hally, Hilary Harrington, Stanislaus Hoskins, John .Kennedy, Roy Knight, Andrew Lysaght, Peter McCrossan, Vincent, McGlone, John Mcllardy, Albert Mickleson, Alexander Mulhane, Gordon O'Meeghan, Patrick O'Regan, Leger Reeves, Patrick Scanlon, James Skedden. \ * Prizes for Four Mentions.—Murtagh Creaven John Devine, Alfred Galpin, Andrew Lysaght, Vincent McGlone, Alexander Mulhane, Gordon O'Meeghan, Patrick O'Regan, Paul Parkinson, William Timms. Certificates of Proficiency, Standard Vl.—James A. Bourke, Peter Bridgeman, Francis Cooper, Wallace D'Ath, John Devine, Leo Dwan, Reginald Dwyer, Francis Gormley, Albert Hally, Adolph Lutz, William Percy, William Timms, John Toomey, Lawrence Whelan.

DOMINICAN CONVENT SCHOOL, OAMARU The following is the prize list: Commercial Class. Senior Division.—Class prize (medal), A. Aitkinson ; shorthand, O. Cooney 1, I. Rowe 2: book-keeping, L. Miller, May O'Brien; typewriting, M. O'Brien, Catherine Fallon. Junior Division.—Class prize, A. Harney ; second in merit, G. Molloy ; shorthand and attendance, E. De Courcy ; attention to studies, M. Wylie: improvement in shorthand and book-keeping, E. O'Reilly. Junior Grade. —Attention to studies, W. Rowe; arithmetic, singing, recitation, and music, M. Marshall ; drawing, recitation, and writing, G. Rowe; arithmetic and writing, M. Maxwell ; improvement in studies, M. Berry ; class, arithmetic, and recitation, M. Toomey ; improvement in studies and music, N. Blaney ; improvement in studies, A. Brown. General Prizes. —Christian doctrine (gold cross), O. Cooney; good conduct (medal), A. Aitkinson; politeness, M. Wylie; physical exercises, L. Miller, M. Wylie ; music, M. Atkinson. Class Subjects.—Gertrude Molloy.

ST. PATRICK'S DOMINICAN COLLEGE, TESCHEMAKERS > ' '■' ';••' The prize distribution and break-up ceremony in connection with St. Patrick's Dominican College, Teschemakers took place on the 14th inst. The Right Rev. Mgr. Mackay distributed the prizes, and in doing so congratulated the pupils on the excellent progress made, both in regard to their studies and the development of their characters He praised the children for their exemplary behaviour, which he hoped they would maintain during the vacation. The report of the inspection of the college was eminently satisfactory, and reflected credit on the instruction given and on the application of the scholars. The following is the prize list: £ Form V. (a).Medallist, L. McVeigh 1, E. Runbury 2 ; history, E. Eunbury. Form V. (b).Medallist, M. Dwyer; science and mathematics, M. Dwyer. Form 111 (a). —Medallist, M. Collins; second English, B. O'Meeghan; arithmetic, M. Crowley algebra and geometry, W._Boland; French, F. Gillies 1, M. Brown 2 ; Latin, M. Brown; book-keeping, M. O'Meeghan, B. Waldron, M. Crowley; science, M. Collins. . _ .."'■-/ - - Grade Vl.—Medallist, M. Goodger ; second in merit, M. McVeigh arithmetic, E. Gallagher; reading

and recitation, K. Corcoran, ,G. Stott; elementary Latin and French, M. McVeigh diligence, E. Breen science, MyGoodger; handwork, T. Finlay drawing, C. Dwyer. Grade V. —Medallist, C. Watson ; second in merit, M. Tansey; reading and recitation, D. O’Connell writing, V. Gillies; neatness and order, C. Watson. - : Grade -IV.—Medallist, S. Inglis; arithmetic, ■E. Brown ; handwork, S. Inglis. Grade 11.-—Medallist, B. Gallien; second in merit, I. Cahill; history, M. Hailes; geography, W. Morrissey; hand-work, M. Greer; nature study, E. Moloney ; politeness, I. Cahill; gardening, W. Morrissey; drawing, E. Moloney; Christian doctrine, B. Gallien. Grade I.—Class prize, A. Woods; arithmetic and writing, N. Usherwood. , ’

Primary Classes.

Class ll.—Reading and writing, E. Usherwood; arithmetic and nature study, B. Williamson. Class lll.Reading and drawing, G. Green ; number and reading, I. Green; card sewing, D. Williamson; paper folding, G. Moloney. General Prizes. —Needlework—F. Gillies 1, M. Collins 2; Junior division, V. Gillies 1, M. Tansey 2; darning, Nancy Spiers; painting, M. Dwyer 1, G. Stott 2; cookery, C. .Dwyer 1, T. Finlay 2; physical exercises, M. Crowley 1, G. Stott and R. Corcoran (equal) 2.

Navy League Prizes.—Form V., Laura McVeigh: Form IV., W. Boland; Form 111., M. Collins; Grade VI., M. McVeigh and C. Dwyer.

Games.—Basket ball, L. McVeigh; cricket, B. Waldron; tennis, D. Sutton; swimming, M. O’Meeghan. Religious Knowledge.— McVeigh 1 (gold medal), B. Waldron 2 (silver medal).

Christian Doctrine.—M. Goodger. Good Conduct.—W. Boland 1 (gold medal), M. Goodger 2 (gold cross).

Wreath awarded to the most amiable girl by the votes of her companions.—Laura McVeigh and Doreen Sutton (equal). Oxford Locals.—Senior, L. McVeigh (five subjects) ; Junior, M. Dwyer (five subjects), R. Roughan (four subjects) Preliminary, A. Petre (eight subjects), M. Collins, B. Waldron, W. Boland (seven subjects), K. O’Brien and N. McVeigh (six subjects), B. O’Meeghan, T. Hutton, E. Gallagher, and A. Spiers (five subjects), M. Goodger, M. O’Meara, and W. O'Connell (four subjects). . A '

Intermediate Examination. Laura McVeigh. Proficiency Certificates.—M. McVeigh, E. Gallagher, C. Dwyer, C. Corcoran, E. Breen, N. Goodger, G. Stott.

Competency Certificates.C. Watson, T. Finlay.

Music Prizes.

Pianoforte. Doreen Sutton, gold medal (Associate) ; Agnes Spiers, silver medal (honors in Senior Grade) ; Eileen Breen, Silver Medal (honors in Intermediate) ; Rita Corcoran, silver medal (honors in Junior Grade) ; Elsie Gallagher, silver medal (distinction in Lower Division) ; Kathleen Corcoran, Mary Hailes, Muriel Greer. -

Singing. Doreen Sutton and Rita Corcoran. Violin.—Agnes Spiei's.

Harmony.—Laura McVeigh, B. O’Meeghan, M. Tansey.

The following are the results of the examinations held in connection with Trinity College (London) and the Associate Board of the Royal Academy and Royal College of Music (London) : Trinity College.—Associate (practical work), Doreen . Sutton; 82 ; Senior Division, Agnes Spiers,, 82 Intermediate Division, Eileen Breen, 81 ; Rita Corcoran

(singing), 68; Junior Division —Rita Corcoran, 83; K. Corcoran, 82; M. Goodger, 70 ; Preparatory Division— M. Hailes, 77 ; M. Greer, 72 ; First Steps, E. Brown, 82. Theoretical Examinations. —Senior Division, L. McVeigh, 80. Junior Division—B. O’Meeghan, 100; W. Boland, 97 M. McVeigh, - 95; M. Dwyer, 94 R. Corcoran, 89 ;B. Waldron, 87. Preparatory Division M. Tansey, 100; C. Dwyer, 99 ; D. O’Connell, 89; E. Brown, 85; S. Inglis, 74 ;M. Hailes, 68; M. Greer, 66, Royal Academy.-Lower DivisionE. Gallagher, 132; R. Corcoran, 126; W. Boland, 124 V. Gillies, 118,

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New Zealand Tablet, 21 December 1916, Page 38

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OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, 21 December 1916, Page 38

OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, 21 December 1916, Page 38

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