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ST. THOMAS’S COLLEGE AND ST. MARY’S - CONVENT, OAMARU. ■ ■■ / The annual break-up of St. Thomas’s Preparatory College and St. Mary’s 'Convent School took place on December 15. Right Rev. Mgr. Mackay, V.G., presided. In the course of his remarks he heartily congratulated the pupils on their highly successful year,, and wished them a pleasant holiday; the season’s greetings, and a welcome return. The following is the report and prize list:— , - ■//■ ‘ Another successful year hasbeen concluded in St. Thomas’s College, The number of boys at present in, residence is 22. - Every department of education, spiritual, mental, ana physical, has been given due attention to, and in each department satisfactory progress has been made. Religion,, the basis of true education, has s received a prominent place, and the boys, profiting by their teachers’ instructions, have gained an intelligent grasp of. Christian doctrine and Bible history. In the. classics, the inspectors’excellent report sufficiently indicates- the good • progress made. The senior boys attended the* wood work class in the Technical School. They fully appreciate the kind interest taken in them by Mr. Griggs* under whom they worked with gratifying results. Music . has its place ,in the year work, and in this branch several of the students gained distinction. Physical training has been a prominent feature of the., college curriculum, and the bodily health of the lads is evidence enough that this training has been on proper lines. The excellent health of the boys is in great part due to the introduction of two new elements in physical exercises, viz., boxing and swimming. In these the collegians have taken a keen interest. The discipline of the school has been well observed and the general conduct has been all that could be desired. In every respect the year’s work has been of a highly satisfactory nature, and the approaching vacation has been well merited by the pupils.

ST. MARY’S COLLEGE. . Form. V.— Christian doctrine (gold medal), L. Miller; dux of school (silver medal), M. Molloy ; physiology, M. Foley; botany, A. Atkinson mathematics, M. Molloy; geography, M. Foley; history, A. Atkinson; French, M. Molloy. w ; Form IV.—Class medallist, I. Rowe; geography, L. Miller; drawing, ,K. Fallon; arithmetic, I. Rowe; botany, L. Miller physiology, K. Fallon. " Grade Vl.—Class medallist, E. d© Courcey; arithmetic, A. Harney; domestic economy, M. Wylie; geography, G. Molloy; drawing, A. Harney; history, E. de Courcey; recitation, M. Wylie; improvement in music, G. Mblloy. ' ■ Grad© lll. Class prize, M. Marshall; English composition, M. Maxwell; writing, G. Rowe; French, M. Marshall; geography, M. Maxwell; drawing, G. Rowe; improvement in studies (Grade I), M. Toomey.' General Prizes.— conduct, M. Foley; politeness, M. Wylie; needlework, E. de Courcey,

PREPARATORY COLLEGE. . . , , Grad© IV.—Christian - doctrine (gold medal presented by Miss .Ralph), H. Greaney; .class prize, A. Loughnan ; arithmetic, R. Waldron; general improvement, B. McClintock; French, A. ' Loughnan ; English composition, H. Greaney; recitation, , R. Waldron; Latin, A. Loughnan; drawing, R. Waldron; brush work, A. Loughnan. - ■\ g Grade lll.Class ? prize, T. Goodger; arithmetic, P. Loughnan; geography, B. Carter; drawing and brush wdrk, C. Buchanan; recitation, "P. Loughnan; English composition, B. Carter; 1 French, ; J. Milne ; writing, C- Buchanan ; general, improvement, P. Inkson; : Bible history,: J. Milne.. 1 ;. ! - _

r Grade < 11. Class prize, : C. Tulloch; arithmetic, R- Usherwood; spelling, A. 'Milne; improvement sin studies, G. Buchanan; drawing and brush work, R. Usherwood; recitation, C. - Tull ; writing, G. Buchanan. . i .'" : .', r '.. * ■ ' v ' ■/••" ■■•■ ■ r-•'

" ’ Kindergarten : , Grade ,T -—Class prize, L. Payletich; arithmetic, H. Gallien; reading, P. McLaughlin ; drawing, L. Pavletich; spelling, 11. Gallieh;, singing, F. McLaughlin.- ’ \ | -Class lll.—Catechism, IT. .Kempstbn; tables, I. Buchanan; improvement in studies, B. -Inkson; reading and spelling, H. Kempstbn • recitation and singing, I. Buchanan ; writing, B. Inkson. - ■/ ' : ' Class IT.Reading and spelling, R. Kelly; general improvement, J. Daly ; drawing, F. Crosbie. General Prizes. —Good conduct,. B. Carter politeness, P. Loughnan; woodwork, A. Loughnan physical drill, P. inkson; physical drill (hon. mention), P. and A. Loughnan; swimming, B. McClintock ; ; flower gardening, A. Loughnan, P. Inkson, and R. Waldron; vegetable gardening, B. McClintock; domestic duties, 11. Kempston, I. Buchanan, and F. Crosbie. Music „ Prizes.—Royal Academy of MusicC. Tul- > loch (distinction, silver medal) ; 11. Geaney (distinction, silver medal); C. Buchanan (improvement in t music), prize.

ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL, O AMARU. On December 15 the scholastic year closed for St. Joseph’s Parish School with the annual break-up and distribution of prizes. The Right Rev. Mgr. Mackay, V. presided, and after a pleasing musical programme had been presented, addressed the pupils. lie congratulated both teachers and children on the success of. the past year, and made special reference to the excellent report of the examiners, Messrs. Richardson and Robinson. He impressed upon the pupils the necessity of regular attendance if good progress was to be made. He also urged them to show forth in their conduct during the holidays the good examples set before them in school life, and concluded by wishing all a pleasant vacation and happy Christmas. At an interval in the function, Rev. Father O’Connell, on behalf of tfie ..girls of the cooking and swimming classes, presented their instructress (Miss Howe Johns) with a beautiful framed picture as, an appreciation of her kindly and practical interest in them. The recipient thanked the girls for their gift, and said what a pleasure it had been to teach classes so obedient/and so responsive to her tuition. She hoped to be able to give them the benefit of Her services again next year,; In the afternoon- a number of pupils and friends were entertained to tea by Miss Howe Johns and - her cooking class, when the good results of the year’s work were seen in a variety of tasty edibles, and an enjoyable hour was passed. The following is the prize list: , Standard lI.—W. Firth, M. Brown, and K. Hanley (equal) . . / Standard lII.—R. Costigan, T. Wells. Standard IV.—G. Rowe, A. Hanley. ; ; • Standard V.—A., O’Donnell, M. Curran. Standard VII.—J, Cartwright (dux), O. Cooney, and A. O’Brien (equal). ;/ . | Regular attendanceM. Ny, W. Ny. Politeness R. Ralfe. Good conduct medals —Senior, M. Meehan; Junior, J. Mackay. Religious knowledge Senior, E. Doherty (gold cross, presented by Rev. Father O’Connell) ; junior medal, K. Redding. Special prize for obedience and good conductL. Collins. - , |; At the inspectors’ examination held last August the following pupils of St. Joseph’s "obtained Standard VI. certificates:—ProficiencyJ. Cartwright, L. Collins, O. Qooney, A. O’Brien, M. O’Brien, W. O’Grady. Competency— E. Dwyer, M. Meehan. All the pupils presented passed. 1 \ V; V J' 0

SACRED HEART COLLEGE, CHRISTCHURCH. Having decided to devote the amount usually ’expended on prizes ; to the Patriotic Fund the annual events in this connection, so far as the Sacred, Heart College and St. Joseph’s (parochial) Girls’ School of --the Cathedral were concerned, were this year abandoned, and instead, the pupils of the Sisters of the Missions gave an entertainment on ■ Wednesday after- ; noon, December 15, in aid of the Patriotic and Red Cross funds. There was a crowded audience, and the lengthy programme was greatly enjoyed. The Very Rev, Dean Hills, S.M., presided, and there were present the Very Rev. Father Price, Adm., and a number of the clergy. The concert opened with the singing by the scholars of ‘ La Marseillaise,’ with full orchestral accompaniment. An historical play, ‘Sir Thomas More,’ was the principal feature of the afternoon, the costumes and stage mountings being appropriate and effective. Miss Olga Wacked, who took the part of Sir Thomas More, gave an excellent performance." Miss Irene Mahon, as Margaret, his daughter, .was also good. The tiny tots of the junior school sang several choruses very sweetly, opening with a Japanese fan song, for which each child wore a kimona. One especially, ‘ A little bit of heaven’ (Ireland), with a harp accompaniment, gained much applause. Miss R. Green, one of the senior pupils, with a voice of exceptional sang ‘ O dry those tears ’ to a violin obligato played by Miss K. Murphy. Miss E. Ives and Miss L. Boyes sang ;an illustrated song,; ‘Do play with me, please do,’ which was much enjoyed. An excellent orchestra • played ‘lntermezzo gavotte,’ ‘Jour passes.’ Miss I. Mahon played the accompaniments. During the afternoon Dr. Thacker, M.P., sold by auction a cushion, presented by Mrs. Hoben, for which £6O was realised in a few minutes, Dr. Thacker being most persuasive in his efforts. The final purchaser was Mrs. Thacker at £5 ss. The Very Rev. Dean Hills cordially expressed the appreciation of the audience for the excellence of the entertainment and thanked the performers for the enjoyment afforded. The record for the school for the past year was a good one ; it had sent a candidate for B.A. and Senior University Scholarship ; obtained two full passes and two . partial passes for . teachers’ ‘D’; two successful candidates for senior free places, five successful candidates for junior free places, twenty-one proficiency, and eight competency certificates, and good reports from the inspectors. The gold medal for dux of the High School, presented by Mr. G. White, was gained by Miss Margaret Hickey, while the gold cross, donated by the Hibernian Society for the dux of St. Joseph’s School, was won by Miss'Jessie Coates. Silver medals for Christian doctrine were gained by Miss Peggy O’Reilly (High School) and Miss Rita Humphreys ' (kindergarten). The following were the successes obtained in the examination conducted by Mr. Brock, inspector under the North Canterbury Board of Education;High Proficiency—R. Murphy, M. Ruhdle, D. Pawson, M. Pawson, C. Slattery, P. Maher, I. Bradford, M. Banfield, C. Jarman, V. Berry, K. MuHan, M. % Hoban; competency—G. Dudderidge, E. O’Malley, I. Clarke. St. Joseph’s School. —Proficiency Coates, T. Ryan, E. Newman, 1 -M.'Swanston, M. Murphy, L.

Mclnerney; competency— P. Wilson, M. ; Evans. Addington School.—Proficiency—-E. Lagan, M. Williams. ", - • •• -■ Large numbers eventually accepted the invitation of the Sisters to inspect the exhibition of -art:; This comprised an amazing collection in' every possible line of study. In paintings, oil and water -colors, and black and white studies the exhibits were of a distinctly high .order, and it was generally conceded that for numbers and variety the exhibition passed all previous records. This fact is a most cheering on© to the devoted Sisters, and must be also to the parents of the children. The industry and talent displayed were indeed most creditable to all concerned. The Sacred Heart College re-opens on the 31st January,

SACRED HEART SCHOOL, ADDINGTON. (From our Christchurch correspondent.) The annual entertainment in connection with the Sacred ■ Heart School, Addington, conducted -by the Sisters of the Missions, was given in the schoolroom on Wednesday evening, December 13.* It was, previously decided to forego the usual prize-giving, the amount usually expended thus, together with the proceeds, of the entertainment, being donated to the Patriotic fund. A substantial sum was thereby-revised. There was a large audience of parents and friends, and the various numbers of ' the lengthy >. programme were given with great success, and to the evident pleasure of all present. Special prizes donated were presented by the Rev. Father Murphy, 8.A., as follow : —Hibernian ' (dux), E. Lagan; good conduct, M. Williams; devotedness, A. Mahoney. Tile following was the programme:—Duet, M. Williams, V. Blake • dialogue, ‘ England, Scotland, Ireland, R. Pope, E. Glubb, L. O’Donoghue, V. Clancy action song, ‘Umbrella song;’ pupils recitation, I m only a boy,’ D. Glubb ; song, ' Hands across the sea,’ senior boys; song, ‘ The volunteers,’ junior boys; recitation, ‘ Keeping his word,’ ; Julie, Lancaster; song, ‘Silver bells,’ senior girls; song; : ‘Marching to Germany,’ senior boys; dance, sailors’ hornpipe, senior girls; duet, Japanese fan dance,’ 0.. Hooker, R. Pope; recitation, ‘O’Leary, V.C.,’ Dan O’Connell; flag drill, junior girls; song, ‘Daddy, soldier daddy,’ Max Judd; dialogue, ‘Angelina,!, E. Glubb, T. • Mullins; song, ‘ A toast to England’s Allies,’ senior boys; song, ‘You • can’t come to our house,’ N. Phillips, J. Lancaster; song,* ‘ Ireland, beautiful Ireland,’ senior girls; song, ‘ Lads in nav.y blue,’ V. Clancy ; song, * The coach and four,’ senior pupils; finale, God 'defend New Zealand/ pupils.

ST. ANN’S SCHOOL, WOOLSTON. (Prom our Christchurch correspondent.) The annual Christmas entertainment of the pupils of St. Ann’s School, Woolston, conducted by the Sisters of the Missions; was given on Tuesday evening, December 14, and proved very successful and enjoyable;, The whole of the proceeds was devoted to the Patriotic fund, which benefited to quite an acceptable amount. The programme was of the usual order, and the young ’ performers gave their allotted parts in a manner distinctly creditable to their teachers and themselves.

g ST. JOSEPH’S CONVENT, HASTINGS. ••. A large crowd was present at St. Joseph’s School- - room, Hastings, to witness the concert and prize-giving .which. are held . annually at the; end of the school year. The Rev. Father Macdonell and his/ Worship r the ; Mayor (Mr, W. Hart)” delivered short addresses, in--which they urged upon the children to rise to the top of the ladder arid become good citizens of the town. A most enjoyable : concert programme was submitted, all carried out by the pupils of the school, and the manner in which they went through the respective items was a credit to the . children and to’the Sisters, -.who have taken a lot of time and trouble to prepare them-for the different numbers. The performance went with a real good swing from start to finish. The ; Sisters are to be congratulated upon the grand results of the year’s work. The following is the programme submitted, and by the hearty applause that greeted each item the audience were fully satisfied with it:—Chorus, Red, white, and blue,’ girls; song and dance, ‘The milk maids,’ infants; pianoforte solo, ‘ Fragment ’ (Mendelssohn), Miss D. Sturrock; welcome song, infants; calisthenic exercises, junior boys song, ‘ The Japanese sailor man,’ boys; ‘Japanese umbrella'dance,’ senior girls; hoop drill, infants song, ‘The soldier,’ pupils; recitation, ‘The indignant babies/ (pupils) infants; vocal solo, ‘Mother Machree,’ Miss N. Stack; chorus, ‘Oft in the stilly night,’ senior girls; vocal solo, ‘To the spring,’ Miss N. Stack; song and dance, ‘The Spanish gipsies,’ juniors; military dance, junior girls; song. and chorus, ‘ Just before the battle, ■■ mother,’ senior girls; flag exhibition, Allied nations,’ pupils; ‘ God save the King.’ 1 .-.... . . ‘ . .- . , At this stage the Mayor presented the prizes, which were both valuable and instructive. i .. The accompaniments were ably carried out by Miss N. Stack arid Madame Lelievre. Mr. Myerscough, Trinity College examiner, at his recent visit here* congratulated Madame Lelievre on her skill as an accompanist. The Sisters wish to thank these two ladies for their kind services, and also those who donated prizes or contributed towards same. CONVENT HIGH SCHOOL, WANGANUI. The pupils of the convent schools have, like those of - other schools, generously sacrificed their prizes, and given the. amount involved to the Patriotic Committee for the benefit of our soldiers. The only prize presented was the annual amiability crown, which the Mayoress, on behalf of the convent authorities, bestowed at the concert upon this year’s winner* Miss Florrie Mullins. The names of those to whom prizes would have been presented in the ordinary course ■of ©vents; and to whom certificates were presented in lieu thereof, are as follow: Amiability crown (chosen by vote of companions), F. Mullins; good conduct (gold medal), W. O’Connell; Christian doctrine (gold medal) — McDavitt 1, M. Spillane 2, M. Kavanagh 3; junior division—M. Missen .1, H. Missen 2 k E. Healey 3; dux (gold medal), R. Dennis ; proxime accessit to dux and general excellence, M. McCartin; matriculation (gold medal), N. Lim- ; brick ‘ calisthenics (gold medal) —R. Foster •1, H. Rhodes 2, H. Rogers 3. , - 1 / Instrumental Music. — (gold medal), R. Curran; advanced grade, R.A.M. ■ (gold medal), O. Martin; higher local, W. ‘ O’Connell ; - senior' honors, T.C. (gold medal) —R. Dennis 1, L. Dowling 2; inter- ~ mediate grade—M- Kavanagh 1, B. Calver 2, E. Punch 3; junior gradeT. . Kaganski' 1, H. Rogers 2, M. Missen 3. . v ; - %■'- Siriging.—Gold medal —M. Spillane 1, -W. O’Crariel! •; 2,. M. Gower 3 ; intermediate theory l —W. O’Connell 2, M. Gower 3; advanced theory— O’Connell 1, M. Bremer 2 ;/advanced junior—E. Clinton and E. Punch; / local . centre, rudiments^-0. Martin and E. Punch; junior Q. : v Clinton, 1, -M. ' Kavanagh arid B. b Calver;2 preparatory —F. Death and G. Calver. j -

i* ' (j.aVtol)—M. Cam, . • • Painting (pastel)—M. Cam, T. McDonald, and N. McCartin; > drawing (black and " white)— N. ' McCartin ; ~. and M. Cleary; leather embossing—M. Cam ' and E. Rhodes; art needlework—E. Rhodes and W. O’Connell ; -1; M. Bremer ; and F. c Mullins 2, R. Foster 3 ; juniors; : M. * Gower. v Mt. Mellick work arid \ embroideryTMcDonald 1, M. Missen 2, :R. Death 3; point lace; B. Limbrick; plain sewing (senior division)—E. Murphy 1, T. McDonald 2, W. O’Connell 3; (junior division), S. Punch 1, M. Missen 2, R. Death 3; polite—W. O’Connell 1, M. Bremer 2,V V. Ruscoe 3. ’ " Commercial Course. Gold , medal (presented by Business College), E. Rhodes; book-keeping—E. Rhodes 1, M. Cam 2, B. Limbrick 3 ; typewriting—M. Cam 1, M. Bremer 2, E. Rhodes 3; shorthandE. Rhodes 1, M. Cam 2, W. O’Connell 3 ; house prize, V. Hoult. Class ‘D’. (partial passing already secured by matriculation in January), N. Limbrick. ■ ' ' ■ University Class. Latin .1, French 1, history 1, English language and literature If essay writing 1, geography 2; algebra 1, geometry ■l, - arithmetic 3 R. Dennis; Latin 3,' English language and literature 2, arithmetic 2, geography 3, history 3, geometry 3, algebra 3, essay writing 3 —M. McCartin; Latin 2, French 2, history, 2, essay writing 2, English language and literature 3, geography I—K. Carroll ; arithmetic 1, algebra 2, geometry —M. Johnstone. . Intermediate and Prep, Matriculation Class. — English language and literature 2, Latin 1, French 2, history 2, geography 3, essay writing 2—B. Calver ; English language and literature 1, essay , writing 3—M. Bremer; essay writing 1, geography 2, algebra 3, history I—E. McDavitt; geometry 1, arithmetic 1, French 1, Latin 2, geography. 1, algebra IM. Cleary; geometry 3, Latin 3, French- 3, algebra 2, geography 2 V. Ruscoe; arithmetic 3—M. Spillane ; diligenceE. Punch. „ ~c' r l ■ . .■ .. Form lA.Essay writing 1, English language and literature 1, history 1— Mullins; arithmetic 3, geography 2, penmanship 3 Richardson essay writing 2, English language and literature 2, penmanship 2, •arithmetic 3—M. Cam; essay writing 3, English language ‘and literature 3, arithmetic 1, history 2, geography I, penmanship I—E. Murphy; general improvement—E. McCartin, Form —English language and literature 1, essay writing 1, drawing 3, reading 1, history, penmanship 3, arithmetic 1, geography 3 —M. Kavanagh; English . language and literature 2, essay writing 2, history 1, geography 2, arithmetic 2, drawing 2—G. Piper; English language and literature 3; essay writing-, 3, reading 2 M. Sullivan ; arithmetic 2, history 3, geography 1 —V. McLaughlin; penmanship 2, reading—lrene Benefield ; penmanship 1, drawing I—G. Calver; general improvement, D. Law, M. Seed, C. Thurston, D. Jefcoate, M. Hurley, K. Kearins. " Form 11. English 1, essay writing 1, penmanship 2, elocution l y geography 2, history 1, arithmetic 3F. Fanning; English 2, essay writing 2, geography I, history 2, arithmetic 2 H. Rogers; elocution 2, penmanship I —A. McLeod; English 3, essay, writing ' 3, penmanship 3, drawing 2, history 3, elocution 3 11. Scott arithmetic 1, geography 3M. Leamy ; drawing 1— McDonald; drawing 3—S. Green; diligence—M. Storey and S. Punch. ' ’ Form 111. —English 1, essay writing 2, history 2, elocution 1, penmanship 2, geography !, drawing 1— .M. Missen; English 2, essay writing 1, history 3, elocution 2, penmanship 1, drawing 2—H. Rhodes; essay writing 3, history 1, geography 2—A. McLoughlin; English 3, elocution 3, penmanship 3, v geography 3 : E. Healey;-drawing-R. Death; diligence—E. New. . Form IV.—English _ 2, essay writing 2p.history 3, elocution 2, penmanship 2, geography drawing 1— H. Missen ; English 1, essay writing 2, history 1, penmanship' 3M. Fake; English 3, history 2, elocution 3, -. geography; 3M. Foster; essay writing ■ 3,. penmanship I—M. Gower; elocution 1, drawing ■ 2,. geography; 2 ► .-Pi arlan© ; ; drawing 3—G. Rhodes; diligence arid . -I general improvement—-I. Hall, R. Lisette, E. Fake, and M. Jackson. , *, . :■ , ;»

J Out of • seven • candidates . presented i for •. proficiency .from,the Convent High: School, six obtained proficiency '■ i certificates • and one competency.- Out of 1 13 candidates ; presented for 'proficiency from St.. Joseph’s. School six ■ obtained proficiency certificates, and four competency. . v. j. Successes : at- Public Examinations: -—Matriculation, Solicitor’s .'General.- Knowledge, and-Medical Preliminary.—N. Limbrick. • Tntermediate.—N. Limbrick (credit), R. Dennis (credit). ’ ; ; ' - ' ' Commercial /Course- (in connection with the ; National Business College, Sydney,. N.S.W.) —Shorthand certificates—F.xißhodes, ,M. Cam, E. McCartin, C. "Thurston, W. O'Connell, and B. Limbrick.'; (All presented passed.) BookkeepingE. Rhodes, W. O’Connell, B. Limbrick, E. McCartin,. M. Cam, N. Cribb, v A. Wood, and M. Callaghan. (All presented passed.) Typewriting-E. Rhodes; M. Bremer, M. Cam, L. Bretherton, M. Kavanagh (All presented passed.) St. Joseph’s School—M. Koorey, R. Cribb, and N. Cribb. (All presented passed.) , • Music (instrumental and vocal, in connection with , Trinity College, London)—Practical, L.T.C.L. (singing), T. Vickers; higher local, ,W. O’Connell; senior (singing), 11. Roche (honors), R. Dennis (honors),, N. Dowling (honors) ; - intermediate —R. ‘ Curran (honors, singing), M. Kavanagh (honors), B. Calver, E. Punch, E.. Mullins, A. O’Neill, C. Gellatly. Junior Honors— Kaganski, G. Heinold, 11. Rogers,. M. Missen, M. Reubin; pass— Punch (singing), D. Martis, S. Green, Q. Clinton, M. Reubin (singing), M. Bremer (singing). Preparatory: Honors Foster,; T. McDonald, D. Powell, M. Gower, G. Rhodes, G. - Calver, E. : 'Healey, H. Scott, R.. Death, D. Jeff coate, S. Punch; M. Leamy. First stepsL. Price (honors)?*Tl. Fake, P. Macfarlane. Class singing Pupils of convent High School (honors), pupils, of St. Joseph’s School : (honors). Associated Board, R.A.M.— L.A.B., Ruby : Curran Advanced Local Centre—O, Martin. Intermediate Local Centre—H. Roche (singing). Higher School—R. Curran (singing). Elementary; Distinction —W. O’Connell,(singing), M. Gower, J. McGonigle ; V. Shale, N. Powell, R. Grotty, M.“’Craig, S. Satherley, D. Morse, P. Macfarlane, M. Gower (singing), T. McDonald ..(singing). Class singing Pupils of St. Joseph’s School, pupils of Convent High School. Trinity College .—lntermediate . division—W. "• O’Connell and M. Bremer ; advanced junior—E. Clin- < ton and E. Punch (honors) ; junior, honors—Q. Clin--1 ■ ton,' B. Calver, M. Kavanagh, F. Death, L. Brosnahan, G- Thurston, M. Cam preparatoryF. Death, B. GalVer, C. Calver, H. Rogers, M. Missen, W. Seed, H. Rhodes, N. Piper. Associated Board Theory.— centre, rudiments—H. Roche, O. Martin, E. Punch; Division lII. M. Kavanagh, E. Punch, C. Thurston, E. Clinton; Division lI. —B. Calver, Q. Clinton, 11. Rogers, G. Calver; Division I.—G. Calver. • ...- .. .


* Good Conduct:Standard VI., N. McWilliams; V., C. Kruse; IV., C. Corney 111., E. Slatter; 11., M. Tuka; 1., ’S. : Beans. : - ; ■;"• ' ' Christian Doctrine. Senior, M. Koorey; Standard VI., : N. Cronin' V., R. Grotty ; IV., Cf. Corney 111., V. Shale. • ~ ‘ k '> - Needlework. —N. . McWilliams, V. Emeny, M. Burr, M. Benefield. Tv: . -- T - Politeness.'—P.; Emeny, M. Murray. f WM Standard VI.' —Book-keeping—C. - Sloan 1, vM. Koorey 2, N. Cribb 3 - typewriting— r . Koorey 1, C. Sloan 2, : N. Cribb 3; shorthandN. CribbT, M.

Koorey .2 ; euclid, C. Lewis; arithmetic—C. Lewis 1, C. .. Sloan 2; :| geography—M. Koorey *l, N Cribb 2 ; essay, N. Cribb; history— C. Sloan, C. Lewis. rM'i v.r Standard VI. Dux, -J. O’Leary ; attendanceV. Emeny/TU Cronin; arithmetic—N. y Cronin, iJf O’Leary, R.-Duncan essay-N. Cronin, M. Donald; geography —R. Duncan, A. ‘Smithies,;? M. Melody ;* history — -J. -0 L. O ’Leary,. N. Me William^; ; writing-^-F. ! Emeny,- B. Boyle; , drawing- Emeny t M. Donald; reading and recitation, M. Craig. . . "'y ..jlk;. ;v ■ Standard V. —Attendance— Luxford and P. Austin; arithmeticE. Howard, R. Grotty, E. Brown; essayM.-Burr, M. Luxford, A. Meehan; history Broome, P. Austin; geographyL. Hodge, E. Brown writing—M. Luxford, E Howard; • reading-I Reed, L. Hodge, M. Coxon; drawing—C. Lawson,-!. Reed, P. Walker. * .....,' v ••'.•• :

. Standard IV.Arithmetic—M. McKenzie, C. Corney, D. Madgwick; essay. Madgwick, Q. Conder, M. Murray; history —Q. Conder, N. Powell, D. Rout; geography —M. McKenzie, N. Powell, C. Corney; writing— Cooper, C. Corney, M. Murray; reading — Powell, D. Rout; drawing, M. McKenzie, M. Murray. Standard 111. —Attendance—J. Duncan and M. Welshe : arithmetic— Dwyer, V. Shale, M. Welshe; essay—M. Welshe,. D. Smithies, J. Burr; geography— D. Smithies, M. Grogan; reading-s-V. Shale, J. Burr, C. Brown; writing—M. Benefield, I. . Broome, M. Welshe ; drawing Shale, T. Herd, E. Slatter; history Dwyer. . , , f v Standard ll. — AttendanceP. Emeny: reading and recitation Courtney, M. Tuka, S. Lawson writing Lawson, M. Tuka; arithmetic-E. Courtney, T. Conder, C. Broome; drawing— S. Lawson, T. Conder; compositionC. Hogan, D. Gibson, P. Emeny. ; : -- • • Standard I.— Attendance, J. Herd; readingL. Koorey, C. McAlister, L. Harris; writingJ. Dolan, E. Carmody, V. Vernon; arithmeticß. Fowler, A. Williams, K. Muir; composition—P. McCartney, C. Tuffin, M. Emeny; drawing—J. Shore, B. Stewart, R. Cotelli. ''' ‘ . - ''' Of the thirteen pupils presented for proficiency, six obtained proficiency and four competency.


f On Tuesday, December 14, the pupils of- the Marist Brothers’ School, Vermont ..street, gave their -annual entertainment in the Concert Chamber. of the Town Hall, the performance being well up to the high standard of excellence'for which this school is noted. - The items were bright and cheery; from start to finish;. . -The opening item was an original dialogue, the scene, represeating a miners’ camp... During the evening several excellent choruses were given, the pick of them being * Ireland and liberty,’ * When Irish eyes are smiling,’ - Oft in the , stilly night,’ * Let the , hills resound,’ ‘ Motherland,’ ‘ Maple leaf,’ and the 'Captain’s ditty.’ Several tableaux were staged, the best being a representation of the crib at Bethlehem. During this tableau ' Adeste Fideles ’ was sung,. the solos being taken by Masters E. O’Donohue, V. Cooke,^and H. Righton. The chorus was rendered in three-part harmony by an invisible . chorus . of boys... > Another very fine tableau represented a military camp. - The Marist Brothers’ Senior Cadets; supplied the . drill, and Master H. Righton hang the solo Master V. Cooke sang

‘When shall the day break *in Erin,’ in ; excellent voice* the tableau representing ’ Erin leaning :< on the harp ■in -' |a A*expectant' attitude,/ being greeted with rounds . of applause. The junior ; pupils sang two very fine and., amusing choruses,'.; ‘ The members of the force,’ and > ‘ A cricket 1 song.’ - These items were very well received, .being somewhat above the standard of. the usual junior ■choruses. Several recitations were given in a ; firstclass manner, the best being ‘At Tel-el/Kebir*, /by ; Master H. Ratchet, and ‘ Selected,’ by little Victor ’Courtney; while Master Jaspar McMahon excelled himself in a comic piece, ‘ entitled ‘ A trifle mixed.’ . The class recitation; ‘ Barbara Freitchie,’ was somewhat of an innovation, but its value..was proved by the applause ; which greeted it. / Displays of dumb-bells by the junior ■ pupils, and Indian clubs by the seniors- were don© in a wonderfully clever way. The time was perfect, and not a single .mistake was made. , A duet, ‘ Shepherd of souls,’ was sung by Masters E. O’Donohue. and H. Righton, while Master Leo Sayers sang ‘ Good old New * Zealand ’in fine style. The whole was brought to a dote by an extremely bright and laughable farce, ’ entitled ‘Cherry bounce,’ in which the performers— Masters Righton, Cooke, Smith, Ryan, Stevenson, and Draffin—acquitted themselves admirably. It should, be very gratifying and encouraging to the Brothers to know that the unanimous opinion is that this concert • •was the best ever given by school children in Auckland, and when we consider ‘ that the Brothers confine the .items to the pupils of the school, without any outside help, 'it is all the more reason that they should be proud of the excellent ’ standard reached on this, as well as on other occasions. The Right Rev. Dr. Brodie presided. A presentation was to have been made to Dr. Brodie at the concert, but, owing to the late hour, it. was, deferred to a later and more suitable date. Mr. Harry Hiscocks, the Cathedral organist, accompanied the boys on the piano, in his usual able manner. It may be here remarked that only two weeks were available in which to prepare this concert, as previous to this the Brothers were kept busy preparing the lads to take their part in the combined schools concert, given in the Town Hall, at which the boys, besides joining in all .the choruses, also staged statu© and maze drill, which everybody admitted to be easily the best item of the evening. On Saturday evening the boys of the school, under the charge of Brother JEmilian, gave the inmates of the Costley Home a fine entertainment, which the old people enjoyed immensely. ■ , . SACRED HEART CONVENT, ISLAND BAY. The distribution of prizes to the pupils of the Sacred Heart Convent, Island Bay, took place on December 16. The following is the list: Decorations.—The fifst medallion and/ ribbon of merit have been given by the votes of the pupils, ratified by the Religious, to M. O’Donovan; the fourth ribbon to,F. Fitzgerald, sth to M. Uniacke, 6th to N. Kilsby. The first green ribbon to E. -Sykes, 3rd to M. Evatt, 4th to V. Ross; next in-pnerit, A. Sykes. The pink ribbon toE. Sheridan, B. Loughnany H. Mills, A. Mills, E. Dallow, M. Dallow, I. Meadows, G. Griffiths, C. Johnston, S. Kennedy, L. Saunders. . , General Good Conduct.M. O’Donovan; accessit, F. Fitzgerald, M. Uniacke. \ / Christian Doctrine.— Division—B. Fitzgerald ; accessit, I. Dunne, I, Duncan. 3rd DivisionZ. Sheridan; accessit, E. Barry, H. Mills. 4th Division—C. Johnston; accessit, A. Mills. First Class —M. O’Donovan. ‘ . J . ; : : •• , '* English Subjects. —2nd Classl. Dunne; * accessit, B. Fitzgerald. 4th Class— Sheridan; accessit, E. Sykes. 6th ClassM. Johnston; accessit, G. Griffiths. ; Science Subjects.—2nd Class—l. Duncan; . access!*; N. Kilffiy. 4th Class— Sykes; accessit, M. Kennedy. 6th Class—M. O’Donnell; accessit, E. - D’Ath; ■ 7th ClassA. Mills; accessit, C. Johnston. Elementary Class —E. Dallow; accessit, L. Saunders.

•: :p.~.y.s- \;yzyrr* ■ ; ■ v ', ; •-, Y ; ••■;: ■ .■ - r -' .•• \.~-£ •.<;«*: Languages*(French) .-r-3rd* Division—B. ], Fitzgerald ; ;?access!> I. Duncan. / 4th Division—E. Sykes f accessit, ■; M. Morgan. - '/ / 5?/“. >. / Diligence. Supplementary Division—N. Kilsby.; -accessit, Barry. 6th Division^—A. Sykes; accessit, . E. ~ Sheridan. ; Elementary Division—C. Johnston; - accessit; S. Kennedy./ : i • , , ..4 , Needlework. Division— Fitzgerald*; accessit, I. Dunne. 3rd Division-E. Sykes; accessit, E. D’Ath. 4th DivisionA. Mills; accessit, E. Dallow. Order.—lst Division —M. Morgan; accessit, M. O’Donovan, N. Kilsby. 2nd Division-A. Sykes; accessit,. M. Johnston, G. Griffiths. N Domestic Economy.—K. Cornish. -f Cookery.—M. O’Donovan ; accessit, G. Cullinane. Certificates .for Good Conduct and Diligence. —M. Uniacke, E. Sykes, N. Kilsby. Certificates for good conduct— Fitzgerald, M. Evatt, V. Boss. Certificates for diligence Fitzgerald, E. Barry, I. Duncan, Z. Sheridan-. Classes will re-open on Tuesday, February 15. § : MARIST BROTHERS’ SCHOOL, if CHRISTCHURCH. > f (Prom our correspondent.) / The closing of the year’s studies by the ..pupils of the Marist Brothers’ School, Christchurch, marked, as on previous similar occasions, by a public entertainment: This eventuated in the Choral Hall on Monday evening, December 13, when there was a large audience. Among those present were the Very- Rev, Father Price, ' Adm., and a number of the clergy. This annual fixture of the Marist School boys has always proved very popular, and the present was certainly no exception to the well-established rule. - The entertainment was thoroughly enjoyable, and the whole-hearted manner in which, all performed their allotted parts, evidenced the careful and unremitting training imparted by the Brothers, and the talent and industry of the boys. - The following was the programme —Part —Overture, ‘Battle of Gallipoli,’ Miss H. Woodward; prologue, Master Gordon Daly; chorus, * Minstrel boy,’ pupils; physical drill, junior pupils; violin solo, * The harp that once,’ Master Frank Banfield; Duet, ‘ Night of stars' and night of love, ’ ‘ Masters Roy ; Summer and Fred Main; statue drill, senior pupils; recitation, * The blacksmith of Limerick,' Master® Fred Main ; chorus, . ‘ Zealandia,’ pupils. . Part ll.—Chorus, ? ‘ O’Donnell Aboo,’ senior pupils; parallel bars, senior pupils; dumbbells, junior pupils; play, ‘The brigand’s' son,’ cast of r characters—Corporal Nicolo Gamba, Master; L. Ryan; Matteo Falcone and Gianetto, Master R. Dobbs Brozzo, Master F. Main; Fortunate Falcone, Master W-.- Maloney. Chorus, ‘God defend New. Zealand,’ pupils. Miss H. Woodward was accompanist. - Before presenting the . awards, - the , Very. Rev. Father Price, in eulogistic terms, referred to the good record of 'the school for the year just closed, and expressed warm appreciation of .the efforts of the .principal (Brother Calixtus) and his assistant teachers for the excellent results attained. - He urged the pupils -to renewed efforts during the coming.years, and thus maintain the . high standard the school has attained. Father Price then presented ( the . prizes, after which the following report was read by Brother Calixtus: ; This,year, the progress noted in previous reports, has been well maintained in all branches of the school ■ work. The , conduct of the pupils, both within and outside school : hours, 1 has been ‘ very good'. In the report sent in by the director of the Technical College, on ’ the; woodwork class, no boy had less than /very good ’ f or, conduct., The Christian ’ doctrine examination was ; conducted by The Rev. Father »Murphy,3 who expressed himsoJf as being' very well'’satisfied with the progress made. The rev, examiner very kindly donated ? , the prizes for that f subject. .;. The inspector’s report was vgry satisfactory. ‘ In ’ Standard’ VI., 24 were presented, 22 ‘securing proficiency and ; on© competency*

.On the athletic field, the i footballers r put -up? 1 somewhat of j a record, winning all their games and scoring. 437 | points to 3. During the last six years their line s has been crossed but twice, and they have •;• been -unbeaten, throughout. Eight of the team were chosen -to represent ; the province in the school , representative • games, including the captain (E. Sloane). The Brothers and boys are /deeply grateful -to the clergy for their ever ready help and keen interest in the school, to all who . have .contributed towards the prize fund, to Mr. Gunderson and Mr. Hornibrook for training the . boys in the parallel bars, to Mr. F. McDonald,-' who coached. the boys for the play, and to Miss H. Woodward and Miss • E.- Cotter for helping with the singing; WA have also to -thank Mr. Joyce for decorating the stage. The school committee has don© excellent work, and . deserves hearty co-operation. - One hundred and thirteen * old boys ’ of the school, more than 60 per cent, of the association,? have gallantly responded to the call of King and country. We wish you all the compliments of the season. ... . ~ - ■

The following is the prize list:Good conduct (Dr. Morkane’s gold medal), E. Sloane; Christian doctrine (Bishop Grimes’. medal and Clifford shield) — Batchelor 1, F. Main 2, J. Kiely 3 ; dux (Hibernian gold medal), J. Burns; champion 1 allround athlete (medal presented, by Dr. O’Brien), H. McCormack; best runner; G. Getson; batting " average, L. Neilson (Father Seward’s medal) ; bowling average, R. Sumner (Father Seward’s ; medal); woodwork, G. Blogg ; Federation essays—H. Batchelor, V. Haughey, J. Kiely. ", J : v “V ..

V Standard Vl. 2nd Aggregate, R. Sumner; English —N. Kelly, V. Haughey, H. McCormack, B. Bundle, E. O’Dpnohue; arithmeticL. Neilson, J. Darragh, C. Ashton, S. Harrington, P. Gregory; spellingC. Sutherland, W. Ward; reading- Jacques, R.

Gray, E. Barrett; =' writing—J. ■ Kiely ■ F. Banfield, D. Christie, .C..“Batchelor: drawing, G. Getson; essay, ;J. Wilson.' v" .. ? . Standard V. Christian doctrineL. Cecil, It. McKay -"dux; (medal presented by Mr. Kelly), aggregate— T. Campbell 1, W. Barnard 2, A. Logan 3; arithmetic— W. Mitchell, :L. Mahoney, ■C. - Belcher, O. Brittenden ; reading—W Sutherland: H. Hope ; essay-r-M.- Darby, M. Daly; writing—B. O’Malley, C. McArley, J. Collins, L. Cotter; mental— Consedine, R. McKay geography, W. Stride; drawing, J. Proudfoot; oral: workß. Wilson, C. Dobbs, L. Cecil; spelling, G. Dunn.;?:?'? ■ ~ ri Standard IV.Christian . doctrine-p-H. Rodgers, E. Egan; aggregate— ,Goodman 1, fl. Glubb 2, S. Flood 3; reading—A. Matheson, W. Smith, C. Garty, W. Green, C. Barnett essay— Clarkson, W. O’Brien ; arithmetic—C. Hayes, J. Healey, L. Lanyon;, J. Ellis, C. McArley, J. O’Donoghue, R. Arroll, —, Hope; mental, L. Harrington writing, W. Holland, C. Croucher; spelling—P. Madden, D. Roche, P. Malone. ' : : ? • >? / > • •

Standard 11. —Christian doctrine, F. Cavey; aggregate—F. Curran, J. Coomber, C. Langdon; good conduct, R. Milligan ; reading—H. Granger, J. O’Connell, L. Mitchell, J. IJoyd, J. Noonan; arithmetic O’Connor,; C. . Boyd; .J. O’Loughlin, D. Crowe; drawingC. Babington, J. Noonan; oral work —H. Mathieson, F. Rose; handwork, P. Barnard; general improvement—A. Moody, P. Burns, E. Ward, J. Commons; table and spelling, M. Farrell. „• ~ \

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New Zealand Tablet, Volume XLIII, Issue 1, 6 January 1916, Page 43

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OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, Volume XLIII, Issue 1, 6 January 1916, Page 43

OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, Volume XLIII, Issue 1, 6 January 1916, Page 43

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