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The annual closing ceremony and distribution of prizes, presided over by his Lordship Bishop Verdon was held on Wednesday of last week. The more serious business of the day was preceded by a short and wellselected programme of orchestral, vocal, and instrumental music, rendered with a crispness and finish winch told of hours of patient, unwearying efforts on the part of both teachers and students. The Very Rev. Father Coffey, Adm., read the college report and also the reports submitted by the senior inspector of schools after his visit of inspection in October. These were of especial interest to parents inasmuch that they showed that St. Dominic’s is, as regards staff, time-tables, schemes of work, buildings, etc., fully qualified for registration under the new Act! Father Coffey explained that this registration should make it possible for scholarships to be taken out at the school; but that although the Minister of Education himself seemed willing to grant this point a council appointed recently at Wellington to advise him in the matter had urged a contrary course. His Lordship Bishop Verdon congratulated the students on the results of their year’s work, and recommended them to consider the prizes they had received as incentives to still greater exertions in the future. He said he was especially pleased at the excellent report of the examiner in Christian doctrine, and trusted that the students would put into practice the instructions they had received during the year. He wished all present a joyous Christmas and happy holidays, and mentioned, in concluding, that studies would lie resumed at the college on the first Tuesday in February. J The report stated that during the year the attend-' ance had been good, the behaviour of the pupils satisfactory, and their efforts to attain success in the various branches of instruction unremitting, whilst the ultimate aims of education had been kept well in mind, and each study utilised as a preparation for the afterlife of the Christian and useful woman of the world, caie had been taken to give the pupils that training required for the immediate future, and that most suitable to-the taste and capabilities of the individual. With this in view, examinations such as Oxford locals, matriculation, teachers’ public service, and musical examinations of all grades had been successfully undertaken. The religious knowledge was pronounced by the examiner to be extremely good, and wholly on right lines. This should be gratifying both to teachers and to pupils, and an incentive to still greater efforts. The musical students of the college distinguished themselves. Twenty-one of the 37 who passed in the Trinity College examination took honors, two of which were in the licentiate grade and two in the associate. In the Associate Board 20 candidates were successful, nine taking honors. In the art studio work of very high merit, both in oils and water-colors, had been done by the students. Practical occupations, such as cookery, plain sewing, dressmaking, housekeeping, had not been neglected, and time had been found for physical culture, organised games, and musical evenings, which had pleasantly relieved tension and brightened school life. The report of the senior inspector on his recent visit testified to the efficiency of the management and equipment of the college. The following is the prize list: Religious knowledg'e. — Senior division; B. Miller, gold medal. Intermediate division; M. Cotter, silver medal. Second Christian doctrine: L. Daly, D. Coles, M. Gallagher, K. Greenslade, V. McKenzie, K. Burk’ N. O’Connell. Sacred Scripture, second: N. Pearson, B. Smith.

Form Vl.Dux: K. Todd, literature and composition (English and French). Form Va—Mathematics and history: M. O’Meara,

K. Todd. French and Latin: B. Miller. Latin: M. Gallagher. Science: D. Sweeney, - f‘ v Form Vb.— Class medal: M. Dunne and:M. Todd (equal). English, lower division; T. Millar. French-; M. Dunne. Latin: M. Todd. Science: L. Bunbury* Mathematics L. Bunbury. .. , 71’ Form IV.—Class medal; M. Millar. Hon. mention: A. O’Brien, D. Coles, A. Bell. Mathematics and science: K. Mellor. Hon. mention: G. Coles. French: A. O’Brien. Hon. mention: M. Millar. Latin: A. Vallis. History; A. Bell. Hon. mention: M. Millar, A. O’Brien, N. Pearson. - Form lll.— Class medal: W. Hunt 1, M. Maher 2., Mathematics: T. Ross 1, S. McCloy 2. Hon. mention: A. McKeefry, M. Cotter, T. Corcoran. French and Latin : May Finlayson. Hon. mention : M. Brown, N. O’Connell. Science and brushwork: N. Finnegan. Hon. mention : M. Maher. Grade Vl.—Class medal: M. Brown; hon. mention: M. Finlayson, M. Cullen, L. Gourley. Mathematics: M. Cullen; hon. mention—C. Jefferson, L. Gourley, O. Collie, K. O’Reilly. French: O. Pearce; hon. mention —N. Finnegan, M. Cotter, T. Ross. Neat exercises: K. O’Reilly. Elementary science and brushwork : M. Campbell. Grade V.—Class medal; Gertrude Shiel. Arithmetic: Violet Campbell; hon. mentionM. Perry, C. Gallagher. French: C. Clark; hon. mention—Mary Bastings, U. McKendry, Elementary science: G. Shiel; hon. mentionA. Walsh, K. Muldowney. Junior School. Religious knowledge—J. O’Neil, medal; A. O’Neill and M. Galvin ,2. ' Grade IV.— S. Todd 1. Physical drill: M. Major I. Neat exercises; A. McGrath. Grade lII. —I. Woods 1. Arithmetic: D. O’Connor 1, Imelda Cahill 2. Grade lI.— T. Brown 1, 11. O’Neill 2. Arithmetic: M. Goughian. Neat exercises :R. Sutherland. Application: A. Sligo, R. Anderson. French: J. O'Neill; hon. mention —A. McGrath, S. Todd. Elementary science: K. Hickey; hon. mentionN. Millar. Needlework: Nora Millar and E. Burrell (equal). Regular attendance: E. Moroney, I. Woods, C. Rodgers. Punctuality: M. Condon. Politeness, R. McKendry. Good conduct: S. Thomas; hon. mention ß. Anderson, E. Burrell, ; Music Prizes. Licentiate (Practical) Trinity College; Miss R. Rings, gold medal. Associate (Practical) Trinity College: Miss D. Annetts, violin, gold medal. Associate (Practical) Trinity College: Gertrude Spring, piano. Advanced grade, Associated Board (honors) : Miss H. Collins, gold medal. Senior grade. Trinity College (honors) : Miss R. Rings, singing, gold medal. Senior grade, Trinity College (honors) : Margaret Leslie, singing. Intermediate grade, Trinity College (honors) : ' Kathleen Burke, silver medal. Application to music:’ Agnes Hazlett. Lower grade. Associated Board (distinction) : Nora O’Connell, silver medal. Lower grade, Associated Board (distinction) : Margaret Bastings. Junior grade, Trinity College (honors); D. Kelly, singing. Elementary grade, Associated Board (distinction): A. McGrath, silver medal. Elementary grade, Associated Board (distinction) J. O’Neill. Preparatory grade, Trinity College (honors): M. Major, silver medal. Primary grade, Associated Board (distinction) : A. O’Neill, silver medal. General Prized. Commercial subjectsN. McDonald 1, A. Blee 2. Needlework; A. Cullen; hon. mentionA. Cunningham, N. Finnegan, G. Coles, M. Campbell, C. Jefferson, T. Ross, E. Blee, N. McDonald. Drawing and design: G. Coles. Domestic science: J. Hunt; hon. mention— S. McCloy, W. Hunt, L. Daly, M. Maher, N. McDonald, A. Hazlett, N. Finnegan. Class singing: M. Bastings; hon. mention-A. Vallis, J. Hunt, W. Hunt, M. Campbell. Politeness: C. Jefferson, M. Mulholland, A. McKeefry, E. Ritchie, K. Greenslade,

T. Corcoran, C. Cullen, C. Clarke. Regular attendance: A. Brien, G. Jefferson. Good conduct: boarders, D. - Coles (gold, medal); day scholars, D. Sweeney (gold medal). Wreath awarded by the votes of the pupils for amiability and good conduct : D. Sweeney. • Club swinging (first prize at Dunedin Competitions) R. Gustafson, T. Corcoran, A. Bell, T. Skinner, E. Blee, A. Walsh, E. Smith, T. Ross, M. Brown, M. Finlayson, K. Burk. Navy League prizes - M. Miller 1, D. Coles 2.

Preparatory School and Kindergarten. Class IV.— Religious knowledge: Toni McGrath, H. O’Connor, A. McDowell. Class prize: Lily Carroll. Arithmetic: Rewi Shiel. Spelling: L. McCleary. Nature study: R. Shiel. Drawing: Bertie Burrell. Application to study: E. Grave. Attendance and politeness; Toni McGrath. Handwork: E. Gawne. Class lll. Religious knowledge : M. Petre, Niall O’Neill, N. Blaney. Class prize: Niall O’Neill. Reading: P. Brown. Spelling: E. Reddington. Recitation; T. Grave. Nature study :, Brendan Finlayson. Handwork; M. Petre. Drawing: M. Rodgers. Needlework: K. Reddington. General improvement: Rebecca O’Connor, Nancy Blauey. Attendance: Jack Hickey. Class ll.—Religious knowledge: A. Wood, M. Hussey, D. Sheehy. Class prize: Mary Hussey. Recitation: D. Sheehy. Writing and neatness: A. Woods. Nature observation P. O’Reilly. Drawing: F. Strang. Number: Bobbie Burns. Handwork: D. Hynes. General improvement: D. Roche. Attendance: P. O’Reilly. Politeness: D. Sheehy, B. Burns. Class I.—Religious knowledge: V. Vallis, John McGrath. Writing: R. Forrest. Drawing: V. Rodgers. Number: F. Sligo. Nature observation: R. Vallis. Singing: J. McGrath. Chalk drawing: James Vallis. Plasticene modelling: C. Shiel, ■ Myra Buchanan. Brick building: R. Sutherland. Stick laying: Reginald McDowell. Paper plaiting: 1. Isaacs. Bead threading : M. Burke. ST. CATHERINE’S COLLEGE, INVERCARGILL. The pupils of St. Catherine’s College were dismissed for their annual vacation on Monday, December 13. The Very Rev. Dean Burke presided at the distribution of prizes. , The following report was read: Christmas has again come around, and we are pleased to note that the pupils of St. Catherine’s have in no way fallen short of former achievements. The girls have been prepared for the various public examinations, and throughout the year the spirit of industry and keen competition has been at work with the most gratifying results, both to pupils and teachers. Always hand in hand .with secular studies the religious and the moral training of the children have received very special attention. The girls have responded to their teacher's’ efforts by being at all times docile and obedient, and in every way satisfactory. They have contributed their mite to help those who have been rendered homeless and destitute by this cruel war. Early in the year they gave a concert for the Belgian. Relief Fund, the results of which far exceeded the expectations of those concerned. Later a helping hand was offered to the wounded soldiers by a second entertainment in which the singing and acting of the young performers was by no means mediocre. In music the usual successes have been attained. In the Trinity College examinations one young lady secured her L.T.C.L. and several others passed with honors. In the Associated Board of the R.A.M. and the R.C.M. the candidates were equally successful. The work done in the art studio deserves special mention as being of an excellent character. Pictures in oils and water colors have been produced, which go to prove that the artistic talent of the young ladies is well worthy of cultivation. A reasonable portion of the school hours has been devoted to physical culture, with highly satisfactory results : both ; bodily and mentally. During the latter part of the year the senior pupils took up dress-

making. The enthusiasm shown in this occupation, was more than ordinary. Each girl was proud to be able to carry home a daintily made blouse, the work of her own ingenious fingers. Besides being so useful to grown girls, this was a pleasant diversion from the more trying brain work of mathematics, languages, science, and commercial subjects. In the playground the girls showed a childlike interest in their games, and the bright laughing faces on every side told of a happiness and contentment which can be enjoyed only by the good and innocent. The kindergarten has been well attended, and the little ones have been sharers in everything that goes to make this department pleasant and in every way attractive. The following is the prize-list; — '


Grade I.—Home studies and music, Rose Loughnan ; spelling and drill,, Gwen Bremner; .music and coloring, Rita Furlong; mental arithmetic and diligence, Grace Basstian ; neatness and music, Eileen Wills; writing and amiability, Mavora Cavanagh; arithmetic and drawing, Patrick Butler; spelling and games, Harold Forde; writing, Charley Montague; catechism, Tom Montague. Class 3.— Reading and punctuality, Mary Fitzgerald; spelling and recitation, Nance Loughnan; attendance and card embroidery, Rhoda Lynch 5 catechism and arithmetic, Catherine Condon ; drawing and mat weaving, Lizzie Rutherford ; politeness and diligence, Sarah Cameron ; mat weaving and writing, Alice Lithgow ; reading and word building, Mae Bremner. Class- 2. Word building, May Moloney; reading and numbers, Nata Furlong; stick laying, Ellen Pasco; singing and politeness, Blanch Gibson; reading, Duncan Gillies; writing, Joe Hardy; plasticene and modelling, Eddie Gillies: reading and tables, Jack Norton; mat weaving, Willie Rutherford; games, Tom Riddel; regular attendance, Dan Walsh. Class 1.-—Recitation, Kathleen Butler; tables, Maureen Gillies ; general improvement, Mabel Haigh; drawing, Edna Waterston ; stick laying, Kitty Rutherford ; attention in class, Cassie Walsh; writing, Irene Ashley; politeness, Glayds Broad ; numbers, Noel Dwyer; drawing, Hugh Scott ; block building, Reginald Bail'd ; plasticene modelling, Stafford Fraser. Junior School. Good conduct (silver medal), Myra Cavanagh. Religious knowledge: Prize, May Matheson and Myra Cavanagh; lion, mention—l. Collins/ Kathie Woods, M. Deegan, M. Hamil. .. Grade IV. —Arithmetic, Agnes Nisbitt; history and geography, Mary Hamil; French, Adelaide Isaac; drawing, Mary Hamil; penmanship, Annie O’Brien; arithmetic, May Matheson; primary grade music (highest marks), Myra Cavanagh; home study, Irene Mapletoft; improvement, Ima Collins; singing, Kathie Woods; music, Maud Pasco; improvement, Angela Pasco ; improvement, Teresa Lavelle. Grade lll. — Class prize, Mary Deegan 1, Beatrice Benjamin 2 ; needlework, Ethel Mannix; reading and comprehension, Josie Timpany; application, May Mahoney; recitation and singing, Alma Finnerty; arithmetic, Gertie Wills; spelling, Kitty Norton elementary science, Lalla Vondersloot; French, Mary Deegan 1, Beatrice Benjamin 2; general improvement, Muriel Collins; regular attendance, Mary Deegan; amiability, Gladys Riddell. Senior Grade. Form IV. (a) —Class medallist,. Clarice Freed; next in merit," Mary Timpany; Scripture, Maggie Kavaney; hon. mention, Lily Winders, Agnes Brogan; English grammar and literature, Clarice Freed; English composition, Clare Plank; mathematics, Lily Winders, Agnes Brogan; French, Maggie Kavaney 1, Maggie Clifford 2; English history, Mary Timpany' 1, Lily Winders 2; science, Agnes Brogan; book-keeping, Rose Ford; freehand drawing, Agnes Brogan, Clare Plank; geometrical drawing, • Lily Winders; sketching andcoloring, Clarice Freed; dressmaking, Clare Plank.

Form IV. (b)— Class/subjects, Kathleen Wilson; freehand drawing, Kitty Timpany; dressmaking, Kitty Timpany* • ' . Form V. —Dux, Eileen McGrath; next in merit, Rose Shepherd; English composition and literature, Nellie Dowling; mathematics, Eileen McGrath 1, Leila Hawley 2; French, Nellie Dowling Latin, Rose Shepherd; English history, Eileen McGrath; commercial subjects, Cecelia McTavish; science, Rose Shepherd; class singing, Eileen McGrath; sketching and coloring, Cecelia McTavish; politeness and - deportment, Leila Hawley; dressmaking, Rose Shepherd. . General Prizes. Religious knowledge, Nellie Dowling; lion, mention Eileen McGrath, Rose Shepherd, Agnes Brogan, Kathleen Wilson, Mary Timpany, Maggie Clifford. Good conduct, Cecelia McTavish; hon. mention Timpany, Agnes Brogan, - Lily Winders, Nellie Dowling. Painting, Lelia Hawley ; physical culture, Clare Plank; hon. mention Leila Hawley, Maggie Clifford, Annie O’Brien. —R.A. Elementary, Kathleen Wilson: T.C. junior, Kitty Timpany: R.A. intermediate, Clarice Freed. ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL, INVERCARGILL. Standard].—Class prize, M. Holmes; reading, writing, arithmetic, Mamie Cook; writing, neatness, drawing, and sewing, Myra. Dclany ; good conduct, arithmetic, and drawing, Lizzie Gorinski : reading and spelling, Maggie Mcßobie ; catechism, plasticene, and recitation, Doris Pritchard : reading and politeness, Mamie Kenuard; general improvement and attendance, Ruth Ryan: writing, spelling, and arithmetic, Margaret O’Shaughnessy. Standard ll.—Class prize, Mercia Flanagan: catechism, Mary O’Shanghnessy : politeness, Clare - McLaren : attendance, Kathleen Souks. Standard 111.—Class prize, Ella MiAlullan: catechism. Mary Henley, Mary Kaveney : reading and recitation, Eileen Massey, Ivy Smith: writing and spelling, Irene Boyd, Janie Cunningham : composition, Rona Neave, Lillus’ Cavanagh ; history. Myrtle Ramsey ; drawing, Amelia Moylan ; music (primary), Nina Hardy. Standard TV.-Class prize, Florence Spillane : catechism, Adelaide Taylor : history. Violet Francis, Eileen Lynch: needlework, Iris Hill; composition and arithmetic, Kitty Downey.; writing and spelling, Kitty Clifford; music (primary), Ella McMurrav. Standard V.—Class prize, Winnie MefTin ; writing and neatness, Vera Lyons; geography and drawing. Ita Sheehan; needlework, Annie O’Brien : music (primary), Kathleen Merchant, (preparatory) Alice Gil Tedder, (Lower School grade) Maggie Preston. Standard Vl.—Class prize, Sheila Mahoney ; singing, drawing, and attendance, Maggie Wells; geography and .history, Irene McLaren ; reading and recitation, Mrytlo Ward ; good conduct and politeness, Teresa Forde; music (preparatory), Agatha Keauey. SACRED HEART COLLEGE, AUCKLAND. An enthusiastic gathering took place on the evening of December 7 in the Concert Chamber of . the Town Hall, Auckland, the occasion being prize giving in connection with the Sacred Heart College. The only addresses were by the Right Rev. Dr. Brodie, Bishopelect of Christchurch, who was welcomed with prolonged applause, and by Brother George, when presenting the annual report. - - -Prior to the distribution of prizes by the Right Rev. Dr. Brodie, the pupils gave an interesting programme, which was much and although encores were frequently demanded, they were not responded to, which practice "might with advantage be copied at other gatherings. . The programme was a lengthy one, and every item was given, because the ones in the second part had not been crowded out by encores earlier in., the evening. The college orchestra

opened with the ‘ Willow grove march.’ The junior choruses, conducted by one of the Brothers, were really good, including My Irish home sweet home,’ . ‘My bonny barque,’ ‘ We wish you a happy new year,’ and the ‘ College song.’ The part songs, ‘ Hush, ’tis twilight, ’ and Eileen alannah,’ were also sung in fine style. The physical culture class gave an exhibition of club swinging, and Mr. M. Reddington recited ‘ Sing, Belgians, sing,’ with good effect. Mr. B. McCarthy, sang in fine style 1 She is far from the land,’ and with Mr. C. Man away took part in the duet, ‘Watchman, what of the night?’ Messrs. R. Hodge and L. Rae performed 1 Galop brillant ’ as a pianoforte duet. Several dialogues were well done by the elder students, who appeared in costume. Messrs. P. Sheridan (Cassius) and R. Connop (Brutus) gave the quarrelscene from Julius Caesar,’ and Messrs. M. Reddington (Prince Henry), J. Mackle (Sir John Falstaff), with J. Martin, P. Sheridan, and R. Connop as Poins, Pete, and Bardolph, recited Scene 14, Act ii., from ‘Henry IV.’ Another scene was from the ‘Sign of the Cross,’ by Messrs. J. Mackle (Nero), M. Reddington (Marcus Super bus), E. Mulgan (Tigellinus, and P. Sheridan as the slave.

The following is the prize list: —- Special Prizes.Coolahan gold medal for good conduct (presented by the Bishop): M. O’Rorke. Gold medal for Christian doctrine (presented by Monsignor Hackett) : M. Flynn. Dux of the school (gold medal presented by the rector): M. Flynn Aggregate merit in Form V. (gold medal presented by Mr. Wright) ; M. Reddington. Handball championships: Senior gold medal presented by Mr. T. l/ O’Connor), N. Wall. Sports championships: Senior, J. Coaklcy and R. Duggan: junior,' A. Ngakuru. - , °

Form Vl.—Aggregate; M. Flynn, M. O’Rorke, M. Savegh. English: M. Flynn, M.' O’Rorke, L. Harris. Trigonometry M. O’Rorke, M. Flynn, J. Foley, trench: M. Flynn, Mb O Rorke, L. Harris. Science: M". O’Rorke, M. Flynn, J. Foley. Algebra: M. Flynn, J. Foley, M. Sayegh. Geometry: J. Foley, M. Flynn, P. O’Connor. Latin: M. Sayegh, M. Flynn, J. Foley. European history: M. Sayegh. English history: J. Foley. Precis writing; P. O’Conner. English essay: L. Harris. Form V.—Christian doctrine: J. Freyne, M. Reddington, M. Rogers. Aggregate: M. Reddington, M. Rogers, R. Duggan. English: M. Reddington, M. Rogers, 1. Carroll. Arithmetic: M. Rogers. Latin: M. Reddington, M. Rogers, T. Carroll. French: M. Rogers, M. Reddington, R. Duggan. Science: M. Reddington, R. Duggan, G. Goldwater. Algebra; R. Hodge, R. Duggan, J. Martin. Geometry: J. Martin, T. Hepi, G. McMillan. History: T. Carroll, M. Reddington. Geography R. Duggan, B. Goldwater. Laboratory work: R. Hodge, J. Franklin. Bookkeeping: J. Freyne. Form IV.—Christian doctrine: J. Mackle, J. Jeffery, J. Molloy. Good conduct: S. McLoughlin, E. Mulgan, C. O’Malley. Aggregate: J. Woodley, J. Molloy, F. Bailey. English: J. Molloy, E. Mulgan, P. .Bourke. Arithmetic: F. Bailey, J. Coakley, J. Molloy. Latin; K. Champion, J. Woodley, S. McLoughlin. English essay: J. P. Kavanagh, E. Sayegh. French : J. Woodley, K. Champion, F. Bailey. Chemistry and physics: P. Bourke, D. Palmer, K. Champion. Geometry: F. Bailey, O. Roberts, M. Graham. History: B. Hart, J. O’Rorke, E. Mulgan. Algebra: P. Bourke, J. Molloy, D. Palmer. Geography; J. O’Rorke, C. O’Malley, J. Mackle, Book-keeping: C. O’Malley, J. P. Cavauagh. Practical science: J. Woodley, G. Limbrick, J. Jeffery. Agriculture; S. McLoughliu, C.. Comisk}'. Form lll.—Christian doctrine: B. Weatherill, D. Goldwater, M. Franklin. Good conduct: M. Franklin, L. Mahar, J. Delehanty. Aggregate: John Rankin, G. Johnson, T. Martin. 'English : B. Wells, J. Delahanty, M. McCarthy. Arithmetic: T. Martin, M. O’Shea, B. Wells. Latin; F. Quinn, E. Finnegan, E. Bannister. French: J. Rankin, B. Weatherill, L. Du Flou. Science; R. Connop, E. Lavery,- D. Gold-

water. Geometry: G. Johnson, W. Riwhi, G. Little.Bookkeeping: W. McCarthy, E. Bannister, E. Williams. Algebra; L. Du Flou, J. Rankin, M. O’Shea. Geography D. Goldwater, R. Pilling, M. Franklin. English essay: D. Borell, J. Buxton, J. Kennedy. Practical agriculture: L. Quinn, B. Topia. Woodwork: 11. Mane, A. Ngakuru. Practical science: B. Hurley, J. Reilly, E. Williams! History: E. Williams, B. Hurley, J. Delehanty. Standard Vl.Aggregate merit: Edward Barton 1, Joseph Scholium 2, Francis Bolger 3. Good conduct: James Edwards 1, Charles McManaway 2, Edward Bain 3. Christian doctrine: Athol Skinner 1, John Belcher 2, George Gavin 3. Arithmetic: Charles Molloy 1, Patrick Ryan 2, Owen Jackson 3. English: Julian Ralph 1, Philip Kortegast 2, John Latapie 3. Essay: Nicholas Wall 1, John Belcher 2, Joseph Scholium 3. Reading; Maurice O’Connor 1, Charles McManaway 2, Athol Skinner 3. Geography: Elric Hickson 1, Philip Kortegast 2, Victor Edwards 3. Writing: Leonard Ryan 1, John Carter 2, Elric Hickson 3. Woodwork: Paul Martin 1, Edward Barton 2, James Edwards 3. Drawing: Thomas Molloy 1, Samuel Brooking 2, John Carter 3. Neatness; Owen Jackson 1, Leonard Ryan 2, Phillip Kortegast 3. Spelling; George Gavin 1, Edward Barton 2, Joseph Scholium 3. Recitation Charles McManaway 1, L. Hooker 2, Charles Molloy 3. Diligence; George Lindstrom 1, James Edwards 2, Leonard Ryan 3. Standard V.—Aggregate: Bernard Daws 1, Thomas Dowdle 2, Leonard Rae 3. Christian doctrine; Leslie McCarthy 1, Alfred Clarke 2. Conduct John Lobley. Arithmetic: James McLoughlin. English; Baden Whitaker I, Frank Hurley 2. Reading: Charles Tole. Writing; Warn Werohia. Drawing; Charles F. Molloy. Spelling: Stanley Raster. History: John Bray. Geography: John Clarke. Recitation : Horace Burke. Composition : Frank Delgrosso. Agriculture: William Lacy. Application; James Lacy.

Standard TV.—Aggregates: Arthur Mathias 1, John Gray 2, Frank Downs 3. Christian doctrine; Vincent. Devine. Conduct: John Gray. Arithmetic: Charles Daniels. English; Thomas Molloy. Reading and recitation: William Rain. Writing: Thomas Dyer: Spelling: William Kay. Geography: Joseph Molloy. Composition; Frank Downs. History: Leslie Davis. ST. PHILOMENA'S COLLEGE, SOUTH DUNEDIN. The ceremonies which marked the close of the academic year attracted a large gathering of parents and friends. Rev. Father Delany presided. An ■ excellent musical and variety entertainment was introduced by an overture (Erik Meyer-Helmund) tastefully played by Misses Noonan, Daniel, McMahon, Dyer, Meade, and Brookes. The College Choir gave the chorus ‘ Boating,’ and later the Dunedin Competitions two-part contest piece, ‘ Birdies’ message,’ was rendered by 40 selected voices. In • response to an emphatic demand for more, they gave the remaining contest song, ‘Jubilation,’ which was enthusiastically applauded.- The programme was well interspersed with items of a patriotic nature. The orchestral selection, ‘ National Anthems of England and our Allies,’ was given by the College Orchestra (Ist violins—Misses Gare, Rodgers, Gray, Harty, Adamson, Curry, O’Regan ; 2nd violins —Misses Chapman, Bradley, Butel ; ’cello, Miss Bradley; harp, Miss M. M. Walsh; mandolines—Misses Dougherty and Poppelwell; guitar— Noonan and O’Connell. The military march song and rifle exercises by a squad of youthful khaki-clad sons of the Empire, under the leadership of Master Charlie Meade, were carried out with success and were vociferously applauded. ‘ Little maids who help the Empire’ was a pretty item; the 'little maids’ gave the pathetic air feelingly t and : acted daintily. The patriotic contribution by the intermediate girls,

‘ Frolicsome fencers,’ was one of the gems of *the evening. In this the Misses Marlow, Mulrooney, Carter, Rodgersou, Gare, .O’Kane, MacDermott, Meade, Butel, Carroll, Neill, and McMahon went through their intricate movements with precision and danced gracefully. From a spectacular standpoint Our parosol ’■ took foremost rank, Misses Faulks, Dyer, Brosnan, Tylee, Otto, Dawson, Daniel, and Nolan played the part of winsome English girls, Misses Nellie Francis, Rita Brown, E. Kennedy, and D. Scully made daintyGeishas, and Misses Mary Ryall, Daphne Samson, Maggie Tylee, and Ngarita Kennedy were quaint little Dutch maids. This effort proved one of the most popular on the programme. The really fine pianoforte music submitted bore the hall mark of close and intelligent study. The Beethoven duo by Misses McDevitt, Hargreaves, Tither, and Daly delighted all present. The solo, ‘ Wedding day ’ (Grieg), by Misses Walsh, Dawson, McDevitt, and O’Kane, was artistic to a degree, and elicited well-merited recognition. The orchestra gave ‘ Reverie ’ (Louis Drumeller), very acceptably. A feature of this year’s elocutionary section was the introduction of items of a humorous character. That these were thoroughly enjoyed was evidenced by alternating peals of laughter and rounds of applause. ‘ Renewing his youth,’ an extravaganza in which six young ladies • portray the hopes, disappointments, and misadventures of the old, rich, ,and crusty baronet, Sir Mortimer Drygrass in his endeavors to look a young man at sixty, brought to light much latent talent. The parts were ably sustained by Miss Cecile Noonan (Sir Mortimer Drygrass), Miss' B. Meade (the Hon. Richard Melville), Miss Amy Dyer (Brian Desmond), Miss E. Curtin (Myles O’Donovan), Miss Neenie Kenny (Alex. Rodger), Miss Teresa Nelson (Ching Sing Ming, the Chinese cook). All had a keen appreciation of the humorous situations, and their make-up was excellent. The piece de resistance was the comedy, ‘ Miss Selina de Yelette’s treasures.’ This interesting satire of false philanthrophy abounds in ludicrous incidents. Miss O’Regan filled the title role very satisfactorily. As Mrs. Cox, a deaf old lady, Miss Monica Rodgers was a decided success, her delineation of the character being most realistic. Miss Moana Poppelwell, who gave a clever impersonation of Nancy Smartt, kept the audience in a constant ripple of merriment. Misses Agnes Carroll (Martha ■ J Jones), Isabel Gare, Louise and Nellie Adamson (Jeanette), made the most of the minor parts.. A brilliant finale, ‘ Country life ’ (White) brought a pleasant evening to a close. _ In a few well-chosen words Rev. Father Delany thanked the audience for their attendance. They would agree with him that they had witnessed a delightful entertainment. The Sisters of Mercy deserved every congratulation-on the result of their training; much time and care were needed to bring about such proficiency. Parents who had tried it knew what a difficult matter it was to teach a child even a simple recitation. From that they could form an estimate of the labor and patience needed to bring about the perfection the children had that evening displayed. They would see by the report on the year’s scholastic work that the college was progressive. It is now registered as efficient by the Education authorities in Wellington, and ranks as one of the recognised secondary schools of the Dominion. Rev. Father Delany read the annual report, which was as follows: It is gratifying to record that, in the current year, further advances have been made in various directions ' and our work has been productive of eminently satisfactory results. The attendance has been the highest on record. The students have shown a commendable spirit of earnestness and industry. Throughout the year keen interest was taken in the study of Christian doctrine and Bible history. Then the final tests for the religious knowledge prize were examined, three candidates were found to have gained full marks. Lpst year a new wing was erected to cope with the ever increasing needs. In the present year a science laboratory was fitted up

Nellie O’Kane. English grammar, Eileen Nolan. Spelling, Kathleen Golden 1, Maudie McCarten 2. Diligence and attention, Ella Kennedy. Geographical observation, Dorine Scully. Recitation and penmanship, Monica Brosnan. Order, Agues Reidy. Mental arithmetic, Maisie Dawson. Drawing and crayon dr awing, Hughie Murray. Application to studies, Charlie Meade. Writing, Hugh Murray. Spelling, Charlie Meade, Good conduct, Eileen Meade.

Grade lll.—General improvement, Leila Campbell. Drawing, Eileen Ward. Tables, Eileen ShaweDriscoll. Reading, Louis Carroll. Arithmetic, Eileen Dowling. Sentence building, Winifred Petit. Music, Leila Campbell. Comprehension, Eileen Ward. Observation, Eileen Meade. Geography, Louis Carroll. Composition, Andrew Murray. , Arithmetic, James McKewen. Poetry, Andrew Murray. Spelling, James' McKewen. Dictation, Maggie Rigloy. The gold cross, presented by Rev. Father Delany for regular attendance, was won by Miss Molly Tylee, whose record shows unbroken attendance for a period of four years. This year Molly Tylee, Teresa Nelson, Maggie Rigby, Sylvia Daniel, Mavis Rigby, and Maggie Tylee had unbroken attendance. Kindergarten School. Division A.—Catechism, Mary Dec. Arithmetic, Eileen Kennedy. Nature study, Eileen Lemon. Observation, Edna Otto. Politeness, May Pascoe. Comprehension, Mary Ryall. Word building, Tessie Quinn. Exemplary conduct, Mavis Rigby. Recitation, Kathleen Robinson. General knowledge, Olga Rowland. Drawing, Teresa Silve. Number, Maggie Tylee. Mental work, Eileen O’Malley. Bible stories, E. Harrison. Home-studies, Mary Dee. Mental arithmetic, E. Kennelly. Order, E. Lemon. Neatness, Edna Otto. Embroidery, M. Pascoe. Improvement in work, Tessie Quinn. Nature studies, M. Tylee. Paper work, T. Silve. Tables, O. Rowland. Attention in class, M. Rigby. Reading, K. Robinson. Hand work, Mary Ryall. Number, Evelyn Harrison. Crayon work and coloring, Michael Kennedy. Designing and diligence, Ted McKewen. Tables, M. Kennedy. Paper work, Ted McKewen. Division B. —Catechism, Zita Dawson. Reading, Ngarita Kennedy. Picture stories, Vera Murray. Writing, Daphne Samson. Neatness, ’ Annie Price. Number, May Monaghan. Home studies, Kathleen Howard. Memory work, N. Kennedy. Sentence building, Vera Murray. Word building, Annie Price. Observation, Zita Dawson. Singing, Daphne Samson. Needlework, K. Howard. Punctuality, Charles Dawe. Recitation, John Faulks. Menal arithmetic, Willie Meade. Drawing, Ivan Scully. Word building, Noel Monaghan. Designing, Charles Dawe. Handwork, John McCarten. Order, Willie Meade. Attendance, Ivan Scully. 8.8. drawing, John Faulks. Division C. —Bible stories, Irene Brown. Neatness, Lenore Mee. Crayons, Veronica Robinson. Exemplary conduct, Rua Quinn. Drill and exercises, Gabriel Daniel. Stick laying, Winnie Rodgerson. 8.8. drawing, Irene Brown. Coloring, Lenore Mee. Tablets, V. Robinson. Block building, Rue Quinn. Gifts, Mary Meade and Winnie Rodgerson. Modelling, Gabriel Daniel. Mat weaving, James Delany. Paper work, Cyril White and Martin Boyle. Writing, Leslie McDowall. Politeness, Albert Silve. Handwork, Bryan Scully. Observation, James Delany. Order, Les McDowall. Memory work, Albert Silve and Cyril White. Designing, Martin Boyle. School of Music. Trinity College, London (Harmony).—Higher local, M. M. Walsh. Senior, K. McDevitt, M. McMahon. Advanced intermediate, Ruby Gray. Intermediate, Eileen Tither, Imelda Keyes, K. O’Regan, Junior —Agnes Daly, Agnes Carroll, Mary O’Kane, Eileen Corrigan, May Curtin, Bridge Meade, Lizzie Dougherty. Preparatory Winnie Harty, May Daniel, Amy Birch, Hope 'Atkinson, L. Meade, H. Butel, A. Pellett, J. McDermott. T.C.L. (Practical). —Senior— Mary O’Kane, Priscilla Hargreaves. -Intermediate-

M. Curtin, K. O’Regan, N. Adamson, M. Fenton (singing), Ruby Gray (passed piano and violin), A. Daly, C. Noonan, M. McMahon, M. Rodgers. Junior—Nellie Francis, Lelia Campbell, Agnes Carroll, Mary Bradley, Agnes Pellett, Imelda Keyes, Molly Butler, Rose Bradley, Gwendoline Brooks, Isabel Gare, Hope Atkinson. Preparatory May Daniel, W. Harty, -J. McDermott, Nellie Ferguson, Monica Rodgers, May Harrison, Frank Bradley. First steps—Lyla Grant, Mollie Tylee. Special mention for music (pianoforte)— Ima Damson, Amy Dyer, and Margaret M. Walsh, K. McDevitt. Improvement in music—lsabel Curry, Olga Otto, Lettie O’Connell, Rita Brown, Madge Rogerson, Mollie Mulrooney, Ettie Walker, and James McKewen. Special mention for solo singing—Lizzie Dougherty and May Daniel. Successes in Various Examinations. Senior national scholarships (senior free place), Margaret M. Walsh. St. John Ambulance and first aid examinations (St. Philomena’s Centre): Sixteen candidates were presented for examination in September, and all obtained their certificates. Teachers’ examinations (Class D) : Five candidates passed the Education Department examination in cardboard work. Education Board proficiency examinations—Moaua Poppelweli, Amy Dyer, Mollie Parker, Olive Chapman, Isabel Gare, Nellie Butel, Gwen Brookes, Marie McM on, May Curtin, Hannah Butel.

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New Zealand Tablet, 23 December 1915, Page 45

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OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, 23 December 1915, Page 45

OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, 23 December 1915, Page 45

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