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(From our own correspondent.) The executive committee of the Diocesan Council have, been very much engaged lately in connection with the present agitation by the Bible-in-Schools League. Messrs. F. G. J. Temm and M. C. Tully have been visiting neighboring parishes on Federation matters. Numerous letters of appreciation of the services of Mr. Temm, as diocesan secretary, have been received by the committee from all parts of the diocese, and general regret is expressed at his retirement. As showing the enthusiasm and interest displayed by Mr. Temm it is interesting to note that he has conducted the secretarial duties of the city parish, and is also treasurer and diocesan secretary, having about forty parishes under his jurisdiction. Two more branches have been established in this diocese. The annual meeting of this Council takes place in St. Benedict’s Clubrooms, Auckland, on Wednesday, July 15, at 7 p.m., when the annual election of officers will take place. All branches are requested to see that they are represented. ELLERSLIE. The Ellerslie branch of the Federation held its annual meeting on Sunday last in the schoolroom at Ellerslie. There was a fairly large attendance. The Rev. Father Tormey presided. The annual report on the affairs and progress of the Federation was read by the parish secretary (Mr. W. Shearman). A number of parishioners from the Pamnure portion of the parish were present, and several expressed pleasure at the position of the Federation after its first year’s existence. • ~ The following resolution, moved by Mr. W. 11. Pohlen, and seconded by Mr. Sexton, was passed—- ‘ That this meeting of the Ellerslie branch* of the Catholic Federation wishes to convey and express its grateful appreciation of the great assistance rendered to our organisation by our eminent and respected Bishop, the Right Rev. Dr. Cleary, and further recognises the able manner in which he has championed the cause of the Catholic Federation.’ Mr. F. G. J. Temm also moved— That this first annual meeting of the Ellerslie branch of the New Zealand Catholic Federation, desires to place on record its sincere appreciation of the valiant stand taken by the Right Rev. Dr. Cleary against the attack that is now being made by an organisation in this Dominion upon the most sacred rights of conscience and religious liberty.’ This was seconded by Mr. McCaffery, and carried unanimously. The following committee was elected for the ensuing year:—President, Rev. Father Tormey ; vice-presidents, Messrs. Thomas and Pohlen; parish secretary and treasurer, Mr. F. G. J. Temm; members—Messrs. McCaffery, McDermott, Drumm, 'Strong, Shearman, and Malone. The parish committee and all the affiliated Catholic societies in the parish have recently carried resolutions protesting against the referendum on the Bible fin .State schools. GREY LYNN. A branch of the Catholic Federation has been established in Grey. Lynn with Mr. G. Little as president, and Mr. W. Fleming as secretary. The first meeting of the new committee was held in the schoolroom on Thursday, July 2, Mr. Little presiding. There were present the Rev. Father Holbrook and a full attendance of the committee. . Messrs. F. G. J. Temm (diocesan secretary) and M. C. Tully (assistant diocesan secretary) were present,’ and gave the committee much valuable information with regard to the working of the branch. It was pointed out the first and most important duty of the committee

was the enrolling of every Catholic in the parish as a member of the Federation. Various schemes for the most expeditious course to be taken were discussed. The committee passed a resolution against the proposals of the Bible-in-Schools League. It was decided to suggest to the Diocesan Executive the desirability of organising a monster public demonstration of protest against the Referendum Bill, to be supported by all the city and suburban parishes. Mr. Temm promised to look into the matter, and see what could be done, and advise the committee. After the meeting, members of the committee were hospitably entertained by the Rev. Father Holbrook at the presbytery. PONSONBY. (From the Corresponding Secretary.) The annual meeting of the Ponsonby branch of the Catholic Federation took place on Sunday, June 28. Rev. Father. Cahill (president) occupied the chair, there being a fair number of parishioners present. The secretary, in his annual report, referred to the fact that the outgoing executive, which had been in office only five months, had been responsible for infusing new energy into the Federation in the parish, making it one of the most active branches in the city. Special attention had been given to organisation, and the branch was interesting itself in the establishment of a juvenile club. The membership had shown a decided increase over last year, and it was confidently anticipated that the end of the financial year would witness the enrolment of every parishioner. Much of the success achieved by the executive was in a large measure due to the enthusiastic spirit displayed by the president, the hope being expressed that he would be permitted to remain in Ponsonby for many years. The election of a new executive for the ensuing year resulted in the return of the old executive to office, on the motion of Mr. Cavanagh, seconded by Mr. Maguire, in recognition of the amount of work achieved in so short a time, and in order to give them an opportunity to carry out the schemes already under consideration. The personnel of the committee is as follows: Rev. Father Cahill (president), Messrs. J. G. Shanaghan (treasurer), J. F. Fitzgerald (hon. secretary), P. Darby, T. Darby, T. Bellamy, A. Bennett, .11. McGuire, P. Hall, J. Prendergast, Mesdames Cooke and Hennelley, and Misses N. Flynn and L. Hickey. Mr. P. Darby spoke in glowing terms of the capabilities of the secretary (Mr. Fitzgerald), and congratulated the Ponsonby branch of the Federation on possessing so able an officer. The amount of work done by him had been phenomenal, and it was the more praiseworthy, as the position was purely honorary. At the request of Mr. Darby, appreciation of the secretary’s services was acclaimed with a round of applause. Mr. Fitzgerald suitably and feelingly acknowledged the vote of thanks. In view of the agitation favoring a referendum on the Bible-in-schools question, the meeting unanimously resolved to forward to the Prime Minister, the Minister of Education, and the member for the district (Mr. Bradney) the ’following resolution : ‘ That the Government be respectfully requested to give due consideration to the conscientious objections of the Catholic community in the matter of the referendum on the Bible in State schools question.’ ST. BENEDICT’S BRANCH, AUCKLAND. (From the Corresponding Secretary.) June 28. The annual meeting and election of officers of the above branch was held last evening, the Right Rev. Mgr. Gillan, V.G., presiding over a large attendance of members. The secretary (Mr. A. Rose), in submitting a report of the work done during the past term, j congratulated the members on the splendid progress made. During the past six months nine meetings have been

held. Two local branches have been formed in outlying districts, and also a strong branch of the Catholic Immigration Committee, which is doing good work on the boats and trains. The work of enrolling new members has been steadily pursued, and upwards of 800 registered. The. following Officers were elected: Vice-presidents, Mrs. Daly and Mr. T. Foley; secretary, Mr. A. Hose; treasurer, Mr. J. Trecy ; also a strong working committee. At the conclusion of the meeting, .the following resolution was unanimously carricd : ‘ That this meeting of St. Benedict’s branch of the Catholic Federation, representing 2000 Catholics d f Sl to record its emphatic protest against the action of the Biblc-m-Schools League in asking the Government to grant a referendum upon a question of religion and sacred rights of conscience, involving with such action the introduction of great sectarian bitterness, and strife, and that copies of this resolution be sent to the lion. Minister of Education.’ CHRISTCHURCH DIOCESAN COUNCIL. (From our own correspondent.) A meeting of the executive committee was hold in the Federation rooms, Wiltshire Buildings, on Tuesday evening last. The president (Mr. W. Hayward, mu.) presided. The Very Rev. Dean Hills, S.M. V.G. and Very Rev. Chancellor Price, Adm., were present’ with practically a full attendance of members. Messrs. Delany and Griffin, representing St. Mary’s branch, attended and offered the co-operation of their branch and personal service in arranging a Catholic demonstration and reception to council delegates in the Art Gallery on Wednesday evening. The various duties in connection with the gathering ,were divided up amongst those present. Communications from 1 1 mam were of a particularly satisfactory nature, revealing real vitality and an excellent spirit of- enthusiasm. Several remits from the same source will find a place on the agenda paper for the annual meeting. It was resolved unanimously to pass the following resolution and have the same published in the local papers and others through the Press Association * At a meeting of the Christchurch Diocesan Council Executive of the New Zealand Catholic Federation, representing twenty-four branches in Canterbury and Westland, a resolution was passed protesting against the proposed referendum on the Bible-in-schools question in terms similar to resolutions' on, the same subject elsewhere.’ THE CATHEDRAL PARISH. COMMITTEE. (From our Christchurch correspondent.) Mr. J. R. Hayward (vice-president) presided at the monthly meeting of the Cathedral branch committee, in the unavoidable absence of the Very Rev. Chancellor Price, Adm. (president). " There was the largest attendance yet recorded in connection with the branch, reflecting very creditably the evident enthusiasm and interest of the members of the new committee

in Federation matters. It being the first meeting of the new committee the chairman welcomed those in attendance, and pointed out the urgent necessity of incessant activity and consistent effort. 'As a marie of appreciation of the organising and pioneer, work accomplished by the retiring committee they were unanimously re-elected for the ensuing year. The office-bearers are as follow:—President, Very Rev. Chancellor ‘Price Adm.; vice-presidents, Messrs J. R. Hayward and' g’ C. Hayward; treasurer, Mr. P. O’Connell; secretary, Mr. J. J. Wilson; representatives on Diocesan Council, Messrs J. R. Hayward and M. Garty. -• It was decided to take action, on the motion of a lady member, in regard to the circulation of an objectionable book by one of the city public libraries; also in connection with the distribution of anti-Catholic iteiatuic to patients of our faith in the public hospital —a matter brought under the notice of the committee by the Cathedral conference of the Society of St..:Vincent dc Paul, which provides Catholic visitors, f The need of a Catholic representative to attend the Juvenile and Magistrates’ Courts was,also shown by the society, and it was decided to make this a subject'of discussion at the annual council meeting. The president of the conference meanwhile undertook to attend the qourts in the interests of Catholic children especially. -i Several members expressed views on various 'subjects tending to stiffen up our forces, render the Catholic position stronger, and not to allow our rights to be lightly pushed aside and our faith treated ‘with contempt. LYTTELTON BRANCH. - On last Sunday week (writes our Christchurch correspondent) the Lyttelton (St. Joseph’s) parish committee met and elected as secretary Mr. J. E. Doolan, to replace the late secretary, -who has removed elsewhere. The general meeting was held last Sunday, the Rev. Father Cooney presiding, when Mr. J. E. Doolan'and Mr. J. Mahar were elected to represent the branch on the Diocesan Council, and the new committee ■ were appointed. An energetic enrolment of members.' and collection of this year’s subscriptions is now in progress. DUNEDIN PARISH COMMITTEE. the committee met in St. Joseph’s Hall, on Sunday evening last, the Rev. Father Coffey, Adm., occupying the chair. The following parishes were represented— Cathedral, North-Last Valley, Roslyn, Mornington; and the following societies Hibernian, St. Joseph’s Men’s Club, St. Joseph’s Ladies’ Club, Children of Mary, St. Vincent dc Paul Society, and the A.M.D.G. Guild. The following executive was appointed: President, Rev. Father Coffey;, vice-presidents, Messrs J. B. Callan, jun, and James O’Neill; hon. secretary, Mr. J. Hally; hon. treasurer, Mrs. E. J. O’Neill ;. delegates Diocesan Councilthe president, and Messrs J. A. Scott and J. Hally.

The treasurer’s report disclosed a satisfactory credit balance in the bank and a large membership. On the motion of Mr. John A. Brown a sub-committee was setup to block out the parish for the purpose of taking a complete Catholic census of Federation workers. On the motion of Mr. J. 11. Callan, jun., seconded by Mr. 11. Gallicn, the following resolution for transmission to the Prime Minister and the four Dunedin city Members of Parliament, was carried unanimously—‘That this meeting of the Dunedin Cathedral parish committee New Zealand Catholic Federation strongly protests against the proposal to take a plebiscite of the people on the Bible-in-schools question, because of the injustice it would inflict upon the Catholic body, and urges all Members of Parliament to oppose same.’ SOUTH DUNEDIN. The annual meeting of the St. Patrick’s branch of the Catholic Federation was held in the schoolroom on Sunday afternoon, June 28. Rev. Father Dehniy (president of the branch) presided, and the schoolroom was crowded, the proceedings being marked with much enthusiasm.’ The secretary (Mr. A. J. Miscall) read the report and balance sheet for the past year, which disclosed a satisfactory position. In moving the adoption of the report, Rev. Father Delany made a strong appeal to all Catholics to join the Federation, as it was only by so doing that the Catholics could speak with one voice and demand he rights which they ,arc justly entitled - to. Much interest was taken in the election of the committee. Eleven nominations were received, and, on a ballot being taken, the following were elected—Messrs. A. J. Miscall, J. J. Marlow, J. A twill, J. Robinson, 11. McAnley, and A. Thorne. Mr. C. A. Shiel moved — That we, as Catholics assembled, do everything in our power to resist the attempt at the introduction of the Bible into the schools, and the referendum upon it.’ The mover spoke in a lucid and forcible manner of the great injustice that Catholics were suffering from. In seconding the motion, Mr. M. McAllen, in a telling and interesting speech, drew comparisons between the Catholics and the Bihlc-in-Schools League, greatly to the disadvantage of the latter. Messrs. Hogan and Mullin also spoke. On being put to the meeting, the motion was carried by acclamation. During an interval, a short musical programme was supplied by the following; —Misses Hodden (2), Fenton, Heffernan,, and Mr. Atwill. Miss Tonar made an efficient accompanist. On the motion of the Rev. Father Delany, a very hearty vote of thanks was accorded to the - outgoing committee. The meeting, which was one of the largest ever held in South' Dunedin, was a pronounced success, which augurs well for the success of the Federation in this parish. CHRISTCHURCH NORTH . July (3. A very large attendance of the St. Mary’s parish committee of the Catholic Federation was held in Ozanam Lodge on Sunday, June 28, the’Vicar-General, the Very Rev. Dean Hills, S.M., presiding. The principal business before the meeting was the election of officers for the ensuing year, which resulted as follows:-—President, Very Rev. Dean Hills, S.M., V.G.; vice-presidents, Messrs. W. Hayward, jun., and F. C. Delany; secretary, Mr. T. H. Williamson: treasurer, Mr. A. P. Dc la Corn*; delegates to Diocesan Council Messrs. W. Hayward, jun., J. Griffon, and T. H. Williamson. A report prepared by the secretary, dealing with tifie boarding out of Catholic children under Government supervision, was dealt with. The finding of suitable homes for these children has long been a cause of concern to those few who interested themselves in the matter, and it was thought that more satisfaction could be gained if the Federation took the work in hand. The report was forwarded to the Diocesan Council for discussion at their annual meeting. The

business of enrolling members in the Federation, and also on the electoral roll is receiving attention. RANG A. , ; The first half-yearly meeting of the Rangiora branch of the Catholic Federation was held in St. Mary’s Schoolroom on Sunday, July 4. About 100 parishioners were present, and Very Rev. Dean Hyland presided. The secretary (Mr. S. ,1. Ryan) presented I he annual report and hala’nee sheet, which showed that the Federation is in a very satisfactory position, both numerically and financially. Very. Rev. Dean Hyland, in moving the adoption of the report, congratulated the committee on their work during the first half-year. He was sure that all present were well • satisfied with the work done. The sum of £l4 10s 3d will be forwarded to the Diocesan Council, and there will be a credit balance of £4 15s 3d. Messrs. M. Fitzgibbon, vice-president (North Loburn) and the secretary, Mr. S. J. Ryan, will represent the branch at the Diocesan meeting, to be held in Christchurch next week.

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New Zealand Tablet, 9 July 1914, Page 26

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CATHOLIC FEDERATION New Zealand Tablet, 9 July 1914, Page 26

CATHOLIC FEDERATION New Zealand Tablet, 9 July 1914, Page 26

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