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The pupils and Sisters of the Convent (says the Wanganui Herald) have in the past put on many fine entertainments, but that placed before the large audience at the Opera House on this occasion ' eclipsed all its predecessors, and those responsible, both performers and instructors, deservedly received many compliments on the very successful performance. A fine tribute to the performers’ efforts was the many vociferous encores demanded, but the programme was such a lengthy one that these requests could not be complied with. The major portion of the entertainment was supplied by the pupils of the convent, and all their items showed the careful preparation they had undergone. There were some items which stood head and shoulders above the rest, and these were the delightful pianoforte and violin solos rendered by Misses Ruby Curran and Aileen Curnor respectively. Miss Curran’s capabilities at the piano are too well known locally to require recapitulation, suffice it to say that she rendered her contribution ,in a very artistic manner. Miss Aileen Connor’s violin solo, ‘Tarantella,’ stamped her as a true artiste, her rendering being admirable. Her item was one of the most enjoyable of the entertainment. The three-act Japanese operetta, ‘ Princess Chrysanthemum,’ was a great success, the piece going with ' a splendid swing right through. The dancing, costuming, and limelight effects were very effective. The programme in its entirety was as follows: —Overture, orchestra (under Miss Violet Price); pianoforte solo, ‘ Valse Caprice’ (Maughan Barnett), Miss Chalis Hooper: chorus, ‘Tell me where is beauty found,’ children of St. Joseph’s School; pianoforte solo, ‘ Sonatina’ (Goetz) Miss Clara Williams; chorus, ‘ Where are you going to my pretty maid,’ and Irish country dance, preparatories; violin solo, ‘Tarantella,’ Miss Aileen Connor; pianoforte solo, ‘Staccato Caprice’ (Vogrich), Miss Eileen Brennan; pianoforte solo, ‘ Ballade in A fiat ’ (Chopin), Miss Ruby Curran; military dance (by special request), preparatories Accompanists, Misses Mona. Mack and Ruby Curran. The principal parts in ‘Princess Chrysanthemum,’ were taken with distinct success by the following:—Princess Chrysanthemum (the Emperor’s daughter), Miss Franklin Brown ; Emperor What-For-Whi (a merciful (?) monarch), Mrs. Sedgwick ; Prince So-Sli, Miss Ada Holland ; Prince SoTrue, Miss Clare Gellatly: Fairy Moonbeam, Miss Eileen McGuire : Top-Not, Miss Bella McLean : Saucerycs wizard cat), Master IMauncc Moclian. The minor parts were also well filled. Mr. H. W. Melville was responsible for- the fine scenery. A capable orchestra, under Miss Violet Price, supplied the incidental music. *

Special Prizes. Amiability crown (chosen by vote of companions), Mary McCarthy. Good conduct, Myrtle Connor. ; Christian doctrine, Mary Ahern 1, Eileen O’Leary 2, Eileen O’Brien 3. Dux, Eileen O'Brien. Proximo accessit, Mary Ahern.. General excellence, Mary Ahern. Calisthenics, Mary McCarthy 1, Madge Bremer 2. Civil service, Madge Smith. Prize essay, Mary McCarthy 1, Grace Brownlie 2, Clare Gellatly 3. Languages (Latin and French) —Senior, Eileen O’Brien; junior, Eileen O’Leary. Painting, Myrtle Connor 1, C. Griffin 2, E. Connor 3. Drawing, E. Brennan 1, C. Griffin 2, L. Kelly 3. Art needlework, Eileen Connor 1, Grace Brownlie 2, Myrtle Connor 3. Embroidery, G. Brownlie 1, C. Griffin 2, Myrtle Connor 3. Special mention, E. Connor, 1. Yarley, and K. Delahunty. Mount Mellick work, Eileen Connor 1, Myrtle Connor 2, Miri Fraser and Eileen Brennan 3. Dressmaking, Cecily Griffin 1, Myrtle Connor 2, Ella Palmer 3 (special mention, Mary McCartin). Plain sewing, Eileen Connor I, Ella Palmer 2, Ellen Punch 3. Instrumental music (R.A.M. Advanced, grade), Ruble Curran. Trinity College (Senior grade), Clare Williams I, Eileen Brennan 2, Ita Varley 3 ; intermediate grade, Mona Mack 1, Kathleen Delahunty 2 # Margaret Bremer 3; junior grade, Vera Neylon 1, Lenore Kelly 2, Olive Nixon 3. Violin (teacher, Miss V. Price), Eileen Connor (prize gift of teacher). Singing class, Eunice Goldfinch 1, Clare Gellatly 2. Musical knowledge Grade I, Rubie Curran ; Grade 11., Kathleen Delahunty 1, Eileen Brennan 2, Margaret Bremer 3. House prize, Cecily Griffin. Typewriting, Cecily Griffin 1, Beatrice Salmond 2, Ella Palmer 3. Shorthand, Cecily Griffin 1, Ella Palmer 2. General knowledge paper, Beatrice Salmond. • Class Prizes. . University and Civil Service Glass.-—Latin 1, French 1, mathematics 2, hygiene 1, geography 3, essay writing 1, English language and literature I—Eileen O’Brien; mathematics 1, Latin 2, French 3, geography 1, essay writing 3, English language and literature 2 Mary Ahern; French 2, Latin 3, geography 2, essay writing 2, mathematics 3, English language and literature 3—Eileen O’Leary. Sub-Civil Class.—-French 1, Latin 1, mathematics 1, English language and literature 3, geography 3, essay writing 3—Rita Dennis; English language and literature 1, arithmetic 2, essay writing 1, geograpny Mary McCarthy; English language and literature 2, geography 1, French 2, arithmetic 3, history 1, essay writing 2—Beatrice Salmond. Form la. English language and literature 1, essay writing 1, penmanship 2—Grace Brownlie; English language and literature 2, history 2, penmanship, 1, arithmetic 2, geography I—Lenore Kelly; essay writing 2, elocution 2, penmanship —Clare Gellatly ; history 3, arithmetic 3, geography 2 —Ella Palmer ; geography 3 —Madge Bremer; history 1, elocution '3 — Dorothy Godden; essay writing 3Kathleen Delahunty; elocution IVera Neylon; arithmetic I—Mary McCartin; diligence and general improvementMiri Fraser.

Form In. —English language and literature I, penmanship 1, essay writing I—Eileen Connor English language and literature 2, penmanship 2, essay writing 2—Myrtle Connor; diligence and general improve-ment—-Cecily Griffin and Ita Varley. Form 11. A.—English 1, elocution. 2, penmanship 2, essay writing 1, arithmetic 2, geography 2, drawing 2—Mavis Cam; English 2, geography 1, history 1, drawing 3, essay writing 2—May Rhodes; elocution 1, geography 3, history 3 —Mary Koorey; elocution 3, English 3, arithmetic I—Ellen Punch; penmanship 1, arithmetic 3, drawing lAdelo Richardson; essay writing 3, —Eunice Goldfinch ; penmanship 3—Ella Rhodes. .

Form 11. B.English 1, elocution 1, arithmetic 2, geography 3, history 2, essay writing -Olive Nixon ; English 2, penmanship 2, geography 1, arithmetic 3, .history 1, drawing 2, essay writing 2—Gretchen Swan; arithmetic 1, history 3, drawing 3Mollie Callaghan elocution 3, essay writing 3Annie Richardson; drawing I—Winnie Hally; elocution 2, penmanship 3, geography 3— Norma Cvibb; penmanship I— Gertrude Cullinano,

Form English 2,, geography 1, history 2, essay writing 3, penmanship 3, elocution 3, drawing 3 Doris Pawson; English 1, geography 2, history 1, essay writing 1, • arithmetic 2, penmanship 2, elocution 1, drawing 2—Moira Pawson; essay writing 2, penmanship 1, elocution 2, drawing I—Polly McFarlane; English 3, arithmetic 3-Irene Benefield; arithmetic 1, Madgh Singh; geography 3, history 3—Nida Monk; general improvement— Thompson and Dorothy Law.

Form IV.English 1, geography 2, essay writing 1, arithmetic 1, penmanship 2, elocution 1, drawing' 1— Monica Dooley; English 2, geography 2, essay writing 2—Murial Craig; arithmetic 2, penmanship IFreda Galpin, Form V.English 1, composition' 1, geography 1, reading 1, spelling 2, arithmetic 1, writing 2, elocution 1, drawing I—Fayl—Fay McGuire; spelling 1, writing 2, English 2, geography 2, composition 2, arithmetic 2, elocution 2—Thelma Law.

Standard I. —Writing 1, arithmetic 1, elocution 3, geography 2, English 2, drawing 1, spelling 2—Margery Missen; English 1, elocution 1, geography 1, arithmetic 2, spelling IMaggie Dooley; reading 1, writing 2, English 3Maud Goldring; reading 2, writing 3, arithmetic 3, composition I—Evelyn Healey; drawing 2, reading 3—Freda Hoagey. The following pupils in the Primer division passed their examination—Allen Kitchen, Helen Missen, Moira Jackson, Moira Foster, Kathleen Boothe, Kathleen Sexton, Thomas Sexton, Lennie Sexton.

SACRED HEART SCHOOL. (Villa Maria.) The following is the prize list: Specials.—Christian doctrine Upper division, Eileen Brown; lower division, Averline Robertson. Politeness—girls, Iris Mathison; boys, Charlie Madden. Class IV. —English 1, geography 1, drawing 1, arithmetic 2, painting —Cecil Chaldecott; arithmetic 1, spelling I, painting 1, English 2, geography 2 Dorothy Bassett. Class 11. Arithmetic 1, English 1, recitation 1— Eileen Brown; geography 1, recitation I—Marie Lux-, ford; reading 1, arithmetic 2Hirrell Allan; composition 1, writing IVera Scott; drawing 1, fancy work 1, drill 2—Myra Murray; drill 1, English 2, writing 2 Eileen Spriggens; fancy work 2, drill 3—Jean Ashwell ; sewing 2, writing 3—Emma Jacobs; sewing 3, recitation 3—Muriel Benefield. Class I. —Arithmetic 1, spelling and dictation 1— Ethel Tait; drawing 1, writing 2—Tommy Benge; recitation 1, sewing 1, writing IMollie O’Meara; drawing 2, spelling and dictation 2—Elsie Briggs; composition 1, sewing 2, reading I—Beryl Gray. The following pupils of the Primer classes passed a successful examination:—Francis Hogan, Averline Robertson, Iris Mathison, Dolly Allden, Bessie Dwyer, Clarrie Brown, Harry Kaganski, Pearlie Quarterman, Charlie Madden, S}dvain Luxford, Eileen Tymons, James Muir, Doris Robertson, Teddie Brown, Willie Jameson, Clorine McAlister, Ruby Jacobs, Teddie Wilson, Gwennie Walsh, Kathleen Meehan, George Ryan,

ST. JOSEPH’S SCHOOL. The following is the prize list Class Vl.—Christian doctrine (gold medal, gift of Very Rev. Dean Holley), Clare Welch 1, Ivy Trainer 2, Muriel Duncan 3. Good conduct, Catherine Conder. Politeness, Ivy Nolan. Attendance, Clare Welsh. Dux, Catherine Conder. Approxime accessit, Rita Oliver (Mr. Heaver’s prize). English composition 1, writing 1, drawing 3, spelling and dictation I—Ruby Curran; arithmetic 2, English composition 2, writing 2, drawing 2—lvy Nolan; reading I—Rhoda Shale; drawing 1, geography llvy Trainor; arithmetic 1— lizzie Birchall • English composition 3 —Clare Welsh; i/iivucm j jjiiguou u Vxldi O VY CISli j reading 2, spelling and dictation 2Agnes Wood. Class V.—Arithmetic 1, English 1, geography 1— Murial Duncan; arithmetic 2, English 2, reading 1— Matis Connop; writing 1, spelling and dictation 1,

English 3, arithmetic, geography 2—Nora Dowling; writing 2, 'essay writing 3, spelling and dictation 2 Ella Sloan; essay writing I—Hilda1 —Hilda Slatter; essay writing 2, reading —Jean Cameron general improvement— Kinnaird.

Class IV.—Christian doctrine Nellie Cronin; good —Evelyn Slatter; politeness—Lizzie Mills; attendance-Nellie Cronin; sewing— Titshall; arithmetic 1, spelling and dictation 1, geography 1 — May Houlihan; reading I—Annie Smithies; writing 1— Florrie Emeny; essay writing lEvelyn Slatter; drawing IViolet Titshall. Class lll.Arithmetic 1, geography 1, drawing 1 —Maggie Donald; reading 1, writing 1, spelling and dictation INellie Cronin; essay writing lEileen Cotterill.

ST. JOSEPH’S INFANT SCHOOL. The prizes in this school were as follow : Specials. Christian doctrine, Clarice Corney. Good conduct, Poppy Nolan. Politeness,-Lynda Houlihan. Attendance, Tui Herd. Sewing, Daisy McGuire. Standard ll.—Rita Grotty 1, Poppy Nolan 2, Clarice Corney 3. . . ■ Standard I. —Lynda Houlihan 1, Queenie. Conder 2, Doreen Madgwick 3.

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New Zealand Tablet, 2 January 1913, Page 13

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CONVENT SCHOOLS, WANGANUI New Zealand Tablet, 2 January 1913, Page 13

CONVENT SCHOOLS, WANGANUI New Zealand Tablet, 2 January 1913, Page 13

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