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The breaking-up ceremony of St. Patrick's College took place'on December 14. There was a large attendance of the clergy and friends. His Grace the Archbishop and his Lordship the Bishop of Lismore were present. An excellent musical programme. was contributed by the College Orchestra, a chorus party of College boys, and individual instrumentalists and vocalists. The Rector (the Very Rev. Dr. Kennedy) apologised to the large attendance for inviting them to a ' break-up ' on an election night, and thanked them for preferring a prize-giving to the stirring events outside. In numbers the college had made a considerable advance. The roll had reached 154. In conduct and work the boys had given satisfaction. The Rector made some important observations on the question of scholarships, which are reported in full in another part of this issue. The Bishop of Lismore addressed the boys, and congratulated the ' men of to-morrow ' on their appearance. They were guarantors of New Zealand's future. Mr. H. S. Wardell, in the course of an address to the boys, reminded them that their school supplied ? very great want. Speaking on matters topical, he reminded the students that it would one day be their privilege and their duty to help to mould the political destinies of their country. Education, guided by religion, would make them high-minded and would deter them from dishonourable and unworthy acts. Mr. Martin Kennedy, K.S.G., proposed a vote of thanks to the Rector and the masters of the college for their self-sacrificing work. The following is the prize list:


Second Class. English language and literature (value £10), Charles Laird; Latin and French (value £10), Joseph Connolly; A division Mathematics (value £10), Leonard Daniel; B division Mathematics (value £10), John Barry; general excellence (value £10) j Howard Buckley. Third Class. —English language and literature (value £10), Thomas Heffernan; Latin and French (value £10), William Craighead; mathematics (value £10), Desmond O'Sullivan. Fourth Class. English language and literature (value £5), Norman Meehan; Latin and French (value £5), Thomas Higgins; mathematics (value £5), Francis Grogan. Good Conduct Prizes.

Senior division.— medals presented by his Grace Archbishop Redwood, S.M., William Buckley, Arnold Roche; junior division —gold-medal presented by the Very Rev. Father O'Shea, S.M., V.G., Thomas Cleary; extern divisiongold medal presented by Ven. Archdeacon Devoy, S.M., Leonard Daniel. Diligence. —Gold medal presented by the Very Rev. Dean Regnault (Provincial), S.M., W. Hennessy. ~; First Class A.-General excellence in class work

(prize presented by the Very Rev. Dean Hills, S.M., V.G., Christchurch), W.Buckley. , First Class B.General excellence in class work

(gold medal presented by the Old Boys' Association), J. McGinley; Christian Doctrine (gold medal presented by his Lordship .Bishop Grimes, S.M.), W. Hennessy; essay (prize presented by the Very Rev. Father Keogh, S.M., 8.A.), W. Hennessy; English, W. Hennessy; Latin, J. McGinley; French (presented by the Very Rev.. Father Moran, S.M., 8.A.), J. McGinley; arithmetic and algebra, J. McGinley; geometry and trigonometry, J. McGinley. , Second Class.—General excellence in class, work, Howard Buckley; Christian Doctrine (gold medal pre-

sented by the Very Rev. Dean Carew, S.M.), Howard Buckley 1, J. Hennessy 2; essay, C. Laird; English, C. Laird; history and geography, C. Laird Latin, J. Connolly; French, J. Connolly; arithmetic (A), H. Buckley, Owen Craighead; algebra and geometry (A), L. Daniel; arithmetic (B), C. Parsons; algebra and geometry (B), R. Fuller; mechanics, H. Buckley; zoology, T. Heffernan. Third Class. —General excellence in class work, D. O'Sullivan 1, W. Craighead 2; Christian Doctrine, D. O'Sullivan 1, W. Craighead 2; essay, V. Browne; English, W. Craighead; history and geography, F. McKenna; Latin, T. Heffernan; French, F. Kelly; arithmetic, A. Breen 1, T. Sullivan 2; algebra and geometry, D. O'Sullivan; chemistry, B. Dignan; physical measurements, W. Craighead.

Fourth Class A.General excellence in class work, N. Meehan, L. Reeves; Christian Doctrine, N. Meehan 1, G. Fitzsimmons 2; essay (A), N. Meehan 1, R. O'Donoghue 2; essay (B), P. O'Rourke; English (A), N. Meehan; English (B), P. Reilly; history and geography (A), N. Meehan 1, L. McDonald 2; history and geography (B), H. Beirne; Latin, T. Higgins; French, T. Heffernan 1, A. Breen 2; Arithmetic, L. Reeves, F. Grogan; algebra and geometry, C. Duflou 1, F. Grogan 2; physics, L. Reeves; drawing, J. Egan. Fourth Class B.—General excellence in class work, L. Henrys; Christian Doctrine, C. Dealy; essay, G. McMillan; English, C. Dealy; history and geography, L. Henrys; Latin, J. O'Neill, L. Reeves; French, C. Dealy; arithmetic, L. Henrys; algebra, G. McMillan; science, W. Coles; drawing, L. Cranby; writing, L. McDonald.

Fifth Class.—Christian Doctrine, W. Coles; English, W. Coles; arithmetic, W. Coles; writing, K. Gasquoine; drawing, E. Whittle; agriculture—(A), L. Butcher, P. Blake, (B), F. King; commercial course—(A), C. Parsons, (B), L. Flood. Oratory and Debate. —Senior Debating Society: Debating (gold medal presented by Mr. Stanislaus Moran, LL.B.), T. Heffernan, .D. Connor (prize); oratory (gold medal presented by Rev. Father Holley, S.M.), J .Spillane, D. Connor (prize); Junior Debating Society (gold medal presented by Mrs. D. Kennedy), F. McKenna, W. Craighead (prize). Music.—PianoforteFirst division, F. Kelly 1, R. O'Donoghue 2; second division, W. Coles 1, E. Cullinan 2. Violin— prize, A. Brennan, W. Neylon; second prize, E. Burns. Board of Honor Prizes.—H. Buckley, A. Roche, W. Buckley, C. Andrews, T. Cleary, B. Chapman, M. Daly, R. Fuller, C. Duflou, P. Hanrahan, J. Hyland, T. Heffernan, C. Knight, W. Hennessy, R. Prindable, T. Higgins, E. Reeves, F. McKenna, L. Reeves, P. O'Connor, P. Reilly. , Prizes for Four Mentions.— Bradley, T. Cullen, W. Poppelwell, A. Bunny, J. Barry, W. Redmond, J. Spillane, J. Fitzgerald, N. Healy, D. Campion. Gymnastics.—Senior division, Francis Kelly junior division, Stuart Henrys (champion). Drill, ( Sergeant Dore's section.

Swimming.—Seniors, P. McCarthy; juniors, E. Clarke diving, F. Reynolds. Boxing. Heavy-weights, T. .Hodgins; lightweights, M. Brownlie; feather-weights, Tun Noon; bantams, W. Bowden.-.-■'.. Rifle Shooting.—Gold medal presented by Colonel R.-J. Collins, C.M.G., 1.5.0., for highest aggregate: Awarded to Private F. King. —- Tennis Tournament.—E. Burns and Blake. Handball Tournament.-—Senior, C Parsons and C. Hodgins; juniors, A. Cummins and J. O'Neill.

v' : The special prizes in connection with athletics were awarded to the following, the presentations being made Mrs. and Miss Henrys, on December 12: : . J • " "; Marathon race, W. Cole (gold medal); champion shot, E. King (gold medal); best handball player, C. Parsons (gold' medal); best tennis player, 'P. Blake (travelling bag). \ ."-.'"•'- Featherweight, Bowden (Gladstone bag); bantam, Brownlee (Gladstone bag); heavy-weight, Hodgins (gold medal). - ' Grand Handicap, T. Cullen (oak and silver tray). Swimming.—Senior, P. McCarthy (gold medal); junior, E. Clark (gold medal). -. .


(From our own correspondent.) _ The first distribution of prizes at St. Bede's Collegiate School took place on the afternoon of Friday, December 15. His Lordship Bishop Grimes presided. In addition to the parents and friends of the pupils the following clergy were present:—Very Rev. Father Price, Adm., Rev. Dr. Kennedy, Rev. Fathers Schaefer, S.M., and Bartley, S.M., M.A. (St; Patrick's College, Wellington), Rev. Fathers Fanning, M.S.H., Daull, S.M.A., Hoare, S.M., Dignan, S.M., and Hanrahan. Before his Lordship presented the prizes the Rector (Rev. Father Graham, S.M., M.A.) read a report of the first year's work. He said that on the opening day fourteen pupils were present, but during the next week the numbers increased to twenty. The school roll showed the names of 23 pupils for the first year. On account of the fewness of numbers the work of the school could not be extended much beyond the classroom, but the rector expressed a hope that during the coming year an increase in attendance would enable St. Bede's to establish what is so necessary a part of schoolboy games and athletic clubs. During the year the discipline and conduct of the boys had been excellent. On the scholastic side also excellent work had been done, and great improvement had been shown in all branches. . The work of the year had been only of a fundamental nature, as no boys were ready yet to be presented for any of the public examinations. The Rector then urged upon parents the necessity of leaving their boys at school until their secondary course was completed. He emphasised the necessity of higher education for Catholics, seeing that the State now made it so easy for non-Catholics to obtain the benefits of higher education by the system of scholarships which had lately been introduced, and at the same time he entered a strong ana vigorous protest against, the injustice that is being done to Catholics, inasmuch as Catholic children .are debarred from holding these scholarships because they are not allowed to take them out in Catholic colleges and high schools, and cannot conscientiously take them out in the State schools. He expressed the hope that our legislators would soon grant at least this act of justice to Catholics. Before reading out the prize-list the Rector, on behalf of Father Quinnand himself, thanked his Lordship the Bishop for many acts of kindness that they had experienced at his hands.. He also expressed his thanks to the many generous contributors to the prize fund. ~ . \ After distributing the prizes his Lordship Bishop Grimes addressed the boys, and urged them to be faithful to the principles taught at St. Bede's, to be loyal and true Catholics, and hence to be loyal and true citizens. . '-. ; , . A vote of thanks to his Lordship the Bishop for presiding at the function was proposed by the Rector and carried by acclamation. '. As his Lordship left the hall he was accorded three hearty cheers by the boys. The parents and friends of. the, boys were afterwards entertained at afternoon tea by the college staff. : The following is the prize-list:— - . \ Special Prizes. Good conduct, L. Donohue; next in merit, S. Elliott, Leo Donohue; diligence and regular attendance, B. Kiely; next in merit, B. Beswick, C. O'Malley. ■ : -,;si:,-,:;''/-y -^-.:/ ~W y : - --

-. ■ Class Subjects.—Form ll.—Christian / doctrine, Lawrence Donohue; next in merit, L. Gray, Leo Donohue;; general:. excellence^-S. Elliott; next in merit, Lawrence Donohue, Leo Donohue; English composition, S. Elliott; next in merit, L. Gray, &. Khouri English, Leo Donohue; next in merit, S. Elliott, A. Khouri; history and geography, S. Elliott; next in merit, A. Khouri, . Lawrence Donohue; recitation, B. Beswick; next in merit, S. Elliott, Lawrence Donohue; spelling and dictation, A. Khouri; next in merit, B. Kiely, L. Gray; reading, A. Khouri; next in merit, B. Kiely, S. Elliott; writing, C. Dunn; next in merit, B. Beswick, S. Elliott; arithmetic,A. Khouri; next. in merit, S. Elliott, Leo Donohue; algebra, B. Beswick; next in merit, A. Khouri, Leo Donohue; geometry, Lawrence Donohue; next in merit, Leo Donohue, S. Elliott ; French, B. Beswick; next in merit, Lawrence Donohue, Leo Donohue; bookkeeping and shorthand, S. Elliott; next in merit, Lawrence Donohue, Leo Donohue, Carl Dunn; Latin, A. Khouri; next in merit, L. Gray, B. Kiely. Junior Form. Christian doctrine, E. Kraetzer; next in merit, W. Sunley, C. O'Malley; general excellence, F. Kraetzer; next in merit, C. O'Malley, W. Sunley; .English composition, F. Kraetzer; next in merit, C. O'Malley, W. Sunley; English, W. Sunley; next in merit, N. Dunn, F. Kraetzer; geography, F. Kraetzer, next in merit, C. O'Malley, H. Bush ; recitation, W. Sunley; next in merit, N. Dunn, C. O'Malley; spelling and dictation, F. Kraetzer; next in merit, C. O'Malley, N. Dunn reading, C. O'Malley; next in merit t W. Sunley, H. Bush; writing, H. Bush; next in merit, F. Kraetzer, C. O'Malley; arithmetic, N. Dunn; next in merit, F. Kraetzer, C. O'Malley; French, F. Kraetzer; next in merit, N. Dunn; W. Sunley; bookkeeping, C. O'Malley; next in merit, F. Kraetzer, N. Dunn; shorthand, N. Dunn. Preparatory division.—General excellence, F. Brown; reading and recitation, F. Brown; prize for four mentions, Leo Gray. .


The annual distribution of prizes in connection with St. Catherine's College, Invercargill, took place on December 13. The Very Rev. Dean Burke presided, and Rev. Father Kavanagh was also present. The pupils gave a short programme, consisting of songs, pianoforte solos, English and French'recitations,* and the' Christmas Story,' in which the children, by a series of recitations and suitable songs, presented in an interesting manner the great Christmas mystery. The following prizes and medals were presented to the. pupils. _ Kindergarten.—Christian~'doctrine and general knowledge, E. Lynch; good conduct and politeness, E. Maher. J. Grade IV.Christian doctrine and arithmetic, A. Nisbet; spelling, music, and drill, M. Flanagan; writing and sewing, M. Dickens; reading and homework, M. Mather; tables and embroidery,' M. Dickens; recitation and politeness, M. Hewitt; spelling and mental work, A. Pascoe; music and general improvement, M. Pascoe; arithmetic, D. Flanagan; drawing, nature study and reading, I. Millar. -., _ . .". I Grade lll.—Singing and writing, M. Matheson; arithmetic-and spelling, I. Collins; number and word.building, Waby; arithmetic and weaving, D. Printz; reading and embroidery, N. Mulvey; spelling and weaving, Joe Norton; improvement, Jack Murray; arithmetic and writing, Anthony Loughnan . Grade Word-building, G. Shirley; general improvement and neatness, P. Mannix; spelling and embroidery cards, M. Kavanagh; number, word-build-ing and weaving, I. Printz; reading and spelling, O Seaman; mat-weaving, Paul Dickens; counting, M Mahoney. ( - '' ■ & -. Grade I.—Stick-laying and writing, G. Wills • spelling and numbers, R. Tanner; reading ; and embroidery, E. Tanner; word-building and number T Harvey; Kindergarten work, M. Haig; counting ana tables, M. Flanagan; improvement, N. Burns; paper-

folding, A. Finnerty; stick-laying and paper-folding, E. Soaper; bead-stringing, M. Collins figures ; and pricking, B. Hislop; numbers and ; mat-plaiting, N. Mulvey; word-building and tables, N. Waterston; sticklaying and figures, R. Abel; bead-stringing and numbers, D. Dickens; stick-laying, B. Waby ; word-build-ing, N. Maloney; mat-plaiting, W. Macdonald; reading and.counting, B. Scully. - -J -■ '


. Medallists.—Christian doctrine, A. Brogan; English, N. Hishon. ;

Special Prizes. Physical culture, G. Waddell; elocution, N. Hishon; needlework, M. Morris ; conduct, A. O'Brien deportment, G. Waddell • amiability, M. Hannan; good manners, A. O'Brien ; neatness and order, E. Bowlker. ; ; Class Subjects.—Arithmetic, K. Nesbit; penmanship, D. Murray; history and letter-writing, W. Guthrie; Bible history and general improvement, M. Wills home study and punctuality, M. Erskine; French and grammar, K. Nisbet; attention to studies and arithmetic, A. Brogan; recitation and singing, M. Morris letter-writing and spelling, M. Timpany ; improvement in reading, C. Guthrie; neat book work, R. Smith; needlework and politeness, N. Philp; geography- and drawing, K. Timpany ; general knowledge and attention to studies, C. Freed ; English, J. Sheehan; singing, and attention to studies, N. Hishon; essay-writing and penmanship, R. Smith. —— Class IV.—English, W. Mather (silver medal); arithmetic, G. Roche essay, M. Peterson; geography, C. Plank; French, L. Macdonald; reading, K. McKenzie ; history, D. Smith; improvement, D. Cochrane ; elocution, H. Collins. : Class V.—Gospel, J. McAlister; English, E. McGrath (silver medal); arithmetic, A. Murray; French -and writing, R. Shepherd; history, E. Lavelle; essay writing, T. Gilbertson; drawing, S. Broad attention to studies, K. Lavelle; excellence of homework, N.

Macdonald. Senior Oxford.— D. Staunton; French, H. Mackley; physiology, H. Mackley, D. Staunton; general knowledge, D. Staunton; best essay, D. Staunton. Junior Oxford.—English (medal), M. Snow; French, L. Greig, M. Snow; Latin, L. Greir: mathematics, M. O'Meara; best essay, M. Snow; attention to studies, M. Woolf; general knowledge, L. Greig; Gos-

pel, H. Bews. Preliminary Oxford.—English (medal), E. Ruck; French, S. Short, R. Joyce; arithmetic, R. Joyce, J. Metzger; freehand drawing, T. Guthrie; design, J. Metzger; history, R. Treseder, T. Guthrie; geography, R. Looney; writing, M. Guthrie; general efficiency, M. Nesbit; general improvement, H. Price. General Prizes.'—Politeness, M. Macdonald; deportment, M. Nisbet; order, L. Greig; senior calisthenics, M. Macdonald, R. Shepherd; junior calisthenics, L. Macdonald ; attendance, L. Greig, M. Maloney; elocution, H. Collins; needlework, S. Mackay; oil painting, H. Spillane, M. Crosbie, S. Mackay; games, E. McGrath; Christian doctrine (gold medal), F. de Brum; • conduct (silver medal), M. ) Crosbie;: wreath awarded by votes of the pupils for the most amiable girl in the school, D. Staunton. ; •;.

Music School.

Professional Examination.— F. Harrington, L.A.8., A.T.C.L. (gold medal). . , - ~

- Advanced Harmony .—Grace E. Paton (highest marks in'"Southland), gold medal, special prize. Intermediate Music.M. \ Macdonald (silver medal), M. Mclvor, F. Cameron, A. Wyeth. - - . Intermediate Harmony.J. Metzger (prize), L. Greig, M. Maloney, R. Joyce. ~•..• ■" \- ' • Junior Music. Greig (silver medal), H. Spillane (prize). * .

- Junior Theory. —H. Collins (prize), E. McGrath, C : Plank. ' ~ '.;,.": : , : ;,- ' \ <g:f ! %^&~% : -L . Preparatorv Music.E. : Ruck (prize), R. Treseder, R. Joyce, M. Peterson, B. Johnston, A. O'Brien, G. Roche. :' ". ". ""■■■-.:'■"" . ; ; " ;'■■.;;■


■> The prizes in this school were distributed by the Very Rev. Dean Burke, who, in conclusion, reminded the children that the holidays, though a time of enjoyment, were to be spent usefully as well as happily. The following is the prize-list : Class VI.—C. Wells 1, M. Gilfedder 2, C. Hynes 3. Class V.—E. McLaren 1, I. McMullan 2, S. Mooney 3. ■ " . "~"

Class IV.—M. McAnelly 1, L. Fahey 2, E. Ryan 3. - Class' 111. Sinnott 1, I. Cunningham 2, D. Brogan 3. :'' r "■'■. ';■''■'.;"'; * w - t - Class 11. Keaney 1, M. Wells 2, I. McLaren 3. General Prizes.—Good conduct medal, M. Clifford ; Christian doctrine medal, M. Skiffington, C. Wells. 1 Various prizes, in addition to gifts from Santa Claus, were given to the rest of the children, which brought a happy school year to a happy ending.


:..;•;;•;.: The annual break up of the college, and the distribution of. prizes took place on Wednesday evening, when the Right Rev. Mgr. Mackay, V.G., presided, attended by Rev. A. Farthing and Rev. H. Woods. There was present a goodly gathering of parents who had come to witness the happy closing of a year's hard work and close study. A short programme of action songs and recitations, musical monologue, pianoforte selections, and club-swinging was ..gone through at intervals between the distribution of prizes to the various classes. Mgr. 'Mackay very cordially thanked the students for the pleasure their efforts that evening had given, and expressed his deep gratification at the spirit of industry and attention to work that had per- - vaded the college during the year then closing. The following is the prize list:— ;

Preparatory School.

Grade ll.—Class prize, Tui Bastings; reading and recitation, R. Bastings; arithmetic. E. Gallagher; geography, R. Bastings; drawing, E. Gallagher; general improvement, G. Molloy; improvement in music, R. Bastings and E. Gallagher; catechism and Bible stories, Tui Bastings. Grade I.—Class prize, L. Rooney; arithmetic, M. Tansey ; reading,. E. Cronk; writing, L. Rooney and E. Cronk; general improvement, A. Hanley ; reading"; M. Tansey; word-building, J. Harney; obedience and politeness, E. Cronk. __

--.,.. Junior School.—English arid French, R. Montford; arithmetic, L. Miller, K. Grave, M. Wylie; drawing, K. Grave; letter-writing, N. Spiers; reading, E. de Courcey; attention to music, E. Breen; religious knowledge, E. de Courcey; good conduct medal, R. Montford. ' " , ' "

Senior School.

- Preliminary Oxford. English, D. Kelly; reading, H. Jardine ; attention to studies, K. Oakden ;; arithmetic, D. Kelly 1, M. Molloy 2; drawing, M. McCone; politeness, K. Oakden. Class medallist (English, French, and arithmetic), M. McCone. -

Standard Vl.—Proficiency certificates: M. McCone, J. Pringle, D. Kelly, and M. Cotter.

*"Junior Oxford.—Arithmetic, M. O'Grady, M. Smith, E. Cartwright; algebra, J. O'Donnell, M. O'Grady; geography, M. Cotter; French, M. Smith, J. O'Donnell; reading and penmanship, E. Coughlan; second in merit, E. Cartwright; class 'medallist, A. Pringle; certificate, N. Lynch. .„.' - ' Civil Service.— K. O'Meara; history, K. O'Meara; mathematics, E. Kelly; French, J. Pringle, R. Falconer; physiology, K. Ardagh; geography, M. Maider; theory and history of music, E. Kelly and J. Pringle; club-swinging, R. Falconer ; attention to studies, M. Maider,; K. O'Meara,;" and E. Kelly. ; " Matriculation (Division I;).-—English . composition, D. ? Sewell, L. Finnerty, T. - McKinnon; French, K. Counihan, D. Hart, C.Shirres; mathematics, R. O'Donnell, T. ; McKinnon, K. " Counihan ; geography, C. ' Shirres, DJ Hart; English history arid literature, R. O'Donriell, D. Sewell; physiology, ;K. Counihan; arithmetic,

L. Finnerty; class medallists, K. Counihan and D. Sewell.

Matriculation (Division ll.).Physiology, J. O'Leary dux of the college (English, French, Latin, mathematics), J. O'Leary. . Results of local examinations, published January, 1911 matriculation and solicitor's general knowledge, Imelda Gaffaney and Eileen O'Meara; Civil Service junior—credit list, Eileen O'Meara; pass, J. O'Leary, K. Counihan.

Needlework (Art).Medallist, A. Pringle; next in merit, M. McCone; hon. mention, M. Maider, L. Lawlor, M. Smith, J. Robertson; machine sewing, M. Smith; next in merit, A. Pringle and M. McCone; plain sewing, K. Oakden; next in merit, M. Wylie; darning, M. Smith; painting (oils), A. Pringle; attendance, K. Counihan.

• School of Music (Pianoforte). Associated Board, Local Centre—Advanced grade, Margaret Twomey; intermediate grade, Ailis Molloy; lower school, Gretta Cooney. Trinity Advanced grade (senior), Isabel Farrant (medallist); junior grade, Eileen Hill (medallist), Lena Lawlor (prize); preparatory grade, Elsie Mansell (medallist), May Cooney (medallist); singing, Lena Lawlor (prize). Special Prizes.—Pianoforte, Kitty Ardagh; hon. mention—C. Shirres, D. Hart, D. Sewell, A. Pringle, M. McCone, T .McKinnon, M. Smith, M. Maider • singing, Lizzie Finnerty: Harmony, Trinity College, London.—Senior, Margaret Ward; intermediate, Kitty Ardagh; junior, Maude Smith (medallist); preparatory, Nance Spiers. Christian Doctrine.—Gold medallist, senior division, D. Hart; prize, J. Pringle; second- prize, A. Pringle; good conduct medal, M. "Maider.


On December 13 the pupils of St. Joseph's School assembled to receive from the hands of the Right Rev. Mgr. Mackay, V.G., the prizes awarded to them. After giving the prizes Monsignor Mackay said a few kind words to the children expressing his pleasure at the good work done, the very good report made by the Inspector after his visit to the school—all Standard VI. secured proficiency ■ certificates—and, above all, the good conduct of the children during the year. The following is the prize list:— ' to Standard ll.—Catechism, C. Foley, M. Curran K. O'Brien; reading, M. O'Brien, M. Gleeson, j' Cartwnght; arithmetic, D. Meehan, L. Collins, E. Reilly; nature study, M. Gruppelaar, P. Mackay, I. Johnston; drawing, J. Tripp, M. Bermingham. Standard lll.—Catechism, G. Andrews, K. Pritchard; reading, L. Curran, L. Collins; arithmetic, W. O'Grady, 0. Cooney; nature study, N. Hall. .Standard IV.—Catechism and singing, N. McLoughlin; reading and recitation, M. McGrath; arithmetic and music, M. O'Brien; drawing and designing, L. Hall; attendance, K. White, M. Meehan; composition, M. Reilly; nature study, A. O'Brien. • Standard V.Bible history and good conduct,'N. Fitzgerald; catechism and politeness, M. Foley; reading, recitation, singing, U. Bevin; arithmetic and music, M. Cooney; music and drill, E. Mansell; spelling, M. Costigan, M. Counihan; writing and drawing, E. Gamble; needlework, K. Fitzgerald, A. Johnston; composition and history,, K. O'Brien. Standard English, K. O'Grady; arithmetic, H. Meehan; composition and history, J. Forde. Standard Vll.—Gained proficiency certificates at the recent examination in Standard Vl.—Greta Cooney, Kathleen Colloty, May Gamble, Katie Reilly. . Sacristan (special prize), Maggie Costigan.


Tuesday, December 12, witnessed the termination of the scholasticate year, and annual distribution of prizes, at the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Timaru. The Right Rev. Dr. Grimes, Bishop of Christchurch,

presided, according to his custom, and among the distinguished guests present were the Right Rev. Dr. Carroll, Bishop of Lismore, and Right Rev. Mgr. O'Haran, of Sydney. The beautiful reception room was tastefully decorated with garlands of roses, large whitelilies, and delicate hothouse plants. The entertainment, which preceded the distribution of prizes, showed both the talent of the pupils and the high standard of secular education for which the institution is so well known. The play, entitled In the Days of Good Queen Bess, was taken from the works of a classical author by the pupils, who impersonated the various historical characters in a particularly able manner. The choice musical selections and their admirable rendering called forth special appreciation. In the choruses, - O Cessate' (Scarlatti), 'Hold thou my.hand' (Briggs), and 'To God Eternal— Creation's Hymn (Beethoven) the children's full melodious voices blended perfectly. Two quartettes, 'La Regatta Veneziana' (Liszt), ' Larghetto ' (Beethoven),' and a' duo, ' Andante con variatione' (Schumann), displayed great skill and careful training. The items given by the junior members of the school were charming. The little ones, fifteen in number, were remarked by all present for their natural simplicity and graceful manners. A little French scene, 'Jamais Contente,' was very amusing, and when each tiny mite came forward dressed as a member of a nursery rhyme, making appropriate recitations, the effect produced was quaint and sweet. His Lordship Bishop Grimes distributed the prizes and decorations. At the conclusion his Lordship addressed those present in his usual pleasing manner. He said the pleasure he always felt in being among the children of. the Sacred Heart was greatly enhanced that evening by the presence of the Bishop of Lismore and Monsignor O'Haran, two illustrious members of the Australian clergy. They were to have been present at Island Bay, but owing to his persuasive powers had consented to pay a visit to the mother house of New Zealand instead. He referred to the splendid training given by the religious, and mentioned what had once been said by a former president of the United States: ' A good Catholic makes a good citizen '; saying that the same might be said concerning a worthy pupil of the institute: A true child of the Sacred Heart makes a good member of society.' He congratulated the pupils on the good work of the year, shown by the very creditable results, and concluded by wishing all present a merry Christmas and a bright New Year in the truest sense of the word.

The Bishop of Lismore in a few pleasant words referred to his presence among, them that evening. He was, he ~ said, attracted to Timaru*'for three special reasons— to see the mother house in New Zealand of the convents of the Sacred Heart, an Order for which he had a great admiration ; secondly, to see that gem of ecclesiastical architecture, the new Catholic church, built by the Very Rev. Dean Tubman; and lastly, to see the spot which had sent so many v rosy-cheeked, healthy specimens of boyhood, to the college of the Marist Brothers at Hunter's Hill, Sydney. Many a time,' said his Lordship, 'when my Sydney boys were still in dreamland, one of these little New Zealanders served my Mass, and when I asked the question: Where did you come from? Again and again I -received the answer, Timaru or Kerry town.' He warmly congratulated the pupils, and wished all present the joys and blessings of the approaching Holy season. Monsignor O'Haran expressed his great pleasure in being present at the function that evening. He had for many years assisted at the annual break-up of the school of the Sacred Heart at -Rose Bay, Sydney. His words were full of praise for the great work of education done by the religious all over the world. At the conclusion, his Lordship Bishop Grimes announced that in honor of the distinguished Australians present, the-holidays would be extended four days, the school re-opening on Tuesday, February 13. The following is the prize list: '

Decorations. fourth ribbon of merit has been given by the votes of the pupils, ratified by the Religious, to Marion Taylor and Florence de Lisle; the fifth

ribbon, Eileen Timpany; ! the sixth .ribbon, Clare Henrys; next in merit, Philomena Ward; pink ribbon, L. Kennedy, E. Connolly, M. McKendry, T. Findlay, R. Nottingham, N. Nottingham, R. Connolly, L. Gaspard/K. Gawne, M. Gawne, J. Mackenzie, N. Whitehead, M. O'Callaghan, E. Caldwell,' M. Caldwell.. % General good conduct, M. Taylor; next in merit, F. de Lisle. " :

Christian Doctrine. —Second division, C. Henrys; next in merit, A. Sheehan; third division, M. Taylor; next in merit, M. O'Shaughnessy; fourth division, K. Gawne; next in merit, M. Gawne. " Civil Service Class, M. Taylor; next in merit, E. Virtue. "-

Second Class. Elements of philosophy, R. Hiskens; composition and literature, R. Hiskens, next in merit M. Hughes; history, P. Ward, next in merit R. Hiskens; science, M. Hughes, next in merit, E. Timpany; repetition, E. Timpany, next in merit, R. Hiskens. Third Class.—-English and logic, D. Tate; composition and literature, M. Mannering, next in merit D. Tate; history, A. Sheehan, next in merit A. Corry; geography, M. O'Brien, next in merit, A. Sheehan; repetition", A. Corry, next in merit M. O'Brien. Fourth Class. Grammar, E. Matheson, next in merit L. Gaspard; composition, next in merit, M. Taylor; history and geography, L. Gaspard, next in merit L. Sutherland.

Sixth Class.—Grammar, M. O'Shaughnessy, next in merit L. Kennedy; reading, R. Hatton, next in merit E. Connolly; history, M. Sutherland, next in merit, L. Kennedy; geography, L.'Kennedy, next in merit M. O'Shaughnessy. Eighth Class. Linda Gaspard, J. Mackenzie, M. o'Ca.llaghan; next in merit, K. Gawn, N. Nottingham, N. Whitehead. " - . '\.

Needlework.—Second division, F. de Lisle; next in merit, M. Hughes and M. O'Brien third division, L. Kennedy; next in merit, R. Hatton; fourth division, R. Nottingham; next in merit, R. Connolly. * Order, F. de Lisle; next in merit,"M. Hughes. French.—Third division, R. Hiskens; next in merit, E. Timpany; fourth division, Alison Cory; next in merit, C. Henrys; fifth division, next in merit, L. Gaspard; sixth division, L. Sutherland; next in merit, M. O'Shaughnessy; elementary division, R. Connolly; next in merit, L. Gaspard. German, A. Corry; next in merit, M. Mannering. Certificates for good conduct and diligence Taylor, R. Hiskens, L. Kennedy. * Certificates for good conduct —F. de Lisle, E. Timpany, C. Henrys, P. Ward, M. Hughes, E. Virtue, M. O'Brien, A. Corry, A. Sheehan. " The school will re-open on Tuesday, February 13.


The Rev. Mother and nuns of the Convent of the Sacred Heart, Island Bay, entertained the parents and friends of the pupils on. December 11. The chief item was a play adapted from Cardinal Wiseman's Fabiola, which, by the excellence in which the pupils did their parts, reflected very favorably the instruction and attention given to its preparation. The scenery, the work of the nuns themselves, and staging were quite up to the best amateur productions. Interspersed between the scenes were several minor items., one in particular, ' Rondes les Souris,' the patrol of the mice with an epicurean taste for a candle, given by some of the younger pupils, was particularly pleasing, and met with great" applause. ' , \ . The following is the prize-list: Decorations.—The Sixth Ribbon of Merit has been given, by the votes of the pupils, ratified by the, religious, to Flora Pascal; the Seventh Ribbon to Eileen Anderson; the Eighth Ribbon to Cecil Baldwin. The First Green Ribbon to Esme . Humphries; the Second Ribbon to Florence Knight: the Third to Nellie Walker. The Pink Ribbon to Rita Salmon, Josephine Bicknell, Bernice Parsons, Betty Suttrell, Kathleen Galligan, Veronica Ross, May ; Evatt, Andrea Uniacke.

Christian "- doctrine.—Second division Prize, '- C. Baldwin next in merit, F. Pascal and A. Duncan. Third division—Prize, D. Inder; next in merit,' .A. Hill and E. Lutz. Fourth division Prize, I. Duncan; next in merit, J. Bicknell and M. Salmon. . v -'-"-■<

English subjects. Second Class—Prize, K. Devine. Third Class—Prize, C. Baldwin; next in merit, N. Malone. Fourth Class—Prize, N. Walker next in merit, W. Ryan. Fifth Class—Prize, B. Fitzgerald next in merit, M. Uniacke. Sixth Class—Prize, .I. Duncan; next in merit, J. Bicknell. Seventh ClassPrize, D? Salmon; next in merit, V. Ross. "«-

Science Subjects. —First Class— V. Morgan. Second Class—Next in merit, M. Bunny. Third Class —Prize, A. Duncan; next in merit, N. Malone. Fourth Class— E. Humphries; next in merit, N. Walker. Fifth —Prize, M.Higgins;- next in merit, B. Fitzgerald. ; Sixth Class—Prize, B. Parsons; next in merit, I. Duncan.

.; Essay-writing.—Prize, D. Inder. French. Fourth division—Prize, C. Baldwin; next in merit, A. Duncan. Fifth division— E. McKittrick; next in merit, D. Young. Sixth division —Prize, L. Young; next in merit, W. Ryan. Supplementary division Prize, E. Humphries; next in merit, F. Knight. Elementary division—Prize, R. Salmon; next in merit, V. Ross.

German. —Prize, C. Baldwin; next in merit, P. Carlyon. - • ■ • : _ >""-.""'.

Needlework.—Second division—Prize, C. Baldwin; next in merit, P. Vavasour. Third division—Prize, N. Walker; next in merit, A. Duncan. Fourth division —Prize, M. Salmon; next in merit, D. Salmon.

Order. —Prize, P. Vavasour; next in merit, D. Inder and M. Bunny.

Certificates for good conduct and diligence.C. Baldwin, A. Duncan, E. Humphries. Certificates for good conduct—r-F. Pascal, E.. Anderson, M. McKittrick, F. Knight, N. Walker. Certificates for diligence— N. Malone and E. McKittrick. '


The presentation of prizes to the pupils of St. Mary's Convent, Guildford terrace, took place on December 12 in the schoolroom, in the presence of a large number of parents, relatives, and friends". In. the course of a few remarks on the progress made by the school his Grace Archbishop Redwood stated that, there are 136 pupils attending the school, 34 are doing secondary work. Mr. Gill, the ** Inspector "of Secondary Schools, had paid a visit of inspection, and his report was highly satisfactory. Out of seventeen presented in Standard VI., fourteen had gained proficiency certificates and three competency certificates.'••';.; The prize list was as under:- /

Good conduct (boarders), gold medal, ' The O'Rourke Memorial' (gift of Mr. O'Rourke), Veronica Flanagan; junior pupils, Mona McConway; day pupils gold medal (gift of Mr. White), Muriel Blake; junior day pupils, Dorothy Matier; preparatory school, Valmai Williams. *

Christian, doctrine, gold medal (gift of Rev. Father Hickson), Gladys Goulter. V . ; ■"

Special prizes for Christian doctrine—Gold medal (gift of Rev. 'Father Peoples), Lily Dealy; gold cross (gift of Rev. Father Peoples), Teresa Mahony;- gold cross (gift of Rev. Father Peoples), Mildred - Trolove; dux of school, gold medal (gift of Rev. Father Bowden), Catherine Lynch; mathematics, gold medal ('The McArdle Memorial,' gift of Mrs. McArdle), Lucy O'Donoghue; diligence, gold medal (gift of Mr. Maurice O'Connor), Catherine Lynch composition, gold medal (gift of his Grace Archbishop Redwood), Dorothy Trolove; painting, gold medal (gift of Lady Ward), Marjorie Espie; elocution, ' gold medal The Mechtilde; Memorial,-' gift of Mrs. Rose), Arlette Scott; singing, gold medal ('The Grace Memorial,' gift of Mrs. Grace), Gladys Goulter; special prize for singing, gold :medal (gift of Mrs : Trolove), Edith Chamberlain ; music, gold medal (gift of Mrs. McCarthy), Girlie Gibbs. /


' • Associate division, Annie Dolan; higher . local division, Muriel Blake; division, Edith Chamberlain; intermediate division, Arlette Scott; lower division, Mildred Trolove/ junior division, Gladys Llewellyn; •■ elementary division, Margaret Hemiessy; primary division/ Mary Hennessy; diligence in music, Marjorie Bevan and Myra Bevanj violin playing, Lynda Haswell. -_--"'* " ".■-

Theory of music. —Higher local division, Muriel Blake higher, school division, Annie Dolan; lower school division, Mary O'Neill; local centre rudiments, Arlette Scott school rudiments, Mildred Trolove; primary division, Frances Gasquoine. Shorthand.—Veronica Flanagan 1, Kathleen Bowe 2, Gertrude Treadgold 3. - Book-keeping.—First -division, Catherine Lynch second division, Sheila Lynch; third division, Kathleen White; fourth division, Ruby Bevan. :;.',. Typewriting. Veronica Flanagan 1, Bowe 2, Kathleen White 3. •* -" - \ -

Needlework. First division, Kathleen White second division, Arlette Scott; third division, Emily Geange; fourth division, Emma Bell; fifth division, Veronica Hoult; prize for darning, Sheila Lynch.

School Prizes.

■).. VI. Form. English language and literature, Catherine Lynch ; physiology, 'Dorothy Trolove; botany/Lucy O'Donoghue; French language and literature, Catherine Lynch; Latin, Veronica Flanagan. ; V. Form A.Composition, Lucy O'Donoghue * ; botany, Marjorie Espie; geography, Dorothy Trolove ; history, Marie Fix ; English, Dorothy Trolove ; model drawing, Marjorie Espie; Latin, Jean Mathieson; literature, Lily Dealy ; freehand drawing, Marjorie Espie ; brush work, Marjorie Espie; German, Gladys Goulter.' -.i- •- :- ; ' "-" ■-;■' '-'- "" . ■ " ■

■■'■; •■■■ V. Form B.—Arithmetic, O'Rourke; penmanship, Marjorie Espie; geometry, Bryda O'Rourke; geography, Teresa Mahony; ". freehand ] drawing, Vera Little; Latin, Kate O'Leary; diligence, Kathleen Bowe ; algebra, Winnie Sullivan; composition, Bryda O'Rourke; French, Marjorie Espie. V. Diligence, Ruby Bevan; composition, Edith Chamberlain; algebra and geometry, Jessie Ward ; penmanship, Ivy Nees; English, Mildred Trolove; botany, Kathleen Lenihan and Kathleen McMann, equal in merit; literature, Eva McAlister; freehand drawing, Kathleen Lenihan; history, Mildred Trolove; arithmetic, Gertrude Theadgoid; highest marks, Mildred Trolove; elocution, Olive Cox geography, Mildred Trolove; school singing, Edith Chamberlain; French, Maisie Reeves. ' -v:' :^'t'-"-'-:

.:■ Sixth Standard. Christian doctrine, Mildred Matier diligence, Lynda Haswell; highest marks, Kathleen Hurley; penmanship, Mary O'Neill; literature, Lynda Haswell ; arithmetic, Kathleen Hurley and Lizzie Ross, equal in merit; French, Lynda Haswell; composition, Rhoda Martin ; elocution, Florence Meadows; English, Bessie Martin ; freehand drawing, May Carkeek; model drawing, Kathleen Levett; spelling, Monica Greenwood; geography, Eileen Craig; history, Kathleen Twohill: botany, Doris Guise. :" " * Fifth ■Standard.-—Christian doctrine, Dorothy Matier; diligence, Rae Levy; elocution, Eileen Flanagan highest marks, Mary Parsons ; composition, Loura Hyde /English, Kathleen Hurley ; literature, Rae Levy ; penmanship, Mildred :Matier ; arithmetic, Laura Hyde; geography, Bessie Martin; drawing, Emma Bell; botany, May Carkeek. - '_ t ■'■': Fourth . Standard;— doctrine, Mary Collins; English, Eileen McArdle; composition, Marjorie Bevan/geography, Eileen McArdle; reading and recitation, Clare;Dodson;:history,-;, Margaret Hennessy ; French, Ida Brooks and Mary Hennessy, (equal in /merit); spelling, Amy Carey; arithmetic, Frances Gasquoine; diligence, Nana ; Day; highest marks, Marion Levett; writing, > Lulu Doyle; drawing, Frances " Gasquoine ; botany, Edna Mcßae; school singing, Linda Riddell. - —" ; "' & \ i:

'■•:-.. .Third Standard. Christian doctrine, , Vive Whitaker; diligence, Myra Bevan; English and composition,

Devina La Dette; arithmetic, Peggy Reeves j French, Devina La Dette; writing, Leonore Flanagan;: highest marks, Peggy;Reeves ;'f drawing, Veronica Hoult geography, Leonore Flanagan; spelling, Peggy Reeves; reading" and recitation, Leonore Flanagan. ; ■-:': ;-"

:.",:---. Preparatory School. : > Second Christian doctrine, Tessie, Mewhinney / arithmetic, Valmai- Williams; writing; Eileen highest marks, Dorothy Bolton /reading and recitation, Gladys Wareham; composition, Elsie Reid; geography, Vivian Williams; drawing, Vivian Williams. '-,*-■ First Class. Arithmetic, Marie Duflou; geography,, Helga Swan; reading and recitation, Hazel Aldous; writing, Kathleen Ferris; spelling, Fairy Wallace; highest marks, Frances Matier; French, Lulu Cohen. • _ . " ,'

.A feature of the proceedings at the breaking-up ceremony was the production of the ' Sleeping Beauty ' in French by the pupils. The various' roles were taken by Misses Veronica Flanagan, Dorothy Trolove, Mildred Trolove, Eileen Flanagan, Linda Riddell, Gladys Wareham, Bessie Martin,- Maisie" Reeves, Muriel Blake/ and Marjorie Espie, together with a small host of 'supers, and the concensus of opinion evidently was that the young people acquitted themselves most creditably. In fact, in commenting on the performance his Grace Archbishop Redwood was eulogistic, more particularly in referring to the accent and pronunciation of the French by the young actresses, and he quoted in support of his statement a number, of French clerics and laymen who were present at the performance. The audiencewas evidently of the same opinion, and gave the performers a full meed of encouraging applause. The remainder of a long. and interesting programme was provided by Miss Teresa McEnroe (whose singing was very greatly appreciated), Miss Jean Mathieson (who dis- s played more than ordinary skill with the violin), Miss Rosie Segrief: (vocal solo), Miss Girlie Gibbs (pianoforte solo), fairy dance (by Gladys Wareham, Peggy Reeves, Thirza Rogers, Kathleen Ferris, Bessie Martin, Eileen Staff, Linda Riddel], \ and-Maisie Reeves), vocal solo, Miss Agnes Segrief; piano duet, .Misses Dolan and Chamberlain; and vocal duet, Misses McEnroe . and Segrief; and duet on two pianos by Misses Scott, Goulter, Dealy, and Bevan.^


The Convent of Mercy High School, of Sussex square, 'broke up' for the mid-summer vacation on December 12. The list of prize winners is as follows: Christian doctrine. I. (gold cross, gift of Mrs. Casey), Kathleen Corby /Confirmation class (gift of Mrs. Bradey), Laurence Whelan; special prize, Mary Dillon. Class lll.— Cedric Casey, Alfred Lucas; special prize (gift of Miss Galloway), L. Sutherland;J Class IV.—Amy Croucher, Eileen Foley, Maisie Goff, C. Crouch . • Good conduct.—Silver medal (gift of Mrs. Segrief), Kathleen_o'Donoghue; junior (gift of Mr. Sullivan), Zita Casey; (gift of Mrs. Keaney), Eileen Corby. _." Attendance.— Senior (gift of Mrs. Bradey), Zillah Lucas/ junior,; Mary,Upton. :>. „ Highest marks.—First half (gift of Mrs. Alward), Zilla Lucas; second half (gift of Mrs. Hickey), Kathleen Grantj junior, Mary Upton. '.;; :;/■" - :: '_; Music— Upper division,:Kathleen Bradey; -junior division (diligence), Kathleen Foley; preparatory division, first, Constance Connors; second, Mary Upton est P^- -Gold cross (g ift of Mr. Wolland), _ Kathleen Grant. .' ; ' : " '

Needlework.— (Gifts of Mrs. 'Segrief, sen.), May Wolland; junior; Kathleen Walsh. : _ / _, ,? lass I.—French (gift of Mrs. Corby), . Eileen Buckley;, algebra (gift of Mrs. Bradey), Vera HeaveyV composition (gift of Rev. Father Hurley) $ Vera Heavey • printing (gift of - Mrs. Corby), Vera Heavey; literature (gift of Mrs. Lucas), Eileen Buckley; drawing (gift of Miss Buckley),: Eileen Corby. : & VS

'■:.:■:.' Class II Proficiency (gift of Mrs.-Bradey)^Eileen V Buckley; proficiency -(gift, of , Mrs. :W. Clifford), Kathleen Bradey); 'j geography (gift of Mrs. W. Clifford), Eileen Buckley; English (gift of Mrs. Grant), Kathleen Bradey; arithmetic , (gift of Mrs. . Clifford),-:-' Kathleen Bradey. '■ -v. ~ .'■: • ; '" ..V..''^:" ; -■;-'" ■;;/','. -i;:; Class lll.—Arithmetic (gift of Mrs. Clifford), Kathleen Grant; geography, Zillah Lucas; drawing (gift of Mrs. :■'■ Heavey), Kathleen: Corby; composition (gift of Mrs. Foley), Kathleen O'Donoghue; dictation (gift of Mrs. Foley), Kathleen Grant; reading and recitation (gift of Mrs. 3 Foley), Mona Hickey- writing, Kathleen Foley English (gift of Miss Buckley), Kathleen Grant; diligence, Eileen Keaney ; general improvement, Bertie Walker. . - •r"X Class IV.—Arithmetic (gift of Mrs: - Whelan), Mona Hickey; dictation, Doris Sullivan; composition, Doris Sullivan; English, May Wolland. • Preparatory School, Class I.—Arithmetic, Zita Casey; reading and recitation, Myrtle Tyack; writing, Mary Wolland; composition, Zita Casey;: dictation, Mary Upton. . " - " - - Class IL—Arithmetic, Gladys Harrison; reading and spelling (gift of Mrs. Turner), Connie Connors-; recitation, Mary Walker; writing, Kathleen Walsh. Class lll.—Arithmetic, Cedric Casey; reading, Amy Lucas spelling, Agnes Walker. v' Class IV.Reading and spelling, Alfred Lucas; tables, Winifred Pearman ; writing, George Alward; general improvement, Paddy Griffin; general improvement, Amy Croucher. Class V. —Reading, Veronica Keaney; spelling (gift of Mrs. Beveridge), Charlie Croucher." Class Vl.—Best pass (gift of Mrs. Croucher), Eileen Foley; reading (gift of Miss Galloway), Maisie Goff; , improvement (gift of Miss Galloway),' Ethel Bulford.


The following is the prize list:

•';■■ Christian Doctrine— Senior Division (gift of Very Rev. Father O'Shea), Mary Flynn; good conduct, senior division (medal), Olive Roseingrave; junior division, May O'Sullivan; music and theory, Imelda Fama. . " '

Standard Vl.Christian doctrine, Stella McKeegan; highest marks (medal, gift of Rev. Father Bowden), Mona Butler; regular attendance, Mary Flynn; diligence, Daisy Ryderberg; arithmetic, Doris Neils; reading and recitation, Eileen Griffin; drawing, D. Ryderberg and Imelda Fama; writing, Mona Butler and Eileen Griffin; geography, Olive Roseingrave ; composition, Stella McKeegan. Standard V.—Christian doctrine, May. Patton; regular attendance, Lela Brett; composition, Florence Outtrim; arithmetic, Agnes Ward; diligence, Mona Davis drawing, Margaret McMurrich; geography, Maud Brown; needlework, Frances Davis ; neat work, Marion Weybourne; reading, Cecilia Hannon and Nora O'Sullivan; general improvement, Irene Sheehan and Clara Galloway. .__„.-! Standard IV.—Christian doctrine, : Ray Doherty ; highest, marks,' Bridget Devlin ; regular attendance, Rose McNaughton; diligence, Nellie Fitzgerald; reading, Agnes Smith; geography, Eileen Sullivan; drawing, Vera Murphy and Mollie Hodnett; writing, Nora Moynihan; arithmetic, Katie Clements ; general improvement, Madge Henningham. ..''...'

Standard lll.—Christian' doctrine, Mary O'Driscoll and Laura McNamara (equal in merit) ; highest marks, Gertrude ; Tandy; : regular attendance,:: Teresa Hickey; reading and composition, Rene McMurrich; spelling, Mary Ryan; arithmetic, Ada Hill and /Emily. Peters writing, Annie Charlton;:reading; Dorothy Chapman ;r drawing, Nellie Quinn; diligence, Emily Neils and Margaret Wooller; general improvement, Statia Condon, Josephine Carew, and Nora Gastein.%

Standard 11. Christia- Doctrine, Rose Fuohy; regular attendance, ) Lizzie Guinan; general improvement, May Hannifin; writing^May Tandy; spelling; Averino O'Brien.

' ' '■'■ ■■' Standard 1.-—Christian doctrine, Kathleen Doherty and I. Evelyn , 0 Brien;' general : : improvement,,: Mary Gavin; diligence, Nellie Hyland; regular attendance, Jack McManus.~ ~ :.■.: - -/:''"'"'.-•■*■"

The Sisters of Mercy desire to thank the following donors of prizes:—Very Rev. Father O'Shea, Rev. Father Bowden, and Rev. Father Hurley. :

Proficiency Certificates.

t Proficiency. certificates were awarded ; to the following:—Mona Butler, Imelda Fama, Mary Flynn, Eileen Griffin, Stella ; McKeegan, Doris Neils, Daisy Ryder - berg, and Olive Roseingrave. ~ ./'"'--:: .<- /;•_


Conducted by the Sisters of Mercy. The following is the prize list: —i: \ "- ~ . Christian doctrine, J. Carroll 1 (gold medal presented by Archbishop Redwood), R. Goulter 2, J. O'Shaughnessy 3; good conduct, E. Carroll 1 (gift of Rev. Father Bowe, Carterton), L. Brodie 2; dux (gold medal, gift of St. Mary's Convent, Hill street), D. Barrett; English, D. Barrett 1 (gift of Mrs. T. G. Macarthy), I. Chesson 2, E. Carroll 3; geography, L. Donovan 1 (gift of Mrs. T. G. Macarthy), R. Goulter 2, L. Brodie 3; writing, J. Carroll 1 (gift of Miss Martin, Wellington Hospital), B. H. Miller 2; reading and spelling, N. Plimmer 1 (gift of Mrs. Barrett Gresford, Christchurch), C. Cuming 2; highest marks, L. Donovan; arithmetic,' I. Chesson 1 (gift of Rev. Father McDonald, Blenheim), L. Donovan 2; recitation (gift of Rev. Father Bowe, Carterton), D. Barrett; Latin (gift of Mrs. Martin Kennedy), I. Chesson; French (gift of Rev. Father McDonald, Blenheim) , D. Barrett; English history, I. Chesson; drawing, J. Carroll 1, B. H. Miller 2; swimming, J. Carroll; music-—pianoforte, N. Plimmer; violin, D. Barrett; singing, N.. Plimmer ; science and general history, D. Barrett and I. Chesson (equal in merit); table manners, J. O'Shaughnessy. - . _ ':' -.-, .-. Junior Division.—Christian doctrine, V. Mewhinney; reading and spelling, N. Redwood; - general improvement, T. Cuming; physical drill, C. Hoben. •;



(From our own correspondent.)

- A large and enthusiastic audience filled the spacious Town Hall last Friday evening for the popular annual concert by the pupils of the Marist Brothers' School, Tasman street. It has always been the custom of the school, from the time the Marist Brothers took over the teaching of the Catholic youth of Wellington in 1876, to hold an annual entertainment in connection with the distribution of prizes. In the early days there was sufficient" room for the audience in the old schoolhouse in Boulcott street, but as the years went on the entertainments had to be held in various outside, halls, owing to their increasing popularity.: For the past three years the concerts have, been held in the Concert Chamber of the Town Hall, but, although that hall is capable of holding some 700 people, yet last year it was uncomfortably filled, and hundreds had to be refused admittance. This year Brother Justin decided '. to venture the renting of the largest hall in Wellington (the Town I Hall), capable of seating over 3000 people. Some 2000 people must have been present,: notwithstanding the fact that no advertising was done. Among : those present were his Grace the Archbishop, Very Rev. Dean Regnault, S.M. (Provincial), Very Rev. -Father . O'Shea, S.M., V.G., Very Rev. Dean ; McKenna (Masterton), Rev. ;■ Fathers Holley, ■ S.M. (Wanganui), Hickson, Adm., Goggan, : S.M., I George; Mahony, S.M., C. J. Venning, : S.M., Segrief, S.M., and Mr. Martin Kennedy, K.S.G. The following excellent programme was submitted and evoked well'f merited applause 7 and recalls which; except in two or three items, owing to the length of the programme, had to be denied:—Overture, Irish march, 'Killarney : and Minstrel boy,' St. Anne's Drum and Fife Band;

chorus, ' All merry hearts are we,' singing class; solo, Love's, old sweet song/ J. Gamble (school medallist^; recitation, ' Digger tale,' M. Burke; song, ' King's own,' junior pupils chorus, Oft in the stilly night,' singing class; piano solo, L. Andrews; ■-•..- tableau, ;:.' Adeste Fideles,' soloist, Miss Gamble; dialogue, The boarding-house lodger,' F. Corry and G. Davis; overture, Father Tom's march/ St. Anne's Drum and Fife Band; chorus, 'Those distant chimes,' singing class; drill, dumbbells, junior pupils; solo, 'The gift,' F. Griffin; chorus, ' Soldiers chorus (Faust), St. Mary of the Angels' Choir; instrumental quartette; 'La Serenata,' (violins), B. O'Brien and O. Kovaleoski, (piccolo), L. Carroll, (cornet), G. Davis, (piano), J. Burke, recitation, F. Reeves;, Ring out, wild bells,' W. Brady, J. Burke, R. O'Brien, W. Kelly, P. Kelly and' C. Quinnell; farce, 'The Midnight Intruder,' in which the characters were taken by F. Corry, B._Hart, L. Ryan, D.. Haggerty, D. Hart, L. Andrews. 'The overtures ,by St. Anne's Drum and Fife Band, under Mr. Dean, were well played, and the choruses of the singing class in three parts, under their capable conductor and instructor, Brother Ferdinand, were excellently sung, and drew forth from the large audience well merited applause. The rendition of that difficult piece, 'Oft in the stilly night,' was splendid. The school is noted for the excellent chorus work, and last night's performance proved that the school is still keeping up, if not excelling its past standard of excellence. The recitation by Mr. Burke was well done, and the audience were not satisfied until he re-appeared and gave Bracken's well known poem, 'Not understood.' Perhaps the most enjoyable items were those of the junior pupils. These small boys were excellent, their singing and drill being all that could be desired, reflecting great credit on their instructor (Brother Frederick) Amongst the pupils are also some very good instrumentalists (Masters Andrews, O'Brien, Carroll, Davis, Burke, and Kovaleoski), whose enjoyable items were well received. Masters J. Gamble's and F. Griffin's songs were well rendered, both boys possessing very sweet voices. The tableau, Adeste Fideles,' was well arranged. The comic recitation of Fergus Reeves was very good, and the audience refused to allow the programme to proceed until he re-appeared. The dialogue and farce were well acted. The St. Mary's Choir, under Mr. E. J. Healy, gave an admirable interpretation of the ' Soldiers' Chorus,' and had to reappear. The accompaniments were played by Miss M. Duggan. Owing to the lateness of the hour at the completion of the programme, the distribution of the prizes had to be postponed until next morning, when the Rev. Father Barra, S.M., presented the prizes to the boys at the school in Tasman street. • Rev. Brother Justin, headmaster, referred to the work done during the year. The new school in Tasman street proved to be eminently suitable for its purpose; in I fact, competent judges well qualified to give an opinion about its merits, had pronounced it to be one of the best primary school buildings in the Dominion. The Catholics of Te Aro parish had thus every reason to be proud of their the cause of education. The religious education of the children had been kept well in view. In compliance with the wishes of the Bishops of New Zealand the study of the Gospels would be entered upon after the vacations. Judging from results obtained, the school was doing its share in secular instruction. On the sports field the boys had distinguished themselves perhaps more than in any previous year. The school opened in January with 170 pupils, but within a few weeks this number was increased to 220. The total number admitted during the year was 65, of whom 50 belonged to the Newtown parish. At the Government Inspector's examinations, 30 were presented in Standard VI., and of these 27 succeeded in passing, 20 of them gaining proficiency and the other seven competency,certificates. One boy was successful in gaining,a Junior National Scholarship,, while two gained Education Board Scholarships. Recently a beginning was. made with a/school; library. On the sports field the. boys . also distinguished . themselves. Playing Association football, A team won the challenge

cup and a jet of medals, and the B team were runnersujj in their grade. In the schools competition, A team secured first place, the Thistle Cup, and a set of medals, while B team got into second place and earned another set of medals. ~ '-« * ,'■'■:■ y

The prize-list is as follows:

Special prizes. Vocal solo (two medals presented by Mr. F. J. Oakes), J. Gamble 1, B. O'Brien 2; attendance (gold medal presented by Mr. T. O'Brien), N. Schrader; three years' full attendance (medal presented by Miss Coleman), D. McCarthy. Standard' Vll.—General proficiency and dux of the school (gold medal presented by his Grace the Archbishop), F. O'Driscoll; arithmetic, R. White; Composition, C. Parrant; spelling, P. Lennon; algebra, C. Parrant; geometry, R. White; book-keeping, F. O'Driscoll. '.:•: . - <,■ v S r

Standard Vl.—General proficiency (gold medal presented by Mr. S. Ross), W. Brady 1, R. Hickey 2, J. McCarthy 3 ; good conduct (medal presented by Mr. G. White), W. Brady 1, G. Davies 2; Christian doctrine (gold medal presented by Wellington Catholic Club), J. McCarthy 1, F. Bell 2; reading, J. Burke 1, W. Guerin 2; writing, J. Curry 1, K. Yates 2; composition, W. Johnson 1, K. De Muth 2; spelling, M. Mcllugh 1, 11. Marshall 2; arithmetic, T. Callaghan 1, W. Brady 2; geography, E. O'Shea 1, W. Hutcheson 2; drawing, W. 'Sullivan 1, S. Campbell 2 ; history, B. Walsh 1, W. Heavey 2; home work, E. Schrader 1, D. Welsh 2; regular attendance, W. Brady, A. Doherty. Proficiency certificatesF. Bell, W. Brady, T. Callaghan, J. Curry, S. Campbell, K. De Muth,'w! Guerin, W. Heavey, R. Hickey, W." Hutcheson, W. Johnson, M. Mcllugh, D. McCarthy, J. McCarthy, S. Murphy, H. Marshall, W. O'Sullivan, E. Schrader, B. Walsh, D. Welsh. Competency certificates— Burke, G. Davies, A. Doherty, E. O'Shea J. Perry, L. Ryan, K. Yates. Standard V.—Christian doctrine (medal presented by Mr. C. Smith), M. Burke; good conduct, F. Corry, B. Hart; dux, W. Beveridge; attendance, W. Beveridge; arithmetic, W. Beveridge, M. Robinson; English, F Corry, J. Lodge; composition, G. Lundon; spelling, W. Fix, L. Andrews, E. Ryan; reading, L. Andrews, G. Davis; geography,' N. Weybourne, M. Mahoney; mental arithmetic, J. Black; best exercise, J. Black, D. Ryan; history, B. Hart, W. Burke; singing, W Kelly; recitation, M. Burke, N. Weybourne; mapdrawing, M. Burke, W. Daniel; drawing, L. Schrader; general improvement, J. McGlinchey, P. O'Callaghan P. Treadgold, O. Kovaleoske; writing, B. McCusker A. McParland.

.Standard IV.—General proficiency, A. Griffin (gold medal), J. Gamble, C. Finucane; good conduct, B. OBnen, P. Kelly; Christian doctrine, A. Griffin, J. Delaney, C. Bezar; reading, T. Murray, L. Harvev: writing, R. Boyd, T. Bell, D. Murray; composition, U. Qumnell R. Newton spelling, A. Griffin, N. bchrader, J. Moran; arithmetic, N. Schrader, C Finucane, J. Patton; geography, T. Hannan, M. O'Sullivan; drawing, W. Ashbridge, C. Davies; history, J. Barber, J. Columb; home work, C. Finucane, N. bcnrader; attendance, N. Schrader (gold medal), A. Cudby, R. Newton. ... .

™- Standard lll.—Christian doctrine, John Gamble 1, W. Gamble 2 ; good conduct, W. Gamble; general proficiency, W. Gamble; improvement, W. Hannafin 1, S. Hoskms 2 ; reading, D. Hart 1; writing, D. Andrews 1, A. Kelly 2; arithmetic, D Hart 1, B. Hyland 2mental arithmetic, J. "Pope; 1; spelling, W. Gavincomposition V. Doull; geography, B. Hyland; singing,' F. Gormly 1 Griffen 2; grammar, B. Parsonage; neatness, F. J Gamble 1, F. B. Gamble 2; drawing, B. Hyland; drill, F. Guinan; attendance, A. Bailey,' J Guinan, J. Pope, B. Parsonage, A. Green, W. Fitzgerald; -■'•.•■- ;■;;.',;, ■:< ':,-.,-...■: .;--..-. ■-,-,.. • .. Second Class.—Good conduct, D. Boyd; catechism and good conduct, :J. McAteer; general knowledge,- J. Ridler, V Schrader, E. Doull; arithmetic, T. Beckman G . Moynihan; reading, H. Black, R. Murray; spelling! W. Fitzsimmons, B. Sloan; writing, D. Foley • neat' ness, J. Corby, M. Donnelly attendance, Il^rS,

Dwyer; improvement, P. Blewman, T. O'Brien, V. Blair, L.Cookson;-general work, J. BeveridgeV v First Class.'Good conduct, P. McParland; general proficiency, J. Doull; arithmetic; W.-Corbey, V. Peters, V. Ward; reading, J. Burke, B. Quinnell; -recitation, R. Beveridge spelling, 0. Johnson, L. Dwan; writing, P. Coleman, R. Smith, J. Dennis; neatness, L. Gamble; attendance, J'. Ward, R. Grant; improvement, W. Bailey, P. Creedon, J. Fitzgerald, B. Knudson, C. Galvin. - "


At the annual presentation of prizes in connection with the Tho'rndon Marist Brothers' School on Wednesday afternoon, December 13, Brother Virgilius traced the movement from Boulcott street to Thorndon, and stated that now they were within full view of the promised landa new school. Mr. Bakewell, the Education Board's Inspector, had visited the school last May, and in his report had expressed himself as satisfied', with the work being done. -November Mr. Bakewell had examined the Sixth Standard, passing eleven out of thirteen. . The religious training of the boys had been attended to by the Rev. Father Peoples, the school chaplain, and every boy in the school had made his First Communion. Physical drill had received attention through the medium of the Cadet Corps, which had met with the approval of the drill inspector. The clergy, and in particular Fathers Hickson and Peoples, were thanked for the interest they took in the schools, and a debt of gratitude was expressed to the ladies of the parish, who had placed them in a position to present prizes. ". The prize-list is as follows: ■'■'■„

. Standard VII. —L. Kelly, first in aggregate merit, arithmetic, English, and geography; T. O'Connor, second in aggregate merit and first in bookkeeping, reading, and writing. :. •... ,' Standard VI. —J. Callaghan, first in aggregate merit, arithmetic, English; Hanify, second in aggregate merit and first in arithmetic; K. . Smith, first in geography; V. Ross, first in reading; J. Coffy, first in spelling; 11. Ferris, first in writing; F. Chapman, first in physiology; A. Johnson, first in drawing (freehand); G. Dimond, first in drawing (instrumental). Standard V.—E. Fitzgerald, first in aggregate merit; P. Brookey, second in aggregate merit; A. McFadden, Christian doctrine; A. Costelloe, first in arithmetic and first in regular attendance; M. Kelly, first in English; R. Ferris, first in geography; T. Lavin, first in reading; M. McEligott, first in drawing; E. Gibbs, first in writing; R. Allan, second in English; A. Whitaker, second in reading. * Standards 111. and IV.—J. Thomas (dux), English, arithmetic, drawing; F. Hally, Christian doctrine, English, regular attendance; J. O'Brien, English, regular attendance, and writing; T. Stenbeck, exercise work; T. Henry, exercise work; J. Hawker, exercise work and regular attendance; F. Reeves, recitation, reading, and regular attendance; P. Dennehy, writing', regular attendance; B. Kay, recitation; G. Hill, singing and arithmetic; L. Duflou, arithmetic,-regular attendance; J. Scanlan, arithmetic; C. Knight, tables; D. Gibbs, tables; Theo. Sellars, reading; J. Ryan, geography; A. Hagan, geography; M. Keeney, singing; G. Swan, regular attendance. • Standards I. and II. —E. Carey, Christian doctrine, spelling, and arithmetic; C. . Rowley, spelling; W. o'Gorman, writing and recitation; W. Kay, writing; J. Ryan, spelling"; A. Scanlan, reading. During the afternoon the .scholars provided an acceptable concert programme, and there were lots of good things provided for them.


(From our own correspondent.)

His Lordship the Bishop presided on Thursday afternoon, December 14 at the annual entertainment and prize distribution in connection with the Sacred

Heart Convent High School; Lower High street, conducted by the Sister of Notre Dame des Missions. The large parish schoolroom used for the occasion was greatly, crowded-. : Among ■; those present Were the Very -Rev. Father Hills, S.M., V.G., the Very Rev. Father Price"; Adm., the Rev. Father Bartley,: S.M., M.A. (St. Patrick's College), the clergy of the Cathedral, and St. Mary's, Manchester street. The programme, as previously published in the Tablet, was very artistically, rendered and much enjoyed, the characterisation in some of the numbers being exceptionally good, notably that of 'Our News,' wherein the leading papers and periodicals of London were depicted. ; After distributing the prizes, his Lordship the Bishop spoke at some length on the excellent rendition of the programme, and in appreciation of the Sisters' efforts and pupils' response as disclosed in the report. Going back (said his Lordship) 24 years ago, when he first addressed the then pupils and teachers of the Convent School, the key-note that most impressed him was 'Duty and Loyalty.' 1 This was still exemplified in the strictest sense of the word in the lives and actions of the devoted Sisters, who from a sense of duty to God, to the children, and to their parents, gave themselves ungrudgingly, year after year,. Loyalty on the part of the children to their teachers Was to-day as essential a factor in successful studies as ever it was Loyalty thus inculcated at school, coincident with the moulding of character and the unfolding of the intellect would be reflected in after life in relation to parents' to the home, and to religion. As a departure from the usual practice in connection with the exhibition of work, the result of the year's study and industry of the pupils, it was on the present occasion opened several days prior to the annual break-mg-up function, so that very many more people had an opportunity of viewing the collection. In the carrying out of this excellent idea one of the large club-rooms was utilised, and the display was certainly a remarkable one The paintings in oils and water colors covered a wide range of subjects-landscape, floral, animal, and bird life. Prominent, too, were studies in black and white, several equine subjects being of a distinctly high order of merit. Some splendid examples of illuminated work on mirrors, firescreens, and other articles of draw-mg-room furniture were on view, and attracted much attention. • Of the many exhibitors,, several deserve special mention, notably Misses Susie Dromgool, Rona Isherwood Kate Daily, Annie Watson, and Nellie McGurk A large section of the exhibition was devoted to a display of dressmaking, plain and fancy needlework comprising a bewildering array of completed garments' lace and embroidery work, ribbon work, Kensington embroidery, etc. The wood-carving sections contained articles exceptionally well executed. These comprised two beautiful hand-carved escritoires exhibited: by Misses Murtroyd and Edie McDonald, and a collection of tea trays, music stools, and other articles of household furniture.. Conspicuous, and very creditable too, was the display of articles from the Kindergarten depart-


On Monday morning, December 11, a pleasing little entertainment was given by the pupils of the Sisters of the Missions attending the above school. Very Rev Father Price, Adm., presided, and after speaking in complimentary and appreciative terms of the result' of the years work, presented the prizes. There was a large attendance of the parents and friends of the children.


Very Rev Father Price, Adm., presided at the break-up entertainment and : distribution of prizes on Tuesday morning, December 12, in connection with St Anne s School Woolston, conducted by the Sisters of the Missions. There : was a numerous attendance, and the programme presented was greatly enjoyed "


The schoolroom, was crowded on" Tuesday evening, December 12, when an entertainment of a varied and enjoyable nature was given by the pupils of the Sisters of the Missions. ' Very Rev Father Price, Adm., presided and distributed the prizes.


; - On Friday afternoon, December 15, his Lordship the Bishop presided at the annual entertainment and prize-giving in connection with St. Mary Collegiate High School, Colombo street, conducted. by the Sisters of Mercy. Very Rev. Father Hills, S.M., V.G., Very Rev. -Father Price Adm., and a large number of visiting and local clergy were among the crowded audience. In eulogistic terms his Lordship the Bishop spoke of the successful year's work ■ just closed, complimenting the teachers ; and = pupils on the successful results of their endeavors, and expressed, on behalf of all present, appreciation -' of the enjoyment afforded in the artistic rendering of the following programme : Pianoforte duet,.' King Cotton,' Misses Cassin, G. Haughey, M. Simpson, H. Ryan, G. Harding, E. Blogg, D. Goggin, and D. Burns; Masters B. Fringan, H. Moody; (violins), L. Burrow, M. Young, O. Westerberg, J. Morrison; chorus, 'The village bells,' pupils; Indian clubs, senior pupils; pianoforte trio, -.' Rondino,' Misses D. Carter, E. Carter, M. Young, M. Barrett, A. Young, D Young, N.Simley, S. Martin, M. Courtney, Masters B. Fringan, H. Moody, A. O'Brien, L. Vincent, A. Loughnan, M. Simpson ; vocal solo, There's a land,' Miss L. Wormald; pianoforte duet, ' Valse brilliante,' Misses B. Nicholson,' D. Goggin, G. Haughey, M. Wood, J. Donnelly, F. McDonald, H. Ryan, W. Barcock, M. Simpson, G. Burns; dance, ' Irish reel,' pupils; pianoforte duet, - March militaire,' Misses Sunley, M. Sunley, A. Seay, P. Ryan, A. Ryan, M. Young, F. Holmes, G.Moraghan, F. Gerity, M. Morrison; chorus, The soldier,' boys violin solo, 'Minuet, L. Burrow; dialogue, 'The expected visitors,' senior pupils; pianoforte duet, ...' Pax in Serra,' Misses L. Young, M. Moore, V. Wilson, D. Blank, L. Gundry, E. Greig, G. Greig, P. Hollow, E.Couzins, L. Timbrel!; chorus, God save the King,' pupils. .:■>-"; j The following is a synopsis of work done during the year:— June 6 the pupils were examined by Mr. W.-Brock, who said in his report that on the whole the schools made a satisfactory, appearance, and gave strong evidence of teaching on enthusiastic lines. On December 6 Mr. Hardie examined the Sixth Standard. Thirteen pupils were presented ; twelve obtained proficiency certificates "and one competency. During the year candidates were successful in the C. and D. Examinations, also in the Civil Service, Trinity College, and Royal Academy Examinations. At the Art Society's Exhibition the Sisters, were awarded first diploma for Limerick lace and Irish crochet. At the ; Christchurch Literary and Musical Competitions two prizes were awarded to the Sisters' pupils, viz., one for singing and one for music. The examiner for Trinity College - recommended the local secretary to award medals for pianoforte playing to two of the Sisters' pupils who obtained the highest marks in Christchurch in their respective grades,- and who were exceeded by none in the Dominion. X.;" ' _--

The exhibition of school work, in which was displayed a splendid collection of all that is f useful and artistic,; occupied the close attention of numerous visitors. 5 Quite a feature in the bewildering array was the excellent specimens of plain and fancy needlework. Although equally meritorious were the results of other industries and;studies., •."';,-.'■■•.-. ~-.-"/,/

The following* is the prize-list: - Civil Service Class.—First Christian doctrine,

English,. French; and arithmetic, 1M Young first good conduct, physiology, and geometry, E. Couzins (medal) ; first geography,; algebra, and drawing, Holmes. -*'l - Standard Vl.First composition and French, M. Hayward; first diligence and.second spelling, P. Ryan; first geography and drawing, S.-Sunley;';first writing,

second reading, 1": A. . J . Ryan; - first •■' history, second geography, M. Petre; first reading, second composition, V. Wilson; first-spelling and elocution, T. Ward; first arithmetic and needlework;^ V. Haigh. - ■'•-;• .v, '■: ,; -:v Standard —First spelling and elocution, N. Sunley; first French and composition, E. Moraghan,v first reading and geography, M. Corrigan; 'first writing, second spelling,; F. Gerity; first arithmetic and drawing, - C. Clark; first landscape painting, second geography, A. Kennedy. : : Standard IV.—Arithmetic, I. Turner; drawing and writing, Z. Madden reading and elocution, C. Ward; geography, and history," N. Simson; history, grammar, and composition, M. Allen; ; needlework, M. Young. : ':/',. ;'- 7-;\.' ' - : : ' "".; '■■'■ \" '-■■"■':.

> Standard lll.Christian doctrine and arithmetic, M. Barrett; good conduct, I. Hayward geography and history, B. Petre; French, S. Hayward. ', Standard French, P. O'Reilly; reading and elocution, G. Holt; needlework, M. .Vincent; geography and history, M. Courtney; s arithmetic, C. Trolove; grammar, S. Martin composition, D. Gerity. _- ; Standard I.Writing, B. Behan ; reading, M. Irwin 1, N. Davis 2; spelling, U. McKendry; arithmetic, C.Simson 1, M. Neate 2; diligence, R. McKendry 1, D. King 2; needlework, A. Young. r Preparatory Class.— Spelling, M. Blake; reading, T. Vincent; spelling, K. Cassldy 2; reading, G. Faulks, 2; Kindergarten, N. Burns; arithmetic, H. Barrett; good conduct, J. Thomson. : ' • Fancy needlework, W. Barcock. •*" Landscape painting, L. Watson. ' :


Higher Division. Practical music, F. McDonald 1, J. Donnelly 2. ■...- .. ■• Advanced Grade.— Ryan 1, M. C. Goggin 2 P. Hollow. 3. * - -

Intermediate division.— music, B. Kingan .'" -. - & ■- ■:.:•:■:'. ;:- Junior division. —H. Moody. ; ;^ Primary Division. Sunley; violin playing, M. Young; theory of music, M. Simpson 1, G. Grei» 2 L.Young 3. ' r .: , '■ b '


Standard V.Arithmetic, H. Moody; grammar and composition, G. ThomsonTX Standard IV.—Drawing, F. Gerity; spelling, A. O'Brien; Christian doctrine and geography, L. Dobbs; arithmetic, L. Vincent;-history, I. Donnelly. >/ . Standard lll.—Arithmetic, P. 'Barrett; spelling, I. Madden. .. ; : *•- s ' Standard 11. Christian doctrine and spelling, B. Blake reading, M. Darby; arithmetic, A. Loughnan 1 C. Hayward 2. : Standard I.—Arithmetic, C. Barnett 1; Christian doctrine, B. Darby reading, S. O'Brien; spelling, L. Ormandy; good conduct, H. Hayward. : ,•:.. Preparatory Class.—Arithmetic, M. Salter; spelling, S. Barnett; reading, C. Edmonds; writing, L. Madden 1, E. Ward 2; Kindergarten, D. Hayns; politeness, Hammond. ,C ■■: s

The school will re-open on January 29.


. i The annual entertainment and distribution of prizes in connection with St. Joseph's Girls' School, conducted by the Sisters of the Missions, took place on Wednesday afternoon, December 13, in the presence of a large audience. - Very Rev/Father Price, Adm., presided, and a number of. the -clergy were present. The following programme was excellently rendered —" Song, '■ The little gipsies,' junior pupils; recitation 'The shore of- eternity;' Mary Squire; duet (2. pianos), " Radiant,^Misses Veronica Berry, Mary Mather, Ida, Bradford, D. Bradford; dialogue, 'lndignant babies,' 1 five little girls; chorus (2 parts), pupils; recitation, 'Faber's exhortation;'Miss Madge Allen; : duet (2 pianos), The village king,' Misses D. Bradford, I. Bradford, M. Mather, V. Berry; semi-chorus, Hold thou my hand,' senior pupils; recitation, The cost of duty,' Miss Claire

Brown; chorus (2 parts), 'The -lily and the rose,' pupils old-time dance, The butterflies,' twelve little pupils; ' God defend New Zealand/

Prize List.

Good conduct, G. Jarman; Christian doctrine, M. Squire, M. V O'Connor, J. Coates, M. Connolly, N. Clentworth; amiability and politeness, T. Nelson, O. Wacked, M. Evans, E. Jarman, M.Wolfreys; regular attendance, R. Hole, C. Brown, O. Wacked, M. Squire, E. Jarman, L. Cummins, M. Allen, M. Hickey, I. Hickey; diligence, G. Jarman, M. Allen, M. O'Connor; C. O'Neill, J. Coates, M. . Wolf M. "Hickey; devotedness, M. Squire, N. McCarthy, E. Eggleston, E. Malone, M. Evans, M. Wolf reys, Pearce, C. Brown; singing, C. Brown, 0. Wacked, L. Reddington, M. Bowden, E. Noonan, G. Morris, L. Jarman; musiq, I. Bradford, M. Mather, V. Berry; order and method, G. Jarman, M. Orange, E. Jarman, C. O'Neill; E. Noonan, E. McCarthy, R. James'; physical exercises, C. Brown, M. Allen, E. Jarman, M. Connolly, A. Abbot, J. Sharp, G. Sullivan ; sewing, G. Jarman, N. McCarthy, L. Reddington, C. O'Neill, K. Gibbs, V. Mathieson. L "

Standard Vl.General excellence, G. Jarman; English and writing, A. Darragh; Ist arithmetic, drawing, geography, M. Squire; essay and spelling, T. Nelson ; 2nd essay and geography, C. Brown ; 2nd spelling and H. study, R. Hole; general improvement, A. McCormack.

Standard V. —General excellence, M. Allen ; drawing and general improvement, N. McCarthy; reading and spelling, A. Noonan; English and arithmetic, A. Ross. Prizes were also awarded to M. Orange, 0. Wacked, K. Morgan.

Standard IV. —General excellence, M. O'Connor; geography and 2nd spelling, L. Reddington ; spelling and 2nd reading, A. Evans; drawing and 2nd writing, E. Jarman; Ist writing, R. Orange; Ist reading, F. O'Loughlin; arithmetic, E. Eggleston. Prizes were also awarded to L. Cumberland, M. Lafferty, P. Molloy, E. Johnson, M. Collins.

Standard lll.—General excellence, C. O'Neill; arithmetic and mental, E. Newman; reading and recitation, E. Malone; geography, V. Berry; history, A. Abbot; English, M. Foster; recitation and essay, I. Bradford; spelling and dictation, K. Kiely; drawing, L. Cummins; 2nd arithmetic, M. Mather; 3rd arithmetic, M. Bower,; 4th arithmetic, D. Bradford mental and spelling, M. Swanston; writing and drawing, C. Jarman. Prizes were also awarded to A. Bennett, D. Egan, N. Evans, M. Flood, G. Milligan, A. Murphy, M. Murphy, M. Flurty, A. Duffy, A. Stratford, L. Mclnerney. Standard ll.—General excellence, J. Coates; Ist arithmetic . and spelling, E. Noonan; 2nd arithmetic and English, essay, and drawing, M. Conncfty; geography and reading, K. Gibbs; nature study and spelling, I. Hickey; general improvement, E. Nelson; Ist spelling and writing, I. Twomey; nature study and Milligan; general improvement, A. Grant. Prizes we're also awarded to M. Elvy, M. Kelly, M. O'Loughlin, D. O'Shea, I. Hobbs, F. Lett, and E. Collett.

Standard I.—General excellence, B. O'Malley: spelling and reading, E. McCarthy; Ist arithmetic and writing, M. McAuliffe; 2nd arithmetic and spelling, M. Wolfreys; Ist writing and drawing, V. Mathieson; recitation, D. Handisides; Ist spelling, L. McKegney; word building and conversation, W. Lafferty; reading and general improvement, J. Sharp; general improvement, P. Malone. Prizes were also awarded to Kathleen Colline, G. Morris, I. Roswarne, E. Hobbs, L. Sullivan, C. Westwood, D. Price. * ,-

:..>. Primer lll.—First in class, M. Hickey 2nd reading, E. James; reading, V. Anderson; writing, L. Jarman; 2nd writing, Q. Barker; spelling, N., Kiely; arithmetic, E. Pearce; recitation, A. Clentworth; mental arithmetic, R. Collins. Prizes were also awarded to M. Langley, M. Stratford, N. White, V. Hole, M. Foster. '? . '(%'<£ '■- .w... -/'/:-■-:' "■■-..'. ..■- Primer 11. Conversation lesson, K. Byrne; spelling, R. James. _

Primer I.—F. Cumberland, L. Darragh, T. Darragh, A. Coates, N. Clentworth, B. Berry. /" V *


(From our own correspondent.)

The annual entertainment and prize distribution in connection with St. Mary's Parish School, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, took place on Friday evening, December 15, when the schoolroom, was crowded by an appreciative audience. Very Rev. Father Hills, V.G., presided. The following programme was excellently rendered:Pianoforte duet, ' King Cotton march,' Misses G. Haughey, Hannah Ryan, M. Cassin, D. Goggin, G. Harding, M. Simpson" G. Burns; Masters B. Kingan, H. Moody, D. Morrison (violins), L. Burrow, M. Young, O. Westerberg, and C. Morrison; chorus, The hills resound, pupils.; recitation, ' The exile's return,' Miss Molly Campbell; vocal .quartette, A musical surprise, pupils; drill, junior pupils; pianoforte duet, 'March militaire,' .Misses A. Ryan, P. Ryan, M. Morris, F. Gerity, C. McKenzie, G. Gibson, M. Young, F. Holmes, L. Moraghan, and G. Bowman; vocal solo, Miss M. Riordan; violin 'solo, Miss ; L. Burrow; vocal solo, Miss L.. Kilbride; drill, 'Color drill,' pupils; vocal solo, Master C. Lawrence; play, 'Little Pickle,' pupils: pianoforte duet, ' Valse brilliante,' Misses B. Nicholson, H. Ryan, F. McDonald, W. Barcock, M. Simpson, G. Burns, G. Goggin, M. Wood, G. Haughey, and M. Young; chorus, 'The old green lane,' pupils; 'God Save the King.' The following is the prize-list:— - •■ Dux, Basil Kingan. • . _ •'Christian doctrine;—B.- Kingan, C. Kingan, M. Daly. .■• ;; Good conduct.—Standard V., C. Llannelly ; Standard IV., C. Badland; Standard lII.—, E. Perkins; Standard. 11., R. Watson, M. Courtney ' Arithmetic—Standard VI., P. Riordan; Standard V., H. Wolfe: Standard IV., J. O'Donohue; Standard 111., P. Flood ; Standard 11., E. Cecil. • - Grammar and composition.—Standard VI., L Lawrence;" Standard V., S. Dobbs; Standard IV., l! McNaughton. • , -■•. Writing.—Standard VI., J,. Watson; Standard V., P. Perkins; Standard IV., J. Smith; Standard 111., C. Shaw; Standard 11., M. Shaw. Reading.—Standard VI., P. Riordan; Standard V H. Shaw; Standard IV., M. Campbell; Standard 111., M. Crawley; Standard 11., L. Brownie. Geography.— Standard VI. F. Haughey; Standard V., N. Flood; Standard IV., L. Queenan. Spelling and dictation.—Standard VI., L. Lawrence; Standard V., R. Lundon; Standard IV., F. Perkins; Standard 111., A. Newsome; Standard 'II * M. Hayes, R. Wilkin. V Regular attendance.— VI., F. Haughey Standard IV., C. Dobbs; Standard 111., V. Haughey Ina Campbell; Standard 11., C. Rodgers. { ' Drawing.—Standard VI., L. Watson; Standard v., D. Corderv.

Singing.M. Lawrence. Needlework.— Watson.


As a pleasing departure from the custom of recent years in regard to the breaking-up prior to the Christmas vacation of the boys' school in charge of the Marist Brothers, the event on the present occasion was celebrated in the form of a public entertainment, which proved most enjoyable to an audience which well filled the Choral Hall on last Wednesday evening. The boys of ages entered into the spirit of their : performances with that confidence characteristic of their nature, and strengthened by the careful training imparted by their teachers. .: As a compliment, to their popularity on the. stage the question of encores was anticipated at the outset by Very Rev. Father Price stating that such methods of expressing appreciation would not be per-

mitted. The following programme was excellently rendered:—Part I.—Overture, Miss H. Woodward; chorus (3 parts), 'The dear little shamrock,' pupils; recitation, 'Barbara Frietchie,' Master A. McNamara; solo, 'The carnival,' Master R. McLaughlin; statue drill, pupils; semi-chorus, ' In the dusk of the twilight,' pupils action song, ' Shoo-shoo car,' junior pupils; solo and chorus, ' Children's voices,' soloist, Master J. Young; recitation, 'How Jimmy minded the baby,' Master I. Bradley ; chorus, ' My bonnie barque,' pupils. Part ll.—Overture, Miss H. Woodward; chorus (3 parts), 'Canadian boat song,' pupils; duet, 'Believe me,' Masters J. Young and R. McLaughlin; plantation song, ' But it is so,' Master W. Harrington and troupe; dumb-bells, junior pupils; coon song, 'Four little curly-headed coons,' Masters I. Bradley, S. Harrington, F. Maine, W. Moloney; farce, 'Second Thoughts are Best,' dramatis persongeT. Snell, T. Pollard; Robinson, J. Goodman; Crawley, A. Meyer; Purkiss, L. Archer; Scott, L. Ryan; chorus and tableau, 'God defend New Zealand.' Mr. H. Woodward acted as accompanist. -

Among those present were his Lordship the Bishop (who had just returned from Timaru that evening), Very Rev. Father Hills, S.M., V.G., Very Rev. Father Price, Adm., and a number of the clergy.

At the conclusion of the entertainment the prizes were distributed by the Very Rev. Vicar-General, who warmly complimented the Brothers on their successful efforts, and congratulated the boys on the reward of their diligence, industry, and perseverance. This, said the Very Rev. Vicar-General, happened to be his first public, function since his appointment to the present position, and nothing could have pleased him better, being, as he was, an old pupil of the Marist Brothers in:London. His sympathies were naturally with them and he wished them and their schools continued success.

On the following morning at the school the boys assembled in full force to receive the remainder of the prizes left over from the distribution at the Choral Hall on the previous evening. Among those present were his Lordship Bishop Grimes, who gave out the prizes, the Very Rev. Father Price, Adm., the local and some visiting Brothers. After the boys had received their varied prizes his Lordship addressed them. He said that although he had been over fatigued from recent labors he made up his mind to be present at their excellent display of the previous evening. He always took great pleasure in hearing of their successes, . and he looked forward to greater excellence from them in the future. He also complimented the Brothers on the high quality of their work, and the self-sacrificing spirit which led them to do so much, not for their worldly gain, but for the greater glory of God. Finally, after ringing cheers for his Lordship, for Father Price and the Brothers, the boys departed.

The prize list is as follows:

Christian Doctrine.—Gold medal presented by Bishop Grimes, and Clifford shield Joseph Dowd. Hibernian Society's gold medal for dux of school, Linus Ryan ; Catholic Club's gold medal for Standard VI., Mortimer Reddington.

Standard Vll.—French, arithmetic, and algebra, J. Dowd; Christian doctrine, L. Ryan; English, geometry, and physiology,-L. Ryan. Marist Brothers' Old Boys' Association's gold medal for champion athlete, J. Dowd.

Standard Vl.—Second aggregate, Roy Dobbs ; third aggregate, F. Madden; arithmetic, R. Dobbs, W. Garty; English, M. Reddington ; reading, M. Reddington ; writing, R. Dobbs; proficiency, M. Cronin, A. Meyer, C. Mills, W. Pope; spelling, A. Gregory, L. Archer; elocution, J. Goodman; diligence, E. Bowler. ""■ Standard V.—Aggregate, O. McAloon, E. McLaren, E. Rodgers ; Christian doctrin, O. McAloon; arithmetic, D. McAloon, J. McCormick, D. Nelson.; spelling, F. Bennett, F. Jenyns, F. Foster, J. McGrath ; comprehension, W- Harrington, J. Flood, K. Bradley; essay, B. Flood, J. Sheehan; drawing, R. Murfitt; writing, B. McCormack, E. McLaren, C. Pope reading, R. Coates, P. Bennet, E. Jones, L. Queenan; mental, A. Higgins, L. Murphy. V •-' - :

Standard IV.—Proficiency, F. O'Brien 1, T. Pollard 2, 8.-Grant 3; Christian doctrine, J. Young; arithmetic, P. Khouri, T. Stevenson; spelling, J. Bradley, M. Nolan, F. O'Connor, W. Maloney, W. Woods, A. Connery, J. Matthews, J. Stanaway, A. Barker; comprehension, S. Crooke and D. Burns; essay, J. Hurley, J. Ellis; drawing, J. Scarfe, J. Gibbs, J. Main; writing, S. Harrington, F. Heslip; singing, R. McLoughlin.

Standard lll.Christian doctrine, F. Maine; aggregate, S. Biltcliff, F. Maine, A. McNamara; arithmetic, J. Gibson, P. Golding, L. Gibbs, J. Kiely, M. Nelson, C. Price, J. Smith; spelling, M. Handisides, P. Bowden; reading, C. Murfitt, C. Sutherland, K. Jones, H. Tucker, P. McCarthy, R. Cubson, J. Darragh; essay, L. Payne, V. Flood, E. Donohue; writing, H. Batchelor, R. Bennett; diligence, P. Gregory, F. Holmes, G. Elvy. ,

Standard 11. Aggregate, 11. Batchelor, L. Neilson, L. Sweeney; arithmetic, E. Sloan, J. Goodman, D. McLaren, M. Stanly; spelling, V. Kingdon, E. Barrett, J. O'Connor, B. McDonaghy, J. Drumm, C. Ashton, C. Blogg, W. Ward,. L. McMullen; reading, R. Wilson, W. Sutherland; essay, F. Archer, C. • Dudderidge; recitation, F. Banfield, O. Brittenden, B. Bundle, J. McCarthy, 11. Moulin; drawing, IT. Dacombe; writing, F. Greenless, L. Lafterty.

Standard I. —Christian doctrine, H. Foster; good conduct, G. Dunn; reading, C. Dobbs; arithmetic, C. Mclnley 1, 11. Shirley 2; spelling, F. Leonard 1, A. Powrie 2; drawing, W. Reddington 1, C. Garty'2; poetry, R. McKay. The following received prizes for diligence—W. O'Brien, S. Flood, V. Smith, M! Main, C. Handisides, J. Bowden, J. Ellis, P. Clarkson, E. Morrisey, L. Harrington, J. O'Donnell, M. Morrisey. Class P. —Catechism, E. Stanley; good conduct, 11. Banfield; reading, W. Holland; arithmetic, F. Pender; drawing, W. McArley; spelling, E. Egan. The following received prizes for diligenceJ. Bennett, F. Heslip, N. Donaldson, E. Dickson, A. Stanley, W. Nelson, S. Ashton, P. Evans, and T. Donaldson.

The annual report, read by Brother Calixtus (director), expressed the pleasure it gave to be able to chronicle one of the most successful years in the history of the school. The school roll is 210, and the attendance throughout was very good, particularly so in the high classes. The religious welfare of the boys has been carefully looked after by the Rev. Dr. Kennedy, whilst daily religious instruction has been given in the school by the Brothers. The inspector's report was very satisfactory. In Standard VI., of eleven pupils presented nine gained proficiency and one competency certificates. In the athletic field the boys were successful in winning the junior football banner, not losing a game. Our best thanks are due to Mr. W. Garton,,|ecretary of the N.C.P.S.A.A.A., for his unfailing fflfidness and courtesy towards us during the season. The spirit reigning among the boys is admirable, and there is not one of the staff who is not proud to be working amongst them. He would urge parents to continue sending their children regularly to school, and the Brothers promise to see that they will be all right. He would also urge parents not to take their children away until they have passed the Sixth Standard with proficiency, this being most important, a Sixth Standard certificate being now almost indispensable. ; \


On Tuesday, December 12, the annual distribution of prizes took place at St. Mary's Convent High School, Ponsonby. Long before 8 p.m. a large gathering of parents and friends of the pupils assembled in the schoolroom. At 8 p.m. his Lordship Bishop Cleary arrived, accompanied by Rev. Fathers Mahoney, Tormey, Doyle, O'Farrell, O'Doherty, and O'Malley. A varied and interesting programme was submitted including vocal and instrumental items, recitations, and, an address to his Lordship the Bishop. The performers acquitted themselves very creditably. Special mention

may. be given to Miss A. Sara whose rendering of two solos' greatly pleased the audience. In French recitation, ' Le vent des quatres Saisons,' Misses R. Ralph, A. Molloy, E. Kelly, E. Lynch, represented the seasons in picturesque costumes. A number of choruses were rendered in a manner which showed careful training on the part of the teachers. Recitations by Misses E. Kelly and M. Johns were much appreciated. «■ The prize list was read by Rev. Father O'Farrell, after which his Lordship complimented the children on their performance, and exhorted them to take advantage of the education which they were receiving in order that they might in after life be good Christian women. After the entertainment the exhibits of painting and art needlework were inspected. The following is the prize list:

Special Prizes. Christian doctrine, E. Kelly (gold cross and chain presented by Right Rev. Dr. Geary) 1, M. Flynn (gold cross presented by Mr. J. J. O'Brien) 2; conduct, A. Molloy (gold medal presented by Mr. M. Casey), E. Corboy (gold medal presented by Mr. W. Darby); diligence, S. Tristram (gold medal presented by the Mayor), D. Sneddon (gold medal presented by Mr. T. A. Connor); music, P. McGovern (gold medal presented by Mr. A. Myers); singing, A. Sara (gold brooch presented by Mrs. Kohn) ; regular attendance, M. McVeagh (gold medal presented by Mr. W. J. Ralph); essay, Rosie Ralph (gold medal presented by Mr. J. Gleeson). Matriculation and Civil Service Class. —Mathematics, D. Laing 2, E. Markey 3; English, R. Lanigan and I. Green 1, 11. Doherty 2; arithmetic, C. Lawry; drawing, C. Lawry.

.--. Class VI. —Arithmetic, L. Tanner; composition, Sf Tristram 1, M. Bushell 2, R. Kelly 3; geography, M. Tristram drawing, M. McVeagh: penmanship, Rena Ralph 1, S. Ralph 2; science, J. Dardelli; elocution, M. Johns; reading, G. Darby; brush work, M. Dunn 1, A. McConville 2.

Class V. —Geography, E. Lynch 1, M. A. Brien 2; composition, M. A. Brien, S. Tanner; reading, L. Harris 1, M. Sine] 2; drawing, S. Tanner 1, M. Halm 2; arithmetic, E. Thompson 1, R. Dias 2; penmanship, K. Dias L D. Wilson 2.

Class IV. —Composition, R. Foster; arithmetic, A. Thompson; reading, Y. McVeagh 1, N. Kelly 2; drawing, M. Casey. Class 111. —Composition, M. Flynn 1, M. Crome 2; arithmetic, V. Sneddon 1, B. Graham 2; reading, S. Kelly 1, A. McMahon 2; geography, M. Smith 1, L. Somerfieid 2; general proficiency, E. Speedy 1, M. Lough 2; nature study, M. Boulton. Class 11. Arithmetic, 11. Graham; reading, L. Casey; writing, M. Barnes orthography, M. McKay 1, E. Gaw 2; drawing, D. McArthur. Primer 111. —Arithmetic, D. Somerfieid 1, D. Mcintosh 2; drawing, D. Somerfield; spelling, J. MacKay. Preparatory. Reading, C. Spindler, M. Graham ; spelling, C. Spindler; recitation, D. Barnes; writing, A. Mills, M. Graham; drawing, R. Usher; tables, A. Thompson; kindergarten, N. Gaw, W. Flynn; general proficiency, M. Empson, J. Casey. Special Prizes for Christian Doctrine. —E. Corby, R. Ralph, D. Sneddon, S. Tristram, G. Darby, M. Hahn, M. Smith, D. Barnes, S. Casey, D. Mcintosh, M. Graham.

Music and Theory.—E. Kelly, A. Gifford, D. Laing, A. Molloy, E. Miller, L. Harris, R. Foster; singing, E. Kelly; music, McVeagh, L. Tanner, M. Hahn, K. Kelly, I. Tanner, J. Lardelli, B. Bowden, M. Johns, M. Casey, N. Kelly, M. Smith, S. Kelly, M..Crome, B. Graham, L. Casey, D. McArthur. French. —First division, R. Ralph 1, A. Molloy 2; 2nd division, E. Lynch 1, E. Miller 2; 3rd division, R. Foster, N. Kelly.

Painting. —l. Green, W. Corbett, A. Molloy. Elocution.—E. Kelly, A. Gifford, A. Molloy. Typewriting and. bookkeeping.—W. Corbett, S. Tristram, M. Bushell.

Physical Culture.—Seniors and intermediates, W. Corbett, L. Tanner, M. Sinel, and B. Graham; juniors, M. Mac Kay, L. Casey, E. Gaw/

Needlework.—J. Lardelli; P. Darby, E. Lynch, E. Speedy, M. Barnes.

Domestic Economy. —P. McGovern and W. Corbett. Regular Attendance, R. Foster.

Hon. mentions for music— Corbett, I. Markey, E. Thompson, M. Flynn, G. McVeagh, V. Sneddon, M. Sinel, A. Thompson, H. Graham, L. Somerfield, M. Mac Kay. The following pupils were successful at the recent Sixth Standard examinations, held at the Richmond road centre:S. Tristram, M. Bushell, L. Tanner, M. Tristram, J. Lardelli, M. O'Connell, M. McVeagh, S. Ralph. Trinity College, London.—Certificates in instrumental and vocal musichigher examination (piano), certificated pianiste, Cecilia Carrington; (solo singing), certificated vocalist, Alma Sara; higher local division (piano), Patricia McGovern; senior advanced division (piano), Ethel Hopkins, Alice Gifford, Eileen Kelly; intermediate division, honors (piano), Marie Halm, Irene McGarry; intermediate division pass (piano), Ella Miller, Kathleen Kelly, (solo singing) Eileen Kelly; junior division (piano), A, Molloy, K. Dias, N. Kelly; preparatory grade (solo singing), M. Bushill ;• (piano), M. Crome, B. Graham, H. Graham, S. Kelly, D. McArthur, L. Casey, A. Thompson. . Auckland University College, School of Music.— Intermediate division (elocution), E. Kelly'; junior division, honors (theory), Annie Molloy. Royal Academy of Music—Advanced grade (practical), Cecilia A. Carrington.


The following was the programme of the entertainment given by the pupils of the Sacred Heart High School, Napier, conducted by the religious of Notre Dame des Missions, in connection with the annual distribution of prizes on December 12: Overture, 'Bohemian airs/ school orchestra; action song, Nelly's dolly,' junior pupils; solo (3 pianos and harmonium), ' Carnival of Venice,' Misses Hunt, Mullany, and Tylee (pianos), Miss Moore (harmonium); song and. chorus, ' The lily and the rose,' senior pupils ; hoop drill, junior pupils; Duet (4 pianos), ' Capricante,' Misses Mullaney, E. Stevens, Boden, E. Doden, Moore, K. O'Donoghue, E. Kenny, and V. Dwyer. Then came a drama, in three acts (' St. Philomena'). The characters were sustained as follow:—St. Philomena, Miss M. Chisholm; Aglae, Miss Hunt; Prince Lucius, Miss D. Kenny; Cathra, Miss M. Cassin ; Nilocris, Miss M. Casey; St. Innocentia, Miss J. Higgins; Martius,' Miss Murray; angel, Miss V. Dwyer. Between the scenes the following musical selections were given: Violin solo, Wieniawski's Mazurka,' Miss Strangman (accompanist, Miss Cane); piano solo, Bach's Fantasia in C minor. Miss-Cane; violin solo, Mlynarsiu's "Mazurka/ Miss Cane (accompanist, Miss Holder); vocal solo, ' O drv those tears,' Miss Nielson (accompanist, Miss Cane; violin obligate Miss Strangeman) ; quartette, Gounod's ' Ave Maria,' Misses Strangman (solo), Nielson (piano), Cane (violin), Holder (harmonium); piano solo, " Les Muscadins,' Misses Mullaney, Tylee, Latapie, and Moore: instrumental selection, ' Norma,' school orchestra; finale, 'God defend New Zealand.'

Prize List.

Good conduct (prizes presented by Rev. Fathers McDonnell and p'Connor)—Boarders— Chisholm hon. mention, D. Bendall and L. Boddington; day pupils—B. Tylee, G. Merrick; hon. mention, E. Mullany, A. . Murray, N. Holder, A. Tait, R. Hunt, D. Kenny, and M. Hickey. Christian doctrine (presented by Mr. J. Higgins)—lst division, A. Kenny; 2nd division, L. Moore; politeness and amiability—boarders; D. Bendall; day pupils, A. Murray and K. Dineen; readiness to,obligeboarders, L. Russell and D. Ben? dall; day pupils, E. Mullany; regular attendance, M. Casey and 11. Sweetapple. ;- Instrumental Music (prizes presented ; by Messrs. Lockyer and Harston) —Piano: Higher grade,'R. Cane; senior grade (advanced) A. Holder intermediate grade (honors), highest marks, at music examination, A.

Murray (first prize), L. Moore, K. Falvey, K. Dineen, R. Hunt, E. Mullaney, and F. Boden; junior grade (highest marks at examination), E. Stevens; 2nd prize, V. Dwyer; preparatory grade, D. Raynes. Violin Senior grade (advanced), L. Strangman (honors); intermediate (upper division), 'R. Cane (honors); junior (lower division), M. Cassin and E. Hardy. Solo singing—lntermediate grade, R. Cane (honors); junior grade, L. Strangman (honors); class singing, R. Hunt, L. Russell and K. Holder; mandoline (Ist prize), E. Boden;. shorthand, M. Wilson (speed), D. Kenny and R. Patterson (theory), K. Dineen (elementary); typewriting, M. Wilson. : Pyrography and plasticine, M. Collins; painting (oils) W. Heuheu, (water colors) M. Chisholm and N. Holder 1, D. Bendall and K. Holder 2; needlework (fancy), M. Chisholm 1, E. Hardy 2; (plain), 11. Sweetapple; dressmaking, R. Lee and E. Latapie 1, R. Patterson 2 ; darning, M. Chisholm ; patching, E. Latapie and M. Cassin; calisthenics, M. Collins.

Class Prizes.

Civil Service.Dux of school, R. Hunt; mathematics and geography, D. Kenny; English and composition, L. Russell French translation, L. Boddington; botany and physiology, L. Boddington. Standard Vll.—Mathematics, N. Holder and E. Hardy English and composition, A. Tait and K. Falvey; geography, A. Dallow; physiology, R. Patterson : bookkeeping, A. Kearney. Standard Arithmetic, E. Mullany; English and composition, M. Casey; geography, M. Cassin and Edith Annan; dictation and spelling, B. Tylee ; writing and drawing, E. Stevens; reading/and elocution, M. Casey : diligence, M. Hickey. Standard V.—Arithmetic, E. Dineen and K. Holder; English and composition, K. Holder; geography, L.sMoore; dictation and spelling, E. Kenny; reading, L. Hitchin and J. Higgins ; writing, E. Latapie and K. Dineen; drawing, K. Habib; diligence and application, K. O'Donoghue and K. Sheehan ; general improvement, S. Cameron and D. Annan. Standard Arithmetic, D. Bendall; English and composition, D. Raynes; geography, E. Boden; dictation and spelling, D. Raynes; writing and drawing, D. Bendall; diligence and application, W. Maher. Junior Division.—Good Conduct, V. Dwyer ; Christian doctrine, A. Dineen ; regular attendance, W. Yates; needlework, M. Moroney : kindergarten, S. Moore. Standard Reading, V. Dwyer; writing and spelling, K. McNamara; sewing, M. Moroney; arithmetic, A. Downes; drawing, M. Donovan. Standard ll.—Arithmetic, A. Dineen; writing, drawing, and reading, D. McNish ; dictation and spelling, V. Ricketts; arithmetic and neatness, 11. B. Hale; spelling and writing, I. Cuddon; drawing, C. McNamara; reading and spelling, R. Treston; sewing, S.

Moore. ' Preparatory Division.— Bishop, P. McGillicudy, K. Moroney, E.. McCarthy, R. Cogswell, M. Treston, R. Olsen.

At the music examinations held in October last by the examiner for Trinity College, the following candidates secured certificates: —Higher local (piano), R. Cane senior grade (advanced), A. Holder ; intermediate grade, (honors) A. Murray, (passes) K. Falvey, P. Polson, K. Dineen, H. Sweetapple, J. Higgins, and M. Casey; junior honors, L. Poison, 11. Williams; passes, L. Boddington, E. Latapie, K. O'Donoghue, E. Boden ; preparatory, Doris Raynes; violin—Senior grade (honors), L. Strangman; intermediate (honors), Ruby Cane; junior (pass), Mona Cassin; solo singing—lntermediate (honors), R. Cane; junior (honors), L. Strangman. - ; -


The prize-list at the above school is as follows: Good conduct, K. Mullany. Christian doctrine (prizes presented by Rev. Father McDonnell)First division, 11. Sullivan and W. Dallow; second division, I. Painter and R. Hogan. Regular attendance, L. Gunn; punctuality, K. Hare politeness and amiability,

D. Barnes; singing, O. Raynes; sewing, E. Holder; neatness, A. Reash; readiness to oblige, F. Dooley. -

Class Prizes. / _• _ ; ■- ; • Standard IV.—Reading and writing, A. Roach; arithmetic, M. Ahern; English and composition, M. O'Keefe; writing, E. Holder; spelling and dictation, C. Sullivan; drawing and brushwork, H. Sullivan. "Standard 111. —Reading and spelling, W. Dallow; writing, R. Forde; arithmetic, N. McCarthy; English composition, O. Raynes; drawing and brushwork, M. Sharpin. . Standard 11. Reading and spelling, K. Mullany; writing, D. Barnes; English and composition, B. Tankard; writing, K. Hare; drawing, D. Taylor. Standard I.Reading, I. Painter; spelling, R. Hogan; writing, E. Holder; English, D. Barry; arithmetic, M. Gardiner; drawing, .N. Bailey; tables, R. Tohill ; reading and spelling, K. Griffin; arithmetic (second), A. Holman; reading, N. Burke; writing, F. Kearney; reading and spelling, F. Roach; spelling, F. Dooley ; needlework, L. Gunn ; writing, W. Durney; spelling, F. Brown ; drawing, A. Raynes. Preparatory Classes.—Catechism, D. McKenzie and D. Goldfinch-; regular attendance, I. Gilbert; most obliging boy, C. Raynes.


The prize-giving at St. Joseph's Convent School, Napier, took place on December 13, in the presence of a large number of parents and friends. Before the distribution the pupils provided an entertainment, the jlrama ' Ernscliffe Hall' being the chief attraction. The cast was as follows:—Countess Moreland, Nellie Downing; Miss Matilda Sinclair, Elsie Goldfinch; Miss Clara Hamilton, Katie de Friez; Sophia, Erin Morton ; Annette, Elsie Skinner.

The prize-list is as under: Good conduct (prize presented by Rev. Father McDonnell—First division, F. Hayden; second division, N. Farmer ; Christian doctrine (prize presented by Rev. Father O'Connor)—First division, N. Downing; second division, Edith Murrow. Amiability and politenessFirst division, N. Downing; second division, E. Murrow. Amiability and politeness— division, N. Downing; second division, V. Johnson. Regular attendance—First division, E. Goldfinch and K. Doyle; second division, E. La Broome. Punctuality, C. Lynch and E. La Broome; readiness to —First division, K. Downing; second division, A. Reidy. Music, G* Lvnam. Singing—First division, E. Morton and K. de Friez; second division, D. Campbell. Dressmaking, A. Webber; sewing, E. La Broome; cooking, E. Goldfinch. Calisthenics—First division, L. McGrath; second division, M. Miller.

Class Prizes.

Standard Vl.—Reading, composition, and drawing, E. Goldfinch; arithmetic and writing, K. Murow; geography and English, N. Downing. Standard V.Reading and arithmetic, E. Morton; writing, C. Lynch; drawing, K. de Friez; English, L. McGrath; brush drawing, A. Collins; composition, F. Brady; geography, G. Lynam; equal to Ist English, L. Foskitt; nature study, F. Hayden. Standard IV.Arithmetic and spelling, K. Doyle ; composition, M. Comber; reading and recitation, E. Skinner; English, K. Downing; geography, E. Murrow; drawing, D. Keating; brush work, A." Webber; nature study, I. Chambers. . - ' • . Standard lll.—Reading, writing, and drawing, E. Mansner; arithmetic and geography, D. Campbellgrammar and composition, R. Tohill; recitation, Friez. ■'-_ ■ v : r -v.-.;_, :r .-■. ".

ivr „ S l andard 11-—Reading, spelling, and English, M. McCallum; general improvement, E.McClurg; reading, N. Farmer; arithmetic, spelling, and tables, P. McLonkey; writing and recitation, A. Reidy; general improvement, A. McConkey. - > ■

, - Junior Division. * ' V ,a Good conduct, F. Percy; Christian doctrine, L. Nelson; regular; attendance, C., Hewett; sewing/ M Rogers; drill, D. Campbell reading, spelling, and writ-

ing, M. Rogers; tables, D. Campbell; drawing and plasticine work, W; : Heffernan; general improvement, J. Pearcy. -'-'.■ '•".**' - Preparatory Class.—-G. Murrow, L. Neilson; F. Pearcy; R. Hayden, C. Hewett, M. Heffernan, C. Farmer, W. de Friez. -•" • ;■-


.The Marist Brothers' School annual concert given in the Theatre Royal, Napier, on the evening of December 13, was a pronounced success, and attacted a very large audience. The programme, which included songs, tableaux, recitations, musical monologues, dumbbell and club exercises; statue drill, choruses, etc., was a very enjoyable one, and besides giving pleasure to the audience showed to full advantage the training received by the boys at this school. Several of the items were exceptionally good, especially the choruses. The physical exercises were accurately executed, the pupils, without exception, working in perfect unison. The statute drill, too, was creditably performed. Among the most enjoyable items were two songs, 'lsland of dreams, and Guonod's Ave Maria ' (an encore), sung by Master G. Madigan (medallist, 1911). In addition to the numbers given by the. pupils, Mr. J. W. Coe contributed a ventriloquial turn, and drew some clever lightning sketches. Mr. Coe is an exceedingly clever amateur with the crayons, and one of his sketches, drawn in 60 seconds, was really a remarkably good piece of work. Other programme items were:Choruses by the pupils, O'Donnell Aboo,' 'Chiming bells,' 'Whispering hope,' and Christmas carol,' Master Madigan singing the solo in the last mentioned recitation, ' How McDougall topped the score,' Master J. Downing; song, ' Killarney,' Master Archie McGrath; song and tableau, Sleeping camp,' Master L. Reidy, L. Clarebut and W. Poll; song, What would you take for me, papa,' Master E. Murrow; recitation, 'The owl critic,' Master M. Griffin; musical monologue, 'Little Jim,' Master Archie McGrath; sketch, 'Chiselling,' Master H. Sweeney, J. Downing, C. La Broome, G. Maddigan, and J. McGrath. The statue drill, quite an original item, was specially arranged by Bro. Emilian, who also carried out all arrangements in connection with the organisation of the concert, and he is to be congratulated on the success attending his efforts. The pianoforte accompaniments were sympathetically played by Miss May McGrath. The pupils were all dressed in white, with blue ties and sashes, and their appearance, as well as the entertainment they provided, met with general approval. ~ _


(From our own correspondent.)

December 15.

The Convent High School and the parish school broke up for the Christmas vacation on Monday and Friday last respectively. In addition to the prizegiving at the high school the pupils were invited to a well laden Christmas tree on Wednesday last. The pupils had a pleasant time, and returned home well supplied with dainty presents, and well pleased with the thoughtfulness of their kind teachers. On the same afternoon the children of the parish school were similarly entertained. On Friday afternoon the children of the parish school, together with their parents : and friends, assembled in the Zealandia Hall for the annual distribution of prizes, which were presented by the Rev. Father Costello, when a select programme of instrumental and vocal items was gone through. At the close of the function Mr. Wo.on, manager for Haywards, Ltd., gave each child a free pass for any night to the pictures.

..; A full realisation of the good work that is being done by the Sisters of Mercy- (says the local Standard) in connection with St. Patrick's parish is, perhaps, only possible to those who come in daily contact with them. Yet even a stranger, gifted with ordinary powers of observation, may realise something of its extent and

value after having visited the school and heard the pupils perform. Several years ago it was found necessary to provide a high school for the parish, and a building was secured between Grey and Featherstoh streets. Roomy and commodious as it was, it has lately been found insufficient for requirements, and it has been enlarged to a very material extent. Yesterday afternoon, December, 11, a dual function was performed in connection therewith. The day marked the closing of the term, with the attendant prize-giving ceremony, and the celebration of the fact that the building, with its handsome additions, is to be used henceforth as a high school and boarding school. The celebration took the form of a garden party held in the spacious grounds surrounding the building. Notwithstanding the inclement nature of. the weather, there was a good attendance, seats being provided on the lawn under the shelter of the trees. With regard to the grounds, which are decidedly picturesque, it may be mentioned that they comprise some three acres, a portion of which is laid out in a delightful orchard, while the whole is surrounded by tall pines and poplars. An inspection of the building showed that it contains thirty rooms all told, including dormitories, school rooms, and entertaining rooms. They are well lighted and airy, while the walls are either painted or papered in quiet and attractive colors. .._■:-

Among those present were the following:—His Grace Archbishop Redwood, Very Rev. Father Keogh, Rev. Fathers Costello, Herring, Dore, the Rev. Mother Mary Francis, head of the Order at Wellington, Mother ..Bernard, from Seatoun Preparatory College, Mr. Buick, M.P., and Mrs. Buick, the Mayor and Mayoress, Mr. Robert McNab, and a large number of prominent citizens. -

During the afternoon the pupils of the school submitted an excellent programme of instrumental and vocal items, which were very much appreciated. ; They sang well and they played well, and their work reflected a great deal of credit on their teachers. The programme rendered was as follows : —Chorus, ' Cherry ripe'; duet, Dolls' song,' Misses Muriel Townshend and Cora Bartlett; piano solo, ' Liebestraum' (Liszt), Miss Alice Rainbow; solo and chorus, ' My curly-headed babby,' Miss Vida Cimino and junior pupils; violin solo, 'Tendresse' (Oscar Reiding), Miss Vera Graham; recitation, ' L'Ange et Tenfant' (Jean Reboul), Miss Alice Hodgins; song, The wood pigeon' (Liza Lehmann), junior pupils; piano solo, ' Rhapsodie No. 4 ' (Liszt), Miss Nita Green; solo and chorus, Grow, little mushroom, grow and Plantation echo song,' Misses Eileen Grant, Christine Lusted, and Trixie Stockwell; club drill, senior pupils. Misses Graham, Rainbow, Kendall, and Oldridge acted as accompanists.

Prize List.

At the conclusion of the programme the Mayor (Mr. J. A. Nash), presented the following prizes:

Special Prizes. Good conduct (gold medal, Mr. P. O'Connor), I. Oldridge; Christian doctrine (gold medal), A. Hodgins; dux (gold medal, his Worship the Mayor), N. Green; English composition (gold medal, his Grace Archbishop Redwood), M. Brett; French conversation (Mr. Pascal), A. Hodgins; physical drill, seniors (Mr. Lynch), A. Hodgins; physical drill, juniors (Mr. Lynch), M. Bellerby. Music Prizes.—Licentiate division (gold medallist), E. Rawlins; theory and music, V. Graham; theory and music, V. Kendall; associate and advanced theory, A. Rainbow; advanced grade, R. Kelly; senior division, E. Lynch; higher division, pianoforte and theory,. M. Hill and M. Buchanan ; lower -division, pianoforte and theory, E. Grant; elementary division, pianoforte and singing, V. Bartlett ; elementary division, pianoforte, E. Eyre. Theory of Music—Grade 1., I. Carey; Grade 11., M. Hodgins; Grade 111., K.Delahunty; Grade IV., M. Brett. \ ""--.- ' '

Class Prizes.

Class I.—Mathematics (Mr. Bennett), N. Green; English, M. Buchanan ["arithmetic (Mr;; Park), E. Speed;-French, N. Green; geography, I. Oldridge; science, A. Hodgins; typewriting r (Miss Scanlan), G.

Elliott; shorthand, I. Oldridge;" bookkeeping, I. Oldridge; model drawing,- E. -Speed;, freehand drawing, V. Bartlett. ..*-'. ~

"Class ll.—English literature, G.- Elliott; arithmetic, K. Burke; .reading, E. Oldridge; drawing, Dy Lynch; French, C. Lusted.; Class 111. —Highest marks, T. Stockwell; arithmetic, E. Grant; geography, E. Grant; composition and spelling, T. Stockwell; arithmetic (second division), E. Lewis; reading and recitation, M. Hoben.

Preparatory School.

Good conduct, B. Devine. Class Arithmetic, M. O'Brien; reading and recitation, M. Townsend; class singing, V. Cimino; spelling (Mr. Park), J. Devine; drawing, J. Devine. Class ll.—Arithmetic, A. Lusted; reading and recitation, R. Hoben; writing, G. Ingram; spelling, B. Devine.

Class lll.—Reading, P. Leslie; writing, E. Clark drill, R. McKewen. Following the presentation of prizes, his Grace Archbishop Redwood briefly addressed the children. Eulogistic reference was made to the undoubted ability displayed, which reflected so much credit on their teachers. Particularly did this apply to the musical items, which were of a very high order of merit. But what impressed him more than anything was the excellence of the enunciation shown throughout. This was one of the most important branches of teaching, and one that they had been striving for in all their schools. He was pleased to see that so much progress had been made. The articulation in the songs was particularly clear, and every word could be heard distinctly. This was a great thing, for if the words of a song were not clearly articulated, much of its beauty was lost, particularly to those who were not familiar .with it. He praised the splendid work that was being done by the Sisters, to whom great praise was due for the splendid results achieved. Rev. Father Costello, on behalf of the Sisters, thanked those present for their attendance; .more especially in view of the inclement state of the weather. To Archbishop Redwood thanks were due for having consented to attend, and to perform the opening ceremony at such a busy time. While on the subject he would like to extend a cordial welcome to the Rev. Mother Bernard, who was present from Wellington. Allusion was made to the splendid work that was being done by the Sisters. They were beloved, not only by the Catholic pupils, but by the non-Catholic pupils who attended the school, and it was with a feeling of great pleasure that he saw the manner in which all worked so harmoniously together. Afternoon tea was then dispensed, and concluded a very pleasant afternoon.

In addition to the good work that is being done by the Sisters,- particular mention should be made of the work done by Mr. Pascal, who teaches French, and Miss Croucher, who teaches German and the violin.


A large audience greeted the production of the dramatised version of Guy Mannexing, by the pupils of St. Bride's Convent, at the Town Hall, on Thursday, December 10. When the Rev. Mother Superior essayed to place this drama before the public, it was thought that she might have taken in hand something rather beyond the pupils, but the way in which all the parts were carried out quickly dispelled all doubts, and the Sisters and pupils are to be congratulated on the excellence of the entertainment. In the acting, pride of place undoubtedly went to Miss Holloway, who took the part of an old gipsy woman, ' Meg Merrilees,' her delineation of the character being most realistic. Miss J. Milne as Dominie Sampson,' Miss Hanify as ' Dandie Dinmont,' Miss Coralie Smythson as ' Lucy Bertram,' Miss Colina McKenzie as 'Colonel Mannering,' and Miss Collerton as ' Mrs. McCandish,' also deserve special mention for the manner in which their roles were portrayed. The cast of other characters was as fol—'Henry Bertram,' Miss O'Connell; 'Dirk

Hatteraick,' Miss L. McComisky; ' Baillie Muckeithrift,' Miss Catherine McKenzie; Gilbert Glossin/ Miss Molly Bunny, G'rizzy, Gabrial, Sebastian, and Franco (gipsies), Misses Eileen Bunny, Kitty Hodgins, Muriel Welch, and Galvin; Jock Jabos, Miss Aileen Dennis • Sergeant McCraw, Master J. O'Dowd; Julia Mannermg, Miss Nelson; Flora, Miss Symes; gipsies, Misses Dinms and Beta Page; gipsies, soldiers, smugglers, peasants Me 4- Bunny, Hodgins, Page (2), McConnisky, Welch, McKenzie, etc., Masters O'Connell, Hodgins ( h i? n J, ey ' o ' Donnell (2), O'Dowd, Mathieson, Welch, and McEwen. Considerable assistance was rendered in the choruses by Miss Connie McLachlan, Miss Ogilvy and Messrs. J. J. Kelliher, and E. Flavin. The convent orchestra (Misses Hanify, Holloway, Page, Smythson, Holmes, McKenna, and Master De Castro), rendered a number of, selections during the intervals, and Miss Hamfy L.T.C.L., L.A.8., played ' Pester Carneval' (Liszt) in capital style. /tut A t *Vr S Se ° f the entert ainment the Mayoress (Mrs. J. M. Coradme) presented the prizes won during the year by the pupils. .. & Very Rev. Dean McKenna, on behalf of the Mother buperior thanked all who assisted in the performance and also the public who extended their patronage. The following is the prize-list: Junior Class.—M. Cooper, writing; R. Richards, Christian doctrine and arithmetic; T. Taylor, spelling and needlework; M. Eastwood, arithmetic; I. Michell reading and poetry; K. Bunny, drawing: K. O'Leary', arithmetic D. Duggan, history and Christian doctrine Intermediate Class.— Page, intermediate honors i.U.ii.-, junior theory, and arithmetic; D. Page arithmetic junior theory, and intermediate practical, TCL Senior Class.-M. Galvin, geography, needlework; and neatness; M. Bunny, English and drawing; R Dennis, arithmetic, junior French, and junior practical, tical TCL H ° dgmS} lnsto1 T and intermediate prac- _ Civil Service Class.-K. Nelson, senior practical, TCL., advanced theory, I T - C -' English, and mathematics; W r ym ?' physiology and higher intermediate theory, T.C.L,; L. McComisky, arithmetic; P. Hanifv, senior _ violin, T.C.L., and higher local theory, T.C L xt M " SIC '~ " de Castro, preparatory violin, T.C.L • H. de Castro junior practical, T.C.L.; M. Eton, junior' practical, T.C.L. ; A. Golder, junior practical, T.C.L. ; G. Moorhouse, junior practical, T.C.L. ; K. Redmond' junior ng -'T T -^; L -' and intermediate honors practical, I.U.L. ; J. Milne, senior honors practical, T.C L • &. O Connell, senior practical, T.C.L.; E. Holmes' senior practical, T.C.L.; M. Fowle, intermediate practical pass TC.L.; C. Cooper, higher local practical, i.U.L..; B. Grey, higher local practical, T.C L ■ O Isakson, higher local practical, T.C.L., and lower intermediate theory, T.C.L.; A. Fuller, certificated pianist,

i? Special Prizes.—C. Smythson, mathematics and French; J. Milne, shorthand; N. Collerton, shorthand and typewriting; P. Hanify, L.T.C.L. and LAB gold bracelet; N. Collerton, first prize Christian doctrine, gold medal; E. Bunny/second prize Christian doctrine, silver medal; good conduct, N. Collerton and if V >r 8d for the S old medal > which was eventually won by N. Collerton. J

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New Zealand Tablet, 28 December 1911, Page 1 (Supplement)

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OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, 28 December 1911, Page 1 (Supplement)

OUR SCHOOLS New Zealand Tablet, 28 December 1911, Page 1 (Supplement)

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