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■', l\ ißY^M.^Ross,^^:-.;;," 1^ "^ [ J As Argentina- is tone.- of 'the o po J untrie.s 1 -,^hiqi^ tl e,nter I 'int{o ij " competition- with. New .Zealand uin the.rEngiish,"maw^i',tbfe i following particulars regarding the area, physical {character- >' istics, resources, etc.^i. will tbej^ofi interest to our readers. They are the result of,, the observations _ of, Mr. M. Rossbotham; who spent , a couple of. imonths in 'Argentina in the early part of, >this -year:—,,' ,/. ..j, 1 ,.; 1 ",, >v "'' nf ' r f f 1 Argentina, , or, tl^e Argentine ' Republic;', 'Is 'about'' '2ooo ~ miles in length, .and .has^ai Average, ,width/from r 'east to t '- west; of. .about 450 mHes.j-,[. ISf^tu^lly 7 ( in a'Veeio^of^such extent)' great variations.^n^piip^uctibn's'aiid'T'c'haracteristipfi are»tobe expected..-,- In the, I )iprth it ,the climatel'i^ ( 'tr(ip;ical. " Ib that region. rthef sugar, .cane flpur jj Jlsjf?.es,,/ahd!(.:bh'J I sjf?.es,, / ahd! ( . : bh'e T .pr > 6yince of ' 'Tucximaa- .supplies,, sugar-,- .^or V^hple" of, 1 lthe' Republic. •: "Tobacco; j oranges, '>banan^s,,)"and > .]t"r.9pic!a ( l,,.fruits are' u gfpwn. {1 -liT'jth^ 1 'far.iouthi,thfl,icp(ld,is -' 1 textr ernes- r every possible r; vai;iatipni of, W .found. J> Eveh'wheri/tliejAV,eatheT|ls .Qold 7 t^ei*e' ( is.n(?. la!ck 'of 'sunshline ; a> -too' muchoof ;it,ofin ; ,f acjb. r .^he ? country' ln 'ken : 4ral l iis°^ fivaßtf ivaßt y "uhbr&kem -plain,! witb,rj^ey^ce^U^[^e J aH^|8 o aii l the i -western ,frontier(jja.udr)<-Ar,souple ""or 'smaller' siSfrlSSfn 1 the Ol ii'hterior^uo-The lrweTB Jt s&twJj&W a^m&tiW i ßi&. The La Plata ranks n am»m%&ssm li §fl. #SaWbrl.;;S a Wbrl.;; obVe^aJgreatcpart^of %,p^;|M%WAIS afe ) s'malV creeks, f jkSaoW?H hexe, as. / arroyos^ T wliichi; \isually drain " bi-^igli^^oPW^il^^^^^TSiliae •'ffiayshelt uoiThe owa^B l iuppJy^^e^oo^fe^ j aiHg«ofiP < ft db-« ( titinfa ff rbtowells, nwjjigh iTW^rf Mm#^ffli? a a d ßm4M^ "de P th«tb reaph-exceUejnt-iwajbtrT/^'^ VT A h "% < R ?f: \ar o } ftttHri n«b »f df wardsow4th /grefttocS&^e^iT ®c f firs6"gpa«ffifd °m- fdot. n 'Tn;%he J.Argentine\Jinols^,J .Argentine\Jinols^, o 4h#M n §uiim M'tay 4"ooi i yfeaTS 1 did $ >/butH>i!ts>jc.QmmerciaL progress atra K de^elopmentri i r ar^of^ec«nt(;4ate.h)iiliM^e 9 ear;y'o^W ofL'rfcs colßMsatibi^., / {m\^Tbri'ffe i e^leihentsyo^hi J ch^e i re x (4o 9 tW 'thfe ( JfesuftsiUttai m ed I ,consl#ra.We prps^fftyj^at^f efforts'! %i .thgf O'b'sui*sr!were-jdos^TOKs4 owing 1 ISfpplitidal ( ca?fiSe§. It j ' is ll noVi a^i*ehtxiry. ) isindej Ar,gen^ina^;^'feW V|r ofl fl the' : 'y > 6ke of"

ttxS&lf C^^^.^eicpjifttr^ wj*s K kej>t\4 aVpqntiryial W^J S^' la^#< € ia?'%#e ji injiix°.of fpreigar capital WW r l » J f W fi^ef^^ 8^? (It contains SIE«K fIm A 'of the»WBtrfoMS v-lEhe nEKfS bito^cdmyo^^feifehfe Idescendantsifofeith^-Spanish tS?l® i 5i 5 " of Tthemf ha^ve^, strain of dlndi^.felpftd.^.dliere ShSS^!iT l!Ulg ' WB ?^ 1 « f ''* c (original In.dian,,in--ichabrtainte,TbUt £r they race., ? f ,Tne o{an,jimra£ase. c tide k o£ ( immiWtipn iftnoif 'seeing 'toWa^ag n Ae country Of these 'Spaniards' Ve n tKe' « 'nuWer'ous^but the Italians are not far behind. There were also contingents from Great Britain, United-, States^ Francp -fJprmnmr o«if^;i?l^ssS^^. a L ff ? 1^ tl^ rf « n^^to' 1 * nation, and -aftd''idealsi but their' 'children MaresArgentihes^outjand out, --and-'Wish tonbeoiothmg elsei.ifM.i-n. >„) ; . (J , t», v „ ' " f: w ;'™ n y .people, make (efforts t,o preserve 11 /bnghsiwas! the. language; ,of (1 their , hqmes, ,but it,,is ,ia 'vain : ' r, the, childr.|n.wUl j ,&peak f Spanish, &t v all posts! "It miisfnot -'^y^ re^ °^^ M.tW.iiatiYe-born;^gentine'-spe'aks ■t.op^pamslu ,3?he ( fact is-that' : t]bere n is scarcely any"country \'W -Jfte ' V?M .whe^-e ( langi|ages maybe acqiiir'ed 1 mbre^easily, ■- rt W#7^ A Fi|? nt .W? "^9«*h^oF'gbod educKti'on will . speak ,_ several, v but Spanish ! tlie language! of 'his.' choice, vtaf.,. 3-L -^ay ( "P, ' tlie P fi ncip'a-1 langti'ageb if of j-may be heard oft 1 the streets' of - Bxiencrs > 'Aires -and seen ;on..jthe ( f sighboarfls? s> i £ - < ""ra^n >^ ,-.- j, r<j- r ,,, „, „,„.., .^.^f.,!- ' J ". s . ;^Phe' class- distinctions in-Angentina society.are notlyery •'•rigidly defined; add- thet ups and-rdowns of i, families .are' fre- " Q ue nt'and startling^-.;. ,The, oldtaristocracyTTrthe, descendants - oi<, the,- .Spanish, pr,act^caH'y ceased" ( tp 'exist, jand its T place has .b^en,, taken Tby a r .nejver' ' aristocra cy of ' money. o -This,i,s .cprnpSsed, ,prni,cipally of We l)large''land- . - owners, , whpse, , properties' haye 'become^'immensely 1"Valuable1 "Valuable .>,_th l ro^gh l ihe. influx of population" and rise in 1 and ;i most of the fortunes have grown ivitho'ut^a'ny special effort 1 , on the' part 1 ' of their owners. " " ' » ! "" > ' ; s>> t • • .<•, . «•- Th'e-'reptiblic'h'as'a pbpulation of -over ifive^ millions,: and ' rA '^V s humb6r ' l; 200,000 liveiin the. City, of f. Buenos . Aires. -In Buenos Aires aTe concentrated/ tthe luxury > and ,,\vealth of 11 the; country,; whije ; ' out, -in Lthe '..eamp/,,01- rcountry,,are seen -only- the -work iand production which, provide, -the foundation tor-.thei splendorr of;-the qity. The , ,iaew r) arxiYal, ', who has not Hseen. the..', camp,,' is, a little, puzzled" ,to account for"the','size ...a.nd splendor of Buenos "~ He sees nd J great ma'nu.ijtacturing(industries as feed the cities : of the Old World ,;and the.-whoje .population 1 of Buenos' Aires' se'enfWbe'spend-=r;i?S;-^tead ,of producing. . The "fact is 'that Buenos" Aires (i( is in, the first place the' di'stribiiting- centre 'oft the .-Tepublic m . an^"secori(Elly it; is' ! tlie place 1 where i -the 1 ' wealthy -landowner 'gets, .rid 'of tlie .jn'oriey l which is" made..for^him.! on.- his :i^ ta ,\ l^ 6 ? station/ 'Tlierfe'- is 'a^sta/ftling contrast i between ' the lifd of J 'the' '-city* -and that- of.-itha 'camp./ - v lu«the 'camp' people are satisfied -with Tthensimplest,; manner of living, and save every penny. The country is pre-emi-place for hoarding money, which is taken into the if, fcsTt- f c $Tt-$ n( ? s P. fell f'» and 'the" i man 1 who is'ina hurry 'to. spend his nipiiey as- amply 'catered 1 : fdr- in tßuenos 'Aires. . ■'- v. ,. ..,- , .'"''Tli^'city -covers' an immerise^area, but it -, is. very e^asy to '•"find driers way about^tas-.theostreets; are, straight^ a,nd run 11 1 ' at bright! angles <to . each f other,. Th§ . .streets in (the old ' pori'/tion'of the.iowntareiextr^me.lyrjiaprpy^jipt' m.oi;e"than' half Hthfeowidth^ofiutheuD.une.di^i streets.-, ' .On [iHe 'footpaths "only H.thrge.persons^canHW^lk^jabrieasjb'.' , As'i;his'6ld f> po I fti6n ; 'of : the ) » fc *w»&^^bPsßyiw*pjrtr l J^?w^.Sf l *F,^» i r^ e * 6 is oft<en a eogr§a^ c^syge^jipß}.^ traffic. At M "there* can^ i( geen a sa^lW, extendiifg JJ fo/ <> a s;) coNi l ple of^'bTocks in^ggMl J^V.|^ n r fMS J$ f Wk^Hte* -This I + problem -lrbecdmin'g worsi,ef l e^ery ) days ) ias v ininien'se steeh office ..'htiiamfesfairdf^areTioHigeff arev/fasto^replaoinf th'ehon&.t and tfwo'sWe'y 1 'structures Gonsequent)yv;whe^ the - cftfwd^of^c'dupa'ntsHpfiith^se! buildings nß9Ujfjorut;{pn; to the >Vf Sbr®Sfl* in7otheTeveWng'..'thei?.foptp^hs:-, / ,b,ecsi^e q.liiios^ imf* p&si'able. ! a Thenerriis^ao-Jtene .<?f .^ l ia™^g:J?fHon,-(nesirly;. < ;'eyery H'stree'ti Oiit^some &l thfoiijewen jan^r wi^erj greets. there are i ife i^rp^s ' 9^^ a' singl«ile is ipossrblep^ndi; o» o thes^ jpi^ele t^(e cars^^favel; J only in j oneadirac&ion^the jc^rs n ofi next parallel streetkrulining thl , Kfnarxpjjy. streets i. f isi, counteracted .to 'Somerextent; j H'tfwever, ujtWipi^euso^^ueno^^ Aires 'will 'soon b'e'^aJble' to^travel ajPTOSEK.PM d »'& Bvff28 v ff2$ > ySfi^M^Qt'^™* r 'in^theollines of {m^stTraffic . wflU l be n cottim ; ende'd in " the' rie'ar* fufumrf v The I running of tlie^present'^tram service 'is J almost i-perfection ' aridVitf. is fl fils% fe'x'fcfemely! dheap^perha'ps . thej only, {,thlng in >^BiV6 ! riQi' ) Afir^srthk<jr>iB^ch6a©.A f ir^srthk<jr>i8^ch6a©. standard, t f are of /.ipf^lhts^fdrt anyirdistahceyiiandxon^ can; ft tr,ayeL> about the •7 f city x &ll''ddyf6r,fa dollar? if.^ he, (.^..caref^ulr to',Qhqoae suitable

roufesr^rr^he^paper^doilaY^tS^wWfcK-ab'ou money. It was originally worth 4s, r the. same-, asT-the, ( gpld v dollarj^bnt hSs^becbW^eb^se®'«Sufe ideajthatlforatheuiiaxiift active 'oF { Sibri% is, requisite A ,thainjia i j.bale£»o'f .pafSe»racnda(a t Jp ; Pifii^i]Sg t fii»eyst /*"lt is neqessapyjfat. lfaskithat/jtliercre'dititrfl^gs^dfeMmeti^sliofflaX be; s sound,<, andsfor.yabilong period *ihl& cfemt^°ol AT&§ntiSfij was anything .buipthaft. frill bajj ial .x-aFmoM htm \&bymn^ ( [phe. cpst I .pf v liyingi,inT,Sugn.os>isY.extremelys!hTgh ; almos^ l^9i\ble,jihatjo£<Ne^ T Z'e y ala»dK.ib^ do f not ,mi^dj, but. .the, ibi^c^en^prissses Ihe^yilyj and>ainjustly- on^ the^ojM^ t>e ? Mghi.Sients>.a i Thfese/'areo caused in their turn by the heavy taxation which is ne'ties^ 8 called, there is no stone whatever, only dsepq rgdj^olpfcedto soil stretching for hundreds ., of - miles without Jk* pebble. abruptly, o^l^^effol^ol^lfc natural-"* camp l(^roa f 3s^ 'Tn 9 dW J ,we l aWelr S tK"il is ofiSraSS into Windin^louds;of 3jißt, u W 4,TO^jSfflSwi! are, almost impassifKe^ i *'' >n :Pons'&u l 4n i tiy t0,., pay any price ia \MW^W^T%d° 3 rents-in^theicity are^er'y3liigh^^ &nfWtV l 6f a°^uiS^Wlncb. could iber.calledria^iom^'c&nftot Be fentea^at jß^S B aftffi >^B^ I fir* a J £3 .a .wetek. "lOJhe" pxices^'Of tdod-»dnd i? clbiKitfg Srß u^lso e Jdr n ' above /ithose>r,ulirig dn aNewi ZeM'afedV'^^Th^M^s 11 .^! W^i highen grades '-of.! employes^ iMfcduskri'&s ®M. 1 poPmeVcl .afe'o on ?a ; h%h?scale,, ibut 'artisans *&¥& unskillSd ." badly paid. .ejjjenmieqinoooe '>ni i)«Ytei^ vPer,hapsathe..,moßtv Per,hapsathe..,moBt no.ticeableijfeatui?e'iof T cArg4nt4^ia*iife in the cities^is.theccafes.^n^lTheseLaTe' IdxUTiouelytip^poln^Bd ls^ places, Ipfn plateglass.Ba3d t^gi'lditfg* system, bf o , meals , in >Bpahlsh-speaking- countiiie's v 'Jidi'3v6ry> r dif4 c l ( f erent i romj our, , custom.- i'j."Theiav;er age ißftitisli* subj &&& ifKS J to start the day with a good;br<eakfast) - Ibufe:tlie^A ! rgeritiilg s is' O) satisfied wi£h a,^up t pf _. coffee^ and. uaijmjjrael fin the ,morniTig. between, 11,3 ft &£&. tandialiipvmU lie < i' i takes'/.the meal .wJ^ch^he^caljsjjbreakfasbiaja&xdi afei7f3ojTpcmslo dinnpr. ( a im;pprtaTit funistiohfeinvisi deed; lt^ill .jUnge^.iP^eijrthemiJforiiiQi ohbuot^' (Td be continued.) ifoiail!^ •sisitcr c

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New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1931

Word Count

NOTES ON ARGENTINA New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1931

NOTES ON ARGENTINA New Zealand Tablet, 9 December 1909, Page 1931

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